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Devic Templates Manual by Anthony Agee OVERLAYING A DEVIC TEMPLATE

State out loud,

It is now my intent to overlay a _________ Template.

Available Templates Personal Templates 1. Healing Template 2. Attunement Template 3. Meditational Template 4. Instructional Template 5. Emergenc Template !. "ream Template Professional Templates #. Healing Template $. Attunement Template %. Meditational Template 1&. Instructional Template 11. Emergenc Template

Group Templates: 12. Healing Template 13. Attunement Template 14. Meditational Template 15. Instructional Template. Miscellaneous Templates: 1!. Attunement Template 1#. Energ 'learing Template

(e personal, pro)essional, group, and ot(er Templates are actuall *er di))erent. T(e ot(er class is reser*ed )or t(ose Templates +(ose parameters don, t )it into t(e concept o) personal, pro)essional, or group d namics. T(e t+o Templates listed (ere +ere designed to a))ect non-li*ing t(ings. 1

(e energ d namics )or a "e*ic Template are *er di))erent +(en personall , pro)essionall , or in a group. T(e "e*as (a*e +ritten eac( o) t(e Templates to accommodate t(ese d namics and *aria/les. T(e are, (o+e*er, una/le to ade0uatel ad1ust t(e comple2 energ d namic /et+een personal, pro)essional, and groups on t(eir o+n once a Template (as /een o*erlaid / us. It is our responsi/ilit to speci) +(ic( Template and +(at d namics ou, ll need to +or. +it(. 3(ene*er ou, re +it( an one ot(er t(an oursel) t(e Template d namics are considered / t(e "e*as to /e pro)essional. T(e onl di))erence /et+een a pro)essional and a group Template is t(e num/er o) people toget(er. 4rom t(e "e*as point o) *ie+, a group is de)ined as at least t(ree or more including oursel). 5o +(en +it( t(ree or more people use t(e 6roup Template ot(er+ise use t(e 7ro)essional Template.

our "e*ic Angel +ill /egin setting up t(e Template )or ou at t(at point. A little intent and t(e desire is all it /ecause o) t(e "e*ic Template Attunement. It is as simple as t(at. T(ere are a )e+ *aria/les and certain energies t(at need to /e /alanced /e)ore t(e Template +ill /e solid and sta/ili8ed in t(e p( sical plane. It could ta.e an +(ere )rom t(irt to )ort . I) ou, re .inest(etic, ou ma /e *er a+are o) t(is process as it (appens. I al+a s )eel a sense o) e2pansion )ollo+ed / a series o) po+er)ul energ s(i)ts +it( eac( connection t(at is made. "on, t +orr , i) ou don, t )eel t(ings or (ear t(ings. T(ese templates +or. /ecause o) t(e attunement.

Your confidence will grow with practice.

nce t(e process is sta/ili8ed, I can immediatel sense t(e team mem/ers presence and a communication lin. is esta/lis(ed directl +it( t(e Template Team mem/ers. 3(en I +or. +it( a Template o*erlaid, communication, )or me, s(i)ts )rom /eing clairsentient, a .no+ing, to /eing *er/al. T(is s(i)t is a common one )or people in a Template. T(e "e*a9s )irst priorities are communication, cooperation, and partners(ip. A)ter e*er t(ing is sta/ili8ed, let t(e team .no+ +(at ou, re doing as completel and t(oroug(l as possi/le. 4ollo+ t(e guidelines )or t(e .ind o) Template ou, re using. I .no+ I, *e said t(is alread . I 1ust +anted to ma.e sure t(e point (it (ome. "on, t o*erla a Template an longer t(an ou (a*e to. :ea*ing a 7ersonal Healing Template o*erlaid )or t(ree da s is rude to t(e Template Team. ;ccasionall , t(oug(, t(e +ill +ant ou to lea*e a Template o*erlaid )or an e2tended time. T(e mig(t +ant to monitor (o+ ou react to normal stresses in our da to da li)e or +or. slo+l o*er t(e course o) a )e+ (ours. T(is is

especiall true +it( 7ersonal Templates. <espect our team, t(e do a lot )or us.


e)ore ou close do+n a Template. As. i) t(e (a*e an in)ormation )or ou. T(e mig(t (a*e all .inds o) recommendations )or ou. Also as. i) it is appropriate to close do+n and release t(e Template at t(is time. T(e Template Team +ill ne*er ma.e ou lea*e a Template o*erlaid i) ou trul +ant to close it. (e Template Teams are in a completel ne+ manner. 5ometimes t(eir +or. +ill e))ect people in a *er po+er)ul and pro)ound +a . T(e +ill o)ten +ant ou to lea*e t(e Template o*erlaid )or a )e+ e2tra minutes a)ter t(e session is o*er so t(e can monitor (o+ t(e +or. is settling in.

nce ou (a*e dealt +it( all t(e loose ends and gotten an recommendations t(e (a*e )or ou, close do+n and release t(e Template. , It, s as eas to close a Template session as it is to open one. C !S"#G A $%&"C T%MP AT% 1. 5tate out loud, I +is( to t(an. all Template Team mem/ers )or t(eir energies and assistance. I also as. t(at ou continue to assist e*er one in*ol*ed in e*er +a possi/le )or t(e (ig(est good o) all concerned. Is it appropriate to close do+n t(e Template at t(is time= >I) not as. (o+ long until ou can. 'lose do+n a)ter t(e allotted time.? It is no+ m intent to close do+n and release t(is "e*ic Template. At t(is point, our "e*ic Angel +ill /rea. do+n t(e connections and energ patterns up t(e Template and close do+n t(e energ . I) our .inest(etic, ou could also /e *er a+are o) t(is process. T(e more practice and time ou spend +it( a Template t(e more adept ou +ill /ecome at in t(ese ot(er realms oursel). @ust in a Template can e2pand our consciousness and increase our personal gro+t( in unimagina/le +a s.

"e*ic Template "escriptions

ac( Template (as *er speci)ic purpose and d namic. Here are t(e descriptions )or eac( o) t(e /asic Templates, and (o+ to use t(em. In some cases, t(e di))erences /et+een t(em are minimal. In e*er case, t(e /iggest reason to use a Template is so ou can +or. in (armon +it( t(e Template Team and /ene)it )rom t(eir e2pertise and input.


ersonal Templates are / )ar t(e most *ersatile o) all t(e Templates. T(e +ere all designed )or indi*idual, sel) +or. in mind. In eac( o) t(e 7ersonal Templates, t(e Team +or.s on and +it( ou. 7lease don, t t(in. Templates are onl )or )i2ing t(ings. T(e +(ole purpose )or de*eloping t(e Templates in t(e )irst place +as to assist us in +it( t(ese ot(er le*els o) realit . T(e +ant to assist not onl in (ealt( and /alance /ut in gro+t( and e2pansion. T(e more +e e*ol*e t(e easier and more e))ecti*e our com/ined +or. +it( t(em +ill /e.

Healing Template

or t(ose o) ou, +it( MA7A personall t(is Template is *er similar to t(e MA7A program. T(is Template +as originall designed to ta.e t(e place o) t(e traditional coning once t(e 5olar Angel and t(e "e*as /egan to colla/orate. I) ou alread (a*e a MA7A team and +ant to upgrade, (ere are t(e steps.

(e directions )or o*erla ing and closing a Template can /e )ound later in t(e c(apter. T(is particular Template is designed )or all personal (ealing situations and )ull ad*antage o) t(e Template Tec(nolog and input )orm all Template Team mem/ers.
#!T%: TEM7:ATE5 A<E B;T MEABT T; TACE THE 7:A'E ;4 :I5'EB5E" ME"I'A: 7<;4E55I;BA:5. IT I5 D7 T; THE IB"IEI"DA: T; "ETE<MIBE 3HEB A HEA:TH I55DE 3A<<ABT5 IBTE<EEBTI;B 4<;M FDA:I4IE" ME"I'A: 5;D<'E5. IT I5 B;T MG IBTEBT T; 5D66E5T THAT G;D ;< ABG;BE E:5E "<;7 ;< A:TE< G;D ';BEEBTI;BA: HEA:TH 'A<E 7<;EI"E<5 IB :IDE ;4 THI5 TE'HB;:;6G.

(e real purpose o) t(e Templates is to allo+ man di))erent le*els to +or. +it( ou on our o+n personal (ealt(. Most o) t(e con*entional (ealt( care s stems are reall specialties. T(e )unction onl in one area or anot(er +it( no real understanding o) t(e ot(er modalities. As +e mo*e )rom t(e 7iscine Age into t(e A0uarian age, t(e gaps in traditional (ealt( care are gro+ing. T(is process is a (ealt( care program designed / Bature and ot(er Intelligence9s containing t(e A0uarian d namics.. I) including input )rom Bature, t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood, and 5olar Angels in our personal (ealt( care pac.age is important t(an t(e 7ersonal Healing Template is t(e easiest +a )or ou to do it.


(e Healing Template, allo+s eac( Template mem/er to practice +it(in t(eir e2pertise simultaneousl +it( regards to our (ealt(. T(e team is capa/le o) altering, ad1usting, or on an le*el o) our /eing t(at ou gi*e t(em permission to +or. on. T(e issues ou decide to +or. on ma /e p( sical, mental, emotional, spiritual, causal, atomic, Hudd(ic, or monadic or a com/ination o) all o) t(em. (e 7ersonal Healing Template can /e used to esta/lis( /alance on an le*el in times o) e2pansion, or gro+t( as +ell as in times o) illness and stress. T(e Team +ill +or. on an issues ou /ring /e)ore t(em. T(e +or. as a team o) pro)essionals our (ig(est good. C!#$(CT"#G A P%'S!#A )%A "#G S%SS"!#

ersonal Healing Template sessions s(ould ta.e place in a 0uiet setting +(ere ou +ill not /e interrupted )or at least an (our. T(e Template Team pre)ers t(at ou /e com)orta/le and l ing do+n. I) ou (a*e trou/le l ing do+n, rela2ing in a c(air is o.a . T(e important t(ing is t(at ou remain rela2ed and relati*el stationar )or t(e entire session. ;nce ou, re com)orta/le, o*erla t(e 7ersonal Healing Template. Tell t(e Template Team +(at ou +ould li.e to +or. on during t(e session. I suggest ou pic. t(e t(ings t(at are immediatel a))ecting ou plus one issue t(at is a little more deep seated. 5ur)ace issues are usuall eas to clear up +(ile deep seated issues ma ta.e a )e+ sessions.

ou need to descri/e t(e s mptoms in detail to t(e Team. "on, t 1ust sa I (a*e a pain in t(e nec.. A more detailed description +ould /e, I (a*e s(arp pain located one inc( /elo+ m ear on t(e le)t side. It started t+o da s ago +(en I +as reading a /oo.. It seems to come and go. I too. an aspirin esterda and t(at (elped a little /ut not(ing I seem to do an di))erence. Etc. Gou get t(e idea. He speci)ic, let t(em .no+ (o+ t(e s mptoms are e))ecting ou on all le*els >7( sical, Emotional, Mental, 5pirituall , Etc.?.

ot e*er issue is going to a))ect ou to t(at e2tent, /ut in t(is program ou, re not limited to onl mundane issues. T(e team is onl a/le to +or. on t(e t(ings ou can descri/e to t(em. "escri/ing our s mptoms, allo+s t(em to .no+ +(ere ou are no+. T(eir perspecti*e is a little /roader, /ut t(e +ill not *iolate our timing.. 3(en ou, re )inis(ed descri/ing t(e )ocus o) t(e session, t(e +ill get to +or..

lig(t session +ill usuall last t+ent minutes, (o+e*er, t(e can last up to an (our. I suggest ou as. t(em at t(e t+ent minute mar. to see i) t(e are )inis(ed +it( t(eir +or.. I) t(e aren,t, as. t(em (o+ long t(e need.

picall Templates +ill eit(er /e t+ent minutes, )ort minutes, an (our, or )our (ours long. 7eople are usuall a+are +(en t(e Template session is o*er. T(e )eel a sort o) +inding do+n. $%T%'M"#"#G T%MP AT% "SS(%S

7ersonal Healing Template isn,t onl )or im/alances. Gour Team can assist ou in accomplis(ing goals and dreams. T(e can also (elp ou integrate ne+ e2periences. 3or. on t(e /alanced issues as +ell as stum/ling /loc.s. "on, t )orget t(at rein)orcing a positi*e is o)ten muc( more po+er)ul t(an remo*ing a negati*e. Template sessions are particularl use)ul during times o) e2pansion. T(e onl limits (ere are ou o+n imagination. 7ic. t(e issues ou +or. on )rom t(ose t(ings ou +ant to impro*e in our li)e. I,*e personall +or.ed on e*er t(ing )rom minor cuts to integration o) ne+ in)ormation.
*)AT )APP%#S "# A T%MP AT% S%SS"!#

nce ou,*e descri/ed t(e issues ou +ant to +or. on, t(e team +ill get to +or.. Gou ma )eel energ s(i)ts. T(e Team ma press lig(tl on di))erent parts o) our /od . 7eople usuall enter an altered state and t(e time goes / *er )ast. I )ind it to /e *er rela2ing. ;)ten t(e Template Team +ill +ant to +or. +it(out interruption so t(e +ill pus( our o)) /utton and ou +ill )all asleep. T(is is especiall true i) ou t(in. to muc(. T(e al+a s +a.e ou up at t(e end o) t(e session so ou can go a/out t(e rest o) our da . I o)ten (a*e con*ersations +it( m team a/out t(e +or. t(e , re doing. T(e are *er descripti*e and e2plain as muc( detail as I care to (ear. Ho+ our personal sessions go is reall up to ou and t(e issues ou decide to +or. on.

) ou pic. a )e+ )lu)) issues, not muc( is going to (appen. I) ou pic. a reall deep issue, li.e c(ild(ood a/use, ou can /et t(at t(ings are going to come up )or ou. I )ind t(e Teams to /e *er lo*ing and supporti*e in a +a s onl a )e+ people can /e.IIIIII <e+or. T(is Template is not )or t(e timid. I) ou as. t(em to +or. on an issue, t(e +ill. Ma.e sure ou, re read . T(e insig(ts )rom +it( t(e Templates are *er re+arding /ut some o) t(e most

c(allenging +or. I,*e e*er (ad to do (as /een in a 7ersonal Healing Template.


*!'+"#G *"T) T)% T%AM

(e most important t(ing to remem/er a/out in a personal Healing Template is t(at ou are a participating mem/er. Gour a/ilit to participate is dependant on /eing a+a.e and alert. Gou, ll /e una/le to pro*ide our part o) t(e input i) t(e )irst t(ing ou do is pass out and go to sleep once ou o*erla t(e Template. (e Team needs ou to o*erla a Template +(en ou, re )ull alert and a+a.e. Bo+ t(at doesn,t mean t(at )i*e minutes into t(e Template session t(e +ont pus( our o)) /utton. T(e important t(ing is t(at ou do our part. "oing a Template rig(t /e)ore our sc(eduled /ed time is not onl rude /ut ou +ill *er li.el )all asleep. It, s *er di))icult to close a Template +(ile our asleep. (e last t(ing ou +ant to do is o*erla a Template all nig(t and )orget completel a/out it. He care)ul +(at ou +or. on in a session. T(e team is going to +or. on an t(ing ou as. t(em to. I recommend onl on one signi)icant deep seated issue at a time. A session can /e *er po+er)ul and t(oug(t pro* on more t(an one signi)icant issue +ill *er li.el produce some rat(er pro)ound results on man le*els. I) ou o*erload t(e sessions, t(e Team +ill /e una/le to reall )ocus on an one issue and t(e +ill (a*e to prioriti8e t(em.

e)ore ou decide to +or. on a t(ousand issues, as. our Team i) t(e alread (a*e enoug( to +or. on. T(e issues and topics ou +or. on aren,t li.el to magicall disappear, alt(oug( t(is does occasionall (appen. More t(an li.el ou,ll process t(e in)ormation and +or. t(e Team did t(roug(out ou normal da to da li)e. I )ind t(at t(e +or. t(e Template Team does reall 1ust gets t(e /all rolling /ut it, s up to me to )ind t(e ans+ers. T(e ans+ers *er o)ten come )rom une2pected places.

(en ou gain an insig(t, /e sure to report it to our Team. It lets t(em .no+ (o+ t(e +or. is progressing. "escri/e t(e insig(t as )ull as possi/le. ;)ten t(e insig(t (a*e se*eral parts and ou onl recei*ed one part o) it.

t, s important t(at ou .eep ou team in)ormed o) +(at, s going on around ou. 5tress in our en*ironment mig(t /e *er signi)icant. I)

ou, re +(ole )amil is sic., t(ere, s a good c(ance our /alance is going to /e ad*ersel e))ected / t(e illnesses. :etting our Team .no+ could sa*e ou )rom getting t(e illness or least ma.e ou )eel /etter +(en ou do get it.


SC)%$( "#G S%SS"!#S

(is Template isn,t onl )or once in a /lue moon use. It +as designed to assist people on a regular /asis. 3e li*e in an accelerated time. 7eople are gro+ing and e2panding muc( )aster t(an t(eir /odies are a/le to. T(ese e2pansion e2periences used to onl (appen to a )e+ isolated people. Bot an more. More and more people are e2panding. (is Template +as designed / Bature to assist people t(roug( t(is e2pansion and gro+t( /ut also to assist in an +a possi/le. 4or t(is program to /e e))ecti*e ou (a*e to use it. It, s li.e a mem/ers(ip to t(e g m. I) ou don, t go to t(e g m (o+ are ou supposed to get t(e e2ercise or our mone s +ort(. Gou +ill +ant to (a*e a regular sc(edule +(en +it( a 7ersonal Healing Template. (e "e*as recommend t(at an one doing or recei*ing regular energ +or. to (a*e a session at least t(ree times a +ee.. "uring periods o) intense e2pansion, sessions could /e sc(eduled as o)ten as e*er da . 7eriods o) intense e2pansion o)ten occur rig(t a)ter attunements and /ecause o) cleansing c cles. T(is is true +(et(er ou9re t(e practitioner or t(e student.

ccasionall , ou +ill +or. on a signi)icant issue during a Template session t(at +ill re0uire se*eral )ollo+ up sessions. A)ter our regular sc(eduled session, as. i) ou need to do an additional )ollo+ up sessions not included in our normal sc(edule. T(e +ill let ou .no+. I) t(e ans+er +as es, as. t(em +(en t(e +ant to meet ne2t. 'ontinue to +or. on t(e same issue until ou9*e e2(austed t(e )ollo+ up sessions. <emem/er, a )ollo+ up session isn9t simpl committing to +or. on an issue, it is a session +(ere t(e Template Team +ill continue a process started in a pre*ious session. T(e last t(ing ou +ant to do is (al) start on somet(ing.

or t(ose people +(o aren,t doing regular energ +or., )ollo+ a t+ice +ee.l sc(edule. Bo matter +(et(er ou do energ +or. or not. T(e Team ma +ant to ad1ust our sc(edule. T(e ma suggest more or e*en less sessions a +ee. depending on our personal needs. T(e num/er o) sessions a +ee. or mont( doesn9t indicate a state o) illness or disease. E*er one is di))erent. 5ome people can accomplis( a

lot in one session, ot(ers +ill ta.e t+o or more sessions )or t(e same t(ing.
,%TT%' C!MM(#"CAT";B

ommunication +it( our team is more o) an art )orm t(an an a/ilit . It a great deal o) practice. In t(e /eginning ou, re li.el to )eel a little a+.+ard to people ou can see. T(at is a per)ectl good issue to /ring up to our team rig(t a+a . T(e )irst t(ings I +or.ed on +ere m resistance to t(e +(ole program and /etter communication. M a/ilit to tal. to m team gre+ e2ponentiall )rom t(en on. ;) course, I +or.ed on t(ese issues )or a )e+ session. T(e easiest +a to /egin communicating +it( our team is to pretend ou, re seeing a t(erapist. Tell t(em e*er t(ing, our )ears, (opes and dreams.


(e "e*ic Template Team, s )irst priorit is esta/lis(ing clear lines o) communication +it( ou. It ma ta.e a little +(ile to reall open ou up /ut I (a*e et to .no+ an one +(o (as used t(ese Templates t(at couldn,t, t (ear t(eir team a)ter a ear. Most o) t(e people I,*e +or.ed +it( +ere a/le to (ear t(eir teams a)ter a mont(.
%M!T"!#A "SS(%S A#$ T%MP AT%S

(e personal Healing Template includes e2panded energ d namics designed to +or. e2clusi*el +it( Bature to come up +it( inno*ati*e solutions. I) ou e*er )eel stuc., ou,*e tried e*er t(ing, and don, t (a*e an idea (o+ to proceed, 1ust let t(e Team .no+ t(at ou need to +or. +it( Bature to come up +it( a creati*e solution. "escri/e t(e situation as completel as possi/le and as. )or creati*e solutions. (e Team +ill acti*ate t(at part o) t(e Template d namics and get to +or.. T(is process can /e used to (elp ou personall mo*e )rom one d namic to anot(er. In m li)e I used t(is process +(en I +ent )rom /eing a <ei.i II to a <ei.i Master. I +anted to mo*e easil )rom t(e student d namics to t(e teac(ing d namics. I (ad se*eral sessions /e)ore I (ad m Master class. I )ound t(at I +as a/le to learn t(ings muc( easier and I )elt more com)orta/le +it( t(e idea o) /eing a <ei.i Master. I +as a/le to )eel con)ident enoug( to teac( a class a +ee. later. I .no+ t(at I couldn,t, t (a*e done it +it(out t(e Template Team.

!T)%' M!$A "T"%S

personal Healing Template is an ad1unct to ot(er (ealing modalities. I) ou, re seeing ot(er (ealt( care pro*iders, o*erla a 9

personal Healing Template during our appointment. In)orm t(e Team o) +(at, s going on and +(at role ou +ould li.e t(em to pla . T(e team can assist in se*eral +a sJ Assist ou in integrating t(e +or. /eing done. Assist t(e ot(er practitioner in t(e +or. t(e , re doing on ou.

ontinue t(e +or. t(e start in t(e o))ice, later. 7ro*ide in)ormation on +(at t(e ot(er practitioner is doing as +ell as pro*ide commentar a/out t(e procedures as a +(ole. Help relie*e an2iet , and generall /alance ou +it( respect to t(e ot(er pro)essionals +or.. Gour Team is o)ten more t(an capa/le o) per)orming a lot o) t(e +or. our ot(er practitioners are per)orming. T(e (a*e no ego +(en it comes to ot(er (ealt( care pro*iders. It is courteous o) us t(oug( to .eep t(em in)ormed. 3(en ou o*erla a person Healing Template and see anot(er practitioner, t(e team +ill assume ou +ant t(e ot(er practitioner to do t(e +or. and simpl +atc(. T(at, s +( it is so important to let t(e Team .no+ +(at t(eir role is. Are t(e o/ser*ers or do ou +ant t(em to participate.

re ou <ei.i= I) ou are, ou can <ei.i oursel) +(ile doing a Template 5ession. As. our Team i) it is o.a and go. Hecause o) t(e 5olar Angels input, an energ ou, re attuned to can /e pro*ided / our 5olar Angel. Gou do (a*e to speci) t(at ou +ould li.e t(em to use <ei.i or an ot(er energies on ou during a Template 5ession.

Attunement Template

(is Template is onl a*aila/le to a <ei.i Master. A personal Attunement Template is used )or recei*ing attunements. 3e designed t(is Template /ecause an attunement, in general, doesn,t, t )all underneat( t(e 1urisdiction o) t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a o) Healings. 5o, it isn,t tec(nicall a (ealing e2perience. I .no+, I can (ear ou arguing no+. Ges, attunements *er o)ten do produce a (ealing result, /ut t(e attunement itsel) is not a (ealing process. It is an initiation into a s stem o) energ . It, s t(e ne+ energ t(at produces t(e (ealing not t(e actual attunement.

ore o)ten t(an not an attunement causes a great deal o) e2pansion and gro+t(. T(is gro+t( can and does sometimes reall pus( people /e ond t(eir limits. I (a*e seen people recei*e an attunement and spend a great deal energ resisting t(e +(ole process. T(is Template assists ou in recei*ing an attunement in se*eral +a s. 4irst it sta/ili8es t(e en*ironment, ou, re in so t(at t(e attunement can ta.e place easier. :i.e e*er Template, Bature and t(e 3(ite


Hrot(er(ood are present to ad1ust and pro*ide t(eir input +it(in a Template.


(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a o) Initiation and Attunement understands e*er t(ing t(ere is to .no+ a/out an Attunement including e*er possi/le nuance. T(e Bature 5pirits understand t(e energies /e(ind t(e process o) attunement and can ad1ust t(em per)ectl )or ou. E*er mem/er o) t(e Template Team can assist ou during an attunement. Toget(er t(e ma.e sure our attunement is precisel ad1usted to our indi*idual needs and doesn,t *iolate our timing or )ree +ill. t picall )ind t(at attunements recei*ed in a Template are at least t+ice as po+er)ul and usuall (a*e no p( sical side e))ects and t(e cleansing c cles seem to /e a lot less intense. T(is is especiall true i) ou o*erla a personal Healing Template a)ter t(e Attunement Template. T(e most signi)icant application o) t(is Template, is t(at it ena/les ou to sel) attune into ot(er energies. T(ere are man ot(er energies out t(ere t(at are use)ul to /e attuned to. 3it( t(is Template, ou can /e attuned to almost an energ +it( a )e+ limits. Most energ s stems (a*e sa)eguards to .eep un0uali)ied people )rom sel) initiating. A )e+ s stems +it( sa)e guards are <ei.i, 5acara, Angelic :ig(t, 5op(i-El, Mari-El, and 5eic(em to name a )e+. In addition to t(e energ s stems mentioned (ere, most ;rders (a*e sa)eguards to protect t(eir energ currents as +ell.

don, t mean to discourage ou )rom tr ing to tap into ne+ energies /ut t(e sa)eguards are t(ere )or a reason. A second degree <ei.i student +it( t(e (elp o) an Attunement Template isn,t going to /e a/le to recei*e a Master <ei.i Attunement. I) ou, re alread a <ei.i Master and +ant to tap into anot(er energ current our c(ances are muc( /etter. <ei.i is *er uni*ersal and gi*es ou a prett nice Master Ce . Hut unless ou (a*e a good )eeling )or t(e energ alread and a lot o) luc. ou aren,t going to /e a/le to tap into anot(er energ current t(at (as protection /uilt-in. 7ersistence is t(e .e . I) ou .eep at it ou mig(t get luc. . Gou ne*er .no+. T(e onl dra+/ac. to sel) attunement is con*incing t(e +orld o) our certi)ication. I) ou don, t care a/out certi)ication t(an don, t let it stop ou.

(ere are, o) course, a lot o) ot(er energies ou can easil tap into +it( t(is Template. Gou can readil tap into an arc(et pal energies. Arc(et pal energies include t(e 8odiac, runes, t(e planets, po+er animals, societal energies, t(e Tarot, etc. I, m not necessaril sa ing t(at an o) t(ese energies +ould ma.e good attunements, t(at,s up to ou to decide. I 1ust +anted to gi*e ou an idea o) t(e t pe o) energies ou could +or. +it(.



(en ou loo. at t(e +orld, e*er t(ing /rea.s do+n to energ at some le*el. Ta.e s.ills )or e2ample, at some le*el e*er s.ill is reall 1ust an energ . 3(at determines (o+ +ell ou learn a ne+ s.ill= I) ou loo. at t(e d namics, t(ere are a lot o) considerations. 3(en ou learn a ne+ s.ill ou /asicall attune oursel) to t(e energies /e(ind t(e ne+ s.ill. T(e more easil ou can attune to t(e ne+ s.ill t(e )aster ou, ll learn. Ho+ +ell t(e teac(er is attuned to t(e s.ill is also important. I) t(e teac(er can, t (old t(e energ )or t(e class t(an t(e students ne*er reall learn t(e ne+ s.ill. ome people (a*e an innate a/ilit at attuning to ne+ s.ills, +e call t(is intelligence. In actualit , intelligence and learning are a/ilities t(emsel*es +(ic( can /e learned and practiced. T(e ne2t time ou are tr ing to learn a ne+ s.ill use
5acara, 5op(i-El, and Angelic :ig(t are currentl onl taug(t / Cat(leen Milner. 4or more in)ormation on t(ese energies, please re)er to (er /oo., <ei.i and ;t(er <a s o) Touc( Healing. Mari-El and 5eic(im are <ei.i /ased energies. 4or more in)ormation re)er to t(e current Institute )or <ei.i 5tudies ne+sletter.. t(is


ttunement Template to attune oursel) to t(e energ /e(ind t(e ne+ s.ill. I /et ou,ll /e ama8ed at (o+ muc( ou pic. it
(S"#G T)"S T%MP AT%

1. ;*erla t(is Template t(e same as an ot(er Template. 2. Tell t(e Template Team e2actl +(at, s (appening. T(e need to .no+ e2actl +(at, s (appening. :et t(em .no+ +(et(er ou are recei*ing an attunement )rom someone else or ou +ant to per)orm a sel) attunement. I) ou, re recei*ing an attunement, descri/e in detail +(at attunement our planning to get and +(at role ou +ant t(e team to pla . As. t(em to ampli) and multipl t(e energ as appropriate )or our (ig(est good and to assist in an +a possi/le.

) ou, re )or a sel) attunement, t(an ou need to let t(em .no+ t(e t pe o) energ ou +ant to /e attuned to. Gou,ll also need a sample o) t(e energ . Here is +ere t(ings get complicated. T(e purer t(e sample t(e more li.el ou,ll /e a/le to attune to it. T(e name )or t(e energ is not enoug( unless it is trul arc(et pal. 5amples o) t(e energ can /e attained t(e same +a ou +ould get an radionic +itness. T(e +itness can /e a p(otograp(, or a tape recording, etc.

e creati*e. ;nce ou (a*e t(e sample, I suggest t(at ou speci)icall re0uest t(at t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a o) t(e energ ou +is( to /e sel) attuned /e present and a part o) t(e Template, as +ell 12

as an "e*as, Angels, and masters associated +it( t(e energ . T(ere are )i*e 0uestions t(at need to /e ans+ered /e)ore an sel) attunement.

1. Do I have a pure and untainted sample o the ener!"# 2. Is this ener!" ree o !roup ener!eti$s# 3. Is this ener!" appropriate or me to %e attuned to no&# 4. Do "ou presentl" have all the in ormation "ou need# 5. Can "ou su$$ess ull" per orm the attunement no&#

) t(e ans+er +as B; to an o) t(e a/o*e 0uestions, ou (a*e more +or. to do /e)ore attempting t(e attunement. It is our polic at t(e Institute )or <ei.i 5tudies to sta clear o) an energ or current t(at is group energetic. T(is issue is discussed in detail in t(e, 'omplete 6uide to <ei.i Eolume I, / @e))re Martin.. A pure and untainted sample o) t(e energ is t(e single most important part o) t(is procedure. It +ould /e *er un)ortunate to attune oursel) to an impure energ . I) ou (a*e +(at ou t(in. is a good sample o) t(e energ /ut it doesn9t c(ec. out, as. t(e "e*as i) it can /e cleared or puri)ied. 5ometimes an energ +ill get tainted / am/ient energies and a simple clearing +ill puri) it per)ectl .

(e ot(er 0uestions are sel) e2planator . I) t(e need more in)ormation, )ind out +(at t(e need to .no+ / t(em 0uestions. I) t(e energ is not appropriate trust our 5olar Angel, s and our Hig(er 5el), s 1udgment. <emem/er no+ is a prett speci)ic time. T(e attunement mig(t /e appropriate ne2t +ee. or ne2t ear. As. t(em +(en it mig(t /e appropriate )or ou.

nce ou,*e recei*ed a K esK to all o) t(e a/o*e 0uestions and ou (a*e our energ sample, ou, re read to per)orm t(e sel) attunement. 5tate, I no+ +is( to /e attuned t(e (ig(est and most pure aspect o) energ represented / t(is energ sample. I as. t(at t(is attunement occur no+. 3ait )or t(e attunement to )inis( or gi*e t(e team t+ent minutes. He sure to c(ec. and ma.e sure t(e are )inis(ed +it( t(e attunement /e)ore ou go on, or release t(e Template. It is also ad*isa/le +(en )inis(ed to release t(e Attunement Template and o*erla a Healing Template to assist ou in integrating t(e ne+ energies.

Meditational Template
(is Template +as designed to assist an one +(o +ants to meditate. It assists our meditations in se*eral +a s. Here are a 13

)e+J 5ta/ili8es t(e en*ironment, pro*ides a sta/le place to meditate in. Adds t(e Template team, s input into our mediation. Assists ou / (elping ou go )urt(er and deeper in our mediations. 7ro*ides protection during our meditation. Ma-es sure the meditation is balanced for .ou.

(e Team actuall assists ou accomplis(ing our meditation goals. Meditation is a *er po+er)ul +a to e*ol*e oursel). I .no+ most o) m serious gro+t( spirituall came a/out /ecause o) an image or a contact I (ad during one o) m meditations. 3(en ou meditate normall , t(e )irst )i*e minutes are used 1ust to set our energies into a meditati*e state. T(is Template allo+s ou to get t(ere t+ice as )ast. "on, t )orget t(at a Template connects ou +it( )i*e ot(er le*els o) realit . Most people +(o meditate are tr ing to get in touc( +it( t(e *er le*els o) realit , ou, re alread +it(. I, *e personall )ound t(at a ten minute meditation in a Meditation Template is e0ui*alent to t(irt minutes o) normal Meditation.

(is Template +asn,t in t(e original pac.age. 3e designed and created t(is Template at Ir*ing, s suggestion. As it turns out, t(is Template is 0uic.l /ecoming one o) m )a*orites. T(an., s again Ir*ing.


Instructional Template

7ersonal Instructional Template +as designed to /e used in an situation +(ere instruction is /eing recei*ed. T(e Instructional Template assists ou in learning / sure t(at ou, re integrating t(e ne+ material as +ell as +it( t(e Template team. T(e are o)ten times are *er .no+ledgea/le a/out t(ings ou, re learning especiall our 5olar Angel. T(e +ill o)ten organi8e t(e energetic aspects o) learning so ou can more easil process t(e in)ormation and store it. )riend o) mine started stud ing Massage T(erap . In ;(io, +e (a*e one o) t(e toug(est programs in t(e +(ole countr . 5(e started +it( "e*as and ot(er mem/ers o) t(e Template team +(ene*er s(e studied and +(en s(e +ent to class. T(e results +ere outstanding. 5(e )ound t(at t(e material s(e needed to .no+ 1ust sort o) 1umped out at (er +(en s(e studied. Incidentall , (er grades impro*ed +it( no e2tra +or..

o use t(e Template, o*erla it as usual and let ou team .no+ +(at,s going on and t(at ou +ould li.e t(em to assist ou in an +a possi/le. Ma.e sure t(e team .no+s +(et(er our stud ing or sitting in a class room. He speci)ic a/out +(at, s going on. 3(at are 14

ou learning= 3( are ou learning it= Ho+ important is it in t(e grander sc(eme o) t(ings= Etc. I can, t stress t(is enoug(. 'ommunicate +it( our team as completel as possi/le.

Emergenc Template

(e Emergenc Template is designed to /e used in place o) a 7ersonal Healing Template under emergenc situations. T(e d namics +it(in an emergenc are completel di))erent t(an in a normal session. T(e )irst (our, primar t(e )irst t+ent minutes o) an s(oc. or sudden illness are critical. "uring t(is time t(e tissues o) t(e /od are *er suscepti/le to storing t(e trauma neuromuscular. 3(en a (uman /od stores a trauma in a tissue, t(e /od , s sel) (ealing a/ilities are greatl diminis(ed and recuperation time is increased.

(is Template includes all o) t(e codes and parameters o) t(e regular 7ersonal Healing Template plus it includes t(e "e*ic and 3(ite Hrot(er(ood Trauma Team. T(e are t(e real miracle +or.ers in an emergenc and insure t(at t(e traumas and s(oc. are sta/ili8ed so t(e /od can /egin it, s (ealing. T(e trauma teams (a*e /een especiall trained to deal +it( e*er t pe o) emergenc . T(is Template doesn,t, t onl appl to p( sical emergencies eit(er. Emotional and 5piritual energies are 1ust as t(reatening to our (ealing. 3(en a situation arises t(at needs t(is Template, o*erla it t(e same as e*er ot(er Template.

nce t(e Template is o*erlaid state t(e nature o) t(e emergenc . T(e Team +ill ta.e it )rom t(ere. :ea*e t(is Template o*erlaid until t(e emergenc (as passed. I) ou need to go to t(e (ospital, lea*e it o*erlaid t(e entire time ou, re at t(e (ospital. T(is Template is designed on totall di))erent parameters and can remain o*erlaid )or e2tended periods o) time. It could /e o*erlaid )or da s or +ee.s depending on t(e nature o) t(e emergenc . ;nce ou are sta/ili8ed and in a state o) reco*er close t(e Template and +or. +it( a 7ersonal Healing Template to )inis( our reco*er . I sincerel (ope t(at no one needs to use t(is Template /ut it, s t(ere in case ou do.

P'!/%SS"!#A T%MP AT%S

ll o) t(e pro)essional Templates are designed to /e used +(en ou, re in a pro)essional capacit +it( one ot(er person. I) ou, re 1ust a participant t(an use a 7ersonal Template. 3(en more t(an 15

one person is present and ou are acting in a pro)essional capacit t(an ou need to use t(e 6roup Templates.

Healing Template

n t(is Template, t(e Template Team is +it( ou as practitioner. T(e )orm a partners(ip +it( ou to assist ou +it( our sessions. T(e Template can /e o*erlaid an used +it( an t pe o) (ealing +or. )rom counseling to )oot re)le2olog . T(e entire resources o) t(e Template realit and all it, s mem/ers are at our disposal. T(e team9s assistance )alls into se*eral areas. T(e can assist ou in creating ne+ and more e))icient procedures and processes as +ell as (elp ou ma.e an alteration in procedure t(at mig(t impro*e our practice. T(e o*erall )ocus o) t(is Template is to s(i)t our +or. into t(e A0uarian d namic. :i.e t(e 7ersonal Healing Template, t(is Template is not )or t(e timid. T(e team re0uests and )orms a complete partners(ip t(at includes our participation. T(e are some o) t(e most c(allenging partners I (a*e e*er (ad. I +as completel ama8ed at t(e *oluminous amounts o) in)ormation t(e +ere +illing to pro*ide )or me.. MA7A pro)essional users can upgrade (ere as +ell. 4ollo+ t(e same procedure as /e)ore.

Y!(' /"'ST M%%T"#G

1? ;*erla t(is Template. 2? In t(e )irst meeting ou +ill need to descri/e t(e t pe o) +or. ou, re doing in detail. :et t(e Team .no+ a/out e*er nuance. 3? As. t(e Template Team i) t(e +ould li.e to meet +it( ou on a sc(eduled /asis. I) ou (a*e a regular practice, t(e +ill li.el +ant to meet +it( ou on eit(er a +ee.l or mont(l /asis to discuss aspects o) our /usiness and t(e clients ou (a*e. I usuall meet +it( t(em on a mont(l /asis to discuss client ad1ustments, o))ice procedure, education, etc. 'lose t(e Template.

*!'+"#G *"T) Y!(' T%AM P'!/%SS"!#A Y

*erla t(is Template e*er time ou (a*e a session. It is /est to ;*erla t(is Template prior to t(e clients session. T(is gi*es ou time to discuss t(e clients (istor and an ot(er pertinent details +it( t(e team. T(e t(ing to remem/er (ere is t(at ou are +it( a team o) pro)essionals. Treat t(em 1ust li.e ou +ould treat a )riend


t(at +as (elping ou +or. on a client. T(e Team needs to .no+ e*er t(ing ou .no+ a/out t(e client, t(eir s mptoms, (istor , etc.


uring t(e actual session t(e team +ill +or. +it( ou to (elp ou /e a /etter practitioner and also +or. on t(e client. T(e +ill (elp primaril / pro*iding insig(ts during t(e session. "on, t /e surprised / t(e intuiti*e insig(ts t(at +ill 1ust pop into our (ead. Gou,ll also (a*e t(e )ull /ene)it o) /ot( Bature and t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood to pro*ide in)ormation a/out t(e session and (o+ it is progressing. (e team, as )ull partners, can and do +or. on t(e client. T(e +or. primaril t(roug( ou, (o+e*er. A client is not recei*ing t(e same .ind o) attention t(e +ould i) t(e +ere in a 7ersonal Healing Template. I) t(e (a*e recei*ed t(e "e*ic Template attunement, o*erla ing a personal (ealing Template at t(e same time +ould /e per)ectl )ine.. A)ter t(e clients session /e sure to discuss t(e session +it( t(e team. T(e can pro*ide in)ormation on (o+ e))ecti*e t(e session +as, as +ell as +(en t(e client s(ould meet +it( ou again. 'lose t(e Template as usual.


*)AT T! %0P%CT

2pect *er di))erent results. T(e (ealing sessions done in a Template +or. muc( deeper, t(e results are muc( more pro)ound, and more immediate. It is *er important t(at our clients .no+ ou, re in a ne+ and di))erent +a . T(eir sessions are going to completel c(ange. T(e last t(ing ou +ant to do is instill )ear in one o) our clients /ecause t(eir sessions suddenl impacted t(em in a di))erent +a . our clientele is li.el to c(ange as +ell. Gou +ill /e in an A0uarian d namic and clients +(o need t(at d namic +ill see. ou out. Also, clients +(o need 7iscean d namics ma need someone else. 6i*e t(em a +a out and (a*e no )ear, I )ind t(at t(e increase in clients more t(an up )or an loss. (e Template Team +ill do an t(ing in t(eir po+er to assist ou in e2panding our practice, our (ealing met(ods, or an t(ing t(at +ould (elp ou in a pro)essional +a .

Attunement Template
(is Templates is used +(en per)orming attunements on someone ot(er t(an oursel). 3(en ou per)orm an attunement o*erla t(is 17

Template and in)orm t(e Team as to +(at ou9re doing. ;nce again, /e speci)ic. 3(at attunement are ou doing= Is t(is attunement appropriate )or e*er one present, etc.

(e Template Team can pro*ide a great deal o) support and in)ormation a/out attunements including in)ormation )rom c(air placement to t(e e2act moment t(e attunement +ould /e most e))ecti*e. Gour attunements +ill (a*e t(e )ull /ene)it o) Bature, s input as +ell as assistance )rom t(e 5olar Angels and t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood. T(e results gat(ered )rom t(e researc( team +ere staggering. Attunements +ere at least 5&L or more e))ecti*e. Attunements +ere su/stantiall easier to per)orm )rom a practitioner9s point o) *ie+ and easier to recei*e )rom t(e students.


*er attunement +as muc( more re)ined and matc(ed t(e clients energetic needs /etter.. T(e incidence o) special additional attunements increased )or t(e students. Attunements as a +(ole +ere /etter /alanced and muc( more po+er)ul. I personall use t(is Template or its 6roup *ersion +(ene*er I per)orm an attunement. I can, t tell ou (o+ muc( /etter it is. I) in dou/t tr it oursel). (e last point (ere is t(at t(is Template is especiall e))ecti*e )or use in distant attunements. Hecause our 5olar Angel is present in e*er Template our are assured o) not creating a group energetic current. T(e Institute )or <ei.i 5tudies (as done some e2cellent researc( on sa)e +a s to per)orm distant attunements. I) ou +ant t(e latest in)ormation please read

Meditational Template
(e d namics and purpose o) t(is Template are designed to assist ou in )acilitating a meditation )or one ot(er person.

Instructional Template

(is Template t(e d namics o) t(e 7ersonal Instruction Template and s(i)ts t(em to t(e teac(ing aspect. It is use)ul )or an .ind o) teac(ing +or. ou ma do. 3(at t(is Template reall does is (elp ou +or. +it( t(e indi*iduals ou, re teac(ing. 3(en ou teac(, it is *er important t(at t(e d namics o) +(at ou, re teac(ing /e ad1usted to )it t(e people /eing trained. T(is Template allo+s ou to do it 0uic.l and d namicall o)ten times on a totall unconscious le*el. I use t(is Template e*er time I teac( a <ei.i class. I al+a s )eel so


connected to t(e group and can )eel +(en t(e start to dri)t or don, t understand +(at I, m sa ing. T(e purpose o) t(is Template is to pro*ide support )or ou as a teac(er and to (elp ou /e a /etter teac(er. T(e Template Team isn,t going to s(o+ up and teac( t(e class )or ou. I) ou aren,t prepared or don,t .no+ t(e material, t(is Template isn,t going to magicall ma.e ou t(e /est teac(er around.


(e Template team assists ou as a teac(er also / guiding ou as ou teac(. 5ometimes small t(ings ma.e a *er /ig di))erence. Teac(ing t(e material in a slig(tl di))erent order could ma.e all t(e di))erence. <emem/er, 7iscean teac(ing met(ods are di))erent t(an A0uarian teac(ing met(ods. A Template +ill (elp ou +or. in t(e ne+ d namics. @ust o*erla t(e Template and let t(e Team .no+ +(at is (appening in detail. :ea*e t(e Template o*erlaid until t(e class is )inis(ed.. (e group Templates pro*ide a great deal o) group support. T(ere are man processes out t(ere t(at assist an indi*idual, /ut )e+ processes t(at support group +or.. T(ese Templates allo+ a group to )unction on t(e (ig(est le*els as a co(erent uni)ied team +it(out )orming a permanent group current.

*erall, t(ese Templates /ring toget(er t(e group9s strengt(s and create a space t(at allo+s e*er one present to participate at a le*el /est )or t(em. E*er time +e )orm a group, it (as t(e potential to gro+ /e ond t(e sum o) its parts. It is t(roug( group e2pansion t(at +e gain t(e greatest and most su/stantial gro+t(. T(ese group Templates assure t(at +e get t(e most out o) e*er group. In t(e group Templates t(ere are t+o additional le*els o) Intelligence t(at are added to t(e Template <ealit .

G'!(P S! A' A#G%

(e group 5olar Angel is an e2tremel po+er)ul /eing t(at is t(e integration o) all t(e indi*idual 5olar Angels in t(e group. It is t(roug( t(is /eing t(at all (ig( le*el group communication place. 3(en +e consciousl , include t(is /eing in a Template +e )orm a co(erent group connection t(at is in a sense anon mous.

ormall +(en someone attempts to organi8e a group, s energ , it is up to t(e leader to .nit and )ocus t(e group, s energ . I) t(e leader is clear in t(eir intent and t(e are s.illed at +it( group energ t(an t(e group +ill /e *er e))ecti*e at toget(er. :et, s assume t(oug( t(at per(aps t(e leader,s intent is not clearl )ocused.


In t(is case, t(e +(ole group +ill su))er to some degree. It goes +it(out sa ing +(at +ould (appen i) t(e leader +ere simpl not s.illed at +it( group energies.

(e group, s energ as a +(ole is also tied to toget(er on a *er personal le*elM t(is )orms a group current. T(e more o)ten t(e group meets t(e stronger t(e current +ill /e. 6roup energetic currents are in(erentl a ris. to t(ose using t(e current. E*er mem/er is tied toget(er on a .armic le*el and s(are eac( ot(ers .arma. +it( t(e 6roup 5olar Angel t(is group current is not used at all. T(e groups energ is lin.ed t(roug( a net+or. o) Angels starting +it( t(eir personal 5olar Angel +(ic( is in turn lin.ed to t(e 6roup 5olar Angel. T(e 6roup 5olar Angel represents t(e /lended group energ /ut eac( indi*idual is not directl connected to it. T(roug( t(e indi*idual 5olar Angels, eac( person is lin.ed to t(e group energ . T(e personal 5olar Angels ma.e sure t(at eac( group mem/er onl recei*es and participates in t(e energ aspects t(at are appropriate )or t(em..

(is "e*a (olds t(e arc(itectural patterns and /lueprints )or t(e group itsel). E*er d namic t(at could (appen is part o) t(is "e*a, s responsi/ilit . It (as a great deal in common +it( t(e 5olar Angel onl it )unctions on a Bature le*el.

!&%' "G)T"#G $%&A !/ T)% G'!(P

it(out t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a o) t(e 6roup present no group could e*er /e )ormed. 3e +or. +it( t(is "e*a to insure t(at t(e group, s d namics are in accordance +it( "e*ic plan o) t(e group.

Healing Template

group Healing Template is o*erlaid an time ou are pro)essional in a group setting +it( t(ree or more people including oursel). T(e Template )ocuses and aligns groups energ +it( Bature and t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood. 3(en t(e groups energies are aligned and +or. as co(erent team, e*er mem/er o) t(e group can /ene)it )rom t(e e2panded group energ d namics. All o) t(e guide lines )rom t(e 7ro)essional Healing Template appl (ere.


Attunement Template
Dsed )or larger group. It allo+s )or t(e (ig(er group octa*e.

Meditational Template
Dsed +(en ou are )acilitating a group meditation.

Instructional Template
5ame as t(e 7ro)essional Instructional Template e2cept larger group.
M"SC% A#%!(S T%MP AT%S


Attunement Template

sed )or attunements on non-li*ing t(ings. @ust )ill in t(e name o) +(ate*er ou are attuning in place o) t(e +ord ot(er +(en ou o*erla t(e Template. An t(ing t(at is li*ing (as a de)ina/le consciousness. 7lants and animals are treated 1ust li.e people +(en it comes to per)orming attunements.. 'r stals, propert , cars, and spaces don, t (a*e a de)ina/le consciousness. T(e do, (o+e*er, (a*e an ;*erlig(ting "e*a associated +it( t(em. T(is Template allo+s )or t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a o) 'r stal, t(e 'ar, or 7ropert to (a*e its input in t(e attunement. 7lants and animals can pro*ide t(eir o+n input. In ot(er +ords, +(en per)orming plant and animal attunements t(e are treated 1ust li.e people.


Energ 'learing Template

(is is also an add-on Template. I reali8ed +(en I +as )inis(ing up t(e original manuscript )or "e*ic Templates t(at t(is process +as missing. I de/ated )or a long time a/out +(et(er to pu/lis( t(is procedure or not. I decided t(at people +ould /ene)it so I included it (ere.
!verla. this Template

tate, I +is( to per)orm an energ clearing o)NNNN . "oes NNNNN contain un0uali)ied, ungrounded, or inappropriate energies t(at need to /e cleared at t(is time.

ou +ill need to descri/e in detail t(e t(ing ou intend to clear. Is it a cr stal, a propert , our (ouse, our car, etc. I suggest ou ma.e sure ou (a*e a prett good *isuali8ation o) +(at ou, re clearing or (a*e it in )ront o) ou. I) ou, re clearing an area ou could e*en dra+ a diagram. I) t(e ans+er +as B; trust t(at t(e area is


su))icientl clear at t(e moment and close t(e Template. I) t(e ans+er +as GE5, go on to step t(ree.

tate, I no+ as. t(at an and all entities, energ patterns, t(oug(t)orms, or an and all energies t(at are un0uali)ied, ungrounded, in(armonious, or inappropriate /e released completel and permanentl )rom NNN. I as o+ner or custodian o) NNNN gi*e permission )or t(ese energies to /e released to t(e ne2t (ig(est le*el )rom transmutation.

t is important t(at ou are eit(er t(e o+ner o) t(e t(ingOo/1ectOor propert to /e cleared or (a*e conscious permission )rom t(e o+ner /e)ore ou use t(is Template. I) someone (as a dirt apartment, ou +ouldn,t 1ust clean it up +it(out T(is is t(e same t(ing. 6i*e t(e Team a )e+ minutes )or t(e process to (appen. I) in dou/t gi*e t(em )i)teen minutes..

s. t(e Team i) t(is process is complete. 5ometimes t(ere are multiple le*els o) energ t(at need to /e cleared and t(e process ma need to /e repeated. 'lose t(e Template +(en )inis(ed.


(is Template can sa)el remo*e 1ust a/out an t(ing i) our intent is clear. I (a*e success)ull used it )or clearing entities )rom spaces (al) a do8en times. T(e important t(ing to .eep in mind is t(at t(e Template Team is doing t(e clearing so ou are a))orded a great deal o) protection. "on,t /e a ca*alier. ) ou, re going to use t(is Template to clear out entities, 1ust get a picture o) t(e (ouse or propert and do it at a distance. E*er one o) t(e Template Team mem/ers can +or. at a distance. T(ere, s no since /eing present and putting oursel) at ris..

(e e2act +ording o) step t(ree is up to ou. It doesn,t (a*e to /e e2actl +(at is +ritten (ere. T(at +as 1ust a guide. Dse +(ate*er +ording ou are most com)orta/le +it(. Ma.e sure, t(oug(, t(e t pes o) energies ou +ant to clear are included in t(e t pes ou as. to /e cleared ot(er+ise not(ing is going to (appen.

Dser "e)ined Templates

e)ore ou can design a ne+ Template ou, re going to need to do a little researc( on our o+n. T(ere are a +(ole series o) 0uestions


t(at need to /e ans+ered /e)ore template.

ou can completel

design t(e

Template is more t(an 1ust .no+ing +(o to call. T(ere are literall t(ousands o) *aria/les t(at need to /e considered / t(e "e*as and ot(er team mem/ers. As I stated earlier, a "e*ic Template is designed and created )or Inter-le*el +or.. I) ou, re not doing Interle*el +or. t(en t(ere, s no point using a "e*ic Template.

) ou 1ust need in)ormation )rom a "e*a t(en as. t(at "on, t call in t+ent ot(er "e*as. "e*as are a lot li.e T(e are *er adept in t(eir area o) e2pertise /ut in an ot(er areas. Ha*e I scared ou 5orr I It does get easier.

one "e*a. specialists. completel a+a et=

"esigning a Template is an in*ol*ed process and needs to /e done care)ull . A *indicti*e "e*a isn,t going to come a)ter ou and ta.e our )irst /orn c(ild i) ou don, t do our researc( /ut t(e "e*as can, t create a sta/le +ell /alanced "e*ic Template +it(out t(e proper in)ormation. All o) t(e Template Team mem/ers are *er lo*ing and +ill do an t(ing in t(eir po+er to assist ou in creating a "e*ic Template or )or t(at matter assist ou in an +a t(e can.

ust put a little t(oug(t into +(at ou, re doing /e)ore ou start t(e process o) de*eloping ou o+n Templates.. Helo+ are a )e+ sample 0uestions, outlining t(e .inds o) in)ormation t(e "e*as need. T(e s(ould gi*e ou an idea o) t(e t pes o) t(ings ou s(ould consider in a Template design.

on,t +orr I) ou don, t (a*e ans+ers )or e*er one o) t(ese 0uestions, t(e are 1ust somet(ing to get ou t( 3(at .inds o) +or. are ou doing= 3(at are t(e d namics= Is it alread co*ered / one o) t(e pre-de)ined Templates 3( do ou +ant to use a Template in t(is situation= 3(at is it ou +ant to accomplis( +it( t(e Template= Ho+ do ou +ant t(e Template Team to assist ou= 3(at is t(eir role in t(e +or. ou, re doing= I) ou, re a/le to (ear ou team ou,ll /e in prett good s(ape t(roug(out t(is process. All ou (a*e to do is as. +(at t(e need to .no+ and go )rom t(ere.

ell un)ortunatel , not e*er one can communicate *er/all +it( t(e Template Team and it isn,t reall necessar . 3(en I )irst started +it( MA7A, I couldn,t (ear m team eit(er /ut +it( persistence and determination I still managed to get m point across. 23

Heing a/le to (ear our team doesn,t necessaril /etter at communicating.


ou an

earl e*er one on t(e p( sical plane can (ear e*er one else, et communications still get )ouled up all t(e time. 4ollo+ t(e steps and remem/er .ineseolog is a per)ectl accepta/le +a to communicate. It is 1ust as accurate i) not more accurate t(an *er/al communication. It 1ust a little more t(oug(t, practice, and persistence. I,ll use m /usiness as an e2ample (ere to s(o+ (o+ to create a user-de)ined Template. I +anted to incorporate Bature, s input into m /usiness.

(in. a/out it, a /usiness is a li*ing gro+ing t(ing. Bature certainl understands gro+ing t(ings. :oo. at t(e 0uestions. 3ell, a lot o) m /usiness comes under t(e Healing andOor Instructional Template. Hut +(at a/out ad*ertising, mar.eting, /illing, sc(eduling, or I also do personal and corporate readings. <eadings are .ind o) li.e counseling >+(ic( +ould /e underneat( (ealing? /ut decidedl di))erent in practice.


(ealing sessions and <ei.i classes t(emsel*es are alread co*ered / e2isting templates.>Healing Template, Instructional Template? 3(at a/out m readings= I decided t(at I needed a separate Template )or t(em since t(e didn,t 0uite )all underneat( counseling and +eren,t e2actl a (ealing session eit(er. I do use <ei.i +(en I, m doing a reading /ut t(e )ocus is muc( more on clair*o ance and )inding insig(t into pro/lems as +ell as ans+ering personal 0uestions. ar.eting, sales, sc(eduling, etc. )all underneat( general /usiness so a general /usiness Template could /e *er use)ul )or t(e /usiness aspects. 3it( a little t(oug(t I )ound out t(at I reall onl need t+o Templates to co*er t(e rest o) /usiness. 4or t(is e2ample, I, m going to lead ou t(roug( creating a 6eneral Husiness Template. :et, s loo. at t(ose 0uestions and see +(at ans+ers come to mind )or t(at /usiness Template. (at are ou doing= I +ould li.e to create a Template to o*ersee and (elp integrate Bature,s input into t(e general aspect o) m /usiness. 3(at are t(e d namics= A (ealing and teac(ing /usiness is not(ing at all li.e running a restaurant. I usuall +it( people one on one in a session.


also +or. +it( people in large groups )or classes. 5o a personal touc( is critical. I,m also a little o)) t(e main stream so t(at creates some special consideration at least )rom a "e*ic point o) *ie+ an +a .

ec(nicall m sessions +(et(er t(e /e readings, classes, or Healings are all part o) t(e o*erall /usiness and do need to /e considered +(en +it( t(e general /usiness aspect. T(ese are 1ust a )e+ o) t(e d namics t(at I considered +(en researc(ing t(is general /usiness Template /ut ou get t(e idea. T(ere +ere se*eral reasons )or c(oosing to use a Template +it( m /usiness. T(e most o/*ious reason is so t(at m +(ole /usiness can mo*e into t(e A0uarian Energ . I .no+ t(at I +ould li.e to +or. in an energ pattern t(at promotes /alance, (armon , and partners(ip +it( all t(ings. Also, Bature .no+s (o+ to create a t(ri*ing gro+ing t(ing a lot /etter t(an I do. 5(e,s /een doing it )or a )e+ (undred t(ousand ears. I don,t presuppose t(at I can do it an /etter t(an (er. I .no+ t(at input )rom Bature can certainl (elp me create a /etter /usiness. ;ne t(at is in (armon +it( Bature.
*h. do " want to use a Template in this situation 1

3(at is t(eir role in t(e +or. ou, re doing=. 7ersonall +it( m /usiness I,m +illing to gi*e a lot o) t(e planning and direction o*er to Bature. Timing, ;rgani8ation, and 4orm are Bature,s specialties. 7urpose and "irection are t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood,s. I,*e al+a s +anted to let Bature and t(e 3(ite Hrot(er(ood s(are e0uall in all t(e decisions in*ol*ing m +or. and concerning m /usiness.
)ow do .ou want the Template Team to assist .ou1

)ter ou,*e considered all t(e angles, ou need to come up +it( a name )or our ne+ Template. In m e2ample, I c(oose Husiness )or t(e name. T(at is a)ter all +(at it is a /usiness Template. I could (a*e gi*en it t(e name o) m /usiness i) it (ad a speci)ic name.
$%/"#"#G T)% T%MP AT%

1? 5tate out loud, It is m intent to o*erla a Master "e*ic Template and I +is( to +or. +it( t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a. Bo+ is +(ere t(e )un /egins. Gou no+ (a*e )ull assistance o) t(e "e*ic <ealm including t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a /ecause o) t(e Master Template. 2? Hegin / stating ou +ould li.e to create a ne+ "e*ic Template. 6i*e t(e name ou,*e decided and descri/e in detail e*er t(ing ou .no+ a/out t(e su/1ect our +it(. :ist all t(e tec(ni0ues,


*aria/les, issues, s.ills, an t(ing and e*er t(ing ou t(in. mig(t /e in*ol*ed +it( t(e ne+ Template. In essence, pretend ou, re +riting a detailed t(esis a/out our ne+ Template. Bo+ ou see t(e reason )or t(e researc(. It +ould /e *er di))icult to come up +it( t(e in)ormation on t(e spot. 3? T(is in)ormation is important. Gour description doesn,t, t (a*e to /e 1&& pages, 1ust detailed. 3(at is important (ere is t(at ou, re letting t(e "e*as .no+ +(ere ou are rig(t no+ in our personal de*elopment and +(ere ou, re at +it( respect to t(is ne+ Template. T(e need to .no+ +(at d namics to use, and +(ere to start. Helie*e me, t(e +ill e2pand and ad1ust t(e Template as necessar /ut t(e (a*e to (a*e a starting point. 4? 4or e2ample, in t(e Husiness Template ultimatel all aspects o) t(e /usiness s(ould /e considered t(at include gro+t( and e2pansion. T(e ma percei*e t(at m /usiness could e2pand in directions o) +(ic( I, m completel una+are at t(is time. I) t(e +rite t(e Template at t(ese e2panded d namics, t(e Template +ould /e *er ine))ecti*e and ine))icient. It +ould also put a strain on me. It +ould /e li.e tr ing to run a marat(on +it(out t(e proper conditioning. 5? T(e "e*as +ould ne*er *iolate our timing / +riting suc( an e2panded Template /ut ou mig(t not get all t(e /ene)it ou could eit(er.. 6i*e t(em a )e+ minutes to organi8e t(e in)ormation ou ga*e t(em. T(e ma need an +(ere )rom t(irt seconds to )i*e to assem/le t(e data. Gou could e*en as. t(em (o+ long it +ill ta.e )or t(em to compile t(e in)ormation. T(e more organi8ed ou are t(e less time it +ill ta.e to compile t(e in)ormation. !? Bo+ as., Is t(ere an additional in)ormation ou need )rom me at t(is time= I) t(e ans+er is K esK, t(ere are a )e+ +a s ou could proceed. Gou could as. t(em +(at t(e need to .no+ and listen )or impressions. T(en +rite do+n ou impression. As. i) t(e impressions ou recei*ed +ere correct. T(en all ou do is pro*ide t(e in)ormation /ased on t(ose impressions. I) ou recei*ed se*eral impressions use t(e se0uential .ineseolog met(od to determine +(ic( impression t(e +ould li.e to .no+ a/out )irst. Ta.e it slo+ and /e patient. :oo. o*er our data. Gou can usuall see e2actl +(at t(e need to .no+ /ecause ou +ill (a*e )orgotten somet(ing reall /ig. T(e aren,t testing ou.

o, it isn,t going to /e some nit pic. t(ing. 6enerall i) ou,*e done our researc( completel t(e +ill /e more t(an in)ormed. T(at is 26

t(e reason )or t(e 0uestions. T(ose 0uestions represent +(at t(e "e*as need to .no+ most.

er o)ten, t(e Template team +ill +ant to monitor ou )or a +(ile and get a )irst (and loo. at our +or. and t(e ne+ Template /e)ore t(e completel +rite it. T(e +ill +ant to ma.e sure ou are ad1usting to t(e Template, and ma.e sure it, s )or ou alrig(t. T(ings can c(ange *er )ast, +(ere ou are toda could /e radicall di))erent t(an tomorro+. T(is (olds true )or our clients as +ell.


) )or instance, one o) our clients is dealing primaril +it( emotional issues, /ut t(e rest o) our practice is entirel di))erent. T(e "e*as +ouldn,t +ant to +rite t(e Template 1ust /ased on (isO(er le*el. s., "o ou +is( to monitor t(is Template /e)ore +riting it= T(e ans+er is usuall es. T(e "e*as ma onl +ant to monitor a )e+ sessions or t(e ma +ant to monitor t(ings )or a +ee. or so. It doesn,t reall c(ange (o+ ou +or. +it( t(e Template. It 1ust means t(e need more e2periential data to +or. +it( /e)ore t(e can +rite t(e Template completel . (e last t(ing ou need to do /e)ore closing do+n and releasing t(e Template is to t(an. t(e Master Template Team and t(e ;*erlig(ting "e*a. T(en close and release t(e Master Template t(e same +a ou close and release an ot(er Template. 4rom t(is point on ou (a*e created a ne+ user-de)ined Temple. I +ould t(en use t(e ne+ Husiness Template at an point +(ere I +ould /e doing t(ose general /usiness matters including an meetings, planning sessions, and /oo..eeping.

t an time, I need to ma.e a /usiness decision I +ould o*erla t(e Template and consider t(eir points o) *ie+. I could also /rain storm +it( t(e Team to come o) +it( ne+ and )res( approac(es to t(ings li.e mar.eting, or ad*ertising. T(e /ene)its are onl limited / our imagination..

eep records o) t(e Templates ou create. Tr to .eep it to a minimum, most o) t(e +or. ou do +ill alread )all underneat( one o) t(e pre-de)ined templates. T(ere is no reason to create separate "e*ic Template )or a massage session and a <ei.i session. T(e minor di))erences are alread accommodated +it(in t(e Healing Template. I) in dou/t a/out +(et(er our +or. is alread co*ered / one o) t(e Templates, 1ust o*erla t(e Template ou t(in. applies and as. t(e Template Team. T(e +ill /e more t(an (app to con*erse 27

+it( ou. I +ould /e more t(an interested in (earing a/out an Templates ou design or i) ou t(in. t(e "e*ic Template Attunement is missing some .e Templates let me .no+. 3e,*e tried to come up +it( a prett complete pac.age

(ese Templates are *er po+er)ul and t(e (a*e man application +ell and /e ond t(ose listed (ere. I am currentl researc(ing (o+ to create "e*ic Templates )or speci)ic purposes li.e treating cancer, mani)estation o) goals, and regeneration o) damaged tissue, etc. I,*e alread started a second manuscript detailing m results t(us )ar. 3(en I,*e accumulated enoug( material, I,ll /e sure to pu/lis( it.


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