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LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Outcomes & Evidence Progress Inventory*

Minor in Leadership Studies

Center for Student Leadership Development Memorial nion niversity of !hode Island

Name: Raquel Pere Date Enrolled: !all "#$%

Date o& 'raduation: Ma( "#$)

*The Out+omes , E-iden+e Pro.ress In-entor( is the intelle+tual propert( o& the /enter &or Student Leadership De-elopment 0/SLD1 at the 2ni-ersit( o& Rhode Island and +annot 3e reprodu+ed in part4 or in its entiret(4 5ithout the 5ritten permission o& the a+tin. Assistant Dire+tor o& the /SLD6



/enter &or Student Leadership De-elopment In&ormation Minor In&ormation De-elopmental Model

ADVISIN' IN!ORMATION "students $ill include o$n documentation#

Tra+8in. Sheet 9 Ad-isin. 2pdates S(lla3i o& Minor /lasses 0/ore and Ele+ti-es1 Internship o 'uidelines o S(lla3us o Mid:term



Out+omes 0Sel&:Leadership4 Interpersonal and Or.ani ational4 Leadership Theories4 In+lusi-e Leadership4 /riti+al Thin8in.1 Tar.eted /lasses E;perien+es E-iden+e


O&&i+e: Memorial 2nion Room "$# Phone: 0<#$1 =)<:")"> !a;: 0<#$1 =)<:?%$) /SLD Mission Statement To enhan+e the mission o& the 2ni-ersit( o& Rhode Island4 The /enter &or Student Leadership De-elopment aims to:

o o

Pro-ide de-elopmental opportunities &or all students to 3e+ome in&ormed4 in+lusi-e4 e&&e+ti-e4 and ethi+al leaders in the .lo3al mar8etpla+e throu.h the implementation o& learner:+entered a+ademi+4 e;periential4 and +o:+urri+ular pro.rammin.6 En.a.e in resear+h4 assessment4 and ad-an+ement in order to positi-el( impa+t the e;pandin. &ield o& leadership studies6

/SLD Vision Statement The 2RI /enter &or Student Leadership De-elopment 5ill promote d(nami+ stren.ths:3ased leadership de-elopment throu.h multiple deli-er( methods to prepare students to 3e +ompetiti-e in the 5or8 pla+e and .lo3al mar8etpla+e6 The /SLD see8s to pro.ress as inno-ators &or e;periential en.a.ement and enri+hin. assessment6

/SLD Values Statement 'rounded in the So+ial /han.e Model o& Leadership De-elopment 0Hi.her Edu+ation Resear+h Institute14 Relational Leadership Model 0@omi-ies4 Lu+as4 , M+Mahon14 and Ser-ant Leadership 0'reenlea&14 the 2RI /enter &or Student Leadership De-elopment -alues:

o o o o

En.a.ed and e;periential learnin. throu.h a +onstru+ti-ist approa+h In+lusion4 So+ial Austi+e4 and /i-i+ En.a.ement Ethi+al and Value:3ased Leadership , Relationship 7uildin. Inno-ati-e Assessment and Presentation Models

Minor in Leadership Studies

At 2RI4 5e are amon. onl( a hand&ul o& and uni-ersities a+ross the +ountr( that o&&ers a Minor in Leadership Studies and one that is +ustomi ed &or ea+h student6 Be utili e a +ross:dis+iplinar( approa+h to leadership edu+ation desi.ned to +omplement (our a+ademi+ studies6 All +ourses utili e a -ariet( o& tea+hin. methods 3ut ultimatel( in+lude some &orm o& e;periential learnin.4 pra+ti+al appli+ation4 and re&le+ti-e learnin.6 Emplo(ers4 no5 more than e-er4 are see8in. +andidates 5ith e;+eptional s8ills in the areas o& interpersonal and .roup mana.ement4 pro3lem sol-in.4 +riti+al thin8in. and e&&e+ti-e +ommuni+ation6 Be +an help 5ith all o& the a3o-e6


Re.ardless o& (our maCor4 (ou +an minor in Leadership Studies6 Requirements ma( 3e satis&ied 3( +ompletin. $= or more +redits related to leadership and o&&ered 3( more than one department6 T5el-e 0$"1 o& the $= +redits must 3e at the "## le-el o& instru+tion or a3o-e6 A +ourse .rade o& D/E or 3etter must 3e earned in ea+h .raded +ourse6 At least $" o& the +redits must 3e earned at 2RI6 No +ourse ma( 3e used to appl( to 3oth the maCor and minor &ields o& stud(6 /ourses in 'eneral Edu+ation or &or other minors ma( 3e used &or the minor* 0*this does not appl( to students in the /olle.e o& 7usiness16 Bith the e;+eption o& internship +redit4 all +ourses &or the minor must 3e ta8en &or a .rade6 The Introdu+tor( +lass must 3e ta8en 3e&ore the internship and the +apstone +ourse6 Appli+ation &or the minor must 3e &iled in (our a+ademi+ deanFs o&&i+e no later than the 3e.innin. o& the &inal semester or term6 Appro-al o& the minor does not .uarantee that the su..ested +ourses 5ill 3e a-aila3le to (ou on a s+hedule +orrelated 5ith (our .raduation plans nor .uarantee spa+e in an( required +ourse6


Required Element /lass options Notes

Introdu+tor( /ourse % +redits

HD! $G#: !LITE


Onl( o&&ered in sprin. &or &irst:(ear students

HD! "G#: Modern Leadership Issues

O&&ered !all and Sprin. &or sophomores , Cuniors

Internship % +redits

HD! <$): Leadership Internship


Requires <# hours9+redit 5ith a min6 o& =# hours , a ma;6 o& $"# hours o& do+umented internship e;perien+e &or .raded +redit

E;perien+e throu.h O&&i+e o& E;periential Learnin. , /ommunit( En.a.ement


Internship /lass in A+ademi+ MaCor

The onl( time the maCor and minor +an o-erlap

/apstone % +redits

HD! <$": Histori+al4 Multi:ethni+ , Alternati-e Leadership


O&&ered onl( in the &all 5ith pre&eren+e .i-en to seniors

/OM <#": Leadership , Moti-ation


O&&ered in the sprin. and summer 5ith Dr6 Leatham

72S <<$: Leadership S8ills De-elopment


O&&ered in the &all and sprin. 5ith Dr6 /ooper

HPR <$$9<$": Honors Senior Seminar Must 3e in Honors or ha-e 'PA o& %6%

Port&olio $ +redit

HD! <G": Leadership Minor Port&olio

Ta8en last sprin. semester o& enrollment 0some e;+eptions1


*%dditional classes may &e appropriate and therefore added to the list' see CSLD for the most updated list or &ring a class that you thin( should &e an elective

AA! %##: /i-il Ri.hts Mo-ement in the 2S 72S %<$: Or.ani ational 7eha-ior

/OM <#": Leadership and Moti-ation 0+apstone option1 /OM <#): Politi+al /ommuni+ation

HD! <$>: Leadership in Or.ani ations HD! <$): Leadership Minor Internship

72S %<": Human Resour+e Mana.ement 72S <<$: Leadership , Moti-ation 0+apstone option1 72S <<%: Or.ani ational Desi.n , /han.e 72S <<=: International Dimensions o& 7usiness 72S <<G: Entrepreneurship /OM $##: /ommuni+ation !undamentals /OM "#": Pu3li+ Spea8in. /OM "#=: Ar.umentation and De3ate /OM "$#: Persuasion: The Rhetori+ o& In&luen+e /OM ""$: Interpersonal /ommuni+ation /OM "?#: Small 'roup /ommuni+ation /OM %#": Ad-an+ed Pu3li+ Spea8in.

/OM <$?: The Ethi+s o& Persuasion /OM <"$: Ad-an+ed Interpersonal /ommuni+ation /OM <"": /ommuni+ation and /on&li+t /OM <<$: Ra+e4 Politi+s and the Media /OM <?#: Or.ani ational /ommuni+ation /OM <>$9<>": /ultural Di&&eren+es in Or.ani ations /SV %#": 2RI /ommunit( Ser-i+e 'BS $?#: Introdu+tion to BomenFs Studies 'BS %$#: Ra+e4 /lass4 Se;ualit( in BomenFs Li-es 'BS %?#: International BomenFs Issues HD! $G#: !irstHear Leaders Inspired to E;+ellen+e 0!LITE1 0introdu+tor( +ourse option1 HD! "G#: Modern Leadership Issues 0introdu+tor( +ourse option1

HD! <%): La5 , !amilies in the 26S6 HD! <?#: Introdu+tion to /ounselin. HPR $$=: Honors /ourse in Spee+h /ommuni+ations HPR "#%: The Prepared Mind HPR <$": Honors Seminar 0+apstone option1 MSL $#$: Introdu+tion to Militar( Leadership MSL "#$: Leadership , Militar( Histor( MSL "#$: Militar( S8ills and Histor( o& Bar&are MSL "#": Leadership , Team 7uildin. MSL %#$: Leadership , Mana.ement PEI %)?: Bomen in Sport /ontemporar( Perspe+ti-es PHL "$": Ethi+s PS/ %#<: Introdu+tion to Pu3li+ Administration

/OM %#=: Ad-an+ed Ar.umentation HD! "G$: Rose 7utler 7ro5ne Pro.ram Peer Mentorin. Pro.ram /OM %"": 'ender , /ommuni+ation /OM %?$: Oral /omm6 in 7usiness , the Pro&essions /OM %>$: Inter+ultural /ommuni+ation /OM %=%: Rhetori+al Theor( /OM %=?: /ommuni+ation and So+ial In&luen+e HD! <$": Histori+al4 MultiEthni+4 , Alternati-e Leadership 0+apstone option1 HD! <$%: Student Or.ani ation Leadership /onsultin. HD! <$<: Leadership &or A+ti-ism and So+ial /han.e HD! <$?: !LITE Peer Leadership

PS/ %>G: Le.islati-e Pro+ess and Pu3li+ Poli+( PS/ ?#<: Ethi+s in Pu3li+ Administration SO/%##9BMS%?#: Bomen and Bor8 THE ""$: Sta.e Mana.ement THE %<$: Theater Mana.ement

!e o"in# a $ositi%e Leader throu#h &e%e'op"ent ( In%o'%e"ent

Wilson, 1998 (URI Memorial Union / Center for Student Leadership De elopment! Re ised after the pu"li#ation of $%plorin& Leadership' for Colle&e Students Who Want to Ma(e a Differen#e ") *omi es, M#Mahon and Lu#as, 1998+

You need to have your own act together before you can lead others:

Out o"es
In this section) you $ill trac( your progress to$ard the outcomes. Each class in the minor targets different outcomes' all of the classes list these outcomes on the sylla&i "the $ords *goals+ or *curriculum areas+ may &e used instead#, In many of our classes) the assignments can serve as your evidence, Periodically) and not less than at the end of each semester) you should update your outcomes progress, In the *additional experiences+ column) name additional classes or e-periences that contri&uted to you &ecoming proficient in that outcome, %s the semesters pass) you $ill thin( of things from recent semesters and semesters further in the past) or people or .o&s) etc, in your past that also influenced your progress on that outcome, Do not let that am&iguity upset you, !eflecting on development is not a linear process) &ut it does help to reflect often, In the descriptive notes+ column) share insights a&out your gro$th) lac( of progress) successes) stum&ling &loc(s) etc, %t the end of each section) you need to include evidence that supports your development to$ard the outcomes, Copies of papers) grading sheets) evaluation letters/anything that sho$s that someone has determined that you have demonstrated proficiency "or not) or are ma(ing progress#, Ma(e sure to (eep electronic copies of all of your evidence to include in your Portfolio,

Outcome Category: Self-Leadership

Outcome Target class All college courses being taken; HDF 1 ! Additional Experiences F"#$%& "eaders'ip #nstitute At t'e F"#$% retreat and at t'e "eaders'ip #nstitute& # opened up to my peers in my group about my personal life in ways t'at # 'ave not normally opened up to ot'ers before. %ven t'oug' # was s'aring parts of my personal life wit' my peers& # made sure not to compromise my values. # found t'at my beliefs were accepted regardless& and my peers appreciated me for w'o # truly am. #t was t'en t'at # realized t'at # do Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


Student will demonstrate autonomy and a minimized need for approval

not need to compromise my values or c'ange w'o # am to seek t'e approval of ot'ers& # can be completely myself wit'out needing approval. See Evidence !" (. Student will demonstrate personal& organizational& and academic e)amples of self*discipline All college courses being taken; HDF 1 ! +'i %ta Sigma& Dean,s "ist

-ne of t'e ways in w'ic' # organizationally discipline myself is t'roug' keeping multiple planner and calendars in my dorm room and wit' me at all times. .y top strengt' is ac'iever& so in order to accomplis' everyt'ing t'at # 'ave set out for t'e day& # need t'at organizational component in my life. $'e planners and calendars 'elp me know w'ere # 'ave to be at w'at time& w'en somet'ing is due& etc. $'e way t'at # personally self*discipline myself is t'roug' eliminating all distraction. /'enever # do 'omework& # make sure to place myself in an environment in w'ic' # can focus completely on w'at # am doing. # often practice t'is by going in to t'e lounges available in my residence 'all. $'is also intertwines wit' 'ow # academically discipline myself. For me& academics come first. # study w'at # 'ave been taug't in class continuously and visit t'e A%0 w'en # am confused. Sometimes # go to S# sessions and office 'ours. # was on Dean,s list for t'e fall semester& and will be inducted as a member of +'i %ta Sigma. 1See Evidence #"


Student will demonstrate t'e ability to manage emotions

All college classes being taken; HDF 1 !

+ersonal 3ournal "ike many adolescent girls& # keep a 3ournal in w'ic' # let out all my frustrate emotions daily. Sad& mad& 'appy& frustrated& or stressed are all t'e emotion emotions t'at # 'ave let my 3ournal know # am e)periencing. $'e entries t'at # 'ave are personal but at t'e same time casual& as t'ey reveal t'at events of t'e day. $'is is a good way for me to releases everyt'ing t'at # am feeling& and if s and if somet'ing continues to bot'er me after writing about it& # will addraddress t'e issue. See Evidence $"


Student will demonstrate knowledge of stress management met'ods

All college classes being taken; HDF 1 !

5ym& music& reading& deep breat'ing& games

/ays to manage stress t'at 'ave worked for myself and many of my friends include going to t'e gym& listening to music& reading& deep breat'ing& dancing& and playing games. # go to t'e gym at least t'ree times a week and eac' time # am done wit' a work out& my stress levels drop immensely. "istening to music can 'elp calm my mood in any situation and my friends and # 'ave fre6uent dance parties w'en our 'omework becomes too muc' to 'andle. 7eading is my go*to stress reliever; it is a way for me to escape t'e realities of t'e day and immense myself in anot'er world. Finally& deep breat'ing is somet'ing t'at my friends and # all practice toget'er. /e attend t'e yoga classes 'ere at 87#& and 'ave been practicing deep breat'ing recently to 'elp reduce our stress& as learned form t'e classes.

See Evidence %" 9. Student will demonstrate t'e ability to manage stress All college classes being taken; HDF 1 ! .usic& take walks& tea /'enever # am stressed& # take a walk around my residence 'all building& listen to music& and drink some tea. /'en # take a walk& my mind is able to t'ink about t'ings ot'er t'an t'e stressful issue at 'and. # am t'en able to move on and accomplis' any work t'at # 'ave to finis' for t'e day. Drinking tea 'as always been able to calm me down; # drink it nearly every morning and it 'as very successful calming effects. Finally& listening to music will always 'elp c'ange someone,s mood& so in stressful situations # tend to listen to music t'at 'as a calming effect. 1See Evidence &" :. Student will e)press a personal code of leaders'ip ; members'ip et'ics HDF 1 ! .iss America $o me& being et'ical means making t'e rig't decision t'at you t'ink is best. #t also means following t'e morals and values t'at you 'ave set for yourself. # am involved wit' t'e .iss America -rganization outside of sc'ool& and # would 'ave to say t'at t'is organization would be a 1! on t'e et'ics

rating scale. #t is very important as a role model to present your best self to ot'ers and be aware of t'e decisions you are making. However& compromising w'o you are to look good in ot'er people<s eyes 1to me= is not et'ical eit'er; marinating t'e balance between being w'o you are as well as keeping morals in line is w'at # t'ink is important. See Evidence '" >. Student will demonstrate practice of t'e personal code of et'ics HDF 1 ! .iss America #n F"#$%& one of t'e assignments t'at we 'ad to complete involved ranking situations asked on 'ow et'ical we t'oug't t'ey were. $'e ranking system t'en determined w'at our own personal code of et'ics consisted of. For e)ample& t'e t'ree decisions t'at # t'oug't were t'e most unet'ical were? not being fait'ful in a dating relations'ip& lying to a police officer;aut'ority figure w'en asked for more information& and posting personal and derogatory information about anot'er person online. $o me& being et'ical means making t'e rig't decision t'at you t'ink is best. #t also means following t'e morals and values t'at you 'ave set for yourself. # am involved wit' t'e .iss America -rganization outside of sc'ool. #t is very important as a role model to present your best self to ot'ers and be aware of t'e decisions you are making. However& compromising w'o you are to look good in ot'er people<s eyes 1to me= is not et'ical eit'er; maintaining t'e balance between being w'o you are as well as keeping morals in line is w'at # t'ink is important. See Evidence (" @. Student will e)press a personal values statement HDF 1 ! Friends& F"#$% A#A values? +rudence& love& 'onesty& 'umility& and perseverance. $'ese results were found on t'e A#A website w'ile taking F"#$%. +rudence is a value t'at # 'old dear because # believe t'at making decisions s'ouldn,t be a spur of t'e moment t'ing& but instead s'ould be t'oug't out and carefully assessed. For love& # value 'aving close relations'ips wit' ot'er people; # 'ave a small group of friends t'at # am very close to w'ereas some people may 'ave a lot of friends t'at t'ey are somew'at close to. # believe t'at being 'onest is a very important 6uality to 'ave& and # try to be an 'onest person in every situation t'at # am in. As muc' as # like to talk to crowds& # value listening to ot'ers and letting t'em s'ine too& w'ic' is w'y one of my top values is 'umility. "astly& # value perseverance because # 'ate not finis'ing somet'ing t'at # 'ave begun See Evidence )" . Student will demonstrate practice of t'e personal values statement HDF 1 ! Family& fait'& sc'ool .y tops A#A results were prudence& love& 'onesty& 'umility and perseverance. # demonstrate prudence wit' t'e careful decisions t'at # make in my everyday life. # always look at t'e bigger picture of w'o will be affected by t'e decisions t'at # make and 'ow t'ey will be affected. $'is is most likely attributed to t'e fact t'at # am t'e oldest of t'ree. .y parents raised me to always be considerate of 'ow my decisions would affect my two sisters w'o bot' look up to me. # value being loved and loving ot'ers. .y practice of t'e 0at'olic fait' as well as t'e loving environment t'at my parents and family raised me in e)emplify t'is. Being 'onest is somet'ing t'at # value greatly. $o me& being 'onest is similar to being a loyal person. #n 'ig' sc'ool& # often 'ad issues wit' friends not being loyal to me& yet # always found myself providing a s'oulder to cry on w'en needed or giving t'em advice w'en asked. # t'oug' t'at t'is was an important 6uality to 'ave as a person& and alt'oug' # did not receive it& # wanted to e)emplify it. /'enever # 'ave succeeded in some aspect of my life& # try not to gloat about my accomplis'ments because # believe t'at # will get credit w'ere credit is due; w'ic' is w'y 'umility is somet'ing t'at # value. /'enever # am faced wit' an obstacle& # persevere t'roug' t'e struggles t'at # am e)periencing in order to ac'ieve my goals. #n my fres'man year of 'ig' sc'ool& one of my teac'ers was pretty awful and # was not receiving a good grade in 'er class. But # knew w'at # 'ad to do to c'ange my fate& and # persevered to t'e point of getting an A. See Evidence *" 1!. Student will demonstrate t'e ability to lead a pro3ect from start to finis' 1follow*t'roug'= HDF 1 ! 7emembrance /alk As Student Body +resident in my senior year of 'ig' sc'ool& # was in c'arge of running t'e annual C7emembrance /alk.D $'is walk was a way in w'ic' my 'ig' sc'ool would pay respects and remember t'e students t'at passed away w'ile attending our 'ig' sc'ool. As Student

Body +resident& # decided to incorporate anot'er element to t'e walk. # encouraged eac' student participating in t'e walk to raise money t'at would be pooled toget'er and transferred into a sc'olars'ip t'at would be awarded to a deserving senior in memory of t'ose t'at passed. #t was a tremendous success; we raised >9! dollars*far more t'an our original goal of 9!! dollars. $o top it off& attendance was t'e greatest t'at it 'ad ever been. See Evidence !+" 11. Student will describe goals and ob3ective statements regarding personal issues& career issues& and community issues All classes being taken; HDF 1 ! Eeo*natal E+& .iss America #n my personal life& my main goal at t'e moment is to place top 9 at t'e .iss 7'ode #sland Sc'olars'ip +ageant. # am currently t'e reigning .iss Fingston& and it is my goal to one day win .iss America. # am proud to be representing t'e town t'at # currently reside in& and am setting my goals 'ig' for w'ere # place in t'e competition. 8ltimately& my personal goal is to be 'appy wit' my current self and be proud of my accomplis'ments. .y current career goal is to receive my .aster,s degree in nursing in order to become a neo*natal Eurse +ractitioner. .y goal for t'e community is to make t'e platform t'at # currently 'ave as .iss Fingston*'eart disease*somet'ing t'at # am able to advocate and volunteer for. # am currently in t'e process of confirming events t'at # will be able to 'elp out at. See evidence !!" 1(. Student will s'ow evidence of goals and ob3ectives t'at were planned and ac'ieved HDF 1 ! "eaders'ip contract For my leaders'ip contract& # decided to become a teac'er for t'e day and educate c'ildren at an elementary sc'ool on t'e ways to become 'eart 'ealt'y and prevent 'eart disease; my platform as .iss Fingston& 7#. .y goals were to contact as many elementary sc'ools in Fingston as possible 1wit' t'e 'opes of t'em responding=& create a teac'ing plan about 'eart 'ealt' for t'e c'ildren& and leave knowing t'at # accomplis'ed teac'ing t'e c'ildren about becoming 'eart 'ealt'y. .y first task was to send out emails to elementary sc'ools. .y second task was to purc'ase an appropriate c'ildren<s book to read to t'em& and my t'ird task was to plan out my presentation. # accomplis'ed all my goals successfully and 'ad a great day wit' t'e c'ildren at /est Fingston %lementary Sc'ool. See Evidence !#" 12. Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CHierarc'y of EeedsD t'eory by .aslow Student will s'ow application of .aslow,s t'eory to own life Student will describe personal leaders'ip style and;or personality style including strengt's and weaknesses and e)amples of application 1Sources G "eaders'ip style inventories& t'e ".+.#.& Strengt'sHuest& $ype Focus 1.B$#=& "A.+& and ot'er career inventories& etc.= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e t'eory of Superleaders'ip by .anz I Sims Student will s'ow application of .anz I Sim,s t'eory to own life HDF 1 ! Strengt'sHuest #n F"#$%& # took a Strengt'sHuest test and found t'at my top strengt's are ac'iever& focus& responsibility& significance and belief. # believe t'at t'ese strengt's are very accurate. # can attribute a lot of t'em to 'ow # was raised; being t'e oldest of t'ree c'ildren& # always 'ave 'ad to be responsible. .y parents 'ave always taug't me t'at can ac'ieve anyt'ing t'at # put my mind to& so # 'ave tried to maintain focus to attain goals t'at # 'ave set for myself. # 'ave a strong fait' t'at # look to every day& and # am 'appiest w'en # know t'at # 'ad made a difference in someone,s life& w'ic' is w'y significance is one of my strengt's. See Evidence !$"





Outcome Category: Leadership Theories

Outcome Target class Additional Experiences Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CAut'ority and BureaucracyD t'eory of leaders'ip /eber Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1/eber= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CScientific .anagementD t'eory of leaders'ip by $aylor Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1$aylor= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e C.anagement by -b3ectivesD t'eory of leaders'ip by Drucker Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Drucker= Student will s'ow knowledge of C$'eory J and $'eory KD t'eory of leaders'ip by .ac5regor Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1.ac5regor= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CServant "eaders'ipD t'eory of leaders'ip by 5reenleaf HDF 1 ! Servant "eaders'ip model 7obert F. 5reenleaf& t'e man t'at invented t'e p'ilosop'y& of servant leaders'ip& stated t'at t'e servant leaders is someone w'o wants to serves first before wanting to become a leaders. $'ere are several components to t'e servant leaders'ip model& and t'ey consist of empat'y& listening& 'ealing& awareness& persuasion& conceptualization& foresig't& stewards'ip& commitment to t'e growt' of people& and building community. $'e servant leaders'ip concept t'at makes t'e most sense to me is empat'y. As a nursing ma3or and as a volunteer to many 'ospitals in my town& # 'ave to practice empat'y very fre6uently in order to understand w'ere a patient is coming from& so t'at # am able to improve t'eir growt' and 'ealt'. As someone w'o leads ot'ers& it is important to be able to walk in anot'er<s s'oes so t'at you know w'ere t'ey are coming from and 'ow to lead t'em best. # can see people using t'is model in everyday life. For me in particular& # 'ave to use t'is model very fre6uently w'en # become a certified nurse so t'at # may listen to ot'ers& be 'elpful and empat'etic to t'e patients t'at # receive. # will 'ave to use t'is model almost daily. See Evidence !%"

1 .









Student will describe personal application of

HDF 1 !


Back 'ome in .assac'usetts& # work as a volunteer a t Sturdy .emorial Hospital. /orking at t'e 'ospital gives me gratification&

t'e above t'eory 15reenleaf=

.emorial Hospital

and is t'e reason w'y # applied to volunteer in t'e first place*# love 'elping ot'ers and making a difference in people<s lives. /'en # am at Sturdy& # can see t'e impact t'at # make on a patient<s life by w'en # smile and ask 'ow t'eir day was. For me& t'at is w'at servant leaders'ip is all about. # love to serve ot'ers& and 'elping patients at Sturdy .emorial Hospital is a true testament to t'at. # definitely t'ink t'at t'e servant leaders'ip model fits me t'e most out of all t'e models t'at we 'ave studied. As a future nurse& # will be serving people everyday& and it is important for me to keep in mid t'e c'aracteristics t'at # need to posses in order to be an effective leader in t'e workplace. See Evidence !&"


Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e C+rinciple 0entered "eaders'ipD t'eory by 0ovey Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 10ovey= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e C14 +oints ; $H.D t'eory of leaders'ip by Deming Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Deming= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CAisionary "eaders'ipD 1now often cited as C$ransformational "eaders'ipD= t'eory by Sas'kin Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Sas'kin= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e C#ndividuals in -rganizationsD leaders'ip t'eory by Argyris Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Argyris= Students will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C4 A,sD t'eory of leaders'ip by 5race 10enter for %t'ical "eaders'ip= HDF 1 ! 4 A,s model of leaders'ip $'e C4 A,sD model aligns beliefs and actions wit' proper be'aviors and actions to promote t'e common good. $'e four A,s are value& vision& voice and virtue. Aalue is t'e understanding t'at in order to practice et'ical leaders'ip& one must first understand and know w'at t'eir personal values are. Aision is t'e ability to see a plan a picture w'at service s'ould be& w'ile voice is proclaiming our vision in a convincing way. Finally& virtue incorporates t'e understanding t'at we become w'at we do; are actions become w'o we are. See Evidence !'"

( .









Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 15race= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CSituational "eaders'ipD t'eory by Hersey I Blanc'ard Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Hersey I Blanc'ard= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e C7elational "eaders'ipD model by Fomives& .c.a'on I "ucas HDF 1 ! 7elational "eaders'ip .odel $'e relational leaders'ip model is w'en people come toget'er to make a c'ange for t'e common good. $'ere are 9 leaders'ip components of t'e relational leaders'ip model and t'ey are? inclusive& empowering& purposeful& et'ical& and process*oriented. $'e 7elational "eaders'ip model values inclusiveness and being et'ical wit' decisions. #t also values trusting t'e process 1w'ic' is as important as t'e outcome= and acknowledging diversity in groups. #nn order to follow t'e relational leaders'ip model& t'ere are t'ree basic principals to follow? knowing& being& and doing. $o be a relational leader& one must know oneself and ot'ers around t'em& one must be et'ical& open& caring& and inclusive& and one must also act in socially responsible ways. See Evidence !("


2 .



Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Fomives et al=

HDF 1 !

Student Body +resident& 7elational "eaders'ip .odel

/'en # lead ot'ers& # find t'at # like to follow t'e et'ical portion of t'e 7elational .odel. #n past and current leaders'ip e)periences& # 'ave found myself making decisions for t'e group based off of et'ics. For me& making an important decision on somet'ing 'as to be fair and morally rig't**my top value& prudence& being 6uite evident in particular situations. -ne instance in w'ic' # 'ad to make an et'ical decision as a leader occurred w'en # was Student Body +resident of my 'ig' sc'ool. -ne of t'e members in Student 5overnment continuously missed meetings t'at were being conducted& and since # was in c'arge& # 'ad to decide w'et'er or not to give 'im a second c'ance because 'e was my friend& or abide by t'e strict attendance rule t'at Student 5overnment 'ad set. # decided t'e morally rig't t'ing to do was relieve 'im of 'is duties& as it would not 'ave been fair to t'e ot'er members if # 'ad not followed t'e policy of Student 5overnment. Being a leader for ot'er people is a very important and significant role to 'ave. $'e decisions t'at leaders make 'ave t'e ability to leave positive or negative effects& w'ic' is w'y # believe t'at 'aving a leader wit' good et'ics is important. -ut of t'e components of t'e model& t'is makes t'e most sense to me.

See Evidence !)" 4(. Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e concept of constructivism Students will describe personal e)amples of implementing constructivism Student will demonstrate knowledge of e)periential learning in leaders'ip development 1Folb= Student will describe personal application of e)periential learning in leaders'ip development 1Folb=





Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e CSocial 0'ange .odel of "eaders'ip DevelopmentD by Astin et al

HDF 1 !

Social 0'ange .odel& Diversity /eek 87#

$'e social c'ange model of leaders'ip follows t'e ideals t'at it involves collaboration between all parties involved in a particular situation& and it 'as t'e ability to make lasting& positive impacts on t'ose involved. $'e social c'ange model 'as t'ree components? group& society& and individual. $'e part of t'e social c'ange model t'at makes t'e most sense to me is t'e individual component. # personally believe t'at in order to lead ot'ers& one must develop awareness of self and t'eir leaders'ip style. /'en a leader<s strengt's and weaknesses are realized& t'ey will be able to be an effective and successful leader to ot'ers. $'is model can be used in nearly any situation in my opinion. # can see t'is being a perfect component in t'e workplace& group pro3ects or in community pro3ects. Diversity /eek at 87# is a big proponent in social c'ange. $'e aim for t'is week is to promote and celebrate t'e diversity of t'e students at 87#& w'ic' incorporates many of t'e social c'ange model<s t'eories. Diversity bring c'ange for t'e common good by making students at 87# more open*minded about diversity& w'ic' also play a role in collaboration. At t'e same time& t'e individual aspect of t'e model is part of Diversity /eek because it promotes celebrating t'e differences of eac' individual person. Being mid*semester& # feel like # 'ave a firm grasp in my strengt's. # 'ave increasingly been able to realize w'en # use t'em in everyday life& and # 'ave continuously tried to fine*tune t'em. .y top strengt' is ac'iever& and # can see t'is as being a 'uge asset in my group because # will be able to motivate my group members in completing our pro3ect. $'is in turn will be a 'uge asset in my future career c'oice*nursing*and selecting courses for ne)t year because # will be able to ac'ieve anyt'ing t'at # set my mind to. 7obert and .elissa will continue to be a 'elp for my future by providing me wit' t'e skills needed to be t'e best leader possible. see Evidence !*"


Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Astin et al=

HDF 1 !


Four our F"#$% group pro3ects& t'e idea for a grant proposal t'at our group came up wit' was an organization called ".#.F.%.* "eaders #nfluencing Fres'men %)cellence. $'e idea for t'is program was t'at it would be a mentoring program 'ere at 87# for t'e fres'man entering t'e 8niversity. $'is program would bring about social c'ange because it would promote college students working effectively to create social c'ange*providing a safer and more comforting environment for t'e fres'man to be in w'en paired wit' an upperclassman mentor. See Evidence #+"


Students will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C"eaders'ip #dentity Development .odelD by Fomives et al Students will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory. 1Fomives et al= Students will demonstrate knowledge of t'e Strengt's*Development .odel by Hulme et al Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Hulme et al= Student will demonstrate knowledge of be'avior t'eories of leaders'ip from .ic'igan and -'io State

4 .





Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eories 1.ic'igan I -'io State= Student will demonstrate knowledge of 0'arismatic leaders'ip Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory Student will demonstrate knowledge of contingency approac' to leaders'ip by Fiedler Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1Fiedler= Student will demonstrate knowledge of +at'* 5oal t'eory by House Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1House= Student will demonstrate knowledge of "eader .ember %)c'ange 1".J= t'eory Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory Student will demonstrate knowledge of "eaders'ip Substitutes $'eory Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory Student will demonstrate knowledge of .odels of leader emergence Student will describe t'e impact of traits on leaders'ip emergence and performance Student will demonstrate knowledge of 0'aos approac' to leaders'ip by /'eatley Student will describe personal application of t'e above t'eory 1/'eatley=






9 .









Outcome Category: ,nclusive Leadership - Diversity and its Application to Leadership


Target class

Additional Experiences

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


Student will demonstrate 'ow cultural ant'ropology ; paradigms relate to leaders'ip Student will describe personal e)ample of using cultural ant'ropology ; paradigms as a leader Student will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C0ycles of SocializationD 1Harro= t'eory and its uses in leaders'ip Students will demonstrate personal application of t'e C0ycles of SocializationD 1Harro= Student will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C0ycles of "iberationD 1Harro= t'eory and its uses in leaders'ip Student will demonstrate personal application of t'e C0ycles of "iberationD 1Harro= Student will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C0onfiguration of +owerD 1Franklin= and its relations'ip to leaders'ip Student will demonstrate personal application of t'e C0onfiguration of +owerD 1Franklin= Student will demonstrate knowledge of racial identity development via t'e 0ross& Helms or ot'er models 1Ferdman I 5allegos; Fim; Horse; /i3eyesing'e etc.= Student will demonstrate personal application of model1s= of racial identity development above Students will demonstrate knowledge of

: .










.c#ntos',s t'eory of privilege and its relations'ip to leaders'ip > . Student will demonstrate personal application of .c#ntos',s t'eory Student will describe t'e differences and similarities of individual and institutional oppression and relations'ips to leaders'ip Student will s'ow knowledge of effective leaders'ip as it relates to c'ange agency HDF 1 ! Social 0'ange .odel A c'ange agent is a person w'o 'as t'e understanding& motivation& and skills to create a positive c'ange. A c'ange agent epitomizes social c'ange& w'ic' is inclusive and promotes e6uality& social 3ustice and knowledge. A c'ange agent must understand& demonstrate& and possess certain 6ualities including? understanding t'at c'ange is a process& 'aving positive perceptions on c'ange& and demonstrating an ability to influence systems. See Evidence #!" @(. Student will describe personal e)amples of being a c'ange agent HDF 1 ! /elcome Day Ambassador& Social 0'ange .odel #n beginning of t'e (!12 Fall semester of sc'ool 'ere at a 87#& # was able to participate in one of t'e /elcome Days as a "eaders'ip Ambassador. By talking to prospective students& # was able to e)emplify t'at # was a c'ange agent*someone w'o 'as t'e motivation& understanding& and skills to create positive c'ange. /'ile talking to t'e students about t'e "eaders'ip +rogram 'ere at 87#& # would sometimes find t'at t'ey did not 'ave t'e original intention of attending t'e sc'ool. But t'roug' my positive perceptions t'e sc'ool& self* confidence and patience& # was able to influence some of t'e perspective student,s minds about attending 87# for t'eir undergraduate career. See Evidence ##" @2. Student will create a personal code of inclusive leaders'ip Student will demonstrate knowledge of t'e C.odel of #ntercultural SensitivityD by Bennett and its uses in leaders'ip Students will demonstrate personal application of t'e C.odel of #ntercultural SensitivityD by Bennett Student will demonstrate knowledge of t'e ally Action 0ontinuum by 5riffin I Harro Student will demonstrate personal application of t'e Action 0ontinuum by 5riffin I Harro







Outcome Category: Critical


Target class

Additional Experiences F"#$%& 7elational "eaders'ip .odel

Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice


Student will s'ow knowledge of principles of critical t'inking 1logic is used in t'is minor=

HDF 1 !

#n F"#$%& critical t'inking was a component t'at was used in all aspects of t'e class. $o t'ink critically is to apply knowledge t'at 'as been learned to t'e real world& and see 'ow it can be applied to everyday situations. #n F"#$%& we were constantly analyzing 'ow different t'eories of leaders'ip could be applied to life scenarios& and 'ow t'ose leaders'ip models could 'elp us become better leaders. -n instance w'ere critical t'inking was crucial in our class was w'en we were given situations on a card t'at we t'en 'ad to matc' up to a specific component on t'e relational leaders'ip model. For e)ample& if given t'e scenario? Cyour best friend wants to drop a class t'at s'e isn,t doing very well in& w'at would you doLD Someone wit' a card t'at incorporated t'e empowering component of t'e model mig't say somet'ing along t'e lines of lifting t'eir friend up and letting t'em know t'at t'ey can preserver t'roug' t'e toug' times. $o apply t'e components given to t'e scenarios was to t'ink critically about t'e situation. 1See Evidence #$"

@ .

Student will demonstrate proficiency of critical t'inking Student will s'ow knowledge of metap'orical analysis to critically analyze self and leaders'ip situations Student will demonstrate proficiency of metap'orical analysis to critically analyze self and leaders'ip situations Student will s'ow knowledge of at least five decision making met'ods Student will describe personal e)amples of 'aving used five decision making met'ods Student will s'ow knowledge of at least five problem solving ; conflict management met'ods& as well as understanding t'e roots of conflicts Student will describe personal e)amples of 'aving used five problem solving ; conflict management met'ods (if student has been trained in mediation, that information goes







here) :. Student will describe w'at it means to analyze& criticize& synt'esize and utilize information as a leader Student will demonstrate knowledge of leaders'ip t'at is used in crisis Student will describe e)amples of leaders'ip in crisis situations



Outcome Category: ,nterpersonal and Organi/ational Concepts 0 S.ills

Outcome Target class All college courses being taken; HDF 1 ! Additional Experiences Eursing 1!2 Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice

Student will demonstrate knowledge of active listening tec'ni6ues

Active listening is w'en one is able to listen to w'at someone 'as to say& and respond to t'em wit' answers to t'eir 6uestions& advice on t'e situation& or t'eir own opinions about t'e topic. Active listening tec'ni6ues can include eye contact& responding to 6uestions& smiling& and making appropriate gestures. #n my nursing 1!2 class& active listening was a topic t'at we needed to learn& and t'ese tec'ni6ues were e)amples t'at my professor s'ared on 'ow to display active listening. /'en we actively listen to ot'ers& we are able to gain knowledge and become better leaders. See Evidence #%"


Student will describe e)amples of using active listening skills

All college classes being taken; HDF 1 !

Eursing 1!2

#n my nursing 1!2 class& foreign e)c'ange students came into our class to participate in a role*playing scenario. $'e aim for t'e e)ercise was for t'e foreign e)c'ange students to act as patients in a 'ospital w'o did not speak %nglis' very well& w'ile us students were playing t'e role of t'e nurse and practicing w'at to do in t'e situation t'at we were in*provide needs for someone t'at we could not understand very well. #n order to accommodate for t'e Cpatient,sD needs& us students 'ad to practice active listening. $'roug' body language& eye contact& and gestures& t'e nurses were able to s'ow t'e patients t'at we were actively listening& w'ic' made t'em feel more confident in our abilities. See Evidence #&"


Student will demonstrate knowledge of functions of group communication by Hirokawa Student will describe


personal application of functions of group communication 1Hirokawa= 1!2. Student will s'ow knowledge of tec'ni6ues regarding giving and accepting of feedback All courses being taken; HDF 1 ! /riting works'ops #n my /riting 1!4 class& for every assignment t'at we are to turn in& a works'op takes place before'and. #n t'ese works'ops& t'e main goal is to 'ave peer editing done so t'at feedback on t'e papers may be gat'ered. #n order to give t'e best analysis of my peer<s drafts& # need to be aware of t'e tec'ni6ues necessary to give feedback. /'en # review my peer<s paper& # look to find ways in w'ic' t'ey can create a stronger paper t'roug' constructive criticism. #n return& # will revive feedback from my peers about my own paper. # take everyt'ing t'at my peer offers me as constructive criticism& and make sure to take t'eir suggestions& because # know t'at it will 'elp me present t'e best possible version of my papers and myself to my professor. See Evidence #'" 1!4. Student will describe e)amples of giving and accepting feedback. Student will demonstrate knowledge of facilitation and de* briefing tec'ni6ues Student will demonstrate proficiency of facilitation and de* briefing tec'ni6ues Student will demonstrate knowledge of framing and breaking t'e frame Student will demonstrate proficiency of framing and breaking t'e frame Student will s'ow knowledge of organizing meetings ; setting agendas ; and leading meetings HDF 1 ! .iss America appearances #n order to set up meetings& # usually email t'e people necessary to attend t'e meeting t'at is going to take place. As .iss Fingston& # set*up all t'e appearances t'at # attend& and in order to make t'ese meetings work& # need to email all t'e people necessary for t'e event to 'appen. /'en # email coordinators of events t'at # am interested in attending& # 'ave to let t'em know t'at t'e event sparked my interest& and # also 'ave to let t'em know my sc'edule& see if it interferes wit' t'eir& plan out a time and date to meet& as well as a location. # find email to be t'e most efficient way to get t'e task done.





1! .

See Evidence #(" 11!. Student will describe personal e)amples of organizing meetings ; setting agendas ; leading meetings Student will s'ow knowledge of +arliamentary +rocedure Student will s'ow knowledge of tec'ni6ues for working wit' difficult people Student will describe personal e)amples of using tec'ni6ues to work effectively wit' difficult people Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e stages of group development 1$uckman& Bennis or ot'ers= Student will describe personal e)amples of group development in use 1$uckman& Bennis or ot'ers=. Student will s'ow knowledge of group dynamics and group roles Student will describe personal e)amples of group dynamics and








group roles 11@. Student will s'ow knowledge of effective members'ips skills in groups Student will describe personal e)amples of members'ip skills in use Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e 0'allenge and Support t'eory by Sanford& and its relations'ip to organizations Student will describe personal e)amples of using t'e t'eory of 0'allenge and Support 1Sanford= Student will s'ow knowledge of t'e construction ; elements of informative and persuasive speec'es Student will demonstrate proficiency in informative and persuasive public speaking Student will s'ow knowledge of planning and conducting interviews 1as t'e interviewer= All classes being taken; HDF 1 ! HDF 1 !& 0omm 1!! #n bot' my 0ommunication Fundamentals 1!1 class and F"#$%& # 'ad to perform public speaking. For my 0ommunications class& # presented an informative speec' on famous landmarks in France& and gave a persuasive speec' in F"#$% on w'y # am a servant leader. $'ese speec'es were bot' initially a little nerve*wracking& but because # was able to use my strengt' of ac'iever in t'e delivery of bot' my speec'es& # was persevered t'roug' t'e nervousness of public speaking and presented t'e best version of my speec'es possible. See Evidence #)"

11 .







Student will describe personal e)amples of planning and conducting interviews 1as t'e interviewer= Student will s'ow knowledge of preparing for and effective answers in interviews 1as t'e interviewee= Student will describe personal e)amples of preparing for and being interviewed HDF 1 !



HDF 1 !

Mob interviews& club and e)tracurricular activity applications 10ivic %ngagement "eader=& .iss America -rganization

.any people use different tec'ni6ues to prepare for interviews. Because # am involved in t'e .iss America -rganization& # am around woman w'o 'ave to be interviewed all t'e time& and # 'ave learned t'roug' watc'ing t'em w'ic' tec'ni6ues are effective in preparing for an interview. Some people prefer to practice interview 6uestions taken from books& magazines& or t'e internet. $'ey will practice t'em 'undreds of times& until t'ey 'ave reac'ed a point w'ere a 6uestion will no longer take t'em by surprise. 7ecording oneself is anot'er tec'ni6ue t'at # 'ave witnessed; people will record 'ow t'ey are answering 6uestions in order to listen back to w'at t'ey said and perfect it. #n my lifetime& # 'ave 'ad many e)periences in w'ic' # 'ave 'ad to wit' prepare for an interviewed. Some of t'e interviews t'at # 'ave gone to 'ave been about applying for 3obs& e)tracurricular clubs& and e)tracurricular activities. A recent instance of being interviewed occurred a couple weeks ago& w'en # was being interviewed to become a 0ivic %ngagement "eader. Before # went into t'is interview process& # made sure t'at # was mentally prepared for w'at lay a'ead by practicing my skills wit' interview 6uestions t'at # found online. $'is is a ritual t'at # perform every time # am about tot go into an interview process*# make sure t'at # am prepared t'roug' recitation of interview 6uestions. $'is way& # feel more confident in answering 6uestions off t'e cuff and will 'ave a better understanding of 'ow to word my answers in t'e best way possible. Anot'er tec'ni6ue t'at # use to prepare for an interview is visualization. # like to visualize 'ow # imagine t'e scenario playing out in my 'ead& and often times& # am able to perform t'e interview in t'e way t'at 'ad imagined doing so t'roug' visualization. See Evidence #*"


Student will s'ow knowledge of effective collaboration ; coalition building Student will describe personal e)amples of working in collaboratives;coalitio ns Student will s'ow knowledge of #ntercultural communication considerations

1( .



Student will demonstrate proficiency in intercultural communication Student will describe ways to maintain accountability in leaders'ip ; member relations'ips Student will describe personal e)amples related to maintaining accountability as a leader Student will describe ways to build relations'ips between leaders and members Student will describe personal e)amples of building relations'ips wit' members as a leader Student will describe 'ow credibility applies to leaders'ip& as well as t'e c'aracteristics and skills of a credible leader Student will describe personal e)amples of building& maintaining& and repairing 'is;'er own credibility as a leader Student will describe et'ical standards in








influence 12 . Student will describe influence applies to leaders'ip Student will describe principles of effective mentoring& as well as problems particular to t'e mentoring relations'ip



Student will describe personal e)amples of mentoring and being mentored


Student will describe principles of effective peer leaders'ip& as well as problems particular to peer leaders'ip Student will describe personal e)amples related to being a peer leader and being led by peers HDF 1 ! Fl#$% $'e first real e)perience #,ve 'ad wit' being led by a peer leader 'as been t'roug' F"#$%. .y personal peer leader& Becca& 'as really opened my eyes to w'at it means to be a leader of ot'ers. $'roug' 'er guidance and e)ample& # 'ave been able to grow as a leader and watc' 'er grow in turn. Being led by a peer 'as really s'aped me into a well*rounded college student& because # 'ave someone t'at # can always turn to for advice& a s'oulder to cry on& and someone t'at # can talk to about anyt'ing. 1See Evidence $+"



Student will describe t'e four frames of organizations by Bolman and Deal Student will describe


personal application of organizational analysis using t'e four frames of organizations 1Bolman and Deal=

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