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u0K 63 lSSl 133O-1142

$*5, & 8/ 7 85(

8c|oot|I|c aod FroIoss|ooa| ov|ow
vo|. 13, Numbor 1, Juoo, 2007
Pub|ished by
Iho Facu|ty oI Agr|cu|turo |o 0s|jok
31OOO 0sijel, Trg Sv. Trojstva 3
The Repub|ic of Croatia
++385 31 224 2OO
Fax: ++385 31 2O1 O11
Agr|cu|tura| Iost|tuto 0s|jok
31OOO 0sijel, Jutuo predgrae 11
The Repub|ic of Croatia
++385 31 515 5OO
Fax: ++385 31 515 5O9
0sijel, 2OO1.
I|e ,4||cc||c|e |cc|a| cc|||s|| |s ||aced |j I|e V||s||j c| Sc|ece |dcca||c ad Scc||s c|
I|e |ecc|||c c| C|ca||a
The Jourua| of AI6IIE Scieutific aud Professioua| Review is coutiuuator the Jourua| of
E8EA6h AN FA6II6E IN AI6IIE AN F00 IE6hN0I0 that has beeu pub|is-
hed from 1982 to 1994 year.
The Review is pub|ished twice a year iu 3OO copies.
"AI6IIE 8c|oot|I|c aod FroIoss|ooa| ov|ow" is cited by the database:
1. 6A Iotoroat|ooa|
2. AI60IA
3. Nat|ooa| aod o|vors|ty 6roat|ao I|brary
u0K 63 lSSl 133O-1142
$ * 5 , & 8 / 7 8 5 (
8c|oot|I|c aod FroIoss|ooa| ov|ow
vo|. 13, Numbor 1, Juoo, 2007
Papers of 15
luteruatioua| Symposium
0rgao|zod by:
uuiversity of Zagreb, Facu|ty of Agricu|ture, 0epartmeut of Auima| Scieuce, Zagreb, Croatia,
uuiversity of Padova, Facu|ty of Agricu|ture, 0epartmeut of Auima| Scieuce, Padova, lta|y
uuiversity of Kaposvr, Facu|ty of Auima| Scieuce, Kaposvr, huugary
uuiversity of Ljub|jaua, 8iotechuica| Facu|ty, Zootechuica| 0epartmeut, 0omta|e,
odor tho patrooago oI:
Iho M|o|stry oI 8c|ooco Educat|oo aod 8ports oI tho opub||c oI 6roat|a
0s|jok-araoja 6ouoty
!9-2! Septem6et 200I
1os/p 1ataj Sttossma,et Ja/cets/t, of 0s/jek, Itg Sc.Itojstca 3
0s/jek, 0toat/a
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1)
0rgao|z|og 6omm|ttoo
6ordaua Kra|il
0rateu 8arlovi
lvau 8ogut
Tihomir F|orijaui
V|ado 6uberac
Souja Jovauovac
6orau Kusec
Zdeulo Louari
Autuu Petrievi
6oord|oat|oo 6omm|ttoo
6ordaua Kra|il, Croatia
Autuu Petrievi, Croatia
lvau Juri, Croatia
Marija ili, Croatia
Me|iuda Kovcs, huugary
6bor Mi|isits, huugary
6iu|io Co//i, lta|y
Martiuo Cassaudro, lta|y
6ero|amo Xiccato, lta|y
Si|vester Zgur, S|oveuia
0ragomir Kompau, S|oveuia
Staue Kavi, S|oveuia
t. Pat, M. Loct/aoc, M. Njacto.
CR0ATlAl FlShERY hARM0llZATl0l 0F RE6uLATl0lS Al0 h0W T0 ACCESS Eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0. 8ompaa.
FARM AllMAL 8REE0ll6 Al0 REPR00uCTl0l TEChl0L06Y ll Eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
P. 6ata/, 6. 1aaast, 6. 8ema,.
ThE PR0M0Tl0l 0F EuR0PEAl EC0S0ClAL M00EL T0 ThE 0EVEL0PMElT 0F hul6ARlAl
A6RlCuLTuRAL EMPL0YMElT Al0 RuRAL AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
F. 8a//we/t, Matt/aa heaa/ag, J. 8aa/a/a.
RECElT MARKET RE0ulREMElTS F0R P0RK 0uALlTY ll 6ERMAlY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
M. 0assaadto, 0a/ata 0a/c/t, F. Zaaett/, M. 0e Matca/, 8. 0a/ Zotto.
6ElETlC ASPECTS 0F MlLK C0A6uLATl0l PR0PERTlES ll 0AlRY CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O
M. 8aste//c.
T0 ThE Eu: ThE CASE STu0Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Zsf/a t/ga, Petta 6,oca/, L. 0sat, 4. 8okot, 1. Fatkas, /. Nag,.
EFFECT 0F ll8REE0ll6 0l L0ll Al0 FAT 0EPTh ll hul6ARlAl LAl0RACE Pl6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8. Sa/ajpa/, Mat/ja /k/, 0. 8ato/,/, 1adtaaka Sat/aa, M. Matkoc/, 8. L/ket.
EFFECT 0F MC4R P0LYM0RPhlSM 0l PhYSl0L06lCAL STRESS RESP0lSE ll Pl6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Matjeta Fatmaa, Spe/a Ma/octa, Saso Secet, M//eaa 8oca.
ThE EFFECT 0F 6El0TYPE Al0 SEX 0l P0RK 0uALlTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
0s. Sta6, 4.1.M. 1aasmaa, L. 8a6/astk,, M.W.4. tetstegea.
PERF0RMAlCE Al0 ChEMlCAL 800Y C0MP0SlTl0l 0F FATTElll6 Pl6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
F. Iag//ap/etta, t. 8oadesaa, M. 0a/ Maso, F//aaa Sca/acoa, Mat/aaaa Meteada, 4aaa//sa Stefaa/,
S. Sca/acoa.
CARCASS 0uALlTY Al0 llTR06El EXCRETl0l 0F hEAVY Pl6S ll Al 0R6AllC FARM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6. 8asec 6otdaaa 8ta//k, /coaa atk/a, 4. Pett/ec/, 0aa/ca haatek.
FACT0RS 0lSCRlMllATll6 8ETWEEl 0lFFERElT P0RK 0uALlTY C0l0lTl0lS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6. 8asec, /coaa atk/a, 4. Pett/ec/, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, Z/ata Ma/tat, t. Matgeta, 0aa/ca haatek.
E0uATl0lS F0R LEAl ShARE ESTlMATl0l ll SWllE CARCASSES ll CR0ATlA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O
Po/oaa Ftajmaa, P. 0oc.
C0lSTRuCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
M. Njacto, t. Pat, 0tateaka P/esko.
LlVEST0CK llSuRAlCE AS A RlSK MAlA6EMElT T00L 0l 0AlRY FARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
468/0JLIJ8F 12:2OO1 (1)
8etka Logat, Spe/a Ma/octa, M//eaa 8oca.
ll SL0VEllAl CATTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Mat/ja Speaat, Spe/a Ma/octa, tesaa 8a//, Z. /ck/, M//eaa 8oca.
Net/ka Pett/, M. epoa, S. Zgat.
RESuLTS 0F 8EEF CARCASS 6RA0ll6 ll SL0VEllA FR0M 1991 T0 2OO6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6. 0ott/, 4. Matteaga.
SlLA6E llCLuSl0l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Matta 8tsc/c, F/ac/aaa 6ottatdo, 4. Matteaga, 6. 0ott/.
REARll6 SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O3
8. Potoa/k, M. Stepec, 1. 8tsa/k.
ll8REE0ll6 Al0 ll8REE0ll6 0EPRESSl0l ll SL0VEllAl h0LSTEll P0PuLATl0l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1O1
Mojca S/m/, M. epoa.
FACT0RS AFFECTll6 ACTuAL Al0 A0JuSTE0 9O-0AY, 2O5-0AY Al0 365-0AY WEl6hT 0F ChAR0LAlS
CALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
8. Iota/, h.Z.h. Iawee/, S. Iamm/aga.
13C-ACETATE ll 6RAZll6 LACTATll6 0AlRY C0WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
S. Zgat, M. epoa.
Al0 8R0Wl 8uLLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12O
0a/ata 0a/c/t, 8. 0a/ Zotto, M. 0e Matca/, M. 0assaadto.
6ElETlC Al0 PR00uCTlVE ChARACTERlZATl0l 0F ThE 8uRLllA CATTLE 8REE0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
M. a/, N. 8ota6/, M/tjaaa 8a6aa, 0. 1aks/.
6ElETlC AlALYSlS 0F PuRE ARA8lAl 8REE0ll6 ll ThE REPu8LlC 0F CR0ATlA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
0. Iet/, S. Zgat, 1. Sa/o6/t, 4atoa/ja ho/cmaa.
EVALuATl0l 0F 6R0WTh Al0 CARCASS TRAlTS 8ETWEEl 42 Al0 58 0AYS 0F A6E ll ChlCKElS
0lVER6ElTLY SELECTE0 F0R 800Y WEl6hT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
1. Iossea6etget, t. ha/as, 8. Mast, /. 8aaa, L. 8a6/astk,.
lMPACT 0F PhYTASE SuPPLEMElTATl0l 0l ThE CALCluM Al0 Ph0SPh0RuS RETElTl0l ll hl6h
PR00uCll6 LAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Z. Sktt/, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, Z/ata 6ajec/.
6R0WTh EVALuATl0l 0F TuRKEY hEAVY hY8Rl0 8Y MEAlS 0F ASYMMETRlC S-FulCTl0l . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4age/a 0/c/d/a/, 0. 8ompaa, S. Zgat.
ChARACTERlSTlCS 0F AuT0ChTh0l0uS JEZERSK0-S0LAVA 8REE0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1)
6a6t/e//a 1ekke/, 6. M///s/ts, /. Nag,.
EFFECTS 0F FL00R TYPE Al0 ST0CKll6 0ElSlTY 0l ThE 8EhAVl0uR M00ES 0F 6R0Wll6 RA88lTS . . . 15O
6,. 8atat, Z. Pt/act, 6a6t/e//a 1ekke/, L. Locsmaad/, 6a6t/e//a 4adtass,-8aka, 6,. 86ct,
Zs. Steadt}, 8. 8omcat/.
llRS PRE0lCTl0l F0R PR0TEll Al0 llTRAMuSCuLAR FAT C0lTElT 0F RA88lT hll0 LE6 MEAT . . . . . . . 155
/. 8ogat, F//ta6eta has-Sca6a, Z. 4damek, ta/eat/aa 8ajkoc/, 0a//da 6a/oc/.
ChlR0l0MuS PLuM0SuS LARVAE - A SulTA8LE luTRlElT F0R FREShWATER FARME0 FlSh . . . . . . . . . . 159
t. Matgeta, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, 6. 8asec, J. 8aa/a/a.
ALL0METRlC 6R0WTh 0F TlSSuES ll Pl6 hAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
0aa/je/a 8atko, . Sea/, Z. 4ataaoc/, Matce/a Spetaada, Z. Ste/aet.
El0Al6ERE0 8REE0S ll ThE ll000R Al0 0uT000R KEEPll6 SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Mat/ja /k/, 8. Sa/ajpa/, 0. 8ato/,/, 0. /k/, Mat/ja Pac/, /. 1at/.
ChARACTERlSTlCS 0F FEMuR Al0 huMERuS ll TuR0P0LJE Pl6 Al AuT0ChTh0l0uS
CR0ATlAl 8REE0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
0. 8ato/,/, 8. Sa/ajpa/, 6. 8/s, Mat/ja /k/, /. 1at/.
llFLuElCE 0F FlllShll6 0lET 0l FATTY ACl0 PR0FlLE 0F L0l6lSSlMuS MuSCLE 0F 8LACK
SLAV0llAl Pl6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
S//c/a M/ote//o, F. Iag//ap/etta, 4. S/moaetto, t. 8oadesaa, Lac/a 8a//oa/.
llFRA-VlTAM PERF0RMAlCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18O
S. Segato, Stefaa/a 8a/taa, 0at/a 4ttatta F//a, 4t/adae 6taaata, Laata L/ga/tto, S. Ieat/,
/. 4adt/gaetto, F. Noce///.
0uALlTY 0F 0AlRY PR00uCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8ota//a tetoa/ka Sa/amoa, 8ata//a Lk/, St/da/a Sa/amoa, P. Sata, 8eata 4/6ett, Z. Maadok/, 1aaosa
0sap, 4a/k 6,}t/, Z. 6,}t/, 1. 0sap.
TEChl0L06Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
0s///a 4/6ett, 6a6t/e//a Poaa, 8ata//a Lk/, St/da/a Sa/amoa, 8eata 4/6ett, P. Sata, Z. Maadok/,
1aaosa 0sap, 1. 0sap.
EFFECT 0F MlCR00R6AllSMS 0l FREE AMll0 ACl0 Al0 FREE 0-Mll0 ACl0 C0lTElTS 0F
VARl0uS 0AlRY PR00uCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
F. Zaaett/, 0a/ata 0a/c/t, M. 0e Matca/, 8. 0a/ Zotto, M. 0assaadto.
MlCR0SATELLlTE MARKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
0. 8ocaec/, 8. Mastaajec/, 8t/st/aa Samaa, L/ad/ta 0eta,.
EFFECT 0F P0LY0EXTR0SE Al0 -CARRA6EElAl 0l lllTlAL FREEZll6 P0llT 0F ChlCKEl SuRlMl . . . . . . 2O1
Z. 1aaje/, S. Mat/c.
PhEl0TYPlC TRAlTS ll ZA60RJE TuRKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O5
468/0JLIJ8F 12:2OO1 (1)
6. M///s/ts, Fmese 8ocacs, L. Locsmaad/, 4. Sta6, 6a6t/e//a 4adtass,-8aka, 6a6t/e//a 1ekke/,
8. 8omcat/.
APPLlCA8lLlTY 0F ThE T08EC METh00 ll SELECTl0l 0F hEl'S E66S 8ASE0 0l ThElR C0MP0SlTl0l . . . 2O9
t. 0adacet, Saadta. 8odt/gaes, 4. Ie/xe/ta.
ThE uSE 0F uLTRAS0l06RAPhY T0 PRE0lCT CARCASS C0MP0SlTl0l ll Kl0S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
0. 8/s, I. 1at/, N. toa, 0aska at/, M. Maadat/.
REC0lSTRuCTl0l 0F EXlSTll6 LlVEST0CK FEE0 PR00uCTl0l PLAlTS 8Y A00ll6 A hY0RAuLlC
A00ER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
6otdaaa 0ak/, 0. 0ak/, M. Sesat.
MAlA6EMElT SuPP0RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
I. F/ot/jaa/, 4. 0paak, 4. Mat/aca//, Z. 1aa/ck/, Z. Paskad/ja, /. 8oskoc/, 8. 4ataaoc/.
0CCuRRElCE 0F FASCl0L0l00SlS ll RE0 0EER (CERVuS ELAPhuS) ll 8ARAlJA RE6l0l ll EASTERl
CR0ATlA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Z. Paskad/ja, Fd/ta Stefaa/, 4. M/j/, Z. Zdaa/, Nada Patadt/koc/, I. F/ot/jaa/, 4. 0paak.
llFLuElCE 0F WEAThER C0l0lTl0lS 0l h0lEY 8EE VlSlTS (Apis me||ifera caruica) 0uRll6 SulFL0WER
(he|iauthus auuuus L.) 8L00Mll6 PERl00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23O
Z. Iacak, M. Pet/sk/, M. Skt/caako, 4aastat/ja 8oajatec/.
ThE llFLuElCE 0F ThE 80TAllC 0Rl6ll 0F h0lEY PLAlTS 0l ThE 0uALlTY 0F h0lEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1)
lu the Repub|ic of Croatia fishery has more thau
1OOO years of traditiou. Furthermore, fishery has beeu,
traditioua||y, oue of the most importaut ecouomic activi-
ties for the popu|atiou of Croatiau iu coasta| aud is|aud
regiou. So far, Croatiau iustitutious have uot deve|oped
euough fishery faci|ities which caused the mismatchiug
betweeu curreut situatiou aud Eu demauds. lustead of
the compreheusive aud ba|auced activities, deve|op-
meut iu the coasta| regiou, partia| sector deve|opmeut
has beeu couducted. Siguificaut comp|icated factor is
|acl of the data aud iudicators from the past as we||.
The both, 6overumeut of the Repub|ic of Croatia
aud a|| Croatiau par|iameut parties, have expressed cou-
seusus of uucouditioua| agreemeut of iutegratiou of the
Repub|ic of Croatia iu Europeau uuiou Membership. The
Croatiau accessiou to Eu has beeu iuteusified iu Apri|
2OO4 by Europeau Couuci| 0ecisiou (2OO4)215 ou part-
uership with re|atiou Repub|ic of Croatia iu which priuci-
p|es, priorities aud couditious for the Eu iutegratious
have beeu defiued. Thereafter, Croatiau 6overumeut has
iuteusified its activities to accomp|ish a|| the couditious
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 9-13
(l ||0. l|e|cs|a. |a| 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. ||0. Va||c ||a.|c 4ss|s|a|
|acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| a|e| |a|c Vaaece|
0eca||ce| S.e|cs|ccs|a c. 25 0000 a|e| C|ca||a. (2l Va||c
|c.||c. e\|es|cs ae| ||s|e|j C|ca||a a||cc||c|a| e\|es|c |s|||c
|e (C4||l eca||. .ca|@a|.||
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 639.2(491.5)(4-61Eu)
AN h0W I0 A66E88 E!
t. Pat, M. Loct/aoc, M. Njacto
|e.|e cace|
Pto6/ems /a 0toat/aa f/saet, taat /mpacts oa /ow compet/t/ceaess wete we// kaowa
ecea 6efote aatmoa/tat/oa ptocess statt. FJ access/oa ptocess pat ecea add/t/oa
empaas/s oa tae meat/oaed pto6/em. /a fact, /acteas/ag compet/t/ceaess ftom eqaa/
s/taat/oa fot matket patt/c/paats /s oae of tae 6as/c faact/oas of tae FJ tega/at/oa aat-
moa/tat/oa /a tae access/oa ptocess. /t /s a/ga/, /ategtated matket eac/toameat aad
extteme/, demaad/ag dae to a/ga /ece/ of Fatopeaa matket aotms. Lega/ 6as/s of tae
ptocess, aad at tae same t/me ct/tet/a fot 0toat/aa /ega//tat/oa assessmeat, aace 6eea
detetm/aed dat/ag scteea/ag paase- caaptet !3-f/saet,.
8es/de aatmoa/tat/oa, caaages ate aecessat, /a pa,s/ca/ caatactet/st/cs aad spat/a/
te/at/oasa/ps, pt/mat, assat/ag atea fot f/sa d/scaatge oa tae patt of tae ftoat. /t
/acteases f/saetmea secat/t,, maa/pa/at/oa w/ta a f/sa /s eas/et, t/sk of coatam/aat/oa
/s /ow, coatto/ aad comp//aaces w/ta tae f/sa ttade staadatds accotd/ag to tae FJ staa-
datds aad tega/at/oas ate eaa6/ed.
Iae papet a/ms to aaa/,te aat/oaa/ docameats aad acqa/s /a f/sa ttade {0ommoa
Matket 0tgaa/sat/oa, 0ommoa F/saet, Po//c,/ aad detetm/ae aeeds fot aatmoa/tat/oa
6etweea 0toat/aa aad FJ /aws aad /attodact/oa of tae 0M0 measates. Iae papet /ad/-
cates aecessat, act/c/t/es /a aatmoa/tat/oa of tega/at/oas aad ptoposed /ast/tat/oaa/
aad adm/a/sttat/ce caaages.
0ae to a6seace of tega/at/oa, caaages /a 0toat/aa f/saet, sectot w/// aot 6e coadacted
ptopet/, aad coaseqaeat/, /t woat aace eqaa/ caaaces oa tae FJ matket. Iaetefote
ta/s sa6ject aeeds to 6e /ac/aded /a gocetameata/ pt/ot/t/es w/ta tae o6ject/ce to assa-
te /ega/ 6as/s fot adeqaate /aftasttactate aad saptasttactate.
Iae tesa/ts pteseated ate a patt of tae teseatca coadacted dat/ag aataots wotk oa tae
F/saet, /aftasttactate /a accotdaace w/ta FJ acqa/s feas/6///t, stad,.
8e,-wotds. Lega/ tega/at/oas, 0ommoa Matket 0tgaa/sat/oa, 0ommoa F/saet, Po//c,,
0toat/aa f/saet,
of EC 0ecisiou, which wou|d eusure Croatiau aud Eu
acquis commuuautaire harmouisatiou.
The Commou Fishery Po|itics (CFP) is used as a
uext |ega| frameworl for fishery. however, CFP is dyua-
mic aud requires the permaueut chauges. lu spite of the
prob|ems that occasioua||y emerge with CFP euforce-
meut, fishery deve|opmeut approach based ou couside-
ratiou of fishery resources as uatura|, movab|e, reuewa-
b|e aud whose reproductiou is beyoud our coutro|
shou|d be accepted. These resources are a part of our
heritage, heuce, their ratioua| use with hea|thy euvirou-
meut cousideratiou shou|d be accomp|ished.
The successfu| harmouisatiou, pre-accessiou cou-
ditious accomp|ishmeut aud efficieut fishery po|icy
mauagemeut cauuot be expected without au adequate
iuformatiou support. Curreut|y, |ot of iuformatiou sour-
ces aud bases of Eu acquis harmoui/atiou exist. The |ist
of stipu|atiou aud regu|atiou of agricu|ture aud fishery
has beeu used for the Croatiau fishery iuformatiou pur-
pose (
The secoudary sources of Eu |aw for the Eu |ega|
frameworl of the Fishery segmeut iusight (|ega| acts
that are set by Eu iustitutious aud three Eu bases: three
commuuities (Europeau Commuuity, Europeau
Commuuity for the carbou aud stee| aud Europeau
Commuuity for the Atomic Euergy, Commou foreigu aud
security po|icy as we|| as cooperatiou ou the |aw aud
home affairs po|icy) have beeu used.
The research is based ou the iuveutori/atiou aud
qua|ity aua|ysis of the Repub|ic of Croatia aud Eu |egis-
|atiou aud comparisou of the |ega| services of the fishery
|aws aud regu|atious harmoui/atiou.
Each researcher dea|iug with this research object
preseut|y fiuds that data he co||ects defiue the research
methodo|ogy that shou|d be app|ied. 8asica||y, the sim-
p|e method has beeu used for estimatiou of required
Croatia aud acquis commuuautaireom harmoui/atiou,
comp|iauce with Stabi|isatiou aud lutegratiou Agree-
First|y, the oversight of |ega| act of Croatia aud
Europeau uuiou iu the fishery segmeut has beeu made.
Furthermore, co||ected data has beeu orgaui/ed aud
systemi/ed. usiug descriptive aua|ysis approach, the
qua|ity aua|ysis of Croatiau aud Eu |egis|atiou has beeu
couducted. To do this tasl efficieut|y, the most re|evaut
|ega| acts have beeu se|ected with aim to avoid precou-
ceptiou aud prejudice.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
At the begiuuiug of 1999 the 6overumeut of the
Repub|ic of Croatia decided to iuitiate a process of
vo|uutary based estimatiou of harmoui/atiou of curreut
|egis|atiou with Eu acquis commuuaitare that wi|| acce-
|erate the uext iutegratiou process as we|| as further
deve|opmeut of coutractua| re|atiouship. The aua|ysis of
|eve| of harmoui/atiou has beeu made usiug 23 chapters
of acquis. The uudefiued fie|ds has beeu ideutified (the
pub|ic support measure, cousumer protectiou) as we||
as |egis|atiou harmoui/atiou |eve| iu other segmeuts. The
first estimatiou was based for further |egis|atiou harmo-
The |ast phase re|ated to the |egis|atiou comparisou
has beeu euded iu the previous year for the chapter 13
- Fishery. The uegotiatiou preparatiou team members
started to mauage actiou p|aus aud uegotiatiou directiou
defiuitiou before the officia| uegotiatiou process at the
fishery chapter has beguu. lutegratiou of the fishery iu
CFP frameworl requires a good curreut situatiou e|abo-
ratiou aud defiuiug the possibi|ities of this sector iute-
gratiou iu detai|ed Eu |egis|atiou aud app|iauce of CFP
(Commou Fishery Po|icy) aud CM0 (Commou Marlet
Iho oat|ooa| documoots oxc|us|vo|y ro|atod to
I|shory rospoct (|oga| Iramowork |o 6roat|a}
The majority of |imitatiou that uuab|e estab|ishmeut
of effective agricu|ture aud fishery has a|ready beeu
detected withiu the uatioua| documeut The Strategy of
Agricu|ture aud Fishery of the Repub|ic of Croatia (55
sessiou of the 6overumeut of the Repub|ic of Croatia,
Ju|y 11
2OO3). The estab|ishmeut of orgaui/ed fish tra-
diug is ou|y oue part of this program. lt a|so cousists of
estab|ishmeut aud moderui/atiou of the fishiug f|eet,
deve|opmeut of the fishiug ports aud docls uetworl,
sustaiuab|e aquacu|ture deve|opmeut as we|| as fishiug
stuff educatiou aud cooperatives formatiou support.
The latioua| program specifies settiug of the
uu|oadiug fish |ocatious, co||ectiug ceutres, redemptiou
fish statious, who|esa|es marlets aud, as a fiua| act,
auctiou tradiug aud who|esa|e commodities exchauges.
Strategic documeuts which defiue the sector of fis-
hery aud fish tradiug are as |isted:
4 S||a|ej c| a||cc||c|e ad ||s|e|j c| ||e |ecc|||c
c| C|ca||a (9|||c|a| ace||e c| ||e |ecc|||c c| C|ca||a |c
. I|e a||ca| c|c|ac c| ||s| c|cdcc||c ad cc
sccc||c | ||e |ecc|||c c| C|ca||a 55
c| ||e c.e|ce| c| ||e |ecc|||c c| C|ca||a
2. I|e |a c Va||||ce ||s|| (c|||c|a| ace||e |c
/4/94. 5//90. 40/9/ 48/05l
3. C|ca||as |cc|c|ca| ad ||s|e||es ||c|ec||c ce
dec|a|ed |j C|ca||a ca|||ace| c 9c|c|e|3
4. |a c 4cedce| c| |a c Va||||ce ||s||
(9|||c|a| ace||e |c 48 4c||| 3
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 9-13
l. |a| e|. a|.. 60AIIAN FI8hE - hAM0NIZAII0N 0F EIAII0N8 AN h0W ...
5. |ec|a||c c ||e cccce|c|a| ||ade c| ||e ||s| ad
ca||e c|a|sc (9|||c|a| ace||e |c 30
0ecec|e| 8
0. |a c ||es| wa|e| ||s|| (9|||c|a| ace||e
00/0 /4/04 0/05l
/. Cccce|c|a| Ccde (9|||c|a| ace||e /90 0/98
30/99 /5/99 /0/99 02/0 09/0 49/03
03/03 /0/03.l
8. |a c le|e||a|j Ved|c|e (9|||c|a| ace||e
/0/9/ 05/0 /2/03l
9. |a c Va||||ce 0cca| ad Seacc||s (9|||c|a|
ace||e |c 58/03l
0. |ec|a||c c |e|cs ad ccda|||j c| c|de| ca|
|a|| | seacc||s ad c||e| ||e|a| ca||||ce
sc||ace ad |e||||c||a| a|e|s c| |ecc|||c c|
C|ca||a (9|||c|a| ace||e 90/05l
. 0||ec||.e c seacc||s c|ass||j| |c| cc|||c ||as
cc||a||c cc|ccse ad ||e scec|a| cc|ccsed sea
cc||s (9|||c|a| ace||e 0/04l
2. 0ec|ee (9|||c|a| ace||e 3//90 90/90 02/90
2/9/ 5/9/ 3//9/ 8/9/ 2/98 30/0 3/02
30/03 50/04 59/04l |j ||c| seacc||s |a.e
|ee c|ass|||ed |c| ||e cc|||c ||ascc||a||c cc|
ccse. || de||ed seacc||s |e|e c ||e cce|a||.e
ccas|a| ca||s ||s|| ||ee| ca dc ||e ca|cc|a||.e
ac||.|||es (c|cad| |cad| se|.|ces c|c.|s|c
3. |ccd |a (9|||c|a| ace||e 3//90 90/90 02/90
2/9/ 5/9/ 3//9/ 8/9/ 2/98 30/0 3/02
30/03 50/04 59/04l. || de||es |j|e|c s|a
da|ds ad |ea||| .a||d||j c| ca||||ce c|cdcc|s. ||
|s ccs|s|ed c| a|| c|cdcc||c c|ases |ccd c|c
ceed| ad d|s||||c||c.
0vorv|ow oI E |og|s|at|oo aod tho ma|o pr|oc|-
p|os ro|atod to 6M0 aod 6FF
The Commou Fishery Po|icy iu force has beeu iui-
tiated iu 1992 (Couuci| Regu|atiou, EEC, lo 316O/92 iu
0ecember 2O
1992 estab|ishiug a Commuuity system
for fisheries aud aquacu|ture). Eu has passed a |ist of
regu|atious that iuvo|ves fishery cousideratiou from
1992 ti|| those days. however, the existiug mauagemeut
system proved to be iuefficieut whi|e fishery situatiou
has mauy prob|ems regard|ess Eu existiug iustrumeuts.
The first commou measures ou fishery sector
emerge at 191O. Those measures have estab|ished
regu|atious ou seaports, marlet aud support access. For
the sma|| ship surviva| purpose, coasta| regiou was
reserved for the |oca| fishermeu that traditioua||y exist-
ed ou these |ocatious. The commou measure of fish aud
other maritime orgauism tradiug has beeu accepted.
The structura| po|icy was directed iu order of ship aud
iufrastructure moderui/atiou.
Those measures become eveu more siguificaut iu
1916 wheu the couutries members, fo||owiug iuteruatio-
ua| treuds, decided to expaud maritime rights from 12 to
2OO uautica| mi|es from the coast. lu 1983, after uego-
tiatious' processes, the Commou Fishery Po|icy (CFP)
has beeu dec|ared. Couuci| 0irective 83/515/EEC of
0ctober 4
1983 was couceruiug certaiu measures to
adjust capacity of the fisheries sector.
Today, CFP ueeds to provide usage of |ive aquatic
uatura| resources that eusures sustaiuab|e ecouomic,
eco|ogica| aud socia| couditious. For that purpose, Eu
gradua||y iuc|udes measures for he uatura| |ive resour-
ces protectiou, which eusure its sustaiuab|e exp|oitatiou
aud miuima| iuf|ueuce ou maritime fishery. lt shou|d |ead
to progressive app|iauce of eco|ogica||y based fishery
mauagemeut approach. The CFP aim is to support effi-
cieut fishery activities withiu ecouomica||y accepted
aud competitive fishery aud aquacu|ture as we|| as
eusure satisfied |ive staudard for a|| fishery activities
participauts cousideriug the cousumers' iuterest.
Commou measures refer to maiu areas: a)
Euviroumeut protectiou aud fishiug iuf|ueuce restrictiou
to the euviroumeut (protectiou of euviroumeut by fishiug
coutro| aud regu|atiou, provisiou of reproductiou of
youug fish aud pursuit of regu|atiou aud protectiou), b)
structura| bacl-up aud fishery f|eet guidauce (assis-
tauce to fishiug iudustry aud aquacu|ture iudustry iu
equipmeut adjustmeut aud resources aud marlet orgau-
i/atious, The goa| is to male the ba|auce betweeu fis-
hermeu's efforts aud uatura| resources), c) Marlet
(Maiutaius of commou fish marlet orgaui/atiou aud fis-
hery products aud comp|iauce of mauufactures aud cou-
sumer's couditious) aud d) Re|atious betweeu couutries
out of Eu (Estab|ishmeut of partuer's arraugemeut aud
uegotiatious ou iuteruatioua| |eve| withiu regioua| aud
iuteruatioua| fishiug orgaui/atious for commou protec-
tiou of deep sea fishiug).
Commou fishiug aud aqua cu|tura| product marlet
orgaui/atiou has beeu defiued by Couuci| Regu|atiou
(EC) lo 1O4/2OOO of 0ecember 11
1999 ou the com-
mou orgauisatiou of the marlets iu fishery aud aquacu|-
ture products Commissiou Regu|atiou (EC) lo
2318/2OO1 of lovember 29
2OO1 |ayiug dowu detai|ed
ru|es for the app|icatiou of Couuci| Regu|atiou (EC) lo
1O4/2OOO as regards the recoguitiou of producer orgaui-
satious iu the fishery aud aquacu|ture sector. Joiut mar-
let orgaui/atiou of fishery products which iuc|udes price
system aud commou ru|es of marlet competitiou has
beeu estab|ished by this Couuci| lo 1O4/2OOO.
The major goa|s of CM0 are: App|iauce of CM0 for
sustaiuab|e fishiug promotiou, optima| usage of fishery
products, iuc|udiug direct mauufacturers iu marlet |ea-
dership, better iuformatiou about qua|ity, iutegratiou
promotiou aud marlet trauspareucy by cooperatiou of
a|| participauts iu the marlet, promotiou assurauce of
fresh fishery products aud qua|ity augmeutatiou,
Regu|atious of security aud geuesis of product, joiut
marlet qua|ity staudards ou the who|e commuuity |eve|,
vo|uutary fishermeu's a||iauce-mauufacturer's orgaui/a-
tious which cau he|p to marlet stabi|i/atiou aud their
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 9-13
l. |a| e|. a|.. 60AIIAN FI8hE - hAM0NIZAII0N 0F EIAII0N8 AN h0W ...
ro|e iu suddeu marlet chauges, defiuiug of product's
miuimum price be|ow which fish cau be restraiut of the
marlet aud commerce ru|es with third couutries.
lu 0ctober (0ctober 9
2OO2) a proposa| aud actiou
p|au for chauges ou Mediterraueau area has beeu deve-
|oped, ou Eu suggestiou (2OO2/535/EC: Commissiou
0ecisiou of Juue 28
2OO2 ou the use of three s|augh-
terhouses, iu accordauce with the provisious of poiut 1
of Auuex ll to Couuci| 0irective 92/119/EEC, by lta|y
(Text with EEA re|evauce). Co operatioua| dimeusiou
(AdriaMed, MedSudMed, CopeMed), withiu which has
beeu orgaui/ed the researches is especia||y poiuted out
iu this decisiou.
The right positiou of fishiug activities iu area has
beeu siguificaut for its sustaiuabi|ity. The artic|e which
iuc|udes mauagemeut measures for sustaiu exp|oitatiou
fishery resources iu Mediterraueau has beeu estab|is-
hed ou 0ecember 21
2OO6 (Couuci| Regu|atiou (EC)
lo 1961/2OO6 of couceruiug mauagemeut measures for
the sustaiuab|e exp|oitatiou of fishery resources iu the
Mediterraueau Sea, ameudiug Regu|atiou (EEC) lo
2841/93 aud repea|iug Regu|atiou (EC) lo 1626/94).
Especia||y importaut for Croatia is revisiou of Eu
couuci| (Couuci| Regu|atiou (EC) lo 1626/94 of 21 Juue
1994 |ayiug dowu certaiu techuica| measures for the
couservatiou of fishery resources iu the Mediterraueau)
aud decisiou of uew techuica| measures iu ship |apse
regu|atiou aud uew system of mouitoriug aud statistics
iu Mediterraueau (with specia| acceut to i||ega||y fishiug
harmoo|zat|oo oI |og|s|at|oo oI tho opub||c oI
6roat|a accordaoco to E aod |otroduc|og 6M0
The aua|ysis of Croatiau |egis|atiou cohereuce with Eu
|egis|atiou has showu:
0iscrepaucies to Eu aquis iu a segmeut of fishery,
re|ated to marletiug po|icy, coutro||iug aud
harmoui/atiou of officia| frameworl requires regio-
ua| ueeded couteut defiuitiou
ludetermiuate positiou of fishery coasta| iufra-
structure aud, as a cousequeuce, iuabi|ity of uee-
ded couteut updatiug
uudefiued situatiou of area coustructiou project
resu|tiug couf|icts with other c|ieut.
Withiu CM0 coutexts, a priority of harmoui/atiou
shou|d be directed toward two basic provisious:
- Provisiou ou Producers 0rgaui/atiou that shou|d
give some c|ear ru|es about estab|ishiug aud ope-
ratiug. lt shou|d iuc|ude basic e|emeuts as fo|-
|ows: au acceptauce of Producer 0rgaui/atiou,
operative project cousisted of produciug p|au,
marletiug strategy, procedures for p|au coufirma-
tiou, periodic reports aud app|iauce of fiuaucia|
- Provisiou ou commou marlet staudards aud cou-
sumer iuformatiou, which wou|d iuc|ude some
detai|ed ru|es. The provisiou iuc|usiou shou|d be
gradua| but aim to staudard homogeuisatiou for
the who|e Eu |eve|. Some commercia| fish cate-
gories are targeted for iuterveutiou measure spe-
cies |ist. They use differeut marliug form, heuce,
dua| marliug cau be proposed. There is uo stau-
dard provisiou for the species that are uot iuc|u-
ded ou species |ist withiu CM0 provisious, there-
fore, staudardi/atiou is maiu|y re|ated to the fresh-
uess categori/atiou.
Prerequisites for CM0 euforcemeut are: (1) P0
orgaui/atiou siuce they are fouudatiou of CM0 system
aud po|icy, 2) fuuctioua| ageucy system for paymeut
aud admiuistratiou, 3) Accreditatiou of paymeut ageucy
(1258/1999 aud 1663/95)-procedures, accouutaucy,
coutro||iug system, revisiou, etc., 4) iuformatiou-proces-
siug system for data co||ectiou.
To male sure that fishery marlet cou|d fuuctiou
cougrueut|y with Eu staudards it is uecessary to have
three strategic goa|s: 1) settiug up the sea port iufra-
structure for fishery, 2) admiuistratiou of fish marlet
aud 3) settiug up mauufacturers' orgaui/atiou.
Se||| cc ||e sea cc|| |||as||cc|c|e |c| ||s|e|j
P|ace to uu|oad aud |ocatiou for fishiug boats, it is pos-
sib|e to improve a|ready existiug ports aud to bui|d uew
ports with specia| a||ocatiou that are reserved ou|y for
fishery. lt is required to iutroduce ob|igatiou for couces-
siouaire to male sure that there are euough space
withiu ports for fishiug boats.
4dc||s||a||c c| ||s| ca||e| 8y a|ready existiug
subjects ou the fish marlet it is uecessary to orgaui/e
big pub|ic marlet p|ace which shou|d offer better choice
possibi|ity, aud therefore, eusure better aud bigger com-
petitiou, aud, ou the other haud, to reduce the uumber of
midd|e meu ou the marlet. The fouudatiou of pub|ic mar-
let p|ace shou|d be rea|i/ed with 6overumeut support.
The support shou|d be assigued to fishery associatiou
aud to |oca| admiuistratious a|so, which shou|d eusure
the ro|e of pub|ic marlet p|ace.
Se||| cc cac|ac|c|e|s c|a|ca||c - 8ecause
of fishery mauufacturers a||iauce iuto the mauufacture-
r's orgaui/atious, which are uecessary assumptiou for
equa| mauufacturers positiou ou the marlet aud possi-
bi|ity of easier iuvestmeut through the offer couceutra-
tiou aud product's qua|ity. lt is uecessary to estab|ish
some |ega| acts to defiue rauge aud way of supportiug
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 9-13
l. |a| e|. a|.. 60AIIAN FI8hE - hAM0NIZAII0N 0F EIAII0N8 AN h0W ...
luterpretiug of Eu ru|es aud a|so re|evaut Croatiau
ru|es is oue of the ley e|emeuts for successfu| iutegra-
tiou oue couutry iu Eu, aud it is a|so prerequisite for the
membership. luterpretiug of |ega| estab|ished right
(frauc.: acquis commuuautaire) is uecessary for adjust-
meut |egis|ative iu time|y mauuer aud for c|ear uuder-
staudiug of Eu iutegratiou ob|igatious.
The prudeuce of agricu|ture po|icy begius with epi-
stemo|ogy that there are uo idea| so|utious. (8raudow,
1969). There are a|ways some causes for criticism aud
persuasive for better so|utious. Fishery is ecouomica||y
aud socia||y to compouud system, so it is quite difficu|t
to reso|ve a|| discoutiuuity aud discrepaucies with Eu
|egis|ative iu a few determiuauts. Actua||y, a|| the chau-
ges iu fishiug |aws aud regu|atious wi|| be the resu|t of
compromise betweeu differeut iuterests groups aud, to
sma||er extaut, experts' aua|ysis aud coucepts.
1. 8raudow, 6.E: (1969): Auf der Suche uach
6raudsache der Agrarpo|itil, V: 6erhardt,E.,
Kuh|mauu P. (hrsg) Agrarwirtsaft uud Agrarpo|itil,
Ko|u, Kiepeuheuer uud Wutsch, s. 146-158
2. The 0eve|opmeut Strategy of the Repub|ic of
Croatia: Croatia iu the 21st ceutury, part
"Agricu|ture aud Fishery".
3. Feasibi|ity study for fisheries iufrastructure deve|op-
meut harmoui/ed with Eu aquis, 2OO6.
4. Law ou Fresh Water Fishiug (0fficia| 6a/ette lo
5. Law ou Veteriuary Mediciue (0fficia| 6a/ette).
6. List aud texts of agricu|tura| provisious,
1. 0verview of strategies iu Croatiau agricu|ture,
8. List aud texts of curreut Eu provisious,|ex/eu/|if/.
9. List aud texts of provisiou recommeudatious avai|a-
b|e ou:|ex/eu/-
com/. (Fisheries-|ex/-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 9-13
l. |a| e|. a|.. 60AIIAN FI8hE - hAM0NIZAII0N 0F EIAII0N8 AN h0W ...
Auima| 8reediug aims at exp|oitiug iu a sustaiuab|e
mauuer geuetic variatiou withiu aud betweeu breeds iu
geuetic improvemeut programmes to euhauce competi-
tive aud sustaiuabi|ity of Eu auima| food productiou.
Estimatiou of breediug va|ues p|ays a ceutra| ro|e iu
most improvemeut programmes. These procedures ue-
ed to be improved to capita|ise ou the iucreased uuder-
staudiug of the uuder|yiug geuetic mechauisms ou oue
haud aud the iucreased rauge of characteristics ou the
other. Reproductiou techuiques have au importaut
iuf|ueuce ou the optima| desigu of improvemeut aud dis-
semiuatiou programmes that yie|d the desired geuetic
improvemeut whi|e restrictiug the degree of iubreediug.
Auima| improvemeut programmes shou|d focus ou safe
exp|oitatiou of geuetic variatiou betweeu auima|s to:
produce better-qua|ity, hea|thy, affordab|e, diverse
food products offeriug cousumers iu aud beyoud
Europe rea| optious for improviug their qua|ity of |ife,
promote a more sustaiuab|e agricu|ture aud aqua-
cu|ture, iuc|udiug emphasis ou uou-food fuuctious
of auima|s such as p|easure, |eisure, or use iu the
medica| area,
euhauce the competitiveuess of Europeau agricu|tu-
re aud aquacu|ture aud its orgauisatious,
bui|d the basis for imp|emeutiug high-qua|ity aud
sustaiuab|e breediug strategies iu deve|opiug couu-
Cha||euges |ie iu the deve|opmeut of a cost-effecti-
ve app|icatiou of the techuo|ogies for use by farmers
aud breediug orgaui/atious. The ro|e of the Europeau
research commuuity wi|| be |eadiug the way iu this pro-
cess by providiug the too|s, luow|edge, aud sli||s uee-
ded by the auima| breediug sector to male effective use
of these uew techuo|ogies.
Not|co: the preseut paper is abbreviatiou of FA8RE
TP 8tratog|c osoarch Agooda 8usta|oab|o Farm
Ao|ma| rood|og aod oproduct|oo Iochoo|ogy
F|atIorm (Aooox I to 8A 1 vors|oo 22 March 2007}
This wi|| iuvo|ve basic research, |arge|y couuected
with other research activities iu the fie|d of |ife scieuces,
as we|| as app|ied research. The importauce of app|ied
research origiuates from two sources: First|y, from the
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.OO1(4-61Eu)
0. 8ompaa
|e.|e cace|
Iae Fatopeaa /aadscape /s caatactet/sed 6, a taage of d/cetse fatm/ag s,stems.
Iaese te/ate aot oa/, to cat/ed geogtapa/ca/ eac/toameats, 6at a/so to d/ffeteat
soc/a/ aad ca/tata/ eac/toameats fot fatm/ag aad food ptodact/oa. Ia/s d/cets/t, /s
aa/qae to Fatope aad aadet//aes tae /mpottaace of Fatopeaa agt/ca/tate. 4a/ma/
6teed/ag /s a kaow/edge /ateas/ce sectot, aad fot tae fatate compet/t/ceaess of aa/-
ma/ 6teed/ag aad aa/ma/ ptodact/oa, a/ga /ece/ Fatopeaa teseatca /s /ad/speasa-
6/e. Iae ptepatat/oa of Sttateg/c 8eseatca 4geada wete /a a fa// ptocess. oppotta-
a/t/es aad pto6/ems, gaps, saott, med/am aad /oag tetm oppottaa/t/es aad aeeds fot
teseatca. Faca coaatt, expetts ftom d/ffeteat gtoap aace oppottaa/t, to ae/p def/ae
a/s coaatt, d/meas/oa of aa/ma/ 6teed/ag /a /ts teg/oaa/ aad coaatt, coatext, aad
a/so /a te/at/oa to Fatopeaa aad g/o6a/ dece/opmeats. Iae Fatm 4a/ma/ 8teed/ag
aad 8eptodact/oa Fatopeaa Iecaao/og, P/atfotm, 6t/ags togetaet a w/de taage of
/atetested patt/es to ptodace a c/s/oa of aow //cestock 6teed/ag m/gat dece/op /a
tae aext 20 ,eats, aad coast/tates tae f/tst step /a aca/ec/ag taat c/s/oa.
8e,-wotds. teseatca, aa/ma/, 6teed/ag, teptodact/oa, pt/ot/t/es
||0. 0|acc|| |ccca 4ss|s|.||c|. J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa
5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j |c|||e 3 230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
ueed of va|idatiou aud verificatiou of resu|ts from basic
research iu the fie|d, aud secoud|y, from the ueed to
deve|opiug methodo|ogies which cau be app|ied iu the
fie|d of |ivestocl breediug ou a routiue basis.
lf uo research or deve|opmeut occurs iu the fie|ds
meutioued above, the impact wi|| be severe iu a uumber
of fie|ds. First|y, |ivestocl farmiug iu Europe wi|| |oose its
competitiveuess compared to other regious iu the wor|d
where advautages due to |ow costs of productiou
a|ready exist. lu some parts of Europe, especia||y iu
S|oveuia, the occupatiou of |aud is c|ose|y |iuled to |ive-
stocl productiou aud iu this situatiou a |oss of competi-
tiveuess wi|| have a very stroug uegative societa|
impact. Secoud|y, this situatiou wi|| eveutua||y |ead to a
drastic iucrease iu imports of |ivestocl products aud
create |ouger term depeudeucies. Third|y, siuce auima|
breediug a|ready is a g|oba| busiuess, sceuarios iu
which ou|y very few breediug orgaui/atious tale over
the eutire marlet, as is a|ready the case iu pou|try bree-
diug, may be euvisaged. 6iveu that it is desirab|e to
have mu|tip|e geuotypes of auima|s, suited to various
euviroumeuts aud product demauds. lt is high|y que-
stiouab|e whether a few breediug orgaui/atious wou|d
be wi||iug to supp|y these geuotypes or to tale care of
|oug-term goa|s |ile maiutaiuiug biodiversity. A future
sceuario as described above may ou|y be dea|t with
usiug pub|ic fuuds to iucrease research activities which
wi|| be to the beuefit of mauy regious aud couditious
withiu the Europeau states. Fiua||y, uew techuo|ogies,
be it biotechuo|ogy, or mo|ecu|ar approaches, or others,
bear the u|timate chauce for iucreased qua|ity of pro-
ductiou (especia||y from rumiuauts), food safety aud
we|fare of auima|s. This opportuuity shou|d uot be over-
The fie|ds of future research cau be divided iuto
three categories:
i) trait-orieutated research,
ii) the deve|opmeut aud eva|uatiou of uew techuo|o-
gies, aud
iii) other issues iuc|udiug biodiversity aud ecouomic
lu trait-orieutated research, oue of maiu focuses
shou|d be the deve|opmeut of cost-effective schemes
for the recordiug of traits associated with hea|th, auima|
fuuctiou aud product qua|ity ou |arge uumbers of catt|e.
This trait-orieutated research is especia||y importaut as
the major brealthrough of mo|ecu|ar approaches |ile
geuomic se|ectiou has yet to occur aud wi|| re|y heavi|y
ou accurate pheuotypes to be matched with geuomic
iuformatiou. Cost effective trait measuremeut cau a|so
faci|itate the iucorporatiou of a broader rauge of traits iu
catt|e breediug schemes usiug existiug techuo|ogies.
With respect to mo|ecu|ar geuetic techuo|ogies,
there is a ueed for better iutegratiou iuto breediug pro-
grammes. The focus ueeds to move from a focus ou siu-
g|e 0TL approaches to tale the geuome as au eutity iuc|u-
diug a|| iuteractious betweeu geues as we|| as the iute-
ractious of geues with the euviroumeut. This is importaut
iu catt|e breediug due to their |imited fema|e reproductive
capacity aud thus au iudustry structure iu which com-
mercia| auima|s are au iutegra| part of breediug schemes.
The commercia| catt|e eveu iu the future wi|| be mauaged
aud housed iu a variety of euviroumeuts. Reproductive
techuo|ogies cou|d have substautia||y beueficia| impacts
for the productiou process itse|f aud a|so for meetiug the
|arge variabi|ity of demauds of the cousumers across
Europe re|ated to cu|ture aud a|imeutary habits aud tradi-
tious. At preseut, |itt|e is luowu of the |imits of c|ouiug
techuo|ogy as further deve|opmeuts have to dea| with the
comp|ex fie|d of epigeuetics.
0ecisious ou the app|icatiou of uew techuo|ogies
to produce more rapid gaius must cousider the ecouo-
mic impact ou a|| sectors aud the impact ou |ouger term
gaius. lt is imperative that research ou these aspects
accompauy a|| techuo|ogy deve|opmeuts.
The ke, oppottaa/t/es uuder|yiug our actiou are
the wor|d wide recoguitiou of the Europeau streugth iu
the fie|d popu|atiou aud quautitative geuetics, the avai-
|abi|ity of a wide rauge of geuetic resources of high
va|ue, the high qua|ity of the breediug orgauisatiou,
iuc|udiug reproductiou biotechuo|ogy ceutres aud per-
formauce recordiug uetworls. Europe is, therefore, we||
positioued to rapid|y trausfer deve|opmeuts iu scieuce
to a more profitab|e aud sustaiuab|e agricu|ture aud
The ke, caa//eages couceru both is iucreasiug our
uuderstaudiug of factors coutributiug to geuetic varia-
tiou aud the deve|opmeut of schemes that male optima|
use of geuetic variatiou whi|e restrictiug the degree of
iubreediug, especia||y iu some breeds.
The very fast progresses comiug from auima|
geuomics, with the short term avai|abi|ity of high deu-
sity SlP fi|ters, offer uew fasciuatiug opportuuities for
the geuetic dissectiou of traits (0TL aud geue detectiou
through |iulage disequi|ibrium aud direct associatious)
as we|| as the se|ectiou programmes of auima| (geuome
wide E8V aud se|ectiou). useab|e software too|s ueed
to be deve|oped aud made avai|ab|e.
There is a ueed to deve|op uove| methodo|ogies
for eva|uatiou of the effects of ou-goiug breediug-sche-
mes aud for desigu of uew schemes that iucorporate
deve|opmeuts iu fie|ds |ile biotechuo|ogy (e.g. repro-
ductiou techuiques aud embryo geuotypiug), auima|
geuomics (0TL iuformatiou), aud iuformatics (tracliug
aud traciug) to improve efficieut aud to respoud to
demauds from society (iucreased emphasis ou qua|ity
of auima| products aud ou auima| we|fare). There is a
ueed to predict the cousequeuces of deve|opmeuts iu
these areas ou the (creatiou of) geuetic progress aud its
dissemiuatiou from the top of the breediug pyramid to
the productiou |eve|.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
15 0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
lmprovemeut iu the geuetic aua|ysis are ueeded
to bui|d ou deve|opmeuts iu fie|d of statistics aud of
computer a|gorithms iu order to dea| with iucreasiug
comp|exity of (pheuotypic) iuformatiou due to mu|tip|e
traits beiug measured iu mu|tip|e euviroumeuts aud
traits beiug measured ou differeut types of auima|s
(purebred aud crossbreds). lucorporatiug traits such as
disease resistauce, |ougevity, aud robustuess requires
uove| methods (e.g. Marlov chaiu Moute Car|o) to so|ve
the comp|exity due to the |arge uumber of parameters
re|ative to the amouut of data, aud due to the corre|atiou
of parameters. There is a ueed to exp|ore other compu-
tatioua| aud uumerica| methods that have beeu succes-
sfu| app|ied outside auima| breediug.
6iveu the stroug uegative impact of iubreediug
ou reproductive aud hea|th traits, we ueed to fiud bree-
diug schemes that geuerate geuetic progress whi|e
maiutaiuiug appropriate geuetic diversity (restrictiug
iubreediug rate). lmproved methods are ueeded for the
desigu of breediug programmes, which iuvo|ve predic-
tiug the cousequeuces of a|teruative schemes ou the
pheuotypic performauce of a popu|atiou aud ou the |eve|
of geuetic diversity. Secoud|y, improved too|s are uee-
ded to imp|emeut these coucepts iu se|ectiou procedu-
res that aim at geueratiug geuetic progress whi|e
restrictiug the rate of iubreediug.
lu mauy species, se|ectiou for the most importaut
ecouomic traits has |ed to a reductiou of fituess traits.
lucreased uuderstaudiug of the bio|ogica| baclgrouud of
autagouistic re|atiouships betweeu fituess traits aud pro-
ductiou traits is expected to euab|e the formu|atiou of
breediug strategies that achieve a ba|auced gaiu iu mu|ti-
p|e traits, i.e. preveut a reductiou of fituess traits.
The traits iuc|uded iu the breediug objectives of
|ivestocl species is expected to iucrease iu respouse to
cousumer aud socia| requiremeuts aud due to the iutro-
ductiou of uew traits. Their uuder|yiug geuetic variabi|ity
must be eva|uated, usiug c|assica| approaches or uew
statistica| techuiques wheu they disp|ay specific distribu-
tious. This iuc|udes deve|opmeut of methodo|ogy that
iucorporates the socia| iuteractious iu groups of auima|s
associated with behavioura| repertoires that are impor-
taut for auima| we|fare aud for proper fuuctiouiug of the
The euviroumeuta| seusitivity (a|so referred to as
pheuotypic p|asticity) of geuotypes coustraius the varia-
bi|ity of pheuotypic expressiou which depeuds ou uutri-
tioua|, c|imatic, iufectious, aud socia| euviroumeut.
lucreasiug our uuderstaudiug of euviroumeuta| seusiti-
vity is esseutia| to tale iuto accouut the dyuamics of the
euviroumeut iu which future breediug auima|s wi|| have
to produce. Research shou|d focus ou defiuiug, through
popu|atiou bio|ogy, which wi|| be the most efficieut
geuotypes for predictab|e euviroumeuts.
Recordiug of pheuotypes of auima|s wi|| remaiu
vita| for breediug programmes. 6iveu the high cost of
pheuotypiug auima|s, research is ueeded to better
defiue the most efficieut method aud desigu to record
pheuotypes. This research wi|| be importaut uot ou|y to
improve the app|icatiou of research fiudiugs, but a|so to
couduct appropriate research iu the defiuitiou of the ro|e
of geues, especia||y iu the product qua|ity aud we|fare
traits. This research requires stroug iuteractiou with
scieutists iu other discip|iues such as e|ectrouic auima|
ideutificatiou aud uauotechuo|ogy.
The app|icatiou of crossbreediug has to pass
from the simp|e estimatiou of |eve| of heterosis created
by crossiug two breeds to the |eve| of heterosis created
by crossiug two iudividua| auima|s.
0isease trausmissiou is a crucia| popu|atiou-|eve|
issue which iuvo|ves two p|ayers: the host aud patho-
geu. These two p|ayers iuteract through iufectiou
(pathogeu to host) aud immuuity (host to pathogeu),
aud the pathways iuvo|ved iu both processes are uuder
geuetic coutro|. Future research must focus ou iucreas-
iug our uuderstaudiug of how variatiou iu a popu|atiou
affects the overa|| performauce of groups of auima|s aud
how chauges iu biodiversity are |ile|y to iuf|ueuce the
coutro| of iufectious disease.
The fie|ds of future research cau be divided iuto
these categories:
i) trait-orieutated research aud food qua|ity aud
safety research area,
ii) the deve|opmeut aud eva|uatiou of uew techuo|o-
gies, with couuectiou ou we|fare, disease resist-
auce aud sustaiuab|e breediug aud se|ectiou
iii) auima| breediug aud geuetics, reproductiou, biodi-
versity, iuteractiou ou geuotype-euviroumeut,
socio-ecouomic aua|yses.
lu trait-orieutated research, oue of maiu focuses
shou|d be the deve|opmeut of cost-effective schemes
for the recordiug of traits associated with hea|th, auima|
fuuctiou aud product qua|ity ou |arge uumbers of catt|e.
This trait-orieutated research is especia||y importaut as
the major brealthrough of mo|ecu|ar approaches |ile
geuomic se|ectiou has yet to occur aud wi|| re|y heavi|y
ou accurate pheuotypes to be matched with geuomic
iuformatiou. Cost effective trait measuremeut cau a|so
faci|itate the iucorporatiou of a broader rauge of traits iu
catt|e breediug schemes usiug existiug techuo|ogies.
With respect to mo|ecu|ar geuetic techuo|ogies,
there is a ueed for better iutegratiou iuto breediug pro-
grammes. The focus ueeds to move from a focus ou siu-
g|e 0TL approaches to tale the geuome as au eutity
iuc|udiug a|| iuteractious betweeu geues as we|| as the
iuteractious of geues with the euviroumeut. This is impor-
taut iu catt|e breediug due to their |imited fema|e repro-
ductive capacity aud thus au iudustry structure iu which
commercia| auima|s are au iutegra| part of breediug sche-
mes. The commercia| catt|e eveu iu the future wi|| be
mauaged aud housed iu a variety of euviroumeuts.
Reproductive techuo|ogies cou|d have substautia||y beue-
ficia| impacts for the productiou process itse|f aud a|so for
meetiug the |arge variabi|ity of demauds of the cousu-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
mers across Europe re|ated to cu|ture aud a|imeutary
habits aud traditious. At preseut, |itt|e is luowu of the
|imits of c|ouiug techuo|ogy as further deve|opmeuts have
to dea| with the comp|ex fie|d of epigeuetics.
0ecisious ou the app|icatiou of uew techuo|ogies
to produce more rapid gaius must cousider the ecouo-
mic impact ou a|| sectors aud the impact ou |ouger term
gaius. lt is imperative that research ou these aspects
accompauy a|| techuo|ogy deve|opmeuts.
Future uecessity iu auima| breediug aud reproduc-
tiou research
- coutiuuous|y better iutegrated Europeau research
(letworl of Exce||euce ou biosystems, epigeuetics aud
geuetics/geuomics, ERAlET iu reproductiou aud bree-
- the ueed for data gatheriug iuteruatioua||y com-
parab|e data co||ectiou systems hea|th, sustaiuabi|ity
aud productiou,
- trausfer of luow|edge betweeu |arge aud sma||
iustitutes/orgauisatious/couutries (Marie Curie pro-
gramme, techuo|ogy trausfer uetworl), aud
- socio-ecouomic projects (e.g. how c|ouiug wou|d
worl out for the severa| auima| species), we have ideu-
tified, from the 13 expert group 2 page reports as
5jea| |c||cc
a} Ira|t-or|ootatod rosoarch
- lmprovemeuts for the recordiug of hea|th aud
fuuctioua| traits (iu uuc|eus herds, coutract herds, iu the
fie|d), with iutegratiou iuto mo|ecu|ar approaches |ile
- lew aud better traits for beef aud mi|l qua|ity
- Recordiug of we|fare aud hea|th traits, doci|ity
(humau x auima| iuteractiou)
- Reduced cost of data (trait aud ideutificatiou)
recordiug at farm |eve|
b} Iochoo|ogy
- Fu|| iutegratiou of estimatiou procedures with
mo|ecu|ar approaches iuc|udiug SlP data
- lmprovemeuts iu reproductive techuo|ogies |ile
semeu sexiug aud c|ouiug, aud reproductiou too|s such
as oestrus detectiou or syuchrouisatiou (substitutes of
- lT-so|utious for iutegrated data-bases from farm
to ceutra|/distributed computiug
c} 0thor |ssuos
- lmprovemeuts of coucepts for maiutaiuiug geue-
tic diversity
- Ecouomica| assessmeut of uew techuo|ogies aud
their associated risls
5jea| |c||cc
a} Ira|t-or|ootatod rosoarch
- Mechauisms of disease resistauce
- Physio|ogica| traits as a|teruative iudicators,
b} Iochoo|ogy
- luteruatioua| geuetic eva|uatious usiug geuomic
- 6euotype x Euviroumeut iuteractiou iuc|udiug
massive geuomic iuformatiou
- Further research ou c|ouiug
c} 0thor |ssuos
- lmp|emeutatiou of coucepts for maiutaiuiug geue-
tic diversity iuc|udiug geuomic iuformatiou
- Loca| breeds aud specific regious issues
25jea| |c||cc
For this hori/ou, it may be very difficu|t to specu|a-
te about future research ueeds, some topics cou|d be:
- Efficieut predictiou aud capturiug from geue x
geue aud geue x euviroumeut iuteractious
- Expert systems for ou-farm as we|| as uetworled
geuetic eva|uatious
- 0esiguer food (mi|l, meat) from trausgeuic aui-
- Embryouic se|ectiou, use of stem ce|| techuo|ogy
for reproductiou
(IN 8hEEF AN 0AI8}
5 jea| ||ce |c||cc | c|de| c| c||c|||j
1. Research iuto the defiuitiou, uuderstaudiug aud
estimatiou of geuetic compoueuts (both quautitative
aud mo|ecu|ar) of uew traits coutributiug to sustaiuab|e
productiou, especia||y those re|ated to g|oba| warmiug
aud other euviroumeuta| aspects, auima| hea|th aud
we|fare at |ow |abour iuput (|ambiug ease, |amb surviva|,
disease resistauce). The catt|e geuome cau serve as a
basis iu mauy aspects, but specific sma|| rumiuaut worl
wi|| sti|| be required. There is a ueed to va|idate geuetic
marlers deve|oped e|sewhere iu Europeau breeds aud
euviroumeuts. (Europe Specific -but certaiu traits aud
geuome is simi|ar to catt|e).
2. Research aud deve|opmeut of more cost-efficieut
auima| recordiug aud se|ectiou techuo|ogy, iuc|udiug
0lA co||ectiou aud (iu co||aboratiou with other species)
software that iutegrates mo|ecu|ar iuformatiou iu existiug
eva|uatious (Marler Assisted 8LuP). 6|oba| geuera|
|simp|e aud cheap 0lA techuo|ogy is usefu| to everyoue,
aud may be eveu more so iu deve|oped couutries|
3. 0eve|opmeut of uew too|s aud optimise existiug
too|s to mauage sheep aud goats cope better with iuter-
ua| parasites, this shou|d iuc|ude host-geuetics aud
sustaiuab|e mauagemeut too|s. 6|oba| Specific.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
11 0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
4. Research to deve|op objective measures of mi|l
aud meat qua|ity for routiue use iu breediug stocl aud
haviug re|evauce to eatiug qua|ity aud humau uutritiou,
iuc|udiug their geuetic compoueuts. 0eve|oped couu-
tries 6euera|.
5. Research iuto the improvemeut of ferti|ity of
sheep aud goats, especia||y efficieucy of Al, a-seasoua|
breediug aud opportuuities for fema|es to de|iver aud
rear |arger |itters. 0eve|oped Couutries - Specific.
6. 6overumeut aud iudustry databases ou for
examp|e auima| diseases ueed to be deve|oped aud |iu-
led to se|ectiou programmes aud geue discovery
research. 6|oba| 6euera|.
1. 0eve|opmeut of decisiou support too|s for cou-
servatiou of rare breeds, methods of | s||c aud e\ s||c
couservatiou aud geuetic variatiou withiu a se|ectiou
programme. This shou|d be based ou a better uuder-
staudiug of fuuctioua| biodiversity 6|oba| 6euera|.
8. The effect of scrapie ou humau hea|th (if auy)
ueeds to be estab|ished. Europe Specific.
5 jea| ||ce |c||cc
Sequeuciug of the sheep aud goat geuome
6|oba| Specific.
Major research iu deve|opmeut of geuetic so|u-
tious to diseases, |eadiug to deve|opmeut of geuera|ised
immuuity 6|oba| 6euera|.
0eve|opmeut of breeds or |iues that perform we||
iu specific |amb exportiug couutries (e.g. tropica|) but
adhere to a|| requiremeuts of Europeau cousumers.
0eve|oped Specific |this is Europeau breeders expor-
tiug breediug stocl, whi|e Europeau marlet dec|iues|
Adapt sheep aud goat to chaugiug c|imates as a
resu|t of g|oba| warmiug. 0eve|op a strategy so that
breed deve|opmeut leeps pace with g|oba| warmiug.
6|oba| 6euera|
Research iu reproductive aud embryo techuo|o-
gies to iucrease efficieucy of breediug programmes.
0eve|oped - 6euera|
Effective methods to either improve qua|ity of
woo| or create sheddiug or hair sheep as part of a se|ec-
tiou programme for mi|l or meat. 0eve|oped - Specific
25 jea| ||ce |c||cc
0eve|opmeut of sheep aud goat products adap-
ted to specific humau geuomes. 0eve|oped - Specific
Sheep aud goat breeders teud to be more traditio-
ua| aud operate ou a much sma||er sca|e thau breediug
compauies iu other species as a resu|t they wou|d fiud
it difficu|t to deve|op aud app|y scieutific resu|ts for their
owu euterprise. lt is therefore importaut that breeder
represeutatives participate iu research at au ear|y stage
aud imp|emeutatiou wi|| be au esseutia| part of most
80ME F0F08AI8 F0 A 8IAIEI6
Iatgets oa a 5 ,eat aot/toa.
X Avai|abi|ity of a high qua|ity auuotated geuome
sequeuce of the pig, of high deusity SlP paue|s, who|e
geuome |iulage disequi|ibrium maps aud fu|| geuome
expressiou arrays,
X ldeutificatiou of au iucreased uumber of causati-
ve po|ymorphisms,
X use of L0-MAS aud of 6AS iu pig breediug,
X 6euetic eva|uatiou for sow |ougevity aud pig|et
surviva| / motheriug abi|ity,
X 8au of boar castratiou iu some couutries, imp|e-
meutatiou of programmes for fiue mappiug of 0TL asso-
ciated with compoueuts of boar taiut iu commercia|
popu|atious, studies ou the detrimeuta| effects of se|ec-
tiou for |ow fat audrosteuoue |eve|s ou reproductive effi-
X lusight iu euviroumeut seusitivity traits aud
geuotype x euviroumeut iuteractious,
X lmproved porl qua|ity by uti|i/iug uew luow|ed-
ge ou uuder|yiug geuetic mechauisms
X 0eve|opmeut of automatic recordiug systems
X lmproved luow|edge ou the geuetic variabi|ity of
immuue competeuce / disease resistauce,
X Thorough defiuitiou of we|fare iudicators
Iatgets oa a !5 ,eat aot/toa.
X 6euera|i/ed use of MAS / 6AS,
X ldeutificatiou of |arge uumbers of causative po|y-
morphisms aud iuvestigatious ou their iuteractious with
X ldeutificatiou aud mode||iug of comp|ex geue
X Exp|oitatiou of geue x euviroumeut iuteractious
(e.g. by variatiou of the feed) for produciug varyiug pro-
duct qua|ities or produciug uuder varyiug euviroumeuta|
couditious with oue geuotype of auima|s.
X use of comp|ex mode|s to optimise herd maua-
ge meut,
X Large sca|e deve|opmeut of semeu sexiug
X 0eve|opmeut of mode|s for the co-evo|utiou of
hosts aud pathogeus
Iatgets oa a 25 ,eat aot/toa.
|\c|c||| a|sc|c|e c| ea| a|sc|c|e |a|||e|s |c
d|sease scc| ||a| |ej ca||ce scec|es c||| |e e|ad|
ca|ed ||cc |a|ced cccc|a||cs
|cc|c.ed de|||||cs c| a|ca| e||a|e ad e||
|e| scc| ||a| |a||ca| ||c|ca||c ca cc||||c|e |c
e|||ca| de|a|es scc| as ||e des||a|||||j c| c||e||se c|
c|a| a|ca| |e|a.|cc| c| se||ece .|a se|ec||c
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
4 ea| cccc|e|e ca|a|cce c| d|acs||cs |c|
cc||e||j |c ||e|||ed d|seases
||c|ess |ca|ds ccde||| ||e |||e|j |ccac| c|
e cc|a||cs
J||||sa||c c| cccc|e|e ecce secece ||cc
a|| ||eed| a|ca|s
|c|| cde|s|ad| c| ||e |cc|ece|a||c
|ccac| ad ccsececes c| ee||c ccd|||ca||c
0e.e|ccce| c| a ee||c |de|||j ca|d |c| eac|
The major part of the pou|try iudustry is at a sigui-
ficaut|y more mature stage thau those of other species
both iu terms of productiou systems aud specific luo-
w|edge iu respect of breediug. lu part this is a resu|t of
basic research carried out iu Europe over the |ast 4O
years which a|so exp|aius a siguificaut couceutratiou of
the wor|d's commercia| pou|try breeders iu Europe.
These compauies aud iudustries are siguificaut wea|th
creators aud must be supported to maiutaiu their
Europeau bases. There wi|| be siguificaut spiu-off for
miuor breeds aud other species from fuudameuta| worl
carried out ou chicleus.
For these reasous the approach aud ueeds of the
pou|try sector may be viewed differeut|y from the other
8poc|os roups
Severa| distiuct species of pou|try are farmed iu
Europe aud whi|st there are severa| syuergies iu
research there are a|so a uumber of species specific
issues. This sector is driveu by the chicleu about which
there is most existiug data aud which is massive|y more
importaut iu ecouomic terms thau auy of the other spe-
cies. For c|arificatiou the groups are as fo||ows:
- Layer chicleus
- 8roi|er chicleus aud Turleys
- Waterfow|: 0ucls (Peliug ducls, Muscovy
ducls, Mu|e ducls) aud 6eese
- 0ther pou|try: 6uiuea fow| aud 0uai|
- 6ame birds: Pheasauts, Partridge aud Wi|d 0ucls
6roupiug is based ou ecouomic re|evauce aud cur-
reut luow|edge. Chicleus are sp|it iuto |ayers aud broi-
|ers, due to differeuces iu breediug practices. Whereas
broi|ers aud turleys have much iu commou as far as
breediug practices, iu terms of geuomic too|s avai|ab|e,
they cau't match aud turleys are thus c|oser to the
other pou|try. 0ue uuder|yiug issue for a|| other species
wi|| be to either improve the usabi|ity of the too|s deve-
|oped iu chicleu or deve|op specific oues.
AFI 8 FI0IIIE8 F0 h08E8 IN
Pto6/ems- 8e, oppottaa/t/es - /ssaes: horses
are becomiug more popu|ar iu the grow|og |odustry of
sports aud |eisure, aud 'hobby' farmiug whereas raciug
iudustry is sti|| f|ourishiug. Furthermore, horses are used
iu therapy or tourism, aud there are uiche marlets for
horse mi|l for peop|e haviug a||ergies aud for meat iu
ou|y few member states. There are uo major ethica|
objectious agaiust horse breediug. lu some (west)
Europeau couutries ma|ota|o|og rura| |aodscapo |s
takoo ovor by horsos. As herbivores equiue compete
with rumiuauts as we|| as with p|aut productiou for uat-
ura| resources aud territories. 0iffereut demauds of the
pub|ic ou horse breediug cause tho dovo|opmoot oI a
d|vors|ty oI horsos wh|ch I|t tho ooods oI maoy
groups oI poop|o who poteutia||y wou|d |ile to worl
with or eujoy horses. IosuII|c|oot staodards oI oduca-
t|oo oI broodors aod owoors requests to be urgeut|y
improved to meet the same staudards as iu other farm
auima|s iudustry. koow|odgo aod tochoo|ogy traosIor
botwooo E couotr|os shou|d bo oxtoodod as we||
throughout a Europeau uetworl for Equiues.
0aa//eages, 8aow/edge gaps aad oppottaa/t/es
Performauce, hea|th aud We|fare: 8reed ath|etes
aud |eisure horses requires to defiue traits aud breediug
goa|s especia||y with regard to performauce (gaits, jum-
piug, ve|ocity aud eudurauce), hea|th aud behavioura|
(temperameut) traits as we|| as to determiue the iute-
ractiou betweeu geuotype aud euviroumeut (husbaudry
systems, ridiug systems aud uutritiou)
Pheuomics: pheuotypes have to be more accu-
rate|y recorded. This requires objective systems for jud-
giug aud breediug as we|| as the deve|opmeut of traits
to improve performauce, disease resistauce aud beha-
viour of the horses
6euomics: The lmproved auuotatiou of the horse
geuome sequeuce aud uew fuuctioua| geuomic iuforma-
tiou aud associatious with traits uuder se|ectiou wi||
coutribute to the ideutificatiou of geues associated with
performauce, hea|th, behaviour aud other fuuctioua|
traits (uatioua|/Europeau/ 6|oba|)
8reediug aud Se|ectiou: The deve|opmeut of sta-
tistica| eva|uatiou methods shou|d be coutiuued to
improve performauce, hea|th, we|fare, behaviour aud
fuuctioua| traits by geuetic se|ectiou. A further step wi||
be the deve|opmeut of we|| defiued breediug schemes
that cau a|so iuc|ude mo|ecu|ar iuformatiou
8iodiversity: the diversity of aud withiu breeds,
regiou aud states shou|d be maiutaiued or/aud mauaged
either iu sma|| eudaugered popu|atious or |arge popu|a-
tious where iubreediug is iucreasiug
Reproductiou: lmprovemeut of payab|e aud safe
app|icatiou of reproductive techuo|ogies such as Al, ET
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
19 0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
or sexiug may he|p to so|ve ferti|ity prob|ems. This
requires more re|iab|e iudicators of ferti|ity as we|| as
materua| aud foeta| we|| beiug duriug preguaucy aud per
The techuo|ogies for |oug term free/iug of semeu
aud embryos ueed to be improved aud wi|| a|so p|ay a
ceutra| ro|e iu strategies to preserve biodiversity
Techuo|ogy aud luow|edge trausfer: the reuew
of breediug iudustry aud research iu CEE states is
requested at regioua| aud uatioua| |eve|. The
lmprovemeut of educatiou of users, breeders aud exteu-
siou officers aud the cooperatiou betweeu scieutists
aud horse users shou|d be orgauised iu most of the
Europeau couutries aud defiuite|y coordiuated at
Europeau |eve|.
For oqu|oos tho Io||ow|og opportuo|t|os/ooods
Ior rosoarch aro Iorosooo |o tho short- mod|um aod
|oog torm to improve porIormaoco (such as gaits, jum-
piug abi|ity, ve|ocity, eudurauce), Iuoct|ooa| tra|ts (e.g.
|ougevity, fuudameuta| stabi|ity), disease resistauce
(e.g. Equiue iuf|ueu/a, Rhiuopueumouia), ferti|ity, beha-
viour (e.g. temperameut), aud a to reduce hereditary
diseases (such as 0C0, myopathy, roariug).
8eseatca aeeds fot tae 5 ,eat aot/toa.
8reediug aud geuomics
ldeutificatiou aud pareutage coutro|
Record more precise pheuotypes
0efiue re|iab|e objective traits
Aua|ysis of geuotype-euviroumeut (uutritiou-
husbaudry systems-hea|th) iuteractious
lmprove iuformatiou ou horse geuome (improved
geuome assemb|y, fu||-|eugth c0lAs, auuotatiou)
Create or adapt |iulage aud associatiou metho-
do|ogies to the horse
Create, deve|op aud maiutaiu pub|ic geuome
ldeutify geues for the maiu geuetic (hereditary)
ldeutify uuder|yiug bio|ogica| mechauisms aud
geues of disease resistauce
Estimatiou aud mauagemeut of biodiversity of
6euetic aua|ysis of behavioura| traits aud we|fa-
Estimate we|fare through geuetics aud physio|o-
gica| data
lmprovemeut of chi||ed trausported sperm (use
for |arger uumber of sta||ious) aud of fro/eu sperm
8etter luow|edge of sta||iou physio|ogy (sperm
productiou, uutritiou aud euviroumeuta| factors, aetio-
|ogy aud iuheritauce of some reproductive disorders,
techuiques a||owiug sub-ferti|e sta||ious to be bred with
more efficieucy)
8etter luow|edge of mare physio|ogy (oestrus
detectiou, ovu|atiou time, preguaucy, foeta| aud ueoua-
ta| |osses, uutritiou aud euviroumeuta| factors)
Too|s for diaguosis aud therapy of ferti|ity pro-
8eseatca aeeds fot tae !5 ,eat aot/toa
8reediug aud geuomics
ldeutificatiou of geues, which are respousib|e for
differeuces iu performauce (gaits, jumpiug abi|ity)
ldeutify geues for the maiu geuetic (hereditary)
0eve|opmeut of ear|y aud re|iab|e predictors for
0eve|opmeut of basic luow|edge iu the maiu bio-
|ogica| fuuctious
0ecipher musc|e, sle|etou aud uerve deve|op-
meut aud physio|ogy
ldeutify bott|euecls iu metabo|ic pathways
Eu productiou aud use of equiue microarrays
0eve|op proteomic methodo|ogies
0eve|op bioiuformatic pipe|iues to auswer scieu-
tific questious aud lmp|emeut traceabi|ity
6euetic aua|ysis of qua|ity of horse mi|l aud
Effect of traiuiug, we|fare of traiuiug, biomecha-
uics, eva|uatiou of horse judgiug systems
6euetics of biomechauics, deve|opmeut of bree-
diug systems |c|cd| e ||a||s
Ferti|ity predictiou of a sta||iou per ejacu|ate (fro-
/eu or chi||ed) as soou as corre|atious betweeu iu vitro
sperm parameters aud ferti|ity wi|| be uuderstood
lmprovemeut of efficieucy of oocyte free/iug
lucrease of research iu preguaucy aud ueouata|
ldeutify geues for ferti|ity traits
lmprovemeut of reproductiou efficieucy (auima|
aud breeders' we|fareI)
lmproved luow|edge aud uuderstaudiug of tech-
uo|ogies for semeu sexiug aud c|ouiug
25 ,eat aot/toa
Produce horses devoid of geuetic diseases
luc|ude mo|ecu|ar iuformatiou iu horse se|ectiou
6euetic mouitoriug of horse breediug at the stud
aud breed |eve|s
lutegratiou of epigeuomics iu equiue geuetics.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-2O
0. |ccca. 8h0I, MEIM AN I0N-IEM 0FF0INIIIE8 AN NEE8 ...
The uatura| resources of huugary, soi| aud c|i-
matic characteristics provide appropriate couditious
for agricu|tura| productiou. lu spite of the exce||eut
poteutia|s the huugariau agricu|tura| sector shows
poor performauce. The productiou is uot efficieut,
there is |itt|e cooperatiou betweeu sma|| farms, the
majority of the growers is uot fami|iar with Eu ca||s.
The progressivity iu agricu|ture cau be obtaiued ou|y
through a comp|ex method, the huugariau growers
must couform to its goveruiug priucip|e, the agricu|-
tura| po|icy of the Eu. The aim of this paper is the
aua|ysis of the preseut situatiou aud the research of
opportuuities iu area deve|opmeut withiu the possibi-
|ities of the Eu.
The research is based on the secondary analy-
sis oI previous treatises. The domestic potentials,
agricultural characteristics and data, pecularities
oI agricultural policy, problems, guidelines and
the common EU directives on agricultural deve-
lopment, social and employment policy will also
be systematized.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
At preseut, agricu|tura| productiou has a direct
impact ou the iucome aud existeuce of a|most ha|f a
mi||iou of fami|ies iu huugary. 0u the basis of data
provided by the huugariau Ceutra| Statistica| 0ffice
(hCS0) aud EuR0STAT we cau assert that accordiug
to Eu staudards the vast majority - more thau 96 -
of huugary be|ougs the category of rura|-|ile area.
A|most 14 of the huugariau citi/eus |ives iu this
area. The rate of basic|y rura| areas (61,5) is a|so
above the average of the Eu (41 accordiug to hCS0
The average popu|atiou deusity of the couutry is
1O8 iuhabitauts/lm
aud it varies withiu the couutry
accordiug to area types. lt is represeutative uu|ile
areas where towus aud vi||ages with more iuhabi-
tauts have higher popu|atiou deusity, siuce siguificaut
ecouomic bases provide existeuce for their iuhabi-
tauts more successfu||y. Towus aud vi||ages haviug
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 21-24
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.(439.1)
P. 6ata/
, 6. 1aaast
, 6. 8ema,
|e.|e cace|
/a add/t/oa to tae Fatopeaa agt/ca/tata/ ptodact/c/t, tasks so-ca//ed ecosoc/a/ setc/ces
6e/ag 6ota /oca//,, aace to 6e wotked oat, caaaot 6e /mpotted. Iae agt/ca/tate aad tae
tata/ popa/at/oa aace to 6e compeasated. Fot tae a6oce meat/oaed tae petcept/oa aad
demaads of tae afotesa/d /ed to tae esta6//sameat of tae ma/t/faact/oaa/ Fatopeaa agt/-
ca/tata/ mode/, tae tefotm of tae commoa agt/ca/tata/ aad teg/oaa/ po//c,. 0ae of tae
a/ms of tae stad, /s tae o6ject/ce aaa/,s/s of tae s/taat/oa, tae otaet /s tae eac/toamea-
ta/ apptoaca of tae comp/ex soc/a/ - ecoaom/c poss/6///t/es of agt/ca/tate aad teg/oaa/
8e,-wotds. 0ommoa 4gt/ca/tata/ Po//c,, ecosoc/a/ setc/ces, ma/t/faact/oaa/ Fatopeaa
agt/ca/tata/ mode/
(l VSc. ||e| a|a| ||0. s|cde| 0cc|c||a| Sc|cc| c| |a||| Sc|eces S
c|e||||c J|.e|s||j c| |cs |/400 |accs.J| |c.d c. . |ca|j. (2l
||0. J|c| Jc|Jsc |ec|c|e| Sc|e||||c J|.e|s||j c| |cs |/02 |cs
|c|cs c. 2. |ca|j. (3l ||0. J|c| |ecj 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| |cdc|
Jj| J|.e|s||j Cc||ee |8000 Sc|es|e||.J| |J|d} c. . |ca|j
|ess iuhabitauts, ou the other haud, provide practic|y
uo opportuuities for the citi/eus to male a |iviug.
The agroecouomic aud popu|atiou support capa-
city of rura| areas are wealeued by major deficieu-
cies iu pub|ic road iufrastructure. The majority of sett-
|emeuts have uo opportuuity to draw ou the iufra-
structure of pub|ic trausport aud heavy traffic. The
motorway aud expressway uetworl is the |east deve-
|oped. These couditious iucrease the traffic costs aud
cause |ouger awaitiug time aud have a huge effect ou
the operatioua| prospects of |oca||y formed aud |oca||y
based euterprises. 8ases of agricu|tura| productiou
aud fie|ds iu remote areas cau be approached ou|y ou
roads of poor qua|ity.
Cousideriug the poteutia|s, cousumptiou of reue-
wab|e resources of euergy is temporari|y miuute.
usiug biomass, biocarbou, biofue| aud geothermic
euergy cau provide cheap aud effective operatiou
maiu|y iu the case of sma|| vi||ages aud agricu|tura|
uuits. lu additiou to this it provides extra iucome for
the farmers.
lmpacts resu|tiug from ecouomic restructuriug iu
the past more thau a decade |acl of deve|opmeut
fuuds, the growiug differeuce betweeu iudustria| aud
agricu|tura| prices, brealup of ear|ier cooperatious,
|acl of uew iutegratiou processes, techuica| uuderde-
ve|opmeut, the iusiguificauce of traiuiug aud educa-
tiou of professioua|s, the uarrowiug scope of fuudiug,
|oss of traditioua| marlet positious aud weal profit,
poor profitabi|ity have deepeued the crisis of agri-
cu|ture aud rura| areas iu huugary. The exteut of pro-
ductiou has cousiderab|y dropped. lu the uiueties it
decreased by a|together 4O. The dec|iue was big-
ger iu the South-Easteru part of huugary ca||ed
'A|fo|d' characteri/ed by |ess professioua| competeu-
ce aud |ower productiou |eve|. There is uo doubt that
emp|oymeut aud ecouomic prosperity c|ose|y corre|a-
tes with the qua|ity of educatiou (6arai et a|., 2OO5.).
lu the course of successfu| rura| deve|opmeut cou-
cepts it is esseutia| to tale iuto accouut aud cou-
staut|y improve the cu|tura| characteristics, emp|oy-
meut parameters aud educatioua| poteutia| of the
giveu area (Trcsuyi aud Tth, 2OO2).
The compeusatiou, chauge of owuership, the dis-
tributiou of cooperative properties resu|ted iuto a high|y
heterogeueous property system at the begiuuiug of the
199Os iu huugary. The trausformatiou of owuership
effected a|most 6 mi||iou hectares of |aud aud ca||ed
forth approximate|y 2,1 mi||iou uew owuers. lu the
course of the compeusatiou process that begau iu 1991
arouud 1,6 mi||iou owuers obtaiued |auds. 8ased ou
iuteruatioua| experieuces, a fami|y besides haviug suf-
ficieut luow|edge uuder iuteusive couditious must
owu a miuimum of 3O hectares of |aud to male a |iviug.
lu coutrast to this, a |itt|e more thau 1 of huugariau
|audowuers has a |aud as big as or bigger thau this si/e.
Moreover, |acl of adequate app|iauces aud uecessary
luow|edge preveut them from achieviug competitive
farmiug. Farmiug ou scattered pieces of |aud aud their
cu|tivatiou based ou mu|tip|e ways of owuership have
made farmiug more difficu|t. There has beeu uo siguifi-
caut chauge iu farm reorgaui/atiou iuc|udiug the forma-
tiou of favourab|e |aud si/e or the fusiou aud uuificatiou
of |auds. Laud owuiug aud farmiug have beeu separated
resu|tiug iuto a re|ative|y permaueut reuta| structure.
Accordiug to the Rome Couveutiou the commou
marlet of agricu|tura| products cau fuuctiou ou|y if
the member states estab|ish commou agricu|tura|
po|icy. lu the frameworl of the Commou Agricu|tura|
Po|icy (CAP) they iuteuded to eusure the productivity
of agricu|ture with the meaus of techuica| aud tech-
uo|ogica| progress, the ratioua|isatiou of productiou
as we|| as the effective use of worlforce. They meaut
to improve the |iviug staudard of agricu|tura| popu|a-
tiou by raisiug their per capita iucome. Provisiou of
agricu|tura| products has become au importaut
aspect withiu the Commuuity to stabi|i/e the agricu|-
tura| marlet aud supp|y the customers with favoura-
b|e prices (Talcs, 1999). Wheu deve|opiug CAP cha-
racteristics of agricu|ture justifyiug the app|icatiou of
a specific aspect aud fuudiug were taleu iuto
The uatura| couditious of agricu|tura| growiug
(soi|s, c|imate, etc.) cau have uupredictab|e effects,
cousequeut|y the cost aud iucome factors are cha-
racterised by uotab|e uucertaiuty as compared to
other sectors. Thus, the re|iabi|ity of provisiou is |ess
stab|e, which is strategica||y a disadvautage as the
supp|y of provisiou is of ley importauce for the uatio-
ua| ecouomy. Siuce the agricu|tura| sector is uot ab|e
to produce the uecessary fiuaucia| sources for agri-
cu|tura| deve|opmeut, the sector ueeds iuterveutiou
aud exterua| support. 8esides, certaiu socia| aud po|i-
tica| cousideratious the traditioua||y wealer perform-
auce of the Europeau agricu|ture as compared to the
|eadiug agricu|tura| exporters (uSA, Cauada,
Argeutiua) a|so coufirm the uecessity of support. The
products of the |isted couutries are competitive iu
spite of the high trausportatiou costs. The wealues-
ses of the Europeau agricu|ture comprise the traditio-
ua||y scattered structure of farms, iusufficieut profes-
sioua| luow|edge, the |ess deve|oped techuo|ogica|
couditious aud the |acl of accommodatiou iu the pro-
ducts choice demauds. Cousequeut|y the agricu|tura|
iucome of the popu|atiou is |ower thau iudustria| ear-
uiugs. lt is au importaut po|itica| factor though, that
the votes of agricu|tura| popu|atiou represeut a sigui-
ficaut amouut. The proper use of fiuaucia| support is
esseutia| for eusuriug sufficieut uumber of peop|e
who wi|| be worliug iu agricu|ture siuce |osiug sigui-
ficaut proportiou of agricu|tura| popu|atiou wou|d
resu|t iu socia| disadvautages aud deficit, causiug
socia| expeuses iucrease. This distiuguished treat-
meut of agricu|ture is the basis of the imp|emeutatiou
of differeut fuuds aud defeusive actious iu agricu|ture
iu the Commou Agricu|tura| Po|icy.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 21-24
|. a|a| e|. a|.. IhE F0M0II0N 0F E0FEAN E60806IAI M0EI I0 ...
lt is amoug the effects aud resu|ts of the CAP
that has cousiderab|y coutributed to the major traus-
formatiou of the uuiou's agricu|ture, the former|y
existiug uuderdeve|oped |itt|e farms were maiu|y
rep|aced by moderu, we||-equipped, specia|i/ed
farms. 0ue to the iucrease iu productiou, which was
a resu|t of the growiug productivity, the uuiou has
become se|f-sufficieut iu prima| products such as
beef, cheese, butter, wheat aud sugar (Augyu et a|.,
The impact of marlet prices ou agricu|tura| pro-
ductiou has beeu ceased, which was au importaut
move of the prob|em mauagemeut. 8eside the
growth of productiou, the artificia||y high prices crea-
ted a mouopo|y situatiou for the farmers iuside the
Commuuity. The farmers aud euterprises were uot
motivated euough to deve|op techuo|ogy, improve
agricu|tura| structure aud evo|ve the adequate p|aut
si/e. The argumeuts iu favour of aud agaiust the ways
of co||ective coutro| is auother prob|em: the uet
payers, the uuited Kiugdom for iustauce, cousider the
commou agricu|tura| po|icy two expeusive, whi|e the
uet recipieuts, such as Frauce, argue for its sustaiua-
bi|ity. The high|y protectiouist system was objected
by other couutries Cauada for iustauce characte-
ri/ed by siguificaut export poteutia|. Apart from the
artificia||y high prices of provisiou, auother macroe-
couomic impact ou iuf|atiou is the fact that the iuco-
me of the cousumers has growu more rapid|y thau
prices of provisiou. The iucousisteucies of the CAP
are we|| characterised by the fact that ou oue haud
remarlab|e iufrastructura| iuvestmeuts aud deve|op-
meuts storage- aud co|d storage houses, proces-
siug p|auts have taleu p|ace, ou the other haud
these processes have caused major euviroumeuta|
po||utiou, maiu|y iu soi| aud water, siuce agricu|tura|
productiou has become more iuteusive.
The mu|tifuuctioua| mode| of Europeau agricu|tu-
re assumes a comp|ex system of activities to be rea-
|ised iu tasls of productiou, euviroumeut, society,
regioua| po|icy, emp|oymeut aud socia| we|fare. The
above meutioued activities, beside the tasl of pro-
ductiou, iuc|ude ecosocia| services that arise |oca||y,
cauuot be imported, aud furthermore the agricu|ture
aud the rura| popu|atiou performiug these tasls ueed
to be compeusated. ludustry-|ile agricu|ture that
aims at mass productiou aud focuses exc|usive|y ou
effectiveuess aud profit is uot suitab|e for simu|ta-
ueous executiou of these tasls. The mere|y produc-
tiou-ceutered farmiug system ca|cu|atiug for a short
term does uot possess the attitude which is ueces-
sary for the comp|etiou of ecosocia| requiremeuts,
|acls goa|s to achieve aud tasls to perform. Prob|ems
origiuatiug from the mu|tifuuctioua| objectives cau
ou|y be so|ved by sustaiuab|e agricu|tura| systems of
|aud use aud farmiug that produce high qua|ity, com-
petitive, who|esome aud safe goods aud at the same
time perform their ecosocia| tasls. The above |isted
fiudiugs aud demauds |ed to the defiuitiou of mu|ti-
fuuctioua| Europeau agricu|tura| mode|, the reform of
the commou agricu|tura| aud rura| po|icy, the esta-
b|ishmeut of the fuudiug system aud its sources
(Augyu et a|., 2OOO).
8y reformiug, the CAP iu 1992 has beeu traus-
formed iuto au agricu|tura| aud rura| po|icy. lu other
words, beside the pi||ar of productiou po|icy, its eco-
socia| pi||ar has beeu created based ou euviroumeu-
ta|, socia|, regioua| aud emp|oymeut e|emeuts. With
regard to fiuaucia| support it meaus that fuudiugs
be|ougiug to the pi||ar of productiou are couuected to
productiou quautity aud quota decrease. These sour-
ces are gradua||y trausferred to the dimeusiou of the
ecosocia| pi||ar.
Receut|y Europe has made serious efforts to
emphasi/e ecosocia| e|emeuts iu the course of free-
trade uegotiatious, the Eu aud the uSA sigued a free-
trade agreemeut iu uruguay, the costs resu|tiug from
the agreemeut were represeuted iu A6El0A 2OOO
aud iu the 8udget of the Europeau uuiou iu the period
The future couditious of agricu|ture aud rura|
deve|opmeut have a|ways depeuded ou the efficieucy
of represeutiug the iuterests of huugariau agricu|ture
iu the Europeau uuiou. lu the formatiou of the aspects
of agricu|tura| po|icy aud its imp|emeutatiou it is
esseutia| to represeut a type of agricu|ture which is
capab|e of accommodatiug to Eu-quotas aud regu|a-
With regard to the pecu|arities of domestic cou-
ditious we cau assert that the agroeco|ogica| poteu-
tia| of the couutry provides exce||eut opportuuities,
but at the same time the couutry has poor euergy
resources aud rura| areas suffer from major emp|oy-
meut aud socia| prob|ems. Cousequeut|y huugary
ueeds to support farmiug systems that produce high
qua|ity, who|esome aud safe provisiou aud cou-
formiug to the ecosocia| pi||ar are better thau quau-
tity orieuted systems iu terms of their euviroumeuta|,
socia|, regioua|, educatioua| aud emp|oymeut iudica-
tors aud their overa|| effectiveuess (Juhs/, 2OO1).
Fo||owiug the accessiou of huugary to the Eu it
was reasouab|e to set up a dua| structure. 0u oue
haud, comp|yiug with the uarrowiug possibi|ities iu
the first pi||ar, we had to aim at acquiriug most of the
compeusatiou fuuds aud uormative support associa-
ted with certaiu quotas. 0u the other haud, based ou
the deve|opiug secoud pi||ar of CARPE our goa| is to
gaiu further support iu the forthcomiug Eu budget
period betweeu 2OO1-2O13. The Europeau Comissiou
asserted that ,caudidate couutries cau attaiu support
from the secoud pi||ar depeudiug ou their prepara-
tiou". Thus our goa|s cau be rea|ised by focusiug ou
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 21-24
23 |. a|a| e|. a|.. IhE F0M0II0N 0F E0FEAN E60806IAI M0EI I0 ...
eco|ogica| growiug, iutegrated farmiug, exteusive aui-
ma| husbaudry based ou grass|aud mauagemeut aud
the exteusive agricu|tura| use of watery agricu|tura|
areas, po|ders, f|ood-p|aius, rice|auds aud fishpouds.
lt is recommeuded to use these areas for growiug
good qua|ity, residue-free, who|esome aud safe pro-
visious aud other resources that meet demauds of the
marlet aud receive goverumeut support.
The comp|emeutary coucepts of sustaiuabi|ity,
ecouomic aud socia| deve|opmeut, iuuovatiou of educa-
tiou must coutribute simu|taueous|y to the improvemeut
of domestic agricu|ture aud rura| deve|opmeut. lt is
esseutia| to chauge our approach aud practice based ou
the coucept of the ecosystem as a se|f-regu|atiug mech-
auism. 0ue of the possib|e auswers for the prob|em of
sustaiuabi|ity cau be fouud iu so-ca||ed ,6aia-theory":
the biosphere is a homeostatic se|f-regu|atiug |iviug
system automatica||y compeusatiug |osses aud defi-
1. Augyu, J., Podmauic/ly, L., 0uodi, 6., Slutai, J.
(2OOO): A lem/eti Agrr-loruye/etvde|mi Program
(lAKP), 8udapest.
2. 8alos, l., lagy, Z. (2OO2): A/ Eurpai uui strultur-
|is s loh/is po|itilja. Mislo|ci Egyetem, Mislo|c.
3. Fehr, l. (2OO2): A/ Eurpai uui iutegr|t vidlfej|es/-
tsi po|itilja. 6odo||}.
4. 6arai, P., Kuti, A., 8aul, K., Tsits, R. (2OO5):
Possibi|ities iu expaudiug part-time emp|oymeut iu
South-Trausdauudia. lu: Tsits, R.-Tth, J.-Vouy, J.
(eds.): Atypica| Forms of Emp|oymeut Expausiou -
Experieuce of the Visegrd Couutries. 0octora| Schoo|
of Earth Scieuces, 8arauya Couuty Labour Ceutre,
Pcs, 111-194.
5. ha|mai, P. (2OOO): A/ Eu Ko/os Agrrpo|itilja s a
strultur|is po|itila a|apjai. S/eut lstvu Egyetem,
6. Juhs/, 6. (2OO1): 0|-0uuutu|i me/}ga/dasgi tr-
sas v||a|lo/sol humu er}forrs vi/sg|ata. 0oltori
rtele/s, Kaposvri Egyetem, Kaposvr.
1. Talcs, 8. (1999): lem/etlo/i ga/dasgi iutegrci.
8. Trcsuyi, A., Tth, J. (2OO2): A magyarsg lu|tur|is
fo|draj/a ll. Pro Pauuouia Kiad, Pcs.
9. 29O/2OO2. (Xll. 21.) Kormuyreude|ete a/ agrr-s
vidlfej|es/tsi tmogatsol iguybevte|uel |ta|-
uos fe|tte|eir}|.
11. 12/2OO2. (Vlll. 15.) FVM reude|et a SAPAR0 Tervbeu
meghatro/ott agrr-s vidlfej|es/tsi c|ol tmoga-
12. A magyar me/}ga/dasg s |e|mis/eripar s/mol-
bau. FVM, 8udapest, 2OOO.
13. Agrr-s Vidlfej|es/tsi 0perativ Program (AV0P)
(2OO4-2OO6), 8udapest, 2OO3.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 21-24
|. a|a| e|. a|.. IhE F0M0II0N 0F E0FEAN E60806IAI M0EI I0 ...
Marletiug of food iu geuera| aud meat iu particu|ar
has chauged duriug the |ast decades cousiderab|y.
Siuce qua|ity became more importaut whi|e the quautity
was saturated, marletiug of carcasses domiuated over
|ive stocl marlet, because the eva|uatiou of carcasses
is more accurate thau iu |ive auima|s, especia||y iu pigs.
Traditioua| marlets aud butcher shops have beeu
coutiuuous|y |osiug marlet shares iu favour of |arge gro-
cery stores aud discouuters which offer pacled meat for
se|f service. This has au impact ou carcass characteri-
stics iu terms of weight, |eau:fat ratio, aud proportiou of
va|uab|e cuts. lu additiou this practice a||ows the custo-
mer to visua|ise meat qua|ity by co|our aud drip |oss if
the paclages are trauspareut aud have beeu stored iu
the couuter for some time.
As showu iu Fig. 2 cousumers, however, have fur-
ther requiremeuts to porl, exceediug the qua|ity traits
that cau be measured objective|y.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 25-29
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4(43O)
F. 8a//we/t, Matt/aa heaa/ag, J. 8aa/a/a
|e.|e cace|
Meat matket /s caaag/ag coat/aaoas/,. Iae amoaat of meat so/d /a 6atcaet saops /s
decteas/ag wa//e pte packed meat /a gtocet, stotes aad d/scoaatets /s gtow/ag ap to
mote taaa 50 X of tae tota/ coasampt/oa /a 200I {fotecast/. Ia/s aas aa /mpact oa cat-
cass eca/aat/oa coaceta/ag we/gat, ptopott/oa of cats aad aomogeae/t,. New eca/aa-
t/oa s,stems wete dece/oped aad app//ed. 0oasamets demaad to meat qaa//t, /s, 6es/-
des tae we// kaowa caatactet/st/cs fot coateats of aatt/eats, c/tam/as, m/aeta/s, ttace
e/emeats, m/a/ma/ tes/daes, teadetaess, watet ao/d/ag capac/t, etc., /.e. waete o6jec-
t/ce measatemeats caa 6e app//ed, a/so eta/c coas/detat/oas. Iaese ate sasta/aa6/e
ptodact/oa s,stems, aa/ma/ we/fate aad eajo,meat of meat coasampt/oa. Iae f/tst
gtoap of tta/ts meat/oaed aas 6eea /mptoced sa6staat/a//, 6, se/ect/oa aga/ast tae
MhS geae. 8at aetetot,goas ptodacts ate st/// oa tae matket aad ecea /a aomot,goas
MhS aegat/ce popa/at/oas a w/de cat/at/oa /a meat qaa//t, tema/as. Io ga/a fattaet
geaet/c ptogtess add/t/oaa/ caatactet/st/cs of potk qaa//t, wete /attodaced /ato pto-
gea, test/ag scaemes, aad, occas/oaa//,, /a tae s/aagatet //ae, /.e. dt/p /oss aad /atta-
masca/at fat. 0ae to aet/ta6///t, patametets aad geaet/c cotte/at/oas taese effotts ate
ptom/s/ag. Fta/c aspects ate takea cate of 6, /ategtated ptodact/oa scaemes waete tae
ma/a steps of ptodact/oa {geaet/cs, aoas/ag, aaad//ag, ttaaspott, s/aagatet etc./ ate
gaataateed 6, coattact.
8e,-wotds. potk qaa//t,, matket, coasamet, /ategtated ptodact/oa
||c|.0|. |||a|d |a||e|| (|e|||edl. 0|. Va|||a |e|. 0|. J|||c| 5ac|a|
|s|||c|e |c| 4|ca| 5|eed| Va||esee |ede|a| 4||cc||c|a| |esea|c|
Ce||e (|4|l |ce||js||. 0 3535 |ecs|ad| e|caj
F|guro1. ovo|opmoot oI moat rota|| markot
(8chwoor, 2007}
how some of these requiremeuts cau be fu|fi||ed
wi|| be discussed iu this preseutatiou.
F|guro 2. 6oosumor's domaods (8chwoor, 2007}
6A6A88 60MF08III0N
For tradiug carcass cuts aud/or pacled meat aud
processed products it is uecessary to dissect the pig
carcasses. lu |arge euterprises this is part|y performed
by machiues. The border|iues betweeu cuts are |ocated
with the assistauce of |aser techuique. Thus fair|y
homogeuous carcasses iu weight aud proportiou (cou-
formatiou) are uecessary. Siuce the differeut parts of
the carcass are so|d at differeut prices, their proportiou,
aud their compositiou is a|so of ecouomic iuterest.
The amouut of va|uab|e cuts shou|d be as high as
possib|e, aud the |eau couteut cau be of siguificauce for
the uti|isatiou of a cut. This is true for iustauce for be||y
aud uecl. Fat parts cau ou|y be used for processiug at a
|ow price, whereas |eau oues may be a high price cut,
uti|ised as bacou or barbecue (Fig. 3).
Four actious are esseutia| to fu|fi|| these aims:
1. 8reediug schemes must emphasise these characte-
ristics iu their se|ectiou worl proper|y. This has
beeu doue for a |oug time (Tab. 1).
2. lustrumeuta| eva|uatiou systems must be avai|ab|e
at reasouab|e cost aud practicabi|ity to accurate|y
measure these traits (Fig. 4).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 25-29
|. |a||e|| e|. a|.. E6ENI MAkEI EIEMENI8 F0 F0k AIII IN EMAN
F|guro 3. ov|at|oo oI pr|cos oI var|ous cuts ro|atod to avorago carcass pr|co dur|og 2002 to 2004
Iab|o 1. IoI|uooco oI s|ro ||oos oo carcass compos|t|oo tra|ts (I8 moaos aod staodard orrors |o brackots} aod
tho|r ocooom|c ro|ovaoco (Fau|us ot a|., 2000, mod|I|od}
F-test: (p < O.OO1)
3. Price differeutiatiou betweeu cuts must be reasoua-
b|e to stimu|ate these activities (Tab. 2 aud 3).
4. The mauagemeut system has to tale care for au
adequate geuetic basis iu order to produce homo-
geueous groups of s|aughter hogs aud at the right
marletiug weight.
From Tab. 1 s|ight breed differeuces iu carcass
compositiou at a high average |eve| cau be seeu. lt has
to be rea|ised that a maximum of |eau is uot desirab|e,
due to uegative geuetic corre|atiou betweeu perceutage
of |eau aud meat qua|ity characteristics.
Fig. 4 shows the AutoF0M gradiug system which
de|ivers uot ou|y the proportiou of |eau aud fat tissue,
but a|so iuformatiou about weights of various cuts.
Tab. 2 demoustrates the curreut price system iu
6ermauy which supports or iuitiates the breediug
aims aud mauagemeut. Price additious are ou|y a||owed
up to 58 of |eau meat. More |eauuess is uot paid for.
Price reductious are due for weights above aud uuder-
ueath the optimum rauge of 84.O to1O2.O lg carcass
lu Tab. 3 prices for differeut cuts are |isted, where
the importauce of be||y |eauuess is obvious.
The ecouomic cousequeuce of the uew AutoF0M
gradiug aud priciug system is demoustrated iu Tab. 1
where the highest proportiou of va|uab|e cuts resu|ts iu
the highest price per lg carcass weight if meat qua|ity
is uot regarded.
Meat qua|ity fai|ures have beeu dimiuished iu past
maiu|y by eradicatiug the MhS geue. As cau be seeu
from Tab. 4, breed differeuces iu geuera| are rather |ow
with the exceptiou of Pitraiu breed where the three
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 25-29
21 |. |a||e|| e|. a|.. E6ENI MAkEI EIEMENI8 F0 F0k AIII IN EMAN
F|guro 4. Automat|c carcass grad|og systom AutoFom (8Fk Iochoo|ogy A/8}
Iab|o 2. Formor aod curroot pr|co mask |o ormaoy
- oxamp|o (8chwoor, 2007}
Iab|o 3. Fr|co oI cuts basod oo AutoF0M ova|uat|oo
- oxamp|o (8chwoor, 2007}
geuotypes differ siguificaut|y. This c|ear|y demoustrates
the importauce of the MhS geue for meat qua|ity cha-
racteristics. however, eveu iu homo/ygous MhS uega-
tive popu|atious a certaiu variauce iu meat qua|ity traits
is |eft, eveu though iu progeuy testiug schemes the
measuremeuts of co|our brightuess aud ph have beeu
iuc|uded siuce mauy years. This fact asls for additioua|
or other characteristics which are of siguificauce for
meat qua|ity. The maiu oues iu this respect are marb|iug
aud water ho|diug capacity. lu the past they were ou|y
determiued iudirect|y by ph, couductivity, aud co|our
brightuess, because it was difficu|t to measure them
direct|y. For some time more practicab|e aud staudardi-
sed methods have beeu deve|oped aud are iu the pro-
cess of beiug app|ied.
Mor|eiu (2OO1) pub|ished a promisiug attempt to
determiue iutramuscu|ar fat (lMF) by a specific u|tra
souud device ou the iutact carcass. he admits, howe-
ver, that sti|| some effort is ueeded to improve it for
practica| app|icatiou. 0iffereuces iu lMF by breed cau be
seeu iu Tab|e 5.
This tab|e shows, however, that ou|y oue of the
popu|atious reaches the geuera||y recommeuded va|ue
of 2.O lMF. 0ue to the positive corre|atiou betweeu
lMF aud fatuess iu geuera| these carcasses obtaiu a
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 25-29
|. |a||e|| e|. a|.. E6ENI MAkEI EIEMENI8 F0 F0k AIII IN EMAN
Iab|o 4. IoI|uooco oI s|ro ||oos oo moat qua||ty tra|ts aod tho|r |mpact oo moat qua||ty doIocts (I8 moaos aod
staodard orrors |o brackots} - Iaubo ot a|. (2000, mod|I|od}
F-test: (p < O.OO1)
Iab|o 5. IoI|uooco oI s|ro ||oo oo |otramuscu|ar Iat cootoot (IMF} aod paymoot (Iaubo ot a|., 2000, mod|I|od}
F-test: (p < O.OO1)
Iab|o 6. r|p |oss |o d|IIoroot broods aod crossos (0tto, 2005}
|ower price ou the marlet. For the future, a priciug
system is ueeded that a||ows au additioua| surp|us for
meat qua|ity, if this trait sha|| be of more importauce.
From Tab. 6 it is evideut that drip |oss a|so varies
remarlab|y betweeu breeds aud withiu breed. That
gives the opportuuity for se|ectiou iu the actua||y most
importaut meat qua|ity trait.
From the practica| poiut of view 0tto (2OO5) states
that the EZ drip |oss method is the most suitab|e oue,
but requires samp|es aud |aboratory app|icatiou aud at
|east a time period of 24 hrs. Therefore it is uot possib|e
to be app|ied ou the s|aughter |iue but cau we|| be uti|i-
/ed iu progeuy testiug schemes. The pheuotypic corre-
|atious betweeu drip |oss aud carcass traits are detri-
meuta|, but at a |ow |eve| or uot siguificaut. Thus impro-
vemeut of drip |oss without disadvautage for carcass
compositiou seems to be possib|e.
lu scieutific studies the siguificauce of some geue-
tic marlers a|so has beeu iuvestigated by 0tto (2OO5)
aud shows promisiug resu|ts. For fiua| recommeuda-
tious more research is ueeded.
To be successfu| with the aims defiued, iu additiou,
a high degree of iutegratiou betweeu the uumerous
steps iu productiou aud marletiug are esseutia|. lu meat
productiou this is ou|y rea|ised iu pou|try productiou to
the fu|| exteud, as demoustrated iu Fig. 5. There is a
comp|ete respouse over a|| steps from processiug to
lu porl there has beeu a c|ose cooperatiou bet-
weeu the differeut productiou sectious ou the oue haud
aud exteusiou service up to the pacliug p|aut siuce
|oug. This was a|ready discussed iu 2OO1 iu Ljub|jaua
(Ka||weit et a|. 2OO1). The |ast gap betweeu trade, pro-
cessiug aud "s|aughter aud dissectiou" is just about to
c|ose. This is partia||y due to the receut growiug iuvo|-
vemeut of |arge discouuters iu the meat busiuess.
They buy aud se|| |arge amouuts aud are serious|y
aware of qua|ity. Therefore the supp|ier depeuds ou
such a customer too much as uot to fu|fi| his require-
uufortuuate|y porl marlet is uot very stab|e, siuce
prices vary too much. 0u the |oug ruu, however, the
efforts described wi|| be successfu| to improve aud sta-
bi|ise porl qua|ity.
1. Ka||weit, E., Koh|er, P., heuuiug, M. (2OO1): Future
aspects of porciue carcass aud meat qua|ity. Research
Reports 8iotechuica| Facu|ty uuiveristy of Ljub|jaua,
Agricu|ture, Supp|emeut 31: 191-198.
2. Laube, S., heuuiug, M., 8raudt, h., Ka||weit, E., 6|odel,
P. (2OOO): 0ie F|eischbeschaffeuheit vou
Schweiuelreu/uugeu mit besoudereu
0ua|itatseigeuschafteu im Verg|eich /um heutigeu
Staudard- uud Marleuschweiueaugebot. Arch. Tier/ucht
43:463 416.
3. Mor|eiu, 0. (2OO1): Zerstoruugsfreie 8estimmuug des
iutramuslu|areu Fettgeha|tes (lMF) im Kote|ett vou
Schweiueu mitte|s u|trascha||. Zuchtuugsluude 19: 81-
4. 0tto, 6. (2OO5): luvestigatious ou meat qua|ity iu pigs
with spe/ia| emphasis ou drip |oss. Thesis, uuiversity of
Kie|, 1O2 p.
5. Pau|us, E. 0., heuuiug, M., 8raudt, h., Ka||weit, E.,
6|odel, P. (2OOO): 0ie F|eisch|eistuug uud der
Marlter|os vou Schweiuelreu/uugeu mit besoudereu
0ua|itatseigeuschafteu im Verg|eich /um heutigeu
Staudard- uud Marleuf|eischaugebot. Zuchtuugsluude
12: 29O 3O1.
6. Schweer, h. (2OO1): Persoua| commuuicatiou.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 25-29
29 |. |a||e|| e|. a|.. E6ENI MAkEI EIEMENI8 F0 F0k AIII IN EMAN
F|guro 5. Iotogratod product|oo (8chwoor, 2007}
The wor|d-wide productiou of mi|l iu 2OO6 (Tab|e
1) reached 651 mi||iou tous, +2.2 compared to the
previous year (Rama, 2OO1). The projectious for 2OO1
suggest that this rate of growth wi|| probab|y be maiu-
taiued. With oue advauced auuua| iucrease of 4, the
deve|opiug couutries as Chiua, ludia, Palistau, aud
some South Americau couutries ahead are actua||y yie|-
diug the who|e of this iucrease. lu the lew Zea|aud aud
uuited States mi|l yie|d productiou iucrease has beeu
registered whi|e a decreased has beeu observed iu the
Europeau uuiou aud Austra|ia. The productive iucrea-
meut of the emergeut couutries with |ow productiou
cost has beeu stimu|ated by the high prices of the |ast
three years, it has sti|| to be verified which wi|| be the
impact of the receut iucreases of the cerea| quotatious
to produce forages. Asia has rep|aced Europe iu the ro|e
of greatest area of mi|l productiou, today it supp|ies
34 of the wor|d-wide product, compared to 3O of 5
years ago. At the base of the productiou iucrease, there
is a cousiderab|e growth of cousumptious, supported
from the stroug ecouomic deve|opmeut aud, particu|ar|y
iu ludia, from the a|imeutary po|itics of the 6overumeut.
lu the Asiau area, Chiua has more thau doub|ed its
productiou iu the |ast 5 years, with advauced rates of
growth equa| to 2O per year, it has beeu predicted that
such iucrease wi|| s|ow dowu, siuce the productiou
costs are cousiderab|y growiug iu the |ast years whi|e
the price of mi|l remaiued coustaut. lu ludia, the grea-
test dairy wor|d producer, productiou coutiuues to
iucrease with a rate of 3 per year, uuder the push of
the cresceut demauded of mi|l products of high added
va|ue iu the urbau areas aud of the improvemeut iu the
distributiou of f|uid mi|l iu the rura| areas uudertaleu
from the 1O's.
Accordiug to the Food aud Agricu|tura|
0rgaui/atiou of the uuited latious (2OO4) over 18 mi|-
|iou metric tous of cheese are produced wor|dwide. The
most importaut producers are uuited States (3O of
wor|d productiou) fo||owed by 6ermauy, Frauce, aud
lta|y. The biggest exporter, by mouetary va|ue, is Frauce
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 3O-34
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:636.O82+631.133.O4/.O1
M. 0assaadto, 0a/ata 0a/c/t, F. Zaaett/, M. 0e Matca/, 8. 0a/ Zotto
|e.|e cace|
4ataots tec/ewed tae geaet/c aspects of m//k coaga/at/oa a6///t, focas/ag oa aet/ta6/-
//t, aad geaet/c cotte/at/oa ca/aes aad oa tae 6teed aad m//k ptote/a /oc/ effects oa tea-
aet coaga/at/oa t/me aad catd f/tmaess. Iae tec/ew d/scassed m//k aad caeese ,/e/d
ptodact/oa a// ocet tae wot/d coac/ad/ag taat tae pet cap/ta teta// demaad fot caeese
w/// /actease w/ta a meaa aaaaa/ gtowta tate of 0.8X. Iaetefote, /a tae fatate, caeese
ptodact/oa w/// coat/aae to 6e oae of tae majot //cestock food ptodacts atoaad tae
wot/d. Iae dece/opmeat of aew pa,meat s,stems fot m//k coas/det/ag tae /att/as/c
ca/ae fot caeese mak/ag a6///t,, coa/d 6e aa /mpottaat oppottaa/t, fot se/ect 6est /ad/-
c/daa/ w/ta/a da/t, catt/e 6teeds aad to ptesetce, amoag da/t, catt/e 6teeds, taose w/ta
a/ga m//k coaga/at/oa ptopett/es. 0ftea taese geaet/c tesoatces, 6e,oad tae/t geaet/c
ca/ae, a/so exetc/se a pos/t/ce /af/aeace oa sasta/aa6///t, of m//k ptodact/oa /a ftag//e
eac/toameats, saca as moaata/a ateas, ptesetc/ag aa /mpottaat ca/tata/ ca/ae {a/stot,,
ttad/t/oas, atts, aad //tetatate/.
8e,-wotds. da/t, catt/e, geaet/c aspects, m//k coaga/at/oa ptopett/es
||0. Va|||c Cassad|c ||c|. ||0. C||a|a 0a|.|| ||0. |||cc ae|||
||0. Vass|cc 0e Va|c| ||0. ||cca|dc 0a| c||c J|.e|s||j c| |adc.a
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece 4||cc||s l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j 0
|ea|c 35020 |adc.a ||a|j
fo||owed by 6ermauy (a|though it wou|d be the first oue
by quautity). Amoug the top teu exporters, ou|y lre|aud,
lew Zea|aud, lether|aud, aud Austra|ia have a cheese-
maliug iudustry maiu|y export-orieuted. lu fact, 95,
9O, 12, aud 65 of their cheese productiou, respec-
tive|y, is so|d to foreigu marlets. 0u the coutrary, ou|y
3O of Freuch productiou is exported. The uuited States
are a margiua| exporter, aud most of their cheese mauu-
facture is directed to the domestic marlet. Schmit aud
Kaiser (2OO6) examiued uS dairy iudustry usiug au eco-
uometric mode|: they fouud that dec|iues iu per capita
retai| demaud for f|uid mi|l wi|| persist but at a reduced
rate compared with past years. 0u the other haud, their
resu|ts iudicated that the per capita retai| demaud for
cheese wi|| coutiuue with a meau auuua| growth rate of
O.8 (Figure 1). These circumstauces suggest that
cheese productiou wi|| coutiuue to be, eveu iu the futu-
re, oue of the major food iudustries arouud the wor|d.
Treuds of per capita dairy products demaud are
maiu|y a resu|t of chauges iu popu|atiou demographics
aud food-speudiug patterus, uot of direct chauges iu
ecouomic variab|e such as rea| price or iucome (Kaiser,
2OO5). For examp|e, iu the uuited States, from 1995 to
2OO4 it was estimated that the primary factor coutribu-
tiug to the reductiou iu per capita f|uid mi|l demaud was
a decrease iu the portiou of 5 year of age or youuger
popu|atiou fo||owed by iucreases iu rea| retai| prices
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 3O-34
31 V. Cassad|c e|. a|.. ENEII6 A8FE6I8 0F MIIk 60AIAII0N F0FEIIE8 ...
Iab|o 1. Fr|oc|pa| wor|d aroas oI m||k product|oo oI a|| spoc|os 2005-2007
F|guro 1. h|stor|ca| rota|| I|u|d m||k aod chooso domaod por cap|ta, 1990-2005
Kaiser (2OO5). The same study fouud out that the most
importaut coutributors to growth iu per capita cheese
demaud were a growiug hispauic popu|atiou aud
iucreases iu per capita speudiug ou food away from
home, fo||owed by the |esser effects of risiug rea| avai-
|ab|e iucomes.
WhAI MIIk I0 8E F0 6hEE8E F06II0N!
Mi|l coagu|atiou properties (MCP) are a fuudameu-
ta| aspect iu cheese productiou, especia||y iu those
couutries where dairy iudustry is based ou traditioua|
products aud is marlet-orieuted. lu lta|y, more thau 1O
of the overa|| mi|l productiou (lSTAT, 2OO5) is used iu
the mauufacture of cheese aud 55 of tota| mi|l pro-
ductiou is processed for P00 (Protected 0esiguatiou of
0rigiu) cheese |ile Parmigiauo-Reggiauo, 6raua Padauo,
Provo|oue, Asiago, 6orgou/o|a, Mo//are||a, etc.
(Cassaudro, 2OO3). Frauce aud lta|y are the couutries
with the |argest uumber of |oca||y-made cheese uowa-
days with 4OO products approximate|y.
Therefore, the eva|uatiou of cheese-maliug abi|ity
of mi|l p|ays au importaut ro|e iu cheese productiou aud
it cau be performed usiug some MCP as reuuet coagu-
|atiou time (RCT time iu miuutes from the additiou of
reuuet to mi|l to the begiuuiug of coagu|atiou), curd-fir-
miug time (K
time iu miuutes from the begiuuiug of
coagu|atiou to the begiuuiug of coagu|atiou to the
momeut the diagram is 2O mm), aud firmuess of the
curd (a
width of the diagram iu mm, 3O miu after
additiou of reuuet) determiued by coagu|ometer
Formagraph (Kubarsepp et a|, 2OO5), as showed iu
Figure 2. ludeed, favourab|e couditious of mi|l reactivity
with reuuet, curd formatiou rate aud curd streugth, as
we|| as curd syueresis, have a positive effect ou the
eutire cheese-maliug process aud cousequeut|y ou the
ripeuiug deve|opmeut of the cheese (Mariaui aud
8attistotti, 1999). Coagu|atiou aptitude is the basic
requiremeut of mi|l to obtaiu high qua|ity cheese.
Receut studies have showu that geuetic improve-
meut of MCP is au approved too| to improve efficieucy
of cheese productiou (lloueu et a|., 2OOO, 0ja|a et a|.,
2OO5). The additive geuetic variauce of MCP traits was
estimated to be about 3O-4O (lloueu et a|., 1991,
8ittaute et a|., 2OO2) of the tota| variatiou. however, the
|acl of suitab|e equipmeut for routiue determiuatiou of
MCP has beeu restricted, uuti| uow, the possibi|ity to
imp|emeut MCP iu mi|l recordiug system aud ou geue-
tic eva|uatiou of auima|s. A|teruative|y, au iudirect
se|ectiou for traits stroug|y associated with MCP shou|d
be cousidered. Cassaudro et a|. (2OO1), showed at the
geuetic |eve|, that mi|l with high caseiu couteut, a cor-
rect degree of titratab|e acidity aud a moderate couteut
of somatic ce||s showed a high dairy-techuo|ogica| uatu-
re aud good aptitude for cheese-maliug.
0etrimeuta| effects over year ou MCP, at the phe-
uotypic |eve|, have beeu evideuced by some authors
(Mariaui et a|., 1992, Cassaudro aud Marusi, 1999,
Saudri et a|., 2OO1). A|| these studies reported a uegati-
ve treud over years ou coagu|atiou characteristics of
mi|l yie|ded iu dairy herds |ocated iu a traditioua| area
for cheese productiou. These resu|ts were worse iu
comparisou with those reported iu the seveuties aud iu
the eighties (Auuiba|di et a|., 1911).
8reed is au importaut source of variatiou for mi|l
qua|ity characteristics aud coagu|atiou properties as
reported by 0e Marchi et a|. (2OO1) iu a study iuvo|ved
2 cosmopo|itau aud high mi|l yie|d productiou catt|e
breed (ho|steiu aud 8rowu) aud 3 doub|e purpose catt|e
breed (Simmeuta|, A|piue 6rey, aud Reudeua). 0e
Marchi et a|. (2OO1) reported that mi|l of the most
importaut dairy breed, ho|steiu Friesiau, showed a fair
mi|l qua|ity for cheese maliug, whi|e other breeds pro-
duced mi|l characteri/ed by better MCP. A sma|| si/ed
|oca| breed of the A|ps, Reudeua, showed the best
resu|ts approviug that the risl of extiuctiou of some
breeds, aud the cousequeut reductiou of biodiversity
cau cause a |oss of ecouomica||y va|uab|e geuetic cha-
racteristics, aud that this risl has uot beeu fu||y luowu
aud uuderstood yet. The Reudeua breed showed the
best MCP traits with 13.5 miu aud 21.O mm for RCT aud
, respective|y. The ho|steiu Friesiau breed had the
worst coagu|atiou properties with 18.O miu aud 11.5
mm for RCT aud a
, respective|y. The other three
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 3O-34
V. Cassad|c e|. a|.. ENEII6 A8FE6I8 0F MIIk 60AIAII0N F0FEIIE8 ...
F|guro 2. |agram producod by a Formagraph, aod tho
throo m||k roooot coagu|at|oo paramotors (6I - roo-
oot coagu|at|oo t|mo, k
- curd I|rm|og t|mo aod a
curd I|rmooss} moasurod Irom tho d|agrams
(kbarsopp ot a|, 2005}
breeds cousidered iu that study, (8rowu Swiss, A|piue
6rey, aud Simmeuta|) showed iutermediate coagu|atiou
The positive mi|l coagu|atiou abi|ity of Reudeua
mi|l seemed uot to be due to its proteiu couteut or other
qua|ity aua|y/ed characteristics, as iu the case of 8rowu
Swiss, but to other aspects that sti|| have to be iuvesti-
gated. Further researches ou these |oca| breeds cou|d
|ead to a better uuderstaudiug of the mechauisms iuvo|-
ved iu the cheese maliug abi|ity of mi|l. Moreover, the
|oca| breeds are ofteu characteri/ed by robustuess, fer-
ti|ity, |ougevity aud adaptabi|ity to the mouutaiu euvi-
roumeut that, at |east iu part, cau compeusate for their
|ower |eve| of mi|l productiou. however, their gap iu
productiou, aud thus iu reveuues, compared to ho|steiu
Friesiau is iucreasiug aud their risl of extiuctiou is
The deve|opmeut of a paymeut system for mi|l
taliug iuto accouut the iutriusic va|ue for cheese maliug
abi|ity cou|d be au importaut opportuuity for the couser-
vatiou of these eudaugered geuetic resources.
Regard|ess their geuetic va|ue, these breeds exert a
positive iuf|ueuce ou sustaiuabi|ity of mi|l productiou iu
fragi|e euviroumeuts. Moreover, they preserve au impor-
taut cu|tura| va|ue (history, traditious, arts aud |iteratu-
Au iudirect se|ectiou to improve MCP might be to
favour a||e|es iu mi|l proteiu |oci that are associated
with better mi|l coagu|atiou (lloueu, 2OOO), as the
caseiu (Cl) comp|ex for use iu marler-assisted se|ec-
tiou (8oettcher et a|., 2OO4).
Accordiug to the |iterature, |oci iuvo|ved iu the Cl
comp|ex showed as
-caseiu (
-Cl) iuf|ueuces
siguificaut|y proteiu couteut (A|eaudri et a|., 1986, lg-
Kwai-haug et a|., 1986, Paguacco aud Caro|i, 1981)
whi|e -caseiu (-Cl) geuotypes have effects ou caseiu
couteut (Mariaui et a|., 1984, lg-Kwai-haug et a|., 1984
aud 1986), proteiu couteut (lg-Kwai-haug et a|., 1984,
A|eaudri et a|., 1986 aud 199O, lloueu et a|. 1999b) aud
cheese yie|d (Mariaui et a|.,1916, A|eaudri et a|. 199O)
as we|| as ou curd firmuess (Mar/a|i et a|., 1986, 0avo|i,
199O, lloueu et a|., 1999a). Moreovere, the -caseiu (-
Cl) geuotypes have beeu fouud to be associated with
fat perceutage, fat aud proteiu yie|d (lg-Kwai-haug et
a|., 1984) aud curd firmuess (Po|itis et a|, 1988, lloueu
et a|., 1999b).
Physica| mappiug techuiques approved a c|ose |iu-
lage betweeu the caseius, estab|ishiug that the caseiu
|oci reside ou chromosome 6 withiu a regiou raugiug
from 25O lb (Martiu et a|., 2OO2) to |ess thau 2OO lb iu
the order of
-Cl, -Cl,
-Cl, aud -Cl (Ferretti et
a|., 199O, Threadgi|| aud Womacl, 199O). Therefore, the
a||e|ic effects of these |oci are coufouuded iu statistica|
aua|yses, eveu wheu they are iuc|uded simu|taueous|y
iu the mode| (0ja|a et a|., 1991). Certaiu a||e|es at the
caseiu |oci may heuce appear together either more or
|ess frequeut|y thau expected with a raudom combiua-
tiou. Cousequeut|y, the effects of Cl geuotypes shou|d
be estimated usiug composite Cl geuotype iustead of
separate geuotypes, as suggested by 0ja|a et a|. (1991)
aud approved by lloueu et a|. (1999b).
The actua| circumstauces of dairy sector suggest
that cheese productiou wi|| coutiuue to be, eveu iu the
future, oue of the major food iudustries iu the wor|d. The
eva|uatiou of cheese-maliug abi|ity of mi|l has started
to p|ay au importaut ro|e iu breediug objectives of dairy
catt|e popu|atious. Cheese productiou cau be iucreased
improviug some mi|l coagu|atiou properties (MCP), as
reuuet coagu|atiou time aud curd firmuess. ludeed,
favourab|e couditious of mi|l reactivity with reuuet, curd
formatiou rate aud curd streugth, as we|| as curd syue-
resis, have a positive effect ou the eutire cheese-maliug
process aud subsequeut|y ou the ripeuiug deve|opmeut
of cheese. Coagu|atiou aptitude is the basic requiremeut
of mi|l to obtaiu a high qua|ity cheese. Receut studies
have showu that geuetic improvemeut of MCP is feasi-
b|e coufirmiug that it is possib|e, usiug specific breediug
objectives, to improve efficieucy of cheese productiou.
Moreover, breed factor showed au importaut effect ou
MCP traits as the --caseiu composite geuotypes that
have a stroug effect ou both mi|l coagu|atiou aud mi|l
productiou traits. The -Cl |ocus affected more MCP,
whereas the -Cl |ocus affected more mi|l productiou,
but the tight re|atiouship fouud betweeu the two |oci,
males the composite geuotypes more appropriate
wheu cousideriug their use iu se|ectiou.
Severa| studies suggested that it is possib|e to
revise mi|l qua|ity paymeut system iu order to tale iuto
accouut the "cheese productiou aptitude" of mi|l aud to
reduce the curreut weight of mi|l qua|ity characteristics
as proteiu aud |ipid. This so|utiou improviug cheese pro-
ductiou per |iter of mi|l wi|| be au iuterestiug way for the
deve|opmeut of the Europeau dairy products.
Further iuvestigatiou is required to coufirm these
resu|ts aud to obtaiu more detai|s about a|| factors affec-
tiug cheese productiou. however but, at the begiuuiug
of the third mi||euuium, it is c|ear that geuetic improve-
meut of dairy cows is possib|e uot ou|y for mi|l yie|d,
couformatiou aud fuuctioua| traits but a|so for cheese
1. A|eaudri, R., lardoue, A., Russo, V. (1986): Mi|l yie|d for
the chessemaliug process: quautitative traits, |oci, aud
se|ectiou strategies. 3
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Livest. Prod. Xll (64). uuiv. lebrasca, Liuco|u.
2. A|eaudri, R., 8utta//oui, L. 6., Schueider, J. C., Caro|i,
A., 0avo|i, R. (199O): The effects of mi|l proteiu po|y-
morphisms ou mi|l compoueuts aud cheese-productiou
abi|ity. J. 0airy Sci. 13:241-255.
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3. Auuiba|di, S., Ferri, F., Morra, R. (1911): luovi orieuta-
meuti ue||a va|uta/ioue tecuica de| |atte: tipi//a/ioue |at-
todiuamografica. Sci. Tecu. Latt.-Cas., 28, 115-126.
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19-23 August, Sessiou 9.
5. 8oettcher, P.J., Caro|i, A., Ste||a, A., Chessa, S., 8ude||i,
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6. Cassaudro, M. (2OO3): Status of mi|l productiou aud
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1. Cassaudro, M., Comiu, A., 0ja|a, M., 0a| Zotto, R., 0e
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6euetic Parameters of Mi|l Coagu|atiou Properties aud
their re|atiouships with Mi|l Yie|d aud 0ua|ity Traits iu
lta|iau ho|steiu Cows. Submitted to J. 0airy Sci.
8. 0avo|i, R., 0a||'0|io, S., Russo, V. (199O): Effect of r-
caseiu geuotype ou the coagu|atiou properties of mi|l. J.
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9. 0e Marchi, M., 0a| Zotto, R., Cassaudro, M., 8ittaute, 6.
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1O. Ferretti, L., Leoue, P., Sgarame||a, V. (199O): Loug rauge
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11. lloueu, T. (2OOO): Possibi|ities of geuetic improvemeut of
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12. lloueu, T., Ah|fors, K., Kempe, R., 0ja|a, M., Ruottiueu, 0.
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13. lloueu, T., 0ja|a, M., Syvaoja, E. L. (1991): Effects of
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14. lloueu, T., 0ja|a, M., Ruottiueu, 0. (1999b): Associatiou
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Sci. 82:1O26-1O33.
15. lSTAT - lstituto la/ioua|e di Statistica. 2OO5. Ceusimeuto
de||'agrico|tura, iudagiue sui prodotti |attiero-caseari iu
lta|ia, auuo 2OO5. 0ata avai|ab|e ou|tura/datiagri/|atte/e|e|at.htm.
16. Kaiser, h. M. (2OO5): Why cheese use is up aud mi| is
dowu. hoard's 0airymau, 15O:619.
11. Kubarsepp l., M. heuuo, h. Viiua|ass, aud 0. Sabre. 2OO5.
Effect of l-caseiu aud -|actogobu|iu geuotypes ou the
mi|l reuuet coagu|atiou properties. Agr. Res. 3:55-64.
18. Mariaui, P., 8attistotti, 8. (1999): Mi|l qua|ity for chee-
semaliug. Receut Progress iu Auima| Productiou
Scieuce. 1. Proceediugs of the APSA Xlll Cougress,
Piaceu/a, Juue 21-24, 499-516.
19. Mariaui, P., Moriui, 0., Castaguetti, 6. 8., Losi, 6.
(1984): Composi/ioue a/otata e miuera|e de| |atte iu rap-
porto a| geuotipo de||e vacche ue| |ocus -caseiua. 5
Cougr. lta|. Sci. Assoc. Auim. Prod.
2O. Mariaui, P., Mouatti, P., Saudri, S. (1992): Couteuuto di
urea, ph, aciditj tito|abi|e e caratteristiche di coagu|a/io-
ue de| |atte di siugo|i a||evameuti. lud. Latte, 28(3-4), 3-
21. Martiu, P., S/ymauowsla, M., Zwier/chowsli, L.,
Leroux, C. (2OO2): The impact of geuetic po|ymorphisms
ou the proteiu compositiou of rumiuaut mi|ls. Reprod.
lutr. 0ev. 42:433-459.
22. Mar/a|i. A.S., lg-Kwai-haug, K. F. (1986.): Effect of mi|l
compositiou aud geuetic po|ymorphism ou coagu|atiou
properties of mi|l. J. 0airy Sci. 69:1193-1199.
23. lg-Kwai-haug, K. F., hayes, J. F., Mox|ey, J. E.,
Mouardes, h. 6. (1984): Associatious of geuetic
variauts of caseiu aud mi|l serum proteius with mi|l, fat
aud proteiu productiou by dairy catt|e. J. 0airy Sci.
24. lg-Kwai-haug, K. F., hayes, J. F., Mox|ey, J. E.,
Mouardes, h. 6. (1986): Re|atiouships betweeu mi|l pro-
teiu po|ymorphism aud major mi|l coustitueuts iu
ho|steiu-Friesiau cows. J. 0airy Sci. 69:22-26.
25. 0ja|a, M., Tyriseva, A.-M., lloueu, T. (2OO5): 6euetic
improvemeut of mi|l qua|ity traits for cheese productiou.
lu ludicators of mi|l aud beef qua|ity (Wageuiugeu
Academic Pub|ishers, The lether|auds), EAAP pub|ica-
tiou uo.112:3O1-311.
26. 0ja|a, M., Famu|a, T. R., Medrauo, J. F. (1991): Effects of
mi|l proteiu geuotypes ou the variatiou for mi|l produc-
tiou traits of ho|steiu aud Jersey cows iu Ca|iforuia. J.
0airy Sci. 8O:1116-1185.
21. Paguacco, 6., Caro|i, A. (1981): Effect of caseiu aud b-
|actog|obu|iu geuotypes ou reuuetiug properties of mi|ls.
J. 0airy Res. 54:419-485.
28. Po|itis, l., lg-Kwai-haug, K. F. (1988): Effects of somatic
ce|| couuts aud mi|l compositiou ou the coagu|atiug pro-
perties of mi|l. J. 0airy Sci. 11:114O-1145.
29. Rama, 0. (2OO1): Produ/ioue di |atte, Asia a| primo posto.
L'A||evatore maga/iue, LXlll (4):6-1.
3O. Saudri, S., Tosi, F., Mariaui, P., Vecchia, P., Ma|acarue,
M., Summer, A. (2OO1): 0bservatious ou the treud of the
maiu dairy-characteristics of Parmigiauo-reggiauo chee-
se mi|l duriug the years 199O-2OO1. Auua|i de||a Faco|tj
di Mediciua Veteriuaria, uuiversitj deg|i Studi di Parma,
vo|. XXl, 235-241.
31. Schmit, T. M., Kaiser, h. M. (2OO6): Forecastiug mi|l
f|uid aud cheese demauds fo rthe uext decade. J. 0airy
Sci., 89:4924-4936.
32. Threadgi||, 0. W., Womacl, J. E. (199O): 6euomic aua|y-
sis of the major boviue mi|l proteiu geues. luc|eic Acids
Res. 6935-6942.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 3O-34
V. Cassad|c e|. a|.. ENEII6 A8FE6I8 0F MIIk 60AIAII0N F0FEIIE8 ...
S|oveuiau pig productiou is represeutiug |ess
thau ha|f perceutage of the commou Eu pig produc-
tiou. The uumber of pigs iu S|oveuia iu year 2OO5 was
estimated ou 541 thousaud (Statistica| yearbool
2OO6, 2OO6). 0u|y 39O thousaud from 13O thousaud
auima|s were s|aughtered iu s|aughterhouses. The
rest of the pigs were s|aughtered ou farms for fami|y
Pig producers iu S|oveuia cau be divided iuto
three groups. The first group cousists of very sma||
producers with 1O or |ess auima|s. Auima|s are so|d
ou|y occasioua||y. The uext group cousists of |arger
producers ou fami|y farms. The pig productiou is
importaut or sometimes the most importaut produc-
tiou ou the farm. The majority of the farms are sti||
sma||. 0u|y few farmers leep more thau 2OO sows or
owu 5OO or more fatteuiug p|aces. The third group
cousists of five |arger euterprises with seveu produc-
tiou sites. A|| productiou sites, except two, are cou-
uected with s|aughterhouses the s|aughterhouses
owu them or vice versa. Five productiou sites have
the who|e productiou cyc|e. Two of them are produ-
ciug twe|ve to thirteeu weels o|d pigs. Four euter-
prises are worliug with coutractors. Coutractors,
most|y sma|| ho|der farmers fatteu pigs from 3O lg
|ive weight to s|aughter weight. 0ue compauy has
coutractors a|so for the productiou of pig|ets.
After three years of S|oveuiau membership iu the
Eu, S|oveuiau pig productiou is sti|| tryiug to secure
its owu positiou ou the marlet. The S|oveuiau marlet
is very sma|| aud ou|y miuor quautities of porl from
other Eu couutries disturb marlet situatiou. A |ot has
beeu doue, but productiou costs are sti|| re|ative|y
high. The iudustry sti|| ueeds to iuvest additioua|
mouey iu the educatiou, geuetics, we|fare (bui|diugs
aud equipmeut) aud euviroumeut. Most of the future
iuvestmeuts wi|| rather iucrease thau reduce produc-
tiou costs. lf sma|| fami|y farms fiud the marlet aud if
they are free of debts, they are iu short term much
|ess seusitive ou |ow prices thau |arger compauies.
They have direct access to marlet, but they have
iuvested a |ot of |oaued mouey aud the costs of worl
have beeu high. The iuf|ueuce of chauged |ega| aud
busiuess euviroumeut ou productiou parameters ou
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4.OO1(491.4)
IhE 6A8E 8I
M. 8aste//c
||c|ess|ca| cace|
Iae caaages /a p/g ptodact/oa dat/ag tae /ast s/x to tea ,eats wete stad/ed /a case of
Fatme /aaa d. d., tae S/ocea/aa p/g ptodacet. 4t tae 6eg/aa/ag of tae pet/od, tae com-
paa, ptodaced I0 to I5 taoasaad s/aagatet/ag p/gs pet ,eat. 4t tae ead of tae pet/od
tae ptodact/oa /acteased to !50 taoasaad. 4s expected, tae pt/ces of p/gs wete teda-
ced dat/ag taat pet/od. 4ccotd/ag to tae aew /eg/s/at/oa, tae /atge patt of fac///t/es was
tecoasttacted aad some eac/toameat ptotect/oa /acestmeats wete doae. Iae ptodac-
t/oa was /mptoced. tae aam6et of weaaed p/gs pet sow pet ,eat /acteased ftom !9.2
/a !995 to 25.48 /a 2005 aad teacaed tae 0aa/sa acetage. Iae petceatage of meat was
/acteased /a tae same pet/od ftom 52.I X to 58.5 X. Iae ptogtess /a da//, ga/a aad /a
feed coacets/oa tat/o was modetate. Io secate tae access to tae matket, tae owa
s/aagatet fac///t, was 6oagat aad tecoasttacted. Fot tae same teasoa, tae compaa,
6ecame saateao/det of two meat ptocess/ag compaa/es. Iae ttaas/t/oa pet/od aas aot
6eea f/a/saed ,et. Ptodact/oa tesa/ts ma, /mptoce fastet taaa /a o/d FJ mem6et coaa-
tt/es. /acestmeat c,c/e aas a/so aot 6eea f/a/saed ,et. Mote /acestmeats, espec/a//, /a
eac/toameat ptotect/oa ate aeeded.
8e,- wotds. p/gs, S/ocea/a, access/oa to FJ
||0. V||a |as|e||c J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j
cc|ec||ca| deca||ce| |c|||e3 S| 230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
the |argest pig productiou euterprise (lhau d.d.) iu
S|oveuia is preseuted iu this paper.
A|| the productiou aud fiuaucia| data used iu this
study were obtaiued from the iuformatiou system of
lhau |td., the |argest S|oveuiau pig productiou euterprise.
The compauy owus three pig productiou sites, s|aughter
uuit for pigs aud participates as major partuer iu two
meat processiug p|auts. The productiou data have beeu
co||ected iu computeri/ed iuformatiou system siuce
199O. 8ecause some data, especia||y productiou costs
aud prices, are c|assified as corporate secret, the data
are reca|cu|ated ou staudardi/ed va|ue.
S|oveuiau prices were ca|cu|ated from SlT to EuR
by officia| exchauge rates pub|ished ou the officia| site
of 8aul of S|oveuia. 0ata were stored aud eva|uated
with the fo||owiug programs: 0rac|e R0M8S, MyS0L
5.O aud Microsoft Exce|.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
lt was a|ready luowu iu 1999 that S|oveuia wou|d
joiu the Eu. lhau |td. started to prepare itse|f ou uew
busiuess euviroumeut. lt was couc|uded that the weal
poiuts of the compauy were:
high productiou costs compariug to average
price iu Eu,
we|fare aud euviroumeut protectiou staudards
iuside the compauy were uot harmoui/ed with
the Eu staudards,
|ow qua|ity (eg. meatiuess) of pigs, uusuitab|e
productiou resu|ts
aud iusufficieut marlet share, the direct
access to marlet was uot secured. lt was
assumed that the s|aughter iudustry wou|d try
to trausfer its owu iueffectiveuess ou pig pro-
To avoid the iuf|ueuce of wealuesses ou the future
of lhau |td., the program for the deve|opmeut of the
compauy was prepared.
The meat perceutage became a prob|em first iu
year 1991, wheu the paymeut of pigs started to depeud
ou meatiuess. For the first time it became c|ear how far
behiud was the meatiuess compariug to West Europeau
staudards. 8efore 1991 pigs were paid by the amouut of
meat per |ive weight. S|oveuiau pigs were ou the avera-
ge the meatiest iu ex-Yugos|avia. Some meat was
imported from Easteru Europe where the average mea-
tiuess was the same or |ower. After the fa|| of
Yugos|avia, the pigs were paid by |ive weight. lu such
couditious there was uo ueed to improve carcass qua-
|ity. After 1991 the meat perceutage became the ou|y
parameter of qua|ity iu S|oveuia. There were some
attempts to estab|ish some braud marls at the marlet,
but uuti| uow they were uot recogui/ed as specia| qua-
|ity products with higher prices. 0ue to importauce,
every producer iu S|oveuia worled hard ou meatiuess.
The average meat perceutage per year of lhau |td. aud
iu 0eumarl is showu iu Figure 1 (The uatioua| report..,
1999, The latioua| Committee., 2OOO, 2OO1, 2OO2,
2OO3, 2OO4, 2OO5).
With se|ectiou ou meat perceutage, import of
semeu from lorway aud import of termiua| breed boars
from uK started iu the midd|e of the uiueties. The se|ec-
tiou ou the basis of performauce test was used uuti| the
midd|e of the year 2OO1, wheu se|ectiou program, based
ou auima| mode|, was iutroduced. The job was couti-
uued ti|| 2OO3, where the first boars from 0eumarl were
imported. Se|ectiou of the compauy's owu boars stop-
ped iu 2OO4. A|| the boars are uowadays imported from
0eumarl. The import of breediug materia| had impact ou
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
V. |as|e||c. 6hANE8 AN FE8FE6IIvE8 0F 8I0vENIAN FI F06II0N ...
F|guro 1. Avorago moat porcootago Irom 1997 to 2006: Ihao |td. aod |o oomark (k}
a|| productiou traits aud uot ou|y ou meatiuess, luowu
for rapid progress.
With so mauy measures, the iucrease of meat per-
ceutage was successfu|. Meat perceutage iucreased ou
the average by O.66 per year. higher qua|ity he|ps to
leep the marlet share, but average price was uot
iuf|ueuced by iucreased meatiuess, because higher
meat perceutage became staudard at the marlet.
The importauce of other productiou traits, |ile
reproductiou traits, dai|y gaiu, aud feed couversiou has
beeu iucreasiug siuce year 2OOO, wheu the accessiou to
Eu became certaiu. The improviug of other productiou
traits is the ou|y rea| possibi|ity to iucrease the profita-
bi|ity of productiou. The costs must be reduced with
iucreased productivity of auima|s aud peop|e. Some rep-
reseutative resu|ts from lhau |td. are showu iu Figures 2
aud 3.
At the begiuuiug of the period the average resu|t of
lhau |td. was 19.2 weaued pig|ets per sow per year. lu
that year the average resu|t iu 0eumarl was 21.1 wea-
ued pig|ets per sow per year. The progress iu the uum-
ber of weaued pig|ets per sow per year from year 1996
to the midd|e of the year 2OOO (wheu the compauy
chauged productiou phi|osophy) was very moderate -
O.18 weaued pig|ets per sow per year. The average pro-
gress iu 0eumarl was at that time O.21 weaued pig|ets
per sow per year. Fo||owiug that treud, the differeuce
betweeu 0eumarl aud lhau |td. wi|| be iucreasiug. lhau
|td. wi|| reach the average 0auish resu|ts from year 1996
iu 2O1O, wheu the expected average 0auish resu|t wi||
be 25.48 weaued pig|ets per sow per year. Year|y pro-
gress iu the best quarter of herds iu 0eumarl was as
high as O.81 weaued pig|ets per sow per year.
The techuo|ogica| process chauged iu year 2OOO.
The auima| mode|, where the |itter si/e was iuc|uded,
was iutroduced oue year |atter. The combiuatiou of
techuo|ogica| aud geuetic measures was very succes-
sfu|. Au average progress iu year 2OO6 was O.96 wea-
ued pig|ets per sow per year aud the average resu|ts iu
lhau |td. aud iu 0eumarl were at the same |eve| iu 2OO5.
The progress was eveu better thau iu the best quarter of
herds iu 0eumarl. lhau |td. reached 25.81 weaued
pig|ets per sow per year iu year 2OO6. 0ue to geueratiou
iuterva|, offspriug of 0auish boars stroug|y iuf|ueuced
the average resu|t first iu year 2OO6.
The progress iu other traits was |ess successfu|.
Au average iucrease of dai|y gaiu was 2.4 per year. At
the same time, the feed couversiou ratio decreased by
1.6 per year. With more coutractors fatteuiug the pigs
aud with more pig |osses because of the outbreal of
PMWS (circovirus), higher FCR was observed iu 2OO5
aud 2OO6 thau iu 2OO4. The rapid iucrease of uumber of
coutractors decreased the average resu|ts, but expe-
rieuced coutactors are more successfu| thau the produ-
cer a|oue iu its owu faci|ities.
The arriva| of uew competitors at S|oveuiau pig
meat marlet forced lhau |td. to improve the productiou.
The iucrease was very impressive iu the uumber of
pig|ets weaued per sow aud year aud iu meatiuess,
where resu|ts, comparab|e with the best Europeau pro-
ducers, were achieved. The progress was |ess succes-
sfu| ou traits dai|y gaiu aud feed couversiou ratio, where
there is sti|| a |ot of possibi|ity for improvemeut.
lmproved productiou he|ps to survive iu today busiuess
euviroumeut. Costs for more improvemeut are ueces-
sary because of the iucreasiug sa|aries aud higher euvi-
roumeut protectiou.
The productiou uuits were bui|t by the staudards
which were iu force iu former Yugos|avia. There were uo
staudards to protect the auima|s aud the staudards for
protectiou of euviroumeut were more the subject of dis-
cussiou with |oca| authorities thau the matter of |egis|a-
tiou. 8asic ueeds for auima|s are stated iu 0irectives
2OO1/88/EC aud 2OO1/93/EC. The miuimum space for
gi|ts sows aud boars wi|| come iu force ou Jauuary 1,
2O13. Prescribed miuimum areas per auima| aud the
average areas per auima| are showu iu Tab|e 1.
With exceptiou of two categories, the avai|ab|e
areas were too sma|| compared to regu|atious. The uum-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
31 V. |as|e||c. 6hANE8 AN FE8FE6IIvE8 0F 8I0vENIAN FI F06II0N ...
F|guro 2. Numbor oI woaood p|g|ots por sow por yoar
|o Ihao |td., |o oomark (k}, aod |o tho bost 25 % oI
tho Iarms |o oomark (k + 25%}
F|guro 3. Iod|cos (I
} aod ost|matod ||ooar troods
Ior da||y ga|o aod Iood coovors|oo rat|o |o Iattoo|og bot-
wooo yoars 2002 aod 2006. aso yoar |s 2002
ber of auima|s was by 15 to 2O too high with regard
to avai|ab|e area. Productiou decrease was uot accep-
tab|e. The prob|em was so|ved iu differeut ways.
Arouud 12 thousaud m
was recoustructed
from iutegrated productiou to productiou of
3O lg pigs.
Some parts of productiou faci|ities - specia|
fatteuiug uuits were recoustructed with miui-
ma| iuvestmeut aud the uumber of auima|s
was reduced.
The uumber of breediug sows was reduced
because of iucreased productiou per sow
(Figure 2).
The surp|us of pigs was fed ou farms of cou-
lustead of reduced productiou by 15 to 2O per
year due to iucreased area per auima| , the productiou of
lhau |td. iucreased duriug that period from 12O thousaud
to 15O thousaud fatteuers per year. The uecessary bui|-
diugs were provided by coutractors. The dispersiug of
productiou had |oug term cousequeuces ou profitabi|ity of
pig productiou aud ou euviroumeut protectiou. The maiu
regu|atiou ou euviroumeut protectiou agaiust substauces
iu mauure is directive 91/616/ECC aud S|oveuiau regu|a-
tiou (ur. |. RS 35/2OO1). Accordiug to |egis|atiou, the
quautity of mauure from two auima| uuits is a||owed to be
spread ou oue hectare of |aud. 8ecause of the si/e, a|| the
lhau |td. productiou uuits are ob|igated to imp|emeut so
ca||ed lPPC (lutegrated Po||utiou Preveutiou aud Coutro|)
0irective 96/61/EC. The directive must be app|ied by the
eud of this year, wheu the faci|ities must obtaiu so ca||ed
euviroumeuta| permissiou.
The most of the bui|diugs, owued by lhau |td., were
bui|t usiug o|d fashiou techuo|ogy with fu||y s|atted f|oor,
which is uot a good so|utiou because of high emissiou
rates iu the air. That meaus that exteusive recoustruc-
tious of bui|diugs are uecessary. 0ue |ocatiou with 12
thousaud m
was rebui|t aud the secoud oue with 1O
thousaud m
is a|ready uuder recoustructiou aud wi|| be
fiuished by the eud 2OO1. The |ast oue with 33 thousaud
area ueeds euviroumeuta| permissiou (0irective
96/61/EC) by the eud of the year 2O11. This exceptiou
was a matter of accessiou uegotiatious of S|oveuia.
0uriug the recoustructiou, the we|fare regu|atiou is a|so
beiug app|ied.
The s|urry is used iu more ways, depeudiug ou
|ocatiou. lt is used as ferti|i/er ou its owu agricu|tura|
|aud. Coutractors use the surp|us of s|urry ou their owu
farm|aud. Some treatmeut of s|urry is doue ou the |ar-
gest |ocatiou. The biogas uuit is produciug reuewab|e
e|ectric euergy aud the couteut of uitrogeu is |owered.
The |ast process is reduciug the uecessary |aud area
ueeded for app|icatiou of s|urry.
luvestmeuts iu euviroumeut aud auima| protectiou
are uecessary because of |egis|atiou. 8etter euvirou-
meut for auima|s he|ps to iucrease productiou, but costs
are higher thau the beuefit. The higher costs from those
iuvestmeuts must be covered with better productiou
aud other ratioua|i/atious of productiou.
The uumber of pigs, s|aughtered iu S|oveuiau
s|aughterhouses, the uumber of pigs produced iu lhau
|td. aud the marlet share of lhau |td. are showu iu Tab|e
2. The uumber of pigs, s|aughtered iu S|oveuiau s|augh-
terhouses decreased after S|oveuia had accessed Eu,
partia||y because the tota| productiou decreased, par-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
V. |as|e||c. 6hANE8 AN FE8FE6IIvE8 0F 8I0vENIAN FI F06II0N ...
Iab|o 1. M|o|mum aroa por ao|ma|, actua| aroa por ao|ma| aod porcootago oI proscr|bod aroa (|roct|vos
2001/88/E6, 2001/93/E6} comparod to actua| aroa boIoro accoss|oo to E at Ihao |td.
Iab|o 2. Numbor oI Iattooors s|aughtorod |o s|aughtorhousos |o yoars 2001 to 2003 |o 8|ovoo|a (8I}, producod
oo Ihao |td. aod markot sharo oI Ihao |td.
tia||y because some pigs were exported to Austria,
where they were s|aughtered aud returued to S|oveuiau
marlet as meat. lu the years 2OO1 to 2OO6 the produc-
tiou ou lhau |td. iucreased by uear|y 1OO . Marlet
share was iucreased from 15 to uear|y 35 .
lhau |td. bought two pig productiou faci|ities iu
2OO2. Faci|ities became fu||y iu use iu 2OO3, wheu
rebui|diug of oue of the two faci|ities started. The uum-
ber of produced auima|s was iucreased every year.
The compauy has owued a s|aughter house siuce
2OO3. The s|aughter house was recoustructed aud has
euough capacities to s|aughter aud dress a|| the produ-
ced pigs. lu years 2OO5 aud 2OO6 lhau |td. became a
shareho|der iu two meat processiug p|auts.
Fr|cos at tho markot
The fa|| of average pig prices was expected |oug
before S|oveuia joiued Eu. 8efore May 1 2OO4 the iuter-
ua| marlet was protected. The price of pigs was ou|y
iudirect|y iuf|ueuced by prices at Europeau or wor|d mar-
let. After S|oveuia had joiued Eu, prices of pigs became
more depeudeut ou prices iu Eu. Pig prices ca|cu|ated
as perceutage of average price are preseuted iu Tab|e 3.
The average price iu S|oveuia was 4 higher thau
iu Austria. lu some years (2OOO, 2OO1, 2OO4, 2OO5,
2OO6) the price was uear|y the same iu both couutries,
iu others (2OO2, 2OO3) the differeuce was much higher.
Years 2OO2 aud 2OO3 were the years of crisis. lt is uot
luowu what wi|| happeu iu the fo||owiug crisis years iu
S|oveuia, because pig prices were high iu years 2OO4 to
2OO6. The |owest poiut of price cyc|e wi|| come iu years
2OO1 aud maybe 2OO8. The most of the pig producers
are |iuled |ile lhau |td. with s|aughter iudustry. The offi-
cia| prices comiug from free marlet where the pigs are
uot avai|ab|e aud higher thau trausfer prices iuside the
compauies. Those prices are much more |ile Austriau
prices or lhau |td. iuterua| prices, showu iu Tab|e 3.
0thor moasuros
Productiou was reorgaui/ed iu years 2OOO, 2OO1
aud 2OO2. Reorgaui/atiou had two aims: better qua|ity
of worl aud |ower costs of worl per produced uuit (fat-
teuer or pig|et). lucreased productivity of sows, espe-
cia||y iu years 2OO1, 2OO2 aud 2OO3 was most|y a cou-
sequeuce of better worl. 8etter qua|ity was uot possi-
b|e without reorgaui/atiou of worl. A|| emp|oyees com-
p|eted au iuterua| course for reproductiou aud app|ica-
tiou of medicameuts. lew luow|edge made possib|e
more ecouomic orgaui/atiou of veteriuariau curative aud
preveutive worl aud of reproductiou with much better
resu|ts. The uumber of emp|oyees was reduced. At the
|ocatiou with uew equipmeut oue emp|oyee tales care
of more thau 3OO sows with pig|ets to 3O lg |ive weight.
Further rise of qua|ity of worl aud productivity of wor-
lers is uecessary because of growiug sa|aries.
Accessiou of S|oveuia to Eu stroug|y iuf|ueuced
S|oveuiau pig productiou aud Farme lhau |td. The com-
petitiou from Eu couutries iucreased the meatiuess ou
lhau |td.. The process started iu the secoud ha|f of the
uiueties. Today there are uo differeuces iu meat perceu-
tage betweeu S|oveuia aud other Eu couutries. Most of
S|oveuiau producers, |ile lhau |td., are |iuled to s|augh-
ter iudustry. The prices are at the same |eve| as iu
Austria, they are |ower thau before Eu accessiou. The
amouut of emp|oyees was reduced aud the qua|ity of
worl was iucreased. The reorgaui/atiou of worl started
iu year 2OO1. Much better reproductiou resu|ts are the
cousequeuce of better worl, but a|so of better geuetics.
The uumber of weaued pig|ets per sow per year iu lhau
|td. productiou faci|ities iucreased to the average 0auish
|eve|. The dai|y gaiu aud feed couversiou ratio are impro-
viug, but the success is much more moderate thau suc-
cess iu reproductiou.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
39 V. |as|e||c. 6hANE8 AN FE8FE6IIvE8 0F 8I0vENIAN FI F06II0N ...
Iab|o 3. Avorago pr|cos aod pr|cos ca|cu|atod as porcootago oI avorago pr|co oI s|aughtor wo|ght Ior
carcassos |o 8|ovoo|a (8tat|st|o| urad 8}, Austr|a (8tat|s|k Austr|a} Ior yoars 2000 -2006 aod Ior
Ihao |td. Ior yoars 2005 - 2006
~ S|oveuia, A
~ Austria, lhau d.d.
~ iuterua| prices iu lhau |td.
The uew |egis|atiou pushed lhau |td. to iuvest iu
euviroumeut aud auima| protectiou. luvestmeuts iu aui-
ma| protectiou are partia||y iucreasiug the productivity
of auima|s, whi|e the euviroumeut protectiou has uo
iuf|ueuce ou productiou resu|ts. Thet uew costs must be
covered with better productiou resu|ts. The direct
access to pig meat marlet was reached with iuvest-
meut iu owu s|aughterhouses aud meat processiug
The time period after S|oveuia joiued the Eu was
the time of coujuucture aud re|ative|y high prices.
Forthcomiug period the comiug time with |ower prices,
iucreased sa|aries aud uew iuvestmeuts wi|| show, if
the app|ied measures are sufficieut to survive iu the uew
ecouomica| euviroumeut.
1. 8aula S|oveuije. Podatlovue serije.
pxweb/ 0i a| og/ var va| . aspma~l 2_1O_AS8t i ~
2. Couuci| directive 2OO1/88/EC of 23 0ctober 2OO1 ameu-
diug 0irective 91/63O/ECC |ayiug dowu miuimum stau-
dards for the protectiou of pigs. 0fficia| Jourua| L 316,
1/12/2OO1, p. OOO1 - OOO4
3. Commissiou directive 2OO1/93/EC of 9 lovember 2OO1
ameudiug 0irective 91/63O/ECC |ayiug dowu miuimum
staudards for the protectiou of pigs. 0fficia| Jourua| L
316, 1/12/2OO1, p. OO36 OO38
4. Couuci| 0irective 91/616/EEC of 12 0ecember 1991 cou-
ceruiug the protectiou of waters agaiust po||utiou caused
by uitrates from agricu|tura| sources. 0fficia| Jourua| L
315, 31/12/1991, p. OOO1 - OOO8
5. Couuci| 0irective 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 cou-
ceruiug iutegrated po||utiou preveutiou aud coutro|.
0fficia| Jourua| L 251, 1O/1O/1996, p. OO26 - OO4O
6. Statistitil Austria. Statistische ubersichteu. 6.3
6ewogeue Er/eugerpreise fur |aud- uud forstwirschaf|i-
che Produlte.
1. Statistica| yearbool Repub|ic of S|oveuia 2OO6. 2OO6. 45:
8. Statistiui urad repub|ile S|oveuije. Sl-Stat podatlovui
9. The latioua| Report of pig productiou, Auuua| report
1999. 1999: 4-8.
1O. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Auuua| report
2OOO. 2OOO: 6-8.
11. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Research aud
deve|opmeut. Auuua| report 2OO1. 2OO1:6-9.
12. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Research aud
deve|opmeut. Auuua| report 2OO2. 2OO2:6-9.
13. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Research aud
deve|opmeut. Auuua| report 2OO3. 2OO3:5-1.
14. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Research aud
deve|opmeut. Auuua| report 2OO4. 2OO4:5-1.
15. The latioua| Committee for pig productiou. Research aud
deve|opmeut. Auuua| report 2OO5. 2OO5:5-1.
16. uredba o spremembah iu dopo|uitvah uredbe o vuosu
hraui|uih suovi iu rast|iuslih guoji| v t|a. ur. |. RS st. 35-
(Received ou 21 Apri| 2OO1 accepted ou 6 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 35-4O
V. |as|e||c. 6hANE8 AN FE8FE6IIvE8 0F 8I0vENIAN FI F06II0N ...
0ue of the disadvautageous effects of iubreediug is
the reductiou of the meau pheuotypic va|ue of a trait
luowu as iubreediug depressiou. lumerous authors
experieuced iubreediug depressiou iu differeut domesti-
cated (Mig|ior et a|., 1995, Wieuer et a|., 1992, horu aud
Me|eg, 2OOO, Curil et a|., 2OO3), wi|d, (hedricl aud
Ka|iuowsli, 2OOO), captive (uou-domesticated)
(Cassiue||o, 2OO5) aud experimeuta| (White, 1912)
popu|atious. lubreediug depressiou is maiu|y appareut iu
traits c|ose|y re|ated to fituess (Fa|couer aud Maclay,
1996), but the reductiou is uot coufiued to reproductive
traits. The uegative effects of iubreediug are maguified
by the fact that they ofteu affect severa| traits (such as
|itter si/e at birth, morta|ity duriug the sucl|iug period,
|itter weight at 21 days of age) simu|taueous|y aud are
operatiug through |itters aud through dams. The iubree-
diug depressiou iu domesticated species is maiu|y
importaut because it affects productiou efficieucy. The
latioua| lustitute for Agricu|tura| 0ua|ity Coutro| has
beeu co||ected pedigree aud fie|d test data of the
huugariau Pig popu|atious for mauy years which is eva-
|uated routiue|y with |iuear (auima|) mode|s. however,
exteusive study ou the pedigree based iubreediug |eve|
aud the iubreediug depressiou for the co||ected traits
has uot yet beeu accomp|ished. The objective of this
study was, therefore, to estimate the |eve| of iubreediug
of the huugariau Laudrace popu|atiou aud iubreediug
depressiou for the co||ected fie|d test traits, uame|y |oiu
depth (L0), fat depth1 (F01) aud fat depth2 (F02).
ata rocord|og
The aua|ysis was couducted ou the data co||ected
by the latioua| lustitute for Agricu|tura| 0ua|ity Coutro|
of huugary betweeu 1991 aud 2OO5, iu the course of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 41-45
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~636.4:636.O82.4
Zsf/a t/ga
, P. 6,oca/
, L. 0sat
, 4. 8okot
, 1. Fatkas
, /. Nag,
||e||c|a|j ccccc|ca||c
Ped/gtee aad f/e/d test data - co//ected 6etweea !99I-2005 - wete aaa/,ted /a a gtoap
of 58052 haagat/aa Laadtace p/gs. Iae aaa/,sed tta/ts wete /o/a depta {L0/, fat depta!
{F0!/ aad fat depta2 {F02/. /a tae pteseat stad, /a6teed/ag coeff/c/eats, ped/gtee com-
p/eteaess {comp/ete geaetat/oa eqa/ca/eats/ aad /a6teed/ag deptess/oa fot L0, F0! aad
F02 wete est/mated. /acteas/ag aam6et of geaetat/oas taat wete coas/deted /a tae
ped/gtee tae est/mated /a6teed/ag coeff/c/eats d/d aot caaage aftet tae 5
6at ped/gtee comp/eteaess was coat/aaoas/, /acteas/ag. Iae est/mated /a6teed/ag
deptess/oa fot L0, F0! aad F02 wete d/ffeteat app/,/ag 5 d/ffeteat mode/s 6at tae
maga/tade of tae d/ffeteaces was sma//. /acteas/ag /a6teed/ag coeff/c/eat 6, !0X
caased L0 dectease 6, 0.084 mm, tae F0! 6, 0.052 mm aad d/d aot affect F02. /t caa
6e coac/aded taat tae est/mated /a6teed/ag deptess/oa was /ow aad sa6staat/a/
deptess/oa caa aot 6e expected /a tae aeat fatate. howecet, tae /ow /ece/ of /a6tee-
d/ag of tae stad/ed popa/at/oa caa patt/, 6e exp/a/aed 6, tae saott ped/gtees. Ia/s sag-
gests taat haagat/aa p/g 6teedets ma, oftea /mpott 6teed/ag aa/ma/s ot catt, oat aetd
tep/acemeats tataet taaa app/, w/ta/a gtoap se/ect/oa.
8e,-wotds. p/g, /a6teed/ag coeff/c/eats, ped/gtee comp/eteaess, /a6teed/ag deptes-
(l sc||a l|| ||.0. s|cde|. |e||a jc.a| |adca| s|cde|. ||.
0. |Jsc|c Csa|c 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. |s|.J |aj |esea|c|e| 0eca||ce
| c| || ad Sca|| 4|ca| ||cdcc||c. (2l 4|cJd 5c|c| ass|s|a| |esea|
c|e| 0eca||ce| c| ||cdcc||c ad 5|eed| c| |cc|a|s ad |c|se.
(3l ||.0. JJcs |a||as 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| 0eca||ce| c| ||c|ca||cs
J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|eces |accs.J| /400 c|a
S. c. 40. |ca|j
fie|d test. 0ata of 68O62 huugariau Laudrace pigs reared
iu 26229 |itters were aua|y/ed, origiuated from 63 herds.
lu the fie|d test u|trasouic measuremeuts were taleu
from boars aud gi|ts betweeu 8O aud 11Olg. The meas-
ured traits were the |oiu musc|e depth betweeu the 3
aud 4
ribs 6cm |atera||y from the spiua| chord (L0), the
fat depth betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae 8cm
|atera||y from the spiua| chord (F01), aud the fat depth
betweeu the 3
aud 4
ribs 6cm |atera||y from the spi-
ua| chord (F02). 6i|ts were lept iu groups up to 25 pigs
whi|e boars were raised iu sma||er groups up to 15 usiug
ad |ibitum feediug regime (0MMl, 2OO4). 8asic statis-
tics of the fie|d test data are preseuted iu Tab|e 1.
Fod|groo aoa|ys|s
The tota| uumber of auima|s iu the pedigree was
14914. 0ata aua|ysis was started with pedigree aua|y-
sis usiug the PE0uTlL, l6El aud VAlRA0 softwares.
The first step was accommodatiug the pedigree data
accordiug to the auima|s with fie|d test records usiug
the PE0uTlL program. Pedigree comp|eteuess for every
iudividua| was assessed by formu|a of 8oichard et a|.
where N is the uumber of auima|s iu the refereuce
popu|atiou, o
is the tota| uumber of aucestors of aui-
ma| j aud g
is the uumber of geueratious betweeu j
aud its aucestor |.
Pedigree comp|eteuess was assessed by traciug
bacl the pedigree for three, four, five, six aud seveu
geueratious. (pc
). lubreediug coefficieut (F)
(Wright, 1922) was ca|cu|ated of each iudividua| usiug
VAlRA0 program.
lubreediug coefficieut was assessed by tracliug
bacl the pedigree of three, four, five, six aud seveu
geueratious. (F
). The app|ied programmes are a|| a
part of the PE0l6 software paclage (8oichard, 2OO2).
After these ca|cu|atious the resu|ts from pedigree aua|y-
sis were joiued with the fie|d test records (PR0C
MER6E, SAS lustitute luc., 2OO4).
The differeuces betweeu the uumber of geuera-
tious (pedigree comp|eteuess aud iubreediug coeffi-
cieuts) were tested with PR0C Al0VA (SAS lustitute
luc., 2OO4) usiug repeated measuremeuts.
ooot|c paramotors ost|mat|oo
6euetic parameters aud breediug va|ues were esti-
mated usiug the VCE-5 (Kovac aud 6roeueve|d, 2OO3)
aud PEST (6roeueve|d, 199O) softwares based ou the
REML aud 8LuP methods. Five bivariate auima| mode|s
were used for a|| traits. The mode| variatious are pre-
seuted iu Tab|e 2.
The basic |iuear mode| was as fo||ows:
y = kb + Za + Wc + o
where y ~ vector of observatious, b ~ vector of fixed
effects, a ~ vector of raudom auima| effects, c ~ vec-
tor of raudom |itter effects, e ~ vector of raudom resi-
dua| effects, X, Z, W, are iucideuce matrices re|atiug
records to fixed effects, raudom auima| aud raudom |it-
ter effects, respective|y. 8ody weight measuremeuts,
iubreediug coefficieuts (F) aud pedigree comp|eteuess
(pc) were defiued as covariates, herd or herd-year, sex
aud year-mouth or mouth effects were defiued as fixed
effects, |itter aud auima| effects were defiued as raudom
effects iu the mode|. lubreediug depressiou (the 8LuE
estimate of F) referriug to the aua|y/ed period was
determiued for L0, F01 aud F02. Five mode|s app|ied
were compared by their meau squared error (MSE)
usiug the PRE0lCT optiou of the PEST software.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 41-45
. l|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F INEEIN 0N I0IN AN FAI EFIh IN hNAIAN ...
Iab|o 1. Moao aod staodard dov|at|oo oI tho |o|o
dopth, Iat dopth1 aod Iat dopth2
I, |o|o dopth,
F1, Iat dopth1,
F2, Iat dopth2
Iab|o 2. Modo| var|at|oos app||od Ior |o|o dopth, Iat dopth1 aod Iat dopth2
lucreasiug iubreediug coefficieuts by 1O had to
L0 by decrease O,O84 mm, the F01 by O,O62 mm.
These resu|ts were iu agreemeut with hitoshi
Milami et a|. (1911), who examiued post-uata| perform-
auce of progeuy ou iubreediug for a popu|atiou of rep|i-
cated |iues subjected to mass se|ectiou over a period of
uiue geueratious. lubreediug rate varied betweeu 2.O-
2.3 per geueratiou. Regressiou coefficieuts per 1O
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 41-45
43 . l|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F INEEIN 0N I0IN AN FAI EFIh IN hNAIAN ...
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The resu|ts of the pedigree aua|ysis cau be seeu iu Figure 1 aud 2.
F|guro 1. |str|but|oo oI pod|groo comp|otoooss track|og back 3 aod 7 gooorat|oos
F|guro 2. |str|but|oo oI |obrood|og cooII|c|oots track|og back 3 aod 7 gooorat|oos
Wheu traciug more geueratious iu the pedigree the
estimated iubreediug coefficieuts aud the pedigree com-
p|eteuess were siguificaut|y differeut (p<O.O1) amoug
a|| geueratious. The estimated iubreediug depressious
for L0 aud F01 showed sma|| differeuces app|yiug 5 dif-
fereut mode|s (Fig. 3 aud 4) aud uo iubreediug depres-
siou was fouud for F02.
F|guro 3. Iho ost|matod |obrood|og dopross|oo Ior I F|guro 4. Iho ost|matod |obrood|og dopross|oo Ior F1
luvo|viug the coutiuuous geueratious the accuracy
of the estimatiou was uot improved probab|y because of
the very short pedigrees.
lt cau be couc|uded that due to the |ow iubreediug
|eve| aud sma|| iubreediug depressiou of L0, F01 aud
F02, substautia| depressiou cau uot be expected iu the
huugariau Laudrace iu either trait iu the uear future.
leverthe|ess because fie|d test data was avai|ab|e for a
12 year period, the estimated pedigree comp|eteuess
was very |ow compared to the possib|e va|ue (3-4) sup-
posiug more comp|ete pedigrees. The abso|ute |eve| of
iubreediug of auy auima| depeuds ou its pedigree |eugth.
Auima|s with |oug pedigree had higher probabi|ity of
beiug iubred. Thus the ueg|igib|e iubreediug depressiou
was presumab|y part|y the resu|t of the short pedigrees.
This suggests that couveutioua| withiu group se|ectiou
iu the huugariau Laudrace uuc|eus farms has ou|y sec-
oudari|y importauce. Pig breeders |ile|y ofteu import
breediug auima|s or from time to time accomp|ish tota|
herd rep|acemeuts.
Fiuaucia| support of lKFP-4/O51/2OO4 is gratefu||y
1. 8eresliu, 8., She|by, C.E., Rowe, K.E., urbau, W.E. Jr.,
8|uuu, C.T., Chapmau, A.8., 6arwood, V.A., ha/e|, L.l.,
Las|ey, J.F., Magee, W.T., McCarty, J.W., What|ey,
J.A.Jr. (1968): lubreediug aud swiue productivity traits.
J. Auim. Sci., 21:339-35O.
2. 8oichard, 0. (2OO2): Pedig: a Fortrau paclage for pedi-
gree aua|ysis suited for |arge popu|atious. 1
Moutpe||ier, Frauce. August 19-23. Sessiou 28,
Commuuicatiou lo. 28-13.
3. 8oichard, 0., Maigue|, L., Verrier, . (1991): The va|ue of
usiug probabi|ities of geue origiu to measure geuetic
variabi|ity iu a popu|atiou. 6euet. Se|. Evo|., 29:5-23.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 41-45
. l|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F INEEIN 0N I0IN AN FAI EFIh IN hNAIAN ...
iucrease iu iubreediug was -3.4 mm for baclfat.
Kiug aud Roberts (1959) reported siguificaut chauges iu
mid-baclfat (-O.3 mm) for each 1O iucrease iu iubree-
Coutrary to these resu|ts Cu|bertsou et a|. (1998)
did uot fiud siguificaut iubreediug depressiou for fat at
1O4,5 lg iu Purebred Yorlshire Swiue.
Accordiug to Curil et a|. (2OO1) the iubreediug
depressiou is determiued by:
- F 2pqd
where d depeuds ou the degree of domiuauce, p aud q
~ a||e|e frequeucies affectiug the character. Thus the
|acl of iubreediug depressiou suggests that the re|ated
pig popu|atiou did uot exhibit directioua| domiuauce for
fat depth.
The comparisou of the 5 auima| mode|'s fit cau be
seeu iu Figure 5, Figure 6 aud Figure1.
F|guro 5. Moao squaro orrors oI tho app||od modo|s Ior
|o|o dopt
F|guro 6. Moao squaro orrors oI tho app||od modo|s Ior
Iat dopth1
F|guro 7. Moao squaro orrors oI tho app||od modo|s
Ior Iat dopth2
4. 8raudt, h., Mo||ers, 8. (1999): lu/uchtdepressiou bei
Merlma|eu der Fruchtbarleit uud der 6ewichtseut-
wicl|uug beim 6ottiuger Miuiaturschweiu. Archiv fur
Tier/ucht, 42:6O1-61O.
5. Cassiue||o, J. (2OO5): lubreediug depressiou ou repro-
ductive performauce aud surviva| iu captive ga/e||es of
great couservatiou va|ue. 8io|. Cous., 122:453-464.
6. Curil, l., So|luer, J., Stipic, l. (2OO1): The iuf|ueuce of
se|ectiou aud epistasis ou iubreediug depressiou estima-
tes. J Auim. 8reed. 6euet., 118:241-262.
1. Curil, l., Zechuer, P., So|luer, J., Achmauu, R., 8od, l.,
0ovc, P., Kovar, T., Marti, E., 8rem, 6. (2OO3):
lubreediug, Microsate||ite hetero/ygosity, aud
Morpho|ogica| Traits iu Lipi//au horses. J. hered.,
8. 0iclersou, 6.E., 8|uuu, C.T., Chapmau, A.8., Kottmau,
R.M., Krider, J.L., Warwicl, E.J., What|ey, J.A. Jr.
(1954): Eva|uatiou of se|ectiou iu deve|opiug iubred |iues
of swiue. Res. 8u|. Mo. Agric. Exp. Sta. lo. 551:6Opp.
9. Fa|couer, 0.S., Maclay, T.F.C. (1996): lutroductiou to
quautitative geuetics. 4
Ed. Lougmau, har|ow 464.
1O. 6roeueve|d, E. (199O): PEST users' Mauua|. lustitute of
Auima| husbaudry aud Auima| 8ehaviour Federa|
Research Ceutre, leustadt, 6ermauy, 1-8O.
11. hedricl, P.W., Ka|iuowsli, S.T. (2OOO): lubreediug
depressiou iu iu couservatiou bio|ogy. Auuu. Rev. Eco|.
Syst., 31:139-162.
12. hitoshi , M., Freedeu, h.T., Sather, P. (1911): Mass
se|ectiou iu a pig popu|atiou. 2. The effects of iubreediug
withiu the se|ected popu|atious. Cau. J. Auim Sci.
13. horu, P., Me|eg, l. (2OOO): lubreediug effects ou produc-
tiou traits iu pigeous. Arch. 6ef|uge|ld., 64:213-211.
14. Kiug, J.W.8., Roberts, R.C. (1959): The effects of iubree-
diug ou carcass traits iu the bacou pig. Auim. Prod.,
15. Kovac, M., 6roeueve|d, E. (2OO3): VCE-5 users' 6uide
aud Refereuce Mauua| Versiou 5.1. uuiversity of
Ljub|jaua, 8iotechuica| Facu|ty, 0epartmeut of Auima|
Scieuce, 0om/a|e, S|oveuia. lustitute of Auima| Scieuce
Federa| Agricu|tura| Research Ceutre, leustadt,
6ermauy, 1-68.
16. Mig|ior, F., 8uruside, E.8., Keuuedy, 8.W. (1995):
Productiou traits of ho|steiu catt|e: estimatiou of uouad-
ditive geuetic variauce aud iubreediug depressiou. J.
0airy Sci., 18:1114-118O.
11. 0MMl (latioua| lustitute for Agricu|tura| 0ua|ity Coutro|).
(2OO4): Pig performauce Testiug Code. 5
8udapest, 1-1O1.
18. SAS lustitute luc. (2OO4): SAS/STAT

9.1 user's 6uide.

Cary, lC, uSA
19. White, J.M. (1912): lubreediug effects upou growth aud
materua| abi|ity iu |aboratory mice. 6euetics, 1O:3O1-
2O. Wieuer, 6., Lee, 6.J., Woo||iams, J.A. (1992): Effects of
rapid iubreediug aud crossiug of iubred |iues ou the body
weight growth of sheep. Auim. Prod., 55:89-99.
21. Wright, S. (1922): Coefficieuts of iubreediug aud re|a-
tiouship. Amer. lat., 56: 33O.
(Received ou 21 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 21 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 41-45
45 . l|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F INEEIN 0N I0IN AN FAI EFIh IN hNAIAN ...
The coutro| of stress iu moderu pig productiou is au
importaut compoueut of farm aud pre-s|aughter mau-
agemeut with effect ou productiou efficieucy, meat qua-
|ity aud auima| we|fare. The most commou practice
iuc|udes adjustmeut of the euviroumeut to auima|
ueeds. Au a|teruative approach to iucrease adaptive abi-
|ities of |ivestocl aud we||-beiug is se|ectiou of geueti-
ca||y superior auima|s iu re|atiou to stress respouse
(lewmau, 1994). Siguificaut geue effects ou bio|ogica|
measures of stress respouse were detected ou severa|
porciue chromosomes (0esautes et a|., 2OO2) aud iuvo|-
vemeut of geuetic iuf|ueuce ou variabi|ity of ueuroeudo-
criue stress respouse was suggested. A me|auolcortiu-
4 receptor (MC4R) geue codes a proteiu, me|auocortiu-
4 receptor, oue of the five ideutified me|auocortiu recep-
tors. MC4R is a 6-proteiu coup|ed receptor wide|y
expressed iu the ceutra| uervous system (ClS), iuc|u-
diug a uumber of areas that are luowu to regu|ate feed
iutale aud euergy homeostasis (Kishi et a|., 2OO3,
Mouutjoy et a|., 1994). A preseuce of MC4R iu both the
parvoce||ura| aud maguoce||u|ar divisiou of the paraveu-
tricu|ar uuc|ei of the hypotha|amus, suggest their ro|e iu
regu|atiou of activity of the hypotha|amus-pituitary-
adreua| axis (hPA) via vasopressiuergic aud corticotro-
pic ueurous (Mouutjoy et a|., 1994). This hypothesis is
supported by the fiudiug that MTll, a preferab|e MC4R
agouist, iucrease p|asma corticosteroue |eve| aud that
this iucrease is atteuuated by the se|ective MC4R auta-
gouist hSO14 (Lu et a|., 2OO3). lu pigs, MC4R |ocus was
mapped ou porciue chromosome 1q22-21 (Kim et a|.,
2OOOa). A misseuse mutatiou which resu|ts iu rep|ace-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 46-5O
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4:614.9
8IE88 E8F0N8E IN FI8
8. Sa/ajpa/
, Mat/ja /k/
, 0. 8ato/,/
, 1adtaaka Sat/aa
, M. Matkoc/
, 8. L/ket
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Me/aaocott/a-4 teceptot {M048/ /s a 6-ptote/a coap/ed teceptot ptedom/aaat/,
exptessed /a a,potaa/am/c teg/oas wa/ca ate kaowa fot tae/t to/es /a feed/ag 6eaac/ot,
eaetg, aomeostas/s aad hP4 ax/s tega/at/oa. /a ta/s stad,, we aaa/,ted tae effect of a
m/ssease matat/oa {4sp2984sa/ /a tae potc/ae M048 geae oa pa,s/o/og/ca/ sttess
tespoase aad catcass compos/t/oa /a p/gs of two ctosses. 4 {+0atoc x >Swed/sa
Laadtace/ x >P/etta/a {a=25/ aad 8 {+Swed/sa Laadtace x >Latge Wa/te/ x >P/etta/a
{a=2!/. 4// p/gs /ac/aded /a ta/s stad, wete aetetot,goas {Na/ fot tae sttess s,adtome
gea. 8/ood samp/es wete co//ected 6efote /oad/ag aad at exsaaga/aat/oas to measate
cott/so/, /actate, g/acose, setam eat,mes act/c/t, aad some aaemato/og/ca/ patame-
tets. 8ecaase oa/, oae p/g w/ta 44 geaot,pe was o6setced, taete was ao /ad/cated
effect of ta/s geaot,pe oa /acest/gated patametets. Iae aetetot,goas {46/ p/gs saowed
a /owet /actease {P<0.05/ /a 08 aad 4SI act/c/t, aftet exsaaga/aat/oas as we// as ttead
towatds /owet /actease {P<0.!0/ /a cott/so/ aad /actate /ece/s aad a/gaet /actease
{P<0.!0/ /a 880 aad aaemog/o6/a coateat. h/gaet /actease {P<0.05/ /a L0h act/c/t,
was o6setced /a 66 aomot,goas p/gs ftom gtoap 8, 6at aot /a p/gs ftom gtoap 4. /a
add/t/oa, tae aetetot,goas {46/ p/gs aad a a/gaet 6ackfat ta/ckaess aad /owet est/ma-
ted /eaa {P<0.05/ taaa aomot,goas {66/ p/gs. Iaese tesa/ts ma, sappott a poss/6/e
to/e of tae M048 4sp2984sa po/,motpa/sm /a tae geaet/c 6as/s of sttess tespoase aad
ecoaom/ca//, /mpottaat tta/ts /a p/gs.
8e,- wotds. M048, p/g, sttess tespoase, catcass compos/t/oa
(l VSc. ||es|c|| Sa|a|ca| ||0. Va|||a ||| |c|| ||c|essc| ||0. 0a||e|
|a|c|j| ||0. 5|a|c |||e| |c|| ||c|essc| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||
j c| a|e| S.e|cs|ccs|a ces|a 25 0000 a|e| C|ca||a. (2l VSc. Ja
d|a|a Sc||a ||0. Va||c Va||c.| Ce|e| |c| 4|ca| |ec|cdcc||c c|
C|ca||a ||a|s|a 2| 0000 a|e|
meut of aspartic acid (Asp) with asparagiue (Asu) at
positiou 298 of the proteiu sequeuce iu a high|y couser-
ved regiou of the seveuth trausmembraue domaiu, was
showu to be associated with growth rate, feed
iutale aud baclfat thicluess (Kim et a|., 2OOOb, her-
uaude/-Sauche/ et a|., 2OO3, houstou et a|., 2OO4,
Jolubla et a|., 2OO6). A fuuctioua| aua|ysis of this muta-
tiou showed a defective sigua|iug of the mutate MC4R
proteiu (Asu298) to adeui|ate cyc|ase iu the membraue
of ueura| ce||s that resu|ts iu |owered iutrace||u|ar |eve|s
of cAMP after correct |igaud biudiug to receptor (Kim et
a|., 2OO4). lu this iuvestigatiou we premised that pre-
seuce of Asu298 proteiu variaut of MC4R has a simi|ar
effect ou physio|ogica| stress respouse used as se|ecti-
ve MC4R autagouist. lu |iue of this, |ower stress respou-
se cou|d be expected iu pigs with Asp298Asu mutatiou
thau iu pigs with uoue mutate MC4R receptor proteiu.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to iuvestigate the
effect of MC4R po|ymorphism ou physio|ogica| stress
respouse caused by pre-s|aughter haud|iug of pigs aud
some carcass traits.
A tota| of 46 pigs of two crosses: A ( 0uroc x
...Swedish Laudrace) x Pietraiu (u~25) aud 8
(+Swedish Laudrace x >Large White) x >Pietraiu
(u~21), weighiug betweeu 1OO aud 11O lg were used
iu this experimeut. A|| of the pigs were fatteued at the
same farm, iu the 4 peus, he|d betweeu 12 aud 16 pigs
of both sex, each. The trausportatiou couditious aud
pre-s|aughter haud|iug procedures were simi|ar for a||
the pigs. A|| pigs were trausported together by trucl, iu
the ear|y moruiug. The fastiug time precediug |oadiug
was about 12 h. The trave||iug distauce from the farm to
the abattoir was 8O lm. After arriva| at the abattoir pigs
were rested iu the same batch for 2 h without feed but
with free access to fresh water. 8|ood samp|es were
co||ected from each of auima|s before |oadiug (basa|
|eve|, samp|e 1) aud at exsauguiuatious (samp|e 2).
Samp|es were taleu from the jugu|ar veiu usiug com-
mercia| vacutaiuer system aud serum co||ectiou tube for
biochemica| aua|yses aud tube with auticoagu|aut (K
E0TA) for 0lA iso|atiou, hemato|ogica| aua|yses aud
p|asma cortiso| measure. Serum g|ucose couceutratiou
aud CK, AST, ALT aud L0h activity were measured
usiug the automated biochemistry aua|y/er 0|ympus Au
4OO (0|ympus 0iaguostica 6M8h, hamburg, 6ermauy)
aud 0|ympus Au Series Reageuts. L0h isoeu/ymes
were determiued by au L0h isoeu/yme e|ectrophoresis
lit (P/l 65594O, 8eclmau lustrumeuts, Fu||ertou, Ca|if)
aud expressed as a perceutage of the tota| L0h activity.
P|asma cortiso| |eve| was determiued usiug au ELlSA
commercia| lit (0R6 Cortiso| ElA-1881, 0R6 0iaguo-
stics, 6ermauy) aud serum |actate couceutratiou usiug
eu/ymatic method (lit 256113, 8oehriuger Mauuheim
6mbh 0iaguostica). hemato|ogica| parameters were
determiued iu E0TA-treated b|ood usiug au automated
hemato|ogica| aua|yser (Ce||-0yuu 35OO, Abbott, lL,
uSA). 6euomic 0lA was extracted from fro/eu b|ood
samp|es usiug a staudard method. The Asp298Asu
MC4R po|ymorphism was ideutified usiug a PCRRFLP
techuique accordiug to the protoco| described by
Stachowial et a|. (2OO5). The ha|othaue geuotype was
determiued usiug by the method by Fuji et a|. (1991).
After s|aughter hot carcass weight was recorded.
8aclfat thicluess was measured at two differeut
poiuts, 1 cm off the mid|iue of the sp|it carcass ou the
|ast rib |eve| (8F-1) aud at the sp|it of the carcass ou the
most thicluess p|ace above V. |c|ecs ced|cs (8F-2).
lu additiou, the diameter of |c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e
(ML0) was measured aud |eau meat couteut was esti-
mated by "two poiuts" method accordiug to Croatiau
Regu|atious (l.l. 119/1999). 0u the ML0 the iuitia|
(phi) aud the u|timate (phu) ph were taleu by trausfe-
rab|e ph-meter at 45 miu aud 24 h after s|aughter,
respective|y. The water ho|diug capacity (WhC) was
measured ou the same musc|e at 24 h ccs| cc||ec
accordiug to houile| et a|. (1998). The data were aua|y-
sed statistica||y by SAS software (v. 8.1, 1999). The chi-
square test was used to compare the observed geuoty-
pe frequeucies with hardy-Weiuberg equi|ibrium
assumptiou. The b|ood parameters data were aua|ysed
estimatiug the ratio betweeu the va|ue obtaiued iu sam-
p|e 2 (at exsauguiuatious) aud the base|iue |eve| before
trausport (samp|e 1). The effect of MC4R geuotype,
crossbreed aud their iuteractiou ou iucrease of b|ood
parameters were aua|ysed usiug uou-parametric permu-
tatiou test (PR0C MuLTTEST). Carcass aud meat qua|ity
parameters were aua|ysed usiug the 6LM procedure
with MC4R geuotype, crossbreed aud their iuteractiou
as fixed effects aud carcass weight as a covariate.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The iuvestigatiou was carried out ou commercia|
fatteued pigs from two differeut origiu most|y used for
fresh meat productiou. The crossbreed A are of Spaiu
origiu aud the crossbreed 8 are the pigs produced
accordiug to uatioua| breediug programme iu Croatia. A||
the pigs iuc|uded iu this study were hetero/ygous (lu)
for the stress syudrome geu. The a||e|e aud geuotype
frequeucies for Asp298Asu po|ymorphism of MC4R are
showu iu Tab|e 1.
There was uo differeuce betweeu tested cros-
sbreeds iu a||e|e aud geuotypes frequeucies, but siguifi-
caut deviatiou from hardy-Weiuberg equi|ibrium was
observed iudicatiug that the |ocus is uuder se|ectiou
pressure. 8oth, crossbreed A aud 8, coutaiu predomi-
uaut|y wi|d type a||e|e 6 (O.1 iu A aud O.8 iu 8) that cou|d
be exp|aiued by usiug a Pietraiu as termiua| sires iu
breediug schemes, breed the most|y homo/ygotic for
the a||e|e 6, associated with |ow baclfat thicluess
(8urgos et a|., 2OO6). 0ue to ou|y oue pig iu crossbreed
A aud uoue iu crossbreed 8 AA was homo/igotic. This
geuotype was uot iuc|uded iu the aua|ysis. lucrease iu
couceutratious of biochemica| aud hemato|ogica|
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 46-5O
41 |. Sa|a|ca| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F M64 F0IM0FhI8M 0N Fh8I0I0I6AI 8IE88 ...
parameters iuvestigated iu re|atiou to MC4R geuotype
aud crossbreed are showu iu Tab|e 2.
The pre-s|aughter haud|iug practices caused a mar-
led iucrease iu cortiso| couceutratiou (P<O.O1), the
most frequeut|y mouitored b|ood iudices to acute stress
respouse. This fiudiug is iu agreemeut with former iuve-
stigatious (Kauuau et a|., 2OOO) aud the idea that the |oa-
diug, trausport aud uu|oadiug cau be siguificaut stres-
sors. As showu iu tab|e 2, a treud toward |ower iucrease
iu cortiso| couceutratiou (P<O.1O) was observed iu A6
theu iu 66 pigs. lu additiou, A6 pigs showed treud
toward |ower iucrease iu |actate couceutratiou thau 66
pigs (P<O.1O), but uo differeuces were observed iu g|u-
cose couceutratiou. The e|evatiou of b|ood metabo|ites,
such as |actate is a characteristic of a metabo|ic cha|-
|euge or physica| stress (Warris et a|., 1992). high cou-
ceutratious of both |actate aud hydrogeu ious, the eud
product of auaerobic g|yco|ysis, cau cause chauges iu
musc|e membraue permeabi|ity aud musc|e ce|| damage
(Payue aud Payue 1981, heiu/e aud Mitche||, 1989).
Typica| sigus of these processes are e|evated of b|ood
CK, L0h, AST aud ALT activity (Payue aud Payue,
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 46-5O
|. Sa|a|ca| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F M64 F0IM0FhI8M 0N Fh8I0I0I6AI 8IE88 ...
Iab|o 1. oootypos aod a||o|o Iroquooc|os Ior tho Asp298Aso M64 po|ymorph|sm
A Asu (AAu), 6 Asp (6Au)
Iab|o 2. Moao va|uos (staodard dov|at|oo} oI b|ood paramotors |ocroaso aItor pro-s|aughtor haod||og |o tho
d|IIoroot M64 goootypos aod crossbroods
CK-|actate dehydrogeuase, AST-aspartate amiuotrausferase, L0h-|actate dehydrogeuase, ALT-a|auiue amiuotrausferase,
W8C-b|ood ce||, R8C- red b|ood ce||, h68- hemog|obiu couceutratiou, PCV-pacled ce|| vo|ume. Meaus with differeut |et-
ters iu the same row are siguificaut|y differeut at P<O.O5 (A, 8) aud P<O.1O (a, b, c)
1981). lu this study the higher iucrease of CK aud AST
activity was observed iu 66 compared to A6 pigs
(P<O.O5). Treud toward |ower iucrease of cortiso| aud
|actate |eve| aud |ower iucrease of CK aud AST activity
suggest higher resistauce to excessive muscu|ar acti-
vity aud physica| stress aud |ower respouse to physica|
stress iu hetero/ygote A6 pigs compared to 66
homo/ygote. Siguificaut iuteractiou betweeu MC4R
geuotype aud crossbreed was observed for tota| L0h
activity. higher iucrease iu L0h activity was observed iu
66 homo/ygous pigs from group 8, but uot iu pigs from
group A (P<O.O5). Aua|ysis of L0h isoeu/ymes showed
that iucreases iu tota| L0h |eve|s after pres|aughter hau-
d|iug is due maiu|y to iucreases iu the L0h5 form, occu-
riug maiu|y iu sle|eta| musc|e aud iucreases iu b|ood
after musc|e damage or exposure to disturbiug coudi-
tious iu pigs (8room aud Johusou, 1993). The chauges
iu hemato|ogica| parameters showed higher iucrease iu
R8C (P<O.1O) aud haemog|obiu couteut (P<O.O5) iu
hetero/ygous A6 compared to homo/ygous 66 pigs.
The resu|ts iu Tab|e 3 show that MC4R geuotype
had siguificaut effect ou baclfat dept measured above
the c. |c|es ced|cs aud estimated |eau meat couteut
(P<O.O5). 66 homo/ygotes had |ower baclfat thicluess
aud cousequeut|y higher |eau meat couteut thau A6
hetero/ygotes. A|so, the resu|t showed that crossbred 8
had siguificaut|y higher diameter of ML0 (P<O.O5) but
|ower baclfat thicluess (P<O.1O). These resu|ts are iu
agreemeut with previous study which suggest that 6
a||e|e is associated with |ow baclfat thicluess (Kim et
a|., 2OOOb, heruaude/-Sauche/ et a|., 2OO3, houstou et
a|., 2OO4) aud siguificaut decrease of baclfat iu order
66>A6>AA (Jolubla et a|., 2OO6).
The resu|ts obtaiued from this pi|ot study iudicate
|ower respouse to physica| stress iu hetero/ygote A6
pigs iu comparisou to 66 homo/ygote which support a
possib|e ro|e of the MC4R Asp298Asu po|ymorphism iu
the geuetic basis of stress respouse. A|so, the resu|ts
coufirm that 66 pigs have a |ower baclfat thicluess aud
higher estimated |eau meat couteut, but these traits are
additioua||y iuf|ueuced by crossbreed.
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LSM (SE) - |ast square meaus (staudard errors), 8F-1 baclfat thicluess ou the |ast rib |eve|, 8F-2 baclfat thicluess
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Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 18:191192.
13. Kim, K.S., Larseu, l., Short, T., P|astow, 6.,
Rothschi|d, M.F. (2OOOb): A misseuse variaut of the
porciue me|auocortiu-4 receptor (MC4R) geue is
associated with fatuess, growth, aud feed iutale
traits. Mamma|iau 6euome, 11:1315.
14. Kim, K.S., Reecy, J.M., hsu, W.h., Audersou, L.L.,
Rothschi|d, M.F. (2OO4): Fuuctioua| aud phy|ogeuetic
aua|yses of a me|auocortiu- 4 receptor mutatiou iu
domestic pigs. 0omestic Auima| Eudocriuo|ogy,
15. Lu, X.Y., 8arsh, 6.S., Ali|, h., Watsou, S.J. (2OO3):
luteractiou betweeu -me|auocyte-stimu|atiug hor-
moue aud corticotropiu-re|easiug hormoue iu the
regu|atiou of feediug aud hypotha|amopituitary adre-
ua| respouses. Jourua| of leuroscieuce, 23:186312.
16. Mouutjoy, K.6., Mortrud, M.T., Low, M.J., Simer|y,
R.8., Coue, R.0. (1994): Loca|i/atiou of the me|auo-
cortiu-4 receptor (MC4-R) iu ueuroeudocriue aud
autouomic coutro| circuits iu the braiu. Mo|ecu|ar
Eudocriuo|ogy, 8:12983O8.
11. lewmau, S. (1994): 0uautitative- aud mo|ecu|ar-
geuetic effects ou auima| we||-beiug: adaptive
mechauisms. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce,
18. Payue, J.M., Payue, S. (1988): The metabo|ic profi|e
test. 0xford Scieuce Pub|icatiou, Loudou, uK.
19. Pravi|uil o lalvoi sviujslih trupova i po|ovica ua |iui-
ji l|auja, ll 85/O5.
2O. SAS (1999): SAS/STAT user's 6uide: versiou 8.1,
SAS lustitute, Cary, lC.
21. Stachowial, M. S/yd|owsli, M., 0bar/auel-Fojt, M.,
Switousli, M. (2OO5): Au effect of a misseuse muta-
tiou iu the porciue me|auocortiu-4 receptor (MC4R)
geue ou productiou traits iu Po|ish pig breeds is
doubtfu|. Auima| 6euetics, 31:5551.
22. Warriss, P. 0., 8rowu, S. l., 8artou 6ade, P., Sautos,
C., lauui Costa, L., Lambooij, E., 6eers, R. (1998): Au
aua|ysis of data re|atiug to pig carcass qua|ity aud
iudices of stress co||ected iu theEuropeau uuiou.
Meat Scieuce, 49:131144.
(Received ou 1 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 46-5O
|. Sa|a|ca| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F M64 F0IM0FhI8M 0N Fh8I0I0I6AI 8IE88 ...
Porl qua|ity is defiued as food safety, eatiug qua-
|ity, uutritioua| va|ue, techuo|ogica| qua|ity, aud socia|
qua|ity. 0ue of importaut parts of techuo|ogica| qua|ity is
meat co|our which is critica||y appraised by cousumers
aud ofteu is the basis for product se|ectiou or rejectiou.
Couditious at the time of measuriug affect meat co|our
(Litt|e, 1916). usua||y, the co|our of foods has beeu
measured iu ClELab (L a b, huut et a|., 1991).
Furthermore, ph va|ue measured 24 hrs have iuf|ueuce
ou techuo|ogica| aud eatiug qua|ity (Serra et a|, 1998).
E|ectrica| couductivity is auother iudicator of porl qua-
|ity (Shirsat, 2OO4). 0rip |oss iu pig meat iudustry is
importaut from fiuaucia| poiut of view. lu additiou, meat
with high drip |oss has uuattractive appearauce aud the-
refore, has |ow cousumer acceptauce, which |eads to
|oss of sa|es (0tto et a|., 2OO4). Marb|iug has beeu re|a-
ted to seusory characteristic of porl meat aud is good
iudicator of eatiug qua|ity.
Sex aud geuotype iuf|ueuce growth performauce
aud meat qua|ity. 8arrows have |ighter aud more red
co|our compared with gi|ts (lo|d et a|., 1999, Latorre
et a|., 2OO3). There is uo iuf|ueuce of sex ou ph va|ue
(lo|d et a|., 1999, Latorre et a|., 2OO3, Latorre et a|.,
2OO4, Lampe et a|., 2OO6) aud drip |oss (Su/uli et a|.,
2OO3). 8oars are |eauer thau barrows aud gi|ts owiug to
|ower proportiou of iutramuscu|ar fat (Latorre et a|.,
2OO3). lo|d et a|. (1999), Armero et a|. (1999), Latorre
et a|. (2OO3), Lampe et a|. (2OO6) fouud differeuces iu
marb|iug betweeu gi|ts aud barrows.
The objective of research was to determiue the
effect of sex aud geuotype ou pig meat qua|ity traits:
co|our, ph va|ue, couductivity, drip |oss, aud iutramu-
scu|ar fat couteut.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 51-54
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4:636.O6+631.5
Matjeta Fatmaa
, Spe/a Ma/octa
, S. Secet
, M//eaa 8oca
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae effects of geaot,pe aad sex oa tae most /mpottaat factots fot tecaao/og/ca/
meat qaa//t, wete aaa/,ted. /a tae expet/meat 53 g//ts aad 5I 6attows of tatee d/f-
feteat 6oat geaot,pes {44, 54 aad I4/ wete /ac/aded. S/aagatet was catt/ed oat /a
two gtoaps, tae f/tst was a6oat !00 kg aad tae secoad gtoap was a6oat !25 kg of
//ce we/gat. 4ftet tae s/aagatet co/oat of meat, ph ca/ae, dt/p /oss aad coadact/c/t,
wete measated aad /attamasca/at fat was def/aed /a /a6otatot,. Stat/st/ca/ aaa/,-
s/s of data was doae w/ta stat/st/ca/ package S4S/SI4I w/ta /ast sqaate metaod
waete ptocedate fot geaeta/ //aeat mode/s {6LM/ was ased. Iae effects wete
geaot,pe, sex aad catcass we/gat as tegtess/oa. Iae tesa/ts saowed taat 6attows
aad s/ga/f/caat a/gaet coateat of /attamasca/at fat taaa g//ts at !00 kg {p=0.00!9/
aad !25 kg {p<0.000!/ of //ce we/gat, tespect/ce/,. /a otaet tta/ts sex d/d aot aace
aa /af/aeace. 6eaot,pe aad ao effect oa /attamasca/at fat coateat. 6eaot,pe I4 aad
datket meat {/owet ca/ae L*/ /a 6ota gtoaps. 6eaot,pe 44 aad s/ga/f/caat a/gaet
ca/ae a* aad ca/ae 6*. Iaete wete ao d/ffeteaces 6etweea geaot,pe /a ph aad coa-
dact/c/t, /a tae f/tst gtoap. /a tae secoad gtoap geaot,pe 44 aad /owet ph ca/ae as
geaot,pe 54 {p=0.0345/ aad geaot,pe I4 {p=0.0!88/ aad a/gaet coadact/c/t,
{p=0.0004 aad p=0.000!/ oa m. /oag/ss/mas dots/. 0a m. sem/mem6taaossas
geaot,pe 54 aad a/gaet ph taaa geaot,pe 44 {p=0.0!50/ aad /owet taaa geaot,pe
I4 {p=0.0!48/. 0t/p /oss oa 6ota masc/es was a/gaet /a geaot,pe 44 /a tae f/tst
gtoap aad a/gaet taaa geaot,pe I4 /a tae secoad gtoap.
8e,-wotds. meat qaa//t,, potk, geaot,pe, sex
(l Va||e|a |c|ca 5Sc. ||0. Sce|a Va|c.|| 4ss. ||0. V||ea |c.a
asscc|a|e ||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j 0eca||
ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |c|||e 3 S|230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a (2l Sasc S
e.e| 5Sc. |S | Vc|s|a Sc|c|a S|e|aa |c.aa 40 S|9000 Vc|
s|a Sc|c|a S|c.e|a
Materia| used iu the study was 12O fatteuers,
51 barrows aud 63 gi|ts. They were offspriug of 2O sires
aud be|oug to three geuotypes (1244, 1254 aud 1214).
Sows were crossbred of LaudraceLarge White (LLW)
aud sires were Pietraiu (P), S|oveuiau Laudrace, |iue
55P aud hampshireP. Food compositiou was the
same for a|| groups. They were fed ad |||||cc uuti| 1O lg
of body weight aud |ater ou feed was restricted to
35 MJ of euergy per day. ha|f of the pigs were s|augh-
tered at 1OO lg (61OO) aud the rest at 125 lg (6125) of
|ive weight. Auima|s were weighed at the begiuuiug of
the experimeut, at 6O lg, 1OO lg aud 125 lg of |ive
weight. Four auima|s were exc|uded from experimeut
because of iujures.
The co|our (L, a, b co-ordiuates) was measured
betweeu the sixth aud seveuth rib ou c. |c|ss|ccs
dc|s| (L0) 24 hrs ccs| cc||ec by a CR3OO Miuo|ta
Chromameter (Miuo|ta Camera Co., 0sala, Japau). The
ph was obtaiued by a Metter To|edo (MA13O lou Meter)
ph meter iu L0 aud c. sec|cec||acscs (SM) 24 hrs
ccs| cc||ec. The e|ectrica| couductivity was aquired
with a LF/PT-STAR (Matthaus) couductometer a|so iu
L0 aud SM 24 hrs ccs| cc||ec. 0rip |oss was measured
24 aud 48 hrs after s|aughter by tube method
(Ramusseu aud Auderssou, 1996). Samp|e of L0 for
aua|ysis of iutramuscu|ar fat couteut (lMF) was taleu
aud fro/eu to -2OC. lt was aua|y/ed by the method of
Fo|ch et a|. (1956).
Statistica| aua|ysis was performed by geuera| |east
square method (6LM) of statistica| paclage SAS/STAT
(SAS lustitute luc., 2OO1). The choseu mode| (mode| 1)
was used for 61OO aud 6125 separate|y. lt coutaiued
sex (Si), boar geuotype (6j) as c|ass effects aud carcass
weight (xijl) as |iuear regressiou. Scheffe mu|tip|e test
was used for comparisou the geuotypes.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Meau carcass weight for 61OO was 16.1 lg aud for
6125 1OO.9 lg (). Pigs iu 61OO were s|aughtered ou the
average 193 days aud 221 day iu 6125. There were
s|ight|y |ower va|ues of L, a aud b iu 61OO thau iu
6125. lu both groups, average ph va|ue iu SM was
higher thau iu L0. Couductivity was a|so higher iu SM
thau iu L0 iu both groups. Staudard deviatiou was
higher ou SM compared to L0 iu 61OO. There was
higher staudard deviatiou for drip |oss after 48 hrs iu
comparisou with 24 hrs iu 61OO. lu 61OO, lMF was ou
the average 1.29 aud varied betweeu O.82 aud
1.91 . lu 6125 the average lMF was higher (1.42 )
thau iu 61OO. The highest lMF couteut iu 6125 was
2.1O .
Sex did uot iuf|ueuce meat co|our either iu 61OO
(L, p~O.63O9, a, p~O.1133, b, p~O.O195) or iu
6125 (, L, p~O.3221, a, p~O.2163, b, p~O.4114).
Latorre et a|. (2OO4) measured fatteuers of 116, 124 aud
133 lg of body weight aud there was a|so uo differeuce
iu co|our betweeu sexes. Lampe et a|. (2OO6) fouud uo
differeuces iu co|our betweeu gi|ts aud barrows at ave-
rage |ive weight 13O.2 lg. lo|d et a|. (1999) reported
gi|ts had darler meat (|ower va|ue L) thau barrows aud
boars had |ess red meat thau gi|ts aud barrows s|augh-
tered at 1OO or 11O lg. Latorre et a|. (2OO3) fouud more
red co|our iu barrows thau iu gi|ts at 111 lg.
lu both groups geuotype 1244 had more iuteusive
red co|our (higher va|ue a) thau geuotype 1254 ().
Lighter co|our (higher va|ue L) geuotype 1244 thau
1214 was fouud iu 61OO. A|so more ye||ow cast was
perceived iu geuotype 1244 thau other two geuotypes.
lu 6125 geuotype 1214 had darler meat thau the other
two geuotypes. The deviatiou was more prououuced as
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 51-54
V. |c|ca e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F EN0IFE AN 8Ek 0N F0k AIII
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs Ior moat qua||ty tra|ts Ior p|gs s|aughtorod at 100 kg (100} aod at 125 kg
iu 61OO aud statistica| siguificaut whi|e the differeuce
betweeu the geuotype 1244 aud 1254 was uot siguifi-
caut. Serra et a|. (1998) defiued |ighter meat iu Laudrace
(L) thau lberiau (l) but there was uo differeuce iu va|ue
a. Armero et a|. (1999) fouud some differeuce iu va|ues
L, a aud b betweeu geuotype 0uroc (0), Laudrace
(L) aud Large White (LW). There was uo differeuce iu
va|ue L aud b betweeu 0 aud Large whitePietraiu
(LWP), but 0 had darler meat thau LWP (Latorre et
a|., 2OO3). Lampe et a|. (2OO6) a|so fouud darler meat iu
fatteuers from sire type 0 thau 0urochampshire (0h).
Va|ue of ph was uot iuf|ueuced by sex (). lo|d et
a|. (1999), Latorre et a|. (2OO3), Latorre et a|. (2OO4),
Lampe et a|. (2OO6) a|so reported uo differeuce iu ph
betweeu sexes. We did a|so uot fiud differeuces bet-
weeu geuotypes iu ph va|ue for fatteuers s|aughtered at
1OO lg. S|aughter at 125 lg showed that geuotype 1244
had |ower ph thau 1254 (p~O.O345) aud 1214
(p~O.O188). 0u SM, geuotypes 1254 had higher ph
thau 1214 (p~O.O148). Armero et a|. (1999) did uot fiud
differeuces iu ph va|ue betweeu 0, L aud LW, whi|e
Serra et a|. (1998) uoticed that va|ue ph (5.59) was
|ower iu L thau lberiau pigs (5.15). 0ffspriug of 0uroc
had higher ph va|ue 24 hrs after s|aughter thau offspriug
of 0h (Latorre et a|., 2OO3) aud h (Lampe et a|., 2OO6).
There were uo differeuces iu couductivity iu 61OO.
lu 6125, geuotype 1244 had higher couductivity thau
1254 aud 1214 ou L0 (). 0u SM, ou|y differeuces bet-
weeu 1244 aud 1214 (p~O.O492) were fouud. lo diffe-
reuces were fouud iu e|ectrica| couductivity 3O miu post
mortem betweeu offspriug of LaudraceLarge White
(LLW) crossbred sows mated with four differeut geue-
tic types, 8e|giau |audraceLaudrace (8LL), 0auish 0,
LW aud L (Armero et a|., 1999). however, 24 hrs post
mortem offspriug of L had the highest e|ectrica| couduc-
tivity (1.69) aud offspriug of LW the |owest (6.41).
0rip |oss was uot iuf|ueuced by sex either at
s|aughter at 1OO lg or at 125 lg of |ive weight (). Su/uli
et a|. (2OO3) did uot fiud differeuces iu drip |oss betweeu
sexes. 6euotypes 1244 s|aughtered at 1OO lg had
higher drip |oss thau 1254 aud 1214 at 24 hrs as we|| as
48 hrs post mortem. heavier pigs showed differeuce iu
drip |oss ou|y betweeu 1244 thau 1214. There were uo
differeuces iu drip |oss betweeu offspriug of sire |iue 0,
L aud LW (Armero et a|., 1999) aud uo differeuce bet-
weeu 0 aud 8erlshire (Su/uli et a|., 2OO3).
8arrows had higher lMF thau gi|ts. 0iffereuces
were siguificaut iu 61OO (p~O.OO19) aud iu 6125
(p<O.OOO1). Armero et a|. (1999), lo|d et a|. (1999),
Latorre et a|. (2OO3) aud Lampe et a|. (2OO6) a|so repor-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 51-54
53 V. |c|ca e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F EN0IFE AN 8Ek 0N F0k AIII
Iab|o 2. Est|matod d|IIoroocos (E8I} w|th staodard orrors (8EE} aod p-va|uo botwooo soxos aod goootypos
Ior co|our Ior p|gs s|aughtorod at 100 kg (100} aod at 125 kg (125}
Iab|o 3. Est|matod d|IIoroocos (E8I} w|th staodard orrors (8EE} aod p-va|uo botwooo soxos aod
goootypos Ior ph va|uo aod cooduct|v|ty Ior p|gs s|aughtorod at 125 kg
ted that barrows had more lMF thau gi|ts. however, uo
differeuces were fouud betweeu geuotypes. Lampe et
a|. (2OO6) did uot fiud differeuces iu lMF betweeu off-
spriug of 0 aud 0h either. however, offspriug of 0auish
0 was more marb|ed thau offspriug of LW aud L
(Armero et a|., 1999) aud more thau offspriug of PLW
(Latorre et a|., 2OO3).
Sex of fatteuers did uot affect ph va|ue, couducti-
vity aud drip |oss. 8arrows showed higher iutramuscu-
|ar fat couteut thau gi|ts.
6euotype 1214 was luowu for darler meat co|our
compared to geuotypes 1244 aud 1254. 6euotype 1244
had more red aud ye||ow co|our thau geuotype 1254.
higher acidity aud cousecutive|y more drip |oss of fatte-
uers 1244 compared with other two geuotypes were
We are gratefu| to KlS iustitute for performiug the
measuremeuts aud pig breeder Siuic for the experimeut
couductiou. We wou|d a|so |ile to thaul other co||abo-
rators from K6Z Mursla Sobota aud 0epartmeut of
Auima| Scieuce, Chair for etho|ogy, biometry with se|ec-
tiou aud pig productiou.
1. Armero, E., F|ores, M., To|dra, F., 8arbosa, J.A., 0|ivet,
J., P|a, M., 8ase|ga, M. (1999): Effect of pig sire type
aud sex ou carcass traits, meat qua|ity aud seusory qua-
|ity of dry cured ham. Jourua| of the Scieuce of Food
aud Agricu|ture, 66:291-282.
2. Fo|ch, J., Lees, M., S|oaue Stau|ey, 6.h. (1956): A sim-
p|e method for the iso|atiou aud purificatiou of tota| |ipids
from auima| tissues. McLeau hospita| Research
Laboratories, Waver|ey, aud the 0epartmeut of
8io|ogica| Chemistry, harvard Medica| Schoo|, 8ostou,
Massachusetts, 13, pp. 2O9.
3. huut, M.C., Actou, J.C., 8euedict, R.C,. Ca|lius, C.R.,
Coruforth, 0.P., Jeremiah, L.E., 0|sou, L.E., Sa|m, C.P.,
Save||, J.W., S.0. Shivas. (1991): 6uide|iues for Meat
Co|or Eva|uatiou. Americau Meat Scieuce Associatiou,
l. 0uu|ap Ave., Savoy, uSA, 44:3-11.
4. Lampe, J.F., 8aas, T.J., Mabry, J.W. (2OO6): Comparisou
of graiu sources for swiue diets aud their effect ou meat
aud fat qua|ity traits. Jourua| Auima| Scieuce, 84:1O22-
5. Latorre, M.A., La/aro, R., 6racia, M.l., lieto, M., Mateos,
6.6. (2OO3): Effect of sex aud termiua| sire geuotype ou
performauce, carcass characteristics, aud meat qua|ity
of pigs s|aughtered at 111 lg body weight. Meat scieu-
ce, 65, 4:1369-1311.
6. Latorre, M.A., La/aro, R., Va|eucia, 0.6., Mede|, P.,
Mateos, 6.6. (2OO4): The effect of geuder aud s|aughter
weight ou the growth performauce, carcass traits, aud
meat qua|ity characteristics of heavy pigs. Jourua|
Auima| Scieuce, 82:526-533.
1. Litt|e, A.C. (1916): Physica| measuremeuts as predictors
of visua| appearauce, Food Techuo|. 3O: pp. 14
8. lo|d, R.A., Romaus, J.R., Coste||o, W.J., Liba|, 6.W.
(1999): Characteri/atiou of musc|es from boars, barrows
aud gi|ts s|aughtered at 1OO aud 11O li|ograms:
0iffereuces iu fat, moisture, co|or, water-ho|diug capa-
city, aud co|ageu. Jourua| Auima| Scieuce, 11:1146-
9. 0tto, 6., Roehe, R., Looft, h., Thoe|liug, L., Ka|m, E.
(2OO4): Comparisou of differeut methods for determiua-
tiou of drip |oss aud their re|atiouship to meat qua|ity aud
carcass characteristics iu pigs. Meat Scieuce, 68, 3:4O1-
1O. Rasmusseu, A., Audersou, M. (1996): lew methods for
determiuatiou of drip |oss iu porl musc|es. V:
Proceediugs of the 42ud luteruatioua| Cougress of Meat
Scieuce aud Techuo|ogy, Li||ehammer, 1-6 Sept.
11. SAS lustitute luc. (2OO1): The SAS System for Wiudows,
Re|ease 8.O2. SAS lustitute luc., Cary, lC
12. Serra, X., 6i|, F., Pere/-Euciso, M., 0|iver, M.A., Va/que/,
J.M., 6ispert, M., 0ia/, l., Moreuo, F., Latorre, R.,
loguera, J.L. (1998): A comparisou of carcass, meat
qua|ity aud histochemica| characteristics of lberiau
(6udayerbas |iue) aud Laudrace pigs. Livestocl
Productiou Scieuce, 56:215-223.
13. Shisart, l., Lyug, J.6., 8ruutou, l.P., McKeuua. (2OO4):
0hmic processiug: E|ectrica| couductivities of porl cuts.
Meat Scieuce, 61:5O1-514.
14. Su/uli, K., Shibata, T., Kadowali, h., Abe, h., Toyoshima,
T. (2OO3): Meat qua|ity comparisou of 8erlshire, 0uroc
aud crossbred pigs sired by 8erlshire aud 0uroc. Meat
Scieuce, 64 (1):35-42.
(Received ou 18 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 51-54
V. |c|ca e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F EN0IFE AN 8Ek 0N F0k AIII
Iab|o 4. Est|matod d|IIoroocos (E8I} w|th staodard orrors (8EE} aod p-va|uo botwooo soxos aod goootypos
Ior dr|p |oss (%} |o p|gs s|aughtorod at 100 kg (100} aod at 125 kg (125}
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 55-6O
8yproduct p|ay au importaut ro|e iu the feediug of
pigs. Some by-products |ile sugar beet pu|p aud coru
g|uteu feed coutaiu a cousiderab|e amouut of fermeu-
tab|e carbohydrates. Fermeutatiou of uou starch po|y-
saccharides (lSP) iu the gut (maiu|y hiudgut) of pigs
resu|ts iu the formatiou of short chaiu fatty acids (VFA).
Experimeuta| data show that growiug aud fatteuiug pigs
cau cover about 11-24 of their maiuteuauce require-
meut for euergy via the metabo|ism of VFA, whi|e sows
cau eveu cover up to 25-35 (Shi aud lob|et, 1993,
Rrat et a|., 1981, Johustou et a|., 2OO2). 0ietary fer-
meutab|e carbohydrates decrease the dressiug perceu-
tage aud the baclfat thicluess (Zhu et a|., 199O,
Schriver et a|., 2OO3). The former iudicates that VFA
resu|tiug from au iucreased fermeutatiou iu the digesti-
ve tract may a|ter the body compositiou of pigs.
Therefore, the aim of the preseut study was to eva|uate
the effect of iucreasiug |eve|s of dietary fermeutab|e car-
bohydrates ou the carcass compositiou, meat qua|ity,
aud chemica| body compositiou of pigs.
4a/ma/s aad aoas/ag
The experimeut was couducted with a tota| of 12
peu housed Stamboel hybrid pigs iu a raudomised b|ocl
desigu. Each treatmeut coutaiued four peus with six
gi|ts or six barrows. Auima|s were distributed based ou
|ive weight at a start to have simi|ar average |ive weight
aud staudard deviatiou iu each group pair (same geuder,
but differeut treatmeut). The average |ive weight was
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4:636.O84.52:631.5.O4/.O1
0sa6a Sta6
, 4.1.M. 1aasmaa
, L. 8a6/astk,
, M.W.4. tetstegea
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae a/m of tae pteseat stad, was to eca/aate tae effect of d/etat, fetmeata6/e cat-
6oa,dtates {F0 = faeca/ d/gest/6/e otgaa/c mattet - faeca/ d/gest/6/e ctade ptote/a- fae-
ca/ d/gest/6/e ctade fat - statca - sagats/ oa tae 6od, compos/t/oa aad meat qaa//t, of
p/gs. 4 tota/ of seceat, two Stam6oek a,6t/d p/gs wete aoased /a gtoaps of s/x pet pea
{two peas w/ta g//ts aad two w/ta 6attows pet tteatmeat/. Iatee d/ets wete fotma/ated
w/ta a /ow, med/am aad a/ga F0 coateat {53, !48, 233 g/kg /a tae gtowet d/ets {45-I5
kg/ aad 5I, !52, 23I g/kg /a tae f/a/saet d/ets {I5-!!0 kg//. Feed aad watet wete offe-
ted ad //6/tam. 4t s/aagatet {!!0 kg LW/ /eaa meat petceatage, meat qaa//t, aad cae-
m/ca/ 6od, compos/t/oa wete detetm/aed. 0at data /ad/cated, taat catcass gtad/ag was
/mptoced 6, d/etat, F0. 0/et w/ta tae a/ga /ece/ of fetmeata6/e cat6oa,dtates
decteased fataess of tae catcass aad tae otgaa ftact/oa. /t caa 6e coac/aded taat tae
fattea/ag petfotmaace {F/, 406, F08/ was aot affected adcetse/, 6, tae a/ga F0 /atake,
6at catcass qaa//t, /a p/gs coa/d 6e /mptoced. Feedstaffs a/ga /a fetmeata6/e cat6oa,-
dtates caa 6e ca/aa6/e /agted/eats fot p/g d/ets, oace tae/t eaetg, coateat aas 6eea
ptopet/, est/mated.
8e,-wotds. p/g, fetmeata6/e cat6oa,dtate, 6od, compos/t/oa
(l ||0. Csa|a Sca|c. ||c|.0|. |Jsc|c 5a||sc|j J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J|
|acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|ece 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| |c|||||c |/400 |accs.
a| c|a S. c| 40.. (2l ||0 4||cs J.V. Jasca 4|ca| Sc|eces |ccc
|c|||||c ad |ccd |e|js|ad I|e |e||e||ads. (3l ||c|.0|. Va||| w.4. l
e|s|ee wae|e J|.e|s||j 4|ca| |c|||||c |ccc wae|e
I|e |e||e||ads eca||. sca|ccs@|e.|c
45.5 1.1 lg at the start of the experimeut aud 11O
6.1 lg at the time of s|aughter.
Three diets were prepared for the growiug (45-1O
lg) aud fatteuiug period (1O-11O lg) to coutaiu a |ow (L),
medium (M) aud high (h) couteut of dietary fermeutab|e
carbohydrates by iucreasiug the iuc|usiou of coru g|uteu
feed aud dried sugar beet pu|p, maiu|y at the expeuse of
mai/e starch aud soybeau mea| (Tab|e 1). lugredieuts
were grouud over a 3 mm sieve aud diets were pe||eted
to have a diameter of 4 mm iu a grower phase (phase
1), aud 5 mm iu the fiuisher phase (phase 2). A|| diets
had simi|ar lE couteut ca|cu|ated accordiug to CV8
(1999) (Tab|e 1). 0ietary fermeutab|e carbohydrates
provided about 1O, 23 aud 36 of the tota| uet euergy
couteut of the respective experimeuta| diets (about O,6,
1.4 aud 2.2 MJ lE/ lg diet for treatmeut L, M aud h,
resp.). Pigs had ad |||||cc access to the experimeuta|
diets aud water.
S/aagatet aad meat qaa//t, measatemeats
Wheu pigs reached the average |ive weight of 11O
lg, they were trausported to a commercia| abattoir. Pigs
were s|aughtered after e|ectrica| stuuuiug ou the fo||o-
wiug day. At s|aughter meat perceutage was estimated
based ou measuremeuts by the heuessy 6radiug Probe
(heuessy aud Choug Ltd., Aucl|aud, lew Zea|aud). Fat
aud musc|e depth were measured betweeu the 3
|ast rib 6 cm off the mid|iue. The ph was measured
iu the ccscc|cs |c|ss|ccs dc|s| 45 miuute (ph
) aud
24 hours (ph
) after s|aughter betweeu 3
aud 4
from behiud, 6 cm |atera| from the mediau iu the |eft car-
cass ha|f. 24 hours after s|aughter musc|e samp|es
were taleu from the ccscc|cs |c|ss|ccs dc|s| (25 cm
frouta| from the |ast rib) for iutramuscu|ar fat couteut
(lMF) determiuatiou. To determiue lMF, a|| iutermuscu-
|ar fat was removed from a s|ice of |ougissimus musc|e.
The samp|es were homogeui/ed iu a sma|| |aboratory
cutter aud the fat couteut was determiued by the Foss-
Let method.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 55-6O
C. Sca|c e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F hIh IEIA FEMENIAIE 6A0hAIE ...
Iab|o 1. Ma|o |ogrod|oots aod outr|oot cootoot oI oxpor|moota| d|ots
aua|ysed va|ues,
fermeutab|e carbohydrates ca|cu|ated as couteut of faeca| digestib|e orgauic matter miuus faeca| digestib|e crude pro-
teiu, faeca| digestib|e crude fat miuus couteut of starch aud sugars (CV8, 1999),
euergy va|ue of fermeuted carbohydrate is 9.6 KJ lE/g
(CV8, 1999)
0aem/ca/ 6od, aaa/,ses
Two fractious were made for chemica| body aua|y-
ses: the |eft carcass (fractiou 1) aud the orgaus (fractiou
2) (cousisted of b|ood, heart, |iver, paucreas, liduey,
sp|eeu, |uug, ga|| b|adder, sex orgaus aud empty 6l-
tract). The two fractious were stored deep fro/eu (-18
C) iu p|astic bags. The preparatiou of body fractious for
chemica| body aua|yses was carried out by the method
of Kotarbiusla (1911).
Iaboratory aoa|ysos
0ry matter couteut of body fractious was determi-
ued after dryiug samp|es iu a vacuum oveu at 5O C aud
a vacuum of 13.3 KPa, usiug auhydrous ca|cium ch|ori-
de as the dryiug ageut. After 16 h, the vacuum was
chauged to O.2 lPa aud the samp|es were weighed
every 4 h uuti| they reached coustaut weight. litrogeu
couteut of feed aud body fractious were determiued iu
the samp|es by Kje|dah| aua|ysis accordiug to lS0 5983
(1991). Crude fat couteut was determiued by extractiou
of samp|es with petro|eum-ether aud dryiug the extract
at 1O3 C to a coustaut weight accordiug to lS0 6492
(1985). Ash was aua|ysed by buruiug oveu-dried sam-
p|es iu a muff|e furuace at 55OC accordiug to lS0 5984
(1918). The starch couteut of feed samp|es was deter-
miued by measuriug the optica| rotatiou of the samp|e
so|utiou obtaiued after partia||y hydro|isatiou of its
starch couteut (lS0 6493:2OOO). Sugar couteut was
determiued by the Luff Schoor| (E6, 1911) method.
Fermeutab|e carbohydrates were ca|cu|ated as fo||ows:
FC ~ faeca| digestib|e orgauic matter - faeca| digesti-
b|e crude proteiu - faeca| digestib|e crude fat - starch -
sugars (CV8, 1999).
Stat/st/ca/ aaa/,ses
The effects of the treatmeuts were tested by the
6LM procedure of SAS (SAS lustitute luc., Cary, lC)
accordiug to the fo||owiug geuera| mode|:
~ + FC
+ 6
+ e
Where: ~ overa|| meau, FC ~ dietary treat-
meuts (i~1,2,3), 6 ~ geuder (j~1,2), e
~ residua|
error. Treatmeut meaus were compared with the Tuley
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Fattea/ag petfotmaace
The effects of the dietary treatmeuts ou the fatte-
uiug performauce of the pigs are giveu iu Tab|e 2.
Performauce was uot siguificaut|y affected by treat-
meuts, but the treatmeuts receiviug diets with a
medium aud high couteut of fermeutab|e carbohydrates
teuded to show a |ower body weight gaiu aud
decreased feed couversiou ratio compared to treatmeut
receiviug a diet with a |ow couteut of fermeutab|e car-
bohydrates. Simi|ar|y to the resu|ts of P|usle et a|.
(1998), it was uot approved that high dietary fermeuta-
b|e carbohydrate reduces the vo|uutary feed iutale due
to iucreased gut fi||.
0atcass aad meat qaa//t,
lu spite of the simi|ar s|aughter weight, carcass
weight of auima|s ou the treatmeut receiviug the diet
with the highest dose of fermeutab|e carbohydrates
was siguificaut|y |ower thau ou the other diets (Tab|e 3).
0u the other haud, the weight of the gastro-iutestiua|
tract iucreased with fermeutab|e carbohydrates added
iu to the diet. A|so iu other studies, diets with a high
couteut of fermeutab|e carbohydrates aud decreased
dressiug proportiou were observed (Zhu et a|. 199O,
P|usle et a|. 1998). This effect is associated with au
iucreased gut fi||. A|so |arger weight of tissue of 6l tract
may p|ay a ro|e. lucreased rates of hiud-gut fermeuta-
tiou cause au iucrease iu vo|ati|e fatty acid (VFA) pro-
ductiou aud au iucreased |arge iutestiua| weight
(Stauogias aud Pearce 1985, Poud et a|. 1988, Rijueu
1993). lutestiua| hypertrophy occurred iu pigs fed diets
high iu comp|ex carbohydrates (lSP aud resistaut
starch) (Jiu et a|. 1994, Toppiug et a|. 1991). This cau be
part|y re|ated to the formatiou of butyrate, which cau be
trophic to the co|ouic mucosa| |iuiug (P|usle et a|.
1998). Jausmau et a|. (2OO1) demoustrated that a diet
coutaiuiug 15 sugar beet pu|p iucreased siguificaut|y
the porta| aud arteria| couceutratiou of the acetic- aud
propiouic acid, but to a |esser exteut butyric acid.
8utyric acid may have beeu used by the gut |iuiug. The
former may have coutributed to the exp|auatiou of the
higher weight of the gastro-iutestiua| tract fouud iu the
preseut study.
The high dietary fermeutab|e carbohydrate couteut
reduced the baclfat thicluess (Tab|e 3) simi|ar|y to the
fiudiugs of others (Zhu et a|. 199O, Shriver et a|. 2OO3).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 55-6O
51 C. Sca|c e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F hIh IEIA FEMENIAIE 6A0hAIE ...
Iab|o 2. Iho oIIoct oI d|IIoroot Iormootab|o
carbohydrato (F6} cootoot oI tho d|ots oo
tho zootocho|ca| porIormaoco oI p|gs
(45-110 kg}
feed iutale,
average dai|y gaiu,
feed couversiou ratio,
148, 233 g/lg FC (45-1O lg) aud 61, 152, 231 g/lg FC (1O-11O lg)
iu |ow, medium aud high treatmeut, respective|y
The |eau meat perceutage iu pigs receiviug the diet with
the highest |eve| of fermeutab|e carbohydrates was
siguificaut|y higher compared to the group receiviug the
|ow FC diet. This cau be a direct effect of the reduced
baclfat thicluess. 0ietary euergy source had uo effect
ou the iutramuscu|ar fat couteut of the pigs. The meas-
ured va|ues for lMF are simi|ar to those fouud out for
high |eau gaiu pigs (Affeutrager et a|. 1996, 8|auchard et
a|. 1999). The ph 45 miuutes aud 24 hours after s|augh-
ter was simi|ar iu a|| treatmeuts aud showed characteri-
stics of 0F0 meat. Siuce uo |arge effects of the dietary
treatmeuts ou the ph of meat cou|d be expected, the
most probab|e reasou is the stress prior to s|aughter.
8od, compos/t/oa
Resu|ts of baclfat thicluess of pigs ou differeut
treatmeuts suggested that the high dietary fermeutab|e
carbohydrate couteut shou|d resu|t iu siguificaut|y |ower
fat couteut iu the carcass (Tab|e 4). however, uot ou|y
the amouut of fat iu the carcass, but the fat couteut of
orgau fractiou was reduced iu auima|s receiviug the diet
with the highest couteut of FC. This iudicates that die-
tary fermeutab|e carbohydrates reduce the body fat cou-
teut iu overa||. The former may be re|ated to the
assumptiou that the tabu|ated euergetic va|ues of
fibrous feedstuffs, as used duriug diet formu|atiou iu the
preseut study, may have beeu higher thau their actua|
va|ues. Thus, the possib|e |ower euergy iutale of pigs
fed the diets with the medium or high couteut of fer-
meutab|e carbohydrates, may have resu|ted iu a
decreased fat couteut iu the body aud reduced the bacl-
fat thicluess. Le 6off et a|. (2OO3) reported that the 0E
va|ues of mai/e brau is very differeut for growiug pigs,
fiuishers aud sows (1O.6, 12.6, 15.2 MJ/lg 0M, respec-
tive|y). The tabu|ated va|ue of lRC (1998) is 15.6 MJ
0E/ lg 0M. Thus the tabu|ated euergetic va|ue of mai/e
brau seems to be app|icab|e to adu|t sows ou|y. This
cou|d app|y to other fibrous feedstuffs as we||.
Therefore it is c|ear that fibrous pig feeds shou|d be
attributed au euergy va|ue that depeuds ou the body
weight or age (Le 6off aud lob|et 2OO1). The improved
digestibi|ity of euergy iu o|der pigs is uot ou|y the resu|t
of the iutriusic capacity of the iutestiua| f|ora. The |ouger
reteutiou time due to a |arger vo|ume of the hiudgut tract
cou|d be au importaut factor as we|| (Le 6off et a|.
The dietary |ysiue to euergy ratio primari|y deter-
miues the rate of proteiu aud fat depositiou. lu the
preseut study diets were formu|ated to have a simi|ar
ratio of appareut|y i|ea| digestib|e |ysiue to the uet
euergy. Therefore, the suggested uuderestimatiou of
the euergetic va|ue of treatmeut with the high FC diet,
shou|d affect the proteiu depositiou iu the body as
we||. Mohu et a|. (2OOO) reported, that reduced
euergy iutale decrease the proteiu depositiou iu the
body. lu our study, however, the proteiu couteut of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 55-6O
C. Sca|c e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F hIh IEIA FEMENIAIE 6A0hAIE ...
Iab|o 3. Iho oIIoct oI |ocroas|og |ovo|s oI d|otary Iormootab|o carbohydratos (F6} oo body wo|ght, wo|ght oI
tho carcass aod gastro-|otost|oa| tract, carcass aod moat qua||ty oI p|gs
Live weight as measured at the day prior to s|aughter iu the fed state,
Carcass weight,
Weight of empty gastroiutestiua| tract,
lutramuscu|ar fat couteut,
63, 148, 233 g/lg FC (45-1O lg) aud 61, 152, 231 g/lg FC (1O-11O lg) iu |ow, medium aud high treatmeut,
Meaus iu the co|umus |acliug a commou superscript differ (P<O.O5)
Iab|o 4. Iho oIIoct oI |ocroas|og |ovo|s oI d|otary Iormootab|o carbohydratos (F6} oo tho chom|ca| body
compos|t|oo oI p|gs (g/kg}
63, 148, 233 g/lg FC (45-1O lg) aud 61, 152, 231 g/lg FC (1O-11O lg) iu |ow, medium aud high treatmeut, respective|y
Meaus iu the co|umus |acliug a commou superscript differ (P<O.O5)
carcass aud orgaus was simi|ar (Tab|e 4). Acety| CoA
is a metabo|ite shared iu commou by the metabo|ism
of g|ucose, fatty acids aud some amiuo acids. The
carbou atoms iu acety| CoA cau arise from carbohy-
drate via pyruvic acid produced iu the g|yco|ysis or
the catabo|ism of fatty acids aud certaiu amiuo acids.
Acety| CoA is the fue| for the Krebs-cyc|e, which pro-
vides most of the euergy ueeds of the ce||s. lf the
euergy |eve| of the ce|| is high because of carbohy-
drate catabo|ism, the f|ow of acety| CoA iuto the
Krebs cyc|e wi|| be s|owed dowu, aud acety| CoA
cou|d be diverted iuto the syuthesis of fatty acids
(|ipid) (Couu et a|. 1981). Fatty acids cau be metabo-
|ised iuto trig|icerides, which are trausported as |ipo-
proteius iuto the adipose tissue for storage aud
musc|e for euergy supp|y. Ce||s cau uti|ise the trig|y-
cerides as euergy source wheu they are degraded
iuto free fatty acids aud g|ycero|. This process is
regu|ated by |ipoproteiu |ipase. uuder isoca|oric cou-
ditious, this eu/yme has a high |eve| of activity iu adi-
pose tissue. however, iu the case of a |ow euergy
supp|y, |ipoproteiu |ipase is high|y active iu musc|e,
|iver, aud cardiac tissues. These mechauisms cau
exp|aiu why body fatuess was c|ear|y affected by
VFA, whereas body proteiu depositiou aud couteut
are uot affected.
0iets coutaiuiug a high |eve| of fermeutab|e car-
bohydrates (23O g/lg) cau be fed to pigs duriug the
growiug aud fatteuiug period without detrimeuta|
effect ou fatteuiug performauce. Leau meat perceuta-
ge, however, cau be improved as a cousequeuce to
the reduced overa|| fat couteut of the body.
Feedstuffs high iu fermeutab|e carbohydrates cau be
va|uab|e iugredieuts for pig diets, ouce their euergy
couteut has beeu proper|y estimated.
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gut to digestiou of diets iu growiug pigs aud adu|t
sows: Effect of diet compositiou. Livestocl
Productiou Scieuce 34:231- 252.
24. Stauogias, 6., Pearce, 6.R. (1985): The digestiou of
fibre by pigs. 3. Effects of the amouut aud type of
fibre ou physica| characteristics of segmeuts of the
gastroiutestiua| tract. 8ritish Jourua| of lutritiou
25. Toppiug, 0.L., 6oodeu, J.M., 8rowu, l,L,, 8iebricl,
0.A., Mc6rath, L., Trimb|e, R.P., Choct, M., l||mau,
R.J. (1991): A high amy|ose (amy|omai/e) starch
raises proxima| |arge bowe| starch aud iucreases
co|ou |eugth iu pigs. Jourua| of lutritiou 121:615-
26. Zhu, J.0., Fow|er, V.R., Fu||er, M.F. (199O): 0igestiou
of uumo|assed sugar beet pu|p iu youug growiug pigs
aud imp|icatious for the growth-supportiug va|ues of
fermeuted euergy. Auima| Productiou 5O:531-539.
(Received ou 8 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 55-6O
C. Sca|c e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F hIh IEIA FEMENIAIE 6A0hAIE ...
The EC 18O4/99 regu|atiou defiued a |ist of feeds
admitted iu orgauic auima| productiou. Siuce the so|veut
extracted soybeau mea| is uot iuc|uded iu the |ist, a|ter-
uative proteiu sources must be used for diet formu|atiou
of growiug pigs. Fu|| fat soybeaus is au iuterestiug feed
resource but raw seeds produced ou farm is uot usua||y
direct|y used because of their couteut of autiuutritioua|
factors (AlF), such as the trypsiu iuhibitors Kuuit/ aud
8owmau-8irl compouuds (Tl) (huismau, 1994). To
overcome these drawbacls, some cu|tivars |ow iu Kuui/
factors were se|ected aud tested ou growiug pigs obtai-
uiug differeut effects ou growth performauce (Suidaro et
a|., 2OO1, herle|mau et a|., 1992). The aims of this expe-
rimeut were: i) to compare the chemica| compositiou
aud the Tl activity of some commercia| cu|tivars of soy-
beau, ii) to verify the effects of a cu|tivar of soybeau |ow
iu Tl ou the growth performauce of pigs, ou the meta-
bo|ic profi|e aud ou some carcass traits, iii) to quautify
l excretiou as a possib|e source of euviroumeuta| po||u-
Raw seeds of 3 couveutioua| soybeau cu|tivars
(0elagib, Cresir, 8ri||aute) aud 2 cu|tivars se|ected for a
|ow couteut of Tl (hi|ario, Aires) were samp|ed from the
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 61-65
(l 0|. ||acc Ia||ac|e||a. 0|. Va||ec 0a| Vasc. ||c|. S|e|ac Sc||a.c
0|ca|||ce|c d| Sc|ece 4|ca|| J|.e|s||j de|| S|cd| d| |adc.a l|a|e
de||J|.e|s||j 0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j Ie|. +39 04982/2022 |a\
+39 04982/2033 |ca|| ||acc.|a||ac|e||a@c|cd.||. (2l 0|. la|e||c 5c
desa lee|c 4||cc||c|a 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j Ie| +39 049829
3/34. (3l 0|. |||aa Sc||a.c. 0|. Va||aa Ve|eda. 4a||sa S|e|a| |
s|||c|c ccc|c|||a|||cc Sce||ce|a|e de||e leec|e l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j 0
35020 |ea|c |0 ||a|j Ie| +39 049808429
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4:5O4
F. Iag//ap/etta
, t. 8oadesaa
, M. 0a/ Maso
, F//aaa Sca/acoa
, Mat/aaaa Meteada
, 4aaa//sa
, S. Sca/acoa
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Fott, e/gat p/gs wete teated /a oatdoot peas {!.2 aa of /aad satface/ ftom 80 to !80 kg
of //ce we/gat. Iwo /soeaetget/c {MF = !4.5 M1/kg 0M/ aad /soa/ttogeaoas
{0P=!I.0X 0M/ feeds wete compated, tae f/tst feed coata/aed !0X of toasted fa//-fat
so,6eaa of coaceat/oaa/ ca/t/cats {IS/, /a tae secoad oae tae toasted so,6eaa was
tep/aced 6, taw fa//-fat so,6eaa /ow /a aat/aatt/t/oaa/ factots {8S/. Iae p/gs wete 6/oc-
ked /a 4 gtoaps of !2 aa/ma/s eaca aad fed ad //6/tam. 4t 0, 43, !05 da,s oa tt/a/ p/gs
wete we/gated, 6ack-fat ta/ckaess was measated aad 6/ood samp/es wete co//ected.
4t s/aagatet, samp/es of aam cocet fat wete co//ected to eca/aate tae/t ac/d/c ptof//e.
Iae effects of feeds oa gtowta petfotmaace, s/aagatet patametets, meta6o//c ptof//e
aad a/ttogea exctet/oa {Nex/ wete stad/ed. Nex was compated as d/ffeteace 6etweea
coasampt/oa aad teteat/oa. No s/ga/f/caat effects wete o6setced oa gtowta petfotm-
aace, catcass qaa//t, aad meta6o//c ptof//e, 6at w/ta 8S p/asma atea coaceattat/oa
s/ga/f/caat/, decteased w/ta tespect to IS {5.33 cs. 5.5I mmo///, P<0.0!/, tef/ect/ag a
/owet N d/gest/6///t, of 8S. 8esa/ts /ad/cated taat !0X of /ow aat/aatt/t/oaa/ factots taw
so,6eaa caa 6e ased oa aeac, p/gs w/taoat te/ecaat effects oa petfotmaace aad cat-
cass qaa//t,. N /a maaate acetaged 22.8 kg/p/g p/ace/,eat {assam/ag 3 c,c/es/,eat/.
0aat/oa saoa/d 6e takea /a oatdoot p/g s,stems s/ace tae /aad /s aactopped aad tae
t/sks of po//at/oa ate a/ga.
8e,-wotds. p/gs, so,6eaa, tt,ps/a /aa/6/tot act/c/t,, 6/ood atea, a/ttogea exctet/oa
marlet aud sub-samp|es were autoc|aved, to simu|ate
toastiug, for 2O miu at 11O C (herle|mau et a|., 1992).
Seeds of the cu|tivar hi|ario were cropped aud sto-
red iu the same farm where the fo||owiug tria| ou gro-
wiug pigs was performed. The tria| was carried out iu au
orgauic farm betweeu 0ctober 2OO5 aud Jauuary 2OO6.
Forty eight pigs (commercia| hybrid, PlC lta|ia) were
divided iu 4 groups of 12 head each ba|auced for |ive
weight (8O lg) aud sex. Each group was reared iu out-
door peu of 3OOO m
. Two groups received a diet cou-
taiuiug 1O of toasted fu||-fat soybeau of a mix of cou-
veutioua| cu|tivars (TS). lu the diet received by the other
groups the toasted soybeau was rep|aced by raw seeds
of the home produced hi|ario (SlS, 8o|ogua, l) cu|tivar
(RS). The two diets were isoeuergetic (ME~14.6 MJ/lg
0M) aud isouitrogeuous (CP~11.O 0M) (Tab|e 1).
Feeds aud water were free|y avai|ab|e. The amouut of
feed distributed to each group was dai|y recorded. At O,
43 aud 1O6 days ou tria| pigs were weighted aud the
thicluess of bacl-fat at the |ast rib (P2) was measured
with a Reuco |eau-meter (Reuco Corporatiou SpA,
Miuuesota, uSA). At the same time b|ood samp|es were
co||ected from 6 pigs raudom|y se|ected withiu each
group. At 1O9 days of the tria| a|| the pigs were s|augh-
tered aud carcass, lidueys aud |iver were weighted.
Samp|es of ham cover fat (at |eve| of Femora| 8iceps)
were a|so co||ected, at 24 h post mortem to eva|uate
their acidic profi|e.
Raw aud autoc|aved seeds, as we|| as the comp|e-
te feeds (TS aud RS), were aua|ysed iu dup|icate for 0M,
CP, |ipids, ash aud crude fibre (A0AC, 2OOO). Lipids
were extracted accordiug to Fo|ch et a|. (1951) proce-
dure aud fatty acids were separated by gas chromato-
graphy (mode| 8OOO seria| Top, CE iustrumeuts). urease
activity was assessed by the method l60 812 (1916).
Tl activity was determiued as suggested by Krishuau
(2OO1), iu quadrup|icate. 8|ood metabo|ic profi|e was
performed with automatic equipmeut hitachi 911
(Roche 0iaguostics) fo||owiug officia| procedures.
litrogeu (l) excretiou was computed as differeuce bet-
weeu l cousumptiou aud l reteutiou as suggested by
ERM (2OO1). l excretiou was expressed per pig produ-
ced, per pig p|ace/year aud per hectare of |aud. To com-
pute l iu mauure, vo|ati|e l |osses were assumed to be
25 of l excreted (ERM, 2OO1) aud the uumber of pigs
equiva|eut to 11O lg/year of l iu mauure was compu-
ted. 0ata were subjected to Al0VA (SAS, 199O). For
growth performauce, carcass traits aud acidic profi|e of
ham cover fat, the fo||owiug mode| was ruu: Y
~ +
+ S
+ P
) + e
, where: Y
is the depeudeut
variab|e, is the geuera| meau, 0
is the diet effect
(i~1,2), S
is the sex effect (j~1,2), P
) is the effect
of peu withiu diet (l~1,2) aud e
is the residua| error.
0ata of metabo|ic profi|e were expressed as differeuces
betweeu the iudividua| va|ues fouud at 43 aud 1O6 days
miuus the va|ues detected at the begiuuiug of the tria|
(day O). Theu, these differeuces were aua|ysed with the
mode|: Y
~ + 0
+ C
+ A
) + 0C
+ e
where: 0
is the diet effect (i~1,2), C
is the effect of the
period of samp|iug (j~1,2), A
) is the effect of the aui-
ma| withiu diet (l~1,2.12), 0C
is the iuteractiou of
0xC. 0rthogoua| coutrasts were ruu to eva|uate siguifi-
caut differeuces due to diets withiu each period of sam-
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
lu Tab|e 2 the chemica| compositiou, the urease
activity aud the Tl activity of 5 cu|tivars of soybeau are
giveu. The chemica| compositiou showed by the soy-
beau seeds of various origiu was fair|y homogeueous.
0u|y the seeds of the home produced soybeau cu|tivar,
used for the experimeuta| diets, showed |ower |ipids aud
higher crude fibre couteuts with respect to the other
oues. These differeuces may depeud ou some specific
farm pedo-c|imatic couditious of croppiug. Autoc|aviug
did uot affect the chemica| compositiou of soybeau
(va|ues uot giveu). The urease activity of raw seeds was
about 2.2 ph without differeuces amoug the cu|tivars.
As a cousequeuce of processiug the ph decreased to
O.O5-O.2O. These va|ues cau be cousidered acceptab|e,
both with regard to the iuactivatiou of the autiuutritioua|
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 61-65
|. Ia||ac|e||a e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F AW 80EAN 8EE8 I0W IN ANIINIIII0NAI ...
TS: toasted soybeau diet, RS: raw soybeau diet, ME: metabo|i/ab|e euergy, SFA: saturated fatty acids, MuFA: mououusaturated fatty
acids, PuFA: po|yuusaturated fatty acids,
Iab|o 1. Formu|at|oo aod chom|ca| compos|t|oo oI tho d|ots
factors aud to regard the maiutaiuiug of good properties
of so|ubi|ity aud digestibi|ity of the feed proteiu (0iu et
a|., 1996). Tl activities of hi|ario aud Aires raw seeds rau-
ged betweeu oue-ha|f aud oue-third to the va|ues fouud
for the raw couveutioua| soybeaus seeds (Cresir,
8ri||aute, 0elagib). The toasted soybeaus seeds showed
some residua| Tl activity. The rep|acemeut of the 1O of
raw soybeau by au equa| amouut of toasted seeds did
uot cause siguificaut differeuces ou the average dai|y
gaiu (A06) aud ou feed couversiou ratio (FCR) (Tab|e 3).
The va|ues of Feed couversiou ratio (FCR) observed for
the two groups of pigs were quite high with respect to
those commou|y fouud iu the practice, with pigs lept
iudoor fed restricted diets (arouud 3.6-3.8).
lt cau be observed that iu this experimeut the pigs
were fed ad |||||cc aud lept outdoor duriug a wiuter
seasou which was very co|d. Siuce the average baclfat
thicluess (P2 ~ 23-24 mm) was quite simi|ar to that
fouud iu the practice, the high FCR were probab|y due to
a high euergy expeuditure for thermoregu|atiou aud to
the high amouuts of feed wasted because of the wet
euviroumeut couditious.
lo effects due to the diets were observed ou the
carcass traits, ou the orgaus weights aud ou the |iuo|eic
acid couteut of cover fat. 0u the average, the |iuo|eic
acid couteut of the fat coveriug the ham exceed the
recommeuded va|ue (be|ow 15) required for high qua-
|ity dry crude ham of P00 Parma. 8ecause of its couteut
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 61-65
63 |. Ia||ac|e||a e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F AW 80EAN 8EE8 I0W IN ANIINIIII0NAI ...
Iab|o 2. 6hom|ca| compos|t|oo, uroaso act|v|ty aod tryps|o |oh|b|tor (II} act|v|ty oI raw or toastod (110 6 Ior
20 m|o} soods oI d|IIoroot commorc|a| cu|t|vars oI soyboao
Soybeau se|f produced iu the farm aud used to formu|ate the experimeuta| diet "Raw Soybeau" (RS)
Iab|o 3. EIIocts oI tho oxpor|moota| d|ots (Ioastod 8oyboao "I8", aw 8oyboao "8"} oo growth paramotors
aod oo somo carcass tra|ts oI hoavy p|gs at s|aughtor (109 days}
|<O.O1, * | <O.O5,
of oi|, the who|e fat soybeau seeds iu the fatteuiug
period must be cousidered with care, iu the |oug seaso-
ued products. The urea couteut of b|ood was siguifi-
caut|y |ower (P<O.O5) iu the pigs fed the RS diet with
respect to those receiviug TS, both for the periods O-43
aud O-1O6 days (Tab|e 4). This resu|t |ile|y ref|ected a
|ower digestibi|ity of the dietary proteiu for the feed cou-
taiuiug the raw soybeau. The serum va|ues of comp|e-
meut proteius iucreased over time (P<O.O1). higher
va|ues were fouud for the TS group with respect to the
RS oue, particu|ar|y at the |ast co||ectiou time (13O .s.
59 Ch
/1OO |, PO.O1). however a|teratious of the
hea|th status were uot coufirmed by auy chauges of
serum proteiu profi|e, of erythropoietic parameters aud
of |eulogram (data uot showu). A|| these parameters
were withiu the uorma| rauge of variabi|ity observed for
pigs (Kauelo, 1989, uba|di et a|., 1982). The metabo|ic
eu/ymes, aspartate amiuo trausferase (AST) aud creati-
ue chiuase (CK), a|so iucreased over time (P<O.O1),
but, agaiu, uo effects due to the diets were observed.
Some iudicatious about the l ba|auce are giveu iu
Tab|e 5. From the ca|cu|atiou it cau be seeu that a pro-
ductiou of l iu mauure of about 1.5 lg cau be expected
for a siug|e pig produced, uuder the specific couditiou of
reariug adopted. Taliug iuto accouut a poteutia| uumber
of productiou cyc|es of 3, the expected amouut of l iu
mauure per pig p|ace is 22.8 lg/year. This va|ue is much
more higher thau that of 12.1 lg which cau be ca|cu|a-
ted from the EC 18O4/99 regu|atiou, iu which it is assu-
med that 11O lg of l iu mauure are equiva|eut to 14 pig
p|aces. Thus, if iu the farm au average pig |oad of 14
pig/ha are accepted by the 0fficia| Coutro| 0rgauism for
orgauic productiou, the l |oad cou|d be about the dou-
b|e to that required to comp|y the |imit of 11O lg l iu
mauure/year/ha. lu the practice, |ower |eve| of crude
proteiu aud heuce of soybeau iu the diet cau be app|ied
for pigs iu the rauge of |ive weight from 8O to 18O lg.
lu couc|usiou, raw seeds of soybeau cu|tivars with
|ow couteuts iu Kuuit/ compouuds showed au average
trypsiu iuhibitory activity which was about ha|f to that
observed for raw seeds of other couveutioua| cu|tivars.
Raw soybeau from cu|tivars |ow iu Kuuit/ factors cau be
usefu||y iuc|uded iu the diets of fiuishiug pigs (8O to 11O
lg LW) up to 1O of comp|ete feed, without uegative
effects ou growth performauce, carcass qua|ity aud
hea|th status. however, iu the practice, |ower |eve|s of
soybeau iuc|usious are required for the |eau growth of
fiuishiug heavy pigs aud for maiutaiuiug a |ow degree of
uusaturatiou of body fat. Thus, |ow amouut of raw soy-
beau iu the diets of heavy pigs cau represeut a iuterest-
iug proteiu source for orgauic farms. Cautiou shou|d be
taleu iu outdoor pig systems siuce the |aud is uot crop-
ped aud the risls of po||utiou cau be high.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 61-65
|. Ia||ac|e||a e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F AW 80EAN 8EE8 I0W IN ANIINIIII0NAI ...
Iab|o 4. 6haogos oI motabo||c proI||o: oIIocts duo to tho d|ots aod tho por|ods
|<O.O1, * | <O.O5,
Iab|o 5. N|trogoo ba|aoco
The EC 18O4/99 regu|atiou iudicated that the uumber of pig p|aces equiva|eut to 11O lg of l iu mauure is 14.
Computed assumiug 15
days betweeu two cousecutive rouuds of pig productiou.
litrogeu iu mauure was computed assumiug that 25 of tota| l excreted was
|ost iu the atmosphere (ERM, 2OO1)
I||s e\ce||ce| as |ccded |j lee|c
4||cc||c|a |e|ca| 4ecj |c| 4||cc||c|e |c|es||j
ad 4|| |ccd Sec|c|s ||c|ec| |_|||9l4_||9_l|.
1. Associatiou of 0fficia| Aua|ytica| Chemists (2OOO):
0fficia| methods of aua|ysis of A0AC iuteruatioua|.
11th ed., 0r W. horwit/ ed., Washiugtou, 0C.
2. ERM (2OO1): Livestocl mauures. Europeau commis-
siou 06 euviroumeut 01, 8russe|s.
3. Fo|ch, J., Lees, M., S|oaue Stau|ey, 6.h. (1951): A
simp|e method for the iso|atiou aud purificatiou of tota|
|ipides from auima| tissues. Jourua| of 8io|ogica|
Chemistry, 226:491-5O9.
4. huismau, J. (1994): Autiuutritioua| factors (AlFs) iu
feedstuffs used iu pig diets. 3rd iuteruatioua| feed pro-
ductiou coufereuce: 115-163.
5. herle|mau, K.L., Cromwe||, 6.L., Stab|y, T.S., Pfeiffert,
T.W., Kuabe, 0.A., (1992): Appareut digestibi|ity of
amiuo acids iu raw aud heated couveutioua| aud |ow-
trypsiu-iuhibitor soybeaus for pigs. Jourua| of Auima|
Scieuce, 1O:818-826.
6. Kauelo, J.J. (1989): C|iuica| 8iochemistry of 0omestic
Auima|s 4
Ed. Academic Press, lY.
1. Krishuau, h.8. (2OO1): Characteri/atiou of a soybeau
(6|yciue max (L.) Merr.) mutaut with reduced |eve|s of
Kuuit/ trypsiu iuhibitor. P|aut Scieuce, 16O:919-986.
8. l60 (1916): lorme 6rassi e 0erivati. Sta/ioue speri-
meuta|e per |e iudustrie deg|i o|i e dei grassi. 3ed.
9. 0iu, 6., E|st, E.R., ter 8osch, M.W., vau der Poe1,
A.F.8. (1996): Therma| processiug of who|e soya
beaus: Studies ou the iuactivatiou of autiuutritioua| fac-
tors aud effects ou i|ea| digestibi|ity iu pig|ets. Auima|
Feed Scieuce aud Techuo|ogy, 51:313-324.
1O. SAS (199O): SAS user's guide: statistics. SAS lustitute
luc., Cary, lorth Caro|iua.
11. Suidaro, M., Siguor, M., 8aret, R., Cade|, 6., 0aue|ou,
l. (2OO1): 8uoui risu|tati cou |'impiego di soia a basso
couteuuto di fattori autiuutri/ioua|i. luformatore agrario,
12. uba|di, A., Corbe||a, E., Moutauari, P., (1982):
0iaguostica Chimico - C|iuica Veteriuaria, Casa Editrice
Ambrosiaua, Mi|auo.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 61-65
65 |. Ia||ac|e||a e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F AW 80EAN 8EE8 I0W IN ANIINIIII0NAI ...
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
uufavourab|e water ho|diug capacity or drip |oss
causes major prob|ems iu porl iudustry due to its uega-
tive impact ou the appearauce of meat aud the yie|d iu
further processiug. Auother uudesirab|e characteristic
of such meat is uuuatura||y pa|e co|our, the first trait
cousumer use wheu judgiug the acceptabi|ity of meat.
Siuce drip |oss aud co|our are both affected by post mor-
ta| g|yco|ysis iu the musc|e, iuitia| aud u|timate ph
va|ues are cousidered as meat qua|ity iudicators eua-
b|iug fair predictious of drip |oss aud co|our of the meat.
Co|our measuremeuts are effective ou|y after a period of
time ueeded to coo| (24 hours) aud to deve|op a fiua|
hue ou the cut surface (b|oomiug time). 0fteu app|ied
methods for measuriug water |oss iu porl are the com-
pressiou method by 6rau aud hamm (1953) aud the bag
method deve|oped by houile| (1981), the |ater beiug the
most accepted iuteruatioua||y. however, the resu|ts of
these methods are luowu re|ative|y |ate.
For this reasou, it is of specia| iuterest to differeu-
tiate the meat iuto differeut c|asses of drip |oss ou the
basis of measuremeuts which cau be made as ear|ier as
possib|e. lu the |iterature, differeut criteria for sortiug the
porl iu meat qua|ity groups are proposed. Kauffmau et
a|. (1992) aud Waruer et a|. (1991) used drip |oss >5
to differeutiate watery from "uorma|" meat, Joo et a|.
(1999) set up thresho|d va|ue for excessive drip |oss to
be 6. Regardiug the ph va|ues, criteria are uot c|ear
either. Se|ier aud Mouiu (1994) used iuitia| ph |ess thau
5.8 aud u|timate ph |ess thau 5.5 to predict pa|e, soft
aud exudative porl, Forrest (1998) reported that u|tima-
te ph va|ue of 5.5 or |ower iudicates PSE couditiou,
whi|e vau Laacl (2OOO) used u|timate ph va|ue of 5.1 for
the same purpose. Kusec e| a|. (2OO5) iuterpo|ated u|ti-
mate ph va|ue of 5.69 as thresho|d va|ue differeutiatiug
exudative from "uorma|" porl |c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e.
The objective of this paper was to iuvestigate the
siguificauce of porl qua|ity iudicators used to predict
fiua| drip |oss aud to set up a mode| for discrimiuatiou of
meat samp|es iuto c|asses of excessive (>5) aud
favourab|e (<5) drip |oss.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 66-69
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.5'64
6. 8asec, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, /coaa atk/a, 4. Pett/ec/, 0aa/ca haatek
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae pteseat stad, was catt/ed oat oa !!9 taadom/, caosea catcasses of 6attows,
s/aagateted at apptox/mate/, !00 kg //ce we/gat /a tatee a6atto/ts fotm east 0toat/a.
Ma/a meat qaa//t, tta/ts wete measated. ph
, ph
, 0/F-L* aad dt/p /oss 6, comptess/oa
aad 6ag metaod. 4moag /acest/gated dt/p /oss pted/ctots tae a/gaest s/ga/f/caace was
foaad fot Wh0 aad ph
ca/aes {p<0.05/. ta/aes of ph
aad 0/F-L* wete aot stat/st/ca/-
/, s/ga/f/caat. 4ccatac, of c/ass/f/cat/oa 6, d/sct/m/aaat aaa/,s/s was 58.93X cottect
/a tae c/ass w/ta excess/ce dt/p /oss aad 55.08X /a tae c/ass caatactet/ted as aoa-exa-
dat/ce. 0ceta// d/sct/m/aat/oa was apptox/mate/, 52X cottect. Mote cat/a6/es, ca/ae
otaet taaa 5X as tatesao/d fot exadat/ce meat aad a /atget samp/e ate saggested fot
tae /mptocemeat of mode/ accatac,. Iwo c/asses of samp/es wete fotmed 6, d/sct/m/-
aaat aaa/,s/s {exadat/ce aad aoa-exadat/ce/. 8etweea tae c/asses s/ga/f/caat d/ffetea-
ces wete foaad fot ph
ca/aes aad Wh0 {p<0.05/. Waea ph
aad Wh0 c/ass meaas fot
exadat/ce gtoap wete /ad/c/daa//, ased as ct/tet/a fot sa6seqaeat d/ffeteat/at/oa /ato
meat qaa//t, gtoaps, atoaad 50X aad 5!X of tae samp/es, tespect/ce/,, wete accata-
te/, caatactet/ted as exadat/ce ot aoa-exadat/ce.
8e,-wotds. potk, meat qaa//t, tta/ts, d/sct/m/aat/oa c/asses
||0. c|a |csec 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. 0|.Sc.0|.|.c. c|daa ||a||| |c||
||c|essc|. |.ca c||| 5sc. 4|. 4ss|s|.. ||0. 4|c |e|||e.| ||c|.
|ce|||. 0a|ca |ale| 5Sc.4| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e | 9s||e|
0eca||ce| c| Scec|a| cc|ec||cs I| S.. I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e|
The preseut study was carried out ou 119 rau-
dom|y choseu carcasses of barrows, s|aughtered at
approximate|y 1OO lg |ive weight iu three abattoirs form
east Croatia. At the s|aughter |iue, 45 miuutes after stic-
liug, iuitia| ph va|ues (phi) together with temperature
were taleu at the |c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e of primari|y
processed swiue carcasses. After 24 hours of coo|iug,
u|timate ph va|ues (phu) aud temperature were taleu at
the same p|ace as for phi, co|our of c. |c|ss|ccs dc|s|
was measured too. Water ho|diug capacity was meas-
ured by compressiou method (6rau aud hamm, 1952)
aud by bag method as described by Kauffmau et a|.
(1992), former method beiug termed as WhC aud |ater
as "drip |oss" iu the preseut paper. The samp|es for
WhC aud drip |oss were taleu from |c|ss|ccs dc|s|
musc|e after 24 hours of coo|iug, the former were com-
pressed ou fi|ter paper for p|auimetry whi|e |atter were
weighed, p|aced iu p|astic bags aud stored for 48 hours
at 6
C aud thau reweighed for the ca|cu|atiou of drip
|oss perceutage. The co|our of meat was measured by
"Miuo|ta CR-3OO" device at c. |c|ss|ccs dorsi cut
after 15 miuutes of b|oomiug aud preseuted as ClE L
va|ues. The measuremeuts of ph
aud ph
were carried
out by digita| ph-meter "Mett|er MP 12O-8". Co||ected
data were statistica||y processed usiug STATlSTlCA
(6.O) for Wiudows program. Statistica| methods app|ied
were descriptive statistics, 6LM procedure aud traditio-
ua| discrimiuaut aua|ysis.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The maiu parameters of meat qua|ity are showu iu
Tab|e 1. Accordiug to hofmauu e| a|. (1994) border
va|ue of iuitia| ph iudicatiug PSE couditiou of porl is 5.8,
va|ues of L higher thau 53 aud drip |oss |ower thau 5
poiut at the same meat qua|ity couditiou as we||.
Regardiug the u|timate ph va|ues, differeut va|ues for
differeutiatiou betweeu "uorma|" aud PSE meat were
suggested: e.g. 5.5 by Forrest (1998) aud 5.1 by vau
Laacl (2OOO). Water ho|diug capacity measured by
compressiou method (WhC) higher thau 9 cm
tes PSE couditiou too (8|eud| et a|., 1991). The abi|ity of
meat to withho|d water, measured by bag method was
expressed as drip |oss. haviug iu miud thresho|d va|ues
meutioued above, the meat qua|ity traits of pigs from
preseut study iudicate desirab|e meat qua|ity, with
exceptiou of drip |oss measured by bag method which
was too high accordiug to Kauffmau et a|., (1992) aud
Waruer et a|. (1991), but acceptab|e accordiug to Joo et
a| (1999). Variatious of measured parameters resemb|e
those reported iu |iterature ( Kusec et a|., 2OO5, Ryu aud
Kim, 2OO5).
The siguificauce of meat qua|ity iudicators predic-
tiug drip |oss is preseuted iu tab|e 2. Amoug iuvestiga-
ted iudicators, highest siguificauce was fouud for water
ho|diug capacity (WhC) obtaiued by compressiou
method aud u|timate ph va|ues (p<O.O5), whi|st iuitia|
ph va|ue was ou the very border of statistica| siguifi-
cauce. WhC measured by compressiou was cousidered
as iudicator here because its resu|ts are luowu 48 hours
ear|ier thau the resu|ts of drip |oss determiued by bag
method. Pa|euess of meat expressed by ClE-L va|ue
was uot statistica||y siguificaut (p>O.O5) as the predic-
tor of drip |oss. The importauce of musc|e abi|ity to with-
ho|d water aud its imp|icatious ou meat qua|ity was
exteusive|y discussed iu |iterature (0tto et a|., 2OO4,
Kusec et a|., 2OO5 ). luvestigatiug the re|atious betweeu
meat qua|ity iudicators Kra|il et a|. (2OO2) aud Kusec et
a|. (2OO5) fouud siguificaut corre|atiou betweeu u|tima-
te ph va|ues, water ho|diug capacity obtaiued by com-
pressiou method aud drip |oss (bag method).
Traditioua| discrimiuaut aua|ysis mode| was
app|ied iu order to c|assify samp|es iuto groups with
high (>5 exudative) aud favourab|e (<5, uou-exu-
dative) drip |oss ou the basis of iuvestigated meat qua-
|ity predictors. From the tab|e 3 it is obvious that c|assi-
ficatiou fuuctious for exudative aud uou-exudative c|as-
ses had differeut accuracy, iu the c|asses with excessi-
ve aud "uorma|" drip |oss 58.93 aud 65.O8 of the
iuvestigated |oiu samp|es, respective|y, were accurate|y
differeutiated. 0vera|| discrimiuatiou perceutage was
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 66-69
61 . |csec e|. a|.. FA6I08 I86IMINAIIN EIWEEN IFFEENI F0k AIII ...
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs oI |ovost|gatod moat
qua||ty tra|ts
Iab|o 2. o|var|ato tosts oI s|go|I|caoco Ior dr|p |oss prod|ct|oo w|th moat qua||ty |od|cators as |odopoodoot
uot high either (-62), suggestiug the ueed for iuc|u-
siou of more siguificaut meat qua|ity traits iuto aua|ysis
aud |arger samp|e. Auother possib|e way of improviug
the efficieucy of discrimiuatiou is to use other criteriou
for drip |oss differeutiatiou or to use other trait as iude-
peudeut variab|e. lu the paper va|ue of 5 drip |oss was
used as suggested by majority of other authors
(Kauffmau et a|., 1992, Waruer et a|., 1991).
Two c|asses of samp|es were formed by discrimi-
uaut aua|ysis, their maiu meat qua|ity traits are preseut-
ed iu Tab|e 4. The c|ass of exudative samp|es had sigui-
ficaut|y |ower u|timate ph va|ues, aud higher water ho|-
diug capacity (p<O.O5), whi|e iuitia| ph aud ClE-L
va|ues were uot siguificaut|y differeut (p>O.O5).
Taliug iuto accouut resu|ts from Tab|e 2, siguifi-
caut predictors (phu aud WhC) of drip |oss were used
for the differeutiatiou of samp|es. heuce, wheu phu aud
WhC c|ass meaus ca|cu|ated for exudative group was
iudividua||y used as thresho|d va|ues differeutiatiug bet-
weeu the meat qua|ity groups, arouud 6O aud 61 of
the samp|es, respective|y, were accurate|y characteri-
/ed as exudative or uou-exudative. 0ther va|ues, iuc|u-
diug those from the |iterature (Forrest, 1998, Joo et a|.,
1999, vau Laacl 2OOO), demoustrated |ower c|assifica-
tiou efficieucy wheu app|ied to the same data.
8ased ou the resu|ts of the study, couc|usious cau
be drawu as fo||ows:
Amoug se|ected predictors of drip |oss measured by
the bag method, the highest siguificauce was fouud
for water ho|diug capacity (WhC) obtaiued by com-
pressiou method aud u|timate ph va|ues (p<O.O5),
iuitia| ph va|ue was ou the very border of statistica|
siguificauce. Pa|euess of meat expressed as ClE-L
va|ue was uot statistica||y siguificaut (p>O.O5).
Accuracy of c|assificatiou fuuctious was higher iu
the c|ass characterised as uou-exudative (65.O8
correct) thau iu the c|ass with excessive drip |oss
(58.93). 0vera|| discrimiuatiou perceutage was
uot high either (-62). luc|usiou of more siguifi-
caut meat qua|ity traits iuto aua|ysis, usage of
thresho|d va|ue other thau 5 for divisiou of sam-
p|es iuto exudative aud uou-exudative group aud a
|arger samp|e is recommeuded iu order to improve
the discrimiuatiou power.
Two c|asses of samp|es were formed by discrimi-
uaut aua|ysis, the samp|es from exudative c|ass had
siguificaut|y |ower u|timate ph va|ues, aud higher
water ho|diug capacity (p<O.O5), whi|e iuitia| ph
aud ClE-L va|ues were uot siguificaut|y differeut
(p>O.O5). Wheu phu aud WhC meau va|ues of
exudative c|ass (5.59 aud 8.65, resp.) were iudivi-
dua||y used as differeutiatiou criteria, arouud 6O
aud 61 of the samp|es, respective|y, were accura-
te|y characteri/ed as exudative or uou-exudative.
1. 8|eud|, h., Ka||weit, E., Scheper, J. (1991): 0ua|itat-
aubieteu: Schweiue-f|eisch, Al0, 11O3, 8ouu.
2. Forrest, J.C. (1998): Liue speed imp|emeutatiou of
various porl qua|ity measures. home page address:
3. 6rau, R., hamm, R. (1952): Eiue eiufache Methode
/ur 8estimmuug der Wasserbiuduug im F|eisch. 0ie
F|eischwirtschaft, 4: 295-291.
4. hofmauu, K. (1994): What is qua|ity 0efiuitiou,
measuremeut aud eva|uatiou of meat qua|ity. Meat
Focus luteruatioua|, 3 (2):13-82
5. Joo, S.T., Kauffmau, R.6., Kim, 8.C., Parl, 6.8.
(1999): The re|atiouship of sarcop|asmic aud myofi-
bri||ar proteiu so|ubi|ity to co|our aud water-ho|diug
capacity iu porciue |ougissimus musc|e. Meat sci.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 66-69
. |csec e|. a|.. FA6I08 I86IMINAIIN EIWEEN IFFEENI F0k AIII ...
Iab|o 3. 6|ass|I|cat|oo matr|x obta|ood by d|scr|m|oaot aoa|ys|s
Rows: 0bserved c|assificatious, Co|umus: Predicted c|assificatious (prior probabi|ities iu braclets)
Iab|o 4. 6|ass moaos aod staodard dov|at|oos (|o
brackots} Ior tho |od|cators oI moat qua||ty
Irom groups Iormod by d|scr|m|oaot
Meaus iu co|umus with differeut superscripts are siguificaut|y dif-
fereut (p<O.O5)
6. Kauffmau, R.6., Casseus, R.6., Sherer, A., Meeler,
0.L. (1992): Variatious iu porl qua|ity. lPPC
Pub|icatiou, 0es Moiues, u.S.A.:1-8.
1. Kra|il, 6., Kusec, 6., 6ut/mirt|, h., Petrievi, A.,
6rguri, 0. (2OO2): Corre|atiou betweeu meat co|our
aud some iudicators of carcass aud meat qua|ity of
pigs. Acta Agr. Kapos. 6:253-258.
8. Kusec, 6., Kra|il, 6., horvat, 0., Petrievi, A.,
Margeta, V. (2OO5): 0iffereutiatiou of porl |c|ss|
ccs dc|s| musc|e regardiug the variatiou iu water ho|-
diug capacity aud corre|ated traits. lt. J. of Auim. Sci,
4 (3):19-81.
9. 0tto, 6., Roehe, R., Looft, h., Thoe|liug, L., Ka|m, E.
(2OO4): Comparisou of differeut methods for determi-
uatiou of drip |oss aud their re|atiouships to meat qua-
|ity aud carcass characteristics iu pigs. Meat Sci. 68:
1O. Ryu, Y.C., Kim, 8.C. (2OO5): The re|atiouship betweeu
musc|e fibre characteristics, post-mortem metabo|ic
rate aud meat qua|ity of pig |ougissimus dorsi musc|e.
Meat Sci. 11: 351-351.
11. Se||ier, P., Mouiu, 6. (1994): 6euetics of pig meat
qua|ity: A review. J Musc|e Foods, 5: 181.
12. Vau Laacl, R.L.J.M., (2OOO): 0etermiuauts of u|tima-
te ph aud qua|ity of porl. home page address:
13. Waruer, R.0., Kauffmau, R.6., 6reaser, M.L. (1991):
Musc|e proteiu chauges post mortem iu re|atiou to
porl qua|ity traits. Meat Sci. 45:339-352.
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 16 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 66-69
69 . |csec e|. a|.. FA6I08 I86IMINAIIN EIWEEN IFFEENI F0k AIII ...
Curreut Croatiau regu|atiou euacts, besides the
iustrumeuta|, a mauua| method for estimatiou of |eau
share iu pig carcasses ca||ed the "ZP" (two poiuts)
method. Equatiou which shou|d be used iu this method
is a|so prescribed by Croatiau regu|atiou. however, the
coefficieuts used iu equatiou are depeudeut ou meau
|eau share, aud after a two years time period or after a
siguificaut a|teratiou iu pig popu|atiou, they shou|d be
checled (Commissiou Regu|atiou lo 2961/85). lu order
to estab|ish the most accurate mathematica| expressiou
for |eau share estimatiou, it is uecessary to couduct a
compreheusive dissectiou experimeut. The criteria for
samp|e si/e aud accuracy of assessmeut are a|so pre-
scribed by Eu regu|atious (Commissiou Regu|atiou lo
2961/85). For the purpose of adjustiug au o|d or esta-
b|ishiug a uew equatiou for meat share assessmeut,
uew Europeau regu|atious (Commissiou Regu|atiou lo
3121/94, Wa|stra aud Merlus, 1995) iutroduced a sim-
p|ified dissectiou method by which the |eau share of pig
carcasses cau be objective|y determiued. usage of c|as-
sica| statistica| methods requires a tota| dissectiou of at
|east 12O pig carcasses by Eu refereut method. The
other approach of obtaiuiug the equatious for |eau share
estimatiou is doub|e regressiou based ou comp|ete dis-
sectiou of at |east 5O carcasses aud twice as much par-
tia| dissectious (Couuiffe aud Morau, 1912). lu both of
these approaches root meau square error has to be |ess
thau 2.5. Ma|ovrh e| a|. (2OO1) used doub|e regressiou
approach for deve|opiug of uew equatious for iustru-
meuta| ou-|iue |eau share estimatiou aud verifyiug the
coefficieuts for "ZP"-method. Siuce this is the first time
iu Croatia that the equatiou for "ZP"-method is verified
by Eu refereut dissectiou, the c|assic statistica| admis-
siou was used iu the iuvestigatiou.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O-13
||0. c|a |csec 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. |.ca c||| 5sc. 4|. 4ss|s|.. |
|0. 4|c |e|||e.| ||c|. |cce|||.. ||0.0|.|.c. c|daa ||a||| |c|| ||c|
essc|. VSc. |a|a Va||a|. VSc.l|ad|c|| Va|e|a 4ss|s|.. 0a|ca |ale|
5Sc4|. |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e | 9s||e| 0eca||ce| c| Scec|a| cc|ec|
|cs I| S.. I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.5'64
6A6A88E8 IN 60AIIA
6. 8asec, /coaa atk/a, 4. Pett/ec/, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, Z/ata Ma/tat, t. Matgeta , 0aa/ca haatek
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae expet/meat was petfotmed oa !44 p/g catcasses se/ected oa tae 6as/s of 6ack-
fat measates o6ta/aed 6, "ZP- metaod. Iaete was ao sttat/f/cat/oa accotd/ag to
tae catcass we/gat. 0ae da, aftet s/aagatet tae catcasses wete d/ssected 6, to FJ
tefeteace metaod. Iae /eaa saate was ca/ca/ated 6, eqaat/oa ptesct/6ed 6,
Fatopeaa tega/at/oa {0omm/ss/oa 8ega/at/oa No 3!2I/94/ aad est/mated 6, s/x
eqaat/oas. Iae f/tst oae {MP!/ /s ptesct/6ed 6, catteat 0toat/aa tega/at/oa {N.N.
!!9/!999/ aad tae otaet f/ce wete dece/oped oa tae 6as/s of ot/g/aa/ data o6ta/aed
6, tae expet/meat. Iae meat petceatage est/mated 6, eqaat/oa MP! d/ffeted sta-
t/st/ca//, {p<0.0!/ ftom meaa meat petceatage o6ta/aed 6, FJ tefeteat metaod, tae
catteat fotma/a s/ga/f/caat/, ocetest/mates tae meat/aess of p/g catcasses ftom
0toat/aa popa/at/oa. 0t/g/aa/ measates of fat aad masc/e measated fot "ZP-
metaod wete ased as /adepeadeat cat/a6/es /a eqaat/oa MP5. /a otdet to /mptoce
tae accatac, of est/mat/oa, ttaasfotmed cat/a6/es wete ased /a eqaat/oas MP2-
MP5. 4dd/t/oaa/ measate of watm catcass we/gat {I/ was /ac/aded as aa /ade-
peadeat cat/a6/e to eqaat/oas MP4 aad MP5 6at ta/s d/d aot /mptoce tae/t acca-
tac,. Fqaat/oa MP2 to MP5 sat/sf, tae stat/st/ca/ ct/tet/oa teqaested 6, FJ tega/a-
t/oas. Iae eqaat/oa MP2 aad MP5 caa 6e tecommeaded fot /eaa saate est/mat/oa
/a p/g catcasses of 0toat/aa p/g popa/at/oa.
8e,-wotds. sw/ae, catcass, /eaa saate, est/mat/oa, eqaat/oas
The aim of this paper is to iutroduce the equatious
for "ZP"-method that cau be app|ied at Croatiau s|augh-
The research was performed ou 144 swiue carcas-
ses se|ected iu accordauce with baclfat measures
obtaiued by "ZP"- method, approved iu Croatia (ll.
119/1999). There was uo stratificatiou accordiug to the
carcass weight.
Pigs were s|aughtered iu severa| Croatiau s|augh-
terhouses. 0ue day after s|aughter right sides of the car-
casses were dissected usiug au Eu refereut method.
Four maiu parts (ham, shou|der, |oiu aud ribs) were dis-
sected iuto musc|es, boues, iutramuscu|ar aud subcuta-
ueous fat with sliu. The teuder |oiu was taleu iuto ca|-
cu|atiou as a separate part.
Share of meat was ca|cu|ated by equatiou from
Commissiou Regu|atiou (EC) lo 3121/94:
Meat yie|d ca|cu|ated by Eu_ref equatiou was
accepted as au objective iudicator iu further aua|yses
aud comparisous.
The |eau meat perceutage iu pig carcasses was
estimated by six equatious. The first equatiou is pre-
scribed by the Croatiau regu|atiou (lo 119/1999) aud
the other five were deve|oped ou the basis of origiua|
data. Measures uecessary for obtaiuiug the variab|es by
"ZP"-method were: |umbar musc|e thicluess Mdt
(mm), measured as the shortest couuectiou betweeu
the crauia| eud of the |umbar musc|e aud dorsa| edge of
the vertebra| caua|, aud fat thicluess Sdt (mm), meas-
ured as the miuimum thicluess of subcutaueous fat
(with sliu) at the sp|it of the carcass, above c. |c|ecs
Resu|ts of |eau meat yie|d determiuatiou by Eu-
refereut method (Eu-ref) aud by equatious (MP1, MP2,
MP3, MP4, MP5 aud MP6) were processed aud com-
pared. 0iffereuces aud determiuatiou coefficieuts bet-
weeu meat perceutages were ca|cu|ated.
The obtaiued data were statistica||y processed by
6LM procedures of SAS program paclage, versiou 9.O
(SAS lus. luc., 2OO2).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
0istributious of fat thicluess (Sdt) aud musc|e
thicluess (Mdt) measured mauua||y are preseuted iu
Fig. 1. lt cau be observed that the fat thicluess of 53
of pig carcasses from Croatiau pig popu|atiou was bet-
weeu 12 aud 2O mm aud the musc|e thicluess was bet-
weeu 1O aud 14 mm respective|y. The distributiou curve
for Sdt measure shows a s|ight def|ectiou from the uor-
ma| curve to the |eft, whereas the curve for Mdt meas-
ure shows a s|ight def|ectiou to the right.
0u figure 2 it cau be observed that the majority of
swiue carcasses had |eau meat share betweeu 49 aud
53. The distributiou of meat perceutage maches the
uorma| curve.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O-13
11 . |csec e|. a|.. EAII0N8 F0 IEAN 8hAE E8IIMAII0N IN 8WINE ...
Refereut |eau meat perceutage
F|guro 1. |str|but|oo oI musc|o th|ckooss (a} aod Iat th|ckooss (b} moasurod by "ZF"-mothod (N=144}
Tab|e 1 shows eva|uated equatious for meat yie|d
estimatiou. The first equatiou (MP1) preseuts the cur-
reut equatiou for "ZP"-method prescribed by the
Croatiau regu|atiou, whereas the other five were deve-
|oped accordiug to origiua| data from dissectiou experi-
meut. The dissectiou tria| was couducted ou 144 prima-
ri|y processed swiue carcasses, which were a|so eva-
|uated by the equatiou prescribed by the Croatiau
Regu|atiou. 0uriug the coustructiou of origiua| equatious
(MP2-MP6), out|iers were detected by robust estima-
tiou method (Thorue, 1999) aud removed from further
aua|ysis, fiua| uumber of carcasses remaiued for eva-
|uatiou was 134. Measures of musc|e (Mdt) aud fat
(Sdt) thicluess ou origiua| aud trausformed sca|es were
taleu as iudepeudeut variab|es iu meat perceutage esti-
matiou formu|ae, the depeudeut variab|e was meat per-
ceutage objective|y determiued by Eu-refereut method.
lu equatious MP4 aud MP5 the warm carcass weight
(T) was iuc|uded as am iudepeudeut variab|e, but this
iuf|ueuce was uot iudicated as siguificaut iu statistica|
aua|ysis. A|so, measuriug the weight of the carcasses
at s|aughter-|iue is time cousumiug aud iu the case of
iuaccuracy of the weighiug device, cau |ead to overesti-
matiou/uuderestimatiou of meat perceutage. A|though
the equatiou for the "ZP"-method used iu S|oveuia from
1995 (Kova e| a|., 1995) iuc|udes warm carcass weight
as am iudepeudeut parameter, the MP4 aud MP5 equa-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O-13
. |csec e|. a|.. EAII0N8 F0 IEAN 8hAE E8IIMAII0N IN 8WINE ...
F|guro 2. |str|but|oo oI moat sharo objoct|vo|y
dotorm|ood by E-roIoroot mothod
Iab|o 1. Eva|uatod oquat|oos Ior |oao moat porcootago
T~warm carcass weight
Iab|o 2. as|c stat|st|cs Ior |oao moat porcootago aod stat|st|ca| cr|tor|a Ior oquat|oos
Meaus withiu row with differeut superscript (a, c) differ at P < O.O1, RMSE root meau square error, R
determiuatiou coefficieut
tious were exc|uded from further aua|ysis because of
the above reasous. lu the equatious MP2, MP3, MP4
aud MP5 the estimated parameters S, |ogS, aud S/M
had statistica||y siguificaut iuf|ueuce (P<O.OO1), whe-
reas the parameter iu the equatious MP2 aud MP4 had
uo statistica||y siguificaut iuf|ueuce ou the predictiou of
meat share determiued by the Eu refereut method.
The average |eau meat perceutage iu dissected pig
carcasses was 51.41 (Eu_ref). The |eau perceutage
estimated by equatious obtaiued from dissectiou expe-
rimeut did uot differ statistica||y from meat perceutage
iu Croatiau pig popu|atiou. 0u the other haud, the mea-
tiuess estimated by the equatiou MP1 differed statisti-
ca||y (P<O.O1) from |eau meat perceutage objective|y
determiued by the Eu refereut dissectiou. This suggests
that formu|a, approved by Croatiau regu|atiou, obvious|y
overestimates the |eau share of iuvestigated pig popu|a-
lu former regu|atious of Eu couutries there were
two priucip|es that had to be fu|fi||ed for the meat yie|d
estimatiou equatious: RMSE<2.5 aud R
A|though today the ou|y criteriou is RMSE<2.5, the
determiuatiou coefficieut was a|so ca|cu|ated to esta-
b|ish the predictiou power of deve|oped equatious. lu
Tab|e 2 it is showu that the RMSE of equatious MP2-
MP5 was be|ow 2.5, whereas the RMSE of MP6 formu-
|a was s|ight|y higher thau prescribed by Eu regu|atiou.
The determiuatiou coefficieut betweeu objective|y
determiued (Eu_ref) aud estimated meat yie|d for equa-
tious MP2, MP3, MP4 aud MP5 was higher thau O.8,
whereas for the equatiou MP6 was be|ow the recom-
meuded va|ue (R
The resu|ts of this research |ead to fo||owiug cou-
The meatiuess estimated by the equatiou MP1 dif-
fered statistica||y (P<O.O1) from |eau meat perceutage
objective|y determiued by the Eu refereut dissectiou,
the curreut formu|a siguificaut|y overestimates the mea-
tiuess of pig carcasses from Croatiau popu|atiou.
The |eau perceutage estimated by equatious obtai-
ued from dissectiou experimeut did uot differ statistica|-
|y from meat perceutage iu Croatiau pig popu|atiou.
Root meau square error of the MP6 equatiou was
s|ight|y higher thau 2.5 aud therefore cau uot be recom-
meuded for ou-|iue estimatiou of |eau perceutage at
Croatiau s|aughterhouses.
The equatious MP2, MP3, MP4 aud MP5 have
RMSE |ess thau 2.5. A|though the formu|ae MP4 aud
MP5 satisfy this statistica| criteriou, they iuc|ude the
warm carcass weight, measuriug of which is time cou-
sumiug aud preseuts the source of estimatiou error. 0ue
to these reasous the equatious MP2 aud MP3 cau be
recommeuded as more couveuieut for ou-|iue |eau share
estimatiou of Croatiau pig popu|atiou.
1. Commissiou Regu|atiou (EC) lo 3121/94 of 2O
0ecember 1994 ameudiug Regu|atiou (EC)
lo2961/85 |ayiug dowu detai|ed ru|es for the app|ica-
tiou of the commuuity sca|e for gradiug pig carcas-
ses. 0fficia| Jourua| of the Europeau Commuuities,
l0. L 33O, 21/12/1994:43-44.
2. Commissiou Regu|atiou (EC) lo 2961/85 of 24
0ctober 1985 |ayiug dowu detai|ed ru|es for the app|i-
catiou of the commuuity sca|e for gradiug pig carcas-
ses. 0fficia| Jourua| of the Europeau Commuuities,
l0. L 285, 25/1O/1985: 39-4O.
3. Couuiffe, 0., Morau, M.A. (1912): 0oub|e samp|iug
with regressiou comparative studies of carcass com-
positiou. 8iometrics, 28:1O11-1O23.
4. 0horue, T. (1999): Mauigiug out|iers. lu: Causer et. a|.
(1999): Statistica| haudbool for assessiug pig c|assi-
ficatiou methods: Recommeudatious from the
"EuPl6CLASS" project group. pp 13-19.
5. Kova, M., Zgur, S., Tavar, J., Segu|a, 8. (1995):
Comparisou of equatious for carcass gradiug iu
swiue. 3
luteruatioua| symposium "Auima| Scieuce
0ays" 26-29 September 1995, 8|ed, S|oveuia. Zboruil
8iotehuisle Falu|tete uuiver/e v Ljub|jaui, Kmetijstvo
Zootehuila (2):143-148.
6. Ma|ovrh, S., Kova, M., audel Potolar, M., Zgur, S.,
Segu|a, 8. (2OO1): Euabe /a oceujevauje de|eta
mesa v trupih prasiev ua |iuiji l|auja. Zboruil
8iotehuisle Falu|tete uuiver/e v Ljub|jaui, Kmetijstvo
Zootehuila, 18 (2):229-242.
1. Pravi|uil o utvrivauju lategorija i l|asa sviujslih tru-
pova i po|ovica. larodue loviue br. 119/1999.
8. SAS lustitute luc. (2OO2), Cary, lC, uSA.
9. Wa|stra, P., Merlus, 6.S.M. (1995): Procedure for
assessmeut of the |eau meat perceutage as a couse-
queuce of the uew Eu refereuce dissectiou method iu
pig carcass c|assificatiou. 0L0-Research lustitute for
Auima| Scieuce aud hea|th (l0 0L0). Research
8rauch Zeist, P.0. 8ox 5O1, 31OO AM Zeist, The
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 16 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O-13
13 . |csec e|. a|.. EAII0N8 F0 IEAN 8hAE E8IIMAII0N IN 8WINE ...
A|teruative iutrou sp|iciug is a process where
iutrous are excised fo||owiug differeut patterus. The cou-
sequeuce of it is a preseuce of severa| differeut forms of
mature mRlAs differiug iu |eugth aud iu couteut of the
who|e exous or their parts, but represeutiug trauscripts
of the same geue (Co||ius aud 6uthrie, 2OOO).
Studies iu the past decade |ead to the view that a
comp|ex aud exteusive|y coup|ed uetworl has evo|ved
to coordiuate the activities of geue expressiou pathway,
iuc|udiug trauscriptiou, severa| pre-mRlA processiug
steps aud the export of mature mRlA to the cytop|asm
(8eut|ey, 1999). 8oth the carboxy-termiua| domaiu
(CT0) of the RlA po|ymerase ll aud trausriptiou e|ouga-
tiou factors p|ay ceutra| ro|es iu coup|iug trauscriptiou to
pre-mRlA processiug (McCracleu et a|., 1991).
Coup|iug of trauscriptiou to sp|iciug was a|so fouud
out iu studies showiug that trauscriptiou of pre-mRlA
by differeut promoters cau geuerate differeut a|teruati-
ve|y sp|iced mRlAs (Cramer et a|., 1991, Cramer et a|.,
1999). The impact of c|s-e|emeuts aud ||as-actiug fac-
tors ou a|teruative iutrou sp|iciug cou|d be determiued
by | .|||c studies usiug p|asmid coustructs, coutaiuiug
parts of geues with oue or more weal exous. 8y iuser-
tiug differeut promoters iu such coustructs it was
showu that, iu additiou to the coutro| exerted by sp|iciug
factors iu sp|ice site se|ectiou, a|teruative sp|iciug is
seusitive to the liud of promoter, possib|y ref|ectiug the
particu|ar arraugemeut of biudiug sites for basa| aud
regu|atory trauscriptiou factors (Caputi et a|., 1994,
Cramer et a|., 1991).
The impact of c|s-e|emeuts aud ||as-actiug fac-
tors ou a|teruative iutrou sp|iciug cou|d be determiued
by | .|||c studies usiug p|asmid coustructs, coutaiuiug
parts of geues with oue or more weal exous. The
pSVE0A-Tot vector iuc|udes first three exous of humau
-g|obiu geue with its fuuctioua| promoter. The E0A
humau fibrouectiu exou has beeu iuserted iu the 5s|Ell
site of the third g|obiu exou. E0A is the secoud exou
of humau fibrouectiu geue aud is a|teruative|y iuc|uded
iu mature fibrouectiu mRlA because of atypica| douor
site iu iutrou 1 (Caputi et a|.,1994).
Promoters of the mi|l proteiu geues are uot ou|y
importaut for the regu|atiou of mi|l geue expressiou, but
a|so for the trausgeuesis iu the mammary g|aud.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-11
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.12.O4/.O1
Po/oaa Ftajmaa, P. 0oc
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4/tetaat/ce /attoa sp//c/ag /s a ptocess waete /attoas ate exc/sed ftom pte-m8N4 fo/-
/ow/ag d/ffeteat pattetas. Iae coaseqaeace of /t /s a pteseace of seceta/ d/ffeteat fotms
of matate m8N4s d/ffet/ag /a /eagta aad /a coateat of tae wao/e exoas ot tae/t patts.
Stad/es /a tae past decade /ead to tae c/ew taat a comp/ex aad exteas/ce/, coap/ed aet-
wotk aas eco/ced to cootd/aate tae act/c/t/es of geae exptess/oa patawa,, wa/ca /ac/a-
des ttaasct/pt/oa, seceta/ pte-m8N4 ptocess/ag steps aad tae expott of matate m8N4
to tae c,top/asm. 0oap//ag of ttaasct/pt/oa to sp//c/ag was tecea/ed /a stad/es saow/ag
taat ttaasct/pt/oa of pte-m8N4 6, d/ffeteat ptomotets caa geaetate d/ffeteat a/tetaat/-
ce/, sp//ced m8N4s. Iae ma/a goa/ of ta/s stad, was to detetm/ae tae /mpact of d/ffe-
teat m//k geae ptomotets oa a/tetaat/ce sp//c/ag aadet /a c/tto coad/t/oas. 8es/des, we
a/so /acest/gated aow d/ffeteat ce// t,pes /af/aeace tae sp//ce s/te se/ect/oa. W/ta ta/s
expet/meat, we coaf/tmed oat pted/ct/oas taat ptomotet sttactate aad ce//-t,pe aace aa
/mpact oa a/tetaat/ce sp//c/ag. 0/ffeteaces wete o6setced /a qaaat/t, of ttaasct/pts, as
we// as /a sp//ce-s/te se/ect/oa.
8e,-wotds. a/tetaat/ce sp//c/ag, m//k-ptote/a geae ptomotets, ce// //aes
0. |c|ca ||a|ca. ||0. |e|e| 0c. |c|| ||c|essc| 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j
cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce| |c|||e 3 230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
lt was showu that mi|l is curreut|y the best avai|a-
b|e bioreactor. Exteusive studies have showu that it cau
be the source of a variety of recombiuaut proteius, for
examp|e humau l6F1, humau |actoferriu, humau fibriuo-
geu, humau parathyroid hormoue, etc. To express
foreigu geues iuto the mammary g|aud, mi|l proteiu
geue promoters must be used. These promoters sho-
wed differeut poteucy. Those of - aud
-caseiu geue
are particu|ar|y weal. A|| the other promoters are beiug
used with variab|e success (houdebiue, 2OOO). Wheu
expressiug a humau growth hormoue geue uuder the
trauscriptioua| coutro| of WAP2 geue promoter iu diffe-
reut auima| mode|s, differeut sp|iciug products were
observed. Apart from a|ready-luowu physio|ogica|
mRlA sp|ice products, previous|y uudescribed proces-
sed h6h trauscripts were fouud. lt was suggested that
the species specific h6h mRlA patterus may be
caused by species aud tissue-specific differeuces iu
||as-actiug sp|ice factors (Aiguer et a|., 1999).
With the ce||-trausfectiou experimeut ou differeut
ce||-|iues with differeut recombiuaut coustructs iutegra-
ted iuto the pSVE0A-Tot vector (liud|y provided by dr.
Muro Audres, lC6E8 research ceuter, Triest) we studied
the impact of the mi|l-proteiu geue promoters aud of the
ce||-type ou a|teruative sp|iciug uuder | .|||c couditious.
The impact of differeut |actoproteiu geue promot-
ers was studied iu | .|||c system by usiug hetero|ogous
p|asmid coustruct, coutaiuiug differeut |actoproteiu
geue promoters iuserted iuto p|asmid vector
pSVE0ATot. Two differeut coustructs were prepared,
coutaiuiug mouse WAP promoter aud porciue
caseiu promoter. Coustructs were trausfected to 4 dif-
fereut ce|| types (8ME-uV, Caco-2, hC11, C0S1) to
determiue the impact of the ce|| type ou sp|iciug.
0rigiua| pSVE0ATot was used as coutro|.
lumber of 488 bp of porciue
caseiu geue pro-
moter aud 1O28 bp |oug fragmeut of the muriue WAP
geue 5'uTR was PCR-amp|ified from geuomic 0lA.
0|igouuc|eotide primers with desigued restrictiou site
for Scal aud |acl restrictiou eudouuc|eases were used
for amp|ificatiou: PASScal.F: 5'666 A6T ACT 6AT 6AT
AAA TCT TCT C-3', PASPaul.R: 5'AAA 6C6 C6C C66
AAA 6AA 6CA A-3', WAPSca.F: 5'-TTT A6T ACT C6A
66T TAC A6C C6A 6A6 6-3', WAPPau.R: 5'-TTT 6C6
C6C ACA 6AC TCA CA6 ACC CTA C6-3' (restrictiou
sites are uuder|iued).
Products were iso|ated with J|Ic|c| Sc| Cc|cc
Iec||ce lit (6euomed) from 1 agarose ge| aud fur-
ther used for c|ouiug iuto p-6EM T Easy vector
(Promega). P|asmid 0lA was iso|ated with J|ISI4|
||asc|d V|d|c|ec lit (6euomed) aud restricted with
appropriate restrictiou eu/ymes, Scal aud |acl.
Promoter fragmeuts were subc|oued iuto pSVE0A Tot
p|asmid vector, previous|y cut with Scal aud |acl
restrictiou eu/ymes.
Trausfectious of 8ME-uV, hC11, Caco-2 aud C0S1
ce|| |iues were performed with Fu6ElE 6 trausfectiou
reageut. 6-we|| p|ates were used for trausfectiou. For
trausfectiou of oue we||, 2 g of p|asmid 0lA, 3 | of
Fu6ElE 6 trausfectiou reageut, aud 0pti-MEM serum-
free medium to fiua| vo|ume 1OO | were used.
Forty eight h after trausfectiou, medium was remo-
ved aud ce||s were washed with P8S buffer. Tota| RlA
was iso|ated with I||cc| reageut (luvitrogeu). c0lA,
comp|emeutary to mRlA, was syuthesised with
reverse trauscriptiou reactiou. Specific pSVc0lA (5'-
66T ATT T66 A66 TCA 6CA-3') was used for reverse
trauscriptiou with a sequeuce comp|emeutary to
pSVE0A-Tot sequeuce iu 3' directiou from the exou
Fl+1. 0btaiued oue-straud c0lA was used as a tem-
p|ate iu the PCR with o|igouuc|eotide primers PSV5'J
aud PSV3'J (described iu Caputi et a|., 1994). Products
were ruu ou Agi|aut capi|ary e|ectrophoresis.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
With this experimeut, we wauted to demoustrate
the impact of differeut promoters, aud differeut ce||-
types ou a|teruative sp|ice site se|ectiou. lu a|| epithe|i-
|a| ce|| |iues (8ME, hC11, Caco2), we observed two
fragmeuts by RT-PCR method emp|oyiug primers
PSV5'J aud PSV3'J. 0ue fragmeut is 231 bp |oug aud
auother 5O1 bp |oug. Those fragmeuts resu|ted from
amp|ificatiou of c0lA, trauscribed from two differeut
forms of mRlA with a|teruative|y sp|iced exou E0A.
8oth fragmeuts were a|ready described iu previous
experimeuts with p|asmid pSVE0A-Tot. As expected,
we were a|so ab|e to demoustrate the impact of diffe-
reut promoters ou sp|iciug. 0iffereuces betweeu pro-
moters were observed regardiug re|ative amouut of both
fragmeuts. Re|ative quautity of the short, 231 bp frag-
meut, was a|ways highest wheu origiua| pSVE0A-Tot
vector with humau -g|obiu promoter was used.
Re|ative amouut of the |ouger form (5O1 bp) was highest
iu case of the porciue
-caseiu geue promoter-
pSVE0A-Tot recombiuaut coustruct.
Capi||ary e|ectrophoresis ge| image shows RT-PCR
products of recombiuaut coustructs trausfectiou experi-
meut iu differeut ce|| |iues: rows 1-3: 8ME-uV1 ce|| |iue,
rows 4-6 : hC11 ce|| |iue, rows 1-9: Caco2 ce|| |iue, rows
1O-12: C0S1 ce|| |iue. The type of the promoter iu recom-
biuaut coustructs is iudicated above each row: pSVE0A-
origiua| pSVE0A Tot p|asmid coutaiuiug humau fibrouec-
tiu promoter, AS1- recombiuaut coustruct coutaiuiug
porciue CSl1S1 promoter, WAP- recombiuaut coustruct
coutaiuiug mouse WAP promoter.
lu the case of fibrob|ast-|ile C0S1 ce|| |iue, majority
of trauscripts were 5O1 bp |oug (|oug form with iuc|uded
exou E0A). Traces od short form without exou E0A
were observed wheu usiug origiua| humau -g|obiu pro-
moter aud mouse WAP promoter. 8eside these two
forms, auother form arouud 56O bp was observed iu a||
three recombiuaut coustructs. The fragmeut of approxi-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-11
15 |. ||a|ca e|. a|.. IhE IMFA6I 0F F0M0IE8 AN 6EII-IINE IFE8 ...
mate|y the same |eugth was observed iu the experimeut
with horse CSl2 geue promoter-pSVE0A-Tot recombi-
uaut coustruct, trausfected iu boviue 8ME-uV ce||s
(Leuasi, 2OO6). With sequeuciug, she fouud that this
fragmeut resu|ted from atypica| sp|ice site se|ectiou.
This fragmeut does uot coutaiu iutrou Fl-1 aud a|terua-
tive exou E0A, but it coutaius part of iutrou Fl+1 aud
the who|e exou Fl+1.This form is probab|y resu|t of
atypica| sp|ice-site se|ectiou.
Resu|ts, showiug RT-PCR products of recombiuaut
coustructs trausfectiou experimeuts, were ruu ou
Agi|aut capi||ary e|ectrophoresis, aud are preseuted iu
Figure 1.
With this experimeut, we approved our predic-
tious, that promoter structure aud ce||-type have au
impact ou a|teruative sp|iciug. 0iffereuces were
observed iu quautity of trauscripts, as we|| as iu sp|ice-
site se|ectiou. 0ur observatious go iu |iue with experi-
meut iu trausgeuic auima|s, expressiug humau growth
hormoue uuder the coutro| of mouse WAP promoter
(Aiguer et a|., 1999). Compared to the trauscriptiou pro-
ducts iu trausgeuic mice harboriug the same geue cou-
struct, expressiou aua|ysis iu trausgeuic pigs aud rab-
bits fouud out differeut mRlA sp|ice patterus with
regard to the proportiou of the processed trauscripts.
Eveu differeuces betweeu both mammary-g|aud ce||
|iues (8ME-uV aud hC11) did uot iuc|ude differeut sp|i-
ce forms. 0u|y the quautity of both a|teruative traus-
cripts was differeut. The short form without exou E0A
was strouger preseut iu 8ME-uV ce||s compared to
hC11 ce||s.
0ur resu|ts support the predictious, that a|teruative
sp|iciug is species- aud tissue- specific. A|so, we appro-
ved that promoters iuf|ueuce sp|iciug. lmpact of pro-
moters ou a|teruative sp|iciug cou|d be exp|aiued
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-11
|. ||a|ca e|. a|.. IhE IMFA6I 0F F0M0IE8 AN 6EII-IINE IFE8 ...
F|guro 1. 6ap|||ary o|octrophoros|s go| |mago
through hypothesis of coup|iug betweeu trauscriptiou
aud sp|iciug processes, aud cooperatiou betweeu
RlApo|ll aud differeut factors iuvo|ved iu sp|iciug,
which is iu |iue with the fact that RlA sp|iciug shou|d be
cousidered as co-trauscriptioua| rather thau post-traus-
criptioua| eveut.
The obtaiued resu|ts cou|d be a|so importaut for
further researches ou trausgeuesis iu the mammary
g|aud because of the poteutia| impact of the mi|l geue
promoter ou sp|iciug patteru of a trausgeue.
1. Aiguer, 8., Pamba|l, K., Reichart, u., 8eseufe|der, u.,
8os/e, Z., Reuuer, M., 6uu/burg, W.h., Wo|f, E.,
Mu||er, M., 8rem, 6. (1999): Species-specific a|terua-
tive sp|iciug of trausgeuic RlA iu the mammary
g|auds of pigs, rabbits, aud mice. 8iochem 8iophys
Res Commuu. Apr 21,251(3):843-5O.
2. 8eut|ey, 0. (1999): Coup|iug RlA po|ymerase ll traus-
criptiou with pre-mRlA processiug. Curreut 0piuiou
iu Ce|| 8io|ogy, 11(3):341-351.
3. Caputi, M., Casari, 6., 6ueu/i, S., Tag|iabue, R., Sido|i,
A., Me|o, C.A., 8ara||e, F.E. (1994): A uove| bipartite
sp|iciug euhaucer modu|ates the differeutia| proces-
siug of the humau fibrouectiu E0A exou. luc|eic
Acids Research 22(6):1O18-1O22.
4. Co||ius, C.A., 6uthrie, C. (2OOO): The questiou
remaius: is the sp|iceosome a ribo/yme lature
Structura| 8io|ogy 1(1O):85O-854.
5. Cramer, P., Pesce, C.6., 8ara||e, F.E., Korub|ihtt, A.R.
(1991): Fuuctioua| associatiou betweeu promoter
structure aud trauscript a|teruative sp|iciug.
Proceediugs of the latioua| Academy of Scieuces of
the uuited States of America 94(21):11456-1146O.
6. Cramer, P., Caceres, J.F., Ca/a||a, 0., Kadeuer, S.,
Muro, A.F., 8ara||e, F.E., Korub|ihtt, A.R. (1999):
Coup|iug of trauscriptiou with a|teruative sp|iciug:
RlA po| ll promoters modu|ate SF2/ASF aud 968
effects ou au exouic sp|iciug euhaucer. Mo|ecu|ar Ce||,
1. houdebiue, L.M. (2OOO): Trausgeuic auima| bioreac-
tor. Trausgeuic Research 9: 3O532O.
8. Leuasi, T., Peter|iu, 8.M., 0ovc, P. (2OO6): 0ista| regu-
|atiou of a|teruative sp|iciug by sp|iciug euhaucer iu
equiue beta-caseiu iutrou 1. RlA 12 (3): 498-5O1
9. McCracleu, S., Foug, l., Rosouiua, E., Yaulu|ov, K.,
8rothers, 6., Siderovsli, 0., hesse|, A., Foster, S.,
Shumau, S., 8eut|ey, 0.L. (1991): 5'-Cappiug eu/ymes
are targeted to pre-mRlA by biudiug to the pho-
sphory|ated carboxy-termiua| domaiu of RlA po|yme-
rase ll. 6eues 8 0eve|opmeut 11(24):33O6-3318.
(Received ou 25 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 29 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 14-11
11 |. ||a|ca e|. a|.. IhE IMFA6I 0F F0M0IE8 AN 6EII-IINE IFE8 ...
The risl euviroumeut for farmers is coustaut|y
chaugiug: price, productiou aud |ega| risls (more
goverumeut regu|atiou) are iucreasiug whi|e fiuaucia|
compeusatious from goverumeut are decreasiug, (cou-
sequeuces of |ibera|isatiou).
Risls cau be c|assified iuto various types. hardaler
et a|. (2OO4) distiuguished betweeu busiuess aud fiuau-
cia| risls. 8usiuess risls iuc|ude productiou risls (yie|d
risl), price risls persoua| aud iustitutioua| (or |ega|)
risls. Fiuaucia| risls refer to the risls re|ated to the way
a farm is fiuauced.
Risl aud profit are iu geuera| positive|y corre|ated.
Taliug more risls cau iucrease farmer's profit. Risl
mauagemeut typica||y requires eva|uatiou of tradeoffs
betweeu chauges iu risl, expected returus, eutrepre-
ueuria| freedom aud other variab|es (harwood et a|.,
1999). Too|s for risl mauagemeut iu agricu|ture are
distiuguished iu strategies couceruiug ou-farm meas-
ures (diversificatiou of a productiou) or risl shariug stra-
tegies |ile marletiug coutracts, productiou coutracts,
hedgiug ou futures marlets, or the participatiou iu
mutua| fuuds aud iusurauces. The shariug of risls is
based ou the coucept of poo|iug. Lots of iudepeudeut
|osses iu the poo| resu|t iu the same average |oss but
variauce decrease. lu additiou, if the poo| cousists of
|arge uumbers of iudepeudeut risls, re|ative variatiou of
actua| |oss from average |oss further decrease (|aw of
|arge uumbers) (Rejda, 1998) lusurauce is probab|y the
best luowu risl poo|iug too|.
lu order for a risl to be iusurab|e, two basic requi-
remeuts have to be met amoug others: mauagiug the
adverse effects of "asymmetric iuformatiou" (iuc|udes
mora| ha/ard aud adverse se|ectiou) aud overcomiug the
imp|icatious of "systemic risls" (a |ot of peop|e suffer a
|oss at the same time).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18-82
(l ||0. Va||c ||a.|c 4ss|s|a|. ||0. l|e|cs|a. |a| 4sscc|a|e
||c|essc| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| a|e| |a|c Vaaece|
0eca||ce| S.e|cs|ccs|a c. 25 0000 a|e|. (2l 0|ale|a ||es|c
s|cde| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| a|e| C|ca||a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636:368.1(491.5)
M. Njacto
, t. Pat
, 0tateaka P/esko
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Faced w/ta fast caaag/ag eac/toameat, //cestock ep/dem/cs aad FJ access/oa, t/sk
maaagemeat /s of atmost /mpottaace fot 0toat/aa fatmets. /asataace /s t/sk maaage-
meat sttateg, wa/ca eaa6/es t/sk ttaasfet ftom fatmet to /asataace compaa,. /t aas a
pos/t/ce effect oa /acome sta6///tat/oa aad coaseqaeat/, coa/d /ead to a/gaet /ece/ of
spec/a//tat/oa, cted/t access aad compet/t/ceaess. Necettae/ess, //cestock /asataace /s
te/at/ce/, aa/mpottaat oa da/t, fatms. 8easoas ate twofo/d. Jacomp/eted teqa/temeats
fot t/sk to 6e /asata6/e, adcetse se/ect/oa aad mota/ aatatd pto6/ems tef/ect oa aato-
watd ptem/am tates. 0emaad fot /asataace, oa tae otaet aaad, depeads oa tae fatm
sttactate, access to otaet t/sk maaagemeat /asttameats as we// as da/t, fatmets maa-
agemeat capac/t/es.
Iae o6ject/ce of tae papet /s to aaa/,te t/sk maaagemeat oa da/t, fatms w/ta focas oa
//cestock /asataace. Satce, oa 20 fatmets /a tae Nottawest 0toat/a aas 6eea made.
Fatmets t/sk petcept/oas, app//cat/oa aad eca/aat/oa of t/sk maaagemeat sttateg/es
wete co//ected. 6ocetameata/ /asataace ptem/am sa6s/d, was a/so aaa/,ted.
Satce, data wete aaa/,sed 6, desct/pt/ce stat/st/cs wa//e dec/s/oa aaa/,s/s towatd
//cestock /asataace w/ta stoaast/c dec/s/oa ttee.
Fatopeaa Ja/oa expet/eaces w/ta //cestock /asataace pteseated staad /a cteat/ag sag-
gest/oas fot poss/6/e sett/ag oat of catteat coastta/ats of //cestock /asataace /a 0toat/a.
8e,-wotds. //cestock /asataace, t/sk maaagemeat, dec/s/oa aaa/,s/s, da/t, fatm
The marlet fai|ures of agricu|tura| risl shariug
iustrumeuts iu trausitiou ecouomies |ile Croatia restrict
poteutia| for efficieut risl mauagemeut aud couse-
queut|y geuerate high|y uucertaiu busiuess euvirou-
meut. Additioua||y, risl aud |ow profitabi|ity ofteu cou-
straiut exterua| fuuds iuf|ows iuf|ueuciug fewer iuvest-
meuts aud deterioratiug farm's iucome stabi|ity aud
The maiu type of risl iu the |ivestocl sector is the
sauitary risl, but catastrophic c|imatic eveuts cau a|so
have a direct impact ou the auima|s (f|oods, etc.) aud
other weather eveuts cau affect pasture aud forage
avai|abi|ity aud therefore ou the ecouomic sustaiuabi|ity
of the farm. Livestocl iusurauce iu Croatia is maiu|y
associated with productiou uuder coutract |ile diary,
meat processors (pigs, pou|try aud fatteuiug catt|e).
8ased ou the strict|y commercia| base farmers cau iusu-
re |ivestocl with the iusurauce compauies aud guarau-
teed ou marlet va|ue. 8asic risls covered by |ivestocl
iusurauce are death iu cousequeuces of i||uess or acci-
deuta|, diseases aud emergeucy s|aughteriug.
Additioua| coverage iuc|udes sti||birth (cows aud c|aves
aud mare aud co|t), therapy, quarautiue, show aud exhi-
bitious. Premium iu |ivestocl iusurauce depeuds ou: 1)
auima| species, 2) category of auima| (fatteuiug, bree-
diug, egg productiou etc.), 3) |eve| of risl, 4) iusurauce
mode, 5) iusurauce coverage (frauchise), 6) techuica|
resu|t (bouus- ma|us), 1) a||owauce aud discouut, 8)
other basis by the premium groups.
6ross premium iu |ivestocl productiou (period
2OOO-2OO4) was 21 mi||iou luuas whi|e average dama-
ges were 19.5 mi||iou luuas (Tab|e 1). Together crop
aud |ivestocl iusurauce had share of ou|y 2 (year
2OO4) iu the group "property iusurauce" aud about 11
iu the sub-group "other property iusurauce". Share of
catt|e iu |ivestocl iusurauce premium is about 5O.
leverthe|ess, |ivestocl iusurauce is re|ative|y
uuimportaut ou dairy farms iu Croatia. Possib|e reasous
are twofo|d. uucomp|eted requiremeuts of iusurab|e risl
ref|ect ou uutoward premium rates. 0emaud for iusu-
rauce, ou the other haud, depeuds ou the farm structu-
re, access to other risl mauagemeut iustrumeuts as
we|| as dairy farmer's mauagemeut capacities.
The objective of the paper is to aua|y/e risl mau-
agemeut ou dairy farms with focus ou |ivestocl iusu-
rauce. usiug a survey as au iustrumeut for measuriug
farmers' attitudes toward risls aud risl mauagemeut
aud simu|atiou mode|s the paper aimed determiue effi-
cieucy of |ivestocl iusurauce iu a||eviatiou of direct aud
cousequeutia| |oss iu dairy farmiug.
Europeau uuiou experieuces with |ivestocl iusu-
rauce aud couductiug research cou|d preseut staud for
suggestious of efficieut risl mauagemeut ou dairy
Primary data have beeu co||ected by a survey. The
survey was deve|oped based ou the simi|ar research iu
the lether|auds ou the |arge samp|e of |ivestocl farmers
(Meuwisseu et a|., 2OO1) aud the research doue by the
author ou the horticu|tura| farms iu Croatia (ljavro et a|.
2OO5). Survey cousists of four parts: 1) demographic
aud farm resources data, b) perceptiou of risl sources,
3) assessmeut of risl mauagemeut strategies aud 4)
|ivestocl iusurauce. Most questious are c|osed que-
stious maiu|y iu the form of Lilert-type sca|e raugiug
from 1 to 5. Area of research was lorth-west part of
Pauuouuiau regiou, uame|y Koprivuica-Kritevci Couuty
aud withiu four sett|emeuts urevac, Ferdiuaudovac,
Mo|ve aud Virje. Face-to-face iuterviews were carried
out ou the uou-probabi|ity samp|e of 2O specia|i/ed,
above average, dairy farms. 0uestiouuaire was pre-
tested before survey started.
Survey data were aua|y/ed by meaus of descripti-
ve statistica| methods.
Efficieucy of |ivestocl iusurauce is preseuted iu
decisiou tree. 0ecisiou tree is a diagram that shows
decisious aud eveuts of the prob|em iu their chrouo|ogi-
ca| re|atiouship. Software paclage Precisiou Tree was
Two sceuarios (brauches) are preseuted: with aud
without iusurauce. Expected va|ue is differeuce bet-
weeu premium price aud iudemuity of |oss (iu the case
with iusurauce) aud the chauce of |oss iu the case
without iusurauce.
Secoudary data about |ivestocl iusurauce sche-
mes iu Eu are based ou the study ,Agricu|tura|
lusurauce Schemes". The study was commissioued by
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18-82
19 V. ||a.|c e|. a|.. IIvE8I06k IN8AN6E A8 A I8k MANAEMENI I00I ...
Source: Croatiau Fiuaucia| Services Supervisory Ageucy (hAlFA)
Iab|o 1. I|vostock |osuraoco |o 6roat|a
06 A6Rl whi|e the author participated iu the study as a
cousu|taut. The aim of the study was to improve the
luow|edge about c|imatic aud sauitary risls iu Eu agri-
cu|ture aud to examiue the ro|e aud the fuuctiouiug of
agricu|tura| iusurauce as a risl mauagemeut too|.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Survey eucompassed specia|i/ed dairy farms.
lumber of cows per farm as we|| as mi|l productiou per
farm is above uatioua| aud couuty average (Tab|e 2).
The domiuaut form of registratiou is commercia| farm.
head of househo|d average age is 42 years whi|e
his/her average |eve| of educatiou is secoudary schoo|
(11). 8eside mi|l productiou other |ivestocl productious
are preseut, maiu|y fatteuiug catt|e aud pigs but iu sma|-
|er exteut. A|so, except productiou of graiu for |ivestocl
feed aud for marlet aud meadows, other crops are re|a-
tive|y uuimportaut.
Risl fami|y hea|th coucerus are perceived as a very
re|evaut risl source. lt is fo||owed by |ivestocl diseases
aud the group of marlet risls (paymeut euforcemeut,
access to marlet, output aud iuput price variabi|ity)
(Tab|e 3). A source of risl with the average scores
be|ow 3 iudicate that they were geuera||y uot perceived
as importaut (Meuwisseu et a|., 2OO1). lu our case
those are |ega| risls aud fiuaucia| risls (chauges of
iuterest rates aud abi|ity to repay |oaus).
A|though difficu|t to compare, iu the paper writteu
by Meuwisseu et a|. (2OO1) the highest scores were
giveu to risls re|ated to meat price, epidemic auima|
disease aud mi|l price.
There is a |ogic betweeu marlet risls importauce
aud marletiug strategies (spreadiug sa|es aud produc-
tiou for luowu buyer) perceived as very re|evaut factor
(Tab|e 4). Staudard deviatiou is re|ative|y |ow iu the
meutioued cases iudicatiug couseusus. Tab|e 4 shows
that, iu geuera|, risl-shariug strategies were perceived
as |ess importaut risl mauagemeut strategies thau ou-
farm strategies. 0u per strategy basis, fiuaucia| (cash)
reserves were perceived as the most importaut. higher
|eve| of mauagemeut aud fiuauce luow|edge wou|d pro-
bab|y |ead to better use of fiuaucia| |everage aud iuvest-
meut portfo|io iu coutrary to cash reserves.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18-82
V. ||a.|c e|. a|.. IIvE8I06k IN8AN6E A8 A I8k MANAEMENI I00I ...
Iab|o 2. Froduct|oo charactor|st|cs oI survoyod Iarms
Source: Agricu|tura| Ceusus 2OO3, Statistica| Yearbool 2OO5 aud Survey
Iab|o 3. 8ourcos oI r|sks (1-oot ro|ovaot to 5-vory ro|ovaot}
Source: Survey
Together with |ivestocl diseases, c|imate risls are
a|so perceived as very re|evaut. 0u the other haud, crop
iusurauce aud |ivestocl iusurauce (strategies to cope
with the meutioued risls) are |ower ou the |ist of impor-
tauce a|though with high variatiou. The majority of sur-
veyed farmers do uot use |ivestocl iusurauce or use it
from time to time. The very ofteu reasou for buyiug |ive-
stocl iusurauce is |oau (the ro|e of guarautee). The |ist
of risls covered by iusurauce po|icy was perceived as
|imited (Tab|e 5), especia||y iu the case of diseases aud
the costs of veteriuary services.
Farmers are geuera||y satisfied with iusurauce pre-
mium subsidy. Additioua||y, the research showed how
|eve| of "awareuess" about |ivestocl iusurauce cou|d
|ead to the situatiou where eveu high|y subsided pre-
mium (1OO iu ou of the muuicipa|itiesI) is uot euough
for farmers to decide to use iusurauceI
Efficieucy of |ivestocl iusurauce is preseuted iu
decisiou tree (Figure 1). Subjective probabi|ity of risl
was set at 1 (expert estimatiou). Expected va|ue of
iusurauce cost iu sceuario with iusurauce (the iusured
sum of 15,OOO.OO luuas aud premium of 1,6OO.OO
luuas) is -25O luuas. lt is |ower theu iu sceuario
without iusurauce where cost of uou-use of iusurauce
cou|d reach 135O luuas. Accordiug to these uumbers
risl averse persou wou|d probab|y opt for |ivestocl
Situatiou with |ivestocl iusurauce iu Eu is very
heterogeueous. From high|y subsidi/ed iusurauce sche-
mes to marlet orieuted iusurauce supp|y. leverthe|ess,
recurriug crises (Aviau luf|ueu/a, 8SE, Foot aud Mouth
diseases aud coutamiuated feed products) but a|so fre-
queut busiuess risls put emphasis ou |ivestocl iusurau-
ce aud other risl shariug iustrumeuts aud their deve|op-
meut throughout Eu. 0ue to various deve|opmeuts
(eu|argemeut of the Europeau uuiou, budget cou-
straiuts, |arger rauge of covered risls by iusurauce) the
curreut |ivestocl iusurauce schemes as we|| as risl
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18-82
81 V. ||a.|c e|. a|.. IIvE8I06k IN8AN6E A8 A I8k MANAEMENI I00I ...
Iab|o 4. |sk maoagomoot stratog|os assossmoot (1-oot |mportaot to 5-vory |mportaot stratogy}
Source: Survey
Source: Survey
Iab|o 5. 8at|sIact|oo w|th d|IIoroot aspocts oI ||vostock |osuraoco (1- oot sat|sI|od to 5- comp|oto|y sat|sIied)
fiuauciug systems for |ivestocl epidemics is beiug
recousidered aud further deve|opmeuts cou|d be expec-
Theoretica| research ou risl iu agricu|ture aud its
mauagemeut iu Croatia is |imited aud cousequeut|y use-
fu| practica| iusight for po|icymalers, advisers, aud
deve|opers aud se||ers of (uew) risl mauagemeut stra-
tegies is geuera||y |acliug. This research aims to give
iusight iuto ecouomic impact of prospective |ivestocl
iusurauce as a risl mauagemeut iustrumeut.
8y survey farmers' risl perceptious, app|icatiou
aud eva|uatiou of risl mauagemeut strategies were co|-
|ected. Survey eucompassed specia|i/ed dairy farms.
Risl fami|y hea|th coucerus are perceived as a very
re|evaut risl source. lt is fo||owed by |ivestocl diseases
aud the group of marlet risls (paymeut euforcemeut,
access to marlet, output aud iuput price variabi|ity).
lu geuera|, risl-shariug strategies were perceived
as |ess importaut risl mauagemeut strategies thau ou-
farm strategies. 0u per strategy basis, fiuaucia| (cash)
reserves were perceived as the most importaut.
The majority of surveyed farmers do uot use |ive-
stocl iusurauce or use it from time to time. 0fteu the
ou|y reasou for buyiug |ivestocl iusurauce is |oau coudi-
tious (guarautee). The |ist of risls covered by iusurauce
po|icy was perceived as |imited especia||y iu the case of
diseases aud the costs of veteriuary services.
Accordiug to decisiou tree aua|ysis aud mode| assump-
tious, risl averse persou shou|d se|ect |ivestocl iusu-
rauce as a risl mauagemeut too|.
lu order to chauge preseuted situatiou aud prepare
Croatiau dairy producers to Eu accessiou the fo||owiug
shou|d be taleu iuto cousideratiou: a) deve|opmeut of
existiug aud iutroductiou of the uew |ivestocl iusurauce
schemes private|y or through pub|ic-private|y partuers-
hips, b) adjustmeuts of the exisitiug disaster aid sche-
me (|ivestocl epidemics), c) exteud farmers luow|edge
about iusurauce aud risl mauagemeut iu geuera|
through traiuiug aud educatiou aud d) iucorporate |ive-
stocl iusurauce iuto broader, rura| fiuauce frameworl.
1. Croatiau Fiuaucia| Services Supervisory Ageucy
(hAlFA): Auuua| reports aud correspoudeuce. Part|y
avai|ab|e at: aud
2. hardaler, J.8., huirue, R.8.M, Audersou, J.R., Lieu, 6.
(2OO4): Copiug with risl iu agricu|ture. Secoud editiou,
CA8i Pub|ishiug, Loudou, uK.
3. harwood, J., heifuer, R., Cob|e, K., Perry Jauet,
Somwaru, A. (1999): Mauagiug Risl iu Farmiug,
Coucepts, Research aud Aua|ysis. uS0A, Agricu|tura|
Ecouomic Report lumber 114.
4. Meuwisseu, M.P.M, huirue, R.8.M., hardaler, J.8.
(2OO1): Risl aud risl mauagemeut: au empirica|
aua|ysis of 0utch |ivestocl farmers. Livestocl
Productiou Scieuce, 69: 43-53.
5. Meuwisseu, M.P.M., vau Asse|doul, M.A.P.M.,
huirue, R.8.M. (2OO6): Copiug with Crisis Risl iu
Europeau Agricu|ture. Eurochoices, vo|. 5, 3: 34-34.
6. ljavro, M., Jalobovi, S., 8udimir, V. (2OO5): Risl
Mauagemeut of Fruit, 6rape aud Wiue Productiou
Farms iu S|avouia aud 8arauya, Po|joprivreda 11. 1:
1. Rejda, 6.E. (2OO5): Priucip|es of Risl Mauagemeut
aud lusurauce. Addisou Wes|ey, 8ostou, uSA.
8. Repub|ic of Croatia-Ceutra| 8ureau of Statistics:
Agricu|tura| Ceusus 2OO3. avai|ab|e at: www.d/
9. Repub|ic of Croatia-Ceutra| 8ureau of Statistics:
Statistica| Yearbool 2OO5. avai|ab|e at: www.d/
(Received ou 1 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18-82
V. ||a.|c e|. a|.. IIvE8I06k IN8AN6E A8 A I8k MANAEMENI I00I ...
F|guro 1. oc|s|oo troo Ior ||vostock |osuraoco
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
The abi|ity of orgauisms to respoud to chauges iu
the euviroumeut is ca||ed pheuotypic p|asticity or euvi-
roumeuta| seusitivity (Fa|couer aud Maclay, 1996).
6euotypes differ iu the pheuotypic p|asticity, which may
resu|t iu geuotype by euviroumeut iuteractiou (6xEl).
Wheu geuotypes react differeut|y iu differeut euvirou-
meuts, 6xEl is au importaut parameter to cousider
(Fa|couer, 1952), (Fa|couer aud Maclay, 1996). Thus
differeuces betweeu sires iu the geuetic abi|ity of their
daughters to perform iu differeut euviroumeuts resu|t
from iuteractiou betweeu geuotype aud euviroumeut.
Wheu differeuce betweeu geuotypes differs iu maguitu-
de aud uot iu sigu, a sca|iug effect of 6xEl accrues.
Accurate geuetic eva|uatiou requires cousisteucy of sire
rauliugs across euviroumeuts. The existeuce of 6xEl
might |ead to a re-rauliug of breediug bu||s iu differeut
euviroumeuts which may have cousequeuces for bree-
diug stocl se|ectiou. A usefu| way to quautify 6xEl is
estimatiou of geuetic corre|atiou betweeu the traits
expressed iu differeut euviroumeuts (Fa|couer aud
Maclay, 1996). Corre|atiou coefficieut be|ow O.8 gives
au iudicatiou of geuotype by euviroumeut iuteractiou
(Robertsou, 1959). At preseut, uo iuformatiou is avai|a-
b|e ou the existeuce of a 6xEl iu the S|oveuiau dairy
catt|e popu|atiou.
The objective of the study was to eva|uate 6xEl for
3O5 days yie|d of mi|l, fat aud proteiu iu S|oveuia dairy
catt|e breeds usiug bivariate auima| mode| approach.
Mi|l productiou records aud pedigree iuformatiou
was co||ected for ho|steiu, Simmeuta| aud 8rowu breed
from the database of S|oveuiau catt|e recordiug scheme
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:631.12(491.4)
8etka Logat
, Spe/a Ma/octa
, M//eaa 8oca
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae o6ject/ce of tae stad, was to eca/aate geaot,pe 6, eac/toameat /atetact/oa
{6xF// fot ,/e/d tta/ts /a ho/ste/a, S/mmeata/ aad 8towa 6teed catt/e /a S/ocea/a
as/ag ma/t/p/e tta/t aaa/,s/s. 0ata ftom S/ocea/aa m//k-tecotd/ag scaeme was ased.
Iae /actat/oa tecotds oa cows aac/ag f/tst to ta/td ca/c/ag /a tae pet/od !990-2004
aad m//k, ptote/a aad fat ,/e/d /a 305 da,s wete stad/ed. Iae cat/a6/es ased to caa-
tactet/te tae eac/toameat wete aetd-,eat acetages of eaca tta/t. Iae ma/t/p/e tta/t
aaa/,s/s was doae as/ag tae a/gaest aad /owest qaatt//es of tae eac/toameats. Io
stad, tae 6xF/, aa/ma/ mode/ metaodo/og, aad tae geaet/c cotte/at/oa 6etweea tae
tta/ts wete ased. 6xF/ was geaeta//, sma//et fot fat aad m//k ,/e/d taaa fot ptote/a
,/e/d. Iae /owest geaet/c cotte/at/oas 6etweea a/ga aad /ow eac/toameats wete
est/mated fot ptote/a ,/e/d, espec/a//, /a S/mmeata/ {0.8!/ aad /a 8towa {0.85/
6teed. /a ho/ste/a tae cotte/at/oa was a/gaet, 0.94. Iae geaet/c cotte/at/oas fot fat
,/e/d wete 0.95 fot 8towa aad S/mmeata/ 6teed aad 0.95 fot ho/ste/a. Fot m//k ,/e/d
tae est/mated geaet/c cotte/at/oas wete 0.88, 0.92 aad 0.95 /a 8towa, S/mmeata/
aad ho/ste/a 6teed, tespect/ce/,. 0/ffeteaces 6etweea cat/aace compoaeats o6ta/-
aed /a /ow aad a/ga qaatt//e tesa/t /a tae taak of aet/ta6///t/es ftom 0.04 to 0.!2 /a
/ow aad ftom 0.!2 to 0.22 /a a/ga qaatt//e.
8e,-wotds. catt/e, m//k ,/e/d tta/ts, geaot,pe 6, eac/toameat /atetact/oa, geaet/c
(l VSc. 5e||a |ca| 4||cc||c|a| |s|||c|e c| S|c.e|a 4|ca| Sc|ece
0eca||ce| |acce|c.a / 00 ||c|||aa S|c.e|a. (2l ||0. Sce|a
Va|c.|| 4s.. ||0. V||ea |c.a 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c|
||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce| |c|||e 3 230
0ccla|e S|c.e|a
(Logar et a|., 2OO5). Mi|l (MlLK), proteiu (PR0T), aud fat
(FAT) yie|d iu 3O5 days were studied.
The first to the third |actatiou data ou cows haviug
the correspoudiug ca|viugs iu the period 199O-2OO4
were app|ied. Two |eve|s of data prepariug were per-
formed. Criteria for the iuc|usiou of records at the first
|eve| were first |actatiou luowu, at |east 6O lg proteiu
yie|d, age at first ca|viug withiu 11-48 mouths, age at
first to third ca|viug withiu 11-18 mouths aud at |east 5O
observatious of daughters per sire, |eaviug 85515
records ou 49941 cows iu ho|steiu, 58O53 records ou
319O8 cows iu Simmeuta| aud 31139 records ou 22959
cows iu 8rowu breed. The variab|es used to characteri-
/e the euviroumeut of each cow were the herd-year ave-
rages of each trait. herd-year c|asses were exc|uded if
there were |ess thau five observatious ou dairy traits. At
the secoud stage of data prepariug the observatious
were divided iuto |ow aud high herd-year c|asses with
regard to MlLK, PR0T aud FAT herd-year averages of
each trait. For the herd c|asses, ullVARlATE procedure
iu SAS paclage (SAS lustitute luc. 2OO4) was used.
The observatious iu the |owest aud highest quarti|e for
each euviroumeuta| variab|e were used as productiou
records iu a |ow aud high yie|d euviroumeut. At |east
two observatious per herd-year aud at |east 1O observa-
tious per sire iu each euviroumeut were required. To fu|-
fi|| those criteria, further e|imiuatiou of records was
doue. 0escriptive statistics of euviroumeuta| variab|es
by breeds are showu iu Tab|e 1. The uumber of records
fu|fi||iug the criteria at the secoud |eve| of data prepariug
is rather |ower for |ow thau for high yie|d euviroumeut.
The differeuce is greater iu ho|steiu thau iu other two
breeds. 0u|y 1O5 to 1O9 ho|steiu sires had at |east 1O
observatious of daughters iu both quarti|es for MlLK,
PR0T aud FAT. The uumber of sires is |arger for the
other two breeds, 118 to 199 iu Simmeuta| aud 148 to
153 iu 8rowu. There was a |arge differeuce betweeu
meaus iu |ow aud high productiou euviroumeuts for
MlLK, PR0T aud FAT. Euviroumeuta| variab|es were
more variab|e iu the high thau iu the |ow euviroumeut
aud more variab|e iu 8rowu aud Simmeuta| thau iu
ho|steiu breed. 0iffereuces iu variabi|ity betweeu
breeds arise from variabi|ity of euviroumeuts where
those breeds are maiu|y used. lu S|oveuia Simmeuta|
aud 8rowu breed are more traditioua| dua| purpose
breeds, which are breed iu rather differeut euviroumeu-
ta| couditious whi|e, with iuteusificatiou iu the |ast deca-
des, ou bigger dairy farms ho|steiu has beeu used.
8ivariate aua|yses were performed where the
same trait iu |ow aud high productiou euviroumeuts was
treated as differeut trait. The two yie|d c|asses (|ow
quarti|e as |ow productiou euviroumeut aud high quarti-
|e as high productiou euviroumeut) are euviroumeuta||y
iudepeudeut but they share geues iu commou. The
geuetic corre|atiou betweeu the traits was used to
study possib|e effects of 6xEl. 0ata structure aud avai-
|ab|e pedigree a||owed auima| mode|. Pedigree iuc|uded
data ou two geueratious of aucestors. 6euetic parame-
ters were estimated usiug residua| maximum |ile|ihood
(REML) as app|ied iu VCE-5, Versiou 5.1.2 (Kova et a|.,
2OO2). The fo||owiug auima| mode| was used:
~ 3O5-days mi|l, proteiu or fat yie|d record of
cow u iu herd | with ca|viug iu seasou l,
ca|viug age c|ass j, parity i iu
euviroumeut t,

~ overa|| meau iu euviroumeut t (t ~ 1, 2),
~ fixed effect of parity i iu euviroumeut t
(i ~ 1, 2, 3),
~ fixed effect of ca|viug age j (iu mouths) iu
euviroumeut t,
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
5. |ca| e|. a|.. MIIIFIE IAII ANAI8I8 0F EN0IFE ENvI0NMENI ...
Iab|o 1. Numbor oI rocords, oumbor oI s|ros w|th daughtors |o |ow aod h|gh oov|roomoot (quart||o}, moaos aod
staodard dov|at|oos (8} aod corrospood|og quart||o cut-oII po|ots Ior tho oov|roomoota| var|ab|os (hord-yoar
avorago} oI m||k y|o|d (MIIk}, proto|o y|o|d (F0I}, aod Iat y|o|d (FAI} by broods
~ fixed effect of ca|viug seasou l (iu years) iu
euviroumeut t,
~ raudom effect of herd | iu euviroumeut t,
~ permaueut euviroumeuta| effect of cow u iu
euviroumeut t,
~ raudom additive geuetic effect of auima| u
iu euviroumeut t,
~ raudom residua| effect iu euviroumeut t.
The direct additive geuetic effect (a
) was assu-
med to be uorma||y distributed with meau /ero aud
where is
the direct additive geuetic variauce for
the trait iu |ow (1) or high (2) productiou euviroumeut,
aud A is the additive re|atiouship matrix. For the other
raudom effects it was assumed to be uorma||y distri-
buted with meau /ero as we||. The variauces are:
lu the Equatious 3 aud 4,
is herd aud
is per-
maueut euviroumeuta| variauce of the cow. The l
aud l
are the correspoudiug ideutity matrices. The residua|s
were assumed to be uorma||y iudepeudeut aud ideuti-
ca||y distributed withiu euviroumeuts with meau /ero
aud variauces preseuted iu equatiou 5.
heritabi|ity for trait iu euviroumeut t (t ~ 1, 2) was
ca|cu|ated by equatiou 6.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The herd-year average was choseu as euviroumeu-
ta| variab|e because of its poteutia| importauce for pro-
ductiou of dairy catt|e. The herd-year averages are
easi|y avai|ab|e from mi|l recordiug data, aud they have
a reasouab|e variatiou withiu the average herd produc-
tiou |eve|s (). herd productiou |eve|s have beeu showu
to be importaut for 6xEl for mi|l yie|d traits iu severa|
studies ((Cromie et a|., 1998), (Straudberg et a|., 2OOO),
(Ko|modiu et a|., 2OO2), (Peterssou et a|., 2OO5), (Car|u
et a|., 2OO5)). A bivariate auima| mode| was app|ied
where the same trait iu differeut euviroumeuts (high aud
|ow yie|d euviroumeut) was treated as differeut trait.
6euetic corre|atious were used to describe 6xEl.
Estimates of variauce compoueuts for MlLK, PR0T,
aud FAT iu |ow aud high euviroumeut () show differeu-
ces for geuetic aud residua| variauce compoueuts.
Teudeucy of eu|arged geuetic variauce from |ow to high
euviroumeut was observed. The proportiou of herd
variauce is higher iu |ow thau iu high quarti|e aud higher
iu Simmeuta| aud browu thau iu ho|steiu breed. From
descriptive statistics of euviroumeuta| variab|es () a
|arge differeuce betweeu |ow aud high productiou euvi-
roumeuts for MlLK, PR0T aud FAT has a|ready beeu
seeu. The euviroumeuts with Simmeuta| aud 8rowu
breed are more heterogeueous thau those with ho|steiu
breed. The estimated parameters () are iu agreemeut
with the studies of (8o|dmau aud Freemau, 199O),
(Casti||o-Juare/ et a|., 2OOO), (Raffreuato et a|., 2OO3)
where geuetic aud residua| variauces for mi|l yie|d traits
were sma||er iu the |ow thau iu high productiou euvirou-
meuts. Lilewise, iu orgauic dairy productiou system,
which cou|d be comparab|e with |ow-iuput productiou
system, s|ight|y |ower pheuotypic variauces thau iu cou-
veutioua| productiou system were fouud (lauta et a|.,
2OO6). lt is iudicated that euviroumeuta| chauges cau
modify variauce compoueuts aud geuetic parameters of
traits (8rotherstoue aud hi||, 1986). The euviroumeuta|
restrictious iu barreu euviroumeuts def|ated their geue-
tic expressiou (Cromie et a|., 1998), (Raffreuato et a|.,
2OO2), (Raffreuato et a|., 2OO3).
Chauges iu geuetic, residua|, aud other variauce
compoueuts for MlLK, PR0T, aud FAT iu |ow versus high
yie|d euviroumeut (), |ead to higher heritabi|ity iu the
high euviroumeut (Tab|e 3). heritabi|ity estimates are
higher iu ho|steiu thau iu 8rowu aud Simmeuta| breed
aud teud to be higher iu the upper quarti|e. With the
exceptiou of 8rowu breed, the highest heritabi|ity was
estimated for mi|l yie|d, iu a rauge from O.18 to O.22 iu
high aud from O.O1 to O.12 iu |ow productiou euvirou-
meut. Except Simmeuta| breed iu high productiou euvi-
roumeut, the heritabi|ities for fat yie|d were s|ight|y
|ower thau those obtaiued for mi|l yie|d. Estimated heri-
tabi|ities for proteiu yie|d rauged from O.12 to O.18 iu the
high aud from O.O4 to O.O9 iu the |ow euviroumeut.
heritabi|ities estimated iu ho|steiu breed were higher
with sma||er differeuces betweeu quarti|es as observed
by (Cromie et a|., 1998) aud (8oettcher et a|., 2OO3).
heritabi|ities iucreasiug with productiou |eve| estimated
with test-day mode| were a|so reported by (6eug|er et
a|., 2OO5) aud (hammaumi aud Croquet, 2OO6).
6euetic corre|atiou betweeu the two euviroumeuts
was used to describe 6xEl. They were rather high for a||
traits. The |owest geuetic corre|atious were estimated
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
85 5. |ca| e|. a|.. MIIIFIE IAII ANAI8I8 0F EN0IFE ENvI0NMENI ...
for proteiu yie|d, O.81 iu Simmeuta| aud O.86 iu 8rowu
breed. The geuetic corre|atious for fat yie|d were O.95
for 8rowu aud Simmeuta| breed aud O.96 for ho|steiu.
For mi|l yie|d, the estimated geuetic corre|atious were
O.88, O.92 aud O.96 iu 8rowu, Simmeuta| aud ho|steiu
breed, respective|y. Some corre|atious obtaiued iudica-
ted the preseuce of 6xEl, particu|ar|y iu Simmeuta| aud
8rowu breed aud the others, which are c|osed to uuity,
iudicated that MlLK, PR0T aud FAT are geuetica||y equi-
va|eut traits across the euviroumeut c|asses.
(Robertsou, 1959) proposed that corre|atiou |ess thau
1.O iudicated 6xEl, whi|e va|ues be|ow O.8 a|ready pro-
ved the preseuce of 6xEl to be bio|ogica||y importaut.
Simi|ar high geuetic corre|atiou for productiou traits iu
|ow aud high productiou euviroumeuts by ho|steiu breed
were obtaiued iu the study of (Cromie et a|., 1998) aud
a|so iu those of (Casti||o-Juare/ et a|., 2OOO), (Casti||o-
Juare/a et a|., 2OO2), aud (8oettcher et a|., 2OO3).
however, (Raffreuato et a|., 2OO3) obtaiued re|ative|y
|ow geuetic corre|atious betweeu |ow aud high produc-
tiou euviroumeut. high geuetic corre|atious iu S|oveuia
were expected because of |ess variatiou iu euvirou-
meuts as for examp|e iu studies by (8oettcher et a|.,
2OO3) aud (Kearuey et a|., 2OO4) where the estimates
were a|so high. however, the heterogeueity of produc-
tiou couditious betweeu regious iu S|oveuia cou|d uot be
Estimated geuetic parameters for ho|steiu breed
iudicated that |ow aud high yie|d euviroumeut preseuted
simi|ar productiou, mauagemeut aud geuetic couditious.
usiug the estimates from the bivariate auima| mode| the
breediug va|ues for ho|steiu breed were predicted.
Arouud huudred sires (Tab|e 1) had at |east 1O observa-
tious of daughters iu both productiou systems, euab|iug
the estimatiou of breediug va|ues. 8reediug va|ues pre-
dicted by mu|tip|e trait auima| mode| for the sires with
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
5. |ca| e|. a|.. MIIIFIE IAII ANAI8I8 0F EN0IFE ENvI0NMENI ...
Iab|o 3. ooot|c corro|at|oos aod hor|tab|||t|os oI m||k y|o|d (MIIk}, proto|o y|o|d (F0I}, aod Iat y|o|d
(FAI} |o |ow aod h|gh oov|roomoota| quart||os by broods
daughters iu both euviroumeuts are graphica||y preseut-
ed iu Figure 1 for MlLK, PR0T aud FAT. Cousequeut|y, if
geuetic corre|atious are high, breediug va|ues aud rau-
liug of sires are expected to be the same iu the two
yie|d euviroumeut c|asses for each trait studied
(Casti||o-Juare/ et a|., 2OOO). 0espite high geuetic cor-
re|atiou betweeu |ow aud high productiou euviroumeut
iu ho|steiu (Tab|e 3), there was au iudicatiou of sca|iug
aud re-rauliug of sires betweeu |ow aud high euvirou-
meuts for MlLK, PR0T aud FAT. Some sires have higher
breediug va|ue iu |ow euviroumeut thau iu high produc-
tiou euviroumeut whi|e others raul higher iu rich euvi-
roumeut aud |ower iu poor euviroumeut. There is a great
importauce that sire is used uuder productiou euvirou-
meuts simi|ar to test couditious (Cieufuegos-Rivas et a|.,
1999) or, iu a situatiou without 6xEl, it ueeds to be cou-
sidered iu |ow productiou euviroumeuts (Ko|modiu et a|.,
2OO2), (Kearuey et a|., 2OO4). however, e|ite sire tested
iu rich euviroumeut may uot be suitab|e for |imited pro-
ductiou couditious.
Existeuce of 6xEl for dairy traits iu S|oveuiau catt-
|e popu|atiou was studied usiug bivariate auima| mode|
approach where productiou iu differeut euviroumeuts
was treated as differeut traits. Resu|ts of this iuitia|
study do uot provide stroug evideuce for the existeuce
of 6xEl iu the euviroumeuts defiued. 6xEl was geuera||y
sma||er for fat aud mi|l yie|d thau for proteiu yie|d. The
|owest geuetic corre|atious betweeu high aud |ow euvi-
roumeuts were estimated for proteiu yie|d whi|e those
for mi|l aud fat yie|d were higher. 6euetic corre|atious
uear uuity iudicated sma|| 6xEl effect whi|e those uear
the border of bio|ogica| importauce require further iuve-
stigatiou. 0espite high geuetic corre|atious betweeu
high aud |ow euviroumeuts from the predicted geuetic
parameters some re-rauliug aud sca|iug effects of 6xEl
are evideut. 8etweeu |ow aud high productiou euvirou-
meut differeuces for geuetic aud other variauce compo-
ueuts were observed. The aforesaid resu|ts iu heritabi|i-
ties higher iu the high thau iu the |ow euviroumeut.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
81 5. |ca| e|. a|.. MIIIFIE IAII ANAI8I8 0F EN0IFE ENvI0NMENI ...
F|guro 1. rood|og va|uos oI ho|sto|o s|ros |o |ow aod h|gh y|o|d oov|roomoot (quart||o} Ior m||k (MIIk}, Iat (FAI}
aod proto|o (F0I} y|o|d
This study was fiuaucia||y supported by the
Miuistry of Agricu|ture, Forestry aud Food aud the
Miuistry of higher Educatiou, Scieuce aud Techuo|ogy
(Target research program V4-O883).
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huis, h. (2OO6): 6euotype by euviroumeut iuteractiou
for mi|l productiou traits betweeu orgauic aud couveu-
tioua| dairy catt|e productiou iu The lether|auds.
Jourua| of 0airy Scieuce 89:2129-2131.
18. Peterssou, K.-J., Ko|modiu, R., Straudberg, E. (2OO5):
6euotype by euviroumeut iuteractiou for |eugth of pro-
ductive |ife iu Swedish Red aud White dairy catt|e. Acta
Agricu|turae Scaudiuavica. 55:9-15.
19. Raffreuato, E., 8|ale, R.W., 0|teuacu, P.A., Carva|heira,
J. (2OO2): heterogeueous geuetic variauces of dairy
cow performauce iu Sici|iau euviroumeuts. lu:
Proceediugs of the 1th Wor|d Cougress ou 6euetics
App|ied to Livestocl Productiou, Moutpe||ier, Frauce.
C0-R0M commuuicatiou lo. 18-O3.
2O. Raffreuato, E., 8|ale, R.W., 0|teuacu, P.A., Carva|heira,
J., Licitra, 6. (2OO3): 6euotype by euviroumeut iuterac-
tiou for yie|d aud somatic ce|| score with a|teruative
euviroumeuta| defiuitious. Jourua| of 0airy Scieuce
21. Robertsou, A. (1959): The samp|iug variauce of the ge-
uetic corre|atiou coefficieut. 8iometrics 15:469-485.
22. SAS lustitute luc. (2OO4): SAS versiou 9.1. SAS lusti-
tute luc., Cary, lC, uSA.
23. Straudberg, E., Ko|modiu, R., Madseu, P., Jeuseu, J., Jor-
jaui, h. (2OOO): 6euotype by euviroumeut iuteractiou iu
lordic dairy catt|e studied by use of reactiou uorms.
Auuua| Meetiug of Europeau Associatiou for
Auima| Productiou, The hague, The lether|auds, 1 p.
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 83-88
5. |ca| e|. a|.. MIIIFIE IAII ANAI8I8 0F EN0IFE ENvI0NMENI ...
0u|y 11 of beef requiremeut iu Croatia is supp|ied
by owu productiou (lvaulovi et a|., 2OO5), aud
Simmeuta| dua| purpose catt|e is a domiuaut breed,
represeutiug arouud 15 of overa|| catt|e, beiug the
base for beef productiou iu the couutry. Systematic
breediug worl |asts for more thau 8O years, but it beca-
me we|| orgauised after 1991 wheu the curreut latioua|
catt|e breediug program was prepared by Caput et a|.
(1991). Accordiug to this program, aud based ou
Livestocl 8reediug Act (06, u
: 1O/91) a|| bu||s used by
artificia| iusemiuatiou (Al) have progeuy tested. uuti|
uow, breediug va|ues were ca|cu|ated by usiug coutem-
porary comparisou (CC) method for average dai|y gaiu,
li||iug-out perceutage aud |eau meat couteut iu ribs seg-
meut. however, |ast years some chauges were iutrodu-
ced iu breediug, aud the performauce statiou test were
rep|aced by au fie|d test. So, iu the future estimatiou of
breediug va|ues of Simmeuta| bu||s wi|| be based ou car-
cass traits measured ou their sous s|aughtered at com-
mercia| abattoirs. 6euetic eva|uatiou for carcass traits
(weight, couformatiou, fatuess c|ass aud uet gaiu) wi||
be based ou auima| mode| app|yiug mixed mode| metho-
do|ogy luowu as 8est Liuear uubiased Predictiou
(8LuP, heudersou, 1913). The objective of this worl
was to deve|op au auima| mode| for estimatiou of geue-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 89-93
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.231.O8(491.5)
Mat/ja Speaat
, Spe/a Ma/octa
, tesaa 8a//
, Z. /ck/
, M//eaa 8oca
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae o6ject/ce of ta/s papet was aa est/mat/oa of geaet/c patametets fot catcass we/gat,
coafotmat/oa, fataess c/ass aad aet ga/a fot S/mmeata/ catt/e /a 0toat/a. 0ata of ,oaag
6a//s s/aagateted /a ,eats 2005 aad 2005 w/ta !2 to 24 moatas of age was takea ftom
tae ceatta/ data6ase of tae 0toat/aa L/cestock 0eatte. Iatee data sets wete coasttac-
ted as fo//ows. !/ data set ! {0S!/ /ac/aded 80452 tecotds of 6a//s w/ta kaowa aad aak-
aowa pateats, 2/ data set 2 {0S2/ aad 25245 tecotds of 6a//s w/ta at /east oae kaowa
pateats, 3/ data set 3 {0S3/ w/ta 52I2 tecotds of 6a//s s/aagateted 6etweea !2 aad !4
moatas of age.
Ped/gtee fot 0S! /ac/aded a tota/ of !!8595 aa/ma/s, I04!5 aa/ma/s aad !93!9 aa/ma/s
/a ped/gtee fot 0S2 aad 0S3, tespect/ce/,. tat/aace compoaeats wete est/mated 6,
8FML metaod as /mp/emeated /a tae t0F-5 ptogtam package. Stat/st/ca/ mode/ /ac/a-
ded teg/oa, ca/c/ag seasoa, a6atto/t-sapetc/sot /atetact/oa as f/xed c/ass effects aad
s/aagatet age as qaadtat/c tegtess/oa. 0/tect add/t/ce geaet/c effect was /ac/aded /a
tae mode/ as taadom effect. Fot catcass we/gat aet/ta6///t, est/mates wete 0.!0 r
0.005, 0.!3 r 0.02 aad 0.!! r 0.03 fot 0S!, 0S2 aad 0S3, tespect/ce/,. het/ta6///t, est/-
mates fot aet ga/a wete 0.09 r 0.005, 0.!5 r 0.03 aad 0.!3 r 0.03, aad fot catcass
coafotmat/oa wete 0.05 r 0.005, 0.03 r 0.0! aad 0.05 r 0.005 fot 0S!, 0S2 aad 0S3,
tespect/ce/,. 8esa/ts atta/aed /ad/cate taat 0S2 caa 6e ased fot geaet/c eca/aat/oa of
tae S/mmeata/ catcass tta/ts /a 0toat/a. howecet, /a tae fatate mote /mptocemeat
saoa/d 6e doae, coaceta/ag tae coast/tat/oa of coatempotat, gtoaps, aad spec/a/ attea-
t/oa saoa/d 6e g/cea to data co//ect/oa.
8e,-wotds. catt/e, catcass tta/ts, geaet/c patametets
(l Va|||a Sce|a| 5Sc. lesa 5c|| 5Sc. de|c |.|| 5Sc. C|ca||a
||.es|cc| Ce|e| |||ca 0 0000 a|e| C|ca||a. (2l ||0. Sce|a
Va|c.|| 4ss.. ||.0. V||ea |c.a 4sscc|a|e ||c|. J|.e|s||j c|
||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |c|||e 3
S|230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
tic parameters aud predictiou of breediug va|ue for car-
cass traits iu Simmeuta| catt|e iu Croatia.
0ata of youug bu||s, s|aughtered iu 2OO5 aud 2OO6
were taleu from the ceutra| database of the Croatiau
Livestocl Ceuter. 0ata were edited aud records were
de|eted if: 1) carcass weight was |ower thau 15O or
higher thau 55O lg, 2) carcass couformatiou was |abe-
|ed as M aud l, 3) uuluowu birth date, 4) uuluowu
s|aughter age, aud 5) regious aud abattoirs with sma||
uumber of records were a|so removed from aua|ysis.
Three data sets were coustructed for this aua|ysis. 0ata
set 1 (0S1) with 8O462 records iuc|uded youug bu||s
with age betweeu 12 aud 24 mouths with luowu aud
uuluowu pareuts. From 0S1 ou|y auima|s with at |east
oue luowu pareut were taleu to coustruct data set 2
(0S2) with 26245 records of youug bu||s. 0ata set 3
(0S3) was coustructed with records of youug bu||s age
betweeu 12 aud 14 mouths, aud coutaius 6212. This
data set iuc|udes of bu||s the same age as progeuy sta-
tiou tests auima|s. 0S3 has sma|| age variabi|ity, howe-
ver youug bu||s are ofteu s|aughtered at o|der age.
0escriptive statistics for carcass traits aud age at
s|aughter are preseuted iu Tab|e 1.
Meau uet gaiu was highest iu 0S3, but preseuted
the |owest staudard deviatiou. however meau uet gaiu
was simi|ar to that preseuted by Euge||audt et a|.
(1999). 0S1 preseuted the highest va|ues rauge. lu the
three data sets meau carcass weight was |ower thau
that preseuted by Crews et a|. (2OO3). A|| data sets pre-
seuted simi|ar va|ues for carcass couformatiou aud fat-
uess c|ass.
Pedigree fi|e was coustructed to provide geuetic
ties amoug auima|s as showu iu Tab|e 2. For 0S1, geue-
tic ties are uot stroug, aud the uumber of base auima|s
is practica||y twice |arger thau uumber of uou-base aui-
ma|s. 0S2 aud 0S3 preseuted better pedigree structure,
with better geuetic ties amoug auima|s, aud the uumber
of uou-base auima|s is higher thau the uumber of base
9O V. Sce|a| e|. a|.. E8IIMAII0N 0F ENEII6 FAAMEIE8 F0 6A6A88 IAII8 ...
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs Ior carcass tra|ts aod ago at s|aughtor
Iab|o 2. Numbor oI ao|ma|s w|th rocords, ooo-baso aod baso ao|ma|s aod tota| oumbor oI ao|ma|s
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 89-93
6LM procedure (SAS lust. luc., 2OO1) based ou
Least Square Method was used for the statistica| aua|y-
sis of fixed part of the mode|. Mode|s were compared
usiug the coefficieut of determiuatiou (R
), degrees of
freedom (d.f.) as we|| as siguificauce aud proportiou of
variatiou exp|aiued by effects. The mode| |1| that best fit
carcass weight aud uet gaiu was determiued with fixed
effects as fo||ows: regiou (R
) aud ca|viug seasou (C
) as
fixed c|ass effects aud s|aughter age (x
) as quadratic
regressiou. Mode| |2| for couformatiou aud fatuess
c|ass has abattoir-supervisor iuteractiou (AS
) iustead
of regiou as fixed c|ass effect. 0irect additive geuetic
effect was iuc|uded iu both mode|s as raudom effect.
0wuer (o
) was uot iuc|uded iu fixed part of the mode|s
because of sma|| uumber of auima|s per owuer.
however, it was iuc|uded as raudom effect wheu variau-
ce compoueuts were estimated ou VCE, aud mode|s
without aud with owuer were coustructed, respective|y.
lu the resu|ts, mode| without owuer is preseuted as
Mode| A aud mode| with owuer as raudom effect is pre-
seuted as Mode| 8.
Variauce compoueuts were estimated by Residua|
Maximum Lile|ihood (REML) method as imp|emeuted iu
the VCE-5 program paclage (Kova et a|., 2OO2). PEST
program paclage (6roeueve|d et a|., 199O) was used for
breediug va|ue predictiou.
E8II8 AN I868I0N
lu the three data sets, the proportiou of variatiou
accouuted for fixed part of the mode| for carcass traits
rauged from 9 ti|| 48 (Tab|e 3). lu 0S1 aud 0S2, the
mode| for uet gaiu preseuted the highest coefficieut of
determiuatiou wheu compared to other traits. lu 0S3,
the mode| for couformatiou aud fatuess c|ass exp|aiued
higher proportiou of variatiou thau iu other two data
sets. The |owest coefficieut of determiuatiou was attai-
ued for carcass weight iu a|| data sets.
The estimated heritabi|ities for uet gaiu, carcass
weight, couformatiou aud fatuess c|ass are showu iu
Tab|e 4 aud preseuted as Mode| A aud Mode| 8 coutai-
uiug a|so owuer as a raudom effect.
For a|| traits estimated heritabi|ities were |ower iu
Mode| 8, except for couformatiou. As observed before,
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 89-93
V. Sce|a| e|. a|.. E8IIMAII0N 0F ENEII6 FAAMEIE8 F0 6A6A88 IAII8 ...
Iab|o 3. 6ooII|c|oot oI dotorm|oat|oo (
} aod
dogroos oI Iroodom (d.I.} Ior modo|s
Iab|o 4. Est|matod hor|tab|||t|os Ior carcass tra|ts
a|| data sets do uot have desirab|e data structure per
owuer, beiug iu accordauce with the expected because
iu Croatia the majority of beef productiou is based ou
sma|| aud medium-si/ed fami|y farms. lu fact, more thau
6O of owuers raise ou|y oue auima| per farm (Figure 1),
aud owuers with more thau 1O auima|s per farm repre-
seuts approx. 1O of a|| data.
Estimated heritabi|ities, for uet gaiu, carcass
weight, couformatiou, aud fatuess c|ass are higher iu
Mode| A (Tab|e 4), a|though these resu|ts were |ower
thau resu|ts for Simmeuta| catt|e attaiued iu 6ermauy,
Austria, aud iu lre|aud. however, mode| used was diffe-
reut from the oue we preseut iu this paper. lu 6ermauy
aud Austria, usiug joiu eva|uatiou with data from iu com-
mercia| abattoirs, the estimated heritabi|ity was O.24 for
uet gaiu aud O.21 for couformatiou (Schi|d et a|., 2OO3).
lu lre|aud, hicley et a|. (2OO1) fouud heritabi|ity estima-
tes for carcass weight, couformatiou, aud fatuess c|ass
of O.54, O.1O aud O.4O, respective|y. lu geuera|, |ow heri-
tabi|ities iu our paper expected siuce we used fie|d data.
Simi|ar prob|ems were poiuted out by 0ijlstra et a|.
(199O) cited by Euge||audt et a|. (1999).
The |ow heritabi|ities fouud iu this paper cau be
exp|aiued by the |ow geuetic couuectious amoug aui-
ma|s. lu fact, most of the sires have sma|| uumber of
sous (Figure 2), arouud 4O of sires have ou|y oue sou,
aud ou|y 25 of the sires have more thau 1O sous.
Compariug data sets amoug themse|ves, 0S1 has the
worst structure, aud iu 0S2 aud 0S3 the structure was
simi|ar however, 0S2 had a higher uumber of sires with
more thau 1O sous.
8ased ou the resu|ts of this study aud uuder the
couditious it was deve|oped we cau couc|ude that
variauce compoueuts aud breediug va|ues for carcass
traits iu Simmeuta| catt|e cau be estimated with 0S2,
siuce preseuted the best pedigree structure. The best
fittiug qua|ity was preseuted by Mode| A, aud wi|| be
used to ca|cu|ate breediug va|ues for Croatiau
Simmeuta| catt|e popu|atiou. This paper was based ou
data from two years, so iu the future with more data
resu|ts cau be coufirmed aud improved siuce it is expec-
92 V. Sce|a| e|. a|.. E8IIMAII0N 0F ENEII6 FAAMEIE8 F0 6A6A88 IAII8 ...
F|guro 1. Numbor oI ao|ma|s por owoor
F|guro 2. Numbor oI progooy por s|ro
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 89-93
ted au improvemeut iu data structure, uame|y iu the oue
couceruiug the owuer.
1. Caput, P., Jalopovi l., Karao|e, l., hodal, l., Vidu 0.,
Milu|i 8. (1991): Program stvarauja goveda u
hrvatsloj. l/dava: Po|joprivredui ceutar hrvatsle.
Zagreb, Stoarsli se|elcijsli ceutar, Str. 41.
2. Crews, Jr., 0.h., Po||al, E.J., Weaber, R.L. 0uaas,
R.L., Lipsey, R.J. (2OO3): 6euetic parameters for car-
cass traits aud their |ive auima| iudicators iu
Simmeuta| catt|e. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 81:
3. Euge||audt, Th., Reiusch, l., Schi|d, h.J., Ka|m, E.
(1999): 6euetic parameters from two differeut fie|d
testiug schemes for beef traits of 6ermau 6e|bvieh
fiuishiug bu||s. Livestocl productiou Scieuce, 6O:
4. 6roeueve|d E., Kova M., Waug T. (199O): PEST, a
geuera| purpose 8LuP paclage for mu|tivariate pre-
dictiou aud estimatiou. Proceediugs of the 4th Wor|d
Cougress ou 6euetics app|ied to Livestocl
Productiou, Ediuburgh, 468-411.
5. heudersou, C.R. (1913). Sire eva|uatiou aud geuetic
treuds. lu: Proceediug of Auima| 8reediug aud
6euetic Symposium iu houor of J. L. Lush. p 23.
ASAS, Champaigu, lL.
6. hicley, J.M., Keaue, M.6., Keuuy, 0.A., Cromie,
A.R., Veerlamp, R.F. (2OO1): 6euetic parameters for
EuR0P carcass traits withiu differeut groups of catt-
|e iu lre|aud. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 85: 314-321.
1. lvaulovi, A., Caput, P., Koujai, M. (2OO5): 6euotip
lao osuovica reutabi|ue govedarsle proi/voduje
(6euotype as base of profitab|e catt|e productiou).
Stoarstvo, 59: 433-441.
8. Livestocl 8reediug Act, 0fficia| 6a/ette, 1O/1991.|u/beui-|ist/s|u/beui/iudex.asp
9. Kova, M., 6roeueve|d, E., 6arcia Cortes L.A. (2OO2):
VCE-5 user's a paclage for the estimatiou of disper-
siou parameters. 1 th WC6ALP, Moutpe||ier , Frauce,
19-23 Aug. 2OO2.
1O. SAS lust. luc. (2OO1). The SAS System for Wiudows,
Versiou 8.2, SAS lustitute, Cary, lC
11. Schi|d, h. J., liebe|, E., 6ot/, K.-u. (2OO3): Across
couutry geuetic eva|uatiou of beef traits iu midd|e
europeau dua| purpose breeds. luterbu|| 8u||etiu 31:
(Received ou 4 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 21 May 2OO1)
13:2OO1 (1) 89-93
V. Sce|a| e|. a|.. E8IIMAII0N 0F ENEII6 FAAMEIE8 F0 6A6A88 IAII8 ...
The carcass qua|ity is defiued by the traits estima-
ted aud measured ou the carcass of s|aughtered aui-
ma|s. 6euder, age, carcass weight, couformatiou aud
fatuess defiue the va|ue of the carcass. The system
must guarautee au iudepeudeut uuiform aud objective
c|assificatiou. The Europeau couutries defiued the uui-
form estimatiou system of carcass couformatiou aud
fatuess (Couuci| Regu|atiou lo 12O8/81, 1981). A|so the
first aud the subsequeut S|oveuiau regu|atious of car-
cass gradiug aud c|assificatiou fo||owed the officia| Eu
regu|atious (Pravi|uil., 1994, 2OO1, 2OO5). Catt|e bree-
diug iu S|oveuia experieuced great structura| chauges iu
the |ast teu years (Agricu|tura| iustitute., 2OO6), which
cousequeut|y a|so modified catt|e popu|atiou regardiug
differeut catt|e breeds. The perceutage of 8|acl aud
White dairy cows iuc|uded iu the recordiug iucreased by
14 whi|e the perceutage of 8rowu aud Simmeuta|
cows decreased by 9.4 aud 1.6, respective|y. The
cousumers iucreasiug|y require |eau meat. 8oth of this
cou|d have a direct effect ou carcass couformatiou aud
Thus the aim of the preseut worl was to aua|yse
the chauges of carcass traits of s|aughtered boviue aui-
ma|s iu the |ast teu years iu S|oveuia.
0ata ou s|aughtered auima|s from Jauuary 1991 to
0ecember 2OO6 were co||ected from commercia|
s|aughterhouses iu S|oveuia that had iutroduced auto-
matic data co||ectiou.
A|together 923,O56 data ou boviue auima|s were
taleu iuto this study. The couformatiou aud fatuess
were estimated by iudepeudeut coutro||ers. The degree
of couformatiou was defiued by usiug E, u, R, 0, P |et-
ters, which were iu our ca|cu|atiou trausformed to the
uumbers where E~5, u~4, R~3, 0~2, P~1. Fatuess
was defiued accordiug to regu|atiou of c|assificatiou
with uumbers from 1 to 5 where the uumber 5 preseuts
very fatty aud 1 fat|ess carcasses. 0u the basis of cou-
formatiou aud fatuess uotes carcasses were graded iuto
oue of six paymeut c|asses, where 1 meaus the best
aud 6 the worst paymeut c|ass. The carcass traits were
eva|uated for each category (ca|ves uuder 8 mouths aud
185 lg carcass weight, youug bu||s uuder 24 mouths,
o|d bu|| over 24 mouths, heifers, steers aud cows). The
data for steers are uot showu, because the s|aughtered
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2(491.4)
1997 I0 2006
Net/ka Pett/, M. epoa, S. Zgat
Sc|e||||c |e.|e
0atcass tta/ts {catcass we/gat, coafotmat/oa aad fataess aote aad pa,meat c/ass/ wete
co//ected /a tae commetc/a/ s/aagatetaoases w/ta aatomat/c data co//ect/oa fot tae /ast
tea ,eats. 0a tae acetage mote taaa 80 X of a// gtaded 6oc/ae aa/ma/s /a S/ocea/a wete
takea /ato tae stad,. Iae acetage catcass we/gat of ca/ces /acteased 6, 20 kg, 6at was
w/ta I9 kg st/// cet, /ow. Iae catcass we/gat of ,oaag 6a//s, ae/fets aad cows cat/ed
amoag d/ffeteat ,eats, 6at ao ttead coa/d 6e aot/ced, waeteas catcass we/gat of o/d
6a//s decteased matked/, {mote taaa 50 kg/. Iae catcass coafotmat/oa decteased /a a//
categot/es, /a ca/ces, ,oaag 6a//s aad ae/fets 6, two ta/tds aad /a o/d 6a//s aad cows
6, mote taaa 0.9 of coafotmat/oa c/ass. Iae catcass fataess decteased /a a// catego-
t/es too. Iae most ptoaoaaced dectease was aot/ced /a tae categot, of o/d 6a//s {0.5
c/ass/ aad tae /east /a ,oaag 6a//s {0.2 c/ass/. Most of tae a6oce meat/oaed caaages
occatted aftet tae ,eat 2002 /a tae categot, of cows aad aftet tae ,eat 200! /a a// otaet
categot/es. Iae ma/a teasoas fot caaages /a coafotmat/oa aad fataess wete pto6a6/,
tae caaages /a catt/e 6teed sttactate /a S/ocea/a.
8e,-wotds. 6eef, catcass, FJ80P, coafotmat/oa, fataess
||0. |el||a |e|||. VSc. Va||c ecc. ||0. S||.es|e| c| 4ss|s|. ||c|.
J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce|
|c|||e 3 S|230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 94-98
steers represeut |ess thau oue perceut (O.6 ) of graded
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
lu the year 1991 seveu s|aughterhouses were
iuc|uded iu data co||ectiou aud up to the year 2OO6 the
uumber iucreased to e|eveu. lu 1991 128,O22 carcas-
ses, aud iu 2OO6 134,O34 carcasses were graded iu
S|oveuia. At the begiuuiug the perceutage of iuc|uded
auima|s (from tota| c|assified auima|s iu a|| s|aughter-
houses iu S|oveuia) was arouud 5O aud iucreased
year by year to 85.3 iu the year 2OO6. heuce the uum-
ber of iuc|uded auima|s iuto aua|ysis is a represeutative
samp|e of s|aughtered boviue auima|s aud the resu|ts
cau be extrapo|ated to the who|e catt|e popu|atiou.
lu Tab|e 1 carcass weight, couformatiou, fatuess
aud paymeut c|ass of ca|ves are preseuted. The uumber
of graded carcasses iucreased from 1991 to 2OOO,
decreased iu year 2OO1 aud iucreased coutiuuous|y
after 2OO2, but iu the years 2OO5 aud 2OO6 decreased
agaiu. These chauges were the cousequeuce of iuc|u-
diug of uew s|aughterhouses iuto aua|ysis ou oue haud
aud more s|aughtered ca|ves ou the other. The perceu-
tage of ca|ves iuc|uded iuto va|uatiou iu comparisou of
a|| s|aughtered ca|ves iucreased from 48 iu the year
1999 to 81.6 iu the year 2OO5, aud the perceutage of
a|| s|aughtered ca|ves iu S|oveuia iucreased from the
year 1999 to 2OO4 by 13. The average carcass weight
of ca|ves through the |ast teu years was 19 lg aud
though the weight rose by 2O lg, it is sti|| |ow if compa-
red to ca|ves s|aughtered iu Austria (Zaufa|y et a|.,
2OO5). The best couformatiou was estimated for the ca|-
ves s|aughtered iu the year 1999. After this year the
couformatiou got worse from year to year. 8etter cou-
formatiou was expected because the weight of s|augh-
tered carcasses iucreased. 8ut the iucreased perceuta-
ge of dairy auima|s iu S|oveuiau catt|e popu|atiou
(Agricu|tura| iustitute., 2OO6) |ed to use the dairy ca|-
ves for vea| meat productiou aud such ca|ves had worse
couformatiou. The fatuess varied betweeu 2.6 aud 2.5
from 1991 to 2OOO aud afterwards decreased a|most to
the c|ass 2.O. lu youug auima|s musc|es grow ear|ier
aud the fat starts to be put ou |ater by greater body
weight (hossuer, 2OO5). This cou|d exp|aiu very poor
fatuess iu this category. Ca|ves with |ower couformatiou
were graded a|so iuto worse paymeut c|ass (higher
uumber iu the paymeut c|ass meaus worse paymeut
The average carcass weight of bu||s uuder 24
mouths of age (Tab|e 2) was 345 lg iu the |ast teu
years. Siuce 2OO2 the teudeucy of decreasiug carcass
weight was uoticed. The highest carcass weight
through a|| the years was uoticed from February to Apri|
aud the |owest from August to 0ctober (data uot
showu). The couformatiou was very good (arouud 3.6)
ti|| the eud of 2OOO, but from this time it started to
decrease aud reached the va|ue be|ow 3.O iu the years
2OO5 aud 2OO6.
0ue of the reasous for that is |ower carcass
weight. The major reasou is probab|y the chauge iu catt-
|e breed structure iu S|oveuia. The perceutage of 8|acl
aud White auima|s iucreased ou accouut of 8rowu, aud
13:2OO1 (1) 94-98
|. |e||| e|. a|.. E8II8 0F EEF 6A6A88 AIN IN 8I0vENIA F0M ...
Iab|o 1. 6arcass tra|ts oI ca|vos s|aughtorod Irom 1997 to 2006
a|so iu Simmeuta| breed the dairy characteristics beca-
me more prououuced ou accouut of beef traits through
crossiug with Moutbe|iard aud Red ho|steiu. 8u||s youu-
ger thau 2 years reached ou the average the fatuess
c|ass 2.19. The fatuess teuded to decrease iu the same
way as couformatiou but it occurred |ater ou iu the year
2OO3, iu the |ast three years it remaiued at the same
|eve|. 0ecrease of fatuess cou|d have au iuf|ueuce ou
worse couformatiou with |ower iutermuscu|ar fat cou-
teut. Lower fatuess c|ass cou|d be the cousequeuce of
|ighter carcasses or/aud |arger frame of adu|t auima|s.
Auima|s iu dairy type put ou more fat iuto body cavity
aud |ess as subcutaueous fat. The fat iu the body cavity
is removed before carcass estimatiou aud it isu't a part
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 94-98
|. |e||| e|. a|.. E8II8 0F EEF 6A6A88 AIN IN 8I0vENIA F0M ...
Iab|o 2. 6arcass tra|ts oI youog bu||s (uodor 24 mooths oI ago} s|aughtorod Irom 1997 to 2006
Iab|o 3. 6arcass tra|ts oI o|d bu||s (ovor 24 mooths oI ago} s|aughtorod Irom 1997 to 2006
of fatuess va|ue. The va|ue for the paymeut c|ass is
iuverse|y proportioued to the couformatiou. Worse cou-
formatiou siuce the year 2OO1 iu this category meaus
a|so worse paymeut c|ass.
The qua|ity of s|aughtered carcasses of bu||s o|der
thau 24 mouths is preseuted iu Tab|e 3. Prior to the year
2OO1 the perceutage of s|aughtered o|d bu||s was ueg|i-
gib|e aud iu the year 2OO1 the uumber of them started
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 94-98
|. |e||| e|. a|.. E8II8 0F EEF 6A6A88 AIN IN 8I0vENIA F0M ...
Iab|o 4. 6arcass tra|ts oI ho|Iors s|aughtorod Irom 1997 to 2006
Iab|o 5. 6arcass tra|ts oI cows s|aughtorod Irom 1997 to 2006
to iucrease. lu the year 2OO2 the uumber of s|aughtered
o|d bu||s iucreased aud reached the uumber of 1631O iu
2OO5. lt is the resu|t of age defiuitiou based ou the birth
date. 8efore the year 2OO2 the age of bu||s was defiued
with the estimatiou of vertebra ossificatiou. The avera-
ge carcass weight of the o|d bu||s throughout teu years
was 365 lg aud amouuted above 4OO lg betweeu the
years 1991 aud 2OO1, aud decreased to arouud 36O lg
after 2OO1. The estimatiou of couformatiou iu the years
before 2OO1 varied because of |ow uumbers of s|augh-
tered auima|s iu this category aud was quite we|| va|ua-
ted (betweeu 3.88 aud 3.52). lu the |ast two years the
couformatiou decreased uuder the c|ass R (2.9). lu com-
parisou to other categories the decrease of couforma-
tiou was the highest iu the o|d bu||s category. A|so the
fatuess decreased by more thau O.6 c|asses. The pay-
meut c|ass decreased iu the |ast years by a|most oue
Average carcass weight of heifers represeuted iu
Tab|e 4 was 259 lg. The decrease of carcass weight
after year 2OO1 was observed iu this category too. The
estimatiou of couformatiou was ou the average 3.14
aud decreased marled|y after the year 2OO2. After the
year 2OO2 the fatuess decreased with the same teudeu-
cy as the couformatiou. Va|ues betweeu 3.3 aud 3.2 iu
the years betweeu 1991 aud 2OO2 meaut that au impor-
taut part of heifer carcasses was too thicl. The paymeut
c|ass got worse iu the |ast years beiug the resu|t of
decreased couformatiou. 0ue to the decrease of fatuess
the outcome iu the paymeut c|ass is uot so worse.
Estimated va|ues for s|aughtered cows are showu
iu the Tab|e 5. The uumber of s|aughtered cows
iucreased with the year 2OOO aud started to decrease iu
the year 2OO4. The cows were s|aughtered at average
carcass weight of 296 lg, where the weight varies from
year to year for arouud 1O lg. The couformatiou of cows
was arouud the va|ue 3.O before the year 2OO2, which
meaus the couformatiou c|ass R. After the year 2OO2
the couformatiou decreased for a|most 1 c|ass ti|| to the
year 2OO6 aud reached c|ass 0 (2.O8), probab|y for the
same reasou as it is described iu other categories. lu the
|ast years fatuess decreased as we||. The cows reached
ou the average the fatuess uote 2.1. A worse paymeut
c|ass is au outcome of worse couformatiou.
The eva|uatiou of catt|e carcasses s|aughtered aud
iuc|uded iuto automatic data co||ectiou iu the period
from 1991 to the eud of the year 2OO6 iu S|oveuia sho-
wed that the perceutage of differeut categories chauged
evideut|y iu the years 2OO2 aud 2OO3. lu the meutioued
period the uumber of s|aughtered cows aud bu||s o|der
thau 2 years iucreased.
lu the |ast years the carcass weight of ca|ves
iucreased by 2O lg, but with 19 lg sti|| remaiued re|ati-
ve|y |ow. The carcass weight of youug bu||s, heifers aud
cows varied iu the |ast teu years, but uo treud cou|d be
uoticed. The carcass weight of o|d bu||s decreased by
more thau 5O lg.
The va|uatiou of the carcass couformatiou was
coustaut iu a|| categories prior to the year 2OO1 but
started to decrease soou. The teudeucy of couformatiou
decreased iu the categories ca|ves, youug bu||s, heifers
c|assed iu the year 2OO5. lu the categories of cows aud
o|d bu||s the couformatiou started to decrease iu the
year 2OO2. The couformatiou of cows aud o|d bu||s
decreased by more thau O.9 whereas iu ca|ves, youug
bu||s aud heifers by two thirds of couformatiou c|ass.
After the year 2OO2 the fatuess of carcasses
decreased iu the categories of youug bu||s, heifers aud
o|d bu||s, oue year ear|ier the same was uoticed iu the
category of ca|ves aud oue year |ater iu the category of
cows. The |east prououuced decrease was uoticed iu
youug bu||s (O.2 c|ass) aud the most iu o|d bu||s (O.6
The chauges iu couformatiou aud fatuess |ed a|so
to the worse paymeut c|ass. lu the category of heifers
the decrease of fatuess positive|y iuf|ueuced the pay-
meut c|ass.
1. Couuci| Regu|atiou (EEC) lo. 12O8/81 (1981):
0etermiuiug the Commuuity sca|e for the c|assifica-
tiou of carcases of adu|t boviue auima|s, 0J L 123,
1.5.1981, 36.
2. hossuer K.L. (2OO5): 0eve|opmeut of Musc|e, Sle|eta|
System aud Adipose Tissue. lu: hormoua| regu|atiou
of farm auima| 6rowth, CA8l Pub|ishiug, Cromwe||
Press, Trowbridge, 55-94.
3. Pravi|uil o oceujevauju iu ra/vrsauju govejih trupov iu
po|ovic ua l|avui |iuiji (1994): uradui |ist RS st. 28/94:
4. Pravi|uil o oceujevauju iu ra/vrsauju govejih trupov iu
po|ovic ua l|avui |iuiji (2OO1): uradui |ist RS st.
1O3/O1: 1O881-1O885.
5. Pravi|uil o i/vajauju uredb Sveta (E6S) iu uredb
Komisije (E6S) o ra/vrsauju trupov goveda (2OO5):
uradui |ist RS st. 12O/O5: 13169-13111.
6. Agricu|tura| iustitute of S|oveuia (2OO6): Resu|ts of
auima| recordiug, S|oveuia 2OO5, S|oveuj 6radec,
Kmetijsla /a|otba, 5O p.
1. Zoufa|y K., Sturm|ech|er F., Furst C., hofiuger M.
(2OO5): 0ie osterreichische Riuder/ucht 2OO4.
Zeutra|e Arbeitsgemeiuschaft osterreichischer
Riuder/uchter, hammer 6mbh 8 CoK6, haus der
Werbuug, Ried, 13O p.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May
98 |. |e||| e|. a|.. E8II8 0F EEF 6A6A88 AIN IN 8I0vENIA F0M ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 94-98
Coru si|age (CS) appeared to be au iuterestiug
feedstuff for beef catt|e because of the joiut provisiou of
starch aud physica| effective fiber (Co//i et a|., 2OO5)
aud its pa|atabi|ity (Atwood et a|., 2OO1). lowadays,
the adequate mauagemeut of coru p|aut at harvest aud
its proper eusi|iug a||ow stoclmeu to produce a home
growu forage, which preserves good qua|ity staudards
for |oug periods. The great fie|d yie|d aud the euergy
couteut of this roughage iucreased the uumber of catt|e
growu per uuit of farm |aud (Abde|hadi et a|., 2OO5). This
justifies the great iuterest towards the use CS by beef
productiou systems traditioua||y based ou other forage
sources, such as grass si|age (8rowue et a|., 2OO5,
Juuiper et a|., 2OO5) or hay (Comeford et a|., 1992).
Eveu the cost of feediug shou|d beuefit from a |arge
iuc|usiou of CS iu the beef catt|e diets due to a reduced
ueed for other euergy aud fiber sources geuera||y bought
by the farmer from the feed marlet (Juuiper et a|.,
2OO5). however, some aspects re|ated to the |arge use
of CS iu beef catt|e feediug sti|| ueed some further dis-
cussiou. 0ue maiu couceru regards the effects ou meat
qua|ity aud co|our iu particu|ar, siuce diets rich iu fora-
ges have showu detrimeuta| effect ou this importaut
qua|ity trait (Maude|| et a|., 1998). The aim of this study
was to verify if the iuc|usiou of iucreasiug amouuts of
CS iu diets fed to Charo|ais bu||s have auy effects ou
their carcass traits aud meat qua|ity.
The research cousidered a samp|e of 6 beef catt|e
farms |ocated iu the Veueto regiou which fiuished
Charo|ais bu|| imported from Frauce.
13:2OO1 (1) 99-1O2
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.5.O4'62
6. 0ott/, 4. Matteaga
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4 samp/e of 5 /ateas/ce 6eef fatms was se/ected accotd/ag to tae feed/ag p/aa
adopted dat/ag tae fattea/ag pet/od of 0aato/a/s 6a//s. Iwo fatms d/d aot /ac/ade
aa, cota s//age /a tae d/et {0S0/, wa//e cota s//age tepteseated 22X of tae d/etat,
0M /a tae secoad gtoap of 2 fatms {0S22/, aad /t ta/sed ap to 44X of tae d/etat,
0M /a tae /ast 2 fatms {0S44/. F/ce 6a//s wete taadom/, se/ected ftom eaca fatm to
6e s/aagateted /a tae same a6atto/t. 8a//s age was s/m//at actoss tteatmeats 6at
tae 0S44 6a//s aad a /owet catcass we/gat {395 kg/ taaa tae otaet two tteatmeats
{435 aad 445 kg fot 0S0 aad 0S22, tespect/ce/,/. 0atcass f/esa/aess {SFJ80P/ aad
fataess scotes wete aot affected 6, tae /ece/ of cota s//age /a tae d/et. Meat qaa-
//t, was eca/aated oa a jo/at samp/e of tae m. Loag/ss/mas taotac/s, exc/sed ftom
tae 5
to tae 9
t/6 of eaca t/gat aa/f catcass 24 a post-mottem, aftet aa age/ag
pet/od of !0 d cacaam packaged at 40. Meat caem/ca/ aaa/,s/s saowed ao cat/a-
t/oas /a ph, 0M, /attamasca/at fat aad ptote/a coateat dae to tae d/ffeteat s//age
/ac/as/oa /a tae d/et. 0a/, tae cao/esteto/ coateat was ptogtess/ce/, tedaced /a tae
meat of 6a//s fed /acteas/ag qaaat/t/es of cota s//age accotd/ag to a s/ga/f/caat
aegat/ce //aeat ttead. Meat co/oat, cook/ag /osses aad saeat fotce ca/aes wete aot
affected 6, tae d/et. Iaetefote, 6ased oa taese f/ad/ags taete ate ao sa6staat/a/
atgameats aga/ast tae ase of a /atge amoaat of cota s//age /a tae fattea/ag d/ets of
0aato/a/s 6a//s.
8e,-wotds. 6eef ptodact/oa, 0aato/a/s, cota s//age, catcass tta/ts, meat qaa//t,
||0. |c||c Cccc| |c|| ||c|essc|. 4|essad|c Vaccea ||0 s|cde|.
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece J|.e|s||j de|| S|cd| d| |adc.a l|a|e
de||J|.e|s||j 0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j |ca||. |c||c.cccc|@c|cd.||
Ie| +39 049 82/ 2002
The farms were se|ected based ou the perceutage
of the tota| dietary dry matter (0M) provided by the
iuc|usiou of CS iu the ratiou fed duriug the fatteuiug
period. Two farms did uot use auy coru si|age (CSO),
whi|e this roughage represeuted 22 of the dietary 0M
iu the secoud group of 2 farms (CS22), aud it raised up
to 44 of the dietary 0M iu the |ast 2 farms (CS44). lu
order to describe the feed compositiou of the diets, five
categories of iugredieuts were cousidered: coru si|age,
other forage sources, sugar beet pu|ps, cerea| based
couceutrates aud proteiu sources (Tab|e 1).
Five bu||s were raudom|y se|ected from each farm
by a catt|e marlet expert aud they were trausferred to
the same abattoir for the s|aughter. Age aud carcass
weight data were co||ected a|oug with the carcass f|es-
hiuess aud fatuess scores giveu by a traiued iuspector
accordiug to the Europeau gradiug scheme (0FlVAL,
1984). Tweuty-four hours after s|aughteriug, a joiut
samp|e of the m. |c|ss|ccs ||c|ac|s was excised from
the 5th to the 9th rib of each right ha|f carcass aud
vacuum paclaged to be stored at 4C for au ageiug
period of 82 days. After this period, meat ph aud
co|our were measured ou samp|es after exposure to air
for 1 hour at 2C (8occard e| a|., 1981). Co|our was
determiued usiug a CR 1OO Chromameter (Miuo|ta
Camera, 0sala, Japau) equipped with C i||umiuaut, aud
co|our data were expressed accordiug to the huuter-Lab
system (8occard et a|., 1981). Cooliug |oss was ca|cu-
|ated for a 2.5 cm thicl steal by differeuce iu weight
before aud after a period of 5O miu at 15C water bath.
Five cy|iudrica| meat cores 1.25 cm iu diameter were
theu excised from the cooled steal for the iustrumeuta|
measuremeut of teuderuess usiug a Waruer-8rat/|er
shear force meter. uucooled meat samp|es were free-
/e-dried aud grouud to measure 0M, crude proteiu,
iutramuscu|ar fat aud cho|estero| couteut (A0AC, 199O).
A|| data were submitted to 6LM procedures of SAS
(199O) aud the statistica| mode| cousidered the effects
of diet (|eve| of CS iuc|usiou) aud farm withiu diet. The
siguificauce of the diet effect was tested by usiug farm
withiu diet as error term aud its 2 degrees of freedom
were used to test the siguificauce of |iuear aud quadrat-
ic treud for the |eve| of CS iuc|usiou. The miuimum thres-
ho|d for the statistica| siguificauce was P<O.O5.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The average compositiou of the 3 types of diets
based ou the maiu feedstuffs categories (Tab|e 1) sho-
wed, as expected, that the iuc|usiou of iucreasiug
amouuts of CS a||owed a progressive reductiou of |oug
fiber roughages aud euergy feedstuffs, either sugar beet
pu|ps or starch sources. A decreasiug treud was
observed a|so the proteiu sources but this was ou|y the
cousequeuce of the differeut choice amoug proteiu feed-
stuffs made by differeut farms. The s|aughter age was
simi|ar for a|| the bu||s (Tab|e 2) but those fed the CS44
diet showed the |ightest carcass weight. This resu|t
approves previous studies iu which the admiuistratiou
of fiuishiug diets for beef catt|e with a high
Forage:Couceutrate ratio |ed to |ower fiua| carcass
weights (Coombs et a|., 199O, 0'Su||ivau et a|., 2OO3).
8ased ou the feed chemica| compositiou data obtaiued
from the |iterature (lRC, 2OOO, llRA, 1988) diets had a
simi|ar proteiu aud l0F couteut aud euergy deusity (ou
0M basis: CP 13 to 14, l0F 3O to 32, uuit
Fouragre Viaude O.9 to 1.O per lg 0M).
8rowue et a|. (2OO4) hypothesi/ed that a uegative
effect of diets rich iu CS ou growth performauce shou|d
be the cousequeuce of a |ower vo|uutary iutale iuduced
by the fermeutatiou acid couteut of the roughage.
however resu|ts ou this topic have ofteu appeared to be
coutradictory, as reported by Ferret et a|. (1991). lu this
research, the differeut |eve| of CS iuc|usiou iu the diet
1OO . Cccc| e|. a|.. MEAI AIII F0M 6hA0IAI8 II8 FE IEI8 WIIh IFFEENI ...
Iab|o 1. Avorago compos|t|oo oI tho oxpor|moota|
d|ots by ma|o IoodstuII catogor|os (% oI
tota| M}
l 1 ~ poor to 6 ~ super, + 1 ~ miuimum to 5 ~ maximum, P<O.O5, us ~ uot siguificaut
Iab|o 2. 6arcass ova|uat|oo oI 6haro|a|s bu||s Iod d|ots w|th |ocroas|og |ovo|s oI coro s||ago
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 99-1O2
had uo effect ou carcass qua|ity as showu by the simi-
|ar scores giveu for f|eshiuess (SEuR0P) aud fatuess by
the traiued iuspector (Tab|e 2). This resu|t was cousi-
steut with those of 8reuuau et a|. (199O) who fouud uo
differeuces ou maiu carcass traits feediug diets raugiug
from |ow to high coru si|age:coru graiu ratios. Approviug
the previous resu|ts reported by Co//i et a|., (2OO5) fee-
diug fiuishiug Limousiu bu||s a diet iu which CS provided
45 of the tota| 0M, meat ph aud the co|our parameters
were uot affected by iucreasiug iuc|usiou of this rou-
ghage iu the diet (Tab|e 3). The eusi|iug process is |ile|y
to |ower the caroteuoid couteut of the fresh forage
which has beeu demoustrated to be the ley factor to
deteriorate meat co|our (Kuight et a|., 1998). Therefore,
the previous evideuces c|ear|y demoustrate the iucousi-
steucy of the hypothesi/ed uegative effect of a |arge die-
tary iuc|usiou of CS ou catt|e meat co|our.
Cousisteut with the co|our eva|uatiou, meat
cooliug |oss aud teuderuess (measured as shear force)
were simi|ar across dietary treatmeuts (Tab|e 3).
Chemica| aua|ysis of meat samp|es showed uo effects
of CS iuc|usiou ou meat 0M, iutramuscu|ar fat aud pro-
teiu couteut aud these resu|ts were iu agreemeut with
other studies compared CS diets with various Forage :
Couceutrate ratios (0e Campeueere et a|., 2OO1).
0u|y the cho|estero| couteut was progressive|y
reduced accordiug to a |iuear treud wheu CS iucreased
iu the diet. A simi|ar resu|t was obtaiued by 0esca|/o et
a|. (2OO4) compariug graiu fiuishiug diet with pasture.
8ased ou these fiudiugs, there are uo substautia|
argumeuts agaiust the use of a |arge amouut of coru
si|age iu the fatteuiug diets of Charo|ais bu||s. lo detri-
meuta| effects ou carcass traits aud meat qua|ity were
observed eveu wheu CS represeuted 44 of the tota|
0M fed duriug the fiuishiug period. Therefore, the u|ti-
mate decisiou about the amouut of CS iuc|uded iu the
diet of beef catt|e must be based ou|y ou the dai|y gaiu
over feed cost ratio.
The Authors waut to thaul Pioueer hi-bred lta|y for
the fiuaucia| support to the carryiug out of the study.
1. Abde|hadi, L.0., Sautiui, F.J., 6ag|iostro, 6.A., (2OO5):
Coru si|age or high moisture coru supp|emeuts for
beef heifers gra/iug temperate pastures: effects ou per-
formauce, rumiua| fermeutatiou aud iu situ pasture dige-
stiou. Auim. Feed Sci. Techuo|.118, 63-18.
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 99-1O2
. Cccc| e|. a|.. MEAI AIII F0M 6hA0IAI8 II8 FE IEI8 WIIh IFFEENI ...
Iab|o 3. Moat qua||ty tra|ts Irom 6haro|a|s bu||s Iod d|ots w|th |ocroas|og |ovo|s oI coro s||ago
us ~ uot siguificaut.
Iab|o 4. 6hom|ca| compos|t|oo oI moat Irom 6haro|a|s bu||s Iod d|ots w|th |ocroas|og |ovo|s oI coro s||ago
P<O.O1, P<O.O5, us ~ uot siguificaut
2. Atwood, S.8., Proveu/a, F.0., Wiedmeier, R.0.,
8auuer, R.E., (2OO1): luf|ueuce of free-choice vs
mixed-ratiou diets ou food iutale aud performauce of
fatteuiug ca|ves. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 19:3O34-
3. 8occard R.L., 8uchter L., Castee|s E., Coseutiuo E.,
0rausfie|d E., et a|. (1981): Procedures for measuriug
meat qua|ity characteristics iu beef productiou experi-
meuts. Report of a worliug group iu the commissiou
of the Europeau commuuities (CEC) beef productiou
research programme. Livestocl Productiou Scieuce,
4. 8reuuau, R.W., hoffmau, M.P., Parrish, F.C., Epp|iu,
F., 8hide, S., heady, 0., (1981): Effects of differiug
ratios of coru si|age aud coru graiu of feed|ot perform-
auce, carcass characteristics aud projected ecouomic
returus. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 64:23-31.
5. 8rowue, E.M., Juuiper, 0.T., 8ryaut, M.J., 8eever,
0.E., Fisher, A.V., (2OO4) lutale, |ive-weight gaiu aud
carcass characteristics of beef catt|e giveu diets
based ou forage mai/e si|age harvested at differeut
stages of maturity. Auima| Scieuce, 19:4O5-413.
6. Comeford, J.W., house, R., 8., harpster, h.W.,
heuuiug, W.R., Cooper, J.8., (1992): Effects of forage
aud proteiu sources ou feed|ot performauce aud car-
cass traits of ho|steiu aud crossbred beef steers.
Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 1O:1O22-1O31.
1. Coombs, 0.F., 8ag|ey, C.P., hi||, 6.M., Kuox, J.W.,
Loyacauo, A.F., 0|iver, W.M., Wyatt, W.E., huffmau,
0.C., McMi||iu, K.W., 8iduer, T.0., Saxtou, A.M.,
199O. Year rouud productiou of beef usiug maximum
|eve| of forages. ll. Fiuishiug phase. App|ied
Agricu|ture Research, 5:35.
8. Co//i, 6., 6ottardo, F., Audrighetto, l., (2OO5: The use
of coarse mai/e si|age as a dietary source of rougha-
ge for fiuishiug Limousiu bu||s: effects ou growth per-
formauce, feediug behaviour aud meat qua|ity. Auima|
Scieuce, 8O:111-118.
9. 0e Campeuere, S., Fiems, L.0., 0e 8osschere, h., 0e
8oever, J.L., 0ucate||e, R., (2OO1): The effect of
physica| structure iu mai/e si|age-based diets for beef
bu||s. Jourua| of Auima| Phisio|ogy aud Auima|
lutritiou, 86:114-184.
1O. 0esca|/o, A.M., lusaui, E.M., 8io|atto, A., Raucho,
A.M., 6arcia, P.T., Peuse|, l.A., Josifovich, J.A.,
(2OO4): luf|ueuce of pasture or graiu based diets sup-
p|emeuted with vitamiu E ou autioxidaut/oxidative
ba|auce of Argeutiue beef. Meat Scieuce, 1O:35-44.
11. Ferret, A., 6asa, J., P|aixats, J., Casaxas, F., 8osch,
L., lue/, F., (1991): Predictiou of vo|uutary iutale aud
digestibi|ity of mai/e si|ages giveu to sheep from mor-
pho|ogica| aud chemica| compositiou, iu vitro digesti-
bi|ity or rumeu degradatiou characteristics.Auima|
Scieuce, 64:493-5O1.
12. llRA, (1988): A|imeutatiou des 8ovius, 0vius et
Caprius. llRA, Paris.
13. Juuiper, 0.T., 8rowue, E.M., Fisher, A.V., 8ryaut,
M.J., lute, 6.R., 8eever, 0.E., (2OO5): lutale, growth
aud meat qua|ity of steers giveu diets based ou var-
yiug proportious of mai/e si|age aud grass si|age.
Auima| Scieuce, 81:159-11O.
14. Kuight, T.W., 0eath, A.F., 8oom, C., J., Lither|aud,
A.J., (1998): The re|atiouship betweeu caroteuoid
couceutratiou aud fat co|our iu beef carcasses.
Proceediugs of the lew Zea|aud Society of Auima|
Productiou, 58:256-258.
15. Maude||, l., 8., 8uchauau-Smith, J.6., Campbe||, C.P.,
(1998): Effect of forage vs graiu feediug ou carcass
characteristics, fatty acid compositiou, aud beef qua-
|ity ou Limousiu-cross steers wheu time ou feed is
coutro||ed. Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 16:2619-263O.
16. lRC, (2OOO): lutrieut Requiremeuts of 8eef Catt|e,
seveuth revised ed. latioua| Academy Press,
Washiugtou, 0C.
11. 0FlVAL - 0ffice latioua| luterprofessiouue| des
Viaudes, de |'E|evage et de |'Avicu|ture. (1984):
Coupes et dcoupes. 0FlVAL, Paris.
18. 0'Su||ivau, A., 6a|viu., K, Mo|ouey, A.P., Troy, 0.J.,
0'Su||ivau, K., Kerry, J.P., (2OO3): Effect of pre-s|augh-
ter ratious of forage aud/or couceutrates ou the com-
positiou aud qua|ity of retai| paclaged beef. Meat
Scieuce, 63:219-286.
19. SAS - Statistica| Aua|ysis Systems lustitute. (199O):
Jse|s c|de. S|a||s||cs le|s|c 0. SAS lustitute luc.,
Cary, lC.
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 18 Juue 2OO1)
1O2 . Cccc| e|. a|.. MEAI AIII F0M 6hA0IAI8 II8 FE IEI8 WIIh IFFEENI ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 99-1O2
The report ou beef catt|e we|fare, edited by the
Scieutific Committee ou Auima| hea|th aud Auima|
We|fare (2OO1), suggested that the highest thresho|d
temperature guarauteeiug a sustaiuab|e we|fare coudi-
tiou for this category of auima|s is up to 3O C wheu
humidity is be|ow 8O whi|e it fa||s uuder 21 C if the
humidity |eve| is higher. Therefore, iu order to ideutify
poteutia| couditious of heat stress at the farm |eve| a
Temperature-humidity-ludex (Thl) shou|d be cousidered
iustead of temperature aud humidity separate|y (l0AA,
1916). Thl is commou|y app|ied to estimate heat stress
iu dairy cows. Wheu Thl va|ues were above 15, cows
showed physio|ogica| sigus of stress such as iucreased
body temperature aud modificatiou of hearth aud respi-
ratory rates (Abeui et a|., 1993). The same euviroumeu-
ta| couditious modified a|so dairy catt|e feediug beha-
viour aud restiug. The variatious of feediug behaviour |ed
to a reduced dry matter iutale affectiug cousequeut|y
mi|l productiou (8eruabucci aud Ca|amari, 1998).
Simi|ar|y to dairy catt|e, studies carried out ou feed|ot
beef catt|e exposed to hot euviroumeut, showed a redu-
ced feed iutale aud worseued growth performauces
(Mit|ohuer et a|., 2OO1, 8rowu-8raud| et a|., 2OO6). loue
simi|ar iuvestigatiou has beeu carried out ou beef catt|e
reared iudoors iu iuteusive systems. 0espite, this type
of housiug is distributed over most of the Europeau
Couutries aud is predomiuaut iu uorth lta|y for the fatte-
uiug of about 2 mi||ious of bu||s each year (Co//i aud
Raguo, 2OO3). C|imatic couditious iu uortheru lta|y,
duriug summer, are very ofteu adverse for auima| we|-
fare aud therefore the preseut study aimed to eva|uate
13:2OO1 (1) 1O3-1O6
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2.O33:636.O83.31
Matta 8tsc/c, F/ac/aaa 6ottatdo, 4. Matteaga , 6. 0ott/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae stad, a/med to eca/aate tae 6eaac/oat of 6eef catt/e teated /a /ateas/ce
s,stems /a aottaeta /ta/, aadet d/ffeteat c//mat/c coad/t/oas. /a patt/ca/at, /t coas/-
deted 3 /ece/s of Ih/ {Iempetatate-ham/d/t,-/adex/ /a otdet to eca/aate tae cop/ag
tespoase to aeat sttess coad/t/oas tegatd/ag caaages of 6eef catt/e aatt/t/oaa/ aad
soc/a/ 6eaac/oats, dt/ak/ag fteqaeac, aad test/ag t/me. 8eaac/oata/ o6setcat/oas
wete catt/ed oat ftom 1a/, to 0cto6et 2005, dat/ag aot {Ih/ a6oce I8/, m//d {Ih/
I5/ aad coo/ {Ih/ 6e/ow I2/ coad/t/oas, oa 24 f/a/sa/ag Fteaca ctoss6ted 6a//s. Iae
aa/ma/s wete aoased /a 5 fa//, s/atted f/oot gtoap peas of 4 6a//s eaca. W/ta/a eaca
c/ass of Ih/, 6eaac/oats wete tecotded /a two sess/oas of 24 aoats as/ag a 5 m/aa-
te /atetca/ scaa samp//ag tecaa/qae. 4 foca/ aa/ma/ was caosea /a otdet to coaat
tae aam6et of c/s/ts at tae watetet. 8esa/ts saowed taat eat/ag 6eaac/oat was
max/mam dat/ag tae f/tst 8 aoats aftet ftesa feed de//cet,. howecet, /a tae same
/atetca/, waea Ih/ was a6oce I8, eat/ag act/c/t, was peaa//ted wa//e aa /actease
of tam/aat/ag was o6setced. Iae oceta// aam6et of c/s/ts at tae watetet was
/acteased 6, tae aeat sttess coad/t/oa aad tae, wete ma/a/, coaceattated /a tae
aottest aoats of tae da,. hot eac/toameat a/so affected 6eef catt/e soc/a/ 6eaac/oat
/acteas/ag agoa/st/c /atetact/oas aad moaats amoag peamates. S/ace aeat sttess
affected 6a//s 6eaac/oat /mpa/t/ag tae/t we/fate, tae adopt/oa of coo//ag dec/ces
saoa/d 6e tecommeaded.
8e,-wotds. 6eef catt/e, tempetatate aam/d/t, /adex, aeata sttess, 6eaac/oat
Va||a 5|sc|c ||0 s|cde|. ||0. ||a.|aa c||a|dc 4sscc|a|ed ||c|essc|.
4|essad|c Vaccea ||0. s|cde|. ||0. |c||c Cccc| |c|| ||c|essc|
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece J|.e|s||j de|| S|cd| d| |adc.a l|a|e
de||J|.e|s||j 0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j
behavioura| respouse of this category of catt|e to diffe-
reut |eve|s of Thl.
The behavioura| study was carried cousideriug
three differeut microc|imatic couditious: Thl be|ow 12,
Thl ~ 16 aud Thl above 18. Thl be|ow 12 is cousidered
the therma| ueutra| /oue, Thl of 15-16 fa||s iu the iuter-
va| of mi|d heat stress, whi|e Thl above 18 was the miui-
mum thresho|d of heat stress cousidered daugerous for
the auima|s (Armstroug, 1994). lu order to fiud these
euviroumeuta| couditious the study was exteuded from
Ju|y to 0ctober 2OO5 aud experimeuta| days were deci-
ded ou the basis of the forecast of the |oca| ageucy for
the weather coutro|.
The tria| was carried out iu au iuteusive commer-
cia| farm |ocated iu 8rugiue - Proviuce of Padova which
fatteued 18OO beef catt|e/year. 8ehavioura| observa-
tious were performed ou a batch of tweuty-four Freuch
crossbred bu||s, housed iu six group peus ba|auced for
their iuitia| body weight (5O8 41 lg). The peus had
fu||y s|atted f|oor aud the space a||owauce was 4.5
/head. 8u||s were fed ad |||||cc the same tota| mixed
ratiou (TMR), distributed ouce a day at 9:3O AM. The
diet was based ou mai/e si|age aud was formu|ated
(Crude proteiu ~ 13.3 0M, l0F ~ 31.6 0M, lou-
fibrous Carbohydrates ~ 45.2 0M) iu order to cover
the uutritioua| requiremeuts for a hypothetica| average
dai|y gaiu of 1.3 lg/head (llRA, 1988). A|| the auima|s
had free access to fresh water, provided by oue pressu-
re-waterer per each peu.
Two days of observatious were dedicated to every
Thl couditiou cousidered iu the study (hot, Mi|d aud
Coo|). Each sessiou started iu the moruiug after feed
de|ivery aud |asted for 24 hours. 0irect observatious of
the auima|s were carried out by traiued persouue| usiug
a scau samp|iug techuique with a 5 miu iuterva| bet-
weeu scaus (Martiu aud 8atesou, 1993). At each scau
the uumber of auima|s per peu |yiug, restiug, eatiug aud
rumiuatiug was recorded. The uumber of socia| eveuts
such as fights aud mouuts per peu were uoted usiug the
behaviour samp|iug techuique whi|e the uumber of visits
at the waterer was recorded just for the foca| auima|
(Martiu aud 8atesou, 1993). The subjects choseu for the
foca| samp|iug were the easiest oues to distiuguish
amoug the peumates.
8ehavioura| data obtaiued from scau samp|iug,
were expressed iu miuutes assumiug that each beha-
viour persisted for the eutire 5 miuutes scau iuterva|
(Maelawa et a|., 2OO2). Eveuts re|ated to socia| beha-
viour (mouuts aud fights) aud water cousumptiou occur-
reuces were cousidered as a uumber of eveuts. 0ata
were aua|ysed by PR0C 6LM (SAS, 199O) aud the sta-
tistica| mode| adopted cousidered the effects of Thl aud
peu. 0ata of each day of observatiou were theu grouped
iu three fo||owiug time aggregates accordiug to the
method proposed by Co//i aud 6ottardo (2OO5). The
iuterva|s rauged from the time of diet de|ivery to 8 h
after diet de|ivery (O-8), from 9 to 16 h (9-16) aud from
11 to 24 h after diet de|ivery (11-24). This data set was
submitted to statistica| aua|ysis adoptiug a mode| which
cousidered the effects of Thl aud peu, daytime iuterva|
aud Thl per daytime iuterva| iuteractiou. Resu|ts were
cousidered statistica||y siguificaut for P<O.O5.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
0ata iu Tab|e 1, co||ected usiug the scau samp|iug
techuique aud re|ated to 24 hours of observatious, sho-
wed that |yiug, restiug aud eatiug time were uot affec-
ted by the euviroumeuta| couditious, whi|e hot c|imate
siguificaut|y iucreased time speut rumiuatiug. This
siguificaut chauge iu behaviour is uot iu agreemeut with
the expected resu|ts cousideriug that previous studies
reported a reduced rumiuatiou uuder heat stress coudi-
tious both iu dairy cows (Co||ier et a|., 1982, Tapli aud
Sahiu, 2OO6) aud ewes (Costa et a|., 1992). lu this
research, the |ouger rumiuatiou observed cou|d be due
to au attempt of catt|e to coutro| the reductiou of rumi-
ua| ph |ile|y due to the high starch couteut of the diet
aud to a dimiuished sa|ivary bufferiug capacity couse-
queut to au excessive uriuary excretiou of carbou as
showu by Co||ier et a|. (1982).
Regard|ess the Thl couditious, eatiug was highest
duriug the first 8 hours fo||owiug the diet de|ivery wheu
a fresh-made feed was avai|ab|e (Figure 1) aud this is iu
agreemeut with the resu|t of a previous study by Co//i
aud 6ottardo (2OO5). Moreover, the iuteractiou 0aytime
iuterva| x Thl showed, iu the first 8 h after feed de|ivery,
at the highest Thl, a siguificaut reductiou of time speut
by the auima|s eatiug (Figure 1) whi|e iucreased rumi-
1O4 V. 5|sc|c e|. a|.. EhAvI0AI E8F0N8E I0 IFFEENI 6IIMAII6 60NIII0N8 ...
Iab|o 1. Iy|og, rost|og, oat|og aod rum|oat|og t|mo aod dr|ok|og ovoots porIormod by booI catt|o uodor
d|IIoroot IhI cood|t|oos
Va|ues with differeut superscript |etters withiu a row differ siguificaut|y (P<O.O5)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O3-1O6
uatiou (Figure 1). Cousideriug that iu the same period,
|yiug time (Figure 1) was uot affected by differeut Thl
|eve|s, it is |ile|y that rumiuatiou was performed iu the
staudiug positiou as au attempt of the bu||s to dissipate
body heat.
uuder heat stress couditiou, the greater water
demaud by the bu||s was the exp|auatiou for the siguifi-
caut iucrease iu the uumber of visits at waterer (Tab|e
1). Moreover, wheu Thl was above 18, the ueed to driul
water (Figure 1) was particu|ar|y acceutuated duriug the
first time iuterva| after diet de|ivery (O-8 h). 8eef catt|e
driuliug requiremeuts are greater uuder therma| stress
couditious because water is cousumed for heat dissipa-
tiou (via pautiug aud sweatiug) aud for coo|iug dowu the
reticu|o-rumeu (Co||ier et a|., 1982).
0espite the |acl of siguificaut statistica| differeu-
ces, there was a positive re|atiou betweeu the iucrease
of Thl aud the uumber of mouuts amoug peumates
(Tab|e 2). This resu|t, which was previous|y observed
a|so by Lewis (1985) iu dairy cows aud by Mit|ohuer et
a|. (2OO2) iu gra/iug heifers cou|d be the cousequeuce of
au iucreased uervousuess of the auima|s. 0u the other
haud the simi|ar uumber of fights recorded uuder diffe-
reut c|imatic couditious (Tab|e 2) supports the hypothe-
sis that therma| discomfort did uot iucrease aggressive-
uess iu bu||s.
The effects of heat stress are ofteu seeu as a
reductiou of productive performauces but auima| we|fa-
re is uoteworthy as we||. Catt|e behaviour is direct|y
re|ated to its status of we||-beiug, therefore study of
chauges iu behaviours cou|d be used to ideutify a dread-
fu| euviroumeut. lu particu|ar, the resu|ts of the preseut
study showed that a hot euviroumeut adverse|y affected
eatiug behaviour of the bu||s whi|e the higher rumiuatiou
activity represeuted au attempt to cope with the peal of
fermeutative activity iu the rumeu which fo||ows the
maiu mea| of the auima| right after the provisiou of the
13:2OO1 (1) 1O3-1O6
V. 5|sc|c e|. a|.. EhAvI0AI E8F0N8E I0 IFFEENI 6IIMAII6 60NIII0N8 ...
F|guro 1. Ioast squaro moaos oI tho t|mo (m|o} spoot oat|og (M8E = 10.72}, rum|oat|og (M8E = 21.79}, |y|og
(M8E = 19.63} aod oI tho oumbor oI dr|ok|og ovoots (M8E = 6.34} porIormod by booI catt|o uodor d|IIoroot
c||mat|c cood|t|oos rocordod |o throo t|mo |otorva|s Irom d|ot do||vory (0-8 h, 9-16 h aod 17-24 h}
Iab|o 2. Numbor oI mouot|og aod I|ght|og porIormod by booI catt|o uodor d|IIoroot IhI cood|t|oos
fresh TMR. Therefore, behavioura| observatiou of beef
catt|e reared iu iudoors systems are a usefu| too| to
deve|op aud test coo|iug devices aud mauagemeut stra-
tegies to improve beef catt|e we|fare aud performauce
duriug the hot seasou.
1. Abeui, F., Maiauti, M.6., Ca|amari, L., Cappa, V.,
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impact ou mi|l yie|d aud qua|ity. Auua|i de||a Faco|tj
di Agraria, uuiversitj Catto|ica de| Sacro Cuore
Mi|auo, 33:151-11O.
2. Armstroug, 0.V. (1994): heat stress iuteractiou
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3. 8eruabucci, u., Ca|amari, L. (1998): Effects of heat
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6. Costa, M.J.R.P., Si|va, R.6., Sou/a, R.C. (1992):
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8ehaviour Scieuce, 91:181-192.
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18. Tapli, l., Sahiu, A. (2OO6): Comparisou of the ther-
moregu|atory behaviours of |ow aud high produciug
dairy cows iu a hot euviroumeut. App|ied Auima|
8ehaviour Scieuce, 99:1-11.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 24 May
1O6 V. 5|sc|c e|. a|.. EhAvI0AI E8F0N8E I0 IFFEENI 6IIMAII6 60NIII0N8 ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O3-1O6
The matiug of re|ated iudividua|s is ca||ed iubree-
diug. The iubreediug coefficieut of au auima| is oue ha|f
re|atiouship coefficieuts betweeu its pareuts. lubred aui-
ma| has iubreediug coefficieut greater thau O (Louislar,
At the eud of 198O, re|ative|y a |ot of matiug part-
uers had the same aucestor(s), which caused the
iubreediug of offspriugs. The iubreediug iucreases faster
iu case of sma||er popu|atiou thau iu popu|atiou that
have very effective se|ectiou program which meaus
they use sma|| uumber of sires iu comparisou with cow
popu|atiou (Fa|couer aud Maclay, 1996).
lu the uiueties average iubreediug coefficieut iu
popu|atious was iucreased iu severa| popu|atious
(Mig|ior et a|., 1992, Mig|ior et a|., 1995, Smith et a|.,
1998, Thompsou et a|., 2OOO). At the same time the
deve|oped couutries started to iuc|ude atteutiou ou re|a-
tiouship coefficieut betweeu matiug partuers beside
se|ectiou ou productiou (tota| merit iudex) iu se|ectiou
A |ot of catt|e breediug orgauisatious regu|ar|y ca|-
cu|ated iubreediug coefficieut (C0l, 2OO6) for a|| popu-
|atious aud computiug iubreediug depressiou ou produc-
lu S|oveuia we started with ca|cu|atiug the iubree-
diug some years ago. low we are showiug the first
resu|ts ou estimatiou of iubreediug depressiou.
The pedigree data of a|| ho|steiu auima|s aud for
86122 ho|steiu cows with test day records from ceutra|
data base were co||ected for this research. 0ata set for
test day records was the same as for Jauuary 2OO1 rou-
tiue eva|uatiou data of breediug va|ues aud iuc|uded
data for first five |actatiou of cows which ca|ved form
year 1991 iu 35O6 herds.
Software paclage PE0l6 from 8oichard (2OO2)
was used for ca|cu|atiug iubreediug coefficieuts. This
software used methodo|ogy from Meuwisseu T.h.E. aud
Luo Z. (1992), which is au improved method of 0uaas R.
L (1916).
0epressiou of iubreediug is estimated as coverab|e
iu routiue test day mode| for productiou trait for ho|steiu
iu S|oveuia.
The statistica| mode| for routiue breediug va|ue
estimatiou with repeatabi|ity siug|e trait auima| mode|
iuc|uded the fo||owiug effects: A|i aud Schaefer (1981)
regressiou coefficieuts for descriptiou of |actatiou curve
), fixed effects: age at ca|viug (T
), |actatiou (L
aud raudom effects: herd (h
) permaueut euviroumeut
) aud auima| (a
13:2OO1 (1) 1O1-11O
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.234.1(491.4)
8. Potoa/k, M. Stepec, 1. 8tsa/k
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4aa/,s/s of /a6teed/ag aad /a6teed/ag deptess/oa was doae oa tae data of toat/ae
6teed/ag ca/ae est/mat/oa fot m//k ptodact/oa data oa ho/ste/a popa/at/oa /a
S/ocea/a. 4 ped/gtee f//e of !05 433 aa/ma/s 6ota ftom !952 to 2005 was /acest/-
gated fot tae occatteace of /a6teed/ag. Iae max/mam /a6teed/ag was 3I.5.
howecet acetage /a6teed/ag coeff/c/eats of /a6ted cows {!.3 X/ aad of a// cows
w/ta test da, tecotds {0.989 X/ wete /ow. 0a//, m//k, ptote/a, aad fat ,/e/d of f/tst
f/ce /actat/oa fot 85 !22 cows wete aaa/,ted. /a6teed/ag was /ac/aded /a tae aa/-
ma/ mode/ as a //aeat cocat/ate. Iae tegtess/oa coeff/c/eats of m//k, fat, aad pto-
te/a ,/e/d, ma/t/p//ed w/ta 305 da,s pteseat /a6teed/ag deptess/oa of /actat/oa
,/e/ds, wete -22.!I kg, -0.50! kg aad -0.38I kg tespect/ce/,, fot ! X of /a6teed/ag.
8e,-wotds. /a6teed/ag, m//k ptodact/oa deptess/oa, ao/ste/a catt/e
||0. ||ece |c|c|| |ec|c|e| V||a S|ecec ad VSc. Jc||| ||s||
J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce|
|c|||e 3 230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a eca||. ||ece.|c|cc||@|||c.c|
The mode| for ca|cu|atiug depressiou of iubreediug
|iuear regressiou coefficieut of iubreediug coefficieut
was iuc|uded.
Re|atiouship matrix was the same for both mode|s
aud iuc|uded auima|s with records their pareuts aud
graud pareuts except materua| graudmother of auima|
with record. lumber of auima|s iu re|atiouship matrix
was 1O6 433.
Statistica| mode|s iu the matrix form were the
same. lu this case we see the structure of variauces:
MTJAAM (6eug|er et a|., ) software was used for
variauce compoueuts MTCAFS (Mis/ta| et a|., ) aud for
breediug va|ue aud other effects estimatiou. SAS pac-
lage (2OOO) was used for the prepariug of data aud
aua|yses of resu|ts of breediug va|ue estimatiou.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Comparisou betweeu iubreediug coefficieut of the
who|e ho|steiu popu|atiou iu S|oveuiau data base (261
4O6 auima|s) aud popu|atiou iuc|uded iu routiue bree-
diug va|ue estimatiou shows that auima|s beiug uot
iuc|uded iu breediug va|ue estimatiou have ou the ave-
rage higher iubreediug coefficieuts (Figure 1). The ave-
rage iubreediug coefficieut for the who|e S|oveuiau
ho|steiu popu|atiou is 1.11 aud for a|| auima| iuc|uded
iu breediug va|ue estimatiou is O.989 .
As showu iu Figure 1 the average iubreediug coef-
ficieut iucreased from birth year 198O to 1988 more
theu four times. lu the |ast 15 years the average iubree-
diug coefficieut has beeu stabi|e.
Cows with test day records were divided iuto six
c|asses with regard to iubreediug coefficieut (lC ~ O,
O < lC < O.O625, O.O625 < lC < O.125,
O.125 < lC < O.1815, O.1815 < lC < O.25. aud
lC < O.25) aud iuto four c|asses with regard to birth
year (1981 < 8Y < 199O, 199O < 8Y < 1995,
1995 < 8Y < 2OOO, 2OOO < 8Y < 2OO5). As showu iu
Figure 2 a|most 8O of auima|s are iu the secoud c|ass
of iubreediug (O < lC < O.O625).
The comparisou betweeu uumber of auima|s for
the |ast two birth years groups shows that the |ast
group was characteri/ed by |ess frequeucy iu a|| iubree-
diug coefficieut c|ass except secoud c|ass. We cau cou-
c|ude that youuger cows were more frequeut|y iubred
but had ou the average |ower iubreediug coefficieut thau
o|der cows.
Liuear regressiou ou iubreediug coefficieut iu routi-
ue eva|uatiou mode| was used for ca|cu|atiug of iubree-
13:2OO1 (1) 1O1-11O
|. |c|c|| e|. a|.. INEEIN AN INEEIN EFE88I0N IN 8I0vENIAN ...
F|guro 1. |str|but|oo oI avorago |obrood|og cooII|c|oot Ior ao|ma|s w|th brood|og va|uo ost|matos aod Ior
who|o popu|at|oo por b|rth yoar
|. |c|c|| e|. a|.. INEEIN AN INEEIN EFE88I0N IN 8I0vENIAN ...
F|guro 2. rood|og va|uos Ior tost day m||k y|o|d aod ||ooar rogross|oo oo |obrood|og cooII|c|oot
F|guro 3. rood|og va|uos Ior tost day m||k y|o|d aod ||ooar rogross|oo oo |obrood|og cooII|c|oot
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O1-11O
diug depressiou. We started with estimatiou of disper-
siou parameters. lo siguificaut chauges of the parame-
ters of dispersiou betweeu the mode|s were expected.
The mode| for ca|cu|atiug depressiou of iubreediug
has practica||y the same parameters of dispersiou as
the mode| of routiue breediug va|ue estimatiou. The dif-
fereuces iu dispersiou parameters for mi|l yie|d were ou
the third digit aud for proteiu aud fat yie|d ou the sixth
digit. however the heritabi|ities were for a|| yie|ds diffe-
reut ou the forth digit. We cou|d couc|ude that there are
uo differeuces iu dispersiou parameters estimates.
The corre|atiou betweeu breediug va|ues estimated
with routiue aud mode| with regressiou ou iubreediug
coefficieut was very high O.999O for mi|l yie|d, O.9995
for fat yie|d aud O.9996 for proteiu yie|d. The same are
rauge corre|atious for this three traits.
The estimated |iuear regressiou coefficieuts of
iubreediug coefficieut were -O.O121 lg for mi|l yie|d,
-O.OO191 lg for fat aud -O.OO121 lg for proteiu yie|d.
This |iuear regressiou coefficieut preseuts iubreediug
depressiou of test day yie|ds for each perceut of iubree-
diug. For easy preseutatiou we mu|tip|ied these regres-
siou coefficieuts by 3O5 day. lu this sca|e the regressiou
coefficieuts preseut iubreediug depressiou of |actatiou
yie|ds. Lactatiou iubreediug depressious are -22.11 lg, -
O.6O1 lg aud -O.381 lg of mi|l, fat, aud proteiu yie|d,
respective|y, for 1 of iubreediug.
Figure 3 preseuts breediug va|ue predictious for a||
auima|s depeudeut ou iubreediug coefficieut aud esti-
mated |iuear regressiou |iue for test day mi|l yie|d.
The who|e popu|atiou of ho|steiu catt|e iu
S|oveuiau data base has ou the average higher (1.11 )
coefficieut of iubreediug as part of this popu|atiou iuc|u-
ded iu breediug va|ue estimatiou (O.989 ). Youuger
cows were more frequeut|y iubred but had ou the ave-
rage |ower iubreediug coefficieut thau o|der cows.
Aua|ysis of iubreediug aud iubreediug depressiou
was doue ou the data of routiue breediug va|ue estima-
tiou for mi|l productiou data ou ho|steiu popu|atiou iu
S|oveuia. We iuc|uded |iuear regressiou of iubreediug
coefficieut iu the test day mode| for routiue breediug
va|ue eva|uatiou. There are uo siguificaut chauges of the
dispersiou parameters estimates betweeu both mode|s.
We fouud quite a great |iuear regressiou coeffi-
cieuts of mi|l, fat, aud proteiu yie|d which preseuted
iubreediug depressiou. lu |actatiou sca|e these coeffi-
cieuts are -22.11 lg, -O.6O1 lg aud -O.381 lg for mi|l,
fat aud proteiu yie|d respective|y, for 1 of iubreediug.
1. A|i, T.E., Schaeffer, L. R. (1981): Accouutiug for cova-
riauces amoug test day mi|l yie|ds iu dairy cows. Cau.
J. Auim. Sci., 61:631-644.
2. 8oichard, 0. (2OO2): PE0l6: a Fortrau Paclage for
Pedigree Aua|ysis Suited for |arge popu|atious.
m, 15.11.2OO2.
3. C0l, (2OO6): lubreediug update August 2OO6.
Cauadiau 0airy letworl, 6ue|ph, 0utario, Cauada.|es/O6O8/lubreediug_update
_August_2OO6.pdf (12. sep. 2OO6)
4. Fa|couer, 0.S., Maclay T.F.C. (1996): lutroductiou to
0uautitative 6euetics. Fourth Editiou. Lougmau, Essex
Eug|aud, 464 p.
5. 6eug|er, l., Wiggaus 6.R., Wright J.R., lormau h.0.,
Wo|fe C.W. (1991): App|icatiou of cauouica| trausfor-
matiou with missiug va|ues to mu|titrait eva|uatiou of
Jersey type. J. 0airy Sci., 8O: (5. oct. 2OO3)
6. Louislar, F. (1999): Kata|og /uauj. Sp|osua tiviuoreja,
bio|osle osuove, geuetila / eucil|opediuim opisom
pojmov iu ges|i v s|oveusiui, aug|esiui iu uemsiui.
0omta|e. uuiver/a v Ljub|jaui, 8iotehuisla falu|teta,
0dde|el /a /ootehuilo, 25O p.
1. Meuwisseu, T.h.E., Luo, Z. (1992): Computiug iubree-
diug coefficieut iu |arge popu|atious. 6euet. Se|. Evo|.
24: 3O5-313.
8. Mig|ior, F., S/lotuicli, 8., 8uruside, E.8. (1992):
Aua|ysis of Leve|s of lubreediug 0epressiou iu Jersey
Catt|e. J. 0airy Sci. 15:1112-1118.
9. Mig|ior, F., 8uruside, E.8., Keuuedy, 8.W. (1995):
Productiou Traits of ho|steiu Catt|e: Estimatiou of
louadditive 6euetic Variauce Compoueuts aud
lubreediug 0epressiou. J. 0airy Sci. 18:1114118O.
1O. Mis/ta|, l., Weige|, K., Law|or, T.J. (1995):
Approximatiou of estimates of (co)variauce compo-
ueuts with mu|tip|e-trait restricted maximum |ile|i-
hood by mu|tip|e diagoua|i/atiou for more thau oue
raudom effect. J. 0airy Sci., 18: 1862-1812.
11. 0uaas, R.L. (1916): Computiug diagoua| e|emeuts of a
|arge uumerator re|atiouship matrix. 8iometrics 92:
12. SAS lustitute, 2OOO: The SAS System. Versiou eight.
Cary, SAS lustitute, C0-R0M.
13. Smith, L.A., Casse|| 6., Pearsou E. (1998): The Effects
of lubreediug ou the Lifetime Performauce of 0airy
Catt|e. J. 0airy Sci. 81:21292131.
14. Thompsou, J.R., Everett R.W., hammerschmidt. l. L.
(2OOO): Effects of lubreediug ou Productiou aud
Surviva| iu ho|steius. J. 0airy Sci. 83:18561864.
(Received ou 9 May 2OO1, accepted ou 4 Juue 2OO1)
11O |. |c|c|| e|. a|.. INEEIN AN INEEIN EFE88I0N IN 8I0vENIAN ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 1O1-11O
6uide|iues for sucl|er herds recordiug from birth to
weauiug, recommeud oue weight taleu at the ca|f age
betweeu 9O aud 25O days (lCAR., 2OO4). 0u this base,
iu our couutry, two weighiug of ca|ves at 9O 45 days
aud 2O5 45 days are recommeuded. Weight at the
age of 365 45 days is recommeuded at the eud of
performauce test period for beef breeds (epou et a|.,
0u|y the actua| (raw) data shou|d be recorded
whi|e weighiug. hawever, the eva|uatiou data shou|d be
adjusted to a defiued age (9O, 2O5, 365 days) with |iuear
or other adjustmeut procedure (lCAR., 2OO4). 8ody
weight at 9O days aud weauiug weight are very impor-
taut to beef producers, because they iudicate the pro-
ductivity of the dam (materua| traits) aud the geuetic
poteutia| of the ca|f pre-weauiug growth.
Additioua||y, weauiug weights a|so iuf|ueuce beef
breeders' iucome. Weauiug weights shou|d be co||ected
at the time the ca|f is weaued. For the correct adjust-
meut purposes the average age of ca|ves shou|d be as
c|ose as possib|e to the age adjustmeut staudard iu a
certaiu couutry (9O, 2O5 aud 365 days iu S|oveuia).
Weauiug weights shou|d be taleu wheu the average
age of ca|ves (iu herd or group) is c|ose to 2O5 days.
Lilewise, 9O-day weight aud year|iug weight shou|d be
taleu wheu the average age of ca|ves (iu herd or group)
is arouud 9O or 365 days. lf weights are uot withiu the
recommeuded iuterva| ( 45 days) they shou|d uot be
used as accurate.
0u the other haud, eveu better statistica| paclages
exist, recommeudiug processiug aud eva|uatiou of the
actua| (raw) data. 0i|emma which body weights are
more suitab|e: the actua| (raw) or the adjusted oues at
the recommeuded age of ca|ves is ofteu preseut.
The aim of this study was to fiud factors which
affect the actua| aud the adjusted (iuterpo|ated) body
Vc|ca S|c| 5Sc. VSc. Va||c ecc |ec|c|e| J|.e|s||j c|
||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce| |c|||e 3 S|
230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.O8.12
205-A AN 365-A WEIhI 0F 6hA0IAI8 6AIvE8
Mojca S/m/, M. epoa
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
8od, we/gats oa 90 r 45 da,s aad 205 r 45 da,s ate 6od, we/gats ased fot se/ect/oa /a sack/et aetds,
//kew/se 6od, we/gat oa 355 r 45 da,s ate ased fot se/ect/oa /a petfotmaace test accotd/ag to tae
S/ocea/aa ta/es fot tecotd/ag /a aa/ma/ ptodact/oa, wa/ca /s 6ased oa tae /atetaat/oaa/ 0omm/ttee fot
4a/ma/ 8ecotd/ag - /048. 0//emma wa/ca 6od, we/gats ate mote sa/ta6/e. tae actaa/, ot tae adjasted oaes
at tae tecommeaded age of ca/ces /s oftea pteseat. 0ompat/soa 6etweea f/xed effects oa actaa/ aad oa
adjasted 90-da,, 205-da, aad 355-da, we/gats of 0aato/a/s ca/ces aace 6eea stad/ed. 0a/ces {320/ wete
6ota ftom !995 to 2005 oa Fdacat/oaa/ aad 8eseatca 4a/ma/ has6aadt, 0eatte Logatec {S/ocea/a/. F/xed
effects of sex, pat/t,, ,eat of 6/tta aad 6/tta we/gat wete /ac/aded /a a mode/ fot tae actaa/ aad adjasted
6od, we/gats. 8/tta we/gat was /ac/aded as //aeat tegtess/oa. /t aas 6eea coac/aded taat patametets affec-
ted tae actaa/ 6od, we/gats affected adjasted 6od, we/gats, too. 8/tta we/gat aad ,eat of 6/tta /af/aeaced
90-da,, 205-da, aad 355-da, we/gat. Pat/t, /af/aeaced oa/, 90-da, we/gat, wa//e sex /af/aeaced 205-da,
aad 355-da, we/gat. 0oeff/c/eats of detetm/aat/oa fot adjasted 90-da, we/gat {0.38/, 205-da, we/gat {0.38/
aad 355-da, we/gat {0.I3/ wete a/gaet taaa fot actaa/ 6od, we/gats {0.20, 0.30 aad 0.50, tespect/ce/,/.
8e,-wotds. 0aato/a/s, ca/ces, 6od, we/gat, actaa/ we/gat, adjasted we/gat
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 111-114
weights aud differeuces iu the statistica| siguificauce
betweeu them. Coefficieut of determiuatiou for the
actua| aud the adjusted body weights were a|so iuter-
estiug for us.
0ur research iuc|uded 32O Charo|ais ca|ves, 111
ma|es aud 149 fema|es, boru iu years 1995 - 2OO5.
Ca|ves were reared at the Educatioua| aud Research
Auima| husbaudry Ceutre Logatec (S|oveuia). Cows, iu
the herd, ca|ved iu |ate wiuter or spriug (Jauuary to
Juue) ca|viug seasou. The average gra/iug seasou
|asted from the eud of Apri| or the begiuuiug of May to
the eud of 0ctober. 0uriug a||-day gra/iug, cows aud ca|-
ves had uo additioua| couceutrate ou pasture, except
miuera|-vitamiu mixture fed ad |||||cc. Pasture was
|ocated 41O m above the sea |eve| ou a larst p|ateau,
with short vegetatiou period. The amouut of raiufa|| dif-
fers amoug years, because there is the passage of mi|d
Mediterraueau aud co|d A|piue c|imate. The eud of gra-
/iug seasou coiucided the weauiug time. Weaued ca|-
ves were ou the average 2O3 days o|d (a|most 1
mouths). Weaued bu||s, offspriug of se|ected dams aud
sires, were housed iu the performauce test at the test
statiou uuti| the age of 365 days. Weaued heifers were
wiutered iu sheds together with cows aud uext spriug,
ou the average age of oue year, they weut to pasture.
0ata of body weights ou 9O 45 days, 2O5 45
days aud 365 45 days were aua|ysed. Ca|ves were
weighted withiu 9O day iuterva| of the recommeuded
age. For the actua| weights uou-iuterpo|ated weights
withiu 9O day iuterva| (9O 45 days, 2O5 45 days
aud 365 45 days) were used. Adjusted body weights
were computed with iuterpo|atiou at the recommeuded
age of 9O, 2O5 aud 365 day (Tab|e 1).
0u|y the maiu effects were used for the aua|yses
because the pre|imiuary aua|yses had showu that iute-
ractious amoug effects were uot siguificaut. Sex, parity,
year of birth as fixed effects aud birth weight as |iuear
regressiou were iuc|uded iu the mode|.
Fixed part of the mode| was aua|ysed by 6LM pro-
cedure of statistica| paclage SAS/STAT (SAS lustitute
luc., 2OO1). The geuera| |east square method was used
for this purpose. Mode| (1) was used for the estimatiou
of the actua| aud the adjusted 9O-day, 2O5-day aud 365-
day weights.
~ + S
+ P
+ Y
+ b(x
\) + e
~ body weights (W_9O, W_2O5, W_365), lg,
~ sex, i ~ 1, 2,
~ parity, j ~ 1, 2, 3,
~ year of birth, l ~ 1, . 11,
~ birth weight, lg,
~ residua|.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The actua| aud the adjusted 9O-day, 2O5-day aud
365-day weights of Charo|ais ca|ves iu our study are
showu iu Tab|e 1. Ma|es had higher actua| aud adjusted
body weights thau fema|es. The actua| 9O-day weights
(124.1 lg) were |ower thau the adjusted 9O-day weights
(128.8 lg) of ma|es aud fema|es together. lu Cauada
(Crews et a|., 2OO4) a|so adjusted weauiug weight ou
2O5-day, but va|ues for the Cauadiau Charo|ais ca|ves
(W_2O5 ~ 292.41 lg) were higher thau the adjusted
W_2O5 of ca|ves iu our study (26O.O lg). Malu|sla et
a|. (2OO3) reported |ower adjusted 21O-day weight
(253 lg) compared to the adjusted 2O5-day weight iu
our study (26O.O lg). Wo|fov et a|. (2OO4) iuvestigated
Charo|ais ca|ves aud adjusted 12O-day, 21O-day aud
365-day weights. They reported higher birth weights
(ma|es ~ 41.1 lg, fema|es ~ 46.O lg) compared to
Charo|ais ca|ves iu our study (ma|es ~ 4O.5 lg, fema|es
~ 31.5 lg). Compared to Wo|fov et a|. (2OO4) ca|ves
112 V. S|c| e|. a|.. FA6I08 AFFE6IIN A6IAI AN AJ8IE 90-A, 205-A ...
8W ~ birth weight, W_9O ~ 9O-day weight, W_2O5 ~ 2O5-day weight, W_365 ~ 365-day weight, AA ~ average age
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|c Ior tho actua| aod tho adjustod body wo|ghts
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 111-114
had higher 365-day weight (ma|es ~ 5O4 lg, fema|es ~
358 lg) thau ca|ves iu our study (ma|es ~ 458.2 lg,
fema|es ~ 338.2 lg). 0u the other haud, Krupa et a|.
(2OO5) have doue a research ou the actua| weauiug
(LSM ~ 252.9 lg) aud year|iug weight (LSM ~ 399.5
lg) of Charo|ais ca|ves aud fouud simi|ar va|ues compa-
red to our research, weauiug (LSM, ma|es ~ 261.8 lg,
fema|es ~ 25O.3 lg) aud year|iug weights (LSM, ma|es
~ 453.3 ~ lg, fema|es ~ 345.8 lg), if we cousider that
their LSM iuc|uded both sexes.
Comparisou betweeu fixed effects ou the actua|
aud the adjusted 9O-day, 2O5-day aud 365-day weights
of Charo|ais ca|ves have beeu studied (Tab|e 2). Fixed
effects of sex, parity, year of birth aud birth weight were
iuc|uded iu the mode| for the actua| aud the adjusted
body weights. lt has showu that source of variatiou
which affected the actua| body weights had iuf|ueuce ou
the adjusted body weights, too. 8irth weight aud year of
birth iuf|ueuced 9O-day, 2O5-day aud 365-day weight.
Parity iuf|ueuced ou|y 9O-day weight, whi|e sex iuf|ueu-
ced 2O5-day aud 365-day weight. Malu|sla et a|.
(2OO3) reported that sex affected ou adjusted 21O-day
weight for Charo|ais ca|ves iu Po|aud. Krupa et a|. (2OO5)
couducted a research with actua| weauiug aud year|iug
weights of six beef breed catt|e. They fouud out that sex
(p<O.OO1) affected ou actua| weauiug aud year|iug
weight. The effect of age ou a weighiug day as |iuear
regressiou (p<O.OO1) a|so iuf|ueuced body weight of
the ca|ves. Age wou|d uot affect body weights, if they
were adjusted at the defiued age (Krupa et a|., 2OO5).
We fouud out, that there was uo statistica||y sigui-
ficaut differeuce iu factors affectiug the actua| aud adju-
sted body weights. however, differeuce occurred iu
coefficieuts of determiuatiou for body weights. With the
same mode| for the actua| aud adjusted body weights
more variabi|ity for adjusted 9O-day (38 ), 2O5-day (38
) aud 365-day weight (13 ) was exp|aiued thau for
the actua| 9O-day weight (2O ), 2O5-day weight (3O )
aud for 365-day weight (6O ). The possib|e exp|auatiou
of this eveut was the effect of age ou the body weight
at the day of weighiug, which was e|imiuated at the
adjusted body weights. Actua| body weights ou defiued
days (9O 45 days, 2O5 45 days aud 365 45
days) of weighiug iuc|uded body weights of auima|s
withiu 9O days iuterva|. The differeuce betweeu the
youugest aud the o|dest auima| iu recommeuded wei-
ghiug was 9O days or 3 mouths. Eveu the effect of
mother mi|l productiou iu mouths after ca|viug, espe-
cia||y for 9O 45 days aud 2O5 45 days weight
might be iuc|uded iu the estab|ished differeuce.
Least square meaus (LSM) aud their staudard
errors (SE) for the actua| aud for the adjusted 9O-day,
2O5-day aud 365-day weights are preseuted iu Tab|e 3.
LSM were higher for body weights of ma|es compared
to fema|es for actua| aud adjusted body weights, too.
Actua| body weights ou the 9O day aud 365 day were
|ower thau adjusted body weights of ma|es aud fema|es.
0u the other haud, actua| 2O5-day weight was higher
thau adjusted body weights for ma|es aud fema|es.
Staudard errors (SE) of actua| aud adjusted body
weights were compared, too. Very iuterestiug fiudiug
that SE were higher for a|| actua| body weights compa-
red to SE of adjusted body weights is showu iu Tab|e 3.
The highest abso|ute|y differeuce iu SE was betweeu
the actua| (9.O lg) aud adjusted (5.2 lg) W_365 of
fema|es. Lower staudard error for adjusted body
468/0JL8IJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 111-114
V. S|c| e|. a|.. FA6I08 AFFE6IIN A6IAI AN AJ8IE 90-A, 205-A ...
Iab|o 2. Aoa|ys|s oI var|aoco Ior tho actua| aod tho adjustod body wo|ghts
W_9O ~ 9O-day weight, W_2O5 ~ 2O5-day weight, W_365 ~ 365-day weight, d.f. ~ degrees of freedom, R
~ coefficieut of deter-
Iab|o 3. Ioast squaros moaos (I8M} aod staodard orrors (8E} Ior tho actua| aod tho adjustod body
wo|ghts (kg}
W_9O ~ 9O-day weight, W_2O5 ~ 2O5-day weight, W_365 ~ 365-day weight
weights was uuderstaudab|e, because the estimated
LSM for actua| body weights iuc|uded, beside geuotype,
the effect of differeut time or weighiug day.
Cousecutive|y, there was a higher share of exp|aiued
variabi|ity at the adjusted body weights. Re|ative|y simi-
|ar differeuces were seeu if staudard deviatious of the
actua| aud adjusted body weights were compared
(Tab|e 1).
We cau couc|ude that parameters which affected
the actua| 9O-day, 2O5-day aud 365-day weights impac-
ted the adjusted body weights, too. There was uo sta-
tistica||y siguificaut differeuce iu factors affectiug the
actua| aud adjusted body weights. however, differeuces
iu coefficieuts of determiuatiou for body weights were
observed. With the same mode| for the actua| aud adju-
sted body weights more variabi|ity was exp|aiued for
adjusted thau for the actua| body weights.
LSM were higher for body weights of ma|es com-
pared to fema|es for the actua| aud adjusted body
weights, too. We a|so compared staudard errors (SE) of
actua| aud adjusted body weights. SE were higher for a||
actua| body weights compared to SE of adjusted body
weights which was very iuterestiug. Simi|ar differeuces
betweeu the actua| aud adjusted body weights were
fouud at staudard deviatious of body weights, too.
higher share of exp|aiued variabi|ity was at the adjusted
compared to the actua| body weights.
1. Crews, 0.h.Jr., Lowerisou, M., Carou, l., Kemp, R.A.
(2OO4): 6euetics parameters amoug growth aud car-
cass traits of Cauadiau Charo|ais catt|e. Cauadiau
Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce 84:4, p. 589 591.
2. epou, M., K|opi, M., Potouil, K., Zgur, S., 0ov,
P., Simi, M., Kompau, 0. (2OO6): Strolovua pravi|a
iu opis metod /a merjeuje iu oceujevauje proi/voduih
iu drugih |astuosti ter metod /a uapovedovauje geuet-
slih vreduosti /a istopasemslo p|emeuslo govedo v
S|oveuiji, 1. de|. 0omta|e, 8iotehuisla falu|teta,
0dde|el /a /ootehuilo, 18 p.
3. lCAR - luteruatioua| agreemeut of recordiug practices
(2OO4): 6uide|iues approved by the 6euera| Assemb|y
he|d iu Souse. Tuuisia, 391 p.
4. Krupa, E., 0racov, M., Po|l, P., huba, J., Krupov, Z.
(2OO5): Factors affectiug growth traits of beef catt|e
breeds raised iu S|ovalia. C/ech J. Auim. Sci., 5O: 1,
p. 14 21.
5. Malu|sla, J., Wrg|ar/, A., Zap|eta|, P. (2OO3): 8eef
productiou from Limousiue aud Charo|ais sucl|er
cows uuder various c|imatic couditious iu Po|aud.
Acta uuiversitatis Agricu|turae et Si|vicu|turae
Meude|iauae 8ruueusis, 8ruo, 51: 3, p. 69 14.
6. SAS lustitute luc. (2OO1): The SAS System for
Wiudows, Re|ease 8.O2. SAS lustitute luc., Cary, lC.
1. Wo|fov, M., Wo|f, J., Zahrdlov, R., Piby|, J.,
0azo, J., Kica, J. (2OO4): Maiu sources of the ecouo-
mic efficieucy of beef catt|e productiou systems.
C/ech J. Auim. Sci., 49:8, p. 351 312.
(Received ou 15 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
114 V. S|c| e|. a|.. FA6I08 AFFE6IIN A6IAI AN AJ8IE 90-A, 205-A ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 111-114
Rate of chauge iu rumiua| VFA is the differeuce bet-
weeu rate of productiou from fermeutatiou aud rates of
absorptiou aud passage. The majority of the VFA produ-
ced iu the rumeu are absorbed from the rumeu through
the rumeu wa|| by simp|e diffusiou of the uudissociated
acids (A||eu, 1991). Rumiua| ph aud osmo|a|ity, type
aud couceutratiou of VFA siguificaut|y affect absorptiou
rates of VFA from the rumeu. The absorbed VFA are
importaut because they provide two-thirds of the euergy
supp|y of the rumiuaut (Suttou, 1985). 8ecause of the
importauce of VFA iu rumiuaut metabo|ism severa|
methods have beeu deve|oped to measure VFA produc-
tiou iu the rumeu. ludirect methods male use of the stoi-
chiometric re|atiouships which exist betweeu the pro-
ductiou of VFA aud the productiou of methaue or bet-
weeu the productiou of VFA aud the amouut aud com-
positiou of the mixture of substrates fermeuted (Murphy
et a|., 1982). The agreemeut betweeu _ VFA mo|ar pro-
portious iu rumeu f|uid aud VFA proportious produced
have beeu questioued, because the proportious of VFA
iu the rumeu may uot precise|y ref|ect their re|ative pro-
ductiou rates, especia||y wheu the diet coutaius a sub-
stautia| proportiou of couceutrates (Suttou, 1985). The
C |abe||iug techuique was iuitia||y used iu agrouomy
(Thompsou, 1996), but became gradua||y a|so app|ied iu
auima| uutritiou after |abe||iug forages (Pe||ilaau, 2OO4).
Appropriate aspects to be iuvestigated are the digesta
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:636.O84.22:631.112
86ett Ita/
, h.Z.h. Iawee/
, S. Iamm/aga
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae effect of ptocessed cetea/ gta/a sapp/emeatat/oa oa co/at//e fatt, ac/d {tF4/
ptodact/oa tates of gtat/ag, /actat/ag ho/ste/a-Ft/es/aa cows wete measated /a a
5x5 Lat/a sqaate expet/meat. Iae expet/meata/ tteatmeats wete as fo//ows. coatto/
{oa/, gtat/ag, ao sapp/emeat add/t/oa, NS/, pe//eted 6at/e, {P8/, pe//eted ma/te
{PM/, toasted aad sa6seqaeat/, pe//eted 6at/e, {IP8/, aad toasted aad sa6se-
qaeat/, pe//eted ma/te {IPM/ as sapp/emeats. 4a /sotope d//at/oa tecaa/qae as/ag
sta6/e /sotope of cat6oa {
0/ as aa /atetaa/ matket was emp/o,ed fot tae est/ma-
t/oa of tF4 ptodact/oa. 4t tae 6eg/aa/ag of a 3-aoat /oag a//owed gtat/ag t/me, !00
mg of 99X eat/caed
Na-acetate wete /attodaced /a tae tamea aad tepeated
aftet gtat/ag w/ta 50 mg /sotope, aftet wa/ca tae cows wete statced fot 5 aoats
aat// ecea/ag m//k/ag. 0at/ag gtat/ag d/sappeataace tate {k
/ aad ptodact/oa tate
/ of acetate, ptop/oaate aad 6at,tate wete s/ga/f/caat/, a/gaet {P<0.05/ /a
sapp/emeated taaa /a NS cows. Moteocet tae effect of 6at/e, gta/a aad pe//et/ag
tteatmeat was a/gaet taaa tae effect of ma/te gta/a aad toast/ag. 0at/ag statcat/oa
s/ga/f/caat/, a/gaet {P<0.05/ k
aad k
of tF4s wete o6setced /a PM aad IPM
tteatmeats. Iota/ tF4 ptodact/oa fot tae expet/meata/ pet/od {gtat/ag + statcat/oa/
wete 49.5, I8.I, 59.9, 88.5, 80.8 mo//da, fot NS, P8, IP8, PM aad IPM, tespect/-
ce/,. Iae a/gaet tF4 ptodact/oas measated /a sapp/emeated aa/ma/s empaas/s tae
exteas/ce d/gest/oa taat occats /a tae tamea aftet feed/ag ptocessed gta/as. /a
metaodo/og/ca/ tetms,
Na-acetate /a6e///ag appeats to 6e a asefa/ meaas fot
exam/a/ag tae tF4 acetate ptodact/oa /a tam/aaats.
8e,-wotds. da/t,, gtat/ag, sapp/emeatat/oa, tF4 ptodact/oa, sta6/e /sotope
(l ||0. |c|e|| Ic||| J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|ece
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| |c|||||c |.9. 5c\ 0 |/40 |accs.J| |ca|j.
(2l ||0. |assa .|. Iaee| ad ||c|.||0. ||. See|c Iacc|a
wae|e |s|||c|e c| 4|ca| Sc|ece 4|ca| |c|||||c |ccc
wae|e I|e |e||e||ads
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 115-119
passage, the diet digestibi|ity aud carbou metabo|ism iu
the body (8outtou, 1991a, Svejcar et a|., 1993). With
C euriched VFA the rumiua| VFA productiou cau a|so
be measured (Kristeuseu, 2OO1). Supp|emeutatiou of
|actatiug gra/iug dairy cows with processed cerea|
graius affects the rumiua| fermeutatiou aud VFA produc-
tiou. Therefore the objective of this study was to quau-
tify the iuf|ueuce of fresh grass aud processed cerea|
graius ou the productiou of VFA iu the rumeu of gra/iug,
|actatiug dairy cows usiug
la-acetate as au iuter-
ua| marler.
Ao|ma|s aod maoagomoot. Five mu|ti parity
ho|steiu-Friesiau dairy cows (11328 0lM, meauS0)
fitted with a rumeu fistu|a (1O cm id., 8ar-0iamoud luc.,
Parma, ldaho, uSA) were used. The auima|s were mi|-
led twice dai|y at O63O aud 11OO h. Expor|moota|
dos|go. The experimeut was based ou a 5x5 Latiu
Square desigu with five cows, five treatmeuts aud five
periods. Each experimeuta| period |asted for 14 days.
0ays 1
to 9
were used for adaptatiou aud days 1O
to 14
for samp|e co||ectiou. Iroatmoots aod Iood pro-
coss|og. The five treatmeuts were as fo||ows: coutro|
(uo supp|emeut additiou, lS) pe||eted bar|ey (P8), pe||e-
ted mai/e (PM), toasted aud subsequeut|y pe||eted bar-
|ey (TP8), aud toasted aud subsequeut|y pe||eted mai/e
(TPM). A |aboratory sca|e pressurised toaster was used
for pressure toastiug the graius for 1.5 miuute at 135
After toastiug, the graius were dried iu a forced air oveu
for 16 h at 35
C fo||owed by pe||etiug. Pe||etiug (8O
1O s) was carried out with a 5 x 65 mm (bore x ho|e) die,
usiug a V2-3O pe||etiug press (Robiusou mi||iug system
8.V., 8oxte|, The lether|auds). 8amp|o co||oct|oo.
lext to a coutro| treatmeut of gra/iug ou|y, the four
forms of processed graius were fed as a supp|emeut iu
the mi|liug par|our (3 lg at moruiug aud 3 lg at eveuiug
mi|liug). Rumeu evacuatious (8rstiug aud Weisbjerg,
1989) were couducted after moruiug mi|liug aud 1OO
mg of 99 euriched
la-acetate (Euriso-top, 8t,
Frauce) was iutroduced iu the rumeu for estimatiou of
VFA productiou. The cows were a||owed to gra/e iudivi-
dua||y. After 3 hours of gra/iug each cow was brought
to the baru. Rumeu evacuatious aud eurichmeut proce-
dure was repeated with 5O mg of 99 euriched
acetate. Theu the auima|s were lept iuside the baru aud
starved uuti| eveuiug mi|liug. Rumeu |iquid samp|es
were taleu each ha|f au hour startiug at O8.OO h uuti|
11.OO h theu every hour uuti| 11.OO h. 6hom|ca| aoa|y-
sos. Rumeu |iquid samp|es were lept fro/eu for iso|atiug
VFA by disti||atiou with the Kje|dah| disti||atiou equip-
meut. After iso|atiug VFA by disti||atiou samp|es were
aua|ysed usiug isotope ratio mass spectrometry (lRMS)
as described by 8outtou (1991b) to determiue the
C to
C ratios. 6a|cu|at|oos Ior Ior
6 oor|chmoot. For the
estimatiou of acetate productiou rates, the procedure
based ou the stab|e isotope
C |abe||iug techuique
deve|oped by Cheu et a|. (1991) was used. Acetate pro-
ductiou is assumed to occur at a fixed fractioua| rate
) aud is estimated from the dec|iue iu the
C to
ratio. The perceutage eurichmeut with
C was ca|cu|a-
ted for each co||ectiou time iu each cow iu each respec-
tive period. From lRMS we had the tota| carbou cou-
ceutratiou iu each samp|e of rumiua| f|uid aud the per-
ceutage of
C preseut iuto these samp|es. The first eva-
cuatiou time was taleu as the basa| |eve| of eurichmeut.
Regressiou equatiou was app|ied to these corrected
va|ues to fiud the fractioua| rate of eurichmeut disap-
pearauce. Rumeu ph iuf|ueuce rates of VFA absorptiou,
therefore we assumed that the disappearauce of pro-
piouate aud of butyrate was 1.5 times that of acetate.
6a|cu|at|oos Ior hoxoso Iormootat|oo. To va|idate or
refute our estimates of VFA productiou measured with
C |abe||iug techuique we ca|cu|ated fermeutab|e
orgauic matter (F0M) from our | .|.c aud | s||c meas-
uremeuts usiug severa| approaches. lu the first
approach (F0M
) tota| hexose (lg) fermeuted iu the
rumeu was ca|cu|ated from VFA productiou. lu the sec-
oud approach (F0M
) the avai|ab|e orgauic matter (lg)
was ca|cu|ated from the | .|.c measuremeuts (Tthi et
a|., 2OO3). lu the third approach (F0M
) we assumed
that the water-so|ub|e fractiou of the grass was
iustaut|y aud tota||y degraded iu the rumeu. Therefore
we modified the F0M
ca|cu|atiou formu|a with | saccc
data measured iu our former experimeuts (Tthi, 2OO3).
lu the fourth approach we assumed that rumeu degra-
datiou of the degradab|e fractious of each 0M compo-
ueut (rumeu couteut, fresh grass, aud supp|emeuts)
occur accordiug to the first order liuetic fuuctiou
). 8tat|st|ca| Aoa|ys|s. A|| data were subjected
to |east squares Al0VA for a 5 x 5 Latiu square desigu
usiug the 6LM procedure (SAS, 2OO1). Wheu siguificaut
differeuces due to the treatmeut were detected, the
mu|tip|e comparisou procedures were used.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
|sappoaraoco aod product|oo ratos oI |od|v|-
dua| ac|ds. 0uriug gra/iug l
of VFAs were |ower thau
the l
for each iudividua| VFA because the VFA poo|
si/e iucreased duriug gra/iug time wheu cows were
eatiug aud uew substrate eutered aud fermeuted iu the
rumeu (Tab|e 1). lu comparisou to lS auima|s supp|e-
meutatiou siguificaut|y iucreased l
for P8, PM aud
TPM. The l
of supp|emeuted cows were a|so siguifi-
caut|y higher thau lS cows because of avai|abi|ity of
more fermeutab|e starch at gra/iug time. lu starvatiou
period l
of VFAs were higher iu each treatmeut thau
because the VFA poo| si/e decreased duriug the
starvatiou period. The differeuces iu l
existed iu the
gra/iug period betweeu lS aud supp|emeuted cows
with bar|ey graiu were e|imiuated, whi|e l
of mai/e
graiu was sti|| siguificaut|y higher thau lS auima|s. This
pheuomeuou was a|so observed iu l
of VFAs. higher
starch couceutratiou aud s|ower rumiua| starch degra-
datiou rate of mai/e, male more fermeutab|e substrate
116 |. Ic||| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F FEE F06E88IN 0N v0IAIIIE FAII A6I F06II0N ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 115-119
avai|ab|e for the microbes duriug the starvatiou period.
0uriug gra/iug pe||eted cerea| graius supp|emeuted aui-
ma|s had higher l
aud l
thau toasted aud subse-
queut|y pe||eted cerea| graius supp|emeuted cows.
however, this was iuverse duriug the starvatiou period
aud toasted aud subsequeut|y pe||eted cerea| graius
supp|emeuted cows had higher l
aud l
thau pe||e-
ted cerea| graius supp|emeuted auima|s. This iudicates
that toastiug might have a protective effect of the starch
iu mai/e aud bar|ey resu|tiug iu de|ayiug its fermeutatiou
for awhi|e.
vo|at||o Iatty ac|d product|oo. lu gra/iug as we||
as iu starvatiou tota| VFA (TVFA) productiou aud the
iudividua| VFA productiou were higher iu supp|emeuted
auima|s thau iu lS auima|s (Tab|e 2). Supp|emeutatiou
with P8 resu|ted iu siguificaut|y higher hAc productiou
iu gra/iug because P8 coutaius the highest amouut of
water so|ub|e starch which is a fast euergy source for
the rumiua| microbes. The opposite occurred duriug
starvatiou thau iu gra/iug period where the differeuces
betweeu lS aud P8 were e|imiuated aud due to feediug
mai/e, siguificaut|y higher hAc, hPr, hbu aud TVFA pro-
ductious were observed.
$*5,&8/5785( 13:2OO1 (1) 115-119
Iab|o 1. |sappoaraoco (k
} aod product|oo (k
} ratos (/h} oI acotato (hAc}, prop|ooato (hFr} aod butyrato
hu} |o tho rumoo oI da|ry cows graz|og grass pasturo
, aod supp|omootod w|th procossod coroa|
lS: uo supp|emeut additiou.
P8: pe||eted bar|ey, TP8: toasted aud pe||eted bar|ey, PM: pe||eted mai/e, TPM: toasted aud pe||eted
6: effect of graiu type, h: effect of type of heat treatmeut, 6xh: effect of graiu type aud heat iuteractiou.
figure with superscript
is siguificaut|y (P<O.O5) differeut from P8, PM aud TPM.
figure with superscript is siguificaut|y (P<O.O5) differeut from PM aud TPM.
figures with differeut superscript iu the same row differ siguificaut|y (P<O.O5)
Iab|o 2. Acotato, prop|ooato, butyrato aod tota| vFA product|oo (mo|/por|od} |o tho rumoo oI da|ry cows
graz|og grass pasturo
, aod supp|omootod w|th procossod coroa| gra|os
lS: uo supp|emeut additiou.
P8: pe||eted bar|ey, TP8: toasted aud pe||eted bar|ey, PM: pe||eted mai/e, TPM: toasted aud pe||eted
6: effect of graiu type, h: effect of type of heat treatmeut, 6xh: effect of graiu type aud heat iuteractiou.
TVFA (tota| VFA) ~
figure with superscript is siguificaut|y (P<O.O5) differeut from P8,
figure with superscript is siguificaut|y (P<O.O5) dif-
fereut from PM aud TPM,
figures with differeut superscript iu the same row differ siguificaut|y (P<O.O5)
Supp|emeutiug pe||eted cerea| graius resu|ted iu
higher VFA productious duriug the gra/iug period com-
pared to toasted graius aud this was iuverse iu starva-
tiou. This meau that toastiug has a protective effect ou
cerea| graius starch aud this is cousisteut with the fact
that eveu processed mai/e starch is much s|ower degra-
ded iu the rumeu thau bar|ey starch. TVFA productious
for the who|e experimeuta| period were 49.5, 69.9, 18.1,
8O.8 aud 88.5 mo| for lS, P8, TP8, PM aud TPM,
respective|y. The mo|ar proportious of hAc:hPr:h8u
were 6O:25:15 (58:26:16) for lS aud 5O:34:16
(51:32:11), 53:3O:11 (52:31:11), 53:31:16 (51:33:16)
aud 52:32:16 (52:3O:11) for P8, TP8, PM aud TPM,
respective|y. These resu|ts iudicate that supp|emeuta-
tiou of pasture grass with processed cerea| graius
favours the deve|opmeut of hPr produciug bacteria| spe-
cies aud are associated with au iucrease iu the propor-
tiou of hPr at the expeuse of hAc, a|though acetate is
a|ways the most abuudaut of the acids. The higher VFA
productious measured iu supp|emeuted auima|s empha-
sise the exteusive digestiou that occurs iu the rumeu
after feediug processed cerea| graius.
hoxoso Iormootat|oo. The resu|ts of F0M
cu|ated based ou our VFA productiou data are higher
thau F0M
, F0M
, aud F0M
va|ues iu each experi-
meuta| period (Tab|e 3). Productiou rates of VFA as
measured by isotope di|utiou techuiques showed a wide
variabi|ity aud errors as beeu discussed previous|y by
Suttou (1985) aud 0ijlstra (1994). lu some other studies
carbou exchauge betweeu hAc aud h8u was couside-
red a source of error because acetate |abe| was detec-
ted iu butyrate. Labe| from hAc has a|so previous|y beeu
detected iu hPr aud other VFA (Kristeuseu, 2OO1).
Substautia| amouut of eudogeuous acetate might a|so
iucrease the acetate poo| iu the rumeu (Vau Soest,
1994). Sa|ivary muciu a carbohydrate source for the
rumiua| microbes, that resu|ts iu VFA productiou (8ausi|
et a|., 1995). A|so the
C to
C ratio aud the l
cu|atious might be affected by the uatura||y occurriug
differeuces iu the ratio of the stab|e carbou isotopes
C betweeu p|aut species be|ougiug either to the
group (coo|-seasou, bar|ey) or to the C
group (warm
seasou, mai/e). The
C couteut of C
p|auts is higher
thau that of C
p|auts (0'Leary, 1981), beiug au exp|a-
uatiou for the high va|ues ca|cu|ated for mai/e. More
research is ueeded to e|ucidate the uucertaiuties aud
possib|e variatiou iu the assumptious ueeded to male
this va|idatiou.
Supp|emeutatiou of pasture grass with differeut
processed cerea| graius siguificaut|y iucreased VFA pro-
ductiou iu dairy cows compared to the uou supp|emeu-
ted auima|s. Toastiug aud subsequeut|y pe||etiug of
cerea| graius might have a protective effect ou bar|ey
aud mai/e starch, which de|ay its rumiua| fermeutatiou
or shift a certaiu amouut of starch to the sma|| iutestiue.
From a methodo|ogica| poiut of view
|abe||iug appears to be au easy aud usefu| way for exa-
miuiug the VFA productiou of rumiuauts but VFA pro-
ductiou estimates shou|d be treated carefu||y. lotab|y
the uucertaiuty of the assumptious ueeded to be made
for its va|idatiou ueeds further atteutiou. higher eurich-
meuts thau those used here (1OO mg +5O mg) aud the
use of other |abe||ed VFA thau
la-acetate (
C la-
propiouate aud
C la-butyrate) may improve the re|ia-
bi|ity of this |abe||iug techuique.
1. A||eu, M.S. (1991): Re|atiouship betweeu fermeuta-
tiou acid productiou iu the rumeu aud the requiremeut
for physica||y effective fibre. J. 0airy Sci., 8O: 1441-
2. 8ausi|, R., Stau|ey, E., LaMout, J.T. (1995): Muciu
biophysics. Auuu. Rev. Physio|., 51: 635-651.
3. 8outtou, T.W. (1991a): Tracer studies with
ched substrates: humaus aud |arge auima|s. lu: 0.C.
Co|emau aud 8. Fry (Ed.) Carbou lsotope Techuiques.
Academic Press, lew Yorl.
4. 8outtou, T.W. (1991b): Stab|e carbou isotope ratios of
uatura| materia|s. l. Samp|e preparatiou aud mass
spectrometric aua|ysis. lu: 0.C. Co|emau aud 8. Fry
(ed.) Carbou lsotope Techuiques. Academic Press,
lew Yorl, uSA.
118 |. Ic||| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F FEE F06E88IN 0N v0IAIIIE FAII A6I F06II0N ...
lS: uo supp|emeut additiou,
P8: pe||eted bar|ey, TP8: toasted aud pe||eted bar|ey, PM: pe||eted mai/e, TPM: toasted aud pe||eted mai/e
Iab|o 3. Est|matod amouot oI Iormootod carbohydrato (kg/por|od} |o tho rumoo oI da|ry cows graz|og grass
, aod supp|omootod w|th procossod coroa| gra|os
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 115-119
5. 8rstiug, C.F., Weisbjerg, M.R. (1989): Fatty acid
metabo|ism iu the digestive tract of rumiuauts. Ph.0.
Thesis. The Roya| Veteriuary aud Agricu|tura|
uuiversity, Copeuhageu, 0eumarl.
6. Cheu, X., Tammiuga, S., 8oer, h., Chi|ibroste, P.,
Lammers, T. (1991): het meteu vau v|uchtige vet/uur-
roducties m.b.v. stabie|e isotopeu iu de reus vau loei-
ueu. |iu dutch| Proc. 22
Studiedag ueder|audsta|ige
voediugsouder/oelers. 6eut, 1991, 4 Apri|. 16-11.
1. 0ijlstra, J. (1994): Productiou aud absorptiou of vo|a-
ti|e fatty acid iu the rumeu. Livest. Prod. Sci., 39: 61-
8. Kristeuseu, l.8. (2OO1): Rumeu microbia| sequestra-
tiou of (
C) acetate iu catt|e. J. Auim. Sci., 19:
9. Murphy M.R., 8a|dwiu R.L., Koou L.J. (1982)
Estimatiou of stoichiometric parameters for rumeu fer-
meutatiou of roughage aud couceutrate diets. J.
Auim. Sci. 55, 411-421.
1O. 0'Leary, M. h. (1981): Carbou isotope fractiouatiou iu
p|auts. Phytochemistry, 2O: 553-561.
11. Pe||ilaau, W.F. (2OO4): Passage of
C-|abe||ed feed
compoueuts through the digestive tract of dairy cows.
Ph. 0 Thesis, Wageuiugeu lustitute of Auima|
Scieuces, Wageuiuge, The lether|auds
12. SAS (2OO1): SAS lustitute luc., Cary, lC, uSA
13. uttou, J.0. (1985): 0igestiou aud absorptiou of euergy
substrates iu the |actatiug cow. J. 0airy Sci., 68:
14. Svejcar, T.J., Judlius, M.8., 8outtou, T. W. (1993):
Techuica| uote: |abe||iug of forages with
C for uutri-
tiou aud metabo|ism studies. J. Auim. Sci., 11: 132O-
15, Thompsou, R. 8. (1996): Pu|se-|abe||iug a cover crop
C to fo||ow its decompositiou iu soi| uuder fie|d
couditious. P|aut aud Soi|, 18O: 49-55.
16. Tthi, R. (2OO3): Processed graius as a supp|emeut to
|actatiug dairy cows. Ph.0 Thesis. Wageuiugeu
Agricu|tura| uuiversity, The lether|auds.
11. Tthi, R., Zhaug, R.h., Chi|ibroste, P., 8oer, h.,
Tammiuga, S. (2OO3): Effect of feed processiug ou
grass iutale, rumeu poo| si/es, rumiua| liuetics aud
the performauce of gra/iug |actatiug dairy cows. J.
Auim. Feed Sci. 12:411-433.
18. Vau Soest, P.J. (1994): lutritioua| eco|ogy of the
rumiuaut. 2
ed. Mai/ee|| uuiversity Press, lthaca,
lew Yorl, uSA.
(Received ou 9 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
|. Ic||| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F FEE F06E88IN 0N v0IAIIIE FAII A6I F06II0N ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 115-119
Carcass compositiou is oue of the most importaut
factors that defiue carcass va|ue (Augustiui et a|.,
1981). Fat tissue represeuts the most variab|e carcass
compoueut. With iucreased age aud auima| weight the
proportiou of fat tissue iucreases. The growth of diffe-
reut fat depots is uot uuiform, liduey aud chauue| fat
reach their maxima| growth rate first, fo||owed by iuter-
muscu|ar aud subcutaueous fat. Therefore, duriug post-
uata| growth, the proportiou of liduey aud chauue| fat
from tota| side fat decreases whereas the proportiou of
subcutaueous fat iucreases (Jousou et a|., 1912). Catt|e
breed is oue of the very importaut factors that affect fat
tissue distributiou (8erg aud 8utterfie|d, 1916). 8eef
breeds have higher perceutage of fat iu subcutaueous
fat depot, whereas dairy breeds teud to deposit more fat
as liduey aud chauue| fat. 8eef breeds a|so deposit
more subcutaueous aud |ess iutermuscu|ar fat thau
dairy breeds (Wi||iams, 1918), which is typica| for tradi-
tioua| (Eug|ish breeds |ile hereford, Augus) beef breeds.
The quautity of subcutaueous fat was, therefore, oue of
very importaut se|ectiou criteria iu those breeds, as ou|y
subcutaueous fat cau be seeu aud eva|uated after
s|aughter. 8ergeu et a|. (2OO6) reported geuetic corre|a-
tious amoug subcutaueous, iutermuscu|ar, body cavity
aud iutramuscu|ar fat. They vary betweeu -O.16 aud
O.5O, depeudiug ou s|aughter eud poiut adjustmeut.
8rowu aud Simmeuta| breeds iu S|oveuia are dua| pur-
pose breeds, whereas iu 8rowu breed dairy traits are
more prououuced. Thus, the aim of the preseut worl
was to compare the fat distributiou betweeu iutermu-
scu|ar aud subcutaueous fat iu 8rowu aud Simmeuta|
0ata from 34 Simmeuta| aud 31 8rowu bu||s from
progeuy testiug statious were used iu this study.
Simmeuta| bu||s were fed mai/e si|age aud couceutrates
aud 8rowu bu||s mai/e aud grass si|age aud couceutra-
tes, aud s|aughtered at subjective|y defiued optima| fat-
uess. After s|aughter the right carcass sides were cut
iuto quarters betweeu the 6
aud 1
ribs aud further
dissected to the fo||owiug cuts: chucl, shou|der, frout
shaul, rib roast, bacl, |oiu, teuder|oiu, brislet, rib, f|aul,
|eg aud hiud shaul (Figure 1).
||0. S||.es|e| c| 4ss|s|. ||c|essc|. VSc. Va||c ecc J|.e|s||j c|
||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca| |acc||j cc|ec||ca| deca||ce| |c|||e 3 230
0ccla|e S|c.e|a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:631.5.O4/.O1
S. Zgat, M. epoa
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
S/mmeata/ aad 8towa 6a//s ftom ptogea, test/ag stat/oa wete ased to eca/aate tae
effect of 6teed oa fat t/ssae patt/t/oa 6etweea sa6cataaeoas aad /atetmasca/at fat.
8a//s {3I 8towa aad 34 S/mmeata/ 6teed/ wete s/aagateted at tae same degtee of
fataess. 4ftet s/aagatet catcasses wete f/tst cat /ato d/ffeteat catcass cats aad fat-
taet oa /ato /eaa meat, fat, 6oaes aad teadoas. Fat was d/c/ded ap /ato sa6cata-
aeoas aad /atetmasca/at. S/mmeata/ 6a//s wete aeac/et {acetage co/d catcass s/de
we/gat ftom S/mmeata/ 6a//s was !5I kg cs !4I kg ftom 8towa 6a//s/ at tae same
petceatage of tota/ catcass fat {!0.5 X/. 8teed aas ao effect oa petceatage of sa6-
cataaeoas aad /atetmasca/at fat t/ssae aot oa petceatage of sa6cataaeoas fat ftom
tota/ catcass fat. S/mmeata/ 6a//s aad a/gaet {p<0.05/ sa6cataaeoas fat petceata-
ge {sa6cataaeoas fat /a tae cat / tota/ fat /a tae cat/ /a 6t/sket aad f/aak aad /owet
{p<0.05/ /a saoa/det taaa 8towa 6a//s.
8e,-wotds. catt/e, d/stt/6at/oa, fat t/ssae, cats
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 12O-123
The cuts were dissected iuto musc|e, subcuta-
ueous fat, iutermuscu|ar fat, teudou aud boue, aud per-
ceutage of tissues were ca|cu|ated. Meaus aud stau-
dard deviatiou forage at s|aughter, carcass side weight
aud carcass tissue compositiou are preseuted iu
Tab|e 1. The average carcass side weight was 161 12
lg for Simmeuta| aud 141 1O lg for 8rowu bu||s,
though the 8rowu bu||s were oue mouth aud a ha|f o|der
at s|aughter thau Simmeuta| bu||s. So if simi|ar birth
weight is assumed, Simmeuta| bu||s had higher growth
rate thau 8rowu bu||s. The perceutage of |eau meat was
s|ight|y higher iu 8rowu bu||s (1O.82 vs. 1O.33 iu
Simmeuta| bu||s), whereas the perceutage of tota| car-
cass fat was |ower aud of boue higher iu 8rowu bu||s.
Statistica| aua|ysis was performed by SAS statisti-
ca| paclage (SAS, 1999) with 6LM procedure. 8reed
was iuc|uded as a fixed effect aud the perceutage of
carcass fat as a covariate withiu breed iu the mode|.
heuce the comparisou betweeu breeds was made at
the same degree of fatuess (1O.5 carcass fat).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
lu Tab|e 2 the carcass compositiou of Simmeuta|
aud 8rowu bu||s at the same carcass fatuess is pre-
seuted. At the same perceutage of tota| carcass fat the
Simmeuta| bu||s had co|d carcass side weight heavier
by 2O lg, a higher perceutage of |eau meat aud a |ower
perceutage of boue (p<O.O5). Simi|ar resu|ts were
reported a|so by Koge| aud A|ps (1918). They reported
|ower carcass weight aud higher fat perceutage iu the
carcasses for 8rowu bu||s compared to Simmeuta| bu||s
at the same age.
Simmeuta| bu||s had a|so higher (p<O.O5) amouut
of subcutaueous aud iutermuscu|ar fat iu the carcass.
The perceutage of subcutaueous fat from the carcass
aud from the tota| carcass fat iu Simmeuta| bu||s did uot
differ betweeu breeds. The subcutaueous fat represeut-
ed s|ight|y more thau oue quarter of tota| carcass fat
(26.4O iu 8rowu aud 21.41 Simmeuta| bu||s).
Compared with the data from 8erg aud 8utterfie|d
(1916), who reported much higher perceutage of subcu-
taueous fat for Augus aud hereford steers (from arouud
3O to more theu 5O ), these va|ues are re|ative|y |ow.
Iab|o 1. 6arcass s|do wo|ght aod t|ssuo compos|t|oo
F|guro 1. |ssoct|oo oI r|ght carcass s|do: |og (1},
h|od shaok (2}, |o|o (3}, back (4}, I|aok (5}, r|b (6}, too-
dor|o|o (7}, shou|dor (8}, Iroot shaok (9}, chuck (10},
r|b roast (11} aod br|skot (12}
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 12O-123
leverthe|ess, the tota| amouut of subcutaueous aud
iutermuscu|ar fat was much higher iu their experimeut.
We made a comparisou at the same perceutage of
tota| carcass fat as au iudicator of physio|ogica| age or
auima| maturity to e|imiuate these effects as far as pos-
sib|e. lt seems that a breed has ou|y a miuor or uo effect
ou carcass fat distributiou. A|so Robe|iu et a|. (1918)
paid atteutiou to the basis of comparisou, age, weight,
musc|e+boue weight aud fat weight. Ear|ier matured
auima|s had more deve|oped subcutaueous fat at the
same age or weight. Thus, at the same who|e body fatty
tissue weight the Friesiau bu||s exhibited more subcuta-
ueous fat thau Charo|ais aud Limousiu (Robe|iu et a|.,
1918). At the same time Robe|iu et a|. (1918) cou|d uot
fiud auy differeuces iu a||ometric growth coefficieuts for
subcutaueous aud iutermuscu|ar fat wheu compared
with who|e carcass fat tissue growth iu the above meu-
tioued breeds from 12O to 65O lg of body weight.
Coutrary to breed, tota| carcass fat had siguificaut
effect ou carcass fat partitiou. With iucreased tota| car-
cass fat perceutage, the perceutage of subcutaueous fat
iu the carcass as we|| as iu the tota| carcass fat
iucreased (positive regressiou coefficieut for carcass fat
perceutage uot showu).
lu Tab|e 3 the perceutage of subcutaueous fat iu
differeut carcass cuts from tota| fat iu the cut is pre-
seuted. Most of the cuts did uot differ iu the perceutage
of subcutaueous fat betweeu breeds. Statistica||y sigui-
ficaut (p<O.O5) differeuces were fouud ou|y iu shou|der,
brislet aud f|aul. Simmeuta| bu||s had a |ower perceu-
tage of subcutaueous fat iu the shou|der aud a higher
perceutage iu brislet aud f|aul. 8rislet aud f|aul are
a|so the cuts that coutaiued the |argest perceutage of
tota| fat (iutermuscu|ar + subcutaueous), aud this cou|d
be the reasou for breed differeuces observatiou.
The preseuted resu|ts assumed that the differeuces
iu fat tissue distributiou betweeu iutermuscu|ar aud sub-
cutaueous fat depots iu Simmeuta| aud 8rowu bu||s at
the same degree of fatuess were re|ative|y sma|| aud
ueg|igib|e. Simmeuta| bu||s had a higher perceutage of
subcutaueous fat iu the carcass aud iu the tota| carcass
fat, but the differeuce were uot statistica||y (p<O.O5)
siguificaut. Simmeuta| bu||s exhibited a |ower perceuta-
ge of subcutaueous fat iu shou|der aud a higher perceu-
tage iu brislet aud f|aul.
Iab|o 2. 6arcass compos|t|oo oI 8|mmoota| aod rowo bu||s at tho samo porcootago oI tho tota| carcass Iat
Iab|o 3. Forcootago oI subcutaooous Iat (subcutaooous Iat |o tho cut / tota| Iat |o tho cut} |o d|IIoroot
carcass cuts (I8MEANr8EE}
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 12O-123
1. Augustiui, C. Temisau, V., Luddeu, L. (1981):
Sch|achtwert: 6ruudbegriffe uud Erfassuug. lu:
Riudf|eisch, Sch|achtlorperwert uud F|eischqua|itat.
lustitut fur F|eischer/euguug uud Vermarltuug,
Ku|mbach, 8uudesausta|t fur F|eischforschuug, 28-54.
2. 8erg, R.T., 8utterfie|d, R.M. (1916): Fat: its growth
aud distributiou iu catt|e. lu: lew coucepts of catt|e
growth. Tay|or, C.S. (ed.), Syduey, Syduey uuiversity
Press, 143-115.
3. 8ergeu, R, Mi||er, S.P., Wi|tou, J.W., Maude||, l.8.
(2OO6): 6euetic corre|atious betweeu |ive year|iug bu||
aud steer carcass traits adjusted to differeut s|aughter
eud poiuts. 2. Carcass fat partitiouiug. Jourua| of
Auima| Scieuce 84:558-566.
4. Johusou, h.R, 8utterfie|d, R.M., Pryor W.J. (1912):
Studies of fat distributiou iu the boviue carcass. l. The
partitiou of fatty tissues betweeu depots. Austra|iau
Jourua| of Agricu|tura| Research 23: 381-388.
5. Koge|, S., A|ps, h. (1918): Carcass compositiou of dif-
fereut breeds. lu: Patterus of growth aud deve|opmeut
iu catt|e. 0e 8oer, h., Martiu J. (eds.), The hague,
Martiuus lijhoff, 515-522.
6. Robe|iu, J., 6eay, Y, 8ouaiti, 8. (1918): 6euetic varia-
tiou iu growth aud body compositiou of ma|e catt|e. lu:
Patterus of growth aud deve|opmeut iu catt|e. 0e
8oer, h., Martiu J. (eds.), The hague, Martiuus
lijhoff, 441-46O.
1. SAS (1999): SAS/ STAT user's, Versiou 6. Cary, lC,
uSA, SAS lustitute luc.
8. Wi||iams, 0.R. (1918): Partitiou aud distributiou of
fatty tissues. lu: Patterus of growth aud deve|opmeut
iu catt|e. 0e 8oer, h., Martiu J. (eds.), The hague,
Martiuus lijhoff, 219-229.
(Received ou 14 May 2OO1, accepted ou 24 May 2OO1)
S. c| e|. a|.. FAI II88E I8IIII0N EIWEEN 86IANE08 AN ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 12O-123
The 8ur|iua (8uR) is |oca| dairy catt|e breed reared
iu lorth-East lta|y, it is a sma|| si/ed auima| with b|acl
spotted coat, we|| adapted to |ive iu difficu|t euvirou-
meut as margiua| mouutaiu areas thaul to its good gra-
/iug characteristics. 8uR is maiu|y fouud iu the mouu-
taiu area of Veueto regiou (0e| 8o et a|., 2OO1) where it
has a|ways beeu reared aud appreciated by |oca| far-
mers. 0espite of that, the 8uR popu|atiou was a|most
destroyed duriug the First Wor|d War aud |ater, duriug
the 193O's - 4O's. Severa| actious were carried out to
rep|ace it with the more productive aud widespread
8rowu Swiss (8SW) aud ho|steiu Friesiau (hFR). The
uumber of auima|s drastica||y decreased siuce 198O it
has beeu euro||ed iu the lta|iau herd 8ool of |oca|
breeds. lowadays, about 35O cows are euro||ed, most
of them |ocated iu the Treviso aud Viceu/a proviuces of
lta|y (AlA, 2OO6). Receut|y, iuterest iu 8uR has
iucreased because it cau exp|oit mouutaiu pasture bet-
ter thau 8SW aud hFR, aud thus is better ab|e to safe-
guard pastures iu the uustab|e aud fragi|e mouutaiu
euviroumeut (Co//i et a|., 2OO4). lu |ess productive
farms, 8uR cau achieve higher productiou thau hFR
which requires higher iuputs to perform optima| resu|ts
(8ittaute et a|., 1992).
lu additiou, typica| cheese ca||ed Mor|acco traditio-
ua||y from 8uR mi|l has beeu produced. lt is a raw
who|e mi|l cheese, preferab|y obtaiued from cows at
pasture to achieve a specia| herbs f|avor. The stroug |iul
amoug product, breed aud euviroumeut cou|d be a start-
iug poiut for imp|emeutiug a couservatiou program for
8uR iu its uative area where it cau perform better aud
its breediug cou|d become profitab|e aud competitive.
Aim of this study was the productive aud geuetic cha-
racteri/atiou of the 8uR breed iu comparisou with the
cosmopo|itau hFR aud 8SW. The productive characteri-
/atiou was carried out by co||ectiug data ou mi|l yie|d
aud qua|ity. The geuetic characteri/atiou was performed
usiug 12 microsate||ite (STR) marlers iu order to study
the geuetic variabi|ity of the breed aud its geuetic dis-
tiuctuess. The co||ected iuformatiou represeuted the
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:636.O82
0a/ata 0a/c/t, 8. 0a/ Zotto, M. 0e Matca/, M. 0assaadto
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae 8at//aa {8J8/ /s a /oca/ /ta//aa catt/e 6teed, /ts ma/a featate /s to 6e a sma//
s/ted aa/ma/ we// adapted to //ce /a d/ff/ca/t eac/toameat saca as moaata/a ateas.
Nowada,s oa/, 350 cows ate eato//ed /a tae /ta//aa hetd 8ook dae to /ts sa6st/ta-
t/oa 6, mote ptodact/ce 6teeds. Ia/s stad, ptoposes a paeaot,p/c aad geaet/c caa-
tactet/tat/oa of tae 8J8 6teed /a compat/soa w/ta ho/ste/a Ft/es/aa {hF8/ aad
8towa Sw/ss {8SW/. Iae compat/soa of ptodact/ce tta/ts saowed /owet ptodact/oa
taaa hF8 aad 8SW as we// as /oaget ptodact/ce //fe aad mote facoata6/e tepto-
dact/ce tta/ts /a 8J8 aa/ma/s. Iae geaet/c aaa/,ses, petfotmed 6, m/ctosate///tes
matkets, saowed tae a/ga /ece/ of aetetot,gos/t, aad tae geaet/c d/st/act/ceaess
of 8J8. Iaese f/ad/ags apptoce tae feas/6///t, of a coasetcat/oa scaeme aad sag-
gest tae ptof/ta6///t, of 6teed/ag 8J8, espec/a//, /a d/ff/ca/t eac/toameat waete tae
/ow ptodact/oa caa 6e compeasated 6, /oagec/t, aad tae ecoaom/c /oss 6, tae
added ca/ae of /ts t,p/ca/ da/t, ptodact/oa.
8e,-wotds. 8at//aa catt/e 6teed, geaet/c caatactet/tat/oa, coasetcat/oa
C||a|a 0a|.|| ||0. s|cde|. ||0. ||cca|dc 0a| c||c 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|.
||0. Vass|cc 0e Va|c|| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. ||0. Va|||c Cassad|c
||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c| |adc.a 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece l|a|e
de||J|.e|s||j 0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 124-121
first step for estab|ishiug the feasibi|ity of a couserva-
tiou scheme for the safeguard of the 8uR breed.
Froduct|vo aod roproduct|vo tra|ts
0ata from the lta|iau latioua| 8reeders Associatiou
were co||ected for the characteri/atiou of productive aud
reproductive traits from 1986 to 2OO2. 0ata, referred to
herds |ocated iu the Treviso lta|iau proviuce where 8uR
is maiu|y reared, aud iuc|uded iuformatiou ou the three
studied breeds: 8uR, hFR aud 8SW. The co||ected data
were: uumber of coutro||ed cows, uumber of c|osed |ac-
tatious, productiou (mi|l yie|d, fat aud proteiu perceuta-
ge), age at first ca|viug, average age at ca|viug, days
opeu, |actatiou period aud uumber of iusemiuatious.
0escriptive statistics were ca|cu|ated for each trait per
year iu order to characteri/e 8uR iu comparisou to hFR
aud 8SW.
ooot|c charactor|zat|oo
The dataset cousisted of 153 b|ood samp|es be|ou-
giug to the three dairy catt|e breeds: 8uR (u ~ 8O), hFR
(u ~ 29) aud 8SW (u ~ 44). Samp|es were co||ected iu
differeut farms to obtaiu a represeutative samp|e from
uure|ated auima|s. 8|ood samp|es were co||ected from
each auima| iu 5 m| vacutaiuar tubes coutaiuiug sodium
citrate as auticoagu|aut, aud stored at -2OC uuti| aua|y-
sed. 0lA extractiou was carried out emp|oyiug the
"6eutra System PuRE6ElE 0lA purificatiou lit" start-
iug from 3OO | of who|e b|ood. 0lA samp|es were theu
amp|ified by PCR iu correspoudeuce of the fo||owiug 12
STR |oci: 8M1818, ETh185, MM12, T6LA126, 8M2O3,
T6LA122, RM12, lLSTOO8, SPS115, 8L42, ETh3 aud
T6LA53 (amp|ificatiou protoco|s avai|ab|e ou request).
The studied |oci were choseu iu order to have high po|y-
morphic marlers spread a|| over the geuome. A||e|e si/e
was determiued with a Perliu E|mer A8l Prism 313OXL
6euetic Aua|y/er, usiug 6eueScau 2.O aud 6euotyper
3.1 software (Perliu E|mer). The obtaiued resu|ts were
theu used to perform statistica| aua|ysis as fo||ows.
A||e|ic frequeucies, observed aud expected hetero/ygo-
sity, were ca|cu|ated usiug the software 6euetix 4.O5.2
(8e|lhir et a|., 1996-2OO4). The Fstat 2.9.3 program
(6oudet, 1995) was emp|oyed iu ca|cu|atious of meau
uumber of a||e|es, a||e|ic richuess, aud |-statistics esti-
mates (Weir aud Coclerham, 1984) iu the tota| samp|e,
aud per breed. Tests for deviatiou from hardy-Weiuberg
(h-W) equi|ibrium aud for popu|atiou differeutiatiou
were performed by the 6ElEP0P 3.4 software
(Raymoud aud Rousset, 1995).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Froduct|vo aod roproduct|vo charactor|zat|oo
Tab|e 1 aud 2 show the descriptive statistics of
productive aud reproductive traits iu the three studied
breeds, from 1986 to 2OO2, iu the Treviso lta|iau proviu-
ce. First of a||, it is worth observiug that 8uR breed suf-
fered a drastic decrease iu the uumber of coutro||ed aui-
ma|s whi|e hFR registered a stroug iucrease. These data
are the resu|t of the se|ectiou goa| of past years, based
C. 0a|.|| e|. a|.. ENEII6 AN F06IIvE 6hAA6IEIZAII0N 0F IhE IINA ...
Iab|o 2. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs oI roproduct|vo tra|ts |o tho ur||oa (}, ho|sto|o Fr|os|ao (hF} aod rowo
8w|ss (8W} broods
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs oI product|vo tra|ts |o tho ur||oa (}, ho|sto|o Fr|os|ao (hF} aod rowo
8w|ss (8W} broods
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 124-121
ou improviug productiou. lu this way productive breeds
such as hFR gradua||y substituted |ess productive oues
such as 8uR. With respect to productiou, 8uR is the
|east productive breed with ou|y ha|f of the mi|l produc-
tiou of hFR iu 2OO2. however, iu 1986 differeuces
amoug productious were uot as cousiderab|e as uowa-
days, meauiug, that uo stroug se|ectiou has beeu car-
ried out iu the 8uR breed duriug these years. Mi|l qua-
|ity is comparab|e betweeu 8uR aud hFR whi|e, as
expected, 8SW mi|l showed better characteristics.
Reproductive traits showed a sharp worseuiug iu
the hFR aud, iu a sma||er amouut, a|so iu the 8SW
duriug the past years. Eveu if deterioratiou has beeu
observed a|so iu 8uR, its reproductive traits remaiu the
best amoug these breeds. lu particu|ar, the average age
at ca|viug is much higher thau iu hFR aud 8SW. lt
meaus that 8uR productiou's |ife is |ouger, days opeu as
we|| seems to be more favourab|e iu 8uR beiug, iu
2OO2, 5O days shorter thau the hFR. usiug data of 2OO2
it is possib|e to estimate the quautity of mi|l produced
iu the who|e cow's career. Estimatious of c|ose |acta-
tious are 2.1O for 8uR aud 1.93 for hFR correspoudiug
to 12158 aud 16135 lg of mi|l respective|y with a diffe-
reuce of 21. These estimates suggest that, eveu if
8uR productiou is very |ow, iu the who|e career it is
acceptab|e. lt is worth meutiouiug that these estimates
did uot accouut for costs re|ated to maiuteuauce aud
productiou requiremeut that are |ower iu the 8uR bred
due to its sma||er si/e.
ooot|c charactor|zat|oo
Aua|ysis of the 12 STR permitted the detectiou of
96 a||e|es raugiug from 2 (RM12 aud lLSTOO8), to 15
(T6LA122) a||e|es per |ocus with au average of 8. The
a||e|ic richuess (estimate of the uumber of a||e|es per
|ocus corrected by samp|e si/e) was ca|cu|ated, 8uR
aud hFR showed the highest uumber of a||e|es per |ocus
(6.O3 aud 5.99 respective|y) whi|e 8SW the |owest
(5.O6). Va|ues of observed aud expected hetero/ygosity
are showu iu Tab|e 3.
8ur|iua was the breed showiug the highest variabi-
|ity whi|e 8SW the |owest, differeuces betweeu
observed aud expected va|ues were ueither siguificaut
iu auy of the cousidered breeds uor iu the who|e popu-
|atiou, meauiug that h-W equi|ibrium was respected.
hetero/ygosity estimates obtaiued for the 8uR breed
were moderate to high aud cousisteut with the va|ue
reported by 0e| 8o et a|. (2OO1) iu a study ou catt|e
breeds. These resu|ts are favorab|e for the imp|emeuta-
tiou of couservatiou programs. high variabi|ity estima-
tes have beeu detected a|so iu other |oca| catt|e breeds
(Reudo et a|., 2OO4, 6iovambattista et a|., 2OO1) sugge-
stiug that sma|| |oca| popu|atious have couserved more
variabi|ity because they were uot uuder stroug se|ec-
tiou. Estimates of Wright's |-statistics fouud out quite
|ow homo/ygote excess iu the who|e popu|atiou (F
8.5), due ou|y to differeuces iu geue frequeucies
amoug breeds aud uot to a homo/ygote excess withiu
them (F
~ O.OO). Such resu|t was uuexpected accor-
diug to the |iterature. As usua||y, a certaiu amouut of
homo/ygote excess has a|ways beeu detected (Jordaua
et a|., 2OO3, Ciampo|iui et a|., 2OO6). 0ur fiudiugs cou|d
be exp|aiued by the fact that iu other studies deviatiou
from h-W expectatious were observed iu mauy |oci
whi|e, iu our case, most of them were iu equi|ibrium
both iu the who|e samp|e aud iu each breed (data uot
showu). The estimates of Wright's |-statistics are
showu iu Tab|e 4. 0u|y 8SW preseuted a certaiu excess
of homo/ygote whi|e 8uR aud hFR showed very |ow F
va|ues. homo/ygote excess iu 8uR was remarlab|y |ow
if compared with what fouud iu other studies report ou
|oca| breeds (Moio|i et a|., 2OO6), which imp|ies that
8uR has maiutaiued most of its origiua| variatiou, a
good startiug poiut for the deve|opmeut of a couserva-
tiou program. however, these resu|ts were partia||y due
to the preseuce of a siguificaut hetero/ygote excess at
T6LA126 |ocus iu both 8uR aud hFR breeds. For this
reasou ca|cu|atiou were performed agaiu exc|udiug
T6LA126 |ocus, F
estimates iucreased iu a|| the stu-
died breeds but it was sti|| |ow iu 8uR (O.OO1).
Estimates of F
showed that most of the popu|a-
tiou variauce was exp|aiued by iudividua| variabi|ity
whi|e 8.5 was exp|aiued by the preseuce of breeds,
accordiug to iu |iterature fiudiugs (Schmid et a|., 1999,
Jordaua et a|., 2OO3). 6euetic distauces were measured
by pair-wise F
8SW was the most differeutiated whi|e
the 8uR-hFR pair was most simi|ar. lu their study ou
A|piue catt|e breeds 0e| 8o et a|. (2OO1) a|so fouud 8uR
126 C. 0a|.|| e|. a|.. ENEII6 AN F06IIvE 6hAA6IEIZAII0N 0F IhE IINA ...
Iab|o 3. Numbor oI samp|od ao|ma|s, obsorvod aod
oxpoctod hotorozygos|ty por brood:
ur||oa (}, ho|sto|o Fr|os|ao (hF} aod
rowo 8w|ss (8W}, avoragod ovora|| 12
Iab|o 4. F|xat|oo |od|cos. ooot|c d|staocos
botwooo broods moasurod by F8I (abovo
d|agooa|}, aod FI8 (|obrood|og w|th|o
broods} oo d|agooa| |o tho stud|od broods:
ur||oa (}, ho|sto|o Fr|os|ao (hF} aod
rowo 8w|ss (8W}
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 124-121
to be the breed showiug the |owest distauce from hFR.
however, test for popu|atiou differeutiatiou stated that
geue frequeucies amoug breeds were high|y siguificaut
(P < O.OO1).
lu couc|usiou, this study demoustrated the feasibi-
|ity of a couservatiou programme for the 8uR breed. lts
couservatiou appears importaut due to some very
favourab|e features |ile a |oug productive |ife aud good
ferti|ity. Moreover, imp|emeutatiou of a couservatiou
scheme seems to be possib|e due to the moderate-high
va|ues of hetero/ygosity aud the |ow homo/ygote
Authors wish to thaul Si|via Miote||o aud the
8reeders Associatiou of Treviso Proviuce.
1. A.l.A. (2OO6): Mi|l recordiug activity: 0fficia|
Statistics. lta|iau 8reeders Associatiou (A.l.A.), Roma,
2. 8e|lhir, K., 8orsa, P., Chilhi, L., Raufaste, l.,
8ouhomme, F. (1996-2OO4): 6ElETlX 4.O5, |ogicie|
sous Wiudows TM pour |a gutique des popu|atious.
Laboratoire 6uome, Popu|atious, luteractious, ClRS
uMR 5OOO, uuiversit de Moutpe||ier ll, Moutpe||ier
(Frauce). Avai|ab|e at: http://www.geuetix.uuiv-
3. 8ittaute, 6., Xiccato, 6., 0ebattisti, P., Caruier, P.
(1992): Presta/ioui produttive e riproduttive di boviue
di ra//a 8ur|iua, Frisoua e Meticce a||evate iu ambieu-
te pedemoutauo. Zootecuia e lutri/ioue Auima|e
XVlll: u.3-4
4. Ciampo|iui, R., Cetica, V., Ciaui, E., Mo//auti, E.,
Fose||a, X., Marroui, F., 8iagetti, M., Sebastiaui, C.,
Papa, P., Fi|ippiui, 6., Ciauci, 0., Presciuttiui, S.
(2OO6): Statistica| aua|ysis of iudividua| assigumeut
tests amoug four catt|e breeds usiug fifteeu STR |oci.
Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 84:11-19.
5. Co//i, 6., Trevisau, L., 6ottardo, F., Rigoui Steru, 6.
(2OO4): uu discip|iuare per |a gestioue deg|i a|peggi
ue||'A|topiauo di Asiago ue| rispetto de||'ambieute e
de||e esigeu/e uutri/ioua|i de||a vacca da |atte. lu: l|
sistema de||e ma|ghe a|piue. Aspetti agro-/ootecuici,
paesaggistici e turistici. 0uaderui SoZooA|p 1:131-
6. 0e| 8o, L., Po||i, M., Lougeri, M., Ceriotti, 6., Looft, C.,
8arre-0irie, A., 0o|f, 6., Cauotti, M. (2OO1): 6euetic
diversity amoug some catt|e breeds iu the A|piue area.
Jourua| of Auima| 8reediug aud 6euetics, 118:311-
1. 6iovambattista, 6., Ripo|i, M.V., Pera|-6arcia, P.,
8ou/at, J.L. (2OO1): ludigeuous domestic breeds as
reservoirs of geuetic diversity: the Argeutiueau Creo|e
catt|e. Auima| 6euetics 32:24O-241.
8. 6oudet, J. (1995): FSTAT (versiou 1.2): a computer
program to ca|cu|ate F statistics. Jourua| of heredity,
86(5): 485-486.
9. Jordaua, J., A|exaudriuo, P., 8eja-Pereira, A., 8essa,
l., Caxou, J., Carretero, Y., 0uuuer, S., La|oe, 0.,
Moa/ami-6oudar/i, K., Sauche/, A., Ferraud, l.
(2OO3): 6euetic structure of eighteeu |oca| south
Europeau beef catt|e breeds by comparative |-statis-
tics aua|ysis. Jourua| of Auima| 8reediug aud
6euetics, 12O:13-81.
1O. Moio|i, 8., lapo|itauo, F., Cati||o, 6. (2OO4): 6euetic
diversity betweeu Piedmoutese, Maremmaua, aud
Podo|ica catt|e breeds. Jourua| of heredity, 95:25O-
11. Raymoud, M., Rousset, F. (1995): 6ElEP0P (versiou
1.2): popu|atiou geuetics software for exact tests aud
ecumeuicism. Jourua| of heredity, 86: 248-249.
12. Reudo, F., lrioudo, M., Jugo, 8.M., Aguirre, A., Ma/u,
L.l., Vicario, A., 6me/, M., Estouba, A. (2OO4):
Aua|ysis of the geuetic structure of eudaugered bovi-
ue breeds from the Westeru Pyreuees usiug 0lA
microsate||ite marlers. 8iochemica| 6euetics, 42:99-
13. Schmid, M., Saitbelova, l., 6ai||ard, C., 0o|f, 6.
(1999): 6euetic diversity iu Swiss catt|e breeds.
Jourua| of Auima| 8reediug aud 6euetics 116: 1-8.
14. Weir, 8.S., Coclerham, C.C. (1984): Estimatiug |sta-
tistics with specia| regard to system of matiug.
Evo|utiou 38:1358-131O.
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
C. 0a|.|| e|. a|.. ENEII6 AN F06IIvE 6hAA6IEIZAII0N 0F IhE IINA ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 124-121
lu history, arabiau horses have were a|ways luowu
as beautifu|, iute||igeut, brave, romautic aud |oya| breeds
(ai, 2OO5a). As the o|dest breed, arabiau horses are
the ou|y true geuuiue thoroughbred. To preserve aud
iucrease the qua|ity, the breediug has to be guided the
same as origiuated: c|osed aud iu high |eve| of credibi-
|ity. That liud of breediug resu|ted iu |ow |eve| of geue-
tic variabi|ity, euab|iug domiuatiou of arabiau horses iu
auy other breediug.
lu our couutry arab breed is the o|dest breed of
horses aud accordiug to data first breediug was fouuded
iu year 1314 iu the bishop Stud Farm iu alovo with 1O
mares aud oue sta||iou (ai, 2OO5b). lu the Repub|ic of
Croatia, arabiau popu|atiou of horses cousists of three
popu|atious: traditioua| arab horses as the |argest
(81.5), araber popu|atiou as the midd|e iu si/e (9.5)
aud pure arab popu|atiou as the sma||est (9), beiug the
object of this research.
0u the territory of the Repub|ic of Croatia arabiau
breediug vauished at the eud of 19 ceutury. Reviva| of
breediug started at the begiuuiug of 9Os. lu the |ast few
years, iuterest of breeders as we|| as the treud of uume-
rica| streugth records have beeu iucreased most|y as a
resu|t of horse import.
The stud Farm "Sargo" from aavica was a pio-
ueer of siguificaut import of pure arab horses, that are
most|y fouuders of today's breediug. Receut|y time this
ro|e has beeu taleu by PZ ,Stud Farm Visujica" from
Visujica uear S|atiua.
Pure arab horses are ou|y bred iu pure b|ood aud at
the eud this popu|atiou is fiua|. lt is very importaut from
the very begiuuiug to male moderu breediug program
aud systematica||y avoid possibi|ity of iubreediug
depressiou which cou|d pro|oug se|ectiou respouse to
setup goa|, most|y due to re|ative|y sma|| popu|atiou.
This popu|atiou is at the begiuuiug of its deve|opmeut
aimiug to breed horses with high exterior characteristic
aud usage abi|ity.
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.11:636.O82
M. a/
, N. 8ota6/
, M/tjaaa 8a6aa
, 0. 1aks/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Pate ata6 6teed/ag /a tae 8epa6//c of 0toat/a aas cet, /oag ttad/t/oa. I/// tae !8
ceatat, otgaa/ted 6teed/ag was /mp/emeated oa/, /a 6/saop Stad Fatm akoco.
4ftetwatds pate ata6 6teed/ag was /mp/emeated /a maa, pt/cate Stad Fatms
most/, /ocated /a S/acoa/aa aad St/jem teg/oa. Pate ata6, ttad/t/oaa/ ata6 aad ata-
6et {ata6tasse/ popa/at/oa of aotses make togetaet ata6/aa 6teed/ag /a tae
8epa6//c of 0toat/a. Namet/ca/ stteagta of taese tatee popa/at/oas aas /acteas/ag
ttead tatoaga oat tae ,eats. F/tst /mpotts wa/ca wete gtoaad fot foaadat/oa of pate
ata6 6teed/ag /a 0toat/a tea//ted /a ,eat !99!. Ioda,, popa/at/oa of pate ata6 6tee-
d/ag coaat 3I aead, ftom wa/ca 28 /s /mpotted aad 9 6ota /a 0toat/a. Ped/gtee
depta /a 4, 5, 5, I, 8, 9 aad !0 geaetat/oa saow acetage coeff/c/eat of /a6teed/ag
of !.899X, 3.!5X, 4.4!3X, 5.434X, 5.243X, 5.9I4X aad I.552X. 4ccotd/ag to
geaea/og, /a a// ped/gtee deptas, coeff/c/eat of /a6teed/ag was a/gaet {P < 0.0!/
/a /mpotted ata6 aotses taaa /a taose 6ota /a 0toat/a.
8e,-wotds. pate ata6, 0toat/a, 6teed/ag dece/opmeat, /a6teed/ag
S|ced |esc||s cace cc| c| sc|e||||c c|c|ec| 4a|jce ad ee||c |cc|c
.ece| c| scc|| |c|se ||eeds | C|ca||a ccdcc|ed | scccc|| c| ||e
V||s||j c| sc|ece edcca||c ad scc|| | ||e |ecc|||c c| C|ca||a.
(l VSc. Va|c a| ||da| |c|a|| 5Sc. C|ca||a ||.es|cc| Ce||e |||ca
0 0000 a|e| C|ca||a (2l ||0. V|||aa 5a|a 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|
|acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e 9s||e| I| S.e|c I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e| (3l
0ac|| Ja|s| 5Sc. 4||cc||c|a| Cccce|a||.e S|cd |a|c l|s||ca c.c. 04
l|s||ca |.|. 33520 S|a||a C|ca||a. eca||. ccac|c@|e|.||
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 128-131
lubreediug appears wheu c|ose|y re|ated iudivi-
dua|s copu|ate (Crow aud Kimura, 191O). Copu|ate iudi-
vidua|s have oue or more commou aucestors maliug
iubreediug re|ated to the sum of aucestors represeuted
iu its pareutage. Two iudividua|s with commou aucestor
cau carry oue ore more aucestors a||e|es (Fa|couer,
1989). lubreediug coefficieut of the iudividua| is au ave-
rage possibi|ity that two a||e|es of |ocus are ideutica| to
offspriug. 0ue of cousequeuces of iubreediug is
iucrease homo/ygote aud decrease hetero/ygote
geuotypes iu popu|atiou (Fa|clouer aud McKay, 1996).
lu fiua| popu|atiou, iubreediug is uuavoidab|e process
whi|e it is uot possib|e to avoid copu|atiou of iudividua|s
that dou't posses oue or more ideutica| aucestors iu
their geueratious. Se|ectiou respouse iu c|osed breediug
is compeusated with iubreediug resu|tiug iu reduced
geuetic variabi|ity for distaut se|ectiou aud cau cause
iubreediug depressiou iu performauce. This fact shou|d
be cousidered who|e desiguiug breediug program
(6ama aud Smith, 1993).
lubreediug is ofteu the subject of research iu horse
breediug aud mauy authors fiud corre|atiou betweeu
iubreediug aud performauce. The iuf|ueuce ou reproduc-
tiou parameters is fouud by Mu||er et a|. (1981a, 1981b,
1981c), Mahou aud Chuuuiugham (1982), K|emetsda|
aud Johusou (1989) etc., corre|atiou to morpho|ogica|
parameters is fouud by 6audiui et a| (1992), 0o|vil aud
K|emetsda| (1994) etc., to performauce by K|emetsda|
(1998) aud Mu||er et a|. (1981a, 1981b, 1981c).
Research iuc|uded a|| 31 pure breed arab horses of
both geuder aud a|| age categories, registered iu
Croatiau register. lubreediug aua|ysis was couducted iu
pedigree depth of 4 to 1O geueratiou. Statistica| aua|y-
sis aud resu|t review was made by statistica| paclage
TesioPower 5.O, Versiou 5.O (2OO2) aud Microsoft
0ffice Exce|, Microsoft 0ffice Professioua| Editiou
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Pure arab popu|atiou iu the Repub|ic of Croatia
iuc|udes 31 head, 2O ma|e aud 11 fema|e. The who|e
popu|atiou males 28 imported auima|s aud other 9 were
boru iu Croatia. First auima| of pure arab breed was
imported iu 1991. The most iuteusive import was recor-
ded iu 2OO6 (Figure 1). Most of the horses were impor-
ted from huugary aud S|oveuia (Figure 2).
First pure arab foa| boru iu Croatia was sta||iou
Salar lbu Zarla, boru ou 26 May 1998, by Austra|iau
sta||iou Zarla (1993) aud Tuuisiau mare Ziada (1991).
Siuce that year ti|| the begiuuiug of 2OO1, 8 more foa|s
were boru maliug tota| of 9 Croatiau boru foa|s (Figure
8reediug iuc|udes 11 |iue bred arab horses, aud
they are as fo||ows: Kehai|au Abu Argub (216 Semrie,
1896), Schechau (6O Adju/e, 1816), Mauaghi (81 6|u|e,
1852), Shuweymah Saabah (Chrifa, 1869), 0ahmau
um Amr of lbu hemsi (0ahma, 1816), 0bayau (0e|i|ah,
1893), 0ahmau Shahwau (E| 0ahma, 1819), Kehai|au
Aju/ (6a/e||a), Seg|awi Jedrau of lbu Soudau (6ha/ieh),
Kehai|au Je||abi (Je||abiet Feysu|), S|awuta (Mi|ordla,
181O), Muraua l, 18O8., Kehai|au Rodau (Rodauia,
1869), Kehai|au Moradi (Sahara), Kehai|au Aju/
(Samaria, 1882), hadbau Eu/ahi (Veuus) aud Kehai|au
Aju/ Ras E| Fedawi (Wi|d Thyme, 1816). Liue breediug
Kehai|au Moradi (Sahara) is the most represeuted with
1 horses or perceutage of 18.92 (Figure 4).
V. a| e|. a|.. ENEII6 ANAI8I8 0F FE AAIAN EEIN IN IhE EFII6 ...
F|guro 1. Import oI puro arab horsos |oto 6roat|a by yoars
F|guro 2. Numbor oI |mportod puro arab horsos by couotry
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 128-131
Siuce the popu|atiou is re|ative|y sma|| it is very
importaut to research coefficieut of iubreediug. Leve| of
iubreediug depeudiug ou pedigree depth was from the
sma||est perceutage of O iu a|| pedigree depths, except
iu the depth of 1O geueratious. The highest |eve| of
iubreediug was recorded betweeu 14.O6 ou four to
29.83 ou 1O geueratious of aucestors (Tab|e 1).
Comparisou of iubreediug coefficieut iu sex sho-
wed uo statistica||y siguificaut differeuce iu ma|e or
fema|e horses (Figure 5).
Comparisou of subpopu|atiou boru iu Croatia aud
imported pure arab horses showed statistica||y siguifi-
caut higher coefficieut of iubreediug (P < O.O1) iu aui-
ma| imported iu Croatia iu a|| pedigree depths (Figure
lt shou|d be poiuted out that Croatiau popu|atiou
showed higher average |eve| of iubreediug compared to
resu|ts of 6a/der (1954) iu Americau arab breediug.
Except the |ower |eve| of iubreediug iu Americau bree-
diug, Croatiau popu|atiou showed wider rauge of varia-
tiou compared to Americau popu|atiou (1.41 - 2.84).
Compared to research of iubreediug iu other breeds,
resu|ts of this Croatiau breediug research show higher
|eve| thau research of 8oh|iu aud Rouuiugeu (1915),
Pieramati et a|. (2OO3), Zechuer et a|. (2OO2), Wi|leus et
a|. (199O), 0usel (1991), 8uis (1916), whi|e higher |eve|
of iubreediug determiued F|etcher (1946) aud uril
13:2OO1 (1) 128-131
V. a| e|. a|.. ENEII6 ANAI8I8 0F FE AAIAN EEIN IN IhE EFII6 ...
F|guro 3. Furo arab horsos boro |o 6roat|a by yoar
F|guro 4. oprosootat|oo oI brood|og ||oo oI puro arab horsos |o 6roat|a
Iab|o 1. 6ooII|c|oot oI |obrood|og Ior puro arab horso |o 6roat|a (|o %}
F|guro 5. Iobrood|og |ovo| compar|soo accord|og to sox
Pure arab breediug iu Croatia is re|ative|y short, but
with distiuctive treud of positive deve|opmeut. The most
of horses origiuated from other couutries which were
periodica||y imported from ear|y 9Os ti|| today. Sma||er
part of pure arab horses were boru iu Croatia. Satis-
factory resu|t of compared average coefficieut of iubree-
diug betweeu imported subpopu|atiou of horses aud
subpopu|atiou boru iu Croatia shou|d be poiuted out. The
comparisou showed siguificaut|y |ower |eve| of iubree-
diug iu horses boru iu Croatia. The reasou of this resu|t
is geuetic distauce betweeu imported auima|s. This
way, usiug systematica||y p|auued breediug, iubreediug
depressiou cau be successfu||y avoided, eveu though
the re|ative|y sma|| popu|atiou uumber. high uumber of
sta||ious at the same time males avoidiug of iubreediug
depressiou easier. 0u the other haud, high uumber of
ma|e aud |ower uumber of fema|e auima|s siguificaut|y
s|ows dowu iucrease aud expausiou of breediug.
1. 8uis (1916): 6euetic po|ymorphism of b|ood proteiu iu
a popu|atiou of Shet|aud pouies. Med. Laud. Wag.
led., 16 (4).
2. ai, M. (2OO5a): Matiua lujiga arapslih louja
Repub|ile hrvatsle 2OO4., Vo|umeu 1., hrvatsli
stoarsli ceutar, Zagreb
3. ai, M. (2OO5b): Arapsli louji djeca vjetra. Aura
d.o.o.. Sisal
4. uril, l. (2OOO): lubreediug u empirijslim i teorijslim
popu|acijama. Agrouomsli falu|tet. Sveui|iste u
Zagrebu. 0oltorsla disertacija.
5. 8oh|iu, 0., Rouuiugeu, K. (1915): lubreediug aud re|a-
tiouship withiu the lorth-Swedish horse.
Acta.Agric.Scaud., 25:121-125.
6. Crow, J.F., Kimura, M. (191O): Au iutroductiou to
popu|atiou geuetics theory. Miuesota.
1. 0o|vil, l.l., K|emetsda|, 6. (1994): Arthritis iu the car-
pa| joiuts of lorwegiau trotter heritabi|ity, effects of
iubreediug aud couformatiou. Liv. Prod. Sci., 39:283-
8. 0usel, J. (1991): Eva|uatiou of the degree of iubree-
diug iu the stocl of K|adruby 8|acl horse. Scieutia
Agricu|turae 8ohemos|ovaca, 23(1):33-44.
9. Fa|couer, 0.S. (1989): lutroductiou to 0uautitative
6euetics. 3
edu. Lougmau, har|ow, Essex.
1O. Fa|couer, 0.S., Maclay, T.F. (1996): lutroductiou to
0uautitative 6euetics. 4
edu. Lougmau.
11. F|etcher, J. (1946): A study of the first fifty years of
Teuuessee Wa|liug horse breediug. Jour. hered.,
12. 6audiui, 6.C., 8aguato, F., Mig|ior, F., Paguacco, 6.
(1992): lubreediug iu the lta|iau haf|iuger horse.
Jourua| of Auima| 8reediug aud 6euetics, 1O9:433-
13. K|emetsda|, 6. (1998): The effect of iubreediug ou
raciug performauce iu lorwegiau co|d-b|ooded trot-
ters. 6euetics, Se|ectiou aud Evo|utiou, 3O:351-366.
14. K|emetsda|, 6., Johusou, M. (1989): Effects of iubree-
diug ou ferti|ity iu lorwegiau Trotter. Livestocl
Productiou Scieuce, 21:263-212.
15. Mahou, 6.A.T., Cuuuiugham, E.P. (1982): lubreediug
aud the iuheritauce of ferti|ity iu the thoroughbred
mare. Livestocl Productiou Scieuce, 9:145-154.
16. Mu||er, S., Stur, l., Sch|eger, W. (1981a): 6euetische
uutersuchuugeu beim sterreichischeu Lipi//auer:
8e/iehuugeu /wischeu hetero/ygotiegrad uud fituess
beim sterreichischeu Lipi//auer. Wieu. Tierar/t|.
Mschr., 14 (6):2O2-2O1.
11. Mu||er, S., Stur, l., Sch|eger, W. (1981b): 6euetische
uutersuchuugeu beim sterreichischeu Lipi//auer:
8e/iehuugeu /wischeu hetero/ygotiegrad uud iu/ucht-
situatiou iu der sterreichischeu Lipi//auerpopu|atiou.
Wieu. Tierar/t|. Mschr., 14(1):25O-253.
18. Mu||er, S., Stur, l., Sch|eger, W. (1981c): 6euetische
uutersuchuugeu beim sterreichischeu Lipi//auer:
Aupaaruugsprogramme beim sterreichischeu
Lipi//auer. Wieu. Tierar. Mschr., 14(8):288-291.
19. Pieramati, C., Si|vestre||i, M., 8utta//oui, L., Veriiui
Supp|i/i, A. (2OO3): 6euetic ev|uatiou for raciug speed
iu lta|iau trotters. 54th Auuua| Meetiug of EAAP,
Rome, lta|y.
2O. 6ama, L.T., Smith, C. (1993): The ro|e of iubreediug
depressiou iu |ivestocl productiou systems. Liv. Prod.
Sci., 36:2O3 211.
21. Wi|leus, vou J., Presiuger, R., Ka|m, E. (199O):
Aua|yse der lu/ucht beim ho|steiuer Warmb|utpferd.
Zuchtuugsluude, 62(2):93-1O1.
22. Zechuer, P., So|luer, J., 8odo, l., 0rum|, T., 8aumuug,
R, Achmauu, R., Marti, E., habe, F., 8rem, 6. (2OO2):
Aua|ysis of diversity aud popu|atiou structure iu the
Lipi//au horse breed based ou pedigree iuformatiou.
Livest. Prod. Sci. 11: 131-146.
(Received ou 8 May 2OO1, accepted ou 5 Juue 2OO1)
V. a| e|. a|.. ENEII6 ANAI8I8 0F FE AAIAN EEIN IN IhE EFII6 ...
F|guro 6. 6ompar|soo oI |obrood|og |ovo| by tho or|g|o - couotry oI b|rth
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 128-131
6rowth is mere|y defiued as au iucrease iu si/e
iuf|ueuced by geuetic, physio|ogica| aud euviroumeuta|
factors amoug which the feed couversiou is the most
importaut. Tota| iucrease iu auima| body weight cou-
sists of iucrease of weight of some body parts. Various
body parts grow differeut|y. lucrease iu auima| si/e
causes a decrease iu share of iuuer body parts (digesti-
ve aud respiratory systems aud other iuuer parts that
are uot used iu humau uutritiou) whi|e shares of musc|e
aud fat tissues iucrease. Receut|y, offer of various parts
of fresh pou|try meat as we|| as its products has beeu
augmeuted. lu order to meet the cousumers' expecta-
tious aud to use various parts of meat ecouomica||y we
shou|d predict re|ative weights of body parts iu differeut
growth periods of au auima|. lt is a|so importaut to com-
pare re|ative weights of various body parts betweeu
|iues aud sexes. The objective of our research was to
mouitor the growth dyuamics aud chauges iu re|ative
shares of various body parts aud tissues from 42 to 58
days of age iu two |iues of chicleus that had beeu se|ec-
ted for high aud |ow growth respective|y.
Eighty-eight chicleus of two |iues that had beeu
se|ected for high (0+) aud |ow (0-) body weight respec-
tive|y at the age of 8 weels for 25 geueratious were
used iu a tria|. From hatchiug to 35 days of age, chic-
leus were lept iu f|oor system fo||owiug by iudividua|
cage system. Auima|s were adaptiug to uew euvirou-
meut for 1 days. At the begiuuiug of the tria| auima|s
were 42 days o|d, aud the tria| period |asted for 16 days.
Auima|s were fed pe||ets of comp|ete mixture (11.13 MJ
ME/lg, crude proteiu~2O.3 , crude fat~2.O , crude
fibre~2.3 , ash~5.5 ) ad |||||cc. Auima|s were wei-
ghed aud feed iutale was mouitored iu a four-day iuter-
va|, wheu a|so a raudom|y choseu auima|s were s|augh-
tered. 0ue to compreheusive vo|ume of data ou|y resu|ts
from the s|aughter ou 42 aud 58 days of age are pre-
seuted here.
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.5:636.O84.1
42 AN 58 A8 0F AE IN 6hI6kEN8 IvEENII
0. Iet/, S. Zgat, 1. Sa/o6/t, 4atoa/ja ho/cmaa
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae effect of d/cetgeat se/ect/oa fot a/ga {h/ ot /ow {L/ 6od, we/gat at e/gat weeks
of age fot 25 geaetat/oas oa gtowta aad catcass tta/ts 6etweea 42 aad 58 da,s of
age was stad/ed. Iae ca/cks wete teated /a /ad/c/daa/ cages aadet staadatd maa-
agemeat coad/t/oas. Se/ect/oa fot /ow 8-week 6od, we/gat aas tesa/ted /a a/gaet
te/at/ce 6od, we/gat /actease fot tae pet/od ftom 42 to 58 da,s of age compated to
ca/ckeas ftom tae a/ga //ae. 8od, we/gat /acteased 6, a6oat I2 X /a tae /ow //ae
aad 6, a6oat 55 aad 44 X, tespect/ce/, /a tae ma/es aad fema/es /a tae a/ga //ae.
/a 6ota //aes of ca/ckeas dtess/ag oat petceatage aad tae petceatage of a6dom/-
aa/, sa6cataaeoas aad tota/ fat /acteased w/ta 6od, we/gat, waeteas petceatage
of m. pectota//s sapetf/c/a//s aad m. pectota//s ptofaadas tema/aed toaga/, coa-
staat. Petceatage of sk/a decteased w/ta /acteas/ag of 6od, we/gat. /a 6ota //aes
fema/es aad a a/gaet petceatage of tota/ fat taaa ma/es. Iaete was ec/deace taat
tota/ fat coateat /acteased /adepeadeat/, of aa/ma/ 6od, we/gat w/ta a cetta/a age.
F/xed age compat/soas of feed coacets/oa tat/os saowed ao d/ffeteaces /a feed
coacets/oa 6etweea tae two d/cetgeat/, se/ected //aes of ca/cks.
8e,- wotds. ca/ckeas, d/cetgeat se/ect/oa, gtowta, catcass tta/ts
||0. 0csa Ie|| ||.0. S||.es|e| c| 4ss|s|.||c|. ||0. Jaec Sa|c|||
||c|. ||0. 4|c||a |c|cca ||c|. - J|.e|s||j c| ||c|||aa 5|c|ec||ca|
|acc||j cc|ec||ca| 0eca||ce| |c|||e 3 230 0ccla|e S|c.e|a
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 132-136
lumber of auima|s s|aughtered withiu each of four
experimeuta| groups (0+ ma|es, 0+ fema|es, 0- ma|es,
0- fema|es) was six at the age of 42 days aud four iu the
uext four ages (46, 5O, 54 aud 58 days of age). The tota|
uumber of auima|s weighed aud mouitored for feed iuta-
le iu each of four abovemeutioued experimeuta| groups
was 22 at the age of 42 days, 16 at the age of 46 days,
12 at the age of 5O days, 8 at the age of 54 days aud 4
at the age of 58 days. Auima|s were weighed just befo-
re the s|aughter, however, after s|aughter carcasses
with uecls aud |ower parts of |egs were weighed agaiu.
The 24 hours chi||iug at + 4C was fo||owed by dissec-
tiou of carcasses. The fo||owiug body parts aud tissues
were weighed aud separated: chi||ed carcass, sliu ou
uecl, fat ou uecl, sliu ou carcass, subcutaueous fat,
abdomiua| fat, c. cec|c|a||s scce|||c|a||s aud c. cec|c
|a||s c|c|cdcs. The shares of iudividua| body parts were
expressed iu re|atiou to the weight of chi||ed carcass.
8tat|st|ca| aoa|ys|s
0ata were processed by the statistica| procedure
6LM (6euera| Liuear Mode|s) of the programme pacla-
ge SAS/STAT (SAS/STAT, 199O). The fo||owiug statisti-
ca| mode| was used:
+ S
+ A
+ 6S
+ 6A
+ SA
+ e
where: y
mouitored va|ue, meau va|ue of popu|a-
tiou, 6
geuotype effect (i ~ 1, 2), S
sex effect (j ~ 1,
2), A
age effect (l ~ 1, 2), 6S
geuotype sex iute-
ractiou, 6A
geuotype age iuteractiou, SA
age iuteractiou, 6SA
geuotype sex - age iuterac-
tiou, e
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
rowth tra|ts
8ody weight iucreased more iu ma|es thau iu fema-
|es of the same geuotype (Tab|e 1). Siguificaut differeu-
ces betweeu sexes were uoticed iu high (0+) |iue at a||
ages. The same is true of |ow (0-) |iue except at the age
of 58 days. Appareut|y uou-|ogica| resu|t of fema|es
(from high weight |iue at the age of 54 days) weighed
|ess thau at the age of 5O days cou|d be exp|aiued with
sma|| samp|es aud raudom samp|iug of auima|s that
were seut to s|aughter.
8ody weight iu ma|es of both |iues iucreased at
higher rate compared to fema|es, whi|e 0- chicls grew
at higher rate thau 0+ chicls (Tab|e 2).
lu the ma|es of the |ow body weight |iue feed cou-
versiou iu the first period (42 46 days) was |ow whi|st
it improved further ou aud worseued agaiu iu the |ast
four days of fatteuiug (Tab|e 3).
lu 0+ ma|es aud 0- fema|es feed couversiou sho-
wed f|uctuatiou over the experimeuta| periods.
0iffereuces iu feed couversiou were ueither statistica||y
siguificaut betweeu sexes uor betweeu |iues. Simi|ar
resu|ts were reported by 0uuuiugtou aud Siege| (1996)
who fed auima|s ad |||||cc aud fouud uo differeuces iu
0. Ie|| e|. a|.. EvAIAII0N 0F 0WIh AN 6A6A88 IAII8 EIWEEN ...
Iab|o 1. ody wo|ght oI var|ous goootypos oI ch|cks (+, -} aod sox at d|IIoroot ago (g}
Iab|o 2. 6haogos |o ro|at|vo va|uos oI body wo|ght |o ch|cks botwooo 42 aod 58 days oI ago

a,b estimated meau va|ues betweeu groups (|iues) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5)
A,8 estimated meau va|ues withiu groups (co|umus) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 132-136
feed couversiou betweeu the two divergeut|y se|ected
|iues of chicls for body weight at the age of 8 weels.
6arcass tra|ts
0ressiug out perceutage (weight of chi||ed carcass
1OO/body weight of auima| before s|aughteriug)
iucreased with age of au auima|. At the same age 0+
ma|es had the highest dressiug out perceutage aud the
|owest was fouud iu 0- fema|es. 0ressiug out perceuta-
ge was siguificaut|y differeut betweeu sexes iu |iue 0+
at the age of 42 days (Tab|e 4).
The amouut of subcutaueous fat represeuted the
weight of fat removed from the iuside part of sliu aud
from carcass surface without sliu. The abdomiua| fat
was represeuted by deposits of easi|y separated fats
arouud digestive orgaus (proveutricu|us, gi//ard, iutes-
tiue) aud c|oaca. The sum of subcutaueous aud abdomi-
ua| fats resu|ted iu the amouut of tota| fats (Tab|e 5).
The highest perceutage of subcutaueous fat fouud
iu 0+ fema|es siguificaut|y differed from other groups iu
the tria|. luside a|| the groups, auima|s of differeut ages
siguificaut|y differed iu perceutage of subcutaueous fat.
The perceutage of abdomiua| fat iu carcasses iucreased
with age (Tab|e 5). Fema|es 0+ had siguificaut|y higher
perceutage of abdomiua| fat compared to ma|es regard-
|ess the age. Fema|es 0- had higher perceutage of abdo-
miua| fat iu comparisou to ma|es whi|e sexes differed
statistica||y siguificaut|y ou|y at the age of 42 days. The
perceutage of tota| fat iu carcasses iucreased with age
(Tab|e 5) as we||. higher perceutage of fat iu 0+ car-
casses might be the cousequeuce of se|ectiou for higher
body weight wheu auima|s were fed ad |||||cc. Severa|
authors reported (Pym aud So|vyus, 1919, Siege| aud
0uuuiugtou, 1981) that such se|ectiou mode| meaut au
advautage to auima|s with good appetite, which ou the
other haud resu|ted iu higher fattiuess because auima|s
cousumed more food thau they ueeded. A|though
Kataubaf et a|. (1988) reported that the effects of diver-
geut se|ectiou for body weight at the age of 8 weels did
uot show au iucrease iu abso|ute amouut of fat per uuit
of body weight iu the upwards se|ected |iue compared
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 132-136
0. Ie|| e|. a|.. EvAIAII0N 0F 0WIh AN 6A6A88 IAII8 EIWEEN ...
a,b estimated meau va|ues betweeu groups (|iues) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y(P<O.O5).
Iab|o 3 Iho avorago Iood coovors|oo (kg/kg} |o ch|cks at d|IIoroot ago
Iab|o 4. ross|og out porcootago |o + aod - ch|cks at two d|IIoroot agos
a,b estimated meau va|ues betweeu groups (|iues) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5).
A,8 estimated meau va|ues withiu groups (co|umus) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5).
Iab|o 5. 8haros oI subcutaooous, abdom|oa| aod tota| Iat |o ch|ck carcassos oI two goootypos, soxos aod at
two d|IIoroot agos
a,b estimated meau va|ues betweeu groups (|iues) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5).
A,8 estimated meau va|ues withiu groups (co|umus) differ statistica||y siguificaut|y (P<O.O5).
to dowuwards se|ected |iue, our resu|ts did uot support
the meutioued couc|usious. Thus, iu both ages the
amouut of fats (subcutaueous, abdomiua| aud tota|) ca|-
cu|ated to uuit of body weight was higher iu auima|s
se|ected for higher body weight (Tab|e 6).
Shares of c. cec|c|a||s scce|||c|a||s aud c. cec|c
|a||s c|c|cdcs iu the carcass iucreased with age
(Figure 1). The comparisou of auima|s of the same sex
from both |iues at fixed age showed that the share of c.
cec|c|a||s scce|||c|a||s iu carcass iucreased whi|e the
share of c. cec|c|a||s c|c|cdcs decreased iu the se|ec-
tiou for high body weight at the age of 8 weels. Re|ative
iucrease of c. cec|c|a||s scce|||c|a||s aud c. cec|c|a||s
c|c|cdcs weight iu 0- |iue was higher betweeu 42 aud
58 days of age compared to 0+ |iue (Tab|e 1). The per-
ceutage of sliu iu chicl carcass decreased with age iu
a|| groups. Fema|es had higher perceutage of sliu iu car-
cass compared to ma|es of the same |iue. At the age of
42 days the proportiou of sliu iu the carcass amouuted
to 5.83 (0+ ma|es), 1.OO (0+ fema|es), 6.94 (0-
ma|es), 1.82 (0- fema|es), at the age of 58 days the
proportiou was 3.38 (0+ ma|es), 3.22 (0+ fema-
|es), 4.66 (0- ma|es) aud 4.11 (0- fema|es).
Statistica||y siguificaut differeuces were uoticed bet-
weeu |iues aud withiu groups at differeut age.
After 25 geueratious of divergeut se|ectiou for body
weight at 8 weels of age iu both |iues the growth rate
of chicleus from 42 to 58 days of age was studied as
we|| as chauges iu corre|ated traits |ile feed couversiou,
dressiug out perceutage, fat couteut iu carcasses aud
perceutage of some tissues aud body parts respecti-
ve|y. The resu|ts show that divergeut se|ectiou iuf|ueu-
ces siguificaut|y body weight aud body compositiou as
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 132-136
0. Ie|| e|. a|.. EvAIAII0N 0F 0WIh AN 6A6A88 IAII8 EIWEEN ...
Iab|o 6 Iho amouot oI Iats (g/g body wo|ght} |o ch|cks oI two goootypos, soxos aod at two d|IIoroot agos
F|guro 1. 6haogos |o sharos oI P SHFWRUDOLV VXSHUILFLDOLV (|oIt} aod P SHFWRUDOLV SURIXQGXV (r|ght} |o a ch|ck
carcass botwooo ago oI 42 aod 58 days
Iab|o 7. o|at|vo |ocroaso oI P SHFWRUDOLV VXSHUILFLDOLV aod P SHFWRUDOLV SURIXQGXV wo|ght botwooo 42 aod
58 days oI ago |o d|vorgoot|y so|octod ||oos oI ch|cks
we||. The se|ectiou for higher growth rate causes higher
fat couteut iu a carcass, aud a higher share of c. cec|c
|a||s scce|||c|a||s, whereas the share of sliu iu a carcass
The research was supported by The S|oveuiau
Research Ageucy aud by The Miuistry of Agricu|ture,
Forestry aud Food of the Repub|ic of S|oveuia.
1. 0uuuiugtou E. A., Siege| P.8. (1996): Loug-term diver-
geut se|ectiou for eight-weel body weight iu White
P|ymouth Rocl chicleus. Pou|try Scieuce, 15: 1168-
2. Kataubaf M. l., 0uuuiugtou E. A., Siege| P. 8. (1988):
A||omorphic re|atiouships from hatchiug to 56 days iu
pareuta| |iues aud F
crosses of chicleus se|ected 21
geueratious for high or |ow body weight. 6rowth,
0eve|opmeut aud Agiug, 52: 11-22.
3. Pym R., So|vyus A. (1919): Se|ectiou for food couver-
siou iu broi|ers: 8ody compositiou of birds se|ected for
iucreased body-weight gaiu, food cousumptiou aud
food couversiou ratio. 8r. Pou|t. Sci. 2O: 8191.
4. SAS/STAT user's guide. (199O): Versiou 6. 4
Cary SAS lustitute luc.: 893-993.
5. Siege| P. 8., 0uuuiugtou E. A. (1981): Se|ectiou for
growth iu chicleus. Critica| Reviews iu Pou|try
8io|ogy, 1:1-24.
(Received ou 18 May 2OO1, accepted ou 25 Juue 2OO1)
136 0. Ie|| e|. a|.. EvAIAII0N 0F 0WIh AN 6A6A88 IAII8 EIWEEN ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 132-136
A cousiderab|e iucrease iu the performauce of |ayer
hybrids have beeu seeu iu the |ast 15 years. Whi|e the
resu|ts of au iuteruatioua| performauce test couc|uded iu
1994 showed that the output of medium weight |ayer
hybrids was 21O eggs/year or 11.2 lg of eggmass/year
(hei| aud hartmauu, 1994), the auuua| output of preseut
day medium weight hybrids is iu excess of 31O eggs or
2O li|ograms (Casti||o et a|., 2OO4, 8ogeufurst aud Sut},
2OO1). This wi|| justify the settiug up of studies the
resu|ts of which cau coutribute to P requiremeuts deter-
miuatiou of these hybrids more accurate|y. A further
good reasou uecessitatiug a more accurate defiuitiou of
|ayer heu P requiremeuts is the euviroumeuta| aspect
as, at preseut, the average P reteutiou hard|y reaches
2O over the eutire productiou cyc|e (0|offs et a|.,
1991). Wheu app|yiug the curreut recommeudatious the
average phosphorous iutale of a |ayer duriug the 12
mouths productiou cyc|e is 185 gram, of which 148
gram is excreted iuto the euviroumeut. The rate of P
excretiou cau be reduced through app|yiug more accu-
rate P requiremeuts aud improviug the avai|abi|ity of
uative P. Avai|abi|ity cau be euhauced uot ou|y by the
proper choice of dietary iugredieuts but a|so by the
iucorporatiou of au iudustria||y produced phytase eu/y-
me iu the diet (0|offs et a|., 1991, Rodehutscord et a|.,
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.O85.1
AN Fh08Fh008 EIENII0N IN hIh F06IN
1. Iossea6etget
, t. ha/as
, 8. Mast
, /. 8aaa
, L. 8a6/astk,
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae ca/c/am aad paospaotoas teteat/oa of /a,ets was eca/aated at d/ffeteat pto-
dact/oa /ece/s {45 - I5 - 95 X of f/aa/ ptodact/oa peak/ w/ta h,-L/ae 8towa a,6t/d
/a,ets dat/ag tae f/tst twe/ce weeks of tae /a,/ag c,c/e. 32 /a,ets ecea/, d/stt/6a-
ted ocet 4 tteatmeats {Itts/. Iae 0a coateat of tae d/ets was /deat/ca/ actoss a//
Itts {32,5 g/kg/, wa//e P coateats aad pa,tase act/c/t/es d/ffeted. /a tae f/tst Itt tae
P coateat of tae d/et was 2.5 g/kg aoa-pa,tate P, w/taoat aa, pa,tase added. /a tae
secoad Itt tae P coateat of tae d/et was tedaced 6, 40 X compated to Itt ! {!.5
g/kg aoa-pa,tate P/ w/taoat pa,tase sapp/emeatat/oa. /a tae ta/td aad foatta Itts
tae P coateat of tae d/ets was tae same as /a 2 {!.5 g/kg aoa-pa,tate P/ 6at tae d/ets
wete sapp/emeated w/ta pa,tase {3-pa,tase ptodaced 6, tt/caodetma teese// at a
tate of 250 PPJ/kg {Itt 3/ aad 500 PPJ/kg {Itt 4/, tespect/ce/,. 4ccotd/ag to tae
tesa/ts tae d/ffeteat P coateat of tae d/ets affected {P0.05/ tae tate of 0a teteat/oa
at a// tt/a/ paases. /a tae case of tedaced P /ece/ d/ets tae d/ffeteat pa,tase /ac/a-
s/oa tates d/d aot /af/aeace tae amoaat of 0a teta/aed 6, tae 6/tds {P0.05/. W/ta/a
tae same Itt 0a teteat/oa /acteased {P0.05/ w/ta /acteased ptodact/oa /ateas/t,.
4t tedaced P coateat pa,tase /mptoced {P0.05/ tae P teteat/oa of tae /a,ets at a//
tt/a/ paases. Iaete was ao d/ffeteace 6etweea 6ota pa,tase app//cat/oa tates. 4s
a tesa/t of pa,tase sapp/emeatat/oa P teteat/oa teacaed tae P teteat/oa of pos/t/ce
coatto/ 6/tds {Itt !/ /a a// tt/a/ paases.
8e,-wotds. pa,tase, ca/c/am, paospaotoas teteat/oa, /a,ets
(l ||0. JJcs Icsse|e|e|. ||0. le|c||a |a|as. VSc 5eJ|a V|sc.
||0. |Jsc|c 5a||sc|j ||c|. J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca|
Sc|ece 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| |c|||||c |/400 |accs.J| |95 0 |c
a|j(2l ||0. |c|e |J| 45 |cjces c|| 004293 0a|cs|ad| e|
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 131-14O
The tria|s couducted with medium weight |ayer
hybrids duriug the first ha|f of their |ayiug cyc|e were
aimed at exp|oriug how the ca|cium aud phosphorous
reteutiou of |ayer heus deve|op with various productiou
iuteusities (|eve| of productiou: 45, 15, 95) besi-
de the same |eve| of ca|cium supp|y aud a varyiug |eve|
of P aud phytase supp|y.
Reteutiou studies were set up duriug the 1
, 2
aud 12
weel of productiou with the |eve| of egg pro-
ductiou beiug 45 , 15 , 95 , usiug 32 |ayer heus (hy-
-|iue, browu) per treatmeut. 0uriug the course of the tria|
the birds were housed iu metabo|ic crates (4 birds/cra-
te, 65O cm
/heu). Experimeuta| diets were formu|ated
ou a corusoya basis taliug iuto accouut the lRC
(1994) uutrieut requiremeuts. The effect of 4 treatmeuts
were examiued duriug the studies. The ca|cium |eve| of
the diets was ideutica| across a|| treatmeuts, whi|e P
|eve| aud phytase activity varied. lu treatmeut "A" the
dietary P |eve| was iu accordauce with the lRC (1994)
recommeudatious (2.5 g/lg uou-phytate P). The diet
coutaiued uo added phytase eu/yme. lu treatmeut "8"
the dietary P |eve| was reduced by 4O compared to
the lRC (1994) requiremeut (1.5 g/lg uou-phytate P)
aud it was formu|ated without phytase supp|emeuta-
tiou. 0ietary P |eve|s iu treatmeuts "C" aud "0" were the
same as iu treatmeut "8" (1.5 g/lg uou-phytate P), but
these diets were supp|emeuted with a phytase eu/yme
(3-phytase produced by Trichoderma reesei) at the rate
of 25O PPu/lg (Treatmeut C) aud 5OO PPu/lg (Treat-
meut 0), respective|y. 0iets were provided iu mash form
aud fed ad |ibitum. 8asa| diets coutaiued per lg of diet
12.O MJ AMEu, 158 g crude proteiu, 8.8 g |ysiue, 1.8 g
methiouiue + cystiue, 38.5 g ca|cium aud either 4.1
g/lg tota| P (treatmeut A) or 3.1 g/lg tota| P (treatmeuts
8, C aud 0). The tria|s cousisted of 4-days co||ectiou
periods whi|e the experimeuta| diets were fed couti-
uuous|y. 0ai|y feed iutales aud quautities of the co||ec-
ted excreta were weighed with gram precisiou duriug
the co||ectiou periods. The uutrieut couteut of experi-
meuta| diets aud the Ca aud P couteuts of the excreta
samp|es were determiued iu accordauce with the A0AC
(1989) procedures. Experimeuta| data were subjected to
Al0VA (SAS, 2OO4). lu the case of a siguificaut treat-
meut effect, the statistica| re|iabi|ity of differeuces bet-
weeu treatmeuts was verified by Tuley's test (SAS,
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Chauges iu the ca|cium reteutiou of the birds are
showu iu Tab|e 1. Accordiug to our data birds iu the
positive coutro| group retaiued the most ca|cium (11O1
mg/day) duriug tho 45 % product|oo |ovo| (Phase 1).
legative coutro| birds retaiued 29.8 |ess ca|cium iu
comparisou (PO.O5). lu treatmeuts with reduced P cou-
teut aud iuc|udiug phytase supp|emeutatiou (treatmeuts
C aud 0) the ca|cium reteutiou of the birds was the
same as the va|ue measured for the uegative coutro|
group (PO.O5). Wheu the Ca reteutiou was re|ated to
the ca|cium iutale of the birds (), the highest |eve| was
fouud for the positive coutro| group (42.O ) agaiu (data
are uot showu iu tab|e). lu coutrast, this perceutage was
au average 31 for the other treatmeuts. This fiudiug is
a|so remarlab|e because the Ca |eve| of the tria| diets
aud the Ca iutale of the birds was the same (the re|e-
vaut data are uot expressed iu tabu|ar form). The higher
Ca reteutiou measured for treatmeut A cau probab|y be
attributed to the differeut ca|cium aud phosphorous ratio
of the diets. That is, iu case of a |arge Ca/P ratio the
absorptiou of Ca aud P wi|| be |ess favourab|e. This has
a|ready beeu c|ear|y demoustrated for pigs (0uiau et a|.,
1996). lu pou|try, however, due to the joiut excretiou of
uriue aud faeces there are hard|y auy data avai|ab|e that
were aimed at determiuiug the digestibi|ity of uutrieuts
aud miuera|s. lu their broi|er tria|s, however, Tosseu-
berger et a|. (1999) showed, that the differeut dietary
ca|cium aud phosphorous |eve|s iuf|ueuce the avai|abi-
|ity of Ca aud P, both. At 75 % product|oo |ovo| oI tho
b|rds (phase 2) birds of the positive coutro| group retai-
ued the most ca|cium (2314 mg/day) agaiu. lu compari-
sou to that the Ca reteutiou of birds iu the uegative cou-
tro| group (treatmeut 8) was 1865 mg per day, which
correspouds to a 18.1 |ower Ca reteutiou (PO.O5).
A|though the Ca reteutiou of birds fed the diets supp|e-
meuted with 25O PPu/lg phytase (treatmeut C)
iucreased (2O61 mg/day), it sti|| did uot reach that of the
positive coutro| birds. The highest phytase dosage
resu|ted iu uo further iucrease of the Ca reteutiou. The
Ca reteutiou of birds fed diets coutaiuiug the same Ca
|eve|s, but with a reduced P couteut (treatmeuts 8, C
aud 0) was simi|ar (PO.O5). A|though the reteutiou
measured for the birds fed the phytase supp|emeuted
diets (treatmeuts C aud 0) was 1.9 higher thau that of
their uegative coutro| peers, this differeuce was uot
siguificaut (PO.O5). At 95 % product|oo |ovo| oI tho
|ayors the Ca reteutiou of the positive coutro| birds
(treatmeut A) was 21O8 mg/day. The uegative coutro|
|ayers, however, retaiued ou|y 2386 mg Ca per day,
which meaus 11.9 |ower reteutiou (PO.O5). lu treat-
meuts 8, C aud 0 (diets with reduced P couteut) the Ca
reteutiou of the birds was the same (PO.O5) simi|ar
to that fouud iu the 1
aud 2
phase of the tria|.
Withiu the same treatmeut Ca reteutiou grew
siguificaut|y (PO.O5) with the iucrease of productiou
iuteusity. The rate of iucrease for birds fed the diet with
a P couteut accordiug to the lRC requiremeut (treat-
meut A) was 58.6, whi|e iu case of birds fed the diets
with reduced P |eve|s (treatmeuts 8, C aud 0) it excee-
ded 95 ou the average. This suggests that duriug the
first tria| phase (45 productiou) there was euough ca|-
cium for eggshe|| formatiou eveu beside a |ower |eve| of
138 J. Icsse|e|e| e|. a|.. IMFA6I 0F FhIA8E 8FFIEMENIAII0N 0N IhE 6AI6IM ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 131-14O
Ca reteutiou. 0uriug the 3
tria| phase (95 productiou)
however, this Ca |eve| was probab|y uo more sufficieut,
aud thus the birds eudeavoured to provide euough ca|-
cium for eggshe|| formatiou by meaus of iucreasiug the
absorptiou of ca|cium aud reduciug the uriuary ca|cium
excretiou to the miuimum. lu the case of higher ca|cium
requiremeut (start-up of egg productiou, iucrease of pro-
ductiou iuteusity) the activity of 1,25-dihydroxy-cho|e-
ca|cifero| iucreases primari|y iu cousequeuce of estro-
geus aud this reachiug the gut mucosa euhauces the
syuthesis of Ca8P iu the epithe|ia| ce||s. As a resu|t of
more iuteuse Ca8P syuthesis, the rate of ca|cium
absorptiou iucreases (8ar et a|., 1992). The iucreased
estrogeu aud testosteroue couceutratiou a|so causes
the |eve| of the parathyroid hormoue to iucrease, which
through the iucreased couceutratiou of the 1,25-dihy-
droxy-cho|eca|cifero| boosts the rate of Ca resorptiou iu
the reua| tubu|es. The iucreased rate of Ca absorptiou
combiued with the |ower rate of uriuary ca|cium excre-
tiou, occurriug simu|taueous|y with the iucrease iu
iuteusity of egg productiou resu|t iu a higher reteutiou of
ca|cium (Wiedemau, 1981).
Wheu the chauge of P reteutiou was studied at tho
45% product|oo |ovo| oI tho b|rds it was fouud to be
the highest iu the positive coutro| group (Tab|e 1). lu this
treatmeut the |ayers retaiued 145 mg/day phosphorous.
The P reteutiou of uegative coutro| birds was ou|y 14
mg/day. The 49 |ower (P<O.O5) P reteutiou cau pri-
mari|y be attributed to the differeut P |eve| of the diets
aud to the differeuce iu P sources.
The diet of birds iu treatmeut 8 (reduced dietary P
without phytase supp|emeutatiou) coutaiued 1.5 g/lg
uou-phytate P, ou|y of which O.1 g/lg was of iuorgauic
origiu. This meaus that of the 3.1 g/lg tota| P couteut of
the diet a|most 6O (2.2 g/lg) was bouud to phytate
aud thus iu the abseuce of a phytase eu/yme was
iudigestib|e for pou|try. 0u the other haud, the avai|abi-
|ity of P from iuorgauic feed phosphates aud thus a|so
from the mouo-ca|cium phosphate used iu our studies
is high, aud may eveu reach 8O. The digestibi|ity of
dietary P iu coru soy based diets without phytase sup-
p|emeutatiou, however, wi|| uot eveu reach 15 iu adu|t
pou|try (Tosseuberger aud 8abius/ly, data uot pub|is-
hed). lu treatmeut C the 25O PPu/lg phytase supp|e-
meutatiou resu|ted iu a 44.6 iucrease iu P reteutiou
compared to the uegative coutro|, up to 1O1 mg/day
(PO.O5). The further iucrease of the phytase dosage
(treatmeut 0, 5OO PPu/lg) did uot produce auy further
iucrease iu P reteutiou (PO.O5). lt shou|d be uoted
however, that the birds iu this treatmeut retaiued 54.1
more P compared to their uegative coutro| peers
At 75% product|oo |ovo| of the |ayer heus P reteu-
tiou was the highest for the positive coutro| birds agaiu
(136 mg/day). lu the uegative coutro| birds (treatmeut
8) P reteutiou reached au average 84 mg/day |eve|,
which correspouds to a 24.1 re|ative P reteutiou. The
38.2 |ower P reteutiou (PO.O5) is probab|y attributa-
b|e to the differeut P couteut of the diets aud the diffe-
reut source of dietary P (phytate vs uou-phytate) simi-
|ar to the fiudiugs uuder phase 1. lu treatmeut C (25O
PPu/lg phytase supp|emeutatiou) the |eve| of P reteu-
tiou iucreased by 34.5 compared to the uegative cou-
tro| up to 113 mg/day (PO.O5). The further iucrease of
the phytase dosage (treatmeut 0, 5OO PPu/lg) did uot
produce auy further iucrease iu P reteutiou (PO.O5).
The |eve| of P retaiued at tho 95% product|oo
|ovo| of the |ayers was the highest for the birds iu treat-
J. Icsse|e|e| e|. a|.. IMFA6I 0F FhIA8E 8FFIEMENIAII0N 0N IhE 6AI6IM ...
Iab|o 1. Iho |oI|uooco oI d|IIoroot |ovo|s oI F supp|y oo tho ca|c|um aod phosphorous rotoot|oo oI |ayors
* A: diet with recommeuded P |eve|, without phytase supp|emeutatiou
: diet with reduced P |eve|, without phytase supp|emeutatiou
6: diet with reduced P |eve|, with 25O PPu/lg phytase supp|emeutatiou
: diet with reduced P |eve|, with 5OO PPu/lg phytase supp|emeutatiou
: RMSE : Root Meau Square Error
a,b,c: differeut superscripts withiu the same |iue iudicate siguificaut differeuce (PO.O5)
A,8,C: differeut superscripts withiu the same co|umu iudicate siguificaut differeuce (by e|emeuts) (PO.O5)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 131-14O
meut A (positive coutro|) simi|ar to the fiudiugs of the
first two phases. The birds iu this treatmeut retaiued the
average of 148 mg P per day. The P reteutiou of birds iu
the uegative coutro| group (treatmeut 8) (93 mg/day)
was 31.2 |ower thau the reteutiou measured for the
positive coutro| group (PO.O5). The reductiou iu abso-
|ute terms (mg/day) of P reteutiou by 31.2 (PO.O5)
cau be attributed to the causes discussed above. lu
treatmeut C (25O PPu/lg phytase supp|emeutatiou) P
reteutiou iucreased by 38.1 compared to the uegative
coutro|, which correspouds to 129 mg retaiued pho-
sphorous per day. The further phytase supp|emeutatiou
(treatmeut 0, 5OO PPu/lg) did uot resu|t iu auy further
improvemeut iu the P reteutiou of the |ayers (PO.O5).
Withiu the positive coutro| group the iucreasiug iuteu-
sity of productiou was uot accompauied by a siguificaut
iucrease of P reteutiou (PO.O5). lu the birds fed the
diets with reduced dietary P (treatmeuts 8, C aud 0),
however, au iucrease was fouud. The differeuce was
ou|y siguificaut (PO.O5), however, betweeu the 45
aud 95 |eve|s of productiou. This siguifies that the
|ayer heus ueed more phosphorous due to the higher
egg productiou, despite the fact that the she|| of the ave-
rage egg coutaius ou|y 1 mg P beside the 2 g Ca, whi|e
the eggmass coutaius ou|y 13 mg P (Tosseuberger aud
8abius/ly, data uot pub|ished). Accordiug to our ca|cu-
|atious the avai|ab|e P couteut of the test diets (A, 8, C,
0) was 1.4, O.9, 1.2 aud 1.2 g/lg respective|y, at the
peal of productiou (95 productiou |eve|). 0ur data
show, that the feediug of reduced dietary P diets toge-
ther with a 25O PPu/lg or 5OO PPu/lg phytase supp|e-
meutatiou resu|ted iu the birds excretiug ou the average
25 |ess phosphorous dai|y thau their positive coutro|
peers (these data are uot showu iu tabu|ar form). lu
summary it cau be couc|uded that the P reteutiou of
|ayer heus was siguificaut|y iuf|ueuced (PO.O5) by the
differeut dietary P |eve| aud phytase activity of the diets
at a|| tria| phases. As a resu|t of the phytase supp|e-
meutatiou the P reteutiou iucreased siguificaut|y
(PO.O5), but iu abso|ute terms it did uot reach the va|ue
measured for the positive coutro| birds (treatmeut A) iu
auy of the tria| phases. Withiu the same treatmeut
reteutiou iucreased siguificaut|y betweeu the 45 aud
95 |eve|s of productiou (P<O.O5) except for treat-
meut A.
The fo||owiug maiu couc|usious cau be drawu from
the resu|ts of our tria| series couducted with |ayer heus.
The Ca reteutiou of |ayer heus is siguificaut|y iuf|ueuced
by the differeut dietary P |eve| aud phytase activity of
the diets iu a|| tria| phases (PO.O5). Withiu the same
treatmeut Ca reteutiou iucreases siguificaut|y with the
iucrease iu productiou iuteusity (PO.O5). As a resu|t of
phytase supp|emeutatiou P reteutiou iucreases siguifi-
caut|y (PO.O5), but it reaches the |eve| of P reteutiou of
positive coutro| birds (treatmeut A) iu uoue of the tria|
phases. Withiu the same treatmeut, the iucrease of pro-
ductiou iuteusity resu|ts iu a siguificaut iucrease of P
reteutiou (PO.O5) with the exceptiou of treatmeut A.
0ur tria| data suggest that the dietary P |eve| of |ayer
diets might be reduced. The rate of this reductiou cou|d
be determiued more accurate|y iu further target-orieuted
1. A0AC (1989): Associatiou of 0fficia| Aua|ytica|
Chemists. 1989. 0fficia| methods of aua|ysis. 3
A0AC, Washiugtou, 0C.
2. 8ar, A., Striem, S., Vax, E., Ta|pa/, h., hurvit/, S.
(1992): Regu|atiou of ca|biudiu turuover iu iutestiue
aud she|| g|aud of the chicleu. Americau
Psysio|ogica| Society 31: 8OO-8O5.
3. 8ogeufurst, F., Sut} Z., (2OO1): 8aromfiteuys/ts,
2O-44. lu: A moderu ||attudomuyrt. Ed.: Kovcs
M., Kaposvri Egyetem, 2OO1.
4. Casti||o, C., Cuca, M., Pro, A., 6ou/|e/, M., Mora|es,
E. (2OO4): 8io|ogica| aud ecouomic optimum |eve| of
ca|cium iu white Leghoru |ayiug heus. Pou|try
Scieuce. 83: 868-812.
5. hei|, 6., hartmauu, W. (1994): Worliug 6roup
Report. Wor|d's Pou|try Scieuce Jourua|, 5O: 181-
6. lRC (1994): latioua| Research Couuci|, 1994.
lutrieut Requiremeuets of Pou|try. latioua|
Academy Press, Washiugtou, 0. C.
1. 0|offs, K., 0auicle, S., Zachmauu, R., Jeroch, h.
(1991): Eiuf|uss eiuer Phytaseergau/uug /u eiuer pho-
sphorarmeu Ratiou auf verschiedeue
Leistuugsparameter uud die Phosphorbi|au/ bei der
Legeheuue. Agribio|. Res. 5O: 251-264.
8. 0uiau, h., Koruegay, E.T., Couuer, 0.E. Jr. (1996):
Adverse effects of wide ca|cium: phosphorous ratios
ou supp|emeuta| phytase efficiaucy for weau|iug pig
fed two phosphorous |eve|s. Jourua| of Auima|
Scieuce. 14 :1288-1291.
9. Rodehutscord, M., Sauver, F., Timm|er, R. (2OO2):
Comparative Study ou the effect of variab|a phospho-
rous iutale at two differeut ca|cium |eve|s ou P excre-
tiou aud P f|ow at the termiua| i|eum of |eyiug heus.
Arch. Auim. lutr. 56: 189-198.
1O. Tosseuberger, J., 8abius/ly, L., Fodor, R., ha|as, V.,
S/ab, J. (1999): A/ abralleverlel fit/ liegs/it-
suel hatsa a la|cium- s fos/for has/uosithats-
gra s a broi|erel te|jesitmuyre. A||atteuys/ts
s Talarmuyo/s. 1999. 48. 4. 465-414
11. SAS (2OO4): SAS user's 6uide, Statistics lust., luc.
Cary lC.
12. Widemau R. F. Jr. (1981): Reua| regu|atiou of aviau ca|-
cium aud phosphorous metabo|ism. Jourua| of
lutritiou 111: 8O. 8-815
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 21 Juue 2OO1)
14O J. Icsse|e|e| e|. a|.. IMFA6I 0F FhIA8E 8FFIEMENIAII0N 0N IhE 6AI6IM ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 131-14O
6rowth as a basic fuuctiou iu productiou of auima|s
refers to coutiuuous weight gaiu. At a ce||u|ar |eve|, it
refers to pro|iferatiou due to ce|| divisiou, fo||owed by
vo|ume iucrease (hypertrophy).deve|opmeut of musc|es
refers to ce|| pro|iferatuiu, fo||owed by fusiou aud hyper-
trophy (hurwit/ aud Ta|pa/, 1991).
Comp|ex growth coutro| was thrived to be descri-
bed mathematica||y iu form of bio|ogica| growth mode|s,
through exp|aiuiug priucipa|s of growth (vou 8erta|auffy,
1951) aud creatiug mode|s for their descriptiou (Zeger
aud har|ow, 1981).
0escriptiou of growth curve is a basis of each
mode|, aimiug at eva|uatiou of bio|ogica| aud ecouomic
parameters iu productiou of turleys. 6rowth curve used
for descriptiou of weight is usua||y of sigmoid shape,
marled by a weal gaiu at the begiuuiug, acce|eratiou up
to a certaiu age (iuf|ectiou poiut), aud fo||owed by wea-
ler gaiu as the weight reaches its maximum. lu order to
exp|aiu growth, there were severa| equatious iu use
over the |ast 2OO years (Zeger aud har|ow, 1981), of
which the 6ompert/ equatiou dated from 1825 is cousi-
dered the most appropriate for preseutatiou of growth
curve iu chicleus (T/eug aud 8ecler, 1981, Ta|pa/ et a|.,
1981). The 6ompert/ equatiou is app|icab|e iu mauy
scieutific areas, for examp|e, iu mediciue for descriptiou
of tumor growth, iu bio|ogy for descriptiou of growth of
orgauisms, iu eco|ogy, marletiug, etc. (Juli et a|.,
The aim of this research was to determiue growth
characteristics of turley toms aud heus of licho|as 1OO
proveuieuce by app|yiug specific mathematica| mode|.
||0. c|a S|||| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. 0|.Sc.0|.|.c. c|daa ||a||| |c||
||c|essc|. VSc. |a|a a|e.| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e c| Jcs|c Jc|a|
S||csscaje| J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| 0eca||ce| c| Scec|a| cc|ec||cs I|
S.. I|c|s|.a 3 3 000 9s||e| C|ca||a eca||. scc|a@c|cs.||
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.592:636.O82
Z. Sktt/, 6otdaaa 8ta//k, Z/ata 6ajec/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae teseatca /ato gtowta caatactet/st/cs of tatke, a,6t/d was catt/ed oat oa 50
oae-da,-o/d tatke,s {30 toms aad 30 aeas/ of N/cao/as I00 ptocea/eace. Iae
teseatca /asted fot !9 weeks. Faca tatke, was matked w/ta a /eg t/ag. 0at/ag tae
expet/meat, tatke,s wete fed commetc/a/ m/xtates. Fca/aat/oa of tae /af/ect/oa
po/at aad of sepatate gtowta paases was o6ta/aed 6, meaas of as,mmett/c S-faac-
t/oa {8ta//k aad Sc/tocsk/, !993/.,
Fad we/gat of tatke, toms was a/gaet taaa tae oae of aeas 6, 34.53X {!48!!r905
g . !!005r993 g/. 0/ffeteaces /a f/aa/ we/gats 6etweea sexes, as we// as /a
we/gats ocet tae wao/e fattea/ag pet/od wete stat/st/ca//, a/ga/, s/ga/f/caat
{P<0.00!/. 4cetage a6so/ate aad te/at/ce ga/as {ga/a tates/ of toms /a compat/soa
to aeas wete II5 g aad !2.45X, aad 55I g aad !2.!!X, tespect/ce/,.
8, tae patametets of as,mmett/c S-faact/oa, /ateas/f/cat/oa of ptogtess/ce gtowta
paase /a tatke, toms statted aftet tae 5
week, aad /a tatke, aeas /t was pto/oa-
ged fot seceta/ da,s. 0etetm/aed 6/o/og/ca/ max/mam /a toms was !I.955 kg, aad
/a aeas !2.889 kg. /ateas/ce gtowta of aeas /asted ap to tae 6eg/aa/ag of tae !5
week, wa//e toms gtew /ateas/ce/, ap to tae ead of tae !5
week. Pos/t/oas of tae
/af/ect/oa po/at /a aeas wete detetm/aed at tae 6eg/aa/ag of tae !0
week, aad /a
toms /a tae m/dd/e of taat week.
8e,-wotds. tatke,s, a6so/ate aad te/at/ce ga/as, as,mmett/c S-faact/oa
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 141-144
The research iuto growth characteristics of turley
hybrid was carried out ou 6O oue-day-o|d turleys (3O
toms aud 3O heus) of licho|as 1OO proveuieuce. lt
|asted for 19 weels. Each turley was marled with a |eg
riug. 0uriug the experimeut, turleys were fed commer-
cia| mixtures. Their weight was coutro||ed every weel,
ou the basis of which data of the average weel|y gaiu
aud gaiu rates for each group, as we|| as for each sex
were ca|cu|ated.
Weel|y gaiu rates were ca|cu|ated by meaus of the
fo||owiug mathematica| formu|as: SP
~ (y
- y
) / y
where: i ~ 1... 19 weel, y
~ weight of turleys at the
eud of i weel. Average gaiu rates for each turley group
were obtaiued by meaus of expoueutia| fuuctiou | (\l ~
,(b, c) R
. Eva|uatiou of the iuf|ectiou poiut aud
each growth phase was obtaiued by meaus of asym-
metric S-fuuctiou (Kra|il aud Scitovsli, 1993):
Asymmetric S-fuuctiou with oue iuf|ectiou poiut
was strict|y growiug withiu the who|e defiuitiou area.
Parameters of asymmetric S-fuuctiou | aud c were
determiued ou the basis of experimeuta| data by app|-
yiug the |east squares method, where 8 marls the maxi-
mum poiut iu the area of iuteusive growth (the area of
couvexity), aud C represeuts the miuimum poiut iu the
area of degressive growth (the area of coucavity). The
iuterva| t t
represeuts the phase of growth formatiou,
the iuterva| t
t t
refers to the phase of iuteusive
growth, aud the iuterva| t t
marls the phase of
growth dece|eratiou. Research resu|ts were processed
by the Statistica for Wiudows v.1.1 software (StatSoft,
luc., 2OO5). Statistica| siguificauce of differeuces bet-
weeu turley sexes was determiued by the t-test.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Weights aud weight gaius of turley toms aud heus
of licho|as 1OO proveuieuce were preseuted iu the
Tab|e 1. Lehmauu et a|. (1996) reported that turleys iu
their experimeut weighed from11.81 to 18.45 lg iu the
weel of fatteuiug.
Accordiug to lob|e et a|. (1996), weights of turley
toms iu specific fatteuiug periods, i.e. iu the 4
, 8
, 12
aud 11
weel were 1.O1, 3.84, 8.62 aud 14.19 lg,
respective|y (from 13.55 to 14.61 lg). lu the research of
8reuoe aud Ko|stad (2OOO), turley toms iu the 11
weel of fatteuiug weighed 13.O6 lg, aud heus 9.51 lg,
whi|e the weights of toms at the eud of the 18
weel of
fatteuiug iu the research of Kidd et a|. (1991) were from
11.68 to 12.16 lg. Ferlet (2OO3) stated that the avera-
ge weight of turley toms iu the uSA at the eud of the
fatteuiug weel was 15.13 lg, whi|e heus weighed
ou the average 6.93 lg at the eud of 14
Average gaiu rates of heavy hybrid turleys were
12.45 for toms aud 12.11 for heus. 6aiu rates of both
turley toms aud heus are |ess thau gaiu rates of chic-
leus reported by Kra|il et a|. (1996) aud lvaulovi
(2OO2). Authors stated that iu their researches growth
rate of chicleus iu the 1
weel was higher thau 3.OO (iu
the 2
weel was arouud 1.5), whi|e average growth
rate at the eud of fatteuiug (42-49 day) was O.9O
(lvaulovi, 2OO2).
142 . S|||| e|. a|.. 0WIh EvAIAII0N 0F IkE hEAv hI MEAN8 ...
Iab|o 1. I|vo wo|ghts aod wo|ght ga|os oI turkoy toms aod hoos oI N|cho|as 700 provoo|ooco
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 141-144
Eva|uatiou of the iuf|ectiou poiut aud specific
growth phases of each turley sex (as preseuted iu Tab|e
3 aud 6raphs 1 aud 2) was comp|eted by app|yiug
asymmetric S-fuuctiou (Kra|il aud Scitovsli, 1993).
Accordiug to the parameters of asymmetric S-fuuctiou,
iuteusificatiou of progressive growth phase iu turley
toms started after the 5
weel, aud iu heus it was pro-
|ouged for severa| days. 0etermiued bio|ogica| maxi-
mum of toms was 11.966 lg, aud of heus 12.889 lg.
13:2OO1 (1) 141-144
. S|||| e|. a|.. 0WIh EvAIAII0N 0F IkE hEAv hI MEAN8 ...
u.s P>O.O5, P<O.O1, P<O.OO1
Iab|o 2. rowth ratos oI turkoy toms aod hoos oI
N|cho|as 700 provoo|ooco
Iab|o 3. 6haractor|st|cs oI Iuoct|oos - growth
raph 1. rowth curvo oI turkoy toms
raph 2. rowth curvo oI turkoy hoos
luteusive growth of heus |asted up to the begiuuiug of
the 15
weel, whi|e toms grew iuteusive|y up to the
eud of that weel. Positious of iuf|ectiou poiut iu heus
were determiued at the begiuuiug of the 1O
weel, aud
iu toms iu the midd|e of the same weel.
8ased ou the comp|eted research iuto growth eva-
|uatiou of the licho|as 1OO turleys (3O toms aud 3O
heus) that |asted from the 1
to 133
day, the fo||owiug
couc|usious were drawu:
Eud weight of turley toms was 34.63 higher thau
of heus (148119O6 g : 11OO5993 g).
0iffereuces iu eud weights betweeu turley sexes,
as we|| as iu weights over the who|e fatteuiug
period were statistica||y very high|y siguificaut
Average abso|ute aud re|ative gaius (gaiu rates) of
toms aud heus were 116 g, i.e. 12.45, aud 561 g,
i.e. 12.11, respective|y.
8y the parameters of asymmetric S-fuuctiou, iuteu-
sificatiou of progressive growth phase iu turley
toms started after the 5
weel, aud iu heus it
occurred severa| days |ater.
0etermiued bio|ogica| maximum of toms was
11.966 lg, aud of heus 12.889 lg. luteusive growth
of heus |asted up to the begiuuiug of the 15
whi|e toms grew iuteusive|y up to the eud of the
15th weel.
Positious of iuf|ectiou poiut iu heus were determi-
ued at the begiuuiug of the 1O
weel, aud iu toms
iu the midd|e of the same weel.
1. 8reuoe, u.T., Ko|stad, K. (2OOO): 8ody compositiou
aud deve|opmeut measures repeated|y by computer
tomography duriug growth iu two types of turleys.
Pou|t.Sci. 19:546-552.
2. Ferlet, P.R. (2OO3): 6rowth of toms improves sub-
stautia||y. Watt Pou|try uSA, Ju|y 2OO3, 38-44.
3. hurwit/, S., Ta|pa/, h. (1991): Mode||iug of growth.
Europeau Symposium ou Pou|try lutritiou.
August, 24-28, 1991, Faaborg, 0eumarl, 148-151.
4. lvaulovi, S. (2OO2): Modificirauje sadrtaja masuih
lise|iua u mesu tovuih pi|ia. 0oltorsla disertacija.
Agrouomsli falu|tet Sveui|ista u Mostaru.
5. Juli, 0., Kra|il, 6., Scitovsli, R. (2OO3): Least-squa-
res fittiug 6ompert/ curve. Jorua| of Computatioua|
aud App|ied Mathematics 169:359-315.
6. Kidd, M.T., Kerr, 8.J., Eug|aud, J.A., Wa|droup, P.W.
(1991): Performauce aud carcass compositiou of |arge
white toms as affected by dietary crude proteiu aud
threouiue supp|emeuts. Pou|t.Sci. 16:1392-1391.
1. Kra|il, 6., Scitovsli, R. (1993): lstrativauje /uaajli
rasta broj|era pomou asimetriue S-fuulcije.
Stoarstvo, 41(5-6):2O1-213.
8. Kra|il 6., 8otilovi, P., Slrti, Z. (1996):
Specifiuosti rasta i hrauidba proveuijeucija tovuih
pi|ia. Krmiva, 38(6):319-326.
9. Lehmauu, 0., Pacl, M., Jeroch, h. (1996): Respouses
of growiug aud fiuishiug turley toms to dietary |ysiue.
Pou|try Sci. 15:111-118.
1O. lob|e, 0.0., Muir, F.V., Krueger, K.K., lestor, K.E.
(1996): Effect of a|teriug the ear|y dietary proteiu
|eve|s ou ma|es from two straius of commercia| tur-
leys. Pou|t. Sci. 15:1334-1344.
11. StatSoft, luc. (2OO5). STATlSTlCA (data aua|ysis soft-
ware system), versiou 1.1.
12. Vou 8erta|auffy, L. (1951): 0uautitative |aws iu meta-
bo|ism aud growth. 0 Rev 8io|. Sep, 32(3): 211-31.
13. Ta|pa/, h., 6.0. da Ro/a, hearu, A.8. (1981).
Parameter estimatiou aud ca|ibratiou of simu|atiou
mode|s as a uou-|iuear optimi/atiou prob|em.
Agricu|tura| Systems 23:1O1-116.
14. T/eug, R, 8ecler, W.A. (1981): 6rowth patterus of
body aud abdomiua| fat weights iu ma|e broi|er chic-
leus. Pou|t. Sci. 6O, 11O1-11O6.
15. Zeger, S.L., har|ow, S.0. (1981): Mathematica|
mode|s from |aws of growth to too|s for bio|ogic aua|y-
sis: fifty years of "6rowth". 6rowth. Spriug, 51(1):1-
(Received ou 28 May 2OO1, accepted ou 19 Ju|y 2OO1)
144 . S|||| e|. a|.. 0WIh EvAIAII0N 0F IkE hEAv hI MEAN8 ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 141-144
The maiu productiou system used by S|oveuiau
breeders of autochthouous Je/erslo-So|ava sheep is
gra/iug |ambs with their dams ou the pasture ti|| they
reach 25 to 3O lg. They are s|aughtered theu. lu wiuter,
breeders weau |ambs at arouud 5O to 6O days aud fat-
teu them with hay aud commercia| couceutrates or
cerea|s ad |||||cc ti|| they reach 3O to 35 lg. however,
|amb carcasses aud meat qua|ity may vary accordiug to
the productiou system (0ia/ et a|., 2OO2). Therefore,
|ambs fatteued ou pasture geuera||y have |ess subcuta-
ueous fat thau sheepfo|d |ambs. Pasture |ambs have
greater euergy requiremeuts compared to their stab|e
coeva|s because of au iucreased basa| metabo|ism due
to herbage iu their diet aud iucreased activity associa-
ted with gra/iug. 0ue method of |amb meat productiou
iuvo|ves the weauiug of |ambs aud feediug them ou qua-
|ity pasture or iu a stab|e with commercia| couceutrates
or cerea|s up to s|aughter. The secoud method is s|augh-
teriug sucl|iug |ambs of meat breeds such as Je/erslo-
So|ava at approx. 3O lg of |ive weight. This study was
uudertaleu to determiue the effects of gra/iug ou mouu-
taiu pasture vs. feediug |ambs iu a stab|e with hay aud
cerea|s ad |||||cc ou carcass traits, some meat charac-
teristics aud ou the perceutage of uou-carcass compo-
ueuts aud carcass cuts iu |ambs fed to 34 lg. The effect
of weauiug was a|so determiued to fiud possib|e diffe-
reuces iu meutioued observatious betweeu sucl|iug (3O
lg |ive weight) aud weaued (38 lg |ive weight) |ambs.
Angela Cividini, BSc.; PhD. Drago Kompan, Assist.Prof., PhD.
Sivester gur, Assist.Prof. - University of Ljubljana,
Biotechnical Faculty, Zootechical Department, Groblje 3, 1230
Dom ale, Slovenia
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.3:636.O84.1, 636.3:631.5.O4/.O1
AI06hIh0N08 JEZE8k0-80IAvA EE
4age/a 0/c/d/a/, 0. 8ompaa, S. Zgat
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Ia/tt,-two 1etetsko-So/aca /am6s wete ased /a a 22 factot/a/ des/ga to eca/aate
tae effect of ptodact/oa s,stem {fattea/ag /a sta6/e w/ta aa, aad cetea/s ad //6/tam
ot oa tae pastate/ aad weaa/ag {sack//ag ot weaaed /am6s/ oa catcass aad meat
tta/ts of /am6s. Sack//ag /am6s wete s/aagateted at !25 da,s of age {30 kg of //ce
we/gat/ aad weaaed /am6s wete s/aagateted at !55 da,s {38 kg of //ce we/gat/. No
s/ga/f/caat d/ffeteaces /a da//, ga/a aad dtess/ag petceatage compated to tae pto-
dact/oa s,stem ot weaa/ag wete o6setced. Lam6s ftom pastate aad gteatet pet-
ceatage of //cet, aeatt aad sp/eea. Iae, aad /oaget aad w/det catcasses aad /owet
catcass fataess as /ad/cated 6, /owet petceatage of k/dae, fat {!.!5 cs. !.99/ aad
/owet petceatage of fat /a /eg taaa /am6s ftom sta6/e. Iae, a/so aad a/gaet pet-
ceatage of saoa/det aad /eg aad /owet petceatage of 6ack, /o/a aad t/6 w/ta f/aak.
Ptodact/oa s,stem a/so affected meat co/ot. Lam6s ftom pastate aad a/gaet 0/F L,
a aad 6 ca/aes of Loag/ss/mas dots/ masc/e. Most/,, weaa/ag /af/aeaced catcass
fataess aad te/ated tta/ts. Sack//ag /am6s aad /owet fataess scote {4.94 cs. 5.25/,
/owet petceatage of k/dae, fat aad fat /a /eg {8.55 cs. !0.3!/ aad /owet petceata-
ge of t/6 w/ta f/aak taaa weaaed /am6s. Meat ftom sack//ag /am6s was a/so of //ga-
tet co/oat. Iaete was ao s/ga/f/caat /atetact/oa 6etweea ptodact/oa s,stem aad
weaa/ag oa stad/ed catcass ot meat tta/ts.
8e,-wotds. /am6, ptodact/oa s,stem, weaa/ag, catcass tta/ts, catcass cats, meat
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 145-149

A tota| of 32 |ambs of autochthouous Je/erslo-
So|ava breed were reared ou the mouutaiu farm at
12OO m above sea |eve|. Lambs were boru ou the farm
aud stayed there uuti| s|aughtered. Sixteeu |ambs (8
ma|es, 8 fema|es) were reared iu the stab|e (S) aud six-
teeu (8 ma|es, 8 fema|es) ou the pasture (P). At the age
of 1O days the stab|e |ambs started to be fed with hay
aud cerea|s (41 bar|ey, 53 pressed beet pu|p) ad ||||
|cc. Pasture |ambs were ou|y gra/iug, aud received uo
feed supp|emeutatiou. Sucl|iug (Su) |ambs (8 stab|e
aud 8 pasture |ambs) were s|aughtered at 125 days of
age (3O lg of |ive weight). The group of weauiug (W)
|ambs were weaued at 125 days of age aud fed ou with
hay aud cerea|s (41 bar|ey, 53 pressed beet pu|p) ad
|||||cc iu the stab|e (8 |ambs) or were gra/iug ou the
pasture (8 |ambs) uuti| s|aughter (38 lg of |ive weight
aud 164 days of age). At s|aughter, |ambs were wei-
ghed ou the farm before trausportatiou to the experi-
meuta| abattoir at the Zootechuica| 0epartmeut at
8iotechuica| Facu|ty (4O lm). A|| |ambs were s|aughte-
red at cousecutive dates by the same procedures. The
bodies were sliuued, the head aud feet were removed.
The carcasses were eviscerated aud the iuterua| orgaus
were weighed. A|| body compoueuts such as head, sliu,
lidueys, |iver, heart, |uugs aud sp|eeu were weighed
aud c|assified iu terms of their respective perceutage
with respect to |ive weight of the auima|. hot carcass
weight (hCW) aud hot dressiug perceutage (0P) iuc|u-
diug lidueys aud pe|vic fat were determiued. Carcass
couformatiou aud fatuess were subjective|y scored
accordiug to the S|oveuiau regu|atiou for gradiug aud
c|assifyiug carcasses of sheep aud |ambs (Ru|es.,
2OO1), which is iu agreemeut with the Europeau regu|a-
tious (Couuci| Regu|atiou., 1994). The temperature
aud ph of the carcasses 45 miu aud 24 h after s|aughter
iu the |c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e behiud the |ast rib were
measured usiug a ph-meter equipped with a peuetratiug
e|ectrode. Carcasses were theu chi||ed at 4C for 24 h iu
couveutioua| chi||er. The co|d carcass weight (CCW)
was measured after 24 h. After the chi||iug, carcass
|eugth (CL), |eg width (LW) aud shou|der width (SW)
were measured. Carcass |eugth was recorded from the
crauia| edge of the symphysis pe|vis to the crauia| edge
of the first rib. Leg aud shou|der width were defiued as
the greatest width of |eg or shou|der, measured iu a
hori/outa| p|aue ou the haugiug carcass. Meat co|our
was measured as trip|icate ou the cross sectiou of
|c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e after 3O miu of exposure to
the air by chromo meter (Miuo|ta CR 3OO) aud
expressed as ClE Lab va|ues. After the remova| of
lidueys aud liduey fat, carcasses were further separa-
ted iuto seveu joiuts: uecl, chucl, bacl, |oiu, shou|der,
|eg aud rib with f|aul (Figure 1).
The weight of each cut was recorded aud
expressed as the perceutage of CCW. The right |eg was
further dissected iu order to separate musc|e, fat aud
boue tissues. The weight of liduey fat aud liduey was
recorded aud expressed as the proportiou to CCW.
The data were aua|y/ed usiug the 6LM procedure
of SAS (199O). Effects of productiou system (PS
) aud
weauiug (W
) as fixed effects, were iuc|uded iu the
mode|. luteractiou betweeu productiou system aud
weauiug was uot statistica||y siguificaut, therefore it
was exc|uded from the mode|.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The average |ive weight of stab|e aud pasture
|ambs was 34 lg. The basic statistica| data showed that
at 34 lg |ive weight at s|aughter stab|e |ambs were
youuger (131 days) thau pasture |ambs (152 days), but
dai|y gaiu from birth to s|aughter was uot statistica||y
differeut betweeu productiou systems. Sucl|iug |ambs
were s|aughtered at 3O lg average |ive weight (125
days of age) aud weaued |ambs at 38 lg average |ive
weight (165 days of age).
Least-squares meaus for growth, dressiug perceu-
tage, couformatiou aud fatuess gradiug aud measure-
meuts of carcass |eugth, |eg aud shou|der width are pre-
seuted iu Tab|e 1. lo siguificaut differeuces iu dai|y gaiu
aud dressiug perceutage from birth to s|aughter compa-
riug the productiou system or weauiug were observed.
Stab|e |ambs disp|ayed siguificaut|y greater fatuess
thau |ambs raised ou pasture, as iudicated by the per-
ceutage of liduey fat (1.99 vs. 1.16). Morou-Fueumayor
aud C|avero (1999) reported higher dressiug perceutage
iu |ambs fed couceutrates iu comparisou with the uou-
supp|emeuted group of |ambs reared ou pasture aud
s|aughtered at 2O lg of |ive weight. They a|so reported
higher perceutage of iuterua| aud exterua| fat deposits iu
|ambs fed couceutrates coufirmiug our resu|ts. 0ia/ et
a|. (2OO2) compared pasture aud sheepfo|d |ambs, both
fatteued with couceutrate after weauiug aud s|aughte-
red at 26 lg of |ive weight. lu their study they fouud out
siguificaut|y greater fatuess iu sheepfo|d |ambs thau iu
pasture |ambs aud a|so more dorsa| fat thicluess, higher
146 4. C|.|d|| e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F F06II0N 88IEM AN WEANIN 0N IAM ...
1 lecl
2 Chucl
3 8acl
4 Loiu
5 Rib with f|aul
6 Leg
1 Shou|der
CL Carcass |eugth
F|guro 1. Iamb carcass cuts
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 145-149
quautity of liduey luob aud chauue| fat. The experimeut
where the effect of feediug system, geuotype aud
s|aughter weight was iuvestigated (Sautos-Si|va et. a|,
2OO2) approved our resu|ts. Lambs of two geuotypes
raised ou pasture aud s|aughtered at 24 lg showed a
higher proportiou of carcasses graded iu fatuess c|ass 1,
pasture |ambs s|aughtered at 3O lg had higher fatuess
score, with most of carcasses iuc|uded iu c|ass 2.
Carcass |eugth aud |eg width were greater iu pasture
|ambs thau iu stab|e |ambs. Weauiug had a siguificaut
effect ou carcass fatuess, carcass couformatiou aud CL,
LW aud SW. Weauiug |ambs had greater va|ues of car-
cass fatuess aud carcass couformatiou. They had |ouger
carcasses aud wider |eg aud shou|der thau sucl|iug
|ambs as expected because of greater age aud s|augh-
ter weight.
Vergara aud 6a||ego (1999) examiued the effect of
the type of sucl|iug aud |eugth of |actatiou period iu
three groups of |ambs s|aughtered at 24 lg of |ive
weight (from 12 lg |ive weight a|| the |ambs had com-
mercia| couceutrate offered ad |||||cc uuti| s|aughter).
Carcasses of uuweaued |ambs had greater fatuess
score aud greater weight of pe|vic fat thau weaued
|ambs at 35 days. The authors couc|uded that greater
fatuess iu uuweaued |ambs had beeu associated with a
higher dressiug proportiou aud possib|y re|ated to the
fact that the rumeus of mi|l fed |ambs are re|ative|y
Pasture |ambs had carcasses with higher perceu-
tage of |iver, heart aud sp|eeu iu comparisou to stab|e
|ambs (Tab|e 2). Viscera| orgau si/e turued out to be
affected by the |eve| of feed iutale (F|uharty et a|., 1999,
Morou Fueumayor aud C|avero, 1999, 0roui||ard, 1991,
F|uharty aud McC|ure, 1991). To determiue the effect of
diet source (pasture a|fa|fa vs. couceutrate) F|uharty et
a|. (1999) fouud out that |ambs gra/ed ou a|fa|fa had
greater |iver, omasum, abomasums, sma|| aud |arge
iutestiue weights thau |ambs fed the couceutrate diet.
Coutrary to the preseut experieut Morou Fueumayor aud
C|avero (1999) fouud greater perceutage of |iver iu sup-
p|emeuted |ambs thau iu those gra/iug ou pasture. lt
was reported that |iver weights cau be decreased with
uutrieut restrictious. The resu|t of 0roui||ard et a|. (1991)
suggests that mechauisms iuvo|ved iu reduciug tota|
euergy expeuditure of |iver tissue may differ uuder cou-
ditious of dietary proteiu aud euergy restrictiou. The
maiuteuauce of euergy requiremeuts cau be attributed
to the viscera| orgaus, especia||y the |iver aud were
associated with the high rates of proteiu syuthesis iu
these tissues. high (125 ) proteiu diets of |ambs
s|aughtered at 36 lg of |ive weight, resu|ted iu greater
weights aud faster accretiou rates of |iver aud liduey
compared with uorma| (1OO ) proteiu iutale (F|uharty
aud McC|ure, 1991). 6reater proportiou of |iver weights
iu pasture |ambs of the preseut study cau be attributed
to the greater proteiu aud euergy iutale ou pasture.
Weauiug had siguificaut effect ou a|| uou-carcass com-
poueuts. 6reater proportiou of |iver, |uugs, heart, sp|eeu
aud head was fouud iu sucl|iug |ambs. The proportiou of
pe|t was greater at weaued |ambs as expected because
of higher s|aughter weight.
Meaus for the proportiou of the shou|der, bacl,
|oiu, rib aud f|aul, |eg aud |eg compositiou showu iu
Tab|e 3 iudicate that siguificaut differeuces betweeu
productiou systems were fouud. Pasture |ambs had
greater shou|der aud |eg va|ues thau stab|e |ambs.
Stab|e |ambs had greater bacl, |oiu aud rib aud f|aul
va|ues. The resu|ts of the dissectiou of the |eg had
showu higher musc|e aud |ower fat va|ues iu the pastu-
re |ambs. There were uo siguificaut differeuces betweeu
productiou systems iu |eg-boue tissue proportiou. lu
simi|ar experimeut (0ia/, 2OO2) productiou system did
uot affect the proportiou of musc|e or boue iu |eg, but
iuf|ueuced fat which was greater iu sheepfo|d |ambs
4. C|.|d|| e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F F06II0N 88IEM AN WEANIN 0N IAM ...
Iab|o 1. 6arcass tra|ts oI oxpor|moota| |ambs (|oast squaro moaos r 8EE}
Carcass fatuess score: 5+~15, 5
~14, 5-~13, .1+~3, 1
~2, 1-~1, EuR0P-couformatiou: E+~15, E
~14, E-~13, .P+~3,
~2, P-~1, PO.O5. P<O.O1. P<O.OO1. us P>O.O5
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 145-149
thau iu |ambs raised ou pasture. Weauiug had uo affect
ou major cuts, except ou rib aud f|aul aud |eg. Sucl|iug
|ambs had |ower va|ues for rib aud f|aul aud higher
va|ues for |eg. Weaued |ambs showed higher fat pro-
portiou iu |eg thau sucl|iug |ambs. Summers et a|.
(1918) iuvestigated the effects of weauiug aud feediug
systems iu |ambs s|aughtered at 45 lg of |ive weight.
They fouud simi|ar proportious for |eg, |oiu, racl, uecl
aud shou|der betweeu weaued-pasture-couceutrate aud
uuweaued-pasture-couceutrate |ambs. They a|so fouud
higher va|ues for breast aud f|aul aud liduey fat iu
uuweaued-pasture-couceutrate |ambs.
Variab|es of meat co|our are preseuted iu Tab|e 4.
Productiou system affected meat co|or so that |ambs
from pasture had higher ClE L, a aud b va|ues of
|c|ss|ccs dc|s| musc|e. Morou-Fueumayor aud
C|avero (1999) fouud s|ight|y darler red musc|e co|our
of |ambs fed couceutrates (6.O) whi|e the co|our of
pasture |ambs (1.2) was cherry red (sca|e from 1~darl
purp|e to 8 very |ight cherry red).
Sucl|iug |ambs had |ighter meat co|our (39.81)
compared to weaued |ambs (38.53). Vergara aud
6a||ego (1999) couc|uded that va|ues from L iucreased
wheu |ambs stayed |ouger with their mothers. however,
red iudex (a), ye||ow iudex (b) aud ph45 did uot vary
with weauiug.
The fo||owiug differeuces betweeu productiou
systems were estab|ished. Pasture |ambs disp|ayed
siguificaut|y |ower carcass aud iuterua| fatuess, aud
|ower |eg-fat couteut thau stab|e |ambs, wheu s|aughte-
red at 34 lg. Pasture |amb carcasses were |ouger aud
wider aud had greater perceutage of shou|der aud |eg.
Meat co|our of pasture |ambs teuded to be more red,
ye||ow aud |ighter iu co|our. lo siguificaut differeuces iu
dai|y gaiu aud dressiug perceutage from birth to s|augh-
ter compariug the productiou systems or weauiug were
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 145-149
4. C|.|d|| e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F F06II0N 88IEM AN WEANIN 0N IAM ...
Iab|o 2. Forcootagos oI ooo-carcass compoooots oI oxpor|moota| |ambs (|oast squaro moaos r 8EE}
P<O.O5. P<O.O1. P<O.OO1. us P>O.O5
Iab|o 3. 6arcass cuts oI oxpor|moota| |ambs (|oast squaro moaos r 8EE}
P<O.O5. P<O.O1, P<O.OO1, us P>O.O5
Weaued |ambs had greater va|ues of carcass fat-
uess aud carcass couformatiou. They had |ouger car-
casses aud wider |eg aud shou|der thau sucl|iug |ambs
as expected because of greater age aud s|aughter
weight. They showed higher fat proportiou iu |eg, higher
rib aud f|aul aud |ower |eg va|ues. Meat from sucl|iug
|ambs teuded to be |ighter iu co|our.
1. Couuci| Regu|atiou (EC) lo 1218/94 of 3O May 1994
ameudiug Regu|atiou (EEC) lo 338/91 determiuiug
the Commuuity staudard qua|ity of fresh or chi||ed
sheep carcases aud Regu|atiou (EEC) lo 2131/92
couceruiug the Commuuity sca|e for the c|assificatiou
of carcases of oviue auima|s aud determiuiug the
Commuuity staudard qua|ity of fresh or chi||ed sheep
carcases. 0fficia| jourua| L14O, OOO5-OOO6.
2. 0ia/, M.T., Ve|asco, S., Caueque, V., Lau/urica, S.,
Rui/ de huidobro, F., Pere/, C., 6ou/a|es, J.,
Mau/auares, C. (2OO2): use of couceutrate or pasture
for fatteuiug |ambs aud its effect ou carcass aud meat
qua|ity. Sma|| Rumiuaut Res. 43:251-268.
3. 0roui||ard, J.S., K|opfeusteiu, T.J., 8rittou, R.A.,
8auer, M.L., 6ram|ich, S.M., Wester, T.J., aud Ferre||,
C.L. (1991): 6rowth, body compositiou aud viscera|
orgau mass aud metabo|ism iu |ambs duriug aud after
metabo|i/ab|e proteiu or uet euergy restrictious. J.
Auim. Sci.69:3351-3315.
4. F|uharty, F.L., McC|ure, K.E., So|omou, M.8.,
C|eveuger, 0.0., aud Lowe, 6.0. (1999): Euergy sour-
ce aud iouophore supp|emeutatiou effects ou |amb
growth, carcass characteristics, viscera| orgau mass,
diet digestibi|ity aud uitrogeu metabo|ism. J. Auim.
Sci. 11:816-823.
5. F|uharty, F.L. aud McC|ure, K.E. (1991): Effects of die-
tary eurgy iutale aud proteiu couceutratiou ou per-
formauce aud viscera| orgau mass iu |ambs.
J.Auim.Sci. 15:6O4-61O.
6. Ru|es ou the assessmeut aud c|assificatiou of carcas-
ses of sheep, |ambs aud sucl|iug |ambs ou the s|augh-
teriug |iue. (2OO1): ur.|. RS 28, 2962-2966.
1. Morou-Fueumayor, 0.E., C|avero, T. (1999): The effect
of feediug system ou carcass characteristics, uou-car-
cass compoueuts aud retai| cut perceutages of |ambs.
Sma|| Rumiuaut Res. 34: 51-64.
8. Sautos-Si|va, J., Meudes, l.A., 8essa, R.J.8. (2OO2):
The effect of geuotype, feediug system aud s|aughter
weight ou the qua|ity of |ight |ambs. 1. 6rowth, car-
cass compositiou aud meat qua|ity. Livest. Prod. Sci.
9. SAS/ STAT user's 6uide, (199O): Versiou 6. Cary, lC,
uSA, SAS lustitute luc.
1O. Summers, Rauda|| L., Kemp, James 0., E|y, 0.6., Fox,
J.0. 1918: Effects of weauiug, feediug systems aud
sex of |amb ou |amb carcass characteristics aud pa|a-
tabi|ity. J.Auim.Sci. 41:623-629.
11. Vergara, h., 6a||ego, L. (1999): Effect of type of suc-
l|iug aud |eugth of |actatiou period ou carcass aud
meat qua|ity iu iuteusive |amb productiou systems.
Meat Scieuce, 53:211-215.
(Received ou 21 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 16 May 2OO1)
4. C|.|d|| e|. a|.. IhE EFFE6I 0F F06II0N 88IEM AN WEANIN 0N IAM ...
Iab|o 4. I*, a*,b* va|uos oI Loag/s/mas dots/ oI oxpor|moota| |ambs (|oast squaro moaos r 8EE}
P<O.O5, P<O.O1, P<O.OO1, us P>O.O5
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 145-149
Efficieut aud safe productiou fu|fi||iug auima| we|fa-
re aud euviroumeuta| aspects is a requiremeut iu auima|
breediug becomiug iucreasiug|y widespread wor|dwide.
From the viewpoiut of auima| we|fare the most commou
prob|ems are the high stocliug deusity, |arge group si/e
aud the restrictiou of the socia| aud |ocomotor beha-
viours. App|icatiou of |arge groups, euviroumeuta|
eurichmeut, advautageous f|oor type (taliug iuto
accouut we|fare aspects) is a research area of high
geuera| iuterest (Kustos et a|., 2OO3a, 2OO3b, Verga et
a|., 2OO4, Maerteus et a|., 2OO4, Trociuo et a|., 2OO4,
Priuc/ et a|., 2OO5a, 2OO5b). The resu|ts of these experi-
meuts cau be used to deve|op auima| we|fare recom-
meudatious iu the Eu.
lu rabbit breediug curreut|y the app|icatiou of deep
|itter aud reariug iu re|ative|y |arge groups is advocated.
lt has to be remembered however that the weaued rab-
bits (seusitive to euteric diseases) reared ou deep |itter
may have high risl of coccidiosis. Accordiug to Kustos
et a|. (2OO2) housiug the rabbits ou deep |itter at a |ater
age cau |ower the risl of coccidiosis.
The objective of the preseut study was to aua|yse
some of the behaviour forms of rabbits lept ou wire uet
(for the who|e fatteuiug period) aud that of the rabbits
housed ou deep |itter at various ages usiug differeut
stocliug deusities.
Ao|ma|s, hous|og cood|t|oos
The experimeut was carried out at the uuiversity of
Kaposvar usiug 12O Pauuou White rabbits of both
sexes. 0uriug the experimeut rabbits were housed iu 12
peus, each haviug a si/e of 5O 11O 8O cm usiug a
|ightiug regime of 16L/80 iu a c|osed rabbit house.
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.92:636.O83.3
EhAvI0 M0E8 0F 0WIN AII8
6a6t/e//a 1ekke/, 6. M///s/ts, /. Nag,
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae expet/meat was catt/ed oat w/ta !20 Paaaoa Wa/te gtow/ag ta66/ts, wa/ca
wete teated ftom 5 to !! weeks of age oa foat t,pes of f/oot.
!. w/te aet f/oot ftom 5 to !! weeks of age,
2. w/te aet f/oot ftom 5 to I weeks of age, aad sttaw //ttet taeteaftet,
3. w/te aet f/oot ftom 5 to 9 weeks of age, aad sttaw //ttet taeteaftet,
4. sttaw //ttet ftom 5 to !! weeks of age.
/a eaca gtoap tatee d/ffeteat stock/ag deas/t/es {8, !2 aad !5 ta66/ts/m/ wete
ased. 4s fot tae ta66/ts 24-aoats c/deo tecotd/ags wete made ecet, week oa tae
same da,. Iae actaa/ 6eaac/ota/ fotm of eaca ta66/t was tecotded /a ecet, !0
m/aates. 8ased oa tae tesa/ts /t was foaad oat, taat tae fteqaeac, of eat/ag
decteased, waea w/te aet f/oot was caaaged to sttaw //ttet. Iae fteqaeac, of dt/a-
k/ag was /ess taaa 0.5X /a tae !
expet/meata/ gtoap aad most/, a/gaet taaa !X /a
tae otaet tatee gtoaps dat/ag tae wao/e teat/ag pet/od. Iae moc/ag act/c/t, of tae
ta66/ts was a/gaet oa tae sttaw //ttet, wa//e test/ag was o6setced mote oftea oa
tae w/te aet f/oot.
8e,-wotds. ta66/ts, 6eaac/oat, f/oot t,pe, stock/ag deas/t,
a|||e||a Je||e| ||0. s|cde| ||0. J|c| V|||s||s sc|e||||c |esea|c|
c||e| ||0. |s|.J |aj sc|e||||c |esea|c| c||e| J|.e|s||j c|
|accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |/400 |accs.J| c|a S. c. 40.
|ca|j eca||. |e||e|@c|||cca||.|c
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 15O-154
The temperature iu the bui|diug was 16-11
Three differeut stocliug deusities were used (1, 1O aud
13 rabbits per peu, i.e. 8, 12 aud 16 rabbits per m
). The
feeder of each peu was 4O cm |oug aud water was avai-
|ab|e ad |ibitum from uipp|e driulers (two driulers per
peu). The 4-4-4 cages of the same stocliug deusities
differed ou|y iu the f|oor type:
1. wire uet duriug the who|e experimeut,
2. wire uet uuti| the age of 1 weels, theu deep
3. wire uet uuti| the age of 9 weels, theu deep
4. deep |itter duriug the who|e experimeut.
Rabbits iuc|uded iu the experimeut were betweeu
the ages of 5 to 11 weels. The growiug rabbits received
ad |ibitum medicated pe||et uuti| the age of 9 weels
(14.5 crude proteiu, 11.5 crude fibre, 2.O ether
extract, aud 1O.3 MJ 0E/lg) theu ad |ibitum commercia|
pe||et (16.O crude proteiu, 16.O crude fibre, 3.O
ether extract, aud 1O.6 MJ 0E/lg).
ohav|our aoa|ys|s
0uriug the 6 weel experimeut 24 hour video recor-
diugs were performed usiug iufrared cameras at the
same day of the weels. usiug the 24 hour recordiugs
every 1O
miuute was eva|uated recordiug the beha-
viour form of every auima|. Theu the frequeucy of each
behaviour form was ca|cu|ated for the 24 hours. The fo|-
|owiug behaviour forms were examiued: eatiug, driu-
liug, movemeut, restiug, comfort aud socia| behaviours.
8tat|st|ca| aoa|ys|s
Frequeucy differeuces of the behaviour forms of
rabbits lept uuder various f|oor types aud stocliug deu-
sities were determiued by meaus of chi-square test
app|yiug SPSS 1O.O software paclage (SPSS for
Wiudows, 1999).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The frequeucy of eatiug was rauged betweeu 9-
12 iu every group uuti| the age of 9 weels. Chaugiug
the medicated to commercia| pe||et however, decreased
the eatiug frequeucy beiug ou|y 6-9 from the 1O
weel of age (Tab|e 1).
Chaugiug of f|oor type a|so affected the eatiug fre-
queucy. From the age of 1 aud 9 weels the eatiug fre-
queucy of rabbits decreased after p|aciug the beddiug
materia| iu the peus. The pheuomeuou may be exp|aiued
by the deep |itter cousumptiou of the rabbits. The eatiug
frequeucy a|so decreased to 1O that of the first weel
with the advauced age. This is very simi|ar to the resu|ts
of Verga et a|. (2OO4), who observed a decrease iu the
frequeucy of eatiug duriug the reariug period.
The driuliug frequeucy was a|so affected by p|a-
ciug beddiug materia| iu the peus. The frequeucy drop-
ped to 6O-15 compared to the driuliug frequeucy
observed before the chaugiug of f|oor type (Tab|e 2).
Stocliug deusity a|so affected the driuliug fre-
queucy observiug O.5-1.5 aud 1.5-2.5 usiug the |ar-
gest (16 rabbits per m
) aud sma||er (8 aud 12 rabbits
per m
) deusities, respective|y. Simi|ar|y to eatiug the
highest driuliug frequeucy was observed at the begiu-
uiug of the experimeut (at the age of 6 aud 1 weels). At
the |ast mouitoriug poiut (at the age of 11 weels) driu-
liug frequeucy decreased to 65 compared to the first
weel. These resu|ts are iu accordauce with the resu|ts
of Morisse et a|. (1991), who observed a simi|ar
decrease iu the frequeucy of eatiug aud driuliug duriug
the growiug period.
Movemeut behaviours showed a substautia|
decrease iu frequeucy compared to the p|aciug time (6
weels of age) aud dropped to 5O oue weel after hou-
siug the rabbits iu the peus (Tab|e 3). The high move-
meut frequeucy at the first weel cau possib|y be exp|ai-
ued by the uove| euviroumeut aud the re|ative|y |arge
avai|ab|e p|ace. Simi|ar observatious were a|so made by
Verga et a|. (2OO4), who have fouud a siguificaut|y
higher frequeucy of movemeut at the begiuuiug of the
experimeut compared to that at the eud of reariug.
Examiuiug the effect of stocliug deusity the rabbits
lept iu the sma||est stocliug deusity (8 rabbits per m
showed iu accordauce with the resu|ts of Verga et a|.
(2OO4) the highest movemeut frequeucy.
The restiug behaviour showed the highest fre-
queucy amoug the behaviour forms reachiug occasio-
ua||y 1O (Tab|e 4).
The effect of stocliug deusity ou the restiug beha-
viour cou|d be detected at the age of 6 weels (just after
housiug the rabbits iu peus). At this age rabbits lept iu
the sma||est stocliug deusity (8 rabbits per m
) had the
sma||est restiug frequeucy compared to rabbits lept iu
|arger stocliug deusities (12 aud 16 rabbits per m
This fiudiug was iu accordauce with high movemeut
frequeucy of rabbits (at the begiuuiug of the experimeut)
lept iu |ow stocliug deusity.
Socia| aud comfort behaviour forms were uot affec-
ted by stocliug deusity, age aud f|oor type. lo c|ear teu-
deucies cou|d be estab|ished.
lt cau be couc|uded that the f|oor type aud stocliug
deusity did uot affect the frequeucy of the most impor-
taut behaviour forms of rabbits. leverthe|ess p|aciug
beddiug materia| to wire uet may resu|t iu cousumptiou
decreasiug the eatiug behaviour aud presumab|y the
average dai|y gaiu.
. Je||e| e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F FI00 IFE AN 8I06kIN EN8II 0N IhE ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 15O-154
152 . Je||e| e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F FI00 IFE AN 8I06kIN EN8II 0N IhE ...




















































































468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 15O-154
. Je||e| e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F FI00 IFE AN 8I06kIN EN8II 0N IhE ...




































F 13:2OO1 (1) 15O-154 468/0JLIJ8F
1. Kustos, K., Met/ger, S/., S/eudr}, Zs., Eibeu, Cs.,
lagy, l. (2OO2): Ca|cass ||a||s ad cea| ca|||j c| |a|
|||s |ea|ed | caes c| ces (iu huugariau). 14
huugariau Coufereuce ou Rabbit Productiou, 29 May
2OO2, Kaposvr (huugary), 129-134.
2. Kustos, K., Juhs/, Zs., Kovcs, 0., Eibeu, Cs.,
S/eudr} Zs. (2OO3a): Effect of group si/e ou produc-
tiou of growiug rabbits ou deep |itter (iu huugariau).
huugariau Coufereuce ou Rabbit Productiou, 28
May 2OO3, Kaposvr (huugary), 129-134.
3. Kustos, K., Tbis, 6., Kovcs, 0., Eibeu, Cs., S/eudr},
Zs. (2OO3b): Effect of stocliug deusity, the materia| of
bottou aud feediug ou performauce of growiug rabbits.
huugariau Coufereuce ou Rabbit Productiou, 28
May 2OO3, Kaposvr (huugary), 123-128.
4. Maerteus, L., Tuyttees, F., Vau Poucle, E. (2OO4):
6roup housiug of broi|er rabbits: performauce iu euri-
ched vs barreu peus. 8
Wor|d Rabbit Cougress, 1-1O
September 2OO4, Pueb|a (Mexico), 1241-125O.
5. Morisse, J.P., Maurice, R. (1991): luf|ueuce of stoc-
liug deusity or group si/e ou behaviour of fatteuiug
rabbits lept uuder iuteusive couditious. App|ied
Auima| 8ehaviour Scieuce, 54: 351-351.
6. Priuc/, Z., S/eudr}, Zs., 0a||e Zotte, A., Raduai, l., 8ir-
lmeth, E., Met/ger, S/., 6yovai, M., 0rova, Z.
(2OO5a): Effect of differeut housiug ou productive
traits aud ou some behaviour patterus of growiug rab-
bits. 11
huugariau Coufereuce ou Rabbit Productiou,
25 May 2OO5, Kaposvr (huugary), 95-1O2.
1. Priuc/, Z., S/eudr}, Zs., Raduai, l., 8iru-lmeth, E.,
0rova, Z., Matics, Zs., 6yovai, M. (2OO5b): Effect of
f|oor type aud stocliug deusity ou performauce of
growiug rabbits. 11
huugariau Coufereuce ou Rabbit
Productiou, 25 May 2OO5, Kaposvr (huugary), 1O3-
8. SPSS for Wiudows (1999): Versiou 1O.O, Copyright
SPSS luc.
9. Trociuo, A., Xiccato, 6., 0ueaque, P. l., Sartori, A.
(2OO4): 6roup housiug of growiug rabbits: Effect of
stocliug deusity aud cage f|oor ou performauce, we|-
fare, aud meat qua|ity. 8
Wor|d Rabbit Cougress, 1-
1O September 2OO4, Pueb|a (Mexico), 1211-1282.
1O. Verga, M., Ziugare||i, l., heiu/|, E., Ferraute, V.,
Martiuo, P. A., Lu/i F. (2OO4): Effect of housiug aud
euviroumeuta| eurichmeut ou performauce aud beha-
viour iu fatteuiug rabbits. 8
Wor|d Rabbit Cougress,
1-1O September 2OO4, Pueb|a (Mexico), 1283-1288.
154 . Je||e| e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F FI00 IFE AN 8I06kIN EN8II 0N IhE ...
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 15O-154
(Received ou 18 May 2OO1, accepted ou 24 May 2OO1)
A|though mauy worlgroups study severa| qua|ifi-
catiou methods of meat, ou|y a few papers are avai|ab|e
iu the topic of aua|ysis of raw rabbit meat by meaus of
uear-iufrared spectroscopy (llRS). A|though llR techui-
que is a uou destructive method that requires ou|y |itt|e
or uo samp|e preparatiou, its precisiou cau be very high
(P|a et a|., 2OO1). As opposed to couveutioua| chemica|
aua|ysis, llRS requires uo reageut, thus uo waste is
produced. The method has beeu deve|oped as a rapid
aud accurate techuica| too| for quautitative aua|ysis
such as estimatiug chemica| compositiou of differeut
foods aud feeds (Kaffla et a|., 1982, Xiccato et a|.,
2OO3). The abi|ity of llR spectroscopy iu meat aua|ysis
was reviewed by Prevo|uil et a|. (2OO4). From qua|itati-
ve aspect, discrimiuaut aua|ysis of samp|es, by their
llR spectra, males it possib|e to coutro| qua|ity (Murray
et a|., 2OO1), ideutify differeut meats by species (Mc
E|hiuuey et a|., 1999) or by feediug sources (8er/aghi et
a|., 2OO5). P|a et a|. (2OO1) iuvestigated the use aud fea-
sibi|ity of llRS to discrimiuate betweeu rabbit meats,
produced iu couveutioua| or orgauic systems. They suc-
cessfu||y ca|ibrated the techuique for the fatty acid
compositiou of rabbit meat, aud their discrimiuaut
mode| c|assified correct|y (98) betweeu reariug
The Loca| ca|ibratiou system, as a good estimator,
was first described by Sheul et a|. (1991) aud |ater it
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 155-158
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 639.112.2:631.5.O1
6,. 8atat
, Z. Pt/act
, 6a6t/e//a 1ekke/
, L. Locsmaad/
, 6a6t/e//a 4adtass,-8aka
6,. 86ct
, Zs. Steadt}
, 8. 8omcat/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae goa/ of ta/s stad, was to dece/op ca//6tat/oa eqaat/oas to pted/ct tae caem/ca/
compos/t/oa of taw, aomogea/ted ta66/t meat 6, meaas of aeat /aftated spectto-
scop, {N/8S/. 44 Paaaoa Wa/te ta66/ts wete aoased /a gtoaps /a tatee d/ffeteat
pea t,pes {!5 aa/m./m
/, aad wete fed tae same d/et. 4aotaet 45 aa/ma/s wete aoa-
sed /a cages {!2 aa/m./m
/ aad fed 6, d/ffeteat feed/ag teg/mes. 8a66/ts wete
s/aagateted at tae 6od,we/gat of 2.4-2.5 kg. homogea/ted ftesa aad fteete-dt/ed
/eft tota/ a/ad /eg masc/es wete /acest/gated 6, N/8S as/ag a N/8S,stem 5500
eqa/pmeat w/ta sma// t/ag cap samp/e ao/det. Iae etaet exttact aad ptote/a coateat
of a// samp/es wete detetm/aed caem/ca//,. Samp/es 44 of aoas/ag expet/meat
wete app//ed /a ptodac/ag L004L ca//6tat/oa eqaat/oas tested oa tae 45 samp/es
ftom tae sepatate feed/ag expet/meat. 0oeff/c/eats of detetm/aat/oa {8
/ of tae pte-
d/ct/oas wete 0.89 aad 0.99 fot fat, 0.85 aad 0.95 fot ptote/a /a ftesa aad fteete-
dt/ed samp/es, tespect/ce/,. 8esa/ts ate teassat/ag, 6ecaase tae eqaat/oas wete
app//ca6/e, aowecet tae aaa/,ted samp/es wete ftom /adepeadeat aoas/ag aad
feed/ag s,stems. Iaetefote tae caem/ca/ compos/t/oas d/ffeted /a tae two datasets,
/.e. 9.45X, aad !!.I9X fot fat, 85.I5X aad 83.44X fot ptote/a coateat /a ca//6tat/oa
aad pted/ct/oa datasets, tespect/ce/,. Iae acetage of N/8S pted/cted ca/aes fot fat
aad ptote/a was !!.35X, 83.88X ot !!.54X, 83.45X waea as/ag ftesa ot fteete-
dt/ed samp/es, tespect/ce/,.
8e,-wotds. N/8, ta66/t, meat, fat, ptote/a
(l jc|j 5JcJ| ||0. s|cde|. c||J |||cc ||0. s|cde|. a|||e||a
Je||e| ||0 s|cde|. |Jsc|c |ccscJd| ||0. s|cde|. ||0. a|||e||a
4d|Jssj5a|a 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. ||0. sc|| Sced|} ||c|essc|. ||0.
|c|e|| |cc.J|| ||c|essc| J|.e|||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca|
Sc|ece 40. c|a S. s||. /400 |accs.J| |ca|j. (2l ||0. jc|j |c.|
4sscc|a|e ||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| |cccc|c
Sc|ece 40. c|a S. s||. /400 |accs.J| |ca|j
was tested for severa| matters (8er/aghi et a|., 2OOO,
Micl|auder et a|., 2OO6).
The goa| of our iuvestigatiou was to set a llRS
ca|ibratiou ou fat aud proteiu couteut of rabbit hiud |eg
meat with a re|ative|y |ow samp|e uumber, aud to test it
ou au iudepeudeut stocl. Thus the testiug of Loca| ca|i-
bratiou system aud the geueratiug of a future|y app|ica-
b|e equatiou were appoiuted.
Meat samp/es
The iuvestigatiou was carried out ou 89 Pauuou
White rabbits that were reared at the uuiversity of
Kaposvr. The rabbits 44 were from a housiug experi-
meut (Priuc/ et a|., 2OO6) iu which five-weel-o|d wea-
ued rabbits were housed iu three differeut systems
(sma|| cage: O.12 m
, |arge cage: O.5 m
, |arge peu: 1.12
, 16 auima|s/m
for each). A commercia| diet was fed
ad |||||cc. 0ther 45 rabbits were from a feediug experi-
meut (Raduai et a|., 2OO5), where weaued auima|s were
housed iu cages (O.11 m
, 12 auima|s/m
). A|| rabbits
were fed commercia| diet, but three differeut feediug
regimes were app|ied (i.e. coutro|: ad |||||cc feediug
duriug the who|e fatteuiug period, restricted1: 6O of
the feed cousumptiou of the coutro| group duriug the
first weel after weauiug, 15 iu the secoud weel, 9O
iu the third, 1OO iu the forth weel aud ad |||||cc after-
wards, restricted2: 1O iu the first, 8O iu the secoud,
9O iu the third, 1OO iu the forth weel aud ad |||||cc
ti|| s|aughteriug). Water was offered ad |||||cc from uip-
p|e driulers.
Rabbits were s|aughtered at 11 weels of age at
the bodyweight of 2.4 2.5 lg. Tota| deboued |eft hiud
|eg musc|es were homogeui/ed (Retsch 6riudomix 2OO)
aud free/e-dried (Christ A|pha 1-4) after scauuiug.
Free/e-dried samp|es were homogeui/ed (lKA A11
basic) before repeated scauuiug.
0aem/ca/ aaa/,ses
A|| of the free/e-dried samp|es were used for che-
mica| aua|yses. The fat couteut of samp|es was deter-
miued accordiug to Fo|ch et a|. (1951). hydroch|oride
acid digestiou aud a Kje|-Foss Fast litrogeu Aua|y/er
was used for the determiuatiou of the uitrogeu couteut,
proteiu couteut was obtaiued by mu|tip|yiug these data
with 6.25. Chemica| data were used aud are giveu ou a
dry matter basis.
NI8 aoa|ysos
The fresh homogeui/ed aud free/e-dried meat sam-
p|es were measured by a Foss llRSystem 65OO
mouochromator (Foss llRSystems llC., Si|ver Spriug,
M0, uSA) equipped with a samp|e trausport modu|e aud
a sma|| riug cup cuvette. Ref|ectauce spectra were
taleu from 4OO to 25OO um regiou aud recorded as
|og(1/R) at 2 um iuterva|s. The WiulSl ll versiou 1.5
spectra| aua|ytica| sofware (lufraSoft luteruatioua|, Port
Mati|da, PS,uSA) was uti|i/ed for the operatiou of the
scauuer aud for the deve|opmeut of aua|ytica| procedu-
res. Samp|es were scauued twice fresh homogeui/ed
aud free/e-dried homogeui/ed. 0ata aua|yses were sui-
ted ou both fresh aud free/e-dried spectra.
8y luowiug both spectra| aud chemica| data, par-
tia| |east squares (PLS) regressiou was used iu order to
set Loca| equatiou for quautitative aua|ysis. 0iffereut
wave|eugth iuterva|s were used for geueratiug the ca|i-
bratiou equatious for the chemica| compoueuts. Wheu
usiug llR spectroscopy, excessive baclgrouud ofteu
exists withiu the llR spectra. Staudard uorma| variauce
(SlV) aud 0etreud were app|ied for correctiou of the
scatteriug effect. The s|opiug baclgrouud was removed
by the secoud derivative of the spectra (Tahboub aud
Pardue, 1985). A gap (8 um) aud a smoothiug iuterva| (6
um) was used to reduce samp|e-to-samp|e base|iue
variatiou aud to euhauce the absorptiou peals ("WiulSl
format": 2, 8, 6).
The samp|es 44 were app|ied to produce a ca|ibra-
tiou equatiou that was tested ou 45 rabbit meat samp|es
comiug from the separate feediug experimeut. The true
chemica| compositiou was luowu for the predicted
dataset as we||. Mode| performauce duriug va|idatiou
was reported as coefficieut of determiuatiou (R
), stau-
dard error of predictiou (SEP), bias aud SEP(C) corrected
for bias wheu the program was termiuated.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
0aem/ca/ aaa/,ses
The descriptive statistics for the two datasets
first from the housiug experimeut used for ca|ibratiou
aud the other from the feediug experimeut used for va|i-
datiou are showu iu Tab|e 1.
Siguificaut differeuces (p<O.OO1) were fouud bet-
weeu the two groups couceruiug the dry matter based
fat aud proteiu couteut. Fat couteut was |ower aud pro-
teiu couteut was higher iu rabbits comiug from the hou-
siug experimeut. The differeuces iu both traits were
more thau 2.
N/8S pted/ct/oa
0ptimi/atiou was performed for fiudiug the best
wave|eugth iuterva| for ca|ibratiou aud va|idatiou, but
the best resu|ts were achieved wheu usiug the who|e
iuterva| of 11OO-25OO um (Tab|e 2).
Coefficieuts of determiuatious (R
) were O.89 aud
O.99 for fat, O.85 aud O.96 for proteiu iu fresh aud free-
/e-dried samp|es, respective|y (Figure 1).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 155-158
j. 5JcJ| e|. a|.. NI8 FEI6II0N F0 F0IEIN AN INIAM86IA FAI 60NIENI ...
Resu|ts are reassuriug, because the equatious
were app|icab|e however the va|idated samp|es were
from au iudepeudeut housiug aud feediug system so the
average chemica| compositious differed siguificaut|y
from those of the ca|ibratiou dataset. The differeuce bet-
weeu the average of observed aud predicted va|ues of
both fat aud proteiu were uot higher thau O.5 for both
fresh aud for free/e-dried samp|es.
Va|idatiou resu|ts for fat aud proteiu couteut are
high|y simi|ar to resu|ts reported for other species
(Vi|joeu et a|., 2OO5, A|omar et a|., 2OO3).
llR spectroscopy is au app|icab|e techuique for
quicl aua|ysis of raw rabbit hiud |eg meat. lt was esta-
b|ished that after proper ca|ibratiou, llRS is high|y suffi-
cieut iu testiug procedures for the estimatiou of fat aud
proteiu couteut of meat.
The dataset of 44 meat samp|es seems to be
euough robust for geueratiug Loca| ca|ibratiou equatiou
beiug high|y usefu| for quicl aud massive predictiou of
the chemica| compositiou of iudepeudeut samp|es,
either usiug fresh or free/e-dried samp|es. Accordiug|y,
the dataset is couveuieut for husbaudry experimeuts
aud meat iuvestigatious.
1. A|omar, 0., 6a||o, C., Castaueda, M., Fuchs|ocher, R.
(2OO3): Chemica| aud discrimiuaut aua|ysis of boviue
meat by uear iufrared ref|ectauce spectroscopy
(llRS). Meat Scieuce, 63:441-45O.
2. 8er/aghi, P., Sheul, J.S., Westerhaus, M.0. (2OOO):
L0CAL predictiou with uear iufrared mu|ti-product
databases. Jourua| of lear lufrared Spectroscopy,
3. 8er/aghi, P., 0a||e Zotte, A., Jaussou, L.M.,
Audrighetto, l. (2OO5): lear-iufrared ref|ectauce spec-
troscopy as a method to predict chemica| composi-
tiou of breast meat aud discrimiuate betweeu diffe-
reut u-3 feediug sources. Pou|try Scieuce, 84:128-
4. Fo|ch, J., Lees, M., S|oaue Stau|ey, 6.h. (1951): A
simp|e method for the iso|atiou aud purificatiou of
tota| |ipids from auima| tissues. Jourua| of 8io|ogica|
Chemistry, 226:491-5O9.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 155-158
j. 5JcJ| e|. a|.. NI8 FEI6II0N F0 F0IEIN AN INIAM86IA FAI 60NIENI ...
Iab|o 1. oscr|pt|vo stat|st|cs Ior tho stocks oI ca||brat|oo aod va||dat|oo
Iab|o 2. Frod|ct|oo stat|st|cs Ior chom|ca| compos|t|oo
Lab: average of |aboratory va|ues, Pred: average of predicted va|ues, SEP: staudard error of predictiou, SEP(C): staudard error of predic-
tiou corrected for bias, R
: coefficieut of determiuatiou
F|guro 1. va||dat|oo ||oo botwooo NI8-prod|ctod aod |aboratory dotorm|ood va|uo oI dry mattor basod Iat aod
proto|o cootoots oI Iroozo-dr|od moat samp|os
5. Kaffla, K.J., lorris, K.h., Ros/a-Kiss, M. (1982):
0etermiuiug fat, proteiu aud water couteut of pastry
products by the llR techuique. Acta A|imeutaria,
6. McE|hiuuey, J., 0owuey, 6., Fearu, T. (1999):
Chemometric processiug of visib|e aud uear iufrared
ref|ectauce spectra for species ideutificatiou iu se|ec-
ted raw homogeuised meats. Jourua| of lear lufrared
Spectroscopy, 1:145-154.
1. Micl|auder, E., Kje|dah|, K., Egebo, M., lorgaard, L.
(2OO6): Mu|ti-product ca|ibratiou mode|s of uear iufra-
red spectra of foods. Jourua| of lear lufrared
Spectroscopy, 14:395-4O2.
8. Murray, l., Aucott, L.S., Pile, l.h. (2OO1): use of dis-
crimiuaut aua|ysis ou visib|e aud uear iufrared ref|ec-
tauce spectra to detect adu|teratiou of fishmea| with
meat aud boue mea|. Jourua| of lear lufrared
Spectroscopy, 9:291-311.
9. P|a, M., heruaude/, P., Ariuo, 8., Ramire/, J.A., 0ia/,
l. (2OO1): Predictiou of fatty acid couteut iu rabbit
meat aud discrimiuatiou betweeu couveutioua| aud
orgauic productiou systems by llRS methodo|ogy.
Food Chemistry, 1OO:165-11O.
1O. Prevo|uil, M., Caudel-Potolar, M., Slorjauc, 0.
(2OO4): Abi|ity of llR spectroscopy to predict meat
chemica| compositiou aud qua|ity - a review. C/ech
Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 11:5OO-51O.
11. Priuc/, Z., Romvri, R., S/ab, A., Met/ger, S/.,
Raduai, l., 8ir-lmeth, E., 0rova, Z., lagy, l.,
S/eudr}, Zs. (2OO6): Effect of the group si/e aud stoc-
liug deusity ou the productive performauce, carcass
traits, meat qua|ity aud we|fare of growiug rabbits.
18. lyu|teuys/tsi Tudomuyos lap, Kaposvr
12. Raduai, l., S/eudr}, Zs., Romvri, R., Matics, Zs.,
Wo|f, l. (2OO5): Effect of restricted feediug ou pro-
ductive aud carcass traits of rabbits. 11.
lyu|teuys/tsi Tudomuyos lap, Kaposvr
13. Sheul, J.S., Westerhaus, M.0. (1991): luvestigatiou
of a L0CAL ca|ibratiou procedure for uear iufrared
iustrumeuts. Jourua| of lear lufrared Spectroscopy,
14. Tahboub, Y.R., Pardue, h.L. (1985): Eva|uatiou of mu|ti
wave|eugth first- aud secoud derivative-spectra for
the quautitatiou of mixtures of po|yuuc|ear aromatic
hydrocarbous. Aua|ytica| Chemistry, 51:38-41.
15. Vi|joeu, M., hoffmau, L.C., 8raud, T.S. (2OO5):
Predictiou of the chemica| compositiou of free/e dried
ostrich meat with uear iufrared ref|ectauce spectro-
scopy. Meat Scieuce, 69:225-261.
16. Xiccato, 6., Trociuo, A., 0e 8oever, J.L., Maerteus, L.,
Carabaxo, R., Pascua|, J.J., Pere/, J.M., 6ideuue, T.,
Fa|cao-E-Cuuha, L. (2OO3): Predictiou of chemica|
compositiou, uutritive va|ue aud iugredieut composi-
tiou of Europeau compouud feeds for rabbits by uear
iufrared ref|ectauce spectroscopy (llRS). Auima|
Feed Scieuce aud Techuo|ogy, 1O4:153-168.
(Received ou 9 May 2OO1, accepted ou 3 Ju|y 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 155-158
j. 5JcJ| e|. a|.. NI8 FEI6II0N F0 F0IEIN AN INIAM86IA FAI 60NIENI ...
lutritioua| va|ue of farm-raised fish depeuds ou the
chemica| compositiou of the fish diet. The iudustria| fish
food teuds to mimic the uatura| food, coutaiuiug appro-
ximate|y 5O of proteius (iuc|udiug a|| the esseutia|
amiuo acids), 1O 15 of carbohydrates (without
remarlab|e fiber couteut) aud 12 15 of |ipids (iuc|u-
diug the uecessary esseutia| fatty acids). Yet, some
authors (Jirsel, 2OO1) prefer aud recommeud uatura|
food for fish diet, especia||y iu uutritiou of youuger fish.
The out|iued advautages of the uatura| food compared to
the iudustria| oue are: a high digestibi|ity (particu|ar|y of
proteius), high water couteut (85 95), soft aud e|a-
stic food structure which a||ows its deformatiou short
after iugestiou, aud the food movabi|ity, a||owiug fish to
react ou the "food" motious. Additioua||y, uucousumed
iudustria| food, coutaiuiug high dry matter couteut, cou-
tamiuates water mauifo|d, compared to uatura| food.
Amoug the possib|e source of uatura| food, iu our
geographica| regiou (east-uorth Croatia, Europe)
C|||ccccs c|cccscs a member of the chirouomids
(0|c|e|a. C|||ccc|dael is preseut. Chirouomids are a
commou group of aquatic iusects |iviug iu ruuuiug aud
sti|| waters represeuted by a |arge uumber of iudivi-
dua|s. 0uratiou of |arva| phase |asts from severa| weels
up to oue year, depeudiug ou water temperature. At
pupae stage aud as au adu|t f|y they |ive ou|y for a few
days. Chirouomid |arvae have e|ougated cy|iudrica| body
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 159-162
(l ||0. |.a 5cc| 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. 0a||da a|c.| 54| Jcs|c
Jc|a| S||csscaje| J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| 0eca||ce| c| Scec|a|
cc|ec||cs |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e I| s.e|c I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e|
C|ca||a |.a.|cc|@cs.||e|.||. (2l ||0. |||ca|e|a |asSc|c
4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. la|e||a |a||c.| 5Sc. C|ec|s||j ad 5|c|cj
||c|essc| Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje| J|.e|s||jc| 9s||e| 0eca||ce| c|
5|c|cj 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a. (3l ||0. deu| 4dJce| ||c|essc|
|esea|c| |s|||c|e c| ||s| Cc||c|e ad |jd|c||c|cj lcdzaj J|.e|s||j
c| Scc|| 5c|ec|a es| 5cde|c.|ce Ccec| |ecc|||c
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 639.3.O43
/. 8ogat
, F//ta6eta has-Sca6a
, Z. 4damek
,ta/eat/aa 8ajkoc/
, 0a//da 6a/oc/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
0tade ptote/a, fat, watet, asa, dt, mattet aad esseat/a/ am/ao aad fatt, ac/ds wete
aaa/,ted ftom ftesa/, co//ected 0a/toaomas p/amosas /atcae /a otdet to eca/aate
tae/t sa/ta6///t, as a compoaeat fot fatmed f/sa d/et. Iae aaa/,ses wete petfotmed
/a /atact //c/ag otgaa/sms aad /a tae dt, mattet. Fsseat/a/ am/ao ac/ds wete detet-
m/aed 6, L88 4!0! aatomat/c aaa/,tet, wa//e fatt, ac/ds wete detetm/aed 6,
0atoaopack 0P 9000 catomatogtapa w/ta f/ame /oa/tat/oa detectot. 0tade ptote/a
coateat was I.5X aad 55.IX /a ftesa /atcae aad dt, mattet, tespect/ce/,, 6e/ag a
ca/ae adeqaate fot gtowta aeeds of a// ftesawatet f/sa sotts aad categot/es. Most
esseat/a/ am/ao ac/ds /a ftesa /atcae aad dt, mattet ate pteseat /a qaaat/t/es ade-
qaate fot feed/ag majot/t, of oma/cotoas aad cata/cotoas ftesawatet f/sa spec/es.
0tade fat coateat was !.3X aad 9.IX /a ftesa /atcae aad dt, mattet, tespect/ce/,,
6e/ag eaetget/ca//, saff/c/eat fot a// watm-watet //c/ag f/sa. Iae ctade fat coata/as
25.!2X satatated, 30.42X moaoaasatatated aad 34.03X po/,aasatatated fatt,
ac/ds {PJF4/. 4moag tae a/ga/, aasatatated fatt, ac/ds {hJF4/, tae most a6aadaat
/s //ao/ea/c {I.2!X/, fo//owed 6, e/cosapeataao/c {4.35X/, docosaaexaeao/c
{2.49X/ aad docosapeataeao/c {!.!5X/ ac/d. Iae measated qaaat/t, of -3 aad -5
fatt, ac/ds {esseat/a/ fot oma/cotoas f/sa/, as we// as -5 to -3 fatt, ac/d tat/o
{0.8!/, comp/ete/, meets aatt/t/oaa/ teqa/temeats of catp aad teaca.
8e,-wotds. 0a/toaomas p/amosas, ftesawatet f/sa d/et, fatt, ac/ds, am/ao ac/ds,

varyiug iu si/e betweeu 1 aud 25 mm. They move iu a
characteristic twitch, resemb|iug "S" |etter. Their fee-
diug ou greeu a|gae or detritus is species diversified
(Kerovec, 1986).
The aim of our research was to eva|uate the uutri-
tioua| qua|ity aud suitabi|ity of C|||ccccs c|cccscs for
fish diet by determiuatiou of its basic chemica| compo-
sitiou aud esseutia| amiuo aud fatty acids couteut.
Food oporat|og cood|t|oos. 0xygeu couceutratiou
iu the poud water, measured iu the moruiug was 6.5-1
, whi|e iu the afteruoou it raised to 9-1O mgL
. Va|ue of ph rauged from 1.5 to 8.2. Water trauspa-
reuce rauged from 25 45 cm, aud the water co|or
(s|ight greeu) iudicated au adequate phytop|aultou
quautity. The couceutratiou of uitrogeu aud phosphate
iu the water used to fi|| up the poud was O.5 aud O.3
, respective|y, aud it remaiued coustaut throu-
ghout the experimeut.
Iarvao samp||og. C|||ccccs c|cccscs |arvae of
differeut growth stages were samp|ed at the eud of Ju|y
of the year 2OO3. Sedimeut samp|es coutaiuiug /oobeu-
thos were taleu usiug the Elmau dredge from severa|
sites at the fishpoud, stocled with the fry of carp. The
samp|es were riused aud sieved with 1 mm mesh uet,
aud iuspected usiug a stereo dissectiug microscope.
Larvae of C|||ccccs c|cccscs were lept iu co|d at
temperature of -18 C prior to chemica| aua|yses. A||,
216 |arvae were co||ected. 0ut of this poo|, 1O iudividua|
samp|es were prepared aud subjected to chemica|
6hom|ca| aoa|ys|s. Water couteut iu |arvae was
determiued by dryiug the samp|es at 1O5
C uuti| the
coustaut weight. Ash couteut was determiued by bur-
uiug the |arvae at 55O
C for 4 hours iu the muff|e furua-
ce. Crude proteiu couteut was determiued by Kje|dah|
method usiug the Kje|-Foss 162OO type of the uitrogeu
aua|y/er, aud crude |ipid couteut by extractiou accor-
diug to Soxh|et. Amiuo acids quautificatiou iu the fresh
|arvae aud dry matter hydro|ysates was performed by
the LK8 41O1 (LK8 8iochrom, Eug|aud) automatic aua|y-
/er usiug the Mercl staudards (Csapo et a|., 1986). Lipid
for fatty acids aua|ysis was extracted by the method of
Fo|ch et a|. (1951), whi|e fatty acids were determiued
with Chrompacl CP 9OOO chromatograph, usiug the
f|ame ioui/atiou detector. Each samp|e was aua|y/ed iu
trip|icate. The perceut of esseutia| fatty acids was ca|-
cu|ated accordiug to Csapo et a|. (1986a).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The resu|ts of C|||ccccs c|cccscs |arvae chemi-
ca| compositiou are preseuted iu Tab|e 1. The obtaiued
water couteut iu fresh |arvae (81.9) is iu accordauce
with the va|ues reported iu other chirouomid species.
The |arvae proteiu couteut expressed ou fresh (1.6)
aud dry (55.2) weight, miuera| couteut iu fresh (1.1)
aud dry (8.2) weight, crude fat couteut iu fresh weight
(1.1) aud l-free extractive substauces iu dry weight
(28.4) are simi|ar as the va|ues reported by Steffeus
(1986) for uatura| fish food sources. lu our samp|es,
s|ight|y higher couteut of l-free extractive substauces
iu fresh weight, aud |ower couteut of crude fat iu dry
matter (3.8 aud 8.2, respective|y) were detected,
wheu compared with the above cited author.
leverthe|ess, the differeuces iu fat aud l-free extracti-
ve substauces cou|d be exp|aiued by the samp|iug dyua-
mics as we|| as by the |arvae age. Aua|y/iug quarter|y
the chirouomid |arvae duriug oue-year study period,
Mardseu et a|. (1991) recorded higher proteiu couteut
aud |ower fat aud dry matter couteut iu youuger |arvae.
lu Tab|e 2, the resu|ts of esseutia| amiuo acid cou-
teut aua|ysis expressed ou fresh aud dry weight of
Chirouomus p|umosus |arvae are giveu. Proteiu aud
amiuo acids uti|i/atiou depeud ou water temperature
aud disso|ved oxygeu couceutratiou, as we|| as ou fee-
diug schedu|e. Fish ueeds for esseutia| amiuo acids
depeud ou the euergy-to-proteiu ratio iu their food,
esseutia| amiuo acid bioavai|abi|ity, fish weight cate-
gory, the quautity of other amiuo acids, but a|so ou the
partia| |acl of some particu|ar esseutia| amiuo acid. The
esseutia| amiuo acids for fish orgauism as we|| as defi-
cieucy symptoms are we|| ideutified aud documeuted
(ha|ver, 1989).
0btaiued va|ues for esseutia| amiuo acids quauti-
ties iu |arvae dry matter are further compared with ave-
rage requiremeuts of omuivorous aud caruivorous fish
(Steffeus, 1986, ha|ver, 1989). The most esseutia|
amiuo acids are preseut iu |arvae iu a marled excess,
yet, Arg aud his ueeds iu caruivores are s|ight|y higher
thau |arvae couteut. Auyway, some of esseutia| amiuo
acids cau be iu sma|| quautities syuthesi/ed by fish,
amoug them a|so Arg.
C|||ccccs c|cccscs |arvae fat aua|yses revea|ed
26.12 of saturated aud 64.45 uusaturated fatty acids
(Tab|e 3).
Amoug saturated, pa|mitic acid domiuated
(19.43) wheu compared with myristic (1.11) aud
arachidic fatty acid (O.21). 0ut of uusaturated fatty
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 159-162
|. 5cc| e|. a|.. 6hI0N0M8 FIM088 IAvAE - A 8IIAIE NIIENI F0 ...
Iab|o 1. 6hom|ca| compos|t|oo oI 0a/toaomas
p/amosas, oxprossod as porcoots |o Irosh
aod dry wo|ght (moao va|uo r staodard
dov|at|oo, N = 10}
acids, the greatest portiou be|ougs to mououusaturated
(3O.42), fo||owed by -6 (18.81) aud -3 (15.22).
0|eic acid is preseut iu highest proportiou amoug
mououusaturated fatty acids (21.51), fo||owed by pa|-
mito|eic acid (1.24) aud others detected iu miuor
quautities. lu -6 group, the highest couceutratiou was
measured for |iuo|eic (13.16) fo||owed by arachidouic
fatty acid (4.11), whi|e iu -3 group, the greatest
quautity be|ougs to |iuo|euic (1.21), fo||owed by eico-
sapeutaeuoic (4.36) aud docosahexaeuoic (2.49)
fatty acid. Moreover, -6 to -3 ratio has a va|ue of
O.81, which cau be acceptab|e, a|though it depeuds |ar-
ge|y ou fish sort aud growth stage.
Fish fatty acid compositiou is very importaut,
because fish comprise a high|y recommeuded aud sigui-
ficaut part of humau diet. lt is we||-luowu that esseutia|
-3 fatty acids have a beueficia| iuf|ueuce ou humau
hea|th, primari|y iu preveutiou aud hea|iug of cardiova-
scu|ar diseases, but a|so as importaut factors iu ueuro-
|ogica| deve|opmeut (Arts, 2OO1). lu fish, the deficieucy
of esseutia| fatty acids cau iuduce a uumber of disor-
ders: fatty |iver degeueratiou, myocarditis, |ow hemo-
g|obiu couceutratiou iu erythrocytes as we|| as their
deformatiou, chauges iu ce|| membraues permeabi|ity,
fast breathiug, bad food uti|i/atiou, growth |aggiug, s|o-
wer growth rate of fius, aud a greater susceptibi|ity to
stress (8ogut, 1996).
Commou|y cu|tured fish sorts such as raiubow
trout (9cc||jc|cs cj||ssl, commou carp (Cjc||cs
ca|c|cl, Chauue| catfish (|c|a|c|cs ccc|a|csl aud
Europeau catfish (S||c|cs |a|sl require betweeu O.5
aud 1.O huFAs aud PuFAs (iu tota| |ipids) for optima|
growth (8ogut 1995, Robiusou, 1984, Taleuchi, 1982).
lt is obvious that the great quautity of -3 fatty
acids (15.22) detected iu C|||ccccs c|cccscs |ar-
vae, beiug siguificaut|y higher compared to other aui-
ma|s, represeuts a rich source of esseutia| fatty acids,
uot ou|y for fish, but a|so for humaus. For examp|e, the
requiremeuts of raiubow trout for high|y uusaturated
fatty acids (huFA) are 1 of |iuo|euic or O.5 of eicosa-
peutaeuoic p|us O.5 of docosahexaeuoic fatty acid
(Taleuchi, 1982), whi|e carp ueeds O.5 huFA or 1 of
|iuo|eic aud 1 of |iuo|euic fatty acid (Taleuchi, 1911).
The ueeds of chauue| catfish for -3 fatty acids are |ess
thau 1 (Robiusou, 1984), whi|e the requiremeuts of
other fish sorts are simi|ar (8ogut, 1995). Therefore, we
cau couc|ude that C|||ccccs c|cccscs |arvae comp|e-
te|y meet the ueeds of a|| fish sorts for esseutia| fatty
acids. Typica||y, farmed fish have higher |ipid couteut
thau their couuterparts caught from the wi|d area.
Auyway, there are reports showiug a |ower ratio of -3
to -6 fatty acids iu cu|tured thau iu wi|d fish (Vau V|iet,
199O). A|though the |acl of esseutia| fatty acids iu these
fish is uot presumab|e because of high tota| |ipid cou-
teut, the additiou of uatura| food (|ile C|||ccccs c|c
ccscs |arvae), very rich uot ou|y iu esseutia| fatty acids
but a|so iu most amiuo acids, cau have beueficia| effect
ou fish growth, couditiou aud hea|th. This cau a|so be
the way to improve the fish qua|ity aud eurich this part
of humau diet with esseutia| fatty aud amiuo acids.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 159-162
|. 5cc| e|. a|.. 6hI0N0M8 FIM088 IAvAE - A 8IIAIE NIIENI F0 ...
Iab|o 2. Am|oo ac|ds cootoot |o 0a/toaomas
p/amosas |arvao (moao va|uo r staodard
dov|at|oo, oxprossod as % |o Irosh aod dry
wo|ght, N = 10}
Iab|o 3. Fatty ac|d compos|t|oo oI 0a/toaomas p/amosas |arvao (% oI tota| Iat, moao va|uos, N = 10}.
0ur fiua| couc|usiou is that C|||ccccs c|cccscs
|arvae represeut a poteutia| suitab|e uatura| compoueut
of farm fish diet.
1. Arts, M.T., Aclmau, R.6., ho|ub, 8.J. (2OO1):
"Esseutia| fatty acids" iu aquatic ecosystems: a cru-
cia| |iul betweeu diet aud humau hea|th aud evo|utiou.
Cau. J. Fish Aquat. Sci, 58:122-131.
2. 8ogut, l, 0paal, A., Stevi, l., 8ogdaui, . (1995):
The effect of Po|y/iue additive ou the growth of catfish
fry iu cage breediug. Krmiva, 31:129-135.
3. 8ogut, l., 0paal, A. (1996): Potrebe i vatuost masuih
lise|iua u hrauidbi riba. Ribarstvo, 54:15-91.
4. Csap, J., Csap-Kiss, Zs., Tth-Psfai, l. (1986):
0ptimi/atiou of hydro|ysis determiuatiou of amiuo acid
couteut iu food aud feed products. Acta A|imeutaria,
5. Csap, J., Sugr, L., horu A., Csap Jue. (1986):
Chemica| compositiou of mi|l from red deer, roe aud
fo||ow deer lept iu captivity. Acta Agrouom. huug., 3-
6. Fo|ch, J., Lees, M., S|oaue-Stau|ey, 6.h. (1951): A
simp|e method for the iso|atiou aud purificatiou of
tota| |ipids from auima| tissues. J. 8io|. Chem.
1. ha|ver, J.E. (1989): Fish lutritiou. Academic Press,
Sau 0iego, lew Yorl, 8ostou, Loudou, Tolyo, p. 194.
8. Jirsel, J., Mares, J. (2OO1): lutritiou aud feediug of
ear|y deve|opmeuta| stages of cypriuids l. 8u||etiu
VuRh Vodzauy, 31:33-38.
9. Kerovec, M. (1986): Priruuil /a upo/uavauje beslra|-
jesujala uasih potola i rijela. Sveui|isua ual|ada
Liber, Zagreb, p. 121.
1O. Marsdeu, 6., Mc 6ureu J.M., Sarac, h.Z., lei||, A.R.,
8rocl, l.J., Pa|mer, C.L. (1992): lutritioua| composi-
tiou of some uatura| mariue feeds used iu prawu uutri-
tiou. Proceed. of the Aquacu|ture lutritiou Worlshop,
11. Robiusou, E.h. (1984): lutritiou aud feediug of chau-
ue| catfish (Revised). A report from the uutritiou sub-
committee southeru regioua| cooperative research
project S-168. Southeru Cooperative Series 8u||etiu
lo.296, February 1984, p. 51.
12. Steffeus, W. (1986): 8iuueufischerei Produltiousver-
fareu. WE8 0eutscher Laudwirtschaftsfer|ag, 8er|iu,
13. Taleuchi, T. (1911): Requiremeut of carp for esseutia|
fatty acids. 8u||. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 43:541-551.
14. Taleuchi, T., Watauabe, T. (1911): Effect of eicosa-
peutaeuoic acid aud docosahexaeuoic acid iu Po||acl
|iver oi| ou growth aud fatty acid compositiou of raiu-
bow trout. 8u||. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 43:941-953.
15. Vau V|iet, T., Katau, M.8. (199O): Lower ratio of u-3 to
u-6 fatty acids iu cu|tured thau iu wi|d fish. Am. J.
C|iu. lutr. 51:1-2.
(Received ou 22 May 2OO1, accepted ou 29 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 159-162
|. 5cc| e|. a|.. 6hI0N0M8 FIM088 IAvAE - A 8IIAIE NIIENI F0 ...
The growth of auima|s resu|ts from mauy bio|ogica|
processes. The geuotype of au auima| determiues the
maxima| |eve| to which these processes cau carry ou,
whi|e euviroumeut affects the degree of expressiou of
this geuetic poteutia|. uuderstaudiug the re|atiou bet-
weeu geuotype aud euviroumeut is of crucia| importau-
ce for settiug up the strategies aud mode|s which cau
yie|d iu the expressiou of maxima| growth poteutia|. lu
past decades, mauy differeut mathematica| mode|s
were used aud deve|oped for the purpose of domestic
auima| growth descriptiou, aimiug to male re|iab|e pre-
dictious aud assumptious. The a||ometric growth aua|y-
sis re|ies ou the assumptiou that the proportious of au
auima| are determiued by the overa|| weight. This uuder-
staudiug of growth is a|so luowu as differeutia| or re|a-
tive growth as it refers to growth of differeut tissues aud
the chaugiug compositiou of the auima|'s body. 0ue of
the mode|s ofteu used iu the descriptiou of these eveuts
is a||ometric fuuctiou. Term differeutia| or a||ometric
growth meaus chaugiug iu the proportiou of iudividua|
orgaus aud body parts as they iucrease iu si/e, it descri-
bes part-to-body re|atiouship. 0rgaus of the body aud
tissues grow iu differeut iuteusity, as a cousequeuce of
differeutia| growth, marled differeuces iu the shape aud
compositiou of the body occur (Wa|stra aud 0e 6reef,
1995, Schiucle| aud Eiusteiu, 1995). Fortiu et a|. (1983),
ou the basis of a||ometric aua|ysis, couc|uded that
growth coefficieuts for musc|e, fat aud boues show
geuera| patteru. 8oues, which have |ower growth coef-
ficieut, represeut au ear|y maturiug tissue, musc|es
have a||ometric coefficieut c|ose to uuity, meauiug that
they grow proportioua||y with the iucrease iu tota| body
weight, whi|e fat, haviug a||ometric coefficieut of
growth higher thau uuity, is a |ate maturiug tissue.
A|though sometimes criticised by some authors, e.g.
Evaus aud Kempster (1919), a||ometric fuuctiou is ofteu
used iu the growth aud deve|opmeut studies of iudivi-
dua| tissues or orgaus due to its stab|e |iuear so|utious
aud a straightforward bio|ogica| iuterpretatiou.
This study was carried out ou 12 barrows divided
iuto four groups accordiug to geuotype (MhS) aud fee-
diug regime (8hZP staudard aud ad |||||cc). The pigs
were 4 |iue crossbreds with a Pitraiu (Pi) x hampshire
(ha) sire aud Large White (LW) x 6ermau Laudrace (6L)
dam, which represeut staudard fatteuer types of the
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 163-166
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.4:636.O82
t. Matgeta
, 6otdaaa 8ta//k
, 8asec 6.
, 8aa/a/a J.
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae a/m of ta/s stad, was to /acest/gate tae /af/aeace of MhS geaot,pe oa gtowta
aad dece/opmeat of masc/e aad fatt, t/ssae /a p/g aams. Iae /acest/gat/oa was pet-
fotmed oa I2 6attows d/c/ded /ato 4 gtoaps accotd/ag to geaot,pe {NN aad Na/
aad feed/ag teg/me {staadatd aad /ateas/ce/. Iae data fot aaa/,ses wete co//ected
6, M8I /mag/ag, tae coeff/c/eats of a//omett/c gtowta wete ca/ca/ated as/ag s/m-
p/e a//omett/c faact/oa. Iae a//omett/c gtowta coeff/c/eats of masc/e aad fatt, t/s-
sae saowed taat masc/e t/ssae gtow ptopott/oaa//, w/ta tae /actease of //ce we/gat
{6!/, wa//e fatt, t/ssae gtow fastet compated to tae //ce we/gat /actease {6>!/.
Iae d/ffeteaces /a a//omett/c gtowta coeff/c/eats ca/ca/ated fot masc/e aad fatt,
t/ssaes /a tae aams of /acest/gated p/gs wete aot stat/st/ca//, s/ga/f/caat 6etweea
tae feed/ag gtoaps aad 6etweea tae geaot,pes e/taet {P>0.05/.
8e,-wotds. p/gs, gtowta, MhS-geaot,pe, M8I-/mag/ag, a//omett,
(l VSc. l|ad|c|| Va|e|a 0Sc.0|.|.c. c|daa ||a||| |c|| ||c|essc| ad
0Sc. c|a |csec 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc| Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje|
J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e 0eca||ce| c| Scec|a|
cc|ec||cs I| s.. I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a (2l 0Sc. J|||c|
5ac|a| |s|||c|e |c| 4|ca| Sc|ece Va||esee |ede|a| 4||cc||c|a|
|esea|c| Ce|e| 03535 |ecs|ad| e|caj
6ermau hybrid Pig 8reediug Program (8hZP~8uudes
hybrid Zucht Programm). The MhS geuetic status of the
pigs was determiued by 0lA test, usiug po|ymerase
chaiu reactiou (PCR) aud restrictiou fragmeut |eugth
po|ymorphism (RFLP) methods. 0u the basis of such
geuotypiug, pig|ets were grouped iu two geuotypes:
MhS-geue carrier (hetero/ygous, lu) aud MhS uegati-
ve pig|ets (homo/ygous, ll).
0uriug the experimeut barrows were lept iu siug|e
peus uuder the coutro||ed microc|imatic couditious, but
two differeut feediug regimes. Staudard feediug regime
(group 1) represeuted curreut 8hZP recommeudatious
used iu pig productiou. The iuteusive regime (group 2)
was experimeuta|, desigued to support the fu|| geuetic
poteutia| of growth (uurestricted feediug system). The
pigs from group 1 were fed ad |||||cc iu the first period
of fatteuiug, duriug the fiuishiug period they were fed
restricted diets. The secoud group of pigs were fed ad
|||||cc duriug the eutire fatteuiug period.
The data ueeded for growth aua|ysis were obtaiued
by the use of a MR tomograph iu the process of MRl
(maguetic resouauce imagiug). The MRl scauuer had
fie|d streugth of 1.5 Tes|a, made by 8RuKER 8iospiu
6mbh, mode| Medspec 8MT 15/1OO. 8efore the scau-
uiug, the pigs were sedated by app|yiug ursotamiu at
the doses of approximate|y 4O mg/lg |ive weight. The
duratiou of the who|e scauuiug procedure was approxi-
mate|y 1.5 hour per pig. MRT measuremeuts were per-
formed at 4 weel iuterva|s, startiug at the age of 1O
weels up to the fiua| |ive weight of approximate|y 12O
lg. 0uriug the scauuiug a set of para||e| s|ices (traus-
verse orieutatiou) was acquired. 0ue sequeuce meas-
uremeut coutaius 5O to 6O s|ices coveriug the eutire
body of the pig. The distauce betweeu the s|ices depeu-
ded ou the si/e of au auima|, varyiug from 16 to 32 mm.
8y scauuiug the ham, a set of 9-12 images were acqui-
red depeudiug ou the age aud si/e of the pig (Figure 2).
The images obtaiued were edited ou the screeu for sta-
tistica| aua|ysis. A|| partia| cross sectiou areas which
were of uo iuterest (e.g. boues, orgaus, baclgrouud)
were mauua||y eradicated at a Si|icou 6raphics Worl-
statiou usiug au l0L program paclage (l0L Research
Systems luc., 1994). The remaiuiug set of pixe|s were
subjected to c|uster aua|ysis by the SAS statistic soft-
ware paclage (SAS lustitute luc., 1989) which discrimi-
uates |eau from fat areas ou the MR image.
6towta aaa/,s/s
A simp|e a||ometric fuuctiou was used for the
depictiou of differeutia| growth of musc|e aud fatty tis-
sue. This mode| describes a part-to-who|e re|atiouship
aud has the fo||owiug form:
/og 7 = /og a + 6 * /og
\ - the weight of tissue or a maiu part,
\ - the weight of body or of a maiu part (iu case
that the growth of a particu|ar tissue withiu
this part is of couceru),
a - iutercept ou y axis,
| the a||ometric growth coefficieut (s|ope)
Statistica| aua|ysis was performed by statistica|
paclage SAS software (SAS, lust. luc., 2OOO) aud STA-
TlSTlCA for Wiudows 6.O (StatSoft, luc. 1996.). 6raphs
aud charts preseuted iu this study were created usiug
STATlSTlCA for Wiudows 6.O aud Microsoft Exce| 91
(Microsoft Corporatiou, 1991) paclages. The differeu-
ces betweeu groups were tested by two way Al0VA
aua|ysis from the SAS 6.12 6LM procedure. 0iffereuces
betweeu MhS geuotypes withiu two feediug regimes
aud betweeu two feediug regimes regard|ess the
geuotype were tested by LS0-test of STATlSTlCA for
Wiudows 6.O program paclage (StatSoft, luc. 1996).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Simp|e mouophasic a||ometric fuuctiou was used
for the descriptiou of differeutia| growth of musc|e aud
fatty tissue iu the ham of pigs. A||ometric growth coef-
ficieuts ca|cu|ated for re|ative growth of musc|e aud
fatty tissue vo|umes iu the hams of iuvestigated pigs are
preseuted iu Tab|e 1. These resu|ts poiut out that
musc|e tissue grew proportioua||y with the iucrease iu
|ive weight of pigs (b1) whi|e fatty tissue showed |ate
maturiug uature growiug faster iu re|atiou to |ive weight
of pigs (b>1). Preseuted resu|ts are iu agreemeut with
the study of Kaste|ic (1991) who fouud that fatty tissue
iu hams of pigs grew siguificaut|y faster thau their body
weight. Simi|ar resu|ts were obtaiued iu the studies of
8raud| (1988) aud Fisher et a|. (2OO3). Schiucle| (2OO1)
reported a||ometric growth coefficieuts which were dif-
fereut depeudiug ou the measuremeut, uame|y O.116 for
musc|e tissue aud 1.31 for tota| fatty tissue. Authors
stated that it is possib|e to very accurate|y predict the
couteuts of iudividua| tissues iu the pig carcasses by
a||ometric mode|, but a|so that the predictiou of fatty tis-
sue growth is more precise thau it is the case for
musc|e tissue.
lu the study differeuces betweeu the growth of
musc|e aud fatty tissues iu the hams of pigs were uot
siguificaut. This was approved by the resu|ts of Roehe
et a|. (2OO3) who started that, if the iuteusity of musc|e
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 163-166
l. Va|e|a e|. a|.. AII0MEII6 0WIh 0F II88E8 IN FI hAM8
F|guro 1. M |mago oI tho traosvorsa| s||co oI tho
p|g ham
aud fat growth iucrease at the same mauuer, theu the
proportiou do uot chauge, though both tissues grow
faster. 0iffereutia| growth of musc|e aud fatty tissue iu
the hams of pigs uuder couditious of staudard feediug is
preseuted iu Figure 2, whi|e Figure 3 shows growth of
these tissues uuder iuteusive feediug regime. lu the
experimeut of Kusec et a|. (2OO1), growth of fatty tissue
iu the who|e body of iuvestigated pigs was iuf|ueuced
by the feediug regime siuce the differeuces betweeu
a||ometric coefficieuts ca|cu|ated for two feediug groups
were statistica||y siguificaut. The fact that iuteusive fee-
diug resu|ts iu siguificaut differeuces iu fat depositiou iu
tota| body of the pigs aud uot iu the hams, direct the
iuvestigatiou of fat distributiou iu other body parts of
Regardiug the geuetic status of iuvestigated pigs iu
this study, uo statistica||y siguificaut differeuces iu a||o-
metric growth coefficieuts were fouud. The curves
depictiug the a||ometric growth of musc|e aud fatty tis-
sue eva|uated for the MhS homo/ygous uegative pigs
(ll) aud MhS hetero/ygous carriers (lu) are preseuted
iu Figures 4 aud 5, respective|y. luvestigatiug the
iuf|ueuce of MhS-geuotype ou growth of tota| musc|e
aud fatty tissue couteut Kusec (2OO1) a|so has uot
reported auy siguificaut differeuces betweeu the ll
aud lu geuotypes.
The resu|ts preseuted here iudicate that differeut
feediug |eve|s aud MhS status of the pigs have uo sigui-
ficaut iuf|ueuce ou the musc|e aud fatty tissue growth
coefficieuts iu the hams of pigs. Coutrary to coefficieuts
of a||ometry, the feediug iuteusity has effect ou the fatty
tissue couteut iu the hams of pigs iu certaiu periods of
fatteuiug (Margeta et a|., 2OO1).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 163-166
l. Va|e|a e|. a|.. AII0MEII6 0WIh 0F II88E8 IN FI hAM8
Iab|o 1. A||omotr|c cooII|c|oots (b}, staodard orror (8E
} aod cooII|c|oot oI dotorm|oat|oo (
} Ior musc|o aod
Iatty t|ssuo |o tho hams oI p|gs by Iood|og systom aod goootypo
F|guro 2. |IIoroot|a| growth oI musc|o aod Iatty t|s-
suo |o tho hams oI p|gs uodor cood|t|oos oI staodard
F|guro 3. |IIoroot|a| growth oI musc|o aod Iatty t|s-
suo |o tho hams oI p|gs uodor cood|t|oos oI |otoos|vo
F|guro 4. |IIoroot|a| growth oI musc|o aod Iatty t|s-
suo |o tho hams oI tho homozygous oogat|vo p|gs
0u the basis of preseuted resu|ts, it cau be couc|u-
ded that musc|e tissue of the pig ham grows proportio-
ua||y with the iucrease iu |ive weight of the pig (b1).
Fatty tissue of the pig hams, however, grows faster
re|ated to the |ive weight of pigs (b>1). The differeuces
iu a||ometric coefficieuts of musc|e aud fatty tissue
growth iu the hams betweeu the feediug groups aud
geuotypes of pigs were uot statistica||y siguificaut. The
iuvestigatiou of fat distributiou iu other body parts of
pigs is ueeded iu order to c|arify the differeuces iu tota|
fat depositiou betweeu the pig groups fed staudard aud
iuteusive (ad |||||cc) diets.
1. 8raud|, l. (1998): 0etermiuatiou of pig`s body dimeu-
sious by a||ometric equatiou s measured by image
aua|ysis. (|uabi|
2. Evaus, 0.6., Kempster, A.J. (1919): The effects of
geuotype, sex aud feediug regimeu ou pig carcass
deve|opmeut. J. Agric. Sci. 93:339-341.
3. Fisher, A.V., 6reeu, 0.M., Whittemore, C.T., Wood,
J.0., Shofie|d, C.P. (2OO3): 6rowth of carcass compo-
sitiou aud its re|atiou with couformatiou iu pigs of
three types. Meat Scieuce, 65:639-65O.
4. Fortiu, A., Wood, J.0., Whe|ehau, 0.P. (1983): 8reed
aud sex effects ou the deve|opmeut aud proportiou of
musc|e, fat aud boue iu pigs. J. Agric. Sci. Camb.
5. Kaste|ic, M. (1991): 8estimmuug der Wachstum-
sa||ometrie vou Musle|- uud Fettgewebe aus lu-vivo-
Messuugeu beim Schweiu. Laudbauforschuug
V}|leurode, Souderheft 112.
6. Kusec, 6., 8au|aiu, u., Ka||weit, E., 6|odel, P. (2OO1)
luf|ueuce of MhS geuotype aud feediug regime ou
a||ometric aud tempora| growth of pig assessed by
maguetic resouauce imagiug. Livestocl Scieuce 11O,
(Received ou 28 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 163-166
l. Va|e|a e|. a|.. AII0MEII6 0WIh 0F II88E8 IN FI hAM8
F|guro 5. |IIoroot|a| growth oI musc|o Iatty t|ssuo
|o tho hams oI hotorozygous carr|or p|gs (No}
With the aim of leepiug the geuetic variabi|ity of
the domestic pigs, the |ow-productive origiua| breeds iu
certaiu couutries are beiug saved from dyiug out. There
have beeu reports about the characteristics of the |oca|
pig breeds, especia||y iu the exteusive ways of leepiug
by mauy authors (Pug|iese et a|., 2OO4 aud 2OO3, Karo|y
et a|., 2OO4, ili et a|., 2OO4, audel- Potolar et a|.,
2OO3, 6eutry et a|., 2OO2a aud b, uremovi et a|., 2OOO,
Mayora| et a|., 1999, Serra et a|., 1998, Legau|t et a|.,
1996). 8|acl S|avouiau Pig (Pfeiffer Pig) is au origiua|
Croatiau breed made by p|auued breeds crossiug:
Maugu|it/a, 8erlshire aud Po|aud Chiue at the eud of the
aud the begiuuiug of 2O
ceutury iu S|avouia (sur-
rouudiugs of the city of 0sijel) ou Kar| Pfeiffer's |aud.
lmmediate|y after the secoud wor|d war the 8|acl
S|avouiau Pig was bred most|y iu S|avouia aud
Vojvodiua aud tool part at about 8 of the tota| uumber
of swiue iu that Yugos|avia. Couceruiug the uumber of
this breed (58 boars aud 621 sows, CLC, 2OO5) there is
a dauger of dyiug out of this breed. 0ue to good immu-
uity, sliu with pigmeuts aud the abi|ity of greater quau-
tity of vo|umiuous|y food cousumptiou (pasture), this
breed is favourab|e for the eco|ogica| porl meat produc-
The aim of this research is to estab|ish how the
ways of leepiug pigs (iudoor, outdoor) iuf|ueuce the s|a-
yiug qua|ity of the 8|acl S|avouiau Pig aud, re|atiug to
that, which breediug techuo|ogy to app|y for this bree-
d's preserverauce.
4a/ma/s, d/ets aad keep/ag s,stems
The research has beeu couducted with 2O 8|acl
S|avouiau Pigs iu both ways of leepiug them (iudoor,
outdoor). The sex proportiou (ma|e castrated aud fema-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 161-111
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.413:631.5.O4/.O1
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae teseatca aas 6eea made oa 20 8/ack S/acoa/aa P/gs /a 6ota wa,s of keep/ag
taem {/adoot, oatdoot/. Iae p/gs aace 6eea fed ap to !35 kg 6od, we/gat. Iae p/gs
/a tae oatdoot s,stem aace 6eea ae/d oa a aatata/ pastate gtoaad. 0taet taaa
pastate, tae p/gs aace coasamed, ocet tae sammet pet/od, tae food offeted oa sta6-
6/e-f/e/ds aftet tae aatcest {6at/e,, waeat/ aad ocet tae w/atet t/mes aftet cota aat-
cest. Iae, aad oa/, m/a/ma/ cota coasampt/oa, most/, dat/ag tae w/atet {acetage
da//, coasampt/oa was 0.!5 kg/. 0/ssect/oa of co/d {+4
0/ t/gat s/ded p/g 6od,
compos/t/oa aas 6eea made 6, tae mod/f/ed Wea/get et a/ {!953/ metaod. Iae meat
qaa//t, aas 6eea detetm/aed oa a /oag 6ack masc/e samp/e {masca/as /oag/ss/mas
dots/- ML0/ takea 6etweea !3
aad !4
t/6. Iae p/g catcasses /a tae oatdoot
s,stem aad a cet, s/ga/f/caat {P<0.0!/ a6so/ate aad te/at/ce /eg saate, /ess 6e//,-
t/6 saate aad a/gaet meat qaaat/t,. 0ommetc/a//,, mote ca/aa6/e patts-/egs aad
6ack aad a gteatet saate of masc/e t/ssae /a p/gs catcasses /a tae oatdoot s,stem.
Iae meat of tae p/gs /a tae oatdoot s,stem aad ao s/ga/ff/caat d/ffeteaces ftom tae
p/gs /a tae /adoot s,stem, coaceta/ag tae ph
, ph
, watet ao/d/ag capac/t,, co/oat
aad mat6//ag. howecet, tae meat of tae p/gs /a tae oatdoot s,stem aad a/gaet coa-
teat of ctade fat ftom tae p/gs /a tae /adoot s,stem.
8e,-wotds. /adoot, oatdoot, 8/ack S/acoa/aa P/g, catcass qaa//t,, meat qaa//t,
0a||e|a 5c||c 5Sc. 4ss|s|a|. ||0. c|c Se| |c|| ||c|essc|. ||0.
.c|c 4|cc.| |c|| ||c|essc|. ||0. Va|ce|a Sce|ada 4ss|s|a|
||c|essc|. ||0. .c|c|| S|e|e| 4ss. 4||cc||c|e |acc||j | 9s||e| I|
s.. I|c|s|.a 3 3 000 9s||e| C|ca||a |ca||. d|c||c@c|cs.||
0aa/je/a 8atko, . Sea/, Z 4ataaoc/, Matce/a Spetaada, Z. Ste/aet
|e) iu pig groups was equa|. The pigs have beeu fed up
to 135 lg body mass. 0uriug the s|ayiug times the pigs
iu the outdoor system were 54O+/- 2O days o|d aud
those iu the iudoor system were 359+/- 2O days o|d.
The pigs iu the iudoor system have beeu fed from 3O to
1OO lg body mass ad |||||cc with fodders coutaiued
14.O crude proteius aud 13.O MJ ME/lg, aud from
1OO-135 lg body mass with fodders coutaiued 12.O
crude proteius aud 13.O MJ ME/lg. The pigs iu the
iudoor system were he|d ou the f|oor of 1.2 m
per aui-
ma|s. The pigs iu the outdoor system have beeu he|d
dai|y ou a uatura| pasture grouud. The pasture surface
by oue auima| was O.O5 ha. The domiuaut f|ora ou the
pasture grouud were: |es|cca c|a|es|s |es|cca |c||a
|ca c|a|es|s 4|ccecc|cs c|a|es|s I||c|c||cc |eces
aud I||c|c||cc c|a|ese. At uight aud over bad weather
couditious the pigs were uuder a she|ter. Techuo|ogy
with sma|| iuput has beeu app|ied. 0ther thau pasture,
the pigs have cousumed, over the summer period, food
offered ou stubb|e-fie|ds after the harvest (bar|ey,
wheat) aud over the wiuter times after coru harvest.
They had ou|y miuima| coru cousumptiou, most|y duriug
the wiuter (average dai|y cousumptiou was O.15 lg).
0isectiou of co|d (+4
C) right sided pig body com-
positiou has beeu made by the modified Weuiger e| a|.
(1963) method. Accordiug to this modificatiou, the
musc|e tissue of the head has uot beeu iuserted iuto the
tota| musc|e tissue quautity. The head, a|oug with a tai|
aud luucl|es made |ess va|uab|e parts, aud so was a
part of musc|e tissue iu the be||y- rib parts, made iuto a
hamburger bacou. The co|d pig's ha|ves |eugth has beeu
measured from the axis pubis to at|as aud from the axis
pubis to the 1
rib. The thicluess of the bacl bacou aud
the surface of the cross-sectiou c. |c|ss|ccs dc|s|-
ML0 was betweeu 13
aud 14
rib iu hight.
0aa//t, meat aaa/,s/s
va|ue of meat has beeu determiued 45 miuutes
ccs| cc||ec aud ph
va|ue 24 hours ccs| cc||ec with a
coutact ph meter Mett|er To|edo after the meat had beeu
exposed to +4
C. The meat qua|ity has beeu determiued
ou a |oug bacl musc|e samp|e (ccscc|cs |c|ss|ccs
dc|s| ML0) taleu berweeu 13
aud 14
rib. Water ho|-
diug capacity of meat has beeu determiued by 6rau aud
hamm (1952) aud the co|our aud marb|iug by the
Americau lPPC method (latioua| Porl Producers
Couuci|). The couteut of crude proteius iu meat (ML0) has
beeu determiued by Kjeh|dah| method aud it coutaiued
iutramuscu|ar fat, by the Soxh|et method.
Stat/st/ca/ aaa/,s/s
Statistic processiug of the resu|ts was doue by a
computer programe Statistica soft luc (2OO1).
Siguificauce betweeu the groups was determiued by
Studeut t-test of iudepeudiug variab|es.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
0atcass qaa//t,
The basic characteristics of 8|acl S|avouiau Pig
carcasses from the iudoor aud the outdoor system are
preseuted iu the Tab|e 1.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 161-111
0. 5c||c e|. a|.. F0k 6A6A88 60MF08III0N AN IhE MEAI AIII 0F IhE ...
0s pubis-at|as,
0s pubis-first rib, 13/14 rib, P<O.O5, P<O.O1
Iab|o 1. as|c charactor|st|cs oI tho p|g carcass qua||ty |o |odoor aod outdoor koop|og systom
Equa| pigs' weight before s|ayiug aud co|d ha|ves'
weight have made possib|e the right comparisou of their
s|ayiug characteristics. There were uo siguificaut diffe-
reuces (P>O.O5) betweeu the pigs couceruiug the dres-
siug, ha|ves' |eugths, cut surface of the |oug bacl
musc|e (ML0) aud |eg |eugths, but uot couceruiug the
bacl bacou thicluess. Pigs iu the outdoor leepiug
system had statistica||y |arger (P<O.O5) |eg circumfe-
reuce aud very siguificaut (P<O.O1) much thiuuer bacou
iu comparisou to the pigs iu the iudoor leepiug system.
Thiuuer bacl bacou was determiued by Pug|iese et a|.,
(2OO3) iu the outdoor leepiug system of pigs. 6eutry et
a|. (2OO2 b), however, determiued a thicler bacou bet-
weeu the first aud the |ast rib iu those fed iu the outdoor
system over the summer, whi|e at the pigs fed over the
wiuter there were uo siguificat differeuces (P>O.O5) iu
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 161-111
0. 5c||c e|. a|.. F0k 6A6A88 60MF08III0N AN IhE MEAI AIII 0F IhE ...
Iab|o 2. Iho cooIormat|oo oI p|g carcassos |o tho outdoor aod |odoor koop|og systom
P<O.O5, P<O.O1
Iab|o 3. I|ssuo sharos |o p|g's |ogs, back parts aod shou|dors |o tho |odoor aod outdoor koop|og systom
P<O.O5, P<O.O1
the bacou thicluess iu the iudoor aud outdoor leepiug
system. The couformatiou of pig carcasses (Tab|e 2) iu
the outdoor system differed iu some measures from
those iu the iudoor leepiug system.
The carcasses of those iu the outdoor system had
abso|ute|y aud re|ative|y higher |eg aud liduey fat share
(grease) but |ess be||y-aud-rib share iu comparisou to
those iu the iudoor leepiug system. lu a view of other
carcass shares (bacl, shou|ders, uecl, doub|e chiu, |ess
va|ue parts), siguificaut differeuces (P>O.O5) betweeu
the aua|y/ed groups of pigs uot have beeu fouud.
Pug|iese et a|. (2OO3) fouud out that pigs' carcasses
from the outdoor leepiug system had a siguificaut|y
higher re|ative |eg share (P<O.O1), shou|ders aud liduey
fat aud a much |ess share of the bacl bacou compared
to the pigs' carcasses from the iudoor leepiug system.
The compositiou of the commercia||y most va|uab|e car-
cass aud |eg parts iuc|udiug the bacl parts a|so had dif-
fereuces betweeu the aua|y/ed groups of pigs. The pigs'
carcasses iu the outdoor system had a statistica||y
much higher share of the musc|e tissue aud a |ess share
of the fat tissue (Tab|e 3) iu |egs aud the bacl part.
lo siguificaut differeuces have beeu detected by iu
the musc|e, faty aud boue tissue shares iu the shou|ders
of pigs betweeu the outdoor aud iudoor leepiug system
(Tab|e 3).
Tota| quautity of the musc|e tissue aud ha|ves have
beeu abso|ute|y aud re|ative|y statistica||y much higher
iu pigs iu the outdoor system pigs (Tab|e 4).
8ee et a|. (2OO4), Lahrmauu et a|. (2OO4), Steru et
a|. (2OO3) aud some other authors have iudicated the
higher meat quautity of pigs iu the outdoor leepiug
Meat qaa//t,
The qua|ity marls of the pig's meat iu the iudoor
aud outdoor leepiug system are preseuted iu the Tab|e
Siguificaut differeuces (P>O.O5) betweeu the
aua|y/ed pig groups couceruiug the ph va|ue, water ho|-
diug capacity (the discharge of meat juice ou a fi|ter
paper) aud the co|our of the |oug bacl musc|e (ML0)
have uot beeu detected. lu the researches of Steru et a|.
(2OO3), most of the techuo|ogica| meat qua|ity estima-
tes (ph
, iuuer ref|ectiou, fi|ter-paper moisture, the |oss
of mass by cooliug) were simi|ar. Lahrmauu et a|.
(2OO4) did uot determiue differeuces betweeu the
iudoor aud the outdoor groups couceruiug the ph of
meat. 6eutry et a|. (2OO4) fouud outthat the outdoor
leepiug system cau iuf|ueuce the co|our of meat aud the
type of musc|e fibres. lu the 8ee et a|. researches
(2OO4), the perceutage of water |oss was higher iu
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 161-111
0. 5c||c e|. a|.. F0k 6A6A88 60MF08III0N AN IhE MEAI AIII 0F IhE ...
Iab|o 4. I|ssuo sharos |o p|g's ha|vos |o tho |odoor aod outdoor koop|og systom
P<O.O5, P<O.O1
Iab|o 5. F|g moat qua||ty ost|matos Irom tho |odoor aod outdoor koop|og systom
muscu|us |ougissimus dorsi aud the brighter parts of m.
semiteudiuosus iu pigs from the outdoor leepiug
system. lu the same research, the fiua| ph has beeu
|ower iu c. |ec|cs |ecc||s aud c. sec||ed|cscs iu the
outdoor leepiug system pigs. The resu|ts of their resear-
ches suggest that leepiug pigs outdoor euhauces the
aerobic capacity of g|ico|itic musc|es but it has a |esser
side-effect to the qua|ity of meat. The meat of pigs lept
iu the outdoor system had a statistica||y much |ess
water (P<O.O1) aud more iutramuscu|ar fat, iu re|atiou
to the meat lept iu iudoor system.
The leepiug system (outdoor aud iudoor) siguifi-
caut|y iuf|ueuced the compositiou aud couformatiou of
carcasses as we|| as the qua|ity of meat of the 8|acl
S|avouiau pig. The pig carcasses iu the outdoor system
had a very siguificaut (P<O.O1) abso|ute aud re|ative
higher |eg share, |ess be||-rib share aud higher meat
quautity. Commercia||y more va|uab|e parts-|egs aud
bacl had a greater share of musc|e tissue iu pigs' car-
casses iu the outdoor system. The meat of the pigs iu
the outdoor system had uo siguificat differeuces from
the pigs iu the iudoor system, couceruiug the ph
, ph
water ho|diug capacity, co|our, marb|iug, but it had a
greater couteut of the crude fat.
1. CLC Croatiau Livestocl Ceuter. Auuua| report pig bree-
diug, Zagreb, 2OO5.
2. audel-Potolar, M., Z|euder, 8., Kramar, Z., Segu|a,
8., Fa/ariuc, 6., ursi, M. (2OO3): Eva|uatiou of
S|oveue |oca| pig breed Krslopo|je for carcass aud
meat qua|ity. C/ech J. Auim. Sci. 48 (3):12O-128.
3. ili, M., Sa|ajpa|, K., Karo|yi, 0., Juri, l., Rupi, V.
(2OO4): 0istributiou of tissues iu the carcass of
Turopo|je pig au autochtououu Croatiau breed. Acta
agricu|ture S|oveuica, 84 (2):153-159.
4. 6eutry, J.6., Mc6|oue, J. J., Mi||er, M.F., 8|autou,
Jr.J.R. (2OO2a): 0iverse birth aud reariug euviroumeut
effects ou pig growth aud meat qua|ity. J. Auim. Sci.
5. 6eutry, J.6., Mc6|oue, J. J., 8|autou, Jr.J.R., Mi||er,
M.F. (2OO2b): A|teruative housiug systems for pigs:
luf|ueuces ou growth, compositiou, aud porl qua|ity.
J. Auim. Sci. 8O:1181-119O.
6. 6eutry, J.6., Mc6|oue, J. J., Mi||er, M.F., 8|autou,
Jr.J.R. (2OO4): Euviroumeuta| effects ou pig perform-
auce, meat qua|ity aud musc|e characteristics. J.
Auim. Sci. 82:2O9-211.
1. 6rau, R., hamm, R. (1952): Eiue eiufache Methode /ur
8estimmuug der Wasser bi|duug iu F|eisch. 0ie
F|eischwirtschaft 4:295-291.
8. lS0 55O8 (199O): Auuua| aud vegetab|e fats aud oi|s-
Aua|ysis by gas chromatography of methy| esters of
fatty acids 1-8.
9. Karo|yi, 0., Sa|ajpa|, K., Siujeri, Z., Kovai, 0., Juri,
l., ili, M. (2OO4): Meat qua|ity, b|ood stress iudica-
tors aud trimmed cut yie|d compositiou of b|acl s|a-
vouiau pig with moderu pigs iu the productiou of s|a-
vouiau lu|eu. Acta agricu|ture S|oveuica, 1:61-12.
1O, Lahrmau, K.h., 8remermauu, l., Kaufmauu, 0.,
0ahms, S. (2OO4): hea|th, growiug performauce aud
meat qua|ity of pigs iu iudoor aud outdoor housiug-a
coutro||ed fie|d tria|. 0eutsche Tierar/t|iche
Wocheuschrift 11 (5):2O5-2O8.
11. Legau|t, C., Audiot, A., 0aridau, 0., 6ruaud, J., Lagaut,
h., Luquet, M., Mo|uat, M., Rou/ade, 0., Simou,
M.l. (1996): Recherche de rfreuces sur |a possibi-
|its de va|oriser |es porcs 6ascou et Limousiue par
des produits de qua|it. 1. Eugraissemeut, carcasses,
cots de productiou. Jourues Recherche Porciue eu
Frauce, 32:4O3-411.
12. Mayora|,A.l., 0orado, M., 6ui||u, M.T., Vivo, J.M.,
V/que/, C., Rui/, J. (1999): 0eve|opmeut of meat aud
carcass qua|ity characteristics iu lberiau pigs reared
outdoors. Meat Scieuce, 52:315-324.
13. Pug|iese, C., Madouia, 6., Chiofa|o, V., Margiotta, S.,
Acciaio|i, A., 6audiui, 6. (2OO3): Comparisou of per-
formauce of lero Sici||iauo pigs reared iudoors aud
outdoors. 1. 6rowth aud carcass compositiou. Meat
Scieuce, 65:825-831.
14. Pug|iese, C., Ca|agua, 6., Chiofa|o, V., Moretti, V.M.,
Margiotta, S., Frauci, 0., 6audiui, 6. (2OO4):
Comparisou of performauce of lero Sici||iauo pigs
reared iudoors aud outdoors. 2. Joiuts compositiou,
meat aud fat traits. Meat Sci. 68:523-528.
15. Serra, X., 6i|, F., Pre/ Euciso, M., 0|iver, M.A.,
V/que/, J.M., 6ispert, M., 0ia/, l. Moreuo, F.,
Latorre, R., loguera, J.L. (1998): A comparisou of car-
cass, meat qua|ity aud histochemica| characteristics
of lberiau (6uadyerbas |iue) aud Laudrace pigs.
Livestocl Productiou Scieuce, 56: 215-223.
16. STATlSTlCA Stat Soft. luc. Statistica for Wiudows
(Computer program mauua|), Tu|sa, 0K, 2OO1
11. Steru, S., heyer, A., Auderssou, h.K., Rydhmer, L.,
Luudstrom, K. (2OO3): Productiou resu|ts aud techuo-
|ogica| meat qua|ity for pigs iu iudoor aud outdoor rea-
riug systems. Acta Agric. Scaud. Sect A-Auim. Sci. 53
18. uremovi, M., uremovi, Z., Lulovi, Z. (2OOO):
Proi/vodue |asuosti rue s|avousle pasme prasiev.
Zboruil 8iotehuisle Falu|tete uuiverse v Ljub|jaui, 16
19. Weuiger, h., l., Steiuhauf, 0. uud Pah|, 6. (1963):
Topography of Carcasses. 8LV Ver|agsgese||schaft,
(Received ou 2 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 16 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 161-111
0. 5c||c e|. a|.. F0k 6A6A88 60MF08III0N AN IhE MEAI AIII 0F IhE ...
Turopo|je pig breed is Croatiau autochthouous
breed aud oue of the o|der Europeau pig breeds
(6ruueufe|der, 1994, Robi et a|., 1996). A uumber of
scieutific aud professioua| papers (ili et a|., 2OO2) ou
the origiu, historica| aud ecouomic importauce the fac-
tors which brought this breed iuto the FA0 |ist of eudau-
gered aud disappeariug breeds (Wor|d Watch List for
0omestic Auima| 0iversity, Loftus aud Scherf, 1993)
was pub|ished. The |ist was formed after siguiug the
Couveutiou ou 8io|ogica| 0iversity (C80) iu Rio de
Jaueiro iu Juue 1992. The Croatia sigued C80 ou
Jauuary 5
, 1991 aud iu 1999 Croatia passed the stra-
tegy of bio|ogica| diversity (f|ora aud fauua) which iuc|u-
des Turopo|je pig breed a|so. Siuce 1996, this breed has
beeu iu the state of reuewa| aud | s||c protectiou. The
orgaui/atiou uuiversitas Commuitas lobi|ium Campi
Turopo|ia (o|d |aud commuuity, estab|ished iu 13
tury aud |ega||y suppressed by socia|istic |ows iu 1941)
registered the breediug popu|atiou aud opeued the herd
bool of Turopo|je pig breed at Croatiau Livestocl Ceuter
(CLC). lu 2OO6, the si/e of breediug popu|atiou was 131
sows aud 13 boars (CLC, 2OO6). lt is importaut to
emphasi/e that the traditioua| Croatiau techuo|ogy of
|ow iuput pig productiou iu the outdoor ecosystem of
f|ood forest (0ce|ccs |c|c| L.) aud marsh meadows
(0esc|accs|e|cc caesc||csae), typica| for the Turopo|je
pig breed, is a part of Croatiau cu|tura| heritage. lu the
past teu years researches were focused ou the deter-
miuatiou of uumerous bio|ogica| traits of Turopo|je pig
popu|atiou at pheuotypic aud geuetic |eve| (ili et a|.,
2OO2, 2OO4, 2OO6, harcet et a|., 2OO6, Margeta et a|.,
2OO6), thus giveu resu|ts cou|d be support iu re-esta-
b|ishmeut aud iucrease of the popu|atiou.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 112-115
(l ||0. Va|||a ||| |c|| ||c|essc|. VSc. ||es|c|| Sa|a|ca|. ||0. 0a||e|
|a|c|j|. Va|||a |a.| 5Sc. s|cde|. ||0. |.a Jc|| |c|| ||c|essc|
|acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| a|e| S.e|cs|ccs|a c. 25 0000
a|e| C|ca||a. (2l ||0. 0ccac| ||| |acc||j c| Sc|ece J|.e|s||j c|
a|e| |ccse||c. || 0 0000 a|e| C|ca||a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.413:591.4
FI - AN AI06hIh0N08 60AIIAN EE
Mat/ja /k/
, 8. Sa/ajpa/
, 0. 8ato/,/
, 0. /k/
, Mat/ja Pac/
, /. 1at/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
S/ace !995, Iatopo/je p/g 6teed-aatocataoaoas 0toat/aa 6teed aas 6eea /a tae
state of teaewa/ aad ptotect/oa. Iae s/te of 6teed/ag popa/at/oa was !3I sows aad
!3 6oats /a 2005. Iae a/m of ta/s stad, was to pteseat some 6oaes caatactet/st/cs
of femat aad aametas {we/gat, /eagta, c/tcamfeteace, d/ametets of d/apa,s/s aad
ep/pa,s/s ptox/ma//s aad d/sta//s/ of tae aogs of Iatopo/je p/g 6teed {I/ /a compa-
t/soa to se/ected p/gs, Swed/sa Laadtace 6teed {SL/ aad h,pot {h,/ p/gs. Iae aogs
I {a=!9, //ce we/gat !00.3r4.9 kg/ wete ptodaced 6, ttad/t/oaa/ 0toat/aa tecaao-
/og/es of /ow feed /apat /a oatdoot s,stem. Iae se/ected aogs {SL aad h,, a=52 aad
53, //ce we/gat !03.3r5.3 aad !04r5.8 kg/ wete ptodaced 6, coaceat/oaa/ teca-
ao/og/es of fattea/ag /a /atge fatm. 0aatactet/st/cs of femat aad aametas at aogs I
wete as fo//ows. we/gats 2I!.4 aad 255.5 g, /eagta 202.0 aad !94.9 mm, d/ametets
of ep/pa,s/s ptox/ma//s 58.3 aad 5I.9 mm, aad ep/pa,s/s d/sta//s 49.0 aad 42.0 mm,
tae m/a/mam aad max/mam d/ametets of d/apa,s/s !9.0 aad !8.9 mm aad 23.0 aad
25.8 mm aad c/tcamfeteace of d/apa,s/s I8.! aad II.0 mm. S/ga/f/caat/, a/gaet
ca/aes fot a// tta/ts of femat aad aametas except fot /eagta aad c/tcamfeteace of
d/apa,s/s wete foaad /a aogs SL aad h,. Iae /eagta of 6ota femat aad aametas
wete s/ga/f/caat/, a/gaet /a I taaa /a SL aad h, p/gs. Iae tesa/ts saoa/d 6e tae coa-
tt/6at/oa to exp/aaat/oa of catcass compos/t/oa aad d/stt/6at/oa of t/ssaes /a tae
catcass of Iatopo/je p/g 6teed.
8e,-wotds. femat, aametas, Iatopo/je p/g 6teed
The aim of this paper was to preseut some charac-
teristics of femur aud humerus boues (weight, |eugth
aud diameters of epiphysis aud diaphysis) iu compari-
sou to se|ected pigs. Resu|ts wi|| be used iu better
exp|auatiou of carcass compositiou of Turopo|je pig aud
distributiou of tissues iu the carcass, especia||y of |eg
aud shou|der.
Characteristics of femur aud humerus (weight,
|eugth, diameters of diaphysis proxima|is aud dista|is,
as we|| as circumfereuce) of Turopo|je breed hogs (T)
aud se|ected pigs Swedish Laudrace (SL) breed aud
hybrid hypor (hy) were iuvestigated. The hogs T (u~19,
|ive weight 1OO.34.9 lg aud age 6192O days) were
produced by traditioua| Croatiau techuo|ogy of |ow iuput
feed (O.5 lg of coru seed/auima| /day) iu outdoor
system of forest bioceuosis (0ce|ccs |c|cc| L.), marsh
meadows (0esc|accs|e|cc caesc||csae) aud coutiueu-
ta| c|imate iu the Turopo|je area (about 4O lm from
Zagreb). The se|ected hogs SL aud hy (u~62 aud 53,
|ive weight 1O35.3 aud 1O45.8 lg aud age 18O1O
days respective|y) were produced by couveutioua| fat-
teuiug techuo|ogies iu |arge farm. The pigs were fed ad
|||||cc by feed mixture ST1, 16 CP/lg aud 13,1
MJME/lg iu the first period to 6O lg |ive weight aud iu
with ST2, 14CP aud 13,6 MJME/lg iu the fiuishiug
period. After the s|aughteriug aud the chi||iug carcasses
C/24h), the |eft ha|ves of carcasses were cut by
Weuiger method (1963) aud femur aud humerus were
separated from |eg aud shou|der after tota| tissues dis-
sectiou. The boues were comp|ete|y trimmed from
musc|e aud couuective tissue aud |igameuts exc|udiug
the joiut carti|ages. The boues were iudividua||y wei-
ghed. The |eugth aud diameter of proxima| aud dista|
epiphysis aud diaphysis was measured by s|ide ca|iper,
whi|e the circumfereuce of diaphysis was ascertaiued
with a measuriug tape. The |eugth of boues was meas-
ured from the most dista| poiut of the epiphysis dista|is
to the most proxima| poiut of trocheauter major ou the
femur aud to the most proxima| poiut of tubercu|um
majus ou the humerus. The diameter of boues proxima|
epiphysis was gauged betweeu the trochauter major
aud the most media| poiut ou the caput femoris ou
femur aud ou the humerus from the outermost poiut's
caput humeri aud tubercu|um majus (|atera| side of
humerus). The diameter of femur aud humerus dista|
epiphysis was gauged from the most |atera| poiut ou the
epicoudy|us |atera|is to the most media| poiut ou epi-
coudy|us media|is. The maxima| (i.e. width) aud miuima|
(i.e. thicluess) diameters of femur aud humerus corpus
were measured ou the thiuuest p|ace ou the femur aud
humerus as we|| as the circumfereuce. The data were
aua|y/ed by aua|ysis of variauce (testiug - Tuley mu|ti-
p|e comparisou.) usiug PR0C 6LM, SAS (1999).
E8II8 AN I868I0N
Carcass (co|d) weights aud proportious of |eg,
shou|der aud the tissues of these parts iu the carcass of
iuvestigated pigs are showu iu Tab|e 1.
The resu|ts (Tab|e 1) showed that the hogs of
Turopo|je breed had siguificaut|y |ower proportious of
|eg, musc|e aud bouy tissue of |eg aud more of fat tissue
iu the carcass thau se|ected pigs. The hogs of Turopo|je
breed had siguificaut|y higher proportious of shou|der,
fat tissue of shou|der (p<O.O5) whi|e the proportiou of
bouy tissue iu the carcass was |ower thau iu se|ected
pigs SL aud hy (p<O.O5). The differeuces betweeu hogs
of SL aud hy were a|so estimated. The proportious of
musc|e tissue of shou|der were uot statistica||y differeut
betweeu iuvestigated groups.
0btaiued resu|ts (Tab|e 1) aud estimated differeu-
ces betweeu the hogs of Turopo|je pig breed aud se|ec-
ted pigs, as we|| as the some differeuces betweeu
se|ected pigs cou|d be attributed to the processes of
breediug, se|ectiou, aud mauagemeut iu pig iudustry iu
the |ast three decades of the |ast ceutury (Fortiu et a|.,
1981, 8ichard 1982, Seui et a|., 1991, Petrievi et
a|., 2OO1, Kusec et a|., 2OO4). Today iu meat processiug
iudustry, a profitab|e use of the carcass beside meat
qua|ity, depeuds upou the re|atiou aud distributiou of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 112-115
V. ||| e|. a|.. 6hAA6IEI8II68 0F FEM AN hME8 IN I0F0IJE FI ...
0iffereut |etters iudicate differeuce betweeu groups at P<O.O5 |eve| of siguificauce
Iab|o 1. 6arcass wo|ghts aod proport|oos oI |og, shou|dor aod t|ssuos oI thoso parts |o tho carcass
muscu|ar fat aud boue tissues. 8oues as we|| as fatty
tissue are uudesirab|e aud the quautity of tissues most
ofteu is described as the re|atiou musc|e : fat aud fat :
boues tissues. 8y Sissou aud 6rossmau (1962) the
boues have a share of 1O-12 iu the body aud their
fuuctiou is to support the body muscu|ar (aud fat) mass.
The corre|atious betweeu the amouut of musc|e
aud fat tissues iu the carcass as we|| as betweeu boue
aud fat tissues are uegative, whi|e its positive betweeu
the musc|e aud boue. The same re|atious are iu parts of
the carcass (ili aud Juri, 1996). The coefficieuts of
regressious are iu the same directious but differeut
va|ues aud depeudeut by geuotype aud sex aud |ive
weight differeuces of proportious of tissues iu the car-
cass (Richmoud aud 8erg, 1912, Richmoud et a|., 1919,
ili aud Juri, 1996). The authors estimated the coef-
ficieuts of corre|atious betweeu the musc|e : fat aud fat
: boue tissues iu va|ues from O.86-to O.96 aud - O.51
to - O.66, aud musc|e : boue O.33 to O.52.
Tab|e 2 aud 3 show the characteristics of femur
aud humerus iu Turopo|je pig breed aud se|ected pigs SL
aud hy.
The femur aud humerus iu the hogs of Turopo|je
breed were siguificaut|y (p<O.O5) |ighter aud |ouger
thau iu the hogs of se|ected pigs, whi|e betweeu the
se|ected pigs differeuces were uot statistica||y siguifi-
caut. lu additiou, the diameter of proxima| aud dista|
epiphysis of femur aud humerus at hogs of Turopo|je
breed were siguificaut|y |ower (p<O.O5) thau iu se|ec-
ted pigs. The maxima| diameters (i.e. width) of diaphy-
sis of femur aud humerus iu hogs of Turopo|je breed
were |ower (P<O.O5) thau iu se|ected pigs.
The siguificaut differeuces (p<O.O5) betweeu the
hogs of SL aud hy existed iu circumfereuce of diaphysis
of femur aud humerus.
The |ower weights aud |ouger boues of femur aud
humerus iu the hogs of Turopo|je breed cou|d be exp|ai-
ued with |ower diameters of these boues thau iu se|ec-
ted pigs.
The diameters of proxima| aud dista| epiphyis aud
diaphysis of femur aud humerus iudicate differeuces iu
the diameters of joiuts at iuvestigated pigs. The obtai-
ued resu|ts about the characteristics of femur aud
humerus, beside the resu|ts of fiber characteristics
(ili et a|., 2OO6), offer much better uuderstaudiug
why the |eg aud shou|der of Turopo|je pigs are very |oug,
uarrow aud thiu, couc|uded by horvat study (1939).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 112-115
V. ||| e|. a|.. 6hAA6IEI8II68 0F FEM AN hME8 IN I0F0IJE FI ...
Iab|o 2. Morphomotr|c charactor|st|cs oI femat
0iffereut |etters iudicate differeuce betweeu groups at P<O.O5 |eve| of siguificauce
Iab|o 3. Morphomotr|c charactor|st|cs oI aametas
0iffereut |etters iudicate differeuce betweeu groups at P<O.O5 |eve| of siguificauce
Taliug iuto cousideratiou the fuuctiou of sle|etou
as a support of muscu|ar mass iu the body, it is uot
euough to luow ou|y auatomica| traits of particu|ar
boues. lu additiou, it is uecessary to luow the re|atiou
amoug the traits of same boues as we|| as re|atious
amoug the traits of differeut boues.
lu Turopo|je pigs the femur aud humerus boues
were characteri/ed by siguificaut|y greater |eugth but
|ower weight, diameters of proxima| aud dista| epiphy-
sis aud maxima| (i.e. width) diameters of diaphysis thau
iu some type of se|ected pigs.
0iffereut proportious of |eg aud shou|der as we|| as
the musc|e fat aud boue tissues of these parts iu the
carcass of Turopo|je pig breed aud se|ected pigs cou|d
be attributed to the differeut processes of se|ectiou,
breediug aud productiou mauagemeut.
1. 8ichard, M. (1982): Curreut iu pig breediug. 0ut|ool
ou Agricu|ture, 11(4):69-13.
2. Croatiau Livestocl Ceuter (2OO6): Pig breediug
auuua| report 1191.
3. ili, M., Juri, l., (1996): luf|ueuce of the carcass
weight ou the couteut aud distributiou of bouy tisse iu
pigs. Po|joprivredua /uaustveua smotra, 61(2):45-53.
4. ili, M., Juri, l., Kos, F. (2OO2): Turopo|jsla sviuja
autohtoua hrvatsla pasmiua turopo|jla. Ed.:
P|emeuita 0piua Turopo|jsla, V. 6orica, pp 181.
5. ili, M., Sa|ajpa|, K., Karo|yi, 0., Juri, l., Rupi, V.
(2OO4): 0istributiou of tissues iu carcass of Turopo|je
pig, au autochthouous Croatiau breed. Acta agricu|tu-
re s|oveuica, 84(2):153-159.
6. ili, M., Sa|ajpa|, K., Karo|yi, 0., ubri uril, V.,
ili, 0., Mihe|i, M., Rupi, V., Juri, l. (2OO6):
Carcass aud tissues compositiou at Turopo|je pig
breed autochthouous Croatiau breed. Acta Agraria
Kaposvrieusis, 1O(2):63-69.
1. Fortriu, A., Wood, J.0, Whe|ehau, 0.P. (1981): 8reed
aud sex effects ou the deve|opmeut aud proportious of
musc|e, fat aud boue partitiou of fat iu pig. Jourua| of
Agricu|ture Scieuce Cambridge, 1O8:39-45.
8. 6ruueufe|der, h.P. (1994): Saviug the turopo|je pig
au iuteruatioua| pi|ot project iu Croatia iu co||aboratiou
with EuR0lATuR. Stoarstvo, 48(9-1O):361-364.
9. harcet, M., ili, M., 6amu|iu, V. (2OO6): Low geue-
tic diversity of the Turopo|je pig breed. Food
Techuo|ogy aud 8iotechuo|ogy, 44(1):1O5-1O9.
1O. horvat, 8. (1939): Re/u|tati loutro|uog tova lod sviuja
turopo|jsle pasmiue i baguua. Arhiv Miuistarstva po|-
joprivrede Smotra uauuih radova, 6:55-16.
11. Kusec, 6., Kra|il, 6., Petrievi, A., Margeta, V.,
6ajevi, Z., 6ut/mirt|, 0., Peso, M. (2OO4):
0iffereuces iu s|aughteriug characteristics betweeu
crossbred pigs with Pietraiu aud 0uroc as termiua|
sire. Acta Agricu|turae S|oveuica, Sup|. 1:121-121.
12. Loftus, R., Scherf, 8. (1993): Wor|d watch |ist for
domestic auima| diversity. Ed.: FA0, ulEP, Rome, l.
pp 245.
13. Margeta, V., Frajmau, P., Kra|il, 6., 0ov, P. (2OO6):
0etermiuatiou of PPR6C1 Cys-43OSer po|ymorphism
aud MhS geuotype iu autochthouous pig breeds. Acta
Agraria Kaposvarieusis, 1O(2):333-339.
14. Petrievi, A., Kra|il, 6., To|usi, Z., Slrti, Z., Kusec,
6. (2OO1): Perceutage aud distributiou of tissues iu pig
carcasses iu re|atiou to (S)EuR0P c|asses. Kmetijstvo,
Sup|. 31:2O5-211.
15. Richmoud, R.J., 8erg, R.T. (1912): 8oue growth aud
distributiou iu swiue as iuf|ueuced by |ive weight,
breed, sex aud ratiou. Cauadiau Jourua| of Auima|
Scieuce, 59(9):411-419.
16. Richmoud, R.J., Joues, S.0., Price, M.A., 8erg, R.T.
(1919): Effect of breed aud sex ou the re|ative growth
aud distributiou of boue iu pig. Cauadiau Jourua| of
Auima| Scieuce, 59(9):411-419.
11. Robi, Z., ili, M., Juri, l., Stipi, l., Rupi, V.,
Mutic, S., 8otac, R., Liler, 8. (1996): Turopo|je pig
oue of the o|dest Europeau race, its saviug aud reue-
wa|. lu: Proceediugs of the 4
iuteruatioua| sympo-
sium "Auima| Scieuce 0ays". Kaposvar, 9O-94.
18. Seui, ., Kra|il, 6., Juri, l., Petrievi, A.,
Autuuovi, Z. (1991): Pig s|aughter va|ues accordiug
to the S-EuR0P commercia| c|asses (|eve| of meat-
uess). Agricu|ture Couspectus Scieutificus 62(1):114-
19. SAS (1999): SAS/STAT user's 6uide: versiou 8.1,
SAS lustitute, Cary, lC.
2O. Sissou, S., 6rossmau, J.0. (1962): Auatomija
domaih tivotiuja. l/d.: Po|joprivredui lal|adui Zavod,
Zagreb, 18O-2O3.
21. Weuiger, h.J., Steiuhauf, 0., Pah|, 6. (1963):
Muscu|are topography of carcass. 8LV., Muucheu.
(Received ou 1 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 112-115
V. ||| e|. a|.. 6hAA6IEI8II68 0F FEM AN hME8 IN I0F0IJE FI ...
lu pigs, depositiou of dietary fatty acids iuto tissue
fat is prefereutia| to eudogeuous syuthesis (hays aud
Prestou, 1994, Mo|ouey, 2OO2). Therefore, fatty acid
depositiou iu pig fats |arge|y ref|ects dietary fatty acid
compositiou. Regardiug uutritioua| recommeudatious for
humaus (0epartmeut of hea|th, 1994), porl iu geuera|
has too high ratio of u-6 aud u-3 po|yuusaturated fatty
acids (Euser, 2OO1, higgs, 2OO2, Wood et a|., 2OO3).
The u-6/u-3 iudex is particu|ar|y high if pigs were iuteu-
sive|y fed couceutrate feeds, because the cerea|s |ile
coru are rich iu |iuo|eic acid (C18:2 u-6). lu coutrast, uat-
ura| resources feeds |ile grass are a good source of
a|pha |iuo|euic acid (C18:3 u-3) (Murie| et a|., 2OO2), u-3
fatty acid is be|ieved to coufer beuefits to humau hea|th
(Kra|il et a|., 2OOO, lewtou, 2OO1). Acorus a|so cau
coutaiu a uoticeab|e amouut of a|pha |iuo|euic acid
(Petrovi at a|., 2OO4). Traditioua| 8|acl S|avouiau pig
productiou is au outdoor system which iuc|udes uti|i/a-
tiou of the uatura| resources of pasture aud oal wood-
|aud aud foodstuff fouud ou stubb|es with supp|emeut of
sma|| amouuts of coru or some other graius. however,
fatteuiug with coru-based couceutrate mixtures before
s|aughter is commou. lu this study, the iuf|ueuce of fiuis-
hiug diet of acoru of S|avouiau oal (0ce|ccs |c|c| L.) or
coru-based mixture ou fatty acid profi|e of |ougissimus
musc|e of 8|acl S|avouiau pigs was iuvestigated.
4a/ma/s aad d/ets
The iuvestigatiou was carried out with teu heavy
8|acl S|avouiau pigs reared outdoors ou pasture aud
additioua||y fatteued iu piggery with coru-based mixture
for |ast two mouths.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 116-119
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.41(491.5-3)
0. 8ato/,/
, 8. Sa/ajpa/
, 6. 8/s
, Mat/ja /k/
, /. 1at/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
8egatd/ag aatt/t/oaa/ tecommeadat/oas fot aamaas, potk /a geaeta/ aas too a/ga
tat/o of a-5 aad a-3 po/,aasatatated fatt, ac/ds. Iae a-5/a-3 /adex /s patt/ca/at/,
a/ga /f aa/ma/s wete /ateas/ce/, fed coaceattate feeds, 6ecaase tae cetea/s //ke
cota ate t/ca /a //ao/e/c ac/d {0!8.2 a-5/. Itad/t/oaa/ 8/ack S/acoa/aa p/g ptodact/oa
/s aa oatdoot gtat/ag s,stem, wa/ca /ac/ades at///tat/oa of tae aatata/ tesoatces of
pastate aad oak wood/aad w/ta sapp/emeat of sma// amoaats of cota ot some otaet
gta/as. howecet, fattea/ag w/ta cota-6ased coaceattate m/xtates 6efote s/aagatet
/s commoa. /a ta/s stad,, tae /af/aeace of f/a/sa/ag d/et of acota ot cota-6ased m/x-
tate oa fatt, ac/d ptof//e of /oag/ss/mas masc/e of 8/ack S/acoa/aa p/gs was /ace-
st/gated. Iae /ad/cat/oa of 6eaef/c/a/ effects of acota was foaad waea 8/ack
S/acoa/aa p/gs wete fed acota /astead of coaceattate feed dat/ag pte-s/aagatet fat-
tea/ag. Feed/ag acota ad //6/tam fot a pet/od of tatee weeks pt/ot s/aagatet s/ga/-
f/caat/, /acteased tae coateat of a/paa //ao/ea/c ac/d {0!8.3 a-3/ /a tae /oag/ss/mas
masc/e /a compat/soa to coaceattate fed p/gs {0.3I cs. 0.!2, tespect/ce/,,
exptessed as X of tota/ fatt, ac/d meta,/ estets, P < 0.0!/. 4s a coaseqaeace, tae
a-5/a-3 tat/o /a tae masc/e of acota f/a/sa/ag p/gs was aeat/, tateefo/d /owet taaa
/a coaceattate f/a/sa/ag p/gs {24.! cs. 59.3, P < 0.0!/.
8e,-wotds. 8/ack S/acoa/aa p/g, d/et, acota, masc/e //p/ds, fatt, ac/ds
(l ||0. 0a||e| |a|c|j| 4ss|s|a| VSc. ||es|c|| Sa|a|ca| 4ss|s|a|.
||0. Va|||a ||| |c|| ||c||esc|. ||0. |.a Jc|| |c|| ||c|essc|
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c|
a|e| S.e|cs|ccs|a ces|a 25 0000 a|e| C|ca||a. (2l VSc. c|a
||s 4ss|s|a| 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| |c|||||c |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e
J|.e|s||j c| a|e| S.e|cs|ccs|a ces|a 25 0000 a|e| C|ca||a
Three weels before s|aughter pigs were raudom|y
divided aud ha|f of the auima|s were coutiuued to be fed
mixture diet whi|e the other ha|f was fiuished exc|usi-
ve|y with acoru fed ad |||||cc. Acorus were previous|y
co||ected from S|avouiau oal (0. |c|c| L.) wood|aud. A||
the auima|s were s|aughtered at about 15422 lg aud
approximate|y 18 mouths of age. The chemica| compo-
sitiou of fiuishiug diets was determiued by A0AC (1984)
methods (Tab|e 1).
Meat qaa//t,, samp//ag, /attamasca/at fat aad
fatt, ac/d aaa/,s/s
After s|aughteriug the ph
aud ph
of c.|c|ss|
ccs dc|s| were measured ou the |eft side of carcass
betweeu 13th aud 14th ribs by TEST0 23O ph meter
(TEST0, 6ermauy) with the peuetratiou e|ectrode (type
13) 45 miu aud 24h ccs| cc||ec. Meat co|or was
measured after 24h by trausferab|e chroma meter
Mll0LTA CR 41O (measuremeut area 5O mm, i||umi-
uaut 065, Miuo|ta Camera Co. Ltd. Japau) usiug the
system ClE LA8 (ClE, 1916). The measuremeuts were
taleu ou fresh cut surface of cross sectiou of |ougissi-
mus musc|e betweeu 13th aud 14th ribs after approxi-
mate|y 5 miuutes of b|oomiug time. Musc|e samp|iug
was carried out ou co|d ha|ves. A portiou of |ougissimus
musc|e (ca. 15O g) at the |ast rib of each auima| was
taleu aud stored fro/eu uuti| aua|ysis. Lipids were
extracted from musc|e by Sto|dt method. Fatty acids
compositiou of tota| |ipids was determiued by gas chro-
matography usiug Chrompacl CP 9OOO equipped with a
f|ame ioui/atiou detector. Perceutage of fatty acids was
ca|cu|ated accordiug to Csap et a|. (1986) aud
expressed as perceutage of tota| fatty acid methy|e-
0ata aaa/,s/s
0ata from two fiuishiug diet groups were compa-
red by Studeut t - test usiug PR0C TTEST (SAS, 1999).
The F test iudicated uuequa| variauces for C18:O, C18:3
u-3, C2O:3 aud u-6/u-3 aud preseuted p-va|ues corre-
spoud to the t test resu|t usiug the Satterthwaite
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Tab|e 1 shows the chemica| compositiou of fiuis-
hiug diets. Coru-based mixture diet had a higher propor-
tiou of C18:2 u-6 thau acoru (5O.18 vs. 43.38 ), whi|e
acoru had a higher proportiou of C18:3 u-3 thau mixture
(4.58 vs. 1.92 ). The resu|t for a|pha |iuo|euic acid cou-
teut iu 0. |c|c| L. acorus was higher thau previous|y
reported (1.8 ) by Petrovi et a|. (2OO4) aud higher
thau amouuts of C18:3 u-3 (O.1-1.O ) usua||y fouud iu
acorus of Mediterraueau forest oals (0. ||e\, 0. |c|cd|
|c||a aud 0. sc|e|) (Cava et a|., 1991, Lpe/-8ote, 1998).
Meat qua|ity aud fatty acid profi|es of iutramuscu|ar fat
of c. |c|ss|ccs dc|s| from pigs fed differeut fiuishiug
diets are showu iu Tab|e 2. Musc|e ph, as we|| as co|or
dimeusious | (|ightuess) aud a (red to greeu co|or),
did uot differ betweeu fiuishiug diets. however, the |
(ye||ow to b|ue co|or) was siguificaut|y higher (P<O.O5)
iu musc|es of pigs fed coru-based diet thau iu pigs fed
acoru (6.18 vs. 3.15). This cou|d be exp|aiued by caro-
teuoids preseut iu coru graiu aud re|atiouship betweeu
ClE | aud ye||ow p|aut pigmeuts (humphries et a|.,
2OO4). lutramuscu|ar fat of c.|c|ss|ccs dc|s| was
high iu a|| pigs (6.6-1.2 ). high iufi|tratiou of fat iuto
musc|e is oue of the distiuctive traits of 8|acl S|avouiau
breed iu comparisou to porl from moderu breeds aud
preseut resu|ts coufirm previous data obtaiued by
uremovi et a|. (2OO4) aud Seui et a|. (2OO5).
lucreased accumu|atiou of iutramuscu|ar fat cou|d be
a|so fouud iu other uou-improved pig breeds with a |ow
geuetica| poteutia| for depositiug musc|e duriug fatte-
uiug, |ile Mauga|ica (S/eute et a|., 2OO5), lberiau (Lpe/-
8ote, 1998) or Corsicau pig breed (Coutrou-6ambotti et
a|., 1998). Regardiug fatty acid profi|e of |ougissimus
musc|e of 8|acl S|avouiau pigs fed acoru or coru-based
mixture fiuishiug diet, uo major differeuces were fouud
iu the proportious of tota| saturated, mououusaturated
aud po|yuusaturated fatty acids, as we|| as for ratio of
po|yuusaturated aud saturated fatty acids (P/S).
however, feediug acoru ad |||||cc for a period of three
weels prior s|aughter siguificaut|y iucreased (P<O.O1)
the couteut of a|pha |iuo|euic acid (C18:3 u-3) iu the |ou-
gissimus musc|e iu comparisou to couceutrate fed pigs
(O.31 vs. O.12 , respective|y). As a cousequeuce, the
u-6/u-3 ratio iu the musc|e of acoru fiuishiug pigs was
uear|y threefo|d |ower thau iu couceutrate fiuishiug pigs
(24.1 vs. 69.3, P<O.O1). A|though the u-6/u-3 ratio was
higher thau uutritioua| recommeudatious (0epartmeut of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 116-119
0. |a|c|j| e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F FINI8hIN IEI 0N FAII A6I F0FIIE 0F ...
Iab|o 1. 6hom|ca| compos|t|oo aod major Iatty
ac|ds oI I|o|sh|og d|ots
Expressed as of dry matter
Expressed as of fatty acid methy| esters
hea|th, 1994) iu both groups, these resu|ts suggest that
substitutiug au acoru for coru-based mixture iu fiuishiug
diet may reduce this ratio iu porl. lt is luowu, iu geue-
ra|, that feediug u-3 fatty acids euriched diets to pigs
iucreases the share of po|yuusaturated fatty acids iu the
tissues. This, iu turu, cau |ower oxidative stabi|ity of tis-
sue |ipids, which may have uegative effects ou she|f |ife,
co|or aud/or aroma of meat (6ray et a|., 1996, Shahidi,
2OO2). lu additiou, techuo|ogica| qua|ity of bacl fat cau
be impair wheu share of tota| po|yuusaturated fatty
acids is excessive (Waruauts et a|., 1998). Such pro-
b|ems cou|d be coutro||ed by feediug iucreased |eve|s of
vitamiu E. lu this study, oxidative stabi|ity aud eatiug
qua|ity of meat were uot eva|uated. however, the cou-
ceutratiou of u-3 fatty acids iu musc|es of pigs fed acoru
for three weels before s|aughter was be|ow the |eve| at
which abuorma| porl f|avors were usua||y perceived
(Wood et a|., 2OO3).
Cousiderab|e amouut of a|pha |iuo|euic acid, u-3
po|yuusaturated fatty acid importaut iu the preveutiou of
cardiovascu|ar diseases, was fouud iu acorus of
S|avouiau oal (0ce|ccs |c|c| L.). ludicatiou of beueficia|
effects of acoru was fouud wheu 8|acl S|avouiau pigs
were fed acoru iustead of coru-based couceutrate
duriug pre-s|aughter fatteuiug. Feediug acoru |owered
the u-6/u-3 ratio iu the meat, beiug of iuterest from the
cousumer's hea|th poiut of view. Additioua| researches
however are ueeded. 8oth, musc|e aud fat tissue of
8|acl S|avouiau pigs shou|d be studied iu detai| with
specia| emphasis ou iuf|ueuce of traditioua| feedstuffs
(pasture aud acoru) aud reariug couditious ou fatty acid
profi|e aud qua|ity of meat aud fat.
1. A0AC. lu S. Wi||iams (Ed.), 0fficia| methods of aua|ysis.
Ar|iugtou, VA: Associatiou of 0fficia| Aua|ytica|
2. Cava, R., Rui/, J., Lpe/-8ote, C., Martiu, L., 6arcia,
C., Veutauas, J., Autequera, T. (1991): luf|ueuce of
fiuishiug diet ou fatty acid profi|es of iutramuscu|ar
|ipids, trig|ycerides aud phospho|ipids iu musc|es of
the lberiau pig. Vea| Sc|ece, 45 (2):263-21O.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 116-119
0. |a|c|j| e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F FINI8hIN IEI 0N FAII A6I F0FIIE 0F ...
Iab|o 2. Moat qua||ty aod Iatty ac|d proI||os oI |otramuscu|ar Iat oI m./oag/ss/mas dots/ Irom p|gs Iod acoro
aod m|xturo (coro} I|o|sh|og d|ots
Each va|ue is the meau (staudard deviatiou) of 5 auima|s
Expressed as of dry matter
3. ClE (1916): Supp|emeut lo.2 to ClE Pub|icatiou lo. 15
(E-1.3.1) 1918, 1911/(TC-1-3). Recommeudatious ou
uuiform co|or spaces-co|or differeuce equatious,
Psychrometric Co|or Terms. Commissiou luteruatio-
ua|e de l Ec|airage, Paris.
4. Coutrou-6ambotti, C., 6audemer, 6., Casabiauca, F.
(1998): Effects of substitutiug a couceutrated diet for
chestuuts ou |ipid traits of musc|e aud adipose tissue
iu Corsicau aud Corsicau x Large White pigs reared iu
sy|vo-pastora| system iu Corsica. Vea| Sc|ece, 5O
5. Csap, J., Sugr, L., horu, A., Csap Ju (1986):
Chemica| compositiou of mi|l from red deer, roe aud
fa||ow deer lept iu captivity. 4c|a 4|ccc|ca
|ca||ca, 3 - 4, 359-312.
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8. 6ray, J. l., 6omaa, E. A., 8ucl|ey, 0. J. (1996): 0xi-
dative qua|ity aud she|f |ife of meats. Vea| Sc|ece,
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9. hays, V. W., Prestou, R. L. (1994): lutritiou aud
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aud humau lmp|icatious. Edited by: haro|d 0. hafs
aud Robert 6. Zimbe|mau., Academic Press, luc. Sau
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1O. higgs, J. (2OO2): The uutritioua| qua|ity of meat. lu:
Meat processiug lmproviug qua|ity. Edited by
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App|icatiou of ref|ectauce co|our measuremeut to the
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12. Kra|il, 6ordaua, Lula-havrauel, Jasmiua, Petrievi,
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13. Lpe/-8ote, C.J. (1998): Sustaiued uti|i/atiou of the
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|ity. Edited by Joseph Kerry, Johu Kerry aud 0avid
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15. Murie|, E., Rui/, J., Veutauas, J., Autequera, T. (2OO2):
Free-rauge reariug iucreases (u-3) po|yuusaturated
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16. lewtou, l. S. (2OO1): Loug-chaiu fatty acids iu hea|th
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SAS lustitute, Cary, lC.
19. Seui, ., 8ulvi, Z., Autuuovi, Z., Sperauda, M.
(2OO5): S|aughter qua|ity of 8|acl S|avouiau pig
eudaugered breed aud its cross-breeds with Swedish
|audrace whi|e leepiug them outdoor. |c||cc||.|eda,
2O. Shahidi, F. (2OO2): Lipid-derived f|avors iu meat pro-
ducts. lu: Meat processiug lmproviug qua|ity. Edited
by Joseph Kerry, Johu Kerry aud 0avid Ledward,
Woodhead Pub|ishiug Limited, Cambridge, Eug|aud,
21. S/eute, V., Taruavo|gyi, 6., 8erle, S/., S/igeti, 0.,
S/al|y, Z. (2OO5): 0rgauic productiou aud uutrimar-
letiug strategy of "huugaricums"of auima| origiu.
System deve|opmeut: qua|ity aud safety of orgauic
|ivestol products, Proceediugs of the 4
Worlshop, 11-19 March 2OO5, Fricl, Swit/er|aud.
22. uremovi, M., uremovi, Z., Lulovi, Z. (2OO4): Stauje
u autohtouoj Cruoj s|avousloj pasmiui sviuja.
Pog|av|je u luji/i: uremovi Marija: Crua s|avousla
pasmiua sviuja: hrvatsla i/vorua pasmiua,
Vulovarslo-srijemsla tupauija, Vulovar, 1O1-115.
23. Waruauts, l., Vau 0ecle|, M. J., 8oucqu, Ch. V.
(1998): Effect of iucorporatiou of dietary po|yuusatu-
rated fatty acids iu porl baclfat ou the qua|ity of sa|a-
mi. Vea| Sc|ece, 49:435-445.
24. Wood, J.0., Richardsou, R.l., lute, 6.R., Fisher, A.V.,
Campo, M.M., Kasapidou, E., Sheard, P.R., Euser, M.
(2OO3): Effects of fatty acids ou meat qua|ity: a
review. Vea| Sc|ece, 66:21-32.
(Received ou 1 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 116-119
0. |a|c|j| e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F FINI8hIN IEI 0N FAII A6I F0FIIE 0F ...
Soybeau seeds aud derivates are va|uab|e proteiu-
rich feed iugredieuts used iu beef catt|e feediug (Jordau
et a|., 2OO6). Simi|ar to other o|eagiuous seeds, soybeau
a|so coutaius some uutritioua||y harmfu| compouuds
luowu as auti-uutritioua| factors (i.e. soybeau Kuuit/
aud 8owmau-8irl trypsiu iuhibitors) (Laslowsli aud
Kato, 198O). The high |eve|s of trypsiu iuhibitors iu seeds
cause poor digestiou of dietary proteius by iuhibitiug the
paucreatic eu/ymes (Lieuer, 1994). Cu|tivars with |ow
auti-uutritioua| couteut factors cou|d be used iu auima|
feediug, without requestiug physica| processes of iuac-
tivatiou such as the toastiug (Friedmau et a|., 1991).
however, toastiug treatmeut cau affect adverse||y the
qua|ity of some proteius. lu additiou, because raw soy-
beau seeds are toasted frequeut|y iu |arge p|auts (vege-
tab|e oi| producers), the feed traceabi|ity cou|d be criti-
ca| iu the 6M0 free chaiu (i.e. orgauic auima| produc-
tiou). The uumber of farm home-made proteiu feed pro-
ductiou is iucreasiug iu lta|y, especia||y iu respect to the
orgauic productiou systems. For these purposes, the
avai|abi|ity of |ow auti-uutritioua| factors soybeau is
becomiug a uutritioua| beuefit aud a operative simp|ifi-
catiou. The aim of this study was to eva|uate the effects
of differeut soybeau sources ou the iufra-vitam perform-
auce of fatteuiug beef catt|e.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18O-183
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2.O3:636.O86.3
S//c/a M/ote//o
, F. Iag//ap/etta
, 4. S/moaetto
, t. 8oadesaa
, Lac/a 8a//oa/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae a/m of ta/s tt/a/ was to eca/aate tae effects of d/ffeteat soatces of so,6eaa oa
tae /afta-c/tam petfotmaace of fattea/ag 6eef catt/e. Iae aa/ma/s {55 L/moas/ae/
wete d/c/ded, accotd/ag to 8W {28Ir!I kg/, /a 4 expet/meata/ gtoaps. L4FS {taw
fa//-fat so,6eaa /ow /a aat/aatt/t/oaa/ factots/, S8M {so,6eaa mea//, IS {toasted
fa//-fat so,6eaa/, NIS {aoa toasted fa//-fat so,6eaa/. Iae aa/ma/s wete fed a 6asa/
d/et {IM8/ {0M.59.5X, 0P.9.3X0M, N0F.33.9X0M, statca.34.9X0M/ sapp/emea-
ted as top dtess/ag w/ta d/ffeteat soatces of so,6eaas /a otdet to teaca tae same
amoaat of add/t/oaa/ 0P {4I3 g/d/. Io o6ta/a /soeaetget/c d/ets, ca/c/am soap of
pa/m fat {234 g/d/ was a/so added to S8M gtoap. 4a/ma/s wete we/gaed moata/,,
0M /atake was ca/ca/ated da//, aad two 6/ood samp//ags wete co//ected. No meta-
6o//c d/sotdets ot patao/og/ca/ eceats wete o6setced dat/ag tae expet/meat. Iae
da//, ga/as of tae f/tst 5 moatas wete aot s/ga/f/caat/, d/ffeteat amoag tae 4 expe-
t/meata/ gtoaps {oa tae acetage !.35 r 0.25 kg/d/. 0M /atake ca/aes /a tae same
pet/od wete s/m//at {8.5I r 0.I8 kg/d of 0M/. Iae so,6eaa sapp/emeatat/oa d/d aot
affect tae meta6o//c patametets {ca/ca/ated as d/ffeteaces 6etweea tae samp//ag
t/mes/ except fot tae g-g/atam,/-ttaasfetase {P<0.0!/, tae tota/ p/asma ptote/a aad
g/o6a//a {P<0.05/. Iae pte//m/aat, tesa/ts of ta/s expet/meat caa /ad/cate ao s/ga/-
f/caat effects of so,6eaa aat/aatt/t/oaa/ factots oa tae /afta-c/tam petfotmaaces of
6eef catt/e dat/ag tae f/tst fattea/ag pet/od.
8e,-wotds. 6eef catt/e, so,6eaa, aat/aatt/t/oaa/ factots
(l 0|. V|c|e||c S||.|a ||0. s|cde|. 0|. ||acc Ia||ac|e||a |esea|c|e|.
0|. 4||e||c S|cce||c Iec||c|a. ||c|. |cc|a 5a||c| |c|| ||c|essc|
0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece J|.e|s||j c| |adc.a l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j
0 35020 |ea|c |0 ||a|j Ie|. +39 049 82/204 |a\. +39 049
82/2033 |ca||. s||.|a.c|c|e||c@c|cd.||. (2l 0|. la|e||c 5cdesa
0|.|s|c c| 4||cc||c|e ad 4c|cc||c|e |esea|c| lee|c 4||cc||c|a
l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j 4 35020 |ea|c |0 ||a|j Ie|. +39 049 8293/34
|a\. +39 049 82/2508 |ca||. .a|e||c.||ca||cc||c
Accordiug to 8W (281 11 lg), 56 Limousiue
beef catt|e were |ocated iu 14 box aud divided iu 4 expe-
rimeuta| groups: LAFS (raw fu||-fat soybeau |ow iu auti-
uutritioua| factors, cu|tivar "hi|ario", SlS, 8o|ogua, l),
S8M (soybeau mea|), TS (toasted fu||-fat soybeau, mix
of differeut cu|tivars), aud lTS (uou toasted fu||-fat soy-
beau, mix of differeut cu|tivars). Each group was fed the
same diet duriug the adaptatiou period (first 25 days of
the experimeut) aud, subsequeut|y, the experimeuta|
diets supp|emeuted with the differeut sources of soy-
beaus. The four diets were formu|ated to be isoeuerge-
tic aud to meet the uutritioua| requiremeuts of the catt-
|e accordiug to llRA (1988) aud lRC (2OOO). The aui-
ma|s received the basa| mixed ratiou ouce dai|y by
mixer wagou (8.OO a.m.), aud immediate|y after, the
soybeau supp|emeutatiou was added to the diet by top-
dressiug iu order to reach the same amouut of additio-
ua| proteiu (413 g/d) (Tab|e 1).
The first 25 days of the tria| were cousidered as
adaptatiou period, whi|e duriug the fo||owiug days,
experimeuta| coutro|s were performed. Auima|s were
weighed mouth|y aud dai|y gaius were ca|cu|ated.
Auima| hea|th was dai|y detected throughout the tria|. lu
order to eva|uate 0M dai|y iutale, the feed residues of
each box for the four experimeuta| groups were weigh-
ted dai|y. Each iugredieut of the diets was aua|y/ed for
0M, CP, |ipids, ash, l0F, starch (A0AC, 2OOO). The
aua|ysis of urease activity was carried out by the l60
method (l60, 1916) ou soybeau sources. ludividua|
b|ood samp|es of 28 auima|s (casua||y choose withiu the
experimeuta| groups) co||ected at the begiuuiug aud two
mouth |ater the begiuuiug of the experimeuta| period,
were taleu from the jugu|ar veiu before moruiug fee-
diug. P|asma was immediate|y separated aud aua|ysed
with automatic equipmeut hitachi 911 (Roche
0iaguostics) for proteiu fractiou (tota| proteius, a|bu-
miu), urea, g|ucose, tota| cho|estero|, trig|ycerides,
lEFA, AST, 66T, CK, Ca, P aud Mg couteut.
0ata were aua|ysed by 6LM procedure of the SAS-
STAT (199O). For dai|y gaius aud 0M iutale data, the
fo||owiug sp|it-p|ot mode| was used: y
~ +

) +
, aud for metabo|ic parameters
(ca|cu|ated as differeuce betweeu two samp|iug time),
the fo||owiug simp|e sp|it-p|ot mode| was used: y
) +
, where m ~ overa|| meau,
~effect of the experimeuta| group,
) ~ effect of
box withiu experimeuta| group,
~ effect of aui-
ma| withiu the iuteractiou (box x experimeuta| group),

~ residua| error.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
The chemica| compositiou of the soybeau sources
iuc|uded iu the diets duriug the experimeuta| period is
reported iu Tab|e 2. The uutrieuts couteut of feeds were
simi|ar to that reported iu |iterature (Frieddmau et a|.,
1981) aud the urease activity cau be re|ated to the dif-
fereut heat treatmeuts of the soybeau sources.
0uriug the tria| uo serious patho|ogica| eveuts or
metabo|ic disorders were observed ou the auima|s of
the differeut experimeuta| groups. 0ue to tai| uecrosis,
oue subject of the LAFS group was exc|uded to the
experimeut. Simi|ar resu|ts were obtaiued iu previous
experimeut by Suidaro et a|. (2OO5) usiug Simmeuta|
beef catt|e.
0uriug the first 25 days of the experimeut (adapta-
tiou period), the dai|y gaius were, as expected, very dif-
fereut amoug box aud experimeuta| groups (P<O.O5).
0uriug the first six mouths of the experimeuta| period uo
statistica||y siguificaut differeuces of dai|y gaius were
observed amoug the experimeuta| groups (Tab|e 3).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18O-183
S. V|c|e||c e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F I0W ANIINIIII0NAI FA6I08 AW FII-FAI ...
Iab|o 1. Iogrod|oot aod chom|ca| compos|t|oo oI tho oxpor|moota| d|ots
0ai|y gaiu was 1.35 lg/d ou average. This va|ue is very
c|ose to those reported by other authors for Limousiue
youug bu||s fatteued iu iuteusive farms iu the Veueto
regiou (Co//i aud 6ottardo, 2OO5). Suidaro et a|. (2OO5)
fouud simi|ar dai|y gaius (1.26 .s. 1.24 lg/d) iu
Simmeuta| beef catt|e fed a basa| diet supp|emeuted
with soybeau mea| or raw fu||-fat soybeau |ow iu auti-
uutritioua| factors.
0M iutale of the experimeuta| groups was simi|ar
(ou average 8.51 O.18 lg/d). A |iuear iucrease of 0M
iutale was observed duriug the experimeut for a||
groups. The 0M iutale va|ues of this experimeut are iu
harmouy with the resu|ts obtaiued by Co//i aud 6ottardo
(2OO5) ou Limousiue bu||s duriug the fiuishiug period iu
iuteusive reariug system.
lu Tab|e 3 some p|asma parameters are reported.
The average va|ues at the begiuuiug of the tria| were iu
harmouy with the data reported by 8ertoui aud Piccio|i
Cappe||i (1999). The soybeau supp|emeutatiou did uot
affect the metabo|ic parameters, ca|cu|ated as differeu-
ces betweeu the secoud aud first samp|iugs, except for
the -g|utamy|-trausferase, (66T, P<O.O1) aud the tota|
p|asma proteiu (P<O.O5). 66T variatiou of LAFS group
was higher iu respect to lTS group aud iutermediate
va|ues were observed for S8M aud TS groups. Tota| pro-
teiu aud tota| g|obu|iu variatious were the highest iu TS
aud |owest iu S8M group aud iutermediate iu LAFS aud
lTS groups. lo differeuces betweeu beef catt|e fed
soybeau mea| or raw fu||-fat soybeau |ow iu autiuutritio-
ua| factors were reported iu metabo|ic parameters by
Suidero et a|. (2OO5).
The pre|imiuary resu|ts of this experimeut cau iudi-
cate the abseuce of siguificaut effects of the soybeau
autiuutritioua| factors ou the iufra-vitam performauces
of beef catt|e duriug the first fatteuiug period. Further
cousideratious ou the effects of differeut soybeau sour-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18O-183
S. V|c|e||c e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F I0W ANIINIIII0NAI FA6I08 AW FII-FAI ...
Iab|o 2. 6hom|ca| compos|t|oo oI soyboao sourcos usod |o tho oxpor|moot
Iab|o 3. Avorago da||y ga|os oI tho oxpor|moota| groups dur|og tho tr|a|
Iab|o 4. F|asma paramotors oI tho ao|ma|s oxprossod as avorago va|uo at tho bog|oo|og oI tho tr|a| (I
} aod
as d|IIorooco botwooo tho socood aod I|rst samp||og (I}
ces iuc|usiou iu beef catt|e fatteuiug wi|| be exp|aiued at
the eud of the experimeuta| period based ou resu|ts of
the performauce duriug the who|e fatteuiug phase aud
post-mortem data.
I||s e\ce||ce| as |ccded |j lee|c
4||cc||c|a |e|ca| 4ecj |c| 4||cc||c|e |c|es||j
ad 4|||ccd Sec|c|s ||c|ec| |_|||9l4_||9_l|.
1. Associatiou of 0fficia| Aua|ytica| Chemists, (2OOO):
0fficia| methods of aua|ysis of A0AC iuteruatioua|.
11th ed., 0r W. horwit/ ed., Washiugtou, 0C.
2. 8ertoui, 6., Piccio|i Cappe||i, F. (1999): 6uida a||'iuter-
preta/ioue dei profi|i metabo|ici. uuiversitj deg|i Studi
di Perugia ed., Perugia, lta|y.
3. Co//i, 6., 6ottardo, F. (2OO5): Fee|iug behaviour aud
diet se|ectiou of fiuishiug Limousiu bu||s uuder iuteusi-
ve reariug system. App|ied Auima| 8ehaviour Scieuce,
4. Friedmau, M., 8raudou, 0.L., 8ates, A.h., hymowit/,
T. (1991): Comparisou of a commercia| soybeau cu|ti-
var aud au iso|iue |acliug the Kuuit/ trypsiu iuhibitor:
compositiou, uutritioua| va|ue, aud effects of heatiug.
Jourua| of Agrico|ture aud Food Chemistry, 39:321-
5. Jordau, E., Keuuy, 0., hawlius, M., Ma|oue, R.,
Lovett, 0.K., 0'Mara, F.P. (2OO6): Effect of refiued soy
oi| or who|e soybeaus ou iutale, methaue output, aud
performauce of youug bu||s. Jourua| of Auima|
Scieuce, 84:2418-2425.
6. llRA (1988): A|imeutatiou des bovius, ovius et
caprius. Ed. llRA, Paris, Frauce.
1. Laslowsli, M., Jr. Kato, l. (198O): Proteiu iuhibitors of
proteiuases. Auuua| Review of 8iochemistry, 49:593-
8. Lieuer, l.E. (1994): lmp|icatious of autiuutritioua| com-
poueuts iu soybeau foods. Critica| Reviews iu Food
Scieuce aud lutritiou, 34:31-61.
9. lRC (2OOO): lutrieut requiremeuts of beef catt|e. 1
ed. latioua| Academy Press, Washiugtou, 0C, uSA.
1O. l60 (1916): lorme 6rassi e 0erivati. Sta/ioue speri-
meuta|e per |e iudustrie deg|i o|i e dei grassi. 3ed.
11. SAS (1996): SAS/STAT. user's 6uide: Statistics.
Versiou 6.11, 4
ed. SAS lust. luc., Cary, lC.
12. Suidaro, M., 0aue|ou, l., Sa|gare||a, M. (2OO5): Tori a|i-
meutati cou soia a basso couteuuto iu fattori autiuu-
tri/ioua|i. L'luformatore Agrario, 12:83-84.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 11 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 18O-183
S. V|c|e||c e|. a|.. EFFE6I8 0F I0W ANIINIIII0NAI FA6I08 AW FII-FAI ...
Mouutaiu dairy farmiug is sti|| a uoticeab|e brauch
of agricu|ture iu the lorth-East of lta|y. however, duriug
the |ast fifteeu years more thau 5O of dairy farms |oca-
ted iu the mouutaiu area of Veueto Regiou euded their
activity. Meauwhi|e, the decrease of dairy cows was
uear|y 3O aud uumber of cows per farm iucreased
from about 12 to 22 (
A|piue gra/iug is |imited to the summer aud is characte-
ri/ed by high variabi|ity iu growth aud uutrieut composi-
tiou of pasture, both of which may |imit dairy cows pro-
ductive performauce. Moreover, with the aim of iucreas-
iug the profitabi|ity, farmers rear more aud more high
geuetic cows, |eadiug to iucreased |eve|s of couceutra-
te supp|emeuts used to match auima|s requiremeuts. lt
is we|| luowu that offeriug supp|emeutary feed iu addi-
tiou to hay-based diet to sta||ed or gra/iug dairy cows
determiues a reductiou of fodder or herbage iutale
(Audrighetto e| a|., 1996, 8ovo|euta e| a|., 2OO2) aud, as
a cousequeuce, it causes |oss of agrouomic aud eco|o-
gica| va|ue of the pasture (0e Ros e| a|., 2OO6), further-
more, iucreasiug the amouut of couceutrate iu the diet
cou|d modify the uutritioua| aud orgauo|eptic traits of
dairy products, especia||y duriug the A|piue sojouru of
dairy cows. Effects ou mi|l fatty acids compositiou due
to differeut |eve|s aud liud of couceutrates have repea-
ted|y beeu reported (Co||omb et a|., 2OO2, E|ia et a|.,
2OO5), a feediug factor which a|so may coutribute to
|ow mi|l vitamius couteut (E|ia e| a|., 2OO6). The objec-
tive of the curreut study was to determiue aud va|idate
au iudicator as a too| to assess the impact of the diffe-
reut productive systems ou the a|piue pasture |audsca-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 184-181
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.2:636.O84.22
S. Segato
, Stefaa/a 8a/taa
, 0at/a 4ttatta F//a
, 4t/adae 6taaata
, Laata L/ga/tto
, S. Ieat/
/. 4adt/gaetto
, F. Noce///
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4/p/ae da/t, fatm/ag /s sa/fted ftom aa exteas/ce act/c/t, 6ased oa pastate aad /ow
geaet/c met/t cow to aa /ateas/ce s,stem w/ta spec/a//ted 6teeds aad /acteas/ag
/ece/ of coaceattate as a sapp/emeat /a tae d/et. 4s a ma/a coaseqaeace, a /owet
ecao-compat/6///t, coa/d detetm/ae adcetse extetaa//t/es oa eac/toameat aad qaa-
//t, of da/t, ptodacts. 0oas/det/ag !8 da/t, fatm/ag /ocated /a tae moaata/a atea of
teaeto 8eg/oa {/ta/,/, tae Fac/toameata/ Sammat/t/ag /ad/catot {FS// was est/ma-
ted 6, as/ag agtoaom/c aad da/t,/ag cat/a6/es. 8esa/ts /ad/cated taat cat/a6///t, of
FS/ was maa/, dae to ptodact/ce petfotmaace of da/t, cows pto6a6/, 6ecaase
taete was a /ack of /afotmat/oa /a tae assessmeat of pastate caatactet/st/cs.
howecet, a/gaet /ece/ of FS/ wete c/ose/, te/ated to tae /actease of N-pa//e spe-
c/es aad/ot /ess atttact/ce cegetat/oa fot gtat/ag cows, ecea /f tae /ad/catot seems
to exp/a/a oa/, a //m/ted patt of tae cat/a6///t, of tae paeaomeaoa. Iae /actease of
FS/ ca/aes seemed to /ead to a /oss of aatt/t/ce ca/ae of m//k 6ecaase of tae /ac/-
deace of aea/ta facoata6/e fatt, ac/ds was tedaced.
8e,-wotds. da/t, cow, a/p/ae fatm, sasta/aa6///t,, gtat/ag, m//k qaa//t,
(l ||0. Se.e||c Sea|c ||0. Ca||a 4ccc||a |||a ||0. |ac|a |||||c
VSc Sad|c Ie|| VSc ||c 4d|||e||c 0ec|. c| 4|ca| Sc|ece. (2l
Vl0 S|e|a|a 5a|ca 5Sc 4||ade |aa|a ||0. |||cc |c.e|||
4sscc|a|e ||c|essc| 0ec|. c| |c|||c |ea||| Cccca|a||.e |a||c|cj ad
le|e||a|j |j|ee |acc||j c| le|e||a|j Ved|c|e J|.e|s||j c| |adc.a
l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j 0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j. Cc||esccd| ac||c|.
pe, aud to estimate the degree of corre|atiou of this
agrouomic-/ootechuica| iudicator with some uutritioua|
qua|ity traits of dairy products.
The study cousidered, iu 2OO5 aud 2OO6, 18 dairy
farms |ocated iu the mouutaiu area (above 11OO m a.s.|.)
of Veueto Regiou ca||ed P|ateau of 4s|ac aud |
Farms were se|ected iu order to describe the maiu far-
miug systems of the iuvestigated area by productive
performauce of dairy cows aud euviroumeuta| coudi-
tious. lu each farm a survey was carried out to describe
the productive process aud the eco|ogica| status of
pasture by usiug teu agrouomic aud dairyiug variab|es
(Audrighetto e| a|., 1991, Co//i e| a|., 2OO6). The
approach admired a defiuitiou of a score for each varia-
b|es, that rauged from 1 (miu poteutia| uegative impact
ou euviroumeut) to 1O (max poteutia| uegative impact
ou euviroumeut (Tab|e 1) aud a re|ative weight to sum-
mari/e a|| the data iu the ca|cu|atiou of au iudicator, so-
ca||ed Euviroumeuta| Summari/iug ludicator (ESl),
whose tota| va|ue rauged from O to 1OO. 8otauica| com-
positiou aud uutrieut couteut of pasture were assessed
ou Ju|y, 15 aud Sept., 5. The pasture of 1O quadrates (1
), represeutiug the rauge of pre- aud post-gra/iug
pasture masses of the farm, was visua||y assessed aud
theu cut to grouud |eve|. Proximate compositiou of her-
bage was determiued by A0AC (2OOO) aud usiug au
AlK0M methodo|ogy (AlK0M Tech., lew Yorl) to
measure l0F couteut. lu the same experimeuta| period
samp|es of bu|led mi|l were aua|y/ed for proximate
compositiou with au iufrared techuique usiug a Mi|l-0-
Scau 4OOO iufrared aua|y/er (Foss E|ectric, hi||erd,
0eumarl) aud for fatty acid profi|e by gas-chromato-
graphy techuique (love||i e| a|., 2OO4).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Amoug the variab|es cousidered, the dai|y mi|l
productiou aud couceutrate supp|emeut showed the
highest corre|atiou with ESl (Figure 1). As expected,
botauica| compositiou aud uutritive couteut of pasture
corre|ated |ower with ESl thau dairyiug variab|es. These
resu|ts were probab|y due to the high variabi|ity of vege-
tatiou aud eco|ogica| characters of pasture of each farm.
lu additiou, iuvestigated farms were ofteu characteri/ed
by coutiguousuess aud a re|ative homogeueity of herba-
ceous cover whi|e the |ivestocl deusity was quite |ower
compared to carryiug capacity. however, mi|l produc-
tiou aud/or |eve| of the couceutrate supp|emeuted seem
to affect f|oristic diversity. Low gra/iug activity determi-
ues the spreadiug of vegetab|e species |ess attractive
for cows, as Ca|e\ spp aud Ses|e||a spp, both of them
teud to tale a bushy shape that cou|d |imit the growth
of other species (0a Rouch et a|., 2OO6). Moreover, the
most productive dairy cows produce |arge amouut of
faeces that |ead to iucreased uitrogeu ferti|i/atiou aud
spreadiug of uitrophi|ous species (i.e., |cce\ spp aud
J|||ca d|c|ca).
lt is we|| luowu that gra/iug a|piue pasture affects
fatty acids (FA) profi|e of mi|l, euhauciug the amouut of
|oug-chaiu PuFA, of u-3 aud of CLA (coujugated |iuo|eic
acid), aud reduciug medium aud |oug chaiu SFA
(Schroeder et a|., 2OO3, Lieber et a|., 2OO5). This effect
is maiu|y due to pasture high couteut of PuFA aud, iu
particu|ar of |iuo|eic aud |iuo|euic acid (8ai|oui et a|.,
2OO5). The of CLA aud C18:O corre|ated positive|y
with the perceutage of pasture iu the diet of dairy cows.
The iucrease of CLA as a fuuctiou of herbage iutale is
probab|y mau|y due to the couceutratiou of vacceuic
acid as a resu|t of higher rumiua| activity of ce||u|oso|itic
micro-orgauism. The higher |eve| of the steraric acid
may be due to a higher activity of desaturase iu the
iutestiue aud mammary g|aud of gra/iug cows (Co||omb
et a|., 2OO2). lu our study, ou|y CLA seems to be uega-
tive|y corre|ated with ESl (Figure 2) aud this resu|t may
be due to a |ower couceutrate iutale thau differeuces iu
botauica| compositiou of pasture.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 184-181
S. Sea|c e|. a|.. AIFINE FAM 86AIE INvE8IIAII0N8 0F IhE EIAII0N8hIF8 ...
1: miu ... 1O, max poteutia| uegative impact ou euviroumeut. 8ur|iua aud Reudeua are |oca| lta|iau breed
Iab|o 1. aok|og oI tho ma|o var|ab|os usod to assoss tho Eov|roomoota| 8ummar|z|og Iod|cator (E8I}
Resu|ts of the preseut study iudicated that the
assessmeut of au iudicator of the adverse impact of
dairy productive process ou a|piue habitat must be |imi-
ted to a very short uumber of variab|es. There were
stroug re|atiouships amoug productive factors that |imi-
ted the variabi|ity of botauica| aud physica| characteri-
stics of pasture, especia||y iu a geographic coutest
where farmiug system was characteri/ed by |ow stoc-
liug rates. The most importaut couc|usiou of this study
is that the adverse effects of farmiug system ou mouu-
taiu |audscape seems to iucrease maiu|y as a fuuctiou
of mi|l productiou per cow. 0uite apart the difficu|ties to
defiue the Euviroumeuta| Summari/iug ludex (ESl), it
may be a|so cousidered as a too| to eva|uate the uutri-
tioua| va|ue of mi|l. Therefore, a|though it is uecessary
to improve the quautitative|y assessmeut, the coucept
of a poteutia| iudicator as a predictor of the |ile|y
respouse of the a|piue gra/iug cows to supp|emeutary
couceutrate ou pasture aud qua|ity of dairy products
shou|d be deve|oped.
8eseatca f/aaac/a/ sappotted 6, F0N04Z/0NF
048/tF80N4, ca// 2004 - t4L4M4L ptoject
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(1991): Aua|isi per |a piauifica/ioue de||'agrico|tura iu
ambieute moutauo. uu caso di studio: |a Comuuitj
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4. 8ai|oui, L., 8attag|iui, L.M., 6asperi, F., Mautovaui, R.,
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5. 8ovo|euta, S., Saccj, E., Veutura, W., Piaseutier, E.
(2OO2): Effect of type aud |eve| of supp|emeut ou per-
formauce of dairy cows gra/iug ou a|piue pasture.
lta|a|iau Jourua| of Auima| Scieuce, 1: 255-263.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 184-181
S. Sea|c e|. a|.. AIFINE FAM 86AIE INvE8IIAII0N8 0F IhE EIAII0N8hIF8 ...
F|guro 1. 6orro|at|oo (X} aod ||ooar rogross|oo (~-} botwooo m||k product|oo (1: <10 kg/d . 10: >28 kg/d},
oo tho |oIt, or |oc|dooco oI aroa w|th N-ph||o spoc|os (1: <10% .. 10: >50% oI pasturo}, oo tho r|ght, aod
tho Eov|roomoota| 8ummar|z|og Iod|cator (E8I}
F|guro 2. 6orro|at|oo ( X, } aod ||ooar rogross|oo
(- - - , ---} botwooo 6IA aod stoar|c ac|d (% oI tota|
dotoctod FA} aod tho Eov|roomoota| 8ummar|z|og
Iod|cator (E8I}
6. Co||omb, M., 8utilofer, u., Sieber, R., Jeaugros, 8.,
8osset, J.0. (2OO2): Compositiou of fatty acids iu
cow's mi|l fat produced iu the |ow|auds, mouutaius
aud hig|auds of Swit/er|au usiug high reso|utiou gas
chromatography. luteruatioua| 0airy Jourua|, 12: 649-
1. Co//i, 6., 8i//otto, M., Rigoui Steru, 6. (2OO6): uso de|
territorio, impatto ambieuta|e, beuessere deg|i auima-
|i e sosteuibi|itj ecouomica dei sistemi di a||evameuto
de||a vacca da |atte preseuti iu moutagua. l| caso di
studio de||'A|topiauo di Asiago. lu: 0ua|e /ootecuia da
|atte per |a moutagua a|piua. 0uaderui S0Z00ALP,
8. 0a Rouch, F., Rigoui Steru, 6., Zi|iotto, u. (2OO6):
Effetti de||a diversa iuteusitj gestioua|e su||e caratteri-
stiche di a|cuui pasco|i de||e Prea|pi veuete. lu: 0ua|e
/ootecuia da |atte per |a moutagua a|piua. 0uaderui
S0Z00ALP, 3:131-15O.
9. 0e Ros, 6., 8ovo|euta, S., 6asperi F., 6iaue||e 0.,
Veutura, W. (2OO6): Couceutrate supp|emeutatiou to
lta|iau 8rowu cows gra/iug ou mouutaiu pasture:
effects ou vegetatiou, auima| performauce aud cheese
qua|ity. lu: K. 8ia|a, losberger J., Pareute 6. 0ua|ity
productiou aud qua|ity of the euviroumeut pastures of
eu|arged Europe, Ed. ERSA, 6ori/ia, lta|y, 295-3O4.
1O. E|ia, C.A., love||i, E., 8a|/au, S., Teuti, S., Frauco, S.,
Rou/aui, 6., Segato, S. (2OO5): Fatty acids profi|e of
Asiago cheese from a|piue gra/iug or p|aiu farm. lu.
Proc. of 9
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Comparative lutritiou (ESVCl), 6rug|iasco (T0), lta|y,
11. E|ia, C.A., 8a|/au, S., Segato, S., Liguitto, L., love||i,
E. (2OO6): Vitamius A aud E couteut iu mi|l form a|pi-
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lautes, Frauce, 115
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Scheeder, M.R.L. (2OO5): A study ou the causes for
e|evated u-3 fatty acids iu cows' mi|l of a|piue origiu.
||c|ds, 4O: 191-2O2.
14. love||i, E., Teuti, S., Frauco, S., 8arcaro|o, R., 8a|/au,
S., Tea|do, E., Segato, S. (2OO4): App|ica/ioue di uu
metodo semp|ificato per estrarre |a fra/ioue |ipidica a|
fiue di determiuare i| profi|o acidico iu |atte e derivati.
lu: S. Porretta, Ricerche e iuuova/ioui ue||'iudustria a|i-
meutare. Vo|. Vl. Chiriotti Ed., Toriuo, lta|y, 1211-1281
15. Schoroeder, 6.F., 0e|ahoy, J.E., Vidaurreta, l, 8argo,
F., 6ag|iostro, 6.A., Mu||et, L.0. (2OO3): Mi|l fatty
acids compositiou of cows fed a tota| mixed ratiou or
pasture p|us couceutrates rep|aciug coru with fat.
Jourua| of 0airy Scieuce, 86: 3231-3248.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 31 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 184-181
S. Sea|c e|. a|.. AIFINE FAM 86AIE INvE8IIAII0N8 0F IhE EIAII0N8hIF8 ...
Ro|e of fats aud that of fatty acids, they are com-
posed of, iu the humau uutritiou is we||-luowu. Fats
coutaiued iu foodstuffs provide substautia| amouut of
euergy for the humau orgauism, aud the esseutia| aud
semi-esseutia| fatty acids are as the humau orgauism
cauuot produce them - iudispeusib|e to the humau orga-
uism. Receut|y, there have beeu mauy discussious
about traus fatty acids. Some experts cousidered their
harmfu| effects to be proveu, whi|e others cou|d uot
report ou such uegative effects. Some thought that
traus fatty acids iucreased fragi|ity of red b|ood ce||s,
chauged the aggregatiou of thrombocytes (Ascherio,
1994, Ascherio et a|., 1999, Ascherio, 2OO2), aud sho-
wed their uegative effects ou the metabo|ism of |iuo|e-
uic acid aud arachidouic acid (Larque et a|., 2OOO). lt
was estab|ished that they caused |acl of esseutia| fatty
acids (Kummerow et a|., 2OO4), iuhibited syuthesis of
prostag|audiu (Kushi aud 6iovauucci, 2OO2) aud
iucreased the risl of certaiu caucers. Late|y it has beeu
reported that iucorporatiou of traus fatty acids iuto the
phospho|ipids of the membraues affected its properties
aud maiu|y the activity of eu/ymes attached to the
membraue. lu fact, receut|y a positive re|atiou has beeu
estab|ished betweeu a||ergic diseases aud traus fatty
acid cousumptiou (Kritchevsly, 1991, Steuder aud
0yerberg, 2OO4).
Cis-traus trausformatious cau tale p|ace due to
severa| techuo|ogica| iuterveutious, as we||. The most
importaut such operatiou is partia| hydrogeuatiou as a
resu|t of which a part of cis-coufigurated bouds traus-
forms iuto traus coufiguratiou. 8y appropriate choosiug
of techuo|ogica| parameters it cau be achieved that this
trausformatiou is possib|y the s|ightest aud that the pro-
ducts coutaiu traus isomers iu miuima| quautity.
heatiug of fats cau a|so cause isomeri/atiou, cooliug iu
oi|s cau resu|t iu appearauce of mu|tip|e uusaturated
traus fatty acids, aud heat treatmeut of fats cau produ-
ce traus fatty acids aud eveu a|so a cyc|ic fatty acid
derivatives (hauseu aud Leth, 2OOO).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 188-191
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.O4/.O1
8ota//a tetoa/ka Sa/amoa
, 8ata//a Lk/
, St/da/a Sa/amoa
, P. Sata
, 8eata 4/6ett
, Z.
, 1aaosa 0sap
, 4a/k 6,}t/
, Z. 6,}t/
, 1. 0sap
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae fatt, ac/d compos/t/oa of cows m//k w/ta fat coateats of 3.5X, 0a//a caeese
w/ta fat coateats of 44X, 6attet w/ta fat coateats of 80X aad matgat/ae w/ta fat
coateats of 24X was detetm/aed aftet a aeat tteatmeat petfotmed oa cook/ag p/ate
aad m/ctowace tteatmeat, tespect/ce/, of d/ffeteat datat/oas. Iae 6/ggest d/ffetea-
ce was o6ta/aed fot o/e/c ac/d aad e/a/d/c ac/d s/ace, w/ta tae except/oa of tae
matgat/ae, /a eaca case ptopott/oa of tae c/s-coaf/gatated o/e/c ac/d decteased
wa//e taat of tae ttaas-coaf/gatated e/a/d/c ac/d /acteased. Fot a// of tae otaet fatt,
ac/ds /a tae foodstaffs exam/aed ao saca d/ffeteaces wete o6ta/aed tegatd/ag
caaage /a fatt, ac/d compos/t/oa waose d/ffeteaces coa/d /af/aeace aea/ta, aatt/-
t/oa to coas/deta6/e exteat. Iaetefote we caa take /t as a fact taat ae/taet aeat
tteatmeat petfotmed oa a ttad/t/oaa/ cook/ag p/ate aot m/ctowace tteatmeat affects
coas/deta6/, tae compos/t/oa of food fats.
8e,-wotds. m//k, caeese, 6attet, matgat/ae, fatt, ac/d compos/t/oa, c/s-ttaas /so-
mets, m/ctowace
(l VSc. |ccJ||a le|c||a Sa|acc VSc. Sc|dc|a Sa|acc ad VSc.
5eJ|a 4||e|| Sac|e||a |ca||a J|.e|s||j c| I|asj|.a|a
Cs||sce|eda Cacccs Cs||sce|eda |953004 Sca|adsJ || . (2l Vsc.
|a|a|| |c|| VSc. ||e| SJ|a VSc. sc|| VJdc|| ||0. JJcs Csacc
ad ||0. JJcs Csacc |c|| ||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c|
4|ca| Sc|ece |accs.J| |/400 c|a S. c. 40. (3l VSc. 4||c j}||
ad ||0. c||J j}|| ||c|essc| J|.e|s||j c| 0e||ece Ce||e c|
4||cc||c|a| Sc|eeces 0e||ece |4032 5cscc|cj| c| 38.
lt was reported that fatty acids cau couvert as a
resu|t of microwave treatmeut, as we||. For soya beau,
after beiug microwave-treated for 12 miu trausformatiou
aud decompositiou of great vo|ume of fatty acids was
experieuced. Compared chauges iu fatty acid composi-
tiou duriug food maliug procedures with the effect of
microwave treatmeut some experts have come to the
couc|usiou that cousiderab|e chauges cou|d be expec-
ted duriug such treatmeut aud they suggested choosiug
other liud of procedure iustead of microwave treatmeut
for warmiug up foods (Sachilo aud hiromi, 2OO2).
8ecause of the above, meutioued duriug preseut
research we aimed at aua|ysiug chauges of fatty acid
compositiou of mi|l aud foodstuffs with high fat cou-
teuts (cheese, butter, margariue) as the effect of tradi-
tioua| heat treatmeut aud microwave treatmeut. We
paid specia| atteutiou to the cis-coufigurated o|eic acid
aud traus-coufigurated e|aidic acid formed from the for-
mer by isomeri/atiou.
8amp|os oxam|ood
Mi|l samp|e with fat couteuts of 3.6 was obtai-
ued from a seveu year o|d Simeutha| cow, fed maiu|y
hay aud miuima| feed supp|emeutatiou, aud it was pro-
duciug iu the 2. mouth of |actatiou. Samp|e was taleu
from the mixed mi|l of the comp|ete|y mi|led-out udder.
0ther compoueuts of the mi|l correspouded to the
va|ues characteristic for uorma| cow's mi|l iu every
lu case of the cheese examiued was a commer-
cia||y obtaiuab|e cheese with the trade uame of 0a|ia,
beiug semi-hard, coagu|ated with reuuet, pressed, for-
med iu briue of 1O, theu matured over 2 weels at 13-
14 C. lts dry matter couteut was 55 aud fat couteut
referred to dry matter couteut was 44. The other chee-
se used iu our experimeut was commercia||y obtaiuab|e
uuder the trade uame of Te|emea, a type of feta cheese,
fermeuted with |ac|c|ac|||cs ac|dcc|||cs coagu|ated
with eu/ymatic reuuet, pressed, s|iced aud matured
over 2 days. 0ry matter couteut of this cheese was 55
aud its fat couteut referred to dry matter was 44.
The butter we used was a commercia||y obtaiuab|e
butter of trade uame A|peubutter. The margariue exami-
ued was of a ho||aud-24 type, commercia||y obtaiuab|e
hoat troatmoot aod m|crowavo troatmoot
heat treatmeut was carried out ou a |aboratory hot
p|ate, for 2 aud 8 miu, respective|y, after the boi|iug
poiut was reached. For microwave treatmeut we
app|ied a treatmeut over 1, 2, 4, aud 8 miu usiug a uor-
ma| E|ectro|ux EMl 2O15 microwave oveu at e|ectrica|
power of 45O W. Subsequeut to the heat treatmeut the
samp|es were coo|ed dowu immediate|y aud stored at -
25 C uuti| prepared for aua|ysis.
otorm|oat|oo oI Iatty ac|d compos|t|oo
Sacc|e c|eca|a||c
A samp|e quautity coutaiuiug approx. O.5-1.O g fat
was destructed with 8-2O cm
of hydroch|oric acid
(31) for 1 hour ou hot water bath. After haviug coo|ed
dowu, 1 cm
of ethauo| was added. Lipids were extrac-
ted with 15 cm
diethy|ether aud 15 cm
(b.p.<6O C), aud the orgauic |ayers were combiued.
From a portiou of this so|utiou, coutaiuiug approx. 15O-
2OO mg fat, the so|veuts were removed uuder reduced
pressure (a comp|ete evaporatiou uot uecessary). To
the residue 4 cm
of O.5 M sodium hydroxide methauo|
so|utiou was added aud boi|ed uuti| a|| the fat drops dis-
appeared (approx. 5 miu), theu 4 cm
of 14 borou tri-
f|uoride methauo| so|utiou was added, boi|ed for 3 miu,
fiua||y 4 cm
of hexaue, dried ou water-free sodium su|-
phate, was added aud boi|ed for 1 miu, aud the mixture
was a||owed to coo| dowu. Saturated aqueous sodium
ch|oride so|utiou was added aud after haviug separated
the orgauic |ayer was co||ected iuto a 4 cm
via| coutai-
uiug water-free sodium su|phate aud was direct|y exa-
miued by gas chromatography.
Ccd|||cs c| ||e as c||cca|c|ac||c aa|js|s
lustrumeut: Variau 338O CP gas chromatograph.
Co|umu: 1OO mO.25 mm id, CP-Si| 88 (FAME) phase.
0etector: Fl0 21O C. lujector: sp|itter, 21O C. Carrier
gas: h
, 235 lPa. Temperature program: 14O C for 1O
miu, at 1O C/miu up to 235 C, isotherm for 26 miu.
lujected vo|ume: 1 |.
E8II8 AN 60N6I8I0N
6haogo oI Iatty ac|d compos|t|oo oI m||k as tho
oIIoct oI trad|t|ooa| hoat troatmoot aod m|crowavo
hoat troatmoot
Chauge iu fatty acid compositiou of raw mi|l for
the coutro| samp|e aud for the samp|es heat treated for
2 aud 8 miu, ou cooliug p|ate aud iu microwave oveu,
respective|y, is showu iu Tab|e 1.
As it cau be seeu from the data of Tab|e 1, the raw
mi|l coutaius somewhat more fatty acid thau the micro-
wave-treated mi|l. lo siguificaut differeuces, however,
cou|d be fouud betweeu the microwave treatmeuts.
Simi|ar|y, uo siguificaut differeuces cou|d be fouud iu
pa|mitic acid aud stearic acid couteuts. Fatty acids are
mouutiug major part of the tota| fatty acid couteut. lu
the raw mi|l the mi|l fat coutaiued 16.26 o|eic acid
aud 1.53 e|aidic acid, the cis coufiguratiou was
91.36 aud the traus coufiguratiou was 8.64 of the
tota| C18:1 fatty acids. After cooliug for 2 miu the pro-
portiou of the cis-coufiguratiou was reduced by 2, aud
after cooliug for 8 miu it was reduced by 4, the pro-
portiou of the traus coufiguratiou was iucreased as
resu|t of cooliug (for 2-8 miu) by arouud 15-2O. Simi|ar
chauges cou|d be observed due to microwave treat-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 188-191
|. l. Sa|acc e|. a|.. 6hANE8 IN FAII A6I 60MF08III0N 0F IFFEENI MIIk ...
meut: after a treatmeut of 2 miu the proportiou of the cis
coufiguratiou was reduced by 2, aud after 8 miu by
uear|y 1O, whereas the proportiou of the traus coufi-
guratiou was iucreased by 1O-15 after a treatmeut of
2 miu, aud by 4O-5O after a treatmeut of 8 miu. heuce,
the couc|usiou cau be drawu that heat treatmeut carried
out for 2 aud 8 miu at 1OO
C, aud microwave treatmeut
performed for 2 aud 8 miu at 45O W reduce proportiou
of the cis-coufigurated o|eic acid aud iucrease propor-
tiou of the traus-coufigurated e|aidic acid to a siguificaut
lu case of the cheeses 0a|ia aud Te|emea, chauges
occured due to microwave treatmeut are summari/ed iu
Tab|e 2, chauges of o|eic acid aud e|aidic acid couteuts
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 188-191
|. l. Sa|acc e|. a|.. 6hANE8 IN FAII A6I 60MF08III0N 0F IFFEENI MIIk ...
Iab|o 1. 6haogo |o Iatty ac|d compos|t|oo* as tho oIIoct oI hoat troatmoot porIormod oo cook|og p|ato aod oI
m|crowavo troatmoot, rospoct|vo|y
lu re|ative weight of fatty acid methy| esters. 0u|y fatty acids with couceutratious higher thau 9-1O, as we|| as |iuo|eic acid aud |iuo-
|euic acid are showu. 0|eic acid aud e|aidic acid are showu iu Tab|e 3
Iab|o 2. 6haogos oI Iatty ac|d compos|t|oo* oI choosos a||a aod Io|omoa duo to m|crowavo troatmoot
lu re|ative weight of the fatty acid methy| esters
Perceutage of C18:1 fatty acids (tota| C18:1 fatty acid couteuts~1OO).
Iab|o 3. 6haogos oI o|o|c ac|d aod o|a|d|c ac|d cootoots* oI var|ous da|ry products duo to coovoot|ooa| aod
m|crowavo hoat troatmoot, rospoct|vo|y
of examiued dairy products as au effect of traditioua|
aud microwave heatiug are summari/ed iu Tab|e 3.
For the cheese of 0a|ia-type with 44 fat couteut
iu the coutro| samp|e uot microwave-treated proportiou
of o|eic acid was 83.84, that of e|aidic acid was
16.16 to the who|e C18:1 fatty acids. As a resu|t of
microwave treatmeut of 2 miu proportiou of cis coufigu-
ratiou was decreased by 1.5, after treatmeut of 8 miu
it was decreased by 2. 0uriug 2 miu proportiou of the
traus coufiguratiou was iucreased by 8 aud after 8 miu
by 9-1O. For a|| of the other fatty acids uo siguificaut
chauges were experieuced owiug to the microwave
treatmeut, aud compositiou of treated samp|es were
practica||y ideutica| with that of the coutro| samp|e. lu
case of the examiued two cheese samp|es fatty acids
behaved comp|ete|y the same way towards microwave
0|eic acid couteut of the butter with fat couteut of
8O was 23.31, e|aidic acid couteut 3.62, iu perceu-
tage of tota| fatty acids. Withiu C18:1 fatty acids iu
uutreated butter o|eic acid was 86.58, e|aidic acid
13.42. These proportious chauged s|ight|y for samp|es
treated both ou cooliug p|ate at 215 C aud iu micro-
wave oveu at 45O W. lucreasiug from 2 miu to 8 miu the
duratiou of the treatmeut with a cooliug p|ate of 215 C
proportiou of o|eic acid was decreased by 1, aud simi-
|ar resu|ts are obtaiued wheu time of microwave treat-
meut was iucreased from 2 to 8 miu. Looliug at the pro-
portious for both treatmeut duratious aud both heat
treatmeut methods decrease of o|eic acid correspouds
withiu the |imits of error to the iucrease of e|aidic acid.
From our experimeuts we cau draw the couc|usiou that,
with iucreasiug duratiou of the heatiug, iu case of both
experimeut performed with cooliug p|ate aud that per-
formed with microwave oveu the quautity of cis-coufi-
gurated o|eic acid reduces whereas that of traus-coufi-
gurated e|aidic acid iucreases.
lu case of margariue with 25 fat couteut the heat
treatmeut aud microwave treatmeut, respective|y, do
uot affect couceutratiou of cis aud traus fatty acids. This
coutradicts our previous examiuatious, our experieuces
uuti| uow, aud the |iterature as we||. Siuce the cis coufi-
guratiou is substautia||y |ess stab|e thau the traus, so
after a heat treatmeut iu priucip|e quautity of fatty acids
with cis coufiguratiou shou|d be decreased aud that of
fatty acids with traus coufiguratiou shou|d be iucreased.
8y the way, as a resu|t of heat treatmeut, couceutratiou
of uusaturated fatty acids reduced due to various oxida-
tive reactious aud chaiu-cracliugs at the doub|e bouds.
Summari/ed the effect of heat treatmeut aud
microwave treatmeut it cau be said that, with the
exceptiou of o|eic acid aud e|aidic acid, iu case of
various samp|es examiued by us the differeuces iu fatty
acid compositiou are so s|ight that they do uot iudicate
auy harmfu| effect ou either heat treatmeut or microwa-
ve treatmeut. For these fatty acids there is uo differeu-
ce iu the effect of the duratiou of heat treatmeut aud
microwave treatmeut, either. lo differeuce cou|d be
seeu betweeu the treatmeuts with duratiou of 2 miu aud
8 miu, respective|y. The fact is that, for the examiued
foodstuffs, time aud euergy combiuatiou used does uot
resu|t iu cousiderab|e deviatiou iu the fatty acid compo-
sitiou. Thus, there is uo ueed to be afraid that duriug
microwave treatmeut auy artificia| product harmfu| to
humau beiugs wou|d form or that bio|ogica| va|ue aud
uti|i/atiou iu the humau orgauism of fat of foodstuff trea-
ted this way wou|d reduce to siguificaut exteut.
lu case of o|eic acid aud e|aidic acid it was esta-
b|ished that, by both heat treatmeut performed ou a
cooliug p|ate aud microwave treatmeut the proportiou
of the cis-coufigurated o|eic acid decreased aud that of
the traus-coufigurated e|aidic acid iucreased. This
decrease aud iucrease, respective|y, do uot reach,
however, such au exteut, which cou|d affect the hea|thy
1. Ascherio, A., Katau, M.8., Stampfer, M. (1999): Traus
fatty acids aud corouary heart disease. l.
Eug|. J. Med., 34O. 1994-1998.
2. Ascherio, A. (2OO2): Epidemio|ogic studies ou dietary
fats aud corouary heart disease. Am. J. Med. 113.
3. Ascherio, A., heuueleus, C., 8uriug. J., Master, C.,
Stamper, M., Wi||ett, W. (1994): Traus fatty acids
iutale aud risl of myocardia| iufractiou. Circu|atiou,
89. 94-1O1.
4. hauseu, K., Leth, T. (2OOO): Survei||auce of margariues
(0vervaguiug af margariue). Miuisteriet for F deva-
rer, Laudbrug og Fisleri, F devaredireltoratet,
K beuhavu.
5. Kritchevsly, 0. (1991): Traus fatty acids aud cardio-
vascu|ar risl. Prostag|audius, Leulotrieues
aud Esseutia| Fatty Acids, 51. 4-5. 399-4O2.
6. Kummerow, F.A., Zhou, 0., Mahfou/, M.M., Smiricly,
M.R., 6rieshop, C.M., Schaeffer, 0.J. (2OO4): Traus
fatty acids iu hydrogeuated fat iuhibited the syuthesis
of the po|yuusaturated fatty acids iu the phospho|ipid
of arteria| ce||s. Life Sci., 14. 21O1-2123.
1. Kushi, L., 6iovauuucci, E. (2OO2): 0ietary fat aud cau-
cer. Am. J. Med., 113. (98) 63S-1OS.
8. Larque, E., Pere/-L|amas, F., Puerta, V., 6irou, M.0.,
Suare/, M.0., Zamora, S., 6i|, A. (2OOO): 0 i e t a r y
traus fatty acids affect docosahexaeuoic acid cou-
ceutratiou iu p|asma aud |iver but uot braiu of pre-
guaut aud feta| rats. Pediatr. Res., 41. 218-283.
9. Sachilo, T., hiromi, Y. (2OO2): Microwave heatiug
iuf|ueuces ou fatty distributious of triacy|g|ycero|s
aud phospho|ipids iu hypocoty|s of soybeaus. Food
Chemistry, 66.
1O. Steuder, S., 0yerberg, J. (2OO4): luf|ueuce of traus
fatty acids ou hea|th. Auu. lutr. Metab., 48.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 188-191
|. l. Sa|acc e|. a|.. 6hANE8 IN FAII A6I 60MF08III0N 0F IFFEENI MIIk ...
From our ear|ier examiuatious (Csap et a|., 1986,
1995, Pohu aud Csap, 2OO2) it is obvious that free
amiuo acid aud free 0-amiuo acid couteuts of mi|l are
siguificaut|y iuf|ueuced by the techuo|ogy, iu the first
p|ace, however, by the microbio|ogica| couditiou of mi|l
raw materia|. lt is luowu that 0-stereoisomer amiuo
acids are uot or uot easi|y uti|i/ed by the humau orga-
uism. Their harmfu| effects were reported iu severa|
pub|icatious (6audo|fi et a|., 1992, 8rucluer aud
hausch, 199O a, b, Fuse et a|., 1984). lt is a|so luowu
that preseuce of 0-amiuo acids iu the proteius reduces
digestibi|ity aud to great exteut they cau act as growth
iuhibitors (Mau aud 8ada, 1981). lu uutritioua| scieutific
respect au importaut fact is that 0-amiuo acids aud pep-
tides coutaiuiug 0-amiuo acids have a differeut taste
thau the correspoudiug L-stereoisomers (8oehm aud
8ada, 1984).
lu case of couutries receut|y joiued the Europeau
uuiou, mi|l mauufacturers that occassioua||y produce
various dairy products comp|yiug with the staudards out
of mi|l with microorgauism are reduced. lumber of
severa| mi||ious cousidered to be uusuitab|e for humau
cousumptiou iu Eu couutries. 8ecause of the above we
aimed at examiuatiug tota| free aud free 0-amiuo acid
couteuts of mi|l with various tota| microorgauism uum-
bers iu order to estab|ish a re|atiouship betweeu
microorgauism uumber aud tota| free aud free 0-amiuo
acid couteuts of mi|l. Subsequeut|y we were tryiug to
auswer the questiou how free amiuo acid couteuts of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 192-196
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.1:632.3.O1/.O9:541
0s///a 4/6ett
, 6a6t/e//a Poaa
, 8ata//a Lk/
, St/da/a Sa/amoa
, 8eata 4/6ett
, P. Sata
, Z.
, 1aaosa 0sap
, 1. 0sap
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Ftee am/ao ac/d aad ftee 0-am/ao ac/d coateats of m//k samp/es w/ta d/ffeteat
m/ctootgaa/sm aam6ets aad compos/t/oa of da/t, ptodacts ptodaced ftom taem
wete exam/aed. Iota/ m/ctootgaa/sm aam6et of m//k samp/es exam/aed cat/ed
ftom !.25!0
to 2.95!0
. /t was esta6//saed taat coaceattat/oa of 6ota ftee 0-
am/ao ac/ds aad ftee L-am/ao ac/ds /acteased w/ta aa /actease /a m/ctootgaa/sm
aam6et. howecet, /actease /a 0-am/ao ac/d coateats was a/gaet coas/det/ag /ts
ptopott/oa. Iaete was a patt/ca/at/, s/ga/f/caat gtowta /a tae m/ctootgaa/sm aam-
6et taage ftom !.5!0
to 2.9!0
. 8ased oa aaa/,s/s of catds aad caeese samp/es
ptodaced as/ag d/ffeteat tecaao/og/es we aace come to tae coac/as/oa taat fot
ftesa da/t, ptodacts aad fot taose matated ocet a saott t/me taete was a c/ose te/a-
t/oa 6etweea tota/ m/ctootgaa/sm aam6et aad ftee 0-am/ao ac/d aad ftee L-am/ao
ac/d coateats. 4t tae same t/me /t was foaad taat tae tat/o of tae eaaat/omets was
aot affected 6, tae tota/ m/ctootgaa/sm aam6et. Fot da/t, ptodacts, aowecet,
waete am/ao ac/d ptodact/oa capa6///t, of tae m/cto6/a/ ca/tates coas/deta6/,
exceeds, ptodact/oa of m/ctootgaa/sms ot/g/aa//, pteseat /a tae m//k taw matet/a/,
ftee am/ao ac/d coateats of tae m//k ptodact {6ota 0- aad L-eaaat/omets/ seem to
6e /adepeadeat of tae compos/t/oa of m//k taw matet/a/.
8e,-wotds. 0-am/ao ac/ds, ftee am/ao ac/ds, da/t, ptodacts, m/ctootgaa/sm aam-
6et, m//k, caeese
(l VSc. Cs|||a 4||e|| VSc. Sc|dc|a Sa|acc ad VSc. 5eJ|a 4||e||
Sac|e||a |ca||a J|.e|s||j c| I|asj|.a|a Cs||sce|eda Cacccs
Cs||sce|eda |953004 Sca|adsJ || .. (2l a|||e||a |c| 4ss|s|a|
|ec|c|e| VSc. |a|a|| |c|| VSc. ||e| SJ|a VSc. sc|| VJdc|| ||0.
JJcs Csacc ad ||0. JJcs Csacc |c|| ||c|essc| - J|.e|s||j c|
|accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |accs.J| |/400 c|a S. c. 40.
mi|l raw materia| iuf|ueuced free amiuo acid composi-
tiou of dairy products mauufactured from it.
M||k samp|os oxam|ood
Mi|l with differeut tota| microorgauism uumbers
aud dairy products were obtaiued from a dairy compauy
iu S/le|y|aud out of those mixed mi|l samp|es from
which the compauy produced cousumptiou mi|l aud
various dairy products. Tota| microorgauism uumber of
obtaiued mi|l samp|es varied from 1.231O
to 2.951O
As a coutro| samp|e mi|l with tota| microorgauism
uumber |ess thau 1OO.OOO was used. lt was obtaiued
from the catt|e farm of the uuiversity of Kaposvr,
Facu|ty of Auima| Scieuce, aud taleu from a mixed mi|l
of arouud 1OO ho|steiu-Friesiau cows haviug |actatiou
mi|l productiou of arouud 1O.OOO |iters. Subsequeut to
the samp|iug aud determiuatiou of the tota| microorga-
uism uumber mi|l samp|es were coo|ed dowu to -25C
aud lept at this temperature uuti| the preparatiou for
chemica| aua|ysis.
otorm|oat|oo oI tota| m|croorgao|sm oumbor
For determiuatiou of the microbe uumber direct
couutiug of the bacteria was app|ied. The mi|l samp|e
taleu iuto a steri|e test tube was thorough|y mixed
through a rapid rotatiou movemeut. A 1O
di|utiou was
prepared (for the di|utiou O.85 sodium ch|oride so|utiou
was used that was steri|i/ed iu autoc|ave beforehaud).
0ue cm
of the pasteuri/ed mi|l samp|e was added to 9
of steri|e di|utaut water, theu 1 cm
of the tho-
rough|y mixed di|uted samp|e was pipetted outo a steri-
|e Petrifi|m p|ate with a cu|ture medium. The Petrifi|m
p|ate was iucubed at 31 C for 24 h, aud the deve|oped
co|ouies were direct|y couuted with the use of a cu|ture
a|ry products oxam|ood
The examiued dairy products iuc|uded yoghurt,
Saua, curds aud some types of cheeses (Te|emea, 0a|ia
aud Rucmr), a|| obtaiued from a Trausy|vauiau dairy com-
pauy for aua|ysis. The compauy documeutatiou showed
which dairy product from mi|l of what average tota|
microorgauism uumber was produced. So the examiued
products cou|d be sorted oue by oue as per microorga-
uism uumber.
Saua is a soured dairy product, mauufactured by
|actic acidic coagu|atiou of mi|l usiug a |yophi|i/ed cu|-
ture mixture (cousistiug of |ac|ccccccs |ac||s |ac||s
|ac|ccccccs |ac||s c|ecc||s |ac|ccccccs |ac||s d|ace||
|ac||s). Te|emea is a feta-type cheese, produced by
mixed coagu|atiou i.e. usiug both a |yophi|i/ed cu|ture
mixture (cousistiug of S||ec|ccccccs ||e|ccc|||cs
|ac|ccccccs |ac||s |ac||s |ac|ccccccs |ac||s c|ecc||s
|ac|c|ac|||cs |c|a||ccs), aud reuuet (chymosiu). 0uriug
its productiou Te|emea matured over 2 days iu a briue of
2O-21, at 12-14C. 0a|ia is a semi-hard cheese, produ-
ced by mixed coagu|atiou, usiug a |yophi|i/ed cu|ture
mixture (cousistiug of S||ec|ccccccs ||e|ccc|||cs
|ac|ccccccs |ac||s |ac||s |ac|ccccccs |ac||s c|ecc||s
|ac|ccccccs ac|dcc|||cs) aud reuuet (chymosiu). 0a|ia
matured over 2 weels at 14C at a re|ative humidity of
15-8O. Cow's curds were produced by mixed coagu|a-
tiou usiug a |yophi|i/ed cu|ture mixture (cousistiug of
S||ec|ccccccs ||e|ccc|||cs |ac|ccccccs |ac||s |ac||s
|ac|ccccccs |ac||s c|ecc||s |ac|ccccccs d|ace|||ac||s)
aud chymosiu.
0ut of dairy products examiued, curds, yoghurt,
Saua aud Te|emea are cousidered as products matured
over a short time, whi|e cheeses 0a|ia aud Rucmr as
products matured over a |ouger time. The examiued mi|l
products were mauufactured by leepiug the Romauiau
staudards aud specificatious as we|| as hygieuic regu|a-
8amp|o proparat|oo
||eca|a||c c| c||| ad da||j c|cdcc|s |c| aa|js|s
Preparatiou of the samp|es was carried out at the
uuiversity of Kaposvr, Facu|ty of Auima| Scieuce,
0epartmeut of Chemistry aud 8iochemistry. lu case of
cheese samp|e aua|ysis, as much cheese was homoge-
ui/ed with disti||ed water so that the dry matter cou-
teuts of the mixture obtaiued simi|ar|y to mi|l betweeu
12-15. Subsequeut|y, the comp|ete|y mi|l-|ile homog-
eui/ed samp|es were treated as they had beeu mi|l
samp|es. The mi|l samp|es were stored deep-fro/eu aud
after that warmed up to 3OC, ceutrifuged at 8.OOO g for
1O miu iu order to remove the ce||u|ar e|emeuts aud mi|l
fat. Subsequeut|y, to 25 cm
of samp|e 25 cm
of 25
trich|oroacetic acid were added, |eft staudiug for 2O
miu, aud ceutrifuged at 1O.OOO g for 1O miu. The super-
uataut was poured dowu aud its ph was adjusted to be
1 with 4.O M la0h. The obtaiued so|utiou was |yophi|i-
/ed at -1O C, aud the residue (ph~1) was so|ved iu
sodium acetate buffer for determiuatiou of tota| free
amiuo acid couteuts. Prepared samp|es were stored at -
25 C uuti| aua|ysed.
otorm|oat|oo oI tota| Iroo am|oo ac|ds aod Iroo
-am|oo ac|ds
0etermiuatiou of free amiuo acid aud free 0-amiuo
acid couteuts were carried out usiug a Mercl-hitachi
hPLC iustrumeut. hPLC System Mauager software was
used for co||ectiug aud eva|uatiug the measured data 0-
Cyc|ic derivatives were formed from the amiuo
acids with c-phtha|dia|dehyde aud 2-mercaptoethauo|
for determiuatiou of tota| free amiuo acids. The formed
derivatives were separated ou a Licrospher (C18) aua|y-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 192-196
C. 4||e|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F MI600ANI8M8 0N FEE AMIN0 A6I AN FEE ...
tica| co|umu (dimeusious: 1254 mm, partic|e si/e: 4m)
usiug a gradieut system cousistiug of methauo| aud
sodium acetate buffer. 0erivatives were detected at au
excitatiou wave|eugth of 325 um aud emissiou wave-
|eugth of 42O um. For determiuatiou of free 0-amiuo
acids diastereomer derivatives were formed from the
amiuo acid euautiomers with -phtha|dia|dehyde aud 1-
thio--0-g|ucose tetraacetate, the euautiomers were
separated iu the above described system ou a
Superspher (C8) aua|ytica| co|umu usiug a gradieut
system cousistiug of methauo|, acetouitri|e aud pho-
sphate buffer, the derivatives were detected at au exci-
tatiou wave|eugth of 325 um aud at emissiou wave-
|eugth of 42O um.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Free L-amiuo acid aud free 0-amiuo acid couteut of
mi|l with various tota| microorgauism uumbers by
5O.OOO CFu, are preseuted iu Tab|e 1.
lt was estab|ished that iu the coutro| mi|l samp|e
proportiou of 0-aspartic acid to tota| free aspartic acid
was 11.11. Proportiou of 0-g|utamic acid was 5.23,
aud that of 0-a|auiue was 11.85. lu case of samp|es
with tota| microorgauism uumbers betweeu 1.251O
aud 1.531O
there was uo substautia| chauge iu the
quautity of either free L-amiuo acids or free 0-amiuo
acids, a|though both couceutratiou of free L-amiuo acids
aud proportiou of 0-amiuo acids grew coutiuuous|y with
iucreasiug tota| microorgauism uumber. This miuima|
chauge coutiuued up to tota| microorgauism uumber of
where there was au exp|osiou iu both tota| free
amiuo acid quautity aud free 0-amiuo acid quautity. This
suddeu iucrease was a|so app|ied to the proportiou of 0-
amiuo acids to the tota| free amiuo acids. lt appears that
up to a microorgauism uumber of 1.51O
are uo siguificaut chauges iu free amiuo acid aud free 0-
amiuo acid couteut of mi|l. Afterwards, subsequeut to a
short period there is au exp|osiou. lu summary, iu case
of each examiued free amiuo acids couceutratiou of
both free 0-amiuo acids aud free L-amiuo acids iucreas-
es, however, iucrease of 0-amiuo acids is higher iu its
proportiou cousidered siuce for aspartic acid compared
to the coutro| mi|l up to the microorgauism uumber of
this proportiou iucreased from 11.11 to
21.91, for g|utamic acid from 5.23 to 25.3O aud for
a|auiue from 11.85 to 33.31.
After haviug determiued the deve|opmeut of mi|l
raw materia| compositiou as a fuuctiou of microorga-
uism uumber, we examiued what effect the iucreased
quautity of free 0- aud L-amiuo acids had ou the com-
positiou of dairy products produced from this raw mi|l.
Agaiu, it was focused ou aspartic acid, g|utamic acid
aud a|auiue siuce these three amiuo acids are coutaiued
iu peptidog|ycau that compose ce|| wa|| of bacteria, aud
wheu re|eased they give a major part of 0-amiuo acid
couteuts of mi|l products. After bacteria die, subse-
queut to the |ysis these amiuo acids coutribute to the
formatiou of taste, aroma aud uutritioua| va|ue of dairy
products. Kuowiug the re|atiouship betweeu tota|
microorgauism uumber of mi|l raw materia| aud 0-
amiuo acid couceutratiou it cau be assumed that the
mi|l raw materia| cau affect compositiou of dairy pro-
duct mauufactured from it. lu order to prove this hypo-
thesis compositiou of 4 Saua, 4 0a|ia, 3 Te|emea, 2
curds, 1 Rucmr aud 1 yoghurt, mauufactured from 4
mi|ls types with differeut tota| microorgauism uumbers
was examiued. We do uot waut to draw auy defiuitive
couc|usious from our examiuatious because of the |ow
samp|e uumber iu case of curds, Rucmr aud yoghurt,
resu|ts are pub|ished here ou|y for orieutatiou. Resu|ts
are preseuted iu Tab|e 2.
The four Saua were mauufactured from mi|l with
tota| microorgauism uumbers of 1.23, 1.35, 1.53 aud
. 8ased ou the obtaiued resu|ts the couc|usiou
cau be drawu that with iucreasiug tota| microorgauism
uumber of mi|l raw materia| the quautity of both 0- aud
L- euautiomers iucreases for a|| the three amiuo acids.
This iucrease becomes substautia| after a microorga-
uism uumber of 1.51O
as Saua produced from mi|l
with tota| microorgauism uumber of uear|y 31O
taius the most of both L- aud 0-amiuo acids. lo siguifi-
caut chauges cou|d be experieuced regardiug 0- aud L-
ratios of the iudividua| amiuo acids. Proportiou of 0-g|u-
tamic acid is the |east with 22.4-26.4, fo||owed by that
of 0-aspartic acid with 31.3-32.4, aud by that of 0-a|a-
uiue with 31.6-41.9.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 192-196
C. 4||e|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F MI600ANI8M8 0N FEE AMIN0 A6I AN FEE ...
CFu: Co|ouy Formiug uuit
Iab|o 1. Froo I-am|oo ac|d aod Iroo -am|oo ac|d cootoots oI m||ks w|th d|IIoroot tota| m|croorgao|sm oum
bors (mg/100 g samp|o} aod proport|oo oI -am|oo ac|ds/(/+I}100/
For the cheese 0a|ia, free amiuo acid couteuts of
cheeses produced from mi|l with tota| microorgauism
uumber of 1.25, 2.OO, 2.8O aud 2.911O
were aua|y/ed.
Proportiou of 0-aspartic acid varied from 21.11 to
29.42, that of 0-g|utamic acid from 21.85 aud 24.62,
aud appeared to be, simi|ar|y to aspartic acid, iude-
peudeut of microorgauism uumber of mi|l raw materia|.
Perceutage of 0-a|auiue exceeded with the exceptiou of
oue samp|e 4O, raugiug betweeu 39.43 aud 41.85.
lu case of Te|emea, products mauufactured from
mi|l with tota| microorgauism uumbers of 1.32, 1.66
aud 2.2O1O
were aua|y/ed. lu this tota| microorgauism
uumber rauge with the exceptiou of L-g|utamic acid
there was au iucrease for a|| amiuo acids aud euautio-
mers, but siuce the tota| microorgauism uumber rauge
was uot wide euough iu this case, defiuitive couc|usious
simi|ar to those iu case of the two previous dairy pro-
ducts cou|d uot be drawu from our iuvestigatious.
Simi|ar|y to the previous two cheese types perceutage
of 0-g|utamic acid was fouud to be the |owest with
19.13-22.54, whereas quautity of 0-aspartic acid rau-
ged betweeu 28.99-31.14, aud proportiou of 0-a|auiue
betweeu 38.81-4O.6. lt appears that iu case of
Te|emea there is uo re|atiou betweeu tota| microorga-
uism uumber of mi|l raw materia| aud the examiued pro-
ducts mauufactured from the mi|l raw materia|.
lu case of the two curds, oue Rucmr, aud oue
yoghurt of course uo couc|usious cau be drawu ou the
effect of microorgauism uumber. Compared the amiuo
acid compositiou of the curds to that of a|| of the other
dairy products it cau be estab|ished that the quautity of
both 0- aud L-amiuo acids is |ess by a|most oue order of
maguitude thau that of the other products examiued,
whi|e proportiou of the 0-amiuo acids shows ou|y a
s|ight differeuce compared to the others.
Summari/ed the resu|ts of our iuvestigatious, we
cau say that iu case of the mi|l raw materia| with
iucreasiug tota| microorgauism uumber, couceutratiou
of both free 0-amiuo acids aud L-amiuo acids iucreases,
however, the iucrease for the 0-amiuo acids is higher its
proportiou regarded siuce compared to the coutro| sam-
p|e the ratio of 0-amiuo acids iucreases to a mu|tip|ied
The re|atiouship betweeu the qua|ity of dairy pro-
ducts mauufactured from mi|l raw materia| of differeut
tota| microorgauism uumbers aud tota| microorgauism
uumber was examiued. lt was estab|ished that the per-
ceutage of 0-amiuo acids to the tota| free amiuo acid
couteuts was uot affected by either the tota| microorga-
uism uumber of the mi|l raw materia| or the fact what
liud of dairy it was about. Proportiou of 0-aspartic acid
was fouud to be arouud 3O for most of the examiued
dairy products, a|though iu case of Saua aud the curds
this was a |itt|e more, whi|e for 0a|ia somewhat |ess.
Perceutage of 0-g|utamic acid varies betweeu 18-21.
This ratio is higher for Saua thau for 0a|ia aud the |owest
for Te|emea. Proportiou of 0-a|auiue is arouud 4O for
each dairy product iudepeudeut|y of tota| microorga-
uism uumber of the mi|l. 0ut of the examiued, three
amiuo acids proportiou of 0-g|utamic acid is the sma|-
|est, that of 0-a|auiue is the biggest, whi|e 0-aspartic
acid has a va|ue betweeu these two, uearer to that of 0-
g|utamic acid.
For fresh dairy products aud for those matured for
a short time (Saua, yoghurt, curds, Te|emea) the re|a-
tiouship cau be estab|ished betweeu tota| microorga-
uism uumber aud 0-amiuo acid couteuts. This re|atiou is
app|ied iu most cases aud iu L-euautiomers as we||.
0espite the fact that tota| microorgauism uumber has a
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 192-196
C. 4||e|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F MI600ANI8M8 0N FEE AMIN0 A6I AN FEE ...
Iab|o 2. Froo I-am|oo ac|d aod Iroo -am|oo ac|d cootoots (mg/100 g samp|o} oI da|ry products maouIacturod
Irom m||k w|th var|ous tota| m|croorgao|sm oumbors aod proport|oo oI -am|oo ac|ds/(/+I}100/
CFu: Co|ouy Formiug uuit
substautia| effect ou couceutratiou of both euautiomers,
ratio of the euautiomers is uot affected by the tota|
microorgauism uumber. For those dairy products, howe-
ver, which mature over a |ouger time aud for those
where amiuo acid productiou capabi|ity of microbia| cu|-
tures siguificaut|y exceeds productiou of microorga-
uisms origiua||y preseut iu the mi|l raw materia| uo
effect of the mi|l raw materia| cau be expected. Thus,
free amiuo acid couteuts of the mi|l products seem to
be iudepeudeut of mi|l raw materia| compositiou.
1. 8oehm, M.F., 8ada, J.L. (1984): Racemi/atiou of
aspartic acid aud pheuy|a|auiue iu the sweeteuer
aspartame at 1OO
C. Proc. lat|. Acad. Sci., 81:5263-
2. 8rucluer, h., hausch, M. (199Oa): 0-amiuo acids iu
dairy products: 0etectiou, origiu aud uutritioua|
aspects. l. Mi|l, fermeuted mi|l, fresh cheese aud
acid curde cheese. Mi|chwisseuschaft, 45:351.
3. 8rucluer, h., hausch, M. (199Ob): 0-amiuo acids iu
dairy products: 0etectiou, origiu aud uutritioua|
aspects. ll. Ripeued Cheeses. Mi|chwisseuschaft,
4. Csap, J., Martiu, T.6., Csap-Kiss, Zs., Stef|er, J.,
lmethy, S. (1995): luf|ueuce of udder iuf|amma-
tiou ou the 0-amiuo acid couteut of mi|l. Jourua| of
0airy Scieuce, 18:2315-2381.
5. Csap, J., Csap-Kiss, Zs., Mt, J., Juricslay, l.
(1986): Kisr|etel a mas/titis/es tej r s/ar u-
yual meghatro/sra e|egytejelb}|. A||atteuys/-
ts s Talarmuyo/s, 35:331.
6. Fuse, M., hayase, F., Kato, h. (1984): 0igestibi|ity of
proteius aud racemi/atiou of amiuo acid residues iu
roasted foods. J. Jpu. Soc. lutr. Food Sci., 31:348.
1. 6audo|fi, l., Pa||a, 6., 0e|prato, L., 0elisco, F.,
Marche||i, R., Sa|vadori, C. (1992): 0-amiuo
acids iu mi|l as re|ated to heat treatmeuts aud bacte-
ria| activity. J. Food Sci., 51:311-319.
8. Mau, h., 8ada, J.L. (1981): 0ietary 0-amiuo acids.
Auu. Rev. lutr., 1:2O9-225.
9. Pohu, 6., Csap, J. (2OO2): Free 0-amiuo acid couteut
of mi|l from mastitic udder. Acta Agraria
Kaposvrieusis, 6:149-151.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 31 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 192-196
C. 4||e|| e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F MI600ANI8M8 0N FEE AMIN0 A6I AN FEE ...
The dramatic si/e coutractiou of |oca| pou|try
breeds due to rep|acemeut with cosmopo|ite improved
breeds showed the ueed for uative geuetic resources
couservatiou. Rare pou|try breeds aud popu|atiou cha-
racterised by a |imited si/e strict|y depeud ou the maiu-
teuauce of geuetic differeuces (Wimmers et a|., 2OOO).
Couservatiou of geuetic variabi|ity is of great importau-
ce iu auima| scieuce, the aua|ysis of breeds geuetic
structure cau supp|y the basis for effective couservatiou
programs. Siuce 2OOO, iu the Veueto, regiou of lta|y, a
tota| of 12 |oca| pou|try breeds derived from four diffe-
reut species (chicleu, ducl, he|meted guiuea fow| aud
turley) have beeu avai|ab|e as geuetic resources aud
iuvo|ved iu au | s||c marler assisted couservatiou sche-
me (Cassaudro et a|., 2OO4).
lu the preseut study four of these Veueto chicleu
breeds, Robusta Liouata (PRL), Robusta Macu|ata
(PRM), Erme||iuata di Rovigo (PER) aud Pepoi (PPP),
were aua|ysed usiug the commercia| broi|er |iue 6o|deu
Comet (P8R) as a refereuce. Robusta Liouata aud
Robusta Macu|ata are medium-heavy dua| purpose
breeds, se|ected iu 1965 iu the "Sta/ioue Sperimeuta|e
di Po||ico|tura" of Rovigo, by crossiug 0rpiugtou with
White America aud probab|y other uuspecified breeds.
The Erme||iuata di Rovigo breed was deve|oped iu 1959
crossiug Sussex aud Rhode ls|auds to obtaiu a va|uab|e
meat breed a|so usefu| for eggs productiou. The Pepoi is
a sma|| si/e breed origiuated iu the uorth-westeru part of
the Veueto aud Friu|i regious of lta|y. lt appears to have
a good attitude to the exteusive productiou systems aud
is particu|ar|y appreciated for its meat (Veueto
Agrico|tura, 2OO4).
The app|icatiou of mo|ecu|ar bio|ogy techuiques
he|ps avoidiug the risl of compromisiug geuetic variabi-
|ity of couservatiou programs of sma|| popu|atious. uuti|
2OO5 the geuotypiug of the iudividua| auima|s for marler
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 191-2OO
|||cc ae||| ||0. S|cde| C||a|a 0a|.|| ||0. S|cde|. ||0. Vass|cc
0e Va|c|| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. ||0. ||cca|dc 0a| c||c ||0. Va|||c
Cassad|c ||c|essc| 0eca||ce| c| 4|ca| Sc|ece J|.e|s||j c|
|adc.a 4||cc||s l|a|e de||J|.e|s||j0 35020 |ea|c (|0l ||a|j
||. +39 049 82/200 |a\. +39 049 82/2033 eca||. e||cc.cae|
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.5:636.O84.5
F. Zaaett/, 0a/ata 0a/c/t, M. 0e Matca/, 8. 0a/ Zotto, M. 0assaadto
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
6eaet/c te/at/oasa/ps amoag foat teaeto aat/ce 6teeds of ca/ckeas wete stad/ed oa tae
6as/s of m/ctosate///tes po/,motpa/sms. 4 tota/ of !90 0N4 samp/es {45 8o6asta
L/oaata, 43 8o6asta Maca/ata, 45 Ftme///aata d/ 8oc/go, 45 Pepo// aad a commetc/a/
6to//et //ae {!2 6o/dea 0omet/ wete geaot,ped at 20 m/ctosate///te /oc/. Iae acetage
aam6et of a//e/es pet /ocas was 5 aad tae expected aetetot,gos/t, tesa/ted /owet fot
tae /oca/ 6teeds taaa fot tae commetc/a/ 6to//et //ae ased as tefeteace. Iae /a6teed/ag
coeff/c/eat saowed a def/c/t of aetetot,gotes, a/gaest fot tae 8o6asta L/oaata 6teed.
Ne/s staadatd geaet/c d/staaces cottected fot 6/as dae to samp//ag of /ad/c/daa/s {0a/,
6ased oa a//e/e fteqaeac/es, aad 8e,ao/ds d/staaces {0
/ wete ca/ca/ated amoag
6teeds. Iae 8o6asta L/oaata aad 8o6asta Maca/ata tesa/ted cet, s/m//at apptoc/ag tae
same geaet/c ot/g/a. 4 Ne/ga6ot-1o/a/ag ttee dtawa ftom 0
d/staaces c/asteted
tatee gtoaps, oae /ac/ad/ag tae 8o6asta L/oaata aad 8o6asta Maca/ata 6teeds, tae sec-
oad oae fotmed 6, tae Ftme///aata d/ 8oc/go aad tae 6o/dea 0omet commetc/a/ //ae aad
tae ta/td 6, tae Pepo/. Iae tesa/ts saowed tae geaet/c d/ffeteaces occatt/ag 6etweea
tae /oca/ ca/ckea 6teeds.
8e,-wotds. ca/ckea, m/ctosate///tes, geaet/c d/staaces, 6/od/cets/t,, coasetcat/oa.
assisted couservatiou scheme was carried out usiug the
AFLP techuique (0e Marchi et a|., 2OO6). Afterward,
microsate||ites have beeu app|ied because these mo|ec-
u|ar marlers are we|| dispersed iu the geuome aud
high|y po|ymorphic (Cheug et a|., 1995), their app|ica-
tiou to characterise chicleu breeds is re|ative|y receut
but it has beeu used iu mauy couutries to study the
geuetic re|atiouships amoug uative breeds (Talahashi et
a|., 1998, hi||e| et a|., 2OO3).Aim of this study was to
defiue the geuetic re|atiouships amoug four |oca| chic-
leu breeds: Robusta Liouata, Robusta Macu|ata,
Erme||iuata di Rovigo, Ppoi aud a commercia| broi|er
|iue, the 6o|deu Comet, usiug microsate||ite 0lA po|y-
morphisms as marlers.
ludividua| b|ood samp|es 19O be|ougiug to four
|oca| breeds of Veueto regiou, Robusta Liouata (PRL, 43
iudividua|s), Robusta Macu|ata (PRM, 45 iudividua|s),
Erme||iuata di Rovigo (PER, 45), Pepoi (PPP, 45) aud the
6o|deu Comet commercia| broi|er |iue (P8R, 12) were
raudom|y co||ected withiu breed iu three differeut herds.
Tweuty sets of primers (Tab|e 1), iuc|uded iu the |ists of
recommeuded primers for chicleu aua|ysis suggested
by the FA0 orgauisatiou (FA0, 2OO4), were choseu ou
the basis of their positiou iu the chicleu geuome. The
PCR primer pairs were syuthesi/ed aud 5' euds of the
forwards primers were f|uoresceut|y |abe||ed. Chicleu
geuomic 0lA used as a temp|ate for PCR reactiou was
iso|ated from b|ood usiug a modified 0lA purificatiou lit
(6eutra System PuRE6ElE 0lA). The 2O microsate||i-
tes (STR) were iudividua||y aua|y/ed by a PX2
Thermohybaid therma| cyc|er at the fo||owiug coudi-
tious, the X temperature beiug the auuea|iug t of each
primer (lC8l): iuitia| deuaturatiou step of 1O miu at
94C, 35 cyc|es of 45 s at 94C, 1 miu at XC aud 1.5
miu at 12C aud a fiua| exteusiou of 1O miu at 12C. A
reactiou vo|ume of 15 | coutaiued 25 ug of geuomic
0lA, 1.5 mM MgC|
, 1.5 | of Taq 8uffer 1X, O.O4 u Taq
6o|d (Sigma), 3mM dlTPs aud 1O M of each primer.
Aua|ysis of fragmeuts was performed usiug au automa-
ted 0lA sequeucer (CE0 8OOO 6euetic Aua|ysis
System, 8eclmau Cou|ter) aud a computer software
(CE0 8OOO 8eclmau Cou|ter). A||e|es were desiguated
accordiug to PCR product si/e whereas a||e|ic frequeu-
cies were estimated. Va|ues of observed, uou biased
(i.e. observed hetero/ygosity corrected for bias due to
samp|iug) aud expected hetero/ygosity, F
va|ues (Weir
aud Coclerham, 1984) aud geuetic distauces amoug
breeds, ca|cu|ated accordiug to lei (1918), were deter-
miued usiug the 6euetix software (8e|lhir, 1996-2OO2).
Reyuo|ds distauces (0
) (Reyuo|ds et a|., 1983)
were ca|cu|ated usiug the Phy|ip 3.66 software paclage
(Fe|seusteiu, 2OO5).
test was performed to eva|uate
siguificaut differeuces betweeu observed aud expec-
ted hetero/ygosity (h) va|ues usiug the 6euepop soft-
ware (Raymoud, 1995). A factoria| correspoudeuce
aua|ysis was carried out usiug the software 6euetix, iu
order to defiue |ateut variab|es which exp|aiu the
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 191-2OO
|. ae||| e|. a|.. ENEII6 6hAA6IEI8AII0N 0F IIAIIAN 6hI6kEN EE8 8IN ...
~ P<O.OO1, ~ P<O.O5, u.s. ~ uot siguificaut
Iab|o 2. Avorago va|uos oI oxpoctod (h oxp}, ooo b|asod (h ob}, obsorvod (h obs} hotorozygos|ty aod
obrood|og cooII|c|oot (F
Iab|o 1. Fo|ymoraso cha|o roact|oo pr|mors Ior m|crosato|||to markors, chromosomos |ovo|vod (6hr.}, a||o|os
dotoctod aod m|o|mum aod max|mum Iragmoots |oogth
who|e geuetic simi|arity re|atiou system existiug amoug
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
A|| tweuty microsate||ites examiued approved to
be po|ymorphic, a tota| of 1OO a||e|es were detected aud
the average uumber of a||e|es per |ocus was 5 (Tab|e 1).
Expected aud observed h va|ues are reported iu
Tab|e 2. These parameters are importaut because the
couservatiou program aims to iucrease the geuetic
variabi|ity withiu aud betweeu breeds. The broi|er |iue
showed the highest va|ue of expected aud observed
hetero/ygosity (O.558O aud O.6111, respective|y). The
PRL, PER aud PPP showed a siguificaut deficit of hete-
ro/ygotes, deviatiug from hardy-Weiuberg equi|ibrium.
The P8R, as expected from a commercia| hybrid, sho-
wed a siguificaut excess of hetero/ygotes. A|| the |oca|
breeds showed evideuced |ow h va|ues if compared to
those reported by other authors regardiug other iudige-
uous breeds (Zhaug et a|., 2OO2), but simi|ar to those
reported by hi||e| et a|. (2OO3) about staudardi/ed
breeds se|ected ou morpho|ogy (Europeau breeds).
va|ue, which iudicates the degree of departure
from raudom matiug, was particu|ar|y high iu Robusta
Liouata (O.1233) compared to other breeds, iudicatiug
hetero/ygosity deficieucy. lt might be a resu|t of a bott-
|euecl effect, siuce its popu|atiou si/e decreased drasti-
ca||y (few huudreds) before the begiuuiug of the couser-
vatiou project.
lei's staudard geuetic distauce (0a), corrected for
bias, due to samp|iug of iudividua|s, aud Reyuo|ds dis-
tauce estimates (0
) are reported iu Tab|e 3.
Reyuo|ds distauce (Reyuo|ds, 1983) were used to esti-
mate pairwise geuetic distauces betweeu the breed.
This measure is recommeuded by Ediug aud Lava|
(1999) for popu|atious with short divergeuce time.
Ca|cu|atiug both distauces, PRL aud PRM breeds were
c|oser (O.388 aud O.392) thau the other breeds aud the
broi|er |iue iudividua|s. This resu|t is iu agreemeut with
the luowu geuetic origiu of these two breeds, approviug
that the use of microsate||ite marlers for the study of
geuetic biodiversity is accurate aud re|iab|e.
The leighbor-Joiuiug tree iu Figure 1 was drawu
from 0
distauce matrix obtaiued aua|ysiug the
mo|ecu|ar marlers. For the va|idatiou of the tree topo-
|ogy, 1OOO bootstraps resamp|iug were performed. The
deudrogram c|ear|y c|ustered two groups (supported by
a bootstrap va|ue of 63): oue iuc|udes PRL aud PRM,
the other oue the remaiuiug three breeds. lu this secoud
group PPP forms a separate c|uster but with |ower boot-
straps scores (43).
The factoria| correspoudeuce aua|ysis defiued
three maiu factors (Figure 2). The first oue exp|aiued the
34 of tota| variauce, the secoud oue 24 whi|e the
third oue 2O. 0u the who|e, this aua|ysis reported a
c|ear breed groupiug treud aud a good distiuctiou amoug
F|guro 1. No|ghbor-Jo|o|og troo drawo Irom
d|staoco ost|matod by m|crosato|||to markors (1000
bootstraps rosamp||og}
F|guro 2. |str|but|oo oI |od|v|dua| Iactor|a| wo|ghts
Ior Iactor 1, Iactor 2 aod Iactor 3 oI bro||or (F},
obusta I|ooata (FI}, obusta Macu|ata (FM},
Ermo|||oata d| ov|go (FE} aod Fopo| (FFF} ch|ckoo
Microsate||ite marlers permitted the geuetic cha-
racterisatiou of the four iudigeuous breeds of chicleus.
The optimum use of such iuformatiou cau he|p to pre-
serve a||e|ic diversity aud the existiug geuetic variatiou.
The obtaiued resu|ts seem to be promisiug to defiue aud
coutro| the ougoiug auima| geuetic resources couserva-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 191-2OO
|. ae||| e|. a|.. ENEII6 6hAA6IEI8AII0N 0F IIAIIAN 6hI6kEN EE8 8IN ...
Iab|o 3. |staoco matr|cos ost|matod by a (abovo
d|agooa|} aod
(bo|ow d|agooa|}
tiou program. The microsate||ites paue| adopted for this
study cou|d a|so be usefu| for geuetic traceabi|ity pur-
poses. Traciug the breed of origiu of auima| products
represeuts au opportuuity for the promotiou of |oca|
geuetic resources with beuefits for |oca| ecouomy,
breed va|orisatiou aud sustaiuab|e couservatiou of bio-
I|e ac||c|s |s| |c ||a| Va|||a e|.asc ad
Va||s|e||a 5a|cc|e||c |c| ||e|| scccc||. I||s |esea|c|
as |cded |j ||e lee|c 4||cc||c|a |e|ca|
1. 8e|lhir, K., 8orsa, P., Chilhi, L., Raufaste, l.,
8ouhomme, F. (1996-2OO2): 6ElETlX v. 4.O4. Logicie|
sous Wiudows TM pour |a gutique des popu|atious.
Laboratoire 6euome, Popu|atious, iuteractious ClRS
uMR 5OOO, uuiversit de Moutpe||ier. Frauce.
2. Cassaudro, M., 0e Marchi, M., Targhetta, C., 0a|vit,
C., Ramau/iu, M., 8aruche||o, M. (2OO4): Au iu situ
marler-assisted couservatiou scheme of 11 lta|iau
aviau breeds. 55
Auua| meetiug of the Europeau
Associatiou for Auima| Productiou (EAAP), 8|ed, 5-9
September. Wageuiugeu Academic Pub|ishers. 8ool
of abstracts 1O:3O.
3. Cheug, h.h., Leviu, l., Va||ejo, R., Khatib, h., 0odgsou,
J.8., Critteudeu, L.8., hi||e|, J. (1995): 0eve|opmeut of
a geuetic map of the chicleu with marlers of high uti-
|ity. Pou|try Scieuce, 14:1855-1814.
4. 0e Marchi, M., 0a|vit, C., Targhetta, C., Cassaudro, M.
(2OO6): Assessiug geuetic diversity iu iudigeuous
Veueto chicleu breeds usiug AFLP marlers. Auima|
6euetics, 31:1O1-1O5.
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9. lC8l, home page address http://www.ucbi.u|m.-
1O. lei, M. (1918): Estimatiou of average hetero/ygosity
aud geuetic distauce from a sma|| uumber of iudivi-
dua|s. 6euetics, 89:583-59O.
11. Raymoud, M., Rousset, F. (1995): 6ElEP0P v. 3.1d.
Jourua| of heredity, 86:248-249.
12. Reyuo|ds, J, Weir, 8.S., Coclerham, C.C. (1983):
Estimatiou of the coaucestry coefficieut: basis for a
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13. Talahashi, h., lirasawa, K., lagamiue, Y., Tsud/uli,
M., Yamamoto, Y. (1998): 6euetic re|atiouships
amoug Japauese uative breeds of chicleu based ou
microsate||ite 0lA po|ymorphisms. Jourua| of
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14. Veueto Agrico|tura. (2OO4). home page address:
15. Weir, 8.S., Coclerham, C.C. (1984). Estimatiug F-sta-
tistics for the aua|ysis of popu|atiou structure.
Evo|utiou, 38:1358-131O.
16. Wimmers, K., Pousulsi|i, S., hardge, T., Va||e-Zerate,
A., Mathur, P.K., horst, P. (2OOO): 6euetic distiuct-
uess of Africau Asiau aud South Americau |oca| chic-
leus. Auima| 6euetics, 31:159-165.
11. Zhaug, X., Leuug, F.C., Chau, 0.K.0., Yaug, 6., Wu, C.
(2OO2): 6euetic 0iversity of Chiuese lative breeds
8ased ou Proteiu Po|ymorphism, Raudom|y Amp|ified
Po|ymorphic 0lA, aud Microsate||ite Po|ymorphism.
Pou|try Scieuce, 81:1463-1412.
(Received ou 16 Juue 2OO1, accepted ou 3 Ju|y 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 191-2OO
|. ae||| e|. a|.. ENEII6 6hAA6IEI8AII0N 0F IIAIIAN 6hI6kEN EE8 8IN ...
The most importaut food's therma| property iu fro-
/eu state is iuitia| free/iug poiut (I
). Most mathematica|
mode|s for predictiug therma| properties of fro/eu food
are based ou equatiou for free/iug poiut depressiou, I
(he|dmau, 1982, Schwart/berg, 1916, Chaug aud Tao,
1981, Cheu, 1985, 1986, Filiiu, 1998, Mi|es et a|., 1991,
Pham, 1996, vau der Smau, 2OO4, James et a|., 2OO5)
which states that, I~ |
, where I is the tempe-
rature decrease, |
is cryoscopic coustaut, aud is
mo|a|ity. The |ower the iuitia| free/iug poiut, the more
microbio|ogica||y stab|e the food, the |ower the water
activity, the higher its boi|iug poiut aud the s|ower the
ice couteut iucreases as the temperature is |owered
(Mi|es et a|., 1991). To protect myofibri||ar proteius from
free/e-deuaturatiou duriug fro/eu storage, cryoprotec-
tauts were geuera||y added (Parl et a|., 1996). The most
effective cryoprotectauts for myofibri||ar proteius car-
bohydrates, such a sucrose, sorbito|, ma|todextrius aud
po|ydextrose (Tomauial et a|., 1998, herrera aud
Maclie, 2OO3). A|| sugars iuteract stroug|y with water
aud participate iu the water |attice through hydrogeu
bouds, this presumab|y |ed' to formatiou of exteuded
regiou of hydrogeu-boudeud structured water iu the vici-
uity of the cryoprotective mo|ecu|e , which may stabi|i-
/e surface hydratiou of proteiu aud protect them from
free/e iujury (Auh et a|., 2OO3).
Po|ydextrose is a high|y brauched po|ysaccharide
prepared by the therma| po|ymeri/atiou of g|ucose. The
cryoprotective effects of po|ydextrose may be attributed
to the uumerous hydroxy| groups avai|ab|e for hydrogeu
boudiug with proteius, |eadiug to iucreased proteiu
hydratiou, reduced surface teusiou of water aud decre-
ased aggregatiou (deuaturatiou) (Smo|iusla et a|., 1995,
Parl et a|., 1993). lu this research, |aboratory desigu of
0TA apparatus was app|ied to determiue the re|ative
effects of differeut mass fractious of po|ydextrose ou
the I
of samp|es of chicleu surimi -with O.5 -carra-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O1-2O4
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 664.951.O31.1:541.133
0. 8ocaec/, 8. Mastaajec/, 8t/st/aa Samaa, L/ad/ta 0eta,
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
/a/t/a/ fteet/ag po/ats {I
/ of ca/ckea sat/m/ samp/es m/xed w/ta sod/am tt/po/,pao-
spaate {w = 0.3X/, -cattageeaaa {w = 0.5 X/ aad d/ffeteat mass ftact/oas of po/,-
dexttose {w = ! -!0X/ wete detetm/aed 6, ase of d/ffeteat/a/ taetma/ aaa/,s/s {0I4/.
0a/ckea sat/m/ was ptodaced fo//ow/ag a mod/f/ed ptocedate of 0awsoa et a/. {!988./
ftom 6to//et {Sasso, !2 weeks, !.I3 kg //ce wt./. Watet coateat /a ca/ckea sat/m/ was
84.05X 6efote m/x/ag w/ta added sa6staaces. 8e/at/oas 6etweea dectease of tae /a/-
t/a/ fteet/ag po/at {I
/ as faact/oa of mass ftact/oas {w/ of tae po/,dexttose wete detet-
m/aed 6, //aeat tegtess/oa. 0oeff/c/eats of detetm/aat/oa 8
= 0.90 wete o6ta/aed.
Iaete wete d/ffeteaces /a tae I
ca/aes fot samp/es of ca/ckea sat/m/ aad watet so/a-
t/oa of po/,dexttose as a faact/oa of tae mass ftact/oa of po/,dexttose ca/ca/ated oa tae
tota/ mass of watet. Iaese f/ad/ags sappott tae assampt/oa taat po/,dexttose /atetacts
w/ta ca/ckea sat/m/ ptote/as, tesa/t/ag /a aa /actease /a tae mass ftact/oa of 6oaad
watet, wa/ca deptesses I
. Iae tesa/ts ate compated w/ta tesa/ts fot ca/ckea sat/m/
w/ta added d/ffeteat mass ftact/oas of po/,dexttose {w = ! -!0X/ 6at w/taoat -catta-
geeaaa aad w/ta Paam mode/ fot pted/ct/oa I
8e,-wotds. /a/t/a/ fteet/ag po/at, 0I4, ca/ckea sat/m/, po/,dexttose, -cattageeaaa
||0. 0|aa || |c|| ||c|essc|. ||es|c|| Vas|a|e.| 5Sc.
|||s||a Scca 5Sc. ||d||a 0ce|aj 5Sc. Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje|
J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| |acc||j c| |ccd Sc|ece ad Iec|c|cj | 9s||e|
|c|ae.a 8 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a
Samp|es of chicleu surimi were prepared iu the
|aboratory from broi|er (Sasso, 12 weels, 1.13 lg |ive
wt.) by the modified procedure of 0awsou et a|. (1988.).
Samp|es were mixed with sodium tripo|yphosphate (w
~ O.3), -carrageeuau (w O.5 ) aud differeut mass
fractious of po|ydextrose (w ~ 1-1O). Mass fractious
were determiued as perceut of tota| mass. Moisture
couteut was 84.O5 aud ash couteut was O.21 deter-
miued by the A.0.A.C. method (198O) for meat products
before added compoueuts. Tota| proteiu mass fractiou
was 15.12 determiued with samp|es by the Kje|dah|
method, (Kje|tec System, mode| 1OO2 0isti||iug uuit,
Tecator luc., 8ou|der, C0, u.S.A.). Samp|es were pac-
led iu po|yethy|eue bags aud fast fro/eu iu |iquid uitro-
geu aud stored at - 25 C. Average storage time was 1
weel before 0TA experimeuts.
0TA apparatus was coustructed iu the |aboratory
(Kovaevi aud Kurtaujel, 1993) aud used for measure-
meut of iuitia| free/iug poiut I
. Thermocoup|es were
made from A|ume|-Chrome| wire (O.O1 mm diameter).
The thermocoup|es were ca|ibrated usiug a staudard
p|atiuum resistauce thermometer, Pt-|OO (Ridd|e et a|.,
1916) at a temperature rauged -3O to 25 C. The iustru-
meuts were iuterfaced with a staudard PC aud a sam-
p|iug rate of 3.5 lh/ was used. A|| data were prefi|tered
with at +/-3 ru|e for uoise rejectiou prior to data aua|y-
sis (Meudeuha|| aud Siuchic, 1988). From statistica|
aua|ysis of the measuremeut sigua|, the ca|ibratiou error
of 5O mK aud seusitivity of 1O mK were estimated. Au
aqueous so|utiou of CaC1
, (CaC1
) ~ 3O, was used
as refereuce substauce for 0TA measuremeut. 0isti||ed
water was used as a ca|ibratiou substauce for the stat-
ic correctiou of the iuitia| free/iug poiut.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
0TA measuremeuts of samp|es of chicleu surimi
mixed with the added substauces were couducted at a
temperature rauged from -25 to 5C. Resu|ts of 0TA are
preseuted iu Fig. 1. The 0TA curves have a |ow |eve| of
measuremeut uoise, which is a resu|t of statistica| data
fi|teriug aud rejectiou of out|iers by +/-3 ru|e, as we||
as high frequeucy of data samp|iug. 0rift from the base
|iue at a the temperature rauged from O to O.2C occu-
red due to differeuce of therma| properties of samp|es
aud the refereuce substauce. The peal poiuts were read
off as the iuitia| free/iug poiuts from 0TA diagrams.
Systematic shifts of the iuitia| free/iug poiuts toward
|ower temperatures with iucreased couceutratiou of
po|ydextrose cau be observed data for the iuitia| free/iug
poiuts T
are giveu iu Tab|e 1. |u Fig. 1. 8e|ow the iuitia|
free/iug poiuts 0TA diagrams for a|| samp|es show
systematic iucrease iu the temperature differeuce with
iucreased |eve| of the po|ydextrose. Each 0TA diagram
is corrected ou|y for coustaut error of +O.1235355C
beiug determiued from ca|ibratiou with disti||ed water.
The parameters of the regressiou equatiou were deter-
miued by the method of |iuear corre|atiou of T
mass fractiou of the po|ydextrose:
were staudard errors e(T) ~ O.O838 coefficieut of deter-
miuatiou |
~ O.9O. The most effect of cryoscopic
depressiou of iuitia| free/iug poiut I
is exhibited by the
samp|es of chicleu surimi with O.5 -carrageeuau
with added 9 of po|ydextrose.
F|guro 1. IA curvos oI ch|ckoo sur|m| w|th 0.5% -
carragoooao as a Iuoct|oo oI w (%} oI po|ydoxtroso
I |s tomporaturo d|IIorooco botwooo samp|o aod
roIorooco substaoco
The observed va|ues of I
are preseuted iu Fig. 2
a|oug with the va|ues predicted by the Pham mode|
(Pham, 1996), giveu by the regressiou equatiou with
respect to the mass fractiou of water (
), ash (
other compoueuts (
) aud mass fractiou of added
compoueut (\
The experimeuta| va|ue for I
aud resu|ts by the
Pham mode| /2/, show |arge deviatious. lt cau be cou-
c|uded that the effect of mass fractiou is uot the ou|y
parameter, but a|so specific compoueuts are importaut.
A deviatiou of iuitia| free/iug poiuts I
approves that
po|ydextrose acts iu accordauce with the cryoprotec-
tiug mechauism aud iuteracts with proteiu iu surimi.
Therefore it iucreases the amouut of bouud water aud
decreases the iuitia| free/iug poiut (Sych et a|., 1995,
Waug aud Ko|be, 1991).
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O1-2O4
0. || e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F F0IEkI08E AN -6AAEENAN 0N INIIIAI ...
277 . 0 0607 . 0 =
[ 7
Fig. 3 shows comparisou of depeudeucies of I
chicleu surimi aud chicleu surimi with O.5 -carra-
geeuau. 0eviatious of iuitia| free/iug poiuts I
that -carrageeuau a|so |owers I
aud iuteracts with
proteiu iu chicleu surimi.
Comparisou of depeudeucies of I
for chicleu
surimi with O.5 -carrageeuau aud water so|utiou of
po|ydextrose ou mass fractiou of po|ydextrose ca|cu|a-
ted ou tota| mass of water is preseuted iu Fig. 4.
0eviatious of iuitia| free/iug poiuts I
approve that
po|ydextrose acts iu accordauce with the cryoprotec-
tiug mechauism aud iuteracts with proteiu iu surimi.
Free/iug poiut depressiou of chicleu surimi with
O.5 -carrageeuau is a |iuear fuuctiou of the iucreased
mass fractiou of po|ydextrose. 0eviatious of experimeu-
ta| va|ue for iuitia| free/iug poiuts I
, aud resu|ts by the
Pham mode| approvethat po|ydextrose acts iu accor-
dauce with the cryoprotectiug mechauism aud iuteracts
with proteiu iu chicleu surimi. The I
va|ues for samp|es
of chicleu surimi aud chicleu surimi O.5 -carragee-
uau as a fuuctiou of the mass fractiou of po|ydextrose
show deviatious. lt cau be couc|uded that -carragee-
uau a|so iuteract with chicleu surimi proteius aud
|owers I
. The I
va|ues for samp|es of chicleu surimi
with O.5 -carrageeuau aud water so|utiou of po|y-
dextrose as a fuuctiou of the mass fractiou of po|ydex-
trose ca|cu|ated ou the tota| mass of water were diffe-
reut for a|| the samp|es. The resu|ts support the assump-
tiou that po|ydextrose iuteracts with the proteiu of chic-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O1-2O4
0. || e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F F0IEkI08E AN -6AAEENAN 0N INIIIAI ...
Iab|o 1. Expor|moota| data oI |o|t|a| Irooz|og po|ot (I
oI ch|ckoo sur|m| with 0.5% -carragoooao
F|guro 2. Io|t|a| Irooz|og po|ot (I
} oI ch|ckoo sur|m|
w|th 0.5 -carragoooao as a Iuoct|oo oI mass Irac-
t|oo (w} oI po|ydoxtroso
F|guro 3. Io|t|a| Irooz|og po|ot (I
} oI ch|ckoo sur|m| aod
ch|ckoo sur|mi w|th 0.5% -carragoooao as a Iuoc-
t|oos oI mass Iract|oo (w} oI po|ydoxtroso
F|guro 4. 6ompar|soo oI dopoodooc|os I
Ior ch|ckoo
sur|m| w|th 0.5% -carragoooao aod wator so|ut|oo oI
po|ydoxtroso oo mass Iract|oo (w} oI po|ydoxtroso ca|-
cu|atod oo tota| mass oI wator
leu surimi by iucreasiug the mass fractiou of bouud
water aud |oweriug the I
1. A0AC (198O): 0fficia| Methods of Aua|ysis. 13th ed.
Associatiou of 0fficia| Aua|ytica| Chemists,
Ar|iugtou,Virgiuia. uSA, p.153.
2. Auh, J.h., Kim, Y. R., Corui||ou, P., Yoou, J., Yoo, S. h.,
Parl, K. h. (2OO3): Cryoprotectiou of proteiu by high|y
couceutrated brauched o|igosaccharides. l.J. Food
Sci. aud Tech. 38:553.
3. Chaug, h.0., Tao, L.C. (1981): Corre|atiou of eutha|-
pies of food systems. J .Food Sci., 46:1493.
4. Cheu, C.S. (1985): Thermodyuamic aua|ysis of the
free/iug aud thawiug of foods: Eutha|py aud appareut
specific heat. J. Food Sci., 5O:1158.
5. Cheu, C.S. (1986): Effective mo|ecu|ar weight of
aqueous so|utious aud |iquid foods ca|cu|ated from the
free/iug poiut depressiou. J. Food Sci., 51:1531.
6. 0awsou, P.l., She|dou, 8.W., 8a||, h.R. (1988):
Extractiou of |ipid aud pigmeut compoueuts from
mechauica||y separed chicleu meat. J. Food Sci.,
1. Filiiu, K.A. (1998): lce couteut predictiou methods
duriug food free/iug: a survey of the Easteru Europeau
|iterature. J. Food Eug., 38:331.
8. he|dmau, 0.R. (1982): Food properties duriug free/iug.
Food Techuo|., 36:92.
9. herrera, J.R., Maclie, l.M. (2OO3): Cryoprotectiou of
fro/eu-stored actomyosiu of farmed raiubow trout
(0ucorhyuchus myliss) by some sugars aud po|yo|s.
Food Chem., 81:91.
1O. James, C., Lejay, l., Torosa, l., Ai/purua, X., James,
S. J. (2OO5): The effect of sa|t couceutratiou ou the
free/iug poiut of meat simu|auts. l. J. of Refigeratiou,
28 : 938.
11. Kovaevi, 0., Kurtaujel, Z. (1993): Eutha|py determi-
uatiou of fro/eu surimi by differeutia| therma| aua|ysis.
Food. Techuo|. 8iotechuo|., 31:151
12. Lauier, T.C., Alahaue, T. (1986): Method of retardiug
deuaturatiou of meat products. u .S. pateut lo. 4,512,
13. Meudeuha||, W., Siuchic, T. (Ed.). (1988): "Statistics
for Eugiueeriug aud Computer Scieuces", 2ud ed.
Co||ier MacMi||au Pub|ishiug, Loudou.
14. Mi|es, C.A., Mayer, Z., Mor|ey, M.J., housla, M.
(1991): Estiruatiug the iuitia| free/iug poiut of foods
from compositiou data. lut. J. Food Sci. Techuo|., 32 :
15. Parl, S., 8rewer, M.S., McKeith, F.K., 8echte|, P.J.,
lovalofsli J. (1996): Sa|t, cryoprotectauts aud pre-
heatiug temperature effects ou surimi-|ile materia|
from beef or porl. J. Food Sci., 61:19O.
16. Parl, J.W., Lauier, T.C., Pi|liugtou, 0.h. (1993):
Cryostabi|i/atiou of fuuctioua| properties of pre-rigor
aud post-rigor beef by dextrose po|ymer aud/or pho-
sphates. J. Food Sci., 58:461.
11. Pham, 0.T. (1996): Predictiou of ca|orimetric proper-
ties aud free/iug time of foods from compositiou data.
J. Food Eug., 3O:95.
18. Ridd|e, J.L., Furulawa, 6.T., P|umb, h.h. (1916):
P|atiuum resistauce thermometry. lu "Measuremeuts
iu heat Trausfer". Spriuger Ver|ag, 8er|iu. p.25.
19. Smo|iusla, T., 6awrousla, 8., Ma|echa, M. (1995):
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structura| aud e|ectrophoretic picture of M0TM pro-
teius. Arch. 6ef|uge|l., 59: 251.
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(199O): Cryoprotective effects of |actito|, pa|atiuit aud
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23. Vau der Smau, R.6.M., 8oer, E. (2OO4): Predictiug the
iuitia| free/iug poiut aud water activity of meat pro-
ducts from compositiou data. J. Food Eug., 66:469.
24. Waug, 0.0., Ko|be, E. (1991): Therma| properties of
surimi aua|y/ed usiug 0SC. J. Food Sci., 56:3O2.
(Received ou 14 May 2OO1, accepted ou 29 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O1-2O4
0. || e|. a|.. EFFE6I 0F F0IEkI08E AN -6AAEENAN 0N INIIIAI ...
Productiou of turleys iu the regiou of hrvatslo
/agorje begau iu secoud ha|f of 16th ceutury, wheu
there was |itt|e iuf|ueuce of other turley breeds from
other regiou. Specific productiou iu sma|| f|ocls, where
turleys most |ived feediug outdoor resu|ted iu particu|ar
morpho|ogica| aud physio|ogica| characteristics deter-
miuiug the meat qua|ity aud maliug the breed luowu iu
other parts of our couutry aud abroad. 0ata ou producti-
ve traits of Zagorje turley is |ess thau scarce. First
record of body measures of Zagorje turley was pub|is-
hed by Kodiuet/ (194O). 8ased ou weight of s|aughtered
birds he couc|uded that ma|e birds reached average
body weight of 6.O1 lg at 28 weels, whi|e fema|es at
the same age weighed 3.95 lg. Mutic et a|. (1999)
measured /agorje turleys at 9-11 mouths of age iu the
area of Krapiuslo-/agorsla aud Varatdiusla couuties.
Average body weights were 6.81 lg for ma|es aud
3.91lg for fema|es. Kodiuet/ (194O) iu his paper pub|is-
hed va|ues of body measures of Zagorje turleys, which
were a|most ideutica| to those reported by Mutic et a|.
(1999), for 28 weel-o|d birds.
That fact is iu accordauce with couc|usious pub|is-
hed by Jaap et a|. (1939), statiug that deve|opmeut of
boues iu domestic turley ma|es ceases at the age of 24-
26 weels aud iu fema|es at 22 weels. Receut|y, the
iuterest for protectiou aud preservatiou of autochtho-
uous pou|try breeds iu Croatia is growiug aud iu that
seuse this iuvestigatiou was set to determiue the phe-
uotypic traits of Zagorje turley.
The research was carried out ou the area of
Krapiuslo-/agorsla aud Varatdiusla Couuty. There are
four straius of Zagorje turley preseut iu the area of
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O5-2O8
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.592.1:636.O61/.8
Z. 1aaje/, S. Mat/c
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Ptodact/oa of tatke,s /a tae teg/oa of htcatsko tagotje 6egaa /a secoad aa/f of !5ta
ceatat,, waea taete was a //tt/e /af/aeace of otaet tatke, 6teeds ftom otaet teg/oa.
8eceat/,, /atetest fot ptotect/oa aad ptesetcat/oa of aatocataoaoas poa/tt, 6teeds
/a 0toat/a /s gtow/ag aad /a taat sease ta/s /acest/gat/oa was set to detetm/ae tae
paeaot,p/c tta/ts of Zagotje tatke,. 0ae aaadted !0-moata o/d tatke,s {5 ma/es aad
20 fema/es of foat stta/as {6toate, 6/ack, gte, aad pa/e/ wete measated, wa//e egg
ptodact/oa data wete co//ected 6, a po// amoag tae 6teedets. 4cetage 6od, we/gat
of 6toate, 6/ack, gte, aad pa/e stta/a ma/es wete I.08, 5.88, 5.!0 aad 5.09 kg,
tespect/ce/,, wa//e /a fema/es tae acetage ca/aes wete 4.02, 4.0I, 3.53, aad 3.58
kg. 6eaeta//,, accotd/ag to 6od, measates of ma/e 6/tds, otaet taaa 6od, we/gat,
of a// of tae stta/as of Zagotje tatke,, tae 6/ack oae /s tae 6/ggest, as /t aad tae
a/gaest ca/aes fot 6od, /eagta, /eagta of stetaam, /eagta of dtamst/ck, /eagta of
saaak, depta of caest aad aead measates. 4t tae same t/me, tae 6toate stta/a aad
tae a/gaest ca/ae fot catcass w/dta. 8od, measates meat/oaed ptec/oas/, wete aot
so d/ffeteat /a fema/es. Nam6et of teated ca/cks was /owest /a tae pa/e stta/a.
Ftom tae 6od, measates assessed /t /s poss/6/e to coac/ade taat Zagotje tatke,s
ate tataet aa/fotm w/ta/a tae stta/a 6at d/ffeteaces /a most of tae 6teed tta/ts ate
pteseat 6etweea tae stta/as, espec/a//, /a ma/es of 6toate aad 6/ack stta/a, waea
compated to gta, aad pa/e stta/a.
8e,-wotds. paeaot,pe, tta/ts, Zagotje tatke,s
||0. |a||c Ja|e| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| ||0. S||eca Vcl|c |c||
||c|essc| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| a|e| 0eca||ce| c|
4|ca| |c|||||c S.e|cs|ccs|a 25 0 000 a|e| C|ca||a. eca||. c|a
Krapiuslo-/agorsla aud Varatdiusla couuties: brou/e,
b|acl, grey aud pa|e. 8rou/e straiu has a wide, e|ouga-
ted head, with a compact aud s|ight|y beut horuy gra-
yish to muddy-piul beal. Ear |obes, suood, caruuc|es
aud otheg parts of sliu without featheriug are red to
b|ue-grey. lecl, breasts aud bacl are b|acl with greeu
g|a/e. Thighs aud be||y are comp|ete|y b|acl without a
g|a/e, whi|e iu criul|es feathers are b|acl-browu-sa||ow.
Ma|e turleys have a characteristic b|acl-greeu wad ca|-
|ed beard. Wiugs are covered with sa||ow-b|acl feathers
with white stripes aud b|acl edge. Tai| feathers are
b|acl-browu with pa|e browu stripes aud white edge.
Shauls are piul-grey with four toes with sharp c|aws.
6rey straiu of Zagorje turley has characteristic co|or of
uecl, bacl aud breast feathers with a|teruatiug b|acl
aud white tips giviug au impressiou of a grey co|or,
whi|e tai| feathers are simi|ar to brou/e straiu. Pa|e straiu
has predomiuaut|y white feathers, with pa|e browu,
b|acl aud grey feathers that |ie betweeu. 8|acl straiu
has a|| b|acl feathers. Their feather has uo g|a/e aud the
head, suood aud beard are much sma||er. From the
popu|atiou of 1OOO birds from 2OO fami|y farms super-
vised by Croatiau Livestocl Ceuter four farms were rau-
dom|y se|ected for measuremeut of birds. 0ue huudred
1O-mouth o|d turleys (5 ma|es aud 2O fema|es of four
straius (brou/e, b|acl, grey aud pa|e) were measured,
whi|e data ou uumber of eggs aud pou|ts were co||ected
from previous|y meutioued farms duriug the spriug bree-
diug seasou (March-Juue). 8ody measures were taleu
by a compass (O.3 cm accuracy), whi|e measuremeuts
of head were doue by a veruier ca|iper (O.1 mm accu-
racy), taliug iuto accouut measuremeut staudards
described by Kodiuet/ (194O). A haugiug sca|e tool
body weight of measured birds with accuracy of 2Og.
Statistica| aua|ysis was doue by usiug STAT modu|e,
SAS paclage (SAS lustitute, 1996). We used PR0C
MEAlS procedure for descriptive aua|ysis aud PR0C
6LM (SAS lustitute, 1996) for mode| testiug.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Average body measures of Zagorje turley toms of
a|| straius are showu iu Tab|e 1 aud the average body
measures aud reproductive traits of Zagorje turley heus
of a|| straius are giveu iu Tab|e 2.
As it cou|d be seeu iu Tab|e 1 average body meas-
ures of toms vary betweeu the straius. 8rou/e toms
were ou the average 1 lg heavier thau grey aud pa|e
straiu (14 ), whi|e b|acl toms had |ower body weights
by O.2O lg (3 ) thau brou/e oues. heus of b|acl aud
brou/e straiu (Tab|e 2), were 1O heavier thau grey aud
pa|e. Measured body weight of toms aud heus are
somewhat |ower thau those reported by Kodiuet/
(194O), but, at the same time, a|most ideutica| to data
reported by Mutic et a|. (1999). Measured va|ues iudi-
cate that Zagorje turley is amoug the sma||est Europeau
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O5-2O8
. Ja|e| e|. a|.. FhEN0IFI6 IAII8 IN ZA0JE IkE
Iab|o 1. Avorago body moasuros oI a|| Zagorjo turkoy
breeds (Roberts, 1991). 6euera||y, accordiug to body
measures of ma|e birds, other thau body weight, of a|| of
the straius of Zagorje turley, the b|acl oue is the big-
gest, as it had the highest va|ues for body |eugth, |eugth
of steruum, |eugth of drumsticl, |eugth of shaul, depth
of chest aud head measures. At the same time, the
brou/e straiu had the highest va|ue for carcass width.
8ody measures meutioued previous|y were uot so diffe-
reut iu fema|es. lumber of eggs |aid by heus mouitored
iu this project is |ower thau the average reported by
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O5-2O8
. Ja|e| e|. a|.. FhEN0IFI6 IAII8 IN ZA0JE IkE
Meaus with the same |etter are uot siguificaut|y differeut (p>O.O5)
Iab|o 2. Avorago body moasuros aod roproduct|vo tra|ts oI Zagorjo turkoy hoos oI a|| stra|os
Mutic et a|. (1999), who stated that duriug the spriug
seasou heus |ay 21 eggs. lumber of reared pou|ts is the
highest iu pa|e straiu.
From the body measures assessed it is possib|e to
couc|ude that Zagorje turleys are rather uuiform withiu
the straiu but differeuces iu most of the breed traits are
preseut betweeu the straius, especia||y iu ma|es of
brou/e aud b|acl straiu, wheu compared to gray aud
pa|e straiu.
1. Jaap, R.6., Thompsou, R.8., Mi|by, T.T. (1939):
heritab|e body shape of the domestic turley.
Proceediugs Vll Wor|d's Pou|try Cougress, 68-1O.
2. Kodiuet/, 6. (194O): 8eitrag /ur Keuutuis der Rasse
uud der Eutwicl|uug des Zagoriauer Truthuhues
(Me|eagris ga||opavo). Zeitschrift fur Tier/uchtuug aud
Zuchtuugsbio|ogie (41) 2:14O-165.
3. Mutic, S., Jaujei, Z., ili, M., Siulovi, K. (1999):
Curreut situatiou of the Zagorje turley iu Croatia. Acta
Agraria Kaposvrieusis (3) 2:213-218.
4. SAS lustitute (1996): SAS/STAT. Chauges aud
Eucaucemeuts through Re|ease 6.11. SAS lustitute
luc., Cary, lC.
5. Roberts, V. (1991): 8ritish Pou|try Staudards.
8|aclwe|| Scieuce Ltd., 0xford.
(Received ou 21 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 4 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O5-2O8
. Ja|e| e|. a|.. FhEN0IFI6 IAII8 IN ZA0JE IkE
Meaus with the same |etter are uot siguificaut|y differeut (p>O.O5)
lu former experimeuts it has a|ready beeu studied
whether the si/e or the compositiou of the egg had grea-
ter effect ou the viabi|ity of the offspriug. however, iu
these examiuatious corre|atious were maiu|y determi-
ued betweeu differeut species, therefore the avai|ab|e
iuformatiou about iutra-specific corre|atious is scarce.
C|arificatiou of these corre|atious was maiu|y hiudered
by the |acl of a re|iab|e techuique/equipmeut, capab|e of
determiuiug the egg compositiou | .|.c. lu the course
of the preseut aua|ysis the T08EC method (based ou
measuriug the e|ectrica| couductivity of iutact eggs)
was app|ied for | .|.c egg compositiou determiuatiou,
which cou|d be a good startiug poiut for further exami-
uatious to c|arify the corre|atious betweeu egg compo-
sitiou aud hatched birds' deve|opmeut.
The use of this method gave c|ose corre|atious
(r~O.88-O.99) betweeu the E-va|ue (e|ectrica| couducti-
vity of the who|e body measured by this method) aud
|eau mass of sma|| birds aud mamma|s (Cuuuiugham et
a|., 1986, Castro et a|., 199O, Staudiuger et a|., 1995),
aud ou|y medium accuracy iu the predictiou of tota|
body fat perceutage (Felete et a|., 1995, Mi|isits et a|.,
1999, Mi|isits et a|., 2OOO) iu the previous experimeuts.
Simi|ar resu|ts were obtaiued by Wi||iams et a|. (1991)
usiug this uou-destructive method for determiuiug egg
compositiou iu differeut species of birds.
8ased ou these |iterature data, the aim of this
study was to c|arify the corre|atious betweeu e|ectrica|
couductivity of heu's eggs aud differeut maiu egg com-
The experimeut was carried out with 3OO heu's
eggs origiuated from a 36 weel o|d R0SS-3O8 hybrid
pareut stocl aud co||ected ou the same day. 8efore the
T08EC measuremeuts eggs were stored at room tem-
perature for 24 hours to e|imiuate the effect of eggs'
temperature ou the measured va|ues.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O9-212
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.O4/.O1
hEN'8 E8 A8E 0N IhEI 60MF08III0N
6. M///s/ts, Fmese 8ocacs, L. Locsmaad/, 4. Sta6, 6a6t/e//a 4adtass,-8aka, 6a6t/e//a 1ekke/, 8.
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4pp//ca6///t, of tae I08F0 metaod {e/ectt/ca/ coadact/c/t,/ was tested fot tae /a
c/co detetm/aat/oa of d/ffeteat egg compoaeats aad fot tae sepatat/oa of eggs w/ta
d/ffeteat compos/t/oa. 4/togetaet 300 aeas eggs - ot/g/aated ftom a 35 weeks o/d
80SS-308 a,6t/d pateat stock - wete measated 6, I08F0, aad tae extteme aad
acetage 5-5X - 6ased oa tae measated ca/aes - wete caosea fot caem/ca/ aaa/,-
s/s. /t was esta6//saed taat tae a/6amea/,o/k tat/o aad tae dt, mattet, ctade ptote/a
aad ctade fat coateat of tae eggs ate /a med/am cotte/at/oa w/ta tae F-ca/ae/egg
we/gat tat/o {t=0.4I, -0.58, -0.59 aad -0.35 tespect/ce/,/. Iae a/6amea/,o/k tat/o,
tae dt, mattet aad tae ctade ptote/a coateat of tae eggs, se/ected fot a/ga aad /ow
F-ca/ae/egg we/gat tat/o, d/ffeted s/ga/f/caat/, at P<0.05 /ece/. Iae d/ffeteace 6et-
weea tae acetage ctade fat coateat of tae eggs /a tae two extteme gtoaps was
s/ga/f/caat at P<0.!0 /ece/.
8e,-wotds. I08F0, e/ectt/ca/ coadact/c/t,, aea, egg, compos/t/oa, se/ect/oa
||0. J|c| V|||s||s sc|e||||c |esea|c| c||e|. |cese |c.Jcs a||cc||c
|a| e|ee|. |Jsc|c |ccscJd| ||0 s|cde|. ||0. 4d|Js Sca|c sc|e||
||c |esea|c| c||e|. ||0. a|||e||a 4d|Jssj5a|a ass|s|a| c|c|essc|.
a|||e||a Je||e| ||0 s|cde|. ||0. |c|e|| |cc.J|| |c|| ||c|essc|
J|.e|s||j c| |accs.J| |acc||j c| 4|ca| Sc|ece |/400 |accs.J|
c|a S. c. 40. |ca|j |ca||. c|||s||s@|e.|c
A|| eggs were weighed thereafter aud positioued
ceutra||y withiu the detectiou chamber of the T08EC
aua|y/er iu staudiug positiou.
The T08EC measuremeuts were carried out with au
EM-SCAl SA-2 type Sma|| Auima| 8ody Compositiou
Aua|yser (EM-SCAl luc., Spriugfie|d, l||iuois, uSA),
which a||ows a rapid, uou-iuvasive measuremeut of the
tota| couductivity iudex (E-va|ue) of the eggs.
Measuremeuts were taleu at 1O Mh/ frequeucy, becau-
se the e|ectrica| couductivity of fatty aud uou-fatty tis-
sues is c|ear|y differeut at this frequeucy. E|ectrica| cou-
ductivity of each egg was determiued ouce aud the
measured va|ue was used for further eva|uatiou. The E-
va|ue of some raudom|y se|ected eggs was measured
twice for testiug the accuracy of the method. The secoud
measuremeuts were taleu at the eud of the who|e meas-
uremeut procedure, after a|| of the eggs had beeu meas-
ured ouce. 0iffereuces betweeu the resu|ts of the first
aud secoud measuremeuts were withiu 2 iu each case.
After the T08EC measuremeuts |iuear regressiou
was made betweeu the measured E-va|ues aud the
weight of the eggs. The average E-va|ue was predicted
iu a|| egg weights aud the differeuce betweeu the
measured aud predicted E-va|ue was ca|cu|ated iu each
case by this method. 8ased ou these differeuces, eggs
with extreme high aud extreme |ow e|ectrica| couducti-
vity va|ues (5-5) were choseu for further aua|ysis.
Eggs with average E-va|ues (5) were a|so iuvo|ved iuto
the experimeut as a coutro| group. The differeuce bet-
weeu the measured aud predicted E-va|ue of the eggs
rauged from 6 to 13 aud 1 to 19 iu the extreme
groups aud it was O iu the coutro| group.
After fiuishiug the T08EC measuremeuts, a|| eggs
were broleu aud by weighiug the a|bumeu aud yo|l the
a|bumeu/yo|l ratio was ca|cu|ated. The dry matter,
crude proteiu aud crude fat couteut of the eggs were
chemica||y aua|ysed by the iustructious of the
huugariau Staudards.
The E-va|ue/egg weight ratio was used to predict
the compositiou of heu's eggs because of the high cor-
re|atiou betweeu E-va|ue aud egg weight. Corre|atious
aud regressious betweeu the E-va|ue/egg weight ratio
aud differeut maiu egg compoueuts were ca|cu|ated by
the SPSS statistica| software paclage (SPSS for
Wiudows, 1999). The effect of separatiou ou the egg
compositiou was tested by the 0ue-Way Al0VA
mode|. The siguificauce of betweeu group differeuces
was tested by the LS0 post hoc test a|so usiug the
SPSS statistica| software paclage.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
As the first step of the eva|uatiou, the corre|atiou
betweeu E-va|ue/egg weight ratio aud a|bumeu/yo|l
ratio was examiued. lt was fouud out that there is a
medium (r~O.41), but high|y siguificaut (P~O.OO1)
positive corre|atiou betweeu these two examiued traits
(Figure 1).
(4||cce/jc|| |a||c ~ .0/ + 0.353 \ |
.a|ce/e e||| |a||c. |~0.28 |~0.00
F|guro 1. 6orro|at|oo botwooo E-va|uo/ogg wo|ght
rat|o aod a|bumoo/yo|k rat|o |o hoo's oggs
0ue to ou|y medium corre|atiou, it is c|ear|y visib|e,
that there is a re|ative|y high variauce iu the
a|bumeu/yo|l ratio iu each experimeuta| group.
S|ight|y strouger, but uegative corre|atiou (r~-
O.58) was fouud out betweeu the E-va|ue/egg weight
ratio aud the dry matter couteut of the eggs (Figure 2).
The corre|atiou was a|so very high|y siguificaut
(P<O.OO1) iu this case.
(0|j ca||e| (l ~ 29.590 .080 \ |.a|ce/e
e||| |a||c. |~0.330 |<0.00 S|~.08l
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O9-212
. V|||s||s e|. a|.. AFFII6AIIII 0F IhE I0E6 MEIh0 IN 8EIE6II0N 0F hEN'8 ...
F|guro 2. 6orro|at|oo botwooo E-va|uo/ogg wo|ght
rat|o aod dry mattor cootoot oI hoo's oggs
Very simi|ar resu|t was obtaiued wheu the corre|a-
tiou betweeu the E-va|ue aud crude proteiu couteut was
examiued (r~-O.59, P<O.OO1, Figure 3).
(C|cde c|c|e| (l ~ 5.002 0.800 \ |.a|ce/e
e||| |a||c. |~0.348 |<0.00 S|~0.555/l
The corre|atiou data obtaiued iu this experimeut
betweeu E-va|ue/egg weight ratio aud differeut egg
compoueuts are s|ight|y strouger, thau corre|atious bet-
weeu E-va|ue aud egg compoueuts fouud out iu au ear-
|ier experimeut (Mi|isits et a|., 2OO5). however, predic-
tabi|ity of au egg or body compositiou of differeut spe-
cies seems to be more accurate, wheu the egg weight
or |iveweight aud the E-va|ue, as iudepeudeut variab|es,
are used iu a |iuear regressiou mode| (Mi|isits et a|.,
1999, Mi|isits et a|., 2OOO, hauc/ et a|., 2OO3).
lu a view of these medium corre|atious it was
iuterestiug to see that the a|bumeu/yo|l ratio aud a|so
the chemica| compositiou of eggs separated for high
aud |ow e|ectrica| couductivity va|ues differed siguifi-
caut|y at P<O.O5 |eve|. The measured va|ues of eggs
with average e|ectrica| couductivity were betweeu the
va|ues of the two extreme groups iu a|| cases (Tab|e 1).
The resu|t of this separatiou is iu accordauce with
our former experimeut, where the body fat couteut of
rabbits separated for high aud |ow tota| body e|ectrica|
couductivity, differed siguificaut|y at P<O.O5 |eve|
(Mi|isits et a|., 2OO6).
8ased ou the resu|ts of this experimeut it was cou-
c|uded, that T08EC method seems to be a usefu|
method for separatiug eggs with differeut compositious.
This cou|d be a good startiug poiut to examiue the effect
of egg compositiou ou egg's hatchabi|ity aud hatched
chicl's deve|opmeut.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O9-212
. V|||s||s e|. a|.. AFFII6AIIII 0F IhE I0E6 MEIh0 IN 8EIE6II0N 0F hEN'8 ...
F|guro 3. 6orro|at|oo botwooo E-va|uo/ogg wo|ght
rat|o aod crudo proto|o cootoot oI hoo's oggs
F|guro 4. 6orro|at|oo botwooo E-va|uo/ogg wo|ght
rat|o aod crudo Iat cootoot oI hoo's oggs
0iffereut |etters iu the rows meau siguificaut differeuces at P<O.O5 |eve|
Iab|o 1. 8omo paramotors oI hoo's oggs soparatod basod oo tho|r o|octr|ca| cooduct|v|ty
0u|y au r~-O.35 corre|atiou was observed bet-
weeu the E-va|ue/egg weight ratio aud crude fat cou-
teut beiug a|so siguificaut at P<O.O5 |eve| (P~O.O18,
Figure 4).
(C|cde |a| (l ~ .854 0.054 \ |.a|ce/e
e||| |a||c. |~0.22 |~0.08 S|~0.8200l
This research project was supported by the
huugariau 0TKA graut (FO492O3) aud the "0veges
J/sef" program.
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6. Mi|isits, 6., 6yarmati, T., S/eudr}, Zs. (1999): lu vivo
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Eva|uatiou of a uou-destructive method for determi-
uiug egg compositiou usiug tota| body e|ectrica| cou-
ductivity (T08EC) measuremeuts. Jourua| of Zoo|ogy,
243 (3): 611-622.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 29 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 2O9-212
. V|||s||s e|. a|.. AFFII6AIIII 0F IhE I0E6 MEIh0 IN 8EIE6II0N 0F hEN'8 ...
Carcass ecouomic va|ue depeuds ou its tissue
compositiou, aud accordiug to 0e|fa aud Teixeira (1998)
the tissue compositiou of each joiut are the maiu crite-
ria for carcass eva|uatiou aud c|assificatiou. The receut
creatiou of meat products with 0rigiu 0euomiuatiou or
6eographic Protectiou ludicatiou of sheep aud goat ori-
giu is au iuceutive to qua|ity product deve|opmeut
whose characteristics must correspoud to cousumer's
expectatious. Therefore, the deve|opmeut of a |ow-cost
aud expeditious method to predict carcass compositiou
wi|| have app|icabi|ity iu carcasses c|assificatiou at
s|aughter-houses |eve| (Cadave/ et a|. 1999), aud car-
casses c|assificatiou wi|| preseut au importaut ro|e ou
commercia|isatiou aud ou prices defiuitiou (Cadave/ et
a|., 2OO2). The objective of this study was to eva|uate
the accuracy of hot carcass weight (hCW) wheu asso-
ciated with u|trasouud tissue depth measuremeuts for
predictiou of carcass tissues weight ou lids.
A tota| of 2O ma|e lids of the Serraua goat breed
from the experimeuta| f|ocl of the Agrariau Superior
Schoo| of 8ragaua were used iu this study. Tweuty-
four hours before s|aughter u|trasouic measuremeuts of
the musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth (LM), subcutaueous fat
thicluess (SF) betweeu the 12
aud 13
ribs (012), 1
aud 2
(L1) aud 3
aud 4
(L3) |umbar vertebrae aud
breast boue tissue thicluess at 1
(8T1), 2
(8T2), 3
(8T3) aud 4
steruebrae (8T4) were assessed usiug au
u|trasouic machiue AL0KA SS0-5OOV equipped with a
1.5 Mh/ probe. Kids were fasted for 24-h, aud theu
s|aughtered iu the experimeuta| s|aughterhouse of the
Agrariau Superior Schoo| of 8ragaua. Carcasses were
coo|ed at 4
C for 24-h, aud ha|ved. Carcasses |eft side
was divided iuto eight staudardised commercia| joiuts:
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 213-211
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 636.9:631.5.O4/.O1
IhE 8E 0F IIA80N0AFh I0 FEI6I 6A6A88
60MF08III0N IN kI8
t. 0adacet, Saadta 8odt/gaes, 4. Ie/xe/ta
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae o6ject/ce of ta/s wotk was to aaa/,se tae ase of a/ttasoaads to pted/ct catcass
compos/t/oa /a k/ds. Iweat, k/ds ftom Settaaa Pottagaese /oca/ 6teed w/ta a meaa //ce
we/gat of !2.5 r 2.99 kg wete scaaaed 6, a/ttasoaogtapa, to detetm/ae /oag/ss/mas
masc/e depta {L0/, sa6cataaeoas fat ta/ckaess {SF/ 6etweea tae !2
aad !3
{0!2/, !
aad 2
{L!/ aad 3
aad 4
{L3/ /am6at cette6ta aad 6teast 6oae t/ssae ta/ck-
aess at !
{8I!/, 2
{8I2/, 3
{S3/ aad 4
{8I4/ stetae6tae. Lam6s wete s/aagateted
aftet 24-a fast/ag aad catcasses wete coo/ed at 4
0 fot 24 aoats. 0atcass /eft s/de was
d/ssected /ato masc/e, sa6cataaeoas fat, /atetmasca/at fat aad 6oae aad tema/adet
{majot 6/ood cesse/s, //gameats, teadoas, aad ta/ck coaaect/ce t/ssae saeets/ assoc/a-
ted w/ta some masc/es. I/ssaes measatemeats p/as aot catcass we/gat wete f/tted as
/adepeadeat cat/a6/es to pted/ct catcass compos/t/oa 6, stepw/se tegtess/oa aaa/,s/s.
Mode/s dece/oped 95.IX of masc/e, 54.5X of sa6cataaeoas fat, 95.0X of /atetmasca-
/at fat, aad 85.0X of 6oae we/gat cat/at/oa, tespect/ce/,. J/ttasoaad measatemeats
wete adm/tted /a tae mode/s, /mptoc/ag tae detetm/aat/oa coeff/c/eat {8
/ aad tedac/ag
tae tes/daa/ staadatd dec/at/oa. Iae h0W aad t/ssaes measatemeats takea 6, a/tta-
soaads /a //ce k/ds caa 6e ased to dece/op mode/s to pted/ct catcass compos/t/oa at
s/aagatet-aoase /ece/.
8e,-wotds. 0atcass, 0ompos/t/oa, 8/ds, Pted/ct/oa, J/ttasoaogtapa,
||0. lascc ||c|essc| VSc. Sad|a |cd||ces. 4|||edc
Ie|\e||a ||c| Ccc|d. C|V9 |scc|a Scce||c| 4|J||a |s|||c|c |c|||c|cc
de 5|aaa 4ca||adc /2 530855 5|aaa |c||ca|
|eg, chump, |oiu, ribs, auterior ribs, shou|der, breast, aud
The joiutiug procedure (Figure 1) was out|iued
accordiug to the commercia| joiutiug aud cuttiug system
of Estamo Zootcuica lacioua| (EZl Portuga|,
Ca|heiros aud leves, 1968).
Each joiut of carcass |eft side was dissected iuto
musc|e, subcutaueous fat, iutermuscu|ar fat, boue, aud
remaiuder (major b|ood vesse|s, |igameuts, teudous,
aud thicl couuective tissue sheets associated with
some musc|es). Carcass eva|uatiou aud tissue separa-
tiou were uudertaleu by the staudard methods for |amb
carcasses eva|uatiou suggested by Co|omer-Rocher et
a|. (1988).
Mode|s to predict carcass compositiou were deve-
|oped by stepwise regressiou (SAS, 1998). hot carcass
weight, aud u|trasouic measuremeuts were used as
iudepeudeut variab|es. The coefficieut of determiuatiou
), aud the residua| staudard deviatiou (RS0) were
used to assess the mode|s fittiug qua|ity as suggested
by Kempster et a|. (1982).
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Tab|e 1 shows the meau, staudard deviatiou, miui-
mum aud maximum for the hCW, tissues thicluess, aud
area measuremeuts, aud tissues weight. The hCW pre-
seuted a CV arouud 25 aud it is expected that the
variatiou ou this variab|e coutro|s the variatiou observed
iu the carcass dimeusiou tissues thicluess aud area
measuremeuts. Subcutaueous fat thicluess measure-
meuts (SF012, SFL1 aud SFL3) were the oues preseu-
tiug the highest CV (higher thau 38). The adipose tis-
sue preseuts |ate maturity (8utterfie|d et a|. 1983) com-
pared to carcass weight aud the iucrease iu 8W |eads
to high variatious iu this tissue aud iu the associated fat
thicluess measuremeuts. The adipose tissue is the
most susceptib|e to variatious iuduced by uutritioua|
factors, therefore, tissues measuremeuts that ref|ect
carcass fatuess, |ile subcutaueous fat thicluess, are
high|y affected by the re|atiou betweeu 8W at s|aughter
aud poteutia| mature 8W, as stated by Tay|or et a|.
(198O). The breast boue tissues (8T1, 8T2, 8T3 aud
8T4) measuremeuts preseuted CV simi|ar to that
observed iu hCW aud |ower thau those iu subcutaueous
fat thicluess measuremeuts. The CV observed for
musc|e |ougissimus depth (812, 81 aud 83) measure-
meuts (varyiug from 12.9 to 11.9) was simi|ar to that
observed iu the hCW. These resu|ts cau be exp|aiued by
the isometric musc|e growth wheu compared to the 8W
growth as described by 8utterfie|d et a|. (1983). lt is
theu expected that the variatiou iu hCW wi|| be direct|y
ref|ected iu the musc|e |ougissimus depth measure-
meuts variatiou as it cau be observed iu our resu|ts.
The corre|atiou coefficieuts betweeu the | .|.c
u|trasouud tissue measuremeuts aud ca||iper tissue
measuremeuts are preseuted iu Tab|e 2. The corre|atiou
coefficieuts betweeu SFL1, SFL3 aud SF012 | .|.c
u|trasouud measuremeuts aud the homo|ogous meas-
uremeuts taleu ou the carcass were |ow (P> O.O5,
from -O.22 to O.13). The |ow deve|opmeut of subcuta-
ueous fat iu lids is we|| documeuted (0e|fa et a|., 1994,
Teixeira et a|. 1995), aud the |ow maguitude of subcuta-
ueous fat measuremeuts imp|ies a |ow precisiou of
measuremeuts taleu ou the carcass aud by u|tra-
souuds. The highest corre|atiou coefficieuts were obtai-
ued for 8T2, 8T3 aud 8T4 a|| of them higher thau O.8O,
coufirmiug the resu|ts attaiued by 0e|fa et a|. (1995,
1996) aud by Cadave/ et a|. (2OO2). The highest corre-
|atiou coefficieuts were obtaiued at LM012 (r ~ O.14)
for musc|e depth measuremeuts. These resu|ts are
|ower thau those reported by 0e|fa et a|. (1995, 1996)
who fouud corre|atiou coefficieuts higher thau O.8O.
however these resu|ts were attaiued iu adu|t 8|auca
Ce|tibrica goats.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 213-211
l. e|. a|.. IhE 8E 0F IIA80N0AFh I0 FEI6I 6A6A88 ...
F|guro 1. oprosootat|oo oI tho EZN carcass cutt|og systom (6a|ho|ros aod Novos, 1968}
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 213-211
l. e|. a|.. IhE 8E 0F IIA80N0AFh I0 FEI6I 6A6A88 ...
Iab|o 1. Moao, cooII|c|oot oI var|at|oo, m|o|mum aod max|mum oI hot carcass wo|ght (h6W}, carcass t|ssuos
moasuromoots takoo by u|trasouods aod carcass |oIt s|do t|ssuo wo|ght
hCW hot carcass weight, SFL1 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 1
aud 2
|umbar vertebrae, SFL3 - subcutaueous fat thicl-
uess betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae, SF012 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 12
aud 13
ribs |umbar vertebrae, 8T1
- breast boue tissue thicluess at 1
steruebrae, 8T2 - breast boue tissue thicluess at 2
steruebrae, 8T3 - breast boue tissue thicluess
at 3
steruebrae, 8T4 - breast boue tissue thicluess at 4
steruebrae, LML1 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 1
aud 2
vertebrae, LML3 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae, LM012 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the
aud 13
ribs |umbar vertebrae
Iab|o 2. 6orro|at|oo cooII|c|oots (r} botwooo |o v|vo u|trasouod moasuromoots aod tho homo|ogous
moasuromoots takoo oo tho carcass w|th a ca|||por
SFL1 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 1
aud 2
|umbar vertebrae, SFL3 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae, SF012 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 12
aud 13
ribs |umbar vertebrae, 8T1 - breast boue tissue thicl-
uess at 1
steruebrae, 8T2 - breast boue tissue thicluess at 2
steruebrae, 8T3 - breast boue tissue thicluess at 3
steruebrae, 8T4 -
breast boue tissue thicluess at 4
steruebrae, LML1 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 1
aud 2
|umbar vertebrae, LML3 - musc|e
|c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae, LM012 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 12
aud 13
ribs |umbar
The perceutage variatiou (R
) of carcass tissue
weights accouuted for by hCW aud u|trasouic measure-
meuts are showu iu Tab|e 3. A|| deve|oped mode|s were
high|y siguificaut (P<O.OO1). The hCW was the first
predictor admitted iuto the mode|s, aud accouuted for
96.1, 64.6, 95.O, 85.O aud 63.1 of the variatiou of
musc|e, subcutaueous fat, iuter-muscu|ar fat, boue, aud
liduey aud luob fat, respective|y. u|trasouud tissues
measuremeuts were uot admitted iuto the mode|s to
predict boue aud subcutaueous fat, whereas mode|s R
were |ower thau those obtaiued by Cadave/ et a|.
(2OO2). The SFL3 aud LML1 tissues measuremeuts
were admitted iuto the mode| to predict musc|e, these
variab|es produced au iucrease of 2.4 perceut uuits iu
the coefficieut of determiuatiou aud reduced the RS0 by
23.5. These resu|ts are coutrary to those of 0e|fa et a|.
(1999) who observed that u|trasouic measuremeuts
dou't improve musc|e weight predictiou iu lids of
8|auca Ce|tibrica breed but, corroborate the resu|ts of
Cadave/ et a|. (2OO2). For iuter-muscu|ar, the u|trasouud
measuremeuts admitted iuto the mode| were LML1 aud
8T2, these variab|es iucreased uuits by further 4.8 per-
ceut. The perceutage of variatiou exp|aiued aud reduced
the RS0 by 21.6. For liduey aud luob fat, the LM1
u|trasouud measuremeut was admitted iuto the mode|
aud iucreased the perceutage of variatiou exp|aiued for
a further 1.3 perceut uuits aud reduced RS0 by 6.1.
These resu|ts are |ower thau those preseuted by 0e|fa et
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 213-211
l. e|. a|.. IhE 8E 0F IIA80N0AFh I0 FEI6I 6A6A88 ...
hCW hot carcass weight, SFL3 - subcutaueous fat thicluess betweeu the 3
aud 4
|umbar vertebrae, 8T2 - breast boue tissue thicl-
uess at 2
steruebrae, LML1 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth betweeu the 1
aud 2
|umbar vertebrae, LM012 - musc|e |c|ss|ccs depth
betweeu the 12
aud 13
ribs |umbar vertebrae
Iab|o 3. Frod|ct|oo oquat|oos oI tho wo|ght (g} oI carcass t|ssuos
a|. (1999, 2OOO), who fouud coefficieuts of determiua-
tiou betweeu O.11 aud O.95 usiug tissues measure-
meuts taleu by u|trasouuds.
uuder the preseut experimeuta| couditious we
cou|d iudicate that hCW is the domiuaut variab|e iu
mode|s to predict tissues weight of lids carcasses. The
u|trasouud measuremeuts of carcass tissues taleu iu
|ive lids improve the precisiou of mode|s to predict
musc|e, iutermuscu|ar fat aud liduey aud luob fat
weight, iucreasiug the coefficieut of determiuatiou aud
reduciug the RS0. The hCW aud tissue measuremeuts
taleu by u|trasouuds iu |ive lids cau be used to deve|op
mode|s to predict carcass compositiou at s|aughter-
houses |eve|.
1. Cadave/, V., Rodrigues, S., Pereira, E., 0e|fa, R.,
Teixeira, A. (2OO2): Predicciu de |a composiciu de |a
caua| de cabritos por u|trasouografia | .|.c. |I|4,
2. Cadave/, V. A. P., Teixeira, A., 0e|fa, R., (1999):
uti|i/aciu de u|trasouidos juuto cou e| peso vivo y e|
peso de |a caua| ca|ieute para |a estimaciu de| peso
de |as pie/as de caruiceria eu corderos de ra/a churra
6a|ega 8ragauaua: Comparaciu de soudas de 5 y
1,5 Mh/. ||cdccc|c 9.|a j Cac||a, \\|l: 425-432.
3. Ca|heiros, F., leves, A. (1968): Reudimeutos poude-
rais uo borrego Meriuo Precoce. Carcaa e 5 quarto.
Seca|a|a dc 5c|e||c |eccJ||c, XXXVl:111-126.
4. Co|omer-Rocher, F., Moraud-Fehr, P., Kirtou, h. R.,
0e|fa, R., Sierra-A|frauca, l. (1988): Mtodos uorma|i-
/ados para e| estudio de |os caracteres cuautitativos y
cua|itativos de |as caua|es capriuas y oviuas.
Ccade|cs |||4, 11:41 pp.
5. 8utterfie|d, R. M., 6riffiths, 0. A., Thompsou, J. M.,
Zamora, J., James. A. M. (1983): Chauges iu body
compositiou re|ative to weight aud maturity iu |arge
aud sma|| straius of Austra|iau meriuo rams 1. Musc|e,
boue aud fat. 4|ca| ||cdcc||c, 36: 29-31.
6. 0e|fa, R., 6ou/a|e/, C., Teixeira, A. (1995): Re|aciu
eutre medidas de espesor de grasa y de| M.
|c|ss|ccs 0c|s| rea|i/adas com u|trasouidos eu e|
auima| vivo e sus hom|ogas tomadas eu |a caua| de
cabras adu|tas. |I|4, l| Jc|adas sc||e ||cdccc|c
4|ca|, Vo|. Extra u: 16-ll:651-653.
1. 0e|fa, R., 6ou/a|e/, C., Teixeira, A., Viji|, E. (1996):
u|trasouic measuremeuts iu |ive goats. Predictiou of
weight of carcass joiuts. I|e 4/|| 4ca| Vee|| c|
||e |44|.
8. 0e|fa, R., Teixeira, A. (1998): Ca|idad de caua| oviua.
lu: 0viuo de carue: Aspectos c|aves. Edicioues Muudi-
9. 0e|fa, R., Teixeira, A., Cadave/, V., 6ou/|e/, C.,
Sierra, l. (2OOO): use of u|trasouud measuremeuts for
predictiug body fat depots iu |ive goats. ||ccceed|s
c| ||e /
||e|a||ca| Cc|e|ece c ca|s, Vo|.
1O. 0e|fa, R., Teixeira, A., 6ou/|e/, C. (1994):
Crecimieuto y desarro||o de |os depsitos adiposos de|
cuerpo de |a cabra 8|auca Ce|tibrica. |e.|s|a
|c||ccesa de cc|ec|a, 1:131-135.
11. 0e|fa, R., Teixeira, A., 6ou/a|e/, C., Torrauo, L.,
Va|derrbauo, J. (1999): use of u|trasouuds iu 8|auca
Ce|tibrica lids as predictors of carcasses composi-
tiou. 4|c||.cs de cc|ec|a, 48(182):123-134.
12. Kempster, A. J., Cuthbertsou, A., harriugtou, 6.
(1982): Carcass eva|uatiou iu |ivestocl breediug,
Productiou aud marletiug, |aada |c|||s|||,
13. SAS (1998): SAS user's 6uide, Statistica| Aua|ysis
System lustitute, iuc. Cary, lC, uSA.
14. Tay|or, S. C. S. (198O): 6euetic si/e-sca|iug ru|es iu
auima| growth. 4|ca| ||cdcc||c, 3O: 161-165.
15. Teixeira, A., A/evedo, J., 0e|fa, R., Moraud-Fehr, P.
(1995): 6rowth aud deve|opemeut of Serrauo lids
from Moutesiuho latura| Parl (lE of Portuga|). Sca||
|cc|a| |esea|c|, 16:263-269.
(Received ou 11 May 2OO1, accepted ou 14 Juue 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 213-211
l. e|. a|.. IhE 8E 0F IIA80N0AFh I0 FEI6I 6A6A88 ...
The process of maliug a feed mixture does uot
iuvo|ve creatiug a uew product. Certaiu raw materia|s
are cut fiue aud mixed iu certaiu ratios, thus produciug
a mixture where each iugredieut leeps its owu proper-
ties (Kati, 1991). Raw materia|s are added aud mixed
iu certaiu ratios accordiug to recipes. Recipes determi-
ue qua|ity of the fiua| product ou|y provided it was made
exact|y accordiug to the recipe. lu order to achieve that,
oue of the ley devices are adders (Krila, 1988, Kis aud
Ral, 1998). 6euera||y, coustructiou of existiug adders
does uot a||ow accomp|ishmeut of the required aim.
Research couducted by Krila (1992) aud Vojta-0uda
(1995) suggests recoustructiou of existiug |ivestocl
feed productiou p|auts iu the Repub|ic of Croatia.
Accordiug to the suggested recoustructiou, coru is
added direct|y iuto the mixer, whereas other iugredieuts
are previous|y weighed aud mixed iuto so ca||ed
"super". After that the "super" is mixed with coru 1:1
ratio iu auother mixer with a bigger capacity. "Super" is
theu trausported to a separate chamber p|aced above a
coutro| sca|e, which was used iu the process of fi||iug
the coutiuuous mixer. Coru is added to the mixer
direct|y by a doub|e auger device, whose operatiou is
coutro||ed by the sca|e. This liud of iugredieut addiug
iucreased the capacity of the p|aut.
lu the wor|d today oi| hydrau|ics is iucreasiug|y
app|ied with various liuds of trausmissiou aud rotatiou
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 218-221
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.3-1/-9
0. 8/s
, I. 1at/
, N. toa
, 0aska at/
, M. Maadat/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
8ec/pes detetm/ae tae qaa//t, of //cestock feed aad tae a,dtaa//c addets ate oae of
tae e/emeats detetm/a/ag /f tae g/cea tec/pe w/// 6e catt/ed oat. 6eaeta//,, coa-
sttact/oa of ex/st/ag addets does aot a//ow accomp//sameat of taat a/m /.e. tae, do
aot meet tec/pe teqa/temeats. 0oaseqaeat/,, teseatcaes wa/ca detetm/aed dec/a-
t/oas /a /agted/eat add/ag pteseat w/ta ex/st/ag addets aad w/ta tae expet/meata/
a,dtaa//c addet wete coadacted. Iae teseatca was coadacted fot two ,eats {2005
aad 2005/ /a two //cestock feed factot/es /a tae 8epa6//c of 0toat/a oa samp/es of
feed m/xtates fot p/gs we/ga/ag ap to !5 aad 25 k//os. 8e/at/ce ettot was tae
meaas fot compat/soa of we/ga/ag dec/at/oas 6etweea tae a,dtaa//c addet aad tae
addets poweted 6, meaas of aa e/ectt/c motot. 8eseatca tesa/ts /ad/cate taat aoae
of tae two o6setced //cestock feed ptodact/oa p/aats /a 30 tepet/t/oas fot two k/ads
of feed m/xtate saowed a feed m/xtate we/ga/ag taat woa/d cottespoad to tae spe-
c/f/cat/oas /a tae tec/pe. 4dd/t/oaa//,, a,dtaa//c addets saowed a gteatet ptec/s/oa
/a add/ag f/sa mea/, exttaded so,6eaa aad so,6eaa mea/ waea compated w/ta tae
addets poweted 6, meaas of aa e/ectt/c motot. howecet, tae addets poweted 6,
meaas of aa e/ectt/c motot saowed gteatet ptec/s/oa /a add/ag cota. 8ased oa tae
teseatca tesa/ts /t caa 6e coac/aded taat as/ag a,dtaa//c addets /astead of tae
addets poweted 6, meaas of aa e/ectt/c motot w/// tesa/t /a mote accatac, /a
dos/ag /agted/eats w/ta f/ae aad m/dd/e gtaaa/at/t,, waeteas ta/s caa aot 6e
app//ed to dos/ag coatse gta/aed /agted/eats.
8e,-wotds. addets, a,dtaa//c addet, tec/pes, feed m/xtates, //cestock feed factot,
(l ||0. 0a||c ||s 4ss|s. ||c|essc| ||0. Icc|s|a. Jc|| ||c|essc|
Va||c Vadc|| s|cde| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e c| 9s||e| J|.e|s||j I|
S.. I|c|s|.a 3 3 000 9s||e| C|ca||a (2l ||0. |e.e lca |acc||j c|
4||cc||c|e c| a|e| J|.e|s||j S.e|cs|ccs|a ces|a 25 0000 a|e|
C|ca||a (3l ||0. 0cs|a c||c||c|. |acc||j c| |ccd Ie|c|cj ad
5|c|ec|c|cj c| a|e| J|.e|s||j ||e|c||||e.a 0 0000 a|e| C|ca||a
drives, especia||y iu cases of a greater ueed of bigger
force aud rotatiou momeutum (Mc E||hiuey, 1992).
Advautages of hydrau|ics iu produciug aud traus-
mittiug great powers have receut|y beeu augmeuted by
app|icatiou of proportioua| hydrau|ics. Proportioua|
hydrau|ics a||ows a very simp|e regu|atiou of physica|
factors (force, momeutum, speed of movemeut, aud
rotatiou). lu additiou, app|icatiou of proportioua| hydrau-
|ics reuders the p|aut mauagemeut optimi/atiou possi-
b|e, as we|| as maximum productivity aud precisiou.
Proportioua| hydrau|ics aided by the |atest e|ectrouics
cau very efficieut|y decrease startiug straiu, as we|| as
iuertia| movemeuts that fo||ow the operatiou shut dowu,
which pose a siguificaut prob|em iu a|| mechauica||y
powered systems. Fiua||y, app|icatiou of proportioua|
hydrau|ics iu systems for precisiou addiug, together
with coutro| of feed mixture iugredieuts weighiug,
iucreases the p|aut operatiou precisiou (Vojta-0uda,
Therefore the aim of this paper is to determiue dif-
fereuces iu precisiou of addiug betweeu au adder powe-
red by au e|ectrica| motor aud hydrau|ic adders which
are proposed as a|teruative ways of iugredieut addiug iu
existiug productiou p|auts.
Researches ou differeuces iu addiug iugredieuts
iuto |ivestocl feed mixtures |asted for two years aud
were couducted iu two |ivestocl feed productiou p|auts
iu the Repub|ic of Croatia. lugredieut added by meaus
of adders powered by e|ectrica| motors was compared
with au experimeuta| hydrau|ic faci|ity coustructed for
the purpose of the research. Thirty repetitious were
couducted for every iugredieut specified by the recipe iu
every siug|e feed mixture aud productiou p|aut.
Productiou p|aut "A" is a |ivestocl feed productiou
p|aut with a comp|ete|y automated productiou process.
lugredieut addiug is doue by two auger adders powered
by a two-speed e|ectrica| motor. Weighiug is doue by
au automatic 4OOO-li|ogram hopper sca|e accuracy
c|ass "A". The mixer is a hori/outa| oue with a doub|e
spira|. Productiou process is semi-automated iu p|aut
"8". 8oth auger aud circu|ar adders are used iu the pro-
cess of addiug. The sca|e is a hopper aud hori/outa| oue
with a ribbou mixer with the same capacity. lu these
p|auts the commaud paue| operator mauua||y coutro|s
the recipe for feed mixture by meaus of poteutiometer.
Au experimeuta| faci|ity for addiug iugredieuts
have hydrau|ic adders, so ca||ed KVK-adder (Kati-Vojta-
Kauajet) coustructed for the purpose of the research.
There is a O.8-meter-wide passage betweeu the cham-
bers. The passage reaches the ce||s mauua||y fi||ed with
various iugredieuts. The sca|e biu does uot have au
opeuiug at the bottom, so it is emptied by turuiug upsi-
de-dowu. A coutro| microprocessor, KVK-adder, with
adequate fuuctiou aud memory capacity, is used for
geueratiug the e|ectrouic coutro|-sigua|, as we|| as for
accomp|ishmeut of other tasls preseut at the mauage-
meut of batchiug aud mixiug process aud the who|e pro-
cess of |ivestocl feed productiou. The fuuctiou of the
KVK-adder is to receive the measure sigua| for added
mass through au e|ectrouic measuriug ce|| that guarau-
tees high accuracy to the who|e system of |ivestocl
feed productiou. Siuce mauy mixers today are equipped
with mechauica| sca|es, adders are a|so adjusted for
receiviug a sigua| from a mechauica| sca|e poteutiome-
A|| resu|ts have beeu statistica||y processed, aud
the error was ca|cu|ated by meaus of the re|ative error
method. 8ased ou that, a recoustructiou of |ivestocl
feed productiou p|auts was suggested.
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Tab|e 1 shows au average weighiugs of iugredieuts
for feed mixture used for pigs up to 25 li|ograms com-
pared with the amouuts specified by the recipe. The
samp|es were taleu iu two |ivestocl feed productiou
0ata iu Tab|e 1 show that certaiu iugredieuts were
added iu |arger amouuts aud some iu sma||er amouuts
thau specified by the recipe. lu p|aut "A" coru was
added by meaus of three adders aud a|| of them added
ou the average more coru thau specified by the recipe,
case beiug the same with fish mea|. however the ou|y
iugredieut added iu a sma||er amouut thau specified iu
the recipe was soybeau mea|. lu p|aut "A" there was
uot oue weighiug of fiuished feed mixture was correct,
aud average deviatiou from the specified amouuted to
1.194 li|ograms (1.194 lg more thau specified). lu p|aut
"8" both adders ou the average added more coru iuto
the feed mixture thau specified, as we|| as suuf|ower
seed mea|, extruded soybeau aud fish mea| were ou the
average added iu sma||er amouuts thau specified. This
resu|ted iu deviatiou iu mass of fiuished feed mixture
amouutiug to 5.O3 lg (5.O3 more thau specified). P|aut
"8" as we|| as p|aut "A" did uot show oue correct wei-
ghiug of fiuished feed mixture. 0ther iugredieuts added
iuto the feed mixture were added exact|y the way it was
specified, with uo deviatious.
0ata iu Tab|e 2 show that iu p|aut "A", uot oue wei-
ghiug was correct, aud average deviatiou from the spe-
cified (differeuce from the specified tota| weight) was
|ess thau 2.39 lg. P|aut "8" added coru aud extruded
soybeau iu a |arger amouut thau specified, whereas
fishmea| was added iu a sma||er amouut. lot oue wei-
ghiug of fiuished feed mixture iu p|aut "8" was correct,
aud the differeuce iu tota| specified average aud tota|
fiuished feed mixture average weight was 1.8O lg (more
thau the specified). lu p|auts "A" aud "8" the differeu-
ces were 5.15 lg iu the former aud 5.33 iu the |atter.
0ata iu Tab|e 3. iudicate that coru, extruded soy-
beau aud soybeau mea| were iu the experimeuta| faci|ity
added iu sma||er amouuts thau specified, whereas fish-
mea| was added iu a |arger amouut thau specified.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 218-221
0. ||s e|. a|.. E60N8I6II0N 0F EkI8IIN IIvE8I06k FEE F06II0N ...
8ased ou measuremeut data for iugredieut weighiug iu
p|auts "A" aud "8", as we|| as iu the experimeuta| faci-
|ity "E" by meaus of the re|ative error method, errors cau
be determiued iu addiug certaiu iugredieuts iuto feed
mixture for fatteuiug pigs up to 25 lg aud 15 lg.
Re|ative error iu addiug fish mea| iuto feed mixture
for pigs up to 25 lg was the |argest iu |ivestocl feed pro-
ductiou p|aut "8", amouutiug to 3O.41o, whereas the
sma||est was iu the experimeuta| faci|ity, beiug
4.556o. Re|ative error iu addiug soybeau mea| was
the biggest iu p|aut "A" 33.54o, aud it was the sma|-
|est iu the experimeuta| faci|ity 3.84o. Re|ative error
iu addiug extruded soybeau was the biggest iu p|aut "8"
25.O6o, aud the sma||est iu the experimeuta| faci|ity,
beiug 5.O53o.
Re|ative error for addiug fishmea| iuto the feed mix-
ture for pigs up to 15 lg was the biggest iu p|aut "A",
amouutiug to 21.144o. lt was the sma||est iu the
experimeuta| faci|ity 4.556o. Re|ative error iu addiug
soybeau mea| was a|so the biggest iu p|aut "A", amouu-
tiug to 21,56o aud the sma||est iu the experimeuta|
faci|ity 3.844o. The biggest re|ative error for extru-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 218-221
0. ||s e|. a|.. E60N8I6II0N 0F EkI8IIN IIvE8I06k FEE F06II0N ...
Iab|o 1. Avorago wo|gh|ogs oI Iood m|xturo |ogrod|oots Ior p|gs up to 25 k||ograms
Iab|o 2. Avorago |ogrod|oot wo|gh|ogs Ior Iood m|xturo Ior p|gs up to 15 k||ograms
ded soybeau was 2O.8Oo iu p|aut "8" aud the sma||est
iu the experimeuta| faci|ity, beiug 5.O53o.
The fo||owiug cau be couc|uded based ou the resu|ts of the
1. There is a differeuce amoug the observed productiou
p|auts iu uumber of feed mixture iugredieuts beiug
added iuto feed mixtures for pigs up to 15 li|ograms
aud iuto feed mixture for pigs up to 25 li|ograms
2. A|so, there are differeuces amoug the observed
p|auts iu accuracy iu addiug certaiu iugredieuts iuto
feed mixtures aud uot oue weighiugs correspouded
to the oues specified iu the recipe.
3. usiug the hydrau|ic adder iustead of au adder with
au e|ectrica| motor wi|| resu|t iu a higher precisiou iu
addiug fiue graiu or coarse graiued iugredieuts. lu
addiug coarse-graiued iugredieuts, the existiug
adders, i.e. adders powered by e|ectric motors, sho-
wed a higher accuracy thau hydrau|ic adders, which
meaus that they do uot have to be rep|aced by
hydrau|ic adders iu the existiug p|auts.
1. Kati, Z. (1991): Ma|eue mijesaoue lrmuih smjesa
da i|i ue Krmiva, 199 2O1.
2. Kerp l. (1986): homogeuost lrmuih smjesa i
predsmjesa mjesauih u hori/outa|uim i vertila|uim
mjesa|icama,. Krmiva, 281 298.
3. Kis, 0. i Ral, A. (1998): Tehuo|osli /uaaj ureaja /a
dodavauje i odvagu lrmuih smjesa. Zboruil radova
XlV Meuuaroduog savjetovauja tehuo|oga suseuja i
sl|adisteuja ''Zrulo 98'', Stubile Top|ice, 168 18O.
4. Krila, T. (1988): Aua|i/a rada sustava /a do/irauje
lompoueuata u pet tvoruica stoue hraue. ll lauui
slup , ludustrijsli sistemi u agrolomp|elsu",
0ubrovuil, 123 134.
5. Krila, T. (1992): Aua|i/a poveauja lapaciteta u TKS
dodavaujem luluru/a ua lraju tehuo|oslog procesa.
Zboruil radova Vlll Meuuaroduog savjetovauja tehuo-
|oga suseuja i sl|adisteuja, Stubile Top|ice, 146
6. Mc E||hiuey, R. (1992): luovatiousiu mixed feed
mauufacturiug techuo|ogy, The First Tuliye luter-
uatioua| Cougress of Mixed Feed, At|auta, 15 86.
1. Vojta-0uda, Lj., Krila, T. (1995): Tehuo|osli i tehui-
li /ahtjevi ua ureaje lojivode proi/voduju lrmuih
smjesa. Krmiva, 113 181.
8. Vojta-0uda, Lj. (1991): Regu|irauo dodavauje teluih
milrolompoueuti u proi/voduji lrmuih smjesa i ishra-
ui stole. Zboruil radova Xlll Meuuaroduo savjeto-
vauje tehuo|oga suseuja i sl|adisteuja, Stubile
Top|ice, 111 185.
(Received ou 25 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 1 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 218-221
0. ||s e|. a|.. E60N8I6II0N 0F EkI8IIN IIvE8I06k FEE F06II0N ...
Iab|o 3. Avorago |ogrod|oot wo|gh|ogs Ior Iood m|xturo |o tho oxpor|moota| Iac|||ty "E"
luveutory p|auuiug is au importaut issue iu the ope-
ratiou of retai| out|ets that trade iu fresh meat products.
The aim of iuveutory mauagemeut iu this case is to
eusure the required quautities of differeut liuds of fresh
meat, with miuimum setup cost aud ho|diug cost. To
achieve this, it is uecessary to uuderstaud iu detai| a||
the costs re|ated to iuveutory. 0iffereut costs iucurred iu
the process of purchasiug meat products a|| be|oug to
setup cost. ho|diug cost iuc|udes uot ou|y the costs of
adequate storage of fresh meat products, but a|so the
expeuditure arisiug from fuuds beiug tied up iu iuveu-
tory. lu additiou to the aspects stated above, the mau-
agemeut ueeds to tale iuto accouut the |osses arisiug
from iusufficieut iuveutory, i.e. shortage cost. lu this
coutext a specia| prob|em appears to be the |oss of cou-
sumer coufideuce. lu order to maximi/e their iucome,
retai| out|ets ueed to male appropriate estimates of
optimum order quautity for differeut liuds of fresh meat,
payiug particu|ar atteutiou to the she|f-|ife of such pro-
ducts aud the costs arisiug from product deterioratiou.
lu order to improve the decisiou-maliug iu the
domaiu of iuveutory mauagemeut, severa| mode|s have
beeu deve|oped. This paper wi|| preseut the iuveutory
mode| with storage |imitatiou. lu the case of fresh meat
iu retai| out|ets, storage |imitatiou is determiued by the
capacity of their co|d storage for such products. Taliug
iuto accouut the avai|ab|e storag1e, dai|y demaud, setup
cost, ho|diug cost aud the space required for their sto-
rage, the mode| yie|ds the optimum quautity of differeut
liuds of fresh meat to be he|d as iuveutory, aud asso-
ciated tota| iuveutory cost. lf it turus out that the stora-
ge space required for leepiug the determiued meat
quautities is |arger thau the avai|ab|e co|d storage, we
leep decreasiug simu|taueous|y the iuitia||y determiued
va|ues by chauges iu Lagrauge mu|tip|ier uuti| storage
|imitatiou is satisfied.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 222-225
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 631.5.O33.OO2
6otdaaa 0ak/
, 0. 0ak/
, M. Sesat
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
4a /mpottaat aspect of teta// oat/ets wa/ca offet d/ffeteat k/ads of ftesa meat /s tae
catefa/ p/aaa/ag of /aceatot,. /a ta/s coatext, /aceatot, maaagemeat /ac/ades easa-
t/ag tae teqa/ted qaaat/t, of meat, stot/ag /t /a aa adeqaate wa,, aad a/so m/a/m/-
t/ag tae setap cost, ao/d/ag cost, saottage cost aad poss/6/e /osses taat m/gat
occat /f tae goods tema/a aaso/d. 8, dec/s/ag aad app/,/ag apptopt/ate mode/s
compaa/es caa s/ga/f/caat/, /mptoce tae/t dec/s/oa mak/ag coaaected to aatmoa/-
t/ag tae demaad aad d/ffeteat /aceatot, costs. Ia/s papet pteseats aa /aceatot,
mode/ w/ta //m/ted stotage space, caatactet/ted 6, tae est/mate of meat demaad
6ased oa s/ma/ated ca/aes geaetated 6, compatet ftom 6eta d/stt/6at/oa. /f tae
detetm/aed qaaat/t/es exceed tae aca//a6/e stotage space, tae Lagtaage ma/t/p//et
wa/ca a//ows fot s/ma/taaeoas dectease of tae ot/g/aa//, esta6//saed ca/aes, coa/d
6e ased /a tae mode/. Ia/s eceataa//, tesa/ts /a tae opt/mam otdet qaaat/t, of d/f-
feteat meat ptodacts, as we// as tae assoc/ated tota/ stotage costs.
8e,-wotds. /aceatot, mode/ w/ta stotage //m/tat/oa, compatet s/ma/ated demaad,
ftesa meat /aceatot,, /aceatot, costs, opt/m/tat/oa
( l ||0. c|daa 0c||. ||0. 0a||c 0c|| 454CJS Ic|||c |esea|c|
ad 5cs|ess Ccsc||acj Vcsc|s|a 8 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a. (2l Va|e
Sesa| ||0. S|cde| Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje| J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e|
|acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e I| s.. I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a

The proposed mode| has its origius iu the iuveutory
mode| with storage |imitatiou. As such, it is based ou
quautitative optimisatiou methods. lts specific feature is
the estimate of demaud for meat by meaus of computer
simu|atiou. 6iveu that the demaud for meat is simu|ated
iu the mode|, it be|ougs to the group of stochastic
mode|s. The simu|ated demaud va|ues are geuerated
from beta distributiou. Such a procedure is siguificaut|y
acce|erated by usiug adequate computer aud software
support. The paper wi|| particu|ar|y emphasi/e this
aspect of the mode|. lu additiou, after theoretica| exp|i-
catiou of the mode| we preseut a simp|e examp|e iu
order to assess better practica| possibi|ities of its app|i-
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Ihoorot|ca| Ioaturos oI tho modo|
The startiug assumptiou of the iuveutory mode|
with storage |imitatiou shou|d have at |east two differeut
liuds of products to be stored iu |imited storage space.
lt is furthermore assumed that each item is rep|euished
iustautaueous|y. For the sale of simp|icity, it cau be
assumed that setup cost remaius the same regard|ess
of the quautity ordered. lu this case, the iuveutory mode|
cau be preseuted as fo||ows:

> O, for a|| |
~ lumber of items

~ 0ptimum order quautity of the |th item
~ Setup cost of the |th item
~ 0emaud rate per uuite time of the |th item
~ ho|diug cost per uuite time of the |th item
~ Storage area requiremeuts per uuite of the
|th item
S ~ Maximum storage area
lu the stated mode| optimum va|ue of
is obtaiued
by miuimi/iug the objective fuuctiou, whereas the cou-
straiuts ref|ect the couditiou that tota| ordered quautity
of a|| liuds of products shou|d fit iuto avai|ab|e storage
space. here it is assumed that the optimum quautity of
each product must be above /ero.
To determiue the optimum order quautity accom-
pauied by miuimum costs, the objective fuuctiou ueeds
to be derived by each of the variab|es
, aud theu the
partia| derivatives obtaiued iu this way ueed to be equa-
|i/ed to /ero:
lu this case we get the fo||owiug formu|a for ca|cu-
|atiug the optimum order quautity of |th item:
lf the determiued sum of optimum quautities of a||
items exceeds the avai|ab|e storage space, it is ueces-
sary to estab|ish uew optimum va|ues. With this aim the
Lagrauge fuuctiou is defiued as fo||ows:
lu the stated expressiou represeuts the Lagrauge
mu|tip|ier whose va|ue is be|ow /ero. As iu the prece-
diug case, the optimum va|ues of
aud cau be fouud
by equatiug the obtaiued partia| derivatives to /ero:
The secoud equatiou imp|ies that the sum of opti-
mum order quautities must be equa| with avai|ab|e sto-
rage space, whereas the first equatiou yie|ds the formu-
|a for ca|cu|atiug the optimum order quautity of |th
lu determiuiug the optimum quautities
Lagrauge mu|tip|ier decreases uuti| the avai|ab|e sto-
rage space is used to the fu||.
A specific feature of the described mode| is simu-
|atiou of demaud for meat ou the basis of beta distribu-
tiou whose parameters are aud . The beta distribu-
tiou has the probabi|ity deusity fuuctiou:
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 222-225
. 0c|| e|. a|.. A M0EI WIIh 8I0AE IIMIIAII0N AN 8IMIAIE EMAN ...
subject to
lu the stated formu|a a represeuts the miuimum, aud
| the maximum rauge |imits, whereas (l represeuts
the beta fuuctiou. Simu|atiou of demaud for meat products
cau be based ou other theoretica| distributious as we||, but
characteristics of beta distributiou justify its se|ectiou.
Amoug other thiugs, adequate determiuatiou of rauge
|imits for this distributiou preveuts uegative demaud va|ues
iu the simu|atiou process. lu additiou, it is more |ile|y that
a higher uumber of cousumers wi|| waut to buy sma||er
quautities of fresh meat, aud a sma||er uumber wi|| teud to
buy |arger quautities. lt is therefore rea|istic to assume that
the demaud for fresh meat does uot fo||ow the ru|es of oue
of symmetric distributious. Siuce parameters aud
a||ow the beta distributiou to be defiued as positive|y
asymmetrica|, it thus satisfies this couditiou of a simu|atiou
mode| as we||.
lu the simu|atiou process, the first thiug to be deter-
miued for each liud of meat is the sma||est (a) aud the |ar-
gest (|) dai|y quautity demauded. Such au estimate cau be
based ou the meat sa|es data recorded iu a giveu time
iuterva|. Parameters aud are a|so assessed ou the basis
of this data:
\~ Samp|e meau,
~ Samp|e variauce.
Simu|ated demaud va|ues are obtaiued by fouudiug
beta distributiou va|ues with accompauyiug probabi|ities,
determiued by meaus of raudom uumber geuerator. The
va|ues simu|ated iu this way are theu used to ca|cu|ate the
optimum order quautities of fresh meat which satisfy the
couditiou of storage |imitatiou. To achieve a more accura-
te assessmeut of optimum quautities aud tota| costs, it is
advisab|e to repeat the simu|atiou procedure as mauy
times as possib|e. Taliug iuto accouut the capabi|ities of
today's computers, this is uo prob|em at a||. What this
paper is tryiug to emphasi/e is precise|y the ueed to esta-
b|ish au adequate database ou fresh meat sa|es, aud to use
state-of-the-art iuformatiou aud commuuicatiou techuo|o-
gies iu order to improve iuveutory mauagemeut.
Reiteratiou of the described procedure yie|ds a |arger uum-
ber of so|utious. 0ptimum quautities of meat products to
be he|d as iuveutory cau theu be determiued as a meau of
a|| the so|utious obtaiued iu this mauuer.
A hypothot|ca| oxamp|o oI dov|s|og aod so|v|og tho
Let it be assumed that we ueed to store of three liuds
of fresh meat iu the co|d storage p|auued for storiug S~4O
coutaiuers with capacity of 2O lg each. This meaus that
~1 coutaiuer. Let it further be assumed that the
setup cost amouuts to |
~2O Mu (mouetary uuits),
~15 Mu aud |
~3O Mu, whereas the dai|y ho|diug cost
is |
~2 Mu, |
~3 Mu aud |
~1 Mu. 0u the basis of
sa|es data, the mauagemeut has estab|ished the amouuts
of miuimum aud maximum dai|y demaud for meat, as we||
as the va|ues of meau dai|y demauds with accompauyiug
variauces. The data are showu iu lg, aud are used to ca|-
cu|ate the parameters aud (Tab|e 1).
8y meaus of a computer simu|atiou which requires
adequate software, the va|ues of dai|y demaud for a|| three
liuds of meat have beeu geuerated from the beta distribu-
tiou. For the first liud of meat we got the simu|ated
demaud of 194.241 lg, for the secoud 224.123 lg, aud for
the third 152.568 lg. Siuce meat is stored iu coutaiuers
with 2O lg capacity, dai|y demaud for the first liud of meat
is 0
~1O, for the secoud 0
~12, aud for the third dai|y
demaud is 0
~8 coutaiuers. 0ptimum order quautity for
the first liud of meat, ca|cu|ated by meaus of formu|a (1) is

~14.142, for the secoud
~1O.954, aud for the third

~21.9O9 coutaiuers. Siuce these optimum order quauti-
ties exceed the avai|ab|e space iu co|d storage by 1.OO5
coutaiuers, we ueed to app|y formu|a (2). The quautities of
iuveutory that satisfy the storage |imitatiou are obtaiued for
~-O.285. For this va|ue of Lagrauge mu|tip|ier the deter-
miued quautities are
~1O.O42, aud

~11.485 coutaiuers. 8y iusertiug the uecessary va|ues
iuto the objective fuuctiou we cau get tota| iuveutory cost,
which iu this case, amouuts to 83.963 Mu.
To improve the assessmeut of optimum order quau-
tity, the simu|atiou of dai|y demaud va|ues shou|d be car-
ried out as mauy times as possib|e. Repeatiug, the descri-
bed procedure wi|| produce distributious of optimum quau-
tities for three liuds of meat products. Their meaus wi|| iu
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 222-225
. 0c|| e|. a|.. A M0EI WIIh 8I0AE IIMIIAII0N AN 8IMIAIE EMAN ...
Iab|o 1. hypothot|ca| domaod data roqu|rod Ior ca|cu|at|og tho paramotors aod
this case represeut optimum order quautity. latura||y, auy
so|utious represeutiug the uumber of coutaiuers expressed
as uou-iutegers shou|d be rouuded aud expressed as who|e
Fresh meat iuveutory mauagemeut iu retai| out|ets is
a very seusitive issue. luadequate assessmeut of this
iuveutory cau resu|t iu siguificaut fiuaucia| |osses. lt is the-
refore very importaut to male a correct assessmeut of the
iuveutory |eve| that wou|d satisfy the demaud for fresh
meat aud miuimi/e the setup cost aud ho|diug cost. This
paper has preseuted the iuveutory mode| with storage |imi-
tatiou both theoretica||y aud through au examp|e. Au
importaut poiut of refereuce iu this mode| is the estimate of
demaud for fresh meat based ou computer simu|atiou. The
simu|atiou is carried out iu the frameworl of beta distribu-
tiou whose characteristics justify its usage iu the simu|a-
tiou process. Simi|ar|y to auy abstract coustructiou of rea-
|ity, the preseuted mode| cauuot fu||y e|imiuate the |osses
couuected with iuveutory ho|diug, but it cau certaiu|y
improve the process of iuveutory mauagemeut to a siguifi-
caut degree.
1. Aggouu, L., 8eulherouf, L., Tadj, L.: 0u a Stochastic
luveutory Mode| with 0eterioratiug ltems, www.hiuda-
wi . com/6etP0F. aspxdoi ~1O. 1155/SO1611112-
2. 8arlovi, 0. (1991): 0peracijsla istrativauja, Elouomsli
falu|tet 0sijel, 0sijel, 319-383.
3. 8eta 0istributiou,|
4. 8ouiui, C.P., hausmau, W.h., 8iermau, h.Jr. (1991):
0uautitative Aua|ysis for Mauagemeut, liuth Editiou,
lrwiu/Mc6raw-hi||, 8ostou, 344-358.
5. Eutrup, M.L. (2OO5): Advauced P|auuiug iu Fresh Food
ludustries: lutegratiug She|f Life iuto Productiou P|auuiug
(Coutributious to Mauagemeut Scieuce), Physica-Ver|ag,
heide|berg, 58-63.
6. hi||ier, F.S., Liebermau, 6.J. (2OO5): lutroductiou to
0peratious Research, Eighth Editiou, Mc6raw-hi||, lew
Yorl, 833-889.
1. Levi, R., P|, M., Rouudy, R., Shmoys, 0.8. (2OO5):
Approximatiou A|gorithms for Stochastic luveutory
Coutro| Mode|s. lu: luteger Programmiug aud
Combiuatoria| 0ptimi/atiou: Proceediugs of 11
luteruatioua| lPC0 Coufereuce (Lecture lotes iu
Computer Scieuce), 8er|iu, 6ermauy, 3O6-32O.
8. Lewis, C.0. (1998): 0emaud Forecastiug aud luveutory
Coutro|: A Computer Aided Learuiug Approach (0|iver
Wight Mauufacturiug), Johu Wi|ey 8 Sous, luc., lew
Yorl, 81-9O.
9. 0sowsli l.R.: luveutory Va|uatiou 0ecisious aud
Strategy Aua|ysis,
1O. Ross, S.M. (2OO3): lutroductiou to Probabi|ity Mode|s,
Eighth Editiou, Academic Press, Sau 0iego, 651-658.
11. Taha, h.A. (1995): 0peratious Research - Au
lutroductiou, Fifth Editiou, Preutice ha|| luteruatioua|,
Siugapore, 491-494.
12. Tsiros, M., hei|mau, C.M.: The Effect of Expiratiou 0ates
ou the Purchasiug 8ehavior for 6rocery Store Pe-
(Received ou 4 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 11 May 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 222-225
. 0c|| e|. a|.. A M0EI WIIh 8I0AE IIMIIAII0N AN 8IMIAIE EMAN ...
Fascio|oidosis is a parasitic disease caused by
giaut Americau |iver f|ule |asc|c|c|des caa (8assi,
1815). |. caa is au importaut trematode which pri-
mary occurs iu the |iver of a variety of wi|d aud dome-
stic rumiuauts.
|. caa is preva|eut iu the lorth America iu
cervids ou a|| uSA territory aud south Cauada
(Mu|vey, 1991). lu Europe, it was fouud for the first
time iu deer iu latura| Parl La Maudria uear Turiu,
lta|y (8assi, 1815). The parasite was iutroduced iu
1865 with uatura| iufected wapiti deer from lorth
America. The iufectious has beeu retaiued iu this area
uuti| uow with time-varyiug preva|euce.
0uriug the first decades of tweuty ceutury, the
parasite was fouud iu red deer from the former
C/echos|ovalia, with preva|euce's raugiug 1O-8O
(Erhardova-Kotr|a, 1911). Furthermore, sporadic
cases were fouud iu Po|aud aud 6ermauy (Sa|omou,
1932, S|usarsli, 1955). At the eud of tweuty ceutury,
eu/ootic areas of fascio|oidosis iu cervids were a|so
fouud iu Austria, huugary aud S|ovalia (Rajsly et a|.,
1994, Majoros aud S/tojlov, 1994, Spalu|ova et a|.,
8ased ou migratiou paths of game, especia||y
red deer, it was expected that spreadiug of this para-
sitic disease wi||, soouer or |ater, expaud iuto
Croatiau territory. lu Jauuary 2OOO, |. caa |iver f|u-
les were fouud duriug |iver examiuatiou of shot red
deer from 8arauja regiou (Mariucu|i et a|., 2OO2).
Siuce theu, the parasite was uever fouud iu Croatia
aud its iutroductiou has severe|y damaged the hea|th
status of cervids. Furthermore, the disease is poteu-
tia||y daugerous for domestic |ivestocl, a|so.
0ur survey started iu 2OO1 aud was carried out
by faeca| examiuatious of deer from areas of epi/oo-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 226-229
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 639.111:591.2
066EN6E 0F FA86I0I0I08I8 IN E EE (0F8tJS
I. F/ot/jaa/
, 4. 0paak
, 4. Mat/aca//
, Z. 1aa/ck/
, Z. Paskad/ja
/. 8oskoc/
, 8. 4ataaoc/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Fasc/o/o/dos/s /s a patas/t/c d/sease caased 6, tae g/aat 4met/caa //cet f/ake
Fasc/o/o/des magaa {8ass/, !8I5/. /a 0toat/a, tae f/tst tepott of ta/s d/sease was /a
1aaaat, 2000, /a ted deet {0etcas e/apaas L./ ftom tae I/kces Fotestt, /a 8ataaja teg/oa
{east 0toat/a/. Iae a/m of ta/s satce, was to detetm/ae tae geogtapa/ca/ d/stt/6at/oa of
fasc/o/o/dos/s aad tae /afect/oa pteca/eace /a deet.
Iae satce, was catt/ed oat /a s/x state aaat/ag gtoaads taat maaage w/ta deet game /a
8ataaja teg/oa dat/ag 200! - 2004. Patas/to/og/ca/ exam/aat/oas wete catt/ed oat 6,
qaa//tat/ce aad qaaat/tat/ce faeca/ exams. Iae a/gaest pteca/eaces {35 - 50X/ wete
foaad /a ep/toot/c focases of two aaat/ag gtoaads at f/ood/ag - 6og /aad atea /a east
8ataaja, 0aaa6e fotestt,. Iae meaa /ateas/t, of /afect/oa, detetm/aed oa tae 6as/s of
tae aam6et of eggs pet gtam {FP6/ was 30 - 33 FP6 {taage ! - 300/. h/ga 85X of exa-
m/aed samp/es was /a categot, to 50 FP6. Iae a/gaest pteca/eace aad tae 6/ggest FP6
aam6et too, wete detetm/aed dat/ag tae f/tst ,eat of satce,. /a tae 8ataaja atea fasc/o-
/o/dos/s tepteseats a poteat/a/ daaget fot otaet game spec/es, ma/a/, toe deet aad w//d
6oats, as fot domest/c aa/ma/s.
8e,-wotds. Fasc/o/o/des magaa, fasc/o/o/dos/s, ted deet, 0etcas e/apaas, 0toat/a
(l ||.0. I||cc|| ||c|||a| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| ||.0. 4e||c 9caa|
4sscc|a|ed ||c|essc| ||.0. 5c||s 4|cc.| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| ||.0.
|a||c |cs|ad||a 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc| ad VSc. |.|ca 5cs|c.| |acc||j
c| 4||cc||c|e J|.e|s||j c| J.J. S||csscaje| | 9s||e| I| S.e|c
I|c|s|.a 3 ||3000 9s||e| C|ca||a. (2l ||.0. 4||e|| Va||cc|| |c||
||c|essc| ad ||.0. d|a.|c Ja|c|| |c|| c|c|essc| |acc||j c| le|e||a|j
Ved|c|e J|.e|s||j | a|e| |e|ce|c.a 55 0000 a|e| C|ca||a
tic focus, f statistica| data fi|teriug aud rejectiou of
out|iers by +/-3s ru|e, as we|| as high frequeucy of
data samp|iug. 0rift from the base |iue at a the tem-
perature rauged from O to O.2C occurod duo to d|I-
Iorooco of therma| properties of samp|es aud the
re|e|ecs e|ac|csl were co||ected iu 6 state huutiug
grouuds (a|titude rauge 82-1O1 m/s|) iu 8arauja
regiou, iu east part of Croatia. lu the huutiug grouud
XlV/9 "Poduuav|je-Podrav|je" (area of 25.533 ha),
where the first Croatiau case of fascio|oidosis was
fouud, samp|es were co||ected iu 15 |ocatious. lu huu-
tiug grouuds XlV/1O Muujoros (2.4OO ha) aud XlV/11
Sarlauj Vrb|je (1.311 ha), samp|es were co||ected iu
3 |ocatious, aud iu huutiug grouuds XlV/3 ha|jevo
(1.681 ha), XlV/5 Koha Ko/arac (1.293 ha) aud
XlV/1OA Podrav|je (8.41O ha) samp|es were co||ected
ou 2 |ocatious per each huutiug grouud. Most sam-
p|es were co||ected from areas most associated with
game, such as feediug areas.
A sedimeutatiou techuique for detectiou aud quauti-
ficatiou of |. caa eggs was carried out to deter-
miue f|ule egg couuts from co||ected faeca| samp|es
(Thieupout et a|., 1919). Eggs were couuted iu Petri
dishes uuder microscope (maguificatiou 1OO X aud
2OO X). Arithmetica| meau of eggs per gram (EP6)
aud preva|euce for each |oca|ity were accouuted.
The preva|euce was ca|cu|ated as a perceutage of
positive samp|es from co||ected samp|es.
The statistica| aua|ysis was carried out by a com-
puter program STATlSTlCA (StatSoft 1.1).
E8II8 AN I868I0N
Meau EP6 couuts sorted per year, uumber of
faeca| samp|es aud uumber of positive faeca| sam-
p|es are showu iu Tab|e 1.
The highest preva|euce of fascio|oidosis was fouud
iu huutiug grouuds XlV/9 "Poduuav|je-Podrav|je",
where the first case of fascio|oidosis iu Croatia was
fouud, aud iu huutiug grouud XlV/11 Sarlauj
Vrb|je, with s|ight|y decreasiug treud duriug four
years period. 8oth huutiug grouuds were |ocated iu
east 8arauja regiou, iu f|ooded forestry area uear the
0auube River.
lu accordauce to their bio|ogica| aud eco|ogica|
characteristics, both areas form a coutiuuous, top
qua|ity, biotope for deer game with the highest abuu-
dauce of auima|s. 8ecause of dai|y aud seasoua| deer
moviug, the uumber of auima|s is quite coustaut,
which is of great importauce for the assessmeut of
epi/ootio|ogic situatiou (Cvetui, 1993). Therefore,
the highest preva|euce iu those huutiug grouuds cau
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 226-229
I. ||c||a| e|. a|.. 066EN6E 0F FA86I0I0I08I8 IN E EE (0F8tJS FL4PhJS} ...
Iab|o 1. Frova|ooco oI F. magaa |oIoct|oo |o rod door (0etcas e/apaas} aod EF |o tho oxam|ood |oca||t|os
be exp|aiued based ou their coutiueuta| aud hydro|o-
gica| couuectious per 0auube. however, the mauage-
meut of the huutiug grouuds is ofteu differeut. For
iustauce, iu some case deer game is treated with tri-
c|abeuda/o|e whi|e iu other grouuds deer are uutrea-
ted. The simi|ar preva|euce iu both huutiug grouuds
probab|y imp|ies that deer game get iu to coutact
with meutioued mediciue duriug the year ou certaiu
spots where it was mixed with pe||eted feed aud |eft.
8ut sti||, the more presumptive reasou was customi-
/e of deer game to this |iver f|ule, siuce iuvasiou with
other parasites which reacts to tric|abeuda/o|e were-
u't siguificaut|y reduced (S|avica at a|, 2OO6). For
iustauce, Erhardova-Kotr|a (1911) stated that iu
0auube hardwoods eco-system, overgrowu with
caue aud other marsh vegetatiou, there was adequa-
te c|imate aud hydro|ogica| couditious for deve|op-
meut of iutermediate hosts to maiutaiu |. caa |ife
cyc|e. lu Europe, the most commou iutermediate host
is |jcaea ||cca|c|a suai| which is preseut iu
8arauja regiou (Ka|iuovi, 1999).
0uriug our survey, |. caa EP6 rauged from 1-
3OO iu faeca| samp|es co||ected iu huutiug grouud
XlV/9 "Poduuav|je-Podrav|je". The highest uumber
was fouud iu the first year (2OO1) to decrease uuti|
2OO4. Figure 1 shows the frequeucy distributiou of
EP6 from 2OO1 to 2OO4. Most of faeca| samp|es
(86.42), were iu the category up to 5O EP6 whi|e
ou|y O.18, iu the category betweeu 25O aud 3OO
EP6. 0vera||, the arithmetica| EP6 meau of examiued
samp|es was 33 EP6. Accordiug to 8a|bo et a|.
(1989), va|ues of 1OO EP6 iudicated severe iufec-
tious, whi|e va|ues arouud 5O EP6 iudicated |ess
severe-mi|d iufectiou. 8ased ou our resu|ts aud ou the
|acl of parasite-iuduced morta|ity, it cau be couc|u-
ded that most of deer popu|atiou iu this area had mi|d
iufectiou. Simi|ar resu|ts were fouud by Majoros aud
S/tojlov (1994) iu their survey ou fascio|oidosis iu
huugary, iu 0uuaremete aud Lipt area, where most
of faeca| samp|es accouuted |ess thau 5O |. caa
lu 2 huutiug grouuds iu midd|e 8arauja, XlV/3
"ha|jevo" aud XlV/5 "Koha Ko/arac", uo |. caa
positive faeca| samp|es were fouud throughout the
survey, but iu 2OO4, wheu iu 2 samp|es (6.61) from
"Koha Ko/arac" huutiug grouud was fouud positive
(meau iuteusity 2 EP6). lt shou|d be as a cousequeu-
ce of the iufectious spreadiug duriug the survey
period. however, deer probab|y migrate from 0auube
va||ey huutiug grouuds. This area has uo direct hydro-
|ogica| couuectiou with 0auube va||ey, it was uot
f|ooded duriug the year aud is |ocated at 1O meter
higher a|titude. Therefore, the area of 0rava River
8asiu Regiou aud midd|e parts of 8arauja cou|d be
characteri/ed as fascio|oidosis-eudaugered areas.
Spreadiug of the iufectiou dowuwards the river 0rava
cauuot be exc|uded because of ceuturies migratiou
paths of deer game which |ead from f|ooded huutiug
grouuds across the bog|aud of 0rava iu 8arauja to
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 226-229
I. ||c||a| e|. a|.. 066EN6E 0F FA86I0I0I08I8 IN E EE (0F8tJS FL4PhJS} ...
F|guro 1. Froquoocy d|str|but|oo oI F. magaa EF |o rod door Iaoca| samp|os |o huot|og grouod kIv/9
Foduoav|jo-Fodrav|jo (2001-2004}
their right riverside, iu the area of S|avouia. 0ur
resu|ts approve this, because the fiudiugs of |iver
f|ule |. caa eggs iu deer game faeces samp|es
were co||ected iu huutiug grouuds XlV/1O "Muujoros"
aud XlV/1OA "Podrav|je", which have beeu e|apsed
a|oug the 0rava river ou the south side of 8arauja.
0uriug the years 2OO1 aud 2OO2, usiug faeca| exami-
uatious, |. caa eggs were uot fouud iu those huu-
tiug grouuds. lu year 2OO3, eggs were fouud iu 6.61
samp|es aud iu year 2OO4 iu 8 samp|es, with quite
|ow iuteusity (3-4 EP6, Tab|e 1). 0ur resu|ts approve
the hypothesis of Majoros aud S/tojlov (1994), based
ou their resu|ts iu huugary. They couc|uded that
s|ow|y spreadiug of fascio|oidosis iu 0auube va||ey
cou|d be expected, which had beeu approved with
the first fiudiugs of |iver f|ule |. caa iu 0auube va|-
|ey huutiug grouuds iu Croatia. 8ased ou our study,
the spreadiug of the iufectiou throughout the |eft
riverside of 0auube River, i.e. iu Repub|ic of Serbia, as
we|| as iu huutiug grouuds ou the right riverside of
0rava River iu the Repub|ic of Croatia cau be predic-
ted. lu such areas, where the euviroumeuta| coudi-
tious are uot particu|ar|y favourab|e for |. caa, sub-
c|iuica| iufectious shou|d spread iu roe deer
(Cac|ec|cs cac|ec|cs) aud wi|d boar (Scs sc|c|a) as
we|| as fa||ow deer (0aca dacal aud mouff|ou (9.|s
ccs|ccl reared iu euc|osed huutiug grouuds. 8eside
game, iu forests aud pastures of easteru S|avouia
catt|e are traditioua||y reared iu opeued fie|ds.
Furthermore, it has to be stressed that the iufectiou,
eveu mi|d, to be |etha| for pigs, goats aud sheep
(Stromberg at a|., 1985). A|though iufectious are uot
usua||y pateut iu such hosts, uecropsy fiudiugs wou|d
be very importaut as epi/ootio|ogica| iudicator. lu
easteru S|avouia, aud especia||y iu 0auube va||ey aud
iu 0rava River 8asiu Regiou huutiug grouuds, hea|th
status of game is very importaut because of trophy
va|ue. lt is au importaut ecouomica| resource, espe-
cia||y for red deer. A|though |. caa iufectiou appa-
reut|y does uot iucrease the deer morta|ity rate iu
Croatia, it cou|d |ead to a reduced uatura| resistauce
aud shape of auima|s, which wou|d resu|t iu dimiuis-
hed trophy va|ue.
Fascio|oidosis iu red deer, with re|ative|y high pre-
va|euce aud iufectiou iuteusity are |imited to the f|ooded
area of huutiug grouuds iu easteru 8arauja, a|oug
0auube River. Mi|d, |ess severe iufectious were fouud iu
huutiug grouuds of 8arauja, a|oug 0rava River, aud iu its
f|ooded midd|e part. lu this area fascio|oidosis repre-
seuts a poteutia| dauger for other game, as we|| as for
catt|e. Preveutiou aud systematic therapy are uecessary
measures iu a|| the eudaugered areas, wheu the primary
aim is coutro| of the disease, especia||y iu the huutiug
grouuds with deer game. lu order to ho|d the disease
uuder coustaut coutro|, a mouitoriug program shou|d be
carried out systematica||y. 8ased ou previous epi/ootio-
|ogica| iudicators, spreadiug of disease ou |eft side of
the River 0auube, i.e. iu the Repub|ic of Serbia as we||
as iu huutiug grouuds ou the right side of the River
0rava iu the Repub|ic of Croatia cou|d be expected.
1. 8a|bo, T., Rossi, P., Meuegu/, 6. (1989): lutegrated coutro|
of |asc|c|c|des caa iufectiou iu uortheru lta|y.
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8. Mariucu|i, A., 0talu|a, l., Jauicli, Z., hardy, Z., Luiuger,
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9. Rajsly, 0., Patus, A., 8ulovjau, K. (1994): Prvy ua|e/
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1O. Sa|omou, S. (1932): |asc|c|c|des caa bei deutschem
Totwi|d. 8er|. Tier. Woch. 48, 621-628.
11. S|avica, A., F|orijaui, T., Jauicli, Z., Koujevi, 0., Severiu,
K., 8ecl, R., Piutur, K. (2OO6): Copro|ogica| mouitoriug of
Trematodes iu free-raugiug red deer popu|atiou at easteru
Croatia. Proceediugs of 6
luteruatioua| 0eer 8io|ogy
Cougress, August 1 - 11 2OO6, Prague, C/ech Repub|ic, 19-
12. S|usarsli, W. (1955): Studia uad europejslimi predstawi-
cie|ami pr/ywry |asc|c|a caa (8assi, 1815) Sti|es, 1894.
l Acta Parasito|. Po|. 3:1-59.
13. StatSoft,luc. (2OO5): STATlSTlCA (data aua|ysis software
system), versiou 1.1
14. Stromberg, 8.E., Couboy, 6.A., haydeu, 0.W.,
Sch|otthauer, J.C. (1985): Pathophysio|ogic effects of expe-
rimeuta||y iuduced |asc|c|c|des caa iufectiou iu sheep.
Am.J.Vet.Res. 46:1631-1641.
15. Spalu|ova, M., Rajsly, 0., hau/e|ova V. (1995):
|asc|c|c|des caa (8assi, 1815) iu S|ovalia: occurreuce,
morpho|ogy, laryotype. lu: 1
he|miutho|ogica| Symposium. Kosice, Programme aud
Abstracts, 29.
16. Thieupout, 0., Rochete, F., Vauprijs, 0F (1919): 0iaguosiug
he|miuthiasis through copro|ogica| examiuatiou. Jausseu
Research Fouudatiou, 8eerse, 8e|gium.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 226-229
I. ||c||a| e|. a|.. 066EN6E 0F FA86I0I0I08I8 IN E EE (0F8tJS FL4PhJS} ...
(Received ou 1 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
Suuf|ower (|e||a||cs accs L.) be|ougs to typica|
a|ogamic (cross po||iuated) eutomofi|ic p|auts, which
require po||iuator's effect high qua|ity ferti|isatiou. lu
geuera|, the ro|e of po||iuators has beeu we|| luowu
siuce |oug ago but it has beeu quite ueg|ected uuti|
receut|y. The importauce of po||iuatiou withiu the agri-
cu|tura| ecosystems, based ou mouocu|ture, crop rota-
tiou, aud pesticide app|icatiou, has beeu ueg|ected, so
the po||iuators have decreased or eveu disappeared over
These are some of the reasous for the experimeuts,
such as here preseuted, to dea| with the activities of
houey bees iu po||iuatiou of agricu|tura| crops such as
suuf|ower. houey bees (4c|s ce||||e|a ca||ca), because
of their high uumbers, iuteusive dai|y activity, as we|| as
their body structure assure po||eu trausportatiou from
oue suuf|ower head iuf|oresceuce to auother. This pro-
vides for high qua|ity po||iuatiou of the tube shaped suu-
f|ower f|owers (Free, 1993). Cimu (196O) uoticed that
suuf|ower hybrids beiug po||iuated by houey beeu pro-
duce up to 4O higher graiu yie|d compared with those
which had uot beeu po||iuated by houey bees. 0ther
authors (Kevau, 2OO1, Kumar et.a|., 2OO2, 2OO3, Pidel
aud Pohorecla, 2OO4) a|so coufirmed such resu|ts aud
a|so emphasised the importauce of iutroductiou of
houey bees po||iuatiou as a regu|ar techuo|ogic measure
iu the cu|tivatiou of suuf|owers. 6raiu yie|d, besides oi|
couteut, is the most importaut compoueut of oi| yie|d
(Miji et a|., 2OO6.) maliug this trait high|y attractive to
farmers iuvo|ved iu the productiou of commercia| suu-
f|ower. lumerous iuvestigatious showed that there was
a differeuce amoug suuf|ower hybrids regardiug their
po||iuatiou by houey bees (Mil|i, 1992, Siugh aud
Siugh, 1999) caused by differeuces iu activity of bees iu
various weather couditious (Mil|i, 1996, de6raudi-
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 23O-233
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 638.111.5:633.854.18
(4p/s me///feta cata/ca} IN 8NFI0WE (he//aataas
aaaaas L./ I00MIN FEI0
Z. Paskad/ja
, Fd/ta Stefaa/
, 4. M/j/
, Z. Zdaa/
, Nada Patadt/koc/
, I. F/ot/jaa/
4. 0paak
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Iae o6ject/ce of tae /acest/gat/oa was to detetm/ae /af/aeace of weataet coad/t/oas oa
act/c/t, of aoae, 6ees dat/ag 6/oom/ag t/me of s/x saaf/owet a,6t/ds. Iae /acest/gat/oa
was catt/ed oat /a 2002 gtow/ag seasoa at 8aetec/ t/aogtad/ /ocated /a 8ataaja coaat,,
aotta-easteta edge of 0toat/a. hoae, 6ees commaa/t/es wete moced to tae f/e/d tt/a/
s/te /as/de Laagsttota-8ootas 6ee-a/ces. hoae, 6ees c/s/t/ag saaf/owet aead /af/ote-
sceace was measated at !00, 200, aad 300 metets 6, coaat/ag aoae, 6ees foat t/mes
a da, {9.00 am, !!.00 am, !.00 pm, aad 5.00 pm/. Iae /af/aeace of weataet coad/t/oas
was aaa/,sed 6, Speatmaa cotte/at/oa coeff/c/eat. 8esa/ts of tae /acest/gat/oa saow
s/ga/f/caat d/ffeteaces tegatd/ag aoae,-6ee c/s/t to tae aead /af/otesceaces /a s/x
a,6t/ds, as we// as s/ga/f/caat /af/aeace of a/t tempetatate, aam/d/t,, ptec/p/tat/oa,
m/a/mam aad max/mam a/t tempetatate, as we// as w/ad stteagta.
8e,-wotds. aoae, 6ee, saaf/owet, c/s/t, weataet coad/t/oas
(l ||0. |a||c |cs|ad||a 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. ||0. |d||a S|e|a| |c||
||c|essc|. ||0. |ada |a|a||c.| 4sscc|a|e ||c|essc|. ||0. I||cc||
||c|||a| 4ss|s|a| ||c|essc|. ||0. 4e||c 9caa| 4sscc|a|e
||c|essc| Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje| J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| |acc||j c|
4||cc||c|e I| s.e|c I|c|s|.a 3 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a. (2l ||0. 4|c
V||| ||0. .c|c|| dc| 4||cc||c|a |s|||c|e 9s||e| Jclc c|ed
|ae / 3000 9s||e| C|ca||a
hoffmau et a|., 2OOO). The objective of this iuvestigatiou
was to determiue the iuf|ueuce of weather couditious ou
houey bee visit to suuf|ower head iuf|oresceuces.
The iuvestigatiou was carried out duriug 2OO2 gro-
wiug seasou at Kuetevi Viuogradi |ocatiou, 8arauja
Couuty (uotheru-east part of Croatia). This area is cha-
racterised by a moderate coutiueuta| c|imate with
semiarid spots. hydro meteoro|ogica| data obtaiued
from 8restovac-8e|je statiou were used for iuterpreta-
tiou of meteoro|ogica| couditious. Experimeuta| materia|
cousisted of six suuf|ower hybrids (uti|, Luci|, PR64A42,
PR63A9O, Falir, aud 0riou) wide|y used iu Croatiau
agricu|tura| productiou. houey bees commuuities were
trausported to the fie|ds iuside Laugstroth-Rooth bee
hives. Their streugth was appropriate to the correspou-
diug streugth for successfu| po||iuatiou (Free1993).
houey bees' visitiug suuf|ower iuf|oresceuces were
assessed at 1OO, 2OO, aud 3OO meters, by couutiug the
iudividua| bees preseut four times a day (9. OO Am., 11.
OO Am., 1.OO pm., aud 5.OO pm.). The weather coudi-
tious iuf|ueuce was measured by Spearmau corre|atiou
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Tota| dai|y visit of the bees depeuded ou weather
couditious. The most frequeut visit was uoticed after
raiuy days occurred ou the 4th aud 1th of Ju|y 2OO2.
0uriug those days the dai|y average air temperature
was betweeu 2O aud 25 degrees ceutigrade whereas
humidity varied betweeu 65 aud 15 (Figure 1). This is
iu accordauce with the iuvestigatious performed by
Mil|i (1996), Sihag aud Khatlar (1999), Pati| aud
Viraltamath (2OO1), largis et a|. (2OO1), Mordago et a|.
(2OO2), Kumar et. a|. (2OO2). These authors observed a
decreased dai|y activity of houey bees ou the days cha-
racteri/ed by maximum temperature aud highest humi-
dity. 0iffereut authors uoticed the most iuteusive houey
bee activity duriug differeut weather couditious,
depeudiug upou particu|ar iuvestigatiou site aud its
weather couditious. Kumar et a|. (2OO2) poiuted out
agro-eco|ogica| data for Puujab couuty iu ludia showiug
the most iuteusive bee activity at 18.3 degrees ceuti-
grade aud 6O humidity. Mil|i (1996) preseuts data
obtaiued at Rimsli Sauevi site uear lovi Sad, Serbia,
uuder weather couditious simi|ar to ours. Author
observed the most iuteusive bee activity at 2O to 28
degrees ceutigrade aud humidity at 4O to 5O. The
resu|ts appeared to be |ower thau those obtaiued iu this
iuvestigatiou (65-15).
The |owest visit was estimated iu the days iuter-
rupted by |oca|i/ed raiufa||s (4th aud 8th Ju|y 2OO2). The
tota| abseuce of houey bees was uoticed ou Ju|y 1th
2OO2 because of a||-day raiu (Figure 2). houey bees do
uot exit bee hives duriug raiuy days (Mil|i, 1996).
Re|atiouship betweeu weather couditious aud
houey bee visit was aua|y/ed by Spearmau coefficieut.
Tab|e 1 shows uo siguificaut corre|atiou betweeu houey
bee visits aud weather iudicators. however, positive
corre|atiou has beeu uoticed betweeu average aud
maximum dai|y temperature aud the visits, whereas
higher humidity, heavy precipitatiou, strouger wiud aud
|ower dai|y temperature had uegative impact ou suuf|o-
wer iuf|oresceuce visits. Joci et.a|. (2OOO) made obser-
vatious quite simi|ar to this iuvestigatiou, i.e. the most
iuteusive houey bee activities were uoticed at dai|y tem-
perature 2O to 28 degrees ceutigrade. Raiu had stroug
uegative impact ou houey bee activity aud po||iuatiou.
Authors a|so poiuted out uegative iuf|ueuce of miuimum
dai|y temperature ou bee activity duriug the day if |ower
thau 1O degrees ceutigrade. The authors a|so suggest
that the idea| ratio betweeu miuimum aud maximum
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 23O-233
. |cs|ad||a e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F WEAIhE 60NIII0N8 0N h0NE EE vI8II8 (4p/s ...
dai|y temperature wou|d be at 1O to 3O degrees ceuti-
grade. This has a|so beeu approved by this iuvestiga-
8ased ou the above resu|ts it cau be couc|uded
that the weather couditious have evideut iuf|ueuce ou
suuf|ower iuf|oresceuce visit by houey bees. The most
frequeut visits were estimated at 2O to 25 degrees ceu-
tigrade aud humidity at 65-15. Precipitatiou had uega-
tive impact ou houey bees visit. Statistica| aua|ysis
showed stroug positive corre|atiou betweeu average
as we|| as maximum dai|y temperature aud the houey
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 23O-233
. |cs|ad||a e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F WEAIhE 60NIII0N8 0N h0NE EE vI8II8 (4p/s ...
F|guro 1. IoI|uooco oI a|r tomporaturo aod hum|d|ty oo hoooy boos v|s|t oI suoI|owor |oI|oroscoocos dur|og
I|owor|og t|mo
F|guro 2. Froc|p|tat|oo |oI|uooco oI hoooy boos v|s|t oo suoI|owor hybr|ds
bee's visits. higher humidity, heavy raiu fa||, wiud,
aud |ow temperature had uegative iuf|ueuce ou suu-
f|ower iuf|oresceuces visits.
1. Ciruu, l. (196O): Resu|ts of bee po||iuatiou of suuf|o-
wers. Apicu|tura 33(1): 18-2O.
2. 0e6raudi-hoffmau, 6., Watlius, J.C. (2OOO): The
foragiug activity of houey bee Apis Me||ifera aud uou-
Apis bees ou hybrid suuf|owers (he|iauthus auuuus)
aud its iuf|ueuce ou cross-po||iuatiou aud seed set.
Jourua| of Apicu|tura| Research 39 (1-2): 31-45.
3. Free, J.8. (1993): lusect Po||iuatiou of Crops, 2ud ed.
Academic, Loudou.
4. Kevau, P.6. (2OO1): Po||iuatiou: A P|iuth, Pedesta|,
aud Pi||ar for Terrestria| Productivity. The Why, how,
aud Where of Po||iuatiou Protestiou, couservatiou aud
Promotiou. Eutomo|ogica| Society of America
Proceediugs from 8ees aud Crop po||iuatiou-Crisis,
Crossroads, Couservatiou: 1- 68.
5. Joci, S. (2OOO): Stepeu op|oduje lod hibrida suuco-
lreta u 1999. godiui. lauui iustitut /a ratarstvo i
povrt|arstvo, lovi Sad, Zboruil radova, Svesla 33:
6. Kumar, M., Siugh, R., Chaud, h. (2OO2): Foragiug acti-
vity of Apis ceraua iudica aud Apis me||ifera visitiug
suuf|ower (he|iauthus auuuus L.). Shashpa, 9 (1): 31-
1. Kumar, M., Siugh, R. (2OO3): Po||iuatiou efficieucy of
Apis me||ifera iu seed productiou of suuf|ower
(he|iauthus auuuus L.). Jourua| of Eutomo|ogica|
Research, 21 (2): 131-134.
8. Mil|i, V. (1992): utjecaj l|imatslih iui|aca i geuoti-
pa suucolretaua posetu po|iuatora, Po|joprivredui
falu|tet uuiver/iteta u lovom Sadu. Zboruil radova,
9. Mil|i, V. (1996): utjecaj ra/|iitih geuotipova i poje-
diuih l|imatslih iui|aca ua posetu pe|a i drugih po|i-
uatora i op|oduju suucolreta, Magistarsla te/a.
Po|joprivredui falu|tet lovi Sad. Srbija.
1O. Miji, A., Kri/maui, ., 6uberac, V., Mari, S. (2OO6.):
heritabi|uost i meu/avisuost lvautitativuih svojstava
suucolreta (he|iauthus auuuus L.). Sjemeuarstvo, 23
(4): 341-358.
11. Mordago, L.l., Carva|ho, C.F., Sou/a, 8., Sautaua,
M.P. (2OO2): Fauua of bees (hymeuoptera: Apoidea)
ou suuf|ower f|owers, he|iauthus auuuus L., iu Lavras-
M6, 8ra/i|. Cieucia e Agrotecuo|ogia, 26 (6): 1161-
12. largis, S., Srimathi, P., Krishuasamy, V. (2OO1):
luf|ueuce of supp|emeutary haud po||iuatiou ou seed
yie|d iu hybrid suuf|ower K8Sh 1. Madras
Agricu|tura| Yourua|, 81 (1/9) 488-489.
13. Pati|, 8.S., Shashidhar Viraltamath (2OO1): Foragiug
behavior of two species of houeybee ou sesamum.
Karuatala Jourua| of Agricu|tura| Scieuces, 14 (3):
14. Pidel, A., Pohorecla, K. (2OO4): Ecouomica| perspec-
tives for beeleepiug iu teu couutries acceudiug to the
Eu. Proceediugs of the first Europeau coufereuce of
Apido|ogy, udiue, lta|y. 16-11.
15. Sihag, R.C., Suuita Khatlar (1999): Foragiug pateru of
three houeybee species ou eight cu|tivars ou oi|seed
crops. 1. 0iurua| foragiug. luteruatioua| Jourua| of
Tropica| Agricu|ture, 11 (): 245-252.
16. Siugh, L., Siugh, l. (1999): Re|ative abuudauce of
various iusect visitors aud foragiug activity of Apis
me||ifera L. ou suuf|ower hybrid. Jourua| of lusect
Scieuce, 12 (2): 122-124.
(Received ou 3 May 2OO1, accepted ou 28 May 2OO1)
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 23O-233
. |cs|ad||a e|. a|.. INFIEN6E 0F WEAIhE 60NIII0N8 0N h0NE EE vI8II8 ($SLV
Iab|o 1. Iho ro|at|oosh|p botwooo woathor cood|t|oos aod hoooy boos v|s|t oI suoI|owor |oI|oroscoocos
dur|og I|owor|og t|mo
lS uou siguificaut
The botauic origiu of houey is oue of the most
importaut parameters of houey qua|ity (Tucal et a|.
1998, 2OOO, 2OO4). The qua|ity of houey depeuds ou the
me||iferous p|auts that bees use iu their uourishmeut.
The houey obtaiued from differeut me||iferous p|auts has
differeut characteristics aud app|icatious, both iu medi-
ciue aud iu food iudustry.
We examiued the botauic origiu of 136 houey
samp|es obtaiued from differeut me||iferous p|auts (|ime,
desert fa|se iudigo, suuf|ower, oi| beet aud acacia) aud
co||ected from beehives (A|bert-Zuidersi, AZ, 0adaut-
8|att, 08, Laugstroth-Root, LR) made of three differeut
wood types (fir, pop|ar, |ime). The queeu bees used iu
the research were of differeut origiu (uatura| aud se|ec-
ted). The physica| aud chemica| characteristics of
houey (water , water iuso|ub|es , acidity |eve|, mmo|
of acid per lg, e|ectrica| couductivity, mS/cm, reduciug
sugar , sucrose , hMF, mg/lg aud diastasic uumber)
were determiued usiug the harmouised methods of the
Europeau houey (8ogdauov et a|., 1991), aud the po||eu
aua|ysis was couducted by harmouised methods of
me|issopa|yuo|ogy (Vou der 0he et a|., 2OO4).
The research was carried out iu the Vulovar-Srijem
Couuty, the Repub|ic of Croatia. A|| bees used iu this
research be|oug to Caruio|au houey bee species (4c|s
ce||||e|a ca||cal the Europeau bee species. The
SAS/STAT paclage was used for the statistica| aua|ysis
(SAS lustitute luc., 2OOO). The research resu|ts have
beeu preseuted iu the tab|es. The fo||owiug statistica|
parameters have beeu showu: meau (\l, staudard devia-
tiou (s), staudard deviatiou of the meau (s\l. The sigui-
ficauce of the differeuces amoug the groups was deter-
miued by 0uucau test.
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 234-236
(l ||0. .c|c|| Icca| |c|| ||c|essc| |acc||j c| 4||cc||c|e | 9s||e|
Jcs|c Jc|a| S||csscaje| J|.e|s||j c| 9s||e| C|ca||a. (2l ||0. Va||
|e||s|| ||0. Va||c S|||.a|c. 4as|ac||a |c|a|e.| 5Sc. C|ca||a
le|e||a|j |s|||c|e a|e| le|e||a|j 0eca||ce| | l||c.c| C|ca||a
lSSl 133O-1142
u0K ~ 638.132
, M. Pet/sk/
, M. Skt/caako
, 4aastat/ja 8oajatec/
9|||a| sc|e||||c cace|
Nametoas patametets affect tae qaa//t, of aoae, ftom d/ffeteat 6eea/ce t,pes {4/6ett -
Z/adats/ 4Z, Laagsttota - 8oott L8 / 0adaat - 8/att 08/, /.e. tae matet/a/ of 6eea/ces
ate made of, tae ot/g/a of qaeea 6ees {aatata/ aad se/ected/, etc. 0at teseatca focases
oa tae /af/aeace of tae 6otaa/c ot/g/a of aoae, p/aats {I///a sp. L. {//me/, 4motpaa ftac-
t/tosa L. {desett fa/se /ad/go/, he//aataas aaaaas L. {saaf/owet/, 8tass/ca aapas sa6sp.
o//feta 00. {o// 6eet/ aad 8o6/aa pseadoacac/a L. {acac/a// oa tae qaa//t, of aoae,. Iae
pa,s/ca/ aad caem/ca/ aaa/,ses of aoae, {N=!33/ {watet X, watet /aso/a6/e com-
poaads X, ac/d/t, /ece/, mmo/ of ac/d pet kg, e/ectt/ca/ coadact/c/t,, mS/cm, tedac/ag
sagat X, sactose X, hMF, mg/kg, aad d/astas/c aam6et/ wete coadacted 6,
hatmoa/sed metaods of tae Fatopeaa hoae,. Iae po//ea aaa/,s/s was coadacted 6,
hatmoa/sed metaods of me//ssopa/,ao/og,.
Iae po//ea aaa/,s/s /ad/cates taat tae 6otaa/c ot/g/a aas aad a stat/st/ca//, s/ga/f/caat
/af/aeace {P<0.00!/ oa tae qaa//t, of a// /acest/gated caatactet/st/cs of aoae,, except
oa tae saate of tae aoa-d/sso/c/ag sa6staaces {P=0.088/. Iae teseatca was coadact-
ed /a tae takocat-St/jem 0oaat,, tae 8epa6//c of 0toat/a. 4// 6ees ased /a ta/s teseatca
6e/oag to tae 0ata/o/aa aoae, 6ee {4p/s me///feta cata/ca/, tae Fatopeaa 6ee spec/es.
8e,-wotds. 6otaa/c ot/g/a, aoae,, po//ea gta/as
A|| tested types of houey (I|||a sc. |. (|ime)
4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |. (desert fa|se iudigo), |e||a||cs
accs |. (suuf|ower), 5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.
(oi| beet) aud |c||a csecdcacac|a |. (acacia)) met the
criteria of the Regu|atious ou the qua|ity of houey aud
other bee products. The AZ beehives had the greatest
iuf|ueuce ou qua|ity parameters of |ime aud desert fa|se
iudigo, aud the 08 type ou the same qua|ity parameters
of oi| beet, acacia aud suuf|ower. The materia| beehives
are made of aud the type of queeu bees did uot have a
siguificaut iuf|ueuce ou the qua|ity of houey. Research
resu|ts iudicate that differeut beehive types, origiu of
queeu bees, aud the materia| beehives are made of have
au iuf|ueuce of the deve|opmeut of bee diseases aud the
qua|ity of houey.
The botauic origiu of houey has a siguificaut effect
of the physica| aud chemica| houey characteristics,
which has a|so beeu showu iu the former research.
lu our research water iu |ime (I|||a sc. |.l was
fouud to be 11.11, compared to 8ogdauov (14.6-11.6)
(8ogdauov et a|., 1999), desert fa|se iudigo (4cc|c|a
||cc|||csa |.l was 11.26, suuf|ower (|e||a||cs accs
|.l was 11.22, compared to Maudi (14.8-19.9) (Maudi
et a|., 2OO3), 0evi||ers (18.9) (0evi||ers et a|., 2OO4), oi|
beet (5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.l was 16.15,
compared to 0evi||ers (18.19), acacia (|c||a csecdca
cac|a |.l was 16.16, compared to Maudi (13.8-19.2),
Keujeri (14,O-23.8) (Keujeri et a|., 2OO4), 8ogdauov
(14.2-19.O), 0evi||ers (18,48).
$*5,&8/785( 13:2OO1 (1) 234-236
. Icca| e|. a|.. IhE INFIEN6E 0F IhE 0IANI6 0IIN 0F h0NE FIANI8 ...
E8II8 AN I8688I0N
Iab|o 1. Iho paramotors oI tho hoooy qua||ty oI tho hoooy typos oI a|| tostod samp|os (o=133}
a, b, c, d
P< O.O5
lu our research acidity |eve| iu |ime (I|||a sc. |.l
was 18.49, compared to Popel (2,14) (Popel et a|.,
2OO2), Pia//a (24.2-3O.9) (Pia//a et a|., 2OO4), desert
fa|se iudigo (4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |.l was 21.O2, suuf|o-
wer (|e||a||cs accs |.l 22.84, compared to Maudi
(13.9-34.4), 0evi||ers (14.23-26.59), Pia//a (22.2-29.9),
oi| beet (5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.l was 18,5O,
compared to Popel (1.48), Pia//a (14.9-23.9), 0evi||ers
(6.51-12.3O), acacia (|c||a csecdcacac|a |.lwas
11.14, compared to Maudi (5.1-18.6), 0eve||ers (6.3-
11.36), Popel (1,38), Pia//a (8.4-14.3).
lu our research, e|ectrica| couductivity iu |ime (I|||a
sc. |.l was O.285, compared to 8ogdauov (O.,33-1.15),
Pia//a (O.29-O.81), desert fa|se iudigo (4cc|c|a ||cc||
|csa |.l was O.251, suuf|ower (|e||a||cs accs |.l
was O.269, compared to Maudi (O.25-O.52), 8ogdauov
(O.2O-O.6O), Pia//a (1.19-1.5O), oi| beet (5|ass|ca accs
sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.l was O.21O, compared to 8ogdauov
(O.O9-O.21), Pia//a (O.14-O.34), acacia (|c||a csecdca
cac|a |.l was, O.141, compared to Maudi (O.O9-O.21),
Keujeri (O.O92-O.211), 8ogdauov (O.O9-O.3O), Pia//a
lu our research reduciug sugar iu |ime (I|||a sc. |.l
was 15.4, compared to 8ogdauov (54.1-19.3), Pia//a
(68.1-13.5), desert fa|se iudigo (4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |.l
was 16.28, suuf|ower (|e||a||cs accs |.l was 11.92,
compared to 8ogdauov (68.1-84.8), Pia//a (15.8-16.8),
Maudi (13.O-8O.1), oi| beet (5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c||
|e|a 0C.l was 19.12, compared to 8ogdauov (68.2-
83.9), Pia//a (1O.2-16.1), acacia (|c||a csecdcacac|a
|.l was 15.26, compared to 8ogdauov (6O.6-83.8),
Pia//a (69.O-19.9), Maudi (61.5-11.5).
lu our research sucrose iu |ime (I|||a sc. |.l was
2.16, compared to Popel (O.11), desert fa|se iudigo
(4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |.l was 1.11, suuf|ower (|e||a||cs
accs |.l was 1.13, 0evi||ers (O.221), Maudi (O.6-
4.5), oi| beet (5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.l was
2.29, compared to Popel (O.99), acacia (|c||a csec
dcacac|a |.l was 3.O2, compared to Popel (6.13),
0evi||ers (2.O49), Maudi (O.5-O.95).
lu our research hMF iu |ime was 3.4O, desert fa|se
iudigo (4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |.l was 23.69, suuf|ower
(|e||a||cs accs |.l was 2.3O, compared to 0evi||ers
(O.2-9.5), Maudi (O.O-6.5), oi| beet (5|ass|ca accs
sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.l was 4.25, compared to 0evi||ers
(O.2-5.9), acacia (|c||a csecdcacac|a |.l was 3.91,
compared to 0evi||ers (O.5-5.9), Maudi (O.O-14.2).
The botauic origiu has statistica||y very high
iuf|ueuce (P<O.OO1) ou the qua|ity of houey aud a|| its
iuvestigated characteristics (physica| aud chemica|),
except ou the share of the uou-disso|viug substauces
A|| tested types of houey (I|||a sc. |. (|ime),
4cc|c|a ||cc|||csa |. (desert fa|se iudigo), |e||a||cs
accs |. (suuf|ower), 5|ass|ca accs sc|sc. c|||e|a 0C.
(oi| beet) aud |c||a csecdcacac|a |. (acacia)) met the
criteria of the Regu|atious ou the qua|ity of houey aud
other bee products.
The AZ beehives had the greatest iuf|ueuce ou qua-
|ity parameters of |ime aud desert fa|se iudigo, aud the
08 type ou the same qua|ity parameters of oi| beet, aca-
cia aud suuf|ower.
The materia| beehives are made of aud the type of
queeu bees did uot have a siguificaut iuf|ueuce ou the
qua|ity of houey.
The research resu|ts iudicate that differeut beehive
types, origiu of queeu bees, aud the materia| beehives
are made of have au iuf|ueuce ou the deve|opmeut of
bee diseases aud the qua|ity of houey.
1. 8ogdauov, S., Martiu, P., Lu||mauu, C. (1991):
harmouised methods of the Europeau houey
Commissiou. 4c|dc|c|e |\||a |ssce 1-59.
2. 8ogdauov, S., Lu||mauu, C., Martiu, P., Vou der 0he,
W., Russmau, h., Vorwoh|, 6., Persauo 0ddo, L.,
Sabatiui, A.6., Marca//au, 6.L., Piro, R., F|amiui, C.,
Mor|ot, M., Lheritier, J., 8oruecl, R., Mario|eas, P.,
Tsigouri, A., Kerlv|iet, J., 0rti/, A., lvauov, T., 0arcy, 8.,
Mosse|, 8., Vit, P. (1999): houey qua|ity, methods of
aua|ysis aud luteruatioua| houey Commissiou. V|||
|e|esc |j 9O:1O8-125.
3. 0evi||ers, J., Mor|ot, M., Pham-0e|egue, M.h., 0ore,
J.C. (2OO4): C|assificatiou of mouof|ora| houeys based
ou their qua|ity coutro| data. |ccd C|ec 86. 3O5-312.
4. Keujeri, 0. (2OO4): 0dreivauje botauilog podrijet|a
uelih vrsta mouof|oruog meda ua teme|ju f|avoiduog
profi|a dobiveuog RP-hPLC metodom. 0isertacija.
Prehrambeuo-biotehuo|osli falu|tet Zagreb.
5. Maudi, M., Primorac, Lj., Keujeri, 0., K|apec, T.
(2OO3): 0ua|ity of Croatiau houeys aud the uew way of
botauica| origiu ideutificatiou. ||cceed|s c| ||e
||e|a||ca| Cc|e|ece llTE6RATE0 SYSTEMS F0R
A6Rl-F000 PR00uCTl0l, Timsoara.
6. Pia//a, M.6., Perasuo 0ddo, L. (2OO4): 8ib|iographica|
review of the maiu Europeau uuif|ora| houeys.
4c|dc|c|e 35.94-111.
1. Popel, S. (2OO2): A procedure to ideutify a houey type.
|ccd C|ec 19:4O1-4O6.
8. Tucal, Z., Pusladija, Z., 8es|o, 0., 8ulvi, Z.,
Mi|aulovi, Z. (1998): Chemica| orgauic|eptic houey
determiuatiou iu houey-herbs iu The Regiou S|avouia
aud 8arauja. Sup. 3O, 8iotehuisle fal., uuiv. u Ljub|jaui,
9. Tucal, Z., Tucal, A., Pusladija, Z., Tucal, M. (2OOO):
lutritious hea|iug compositiou of some liuds of houey
iu Easteru Croatia. 4||cc||c| Vo|.6., uumber 1:129-
1O. Tucal, Z., Perisli, M., 8es|o, 0., Tucal, l. (2OO4):
luf|ueuce of the 8eehive Type ou the 0ua|ity of houey.
Cc|| 4||ccc| 28/1, 463-461.
11. Vou der 0he, W., Persauo 0ddo, L., P|aua, M.L., Mor|ot,
M., Martiu, P. (2OO4): harmoui/ed methods of me|isso-
pa|yuo|ogy. 4c|dc|c|e 35:18-25.
(Received ou 26 Apri| 2OO1, accepted ou 2 Ju|y 2OO1)
468/0JLIJ8F 13:2OO1 (1) 234-236
. Icca| e|. a|.. IhE INFIEN6E 0F IhE 0IANI6 0IIN 0F h0NE FIANI8 ... 236

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