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Deployment of Vendor Portal Delivery (VendorPortal.war) 1.

Log into the appropriate application server (for EAM production server deployment MSINFORAPPPROD1 and MSINFORAPPPROD2.) by clicking, Start -> Run and typing, mstsc. Once the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box appears, enter the desired application server name into the field marked, Computer. Enter your Lowes Windows ID and password in order to complete the server login process. 2. Copy the new VendorPortal.war file which needs to be deployed from QA server or FTP location into the Deploy directory on the app server under the folder VendorPortal (C:\Deploy\VendorPortal) if this path does not exist, create it -- and create a folder for the date of the deployment (ex. C:\Deploy\VendorPortal\09012011). Copy the new VendorPortal.war file into this directory. 3. Stop the Apache Tomcat service on the application server using the Management Console. You will navigate to Configuration -> Services in order to complete this step. Highlight the Apache Tomcat service, and click Stop the service. Apache Tomcat is the service for all Lowes Infor EAM Portals i.e. Store Portal, Vendor Portal, and Payment Process. 4. Create a Backup by navigating to the C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\webapps folder and copying the VendorPortal folder and VendorPortal.war file. Create a folder in the C:\BackUp\VendorPortal folder using the date of the Backup as the folder name (ex. C:\Backup\VendorPortal\09012011). If the C:\Backup\VendorPortal folder does not exist, create it. Paste the VendorPortal folder and VendorPortal.war file into the C:\Backup\VendorPortal\<backup_date> folder. 5. Go to the C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\webapps directory and delete the existing VendorPortal.war file and VendorPortal folder. ***DO NOT SHIFT-DELETE*** 6. Navigate to the C:\Deploy\VendorPortal\<deploy_date> folder that you created in Step #2. Copy the new VendorPortal.war file from C:\Deploy\VendorPortal\<deploy_date> to the C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\webapps directory. 7. Navigate to C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\work\Catalina\localhost and delete the VendorPortal folder (this is a cached copy of the VendorPortal folder). 8. Start the Apache Tomcat service by returning to the Management Console, navigating to Configuration -> Services, highlighting the Apache Tomcat service, and clicking Start the service. This automatically creates and populates the new VendorPortal folder in C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\webapps.

9. Copy the file from C:\Backup\VendorPortal\<backup_date>\VendorPortal\WEB-INF\classes --use the backup you created in Step #4 -- to C:\Java\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\VendorPortal\WEB-INF\classes replace the existing file. 10. Restart the Apache Tomcat service by returning to the Management Console, navigating to Configuration -> Services, highlighting the Apache Tomcat service, and clicking, Restart the service. 11. Log off of the application server by clicking Start -> Log off.

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