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Jacob Turner Dr. Paul M. Anderson English 1010 4/20/2014 Research Journal Research Journal My firs source is a ne!

s ar icle i led "A#erica$ %ossil %uel %e&er' !ri en by Michael T. (lare and )ublished in The Nation. * s ar ed !i h his ar icle because * fel ha i did a good +ob describing !ha is going on in A#erica in er#s of energy )roduc ion. * fel ha because i accura ely sho!s our curren )osi ion in energy )roduc ion, i !ould be a grea s ar ing )oin and base for he res of #y research and #y e-)lora ory research )a)er. The au hor$s )ur)ose in his ar icle is o infor# he reader of ne! echnologies for ob aining fossil fuels and he dangers associa ed !i h he#. The au hor$s in ended audience !ould be hose in he oil indus ry and )erha)s en&iron#en alis s. The au hor$s #ain argu#en is ha A#erica$s "addic ion' o fossil fuels is no only har#ful o our en&iron#en bu also is a hrea o na ional securi y. .e goes on o al/ abou hese ne! echnologies and e-)lains he dangers ha co#e !i h each one indi&idually. 0&erall * agreed !i h he au hor ha our reliance on fossil fuels is a hrea o na ional securi y in ha a lo of he oil !e use co#es fro# uns able foreign regions. * ho!e&er did no agree !i h he reasons he ga&e for hese ne! echnologies also being hrea s o na ional securi y as hey !ould be do#es ic sources and !e !ould no longer be relying on uns able foreign regions. * also did no agree !i h ho! he s a ed ha ob aining and using hese ne! fossil fuel sources !ould lead o irre&ersible a)ocaly) ic global !ar#ing. * fel ha o be a li le dra#a ic. 0&erall fro# his ar icle * learned abou ne! echnologies li/e hydraulic frac/ing and e- rac ing oil fro# ar sands. * also go a good insigh on !here A#erica curren ly s ands in er#s of energy )roduc ion and ho! !e !ill be #o&ing for!ard. * found his o be a &aluable )iece in #y research. * found i o be a credible source in ha i !as )ublished in The Nation and ha i !as !ri en and )ublished 1ui e recen ly. This ar icle did a good +ob e-)laining in de) h he ne! echnologies and * fel sa isfied !i h he infor#a ion * recei&ed bu * did !an o do so#e fur her research on hydraulic

frac/ing o find so#e e-a#)les of he dangers ha !here #en ioned. * also !an ed o /no! #ore abou he (eys one 23 )i)eline !hich !as only briefly #en ioned as a #eans o rans)or he 4anadian ar sand oil o refineries in he 5ulf of Me-ico. My ne- ar icle is i led "6hale gas !ells could lea/ and con a#ina e !a er su))lies, re)or !arns' and !as !ri en b E#ily 5osden and !as )ublished by The Telegraph. The au hor$s )ur)ose of his ar icle is o !arn of he dangers of hydraulic frac/ing. The au hor$s in ended audience !ould #os li/ely be en&iron#en alis s and hose in he oil indus ry. *n he ar icle he au hor briefly describes !ha frac/ing is and goes on o lis he dangers and har#s ha co#e !i h i . More i#)or an ly hough she gi&es good e-a#)les and s a is ics of !ells and he )roble#s ha hey encoun er in he 7(. * learned #ore abou he frac/ing )rocess in his ar icle bu #os i#)or an ly * !as able o ge so#e good e-a#)les and s a is ics of frac/ing and gain so#e good insigh in !ha he direc ion ha frac/ing is headed and !ha is no! being done o #a/e he )rocess be er and safer for he en&iron#en . 0&erall * agreed !i h he ar icle in ha go&ern#en should s e) in and ensure ha #ore in ensi&e safe y #easures are being )erfor#ed in all s ages of e- rac ion. * a# no sure of he credibili y of The Nation bu * did find he ar icle i self o ha&e credible infor#a ion, bac/ing u) i $s clai#s !i h s a is ics fro# credible organi8a ions. * feel ha i is rele&an in ha i !as )ublished fairly recen ly and ha frac/ing see#s o be a big issue a he curren i#e. Af er his ar icle and he firs * !as co#)le ely sa isfied on he o)ic of frac/ing bu * s ill !an ed o loo/ in o he (eys one 23 )i)eline. My ne- ar icle is i led "The (eys one 23 Pi)eline'. The au hor of his ar icle is Michael 9. McElroy and i !as )ublished by Harvard Magazine. The au hor$s )ur)ose in his ar icle is o infor# he reader abou he (eys one 23 )i)eline and e-)lain he )rocess of ob aining oil fro# ar sands. The au hors in ended audience !ould #os li/ely be en&iron#en alis s and hose in he oil indus ry. The au hor al/s abou he )i)eline and does a good +ob of &oicing bo h sides of he argu#en of !he her or no i should be buil . .e also does a good +ob going in o de) h abou ar sands. The only hing ha * disagreed !i h he au hor abou !as his ideas ha if !e didn$ build he )i)eline and a/e ad&an age of

he oil, ha so#ebody else !ould and ha i !ouldn$ #a er !ho burned he oil, he )ollu ion !ould all be he sa#e so !e ough o disregard he en&iron#en and use he oil any!ay. * fel ha ha !as a &ery selfish !ay of hin/ing and defini ely ra ionali8ing a !rong. This ar icle o&erall augh #e a lo abou he (eys one 23 )i)eline and abou he con ro&ersy behind building i or no building i and !as e-ac ly !ha * !as loo/ing for. * also ga&e #e a bi #ore of an unders anding han #y firs ar icle did on !ha ar sands are and ho! oil is e- rac ed fro# he#. * found his ar icle o be credible co#ing fro# Harvard Magazine and rele&an because his is curren ly a &ery big issue and decision ha !ill ul i#a ely be u) o he )residen . Af er his ar icle * !as sa isfied !i h !ha * learned and * had found he ans!ers o #y 1ues ions fro# #y firs ar icle bu he o)ic * s ar ed !i h !as energy )roduc ion and as fossil fuels are only one !ay of )roducing energy, * decided o research abou o her y)es of energy )roduc ion. 6)ecifically rene!able energy sources. The i le of #y ne- ar icle is "Rene!able Energy 6ource of Po!er 6ur&i&e, 9u in a Pa ch!or/' and !as !ri en by Diane 4ard!ell and )ublished by The New York Times. *n his ar icle he au hor$s )ur)ose is o infor# he reader of ad&ances in rene!able energy sources and heir )rogress. The in ended audience !ould #os li/ely be en&iron#en alis s and hose in he rene!able energy indus ry. *n he ar icle he au hor al/s abou ho! an increase in gas )rices is causing #ore !ells o be drilled in search for #ore oil. 6he also e-)lains ho! lo! na ural gas )rices #a/e rene!able energy less a))ealing. 6he hen al/s abou ho! des)i e a decrease in a en ion, rene!able energy is s ill #a/ing significan )rogress. 6he goes on o al/ abou differen y)es of rene!able energy sources and he ad&ances hey are #a/ing bu focuses #os ly on solar energy. This ar icle augh #e a bi abou each differen rene!able energy source and ga&e #e a )re y good insigh on !here rene!able energy !ill be headed in he fu ure. * feel ha his ar icle is rele&an in ha i !as )ublished by The New York Times and !as also )ublished fairly recen ly. * !as lef !ondering #ore abou he indi&idual )rocesses of ob aining energy hrough rene!able resources bu * decided o narro! #y research do!n o +us solar energy as * found ha o be he #os )ro#ising rene!able resource.

My final ar icle is i led "6olar Energy 4a)aci y 5ro! h Ri&als :ind as Manufac urer 0u loo/ 6 reng hens'. * !as !ri en by Jesse Jen/ins and )ublished by The Energy Collective. The au hor$s )ur)ose !i h his ar icle is o infor# he reader on solar energy and he ad&ances ha i has recen ly #ade. The au hor$s in ended audience !ould be hose in he energy indus ry. *n his ar icle he au hor #os ly al/s abou ho! he ad&ances in solar )o!er are allo!ing i o ri&al !ind )o!er in energy ou )u for he firs i#e and ha i see#s o be ad&ancing a a fas er ra e #a/ing i he #os )roduc i&e of he rene!able energy sources. %ro# his ar icle * learned abou he ad&ances solar )o!er and !as gi&en an ou loo/ on he fu ure of rene!able energy. * found his ar icle o be credible being ha i $s )ublisher is de&o ed solely o he o)ic of energy and ha i !as recen ly )ublished. Af er reading hese ar icles * !as lef !an ing o /no! #ore abou o her for#s of rene!able energy and he )rogress hey are #a/ing. * a# also curious o learn #ore abou ho! !e !ill ransi ion fro# fossil fuels o rene!able energy.

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