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Lesson 05

SAT NAM is the most basic mantra used in Kundalini yoga. (pronounced like but mom ! SAT means the truth. NAM means name" identity" to identi#y $ith or to call upon. SAT NAM can be translated as Truth is %od&s Name. Truth is my (your" our! identity. 't is used as a greeting to ackno$ledge the Truth in each one o# us and as a personal mantra to e(press or tune into one&s in#inite identity.

The science o# breathing is called pranayama. )ranayama is an integral part o# Kundalini yoga and meditation. 'n this lesson $e $ill o##er a #e$ basics that $ill help you begin to be a$are o# your breath and to integrate conscious breathing into your daily li#e and yogic practice. The breath and the state o# the mind are intricately linked. *e can control our minds by controlling our breath. Most o# us breathe +ery shallo$ breaths and take #rom ,5 or more breaths per minute. -reathing more that ten breaths per minute creates a state o# stress. )eople $ho su##er #rom panic attacks not only breathe .uickly and shallo$ly. They also o#ten breathe through their mouths. To create a state o# peace and rela(ation $e must breathe less than ,0 breaths per minute. -reathing #our or less breaths per minute induces a state o# meditation. *e must also inhale and e(hale through the nose. *hene+er you $ant to calm do$n" paying attention to your breath is the #irst step. Notice i# you are inhaling and e(haling through your mouth or nose. Notice $here you are breathing in your body. /o$ #ar do$n do you breathe0 1o you breathe in the belly" chest or neck0 /o$ many times do you breathe per minute0 Time yoursel#. Kundalini yoga links the breath $ith a mantra. The most basic mantra is SAT NAM. 2ur goal is to mentally link SAT to e+ery inhale and NAM to e+ery e(hale. 'n this $ay the breath and the mantra $ork together to calm us do$n" energi3e us" puri#y us and link us up to our true identity. A#ter practicing the #ollo$ing meditation" you $ill notice that it $ill be easier to automatically link SAT to your inhale and NAM to your e(hale.


The simplest and most basic meditation in Kundalini yoga is chanting long SAT NAM&s. Sit $ith a straight spine" either in easy cross4legged easy pose" in your pre#erred meditation posture or in a chair $ith the #eet on the #loor" sit bones carrying the $eight o# the body. -ring the hands to the heart" palms #acing the chest" le#t hand on top o# right. )lace the le#t thumb in the center o# the right palm. The #ingers o# both hands are together and straight. The hands gently rest against the chest" arms are rela(ed on the body.

5yes are 67,0 closed to begin $ith. As the meditation progresses" they may close completely. 'nhale $ith a long deep breath. 2n the e(hale chant out loud SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT At the end o# the breath say NAM. Notice that your breath gets longer and deeper. 8ou may slo$ your breath do$n to 9 per minute. SAT is the liberator and the cleanser. Let yoursel# rela( and release $ith the AAAAAAA. NAM is like the anchor. :eel the sound anchor you in your body. Then inhale deeply again and continue. :eel the sound o# the AAAAAA come #rom the heart. 5(perience your throat as the mouthpiece o# your heart. This practice $ill help you locate" consolidate and open up the #ourth (heart! and the #i#th (throat! chakras. SAT NAM is the call o# the soul. As you chant call out to your soul" sing to your soul. Singing to your soul creates a +ery peace#ul #eeling. 't takes us out o# duality #or a moment as our personality and soul merge as one in the sound current o# our in#inite being. :eel #ree to e(press any emotions that come up. This is a good $ay to release and balance the emotions. The emotional energy $ill gently merge into soul energy. At the end o# the meditation" inhale deeply" hold the breath as long as you $ish. Listen inside and be one $ith the e(perience. 1o this ; times. Then sit .uietly or lie do$n and completely rela(. -egin $ith ; to 5 minutes and build to ,," ,5" 99 or ;, minutes.

Lesson 0<
Active and Passive P actice
The moments bet$een e(ercises $hich should be at least ,54;0 seconds and up to , minute i# you choose. 5(ecuting the e(ercises is the acti+ation part o# the practice. The e(ercises stimulate the glandular system" loosen up the spine" massage the muscles and strengthen the ner+ous system. -et$een e(ercises is the passi+e part o# the practice. 12 N2T/'N%" simply be a$are o# $hat is happening. Let the energy #lo$. 't $ill ad=ust $hat needs to be ad=usted and go $here it needs to go.

!ai"# P actice - H$% L$n&'

This set o# e(ercises can take #rom 90 to >0 minutes depending on ho$ long you do each e(ercise. The deep rela(ation a#ter the set is an additional 54,0 minutes. The silent meditation is also bet$een ;4,, or more minutes depending on the time you ha+e. Tailor your practice times so that you do not #eel rushed. The more rela(ed and present you are to $hat you are doing and $hat is happening" the better the results and the more a$areness you $ill culti+ate. Many people $ho ha+e signed up #or the training ha+e indicated in their .uestionnaires that they ha+e ,49 hours per day to de+ote to the practice o# Kundalini yoga. 8ou $ill achie+e striking results $ith a ,49 hour daily practice?

:or those $ho ha+e less time" consistent practice produces positi+e results. ' al$ays tell people )@2%@AM 82A@S5L: :2@ SABB5SS. '# you can do 5 minutes a day" do 5 minutes 5C5@8 day. Then increase your time as you can. 1o not start out $ith the #alse hope that you can do 9 hours" do it #or one day and then stop your practice.

E(e cise Set )$ Maintainin& a F"e(i*"e S+ine

One $) $ve ,-- sets and .editati$ns ) $. t/e *$$0 Re"a( 1 Rene% *# G2 2 attan 34 3/a"sa P/4!4 5S+ecia""# ada+ted )$ 2se $n t/is site6

5See a"s$ $2 Sa.+"e 32nda"ini Y$&a Sets 1 Meditati$ns6 *e o##er you here" an e(ercise set to introduce you to Kundalini 8oga (K8!. 2ne o# the most important #actors in maintaining a healthy body is a #le(ible spine. The yogis say that youth is determined by the #le(ibility o# your spine. Lo$ back pain and upper back stress are some o# the most common health complaints o# adults. The best $ay to a+oid backaches is to take care o# your spine on a daily basis. There are no .uick #i(es #or back pain" but this e(ercise set is an e##ecti+e maintenance program. T$ Be&in
Sit .uietly and be $ith your breath. Bonsciously slo$ do$n the breath and breathe #rom the belly. -e $ith the sensations in your body. Tune into your o$n rhythm. Allo$ a #e$ minutes to calm do$n" center yoursel# and create your o$n space.

T2nin& in
-e#ore beginning Kundalini 8oga practice" al$ays tune in by chanting the A!I MANTRA. Blick here #or #ull details

E(e cises

R$tate t/e Pe"vis Sit in easy pose. )lace the hands on the knees. 1eeply roll the pel+is around in a grinding motion. @ela( into the mo+ement. Make it a mo+ing meditation. 1o 9< rotations or ,49 minutes in each direction. -ene#itsD This e(ercise opens up the energy in the lo$er spine" massages the internal organs and aids in digestion. S+ina" F"e( Sit in easy pose. %rab the ankles. As you inhale po$er#ully" #le( the spine #or$ard" keeping the shoulders rela(ed and the head straight. 1o not mo+e the head up and do$n. 5(hale and rela( the spine back. Bontinue rhythmically $ith deep breaths. As you inhale #eel the energy go do$n the spine. As you e(hale #eel it come back up to the third eye. Mentally bring SAT do$n and NAM back up the spine. ,4; minutes or up to ,0E times. To endD 'nhale deep" hold the breath" apply rootlock (mulbhand!" e(hale and rela(. Sit .uietly and #eel the energy circulate in your spine and throughout your body. -ene#itsD This e(ercise stimulates and stretches the lo$er spine. S+ina" F"e( On Hee"s Sit on the heelsF place the hands #lat on the thighs. Bontinue spinal #le( as abo+e $ith a po$er#ul breath. ,49 minutes. -ene#itsD This e(ercise $orks on the mid spine and heart chakra Nec0 R$""s Sit $ith a straight but rela(ed spine. Ad=ust the head so that you #eel like it is sitting on top o# the spine by slightly mo+ing the head back and bringing the chin do$n slightly. @oll the neck slo$ly in one direction and then in the other. Let the $eight o# the head mo+e the head around. 1o this +ery methodically so that you go slo$ing through tight spots and $ork out areas o# tension. At least one minute in each direction. To endD A#ter this e(ercise" sit .uietly and be $ith the sensations in your body and

spine. -ene#itsD This e(ercise remo+es tension in the neck and stimulates the thyroid. Side Twists Sit on the heels. Place the hands on the shoulders, fingers in front and thumbs in back. Inhale, twist to the left. Exhale, twist to the right. Twist your head to each side as well. Gradually feel an increased rotation in your spine. eep elbows parallel to the ground, allowing the arms to swing freely with the body. This exercise can be done standing up, !ontinue "#$ minutes or $% times. To end& Inhale center, hold the breath, apply rootlock, exhale, relax and feel the energy circulate, especially at the le'el of the heart. (enefits& This exercise opens up the heart center and stimulates the upper spine. Side Bends 'n 5asy )ose" clasp hands behind neck in Cenus Lock (#ingers interlaced! and bend straight side$ays at the $aist" aiming the elbo$ to$ard the #loor beside the hip. 'nhale as you bend le#t" e(hale right. 1on&t arch or contract the back. -end side$ays only. This e(ercise can be done standing. ,49 minutes or 9< times. -ene#itsD Side bends stimulate the li+er and colon and increase spinal #le(ibility.

S/$2"de S/ 2&s Still on the heels or in easy pose" shrug both shoulders up on the inhale and do$n on the e(hale. ,4 9 minutes. To 5ndD 'nhale up" hold" apply rootlock" and rela(. -ene#itsD This e(ercise loosens up the tension in the shoulders and rela(es upper back C$* a Lie on the #loor $ith the palms on the #loor under the shoulders. As you inhale" slo$ly arch the spine up" leading $ith the nose" then chin" then pushing o## $ith your hands +ertebra by +ertebra" until you are arched back as #ar as possible $ith no strain in the lo$er back" concentrating on a. good stretch #rom the heart center up. -reathe long and deep or do -reath o# :ire. 94; minutes To endD 'nhale" hold" pull the energy up the spine $ith the root lock. 5(hale +ery slo$ly and come do$n one +ertebra at a time. @ela(. ,4; minutes. -ene#itsD This e(ercise strengthens the lo$er back. @emo+es tension in the back and balances the #lo$ o# se(ual energy $ith na+el energy. R$c0 and R$"" $n t/e S+ine -ring your knees to your chest" grab them $ith the arms" and rock back and #orth on the spine" massaging it gently #rom the neck to the base o# the spine. Make sure you ha+e a so#t sur#ace. ,49 minutes. -ene#itsD This e(ercise circulates the energy and rela(es the spine.

A"te nate Le& St etc/es Spread the legs $ide apart" grasping the toes or any other place on the legs $here it is possible to keep the knees straight. 'nhale center and e(hale do$n to the le#t leg" inhale center and e(hale do$n to the right leg. Mo+e #rom the hips to open the pel+is. A+oid simply bending and arching the upper spine. Keep the spine com#ortably straight and get a good stretch in the back. Loosen up the muscles" but do not strain them. Bontinue $ith po$er#ul breathing. ,49 minutes.

To endD 'nhale center" hold the breath" apply root lock and then rela(. -ring the legs together and bounce them up and do$n a #e$ times to rela( the muscles and massage them. -ene#itsD 2pens up the pel+is and stretches the leg muscles. Li)e Ne ve St etc/ Legs outstretched" bring right #oot into le#t thigh" and slo$ly bend o+er the le#t leg to grab the #oot or ankle (or $here+er it is com#ortable!" keeping the leg #lat on the ground. -reathe long and deep or do -reath o# :ire. ,49 minutes each side. To endD 'nhale deeply and e(hale se+eral times deepening the stretch. Then slo$ly come up. -ounce the legs and massage them. S$itch sides and repeat. -ene#itsD This e(ercise stretches the leg muscles and loosens up the lo$er back.

Cat C$% Bome on the hands and knees" knees shoulder $idth apart. 'nhale as you #le( your spine do$n and bring your head up. 5(hale as you #le( your spine up in an arched position $ith the head do$n. Keep the arms straight. Bontinue rhythmically $ith po$er#ul breathing" gradually increasing the speed as your spine becomes more and more #le(ible. ,4; minutes. To endD 'nhale in saggy co$" hold" pull the energy up the spine $ith the root lock. 5(hale and rela( on the heels. Sit .uietly and let the breath slo$ do$n. :eel the energy circulate. Boncentrate at the third eye.

-ene#itsD This e(ercise is kno$n as the Kundalini chiropractor. 1one regularly it loosens up and ad=usts the spine. Pic0 Me U+ E(e cise Lie do$n on your back and simply rela( #or a moment. Then bend your knees and dra$ the heels up to$ards the buttocks" keeping the #eet #lat on the #loor. %rab your ankles and holding on to them" slo$ly raise the hips up"

arching the lo$er spine and li#ting the na+el to$ards the sky. As you li#t up" slo$ly inhale through the nose. /old the breath as you gently stretch up" li#ting as high as is com#ortable" then slo$ly rela( do$n again as you breathe out through the nose. Slo$ly repeat this li#ting up and do$n mo+ement a minimum o# t$el+e times" synchroni3ing the breathing $ith the mo+ement o# the hips" #or a ma(imum o# 9< li#ts. To go #rom the minimum number o# ,9" to the ma(imum number 9<" increase your total. ,49 li#ts per day.

To endD 'nhale up" hold the breath #or ten seconds" pull in the na+el and apply the root lock. Then rela( do$n" stretching the legs out. Totally rela( and #eel the energi3ing e##ect o# the e(ercise. 5(ercise TipsD '# you can&t grab your ankles" let the arms be at your side and li#t up using the arms to help push you up. )eople $ith any history o# lo$er back pain should check $ith their doctor be#ore beginning. Try to let your breathing do the $ork44inhale the hips up and e(hale them do$n. This e(ercise $ill automatically get you to breathe deeply. Keep the eyes closed throughout this and other e(ercises so that you can #eel your body mo+e rhythmically" $ithout +isual distractions. @est on your back #or t$o minutes a#ter the e(ercise and =ust en=oy its +itali3ing e##ect? -ene#itsD This e(ercise releases abdominal stress? 't gi+es you an immediate boost o# energy throughout your body that lasts $ell into the day. 't also stimulates your thyroid. 't allo$s you to breathe deeper and adds to your energy le+el. 't mo+es the energy #rom the lo$er spine to the upper spine. Re"a(ati$n 1eeply rela( your back" hands to the side" palms #acing up. Simply be $ith the sensations in your body and en=oy the #eelings.

Meditati$n Sit .uietly and meditate. -e present to the sensations in your body. 'ncrease your a$areness to include e+ery part o# your body and spine. Bonsolidate your presence by #eeling all your sensations simultaneously #or at least one minute at the end. 945 minutes or as long as you like. To endD 'nhale and e(hale deeply ; times.

@ela( and @ene$

*# G2 2 attan 3a2 3/a"sa P/4!4

This e(ercise is =ust one o# o+er ,00 sets and meditations contained in 900 in#ormation4packed pages.

This series o# e(ercises $orks systematically #rom the base o# the spine to the top. All 9< +ertebrae recei+e stimulation and all the energy centers recei+e a burst o# energy. These e(ercises increase the circulation o# the spinal #luid" $hich contributes to greater mental clarity. @egular practice o# this series $ill gi+e you increased +itality" help pre+ent backaches" reduce tension" and keep you young by increasing the #le(ibility o# the spine.

7/en t$ P actice
This set can be done in the morning as a $ay to gi+e you added energy #or the day. 't can also be done in the e+ening be#ore dinner to re+itali3e you a#ter a busy day and gi+e you energy #or the e+ening.

B eat/in& and Mant a

The po$er#ul e##ects o# the Kundalini e(ercises are attained by combining mo+ement" breath and mantra. 'n Kundalini yoga $e either coordinate a po$er#ul inhale and e(hale $ith the mo+ement or do long deep breathing or breath o# #ire" $ith poses that are held. All breathing during the e(ercises" both the inhale and the e(hale" is done only through the nose $ith the mouth closed" unless other$ise speci#ied. The use o# a mantra" chanted internally helps to #ocus the mind and clean the subconscious mind. The mantra that $e use is Sat Nam. 1uring the e(ercises" mentally chant Sat on the inhale and Nam on the e(hale. (see also :undamentals o# Kundalini 8oga 4 on this site!

Y$2 O%n Pace

-egin and continue your practice at your o$n pace. There is no contest to see $hat di##icult poses you can get into. The goal is to acti+ate your glandular system and strengthen your ner+ous system so that ha+e more energy and #eel more ali+e. %o to your limit but not beyond. 2nly you kno$ your o$n body and $hat $orks #or you. )ossible touchstones include acti+ation" gentle stretch and rhythmic mo+ement.

Bet%een E(e cises

Take ;0 seconds or more to rela( bet$een e(ercises and be $ith the energy as you e(perience it in your body. The energy $ill automatically ad=ust and go to

$here it is needed. 8our =ob is to be present" and not consciously try to make something happen. '# you do the e(ercises" something is already happening. 2ne o# the $onder#ul things about Kundalini 8oga is the disco+ery. Allo$ yoursel# time to disco+er that is taking place. I) #$2 en8$#ed t/is set9 t/en c/ec0 $2t $2 siste site

Y$&a Tec/n$"$&#
C/ec0 $2t t/e 3Y Set and Meditati$n $) t/e %ee0: CLIC3 HERE


2nce you ha+e mastered the Set as abo+e" try adding the #ollo$ing more ad+anced components" inserted in the abo+e program bet$een Neck @olls and Side T$ist. :ollo$ instructions care#ully. '# in doubt" ask #or ad+ice on the Kundalini 8oga list. S/$2"de Stand 1 P"$% (Make sure that your neck is protected $ith a so#t sur#ace!. 2n the back" raise legs and torso abo+e the head" supporting the body $ith the hands at the $aist and e(tending the legs and hips into a straight line" $ith long" deep breathing #or , to 9 minutes. Then drop the #eet back o+er head into )lo$ )ose" resting arms on the ground. @est there a minute be#ore slo$ly lo$ering hips onto #loor" +ertebra by +ertebra.

This e(ercise bends and stretches the entire spine" especially the neck and thoracic +ertebrae. 't stimulates the thyroid and the throat chakra" and rela(es and energi3es the spine. Fis/ P$se Sit in Lotus )ose" or $ith legs outstretched" and lie back on the elbo$s" arching up the sternum" $ith the $eight on the top o# the head and the hips. %rab big toes $ith opposite #ingers and do -reath o# :ire or long deep breathing #or , to 9 minutes. (*ith legs stretched out in #ront" rest on hips" elbo$s and top o# head.! :ish )ose is the counter4pose #or )lo$ and Shoulder Stand. 't pre+ents or corrects rounded shoulders and =utting neck. 't also stimulates the thyroid and the throat chakra.

H$% d$ %e S/i)t $2 Ene &#'

The practice o# Kundalini yoga shi#ts our energy. 't does so through a combination o# (,! Mo+ement" (9! -reath" (;! Sound" and (>! @hythm 5,6 MO;EMENT Many o# the Kundalini yoga e(ercises or asanas in+ol+e rhythmic mo+ements. 5<6 BREATHING OR PRANAYAMA @hythmic breathing is incorporated into the e(ercises as $ell as done as a meditation in itsel#. )ranayama e(ercises also produce e##ects through attention and pace. 5=6 SOUN! The chanting o# mantras tunes us into and aligns us $ith the uni+ersal sound current. The e##ects o# mantra meditation include the clearing o# the subconscious mind" the creation o# di+ine thoughts and the ability to listen to the sounds o# the Ani+erse. 5>6 RHYTHM @hythm is an integral part o# the physical Asanas" the )ranayama and the chanting. @hythm is key to establishing identity" stability and health.

Lesson 0E
T/e A%a0enin& P $cess
The Kundalini is the boundless energy o# our Soul. it lies dormant" ready and $aiting to be a$akened. The a$akening process in+ol+es ; complementary principles. (,! Acti+ation (9! Allo$ing (;! Alignment (,! Activati$n is the conscious e##ort or the masculine aspect. Acti+ation is associated $ith practicing a discipline in+ol+ing techni.ues designed to shi#t energy. Acti+ation in+ol+es some #orm o# action or doing.

(9! A""$%in& is the conscious acceptance o# $hat is occurring. Allo$ing is the #eminine aspect. Allo$ing in+ol+es simply being" doing nothing" but at the same time being +ery a$are o# $hat is happening. (;! A"i&n.ent is the integration or the result o# acti+ation and allo$ing. The goal is t$o #old (,! to align our energy $ith uni+ersal energy" so that uni+ersal energy e##ortlessly #lo$s through us and (9! to align our body" mind and emotions so our in#inite potential is unleashed $ithin us. The practice o# Kundalini yoga incorporates these ; principles. (,! Activati$n takes place $ith the practice o# asanas or yoga e(ercises. *hen it is properly #unctioning" the release o# the energy o# the Kundalini is #acilitated. The po$er o# the e(ercises is enhanced $ith the breath and the internal recitation o# mantras. The e(ercises strengthen the ner+ous system" stimulate the glands to secrete" loosen up the muscles and align the skeleton. The body is the temple o# the Soul. (9! A""$%in& happens $hen $e rela(" let go and stop trying to make something happen. *e are programmed to try to control oursel+es" the e+ents in our li+es and our en+ironments. 8et perhaps 60G o# $hat happens $ithin oursel+es and in our li+es happens beyond our control. 'deally $e $ould spend e.ual time simply being a$are o# $hat is happening and tuning into the reality o# $hat 'S. -y simply allo$ing" $e not only e(pand our a$areness o# $hat is transpiring $ithin about outside oursel+es" $e release the resistance that pre+ents our energy #rom #lo$ing and things #rom happening in our li+es. (;! A"i&n.ent has both and acti+e and a passi+e component. The acti+e component in+ol+es applying the locks or per#orming subtle internal mo+ements in the chakras and along the spine. The passi+e component happens naturally $hen the blocks in the body ha+e been released. The physical and energy bodies automatically align $hen the resistance to the natural state and #lo$ is gone.

L$c0s $ ?B/andas?
Locks or -handas create a posture that is maintained $hile the breath is held out or in. The slight mo+ements in the muscles align the body so the energy in the spine can #lo$ up$ard" not do$n$ard. Lock re#ers to the action per#ormed by the locks be#ore a dam" $hich pre+ent $ater" or in this case energy" #rom being released in a back$ard or do$n$ard direction. The term locks should not be interpreted as a #orce#ul constriction. The idea is not to block the energy but to open up the spine so that the energy can #lo$ easier and be released up$ard. A more gentle $ay to relate to the locks is to +ie$ them as $ays to open up the #lo$ers or the pedals o# the lotuses along the spine.

7/en t$ A++"# t/e L$c0s

@ela(ing $hile holding a posture (a#ter the e(ercise is completed!" creates a dynamic space #or mo+ement o# energy. 'n general" the locks are applied $hile holding the posture a#ter completing a yoga e(ercise. This direction is not al$ays speci#ied. 't

assumed that the student $ill gently apply the appropriate locks to anchor in the internal e##ects o# the asana. ROOTLOC3 OR MULBHAN! @ootlock or mulbhand closes the lo$er three chakras so that the energy cannot be lost or leaked out through the base o# the spine. As a conse.uence the energy stays in the body and can #lo$ up the spine. As $ith all the locks" rootlock is done either $hile holding the breath in or holding the breath out. The complete rootlock is done by slightly contracting the muscles o# the rectum or anal sphincter" and the se( organ and pulling the na+el center in to$ard the spine. To identi#y and $ork $ith the muscles o# each o# the chakras" practice $orking $ith them separately. *hen the mulbhand is applied $hile retaining the breath" the t$o ma=or energy #lo$s" prana and apana are united. This generates psychic heat $hich triggers the release o# Kundalini energy. !IAPHRAGM LOC3 OR U!!IYANA BHAN!A 1iaphragm lock $orks $ith the solar ple(us and the heart chakra. 't is actually easier to apply this lock $hile holding the breath out. The diaphragm muscles are pulled in and up. Start by sucking in the solar ple(us" pull the muscles to$ard the spine and then pull them up. The chest $ill e(pand and the spine $ill straighten. 1iaphragm lock massages the heart muscle and causes the thymus to secrete. 't is also used during chanting. @hythmically applied" it enhances the e##ect o# chanting NEC3 LOC3 OR @ALAN!HARA BHAN!A The neck lock in+ol+es a +ery subtle mo+ement. Mo+e the chin do$n slightly and pull the head up. The chest $ill open up. 8ou $ill mo+e #rom a slumped posture and ca+ed in chest to a straighter posture and open heart center. The shoulders should rela(" drop and release do$n$ards. The tongue and throat should rela(. Straightening the cer+ical +ertebrae allo$s the #ree #lo$ o# prana to the brain and opens the connection bet$een the head and the heart. TONGUE AN! EYE LOC3 8ogic te(ts stop $ith the neck lock. /o$e+er" to complete the stimulation o# the <th and Hth chakras" $hat $e $ill call the tongue and eye locks are also applied. The tip o# the tongue presses gently to the roo# o# the mouth. The eyes look up as though looking out the top o# the head. 8ou may #eel the pulse at the cro$n chakra (the so#t spot on a baby&s head.! MAHABHAN!A Mahabhanda is the application o# all the locks at once. *hen all the locks are applied" the ner+es and glands are re=u+enated.

B/anda E(e cise

Sit on the heels $ith the knees spread $ide apart" palms on the thighs Apply rootlock and rela( it Apply diaphragm lock and rela( it

Apply neck" tongue and eye locks and rela( them )ull the locks $hile holding out the e(hale @epeat in rhythmic alternation #or ;4,, minutes Stay +ery present to the energy mo+ement along the spine Notice ho$ the slight mo+ements and ad=ustment to your position e##ect the #lo$ o# energy Apply the same concepts as abo+e 4 ABT'CAT5" ALL2* AN1 AL'%N and" make sure to take the time and attention to really en=oy $ith is happening in your body?

This bhanda e(ercise is also an e(cellent preparation #or tantric se(. 't allo$s the se(ual energy to mo+e up the spine instead o# being e(pelled. See also our page about Bhandas or Locks

B/andas 5L$c0s6
-ody locks or muscular contractions applied #or the retention and channeling o# )rana.
5taken #rom best4selling book 4 T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t Cente ed 7$ "d %ururattan K. Khalsa )h.1.! 5see a"s$ 3Y T ainin& Less$n -A6 T/e + inci+"e $nes a eB MULABHAN!AB Mulbhand or @oot Lock is the most #re.uently applied. 't is per#ormed in three steps (.uickly I smoothly $ith practice! by #irst contracting the anal sphincter" dra$ing it in and up (as i# trying to hold back a bo$el mo+ement!" then dra$ing up the se( organ (so that the urethral tract is contracted!. Lastly" pull the na+el point by dra$ing the lo$er abdomen back to$ards the spine. This is applied $ith breath held (in or out!" and helps unite the t$o ma=or energy #lo$s" prana and apana" generating psychic heat $hich triggers the release o# Kundalini energy" and o#ten ends an asana or e(ercise.

U!!IYANA BHAN!AB 1iaphragm Lock is applied by li#ting the diaphragm high up into the thora( $hile pulling the upper abdominal muscles back to$ards the spine" creating a ca+ity" and gi+ing a gentle massage to the heart muscles. 't helps to mo+e and trans#orm pranic energy up to the neck region" stimulates the hypothalmic4pituitary4adrenal a(is in the brain and de+elops a sense o# compassion. Ban gi+e ne$ youth#ulness to the entire body. 't is normally applied $ith the breath held out. 'n Laya yoga" the rhythmic application o# this lock achie+es the highest e##ects o# chanting. @ALAN!HARA BHAN!AB Neck Lock or Bhin Lock is used during all chanting meditations and pranayams (breathing e(ercises! unless other$ise speci#ied. This is done by li#ting the chest and sternum up$ard and stretching the back o# the neck straight by pulling the chin back to$ards the neck. 8ou should #eel some tension in the back and sides o# the neck. The chin rests in the notch bet$een the collar bones and the head stays le+el $ithout tilting #or$ard" straightening the cer+ical +ertebrae" and allo$ing the #ree #lo$ o# prana to the brain. This lock puts pressure on the thyroid and parathyroid to enable their secretions" and in turn" acti+ate the pituitary. *ithout this lock pranayama can cause uncom#ortable pressure in eyes" ears and heart. 't $ill also pre+ent di33iness caused by rapid changes in blood pressure $hich can occur $hen nadis (channels o# pranic #lo$! are unblocked. MAHABHAN!AB %reat Lock 4 the application o# all ; locks at once. This re=u+enates ner+es and glands" regulates blood pressure and produces many other bene#its. BHAN!A ECERCISE (To #ully understand I e(perience the Locks or -handas!. Sit on heels and spread the knees $ide apart" palms on thighs. (A! Apply @oot Lock I rela( it. (-! Apply 1iaphragm Lock I rela( it. (B! Apply Neck Lock and rela( it. @epeat in rhythmic alteration #or ;4,, minutes" pulling locks on the e(hale (the breath naturally goes out on the #irst 9 locks !. P actice $n an e.+t# st$.ac/4 This $ill help to distinguish the locks and percei+e energy mo+ement along the spine.

Lesson 06
8ogi -ha=an teaches that the seat o# the Kundalini is in the na+el center. @e#lecting on my e(perience o+er the last 99 years o# practicing Kundalini 8oga (preceded by E years o# /atha yoga!" ' ha+e o#ten had an intuiti+e urge to return to the na+el center. The ans$er to the .uestion at hand" $hether it is about me or a student" is o#ten strengthen your na+el center. The na+el center is the #ocus o# many spiritual disciplines. The Taoists start and return to the na+el center $hile practicing the microcosmic orbit. ('nternal circular breath that starts at the na+el" goes do$n the #ront to the base o# the spine" goes up the back to the cro$n and back do$n the #ront to the na+el.! J(,! The internal

martial arts initiate mo+es #rom the na+el or don tien" $hich is 94; inches belo$ the na+el.

7/e e is t/e Nave" Cente '

'n the +ery early Kundalini lessons taught by 8ogi -ha=an" he said that the na+el center is actually appro(imately 94; inches belo$ the umbilicus. 'n these lessons" there#ore" $hen $e say na+el center $e are re#erring to a point 94; inches belo$ the belly button. This is the center o# energy that is the gra+ity balance point in the body. *hen $e pump our na+el energy or mo+e #rom our na+el center $e are actually pumping and mo+ing #rom a center $here thousands o# ner+es come together. 5ach person can #ind this center in their o$n body by doing the Kundalini yoga e(ercises gi+en by 8ogi -ha=an. As you practice the e(ercises" the ner+e endings $ill be stimulated and the energy $ill coalesce at this point. )ractice o# any o# the martial arts $ill also help you #ind and align this center o# gra+ity in your body. 2ne $ay to kno$ is by #eeling the pulse at this point. 8ou can also #eel the pulse right at the na+el or umbilicus. 5ither $ay" a po$er#ul pulse $ill indicate that your third chakra energy is aligned or set. There are di##erent schools o# thought about the location o# the na+el center. ' thought that all the martial arts taught that this center" called the don tien" $as 94; inches belo$ the physical na+el. /o$e+er" se+eral years ago ' studied $ith a Bhi %ong master $ho taught that it $as right at the umbilicus. The man $as certainly a master o# chi and his techni.ues $orked. Kundalini yoga has been taught using both locations. 't all seems to $ork. 'ndi+idual practice $ill help you #ind and culti+ate your po$er center. Might ha+e guessed that the Masters $ould gi+e us =ust enough in#ormation so $e $ould ha+e to practice the techni.ues in order to e(perience the truth #or oursel+es.

O+enin& t/e Hea t Cente

*hen 8ogi -ha=an came to the *est and Los Angeles in ,6<6" the strengthening and balancing o# the na+el point $as one o# the main #ocuses o# his classes. /is yogic message $as that in order to get and stay in the heart center $e #irst had to culti+ate a po$er#ul and stable base or the lo$er triangle. The lo$er triangle is the lo$er three chakras 4 root" se( and na+el. The ma=or theme o# my #irst book Transitions o# the /eart4Bentered *orld (,6EE! is ho$ to build the lo$er triangle as a base #or mo+ing into the heart chakra. 2ne o# the most po$er#ul $ays to mo+e out o# the state o# disempo$erment into empo$erment is to culti+ate our o$n internal po$er. 8ogically" the na+el center is the place to begin. As $e $ork on the na+el point" $e $ill also $ork on the #irst t$o chakras. 8ogi -ha=an used to tell us that a cup $ithout a bottom is not going to hold much tea. 'n building the lo$er triangle" $e are building our #oundation" or the bottom o# our cup" so that $e can hold the uni+ersal tea o# Lo+e. Breating a bottom #or our cup and

clearing out the past hurt#ul memories #rom our cup are t$o important steps in making our T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t-Cente ed 7$ "d.

Identit# in t/e L$%e T ian&"e

The basic problem $ith unresol+ed anger is that this +ital energy is consumed and una+ailable #or li+ing our li+es and creating our dreams. Anresol+ed anger creates blind spots in our psyche" $hich results in indecision" the inability to commit and e+en the inability to kno$ $hat $e $ant in the #irst place? 't is my e(perience that $hen ' kno$ $hat ' $ant" go #or it and achie+e results" ' e(perience a sense o# satis#action in my li#e. ' belie+e that this is true #or all o# us. 't is in the lo$er triangle that $e achie+e a sense o# our o$n identity. The #irst three chakras are $here $e e(perience our indi+iduality. 't is in our uni.ueness that $e identi#y not only $ho $e are" but also $hat $e $ant and ho$ to accomplish our goals. 't is the :'@ST B/AK@A and our connection $ith the 5arth that gi+es us the po$er to mani#est" to bring into being our desires" and to achie+e results. The S5B2N1 B/AK@A gi+es us the po$er to create. The T/'@1 B/AK@A gi+es us the energy to take action. So let&s take action to strengthen and acti+ate our na+el center and build our lo$er triangle.

Settin& t/e Nave" Cente

The na+el center is the easiest chakra to monitor. 8ou kno$ your na+el center is set" $hen you #eel a pulse at or around the rim o# the umbilicus. 8ou can also monitor this pulse at the don tien or na+el center 94; inches belo$ the na+el and in the line bet$een these t$o points. Although you can check the pulse sitting or standing up" the easiest position is lying do$n. The best times are be#ore and a#ter the na+el e(ercises. Simply take the middle #inger o# either hand" place it on the na+el or na+el center and search #or a pulse. '# there is no pulse" the pulse is $eak or it is not in or around the na+el" your na+el needs to be set. *hen there is a strong pulse on or near the center o# the na+el" it is set. 8ou $ill e(perience that a#ter the e(ercises" the pulse is stronger and the position may ha+e also changed. A#ter a #e$ leg li#ts" one $oman had her pulse =ump #rom the lo$er right corner o# her abdomen to the center o# her na+el? So do not be alarmed i# you cannot #ind your pulse. The Kundalini yoga $orks. 't is normal to ha+e a $eak pulse in the morning a#ter sleeping. That is $hy it is strongly recommended to set your na+el center be#ore you start your day. Also during the day" i# you #eel o## center" pump your na+el center or do breath o# #ire to come back to center.

Na*/i 3 i#a t$ Set t/e Nave" Cente

The #ollo$ing set NA-/' K@'8A $as taught by 8ogi -ha=an in ,6H, and remains one o# the classical sets to set the na+el center.

Na*/i 3 i#a - Nave" P$%e

Taught by 8ogi -ha=an Kune ,6H, 5A6 Lie on your back" arms by your side" palms do$n. 2r hands under your buttocks to protect the small o# your back. The small o# the back is remain touching the #loor during these e(ercises. )lacing the hands under the buttocks helps make this possible. 'nhale as you li#t your right leg up to 60 deg. or perpendicular to the ground. 5(hale as you lo$er it. 'nhale raise your right leg. 5(hale lo$er it. Bontinue li#ting alternate legs $ith deep" po$er#ul breathing. The original directions $ere ,0 minutes. -egin $ith ,49 minutes. Stabili3e your practice at ;45 minutes and $ork up to ,0 minutes i# you can. 5B6 *ithout pause" li#t both legs up to 60 deg. on the inhale" and lo$er them on e(hale. Arms are stretched straight up o+er the heart center" palms #acing each other. Bontinue #or ,49 minutes and $ork up to 5 minutes. 5C6 -end your knees and clasp them to your chest $ith the arms belo$ the knees. )ress the small o# your back to the ground. Allo$ your head to rela( back. @est in this position #or 5 minutes. (No need to shorten this time DL!! Make sure you are $arm enough. 5!6 'n the same position as M; inhale" open your arms straight out to the sides on the ground and e(tend your legs straight out at a <0 deg. angle abo+e the ground. 5(hale and return to original position. @epeat and continue #or ,4; minutes. This e(ercise $as originally gi+en #or ,5 minutes. Again $ork up to that amount o# time i# you can. (M; and M> are kno$n as )a+an Sodan Kriya.! 5E6 2n your back" bring your le#t knee to your chest" hold it there $ith both hands and rapidly raise the right leg up to 60 deg. and do$n. 'nhale up. 5(hale do$n #or , minute. S$itch legs and repeat #or , minute. @epeat the complete cycle one

more time. 5F6 Stand up straight" raising arms o+erhead" hugging ears" and press #ingers back so that palms #ace the sky7ceiling. 5(hale as you bend #or$ard #rom the na+el center to touch the ground" (i# you can! Keep the arms straight" hugging ears" and inhale up C5@8 SL2*L8 $ith a long deep breath. 2n the e(hale (as you bend #or$ard and especially $hile you a #ully #or$ard" apply Mulbhanda or @oot lock. Bontinue at a slo$ pace #or 9 minutes" then more rapidly #or , more minute.

5G6 Totally rela( or meditate #or ,04,5 minutes. BENEFITS This set #ocuses on de+eloping the strength o# the na+el point and build a po$er#ul base in the lo$er triangle (chakras ," 9 and ;!. The #ull times indicated are #or ad+anced students. To begin practice" start $ith ,45 minutes on the longer e(ercises.

(,! is #or lo$er digesti+e area. (9! is #or upper digestion and solar ple(us. (;! eliminates gas and rela(es the heart. (>! charges the magnetic #ield and opens the na+el center. (5! sets the hips and lo$er spine. (<! is #or the entire spine" unleashes spinal #luid and e(pands the aura. Together" these e(ercises get the abdominal area in shape .uickly? This e(ercise set is #ound in T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t-Cente ed 7$ "d and Int $d2cti$n t$ 32nda"ini Y$&a. TUNE IN -e sure to tune in be#ore doing the set by chanting the mantra ONG NA MO GURU DEV NA MO at least ; times. To $arm up the spine and ground your energy #irst see Less$n Si( on the :le(ibility o# the Spine. CONCLU!ING Bonclude all Kundalini 8oga sessions by singing May the long time Sun shine upon you All lo+e surround you And the pure light $ithin you %uide your $ay on. Then chant Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Nam ; times :or one or more minutes ground yoursel# by being present to all the sensations in your body.

Lesson ,,
= d C/a0 aB Y$&a and .a0in& and * ea0in& Ha*its
The ability to make and break habits is associated $ith the na+el center or third chakra. *hen our na+el center is strong $e ha+e the $ill to make decisions and to keep them. There are many na+el e(ercises and sets. Many o# these can be #ound in my manual T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t-Cente ed 7$ "d. -reath o# #ire is a great na+el breath as is > part energi3ing breath. 8ou $ill #ind the instructions #or the >4part breath on the 8oga Technology $ebsite 4 httpD77$$$.yogatech.com7go7start.cgi7kymeditation.html 1o this ;45 minute e(ercise ; or more times a day" especially at moments $hen you are being pulled to a compulsi+e" addicti+e beha+ior. (@emember the na+el center is slightly belo$ the na+el" appro(imately ,49 belo$ the na+el itsel#" $here many ner+e centers con+erge. 8ou can identi#y it

by a pulse $hich gets stronger a#ter na+el e(ercises like the >4part breath" leg li#ts and stretch pose.! Many addictions" especially smoking" drugs and alcohol are related to the #ire element. Na+el breathing" especially breath o# #ire and > part breath" gi+e us the #ire energy $e cra+e. As the energy $e create begins to satis#y us" $e are released #rom the hold o# the addiction. A strong na+el center is a re.uirement #or being able to commit and keep your commitments to yoursel#. 1aily practice to strengthen the na+el center is the #irst commitment $e need to make to oursel+es.

<nd and = d C/a0 asB !i&esti$n and P$%e Cente

There are MAN8 things going on in our body that $e can connect $ith i# $e tune into and are present to our energy. The second chakra" $hich is located in the lo$er abdominal area" is $here much o# our additi+e and #ood issues reside. *hereas the third chakra can be identi#ied by a pulse at a speci#ic point" the second chakra is a space $hich generates rhythmic mo+ement. The abdominal area is our po$er center. *omen especially learn to hold in their stomachs. The result is a constant tension and continual blocking o# our internal source o# po$er. This is the area $here our digestion and elimination is regulated. *hen $e create stress by holding in our stomachs and ha+e a negati+e attitude to$ard this part o# our body" $e inter#ere $ith our normal biological #unctioning. *hen the belly is rela(ed" digestion and elimination can occur in a natural and peace#ul matter. 'magine you $ere a large or small intestine and that you had to carry out your =ob under the ad+erse circumstances that $e create by holding in our bellies" blocking the energy #lo$ and cutting o## the breath. 8ou $ouldn&t get the =ob done properly" so matter ho$ hard you tried. ECERCISE442ne $ay to culti+ate a rela(ed abdominal area is to practice long deep abdominal breathing. Lie on your back" place your hands on your belly" let your inhale push your hands up and e(hale rela( the hands back do$n. Many $omen in classes ' ha+e taught ha+e e(perienced dramatic increases o# energy $ith this simple breathing e(ercise. 2ur goal is to be#riend our bellies and to consciously allo$ our energy to #lo$. 2+ertime our peace#ul relationship $ith our energy and our body $ill supercede any programming o# ho$ our bodies should look. As $e make #riends $ith our bodies" /2* 2A@ -21'5S :55L -5B2M5S 2A@ B2MMAN1'N% T2AB/ST2N5.

Yogically, forty days is the amount of time it takes to break a habit.

Lesson ,9
'n the last t$o Ne$ Millennium -eing Ne$sletters" ' ha+e set out guidelines #or tuning into Taurus and 5arth energy. ' ha+e also gi+en a meditation by 8ogi -ha=an to practice during this time. The /ar /ar %obinde meditation is actually a $arrior

meditation that $as used to prepare soldiers #or battle. -elo$ ' am including the Tune in to Taurus and the Meditation again. A#ter practicing it #or ,, minutes" simply sit or lie .uietly and tune into and #eel the energy as it pulses through your body. Listen $ithin. And en=oy the moment.


The Ne$ Moon al$ays begins a ne$ annual cycle in one o# the t$el+e signs. Koined by the Sun and this year Mercury" Cenus" Mars" Kupiter and Saturn" $e de#initely ha+e a chance to initiate a ne$ cycle in relationship to Taurus energy" issues and opportunities. The Ne$ Moon is the best time to start a pro=ect or spiritual practice. 8ogi -ha=an has gi+en the #ollo$ing meditation to do during this period o# time4$hile the )lanets are in Taurus" to be able to deal $ith the intensity o# the energy and the challenges during the shi#t to the ne$ millennium and the A.uarian Age" and to be success#ul. This meditation has >0 sounds. 't e##ects the 5 tatt+as (air" $ater" #ire" earth" and ether!" the H chakras and the arch line. This mantra can penetrate into anything and help a+oid mis#ortune. 't has the po$er to break through any resistance or obstacles. 't is sacred but it is not secret. HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR 4 repeat be#ore each o# the #ollo$ing mantras )ump the na+el center (belo$ the na+el! $ith each /ar. Ase the tip o# the tongue. Bhant in a monotone" enunciating clearly each syllable or chant to a tape. GOBINDE 4 %o bin day44Sustainer MUKUNDE 4 Mu kun day44Liberator UDARE 4 2o dar ay445nlightener APARE 4 A par ay44'n#inite HARING 4 /ar e ung441estroyer KARING 4 Kar e ung44Breator NIRNAME 4 Nir na may44Nameless AKAME 4 A ka may441esireless Bhoose one o# the #ollo$ing mudras (hand positions! and do #or >0 or 60 days #or ,, minutes. T/2.* t$2c/in& @2+ite )in&e (inde(! 4 to remo+e all obstacles T/2.* t$2c/in& Sat2 n )in&e (middle! 4 #or inner purity

T/2.* t$2c/in& S2n )in&e (ring! 4 #or health" prosperity and #riendship All the resources that you need $ill come to you. T/2.* t$2c/in& Me c2 # )in&e (little! 4 #or clear communication

Lesson ,;
Taurus embodies the earth element. The Sun $ill be in Taurus through May ,6th. Cenus is in Taurus until May 96th" Kupiter through the month o# Kune and Saturn through the month o# Kuly. This is an ideal time to $ork $ith the earth element and our physical body. *e ha+e until May 90th $hen the Sun goes into %emini" the air element" to $ork $ith the earth element. The more present you are to your body" the easier it $ill be to learn the lessons and claim the gi#ts o# %emini.

/ere are a #e$ guidelines to use to practice being in your body. Add to the list as your e(periences enrich your a$areness. ,. :eel your breath in your body. 9. Slo$ your breath do$n until your body rela(es. ;. )ractice communicating non4+erbally $ith your body. -e a$are o# $hat the body responds to. >. Listen to the sensations in your body as $ays that it is communicating $ith you. 5. *hen a sensation #eels good" keep your a$areness there and en=oy it. <. *hen a sensation #eels uncom#ortable" keep your a$areness there and allo$ it to e(press itsel#. H. Allo$ $ithout =udgment or interpretation all sensations in your body. E. Treat your body as your best #riend.


Lesson ,>
Spiritual practices ha+e traditionally #ocused on raising energy #rom lo$er to higher #re.uencies and #rom the lo$er to the higher chakras. Many spiritual disciplines concentrate only on the upper chakras and totally ignore (or try to ignore! the lo$er chakras. Some spiritual paths still condemn the body and the lo$er chakras" $hich they consider as bad. ' kne$ one $oman $ho $ould practice only third eye

meditations. She e+en re#used to do yoga or any practice that got her in touch $ith her body. She also lost her husband (/e lost interest in her.! Many spiritual paths today at least gi+e lip ser+ice to using their techni.ues to help us deal $ith the challenges o# our stress#ul technological $orld. /o$e+er" the #undamental basis o# the teachings o#ten remains the same4renunciation and escapism #rom material reality. 't is not surprising then that de+oted practice produces the same results as it did $hen the goal o# spirituality $as to renounce the physical body and $orldly pursuits. 'n #act" i# $e start losing interest in this $orld and our participation in it" the technology is $orking. ' personally #ound this out o+er t$enty years ago $hen ' #irst started practicing Kundalini 8oga and meditation #or si( to se+en hours e+eryday. ' $as de#initely succeeding in raising my energy. The problem $as that ' $as so ungrounded and out o# my body that people had to look up to the ceiling to talk to me. ' couldn&t #igure out $hy ' =ust $anted to hide. The basic problem $as that my personal practice $as incomplete. ' $as raising my energy" but ' $as not bringing it back do$n. ' used to do all the prosperity meditations that 8ogi -ha=an taught" $ith no results in my personal li#e. 1uring one meeting $ith 8ogi -ha=an o+er ,5 years ago" he thanked me personally #or all the $ealth that ' had brought to the ;/2 organi3ation. At the time ' could barely support mysel#. This $as a $ake up call #or me. ' kne$ ' had to #igure out ho$ to bring prosperity to mysel# as $ell. The ans$er is not a .uick4do4this4meditation4#or4#orty4days #i(. ' am still disco+ering that the ans$er is simple and comple( at the same time. The simple ans$er is that in order to mani#est $e ha+e to be present in your bodies and connected to the 5arth. *e ha+e to -5 /5@5 N2*. To attract and recei+e" $e ha+e to be home $hen the postman arri+es. 't takes care#ul" +igilant practice to culti+ate an a$areness o# Sel#. *e ha+e to train oursel+es to be present to the #eelings and sensations in our bodies. *e ha+e to learn to be com#ortable being uncom#ortable $ith $hat $e #eel. *e ha+e to process the mental stories that come up" so our emotions become pure e(pressions o# our soul instead o# mental trauma dramas. *e ha+e to culti+ate a strong na+el center so $e can take e##ecti+e and timely action. *e ha+e to culti+ate a po$er#ul base chakra so $e ha+e the ability to stay present. *e ha+e to be com#ortable and #ree in our second chakra so $e can simultaneously contain (consciously hold! and e(pand our creati+e energy.

Many yogic practices #ocus on the ascent o# energy. 'n Less$n DA $e co+ered the Locks or the -handas $hich help #acilitate raising our energy up our spine. The ascent is an important part o# e+ery spiritual path. Learning the -handas also helps us contain" #ocus and monitor our internal energy. Actually all yogic and meditation practices raise our +ibrational #re.uency. The .uestion is $hat do $e do $ith the energy. '# $e are not conscious o# our bodies and the energy in our bodies" the energy $ill dissipate. *e #eel good #or a $hile" but soon a#ter$ards $e need another session to re+itali3e oursel+es again. *e contribute good energy to the $orld and share good +ibes" but $e are unable to mani#est #or oursel+es unless $e can remain conscious o# our o$n presence. Mastering the ascent is a necessary #irst step" but not the $hole story. The goal o# the ascent is to e(perience uni+ersal oneness. *hen the cro$n chakra is open our

perspecti+e on li#e changes. *hile $e are e(periencing li#e as a human being" $e need to bring the uni+ersal perspecti+e back into our daily li+es. Alone the up and out o# the body approach to spirituality incorporates implications $hich actually limit our spiritual de+elopment and certainly our ability to lead producti+e and prosperous li+es.


The human spiritual =ourney in+ol+es both raising our energy to higher #re.uencies and integrating this higher +ibration into our bodies" perceptions" thoughts and daily acti+ities. The ascent up the chakras is the path o# enlightenment. The decent #rom the cro$n chakra do$n to the base o# the spine is the path o# mani#estation. Together the ascent and the descent comprise the path o# liberation. )ractically translated" in our .uest to be liberated" accepting and honoring our humanness is as important as merging in 1i+ine consciousness. The descent re.uires that $e care #or our bodies" embrace our #eelings" earn a right li+elihood" learn to li+e by natural la$s and be at one $ith Mother Nature. Many o# us $ere #ormer (past li#e times! sadus" yogis" saints" priests and nuns $ho ha+e mastered the ascent. This li#etime $e are trying to #igure out ho$ to master the descent. *e are li+ing in the material $orld in order to become masters o# it. *e ha+e to learn ho$ to support oursel+es $ith our o$n creati+ity. *e ha+e to learn no$ to grace#ully and meaning#ully interact in relationships. *e ha+e to learn to honor our humanness. To do so $e must honor our bodies and acti+ate the highest e(pression o# our #irst three chakras. *e ha+e to learn to be com#ortable in the $orld" in our bodies and $ith each other. *e ha+e to bring /ea+en to 5arth. *e ha+e to master the spirituali3ation o# matter" starting $ith oursel+es.


The ascent helps us disco+er our identity as a di+ine Soul and e(perience the Light o# Ani+ersal Truth. 2nce $e are conscious o# reality beyond duality" $e can use this a$areness to clean up our act" to release destructi+e beha+iors and to replace sabotaging belie#s and thoughts $ith uni+ersal $isdom. The descent is the cleansing process44ob+iously not the most popular phase o# our spiritual de+elopment? /o$e+er" dealing $ith our dark (underde+eloped! side is the only $ay to become sel#4empo$ered and liberated. The ascent is supposed to gi+e us the e(perience o# our soul identity" so $e don&t take our $ounds so seriously. A soul perspecti+e greatly #acilitates the release o# sur+i+al programming and neurotic baggage. The descent unleashes our ability to mani#est #rom our higher sel#. The acti+ation o# the #irst chakra creates an energetic #oundation that connects us to our bodies" the 5arth" and physical sensations. A balanced #irst chakra gi+es us a sense o# belonging and security in the physical plane and makes it possible #or us to recei+e and mani#est. %rounded in our #irst chakra" $e are able to use our special gi#ts to support oursel+es and to make our uni.ue contribution to the $orld. The alignment o# the second chakra allo$s us to tap our personal creati+ity. An acti+ated third chakra gi+es us the stamina" moti+ation and commitment to take appropriate action.

The complete path o# liberation re.uires us to li+e in this $orld as householders" to ha+e relationships" to gain#ully support oursel+es" to honor Mother 5arth and to participate in the creation o# a sustainable $orld. To do the abo+e $e ha+e to be grounded in our bodies and connected to physical and material reality. *hen $e practice both the ascent and the descent" $e can en=oy our bodies" stay present in the moment and en=oy li#e on )lanet 5arth. And as 8ogi -ha=an points out" the path o# Kundalini yoga is one o# the #e$ paths that does not re.uire celibacy.

The ma=ority o# the Kundalini yoga kriyas taught by 8ogi -ha=an in the,6H0&s in+ol+ed clearing and strengthening the #irst three chakras. A ma=or theme o# my #irst Kundalini 8oga manual" based on 8ogi -ha=an&s teachings" T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t-Cente ed 7$ "d" is ho$ to create the #oundation in the lo$er triangle so that $e can open our hearts and keep them open. 8ogi -ha=an teaches that it is impossible to stay in the heart $ithout being in the lo$er ; chakras. %rounding is a .uestion o# both attention and techni.ue. 't is important to practice asanas that acti+ate and balance the lo$er ; chakras. /o$e+er" as ' learned in my o$n practice" simply doing the e(ercises is not enough. 2ne must be mind#ul o# the sensations in one&s body. Training the mind to be present to the breath and mo+ement o# energy in one&s body is o# e.ual importance. The e(ercises belo$ are #or the #irst three chakras. A#ter doing each e(ercise" spend an e.ual amount o# time simply training your mind to be present to the area or point o# each chakra" both in the #ront o# your body and along your spine. Allo$ yoursel# to e(perience $hat is happening $ithout any =udgment or intention o# making something happen. There is much to disco+er i# you gently let yoursel# -5 /5@5 N2*. And there is much to gain i# you are home to recei+e $hat is yours.

@oot lock4lightly tighten the muscles at the anus and the perineum and then release. See "ess$n $n t/e "$c0s4 5DA6 S+ina" F"e(es Sit in easy pose $ith the hands holding the ankles. Lightly pull on the hands as you inhale pressing the spine #or$ard and e(hale as you release the spine back$ard. The head does not mo+e. Boncentrate on massaging the base o# the spine to the ground.


S+ina" R$tati$ns /ands on the knees in easy pose" rotate the lo$er body" mo+ing #rom the na+el point. %radually allo$ the $hole abdominal area to rela( and release. Stay conscious o# the breath as it helps create the mo+ement.


Le& "i)ts 4 hands under the hips" #irst raise the right leg up to 60N on the inhale and release it do$n on the e(hale. 2ne minute $ith the right leg and one minute $ith the le#t leg. @ela(. Then raise both legs together. 'nhale up. 5(hale do$n.

B eat/ $) Fi e4 Sitting in easy pose or any other com#ortable position.


5(periment $ith #eeling the presence o# both $hite and gold light. They ha+e +ery di##erent e##ects. Then $rite to the list and let us kno$ $hat the di##erence is. This is #un. ' $ouldn&t $ant to take a$ay your e(perience. This could be one o# the most important piece o# in#ormation you recei+e.


8ogi -ha=an has gi+en us the #ollo$ing meditation #or prosperity in the Ne$ Millennium" and to help in dealing $ith the intensity o# the energy" and the challenges posed to us during the transition to the A.uarian Age. ' e(plained this meditation in the Ne% Mi""enni2. Bein& Ne$sletter in May. /ere it is again. Make sure you pump your na+el point to stay in your body. The goal is to

imprint the +ibration o# the mantra into your physical body and aura. 1o this meditation #or ,, minutes e+eryday #or a $hole year and let us kno$ $hat happens. 8ou can chant this mantra in a monotone or you can chant it to music. There are se+eral musical +ersions a+ailable #rom 8oga Technology. B"iss)2" S+i it 4 %urunam Ha Ha Ha Ha G$*inda# 4 Spirit Coyage Mantra Series ' pre#er chanting to a B1 because it is +ery energi3ing. This meditation has >0 sounds. 't e##ects the 5 tatt+as (air" $ater" #ire" earth" and ether!" the H chakras and the arch line. This mantra can penetrate into anything and help a+oid mis#ortune. 't has the po$er to break through any resistance or obstacles. 't is sacred but it is not secret. '# you chant this mantra you can be success#ul during these challenging times. Sit in either 5asy or Lotus )ose" $hiche+er you #ind the most com#ortable. HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR 4 repeat be#ore each o# the #ollo$ing mantras. )ump the na+el center (belo$ the na+el! $ith each Ha . Ase the tip o# the tongue. Bhant in a monotone" enunciating clearly each syllable or chant to a tape. GOBINDE 4 %o bin day44Sustainer MUKUNDE 4 Mu kun day44Liberator UDARE 4 2o dar ay445nlightener APARE 4 A par ay44'n#inite HARING 4 /ar e ung441estroyer KARING 4 Kar e ung44Breator NIRNAME 4 Nir na may44Nameless AKAME 4 A ka mayO1esireless Bhoose one mudra and do #or >0 or 60 days #or ,, minutes (See M2d a +a&e!D T/2.* touching Kupiter #inger( inde(!4 to remo+e all obstacles T/2.* touching Saturn #inger (middle!4 #or inner purity T/2.* touching Sun #inger (ring!4#or health" prosperity and #riendship. All the resources that you need $ill come to you. T/2.* touching Mercury #inger (little!4 #or clear communication

M2d as
A gesture or position" usually o# the hands" that locks and guides energy #lo$ and re#le(es to the brain. -y curling" crossing" stretching and touching the #ingers and hands" $e can talk to the body and mind as each area o# the hand re#le(es to a certain part o# the mind or body.
('n each mudra" e(ert enough pressure to #eel the #lo$ o# energy through the nadis (psychic channels! up the arms but not enough to $hiten #ingertips!. 5taken #rom best4selling book 4 T ansiti$ns t$ a Hea t Cente ed 7$ "d %ururattan K. Khalsa )h.1.! S$.e c$..$n"# 2sed .2d as a eB GUYAN MU!RAB The tip o# the thumb touches the tip o# the inde( #inger" stimulating kno$ledge and ability. The inde( #inger is symboli3ed by Kupiter" and the thumb represents the ego. %uyan Mudra imparts recepti+ity I calm. ACTI;E GUYAN MU!RAB The #irst =oint o# the inde( #inger is bent under the #irst =oint o# the thumb" imparting acti+e kno$ledge. SHUNI MU!RAB Tip o# middle #inger (symboli3ed by Saturn! touches the tip o# the thumb" gi+ing patience. SURYA $ RA;I MU!RAB Tip o# the ring #inger (symboli3ed by Aranus or the Sun! touches the tip o# the thumb" gi+ing energy" health and intuition. BU!!HI MU!RAB Tip o# little #inger (Mercury! touches tip o# thumb #or clear and intuiti+e communication.

;ENUS LOC3B 'nterlace #ingers $ith le#t little #inger on the bottom" $ith the right inde( #inger on top #or men and the le#t #or $omen. The Cenus mounds at the base o# the thumbs are pressed together channeling sensuality and se(uality" and glandular balance" helping to #ocus and concentrate. @UPITER MU!RAB (belo$ right!. *ith the the t$o inde( #ingers together" the po$er o# Kupiter" or good luck and e(pansion is acti+ated. Together they #ocus your energy to break through barriers.

PRAYER MU!RAB )alms are pressed together" neutrali3ing and balancing yin I yang" #or centering. BEAR GRIPB Le#t palm #aces out #rom body $ith thumb do$n" and right palm #aces body" thumb up" and #ingers are curled and hooked together to stimulate the heart and intensi#y concentration. BU!!HA MU!RAB @ight hand rests on le#t #or men" le#t on right #or $omen" palms up" thumbs tips touching each other in a recepti+e gesture.

Lesson ,5
3i tin 3 i#aB
Sa Ta Na Ma Meditati$n )$ Ev$"2ti$na # C/an&e
*e all say $e $ant to change. *ell at least $e $ant things to be di##erent in our li+es. *e $ant to be happier and at peace $ithin oursel+es. *e $ant more satis#ying relationships. *e $ant to be healthier. *e $ant more meaning#ul $ork and to be more prosperous. *e $ant to break destructi+e habits and stop indulging in certain addicti+e beha+iors. The .uestion is ho$ can $e e##ect these changes in our li+es. 8oga recogni3es that i# $e $ant to make changes in our li+es" $e ha+e to change oursel+es. 8oga operates #rom the principle that our inner reality creates our outer reality. *e ha+e to alter our +ibrational #re.uency so that $e attract at a di##erent le+el. 2ur #re.uency has to match $hat $e $ant to mani#est. And e.ually important" $e ha+e to clear our subconscious programming so it does not sabotage our conscious intent. :or in #act" it is the programming in our subconscious mind that creates our reality.

Mantras are po$er#ul tools #or clearing and restructuring the subconscious mind. SAT NAM and its deri+ati+e SA TA NA MA are the t$o basic mantras taught by 8ogi -ha=an to reorient the mind and thus open us up to the possibility o# trans#ormational change.

SAT NAM seeds the truth in our consciousness by $aking us up to our di+ine identity. SAT NAM is the seed or bi= mantra. SA TA NA MA incorporates the nuclear sounds o# SAT NAM. SA TA NA MA uses the primal sounds to connect us to the e+olutionary nature o# e(istence itsel#. 't is re#erred to as the panch shabd" $hich means a mantra $ith #i+e sound currents. The #i#th sound is A. *hen $e chant SA TA NA MA $e imprint the e+olutionary code o# the uni+erse into our human psyche. SA is the beginning" in#inity" the totality o# e+erything that e+er $as" is or $ill be. TA is li#e" e(istence and creati+ity that mani#ests #rom in#inity. NA is death" change and the trans#ormation o# consciousness. MA is rebirth" regeneration and resurrection $hich allo$s us to consciously e(perience the =oy o# the in#inite. SA TA NA MA is so primal that its impact on our psyche is like splitting an atom. The po$er o# his mantra comes #rom the #act that it rearranges the subconscious mind at the most elementary le+el. 't has the po$er to break habits and addictions because it accesses the le+el o# the mind $here habits are created. 8ogi -ha=an says that -eha+ior patterns are the result o# the radiance o# the psyche and #re.uency o# the magnetic #ield in relationship to the uni+ersal psyche and magnetic #orce. (J,! The radiance o# the psyche is dependent upon the acti+e #unctioning o# both the pituitary and pineal glands. The pituitary gland regulates the entire glandular system. The secretion o# the pineal gland creates a pulsating radiance that acti+ates the pituitary gland. The mind goes out o# balance $hen the pineal gland is dormant. The imbalance makes it seem impossible to break mental and physical addictions. The mantra SA TA NA MA to a po$er#ul tool to recreate balance in the mind.


Kirtin Kriya" o#ten re#erred to as SA TA NA MA meditation" is the most important meditation in Kundalini 8oga. 't $as one o# the #irst meditations taught by 8ogi -ha=an and remains today as a #oundation meditation recommended #or e+ery student o# Kundalini yoga. 8ogi -ha=an says that i# you can do only one meditation" this is it. 't does e+erything #or you in the order that you need. 't is your teacher. And as you practice it" you $ill come to reali3e that it is your best #riend. *hate+er you need at the moment" it $ill read=ust and align you to bring balance into your mind and thus your li#e. This meditation is gi+en #or e+erything #rom breaking habits to achie+ing emotional balance. ' kne$ one $oman $ho had been +ery emotionally upset #or o+er t$o $eeks. :inally she $ent to a .uiet spot in the $oods and did ;, minutes o# Kirtin Kriya and +oila" she #elt rela(ed and $hole again. 't helps you #ocus and center yoursel#. 't is a catalyst #or change because it is a +ery po$er#ul spiritual cleanser. 8ou may go through a lot because you $ill be releasing a lot. -e present to $hat you are e(periencing and be $illing to let it all go. The process $ill allo$ you to gi+e all

your garbage back to %od. '# you $ant to maintain the status .uo" don&t do this meditation. '# you are $illing to change and $elcome a ne$ dimension o# being into your li#e" this meditation is #or you. The bottom line is that this meditation $orks. All you ha+e to do is do it. 8ou can trust the process and the technology. JJNo$ here is one o# the best selling points. 1o you think about an old lo+er and $ant to be liberated #rom the grips o# the past and release him or her #rom your aura0 This is the meditation? There is nothing more po$er#ul to release the auric pain $e su##er $hen $e break up $ith a lo+er. 't $ill reestablish your aura as your o$n.

Sit $ith a straight spine. -ring your mental #ocus to the bro$ point. Bhant SA TA NA MA. *hile chanting alternately press the thumb $ith the #our #ingers. )ress hard enough to keep yoursel# a$ake and a$are o# the pressure. Keep repeating in a stable rhythm and keep the hand motion going throughout the $hole meditation. SA press the thumb and the #irst or Kupiter #inger together $ith pressure. TA press the thumb and the middle or Saturn #inger together. NA press the thumb and the ring or Sun #inger together. MA press the thumb and the small or Mercury #inger together. The Kupiter #inger brings in kno$ledge" e(pands our #ield o# possibilities and releases us #rom limitations. The Saturn #inger gi+es us patience" $isdom and purity. The Sun #inger gi+es us +itality and ali+eness. The Mercury #inger aids clear communication. 5ach time you close a mudra by =oining the thumb $ith a #inger" your ego seals its e##ect in your consciousness. Cisuali3e or #eel each indi+idual sound come in the cro$n chakra at the top o# the head" do$n through the middle o# the head and out to in#inity through the third eye. This is +ery important and must be done $ith each sound. 't is an essential part o# the cleansing process. '# this part o# the meditation is not done" you may e(perience a headache. *hile doing the meditation" you may e(perience pictures o# the past come up like on a mo+ie screen in your mind. Let them dance in #ront o# your eyes and release them $ith the mantra. This is part o# the cleansing o# the subconscious mind. '# emotions come up" you can also incorporate them in the chanting" i.e. i# you #eel anger then chant out the anger. *hate+er you e(perience is 2K. 1o not try to a+oid or control your e(periences. Simply be $ith $hat is going on and go through it. 't is all part o# the cleansing process.


:or the #irst 5 minutes chant 2ATL2A1. (The +oice o# humans.! :or the second 5 minutes chant in an audible */'S)5@. ( The language o# lo+ers.! :or the ne(t ,0 minutes chant S'L5NTL8. (The language o# the di+ine! Keep the hands" L in the head and tongue mo+ing. Then 5 minutes */'S)5@. 5nd $ith 5 minutes 2ATL2A1. The last minute" listen inside and hear the mantra and e(perience the L in the head. 1o not do the #inger mo+ements. 2ptimally this meditation is done #or ;, minutes. 't can also be done #or <9 minutes by doubling the times.

't can also be done #or shorter times. 8ogi -ha=an has said that during this stress#ul time it should be done #or at least ,, minutes e+ery day. :or the ele+en minute +ersion doD 9 minutes 2ATL2A1 9 minutes in an audible */'S)5@ ; minutes chant S'L5NTL8. Keep the hands" L in the head and tongue mo+ing. 9 minutes */'S)5@. 9 minutes 2ATL2A1. Then sit .uietly and listen inside" hear the mantra and e(perience the L in the head. 1o not do the #inger mo+ements. At the end" inhale deeply" raise the arms up in the air and +igorously shake the arms and #ingers. 8ou can in+ol+e the $hole body and spine. 5(hale. @epeat , or 9 more time i# you desire. This is an important part o# the meditation as it helps mo+e and release the energy in the body. @ela( #or a #e$ minutes be#ore going about your day. 2r rela( on your back. '# it is be#ore bed time" simply go to sleep. :22TN2T5S AN1 @5:5@5NB5S J(,! Kundalini 8ogaD The :lo$ o# 5ternal )o$er" Shakti )ar$ha Kaur Khalsa" -erkley )ublishing Bo. ,66<. p. ,0>.

J(9! Transitions to a /eart4Bentered *orld" by %ururattan Kaur Khalsa" 8oga Technology )ress.

Lesson ,<

S/a*ad 3 i#aB Bedti.e Meditati$n

Many people ha+e di##iculty going to sleep e+en though they are tired. There are many reasons #or insomnia. *hen the mind is too acti+e" $e ha+e a hard time going to sleep or e+en i# $e do go to sleep" $e are restless and do not sleep deeply. There are many theories and opinions about ho$ much sleep a person needs and it certainly +aries according to state o# health" acti+ity and circumstances. -ut most o# us $ould agree that the deeper and more peace#ul the sleep" the more rested $e #eel the ne(t morning. There are se+eral things that $e can do to promote deeper and more rest#ul sleep. 5,6 SLO7 !O7N -e#ore going to bed" start to slo$ do$n. *alk slo$er. Stop hea+y mental acti+ity. *rite do$n $hat you need to do the ne(t day and lea+e the list in the other room. This allo$s you to clear your mind and lets the energy start coalescing to get $hat you $ant done accomplished. '# there is something on your mind that you ha+e not been able to resol+e" make a special list #or the angels" #or the 1i+ine or $hoe+er might to around to help and turn it o+er to a higher" unemployed po$er that needs an acti+ity #or the night. :eel complete about the day. Ackno$ledge yoursel# #or $hat you accomplished and lessons learned. :orgi+e yoursel# #or anything that bothers you. /eh" no one&s per#ect. And list #i+e things you are grate#ul #or. 'n other $ords" prepare yoursel# to de+ote the ne(t hours to peace#ul" unpreoccupied sleep. 8ou not only deser+e" you need to rest. 5<6 EATING HABITS 5at your last meal at least 9 ,79 hours be#ore you go to bed. *hen $e eat =ust be#ore going to bed our energy is tied up $ith digestion and it is hard to sleep deeply. 5at lightly #or your e+ening meal. 1e#initely no animal protein" #ried or hea+y #oods. Any dairy at night $ill make it more di##icult to get up the ne(t day. ' used to ha+e a small yogurt snack be#ore going to bed. 't $as so pain#ul to try to $ake up in the am. *hen ' eliminated the yogurt" it $as like a $eight $as li#ted o## o# me. ' $as so much clearer in the morning. Soups" salads" stemmed +egetables or other easily digested dishes are the best #or the e+ening meal. 5=6 LEFT NOSTRIL BREATHING The t$o nostrils are associated $ith t$o +ery di##erent energies. *hen $e breathe through the right nostril" $e are energi3ed and stimulated. *hen $e breathe through the le#t nostril" $e rela( and calm do$n. 2ur breath naturally changes dominant nostrils appro(imately e+ery 94,79 hours. A#ter eating our nostrils $ill change to the le#t to accommodate the energy needed to digest our #ood. That is one reason $hy $e #eel like sleeping a#ter eating. 8ou can tell $hich nostril is your dominate one at any time simply by blocking o## one" then the other. The dominant one is easy to breathe through and the less dominate one #eels like it is blocked. 't is use#ul be#ore going to bed to sit .uietly" block o## the right nostril and breath long and deeply through the le#t nostril. Slo$ing do$n the breath to > or less breaths per minute also #acilitates sleep.

Lying on the le#t side #acilitates digestion and opens the right nostril. '# you do need to digest your #ood" lying on the le#t side $ith help. /o$e+er" to get to sleep" lying on your right side $ith help open the le#t nostril. 8ou can also close o## the right nostril $ith the right thumb to open the le#t nostril. 'n both e(ercises" mentally inhale SAT and e(hale NAM. The mental #ocus on the mantra and the breath are +ery soothing.


8ogi -ha=an has gi+en us the #ollo$ing meditation to practice be#ore going to bed. '# practiced on a regular basis" once a $eek or e+en e+ery night" your sleep $ill be deep and rela(ed. The control o# the rhythm o# the breath strengthens the ner+ous system and regenerates the ner+es. A#ter a #e$ months" the rhythm o# your breath $ill be subconsciously regulated and e+entually you $ill internally chant the mantra $hile you are sleeping. 8ou may $ake up to the internal chant o# the mantra and hear it in your daily acti+ities. 8ou $ill think better" $ork better" share better and lo+e better. There cannot be enough praise o# the meditation&s e##ect on the personality. 't gi+es the mind the po$er to stretch to in#inity" promotes radiance" patience and practical uni+ersality. (@ela( I @ene$ p. ,,E! This is a good meditation to do to reco+er #rom #atigue caused by normal daily stress" tra+el and e+en =et lag.

MU!RA-HAN! POSITION Sit in 5asy )ose $ith a straight spine. /ands are in the lap in -uddha MudraD palms up" right hand resting on top o# le#t. The thumbs touch and #ace #or$ard. EYES The eyes #ocus at the tip o# the nose $ith the eyes about 67,0th closed. There are se+eral $ays to #acilitate looking at the tip o# the nose. -ring your #ore#inger in #ront o# your #ace and look at it. Keep looking at the #ore#inger and slo$ly bring the #ore#inger to the tip o# the nose. To #acilitate the concentration at the tip o# the nose" do the #ollo$ing e(ercise. -ring the arms out to your sides parallel to the ground" palms up. 1o breath o# #ire #or ,4; minutes. This e(ercise balances the right and le#t hemispheres o# the brain" $hich makes it easier to maintain the #ocus o# the t$o eyes. The eyes #ocused at the tip o# the nose causes the optic ner+es to cross at the third eye. Thus it is easier to bring your mental #ocus to the third eye $hile the eyes are directed at the tip o# the nose. -oth the pineal and the pituitary glands and the area bet$een them are stimulated by this eye posture" $hich has the e##ect o# breaking old habits and creating ne$ ones.

BREATHING AN! MANTRA 'nhale > e.ual parts through the nose" i.e. the inhale is di+ided into > sni##s. Mentally +ibrate SA TA NA MA $ith the #our parts o# the inhale breath. /old the breath and mentally repeat > repetitions o# SA TA NA MA. This $ill be ,< counts SA TA NA MA SA TA NA MA SA TA NA MA SA TA NA MA Then e(hale in 9 e.ual strokes" mentally pro=ecting WAHE GURU WAHE GURU means ecstasy. WAHE GURU is the result o# integrating SAT NAM into the psyche. *hen $e e(perience the Truth" $e #eel ecstasy. TIME Bontinue #or ,," ,5" 99" ;, or e+en <9 minutes. This meditation $ill o#ten put you to sleep be#ore you complete the allotted time. This meditation $as originally taught by 8ogi -ha=an April ," ,6H>. (J ,! :rom @ela( and @ene$ by %ururattan Kaur Khalsa and Ann Marie Ma($ell" 8oga Technology )ress" ,6EE.

Lesson ,H
!ea"in& %it/ !e+ essi$n
Meditati$n is Medicati$n )$ t/e S$2":
The purpose o# this article is to rede#ine depression as our psyche&s response to disconnection #rom our souls and to help us use this response to culti+ate and reconnect $ith our o$n inner light.

!isc$nnecti$n ) $. $2 S$2"s
1epression is a call #rom the soul to learn ho$ to deal $ith the emotion o# sadness. At the +ery core o# sadness is the message that $e are disconnected #rom our o$n soul. *e ha+e closed o## our hearts to oursel+es. To deal $ith sadness $e must go $ithin. Sadness is a +ery personal emotion. *e think that e+ents outside oursel+es make us sad. -ut in reality" no one can make us sad but oursel+es. To deal $ith depression re.uires embracing our #eelings o# sadness. *e are sad because $e are not e(periencing the lo+e that $e came here to e(perience in the human #orm. *e must #ind out $hy $e are not e(periencing lo+e. *e must learn ho$ to open up our hearts and our psyche to uni+ersal lo+e. *e must train oursel+es to embody this lo+e. This is one o# the basic reasons that $e come to planet 5arth4to learn ho$ to release resistance to lo+e and to #ully allo$ this uni+ersal energy to #lo$ through our being. 1epression is one o# the means to get our attention and to remind us o# this basic human endea+or. 1epression is initiated by the soul to oblige us to con#ront and

resol+e our inner con#licts that pre+ent us #rom e(periencing uni+ersal lo+e. The alchemy o# the soul re.uires us to trans#orm the energy o# sadness into bliss. This is" o# course" no easy or care#ree process. 't doesn&t #eel good and it takes patience and disciplined $ork. *elcome to )lanet 5arth? *e are obliged to e(perience grie#" sorro$" pessimism and loneliness. The trick is that $e are not obliged to indulge in these #eelings. They are there to teach us. -ut they are not there to torment us. The key to understanding all these #eelings is the reali3ation that they are a re#lection o# our separation #rom Source. They are a response to a closed heart. They are generated by a lack o# sel#4lo+e and a #undamental misunderstanding o# $ho $e really are. To understand our di+ine nature $e must ha+e the e(perience o# our o$n soul. *e $ill not lo+e oursel+es simply by ha+ing someone tell us $e are beauti#ul and great. *e ha+e all $itnessed ho$ transitory the elation #rom e+en honest complements are. :or the remedy cannot come #rom outside oursel+es. The remedy is #ound $ithin our o$n hearts. The problem is" o# course" that our hearts are closed 4 blocked o## by negati+e e(periences" une(pressed emotions #rom traumas and bad programming. *e must re+isit these e(periences" e(press these emotions and reinstall ne$ programming in order to make our $ay back into the core o# our soul $here di+ine lo+e resides. 1epression is an in+itation to this inner =ourney. Not the most popular =ourney" $e o#ten choose to a+oid it $ith denial" blame" medication and out$ard preoccupations. -ut my obser+ation is that like other soul lessons" some #orm o# sadness and depression ne+er really goes a$ay until $e #ind the gold o# di+ine lo+e in our o$n hearts. Actually $e $ouldn&t $ant to be able to totally deny the pain#ul messages and thus a+oid the process that produces the alchemy. :or $e are here to e(perience lo+e. The human =ourney ensures that $e $ill be prodded to do $hat it takes to ha+e this e(perience.

An Invitati$n t$ t2 n In%a d
1epression in+ites us to turn in$ard so that $e can disco+er the cause and source o# our pain and #ind resolution" #reedom and empo$erment. Although the basic cause o# depression is disconnection #rom uni+ersal lo+e" there are many human e(planations that cause us to be depressed. They are all mechanisms to remind us o# ho$ $e ha+e shut o## oursel+es #rom our di+ine identity and e##ecti+ely keep oursel+es separate #rom Source. Some o# the most popular $ays that $e ha+e learned to use to se+er our connection $ith our souls and the 1i+ine include

1. une(pressed and unhealed emotions 2. negati+e thoughts and limiting belie#s 3. attachments to persons and things that do not promote our identity and

4. a lack o# purpose and commitment to our o$n spiritual path and li#e . lack o# appropriate outlets #or our personal creati+e e(pression !. unresol+ed con#licts that $e let rule our minds and beha+ior
Some o# the abo+e are easy to identi#y. *e kno$ $hen don&t like our =ob and #eel abused in our relationships. /o$e+er" other problems in our psyche lie outside our conscious a$areness. The result is that $e think our problem is our depression.

/o$e+er" depression is a symptom o# a deeper problem that $e can&t consciously identi#y. 2ur inability to connect $ith our o$n sel#4lo+e and e(perience our connection $ith the 1i+ine is the most #undamental o# these unidenti#iable problems. And e+en i# $e identi#y it consciously" as $e are no$ doing" $e cannot access the connection and thus the solution through our conscious rational mind.

T/e Bi$c/ # $) L$ve

The good ne$s is that there is something that $e can consciously do to culti+ate this connection. 8oga and meditation $ere designed to culti+ate the inner connection $ith our soul. Meditation is medication #or the soul. 'n a +ery real $ay meditation is a medication because it changes the biochemistry o# our body and brain. All li#e e(periences are dependent upon our biochemistry. /uman consciousness is biochemical. The human psyche is an e(pression o# biochemistry. -iochemistry makes our di##erent human e(periences possible. The pi+otal .uestion thus becomes ho$ can $e impact and change our biochemistry0 :or as $e change our biochemistry" $e change ho$ $e #eel. *e change ho$ $e think. And $e change ho$ $e percei+e $hat $e e(perience. 't is +ery easy to monitor ho$ $e change our biochemistry. /o$ do you #eel a#ter you ha+e eaten sugar +s. had a balanced healthy meal0 There are many $ays to change our biochemistry. They include diet" physical acti+ity and e(posure to light. *e can also change our biochemistry $ith nutritional supplements" herbs and chemical medication. The good ne$s is that $e do not ha+e to become dependent upon chemical medication to deal $ith depression. The good ne$s is that $e can also change our biochemistry through yoga and meditation. 8ogi -ha=an has gi+en us Kundalini yoga and speci#ic meditations to change the biochemistry o# our bodies and brains. These practices promote pleasurable states o# being 4 =oy and bliss. *e #eel happy #or no apparent reason. This happens because the channels o# the brain that connect us $ith higher states o# e(perience and lo+e are accessed and opened. As $e practice these e(ercises and meditations" $e e(perience $ho $e are really are. *e open up a #ield o# consciousness $ithin oursel+es $hereby it becomes easier" or at least possible" to con#ront the hidden agendas that $e ha+e allo$ed to cut o## our di+ine connection. These e(ercises and meditations are po$er#ul tools #or breaking up the stuck energy in our bodies and psyches that ha+e so tenaciously created and maintained separation and depression as a status .uo. An initial goal is to stop and then re+erse the descent into deeper states o# immobility" sel#4abuse and pain. The meditations then create a sa#e inner space o# acceptance" $hich allo$s us to look at ho$ $e disconnect and then be able to re+erse the process. 2+er time $e generate an ongoing e(perience o# our o$n inner light and connection $ith our o$n soul.

Meditati$n t$ &et $2t $) !e+ essi$n

The #ollo$ing meditation is on page ,;5 o# my book Re"a( and Rene%" $hich contains many meditations to relie+e stress and depression. 8ogi -ha=an taught it in ,6H6. This meditation totally recharges you and is an antidote to depression. 't builds a ne$ biochemical system" gi+es one capacity and caliber to deal $ith li#e" and establishes a direct relationship $ith the pranic body.

Inst 2cti$nsB Sit in 5asy )ose $ith a straight spine" e(tend the arms straight #or$ard" parallel to the ground. Blose the right hand in a #ist" $rapping #ingers o# the le#t hand around it" bases o# palms touching" thumbs together and pulled up straight. 5yes are #ocused on the thumbs. 'nhale #or 5 seconds" and" $ithout holding the breath in" e(hale #or 5 seconds" and then hold the breath out #or ,5 seconds. Bontinue the cycle" starting $ith ;45 minutes and $orking up to ,,. )rogress slo$ly. 8ou can also $ork up to holding the breath out #or , #ull minute. Testi.$nia" *# Sad/ant Sin&/ ' ha+e #ound this to be a +ery .uick and po$er#ul $ay to change my emotional state. 't seems particularly e##ecti+e against depression and sadness" and =ust three minutes can completely alter my state o# mind. Another nice thing about this meditation is that it is a .uiet one" so ' can easily duck into a bathroom stall and" in =ust a #e$ minutes" raise my consciousness and prepare #or something ne$ or reco+er #rom something trying.

Lesson ,E
T/e Sens$ # S#ste. and t/e AE2a ian A&e
The de+elopment o# the human sensory system is one o# the ma=or themes o# 8ogi -ha=an&s recent lectures. -elo$ ' ha+e compiled notes #rom some o# these lectures. ' ha+e also included one o# the meditations he taught in :ebruary and the transcript #rom his lecture on August ," 9000. This material is an important point o# re#erence #or the coming ,, years as $e mo+e #rom the )iscean to the A.uarian Age. 2ur personal relationship $ith our o$n energy is a +itally important aspect o# our sensory system. 'n #act" the culti+ation o# our sensiti+ity to energy" in the many $ays that this mani#ests" is the basis o# our path to conscious a$areness. 8ou $ill notice this theme played out in many di##erent $ays in these lessons and in the Ne$ Millennium -eing. As you identi#y the themes that resonate $ith you" use them to establish an energetic relationship $ith yoursel#. As you do so" you $ill acti+ely embody the ne$ energies and participate in the shi#t to the A.uarian Age. These are re+olutionary times. 't is my prayer that you en=oy the po$er" potential and the positi+e heart4centered energy that are a+ailable to all o# those $ho choose to tune in and turn on $ith gratitude and grace.

T/e Sens$ # S#ste.

The human sensory system is going to be our greatest asset in the A.uarian Age. *e can culti+ate our sensory system by consciously connecting to our breath" strengthening our ner+ous system" acti+ating our glandular system" balancing our emotional energies and channeling our mental energy to intuiti+e a$areness. As $e culti+ate a subtle sensiti+ity to our being" $e $ill e(perience a sense o# completeness $ithin oursel+es that $ill gi+e us great satis#action. *e $ill sense our o$n di+inity. *e $ill sense" This is me. *e $ill ha+e the capacity to #eel calm" contained" content and straight. *e $ill no longer #eel the need to be +alidated #rom outside because energetically $e $ill +alidate oursel+es by going deep inside our o$n being.

!estin# and Att acti$n M$de

As $e establish a sense o# our o$n identity" our destiny $ill be re+ealed to us. 5+eryone has a special destiny. *hat $e came here to do $ill become clear. 't is our =ob to deli+er it in a meditati+e $ay. As $e achie+e a sense o# completeness and balance $ithin oursel+es" the energy that $e once used to try to compensate #rom our percei+ed limitations and to get +alidation #rom outside $ill be a+ailable to attract $hat $e need to make our uni.ue contribution to the $orld. The era o# go4get4it is o+er. The age o# attraction is #ast approaching. The attraction mode $ill happen through" and produce" a ne$ relationship $ith the 1i+ine. %od $ill no longer be percei+ed as a #orce outside oursel+es. As $e e(perience our unity $ith uni+ersal energies" $e $ill understand that $e are the co4creators and that $e co4 create through our consciousness and our +ibration. The 1i+ine $ill no longer be a $orshiping %od. The 1i+ine $ill be a $orking %od. *e $ill e(perience %od as $orking #or us. *e $ill e(perience this ne$ relationship through our sensory system. Through our sensiti+ity" $e $ill connect $ith uni+ersal energies. *e $ill e(perience that %od $orks though his creations (us?!. *e $ill learn to +ibrate $hat $e need so that it can mani#est. '# $e are calm" $hat $e need $ill come to us. '# $e ha+e clear intentions" the %od in us $ill ans$er our prayers.

T/e S/i)t is Ha++enin& N$%

8ogi -ha=an has said that the sensory system o# all human beings on the planet is de+eloping automatically bet$een :ebruary and April 900,. -y April 900, our intuiti+e kno$ing $ill open up $ithout any e##ort" $hether $e $ant it to or not. The problem is that many people are not culturally or emotionally prepared #or this shi#t in a$areness. *e $ill simply kno$ i# someone is manipulating us. *e $ill kno$ $hen someone is lying and $hat they are thinking. This shi#t in a$areness $ill cause a great deal o# insecurities and mental and emotional disturbances. 't $ill no longer be possible to sur+i+e though manipulation and control. 'magine the impact o# intuiti+ely kno$ing the truth on personal relationships and on the economic and political system. 2n an indi+idual le+el" i# people are not disciplined they $ill be unable to handle the intense energy and its implications. 'n the ne(t ele+en year" *e $ill #ind people getting empty" more perturbed" not able to bear enough" not ha+ing much tolerance" and +ery argumentati+e. (8ogi -ha=an! 'nstead o# channeling the energy to mani#est" people $ill use the pressure as an e(cuse to get drunk" to take drugs or to compensate through other outside stimulation. Those $ho cannot hold the energy in their o$n bodies $ill e(perience hopelessness and despair. Those $ho can

incorporate the higher #re.uencies $ill get high o## o# the energy and e(perience bliss. They $ill kno$ that this is one o# the best times to be ali+e. They $ill en=oy themsel+es in the moment and ha+e a genuine e(perience o# lo+e and =oy. They $ill make the transition #rom the )iscean Age o# ' belie+e there#ore ' kno$ to the A.uarian Age o# ' e(perience" there#ore ' kno$.

H$% can %e !eve"$+ $2 Sens$ # S#ste.'

8ogi -ha=an has o##ered us the #ollo$ing touchstonesD -e the prayer Allo$ and commit to deep cleansing :ind your identity inside yoursel# -e +ery honest" open and straight $ith yoursel# Learn sel#4control Learn to contain your o$n energy Bulti+ate inner contentment '# there is a choice" choose the positi+e 'denti#y your destiny and ser+e Bulti+ate character" commitment" and grace -alance yoursel#" so you don&t need to be compensated #rom outside %i+e up manipulation and control *hen you $ant something" get clear" ask" be calm and let it come 1e+elop a meditati+e mind to $ait and see $hat comes to you 1e+elop a relationship $ith a $orking %od that d$ells and breathes $ithin you

Meditati$n Ta2&/t *# Y$&i B/a8an Fe* 2a # <-9 <--,

Sit in easy pose" -ring the chin to$ard the chest" holding neck lock throughout the meditation. Bross arms o+er the chest" le#t under right" hand under armpits" like you used to pout $hen you $ere a child. Make an 0 $ith the mouth. 'nhale through the mouth. 5(hale through the nose. Long" deep" complete breathing. Bontinue #or ,, or ;, minutes. 1uring the last t$o minutes" sing in a beauti#ul +oice @A MA 1A SA SA SA8 S2 /AN%. (A beauti#ul +ersion o# Ra Ma !a Sa" chanted by %urunam" is a+ailable #rom 8oga Technology!. To end" inhale deeply" suspend the breath (hold the breath $hile rela(ing the body!" s.uee3e the entire body and stretch the spine. 5(hale. @epeat 9 more times.

C$..ents *# Y$&i B/a8an

There are t$o $ays to goD either you plan or %od plans #or you. 5ither you do it or %od does it #or you.

'# you ha+e no patience o# your o$n Sel#" you ha+e nothing. 8our trouble lies $hen you #ind your anchor outside o# you. There are three things in li#e" $hich are +ery important 4 your consciousness" your caliber and your character. Trouble is like $a+es 4 they hit you. -ut there&s nothing $rong. Trouble comes to e+eryone. At that time" $hat should you do0 8ou should go $ithin your Sel#. -ecause minus you out o# you" you are ugly. @eal #reedom is" &Nothing belongs to me. 't all belongs to you" 2h Lord.& (2b+iously relate to this last statement as the 1i+ine $ithin.!

Edited ;e si$n $) Y$&a B/a8an's Lect2 e

My edited +ersion o# 8ogi -ha=an&s lecture on the /uman Sensory System August ," 900," is a+ailable as number 9> Ne$ Millenium -eing. 1o$nloadable #rom our autoresponder 4 n.*<>F#$&atec/4c$. or #rom the Ne$ Millennium -eing $ebsite 4 /tt+BGG%%%4#$&atec/4c$.Gn.*G

T ansc i+t $) Lect2 e *# Y$&i B/a8an

The Sel#4Sensory System and the Transition o# the )iscean Age to the A.uarian Age 4 8ogi -ha=an" )h.1. August ," 9000 'n the ne(t t$el+e to #ourteen years you $ill be needed by the $orld. 't does not matter $ho one is today" or to $hom one belongsF people&s minds are going to go empty. 'n the )iscean Age" $hich is going to end" the main need $as #or kno$ledge" #or creati+e legacy. That&s $hy in the )iscean Age se( $as tabooF it $as monitored" matured" glori#ied. Se( and sensuality $ere considered the primary attractions. -eauty $as physical and people pursued each other. Se(ual intercourse $as the orientation o# relationship and it reached the point o# obno(ious dualityF per+ersion became +ery prominent. -ut the time is changing" people are looking to$ards #ul#illment o# the sel# through purity and piety" indi+iduality" and reality. They don&t $ant to practice duality anymoreF that&s $hy you $ill #ind #e$ marriages. Se( $ill not be the attraction. A Sensory System $ill de+elop" a ne$ system $here the indi+idual $ill #ind him or hersel# complete. Bommunication $ill be humongous. 5+erybody $ill ha+e access to all kno$ledge. *ith a push o# the button you can get any in#ormation you $ant. The $hole $orld $ill be at your disposal. The obsession $ith se( $ill ha+e no place. 2ne $ill not look #or satis#action through physical intercourse. 't $ill be automatic that one $ill #ind satis#action through the sel#4sensory system" $hich people $ill de+elop in the coming #i#ty years. The #oundation is being laid no$ because the cusp period is ,66, to 90,9 #or the Age o# )isces to go" and the Age o# A.uarius to come. *e ha+e already gone through nine years o# these 9, years. *hat is that personal sensory system0 There $ill be no need #or cosmetic make4up. )eople $ill be open" straight" simple" and their beauty $ill be internal" not e(ternal. Man and $oman are going to reach out $ith such dignity" such de+otion" such an ele+ated" lo#tiness o# sel#" and the beauty o# the human character $ill be so be$itching that not only the one $ho is $illing $ill be en=oying and reali3ing" but

their reali3ation $ill be so pro#ound that no destructi+e temptation by another person $ill $ork. The )iscean Age $as the ugliest age. 't $as an era in $hich the #emale $as rooted out #rom her roots" and e(ploited to the brink and to the brim by men. Male #emale relationship didn&t ha+e any strength. 't didn&t ha+e any character. 't didn&t ha+e any taste. So #emales in the past century ga+e birth to the most #ear#ul" insecure" impotent" or o+erse(ed men" and se(ual disorder $as $orse than e+er be#ore in the past three thousand years. 'n mankind" se(ually" men $ere in#eriorF they did not ha+e the po$er o# endurance. And they could not carry the lo+e and polarity o# the #emale. 'n other $ords" they could not become a unit. Their se(ual habits $ere so shallo$ that the Akashic record did not e+en record them. Men $ere the product o# being $orthless and uselessF their se(ual intimacy had no depth The men produced in the last century" $hom you call great" $anted to indulge in the po$er o# destruction. That&s $hy $e created the atom bomb" the hydrogen bomb" smart bombs" $e had t$o $ars" and $e killed more people in the name o# religion than anything else. And religion became" not reality" but an ugly #anaticism. The ugliest thing that happened in this last century is that man started #inding %od outside himsel#. Man #orgot that %od is the $orking %od" Karta )urkh" $hich" Nanak said" $orks and breathes in us. 't&s part o# usF 't&s not separate. *e $ere blind to %od&s presence e+ery$here. The only $ay to sur+i+e today is through the insanity o# the ego. Not ego 4 ego has a rational re#erence 4 but the insanity o# the ego. And man&s ego is like a snake $hich spe$s poison like a #ountain at you. 't doesn&t mean anything. 't =ust scares you" that&s all. )eople ha+e become limited" small" s.uee3ed to a point o# =ust physical e(istence" =ust physical e(istence. Today $e are si( billion ugly ducklings o# the human race li+ing on the planet and $e ha+e no .uality" no .uantity" no character" and no commitment. Look at our characterF it&s $rapped in lies and inconsistency. *e say things $hich are not true. *e truth#ully say things $hich are not true. *e dramatically say things $hich are not true. And $e do the ugliest thing in this planet" $e build a po$er $hich surrounds the indi+idualF ho$ many houses" ho$ many boy#riends" ho$ much money $e ha+e. *e end up adding on dirt 4 a termite heap o# dirt. 'n character $e ha+e become +ery shallo$. /o$ many TC sets $e ha+e" ho$ much bigger our TC set is" ho$ many cars $e ha+e . . . 8ou&ll ne+er hear a person talking about ho$ much satis#action" ho$ much containment" ho$ much contentment" ho$ much character" ho$ much reali3ation he has. 8ou $on&t hear it these days. *ho had se( $ith $ho0 *ho $ants $ho0 *ho chased $ho0 *ho is nude0 *ho is more nude0 8ou understand0 There&s a competition going on. 8ou see all our

maga3inesF it&s a human =oke. And $hen a race o# humans starts making mockery o# themsel+es openly and obno(iously" nothing is sacred. So this is the state o# a##airs and it has to go on #or t$el+e more years o# this cusp period. And it $ill be bad to us. My idea to present this to you is that many o# you $ill try to reach out to help people or help yoursel#" and you $ill ha+e something to understand. 't&s called -uilding the :oundation o# the Ne$ Age. The Age o# A.uarius $ill be the Age o# 5(perience $here only people o# e(perience $ill be liked" respected" $orshipped" talked to and understood. 't&s not a matter o# ho$ old you are or ho$ young you are or ho$ $hite you are or ho$ black you are. @eligion as it has been kno$n has become absolutely obsolete. -ecause in the past 5000 years religion has been teaching you to redeem your soul. Soul is already redeemed. *hat you should redeem is your being cheap" shallo$" $orthless" useless" not true to your $ords" not true to your commitment" not true to your character. That&s $hat you should redeem. The ma=ority o# the $orld is nothing but sho$ business. 8ou put on a sho$. And spirituality is nothing but a sho$. No human belie+es that they are a #act o# li#e" a #act o# e(istence" that they are realF that they are born in the image o# %od. The most magni#icent Allah" most in#inite %od Keho+ah" most pure" $ise Lord -uddha" $hate+er you $ant to call your %od" has created you in /is o$n image and this is it. So %od in the Ne$ Age is called /e4She4'tF /e" She" and 't. And i# you don&t understand the totality o# %od as /e" She" and 't" then you are sMMM. 8ou can put sil+er lea# or gold lea# on it" that is still $hat you are. So you are $rapped in gold" your $ealth and you think you are co+eredF you are $rong. 8ou are $rapped in sil+er and you think you are shining and bright and you can make a #ool o# others0 8ou are deadly $rong The #act is there is nothing more beauti#ul" more $orthy" or more conscious than you. The time has come o# sel#4+alue. And the .uestion is notD To be or not to beF the statement isD To be" to be. ' am" ' Am. The time has come not to search #or %od" but to be %od. Time is not to $orship %odF but to trust and d$ell in the $orking %od. As this is coming through me" it is cleansing me. '# you are not listening and only hearing" you are not getting it. -ut i# you are listening" it $ill go into you. 8ou ha+e to come to the a$areness o# ho$ bad and un#ortunate $e ha+e made this $orld as ugly as possible" and ho$ beauti#ul actually %od created it. *e are purely enemies o# %od" because %od $ithin us is in pain and there is no %od outside us. 5ach one is the mani#estation o# %od so it $on&t $ork to create %od by making a stone %od. 5+ery grain o# sand is %od. And $e ha+e to ha+e our subtle body" our sophisticated sel# to see it. 'n reality" you are a bunch o# molecules li+ing by the pranic body. 8ou are nothing more" nothing less. As long as the psyche $ill not merge in you 44 e.ually in balance" you $ill ha+e no a$areness. /uman e(istence is a combination o# the pranic body and psyche energy" $hich is the uni+erse" )rakritee" the creation in proportion. *hen you ha+e that state o# mind you are clean and clear. 8ou stop searchingF you start practicing. The oddness in you becomes e+en" and your #lo$ becomes as +ast as the

uni+erse 4 and sometimes beyond the uni+erse. 8ou ha+e the authentic reach to yoursel#. ' don&t $ant anybody because ' $ant e+erybody. This concept is +ery di##icult. ' don&t $ant to be 'F ' don&t $ant to be $e. ' $ant to be =ust as it is. And my run is $ith the #lo$ o# the psyche o# the uni+erse as it takes me" as it mo+es me" as it desires me. Man $ill stop cutting corners and come to a real e(istence. And it&s not long #rom no$. Any person $ho thinks he is great may be nothing" because the 'n#ormation Age is so po$er#ul" and so kno$able" and so ackno$ledgeable" and so understandable" that nothing can $ork. *e $ill not be competent to cheat each other" but $e can help and deal $ith each other as e.ual. There&s no beauti#ul" no ugly. The lo+e o# e(istence o# our li#e and o# our breathing $ill be in need o# the #lo$ o# the psyche in us" there#ore" $e can be a real combination o# sel# $ithin the sel#. And the sensory system $hich $ill de+elop automatically out o# us $ill be our archangel protecting us and glori#ying us. Those $ho hustle and hassle and mo+e and $ant" $ill =ust die su##ering. They&ll not get anything. No$ the time has come that you $ill ha+e a meditati+e mind to $ait and see $hat comes to you. 8our mind $ill direct you to $ork to$ards the right channels. 8ou $ill meet the right people. 2ur #uture is no$ and our presence is our purity. *e don&t ha+e to puri#y oursel+esF $e are pure. *e simply ha+e to not make it ugly by di+ersion" by concoctions" stories" and by creating meaningless romance and #antasy" and imagining things $hich are 3ero. *e&ll master oursel+es through our ser+ice" through our character" through our commitment" and the most po$er#ul thing $hich people ha+e 4 our grace. 2ur indi+idual grace is the most $anted today. And our pro=ection" $hich $ill gi+e us satis#action" #ul#illment" and e(altation" is our nobility. *e $ill act noble" gracious" kind" and compassionate. These are our essential #eatures. 2ur creati+ity $ill be our sensory system. And through this sensory system $e $ill be o+er#lo$ing $ith energy" touching the hearts o# people" and #eeling their #eeling" and #illing their emptiness. *e $ill act great and our #lo$ $ill #ul#ill the grate#ulness in the hearts o# others. 't $ill be a ne$ relationship. *e $ill create a ne$ humanity $hich $ill ha+e the ne$ sensory system and thus $e $ill establish the Age o# A.uarius. This is the #undamental character you ha+e to learn by heart.

Meditati$n t$ !eve"$+ t/e Se")-Sens$ # S#ste.

)oint the Kupiter #inger (#ore#inger! o# the right hand straight up to$ard the sky $ith the thumb and other #ingers closed in a #ist $ith the right elbo$ bent and rela(ed at the side. The le#t hand is placed #lat o+er the heart center (center o# the chest!. Listen to the preceding lecture (recorded in your o$n +oice!.

Lesson ,6
P$st2 e and t/e Hea t C/a0 a

Bulti+ating and maintaining good posture is one o# our modern challenges. 'n this lesson $e $ill co+er some pointers and techni.ues related to posture. Some o# the reasons #or bad posture and the gradual humping o# our spine include 1. A closed heart 2. -eing too mental 3. Too much energy in the upper chakras and not being grounded 4. *eak na+el point.
5,6 A C"$sed Hea t 2ne o# the main reasons #or poor posture is a closed heart. '# $e are a#raid" lack sel#4 con#idence and sel#4esteem" or su##er #rom any o# the other mani#estations o# a closed heart chakra" $e try to protect oursel+es by physically bending in at the heart center. Much o# our deep emotional pain in stored in the solar ple(us (bet$een the na+el center and the breasts.! 2ur protecti+e instincts are o#ten initiated in the area o# the solar ple(us. To open the heart" $e must begin at the solar ple(us and culti+ate a deep non4+erbal relationship $ith the emotional energies residing in that area o# our body. :ear" anger and sadness are the lions that guard the gate to the heart. *e must be#riend them to open our hearts. Muscularly the heart needs the support o# the back muscles to stay open. '# our back muscles are $eak" $e gradually collapse and bend o+er.

5<6 Bein& t$$ Menta" 'deally" $e operate #rom our heart. *hen $e $alk" our heart should lead. The problem is that $e ha+e become talking and $alking heads. 2ur body ends up being a source o# transportation #or our thoughts about $hat $e think $e should be doing. *hat happens is that our physical head actually leads $hen $e $alk and protrudes o+er our body e+en $hen $e are eating" talking or sitting $orking at our computer. *hen our head is not e+enly balanced o+er our spine" our posture gets out o# alignment. 2ur body has to compensate #or the $eight o# the head sticking out in #ront o# the body. 5=6 N$t G $2nded -ecause $e li+e in our thoughts and not in the sensations in our bodies" our energies stay in our upper body" #rom the shoulders up. *hen $e are energetically top hea+y" many things get out o# alignment" including our posture. '# our shoulders can&t rela(" our heart center is not rela(ed.

5>6 7ea0 Nave" Cente 2ur na+el center is the third eye o# our physical body. 't is also the physical mid point o# the body. *hen it is $eak" $e literally ha+e no physical center or $ay to

direct our lo$er centers. 2ur physical mo+ements should be initiated #rom our na+el center. /o$e+er" $hen it is $eak or o## center" by de#ault $e initiate #rom our head.

C$ ective P actices
The abo+e problems can be corrected in a +ariety o# $ays. The #irst is through attention and intention. *e simply choose to be a$are o# $here our energy is and balance it out by mental and physical ad=ustments including

1. Slightly pulling in our na+el point 2. %ently pulling the root lock (muscles at the base o# the spine! 3. -reathing in our belly and making sure that the inhale e(pands the
kidney area

4. 'nitiating mo+ements" including $alking #rom the na+el center . 'nhale be#ore initiating mo+ements. Asually $e mo+e and then reali3e
$e are holding our breath.

!. )ulling our spine up" especially at the solar ple(us so it stays open and
not ca+ed in ". Keeping the sternum up and shoulders rela(ed #. Bhecking periodically to make sure our head in com#ortably o+er the shoulders and not #or$ard. *e can pull it back slightly. $. :eeling the sensations in our body 1%. *hen $e ha+e thoughts" checking to see ho$ they register in our body 11. Standing on t$o #eet and legs" instead o# balancing on one only $hile standing around ,9. Lie on the #loor $ith pillo$s or #olded blankets under the spine at the le+el o# the heart and solar ple(us. ,;. *hile holding a strap that is at least ; #eet long in the t$o hands" mo+e in +arious directions to loosen up the #ront and back o# your body. Learn ho$ to mo+e and strengthen the muscles in the mid back. 8ou can make up a lot o# mo+ements" $hich $ill #eel good and mo+e the energy. 14. Mo+e shoulders" hands" arms" #ingers" back. *e are o#ten stationary. 'naction creates stagnation o# energy. Stand up and shake your limbs. 1o shoulder shrugs and neck rolls $hile you are sitting. -e creati+e" but stretch and mo+e?

P acticin& 32nda"ini Y$&a

2ur daily practice o# Kundalini yoga should include e(ercises to culti+ate energy in our lo$er chakras" strengthen the na+el point and open the heart center. Shoulder shrugs and neck rolls pro+ide a lot o# relie# i# practiced on a daily basis. *ith rare e(ceptions" all e(ercises should be e(ecuted $ith an open heart. This means that $e should not hump our back to try to get into a posture. This is especially true o# leg stretches. Aim the belly" solar ple(us and chest to$ard the leg and then stretch as #ar as it is com#ortable. -ut do not bend the back to get the head to the leg. The back should be stretched to lengthen and open it

5(ercises to strengthen the back muscles and open the shoulder blades include e(ercises like cobra" bo$ and camel poses.

Set t$ O+en t/e Hea t and t$ Re.$ve Ne&ativit#

/ere is a short set that $orks on opening the heart center. 't is taken #rom Re"a( and Rene% page ,09 and $as taught by 8ogi -ha=an in ,6H;. 1uring e(e cise $ne" keep the breath in the solar ple(us and #eel the energy and sensations there. E(e cise t%$ actually takes stress out o# the head and gi+es you a glo$ing comple(ion. 8ou are so happy $hen it is o+er? E(e cise t/ ee opens up the back and heart and connects the energy o# the arms and hands $ith the heart. This and the #ollo$ing one are good e(ercises #or symptoms o# carpal tunnel and numbing o# the arms and hands. These conditions are partly caused by blocked energy bet$een the hands" arms and heart. E(e cise )$2 is #abulous to do many times a day. 8ou can open your heart #rom the back. :eel your shoulder blades mo+e do$n and together. A lot o# stress" $hich is blocked heart4 center energy" $ill be released. 5n=oy.

(,! Blasp #ingers in Cenus Lock" but curl Mercury (little! and Sun (ring! #ingers into the palms instead o# crossing them. Then hook le#t Saturn (middle! #inger o+er right Sun (ring! #inger and pull" hard. :ocus at the ;rd 5ye" continuously pulling hard on the #inger lock #or ,4; minutes. @emo+es anger and enthrones the neutral mind.

(9! :it base o# palms under the cheek bones and push as hard as you can #or ,4; minutes. 't doesn&t ha+e to hurt" but i# it does" you ha+e the right spot. Makes you #eel happy?

(;! %rasp le#t $rist $ith the right hand and pull the le#t arm as #ar to the right as possible" and then some more?" #or ,4; minutes. @emo+es tension across shoulder blades.

(>! Make $rist lock behind the back $ith the hands touching the spine and try to bring elbo$s together. )ull? Arch the spine #or$ard and apply chin lock #or ,4; minutes. @aises energy up the spine and ele+ates you?

COMMENTSD This short set lea+es you #eeling great? )er#ect #or depression" anger" #atigue or stress.

Bopyright P 900; 4 %ururattan Kaur Khalsa" )h.1.

Lesson 90
Ea t/9 t/e Fi st C/a0 a and Int2iti$n

&ne of the most commonly marked goals of 'undalini Yoga is to sharpen your intuition. (here are many )ays to do this and )e )ill co*er them o*er time. +n this lesson, + )ant to gi*e you a fe) pointers on ho) to do this by balancing and aligning )ith the earth element.
There are #i+e elements or tatt+as 4 air" $ater" earth" #ire and ether. 2ne o# the goals o# yoga is to balance and integrate all #i+e elements o# our being. )ractice o# the techni.ues and postures goes a long $ay to achie+ing this goal. /o$e+er" per#ormance o# techni.ues is only hal# o# the story. *e must also culti+ate a conscious a$areness o# the shi#ts that are taking place. The mechanics are the masculine aspect o# the practice. The a$areness is the #eminine aspect o# the practice. Astrology helps us determine the most appropriate time to $ork on a particular tatt+a. *hile the Sun is in earth signs 4 Taurus" Cirgo and Bapricorn 4 is the most po$er#ul time to align $ith the earth element. ' ha+e made my astrological Ne$ Millennium -eing e43ine a part o# this training so that you can use this in#ormation to de+elop your relationship $ith the elements. At the end o# each ne$sletter is a meditation or yoga set that deals $ith the element o# the month. The e(ercise series at the end o# the last ne$sletter T/e Ea t/ Ta2 2s C$nnecti$n helps culti+ate the po$er o# the #irst chakra and a relationship $ith the 5arth and your body. (8ou can do$nload this issue #rom our autoresponder 4 nmb;;! *e o#ten associate intuition $ith the third eye and the mind. The mind is the masculine aspect o# intuition. The #eminine aspect o# intuition $orks through the instinctual sel# and the senses o# the body. This e(ercise set" $hich in+ol+es using the breath $hile applying Jrootlock" #acilitates instinctual a$areness. A#ter the e(ercise" sit or lie +ery still and simply be a$are o# the sensations in your body. 2+er time you $ill reali3e that these sensations are a po$er#ul and accurate in#ormation system. They are the physical and emotional aspects o# your intuiti+e a$areness. 't is important to remember to integrate your a$areness a#ter e+ery yoga and meditation session. *e do all the e(ercises so that $e can shi#t our a$areness. Kumping up a#ter a yoga session $ithout a conscious deep rela(ation or silent meditation is like meal $ithout dessert or going to the beach and not going #or a s$im. The rela(ation and silent meditation $ith a humble prayer play a big role in integrating and anchoring in the e##ects o# your practice. The e##ects last longer and you are able to stay more consciously centered during the day. 't $ill also be easier to recreate the e(perience during the day. Ase your breath and rootlock $hile sitting in your car or at your desk to pull yoursel# back into your body" rea$aken your instinctual a$areness and reconnect you to your earthly source. /ere&s the meditation again.

Meditati$n t$ C$nnect %it/ t/e Ea t/

Tuning into the energy o# the 5arth is enhanced $hile the Sun is in Taurus #rom April ,6 through May ,6th. Bulti+ating the earth element re.uires attention to the sensations in the body" to the #eet and legs" and to the #irst chakra or base o# the spine. )aying attention to the #eeling o# gra+ity and its pull on the body to$ard the 5arth is +ery use#ul. The goal is to e(perience a hea+iness that becomes a #eeling o# stability and stillness. *orking $ith the root lock is a +ery po$er#ul $ay to connect $ith the body and the 5arth. The #ollo$ing e(ercise gi+es you energy and rela(es the ner+es. ,. Sit in easy pose. 'nhale" hold the breath in. )ull and release the rootlock ; or more times. 5(hale. @epeat #or , or more minutes. 9. 'nhale" e(hale" hold the breath out. )ull and release rootlock ; or more times. 'nhale. @epeat #or , or more minutes. ;. 'nhale" e(hale" hold the breath out and pull and rela( rootlock ; times. 'nhale" hold the breath in and pull and rela( rootlock ; times. Alternate #or , or more minutes.


Stretch legs bet$een e(ercises as needed. To end" unite $ith energy o# the 5arth and #eel the current raising up your spine. Let go" i# only #or an instant. The union bet$een 5arth and Ani+ersal Spirit happens $hen you let go. The union cleanses stress and negati+ity. )racticing rootlock $hen you are thinking too much or a#raid" helps release #ear by connecting you to your physical source and by acti+ating your o$n energy.

@ootlock in this e(ercise is done by gently pulling the muscles at the anus. As you pull the rootlock" #eel that you are pulling energy up #rom the core o# the 5arth. (:or more in#ormation about rootlock in particular" and Kundalini 8oga locks in general" check out our guide to Locks or -handas.!

S2 ende t$ t/e Z$ne

Meditati$n and Int2iti$n
The concept o# surrender is #undamental to all religions and a goal o# all spiritual paths. The idea is that $e release control" get our mind trips out o# the $ay and let the uni+erse take charge. Surrender recogni3es that our limited perceptions o# $hat $e think $e $ant and need and ho$ to satis#y our desires are limited" and that cosmic #orces are more intelligent and e##icient in producing results. @ecogni3ing a #orce greater than oursel+es" our optimal strategy is to cooperate $ith 't and learn ho$ to participate as a co4creator in the gi+e and recei+e process. Actually being a co4creator is a good deal. This means that $e can consciously participate in our o$n destiny" i#

$e can master the art o# $orking $ith uni+ersal energies. /erein lies our challenge. T/e G$a" $) 32nda"ini Y$&a
The goal o# Kundalini yoga and all spiritual technologies is to create a conscious connection $ith the 1i+ine. 8oga means union. The union is bet$een our physical reality and god4consciousness" uni+ersal energies and our soul. The practice o# Kundalini yoga remo+es our blocks and resistances" raises our energy to higher #re.uencies and opens our a$areness to e(panded realities. '# $e train oursel+es to #ocus our attention on our goal o# union" $e can #acilitate our trans#ormation. The goal o# this lesson is to set out guidelines on ho$ $e can train oursel+es to pay attention to and hold the e(perience o# the in#inite in our consciousness.

Masc2"ine and Fe.inine Ta"ents

/uman de+elopment is dominated by learning ho$ to be in control" take action" initiate and be responsible #or our li+es. These masculine talents are critical pieces o# our maturation process. -asically $e learn $hat $e ha+e to do to get $hat $e $ant. An in#ant cries to get #ed. As a young child $e learn to ask #or $hat $e $ant. '# our direct re.uests are not #ul#illed" $e learn to manipulate others and situations to get our needs satis#ied. Later $e learn to earn a li+ing and integrate the concept o# e(change into our sur+i+al strategies. 'n the process o# learning the masculine talents o# asking" earning and e(changing +alue to get our needs met" the #eminine skills are o#ten neglected" under+alued and misunderstood. 'n a male4dominated $orld" the #eminine concept o# surrender is o#ten misinterpreted as gi+ing up and gi+ing in. This is because $e #eel like +ictims o# unkno$n #orces beyond our comprehension and kno$n #orces beyond our control. The result is a sense o# resignation" po$erlessness and e+en hopelessness. Surrender" the ultimate #eminine skill" re.uires letting go o# control at a +ery deep le+el" mentally" emotionally and physically. Authentic surrender releases us #rom our limited thoughts and produces an openness" $hich #acilitates our connection $ith uni+ersal #orces. 'nauthentic surrender creates more" instead o# less" resistance. '# $e culti+ate only the masculine action talents necessary to li+e on planet 5arth and do not culti+ate the #eminine being talents" our actions are sabotaged by an ego4dominated mind and a needy" helpless subconscious. Negati+e and counterproducti+e interpretations o# #eminine concepts (trusting" letting go" rela(ing! are the natural result o# not culti+ating a relationship $ith our Soul" %od or uni+ersal energies and not ha+ing a direct e(perience o# Spirit or the 1i+ine. *ithout a personal e(perience o# $hat $e are surrendering to" surrender is impossible. There is a +oid in our psyche" $hich by de#ault is #illed by #ear. :ear pre+ents us #rom trusting" letting go and surrendering. '# a male4dominated mindset per+ades our being" it $ill also determine ho$ $e carry out our spiritual practice. 't is legitimate to do yoga and meditate to achie+e certain results. Speci#ic meditations and kriyas produce speci#ic e##ects. /o$e+er" $e must a+oid turning our practice into a bargaining tool. '# $e do a particular meditation to

buy results" our prayers become begging sessions to a bigger than li#e daddy +ersion o# %od. '# $e obser+e our mind and our thoughts" $e can monitor our conscious and hidden intentions. -y altering our attitude and our attention" $e can shi#t our relationship $ith uni+ersal #orces #rom plea bargains to participatory co4creation. 't is actually pretty simple. To culti+ate this shi#t in consciousness" it is important to understand the masculine and #eminine aspects o# spiritual practices and ho$ to appropriately integrate and utili3e both. Masculine talents include attention" #ocus" action and discipline. The masculine is about doing and keeping up. 1oing our daily Sadhana and K8 is the masculine aspect o# our practice. The principle masculine goal is to #ocus our mind on the in#inite. :eminine talents are rela(ing" letting go" listening and surrendering. -et$een each e(ercise $e rela(" allo$ the energy to circulate and #eel the sensations in our body. *e are simply present to $hat 'S. The principle #eminine goal is to culti+ate an ongoing relationship $ith the in#inite in our body. The ascent up the chakras opens our e(perience o# the in#inite. This is the masculine path. The descent do$n the chakras" $hich brings spirit into physical #orm" is the #eminine path.

E(+e ience t/e In)inite

The main purpose o# raising the Kundalini and mo+ing our energy #rom the lo$er to the higher chakras is to gi+e us an e(perience o# the in#inite. The goal is to e(pand our a$areness so that $e ha+e a conscious e(perience o# $hat is" $as and al$ays $ill be" o#ten re#erred to as %od. This a$areness is a$akened in the upper chakras by acti+ating the pituitary and the pineal glands. The possibility o# e(periencing the in#inite is al$ays there in each one o# us. 't ne+er goes a$ay. *e can resist this e(perience by being preoccupied $ith and attached to the thoughts in our minds. 5ndless mental chatter blocks our conscious connection $ith the in#inite. /o$e+er" $hene+er $e turn our senses in$ard" the in#inite e(perience is a+ailable. The e(perience o# the in#inite has se+eral basic mani#estations.

1. SOUN! The most basic is the unstruck sound" the silent sound o# in#inity. '# 2. 3. 4.
$e turn our listening inside" $e hear it. This is the *ord. 'n the beginning $as the *ord. SPACE '# $e turn our sight in$ard" $e see an in#inite space. Simply close your eyes and look. LIGHT '# $e concentrate at the third eye" $e see a light that can e+en #ill our entire head" $hole space and being. SMELL Some people e+en smell the #ragrances o# the uni+erse.

2# course" all o# these ha+e many +ariations on a theme. -ut the basic e(periences are simple and repeatable. The goal o# all spiritual paths is to connect $ith one or more o# these in#inite e(periences and keep returning to them. As $e increase our attention" our a$areness e(pands and $e e(perience deeper and deeper le+els o# connection $ith uni+ersal energies and their numerous mani#estations.

't is o# critical importance to a+oid the pit#all o# consciously searching #or intriguing lights" sounds" +isions" etc. 2ur goal is to be a conscious" but passi+e" obser+er. The goal is not entertainment. The goal is connection and peace. The simpler the better. 1on&t try to get #ancy or get attached to di##erent colors or +isuals. *e are in the masculine mode i# $e are trying to make something happen. *e ha+e to train oursel+es to distinguish bet$een searching #or and trying to control (masculine! and simply being $ith $hat 'S (#eminine!. *e $ant an e(perience that $e can return to" rela( into" be com#orted by and trust. The rest is a di+ersion and distracts us #rom our goal o# culti+ating a relationship $ith uni+ersal #orces that $e can merge $ith and surrender to.

C2"tivatin& t/e Z$ne

' propose to call our e(perience o# the in#inite the Rone. The most commonly used term" %od" con=ures up images o# a big daddy. 2ur mind gets hooked on pleasing and pleading to a paternal caretaker. The Rone is a neutral place $here $e can go" be alone $ith oursel+es and $ith the uni+erse. This more neutral concept acti+ates less preconcei+ed ideas that inter#ere $ith our pure e(perience. /o$ do $e do get into the Rone0 /o$ do $e stop our minds& manipulation and control trips0 Stopping the mind comes at +ery ad+anced stages o# meditation. 'n #act" 8ogi -ha=an says that the mind al$ays produces ,000 thoughts per $ink o# the eye. Stopping that is out o# my league. ' like to approach the task #rom the perspecti+e o# changing channels. Kundalini 8oga and meditation help us change channels.

St$+ Sea c/in& and !$in&

The spiritual teacher %anga=i uses the #ollo$ing dictum to help people to tune into the in#initeD

"Stop searching for whatever you think you have to do to get whatever you think you want."
' like to use Stop 12'N% $hate+er you think you ha+e to do to get $hate+er you think you $ant. Try it. *hen ' actually took a #e$ moments to stop $hate+er ' $as doing to try to get $hat ' thought ' $anted" ' could hear the in#inite sound. ' reali3ed that my mind $as habitually in a perpetual scan (maybe e+en scam! mode 44 a state o# searching and trying to make something happen. This means that my mind is trying to be in charge and not allo$ing space #or the uni+erse to act" respond or at least cooperate. 5nergetically this translates into not trusting the uni+erse. 't also re+eals a deep le+el o# neediness. *hen $e are al$ays trying to get something by making something happen" $e are acting out o# a sense o# neediness that $as imprinted in our psyche in pre4+erbal years. *e are re4enacting our childhood programming $here $e learned that i# $e do not take care o# oursel+es $e $ill not get our needs met.

*hen ' asked my yoga class to ST2) doing $hate+er they thought they $ere doing to get $hat they thought they $anted" the $hole room became silent. This dictum short4circuits the mind. :or a moment the mind stops because it does not kno$ $hat to do. At this moment" the in#inite channel is a+ailable to us. :or a second" $e sei3e a glimpse o# the in#inite. This dictum also helps us identi#y $hat our minds are doing and $hy they are doing it. 2nce identi#ied" $e can choose to #ocus our mind in other $ays. *e can actually interact $ith uni+ersal energies in a recepti+e" accepting and co4creati+e manner.

3ee+ It Si.+"e
Bulti+ating and surrendering to the Rone is actually a simple process. STEP ONE 1o a K8 set or e(ercise. Stop a#ter each e(ercise and listen" look or sense in$ard. Turn your attention to the sensations in your body. Bontinue until you can hear the in#inite sound" see and be in your inner space" see a light at your third eye or in any other $ay percei+e a sound" sight or sensation that is al$ays there $hen you turn your attention to it. Keep doing this. 2+er time you $ill ha+e a place to go to that #eels secure" com#ortable and peace#ul. 'deally $e $ant to al$ays be conscious o# this place" #eeling or sound. STEP T7O -e a$are o# *hat you are searching #or or doing that you think is going to get you $hat you think you $ant. *hat $e need to do here is create an attitude shi#t. :irst $e must identi#y $hat our mind is doing. *hat is the intention o# our mind0 Are $e trying to do something to get something0 This does not mean that $e $ill stop doing things. This means that $e shi#t our intention and #ocus $hile $e are in action and in meditation. *hen $e make this internal shi#t" $e operate $ithout the mental resistance or control trips. *e can train oursel+es to listen to the cosmic sound or rela( into the cosmic 3one $hile $e are carrying out our daily acti+ities. 2ur attitude and our pro=ection automatically changes. 5nergetically $e =oin the uni+erse instead o# pushing against it. STEP THREE 't is appropriate to ha+e goals. 't is not appropriate to be obsessi+e about $hat $e think $e $ant or $hat $e think $ill makes us happy or success#ul. 2ne clear statement" $ritten or oral" is enough to communicate $ith the uni+erse. @epetition and compulsi+e attention on $hat $e $ant pro=ects neediness and separates us #rom the uni+ersal #lo$ through control trips. 2ur thoughts get in the $ay. *e need to listen" not to talk. Speci#ic re.uests also limit our options. The possibilities a+ailable to us are in#initely greater than our minds can concei+e. '# $e do ha+e re.uests and prayers $e can state our intention be#ore our meditation. -ut $e must shi#t our attention to our energetic e(perience during the meditation. *e should use the concentration po$er o# our mind to #ocus on in#inite e(periences. *hile doing any chanting meditation" chant to the sound" the space or the light.

1on&t try to control $hat $ill happen. 1o your best to be $ith $hat is happening in the moment. Koin the sound or the space. Merge $ith it. 'ntegrate your actions" +oice and sensations into the cosmic presence. /old this e(perience in your body. Through mental attention and physical sensation a$areness" $e participate $ith the uni+erse as co4creators. *e collaborate. *hen our attention is on in#inite e(periences" as $e percei+e them in our o$n a$areness" our energy integrates $ith uni+ersal energies. *hen our attention is in$ard instead o# outside oursel+es" $e attract through our magnetism. This is a more e##icient and producti+e $ay o# getting $hat $e $ant and need.

P actica" A++"icati$ns
Surrender has +ery practical applications in our daily li#e. *hen you #eel #rustrated" need ans$ers" can&t seem to #igure things out" instead o# resorting to more mental acti+ity #ueled by out o# control emotions" ST2)" B2NN5BT" and SA@@5N15@ T2 T/5 R2N5. 'nsights" help and peace are on their $ay. 8our trusty intuition is ready to assist" i# you open the space #or it to communicate $ith you. ' like to remember the dictum o# 8ogi -ha=an" There is a path$ay through e+ery problem. *e access the path$ays by letting go. *e are in the habit o# holding on +ery tightly. To really let go" $e must practice releasing the grip o# both our minds and our bodies. *hen $e really stop talking to oursel+es" our intuition becomes a+ailable. Listening opens up our intuition. '# $e actually listen" $e can hear our inner +oice. An#ortunately listening is a lost art. '# $e really listened to other people" $e $ould ha+e more sincere and intimate relationships. '# $e actually listened to oursel+es" $e $ouldn&t need to ask #or so much ad+ice. '# $e listened to the in#inite sound" $e $ould kno$ %od. 2ne common .uestion concerns $hat to do $hen $e get intuiti+e messages during our meditations. %enerally simply take note" let the thoughts pass and stay connected. Sometimes $e get in#ormation that $e do not $ant to #orget. 'nstead o# trying to remember the in#ormation" ' take notes. (' ha+e $ritten a lot o# books this $ay.! Then ' go back to my space. ' like to go to sleep listening to the cosmic sound. At the end o# the day it #eels good to surrender to the in#inite" let go and let %od take care o# me.

En8$# Surrender is one o# the most com#orting and pleasurable e(periences a+ailable to humans. *e are #reed #rom the chains o# our minds. *e =oin the cosmic #lo$. *e are truly happy. *e e(perience the embrace o# uni+ersal lo+e.

Lesson 99
B ain%ave Meditati$n
1id you e+er $onder $hy someone $ho has e+erything could be depressed and unhappy and $hy someone $ho has +ery little can be so happy0 2# course" $e can ans$er that material $ealth" beauty" situation" good en+ironments aren&t e+erything. (Sure are nice though DL!! -ut that e(planation ends up seeming like a rationali3ation and not an e(planation. Bonsider the idea that the ans$er could reside in our brain$a+es. Bertain brain #re.uencies promote a #eeling o# $ell being and certain #re.uencies promote a #eeling o# depression. The state o# our brain$a+es also in#luences our tendency to be o+erly reacti+e or detached. *hen our brain$a+es are stable and $e are in our neutral mind" $e do not react at the slightest annoyance. *hen $e do not react $e are mentally a+ailable to respond appropriately to situations as they arise. *e practice Kundalini yoga and meditation to change our brain$a+es so that $e can be mentally and emotionally balanced. The meditation belo$ speci#ically changes our brain$a+es. *ith consistent practice" you $ill notice that $e do not unconsciously react" things in li#e do not bother you so much and you $ill #eel more stable and neutral in your li#e situations.


Sit in easy pose or posture $ith a straight spine. -ring arms com#ortably to the sides o# the body $ith the elbo$s bent. /ands in #ists $ith the thumb o+er the last three #ingers" #acing #or$ard. :ore#inger or Kupiter #inger up straight. /old the Kupiter #inger +ery straight" tight and stable" $ithout tensing the rest o# the arms and body. The #orearms should be perpendicular to the ground. 1uring the meditation check the position and mo+e the elbo$s #or$ard as needed to maintain the position.

5yes slightly open" looking at the tip o# the nose.


Har Hare (ray! Hari Wha He Guru Bhant in a monotone" enunciating clearly and mo+ing the mouth in a +ery pronounced $ay. (e(aggerate the lip mo+ements! )ump the na+el point $ith each part o# the mantra. ()ull the na+el point to$ard the spine.! 2nce ' ha+e per#ected the abo+e ' like to add a slight root lock $ith the pumping o# the na+el center" $hich #urther stimulates the #ire in my spine. Har Hare Hari are the three aspects o# %od 4 %enerate" 2rgani3e and 1eli+er Wha He Guru means ecstasy and imprints the mind $ith a #eeling o# cosmic $ell being.

Bontinue #or ;, minutes. This can be done #or ,," ,5 and 99 minutes" but #or the #ull e##ect do it #or ;, minutes #or at least >0 days.

/old the position and listen mentally to the mantra #or 9 minutes. 'nhale deeply" hold the breath" tense the $hole body as tight as you can" e(hale. @epeat 9 more times or a total o# ; times. @ela( on your back or meditate a#ter$ards. 1o not =ump up immediately.

This meditation $ill bring your brain$a+es to the #re.uency o# the neutral mind. 'n the neutral mind $e are tolerant and $e don&t take things personally. This meditation is highly recommended #or teenagers $hose raging hormones cause their brain$a+es to go out o# control. ()ay them to do it. 't is $orth it?! 't $ill help all o# us keep our cool. This meditation also opens up the heart chakra and acti+ates the na+el center. This mantra has also been gi+en as a prosperity mantra. Like many meditations taught by 8ogi -ha=an" there are many bene#its that are unco+ered as you practice. ' am currently doing this meditation and ' lo+e it. ' thought ' $ould =ust do ,, minutes" but ' get so into it that ' $ant to do it #or the #ull ;, minutes. ' e(perience that it $orks in all the $ays mentioned abo+e and am disco+ering more e+ery day. ' in+ite e+eryone to practice this meditation and share your results $ith our global K8 class. 't is good #or beginners and seasoned meditators alike. 2ne o# the great things about the meditations taught by 8ogi -ha=an is that no pre+ious e(perience is re.uired. Kust tune in $ith 2N% NA M2 %A@A 15C NA M2 and go #or it. )ositi+e results are guaranteed. '# you ha+e ne+er done a >0 day meditation" by all means gi+e yoursel# this $onder#ul gi#t. Many blessings to all" %ururattan Kaur

(Summary o# ans$ers gi+en by %ururattan to .uestions about this meditation #rom students! ,4 PUMPING THE NA;EL )ull the na+el point to$ard the spine and release $ith each part o# mantra. Har Hari Hare Wha He Guru pump pump pump pump pump pump

' use meditations like this to play $ith the energy in my spine. :eels good and keeps me conscious and present. <4 TIMING Ban ' do it #or less than ;, minutes one day (in case o# time crunch! and still get its e##ects" i# so ho$ many minutes0 'n a crunch do practice a shorter time that day. (,," ,5" 99 minutes! 't $ill maintain the +ibration. 1e#initely try not to miss a day because the link $ith go. 8ou can also practice the meditation #or less time during the >0 days (,," ,5" 99 minutes! $ith less e##ects. ' started $ith ,, but a#ter #our days ' couldn&t stop. ' could #eel this a$esome energy build up and $anted to e(perience it. This energy is like an auric energy #or me. ' #eel surrounded $ith a solid protection o# dense light $hich also penetrates through my body. Sometimes ' continue a #e$ minutes longer to indulge in the e(perience. =4 MISSING !AYS *ill the e##ect go i# i miss a day or t$o be#ore completing >0 days and $ill ' ha+e to start all o+er again $ithout missing any day0 >0 days $ithout break is the rule. 2# course" i# you miss you continue" but you ha+e to start counting again. A#ter >0 consecuti+e days you e(perience a certain impact. ' am going #or 60 days no$. This meditation has got my attention. Something shi#ts each day. ' am =ust being in the e(perience o# $hat is happening. 't is non+erbal. >4 FEELING THAT THE SPACE IS ME ' didn&t understand the part about #eeling that the space is me. 8ou $ill get this as you practice. :irst get an e(perience. :or instance you may #eel an energy around and inside you like you ha+e shi#ted dimensions but are still there. 'nstead o# thinking this is %od" the Rone or $hate+er" think o# this as your soul" you essence" your e(panded pure light being. 'n this $ay you $ill begin to train yoursel# to #ind your identity in your e(panded being and your internal identity. This is $hat you speci#ically re.uested 44 to let go o# the idea that you are a limited ego. H4 THE EN!ING The 9 minutes o# listening #or the mantra be#ore the ; s.uee3es is in an appro(imate amount o# time. Kust rela( and listen inside #or the mantra #or a time and then do the s.uee3es. 8ou do not ha+e to time this part. ' #ind that ' need to deeply rela( and let go a#ter the ;, minutes #or about ,0 minutes. A#ter that time ' am +ery di##erent" more ali+e and more at peace. 1e#initely do not =ump up immediately a#ter$ards. '# there is a time crunch then do the meditation #or less time and keep time to rela(. No$ is anyone else tempted to practice this meditation0

Lesson 9;

L$se 7ei&/t:
7it/ t/e Mi""et T$)2 !iet
*# !evinde 8it 3a2
1ue to popular demand" $e are sending you the #irst +ersion o# the Millet 1iet as $ritten up by 1e+inder=it Kaur or )eggy Sue o# the Kundalini 8oga List. '# you ha+e any comments or suggestions please $rite to her directly at and cc me 4 This diet is speci#ically recommended #or losing $eight and #or getting rid o# addictions to sugar. Millet is an 5arth #ood in the system o# elements. 5ating millet $ill thus" o+er time" help release the cra+ing #or sugar. Also note that not enough protein creates sugar cra+ings. So include other protein i# you cannot eat to#u or soy. 2ther health related in#ormation and meditations to release addictions can be #ound in my book Re"a( and Rene% So #or those $ho checked lose $eight on your K8 Training .uestionnaire and $ish to gi+e up sugar" gi+e it a try. To your good health? Sat Nam and )eace" %ururattan Kaur

T/e Mi""et T$)2 !iet

The &Millet 1iet&" or" &The Siri Singh Sahib&s *eight Loss 1iet&" $as #ormulated by -ibi=i 'nder=it Kaur (8ogi -ha=an&s $i#e!" author o# A Taste o# 'ndia. Says 8ogi -ha=an" *hen ' $ent through this diet" millet took care o# my high blood sugar" high blood pressure" high tryglycerides" and #i#ty pounds o# e(cess $eight . A booklet describing the diet" including recipes is a+ailable at the &Ancient /ealing& *ebsite A#ter being on this diet mysel# #or only >0 days ' lost ; inches in circum#erence" > inches #rom my $aist" ha+e gained energy" and become a happier more acti+e person. A#ter a li#etime o# struggling $ith my $eight ' #eel that ' #inally #ound the right tool and ' $as ready to use it. The bene#its ha+e been so phenomenal #or me that '&d like to share my e(perience.

Basics $) t/e Mi""et !iet

/ere are the basics o# the millet diet. :or a more detailed description $ith recipes de+eloped by -ibi=i 'nder=it Kaur order the booklet #rom Ancient /ealing *ays. The Millet diet pro+ides a #illing balanced meal plan o# about ,000 calories per day. This diet normali3es blood sugar le+els. ' belie+e this aspect helped me o+ercome cra+ings that ha+e made dieting so di##icult #or me in the past. According to -ibi=i 'nder=it Kaur the millet diet is e(cellent #or losing $eight" but also e(cellent #or hypoglycemics and diabetics . !ai"# F$$d P"an as desc i*ed in T/e Mi""et !iet

B ea0)astD , 4 9 cups o# #ruit. Stra$berries" apricots and pineapple are recommended but any #resh #ruit or #ro3en #ruit $ith no sugar or syrup added. Main Mea"D to be eaten at lunch or be#ore > )M. 2ne pound o# to#u" one cup o# millet" any steamed or ra$ +egetables. Bottage Bheese may be used sparingly. )art o# the to#u allo$ance or +egetables may be used #or snacks throughout the day. A)te > PMD eat only #ruits and tea Beve a&esD /ot or cold lemon $ater is recommended. Ase no honey or s$eetener. 8ou may use commercial non4sugar s$eeteners like &e.ual& or &s$eet I lo$&. 8ou may drink herbal or deca##einated teas" again $ith no sugars. 1o not drink more than 9 cups o# deca##einated co##ee per day. 1iet deca##einated soda is allo$ed. 8ogi tea may be taken but limit milk intake no more than ,79 cup o# non4#at or skim milk per day. Also be sure to drink E #ull E4o3 glasses o# $ater. Says -ibi=i 'nder=it Kaur *ater is a great internal cleanser" con+eyor o# nutriments and emotional balancer 44 all +ery necessary $hile dieting . Ca"$ iesD , lb. o# to#u and , cup cooked millet add up to 5>0 calories per day. 8ou can still eat plenty o# #ruits and +egetable and keep your daily caloric intake at about ,000 calories.

M# E(+e ience %it/ t/e Mi""et !iet

' began the millet diet at a time $hen ' $as +ery discouraged about my $eight. ' had been on many diets in the past $ith little success and had almost gi+en up. ' $as able to begin this diet $hen ' $as house sitting and could ha+e some time to mysel#. ' think it $as help#ul #or me to be out o# my regular setting. ' didn&t tell anyone $hat ' $as doing because ' $asn&t sure i# ' could stick to it. To my glad surprise ' #ound that the diet ga+e me enough #ood to satis#y my hunger and ' began to steadily lose $eight and #eel better. 2nce ' #elt like ' could do it" ' made a commitment to stick to the diet #or >0 days. ' adapted the diet #or mysel# by starting the day $ith #ruit or sometimes applesauce $ith a teaspoon o# Spirulina mi(ed into it. Spirulina is nutrient rich green #ood har+ested #rom the sea. Se+eral commercial brands are a+ailable in most health #ood stores. ' buy good to#u in packages that are about a pound and cook my daily meal $ith , cup o# cooked millet" the daily pound o# to#u and $hate+er +eggies ' ha+e handy. ' +ary the seasoning using curries" garlic" and tomato sauce (check the label to #ind tomato sauces $ith no sugars or #ats!. ' use a cast iron skillet and cook $ith oli+e oil )am. )am is a commercial product a+ailable in most groceries. 't is spray oil used #or #at #ree cooking and comes in di##erent #la+ors. 2ther brands o# spray oil products are also commonly a+ailable. ' #la+or $ith -ragg another commercial product. -ragg&s is a li.uid soy protein #la+oring" similar to tamari also called li.uid aminos. 2ther spices ' use are lemon pepper" or oregano. ' use lemon =uice or +inegar sometimes to add 3est to my prepared meal. 2ne cup o# dry millet makes #our cups cooked so ' cook it up #our cups at a time making daily #ood preparation +ery simple. *hen ' $ant something s$eet ' eat #ruit. '# ' $ant bread ' eat a banana. ' ha+e not restricted my #ruit intake at all.

' di+ide my to#u4millet +eggie meal into t$o parts eating one part o# it around noon and the other part around > )M. The diet calls #or no ca##eine. ' cheat a little here and drink green tea and occasionally splurge $ith a diet coke. ' use soymilk in my tea but limit the .uantity to not more than one hal# cup per day. A #e$ times ' ha+e #elt e(tra hungry a#ter > )M and ha+e had some e(tra to#u but ' really try to stick to the > )M rule. ' o#ten make an e+ening snack o# #ruit salad by cutting up #ruit in applesauce and spicing it $ith cinnamon or ginger. The great impro+ement in my health and energy le+el are my incenti+e to stick to it.

Ada+tin& t/e !iet )$ t/e L$n& Ha2"

At this point ' ha+e lost 5 inches in circum#erence" < ,79 inches #rom my $aist? A#ter my #irst >0 days on the diet ' took one day o##. ' ate $hate+er ' $anted" some #oods '&d missed. ' made a +ery conscious e##ort to obser+e ho$ these #oods made me #eel. -read made me #eel hea+y" chocolate mocha made my #orehead and ner+es tight. ' $ent back on the diet but ha+e been a little looser $ith it. ' added non4#at sugar #ree desert type yogurts and $ill occasionally en=oy a special meal $ith #riends. At one point recently my li#e came under high stress and ' succumbed to a brie# binge o# addicti+e o+ereating. The di##erence no$ is" #irst" my e(panded a$areness o# $hat ' $as doing" and second" instead o# descending into sel#4loathing o+er it ' obser+ed its e##ects and ' $ent right back to the diet. No$ ' ha+e a tool that ' kno$ $orks. ' am no$ con+inced more than e+er that balancing my blood sugar $as critical to end the #ood cra+ings that ha+e al$ays been my do$n#all in maintaining a healthy diet.

An Added Bene)it
'# losing $eight $ere not enough the millet diet has gi+en me an une(pected bene#it. As a $oman o# peri4menopausal age my once regular 9E4day cycle periods had =ust begun to be +ery irregular. Since ' ha+e been on the millet diet my periods ha+e gone back to regular 9E4day cycles. This ' assume is due to the daily intake o# to#u" $hich has estrogen4mimicking .ualities.

E(e cise
The diet recommends brisk $alking daily and a hal#4hour o# aerobic acti+ity three times per $eek. ' admit that at #irst ' did not do this. As my bulk has lessened and my energy impro+ed" mo+ing my body became less o# a chore and much more #un. ' am en=oying taking $alks more o#ten no$ and ha+e e+en started taking some dance classes. And o# course yoga? My #a+orite yoga +ideo is 'Fat F ee Y$&a& by @a+i Singh" a+ailable through 8oga Technology This +ideo has yoga sets designed especially #or people $ho $ant to lose $eight. ' initially adapted yoga postures to my +ery round body by separating my legs in some o# the #or$ard bending poses and adding e(tra support under my hips $hen raising my legs $hile laying on my back. Also easy pose $as easier i# ' sat on my cushion. ' keep my cushion handy $hile ' do the yoga sets #or e(tra support as needed. 't has been re$arding to $atch my body change and #eel mysel# mo+e #urther into the poses.

Bea2ti)2"9 B$2nti)2"9 and B"iss)2"

This diet $as a gi#t to me that has changed my li#e in a +ery positi+e $ay. ' hope

that my e(perience and results $ill inspire others to gain health and en=oy #ully their beauty" bounty" and bliss.

Lesson 9>
Hea"in& Meditati$n - Hea" Y$2 se") and Hea" t/e 7$ "d
The healing meditation done $ith the mantra RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG is one o# the most popular mediations taught by 8ogi -ha=an. This meditation can be done alone or in a group #or sel#4healing and to heal others and the $orld. Those $ho practice this meditation participate in anchoring the healing +ibration on the planet. A group o# ele+en students began doing this meditation at the *inter Solstice Belebration in the early se+enties #or 8ogi -ha=an. *e $anted to gi+e back to him #or all that $e $ere recei+ing #rom him. This meditation is no$ done as part o# the routine o# e+ery *hite Tantric Meditation Bourse and is done on a regular basis around the $orld to send healing energy to 8ogi -ha=an. 't is the meditation that he re.uests $hen he needs our healing prayers. ' remember $hen ' #irst learned this meditation in the late H0&s $hen ' $as li+ing in -oston. ' did it $hen ' started to #eel like the #lu $as coming on. To my ama3ement the sick symptoms disappeared. This has become one o# my #a+orite meditations. ' do it e+ery e+ening be#ore ' ha+e dinner. ' dedicate the healing +ibration to healing the 5arth and anyone else in need at the time. Abo+e all" ' o##er the healing +ibration to 8ogi -ha=an in gratitude #or sharing the li#e4changing technology o# Kundalini yoga $ith me and the $orld. 8ou can do this meditation $hene+er you #eel the need and the inspiration or you can do it #or >0 days or longer. Like $ith any spiritual practice" it is bene#icial to complement the process $ith conscious li+ing and regular Kundalini yoga practice. 8ou can start your >0 days $hene+er you like. /o$e+er" the Ne$ Moon is a good time to begin a meditation. Someho$ it is easier to sustain the commitment by commencing a spiritual practice on the Ne$ Moon or bet$een the Ne$ Moon and the :ull Moon. Try this especially i# you are ha+ing a hard time continuing a practice #or >0 days.

Hea"in& Meditati$n Inst 2cti$ns

8ogi -ha=an has said that the mantra @A MA 1A SA SA SA8 S2 /AN% is one o# the most po$er#ul healing mantras on the planet. The po$er o# this mantra comes #rom its ability to connect earth and ether. This mantra is used in many meditations taught by 8ogi -ha=an. -elo$ ' e(plain one o# the most popular meditations. RA MA DA SA is the earth mantra.

This part o# the mantra pulls the healing +ibration into the physical plane. SA SAY SO HUNG is the ether mantra. This part o# the mantra resonates $ith the uni+ersal healing #re.uency. RA 4 Sun MA 4 Moon DA 4 5arth SA 4 'n#inity SAY 4 totality o# in#inity SO HUNG 4 ' am Thou

Activatin& t/e C/a0 as

The mantra can be +ibrated up the spine" chakra by chakra. Slightly pull on the energy centers as you chant each sound. This internal stimulation helps acti+ate and align the chakras. RA 4 base o# spine MA 4 belly (ma aa! DA 4 na+el center SA 4 heart )ause 4 hold at heart SA 4 heart SAY 4 throat ( say ay! SO 4 third eye HUNG 4 out the top o# the head

T$ Be&in
Set your intentions and ask #or healing #or yoursel#" others you $ish to include" the 5arth and 8ogi -ha=an. Then release these prayers to the uni+erse. 1uring the meditation concentrate only on doing the meditation" the mantra and the e##ects you are e(periencing. %et into the sensory e(perience and a$areness. The more you are present to your e(perience" the more e##ecti+e you are in creating a sacred healing space. 8ou $ill use the space that you ha+e created at the end to share healing energy.

P$siti$n - M2d a
Sit in 5asy )ose (or #ull lotus! $ith your upper arms resting against your ribs" slightly in #rom the sides. The elbo$s are bent" and your #orearms positioned up$ard and slightly angled out #rom the upper arms. 8our palms are #lat" #acing up$ard and pointed out #rom your body at a >54degree angle. (to #orm a >5G angle point the hands are o+er the legs to$ard the knees.! The #ingers are together $ith the thumbs stretched out to$ards the side a$ay #rom the #ingers. 't is +ery important to stretch the thumb a$ay #rom the #ingers. The stretch in the $ebbing keeps the hands #lat and helps maintain a stretch at the $rist. 8ou can use one hand to push do$n the other hand in order to get a #eel o# the correct stretch in the $rist. 't is this stretch that helps balance the brain. *hen the thumb is not stretched" the $rist rela(es" the hands mo+e up$ard and the mudra and its e##ects are compromised. *hen the mudra is accurately done" you $ill #eel energy or a pull in the center o# the palms. This creates the po$er to heal $ith your hands. 8our eyes are #ocused at the tip o# your nose and the eyelids are nine4tenths closed. The #ocus at the tip o# the nose" creates the pressure to cross the optic ner+es at the third eye. 8ou should be able to #eel an a$areness at the third eye and be able to hold your attention there.

The mantra is to be chanted in either o# the #ollo$ing t$o +ersionsD

'nhale deeply and chant the mantra all in one breath. Ra Ma DA SA SA Say So Hu !. There is a pause bet$een the t$o SAs" but N2 breath. Ad=ust the speed so that you can chant the #ull mantra on one breath" $ithout a cheat breath on the pause. MA and SAY are slurred making t$o notes each" MA AA " SA8 A8 . The #irst SA is short. HUNG is #orce#ully +ibrated in the skull and out the top o# the head. Bhant #or ,," ,5" 99 or ;, minutes.

E))ects and P$%e s

This meditation gi+es one the po$er to heal long distance and to heal $ith the hands.

T$ EndB
No$ is the time to use the healing space that you ha+e created. 'nhale deeply and hold the breath. *hile the breath is held" concentrate on yoursel# and #eel the sensations in your body. :eel or allo$ the +ibration o# the mantra to penetrate e+ery cell o# your body. :eel the mantra continue to resonate in your body. -ecome the healing +ibration. Allo$ yoursel# to be healed.

@epeat the abo+e process ; or more times $ith the #ollo$ing +ariations. 'nhale deeply and hold the breath. :eel the healing lo+e pulse in your heart. 'n+ite in #riends" members o# your #amily and situations and allo$ them to be bathed in the healing +ibration. /old them in your body" in your heart and in the healing +ibration that you no$ resonate $ith and embody. 'nhale deeply and hold the breath again. :eel that your heart is so big and the lo+e so in#inite that you can hold the $hole earth in your heart. Let the earth pulse $ith the mantra and be healed $ith this lo+e. 'nhale deeply and hold the breath #or a last time. 'n+ite 8ogi -ha=an into your heart to be healed. -e +ery attenti+e. ' personally #ind that my heart space increases dramatically $hen ' in+ite 8ogi -ha=an in. ' #eel he is also healing me.

The abo+e se.uence can +ary according to $hat you are intuiti+ely directed to do Another thing to do is to #eel the Sun or a golden light in you heartD Bhanting RA creates this energy. 5(pand it to #ill e+ery cell o# your body. Then merge $ith the group&s light i# you are doing this $ith in a group. :eel the light e(panding to radiate through the room" the +icinity" the area" country and then the $hole earth. See7#eel the earth healed. See7#eel the hearts o# e+ery person penetrated $ith lo+e and peace. Merge e+erything into Ani+ersal Light. As you come back" i.e. #ocus only on yoursel#" kno$ that you can maintain this healing energy and light in your being. 'ntend that simply by smiling and greeting others" you share this lo+e and light $ith the $orld.

5nd $ith the prayer %od bless this 5arth $ith peace. @epeat #i+e times.

En/ancin& and H$"din& Sac ed S+ace

' used to pro=ect healing energy to others" the earth and 8ogi -ha=an. 2+er the years ' shi#ted to holding the space inside me and allo$ing the healing to take place inside my e(panded space. This $orks better #or me. 't #eels more po$er#ul" ' can maintain my center and concentration and ' do not lose energy. /ere a #e$ ideas on ho$ to enhance and hold a sacred space #or healing.

E(+e ience t/e P$%e $) t/e G $2+

't is al$ays more po$er#ul to do any meditation or yoga practice $ith a group. 2ur indi+idual energies merge to create a po$er#ul healing +orte( that supports e+eryone present. 'n+ite #riends to do this and other meditations $ith you. And e+en i# they do not choose to chant" they can lie there and recei+e the healing energy. 't al$ays #eels good to share like this.

Hea"in& is a F eE2enc#
A +ibrational shi#t is re.uired to create trans#ormational. This mantra creates a #re.uency $here healing is possible. -e a$are that you are raising the +ibration to create a shi#t. Then practice holding the +ibration to sustain the healing.

E"evate #$2 C$nsci$2sness

The cause o# all pain and su##ering is in our consciousness. *e release our pain by changing our consciousness. Ase this meditation" and all meditations" to ele+ate your consciousness. *e use di+ine mantras to ele+ate the #re.uency o# our minds to match the #re.uency o# the lo+e essence o# our soul. 2ur goal is to achie+e inner peace through the e(perience o# the purity o# our o$n being.

C2"tivate a Re"ati$ns/i+ *et%een Y$2 and Y$2

The e(perience o# separation occurs in our psyche. *hen $e #eel separate #rom the 1i+ine" $e ha+e the thought that $e are not lo+ed or lo+able. The relationship bet$een the 1i+ine and you is really a relationship bet$een you and you. To culti+ate this relationship" #ind some sensation in your body" and en=oy it. Keep en=oying something pleasurable that you #eel in your body or mind or both. 1o not let go o# the connection bet$een your attention and your body" #eelings and sensations. 1o this e+eryday #or >0 days and then continue some more. 'ncrease the time that you gi+e yoursel# attention. This is a great e(ercise to do a#ter healing mediation because it creates some great sensations that you =ust $ant to keep #eeling. The more $e #eel the pleasurable sensations" the more $e identi#y $ith them. The more $e lo+e $hat $e #eel" the easier it is to stay in this space. This is the #oundation #or sel#4lo+e. *e can actually #eel $e are lo+e and $e lo+e it.

Sel#4lo+e and sel#4healing are really the same process. *e use the sound current o# the mantra to heal our emotional body. *e do this by $orking $ith the energy o# the emotions. *e soothe the con#licted energy $ith the sound current. 'n your heart" e(perience the purity o# your essential essence and ho$ it merges and becomes one

$ith the healing mantra. Let this e(perience pulse through your $hole body. /old this sensation to heal yoursel#.

Hea"in& Ot/e s
/old the space o# unconditional lo+e an acceptance that you ha+e created #or yoursel# and let anyone $ho you $ish to share healing $ith enter this space o# the heart. The more $e e(perience this space in oursel+es" the more $e ha+e to share $ith others.

C$nnectin& Ea t/ and Et/e

As $e consciously reconnect $ith our body" $e reali3e that our body is the temple" the #ine4tuned instrument" and the sensory system o# our soul. The more $e align in our body" the more $e are able to recei+e and embody uni+ersal healing energy. The more $e stay consciously connected to the +ibration" the more $e embodying this energy. The more $e embody the energy" the more $e ser+e to anchor this healing +ibration on the planet.

Hea"in& E(+ansi$n and Ev$"2ti$n

'ncorporating the #ollo$ing thoughts into your healing ritual and into your general a$areness during the day $ill #acilitate your healing process and your contribution to global healing. 5+erything is light. Sound is light. *e are all re#lections o# light. And $e are light. The more $e see e+erything as light creating light" the more $e connect $ith this reality. 2b+iously" there are challenges in li#e that $e do not like and $ish to change. 2ne o# the most e##ecti+e $ays to create change is to let go o# our resistance. *ithout resistance" change happens .uicker and easier. All di+ine mantras can be used to in#use light into our resistance. 5+olution is the nature o# both the human and the cosmic game. %od created e+olution to not be bored. Breation and e+olutions create a dynamic state o# stimulation. *e are here to learn and trans#orm. The more $e learn" the more $e e(pand. The more $e e(pand" the more light $e embody. The more light $e embody" the more $e reali3e that e(tent to $hich $e are co4creators o# our o$n li+es. The more $e release our resistance" the more $e participate and the #aster $e impact creation and e+olution. Blearing our inner space and releasing our resistance aligns us $ith the light. The more light" the easier it is to get support #rom the uni+erse. Allo$ing is the absence o# =udgment and resistance. Allo$ing S lo+e. Lo+e is the purity o# e+erything that is" $as and $ill al$ays be. Lo+e includes all. All $ants to be included and lo+ed. And so do $e all. Start $ith yoursel# and see ho$ your lo+e gro$s to include e+eryone" the $orld and the uni+erse.

M2sica" ;e si$ns $) Ra Ma !a Sa Mant a

8ogi -ha=an o#ten re.uests that his classes chant this mantra along $ith the B1 recorded by G2 2na. Sin&/. /e asked that $e chant to this B1 to help heal the traumatic emotions created by the shock o# the e+ents o# 67,,. /e o#ten plays this B1 in his home. This recording (and the other B1s by %urunam! are especially po$er#ul because they combine the science o# Kabbalah $ith the technology o# Kundalini 8oga as taught by 8ogi -ha=an. At the Summer Solstice Belebration 9009 $e chanted to the +ersion #rom the Ci c"e $) Li&/t C!" by G2 2dass" #ormerly o# Madrid" Spain. Bheck this one out? 't is di+ine. '# you pre#er an e+en more li+ely +ersion o# the mantra" the recording by G2 2 Sin&/ on the P$%e Mant as B1 may be #or you. Mata Mandi has recorded his o$n +ersion o# this mantra on his Se") Hea"in& B1 4 part o# his 8oga o# Sound series.

Lesson 95
T/e Gi)t $) Givin& and Receivin&
T/e Gi)t $) Givin& and Receivin&
Kundalini yoga and meditation synchroni3e us $ith uni+ersal energies and help us culti+ate a conscious connection $ith the 1i+ine. The rest o# our day #lo$s $hen $e ha+e established this connection and synchroni3ation. This is $hat synchronicity is all about.

!ev$ti$n C$.+"etes Sad/ana

*e al$ays begin our morning practice o# K8 and meditation by chanting ONG NA MO GURU DEV NA MO" $hich opens us up the in#inite +ibration $ithin us. *e attune and balance our body and mind $ith Kundalini yoga and meditation. *e consolidate and anchor our trans#ormed +ibration $ith deep rela(ation. *e end our sadhana by chanting May the long time sun shine upon you" all lo+e surround you and the pure light $ithin you" guide your $ay on" #ollo$ed by ; long SAAAAAAAAAAT NAM&s. ' al$ays like to add %od bless this 5arth $ith peace. And May ' be a $oman o# lo+e" that other&s may e(perience lo+e in my presence. 2ur #inal act is to humbly surrender to the Truth and bring oursel+es into a state o# gratitude and prayer. %ratitude and prayer anchor the di+ine +ibration into our being #or the day. 't is interesting to note that the e##ects o# our morning practice last a lot longer $hen $e complete $ith prayer" de+otion or -hakti.

The #ollo$ing meditation is a #orm o# prayer that can be done a#ter any other meditation" and be#ore or a#ter chanting May the long time sun and long Sat Nams.

Meditati$n )$ G2 + asad
Taught by 8ogi -ha=an 1ecember ,>" ,6HH

Sit com#ortable in meditation pose and cup the hands together at heart le+el" palms up" upper arms pressed against rib cage" eyes ,7,0 open and allo$ed to close. :eel that you are asking #or a blessing #rom %od. Keep making your spine straighter 4 (a crooked spine $ill make one crooked" e+en in prayer!. :eel that something is dripping to you #rom the hea+ensD 44 the light o# %od" the #lo$ o# li#e" the supreme energy 4 $hate+er you belie+e in. Kesus Bhrist is sending you cookies? 2r Moses. 2r Santa Blause. 't doesn&t matter.

:eel something is dropping #rom abo+e into the cup o# your hands. Lo$er yoursel# into this hallucination until you start #eeling it as a reality. %et into your +ery simplicity 4 =ust ask #or simple grace. 1o it #or =ust ; minutes 4 it cannot be done #or a long time. -ut do it as best you can. N$teB There is a slightly di##erent +ersion o# the same meditation 4 time unlimited and the #ollo$ing commentsD %urprasad means gi#t o# the %uru . As you practice this meditation" #eel yoursel# sho$ered by all the blessings o# hea+en 4 health" $ealth" happiness" your ultimate caliber and capacity. Kust let it happen. :ill your heart and soul $ith all the bounties o# nature. Simply meditate on the boundless #lo$ o# the Ani+ersal Soul" and #eel a deep in#lo$ o# spirit. This is a +ery rest#ul posture. The subtle pressure against the meridian points in the rib cage gi+es immediate rela(ation. C$..ents *# Y$&i B/a8anB Let us become old" old human beings" centuries old. *e used to dra$ oursel+es onto our knees 4 $e ne+er used to stand up in our ca+e and $e had some kind o# hair things $here $e used to sleep" curled up like a dog. /a+e you seen a dog sleeping0 That $as the human $ay o# sleeping. 5arly in the morning a human being $ould not get up 4 he $ould cra$l on his knees" come out and sit on his heel or stretch his legs #or$ard. '&m telling you the original" com#ortable $ay o# prayer. 'n 'slam they still do it. 'n their prayers" this prayer e(istsD At #irst" e+erything is an imagination" like a blueprint. Then you start #eeling the e(perience and it becomes the reality. That&s the di##erence bet$een imagination and reality. Kust be simple. 8ou are not simple. That is $hy it is hard #or you to concentrate.

T/e P2 it# $) t/e B eat/

There is something +ery beauti#ul and serene about the breath. The breath is our li#e

#orce. The breath connects us to all that is. The breath is pure energy. )hysical sensations connect $ith reality. Mental thoughts distance us #rom reality. 2ur goal in $orking $ith the breath is to de+elop a sensory a$areness that connects us $ith the most primal reality and energy o# li#e. -eing present to our breath in our body is one important $ay to culti+ate this a$areness. 'n this meditation $e $ant to simply be $ith" e(pand and rela( $ith the purity o# the energy and the $a+e o# the inhale and e(hale.

T/e Essence $) P a#e and t/e B eat/

This meditation connects us $ith the essence o# prayer" $hich is to tune into and synchroni3e $ith the reality o# the uni+ersal balance o# gi+ing and recei+ing. The breath is one indicator o# our ability to gi+e and recei+e. *e can monitor $here $e are at in the gi+e7recei+e dynamic by obser+ing our breath. Simply be $ith your breath and obser+e the length o# both your inhale and your e(hale. 2#ten one or the other is #a+ored or longer than the other. Those prone to gi+e more than they recei+e $ill o#ten e(hale longer than they inhale. Those $ho are prone to recei+e more than they gi+e o#ten inhale longer than they e(hale. '# you ha+e a +ery shallo$ breath and ha+e a tendency to hold your breath" #ear may be blocking both gi+ing and recei+ing. *e can $ork $ith our breath to re4establish a balance bet$een gi+ing and recei+ing. '# you #eel that you gi+e more than you recei+e" this may be substantiated by a shorter inhale. (Keep in mind that there are no #irm rules. There are many dynamics at play.! -ut using the breath as a guide" maybe you ha+e to allo$ yoursel# to recei+e more. '# your inhale is short" practice inhaling deeply and allo$ing your breath into your belly and lo$er lungs" not =ust into the upper lungs. '# you are holding back on your e(hale" practice #reely releasing the breath on the e(hale. %i+e back all the air that you ha+e recei+ed. The more $e e(hale" the more room there is to recei+e ne$ air in our lungs. *e can e(perience $ith the breath that the more $e gi+e" the more $e recei+e. '# you ha+e a problem opening up your breath" try the e(ercise #or emotional balance gi+en in Less$n ->. The breath automatically becomes long and deep a#ter a #e$ minutes o# this pose.

T/e !#na.ics $) P $s+e it#

Those $ho ha+e practiced this meditation report that it unco+ers the dynamics o# prosperity and mani#estation. The #ollo$ing are some o# the insights that can come to us as $e practice this simple meditation. *hat $e $ant and $hat $e are $illing to gi+e back must be balanced. To e##ortlessly recei+e $e must e##ortlessly gi+e. *e must -e home no$ to recei+e. %rounding is #acilitated by #eeling the sensations o# solidity and stability in our body. The space o# grace is the most po$er#ul arena o# mani#estation. *hen $e gi+e up control" let go and let %od" there is no resistance to both gi+ing or recei+ing.

/umility is another key to prosperity. 2ne o# the $ays $e co4create $ith the uni+erse is to release our limited concept o# control. Simply gi+ing and recei+ing #rom the Source" the unkno$n" deli+ers us to place o# peace. There is po$er in the purity o# presence. Simply being present to our o$n purity and simplicity opens us up to the uni+ersal Source.

G2ide"ine and Intenti$ns

/ere are a #e$ more guidelines or intentions related to gi+ing and recei+ing that you can use $hile practicing this meditation. Mani#estation happens in the present. Monitor and align your energies no$. 1o not $ait to gi+e back or to recei+e. Keep your energy mo+ing at all times. Monitor and release all should&s" obligations" o$ing" control" manipulation" guilt" #ear" and coercion. All o# the abo+e pre+ent us #rom aligning $ith and #lo$ing $ith the uni+ersal energies. %ratitude and appreciation are keys to the #lo$ o# prosperity. %ently hold and nurture $hat you ha+e $ith gratitude. 5+eryday en=oy the sacredness and preciousness o# your gi#ts. -eing in the #lo$ tunes us into the e+er4changing nature o# the uni+erse. 5+ery moment e+ol+es and changes. Let go and mo+e $ith the spontaneous un#oldment. -e generic 4 gi+e and recei+e lo+e" kindness" purity" and essence energy. 1on&t be attached to a speci#ic person or situation. '# you $ant to attract a partner" send out and recei+e lo+e" caring" kindness" sharing" and ali+eness. Ask #or $hat you $ant" but let go too. 1on&t suppress your desires" but don&t be attached to them either. Monitor your com#ort 3one. %i+e and recei+e only $hat you #eel com#ortable $ith" then gradually e(pand your com#ort 3one. -e unconditional" unspeci#ic and unlimited. Trust and surrender. %i+e to e+eryone. Make no e(ceptions. 8ou might e(clude yoursel#. :eel co3iness" peace" $armth" serenity" calmness and satis#action 4 this is ho$ $e can be #ound and attract $hat $e $ant.

The #ollo$ing is a $onder#ul testimonial by one o# our K8 Training students 44 Leo. /e shared the #ollo$ing results #rom practice o# this meditation on the K8 discussion group. :or the last #e$ $eeks" '&+e been doing the Smiling -uddha Meditation (p. ,;; Transitions to a /eart Bentered *orld! #ollo$ed by the Meditation #or %urprasad.

*hy isn&t this Mandatory00??? ' #ind mysel# e(periencing a #undamental shi#t in my belie#s and energies. My de#initions o# prosperity" ho$ ' relate to it" ho$ it happens 4 all these things and more are being changed" challenged and trans#ormed. This has" in many $eird $ays" been the most prosperous month o# the year despite an e(ceedingly lo$ income this month. Not only ha+e ' magically been able to buy small gi#ts #or e+eryone on my list" pay the bills" and ha+e #ood in the house" but '&+e also had a -akers @ack" a desk chair" a ne$ pair o# hiking boots and T90 literally dropped in my lap by unkno$n bene#actors. Not that '&m saying meditate and KA4B/'N%? ' $as raised in that $hole holiness S po+erty mentality that per+ades most 'rish Batholic #amilies. My e(perience $ith this meditation is cool" interesting" surprising and a $hole lot more. '&+e almost turned it into a $alking meditation as ' go about my daily business. 2n the inhale" ' imagine e+ery good thing #lo$ing into me" particularly through the solar centers. ( -y the $ay" shoes and bakers rack $ere t$o things ' actually did imagine! And then on the e(hale" ' imagine all those good things #lo$ing out #rom my /eart into the $orld around me. Sometimes ' #ind mysel# o##ering that breath as a blessing #or an indi+idual ' may encounter along the $ay. *hile ' truly am grate#ul #or the ne$ stu##" the greater $ork is happening $ithin me. There is no hesitation" impatience or balking on my part. ' simply am getting o## to #eeling mysel# in the middle o# the #lo$ o# the moment. 't&s probably the #irst time ' #ind mysel# sitting in %od&s /ands $ithout #eeling uncom#ortable about it. '&m not sure ho$ much o# my #iscal po+erty is attributable to po+erty o# spirit" but ' think" thanks to my daily %urprasad" that '&ll ne+er really #eel poor again. This -reath is #or you" -A-8? Sat Nam" Leo

S/a e Y$2 St$ ies T$$

A#ter that $ho could resist doing this meditation" $hich takes only ; to 5 minutes daily? ' couldn&t resist. ' am no$ practicing it daily. 't is already $orking #or me too. ' look #or$ard to hearing more stories #rom the rest o# you?

C/a0 as
(he spine and the human energy field contain chakras, or energy centers, that *ibrate at different fre,uencies. -ach chakra presents us )ith the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy a deep soul desire. -ach fre,uency holds the gift of a certain po)er, )hich enhances our human e.perience on /lanet -arth. 0s )e tune into this po)er, )e are internally empo)ered to deal )ith the specific life challenges of that energy center or chakra and as a conse,uence to li*e more )hole, meaningful and fulfilling li*es.

Blick on any chakra #or more details or on one o# the links belo$D @oot Bhakra Solar )le(us Third 5ye Se( Bhakra /eart Bhakra Bro$n Bhakra Na+el Bhakra Throat Bhakra Aura

C$nnect t$ B$d# and Ea t/

R$$t C/a0 a

T/e M2"ad/a a" :irst or @oot Bhakra" is located at the base o# the spine" at the perineum. The name means support" or #oundation. 't is associated" in the body $ith the large intestine" #eet and legs" $ith the element earth" and $ith the colors red and maroon. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to #eel sa#e and secure in the physical plane" to mani#est to meet our basic needs. S$2" !esi e 4 to #eel nurtured and nourished" to e(perience belonging to the $hole. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith physical reality" the 5arth" natural #orces" body" #eeling sensations.

Se( C/a0 a
Un"eas/9 ) eed$.

T/e S%adist/ana" or Se( Bhakra" is located at the sacrum 4 the pel+ic area bet$een pubis and na+el. 'ts name means abode o# the +ital #orce or d$elling place o# the sel#.

't is associated" in the body $ith the genitals" reproducti+e organs" and bladder" $ith the element $ater" and the color orange. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to bond and connect $ith others $ithout losing our identity. S$2" !esi e 4 to #reely e(pand 4 to e##ortlessly create. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith other human beings" emotions and emotional body" inner child" $ildman or $ild $oman.

Nave" C/a0 a
C$.e A"ive:

T/e Mani+2 a0a" or Na+el Bhakra" is located some 94; inches belo$ the na+el. 't&s name means =e$el o# the lotus or lustrous gem . 't is associated" in the body $ith the small intestine" kidneys" adrenals" pancreas" gallbladder" li+er" $ith the element #ire" and the color yello$. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to connect $ith our internal source po$er and energy S$2" !esi e 4 to ignite" connect $ith and #ocus physical energy P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith internal source o# po$er" identity" status

S$"a P"e(2s C/a0 aI


T/e S$"a P"e(2s C/a0 a is located" as its name suggests" bet$een the na+el and heart" at the pericardium (belo$ the breasts at the C o# the ribs!. it&s name means Seat o# the Soul " or solar net$ork. 't is associated" in the body $ith the stomach" $ith the elements #ire and $ater" and the color deep gold. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to transmute the energy o# the emotions into soul#ul passion #or li#e i.e. #ear into lo+e" anger into action" sadness into surrender and bliss S$2" !esi e 4 to e(perience the depth o# emotions and transmute them into passion and de+otion. To acti+ate our soul. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith our soul and emotional body
JAlthough traditionally there are H ma=or chakras" the spine and e+en our subtle body contain many other chakras. Through meditation on my spine and body ' e(perienced that the solar ple(us 4 the area abo+e the na+el and under the heart4 contains energy and o##ers e(periences and po$ers +ery di##erent #rom the na+el chakra. 5(plore yoursel# and share $ith me $hat you disco+er. (%KK!

Hea t C/a0 a
C"a it# and P2 it#

T/e Ana/at/a or /eart Bhakra" is located at the heart. 'ts name means unstuck" #resh" clean unhurt. 't is associated" in the body $ith the heart" hands" arms and thymus gland" $ith the element air and the colors green" pink" and rose. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to open our hearts to the non=udgmental" detached +ibration o# uni+ersal lo+e. S$2" !esi e 4 to e(perience unity" de+otion" re+erence #or li#e" unattached bonding. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith higher spiritual po$er" our o$n heart and the hearts o# others" the pulse that unites us $ith the uni+erse.

T/ $at C/a0 a
C"ai. Y$2 ;$ice

T/e ;is2dda or Throat Bhakra is situated in the throat" at the base o# the neck bet$een the collar bone and shoulders" at the site o# the reptillian brain or lo$er brain stem. 'ts name means pure. 't is associated" in the body $ith the throat" ears" thyroid" parathyroid" $ith the element ether" and the color royal blue. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to #earlessly e(press our truth and hear the sound o# the uni+erse. S$2" !esi e 4 to be heard and understood" to transmit and recei+e the Truth. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith our +ibrational connection $ith all e(istance.

T/i d E#e C/a0 a

Inte na" Re)"ecti$n

T/e A8ana or Third 5ye Bhakra" is located bet$een the bro$s in the in$ard" center o# the #orehead. 'ts name means command" perception" kno$ledge" authority. 't is associated" in the body $ith the pituitary gland" eyes" brain" $ith the element light and also beyond the elements" and $ith the colors purple and indigo. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to mo+e #rom dualistic mind to intuiti+e neutral mind. S$2" !esi e 4 to #ocus the mind" $here one4pointed clarity and peace automatically occur. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith inner and cosmic kno$ledge.

C $%n C/a0 a
Me &e

T/e Sa/as/ a a or Bro$n Bhakra" is located at the cro$n or top o# the head" baby&s so#t spot. 'ts name means thousand petal lotus . 't is associated" in the body $ith the pineal gland I cerebral corte(" $ith consciousness and beyond the elements" and $ith the colors $hite" sil+e and the .uality o# luminosity. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to tune into and surrender to di+ine consciousness. S$2" !esi e 4 to connect $ith and utili3e in#inite energies" to kno$ the unkno$n" to e(perience the transcendental meaning to li#e. P i.a" Fee"in& 4 oneness" bliss.


A2 a

T/e A2 a is the electromagnetic #ield" the psychic #ield o# energy surrounding all beings" human or other$ise. 'ts si3e can +ary #rom a #e$ inches to many #eet in all directions. 't is associated $ith the health o# the physical body" and all the organs impact the strength and the si3e o# the aura. 't includes and is impacted by all the elements" and its colors +ary and change depending upon the mental" emotional and physical states. C/a""en&e and Gi)t 4 to e(perience one&s energetic sel#. S$2" !esi e 4 human indi+iduation and identi#ication $ith one&s Soul. P i.a" Re"ati$ns/i+ 4 $ith Sel# and Soul.

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