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Annotated Bibliography

Burney, Christopher Solitary Confinement. NY: Macmillan, 1984. (1952) Print. Christopher Burney was a well off Englishman who wrote a book about the 526 days that he spent in Fresnes Prison. He wrote about his experience in confinement and the mental and emotional distress he had to go through. This book taught me what it was like first hand in that eight by ten foot cell because this author decided to share his whole experience with us. I believe that this book will help me to get personal opinions about the punishment from a first hand look on the experience. I am planning on using this to create either an agreement with my thesis or another look on the situation. I plan on getting multiple different outlooks on this topic, I believe it will be very helpful. I found this book by simple going to the library and searching for solitary confinement tales. Rhodes, Lorna A. Total Confinement: Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison. University of California Press; 2004. Print. This book had so many facts and statistics about prison and the disciplinary actions that take place in the systems. It talks about troublemakers and what it takes to be a troublemaker. It discusses staff as well as inmates in the systems. In this book everything plays a role and comes together to create an active system. This book is a bit different from my last one simply because it is clarifying how solitary confinement works as opposed to how it is taken. It discusses how the actual prison handles their confinement and why its the disciplinary action chosen for its prisoners. This will be very useful in writing real facts and real statistics about solitary confinement. This source was found in the library videos department. Yost, Peter. "Solitary Confinement: Tough Justice." National Geographic Channel. National Geographic Explorer, Season 24, Episode 15 This was like a documentary on Solitary Confinement and its effects on peoples everyday lives. This documentary shows every day in the life of a confined inmate and how they react to whats going on around them. This showed the pain, fights, tears, fear, and so much more that people have to go through. This was a great way for me to gain a

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better knowledge of the subject because I could actually see what was going on so it was almost like experiencing it with them. I agree that this is the most effective way of showing the real effects of solitary confinement. This is a real intake on how prisoners feel before, during, and after they are locked up. This is probably going to be where most of my research comes from considering it has the most useful information. I found this episode through the National Geographics Channel on television when watching a documentary on the lives of inmates. Taylor, Troy. "Eastern State Penitentiary."Solitary Confinement History. The Learning Channel, 2003. Web. 2 Mar 2011. <>. Troy Taylor, the author, explains all about the first prison to ever use Solitary Confinement as a punishment. This is a great history lesson for a topic that I am extremely interested in. This website basically told me all about the start of this torturous act and how it got spread all around the world. It helps me to see how confinement used to be compared to what it is today. I found this article through the National Geographics Channel on television when watching a documentary on the lives of inmates. This is all factual information discussing history about confinement and how it originated. This will be necessary information when explaining my topic. I can use this information at my advantage when trying to make my topic clear to my audience.

Webb, Tyrone, Personal interview. 30 September 2013. Tyrone Webb is my uncle who has been in prison since I was a little boy. I called him to ask if he had ever been in Solitary Confinement and to my surprise, he had. His mistake that got him into this situation was getting into a fight in the break room. He explained to me how waking up in the morning became something that he didnt even look forward to anymore. He shared with me how strict the rules were and how much they were enforced. He explained how being locked in confinement was the low point of his existence and he wishes never to go back. I cant wait to incorporate this interview into my project. This is honestly the most downto-earth source of them all because it was so personal and emotional. This is where my audience will really see where Im coming from and why. This is where Im going to have the chance to really get my emotions out. Im going to let my audience really hear about persons thoughts throughout their whole experience.

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This interviewee is a relative of mine, which is how I know of this person.

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