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#=========================================================================# # # Command Helper sample config file # #=========================================================================# #lines that start with # are comments #Give command,

with material name lookup # Note that the second variable $qty is optional, and if no value # is given, 1 is the default. The function player() returns the # name of this player, and data_values() turns "stone" into 1 # Also note that the command is labelled with "creative". If you # are running a creative server, and the users should always be able to give # themselves items, then they can do so with this command, without having to be # opped. creative:/i $data [$qty=1] = runas('~op', sconcat(/give player() data_values($da ta) $qty)) ### #Give the player a diamond pickaxe, shovel, and axe # Note that commands are separated by \ and this creates a macro /kit diamond = /give player() data_values('diamond_pickaxe') 1 \ /give player() data_values('diamond_spade') 1 \ /give player() data_values('diamond_axe') 1 ### #Give the player 64 each of gold tools # Note that the data_values function uses the enum values of # the material /kit gold = /give player() data_values('gold_pickaxe') 64 \ /give player() data_values('gold_spade') 64 \ /give player() data_values('gold_axe') 64 ### #Sets the time on the server, and uses english words to set the time #If the english word isn't "day" or "night", it uses the number # Note that the equals function returns a true value if the two # parameters are the same, and if() runs the second argument if the # first argument is true, and the third argument if it is false. # To make an "if else" statement, you can nest if() calls, as shown # here. /time $time = /time set if(equals($time, 'day'), 1, if(equals($time, 'night'), 1 3500, $time)) ### #Better tp. If "/tp name" is used, it implies "/tp thisplayer name" #but if "/tp name1 name2" is used, it implies "/tp name1 name2" /tp $p1 [$p2=''] = /tp if(equals($p2, ''), player(), $p1) if(equals($p2, ''), $p 1, $p2) ### #Simple alias for /tell # The special variable "$" must be the last variable, and it matches all # the arguments from that point on /msg $player $ = /tell $player $ ### #Simple alias for /save-all # Super simple aliases can be error proofed by matching all arguments, then

# not using them. Note that this will result in a warning, but it will # compile fine. /save $ = /save-all ### #Shows help information # This demonstrates how to use die() and msg(). They work basically the same, ex cept # die() kills the command if evaluated. They both send a message to the player. /help [$cmd=''] = if(equals($cmd, ''), die('Do you need halp?'), if(equals($cmd, 'commandhelper'), msg('The best plugin ever!'), '')) ### #Echoes information back to the user # This demonstrates how to do string concatenation /ping $ = die(concat('Pong!', ' ', $)) #Kills the player, optionally with a message. Demonstrates how to use the multil ine construct. thor:/thor $player [$=''] = >>> lightning(ploc($player)) msg('Thou hast smitten the evil player ', $player, ' with thy mighty hand') tmsg($player, color('red'), if(equals($, ''), 'You have been smitten by Thor \'s Hammer!', $)) kill($player) <<< #Suppose we have a plugin that broadcasts messages only to moderators, but it do esn't include the user's name #Also suppose that it is a very long command. #We can use this command to fix that: /mb $ = /mod-broadcast concat('(',player(),')') $ #Lets notify our users to use the new, shorter version /mod-broadcast [$] = die(concat(color('red'), 'Use /mb instead of /mod-broadcast ')) #Creates a simple way to control the weather rain:/rain $true_false = storm($true_false) #Demonstrates the for function, as well as ivars #Lists all players on the server /list = >>> #Initialize an empty string assign(@pl, '') assign(@ap, all_players()) #loop through the array stored in @ap, from 0 to one less than the size of t he array for(assign(@i, 0), lt(@i, array_size(@ap)), assign(@i, add(@i, 1)), #append our player's name to the end of @pl string assign(@pl, concat(@pl, @ap[@i], ' ')) ) #output the string msg(@pl) <<<

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