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Electricity is the heartbeat of the modern world and is a measure of the progress of a country. Nowadays with the power generated you can turn deserts into gardens. Take Saudi Arab as an example, a country known for its barren deserts. It has now become able to export wheat ust because of the electricity, with the help of which it is pumping water far into the deserts and is using electric sprinklers for spraying water on to the crop. !ust look around yourself, our life depends a lot upon electricity. The lights, A.".#s, T$%s, fans, computers and lots of other appliances are working ust due to the in&isible power of electricity. In short, nowadays life has become luminous ust due to electricity. 'ut the (uestion is that )how this energy is generated*). According to the law of conser&ation of energy, we must gi&e something to get something and from this law e&ol&es the (uestion, ) +hat can we gi&e to get Electricity* ). There are many ways to generate electricity, e.g., Nuclear method, ,ydal method, Thermal method, etc. -ne of these methods which is utili.ed by the /o&t. of 0akistan in the /ha.i 'arotha 0ower 0lant is the ,ydal method. The GHAZI_BAROTHA hydropower project is a major run-of-the river environmenta y sustaina! e power project" desi#ned to meet the acute shorta#e of pea$ power demand in our country% The project is !ased on the uti i&ation of the head avai a! e in the Indus River !etween Tar!e a dam near Gha&i conf uence with the Haro River and the Indus River near Barotha% In this reach the Indus River drops !y a!out '(m in a distance of ()$m%It is the first hydropower project in *a$istan in which no dammin# is done !ut the e ectricity is produced !y uti i&in# the difference of e evation% It wi produce e ectricity at an economica rate of +, paisa per unit% This project wi earn a profit of Rs%-) Ara!s per annum for the Government of *a$istan% %

01-!E"T S0-NS-12
The pro ect sponsor is the go&ernment3owned +ater and 0ower 4e&elopment Authority 5+A04A6. It identified the /ha.i 'arotha pro ect as an opportunity to build a large3scale installation with minimal disruption. At 7,89:;+, the plant will account for o&er 7:< of current 0akistani capacity, making a ma or contribution to the expansion programme. 1esettlement will be limited to around =:: people. /ha.i 'arotha is a run3 of3ri&er plant, with no need for massi&e dams or reser&oirs.

.O/012TA/T0 O3 TH4 *RO54.T6

7. ,ar.a International, >SA. ?. 'innie @ 0atner, >A. B. Eubank @ 0reese,>A. 8. National Engineering Ser&ices 0akistan 5Nespak6. 9. Associated "onsulting Engineer 5A"E6.

"-NT1A"T-1S -C T,E 01-!E"T2

7. 4ong Cang Electric "orporation -f "hina. ?. /ha.i 'arotha "ontractors2 ?.7 Impregilo,Italy. ?.? Saad3ullah Ahan. ?.B Ed Dueblin, /erman.

T,E 01-!E"T2
The /,ADIE'A1-T,A hydropower pro ect is a ma or run3of3the ri&er en&ironmentally sustainable power pro ect, designed to meet the acute shortage of peak power demand in our country. The pro ect is based on the utili.ation of the head a&ailable in the IN4>S 1I$E1 between TA1'EFA 4A; near /,ADI confluence with the ,A1- 1I$E1 and the IN4>S ri&er near 'A1-T,A. In this reach the IN4>S 1I$E1 drops by about GHm in a distance of HBkm.

Layout of the Ghazi Bharota Pro e!t The figure shows the detail of the pro ect, it is e&ident that the pro ect will ha&e three main components2

'arrage 0ower "hannel 0ower "omplex.

The barrage located about Gkm downstream of TA1'EFA 4A; will regulate the daily discharges from Tarbela and di&ert the water into the power channel. The concrete lined power channel will con&ey up to 7H:: cumecs 59H,9:: cusecs6 from the barrage to the power complex. The channel will be 9? km long. The power complex will be located near the confluence of the Indus @ ,aro 1i&ers. It has a peak capacity of 789: ;+ using 9x?=:IImw turbo generators.

The pro ect will ha&e an installed generating capacity of 789: ;+. The power will be a&ailable during the critical months of ;ay and !une when the whole country is short of

power. The power channel is designed to re(uire regular de3watering for maintenance and inspection. -ther parts of the pro ect can be isolated for maintenance during the low flow season.

The total capital cost of the pro ect at the September 7==B price le&els is estimated to be at >S J?7HH ; including the transmission links to the national grid, physical contingencies, price contingencies and engineering. -ne of the most important features of the pro ect is that it pro&ides power peaking capacity throughout the year with full power generation during the months if ;ay and !une when there is a reduced generation from other hydropower pro ects as a result of low reser&oir le&els.

The feasibility study of the pro ect, completed in April 7==G, demonstrated the technical, en&ironmental and economic feasibility of the pro ect. An independent panel of experts, established for the pro ect has been in&ol&ed in the re&iew of &arious technical aspects of the pro ect from the beginning of the studies and the panel has endorsed the pro ect as technically sound and economically highly attracti&e.


ACTI&ITY Re5o!atio0 a01 Re3ett5e6e0t Wor7 Pre8aratory Wor7 Barra9e Po:er Cha00e5 Po:er Co685e; '(() '((* 444444 444444 444444 444444 44 444444 444444 44 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 444444 44 44 444444 444444 444444 '((+ '((, '(('((( ./// .//' La01A2ui3itio0 444444 444444 444444

The abo&e table shows that the pro ect will be completed in ?::7. The preparatory work and the land ac(uisition has been nearly completed . The barrage, the power channel and the power complex will take about fi&e years to be completed.


The /ha.i 'arotha pro ect has basically three different technical sites 2 7. 'arrage ?. 0ower "hannel B. 0ower complex The whole pro ect uses the fact that there is a difference of altitude between /ha.i and 'arotha. This difference in altitude will be used to accelerate the water and this acceleration is utili.ed in producing power.

'A11A/E "
The barrage will be located at Gkm from the Tarbela 4am. The following figure shows the basic construction. !ust before the &illage /ha.i the barrage pond woll be constructed. The functions of the barrage are 2

To store the water, To di&ert the water to the water channel.

There will be a seperating island on which the control house will be constructed. Near the right bank thee will be ?: standard bays which will be used in regulating the water in the Indus. -n the left bank there is a head regulator which will control the inflow into the channel. The good thing about the di&ersion is that the water re(uired will be supplied through the year without any interruption. Kou can see a separating dyke which will be 7km long. The main purpose of the dyke is to sa&e the &illage /ha.i from soil errosion.

0-+E1 ",ANNEF "

The di&erted water from the barrage will go into the channel. The main purpose of the power channel is to carry water from /ha.i to 'arotha with minimum losse in water. The dimensions of the channel are shown in the following figure. It will be =m deep and 9L.8m wide. It will ha&e on both sides 7:m ser&ice road and ?9 bridges will connect them. The spoil banks on either sides will be made from the soil extracted from the channel and will guard against some rise in water le&el. An interesting construction will be an under drainage which will stop under seeping of the water into the soil and thus sa&ing &aluable water. If by chance there is any seepage there will be another gra&el layer which will not allow the water to enter the soil. Any water which seeps through the concrete lining will be collected in the sumps. 0umps will then carry this water back into the channel. Another benefit which will be deri&ed from the channel is that water form any water logged area near the channel will enter it and hence reduce the water logging.

0-+E1 "-;0FEM
The power complex is the most important part of the whole construction because Electricity will be produced here. The water from the power channel will enter the forebay. Any excess water in the rainy season will be stored in either the north head pond or the south head pond. The power house will ha&e a pen stalk with 9 tunnels in them and in each tunnel there will be one turbine connected with a generator, ha&ing a capacity of ?=:;+. The speed of the water will be utili.ed to run the turbines and in turn to produce power. This speed will be achei&ed from the negati&e gradient of the channel. A spillway is pro&ided ot remo&e any undesired water any time. The water after utili.ation will re3enter the ri&er Indus near 'arotha. .


The aggregates used in the construction of this pro ect are 5a6 1i&er bed materials,5b6FAN spur sand @ 5c61ip rap materials brought from 'urkan.

The mixing of concrete is done in a 'atching plant, which is computeri.ed. There are 8 batching plants used in the construction of this pro ect, ? for barrage and 7 each for power channel @ power complex.

>sing special curing compounds instead of using water to speed up construction does the curing of concrete. "uring compounds when sprayed on concrete forms a film and the water in the concrete is utili.ed. The color of the compound is off white, which reflects the temperature, and keeps the concrete cold.


Now you will get an o&er3&iew on the cost and economics of /ha.i 'arotha ,ydro 0ower 0ro ect. It will be completed by the year ?::7. The total cost of the pro ect is about ?.? billion >S dollars. Coreign exchange loan will constitute about 9H < of the total cost will the remaining 88 < will be pro&ided by the /o&ernement of 0akistan.

Fet us see who the ma or contributors are apart from the /o&ernment of 0akistan 2

Tota5 forei90 e;!ha09e 5oa0 " .*/ %i55io0 U# >


Wor51 Ba07 Ja8a0 A3ia0 DeCe5o86e0t

B9: B9: B::

?L ?L ?8 7? 8.L B.?

79.= 79.= 7B.H H.L ?.G 7.L

Ba07 Ger6a0y Euro8ea0 I0Ce3t6e0t

79: H:

Ba07 I35a6i! DeCe5o86e0t


This table showas that the ma or financers are !apan and the +orld 'ank. Each is pro&iding ?9: million >S J i.e., ?L < of the foreign exchange loan and 79.: < of the total cost of the pro ect.

Fet us see what methodology and scales ha&e been adopted to estimate the cost of the pro ect.

7. The cost estimates are based on !uly 7==: price le&els and at an exchange rate of 1s. ?? per >S J. L

?. ;ost prices were estimated by analytical methods, although few were based upon pre&ious estimates or other past experiences, with appropriate ad ustment. B. The cost calculation were di&ided into local and foreign currency components. 8. Fabour, cement, reinforcing steel, electricity, fuel and lubricants were considered as local costs and the market prices for these items were used. 9. E(uipment, spare parts, ; @ E palnt and e(uipment were considered as foregin costs. H. Tools, materials and supplies were considered to ha&e a ?9 < local and G9 < foreign currency comoponens. G. "ustom duties and taxes on imported e(uipment are not included in these estimates. N Since, the exchange rate of >S J in 0akistani 1upee has risen considerably, as compared to the exchange
rate discussed abo&e, so the total cost has changed accordingly.

S>;;A1K -C 01-!E"T "-ST 'ASE4 -N !>FK 7==: 01I"ES +IT, F-"AF ">11EN"K A4!>STE4 C-1 IN4I1E"T C-1EI/N "-;0-NENT. 7 10 8 -%99 : Rs% ;; <


CO%PONENT CO%PONENT La01 A!2ui3itiD *'=/o0 E Re5o!atio0 Pre8aratoD .+=** ry Wor73 Po:er Hou3e Barra9e Po:er Cha00e5 Po:er Co685e; .=-( ''*=++ '+.=,( '-/=*+=F' *,=F(

CO%PONENT CO%PONENT ''.F=,+ 'F-=-. '.+.=*-

.*=)* ',='* )',=(, *),=-+)*=+*

*.=// ./=/) *FF=+F ,'/=+, -.+=.F

*-)=F. +F=*.*))=*. F*-'=FF(,.=++

**(=( F,,=F/ ('(*=F) './*F=F+ ')./(=F+

''))=// ))/=-'',F(=-+ '*+F)=,) '-',,=/+



Seen as a whole, the pro ect is undoubtedly a blessing for the people of 0akistan, as it will be a major step towards the solution of the prevalent energy crises. However, for the section of people belonging to the vicinity of the affected areas, the project is not less than a catastrophe. Twenty years ago they sacrificed their land and livelihood for Tarbela Dam Project% They a#ain have foreseen that they have to #ive up the remainin# and for the sa$e of their countries prosperity% The sur&ey carried out by a team, comprising of the students of /IA 5/hulam Isha( Ahan Institute of Engg. @ Technology6, re&ealed that most of the people were not satisfied by the compensations, which ha&e been made by the go&ernment. They make the following complaints2 7. The power channel will act as a barrier for a farmer wishing to get o&er the other end of his piece of land, located on the other side of the channel. As a result, he will ha&e to bear the additional burden of the bus3fare, e&ery time he goes from one part of his property to the other. ?. 4i&ersion of water from /ha.i to 'arotha will deplete the Indus from /ha.i to Oa.ipur. This will ha&e a drastic affect in the marine life and also, the li&es of hundreds of tribesmen will be effected. B. The attitude of the patwaris also poses a lot of trouble. They ask for hefty bribes, threaten them that if they fail to deli&er the re(uired sum they will declare their agricultural land as being barren and as a result the price of their land will drastically fall. 8. 0reference is being gi&en to the outsiders rather than the locals, regarding the a&ailability of obs, both technical as well as non3technical ones, at the construction sites. The ob permits, which ha&e been issued to them, ha&e only pro&ed to be a formality and the construction company has adopted a rigid and biased attitude towards the locals. .


The pro ect is not expected to induce a ma or influence on the en&ironment. Such effects on the en&ironment are predicted on the basis of experience with a similar pro ect in a comparable en&ironment. 4irect or primary effects can usually be fore3seen and from them the indirect effects can be concluded.

ECCE"T -C T,E 'A11A/E2

The most significant effect is on the a(uatic en&ironment and the con&ersion of a stretch of braided ri&erbed into a fluctuating pool, with a maximum area of 7,::: hectares. The present land used for the ri&erbed is a source of cobbles and fuel wood with some land used for and for fisherman%s# camps. As a result of the construction of the 'arrage, the price of land is increased as it shifts from agricultural to commercial de&elopment. 7:

ECCE"T -C T,E 0-+E1 ",ANNEF2

The power channel and its right-of-way including an allowance for the contingencies take about 1000 hectares of land. fter rehabilitation it has become a much-improved area. The ma or land ac(uisition near 'arotha is about L9: hectares. About 8: < of this land is arable, of which only H < is irrigated. The rest currently is woodland, pastureland and wasteland.

ECCE"T -N T,E 1I$E1 IN4>S2

The ground water inflow3outflow relationship along the ri&er is somewhat altered. The presence of pond upstream of /ha.i has increased recharge from the ri&er locally, now limited to the periods of high flow. Crom /ha.i to Oa.ipur, the period of recharge is somewhat shortened and the dry season outflow to the ri&er is somewhat increased. This will not affect the locals, as at the present, only a small percentage of the consumpti&e re(uirements of the 79 ri&erside &illages is met from the ri&erP the rest comes from the ground water. The feasibility report says that the reduction of flow in the ri&er is not expected to affect the local li&estock as substantial pools wall still remain. This contradicts to what the local people claim that not only will there be no a(uatic life left, but also water for drinking purposes will be ad&ersely affected. The go&ernment sources, howe&er, claim that L: < of the &illages ha&e sufficient ground water beyond their domestic re(uirements and hence this reduction in flow will not affect the &illages that badly.


Fand Ac(uisition 1elocation @ 1esettlement








44444 4 44444 4

44444 4 44444 4 44444 4 44444 4


work 0reparatory work 'arrage

44444 4

44444 4

44 44444 4 44444 4 44 44444 4 44444 4 44444 4 44444 4 44444 4 44444 4 44 44 44444 4 44444 4 444444

0ower "hannel 0ower "omplex

With plans afoot to bring electricity to every village in the country, coupled with the need for greater industrial growth to cater for the enormous requirements of Central Asia, the per capita energy utilization in Pakistan is set to grow. owever, in spite of their protestations to the contrary the WAP!A authorities have initiated countrywide load shedding in the past. "he perspective of the situation was that many of the medium and small#scale industrial units were lying idle and many of the larger units have been running at less than full capacity$$ "he writing on the wall is too clear and far too far from being comfortable. "he demand supply gap in our electrical power generation is negative and with the progress of time, day by day, month by month and year by year, this gap is pro%ected to widen, not arithmetically, but close to e&ponentially$ owever we can somehow avoid worse conditions if we start acting promptly from the time on. 'ndeed, the requirement for power generation in Pakistan is becoming more and more crucial. 't is important not only for our technical and socio#economic growth, but has also become imperative to sustain the present state of affairs. (f the a ma%or forms of power generation, there are three options available to us i.e., )uclear, "hermal and ydel. )uclear, though e&pensive as far as the infra structural requirements are concerned, will definitely be the most economical one to generate power for a longer time span and with a proper and diligently maintained safe#guards against radiation leaks it will have 7?

comparatively no short term effects on the environment. owever, due to a number of e&ternal political factors our capacity to depend on it, alone for power#generation, is somewhat restricted. "hermal energy generation is dependent on fossil fuels, which have to be imported, as their availability in the country is somewhat restricted. Also, it is a fact their e&traction is costly process, which has a direct impact on the cost of the generation of electricity. Cost per unit of electricity is a ma%or consideration in Pakistan. Why is the emphasis being laid so much on the cost* 't+s because, being a third world nation and having a weak economy, the cost must be of ma%or concern for any such ,overnment which wishes to remain in power. -nvironmentally, the thermal power generation is a disaster. 't is a direct form of power generation devised by man. Whether the power stations are run on fuel oils, gas or coal, the end products, i.e., the burnt hydrocarbons and the organic materials are being perpetually released into the atmosphere. 'n contrast, the number of adverse environmental damages caused by )uclear or ydel generation systems are negligible. "he most non#controversial mode of power generation in Pakistan shall always by the ydel mode of Power ,eneration. As discussed before, this pro%ect might have its own socio#economic effects, but years of research and feasibility reports by world class e&perts have cleared up the confusion in the air to such a large e&tent that the pro%ect may by be regarded as a model in itself. (nce it starts working, it will provide the nation with a continuous peak power of ./012W. /3 hours a day, 450 days a year and year after year, as long as the 'ndus continues to flow past its huge turbines, a continuous supply of power will be guaranteed. After its passage through the dam, the water will still by clean, deep blue and environmentally friendly. Perhaps, it may by slightly magnetically charged due the effect of the generators, but it is a fact that magnetic water is health friendly%


"itle Page 'ntroduction ############################################################1. Pro%ect sponsors#######################################################1. Consultants of the pro%ect############################################1/ Contractors of the pro%ect#############################################1/ "he pro%ect################################################################1/ (peration##################################################################14 Costs########################################################################13 6easibility report#########################################################13 Pro%ect completion schedule############################################13 "echnical sites#############################################################13 a7 8arrage ##############################################################10 b7 Power channel ######################################################15 c7 Power comple& ######################################################19 Aggregates used ' in construction#######################################19 :i&ing of concrete#########################################################19 Curing of concrete##########################################################19 Pro%ect cost and economics###############################################1; -stimated cost###############################################################1< -ffects########################################################################1< a7 -ffects on people####################################################1< b7 -ffects on the environment########################################.1 c7 -ffects of the barrage#############################################.1 d7 -ffects of the power channel####################################.. e7 -ffects on the 'ndus =iver ######################################.. 78

Pro%ect completion schedule##########################################.. Conclusions ############################################################./




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