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Group I Petrus Suryo Kuncoro (100705016) Dicky Akbar Ginting (100705018) Denny Jeremia Siregar (1007050 8) !ina "i#a Sari (1007050$ ) %oy &ancer 'arigan (10070505 ) () !a*yu+i Pratama 'o,o (100705110)

English Department Faculty o Humanity !ni"ersity o Sumatera !tara #$%&

'hapter %
%)% *ac+groun( -anguage *as main ro,e. not on,y /or ,inguists. stu+ent. an+ ,ecturer or in e+ucation. but a,so 0e can /in+ t*e ro,e o/ ,anguage in business. 1o,itics. an+ ot*er sub2ect t*at nee+ ,anguage as a me+ium) 3or instance. some internationa, e4ents nee+ to be broa+caste+ by te,e4ision. internet or ne0s1a1er. an+ o/ course it nee+s ,anguage as t*e me+ium to con4ey t*e message as 0e,, as 1ossib,e) So. 0e can +eny t*e e5istence o/ t*e ,anguage) Kramsc* (16687$) sai+ 8-anguage is t*e 1rinci1a, means 0*ereby 0e con+uct our socia, ,i4es) !*en it is use+ in conte5ts o/ communication. it is boun+ u1 0it* cu,ture in mu,ti1,e an+ com1,e5 0ays)9 '*e statement about ,anguage 0*ic* Kramsc* sai+ is c,ear,y embracing t*e genera, 1erce1tion o/ 1eo1,e) %ut 0e cannot ca,, ,anguage as it is meant to be. i/ t*e ,anguage cannot con4ey t*e message to t*e 4ie0ers or rea+ers. because it is im1ossib,e to com1e, someone kno0ing t*e ,anguage 0*ic* t*ey abso,ute,y cannot un+erstan+) 3or instance. :ng,is* nati4e is or+ere+ to rea+ t*e ;n+onesian book 0*om *e ne4er ,earns) Abso,ute,y. *e 0i,, get troub,e to get t*e meaning o/ t*e ;n+onesian book) ;n or+er to ackno0,e+ge t*e ne0 in/ormation. es1ecia,,y about scienti/ic books. maga<ine. ne0s1a1er an+ many ot*er source te5tbooks or +igita, source. 0e nee+ to kno0 t*e ,anguage 1rimari,y) 3or so many years. 0e *a4e ,earne+ ,anguage /rom ot*er source 0*et*er it is /rom t*e internet. teac*ing in c,ass or many sources to get kno0,e+ge about t*e ne0 ,anguage) =o0. 0e ,i4e in t*e mo+ern era in 0*ic* 0e can access ne0 ,earning. es1ecia,,y ,earning about ne0 ,anguages) '*is researc* 0i,, ana,y<e about *o0 t*e teac*ing met*o+ in/,uences our ,i/e to get ne0 kno0,e+ge about ,anguage) -anguage 'eac*ing (et*o+ is t*e met*o+ t*at t*e teac*er uses to teac* ne0 ,anguage to *is stu+ents) (et*o+s ser4e as a /oi, /or re/,ection t*at can ai+ teac*ers in bringing to conscious a0areness t*e t*inking 0*ic* un+er,ies t*eir action) ;t means t*ere is a co*erent set o/ ,inks bet0een actions an+ t*oug*ts on t*e teac*ing met*o+ t*at *as its goa,s in

eac* met*o+) '*e t*oug*ts gui+e t*e actions) '*e actions are t*e tec*ni#ues an+ t*e t*oug*ts are t*e 1rinci1,es) '*ere are se4era, met*o+s o/ -anguage 'eac*ing (et*o+s) ;n e4ery teac*ing met*o+. t*ey *a4e t*eir o0n goa,s) '*e met*o+s ser4e +i//erent tec*ni#ues accor+ing to 0*at ,anguage ski,,s an+ 0*at areas o/ ,anguage are em1*asi<e+ as t*e goa,s o/ e4ery met*o+) >ne o/ t*e ,anguage teac*ing met*o+s is t*e Grammar 'rans,ation (et*o+) -arsen?3reeman ( 000 7 7) sai+ t*ere are ten #uestions 0*ic* become t*e gui+ance be/ore a11,ying t*is met*o+7 1) !*at are t*e goa,s o/ teac*ers 0*o use t*is met*o+@ ) !*at is t*e ro,e o/ t*e teac*er@ !*at is t*e ro,e o/ t*e stu+ents@ $) !*at are some c*aracteristics o/ t*e teac*ingA,earning 1rocess@ B) !*at is t*e nature o/ stu+ent?teac*er interaction@ !*at is t*e nature o/ stu+ent?stu+ent interaction@ 5) Co0 are t*e /ee,ings o/ t*e stu+ents +ea,t 0it*@ 6) Co0 is ,anguage 4ie0e+@ Co0 is cu,ture 4ie0e+@ 7) !*at areas o/ ,anguage are em1*asi<e+@ !*at ,anguage ski,,s are em1*asi<e+@ 8) !*at is t*e ro,e o/ t*e stu+entsD nati4e ,anguage@ 6) Co0 is e4a,uation accom1,is*e+@ 10) Co0 +oes t*e teac*er res1on+ to stu+ent errors@ '*ere/ore. t*is ten #uestion 0i,, be co4ere+ u1 into t*is 1a1er an+ it 0i,, *e,1 as t*e gui+ance to get in c,oser 0*at t*e Grammar?'rans,ation e5act,y is) %)# ,ro-lem '*ere are t0o #uestions 0*ic* are e51ecte+ to be consi+ere+ t*roug* t*is 1a1er 7 1) !*at is t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ in ,anguage teac*ing met*o+. es1ecia,,y t*e 1rinci1,e an+ tec*ni#ue@ ) Co0 is t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ a11,ie+@ %)& O-.ecti"es

En+erstan+ing t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ in ,anguage teac*ing met*o+ genera,,y is t*e 1riority 0*y t*is researc* ma+e) '*roug* t*is teac*ing met*o+. t*e rea+er 0i,, be *e,1e+ an+ *o1e+ to a11,ie+ into society) %)/ Scope o the Metho( '*is 1a1er is on,y /ocuse+ on t*e 1rinci1,es. tec*ni#ue an+ im1,ementation or a11,ication o/ t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ 0*ic* are suggeste+ by Diane -arsen?3reeman in *er book. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching)

'hapter II Grammar Translation Metho(

'*is met*o+ 0as use+ /or t*e 1ur1ose+ o/ *e,1ing stu+ents rea+ an+ a11reciate /oreign ,anguage ,iterature) ;t 0as a,so *o1e+ t*at. t*roug* t*e stu+y o/ t*e grammar o/ t*e target ,anguage. stu+ents 0ou,+ become more /ami,iar 0it* t*e grammar o/ t*eir nati4e ,anguage an+ t*at t*is /ami,iarity 0ou,+ *e,1 t*em s1eak an+ 0rite t*eir nati4e ,anguage better) !e can un+erstan+ t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ by obser4ing a c,ass 0*ere t*e teac*er is using it) %e,o0 0e 0i,, ,ist t*e obser4ations o/ t*e c,ass t*at use+ Grammar? 'rans,ation (et*o+) '*e obser4ations 0i,, be ,iste+ in t*e rig*t co,umnF /rom t*em 0e can i+enti/y t*e 1rinci1,es o/ t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+) '*e 1rinci1,es 0i,, be ,iste+ in t*e rig*t co,umn) '*e obser4ation 0i,, be ma+e in or+er. /o,,o0ing t*e ,esson 1,an o/ t*e c,ass 0e obser4e+) =o) 1 >bser4ations Princi1,es

'*e c,ass is rea+ing an e5cer1t /rom (ark A /un+amenta, 1ur1ose o/ ,earning a /oreign '0ainDs Life on the Mississipi) ,anguage is to be ab,e to rea+ ,iterature 0ritten in it) -iterary ,anguage is su1erior to s1oken ,anguage) Stu+entsD stu+y o/ t*e target cu,ture is ,imite+ to its ,iterature an+ /ine arts) Stu+ents trans,ate t*e 1assage /rom :ng,is* An im1ortant goa, is /or stu+ents to be ab,e to S1anis*) to trans,ate eac* ,anguage into t*e ot*er) ;/ stu+ents can trans,ate /rom one ,anguage into anot*er. t*ey are consi+ere+ success/u, ,anguage ,earners)

'*e teac*er asks stu+ents in t*eir nati4e '*e abi,ity to communicate in t*e target

,anguage i/ t*ey *a4e any #uestions) A ,anguage is not a goa, o/ /oreign ,anguage stu+ent asks one an+ is ans0ere+ in *er instruction) nati4e ,anguage) B Stu+ents 0rite out t*e ans0ers to rea+ing '*e 1rimary ski,,s to be +e4e,o1e+ are com1re*ension #uestions) rea+ing an+ 0riting) -itt,e attention is gi4en to s1eaking an+ ,istening. an+ a,most none to 1ronunciation) 5 '*e teac*er +eci+es 0*et*er an ans0er is '*e teac*er is t*e aut*ority in t*e c,assroom) correct or not) ;/ t*e ans0er is incorrect. t*e ;t is 4ery im1ortant t*at stu+ents get t*e teac*er se,ects a +i//erent stu+ent to su11,y correct ans0er) t*e correct ans0er or t*e teac*er *erse,/ gi4es t*e rig*t ans0er) 6 Stu+ents trans,ate ne0 0or+s /rom :ng,is* ;t is 1ossib,e to /in+ nati4e ,anguage into S1anis*) 7 Stu+ents ,earn t*at :ng,is* e#ui4a,ents /or a,, target ,anguage 0or+s) -ty -earning is /aci,itate+ t*roug* attention to simi,arities bet0een t*e target ,anguage an+ t*e nati4e ,anguage) 8 Stu+ents are gi4en a grammar ru,e /or t*e ;t is im1ortant /or stu+ents to ,earn about t*e use o/ a +irect ob2ect 0it* t0o?0or+ 4erbs 6 /orm o/ t*e target ,anguage) +e+ucti4e a11,ication o/ e51,icit

corres1on+s to dad an+ tad in S1anis*)

'*e stu+ent a11,ies a ru,e /or e5am1,e t*ey '*e are gi4en)

grammar ru,e is a use/u, 1e+agogica, tec*ni#ue)


Stu+ents memori<e 4ocabu,ary)

-anguage ,earning 1ro4i+es goo+ menta, e5ercise)


'*e teac*er asks stu+ents to state t*e Stu+ents grammar ru,e)






grammatica, ru,es o/ t*e target ,anguage)

Stu+ents memori<e 1resent tense. 1ast !*ere4er Possib,e. 4erb con2ugations an+ tense. an+ 1ast 1artici1,e /orms o/ one set ot*er grammatica, 1ara+igms s*ou,+ be

o/ irregu,ar 4erbs

committe+ to memory)

THE ,RIN'I,LES Goals '*e goa,s o/ t*e teac*er 0*o use t*e Grammar?'rans,ation (et*o+ are to make *isA*er stu+ents to be ab,e to rea+ ,iterature 0ritten in t*e target ,anguage) 'o +o t*is. stu+ents nee+ to ,earn about t*e grammar ru,es an+ 4ocabu,ary o/ t*e target ,anguage) The role o teacher an( the stu(ent) '*e ro,es are very tra+itiona,) '*e teac*er is t*e aut*ority in t*e c,assroom) '*e stu+ents +o as s*e says so t*ey can ,earn 0*at s*e kno0s) The characteristic o teaching0learning process '*e stu+ents are taug*t to trans,ate /rom one ,anguage to anot*er) '*ey are gi4en some grammar ru,es an+ e5am1,es be/ore +oing t*e trans,ationF t*en. to,+ to memori<e t*em an+ aske+ to a11,y t*e ru,es to ot*er e5am1,es) The interaction (ost o/ interaction in t*e c,assroom is /rom t*e teac*er to t*e stu+ent. so t*e re,ations*i1 bet0een teac*er an+ stu+ent is so tig*tF because t*e teac*er kno0s t*e resu,t o/ stu+entsD 1rogress)

The language1'ulture "ie2 -iterary ,anguage is consi+ere+ su1erior to s1oken ,anguage an+ is t*ere/ore t*e ,anguage t*at stu+ents stu+y) &u,ture is 4ie0e+ as consisting o/ ,iterature an+ t*e /ine arts) The teaching0learning an( s+ill emphasi3e(

'*e Grammar?'rans,ation teac*ing met*o+ more concerns about 4ocabu,ary an+ grammar) Gea+ing an+ 0riting are t*e 1rimary ski,,s t*at t*e stu+ents 0ork onF as t*e resu,t. ,ess attention is gi4en to s1eaking an+ ,istening) The role o the stu(ent4s nati"e language '*e meaning o/ t*e target ,anguage is ma+e c,ear by trans,ating it into t*e stu+entsD nati4e ,anguage) '*e ,anguage t*at is use+ in c,ass is most,y t*e stu+entsD nati4e ,anguage) The e"aluation 'o kno0 t*e resu,t o/ t*is teac*ing met*o+. t*e teac*er s*ou,+ make 0ritten tests in 0*ic* stu+ents are aske+ to trans,ate /rom t*eir nati4e ,anguage) Respon(ing to stu(ent errors '*e stu+ent su11,ies t*em 0it* t*e correct ans0er) THE TE'HNI5!ES Translation o a literary passage Stu+ents trans,ate a rea+ing 1assage /rom t*e target ,anguage into t*eir nati4e ,anguage) '*e 1assage t*at t*e teac*er gi4es s*ou,+ 1ro4i+e t*e /ocus o/ se4era, c,asses7 4ocabu,ary an+ grammatica, structures in t*e 1assage are stu+ie+ in subse#uent ,essons) '*e 1assage can be taken /rom some ,iterary 0orks /rom t*e target ,anguage or being 0ritten by t*e teac*er) '*e trans,ation may be 0ritten or s1oken or bot*) Stu+ents s*ou,+ not trans,ate i+ioms an+ t*e ,ike ,itera,,y. but rat*er in a 0ay t*at s*o0s t*at t*ey un+erstan+ t*eir meaning) Rea(ing comprehension 6uestions Stu+ents ans0er #uestions in t*e target ,anguage base+ on t*eir un+erstan+ing o/ t*e rea+ing 1assage) >/ten t*e #uestions are se#uence+ so t*at t*e /irst grou1 o/ #uestions asks /or in/ormation containe+ 0it*in t*e rea+ing 1assage) ;n or+er to ans0er t*e secon+ grou1 o/ #uestions. stu+ents 0i,, *a4e to make in/erences base+ on t*eir un+erstan+ing o/ t*e 1assage)

'*is means t*ey 0i,, *a4e to ans0er #uestions about t*e 1assage e4en t*oug* t*e ans0ers are not containe+ in t*e 1assage itse,/) '*e t*ir+ grou1 o/ #uestions re#uires stu+ents to re,ate t*e 1assage to t*eir o0n e51erience) Antonyms0synonyms Stu+ents are gi4en one set o/ 0or+s an+ are aske+ to /in+ antonyms in t*e rea+ing 1assage) A simi,ar e5ercise cou,+ be +one by asking stu+ent /in+ synonyms /or a 1articu,ar set o/ 0or+s) >r stu+ents mig*t be aske+ to +e/ine a set o/ 0or+s base+ on t*eir un+erstan+ing o/ t*em as t*ey occur in t*e rea+ing 1assage) >t*er e5ercises t*at ask stu+ents to 0ork 0it* t*e 4ocabu,ary o/ t*e 1assage are a,so 1ossib,e) 'ognates Stu+ents are taug*t to recogni<e cognates by ,earning t*e s1e,,ing or soun+ 1atterns t*at corres1on+ bet0een t*e ,anguages) Stu+ents are a,so aske+ to memori<e 0or+s t*at ,ook ,ike cognates but *a4e meanings in t*e target ,anguage t*at are +i//erent /rom t*ose in t*e nati4e ,anguage) '*is tec*ni#ue. o/ course. 0ou,+ on,y be use/u, in ,anguages t*at s*are cognates) De(ucti"e application o rule Grammar ru,es are 1resente+ 0it* e5am1,es) :5ce1tions to eac* ru,e arc a,so note+) >nce stu+ents un+erstan+ a ru,e. t*ey are aske+ to a11,y it to some +i//erent e5am1,es) Fill1in7th e1-lan+s Stu+ents are gi4en a series o/ sentences 0it* 0or+s missing) '*ey /i,, in t*e b,anks 0it* ne0 4ocabu,ary items or 0it* items o/ a 1articu,ar grammar ty1e. suc* as 1re1ositions or 4erbs 0it* +i//erent tenses) Memori3ation Stu+ents are gi4en ,ists o/ target ,anguage 4ocabu,ary 0or+s an+ t*eir nati4e ,anguage e#ui4a,ents an+ are aske+ to memori<e t*em) Stu+ents are a,so re#uire+ to memori<e grammatica, ru,es an+ grammatica, 1ara+igms suc* as 4erb con2ugations)

!se 2or(s in sentences ;n or+er to s*o0 t*at stu+ents un+erstan+ t*e meaning an+ use o/ a ne0 4ocabu,ary item. t*ey make u1 sentences in 0*ic* t*ey use t*e ne0 0or+s)

'hapter III

The Grammar1Translation Metho( Strength ?3ocusse+ on 4ocabu,ary ,earning) ?Ce,1ing stu+ent to kno0 ne0 ,anguage +irect,y) ?'*e teac*er kno0s *o0 t*e atmos1*ere o/ t*e c,ass) ? -ack o/ 0rong because t*e teac*er is t*e main key o/ t*is met*o+) ?A ne0 1assage to ,earn) ?'raining u1 menta,ity o/ t*e stu+ent ?'*e ro,e o/ t*e teac*er is bigger t*an t*e stu+ents are) ? Stu+ent *a4e to carry on so muc* ?'*e stu+ent 0i,, not get 0rong ans0ere+. so t*e e+ucation is rig*t on t*e 0ay) 8ea+ness ?Stu+ents *a4e ,ack o/ o11ortunity to e51ress creati4ity) Opportunity ?A,, stu+ents can 1ractice t*e target ,anguage. es1ecia,,y t*e grammar ru,es an+ 4ocabu,ary) Threat ?;/ teac*ers *a4e 1rob,ems 0it* ,ack o/ 4ocabu,ary. t*is con+ition 0i,, ,ea+ t*e stu+ent into misun+erstan+ing an+ misconce1tion

1erce1tion or ans0er. task)

'hapter I9 'onclusion
'*is met*o+ 0as use+ /or t*e 1ur1ose+ o/ *e,1ing stu+ents rea+ an+ com1re*en+ /oreign ,iterature. es1ecia,,y about grammar an+ its ru,es) ;t 0as a,so *o1e+ t*at. t*roug* t*e stu+y o/ t*e

grammar o/ t*e target ,anguage. stu+ents 0ou,+ become more /ami,iar 0it* t*e grammar o/ t*eir nati4e ,anguage an+ t*at t*is /ami,iarity 0ou,+ *e,1 t*em s1eak an+ 0rite t*eir nati4e ,anguage better) '*e stu+ent 0i,, +o some e5ercises 0*ic* gi4en by t*e teac*erF in or+er to memori<e some 4ocabu,ary an+ *e,1 t*em not on,y to kno0. but a,so to com1re*en+ t*e ,anguage 4ery 0e,,) (ost,y t*e acti4ity o/ t*is teac*ing met*o+ more ten+s to t*e re,ations*i1 bet0een stu+ent an+ teac*er. so t*e interaction stu+ent?stu+ent 0i,, be a ,itt,e bit occurre+)

REFEREN'E -arsen?3reeman. Diane) 000) Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. >5/or+7

>5/or+ Eni4ersity Press

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