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Mark Divine Scott: Mark Divine: Scott: Mark, how're you doing, man?

Doing great Scott, how are you? I am so excited and you know it's not everyday that you get to talk to

somebody who has trained some of the most elite warriors around both mentally and !hysically, built businesses and wrote awesome books that have !ersonally ins!ired me" So, I #ust want to first thank you for coming on the show today" Mark Divine: Scott: $eah, you're welcome I'm !rivileged to be here so, looking forward to it" Mark, you have a !hiloso!hy called %nbeatable Mind that is #ust so

ca!tivating to me, #ust from the name you chose can you talk a little bit about %nbeatable Mind? Mark Divine: Sure Scott the !hiloso!hy is something that I have been living my life by for

the last &' years or so and I kind of came to it through trial and error" I've got a background of course as a (avy S)*+ for ,' years and so with that background functional fitness was extremely im!ortant and also a lot of mental training that I develo!ed for myself !lus also -Inaudible ':'&:'./ but then I also got heavily into martial arts I've been a martial artist for about ,0 years" So a lot of the training in martial arts I find very useful for develo!ing emotional control and my intuition as well as my s!irit and then also yoga" I've been involved in yoga through *shtanga and Vin $oga and some 11 a lot of different as!ects of yoga for about &0 years" *nd so anyways, those have been my influences and through that !rocess, I've come to understand that we're leaving a lot on the table as human beings in terms of our !erformance and ca!abilities" *nd I call this the ,'2 factor and essentially what I'm saying is that you are ca!able and you and I and everyone else is ca!able of at least ,' times more than they think they are at any one time and we can ta! into that !otential through training" *nd so I elevate training to the same level as eating, slee!ing and hydrating and yet I don3t look at training #ust as !hysical training" I actually have a !ath I call the 4ive Mountain 5raining 6ath and so I look at training as covering five fundamental ca!acities that we have as human beings and that's !hysical, mental,

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Mark Divine emotional, intuitional and s!iritual" So in a nutshell, the !hiloso!hy of %nbeatable Mind is that we're ca!able of so much more and we can unlock and ta! into that !otential through training in an integrated manner on these five mountains of !hysical mental emotional intuitional and s!iritual ca!acities or intelligences that we all !ossess as human beings" Scott: Mark, I love it and I want to dive into those s!ecifically but the first 7uestion I

have is when did you reali8e that we have this ,'2 !otential, was there a !articular moment? Mark Divine: 9ell, there are a cou!le of moments that stood out to me 7uite clearly one is

when I was training to be a S)*+ way back when 11 I think it was &:.:" (ow I had gone from being a ;6* M<* and working on 9all Street to deciding that that was a com!lete misfit and that I wanted to be a S)*+" *nd I was fortunate enough to be !art of a martial arts !rogram back then with a grandmaster, one of these living masters, very rare to come by his name is Tadashi Nakamura and what he had us dong is hardcore, !hysical training, sweating on the Do#o floor and beating each other u! followed by long !eriods of sitting in silence in classic =en meditation" *nd through that =en !ractice, I began to develo! visuali8ation routine and so I was kind of combining concentration with visuali8ation and I was #ust doing it on my own and it seemed to make sense to me" I'd use the visuali8ation -technical difficulty/ hel! calm my mind down and then I would !ractice the classic =en" So anyway, fast1forward to three years later after starting this routine and being in the #ob of being a ;6* and now I'm ,> years old and I start to wake u! a little bit because meditation has its effect on you and to reali8e that I'm com!letely misaligned in this career and that I wanted to be a (avy S)*+ actually" So, I made the choice that I was going to be a S)*+ and I kind of shifted my training !lan !hysically to start to do the things I needed to do to S)*+ training in <%D?S but I also started to develo! myself mentally" Meaning I started to visuali8e myself and to !ractice mentally in my mind" *nd so that was !retty rare, at ,> to be !racticing in my mind was new territory for me but I took it on faith"

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Mark Divine It worked for my with my martial arts and I figured I've got to do everything in my !ower to make sure I'm not at statistics with the S)*+s because the chances of me becoming a S)*+ were !retty low" I mean most !eo!le don3t make it I mean out of the thousands who try every year, we only mint about &@0 new S)*+s a year and for officers, which was, it's a much smaller !ercentage" *nd so it's like getting into the astronaut !rogram" So I wanted to stack the decks in my favor" *nd what ha!!ened was, the visuali8ation took root after about six to nine months to where I had the sense that it was my destiny to be a S)*+" <ut I had already won in my mind and that was !owerful and ,0 years later, that is one of the things that I teach is that first we must win our mind, it's su!er1!owerful" 5he second 11 your 7uestion was what kind of led me to uncover this !hiloso!hy that we are ca!able ,' times more" 5he second, really !owerful event was the actual Aell 9eek training of the S)*+s" *gain, ha!!ened at a very formative time in my life, ,B years old, now going through S)*+ training, !robably still ,0 by the time I got into <%D?S and the Aell 9eek training is as you are !robably aware, six days long 11 five days no slee!, around the clock training" So you are training for hundreds of hours, around the clock, non1sto!, hardcore !hysical training and it's intense" *nd what ha!!ened for me was I went into it ex!ecting that my body and mind would fall through and I'd #ust be clinging on for dear life but I wasn3t going to 7uit" *nd what I found was that by the third or fourth day I was getting stronger and I had the !erce!tion that I was gaining clarity even though I think that was a false !erce!tion now but I was getting much stronger and !eo!le were 7uitting around me and because I had done all that mental training and because I had sense of certainty and really understood my why, my !ur!ose for being there and I was totally #a88ed to be there in s!ite of the fatigue and the constant numbing cold, that I actually got stronger and I found myself to be ca!able of more than anything I could have ever imagined" -technical difficulty/ ex!erience" Scott: +et's talk about the s!ecific ty!es of visuali8ation that you were doing and

what you teach today" <ecause this is actually a !ractice that I do myself and it is insanely !owerful for changing your belief structures or confidence or conviction even before we actually do something"

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Mark Divine: Scott: Mark Divine:

Dight" ;an you dig into that a little bit? Sure" Eisuali8ations, that's one of the things as you are aware, it takes some

time and some refining and it really 11 what it is, we're learning to use our mind in a new way" I wrote a lot about this in my books this thing about visuali8ation that's really cool is that it's one of those ways that we can ta! into our whole mind conce!t and so in the 9est we are mostly been taught to use our rational, linear mind to think to solve !roblems" ;ognition and what I have come to believe re!resents about &'F1&0F of our total thought !ower and mental !ower and our entire nervous system is !art of our mind, our heart and our bellies are !art of our mind structure, our mind exists even outside of our bodies, it's #ust a mystery" *nd science thinks that the mind is #ust the brain and if we ma! the brain then we can recreate the mind" 5hat's #ust sim!ly not true in my o!inion" *nd so, the language of the rational mind is words and the language of the other !art of your mind :'F your subconscious and your heart and your belly and your intuition and your emotional intelligence, the language of that is imagery and sensations" *nd so when we are learning to visuali8e, it's like learning a new language" 9ould you agree with that? Scott: Mark Divine: *bsolutely" *nd so the first thing that we have to do is, if I were to stair1ste! !eo!le

through the !rocess, the first thing we have to do in order to learn that language of visuali8ation and imagery is to get control of our rational mind because -technical difficulty/ we let it be so dumb and for so long that it's hard for us to think that we can think in another way" So, first in order to do that we really have to sto! thinking" It sounds kind of counter intuitive we have to sto! thinking with our rational minds so we can o!en u! the thinking of the rest of our mind" *nd that's really what the meditation did for me when back in the late '.'s is that I started to meditate not really understanding what was ha!!ening"

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*nd what I was doing was, sto!!ing the rational thinking and then I was allowing the rest of my mind, it was like cracks a door o!en to the rest of your mind" (ow once that door is o!ened and this is where meditation training sto!s is like, okay great you cracked the door o!en and sure, you're going to have insights and create a verse that filters through and that's all fine and good and we want that, that's the next ste! really and you !ay attention to that stuff" <ut the visuali8ation is the way to then go dee!ly through that door and to communicate and to !lant seeds of future desires, future !lans into that subconscious mind where it can take root" So, the first !rocess like I said is to sit down and 7uiet your mind, you can do that in any number of ways, I'm going to teach a few with unbeatable mind 11 Scott: Mark Divine: +et's give !eo!le one way to 7uiet their mind real 7uick" Gkay, well, #ust literally sitting down and doing a breath1awareness is a great

way to do it and so this can be done by anybody at any time during the day" Hust close your com!uter, close your door and literally #ust bring your attention to your breath and then dee!en your breath cycles" So you are doing a four1count inhale and then a four1count exhale" *nd then we would like to add a little hold at the to! and the bottom and I call 'box1breathing' which is an incredibly !owerful techni7ue for getting control of your mind" It also has a great stress1 management kind of effect as well" So that's one way to get a control of your mind, #ust slow down and sto! thinking" *nd what ha!!ens when you actively sto! thinking, you do that by concentrating on something and that was kind of the =en a!!roach concentrate on one thing and that was your breath, #ust concentrate on your breath and nothing else" If a thought comes u!, #ust acknowledge it, let it go, come back to the breath" *nd so now you're slowing your mind down from a beta to an al!ha state which is about half the brainwave cycles !er second and that slowing of the brainwave !atterns, that's the core to what's ha!!ening in your mind, in your consciousness which is a sense that things are slowing down and time is slowing down and that's when you can kind of meta!horically crack that door o!en to your rest of the mental !erson"

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Mark Divine Scott: So tactically, if you are trying to focus on one thing, because I have done a lot

of meditation and I think one of the biggest challenges that !eo!le have is they sit there and they start to work on the breathing and they 11 next thing, before they know, they are thinking about what they are going to eat for breakfast or whatever it might be" *nd the best strategy for that is #ust revert back to the breathing? 9hat do you usually tell !eo!le? Mark Divine: $eah, first of all, that's very common, the <uddhist call it -technical difficulty/

monkey mind when it's untrained" *nd so this is getting to the out of the matter you got to train our minds" Gur minds have been running amok and we've trained it to be su!er II1smart and unless you get into a martial art or endurance athletes have better control of their mind because they have to s!end long !eriods of times kind of in a run or swim or bike and so breath control and mental control become more common to them and so they understand the language !retty 7uickly" <ut, yeah, so what we do is, we colla!se it's not really meditation Scott, meditation is thinking of nothing, it's like #ust !ure !resence" So what we do is concentration, it's a bridge to meditation" So all I'm saying is you forget about meditation you're not going to have to !ut a turban on or wear some fancy clothes" +iterally #ust going to learn how to concentrate better which is a great tool for any !rofessional whether you are businessman or an athlete or whatever" *nd so we have to learn how to concentrate" So in order to learn how to concentrate, you have to -technical difficulty/ one thing" (ow, if you like reading, maybe you concentrate on a <ible verse and try to memori8e it or but what I find that the breath awareness is su!er !owerful because you don3t have to do anything s!ecial, it's #ust right there for you all the time" So, you #ust focus on that breath" *nd like you said, when a thought arises, because it will, the whole !oint is to not to dissect your thinking organ and so you can't think anymore" It makes you think better and gets you in control of your thoughts and then you can be more direct in how you think, what you think and you can also eradicate any negative thinking, any thinking that is not !roductive for you and moving forward" So, this training has a huge effect on your ability to achieve goals because not only are you able to focus on the goal that you do select, but you are able to do much more conscious about selecting the right goals because you are able to think more clearly, because you are able to

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Mark Divine focus on that one thing and really get into the essence and the meaning and the -technical difficulty/ the im!ortance of thinking about it" *nd I guess more s!ecifically to finish this dialogue here is that when thoughts arise, you acknowledge them and say, okay that's interesting, where did that thought come from and then #ust let it go" So you can examine the thought and then you can let it go or you can re!lace the thought with something else that's more !ositive and !owerful" So there's a whole host of o!tions that start to arise when you gain control" (ow, one last thing I will say is I use this conce!t of the witness and what we do when we are learning to concentrate is when we are #ust concentrating is, when you are #ust concentrating on our breath, literally #ust seeing the breath coming in and out and feeling the breath coming in and out and then when a thought arises and you say, oh there's a thought, well, who's seeing the thought? It's an interesting 7uestion, who is the !erson seeing that thought or ex!eriencing that thought arising? 9ell, it's you of course, it's your witnessing self, it's your dee!er kind of self, you become less identified with your thoughts and that then gives you that choice back, that s!ace between the thought and the reaction or the thought and the res!onse" Does that make sense? Scott: 5hat makes total sense" I want to talk about transitioning now into

visuali8ation once you have achieved, I guess a 7uieter mind or a more concentrated focus, #ust before we get into this, a lot of !eo!le are going to hear this and they're going to think, 'these guys are cra8y, this doesn3t work, I'm going to sit in it with my legs folded on my knees thinking about the things that I want and are magically going to a!!ear to me' because the truth is, getting anything you want, takes hard work 11 Mark Divine: Scott: 5akes a lot of work" 11 and sacrifice but this is an insanely valuable tool and I'm wanting to first

talk about before we kind of set this u! in a way that talks about some of the ways that visuali8ation can be so !owerful"

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Mark Divine Mark Divine: Dight" So, once you3ve learnt to control your mind, then like I said, the

language of the sub conscious, you create a subconscious, visuali8ation imagery" 5he way that I teach imagery is first get clear 11 there are few ways to use it" +et me s!eak in more broader terms one is to become the kind of !erson that you need to become to achieve the highest as!irations in life" I call that a 'future me' visuali8ation and that's essentially what I was doing when I decided I wanted to be a S)*+" 5he first thing I wanted to do was to see myself visually, see myself in my mind's eye as a S)*+, as a !erson who is worthy of wearing a (avy S)*+ trident who was ca!able of being a S)*+ leader, who had the self1esteem and the honor and the integrity and the courage to become a S)*+, be a S)*+ and to succeed in that" *nd obviously, I was a different !erson than I was at that time" I was a ;6* and I was an athlete, but I wasn3t a S)*+" So I had to con#ure that image in my mind, it had to be very !owerful and infused with emotional energy let's say and I had to !ractice it in my mind until I actually believed that I was that !erson does that make sense? So that's the 'future me'" Scott: Mark Divine: Jot it" *nd then we can also do skill develo!ment in our mind's eye now my first

ex!erience with visuali8ation as a skill develo!ment !rocess was in my com!etitive swimming career" I had a swimming coach at Columbia %niversity who was !retty advanced and trying this out in the '.'s and so he had me visuali8e me my stroke whish was -technical difficulty/ with a sto!watch at night before I went to bed" *nd I tell you what, this is brutal, es!ecially for ,'1year old guy" Aalf the time, I was #ust saturating with beer and -+aughter/ 11 Scott: Mark Divine: Sounds oddly familiar -+aughter/" $eah exactly, I'm sure it does but I was serious enough about it and I trusted

him enough that I s!ent the time to actually do it and it took me about 11 yeah, it took me almost three to four months before I could even swim the entire race in my mind's eye" 9hen I started, I could get maybe a la! and then finally I could get like half a 11 eventually, I was able to swim the whole race and then I ke!t !racticing it and refining it and after about nine months, I was able to

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Mark Divine swim !retty consistently the same time" I would click the watch meta!horically dove off the blocks and then clicked it again when I touched the !ad at the end and I was getting the same time almost every time or really close" *nd interestingly enough, the time was about three seconds faster than I had ever actually swum in the water until the final cham!ionshi! race and when I #um!ed in the water and swam that exact time and it #ust had a !rofound effect on me" +ike holy shit, I had swum that in my mind and my body and !sychology knew that I could swim that and it wasn3t until I had swam the race and when the stakes were so high at the cham!ionshi! that I actually swam what I was ca!able of in my subconscious" Scott: Mark Divine: $eah, that'll make you believe it" $eah, it totally did and I call that a !ractice visuali8ation and so you can use

this to !ractice skills" I used it to !ractice martial arts skills when I was trying to refine them, I teach this to my [Inaudible 0:20:25] athletes while we are going through and demonstrating a lift and we have them visuali8e it ha!!ening !erfectly, with !erfect form and safely and visuali8ing in our mind's eye and you can see the !ractice skills #ust as easily you can !ractice becoming a ty!e of !erson or having the attributes of a new !erson that you want to become" 5hat was two !retty !owerful ways there's others of course, but those are two that are !robably !retty relevant to your 11 Scott: $eah, I really like those" I think a lot of my audience is 11 and the !eo!le

listening are !eo!le that are entre!reneurs, !eo!le that are in business what are some of the ways that you can use this techni7ue in those settings? Mark Divine: ;ertainly, I use this all the time for my business" 4or instance, when you want

to get clear about the vision for our business and the vision that can be seen very clearly and articulated visually is going to be more !owerful than the one that you don3t have a very clear vision on" I mean that sounds !retty obvious" <ut then #ust like the future to me, you did for yourself in terms of becoming the kind of !erson you want to do that with your business or your

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Mark Divine !ro#ect or whatever it is that you are working on, your main thing that you are working on right now" *nd so for instance, for me, I visuali8e where I see %nbeatable Mind in ten years and I see it very clearly" (ow, the details don3t have to be worked out, I #ust want to see kind of like the result, the outcome" So I see millions of !eo!le being influenced by %nbeatable Mind through my books and my seminars and digital training that I offer" *nd I see myself filling the shoes of the ty!e of !erson that can deliver that credibly and authentically" *nd so I visuali8ed my business in the future and I try to get more and more clear and I come back to that !retty much every day and make sure I touch on that" So that's one way, another way 11 Scott: I was going to ask you 11 are there tactics 11 because a lot of !eo!le that try

this visuali8ation stuff they do it and they see their ideal business and then three days after they are doing this, they're like, 'okay, this is boring" I'm seeing the same thing, nothing's ha!!ening' how do you stick with it and then how do you get the most out of this !ractice" Mark Divine: It's such an excellent 7uestion" )ssentially, there's a few things here, we have

to elevate mental, emotional, intuitional training and s!iritual training in the same level as !hysical training and so many !eo!le think, I'm going to go, I'm going to schedule three or five times a week and then I'm going to go to the gym or do a cross1fit workout or whatever is their thing and then #ust leave it at that" *nd they think okay, well, that's it" 9ell every one of those training sessions is an o!!ortunity to do mental training as well as intuitional training and s!iritual training" *nd so yogis, !eo!le in the audience who are going authentic yoga, get this right away and they'll be nodding their head but if you got a good yoga !ractice, then it is an integrated training !ractice where you are getting some !hysical benefits and flexibility, durability and core strength but you're getting a lot of mental and emotional and s!iritual benefit as well" So, it's an integrated training" *nd the way I teach [Inaudible 0:24:00] is to turn every workout that we do into integrated training sessions as well" So, we !ractice our breathing, we !ractice box1breathing before every workout and we !ractice visuali8ation and I'm not saying that everybody does it

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Mark Divine because I can't tell" I'm not inside their heads but it's something I teach" *nd so there's times that we actually go to KtrainK, instead of #ust training your body, use it as an o!!ortunity to train their mind" *nd so s!end five minutes breathing and visuali8ing every time you work out before and after" 5he second that I would recommend and then I would have my trainees do, is a morning and evening ritual and these rituals can be 0 1 &0 minutes long" It doesn3t have to take a lot of time but it's where we are going to then !ractice those skills that aren3t 11 again non1!hysical but it's still a training session" So we !ractice our breathing, we !ractice our visuali8ation and !ractice our concentration and we connect to our higher !ur!ose and we then connect all of that to our main vision?!ur!ose?goal that we are working on at this stage in our lives" Scott: So the first ste! is to elevate and to assign e7ual or more im!ortance to this as

we do other things" 9hen we actually start doing visuali8ations though, how do we make this a less of a mundane ex!erience and one that is uni7ue every single time you sit down and do it? Mark Divine: 9ell, it's not going to be uni7ue every time you sit down because it's training

and !ractice and #ust like every workout that you do, it isn3t com!letely uni7ue" I mean I know we have a lot of variety with functional training and we try to make every workout distinct but for sure, every workout we are moving [Inaudible 0:25:43] and we are moving our body and sweating and sometimes it's #ust incredibly fun and sometimes it feels like work" 5he !oint is to disci!line yourself, the whole idea of disci!line is to be a disci!le to something that is going to make you better, has got a lot of meaning to you" *nd so, when you are a disci!le to your training, then you do it every day because *, it does feel good when you're done and you acknowledge that and < you understand the im!act that it's going to have" It starts out with 11 you have to have some belief and some faith but then very shortly within three months and lot of times less, you start to see the results very richly and they show u! in !laces that you may not ex!ect it" $ou may have !eo!le come to you and say, Scott, what have you been doing? $ou #ust seem so much more grounded or centered or !eaceful or you've been really !roductive" +ast year, Scott, I wrote three books" Gne of them became a

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Mark Divine bestseller in (ew $ork 5imes, the 9all Street Hournal, both of them *ma8on and the third one was self1!ublished" I #ust saw a lot of those to my [Inaudible 0:26:56] I wrote this in one year, using the techni7ues that I am talking about" I had the vision 11 I disci!lined myself to kee! my training alive every day and then I was able to focus very intently on the mission of getting these books written" I didn3t sto! until they are done" So, 11 Scott: Mark Divine: Sounds ,'2 to me" $eah, totally and I'm not saying I'm ever going to do that again, but that was a

good idea" I'm #ust saying that this stuff works" -+aughter/ Scott: So, I think actually, the number one thing that !eo!le listening to this

interview can get out of it is #ust general awareness that mental training and instilling the !ro!er mindset and beliefs, all things that come with it they need to be elevated in more mainstream" Mark Divine: Scott: Mark Divine: *bsolutely" 5hat's my !ersonal 11 5hat's a huge message how to do that is a sub#ect lot of discussion and

training and !eo!le might have different !aths and so let's say %nbeatable Mind is my !ath and what works really well for me in my trainings because it comes from a western !ers!ective, it is very much a sim!lified and !owerful belief system and I teach it as if I am teaching a bunch of !eo!le who want to be (avy S)*+s or want to think like a S)*+ or have that kind of a!!roach" It's not like new1age, you know what I'm saying or it doesn3t have the cultural nuances that a lot of Kmental trainingK might have" It's #ust very !ractically oriented towards !erformance and becoming a better !erson" So elevating mental training to the same level as !hysical training 11 elevating integrated training and taking all your training and making it integrated training" (ow that's a huge distinction because here's one thing that a lot of my trainees say, !eo!le who are very successful in all walks

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Mark Divine of life so yeah, I had been working out for a long time and I had been doing yoga for a long time and I even meditate but they didn3t 11 they weren3t connected and they didn3t seem to really build off of each other" *nd so it felt dis#oined until I found %nbeatable Mind" *nd then what ha!!ened is all of a sudden I am doing these in an integrated manner, I understood how they all su!!orted each other and it did unlock, like it was a final key that unlocked the !erformance, the ,'2 !erformance that I was talking about" *nd so it's integrated the training and this a!!roach is so im!ortant because it leads to accelerated learning" *nd it's kind of like saying why kids don3t learn in the linear industrial1age !ublic school system is because they are not integrated, they are not immersed, they are not learning at all levels, they are learning one1dimensionally" Aierarchal, to! down, memori8e this, memori8e that and regurgitate it" <ut then you take them out and you !ut in a Montessorial or 9aldorf setting or some of these better, more nuanced a!!roaches and they are able to immerse themselves and learn !hysically and emotionally and intellectually and intuitively and all of a sudden, they #ust soak it u! like s!onges" 9ell, this is what I am trying to do with the adult learners in %nbeatable Mind but the whole content of the !rocess is learning to learn and learning to be a better !erson and learning to how to think in ways that are going to make you more !roductive and !eaceful and try to elevate your consciousness to a higher level so to s!eak" Scott: It's like when you read a book and then you don3t take any action and there is

no integration of the actual content" Mark Divine: $es, exactly" *nd the reading of the book is interesting, that's #ust really the

first ste! like download some content and then you got to work with that content" Scott: $eah, absolutely" 5wo other mindsets that I want to talk about that really hit

home with me was the first one was taking on an offensive mindset because I don't know 11 I feel like my generation is soft as hell" I feel like we are #ust so focused on !rotecting ourselves throughout every single day, or every single things that we do instead of aggressively !ursuing

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Mark Divine what we want, can you talk about #ust this idea of an offensive mindset? Mark Divine: Sure" 9ell, let me start by saying that I was adventurous and risk1oriented

!robably before I #oined the S)*+s but the S)*+s hammered it home" 5hat' a su!er risky endeavor, how do you encourage any listener who is thinking along that !ath to come visit us because this is an extraordinary career it's very limited in terms of how many !eo!le can do it" <ut that mindset of leaning toward risk, of meta!horically running towards the sound of gunfire and diving into something and risking failure is extraordinarily !owerful and that's what I mean by offensive mind because that's where the #uice is" 9hen you are leaning into something hard and you risk failure and if you KfailK, that's great because now you've learnt something new, you3ve learnt what doesn3t work, you've learnt a limitation that you can now overcome and you don3t shirk from that lack of success" (ow you lean into how to do it right, how to do it better, how to find victory where it's at" *nd so the whole attitude is one of failing forward fast and learning to learn by getting out there and getting dirty and entre!reneurs get this and it's su!er !owerful because it builds courage and confidence and momentum" 5he only time you are ste!!ing into the arena and stub your toe" Scott: Aow does somebody, who's maybe been living defensively and living in a

way to !rotect themselves, how do you start to build this offensive mindset where you are leaning into fear, leaning into things that are hard" Mark Divine: +ike I said earlier, first they got to win their mind, so they have to start setting

the conditions for being more !ro1risk in their mind" 5hey have to see themselves as the kind of !erson who can ste! into greater challenges, greater risk" $ou !robably are in sync with this next statement but there is energy in boldness, there is magic in boldness" )very time I take a really bold action, I have been rewarded with a bold res!onse either a great insight or some reward in the form of success or even !artial success and so it doesn3t 11 it's not only a harm to think big than it is to think small with the exce!tion that our own limitations or nearly thought !rocesses around what your ca!acities are and what your limitations are"

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Mark Divine *nd so that's why the foundation of the belief system is got to change to where you truly believe where you are ca!able ,'2 times more and then you go out and !rove it to yourself" *nd one of the 11 how you can do that in a !ractical manner is !robably the next 7uestion" 9ell, I ask !eo!le to go and challenge themselves with small bites first, so ste! u! their workout !rogram, ste! u! their training and commit to their training, make a habit out of the mental training" So there's two huge things right there and then to visuali8e yourself into becoming that more courageous !erson and then to challenge yourself again with something a little bit more significant" Some of the training we do at S)*+ 4it is all about challenge we got a ,'2 !rogram which is &, hours of non1sto! training" 9ell, that's really challenging for a lot of !eo!le but it !ales in com!arison to the [Inaudible 0:34:41] ;am! which is 0' hours of non1sto! training around the clock, no slee!" *nd that's obviously based off from my (avy S)*+ Aell 9eek ex!erience but you do those training events and wow, you come out of it with a com!letely new conce!t of what is !ossible for you as a human being and anything that you attack later on that's hard, you com!are it those ex!eriences and say wow, it's not as hard as that" It's like for me, whenever I do something hard, I com!are it to Aell 9eek or even a lot of missions that I did as a S)*+ which were far harder than Aell 9eek and I'm like, this is easy, there is nothing that will ever com!are to that !robably again in my life till I'm on my deathbed" Scott: 9hat do you think is the number one thing that limits !eo!le from achieving

or maximi8ing their excellence, getting the abundance that they want in their life? Mark Divine: I #ust think it's the limiting belief systems and those can all be changed" 6art of

our mind is actually meta!horically like a com!uter and we can re!rogram ourselves" (ow, I mean if you look at someone like Dichard <ranson and say wow, that guys' really got it going on" 9ell, it's only because he was !rogrammed at a young age to think big and to not worry about his failures" 5his guy has started B'' com!anies, C'' have survived, that's a huge success rate and C'' have failed" Ais batting 0'F so wow, that's still a !retty good average but it's only because he thinks big and he is willing to take that bold action and that's #ust a thought !rocess" So time is back in, the thought !rocess, how do you change, how do you re!rogram, you got to

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Mark Divine get control of your mind and then you got to !lant the seeds through imagery" $ou got to see yourself as a kind of !erson who is worthy of taking that bold action and someone who is willing to also ste! u! and to take the action" +ike you said, nothing ha!!ens without massive action but that massive action or the seeds of it start from within, you got to do it in your mind first" Scott: Mark Divine: Mark, you do any stuff with incantation of affirmations? *bsolutely" $eah, the whole !rocess 11 I don3t have time to get really into it

but the !rocess of mental control, once you have control of the mind then you can, like I said, start to use the visual imagery and then in action throughout the day 11 I don3t use the word incantation but I use to use this term !ositivity" 9e have !ositivity statements that kee! us focused, on track and in a !ositive mental state" <ecause without being in a !ositive mental state both emotionally and in a dialogue, we really are tor!edoing our success and then negativity is going to affect other !eo!le and everything #ust goes south from there" Same thing ha!!ens when you are around negative !eo!le and you start getting infected #ust like a virus and then everything #ust starts to grind to a halt" So you got to train your mind to be very diligent towards any negative thoughts or negative energy whether it's external or internal and get rid of it and then maintain that !ositive energy or !ositivity with a mantra or a !ositive statement" Gne of the ones that I would like to tell !eo!le that I use, I actually started using it in S)*+ training is, 'I'm feeling good, looking and I ought to be in Aollywood' and so I'd go out on a run and as soon as the !ain set it, I would #ust start saying to myself, 'I'm feeling good, looking good, I ought to be in Aollywood'" *nd after about five minutes of that the !ain would have gone com!letely away and everything felt lighter because essentially it's not much different than focusing on your breath" My mind is now focusing more on that or a chunk of my mind !ower is focusing on that and everything starts to kind of settle into a nice flow state and the whole run would #ust sli! by in a much more endurable manner, let's #ust say" Scott: My !ersonal one is, 'I'm unsto!!able' and I kee! telling myself" I was actually

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Mark Divine in the gym today hitting a 6D on and #ust telling myself I was unsto!!able when it got really tough and it was easy" *nd it's so funny, it's like a transformational vocabulary, it #ust needs to be so front and centered because the way that our line works 11 and I feel like I'm not su!!osed to do this as somebody who is the interviewer but I'm so !assionate about this that I want to make sure that it gets out there" Is that the 7uestions that we ask ourselves, the words that we use, all that self1talk it determines the actual ex!erience of realities" So when somebody 1 like I have a #ournal that I kee! in the mornings, like how you doing today, how're you feeling? If I say that I am feeling good or if I say that I'm feeling stu!endous and unsto!!able, I'm going to actually feel different" I am going to feel the words that I use and so #ust like every single time !eo!le are asking 7uestions or you are being cogni8ant of the self1talk that is going on inside, !ersonally like #ust having those em!owering words and you talk about this in this S)*+ way having those em!owering words that you use to describe your state how you feel what you are doing it's #ust a game1changer because it becomes reality" Mark Divine: I agree, yeah at first it may not feel like it but over time, es!ecially if you are

doing the other training that we talked about, it will sink in and overwrite some of that negative or dis1em!owering belief systems" So it a good !oint of fact that you touched down and we talked around it but we had an %nbeatable Mind and it was in a way to say a book, something that I call the big four of mental toughness and they are like the four critical skills that you #ust do without to develo! mental toughness and to !erform better" *nd one of them is breath control, getting control of your breathing and we talked about a little bit another one is visuali8ation and we talked a lot about that and the third is this what you #ust referenced, this idea of !owerful !ositive incantations or inner dialogue and essentially maintaining that dialogue and retraining and rewiring the brain to always be in that !ositive state es!ecially in challenging times" *nd then the fourth is 11 it's really how to select and to articulate !ro!er goals for you, like the right goals and to make sure that the time frames so that you are not flailing around but you are able to focus everyday and nail 11 everyday is going to move the dial towards your vision as a human being"

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Mark Divine Scott: ;an you share a !articular story where you leveraged some of these tools to

overcome something that you thought was insurmountable? Maybe the thousand bur!ee story would be a good one" Mark Divine: -+aughter/ 9ell, yeah, that is !robably a good exam!le, it's kind of a fun one"

5here was this Aell 9eek, I mentioned I was getting stronger, I !robably was looking a little froggy to the instructors that 11 we had &.' !eo!le start at the S)*+ training class and by the end of Aell 9eek, we got about >' left and by the end of S)*+ training, we had &: guys there" So out of &.', only &: of us made it and I was the Aonor man in my class, number one graduate which is !retty cool because I had these skills that I had learnt earlier" *nyway, how this !layed out during Aell 9eek, 5hursday Aell 9eek we had another ,'1C' hours of training left, but we'd been u! since the !rior Sunday" So, no 7uestion I was tired but I was still alert and !hysically getting stronger as I mentioned earlier" So one of the instructors thought that maybe I was #ust being a little cocky or maybe he was #ust bored himself, so he !ulled me out of the ranks and said, 'okay Divine, I'm going to get you to 7uit" +et's start with a thousand .1count body1builder which is really like a bur!ee most folks !robably know what that is" So anyways, I was like okay, here we go, I knew right then it was going to be a gut1check that es!ecially after not slee!ing for four and a half days" *nd anyway, I reali8ed I got to use the skills and so I broke it down" Micro goals, all that I have to do is a thousand 11 I have to do one .1count body1builder a thousand times I don3t have to think about doing it a thousand times, I #ust have to do one at a time and then I have to do another" <ut I also have to focus on right now is #ust doing that one and so, then I said, okay, I can start there" So I started with one .1count body1builder and !retty soon I'm at like ,' or C' #ust doing one at a time" *nd then as the !ain set in, so I'm trying to breathe dee!ly which I had learnt to do through my martial arts training and I started to see myself like #ust floating" So I visuali8e myself #ust kind of floating, la8y feather, no !ain, #ust relaxing, kind of like I was floating through my yoga moves and then I started kicking into my feeling good looking 11 and so after every .1count body1builder I would say, 'feeling good, looking good, I ought to be in Aollywood' and then I'd be back standing again"

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*nd so I em!loyed the big four and !retty soon I was at like @'' bur!ees and time literally seemed to disa!!ear in between when I started to feel !ain and when I got to @''" *nd when I looked around I remember kind of waking u! out of my little KroutineK and the structure was so bored staring u! at the rest of the class and finally he looks at me, and I've got that smile on my face and he goes, 'gee8, get the hell out of here Divine, you're done'" $ou're not su!!osed to be smiling is what he was saying" I always had this great sense of, 'this is easy, I can do this #ust one at a time, easy day"' Scott: 5hat is absolutely awesome, so I want to close this out and land this !lane,

and I have a feeling that we can talk about this kind of stuff literally all day and I have more energy than ever doing it" <ut one of the 7uestions that I would love to finish with here is #ust getting !eo!le a warm takeaway and the name of the show is 5he ;om!etitive )dge and we want to give !eo!le an edge in their businesses and their lives if you could give one sni!!et of advice for these !eo!le to get an edge, what would it be? Mark Divine: 5ell you what, the one thing, my gift to your listeners is going to be to box1

breathe several times a day and don3t have to take any more than a few minutes but the !rocess for box1breathing is essentially 11 you're going to exhale the air out of your lungs and then in through your nose" It's very im!ortant that you breathe through your nose as much as !ossible at all times by the way and in through your nose, you're going to slow your breath down and you're going to create like a ocean sound with it so in through your nose, you're going to count to five and then you're going to hold your breath and count to five and they you're going to exhale through your nose and count to five and then you're going to hold your breath when you exhale and count to five" (ow if five is hard at the exhale, #ust do four the !oint is not to like 11 you want to try to make it better breath1hold swimmers or anything like that" 5his is a really !owerful concentration drill that has, I mentioned earlier, the su!er1!owerful effect of also shutting off that !art of your nervous system that is involved in stress res!onse" So, by breathing dee!ly into your dia!hragm, you're sending a message of calm to your nervous system and you really are maintaining a really

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Mark Divine calm !hysiology while you are focusing your !sychology or focusing your mind" *nd this is fantastic to do before any kind of 11 im!ortant meetings or board meetings or anything where your !erformance is to be at its !eak" 5his will hel! you get into that !erformance 8one or flow state" *nd you can do this ty!e of !ractice, I do it in the morning and I do it whenever I am not really using my brain for any strategic or tactical thinking but I'm #ust going through a motion" +ike driving so if I drive somewhere, I'll !ractice box1breathing instead of #ust letting my mind wander, I use that as training time" *nd then I'll take little brakes during the day, lunch time" I usually don3t go out for lunch, it's great training time and so I'll do some yoga and I'll do some box1breathing or I'll take a walk and I'll do some box1breathing or I'll go for a run and I'll do some box1breathing" *nd then I'll usually do like some short training session in the afternoon same things, a little bit of a somatic movement and then some box1breathing and then I usually do it in the evening" 5his is so !owerful and it is the bridge to all those skills that we talked about Scott" Scott: *ll right Mark, so if !eo!le want to find out more about you about you, about

S)*+ 4it, about %nbeatable Mind, what are the best !laces for them to go online? Mark Divine: $es, Sealfit dot com, is a very ins!iring web !ro!erty of ours and that's where

I teach functional fitness and mental toughness !rimarily" $ou can also learn about the %nbeatable Mind !rogram there or go to %nbeatableMind dot com and that's where I teach these !rinci!les without hardcore fitness for those who aren3t really into the hardcore fitness but don3t think they are ready for it" I also, you know, another great !lace to start is one of my three books, '5he way of the S)*+' which is the one that you read, !ublished by Deaders Digest, that can be found in *ma8on or 9ay of the S)*+ book dot com and then %nbeatable Mind which is my self1!ublished book, I love that, it's #ust very !ersonal to me" 5hat really talks about all this !hiloso!hy" %nbeatable mind, it's available at *ma8on in both hard co!y and Lindle" *nd then my !hysical training guide 11 unconventional guide for !hysical and mental training is called '. weeks to S)*+ 4it' and that's available at . weeks to S)*+ 4it

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Mark Divine dot com or *ma8on dot com as well" Scott: Mark Divine: Scott: Mark, my wallet's going to be a little bit lighter after this conversation" -+aughter/ 5hanks" 5hanks so much for coming on, it's been an absolute !leasure" $ou've taught

us so much, motivated and ins!ired us elevating the im!ortance of mental training which I think could be a game1changer for a lot of !eo!le's lives out there" So thank you for that" Mark Divine: $eah, my !leasure, it's been a lot of fun Scott, really a!!reciate it" [End of recording 0:49:19]

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