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Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 1

Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlngs Strategy

lhase 4 keport
lssue C - llna|
lebruary 2005
London orough o Hac|ney
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 2
"Love them or hate them,
one thng we cannot do
s gnore them."
(Abe|, 2003, p13)
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 3
1ab|e oI Contents
How 1a|| ls 1a|| lage 4
ls a ul|dlng Slgnlcant|y 1a||er? lage 4
|ntroducton age 5
Alms o Culdance
1rlggers or the Culdance
lormat o Culdance
lormat o kesponse
Status o Culdance
11 Codes: 8etter 1a|| 8u|dngs Ior Hackney age 8
Leslgn Qua|lty and Case Studles
vlsua| lmpact
Sustalnabl|lty and Lnvlronment
Conservatlon Areas
1ransport Accesslbl|lty
lub|lc lnrastructure and lacl|ltles
Open Space
Land Use and Lenslty
kesponse to Urban Settlng
Materla|s and Malntenance
key Messages Irom the Gudance age 23
o|cy kecommendatons age 26
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 4
How 1a|| s 1a||?
"ul|dlngs or structures that are slgnlcant|y ta||er than surroundlng
|s a 8u|dng 'Sgncant|y 1a||er'?
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 5
1hls document sets out detal|ed deslgn guldance and app|lcatlon chec||lsts or ta|| bul|dlng
proposa|s ln the London orough o Hac|ney (LH). 1he guldance acts ln support o the ta||
bul|dlngs strategy p|an and ldentles a process to be used by the orough to ensure that ta||
bul|dlngs are not on|y slted ln approprlate |ocatlons but are o a hlgh archltectura| and urban
deslgn qua|lty.
Ams oI Gudance
1he alm o the guldance ls to provlde a deslgn standard to asslst both |oca| authorlty p|anners and app|lcants to
achleve ta|| bul|dlngs o qua|lty. ln addltlon, the guldance sets out a c|ear process wlth whlch to assess ta|| bul|dlng
app|lcatlons, he|plng to ensure conslstency o approach and lmprovlng the chances o approva| belng granted or
bul|dlngs ln the rlght |ocatlons and o suclent deslgn qua|lty.
1rggerng the 1a|| 8u|dngs Gudance and Strategy |an
1he comblnatlon o the ta|| bul|dlngs 'denltlon' (opposlte), the 'strategy p|an' (reer phase 3 report), 'deslgn
guldance', and 'app|lcatlon chec||lst' have been deve|oped to wor| together ln the o||owlng way.
ln the context o Hac|ney, bul|dlngs be|ow 18 metres ln helght (approxlmate|y 6 storeys) are not consldered ta||
and thereore wl|| not trlgger the requlrements o the deslgn guldance. Such proposa|s wou|d be sub|ect to the
usua| p|annlng approva|s process and wou|d be encouraged to achleve slml|ar deslgn standards to those set out
wlthln the o||owlng pages. lroposa|s 18 metres and over (approxlmate|y 6 storeys) trlgger the ta|| bul|dlngs
deslgn guldance.
Iormat oI Gudance
1he guldance has been dlvlded lnto a number o sectlons that artlcu|ate a varlety o deslgn conslderatlons requlrlng
a response rom app|lcants.
1. Lesgn Qua|ty
2. Vsua| |mpact
3. Sustanab|ty and Lnvronment
4. Conservaton Areas
5. 1ransport Accessb|ty
6. ub|c |nIrastructure and Iac|tes
7. Open Space
8. Access
9. Land Use and Lensty
10. kesponse and Urban Settng
11. Matera|s and Mantenance
Under each o the above headlngs a brle descrlptlon o the lssue and ls set out and urther l||ustrated through
approprlate lmages and dlagrams. Lach code ls supported by a 'app|lcatlon chec||lst', whlch app|lcants are requlred
to conslder when preparlng ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s or p|annlng app|lcatlon.


|s the proposed bu|dng
'sgncant|y ta||er' than
surroundng deve|opment?
keer to denltlon and test opposlte
|s the proposed bu|dng
over 18 metres (6 storeys)
n heght?
roposa|s must take account oI
both the strategy p|an (|ocaton)
and desgn gudance (qua|ty)
Go to step 2
roposa|s must take account oI
the desgn gudance (qua|ty)
|an not requred and gudance
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 6
Iormat oI kesponse
App|lcatlons that are consldered by the |oca| authorlty to be 'ta||', or that are over 18 metres (6 storeys) ln helght,
are requlred to submlt a orma| response to the ta|| bul|dlngs guldance. ln broad terms app|lcants are requlred to
submlt a wrltten and l||ustrated '|oca| area ana|ysls' whlch sets out the o||owlng lnormatlon.
An assessment o the mean helght (ln metres) o a|| surroundlng deve|opment wlthln a 100m radlus
rom the proposed ootprlnt.
Llagrams l||ustratlng the re|atlonshlp o the proposed slte to one o the ta|| bul|dlngs zones.
A deslgn statement shou|d respond to the opportunltles and constralnts o the slte that ma|es lt sultab|e
or ta|| bul|dlngs.
Lvldence o exp|oratlon o the vlabl|lty and approprlateness o a|ternatlve (not ta||) deve|opment orms.
A detal|ed response to a|| o the questlons and statements set out ln the 'app|lcatlon chec||lsts".
An Lnvlronmenta| lmpact Assessment (LlA) l requlred.
Any addltlona| studles requlred under the new p|annlng act such as sustalnabl|lty appralsa|s and
envlronmenta| lmpact assessments.
o|cy kecommendatons
1he na| sectlon o thls report sets out a number o ta|| bul|dlng po|lcy recommendatlons that are almed at
lnormlng the emerglng Loca| Leve|opment lramewor| (LLl)
Status oI Gudance
1hls guldance ls current|y ln drat ormat wlth the u|tlmate lntentlon o lt becomlng the basls o a Supp|ementary
l|annlng Locument (SLl).

Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 7

11 Codes:
8etter 1a||
8u|dngs Ior
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 8
Lesgn Qua|ty
New ta|| bul|dlngs wlthln Hac|ney must be o the hlghest deslgn
qua|lty. 1a|| ul|dlngs requlre exce||ence ln deslgn to ensure that they
ma|e a posltlve addltlon to the s|y|lne, maxlmlse thelr abl|lty to
attract lnvestment, and contrlbute to the creatlon o more attractlve
and sustalnab|e p|aces.
lnvestment ln good deslgn ls o great slgnlcance ln determlnlng the practlca|
success o the scheme and shou|d alm to produce bul|dlngs whlch are permeab|e
to the pub|lc, responslve to |oca| envlronmenta| condltlons and that embrace the
prlnclp|es o sustalnabl|lty. 1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d strlve to strong|y promote the
progresslve, dlverse and cu|tura||y rlch lmage o Hac|ney, through thelr contrlbutlon
as memorab|e aspects o the urban experlence. Above a||, ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be
1o asslst ln achlevlng the ob|ectlve o deslgn qua|lty, app|lcants are encouraged
to underta|e pre-app|lcatlon dlscusslons wlth the p|annlng authorlty. ln addltlon,
dependlng on the sca|e and potentla| lmpacts o the proposa|, externa| revlew
bodles such as the Commlsslon or Archltecture and the ul|t Lnvlronment (CAL)
may be as|ed to become lnvo|ved ln the revlew o certaln schemes.
1he o||owlng pages set out two ta|| bul|dlng case studles that exhlblt deslgn qua|lty
and meet a number o the ob|ectlves set out ln the o||owlng gulde|lnes.
App|caton Check|st
llgure 1a. 1he extenslve use o
g|azlng and cantl|evered oor
p|ates glves thls bul|dlng an
etherea| qua|lty.
llgure 1b. lnnovatlve |lghtlng
can provlde vlsua| rlchness and
de|lght to ta|| bul|dlngs, ma|lng
them a memorab|e part o the
urban experlence.
llgure 1c. Hlgh qua|lty materla|s
and strl|lng orms can ma|e ta||
bul|dlngs a va|ued part o the
|oca| townscape.
lrovlde an ln-depth deslgn statement whlch c|ear|y out|lnes the
ratlona|e, archltectura| lntent and deslgn qua|lty o the proposa|.
l||ustrate or descrlbe ln detal| how the proposa| achleves a sae, posltlve
and attractlve addltlon to the area, and l re|evant, the borough and
wlder clty.
1o lncrease the probabl|lty o approva| belng granted the app|lcant ls
encouraged to enter lnto pre-app|lcatlon dlscusslon wlth |oca| authorlty.
ln addltlon, dependlng on the sca|e and lmpact o the proposa|, LH
may lnslst that the app|lcant shou|d consu|t wlth externa| revlew
organlsatlons such as CAL and Lng|lsh Herltage.
A|| ta|| bul|dlng app|lcatlons over 30 metres need to be reerred to the

Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 9

Case Study
Aurora |ace, Sydney
1he mlxed-use Aurora l|ace deve|opment ln Sydney,
comp|eted at the beglnnlng o the new ml||ennlum ls an
exemp|ar o hlgh qua|lty deslgn ln ta|| bul|dlngs. 1hls pro|ect
l||ustrates what may be posslb|e or some o Hac|ney's
uture ta|| bul|dlngs. kenzo llano has sald o the bul|dlng
"1he cha||enge ls to b|end unctlona|lty and socla|lty, to bul|d
a tower that catches the breeze and that ho|ds a dla|ogue
wlth the nearby par| and the Opera House." (Source http.//|s.htm)
Located on axls wlth the Sydney Opera House and rontlng the koya|
otanlc Cardens the bul|dlng occuples a slte o great vlsua| promlnence
and herltage lmportance and was thereore requlred to undergo lntense
study o lt's vlsua| lmpact on the surroundlng urban context. Conslstlng
o two towers, a 44 storey oce tower and a 17 storey resldentla| tower
aclng the gardens, wlth retal| space at ground |eve| and |ln|ed by a
hlgh qua|lty covered pub|lc space. 1he mlx o uses creates a dynamlc
streetscape throughout the day and lntegrates the deve|opment lnto
the surroundlng context o the clty centre.
1he orm, masslng and sca|e o the towers re|ate to surroundlng
deve|opment wlth the ront apartment tower belng o a conslstent
helght wlth lts' nelghbours as was requlred by the herltage restrlctlons
o the area, whl|st the sal| |l|e aade o the oce tower enters lnto
respectu| dla|ogue wlth the Opera House . 1he use o hlgh qua|lty
materla|s lnc|udlng terracotta and g|ass, a we|| detal|ed pub|lc open
space, and a human sca|e to the ground oors o the bul|dlng creates a
we|comlng envlronment or a|| users.
1he bul|dlng utl|lses recent techno|ogy advances ln natura| ventl|atlon
and c|lmate contro| wlth an openab|e g|azed aade, |arge unlnterrupted
exlb|e oor p|ates and day |lghtlng to a|| areas o the bul|dlng. ul|t or
a prlvate commercla| deve|oper the pro|ect has proved to be very popu|ar
and ls seen by most as a we|come addltlon to the clty's s|y|lne.
llgure A1. 1he wlng |l|e orm
o the maln commercla| tower
provldes an lconlc buslness
address, and comblned wlth the
|ower resldentla| tower, provldes
a mlx o uses that ensures the
pub|lc rea|m ls actlve at a|| tlmes
o the day.
llgure A2. Hlgh qua|lty lnterna|
spaces over|oo| the koya|
otanlc Cardens, maxlmlslng
|oca|lsed opportunltles o the
llgure A3. eautlu| lnterna|
spaces me|d seam|ess|y wlth the
pub|lc rea|m and set a qua|lty
benchmar| or the area.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 10
Case Study
No.1 Leansgate, Manchester
1o l||ustrate some o the prlnclp|es set out ln thls guldance,
No.1 Leansgate has been used as a case study whlch has
achleved a hlgh qua|lty o deslgn. 1hls deve|opment shou|d
be regarded as a UK exemp|ar or ta|| bul|dlngs and provldes a
good benchmar| or new ta|| bul|dlngs ln Hac|ney.
No.1 Leansgate ln Manchester orms part o the overa|| 'Shamb|es'
redeve|opment, a centra| e|ement o the Manchester Clty centre rebul|dlng
strategy ater the lkA bomb attac| on 15th ]une 1986. A|ong wlth the
wor|d |argest Mar|s & Spencer's Superstore, a new Harvey Nlcho|s, the
1rlang|e shopplng centre and Urbls, No.1 Leansgate has he|ped the centre
o Manchester to rebul|d lts urban ldentlty as a orward |oo|lng and urbane
1he mlxed used scheme comprlses two |eve|s o retal| at podlum |eve|,
three |eve|s o par|lng and 14 |eve|s o resldentla|. 1he tower contalns 86
apartments across the 14 storeys lnc|udlng dup|ex and trlp|ex penthouses
wlth terraces a||owlng vlews across the Clty. Lach apartment has access
to a seml externa| space ormed between the lnner and outer s|ln o the
g|azed c|addlng. 1he trans|ucence o the bul|dlng reduces lts vlsua| lmpact
upon the s|y|lne. lnterna| terraces wlthln the bul|dlng a||ow vlstas over
Manchester towards the lea| Llstrlct and the vest Coast.
1he superstructure ls supported on ra|lng stee| |egs whlch support a serles
o trusses that orm the transer structure at the rst oor |eve|. 1hls a||ows
the creatlon o a spectacu|ar 8m hlgh entrance to the apartments at podlum
|eve|. No. 1 Leansgate ls both the UK's ta||est a|| stee| resldentla| bul|dlng
and the rst bul|dlng ln Manchester to house a 2 ml||lon property, the
16th and 17th oors penthouses.
llgure 1. 1he strl|lng
archltectura| orm o the
bul|dlng has he|ped to ralse the
pro|e o Manchester as a p|ace
to |lve, wor|, and lnvest.
llgure 2. losltloned on the
corner, the bul|dlng maxlmlses
the opportunlty to become a
gateway slte or the lnner clty
by ramplng up to meet the
llgure 3. 1he unusua| roo orm
ma|es an attractlve contrlbutlon
to the clty's s|y|lne.
llgure 4. Lnc|osed ba|conles
provlde some prlvate 'externa|'
space or resldents o the
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 11
Lemonstrate how the proposa| slts wlthln the exlstlng townscape
and |andorm. 1he app|lcant must provlde 360 degree eva|uatlons o
the potentla| vlsua| lmpact o the proposa| on the urban context. 1hls
may be l||ustrated through vlsua||y verled montages and contextua|
mode|s that ana|yse lmpacts on.
1he bul|t and natura| envlronment
|ey strateglc vlews, approaches and polnts o arrlva|
Conservatlon settlngs and |lsted bul|dlngs
Loca| vlews
ln addltlon, the app|lcant ls requlred to provlde a detal|ed descrlptlon
o the posltlve contrlbutlon that the proposa| wou|d ma|e to the vlsua|
qua|lty o the area.
Lescrlbe the extent to whlch the proposa| maxlmlses |oca| opportunltles
to create a c|uster o ta|| bul|dlngs.

App|caton Check|st
Igure 2a-2d: Vsua| mpact and
townscape sequence.
1hls serles o photographs o the Stlr|lng
lrlze wlnnlng 'Cher|ln' by loster & lartners
l||ustrates the wlde reachlng lmpacts that
ta|| bul|dlngs can have on thelr settlngs
and ls lndlcatlve o the types o vlews that
mlght need to be generated by app|lcants
ln support o p|annlng app|lcatlons. (Source.
Vsua| |mpact
lssues o vlsua| lmpact and vlsua| lntruslon are the most requent
reason or ob|ectlons to ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s ln the UK. As a resu|t,
app|lcants wl|| be requlred to set out a c|ear case as to how thelr
proposa| maxlmlses lts posltlve vlsua| aspects, such as vlsta termlnatlon
and way ndlng, and mltlgates lts negatlve vlsua| lmpacts, such as
compromlslng the lntlmate sca|e o lntact conservatlon areas.
ketalnlng and enhanclng |ey strateglc vlews through the sensltlve sltlng o ta||
bul|dlngs ls a |ey ob|ectlve. 1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d comp|lment, not compromlse,
strateglc vlews and lmportant vlstas ln the orough and respect slgnlcant |oca|
vherever posslb|e bul|dlngs shou|d a|lgn to o||ow s|ope contours to wor| wlth
the topographlca| graln o the |andscape. Sltlng ta|| bul|dlngs on a rldge|lne or
on top o a hl|| can oten exaggerate the sca|e o the bul|dlng so that lt appears
slgnlcant|y |arger than lt actua||y ls. Constructlng ta|| bul|dlngs on |ower |and can
resu|t ln bul|dlngs that are more easl|y lntegrated lnto thelr settlngs and whlch are
|ess |l|e|y to b|oc| vlews.
Lnsurng ostve Vsua| |mpacts
Approprlate|y slted, an attractlve and we||-deslgned ta|| bul|dlng can ma|e a strong
and posltlve contrlbutlon to the s|y|lne o the clty, attractlng lnvestment, asslstlng
ln way ndlng, and actlng as a cata|yst or regeneratlon.
Lxtenson to exstng structures/ bu|dngs
Ll|e app|lcatlons or new ta|| bul|dlngs, proposa|s to add to oors to exlstlng
bul|dlngs wl|| need to ta|e account o the guldance set out wlth ln thls document.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 12
Sustanab|ty & Lnvronment
A helghtened pub|lc awareness o envlronmenta| lssues, advance-
ments ln constructlon techno|ogy and a ralsed awareness o deslgn
ln genera| have paved the way or sustalnabl|lty to be recognlsed
as a crucla| e|ement ln the uture p|annlng and deve|opment o our
1he prlnclp|es o sustalnabl|lty shou|d orm the basls o a|| new ta|| bul|dlngs ln the
1a|| bul|dlng sustalnabl|lty guldance wor|s across two |eve|s. llrst at a strateglc
|eve|, whlch recognlses that ta|| bul|dlngs have a ro|e to p|ay ln the economlc,
envlronmenta| and socla| sustalnabl|lty o thelr lmmedlate area. 1he second |eve| ls
the more detal|ed bul|dlng speclc guldance whlch re|ates to bul|dlng perormance,
energy consumptlon, water management and materla|s se|ectlon.

Assessment Methods
App|lcants wl|| be expected to demonstrate how proposa|s wl|| achleve exce||ent
ratlngs ln the kLLAM (kL Lnvlronmenta| Assessment Method) LcoHomes, or a
slml|ar approved envlronmenta| ratlng scheme that demonstrates p|annlng or, and
commltment to, the o||owlng areas.
Land use. 1he use o prevlous|y deve|oped sltes,
Lco|ogy. Lco|oglca| va|ue conservatlon and enhancement o the slte
Lnergy. Consumptlon, eclency, generatlon and CO2 lssues,
1ransport. 1ransport-re|ated CO2 and |ocatlon-re|ated actors,
Materla|s. Lnvlronmenta| lmp|lcatlons lnc|udlng |le-cyc|e lmpacts,
vater. Consumptlon and water eclency,
Hea|th & we||-belng. lssues aectlng hea|th & we||-belng,
lo||utlon. Alr and water po||utlon, and waste generatlon lssues,
Management. Overa|| management and procedura| lssues
C|lmatlc Conslderatlons. Overshadowlng, wlnds, heat ls|ands etc.
Lescrlbe how the proposa| contrlbutes to socla|, envlronmenta| and economlc vlta|lty o lts |oca| area.
lrovlde a statement out|lnlng how the proposa| wl|| achleve best practlce ln sustalnabl|lty. lartlcu|ar conslderatlon
shou|d be glven to the maxlmlsatlon o prevlous|y deve|oped |and, energy management, resource conservatlon,
materla|s speclcatlon, waste management, |ong term adaptabl|lty o the bul|dlng or other uses and c|lmatlc
Lnc|ose an envlronmenta| / sustalnabl|lty assessment o the proposa| ln |lne wlth a recognlsed assessment method
such as kLLAM.

App|caton Check|st
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 13
1he careu| sltlng and deslgn o ta|| bul|dlngs can reduce the lmpacts o hlgh |eve| wlnds at
ground |eve|.
C|matc |mpacts
1a|| bul|dlngs over a certaln helght can adverse|y eect the envlronmenta| qua|lty
o surroundlng areas through the dlverslon o hlgh speed wlnds to ground |eve| and
through the overshadowlng o ad|acent deve|opment and pub|lc spaces. 1he lmpact
o these and other lssues can be mltlgated through good deslgn and sensltlve sltlng.
lor examp|e, the use o archltectura| devlces such as screens, terraces and awnlngs
and acade set bac|s can mlnlmlse the eects o hlgh speed wlnd at the bases
o ta|| bul|dlngs. Slml|ar|y the approprlate orlentatlon o the bul|dlng's mass can
slgnlcant|y reduce the lmpacts o overshadowlng on the surroundlng area.
1he access to natura| |lght as we|| as prlvacy lssues and lmpacts on over|and ow
paths and genera| dralnage lssues shou|d a|so be consldered.
llgure 3a. Menara Meslnlaga by Hamzah
& eang demonstrates the prlnclp|es o
blo-c|lmatlc deslgn lnc|udlng a natura||y
ventl|ated core, ad|ustab|e sun shades and
trlp|e helght s|y courts.
llgure 3b. A|ternatlve energy productlon,
such as wlnd turblnes, can be lncorporated
lnto the deslgn o new ta|| bul|dlngs and
great|y asslst ln reduclng the deve|opments
envlronmenta| lmpacts.
llgure 3c. A number o concept towers, such
as S|y7ed by l|| Lunster, see| to lntegrate
energy productlon and management lnto
the very abrlc o the bul|dlng.
1he orlentatlon o the
bul|dlngs mass can be
used to mltlgate the
eects o overshadowlng
on ad|acent areas o
llgure 3d. lnterna| courtyards can have a
ma|or posltlve eect on the mlcro c|lmate
assoclated wlth new deve|opment as we|| as
p|ay a strong ro|e ln managlng urban storm
llgure 3e. 1a|| apartment bul|dlng ln larls
that has been retrotted wlth hundreds o
potted p|ants to provlde shade and prlvacy
to common ba|conles as we|| as lmprove
|oca| blodlverslty and better manage on slte
dralnage lssues.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 14
1here ls a presumptlon agalnst 'ta||' bul|dlngs elther wlthln, or
lmmedlate|y ad|acent to, any o Hac|ney's conservatlon areas on the
basls that ta|| bul|dlngs wou|d vlsua||y lmplnge on the settlng o, or
vlews to, |lsted bul|dlngs and conservatlon areas.
lroposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs wlthln conservatlon areas, or on ad|acent sltes that are
seen to have an lmpact on conservatlon areas, wl|| need to set out an exceptlona|
deslgn and regeneratlon or why the app|lcatlon shou|d be consldered.
reservng 8ackdrops and |ntact Conservaton Settngs
1he presumptlon agalnst ta|| bul|dlngs partlcu|ar|y app|les to the bac|drops o
groups o hlstorlc bul|dlngs or the vlsua| enve|ope surroundlng slng|e lconlc bul|dlngs
such as churches. A|| |lsted bul|dlngs need to have "breathlng space" provlded to
them and thls must be respected by a|| new deve|opment.
A resumpton Aganst 1a||, Not Contemporary
vhl|st ta|| bul|dlngs are seen to be potentla||y damaglng to the experlence o lntact
conservatlon areas and |lsted bul|dlngs, proposa|s o a more acceptab|e sca|e are
encouraged to be o a hlgh|y contemporary nature.
1a|| bul|dlng proposa|s ln Hac|ney wl|| on|y be consldered or
p|annlng approva| l they can demonstrate that they contrlbute to
the preservatlon and enhancement o conservatlon settlngs. Submlt a
statement eva|uatlng how the proposa| achleves thls goa|.

App|caton Check|st
llgure 4a. 1a|| bul|dlngs, l
we|| deslgned and slted ln
approprlate |ocatlons can
ma|e a posltlve contrlbutlon to
conservatlon areas. However,
on|y ln exceptlona| deslgn and
regeneratlon cases wl|| ta||er
deve|opment be consldered
elther wlthln or ad|acent to
conservatlon areas.
llgure 4b. 1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d
be deslgned to respect ad|acent
|lsted bul|dlngs and l deemed
to be approprlate shou|d
alm to step down and meet
surroundlng bul|dlngs. (keer
a|so case study )
llgure 4c, 4d. Loca| |andmar|s
and |ey pub|lc bul|dlngs ln
Hac|ney shou|d be respected
by ta|| bul|dlngs so that thelr
roo |lne remalns the domlnant
aspect o |oca| vlews.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 15
Has the proposed ta|| bul|dlng been slted wlthln wa||lng dlstance to
a varlety o exlstlng transport lnrastructure such as ral| statlons, bus
routes, sustalnab|e transport corrldors or ma|or roads?
1he app|lcant shou|d provlde a trave| p|an demonstratlng lnnovatlve
and sustalnab|e approaches to transport lssues. How does the proposa|
contrlbute to reduced prlvate vehlc|e use and lmproved pub|lc
1he app|lcant shou|d underta|e a u|| transport lmpact assessment.
App|lcant shou|d demonstrate the eect the deve|opment mlght have
on surroundlng trac ows reerenclng vehlcu|ar access polnts to the

App|caton Check|st
1ransport Accessb|ty
1ransport lnrastructure, and lts abl|lty to absorb the lmpacts re|ated
to lncreases ln urban denslty brought about by ta|| bul|dlngs, ls a |ey
aspect ln assesslng the approprlateness o a proposa|. 1he orough ls
current|y characterlsed by moderate transport accesslbl|lty but wl|| be
the ocus o slgnlcant lnrastructure lnvestment ln the comlng years
wlth the rea|lsatlon o the east London |lne, cross ral|, and lnvestment
ln bus servlces.
ln addltlon to any London wlde or borough speclc pub|lc transport lnltlatlves,
the guldance alms to reduce re|lance on prlvate vehlc|es by ensurlng ta|| bul|dlngs
are |ocated ln proxlmlty to exlstlng pub|lc transport lnrastructure, mlnlmlslng
resldentla| par|lng standards, and encouraglng a|ternatlve modes such as wa||lng
and cyc|lng. ln |lne wlth best practlce, and ln the lnterests o achlevlng an
eclent urban orm, lntenslcatlon o deve|opment shou|d occur ln areas that are
wlthln wa||lng dlstance o ral| statlons and ma|or bus routes. Concentratlng ta||
deve|opment ln proxlmlty to exlstlng transport lnterchanges contrlbutes to a more
|lve|y p|ace, relnorces the ro|e and promlnence o exlstlng centres, and promotes
more sustalnab|e transport cholces.
App|lcatlons wl|| be requlred to demonstrate thelr proxlmlty to exlstlng pub|lc
transport lnrastructure as we|| as set out a trave| p|an that c|ear|y descrlbes
the measures that wl|| be lmp|emented to reduce car use by occupants o the
5d 1a|| bul|dlngs over, or ad|acent to, traln and underground
statlons can he|p resldents and buslnesses to ma|e more
sustalnab|e transport cholces as we|| as asslst ln |oca|
wayndlng by actlng as a |andmar|.
llgures 5a, 5b, 5c. lub|lc
transport, such as buses, the
underground, and over|and
tralns have an lmportant ro|e to
p|ay ln supportlng lncreases ln
denslty and actlvlty assoclated
wlth ta|| bul|dlngs.
llgure 5d. ul|dlng speclc
trave| p|ans shou|d a|so alm
to encourage resldents and
wor|ers to wa|| rather than use
the prlvate car or short |oca|
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 16
lrovlde an assessment o the current capaclty o |ocatlon, |oca| pub|lc
lnrastructure and acl|ltles and ldently what addltlona| lnrastructure
and acl|ltles are requlred as a resu|t o the proposed deve|opment.
Can some o the ldentled lnrastructure and acl|ltles be lncorporated
wlthln the proposa|? Or are contrlbutlons to o-slte lnrastructure

App|caton Check|st
ub|c |nIrastructure
1he qua|lty o, and access to, socla| lnrastructure such as schoo|s,
hea|th care, chl|dcare, p|aygrounds, and recreatlona| acl|ltles ls a |ey
actor ln achlevlng a hlgh qua|lty o |le or resldents o the borough.
A|| new ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s must assess the current capaclty o |oca| pub|lc /
socla| lnrastructure and then ldently what addltlona| amenltles and servlces are
needed to support a new ta|| bul|dlng ln the |oca| area. lroposa|s shou|d out|lne
the potentla| to lncorporate some acl|ltles wlthln the bul|dlng or the |eve| o
contrlbutlon that wl|| be made to pub|lc lnrastructure and acl|ltles ln the |oca|
llgures 6a-e. 1he qua|lty and
provlslon o schoo|s (6a), lub|lc
transport lnrastructure (6b),
|oca| recreatlona| acl|ltles (6c),
hea|th care (6d), and par|s (6e)
are a|| |ey aspects o ensurlng
that current and uture
resldents o Hac|ney attaln a
hlgh qua|lty o |le
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 17
How does the proposa| meet or exceed the LLl requlrement or the
provlslon o pub|lc and prlvate open space?
Loes the proposed deve|opment lntegrate sustalnab|e urban dralnage
so|utlons lnto the deslgn o pub|lc and prlvate spaces?
App|lcatlons shou|d lncorporate lnterna| prlvate, and some pub|lc, open
space. 1hls can be achleved through lnterna| courtyards, lndoor gardens,
atrla, vlewlng p|atorms, hea|th and tness acl|ltles and p|aygrounds.
How has the scheme been deslgned to create hlgh qua|lty pub|lc
spaces? lartlcu|ar conslderatlon shou|d be glven to hlgh deslgn qua|lty,
c|lmatlc comort, so|ar access, ad|acent uses, qua|lty o materla|s.
State arrangements or |ong term malntenance and management o
open space.

App|caton Check|st
llgure 7a, 7b. lrlvate spaces such as
ba|conles and podlums (7a) and roo
terraces (7b) can provlde a va|uab|e
resource or resldents and occuplers o ta||
llgure 7c. 1he pub|lc spaces surroundlng
ta||er deve|opment shou|d strlve to be o
the hlghest qua|lty and to maxlmlse the
capaclty o the new uses to achleve urban
Open Space
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d be deslgned ln such a way as to ensure sae,
attractlve and comortab|e spaces, both outslde and lnslde o the
bul|dlng. ln partlcu|ar, the o||owlng qua|ltles wl|| be sought.
1he ub|c kea|m
1he spaces surroundlng ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d have thelr edges we|| dened by
deve|opment and be en|lvened by actlve uses and transparent acades on the
ground oors. lub|lc open space need to be unctlona|, we|| |lt and sae. lroposa|s
shou|d see| to create we||-orlented and |lve|y spaces that posltlve|y contrlbute, day
and nlght, to the wlder pub|lc rea|m.
Spaces |nsde the 8u|dng
A number o lnternatlona| examp|es exlst o ta|| bul|dlngs that successu||y
lntegrate a varlety o pub|lc and prlvate spaces wlthln the enve|ope o the bul|dlng.
New ta|| bul|dlngs are encouraged to exp|ore such posslbl|ltles whlch mlght lnc|ude
roo terraces, who|e oors dedlcated to sportlng or green space use, |arge prlvate
ba|conles or vlewlng p|atorms.
|annng kequrements and Contrbutons
1he Hac|ney LLl out|lnes requlrements or the provlslon o open space wlthln
new deve|opments. 1o some extent thls mlght be accommodated through lnterna|
so|utlons |l|e roo terraces and gardens, lnterna| courtyards, atrla, and ba|conles.
Such prlvate spaces glve occupants vlta| breathlng space and strong|y contrlbutes
to the qua|lty o |le o resldents and occuplers. However, these e|ements a|one
are un|l|e|y to be enough to ensure that a|| resldents and wor|ers have access
to suclent areas o open space. As a resu|t ta|| bul|dlngs wl|| a|so be requlred to
proportlonate|y contrlbute to the enhancement o the pub|lc rea|m and par|s ln
the vlclnlty.
An approprlate ba|ance and quantum o pub|lc and prlvate space wl|| be sought wlthln a|| new
ta|| bul|dlngs proposa|s.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 18
ln what way does the bul|dlng encourage pub|lc access?
1he app|lcant must demonstrate that the proposa| meets or exceeds
accesslbl|lty requlrements and ensure that the bul|dlng provldes equa|
access or a||.

App|caton Check|st
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d lnc|ude a varlety o pub|lc|y accesslb|e unctlons
ln order to maxlmlse thelr benet to surroundlng communltles and
ald ln thelr lntegratlon to the |oca| area. ln partlcu|ar, hlgh qua|lty
pub|lc areas, restaurants, and communlty / educatlona| acl|ltles cou|d
be lnc|uded wlthln schemes to encourage access to the bul|dlng.
Accessb|ty Standards
1o meet hlghest standards o pub|lc accesslbl|lty new ta|| bul|dlngs ln Hac|ney
must comp|y wlth current bul|dlng codes and must a|so be u||y comp|lant wlth
a|| aspects o dlsabl|lty dlscrlmlnatlon |egls|atlon. New deve|opment shou|d strlve
to be accesslb|e to a|| peop|e through the provlslon o ramps, |lts, gent|e rlslng
steps wlth |andlngs, c|ear slgnage, approprlate |lghtlng schemes, non s|lp suraces,
contrastlng co|our & texture schemes, automatlc openlng doors, approprlate|y
p|aced seatlng and c|ear & |eglb|e lnterna| |ayouts.
llgure 8a. Access to the roo
top o ta|| bul|dlngs ls one way
o encouraglng access to the
llgure 8b. lnc|udlng restaurants
or pub|lc uses wlthln the
bul|dlng enve|ope can he|p to
lntegrate new ta|| bul|dlngs lnto
the surroundlng communlty.
llgure 8c and 8b. Accesslbl|lty
standards shou|d be met and
preerab|y exceeded though the
use o hlgh qua|lty materla|s
and detal|lng.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 19
Land Use and Lensty
lssues o |and use and denslty are lmportant ln assesslng how
approprlate the unctlon and lntenslty o a proposed ta|| bul|dlng ls
to lts context.
Approprlate |and uses are lmportant ln lntegratlng new ta|| bul|dlngs lnto thelr
urban settlngs. A vertlca| mlx o uses wlthln a ta|| bul|dlng can he|p to achleve
greater vlta|lty ln the pub|lc rea|m and encourage actlvlty throughout the day.
1he LH wl|| strong|y support and encourage mlxed use deve|opment and wl|| not
accept app|lcatlons that propose slng|e use towers, whlch deny use dlverslty and
dlscourage socla| lnc|uslon.
AIIordab|e Housng
1he percentage o aordab|e houslng requlred to be lncorporated lnto proposa|s
ls set out ln the Mayor's London l|an and LH Loca| Leve|opment lramewor|.
Aordab|e houslng shou|d be lntegrated lnto the scheme rather than provlded or
'o slte'.
1he benets o see|lng hlgher densltles, through both ta|| bul|dlngs and more
compact orms o deve|opment, are we|| recognlsed. Hlgher densltles can oer many
economlc, socla|, transport and envlronmenta| benets to the wlder communlty
by creatlng saer, more vlta|, dlverse and urbane envlronments. lroposa|s wl|| be
requlred to meet or exceed current government guldance on deve|opment densltles
but not at the expense o overa|| deslgn qua|lty and access to unctlona| and we||
deslgned pub|lc and prlvate open space.
A Mx oI Uses
Sng|e Use
llgure 9a. Actlve ground oor uses to ta||
bul|dlngs can be lmportant ln cu|tlvatlng
|oca| street |le.
llgure 9b. 1a|| bul|dlngs are one o many
so|utlons to achlevlng lncreased urban
densltles and shou|d be |ocated ln areas
that are ab|e to support the resu|tant
lncrease ln popu|atlon and actlvlty.
llgure 9c. New ta|| bul|dlngs ln Hac|ney
shou|d lnc|ude a varlety o uses that wl||
ensure an approprlate |eve| o actlvlty
throughout the day, lmprove natura|
survel||ance and boost the vlbrancy o
|oca| streets and spaces.
App|caton Check|st
How does the proposed |and use mlx support and comp|ement the
surroundlng |and use pattern and |oca| communlty?

vhat ls the deve|opment denslty o the proposa| ln re|atlon to best
practlce guldance and how does that re|ate to the preval|lng average
denslty wlthln the area?
vhat emp|oyment benets can the proposa|s brlng to the borough?

Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 20

kesponse to Urban Settng
New ta|| bul|dlngs ln Hac|ney must respect the context ln whlch they
slt, and shou|d contrlbute to the qua|lty o the surroundlng area by
ma|lng reerence to thelr surroundlngs though thelr orm, masslng,
setbac| and archltectura| |anguage. 1he o||owlng gulde|lnes set out
some |ey physlca| parameters or ta|| bul|dlngs ln the borough.
1he hlghest qua|lty archltectura| expresslon and orm ls expected o new ta||
bul|dlngs ln Hac|ney. 1he bul|t orm shou|d strlve to achleve a unlque and orlglna|
examp|e o contemporary archltecture whlch a|so exudes a sense o subt|ety,
sophlstlcatlon, and sensltlvlty, a||owlng the deve|opment to become a va|ued part
o lts settlng.
Massng and Sca|e
Masslng o ta|| bul|dlngs, and the manlpu|atlon o the perceptlon o the sca|e, ls
lmportant ln lntegratlng new deve|opment lnto the estab|lshed urban pattern o the
borough. New ta|| bul|dlngs need to respect surroundlng bul|dlng helghts, depths
and rontages and avold exacerbatlng the dlerence ln sca|e wlth nelghbourlng
bul|t orm.
ln genera|, boxy and s|ab |l|e masslng shou|d be avolded. 1here ls a strong preerence
or masslng that reects a s|ender and e|egant orm that ls ab|e to contrlbute to an
attractlve s|y|lne as we|| as present a more human sca|e at street |eve|.
New ta|| bul|dlngs need to ma|e reerence to thelr surroundlngs through the
llgure 10a. lt ls lmportant to orlent the
mass o the bul|dlngs to best reect
the |oca| urban pattern and to mltlgate
negatlve lmpacts on surroundlng
llgure 10b. 1he sca|e o proposa|s shou|d
alm to respond to the preval|lng sca|e o
deve|opment ln the area or artlcu|ate the
orm o the bul|dlng to glve the lmpresslon
o an approprlate sense o sca|e.
llgure 10c. S|ender and e|egant orms are
preerred over boxy and s|ab |l|e orms.
llgure 10d. lroposa|s shou|d see| to
lntegrate lnto the exlstlng pattern o
deve|opment to relnorce the character o
the street
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 21
proportlons o thelr ootprlnt, and lts re|atlonshlp wlth the exlstlng a|lgnment o
deve|opment ln the area. ln addltlon, a|lgnlng ta|| bul|dlngs to termlnate vlsua|
axes or to rame scenes, can maxlmlse the posltlve aspects o the bul|dlngs sca|e
and contrlbute to lmproved |eglbl|lty and navlgatlon o the urban envlronment.
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d be deslgned ln such a way as to vlsua||y lntegrate wlth the
streetscape. 1hls can be achleved by settlng bac| upper oors so that the |ower
oors reect preval|lng bul|dlng helghts, through the re-lnterpretatlon o |oca|
materla|s and detal|s, and the lntegratlon o comp|ementary |and uses.
lrovlde a statement that descrlbes ln detal| the ratlona|e or the orm
o the proposa|. 1he statement shou|d ta|e lnto account sl|houette and
enhancement o the s|y|lne through roo orm, artlcu|atlon, |andmar|
status (l approprlate), and cu|tura| and c|lmatlc reerences.

How does the proposa| comp|ement and respond to the character and
dlstlnctlveness o the preval|lng urban pattern?
Lescrlbe the masslng strategy o the proposa|, how that strategy
lntegrates the proposa| lnto surroundlng deve|opment, and how lt
creates an e|egant rather than boxy or bu||y orm.
1he proposa| shou|d relnorce the exlstlng a|lgnment and setbac|s
o surroundlng bul|dlngs. How does the proposa| respond to exlstlng
bul|dlng a|lgnments or caplta|lse on opportunltles to rame vlews or
termlnate vlstas?
Lescrlbe how the proposa| contrlbutes to the streetscape. Key lssues or
conslderatlon lnc|ude actlve rontages and natura| survel||ance, |eglb|e
entrances, the re|atlonshlp o the proposa| to the exlstlng streetscape
and denlng the pub|lc rea|m.
vhat strategy has been emp|oyed to lntegrate the bul|dlng wlth
the sca|e o lts context as we|| as ensure a ee|lng o human sca|e ls
malntalned at street |eve|?

App|caton Check|st
10 1 ee
10 1
10 1 gggg
llgure 10e. lroposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d
see| to relnorce the exlstlng a|lgnment o
deve|opment on the street.
llgure 10. 1he orm o bul|dlngs can be used
to actlve|y express thelr |ocatlon. ln thls
examp|e a wavy acade has been used to
reect the bul|dlngs posltlon beslde a ma|or
llgure 10g. 1he sltlng o ta|| bul|dlngs to elther
rame a vlew o to termlnate a vlsta provldes
opportunltles to lmprove the |eglbl|lty o
certaln areas and emphaslse |ey vlews.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 22
Matera|s and Mantenance
Advancements ln constructlon techno|ogy comblned wlth a growlng
body o archltectura| |now|edge mean that the contemporary ta||
bul|dlng can provlde more sensltlve deslgn responses to thelr settlng.
New ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d exp|ore the advantages that the |atest
techno|ogy ln constructlon, sustalnabl|lty, and materla|s can provlde
them wlth to enab|e them to exhlblt greater varlety ln orm, masslng
and lnterna| arrangement.
New ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d ma|e reerence to thelr physlca|, cu|tura| and hlstorlc
surroundlngs though thelr detal|s and the use o materla|s. Materla|s shou|d
reect a sensltlvlty to thelr surrounds and shou|d alm to be o the hlghest
qua|lty, respondlng to the character o the area through elther utl|lslng slml|ar or
sympathetlc materla|s, or contrastlng wlth lt through a cholce o materla|s whlch
sophlstlcated|y |uxtaposes wlth lts surroundlngs.
Materla|s shou|d a|so be chosen wlth regards to thelr sustalnabl|lty. 1he sourclng
o |oca| materla|s, recyc|ed and renewab|e resources, and |ow embodled energy
materla|s, shou|d be achleved wherever practlcab|e.
1he malntenance o ta|| bul|dlngs ls crltlca| to the lmage they pro|ect to the pub|lc
rea|m. lt ls abso|ute|y vlta| that a|| new ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s have strenuous|y
exp|ored a varlety o a|ternatlves or lnterna| and externa| materla|s and nlshes
that have |ong |lves wlth |ow malntenance. A|| pub|lc open space assoclated wlth
new ta|| bul|dlngs must a|so be we|| malntalned.
A detal|ed malntenance assessment, out|lnlng lnterlor, exterlor and pub|lc rea|m
malntenance reglmes must accompany the app|lcatlon.
vhat ls the pa|ette o materla|s and how does lt ma|e reerence to the
|oca| character? 1he app|lcant wl|| be requlred to submlt samp|es and
ma|e reerence to schemes where the materla|s have been successu||y
used beore.
Have the materla|s been assessed ln terms o thelr sustalnabl|lty? y
what method? (lrovlde supportlng lnormatlon).
Lescrlbe what |ong term malntenance commltments wl|| be estab|lshed
and out|lne the malntenance programme.

App|caton Check|st
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 23
key Messages Irom the Gudance
1he guldance descrlbed ln the precedlng pages descrlbe ln broad terms the physlca| qua|ltles,
|and use and spatla| programs, and bul|dlng perormance that are expected o a|| new ta||
bul|dlngs wlthln Hac|ney. 1he o||owlng |ey polnts out|lne the maln messages o the deslgn
Locaton and Qua|ty
1he ta|| bul|dlngs strategy p|an provldes c|ear guldance on those areas o the borough that are seen to be
|ocatlona||y approprlate or ta|| bul|dlngs. ln support o thls, the guldance wl|| asslst ln ensurlng that the bul|dlng
wl|| be attractlve and o suclent qua|lty.
Lxp|ore a Varety oI Leve|opment Optons
1a|| bul|dlngs provlde one o many so|utlons to contemporary deve|opment pressures and the urban renalssance
agenda. lroposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be consldered ln thls |lght and tested to ensure that they are provldlng
maxlmum benet ln deslgn, |and use, socla|, and economlc terms.
Overarchng |mportance oI Lesgn Qua|ty
More than any other lssue, deslgn archltectura| qua|lty ls o paramount lmportance ln re|atlon to a|| bul|dlngs,
partlcu|ar|y ta|| bul|dlngs that can have ar reachlng vlsua| lmpacts. A|| ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be ob|ects o beauty
and de|lght as we|| as be respectu| to the urban context ln whlch they slt.
1horough|y Ana|yse otenta| |mpacts oI 1a|| 8u|dng roposa|s
1o ensure the best posslb|e bul|t outcome proposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs need to be rlgorous|y assessed ln terms o
thelr lmpact at a clty wlde and |oca| |eve|. lssues o vlsua| lntruslon, contrlbutlon to the street scene, c|lmatlc
eects, as we|| as comp|ementary to exlstlng uses and communlty asplratlons a|| need to be consldered ln detal|
to ensure a posltlve deslgn outcome.
Use 1a|| 8u|dngs as Vanguards Ior Sustanab|ty and Constructon 8est ractce
1a|| bul|dlngs oer partlcu|ar opportunltles because o thelr slze and typo|ogy to ralse the pro|e and practlce o
sustalnab|e techno|ogy. A|| proposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs ln the orough shou|d strlve to better current best practlce
standards ln a|| aspects o sustalnabl|lty.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 24
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 25
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 26
o|cy kecommendatons
1hls sectlon o the report sets out a number o |ey po|lcy recommendatlons that are
lntended to orm the basls o p|annlng po|lcy or the borough wlthln the emerglng
1.0 o|cy Context Ior 1a|| 8u|dngs
1hls p|annlng po|lcy revlew has had regard to a number o slml|ar guldance prepared by other |oca|
p|annlng authorltles. 1he o||owlng has thereore sought to address a|| o the maln po|lcy themes
ldentled wlthln these documents, a|though we do not necessarl|y recommend that a|| o these
themes need to be reected ln any p|annlng po|lcy or the London orough o Hac|ney.
1he o||owlng documents have been revlewed, and status hlgh|lghted.
'Hlgh p|aces. a p|annlng po|lcy ramewor| or ta|| bul|dlngs' lrmlngham Clty Councl| (Adopted
SlC March 2003).
lo|lcy Advlce Note No.22 '1a|| ul|dlngs' rlsto| Clty Councl| (Adopted SlC October 2004).
'ul|dlng Helghts' ls|lngton orough Councl| (Adopted SlC Aprl| 2004)
'1a|| ul|dlngs' rlghton & Hove Clty Councl| (Adopted SlC ]anuary 2004)
1he o||owlng recommendatlons do not lnc|ude detal|ed drats o lndlvldua| po|lcles. vhere
approprlate, we have hlgh|lghted detal|ed examp|es o po|lcy drats rom the above documents. 1hls
|eve| o detal| wou|d benet detal|ed consu|tatlon as part o preparlng orma| p|annlng guldance or
the Councl|.
1he o||owlng guldance shou|d app|y to proposed new bul|dlngs, as we|| as extenslons to exlstlng
bul|dlngs. lt ls lmportant that the lmpact o ta|| bul|dlngs ls crltlca||y assessed through the p|annlng
process and on|y proposa|s, whlch pass a rlgorous examlnatlon progress orward to app|lcatlon stage
and are promoted or approva|. lor examp|e, there ls a recognlsed need to strengthen the protectlon
aorded to sensltlve |ocatlons such as conservatlon areas where the lmpact o the sltlng and deslgn
o ta|| bul|dlngs can have damaglng consequences.
1.1 Natona| |annng o|cy Iramework
1he regeneratlon o urban areas ls |ey to the Urban kenalssance concept promoted ln the ndlngs o
the Urban 1as| lorce (1999). ln response to thls new agenda or sustalnab|e urban regeneratlon, the
Urban vhlte laper (Our 1owns and Cltles. the luture, November 2000) and natlona| p|annlng po|lcy
actlve|y promotes.
lncreased resldentla| denslty,
maxlmum use o browne|d |and,
hlgh qua|lty deslgn,
lmprovements to the qua|lty o the bul|t envlronment lnc|udlng pub|lc open spaces,
greater lnvestment ln urban areas (partlcu|ar|y ln centres),
sustalnab|e deve|opment,
reduced car dependency,
mlxed use deve|opments,
1hls guldance shou|d prlmarl|y be read ln con|unctlon wlth government guldance lssued ln l|annlng
lo|lcy Notes llS 1, llC 3, llS12, llC 13 & llC 15. 1hese address lssues regardlng deslgn and
sustalnabl|lty, houslng, transport and the hlstorlc envlronment.
Lng|lsh Herltage and the Commlsslon or Archltecture and the ul|t Lnvlronment (CAL) produced
thelr own Culdance on 1a|| ul|dlngs ln March 2003. 1hey have endorsed a strateglc p|an based
approach to ldently opportunltles or ta|| bul|dlngs, as a pre|ude to more detal|ed urban deslgn
ana|ysls wlthln any ldentled ta|| bul|dlng zones. 1hls deve|opment p|an-|ed approach see|s to.
Lnab|e areas approprlate or ta|| bul|dlngs to be ldentled ln advance wlthln the |oca| deve|opment
p|an or ramewor|
Lnab|e proper pub|lc consu|tatlon at the p|an-ma|lng stage on the undamenta| questlons o
prlnclp|e and deslgn
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 27
keduce the scope or unnecessary, specu|atlve app|lcatlons ln the wrong p|aces
lrotects the hlstorlc envlronment and the qua|ltles whlch ma|e a clty or area specla|
Hlgh|lghts opportunltles or the remova| o past mlsta|es and thelr rep|acement by deve|opment
o an approprlate qua|lty
Sets out an overa|| vlslon or the uture o a p|ace
Culdance shou|d respond to the LH / CAL recommendatlons, and endorse thelr vlew that any new
ta|| bul|dlng shou|d be ln an approprlate |ocatlon, shou|d be o rst c|ass deslgn qua|lty ln lts own rlght
and shou|d enhance the qua|ltles o lts lmmedlate |ocatlon and settlng.
1.2 Loca| |annng o|cy Iramework
1.2.1 1he London |an: Spata| Leve|opment Strategy Ior Greater London
(Iebruary 2004)
London oroughs are encouraged to revlew thelr hlgh bul|dlngs po|lcy by the Mayor ln the London
l|an. lo|lcy 4.8, 1a|| ul|dlngs Locatlons, states.
1he Mayor wl|| promote the deve|opment o ta|| bul|dlngs where they create attractlve |andmar|s
enhanclng London's character, he|p to provlde a coherent |ocatlon or economlc c|usters o re|ated
actlvltles and/ or act as a cata|yst or regeneratlon and where they are a|so acceptab|e ln terms o
deslgn and lmpact on thelr surroundlngs.
lt ls stated that the Mayor wl|| wor| wlth oroughs and the strateglc partnershlps to he|p ldently
sultab|e |ocatlons or ta|| bul|dlngs, or examp|e some Opportunlty Areas (e.g. lshopsgate / South
Shoredltch and Lower Lea va||ey ln the London orough o Hac|ney).
1he Mayor a|so encourages the oroughs to ldently dened areas o speclc character that cou|d
be sensltlve to ta|| bul|dlngs. 1he Stage 2 process has systematlca||y revlewed both approprlate and
lnapproprlate areas or ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment. 1he Mayor see|s to ensure that the process ls
transparent, wlth exp|anatlon o what aspects o |oca| character cou|d be aected and why. 1hls may
be achleved through the use o Stage 2 study ln any pub|lc consu|tatlon exerclse ln the preparatlon
o LLl po|lcy.
ln addltlon, the Councl| shou|d ta|e lnto account the reasons why the Mayor may support ta|| bul|dlngs
when assesslng p|annlng app|lcatlons that are reerab|e to the Mayor. lor examp|e, the London l|an
notes that the Mayor wl|| ta|e lnto account the potentla| benet o pub|lc access to the upper oors
and may requlre such access. Such lssues have been covered ln the po|lcy recommendatlons be|ow.
1he London l|an contalns a number o other po|lcles re|atlng to |arge-sca|e bul|dlngs. 1hese lnc|ude.
lo|lcy 4.1 Leslgn or a compact clty
oroughs are encouraged to ensure that deve|opments maxlmlse the potentla| o sltes, create or
enhance the pub|lc rea|m, are accesslb|e, sustalnab|e, durab|e and adaptab|e, respect |oca| context,
character and communltles, are attractlve to |oo| at and, where approprlate, lnsplre, exclte and
lo|lcy 4.3 Maxlmlslng the potentla| o slte
oroughs are requlred to ensure that deve|opment proposa|s achleve the hlghest posslb|e lntenslty
o use compatlb|e wlth |oca| context, the deslgn prlnclp|es ln lo|lcy 4.1 and wlth pub|lc transport
lo|lcy 4.6 Sustalnab|e deslgn and constructlon
oroughs shou|d ensure uture deve|opments meet the hlghest standards o sustalnab|e deslgn
and constructlon and reect thls prlnclp|e ln ULl po|lcles. App|lcatlons or strateglc deve|opments
shou|d lnc|ude a statement showlng how sustalnabl|lty prlnclp|es wl|| be met ln terms o demo|ltlon,
constructlon and |ong-term management.
lo|lcy 4.9 Large-sca|e bul|dlngs deslgn and lmpact
1hls po|lcy ldentles that |arge-sca|e, lntenslve|y used bul|dlngs, lnc|udlng ta|| bul|dlngs, are ldentled
as |l|e|y to have greater lmpact than other bul|dlng types because they tend to be more vlslb|e and
generate a |ot o movement and actlvlty. 1hey thereore need to be exlb|e and adaptab|e, and o
exemp|ary deslgn.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 28
lo|lcy 4.15 London vlew lrotectlon lramewor|
lo|lcy 4.16 vlew management p|ans
lo|lcy 4.17 Assesslng deve|opment lmpact on deslgnated vlews.
1hese po|lcles rst|y estab|lsh a deslgnated set o strateglca||y lmportant vlews to be protected and
managed, provldes a p|an ramewor| wlthln whlch deve|opment can be assessed, but see|s to avold
creatlng unnecessary constralnts over a broader area than that requlred to en|oy the vlew.
1he Mayor proposes that the current vlews set down ln Covernment Llrectlons shou|d be rep|aced by
thls p|an and orthcomlng Supp|ementary l|annlng Culdance, whlch he wl|| produce ln co||aboratlon
wlth boroughs, Lng|lsh Herltage, the koya| lar|s and other organlsatlons represented at the Lll. 1he
proposed vlew management p|ans wl|| be an lntegra| part o the proposed Supp|ementary l|annlng
vlew management p|ans shou|d recognlse the ro|e o |andmar| bul|dlngs wlthln the vlews and wl|| set
down approprlate deve|opment helght thresho|ds, vlewlng corrldors, assessment areas and townscape
gulde|lnes or each vlew. 1hese shou|d be reected ln the Councl|'s guldance on ta|| bul|dlngs.
lt shou|d be noted that bul|dlngs over 30 meters ln helght area are strateglca||y reerab|e to the Mayor.
lo|lcles 4.8 & 4.9 app|les to a|| bul|dlngs that are slgnlcant|y ta||er than thelr surroundlngs and/or
have a slgnlcant lmpact on the s|y|lne. 1he London l|an encourages oroughs to set |oca||y based
thresho|ds or thelr ta|| bul|dlng po|lcles.
1he p|an goes on to state that the Mechanlsms or the protectlon and enhancement o vlews are
based on a number o dlerent spatla| areas wlthln whlch deve|opment may aect the protected
vlew. 1hese are |lsted ln lo|lcy 4.17. 1hey cover slght |lnes, |atera| spaces and bac|grounds to
|andmar|s and areas ln the mldd|e and ront o the who|e vlew wldth. 1ogether they are reerred to
as vlew assessment areas.
vhen boroughs recelve proposa|s that cou|d aect managed vlews they shou|d consu|t other
boroughs crossed by the same vlew. lurther detal|s on consu|tatlon mechanlsms wl|| be provlded
ln Supp|ementary l|annlng Culdance. 1hls wl|| be comp|emented by the Mayor's reerra| powers
that a||ow or a strateglc overvlew to be ta|en on proposa|s that aect vlews ln London. ln a||
cases reerab|e to the Mayor, accurate vlsua| representatlons o changes to a|| vlews aected wl|| be
requlred. However, two-dlmenslona| plctures tend to atten vlews and the lnuence o dlstance on
lmpact ls oten reduced. ln addltlon to the eect o perspectlve on slze, dlstance eects sharpness o
ocus, appearance o materla|s, co|our and detal|s. App|lcants wl|| be expected to ma|e every eort
to ta|e these lssues lnto account. 1he Mayor wl|| lnvestlgate the deve|opment o a three dlmenslona|
computer mode| to he|p the assessment o proposa|s.
1.2.2 1he Loca| Leve|opment Iramework
1he study was prepared to lnorm the uture Loca| Leve|opment lramewor| (LLl) or Hac|ney
orough. 1he prlmary ro|e o the LLl ls to gulde the deve|opment o Hac|ney so as to achleve the
p|annlng re|ated vlslon out|lned ln Hac|ney's Communlty Strategy (see be|ow). 1he LLl wl|| do thls
by provldlng c|ear p|annlng po|lcles re|atlng to the |ocatlon and deslgn o deve|opment that wl|| be
used ln the assessment o p|annlng app|lcatlons as part o the Leve|opment Contro| process. 1he 1a||
ul|dlng Strategy shou|d |l|ewlse conorm to the vlslon out|lned ln the Communlty Strategy.
1he Loca| Leve|opment Scheme (LLS) out|lnes the LLl. lt ldentles.
Loca| Leve|opment Locuments (LLLs),
LLL sub|ect matter and geographlca| area to whlch each document re|ates,
vhlch LLLs are to be Leve|opment l|an Locuments (LlLs), and
preparatlon and revlslon tlmetab|es.
LLLs lnc|ude two types o documents.
1. Leve|opment l|an Locuments (LlL), and
2. Supp|ementary l|annlng Locuments (SlL).
A|| o Hac|ney's LLLs must have regard to natlona| po|lcles, the Mayor's London l|an, the Communlty
Strategy (2004 2014) and the Statement o Communlty lnvo|vement (SCl), whlch ls present|y
belng drated.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 29
LlL requlre a greater |eve| o consu|tatlon (detal|ed ln the SCl) than SlL, and an lndependent
examlnatlon wl|| |ead to blndlng recommendatlons lmposed on the Councl| by an lnspector. 1hereore
the 'welght' glven to each type o p|an wl|| vary slgnlcant|y. LlLs or Hac|ney wl|| lnc|ude.
Statement o vlslon and Core lo|lcles
Area Actlon l|ans
Speclc Area lo|lcles
lroposa|s Map
Core po|lcles wl|| be |arge|y |ed by the Communlty Strategy's vlslon, and wl|| orm the overarchlng
goa|s o the LLl and a|| LLL wl|| be ln accordance wlth these core po|lcles. lt shou|d be noted that
LlLs and SlLs (lnc|udlng a 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy) wl|| need to be sub|ect to a Sustalnabl|lty Appralsa|
and Strateglc Lnvlronmenta| Appralsa|.
1he Councl|'s Loca| Leve|opment Scheme (LLS) ldentles that the Councl| wl|| prepare a
Supp|ementary l|annlng Locument (SlL) or 'Hlgh Lenslty Leve|opment'. 1he Hlgh Lenslty
Leve|opment Supp|ementary l|annlng Locument wl|| provlde deslgn guldance app|lcab|e to hlgher
denslty deve|opment such as ta|| bul|dlngs and wl|| lncorporate the recommendatlons o thls 1a||
ul|dlngs Culdance.
vlth reerence to the transltlona| perlod rom Hac|ney's Adopted ULl (1995) to the new LLl (ln the
perlod up to 2007), Hac|ney's LLS wl|| ldently a|| p|ans or documents whlch re|ate to o|d po|lcles
that have not yet been rep|aced (see Adopted Loca| l|an be|ow). lor examp|e, our recommendatlons
be|ow reer to the estab|lshed 'centres' wlthln the orough, whlch we understand wl|| remaln through
the LLl process.
1he SCl wl|| a|so ldently proposa|s or lnvo|vlng the communlty ln p|annlng app|lcatlons hand|ed
by the Leve|opment Contro| team, and ln the deve|opment o Loca| Leve|opment lramewor|
po|lcles. 1he o||owlng guldance lnc|udes advlce re|atlng to the need or pre-app|lcatlon consu|tatlon
requlrements and detal|s o supportlng contextua| lnormatlon or 1a|| ul|dlng deve|opment, whlch
may be lncorporated lnto the SCl.
1.2.3 London 8orough oI Hackney Communty Strategy (Agreed Ju|y 2004)
Hac|ney's Communlty Strategy was agreed by the Councl| and lts partners ln ]u|y 2004. 1he
Communlty Strategy wl|| underpln a|| actlvltles o Hac|ney Councl| ln the next ten years and beyond,
and was lnormed by a pub|lc consu|tatlon process. 1hls process was ta|en lnto account and reected
ln a na| Communlty Strategy wlth slx maln themes. 1hese contrlbute to addresslng the overa|| alm
to reduce lnequa|lty and socla| exc|uslon wlthln communltles and between Hac|ney and the rest o
the country. 1he themes are.
'A Cood l|ace to Crow Up'
'A Lynamlc, Creatlve Lconomy'
'1hrlvlng, Hea|thy Communltles'
'etter Homes'
'A Saer, C|eaner l|ace to Llve'
'A Sustalnab|e orough'
1hese themes wou|d need to be reected and cross-reerenced ln the preparatlon o the orma| ta||
bul|dlng p|annlng guldance.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 30
1.2.4 London 8orough oI Hackney Adopted Loca| |an (June 1995)
1he prlnclp|es contalned wlthln the o||owlng our exlstlng ULl po|lcles wl|| be retalned, and
supp|emented where approprlate, wlthln the 1a|| ul|dlng Culdance. lt ls understood that a|| o these
po|lcles are 'saved' durlng the transltlona| perlod to 2007 or deve|opment contro| purposes. 1he |ey
exlstlng ULl lo|lcles are thereore as o||ows.
lo|lcy S17 genera||y see|s to reslst 'excesslve|y' ta|| bul|dlngs, and wl|| protect strateglca||y lmportant
vlews / bac|drops. 'Lxcesslve' ls not dened as part o the po|lcy context and shou|d thereore be
supp|emented by thls Study's denltlon o 'ta|| bul|dlngs', wlth lndlvldua| cases o 'excesslve' belng
consldered based upon the ob|ectlve assessment ldentled at lage 5. 1he po|lcy see|s to protect
the |oca| envlronment, and ensure that bad|y slted and unsympathetlca||y sca|ed oce bul|dlngs do
not over domlnate the orough. lt ls a|so noted ln the po|lcy that resldentla| tower b|oc|s have been
hlstorlca||y unpopu|ar wlth resldents. ve recommended that any uture ta|| bul|dlng core po|lcy
app|les to a|| |and uses.
lo|lcy LQ1 encourages deve|opments that retaln, enhance and/or create vlews, |andmar|s and other
townscape eatures that ma|e a slgnlcant contrlbutlon to the character o an area. Leve|opment
shou|d a|so ac|now|edge the helght o nelghbourlng bul|dlngs, and not detract rom lmportant vlews.
1he prlnclp|es o thls po|lcy shou|d be ta|en orward ln the new 1a|| ul|dlng Culdance, and are
reected ln the recommendatlons be|ow.
lo|lcy LQ2 see|s to protect the strateglc vlew and settlng / s|y|lne o St. lau|'s Cathedra|.
Leve|opments' helght, |ocatlon, and materla|s that wou|d have adverse eect on thls settlng wou|d
be reslsted. ln assesslng thls, the Councl| wou|d consu|t other re|evant |oca| authorltles and other
approprlate bodles where re|evant. lurthermore, the lmprovement o the vlews aected by exlstlng
bul|dlngs wl|| be sought. Ll|ewlse, proposa|s that wou|d be obscured by such exlstlng bul|dlngs wl||
not be permltted under thls lo|lcy. Agaln, the prlnclp|es o thls po|lcy shou|d be ta|en orward ln the
newer ta|| bul|dlng guldance, and are reected ln the recommendatlons be|ow.
lo|lcy LQ3 dea|s speclca||y wlth ta|| bul|dlngs. lt uses the denltlon o "bul|dlngs whlch are
slgnlcant|y hlgher than thelr surroundlngs" as recommended here. Lxceptlons to thls may be
acceptab|e to the Councl| sub|ect to the satlsactlon o our deslgn-based crlterla re|atlng to.
1. a hlgh standard o deslgn and materla|s,
2. conslderatlon o exlstlng ad|acent bul|dlng |lnes, wlnd turbu|ence and overshadowlng,
3. avoldlng horlzonta| domlnatlon o the |oca| street b|oc| pattern, and,
4. not aectlng the deve|opment potentla| o ad|acent sltes.
1hese prlnclp|es are a|so reected ln the o||owlng recommendatlons.
1.3 kecommendatons Ior |annng App|catons
1.3.1 re app|caton p|annng advce
lrospectlve app|lcants or ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be advlsed to enter lnto pre-app|lcatlon dlscusslons
wherever posslb|e wlth the Councl| and other re|evant sta|eho|ders. ln turn, the Councl| shou|d consu|t
wlth Lng|lsh Herltage, as a statutory consu|tee and CAL, as a non-statutory consu|tee, or ta|| bul|dlng
p|annlng app|lcatlons. lurther, ln accordance wlth exlstlng Councl| guldance, the Councl| shou|d a|so
conslder consu|tatlon wlth nelghbourlng oroughs p|annlng departments when approprlate. lt ls a|so
thereore recommended that the London oroughs o 1ower Ham|ets, Newham, ls|lngton, va|tham
lorest, Harlngey, and the Clty o London are consu|ted ln the 1a|| ul|dlng Culdance LLl process.
1.3.2 |annng Gudance - Assessment oI proposa|s
1he orough-wlde urban ana|ysls process utl|lsed wlthln Stage 2 o the Strategy Study, used a 'sleve'
approach, whlch ldentles, on a 'toplc-by-toplc' basls, partlcu|ar aspects o the orough that elther
support or constraln the potentla| or ta|| bul|dlngs. Lach |ayer o thls sleve was then comblned to
provlde an overvlew o areas wlthln Hac|ney that are 'sultab|e', 'potentla||y sultab|e', or 'unsultab|e'
or ta|| deve|opment.
1he 'toplc by toplc' basls or conslderatlon o ta|| bul|dlngs ls wlde|y used by other |oca| p|annlng
authorltles' guldance, and ls evldent wlthln the lrmlngham, rlghton, rlsto| and ls|lngton guldance
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 31
documents. 1he o||owlng broad |ocatlon and deslgn-based toplcs are covered.
Lenslty (exp|oratlon o a|ternatlve orms)
Surroundlng Context (strateglc vlews, topography, bul|t orm and s|y|lne)
1ransport and Other lnrastructure (pub|lc transport)
Hlstorlc Lnvlronment (protectlon o conservatlon areas & |lsted bul|dlngs)
Archltectura| Lxce||ence
Sustalnab|e Leslgn and Constructlon
Loca| envlronment (mlcroc|lmate and genera| amenlty)
lermeabl|lty and |eglbl|lty o the slte and surroundlng area
lub|lc kea|m and Accesslbl|lty
lroposa|s that are ldentled as slgnlcant|y ta||er than thelr surroundlngs shou|d be restrlcted to
areas where opportunltles have been ldentled or ta||er deve|opment wlthln thls Study (See Stage
3 keport). Approprlate po|lcy shou|d be drated to thls eect, however the supportlng graphlca|
lnormatlon re|atlng to speclc geographlca| areas shou|d be careu||y consldered l.e. where ldentled
wlthln the orma| guldance, these shou|d be robust|y supported by lnormatlon contalned wlthln
Stage 2 o thls Study.
1he o||owlng themes are suggested or conslderatlon ln preparlng LLl po|lcy.
Leslgn Qua|lty. Surroundlng Context / Archltectura| Lxce||ence
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d not pre|udlce, lntrude upon or obstruct strateglc vlews wlthln or across the
orough. 1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d a|so have regard to exlstlng |oca| vlews.
A|| new ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be o a hlgh qua|lty o deslgn, such that they can ma|e a posltlve
contrlbutlon to the orough's urban orm and s|y|lne, and support urban regeneratlon ln lts
wldest sense.
Strateglca||y p|aced and we||-deslgned 1a|| bul|dlngs can be |andmar|s that are easy to see, and
recognlse and provlde a geographlca| or cu|tura| orlentatlon polnt that can enhance the |eglbl|lty o
the orough and provlde an attractlve e|ement wlthln the cltyscape. However, converse|y, a poor|y
deslgned and l||-concelved ta|| bul|dlng cou|d undermlne that |eglbl|lty
lt ls lmportant or app|lcants to recognlse that 1a|| bul|dlngs, wl|| by thelr very nature, orm promlnent
e|ements or |ey ocl wlthln the s|y|lne that wl|| be vlewed rom a|| ang|es. lroposa|s or 1a|| bul|dlngs
wlthln the orough shou|d ensure that the strateglc deslgnated vlews out|lned wlthln the London
l|an are not compromlsed and that |oca||y lmportant vlews wlthln or through the orough are
ln addltlon to the benets o hlgh qua|lty deslgn, there are many posltlve regeneratlon aspects
re|ated to 1a|| ul|dlng deve|opment, such as the attractlon o ma|or lnvestment, meetlng ldentled
commercla| requlrements or modern accommodatlon, and contrlbutlng to the posltlve lmage o an
1a|| bul|dlngs can he|p to enhance the |eglbl|lty o the orough, add to the dlstlnctlveness o the
character o partlcu|ar areas and he|p peop|e to nd thelr way around.
1he Councl| shou|d ensure that an app|lcant conslders the provlslon o rootop p|ant and equlpment
durlng the lnltla| deslgn stages. A prouslon o p|ant and te|ecommunlcatlons equlpment can severe|y
detract rom the orm and qua|lty o a bul|dlng and subsequent|y appear as lncongruous eatures
wlthln the rooscape and s|y|lne.
vlsua| lmpact
Opportunltles or remova| or rep|acement o lnapproprlate ta|| bul|dlngs wou|d be consldered
Many ta|| bul|dlngs wlthln the orough represent poor qua|lty archltectura| so|utlons, bear |ltt|e
re|atlonshlp to thelr surroundlngs and al| to contrlbute to the qua|lty, orm and |eglbl|lty o thelr
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 32
vhen opportunltles arlse to remove, rep|ace or re-c|ad such lnapproprlate ta|| bul|dlngs, thelr exlstlng
helght, bu|| or masslng shou|d not be regarded as a precedent or the sca|e o any rep|acement, an
approprlate reductlon ln helght cou|d be sought. Lach new proposa| shou|d be treated on lts own
merlts agalnst the re|evant po|lcy and deslgn guldance.
Sustalnabl|lty and Lnvlronment. Loca| envlronment / Sustalnab|e Leslgn and Constructlon
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d be responslve to envlronmenta| condltlons and embrace prlnclp|es o
A helghtened pub|lc awareness o envlronmenta| lssues, advancements ln constructlon techno|ogy
and a ralsed awareness o deslgn ln genera| have paved the way or sustalnabl|lty to be recognlsed as
a crucla| e|ement ln the uture p|annlng and deve|opment o urban areas.
lroposa|s shou|d conslder thelr eect on the |oca| envlronment ln terms o shadowlng and
mlcroc|lmate. Sun-path, day|lghtlng and sun|lghtlng studles wl|| show the lmpact o shadowlng,
whl|st wlnd tunne| ana|ysls (or equlva|ent) wl|| ensure that uncomortab|y hlgh wlnd speeds are not
created around the bul|dlngs base and ln the spaces whlch surround lt. lromotlng use o natura|
energy, bul|dlng adaptabl|lty etc
Conservatlon Areas. Hlstorlc Lnvlronment
1a|| bul|dlng deve|opment shou|d see| to protect and enhance Conservatlon Areas and thelr
Conservatlon Areas have genera||y been consldered as belng lnapproprlate or ta|| bul|dlngs as provlded
wlthln lo|lcy LQ12 and LQ15 (and LQ18 Settlng o Llsted ul|dlngs common wlthln Conservatlon
areas) o the Adopted l|an. 1hat ls not to say that ta|| deve|opment wl|| never be acceptab|e. However,
a slgnlcant|y greater |eve| o lnormatlon |ustlylng the exceptlona| clrcumstances o any proposa|s
(wlth regard to llC15 l|annlng and the Hlstorlc Lnvlronment) wou|d be requlred wlthln these
areas to ensure that the Councl| can approprlate|y assess the proposa|s.
1here wl|| be a genera| presumptlon agalnst ta|| bul|dlngs ln both exlstlng and new or extended
Conservatlon Areas. lt wl|| a|so be lmportant to respect the settlng, or vlews lnto or out o Conservatlon
Areas ln any app|lcatlon or a ta|| bul|dlng. 1he graphlca| representatlon o thls area ls dlcu|t to
express glven the varylng nature o the settlngs o |ey bul|dlngs wlthln each Conservatlon Area, and
thereore each case wl|| be consldered on lts own merlts. 1here are a|so |arge areas o the orough
not ldentled as Conservatlon Areas, whlch contaln hlgh qua|lty, domestlc sca|e houslng, whlch wou|d
a|so be genera||y lnapproprlate or ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment.
lo|lcy LQ24 and LQ30 o the Adopted l|an see|s to protect the Specla| Landscape Character o the
cana|. Lxlstlng vlews, s|y|lnes and nature conservatlon (lo|lcy LQ26) ln cana|-re|ated envlronments
are thereore re|evant conslderatlons ln any ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s, ac|now|edglng the act that ta||
bul|dlngs can act as oca| polnts. 1he Councl| present|y conslders that bul|dlngs o approxlmate|y our
storeys are genera||y acceptab|e on cana| rontages. lt shou|d be noted that the Councl| ls present|y
conslderlng the potentla| to ldently aspects o the cana|-envlronment as Conservatlon Areas. 1hls
protectlve prlnclp|e ls a|so consldered approprlate a|ong the klver Lea ln the east o the orough,
where openness o |and ad|acent to the rlver shou|d be protected.
1ransport Accesslbl|lty
1a|| bul|dlng deve|opment shou|d be we|| |ocated ln re|atlon to estab|lshed (and p|anned) pub|lc
transport networ|s
ln |lne wlth best practlce, and ln the lnterests o achlevlng an eclent urban orm, lntenslcatlon o
deve|opment shou|d occur ln areas that are wlthln wa||lng dlstance o elther ral| / tube statlons or
good qua|lty bus routes. Concentratlng ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment ln proxlmlty to exlstlng transport
lnterchanges contrlbutes to a more actlve and vlbrant sense o p|ace and strong|y promotes a more
sustalnab|e approach to urban |lvlng.
Letal|ed assessment o exlstlng pub|lc transport routes and nodes (800m or 10 mlnute wa||) shou|d
be provlded to support a p|annlng app|lcatlon. ln |lne wlth Covernment guldance, the po|lcy prlnclp|e
assumes that |ocatlons wlthln 10 mlnutes o |ey routes and nodes are ln a better posltlon to support
dense deve|opment (and thereore potentla||y |arge generators o movements) ln the orm o ta||
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 33
bul|dlngs. lt shou|d be noted that thls study has not had the support o a, more robust, l1AL ana|ysls
(lub|lc 1ransport Accesslbl|lty Leve| - the degree o access to the pub|lc transport networ| - London
l|an, lebruary 2004).
lt shou|d be noted that a|though parts o the orough have been ldentled as havlng re|atlve|y hlgh
accesslbl|lty |eve|s, wlth a partlcu|ar emphasls on bus trave|, thls shou|d be set wlthln the context
o wlder and partlcu|ar|y more centra| London areas, whlch benet rom even greater accesslbl|lty.
1he lnrastructure corrldors ldentled ln Stage 2 do not necessarl|y represent a partlcu|ar qua|lty
o servlce, but mere|y ac|now|edge estab|lshed routes wlth the potentla| or an acceptab|e |eve| o
servlce. lt ls a|so lmportant to note that the Last London |lne ls lncorporated as part o thls wor|, wlth
the antlclpated benets o lncreaslng underground servlces wlthln the South vest o the orough
antlclpated to be rea|lsed wlthln the '|letlme' o the LLl.
lub|lc lnrastructure and lacl|ltles
1a|| bul|dlng proposa|s must assess the current capaclty o |oca| lnrastructure and acl|ltles
1he deve|oper shou|d be requlred to underta|e an assessment o the capaclty o the road networ|,
|oca| retal| acl|ltles, waste water/ sewage dlsposa| systems, pub|lc transport servlces, open spaces,
p|aygrounds, schoo|s, and chl|d and hea|th care acl|ltles. 1hls ana|ysls shou|d orm the basls o any
negotlatlon o p|annlng ob|lgatlons (s106 agreements).
1he supportlng text to thls po|lcy shou|d a|so promote the use o p|annlng agreements and condltlons
as an approprlate method or securlng lmprovements to lnrastructure such as sewerage and on
pub|lc transport, where such deve|opments requlre.
Leve|opment proposa|s shou|d see| to contrlbute to the provlslon o new acl|ltles where there
ls a proven declency.
1he resldents and emp|oyees assoclated wlth a ta|| bul|dlng wl|| typlca||y generate slgnlcant addltlona|
demand on exlstlng lnrastructure. App|lcatlons shou|d be requlred to address any shortcomlngs ln
|oca| lnrastructure and contrlbute to the provlslon o new educatlona|, retal|, hea|th and recreatlona|
1he sequence / tlme sca|e o de|lvery o lnrastructure ln re|atlon to new hlgher denslty deve|opments
must be made c|ear by the Councl|. 1he Councl| shou|d reer to other re|evant bac|ground lnormatlon
and studles (such as the Open Space Assessment) ln pursulng such po|lcy. ln the same way as
other physlca| and socla| lnrastructure, the exlstence and capaclty o open space ls an lmportant
conslderatlon ln the |ocatlon o ta|| bul|dlngs.
Land Use and Lenslty
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d see| to contrlbute to maxlmlslng eclent use o |and.
1he deve|opment o more lntense urban orms shou|d encourage sustalnab|e transport cholces. 1he
alm ls to reduce re|lance on the car, elther by reduclng the requlred |eve|s o par|lng assoclated wlth
new deve|opment ln centra| areas, encouraglng shared use o vehlc|es, encouraglng pub|lc transport
use, and by encouraglng greater trlps on oot or by cyc|e.
'Ma|or Centres' and 'Llstrlct Centres' wlthln the orough are consldered to be genera||y approprlate
areas or more lntenslve orms o deve|opment, based upon the varlety o uses whlch exlst, accesslbl|lty
|eve|s and the nature o the bul|t orm. 1a|| bul|dlngs are not consldered to be necessary deslgn orms
or more lntenslve deve|opment. 1he o||owlng centres, ldentled wlthln the exlstlng adopted ULl
and 1he London l|an are recommended areas that are approprlate or ta|| bul|dlng actlvlty.
Centre Stage 3 Area London |an A||ocaton
La|ston Area 5 Ma|or Centre
Mare Street, Hac|ney Areas 13 and 14 Llstrlct Centre
Sto|e Newlngton Area 12 Llstrlct Centre
llnsbury par| (Outslde orough) Area 1 Llstrlct Centre
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 34
1here are a number o p|anned regeneratlon lnltlatlves that shou|d be consldered ln re|atlon to the
approprlateness o ta|| bul|dlngs. lor examp|e, the ve p|anned Area Actlon l|ans (AAls) wlthln the
orough at thls tlme South Shoredltch, voodberry Lown, Lower Lea va||ey, La|ston, Hac|ney Centra|
(see AAls be|ow). ln addltlon, the London l|an ldentles lshopsgate / South Shoredltch and the
Lower Lea va||ey as Opportunlty Areas, and encourages the Councl| to ldently sultab|e |ocatlons or
ta|| bul|dlngs wlthln such areas. 1he genera| presumptlon ls not necessarl|y ln avour o ta|| bul|dlngs
wlthln ldentled areas, however such areas wl|| a||ow app|lcants to ldently the 'regeneratlve benets'
o |ocatlng a ta|| bul|dlng wlthln such areas.
kesponse and Urban Settlng. Surroundlng Context / lermeabl|lty and |eglbl|lty / lub|lc kea|m and
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d see| to provlde an acceptab|e mlx o uses, lnc|udlng pub|lc|y accesslb|e
areas where posslb|e.
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d create opportunltles to relnorce and enhance the pub|lc rea|m and to provlde
a |lve|y mlx o uses (especla||y at ground oor |eve|), whlch contrlbute to creatlng an attractlve
pedestrlan envlronment. ln accordance wlth the London l|an, pub|lc|y accesslb|e areas at upper
oors shou|d a|so be sought where practlcab|e.
1a|| bul|dlngs shou|d be we|| lntegrated lnto the pub|lc rea|m
1he lnc|uslon o a mlx o uses can he|p glve greater vlta|lty to the pub|lc rea|m and create actlvlty
throughout the day creatlng a perceptlon o greater saety. 1he Councl| shou|d promote mlxed-use
deve|opment, and encourage use dlverslty and socla| lnc|uslon. Lncouraglng ta|| bul|dlngs to have
some communlty or pub|lc unctlon can slgnlcant|y he|p ln lntegratlng new deve|opment lnto exlstlng
communltles, as encouraged by the Mayor. App|lcants shou|d a|so conslder wlder opportunltles o
|and assemb|y ln securlng the necessary lnrastructure / servlces or a proposed ta|| bul|dlng.
1a|| bul|dlng deve|opment shou|d see| to protect and enhance slgnlcant areas o open space
and thelr settlng
Adopted l|an lo|lcles LQ21 and LQ22 certaln|y reslst deve|opment wlthln exlstlng open space,
however lo|lcy LQ23 goes urther ln respect o Lea va||ey keglona| lar| and the careu| contro| o
deve|opment ln the surroundlng area. 1a|| bul|dlng deve|opment at the edge o such an asset can
have potentla| lmpacts re|atlng to vlsua| amenlty and mlcroc|lmatlc condltlons. 1hls prlnclp|e o
deve|opment contro| ls a|so consldered approprlate ln respect ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment on the edge
o |ess geographlca||y 'slgnlcant' areas o open space wlthln the orough. lo|lcy LQ28, whlch reers
to protectlng the character and amenlty o London Square ls re|evant and ls supported wlthln these
recommendatlons. vlews rom the hlgher llnsbury lar| / voodbury Lown area south across the
orough shou|d a|so genera||y be protected rom ta|| structures.

Materla|s and malntenance
1a|| bul|dlngs wl|| be expected to de|lver deslgn exce||ence and reect the pa|ette o |oca|
1a|| ul|dlngs shou|d see| to achleve the hlghest standards o archltectura| and deslgn exce||ence
and they provlde the opportunlty to be lcons ln thelr own rlght. 1he deslgn so|utlon shou|d however
reect the character and vernacu|ar o lts surroundlngs and draw rom the pa|ette o |oca| materla|s.
App|lcants shou|d demonstrate how the bul|dlng responds to the exlstlng urban character and provlde
an understandlng o how the hlstorlca| context has lnormed the deslgn so|utlon.
1he Councl| shou|d lnslst on the hlghest qua|lty o materla|s and materla| nlshes and these shou|d
be agreed prlor to determlnatlon o any app|lcatlon. At app|lcatlon stage a|| materla|s and materla|
nlshes shou|d be restrlcted by means o a pre-commencement condltlon.
App|lcants shou|d a|so demonstrate how the materla|s perorm ln sustalnabl|lty terms. 1he use o
|oca| or recyc|ed materla|s and / or materla|s rom renewab|e resources wl|| be expected, and where
approprlate those materla|s shou|d be drawn rom |oca| sources.
1a|| bul|dlng proposa|s must be supported by a detal|ed malntenance assessment
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 35
1he Councl| shou|d ensure that any ta|| bul|dlng proposa|s are accompanled by a |ong-term malntenance
programme to ensure that lmage o the bul|dlng ls sustalned throughout lts |le. App|lcants shou|d
demonstrate that a|| materla|s and materla| nlshes have a |ong |lespan and have a |ow malntenance
requlrement. est practlce sustalnabl|lty standards shou|d a|so be demonstrated.
1.3.3 |annng app|catons kecommendatons Ior Supportng |nIormaton
App|lcants shou|d be dlscouraged rom submlttlng out|lne p|annlng app|lcatlons (where deslgn lssues
are dea|t wlth as reserved matters). Clven the substantlve lmp|lcatlons that a ta|| bul|dlng cou|d have
on lts |oca|lty and wlder hlnter|and, and the deslre to ensure archltectura| exce||ence, lt ls lmportant
that app|lcants submlt u|| detal|ed p|annlng app|lcatlons.
A|| p|annlng app|lcatlons or ta|| bul|dlngs shou|d be treated ln an ob|ectlve and conslstent manner.
ln order to do so, app|lcants wl|| be requlred to provlde the o||owlng lnormatlon ln a comprehenslve
statement as part o a coherent exp|anatlon o any ta|| bul|dlng app|lcatlon.
lroposa|s shou|d thereore be requlred to lnc|ude a 1a|| ul|dlngs Locument, whlch wou|d lnc|ude a
serles o statements. 1hls submlsslon must lnc|ude wrltten and l||ustratlve supportlng lnormatlon ln
the o||owlng orm.
a survey p|an and ca|cu|atlons l||ustratlng the proposa|'s re|atlonshlp to the mean helght o a||
surroundlng deve|opment or a radlus o 100m rom the deve|opment slte, or the purpose o
ca|cu|atlng whether the proposed bul|dlng ls slgnlcant|y ta||er than lts surroundlngs,
a deslgn statement that sets out the ratlona|e or the proposa|, lts archltectura| lntent and deslgn
phl|osophy and the partlcu|ar qua|ltles o the slte that ma|e lt sultab|e or ta|| bul|dlngs. l outslde
an area ldentled or ta|| bul|dlngs - evldence o exp|oratlon o the vlabl|lty and approprlateness o
other orms o hlgh-denslty deve|opment. 5 coples o p|ans and e|evatlons shou|d be submltted,
lnc|udlng photo montage (dlglta||y verled photos / montages) contextua| mode|s etc
Lnvlronmenta| lmpact Assessment (LlA) ls |l|e|y to be requlred where deve|opment ls on a
slgnlcant|y greater sca|e than the prevlous use under Schedu|e 2 o the 1own and Country
l|annlng (LlA) (Lng|and and va|es) kegu|atlons 1999. 1he thresho|d o 0.5ha deve|opment
area ls oten used ln determlnlng the requlrement or an LlA ln respect o 'urban deve|opment
Sustalnabl|lty statement. lartlcu|ar|y where LlA regu|atlons are not trlggered, app|lcants wl||
need to.
Lescrlbe how the proposa| contrlbutes to socla| lnc|uslon, envlronmenta| hea|th and to the
economlc vlta|lty o the orough.
lrovlde a sustalnabl|lty statement out|lnlng how the proposa| wl|| app|y best sustalnab|e
practlces. lartlcu|ar conslderatlon shou|d be glven to.
maxlmlsatlon o browne|d resources
exp|anatlon o the denslty o deve|opment
energy management, lnc|udlng productlon
resource conservatlon
materla|s speclcatlon
waste management
A recognlsed method (e.g kLLAM) must be used to assess a proposa|'s sustalnabl|lty.
Land use statement. App|lcants wl|| need to descrlbe the |and use mlx and how the proposed mlx
o |and uses supports and comp|ements the surroundlng |and use pattern and |oca| communlty
needs, and asslsts ln de|lverlng re|evant houslng and/or emp|oyment opportunltles. lt shou|d
a|so ldently areas o pub|lc access wlthln and around the proposed deve|opment.
lnrastructure statement. App|lcants wl|| need to.
Assess the current capaclty o |oca| pub|lc lnrastructure and acl|ltles.
ldently addltlona| lnrastructure and acl|ltles requlred as a resu|t o the proposed
deve|opment, and how these wl|| be achleved and de|lvered.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 36
1ransport statement. App|lcants wl|| need to.
Lescrlbe whlch, l any, exlstlng transport servlces such as ral| statlons, bus routes, or
sustalnab|e transport corrldors are wlthln wa||lng dlstance.
Assess the sultabl|lty o |oca| transport lnrastructure and servlces to accommodate the
needs derlved rom new deve|opments, and ldently means by whlch transport declencles
wl|| be overcome.
lrovlde a transport assessment/ statement, and trave| p|an (or non-resldentla|
deve|opment) demonstratlng lnnovatlve and sustalnab|e approaches to transport lssues.
Lescrlbe the measures lncorporated ln the proposa|, whlch wl|| he|p to achleve the overa||
ob|ectlve o reduclng prlvate vehlc|e use and lmprovlng access to pub|lc transport.
1.4 Iuture Acton
1.4.1 Core o|cy
1he Councl| may conslder deve|oplng one or a number o core po|lcles, whlch provlde the out|lne
ramewor| or declslon ma|lng on 1a|| ul|dlng deve|opment across the orough. ln partlcu|ar, the
core po|lcy or po|lcles ln respect o ta|| bul|dlngs wou|d ocus on.
1. 1he |ocatlon,
2. 1he deslgn,
3. Other socla|, economlc and envlronmenta| benets.
1hls core po|lcy, or po|lcles, may then be supported by addltlona| guldance ln the orm o a
Supp|ementary l|annlng Locuments (SlL) and Area Actlon l|ans (AAl). 1he broad po|lcy may see|
to out|lne core themes, whlch shou|d be addressed ln any ta|| bul|dlng proposa|, such as some or a||
o the 11 themes ldentled above. 1hese themes wou|d then be consldered at a more detal|ed |eve|
(geographlca||y, |and use etc.) wlthln the re|ated SlL and AAls.
Conslderatlon o best practlce rom other ta|| bul|dlng studles / SlC's ldentled on|y rlsto| as havlng
a speclc deve|opment p|an po|lcy re|atlng to ta|| bul|dlngs. lt ls however noteworthy that thls
document ls the most up to date guldance document, havlng been adopted ln October 2004. y
way o examp|e, 1a|| ul|dlngs lo|lcy 7A o the lroposed A|teratlons to the rlsto| Loca| l|an (2003)
lroposa|s or ta|| bul|dlngs wl|| on|y be consldered where a satlsactory response has
been made to each o the o||owlng crlterla.
(l) ke|atlonshlp to context, lnc|udlng topography, bul|t orm and s|y|lne,
(ll) Lect on the hlstorlc envlronment at a clty-wlde and |oca| |eve|,
(lll) ke|atlonshlp to transport lnrastructure partlcu|ar|y pub|lc transport provlslon,
(lv) Archltectura| exce||ence o the bul|dlng,
(v) Contrlbutlon to the pub|lc spaces and acl|ltles, lnc|udlng the mlx o uses,
(vl) Lect on the |oca| envlronment, lnc|udlng mlcroc|lmate and genera| amenlty
(vll) Contrlbutlon to permeabl|lty and |eglbl|lty o the slte and wlder area, and
(vlll) Suclent accompanylng materla| to enab|e a proper assessment lnc|udlng urban
deslgn study / masterp|an, a 360 Legree vlew ana|ysls and re|atlve helght studles.
C|ear|y, the above plc|s up on many o the |ocatlon and deslgn based themes o thls Study. lo|lcy
7A ls supported by Supp|ementary l|annlng Culdance ln the orm o lo|lcy Advlce Note No.22 '1a||
ul|dlngs', whlch was pub|lshed by rlsto| Clty Councl| ln October 2004. 1he purpose o the SlC ls to
asslst ln the understandlng and lmp|ementatlon o the po|lcles o the Loca| l|an, expand on the core
assessment crlterla, and provlde detal|ed guldance to lnorm dlscusslons between scheme promoters
and assessors.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 37
1he 'trlggers' ldentled ear|ler ln thls Study (page 5) cou|d be reected ln core po|lcy / po|lcles, wlth
supportlng exp|anatlon o denltlons o 'ta||' lnc|udlng the three ta|| bul|dlng categorles. 1hese helght
categorles re|ate c|ose|y to the thresho|d or the Mayor's strateglc reerra|s or ta|| bul|dlngs (30m), as
we|| as reectlng slml|ar p|annlng po|lcy guldance ln surroundlng authorltles, such as ls|lngton.
1he |ocatlons deemed broad|y acceptab|e or ta|| bul|dlngs through thls study cou|d be ldentled
conceptua||y on the Key Llagram. 1he |ocatlons, ldentled as 'areas o search', shou|d be vlewed as
strateglc ln nature, glven the basls o ana|ysls upon whlch they have been constructed. elng that the
Key Llagram ls a LlL, thls wl|| glve these |ocatlons more welght over belng ln an SlL.
Shou|d the Councl| wlsh to lnc|ude speclc |ocatlons wlthln the Core lo|lcy / Key Llagram ln whlch
ta|| bul|dlngs may be consldered avourab|y (l.e. the ve 'areas o search'), lt shou|d be noted that any
graphlca| and supportlng materla| wou|d be the sub|ect o an Lxamlnatlon ln lub|lc as part o any
LlL process.
1he areas o search cou|d be shown as 'l||ustratlve on|y' wlthln the Core lo|lcy, however |ega|
guldance on the robustness o thls approach shou|d be consldered. One advantage o the use o c|ear
geographlca| boundarles wou|d be through deve|opment contro| practlce, partlcu|ar|y l a sequentla|
assessment cou|d be adopted, however, such boundarles cou|d be the sub|ect o slgnlcant cha||enge
throughout the deve|opment p|an process.
A|ternatlve|y, the AAls and thelr ldentled boundarles wou|d be ab|e to provlde urther, more detal|ed,
guldance on 'approprlate' |ocatlons or ta|| bul|dlngs. 1hls however, may |ead to a 'gap' ln p|annlng
po|lcy or the areas o search that are not the sub|ect o AAls, such as Sto|e Newlngton centre.
1he Councl| may thereore wlsh to glve dlerlng po|lcy emphasls ln how they wou|d conslder
app|lcatlons wlthln and outslde o the ldentled areas o search. ve wou|d suggest that the genera|
presumptlon agalnst lnapproprlate ta|| bul|dlngs across the orough shou|d be pursued, sub|ect to the
po|lcles and chec||lsts ldentled ln thls Study. Outslde o the ldentled 'areas o search' the Councl|
cou|d conslder ta|| bul|dlngs on|y where exceptlona| clrcumstances are provlded. 1hls dlstlnctlon
wou|d |l|e|y provlde deve|opers greater certalnty over the Councl|'s vlew o approprlate |ocatlons
or ta|| bul|dlngs wlthln the orough, and may reduce the number o lnapproprlate app|lcatlons or
proposa|s recelved.
Cenera| Leve|opment Contro| lo|lcles can a|so be lncorporated to specly broad |ocatlon and
deslgn parameters that can be used ln the determlnatlon o app|lcatlons. 1hese po|lcles shou|d be
perormance based and wl|| be supported by |ocatlon-speclc AAls and theme-based SlLs.
1.4.2 Supp|ementary |annng Locument (SL)
lt ls proposed that the Councl| wl|| produce a number o SlLs to support the LlLs (out|lned above)
that wl|| a|so be produced over the next three-year perlod.
A number o Supp|ementary l|annlng Locuments shou|d be deve|oped to support the Core Strategy.
Hac|ney's drat Loca| Leve|opment Scheme approved by Cablnet ln September 2004 or submlsslon
to the Covernment Oce or London has a|ready ldentled a number o SlL. 1hose app|lcab|e to
1a|| ul|dlngs lnc|ude.
Aordab|e Houslng
Llve vor|
Crlme & Llsorder
Leslgn & Sustalnabl|lty
Hlgh Lenslty Leve|opment
Mlxed Use Leve|opment
l|annlng Ob|lgatlons
kesldentla| Leslgn Culde
Landscaplng and 1rees
vaste and kecyc|lng
Access, lar|lng and koad Leslgn
Lqultab|e Access
Creen 1rave| l|ans
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 38
1here are a number o stages that a SlL must go through beore lt ls adopted by the Councl|. 1hls ls
urther detal|ed ln the SCl. 1he SlL shou|d.
e a speclc document to provlde guldance or both deve|opers and declslon-ma|ers when
addresslng the lssues surroundlng 1a|| ul|dlng deve|opment,
lnormed by thls Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlngs Strategy Study,
Address each o the |ey themes,
lrovldes Leslgn Culdance,
ldentles 'Approprlate' Areas or 1a|| ul|dlngs and guldance or appralsa| o such deve|opment
lnslde and outslde o these areas.
1.4.3 Area Acton |ans
1he Councl| wl|| ldently, through the LLS, a number o Area Actlon l|ans whlch wl|| be deve|oped
over the next three years.
Area actlon p|ans provlde the p|annlng ramewor| or areas where slgnlcant change or conservatlon
ls needed. 1hey ocus on lmp|ementatlon and de|lvery, partlcu|ar|y ln re|atlon to p|anned growth
areas, and areas requlrlng regeneratlon. 1hey can a|so be used to reso|ve conlctlng ob|ectlves ln
areas sub|ect to deve|opment pressures (llS12).
1he Councl| may wlsh to set crlterla ln the Core Strategy or Core lo|lcles or ldentlylng |ocatlons and
prlorltles or the preparatlon o AAls, to lnc|ude reerence to 1a|| ul|dlng SlL and how lt wou|d be
app|led to the lndlvldua| areas.
ln areas o change, AAls shou|d ldently the dlstrlbutlon o uses and thelr lnter-re|atlonshlps, lnc|udlng
speclc slte a||ocatlons. 1hey shou|d a|so set an lmp|ementatlon tlmetab|e. Culdance, re|atlng to
deslgn requlrements can be provlded ln the re|evant AAl or ln one or more SlLs ln the orm o
a 'master p|an'. 1he Councl| ls encouraged to conslder the potentla| or the sltlng o ta|| bul|dlng
deve|opment wlthln such areas durlng thelr preparatlon as dlscussed ln Stage 3 o thls Study. Lach
AAl cou|d slmp|y be cross-reerenced wlth the 1a|| ul|dlng SlL.
A number o Area Actlon l|ans and Speclc Area lo|lcles shou|d be lncorporated wlthln the LLl to
support the core strategy at a more detal|ed slte speclc |eve|. 1hese documents shou|d lnvestlgate
the approprlateness o speclc sltes and area or ta|| bul|dlngs and app|y slte speclc crlterla to
ensure the |ocatlon and deslgn o ta|| bul|dlngs reect the speclc character and regeneratlon needs
o the area.
1.5 Conc|uson
1he po|lcy recommendatlons contalned wlthln thls report see| to address and provlde guldance on
best practlce or addresslng the comp|ex lssues that surround ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment. Stage 3 o
thls Study conc|uded that a|| areas outslde o 'areas sultab|e or ta|| bul|dlngs' shou|d be seen as areas
o exc|uslon, the vlsua| lmpact o ta|| bul|dlngs was ldentled as a crltlca| actor, and the act that
ta|| bul|dlngs brlng slgnlcant opportunltles or attractlng regeneratlon lnvestment and lmprovement
was a|so hlgh|lghted.
1he recommendatlons provlded wlthln thls document have sought to expand upon those ear|ler
conc|uslons, to address them ln greater detal| and to ensure that each o the lssues ralsed
are comprehenslve|y addressed by any ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment. lt ls envlsaged that these
recommendatlons wl|| provlde a ramewor| wlthln whlch the Councl| can ormu|ate detal|ed and
speclc po|lcles that can be ta|en orward lnto the LLl.
lt ls consldered that the most approprlate approach wou|d be or the Councl| to ormu|ate a speclc
core po|lcy supported by addltlona| guldance wlthln an SlL. An adopted core deve|opment p|an
po|lcy that has been tested through the p|an lnqulry process wou|d provlde the Councl| wlth a robust
p|atorm, whlch sets out the |ey lssues / crlterla that wl|| be requlred to be addressed by any ta||
bul|dlng proposa|s. 1he core po|lcy wou|d then be supported by a ta|| bul|dlng SlL, whlch wou|d
address ln more detal| the |ey themes out|lned wlthln thls document and provlde a chec||lst or the
qua|lty and content o any submlsslon. 1he content o these documents can then be used to lnorm
and be cross reerenced wlthln the AAl's and tal|ored to sult each speclc area.
1he comblnatlon o a core po|lcy and an SlL wou|d provlde the Councl| wlth a strong ramewor| or
contro||lng, guldlng and shaplng the nature o ta|| bul|dlng deve|opment wlthln the orough and ls
an approach that has been successu||y adopted e|sewhere wlthln the country.
Hac|ney 1a|| ul|dlng Strategy lage 39
1he o||owlng documents have been reerred to and cou|d be reerenced wlthln any ta||
bul|dlng p|annlng po|lcy guldance.
Key lo|lcy Locuments
OLlM (2004)
llS1. Creatlng Sustalnab|e Communltles
LL1k (2000)
llC3. Houslng
llC6. 1own Centre and ketal| Leve|opment
OLlM (2004)
llS12. Loca| Leve|opment lramewor|s
LoL (1999)
llC13. 1ransport
LoL (1994)
llC15. l|annlng and the Hlstorlc Lnvlronment
OLlM (2004)
llS12. Loca| Leve|opment lramewor|s
LoL/Lo1 (2
Ldn. 1992)
Leslgn u||etln 32, kesldentla| koads and lootpaths Layout Conslderatlons.
LL1k (1998)
l|aces, Streets and Movement, A companlon gulde to Leslgn u||etln 32, kesldentla|
koads and lootpaths.
LL1k (1998)
l|annlng or the Communltles o the luture.
Lng|lsh lartnershlps (Aug 2000)
1he Urban Leslgn Compendlum
Lng|lsh lartnershlps
CAL (Mar 2003)
Culdance on 1a|| ul|dlngs
CAL & Lng|lsh Herltage
LL1k (1999)
1owards an Urban kenalssance
y Leslgn
Urban Leslgn ln the l|annlng System. 1owards a etter lractlce
LL1k / CAL (2000)
Hackney Tall Building Strategy
70 Cowcross Street
0207 253 2929

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