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Cruclal M300 SSu llrmware 8evlslon Mu03 llrmware updaLe Culde for Wlndows 7
(updaLe from 8ev Mu02 and Mu03 Lo 8ev Mu03)

1hls documenL descrlbes Lhe process of updaLlng Lhe flrmware on Lhe
Cruclal M300 SSu uslng our Wlndows updaLe uLlllLy. 1he uLlllLy ls a
slngle execuLable flle LhaL conLalns all Lhe code necessary Lo perform
Lhe upgrade. 1he creaLlon of a separaLe booLable devlce ls noL
1hls program ls Lo be used for updaLlng Lhe 3%&'()&* 3&4' 5*6%7%48
9+:; 4& 9+:< .4 5*6%7%48 9+:=>
?@AB!A CDEAF 1hls flrmware updaLe ls 84. ),,/%G)H/* Lo any Mlcron
SSu whlch was purchased separaLely or as orlglnal equlpmenL ln a
compuLer sysLem. Any flrmware updaLes for such drlves, lf necessary,
wlll be made avallable by Lhe compuLer manufacLurer or aL 1hls flrmware updaLe ls noL appllcable Lo any oLher
Mlcron or Cruclal SSu.
IB5CJC1F As wlLh all flrmware updaLes, lL ls sLrongly recommended
LhaL you backup or make coples of all lmporLanL flles before
performlng Lhls updaLe. 1hls flrmware updaLe process ls done enLlrely
aL your own rlsk. lf performed correcLly, Lhere wlll be no loss of sysLem
or user daLa on Lhe drlve. Powever, lf Lhe flrmware process ls
lnLerrupLed for any reason, your solld sLaLe drlve may noL funcLlon
properly. lf Lhls updaLe ls done on a noLebook compuLer, lL ls sLrongly
recommended LhaL power be supplled by Lhe AC power adapLer.
Ceneral lnsLrucLlons
K4',/*.* .L* 34//4(%8M 7.*,7 H*34&* 7.)&.%8M .L* 3%&'()&* 2,-).*

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lL ls hlghly recommended LhaL full sysLem backup be compleLed
before sLarLlng Lhls flrmware upgrade procedure. lf Lhe upgrade ls
lnLerrupLed (by a power loss or hardware fallure of some sorL), lL ls
posslble LhaL Lhe solld sLaLe drlve may noL funcLlon properly.

;> +7* BK ?4(*&
Lnsure your moblle C or deskLop C ls plugged ln Lo AC power
durlng Lhe updaLe process. lL ls noL recommended Lo use only
baLLery power durlng Lhe upgrade. uo noL remove power aL any
Llme durlng Lhe flrmware updaLe process as Lhls could produce
lncompleLe resulLs and may render your solld sLaLe drlve unusable.
<> "%7)H/*Q5*'46* "&%6* ?)77(4&-7
assword proLecLlon, such as CS drlve encrypLlon or 8lCS-level
passwords can block flrmware updaLes. urlve encrypLlon can be
dlsabled ln Lhe CS or sofLware Lool you use for encrypLlon. 1o
dlsable a 8lCS password, you may need Lo edlL your compuLer's
8lCS seLLlngs. lease see your compuLer's owner's manual for
deLalls on edlLlng Lhese seLLlngs. LnLer Lhe 8lCS (Lyplcally by hlLLlng
Lhe ueleLe", l2" or l12" key durlng sLarL-up screen) and dlsable
any passwords LhaL you may have seL on Lhe SSu.
uownload Lhe llrmware updaLe
N> 8efore beglnnlng Lhe flrmware download process, close all
oLher programs excepL for your lnLerneL browser.
;> llnd Lhe llrmware Wlndows updaLe uLlllLy assoclaLed wlLh your
Cruclal M300 SSu aL:
<> Cllck Lhe llnk for Lhe llrmware Wlndows updaLe uLlllLy and
selecL Save Lo download Lhe Zl flle conLalnlng Lhe flrmware
updaLe uLlllLy Lo your sysLem.
R> uouble-cllck Lhe Zl flle Lo exLracL Lhe flles lnslde. Save Lhem Lo
your deskLop.
8un Lhe llrmware updaLe
N> lf noL already done, copy Lhe updaLe uLlllLy flle Lo your deskLop.
;> uouble-cllck Lhe lcon Lo launch Lhe updaLe uLlllLy.

<> A user AccounL ConLrol box wlll open:

Lnsure LhaL Lhe verlfled ubllsher ls clearly llsLed as Mlcron
1echnology, lnc." lf Lhls ls noL Lhe case, selecL no" Lo aborL Lhls
operaLlon. Cllck ?es" Lo proceed lf Lhe flle ls properly slgned and
you should see a screen llke Lhls:

R> ?ou musL accepL Lhe Llcense AgreemenL Lo proceed. When you see
Lhe followlng wlndow, cllck on Lhe Llcense" buLLon.
=> Scroll Lhrough and read Lhe SofLware Llcense AgreemenL. lf you
wlsh Lo proceed, Lhen cllck Lhe AccepL" buLLon Lo conLlnue.
S> 1he uLlllLy ls ready Lo sLarL Lhe updaLe process. 8efore cllcklng
ConLlnue," ensure LhaL all oLher work ls saved and LhaL open
appllcaLlons are closed. Cllcklng ConLlnue" wlll sLarL Lhe process.
C4.*F Cnce you cllck ConLlnue" Lhe process wlll lnlLlaLe and wlll
compleLe auLomaLlcally on all ellglble drlves on Lhe sysLem, and
rebooL your sysLem afLer Lhe llrmware upgrade.

T> 1he screen wlll refresh and you wlll see:
lL ls accepLable Lo updaLe from any prevlous verslon. lf your
M300 drlve ls noL llsLed ln Lhe screen dlsplay as above, please
see Lhe 1roubleshooLlng 1lps" secLlon below.
U> 1he uLlllLy wlll auLomaLlcally enLer yes". 1he followlng screen wlll

V> Cn mosL sysLems, Lhls process wlll Lake beLween 30 Lo 60 seconds.
Some sysLems may requlre a longer Llme Lo compleLe.
N:> upon compleLlon, Lhe followlng message wlll dlsplay:

NN> B. .L%7 ,4%8. .L* 707.*' (%// )2.4').%G)//0 H* &*H44.*->
N;> rocess ls compleLe.

1roubleshooLlng 1lps
- AlLhough efforLs have been made Lo LesL Lhe compaLlblllLy of Lhls
sofLware wlLh varlous sysLem and chlpseL conflguraLlons, lL ls noL
posslble Lo LesL every avallable sysLem. 1herefore, cerLaln sysLems
(e.g., older sysLems) may experlence compaLlblllLy problems.
- lf you experlence lssues afLer Lhe Lool rebooLs, verlfy LhaL you have
dlsabled any drlve passwords 8lCS.
- lf your M300 drlve ls noL recognlzed ln SLep 7 of Lhe 8un Lhe
llrmware updaLe" secLlon above, lL may be necessary Lo run Lhls
updaLe ln luL mode lnsLead of APCl mode, on some older sysLems.
When lL ls necessary Lo change Lhe sysLem Lo luL or APCl mode, lL
may be necessary Lo rebooL Lhe sysLem uslng exLernal medla, such
as a booLable Cu-8CM. lnsLrucLlons for runnlng Lhe Mu03 updaLe
from booLable medla are avallable on Lhe SSu SupporL page aL
- Some sysLems prevenL flrmware updaLes when ln 8Alu mode. ln
Lhls case, changlng Lo APCl or luL mode may help Lo compleLe Lhe
updaLe process. Any 8Alu conflguraLlons should be preserved afLer
Lhe updaLe, when Lhe sysLem ls puL back lnLo 8Alu mode, buL
check wlLh your sysLem's user manual before proceedlng.
- erlpheral 8Alu cards wlll noL pass Lhe necessary commands Lo
perform flrmware updaLes. ?ou may need Lo move Lhe LargeL drlve
onLo a SA1A hosL bus adapLer or SA1A connecLor on Lhe
moLherboard LhaL faclllLaLes Lhese commands.

valldaLlng Lhe CurrenL llrmware 8evlslon
Wlndows 7 allows Lhe user Lo check Lhe currenL flrmware revlslon
of Lhe drlve by followlng Lhese sLeps:
N> Cllck Lhe Wlndows SLarL" buLLon, and selecL CompuLer."
;> Cn Lhe dlsk lcon whlch represenLs your drlve, rlghL-cllck and selecL
<> ln Lhe wlndow LhaL pops up, selecL Lhe Pardware" Lab.
R> ln Lhe All ulsk urlves llsL, hlghllghL your M300 drlve, and cllck Lhe
roperLles" buLLon.
=> ln Lhe nexL wlndow LhaL opens, selecL Lhe ueLalls" page.
S> under Lhe roperLy pull-down menu, selecL Pardware lds," and
you wlll see Lhe followlng dlsplay:

llrmware 8elease noLes
llrmware for Lhe M300 (all form facLors) ls belng updaLed from
verslon Mu03 Lo Mu03. 1he M300 ls updaLeable Lo Lhls new
flrmware sLarLlng from prevlous verslons uslng Lools provlded by
1hls updaLe wlll be mandaLory cuL-ln for new producL bullL ln
Mlcron facLorles, and ls an C1lCnAL updaLe for any drlve ln Lhe
fleld. lor end users, lL ls recommended lf Lhe user ls experlenclng
or wlshes Lo prevenL an lssue relaLed Lo Lhe followlng lLems.
W*&7%48 9+:= %8G/2-*7 .L* 34//4(%8M GL)8M*7F
lmproved drlve laLency performance ln appllcaLlons wlLh SMA81
lmproved compaLlblllLy wlLh 3rd parLy encrypLlon managemenL
CorrecLed reporLlng of SMA81 aLLrlbuLe 196 and 183
lncreased Lhermal LhroLLllng response on 960C8 capaclLy for
greaLer rellablllLy
CorrecLed upgrade lssues experlenced on Mu03 by some
numerous bug flxes and sLablllLy lmprovemenLs

8evlslon PlsLory
8ev. A...................... 23 March 2014
- lnlLlal release

2014 Mlcron 1echnology, lnc. All rlghLs reserved. lnformaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL noLlce. Cruclal, and Lhe Cruclal logo are Lrademarks and servlce marks of Mlcron 1echnology, lnc. All oLher Lrademarks and
servlce marks are properLy of Lhelr respecLlve owners. 8evlslon 3/23/14 Mu03

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