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Adekunle Babatope AJAYI Donetsk National Technical University Bogdana Kmelnitskogo 100 Donetsk 83015, Ukraine

ABSTRA T Using the direct space SUN RAY energy, the proposed solar energy power system is to links up Industrial to Domestic usage (I D! such that each nations can identi"y an e""ecti#e power generation, which $rings de#elopment to a de#eloping nation and also sta$ility to the de#elop nation in e#ery "acet o" her economy% &his paper highlights the opportunities "or sustaining the de#eloped nations and the de#eloping nations in the implementation o" Renewa$le 'nergy Sources $y taking the (ree )i"t o" Nature (()N! sun, details some possi$le architectural con"iguration and in"rastructural re*uirements% +oncerns o#er glo$al warming are causing shi"ts in energy policy and energy sourcing around the world% +iti,ens and go#ernments are care"ully weighing their impacts on the en#ironment- many $egin to con#ert to clean renewa$le energy sources% &he 'uropean countries are leaders amongst the continents o" the world, as well as a nest "or the minds o" young independent thinkers and countries% '.ploration o" the renewa$le energy options will allow any country to understand its potential "or reducing its impact on glo$al warming, such that it can weigh the costs o" +limate +hange with those o" up"ront economic in#estment in renewa$le energy%

that has no e""ect during or a"ter generation on the en#ironment and which this has led to continuous impro#ement on solar energy "or a $etter way o" reducing green house e""ect in the "uture% &his has also helped de#eloped and de#eloping countries to take "ull ad#antage o" this "ree gi"t o" nature to promote ecological and social inno#ation which will ensure more sustaina$le economy growth, en#ironmental conser#ation and social sta$ility% A critical challenge that continues to constrain the ad#ancement o" many de#eloping countries is the pre#alence o" po#erty% In spite o" an a$undance o" solar energy most de#eloping nations, lack sta$le power source, due to low technology ad#ancement, po#erty, and poor management o" e.istence "acilities% It is widely accepted that access to electricity is essential to any nation4s economy, and is a re*uirement "or modern economic and social de#elopment% 'lectricity opens the door to a host o" technologies that promote education, pu$lic health, and economic de#elopment, such as emissions5"ree light, re"rigeration, and communication de#ices% 6ithout electricity, communities are una$le to participate in the $ene"its o" modern ad#ances and are le"t isolated and literally in the dark% &he o#erall o$7ecti#e o" the solar energy power system is towards a sta$le power supply "or de#eloping and de#eloped nations o" the world% 8ence, the sunlight that "alls on the sur"ace o" a tropical country in one day contains more than twice o" the energy the country can consumes in a year%

ate!o"#e$ and Sub%e&t 'e$&"#pto"$

/'nergy Applications01 Resource 2otential In#estors,
Industrial to Domestic (I D!%

Gene"al Te"($
3anagement, Documentation, )eneration, &ransmission

Solar resource is a process through which the sun emits energy at an e.tremely large and relati#ely constant rate, 9 hours per day, :;< days per year% &hrough this process, energy could $e con#erted into usa$le "orms on earth- it would $e more than enough to supply the world4s total energy demand% 8owe#er, there are many e""ects o" ionospheric scintillation on the en#ironment that will make the days o" the year "or solar generation not to $e e""ecti#e1 "irstly, the earth intercepts only a small "raction o" the energy that lea#es the sun- secondly, the earth rotates such that a collection de#ice on the earth4s sur"ace is e.posed to solar energy "or only a$out hal" o" each 95hour period- and "inally, the conditions in the atmosphere, such as clouds and dust, sometimes signi"icantly reduce the amount o" solar energy reaching the earth4s sur"ace%

Solar 'nergy, (ree )i"t o" Nature (sun!, 2ower )eneration, &ransmission, 'n#ironmental and 'conomic Importance o" Solar 'nergy to Industrial and Domestic use%

&he study o" renewa$le energy sources has $een o" glo$al concern to the world, and has led many institutions like the 'uropean +ommission and others to undertake research on sustaina$le approach to meet the challenges o" sustaina$le energy generation% Renewa$le energy is a clean energy system

.-. In this sur#ey Nigeria will $e taken as a case study "or re"erence% =ocated on the western part o" A"rica, Nigeria weather primarily "eatures a tropical climate where the season is #ery humid and damp% &here are two climatic seasons that pre#ail within Nigeria, namely the wet and the dry seasons% &he weather o" Nigeria is generally *uite hot throughout the year, although there are #ariations in the climate in certain regions within the country% &he southern part o" Nigeria is relati#ely more humid and damp than the northern part o" the country% In the southern areas o" Nigeria the dry seasons $egin "rom the month o" No#em$er and lasts till the month o" 3arch% &he northern regions are much drier in nature in comparison to the southern parts% &he dry seasons $egin "rom the month o" >cto$er and last till the month o" April% &here are e.treme weather conditions in the deserts o" Sahara% It is scorching hot in the a"ternoons and "ree,ing cold during the nighttime%

l#(ate o/ N#!e"#a

+limate is the a#erage weather condition o" a place o#er a gi#en period o" years% It is determined primarily $y distance "rom the coast and secondly $y e#aluation (@radley ?AA<!% &he climate o" Nigeria is tropical in nature, which is occasionally su$7ected to #ariations, depending on the rain"all% During summers, ma7or portion o" the country comes under the in"luence o" moisture5laden tropical maritime air% &emperatures are high throughout the year, a#eraging "rom <B to CB+% In the higher ele#ations o" the Dos 2lateau north central area o" Nigeria, temperature is at an a#erage o" B+% Northern Nigeria e.periences greater temperature e.tremes than the south% Rain"all #aries widely o#er short distances "rom year to year% Nigeria4s electrical energy consumption in the year EE? is ?< F ?E; G6h and the tropic o" cancer% It4s climate #aries "rom tropical to su$tropical% &here are two ma7or seasons- the dry season lasting "rom >cto$er to 3arch and rainy season lasting "rom April to >cto$er% In the north, it is hot and dry, rainy season e.tends $etween April and Septem$er% In the south, it is hot and wet season e.tends $etween 3arch and Decem$er% (rom Decem$er to 3arch, there is a long dry season (>7o EEE!% &here"ore, the &emperature range $etween : E and 9 E humidity is a$out A<H ((alade ?AA<!%

0-, W1at #$ $ola" po+e"2 Solar power is produced $y photo#oltaic, or I2JI, solar panels and other de#ices that capture the energy in sunlight and con#ert it to electricity% &his electricity can then $e "ed directly to a consumer, an electric power grid, or a storage de#ice% &ypically, solar panels are installed on the roo" o" residential or domestic $uildings, and use the power generated to meet the ownerKs energy needs and pro#ide surplus electricity to the grid% >ther applications include heating water and pro#iding power in areas where electricity connections are not a#aila$le, such as on road signs, cellular phone towers, and satellites% 0-. En3#"on(ental and E&ono(#&al I(po"tan&e Solar energy has $oth the en#ironmental and the economical importance to e#ery nation% 8ence, the solar power play a key role in cost e""ecti#eness o" any nations economy, create a direct employment o" la$or "orce and to "oster the de#elopment o" micro industries% &he most important "actor dri#ing solar energy system generation process is whether the energy it produces is economical% Although there are "actors other than economics that enter into a decision o" when to use solar energy- i%e% no pollution, no greenhouse gas generation, security o" the energy resource etc%, design decisions are almost e.clusi#ely dominated $y the Lle#el o" energy cost4% &his similar economic

(ig% ?1 3ap o" Nigeria .-, Yea"l* I""ad#at#on #n N#!e"#a The follo ing ma! dis!lays the "#antity of energy that reached the gro#nd in Nigeria for the hole year$ This yearly irradiation is e%!ressed in k&h'm($ This ma! is com!#ted from o)servations made )y meteorological satellites from 1*85 to +00,$ - .#ro!ean /ommission +00+0+001 and 2elio/lim01 co!yright 3ines 4arisTech ' 5rmines +0010+001$

parameter, gi#es the e.pected cost o" the energy produced $y the solar energy system, a#eraged o#er the li"etime o" the system% 8ence, solar energy power system is a #ery clean energy that i" gi#en "inancial support $y the go#ernment and industrialist to reduce the cost o" implementing the solar panels "or industrial, commercial and residential consumers to a""ord% Abundant Suppl*4 Solar power could meet todayKs total electricity demand $y 2J systems co#ering only E%9H o" the nation in a high5sunlight area such as the Southwest M an area a$out ?EE s*uare miles% &hese panels, in reality, will $e installed across the country on roo"s and other structures close where it is consumed% &echnologies such as 2J roo" shingles, windows, and "le.i$le "a$rics that are easily and cheaply integrated into new and e.isting $uildings are emerging% Se&u"e and Stable Suppl*4 @ecause solar power is generated domestically, o"ten at the site where it will $e consumed, prices and supplies are immune to $lackouts, international uncertainty and do not rely on long5distance supply networks%
leane" A#"4 Solar power does not pollute air or water% It replaces electricity generated "rom "acilities powered $y coal, natural gas and other non5renewa$le "uels, eliminating threats to pu$lic health such as car$on mono.ide, particulate, and to.ic chemical emissions "rom those "acilities% Additionally, when a solar power replaces electricity "rom a coal5"ired power plant it also eliminates a potential source o" sul"ur emissions 5 a ma7or component o" acid rain%

7- GENERATION OF SOLAR POWER Solar power generation directly con#erts solar energy into electrical energy through a chemical action taking place in solar cells% &hese operate $ased on the photo5#oltaic e""ect, which de#elops an electromagnetic "orce (em"! on a$sorption o" ioni,ing radiation "rom sun% Solar energy (2hoto#oltaics!, the direct con#ersion o" sunlight to electricity, is now the "astest growing technology "or electricity generation% 2resent L"irst generation4 products use the same silicon wa"ers as in microelectronics% LSecond generation4 thin "ilms, now entering the market, ha#e the potential to greatly impro#e the economics $y eliminating material costs% 3artin )reen, one o" the world4s "oremost photo#oltaic researchers, argues in his $ook that Lsecond generation4 photo#oltaics will e#entually reach it4s own material cost constraints, engendering a Lthird generation4 o" high per"ormance thin "ilms% &he $ook e.plores, sel" consistently, the energy con#ersion potential o" ad#anced approaches "or impro#ing photo#oltaic per"ormance and outlines possi$le implementation paths%

Redu&#n! Global Wa"(#n!4 Solar power does not produce +>. or any other greenhouse gases, thus helping to reduce the risk o" climate change% 5- 6OW SOLAR ENERGY WOR)S &he solar energy technology is the a$sorption o" sun4s energy directly con#erted into electrical% 8ence, the solar energy works through the aid o" com$ining solar panel which is also known as photo#oltaic cells, solar cells and solar panels% &he solar panel is $asically used in generating ? Jolts D+ (Direct +urrent! and the num$er o" photo#oltaic cells used determines the amount o" electricity to $e generated% &he solar panels a$sor$ sun ray and then con#ert it to pro#ide D+ power to the power center, where a centrali,ed $attery $ank, or indi#idual home $atteries are charged% &he energy "rom the $attery $ank can then $e used directly in D+ appliances or can $e con#erted to A+ power with an in#erter "or use in standard A+ appliances% &he solar panels can only work during daylight hours% &he solar production system compliments each other well $ecause it tends to $e windy on cloudy, rain days and sunny on calm clear days%

(ig% 1 Solar 2ower )eneration Diagram 8- TRANSMISSION OF SOLAR RAY 6hen solar ray strikes an o$7ect, there are two possi$le occurrences1 the o$7ect may re"lect the solar energy, or the o$7ect may a$sor$ it% 3ost o$7ects are applica$le "or this process, to a greater or lesser e.tent% It is use"ul knowledge to understand how di""erent materials transmit, re"lect, and a$sor$ solar radiation% (or instance, in the case o" a solar cell, it is important to coat the sur"ace with a material that is a poor re"lectorMwe want as much light as possi$le to enter the cell% Accordingly, creating com"orta$le, well5lit homes, schools, and o""ices re*uires an understanding o" which $uilding materials transmit, re"lect, and a$sor$ solar radiation%

/?0 @aranoski, )%, Ronke, D%, Shirley, 2%, &rondsen, &%, and @astos, R% / 0 @radley, D% ?AA<% 2lants point the way to renewa$le energy% New Sci% ? ? 1 C /:0 Distri$ution o" Solar 'nergy System 1 http1OOgraphics%stan"ord%eduOcoursesOcs:9C$5 competitionOcs:9C$5E<O$orealisOwe$page H E"ilesOwriteup%html /90 'skridge, R% '%, >% A% Alducho#, I% J% +hernykh, N% 2anmao, A% +% 2olansky, and S% R% Doty, A +omprehensi#e Aerological Research Data Set (+ARDS! 1 Rough and Systematic errors, @ull% Amer% 3eteor% Soc%, Q;, ?Q<A ?QQ<, ?AA< /<0 'urostat News Releases on the internet http1OOec%europa%euOeurostatO

(ig% :1 Solar 2anel Diagram 9- ON LUSION &he sur#ey has gathered resource potential o" solar energy and how the solar system de#elopment in de#eloped countries and some de#eloping countries (+hina, South A"rica, )am$ia, Genya, &an,ania, Uganda and many more! and it4s implementation in Nigeria% &he most important "actor dri#ing the solar energy system design process is whether the energy it produces is economical% Although there are "actors other than economics that enter into a decision o" when to use solar energy- i%e% no pollution, no greenhouse gas generation, security o" the energy resource etc%, design decisions are almost e.clusi#ely dominated $y the Lle#el o" energy cost4% &his similar economic parameter, gi#es the e.pected cost o" the energy produced $y the solar energy system, a#eraged o#er the li"etime o" the system% 8ence, solar energy power system is a #ery clean energy that should $e gi#en support $y the go#ernment and industrialists to reduce the cost o" implementing the solar panels "or industrial, commercial and residential consumers to a""ord% A )NOWLE'GMENT I am grate"ul to the 'lectrical 'ngineering 2rogram +hair o" Donetsk National &echnical Uni#ersity, Ukraine 2ro"% )eorgy )% R>)>NIN, Adedayo Ademola YUSU(( o" 'lectrical Department, &shwane Uni#ersity o" &echnology, 2retoria, South A"rica "or their encouragement and guidance% I also acknowledge the leadership, support and patience o" 3ichael Ade$ayo >3IDI>RA o" 'lectrical Department, 8elsinki Uni#ersity o" &echnology, 'spoo, (inland% http1OOwww%ngportal%comOmomidioraO and >laniyan Gayode "or his ad#ice and support "or making this paper a reality% (ekaynomicsPyahoo%com, o%kayodePnpc%go#%ng! National 2lanning +ommission, A$u7a, NI)'RIA

/;0 (alade, &% S% ?AA<% Sol#ing 8ousing 2ro$lems in =oko7a% @% Sc% Research Report% Department o" Architecture, A% @% U% Naria, Gaduna State, Nigeria% /Q0 (lorida Solar 'nergy +enter ((S'+! EE;, R2hoto#oltaics S Distri$uted )eneration, 2hoto#oltaic (undamentalsT% A#aila$le at
http1OOwww%"sec%uc"%eduOp#tOp#$asicsO /C0 National Renewa$le 'nergy =a$oratory (NR'=!, EE;a, RDynamic 3aps, )IS Data, S Analysis &ools, Solar 3apsT% A#aila$le at http1OOwww%nrel%go#OgisOsolar%htmlUcsp /A0 National Renewa$le 'nergy =a$oratory (NR'=!, EE;$, R2hotographic In"ormation '.changeT A#aila$le at http1OOwww%nrel%go#OdataOpi. /?E0 >7o, >% EEE% (undamentals o" physical and Dynamic +limatology, ?st ed%, S'D'+ 2u$l%, =agos, Nigeria /??0 Second 'U Sustaina$le 'nergy week puts the "ocus on 'nergy Supply% Danuary C to (e$ruary ?, EEC http1OOec%europa%euOnewsOenergyOECE? CV Ven%html /? 0 SoDa 11 Ser#ices "or pro"essionals in Solar 'nergy and Radiation 3aps o" Radiation, Irradiance, Irradiation and UJ http1OOwww%soda5is%comOengOmapOinde.%html /?:0 6illiams, R% 8- and +arl, D% 6% ?AAE% 'nergy "rom the sun% Amer% Sci% D% 9: 1 9?

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