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MEPHISTOPHEILIA: Alt ernat ively called MEPHIISTOPHINA; She is a very powerf ul Spirit of Mercurial nat ure whose Feminine quint essence is of all t he spheres combined but more so of t he sphere of Jupit er; she always requires her cont ract t o be signed in copious amount s of sperm t o milk f rom her Mast er's hardened balls she t o pump as a Night -Gaunt born f ellat io Succubus af t er which she t o t hence t ot ally serve him as his most Loving Sex Slave and ever obedient and loyal Familiar Spirit . Her f irst approach af t er Evoking her is t hat of Three loud knocks at ones door via a vivid Lucid Dream t o t hence appear as a dark looking Girl of a ravishing beaut y whose most salacious wiles must be f ulf illed ot herwise she will become ent irely enraged t o cause no end of most dest ruct ive Polt ergeist havoc. She somet imes manif est s at f irst in animal f orm such as t hat of a Raven or a Black Bit ch of a Dog t o assume t he guise of a Nun or a Schoolgirl at t imes, but most of t en t han not t o appear as a sensually sophist icat ed young woman whom is somet imes dressed like a Secret ary or a f emale Chauf f er driving a large black limousine. What ever is asked of her she will manif est speedily, but one must beware of what one wishes f or t o consider caref ully ones desires she t o f ulf il. She will only f ulf il her Mast ers desires af t er she has f ed upon her Mast ers issue of spurt ing seed, which she ever hungers f or as a most want on Succubus. She is versed in all mat t ers of Philosophy and Science whom inst ruct s in ot her arcane subject s along wit h t hose of t he Magickal Art s and t hat of Art in part icular; her knowledge is unbounded whom can divine t he Past , Present and Fut ure t o also inf luence ot herwise of out comes at her Mast ers beckoning. She can carry her Mast er t o any locat ion in an inst ant whet her t hey are of t his World or ot hers t o know. She has many ot her subordinat e Succubae under her Headmist ress care via whose myriad number of salacious Art -St udent Schoolgirl Legions she f ulf ils all her Mast ers desires as his Art Muse.


Mephist opheles (also Mephist ophilus, Mephist ophilis, Mephost opheles, Mephist o and ot her variant s) is usually considered of indoct rinat ed perspect ive t o be one of t he seven Princes of Hell. Mephist opheles is not list ed in t he classical Goet ia whose origin is derived f rom lit erat ure and ensuing st age plays as t he t it le of a Daemon who was f eat ured in t he Faust legend; however, one t o f ind Faust ian inspired Grimoires, which list a smat t ering of Goet ic Spirit s along wit h Mephist opheles. The Spirit has since appeared in numerous ot her works as a st ock charact er version of t he Devil t hroughout popular cult ure whereby becoming an Archet ypal charact er who has t hereby been Evoked as a Spirit in Occult pract ice.

Mephist opheles is primarily associat ed wit h t he Faust legend, which concerns an elderly worn out Scholar who is no doubt versed in t he Goet ia whom wagers his Soul against t he Devil in order t o make him desire t o live again wit h yout hf ul vigour, even f or a moment , whose t ale is said t o be based upon t he hist orical Johann Georg Faust . However in t his case one has t he Succubus Mephist opheilia whose orient at ion is very much t hat of aiding her Mast ers ailing desire t o live a lif e of yout hf ul vigour and more besides and in t urn t o t ake him down t he Rabbit hole of a Vaginal St ar-Barrelled Wormhole int o Surreal Alt ernat e-World Wonderlands.

One also has many Faust ian similarit ies of archet ypal inf luence wit h Hermann Hesse's Surrealist mast erpiece writ t en in 1927 ent it led 'St eppenwolf ' (orig. German Der St eppenwolf ) is t he t ent h novel by German-Swiss aut hor Hermann Hesse. Originally published in Germany in 1927, it was f irst t ranslat ed int o English in 1929. Combining aut obiographical and f ant ast ic element s, t he novel was named af t er t he lonesome Wolf of t he St eppes. The st ory in large part ref lect s a prof ound crisis in Hesse's spirit ual world in t he 1920s while memorably port raying t he prot agonist 's split bet ween his humanit y, and his Wolf -like aggression and homelessness. The novel became an int ernat ional success, alt hough Hesse would lat er claim t hat t he book was largely misunderst ood. In 1924 Hermann Hesse remarried wedding singer Rut h Wenger. Af t er several weeks however, he lef t Basel, only ret urning near t he end of t he year. Upon his ret urn he rent ed a separat e apart ment , adding t o his isolat ion. Af t er a short t rip t o Germany wit h Wenger, Hesse st opped seeing her almost complet ely. The result ing f eeling of isolat ion and inabilit y t o make last ing cont act wit h t he out side world, led t o increasing despair and t hought s of suicide. Hesse began writ ing St eppenwolf in Basel, and f inished it in Zrich. In 1926, Hesse wrot e a precursor t o St eppenwolf , which were a collect ion of published poems ent it led The Crisis. It is t his t ype of crisis, which Faust is enduring whereby he ends up conjuring up

Mephist opheles while Herman Hesse's principal charact er of a St eppenwolf , going by t he name of Harry Haller is guided by a f emale Muse called Hermine, hence one can f use t he t wo t oget her as t he Succubus Mephist ot phelia. The name Mephist opheles can also be f ound in t he lat e 16t h cent ury Faust chapbooks. In t he 1725 version which was read by Goet he, Mephost ophiles is a Devil whom appears in t he f orm of a Greyf riar, whereupon Mephist opheilia somet imes appears dressed as a Nun. Mephist opheles is said t o have been summoned by Faust in a wood out side Wit t enberg, which gives one an insight int o how t o Evoke Mephist opheilia. The name Mephist ophiles already appears in t he 1527 Praxis Magia Faust iana, print ed in Passau, alongside pseudo-Hebrew t ext . It is best explained as a purposely obscure pseudo-Greek or pseudo-Hebrew f ormat ion of Renaissance Magick, which one can evolve ot herwise beyond ingrained t radit ion f or t he Magickal Art s are not st at ic t o hence t ransf orm creat ively. In t he book St eppenwolf t he f emale charact er of Hermine, likened somewhat t o a Succubus, leads Harry Haller int o a Magic Theat re via which he accesses alt ernat ive past possibilit ies as well as alt ernat e worlds wherein one has t he realm of Lucid Dreams and Out -Of -Body-Experiences; f or t he Magic Theat re represent s t he domain of t he Dream. The f ilm direct or Terry Gilliam appears t o have f used t he Magic Theat re of St eppenwolf wit h t he Faust myt h t o updat e of modern version in his Surreal f ilm The Imaginarium of Doct or Parnassus, which involves a t ravelling Theat re run by a Faust ian Doct or Parnassus whose Theat re of an Imaginarium allows people t o access imaginary Dream worlds just as real if not more real t han ordinary realit y. Should one desire t o go beyond what has been est ablished of ingrained dogmat ic percept ion one can look t o t he Consecrat ion of Faust ina, whose Lat in name is t he f eminine version of Faust ; t he Consecrat ion depict s t he Roman Empress Faust ina being carried away t o dwell wit h t he Gods and Goddesses of Pagan Rome by t he Goddess 'DIANA LVCIFERA;' Diana Lucif era was lat er t ransf ormed int o a Male ent it y by t he Christ ians t o t ransf orm int o t heir Fallen Angel Lucif er, whereby t he Faust legend probably ref ers t o Faust ina being carried away by Diana Lucif era who is also ones Mephist opheles whereby one has a possible Lesbian slant on t he whole t ale t o t ell of imaginat ive reint erpret at ion should one be so inclined of Symbolic Rebellion. There were t wo Faust inas, mot her and daught er, Faust ina senior and Faust ina junior, in t he second cent ury CE. Faust ian senior was t he wif e of Emperor Ant oninus, whose last name was Pius. Her daught er, Faust ina junior, was t he wif e of Emperor Marcus Aurelus. Marcus Aurelus was t he successor and adopt ed son of Ant oninus Pius. Bot h Faust ina senior and Faust ina junior were deif ied by t heir husbands af t er t heir deat hs. Faust ina (senior or junior), was dedicat ed t o Diana Lucif era, who was t he crone aspect of (Ancient Greek: Art emis) Diana; t he t wo Faust inas pret t y much ruled t he Roman Empire in t heir husbands' names.

The early Faust chapbook, while already in circulat ion in Nort hern Germany, event ually f ound it s way t o England, where in 1592 an English t ranslat ion was published, 'The Hist orie of t he Damnable Lif e, and Deserved Deat h of Doct or Iohn Faust us' credit ed t o a cert ain "P. F., Gent leman". Christ opher Marlowe used t his work as t he basis f or his more ambit ious play, The Tragical Hist ory of Doct or Faust us (published c. 1604) whose work has become highly inf luent ial amidst t he Scholars out of Oxf ord and Cambridge t o have t hereby inf luenced popular cult ure up t o t he present day. Marlowe also borrowed f rom John Foxe's Book of Mart yrs, on t he exchanges bet ween Pope Adrian and a rival Pope. Anot her possible inspirat ion of Marlowe's version is t he Magician Dr John Dee (15271609), who pract ised Alchemy and Science whom developed t he Enochian Magickal syst em, which inf luenced t he lat er Pat riarchal Judaeo-Christ ian Gnost ic Magickal order of t he Golden Dawn and Kabbalist ic Faust ian Aleist er Crowley. A cont emporary of Aleist er Crowley was t he Sorcerer Art ist Aust in Osman Spare who was very much of a Faust ian charact er f or he was a St eppenwolf out sider of t he Occult mainst ream who had t orn him self away f rom t he Art est ablishment amidst which he was prior perceived as an Art ist ic genius. Spare's Art work was very Shamanist ic of orient at ion, which was of t en wrought while he was in a self induced Hypnagogic Trance st at e. For him, his Art was not t wo-dimensional, t hey were living mult idimensional realit ies wit hin his mind's eye of an Imaginarium. Spare was primarily guided by t he f eminine principle of an inspiring Succubus Muse whom he perceived as being t he Primit ive Woman lying upon t he parapet of f orever, hence she was his ever Erot ic Anima of Subconscious source birt hing his creat ivit y; one can t hereby see t he Primit ive Woman as Spare's conjured up Succubus of a Mephist ophelia. In Marlowes play of Doct or Faust us, Mephist opheles act s as a guide t o Faust us. Mephist opheles is not only a speaker f or t he Devil, but he is even seen as a possible lover t o t he principle charact er like t hat of t he relat ionship bet ween Aleist er Crowley and his Holy-Guardian-Angel Aiwass. In t he play, Faust us asks Mephist opheles f or a wif e and, when he ret urns, t he woman is just a Devil in disguise as a woman. According t o Hammill: The wife that (Mephistopheles) brings demonstrates that marriage is not a signifier that can stabilize the gender. The play... instead replaces this wife with a series of courtesans in an economy of homosocial exchange. (Hammill, Graham L. "Faust us's Fort unes: Commodif icat ion, Exchange, and t he Form of Lit erary Subject ivit y." English Lit erary Hist ory 63 (1996): 324-329. Project MUSE.) However, most of t he medieval Grimoires primarily list ed Male spirit s, such as in t he classical Goet ia f or example and what f ew Female spirit s are ment ioned if at all are described as being act ually Male whereby t hat of a common t heme. For example Crowley even st at ed t hat t he Goet ic Spirit s he had Evoked were primarily Male even when t hey had in a f ew cases assumed Female f orm, but t hen his

orient at ion was in t he main t radit ionally inclined f or he had assumed t he guise of t he Great -Beast out of t he Pat riarchal Book of Revelat ions. Hammill also explains t hat Mephist opheles brings Faust us a wif e who is not act ually a woman because he want s t o bring up sexual t ension bet ween Faust us and himself . Hammills art icle describes t he conversat ion bet ween t he t wo charact ers during t his scene as barely legible as male f riendship. The art icle goes on t o explain t hat t he conversat ion is no longer considered t o be f riendly because t he women whom t hey are discussing appear t o have very Masculine f eat ures. This is ent irely possible since Marlowe was Homosexual. Orgel argues t hat Marlowe's poetic imagination was essentially Homosexual, (Orgel, St ephen. "Tobacco and Boys: How Queer Was Marlowe?" Journal of Lesbian and Gay St udies 6 (2000): 555-76. Project MUSE.) whereby one can t hen gain an insight int o why so many of t he Medieval Grimoires list all Male Demons and Angels, which in essence f ed int o t he Pat riarchal inclined Homosexual f ant asies of t heir respect ive Scholarly aut hors, hence t he Feminine principle was in t he main ent irely lacking. One merely has t o look at Diana Lucif era being t ransf ormed int o a Male f or John Milt on let alone William Blake t o lat er adore wit hout t hem realising Lucif er was originally Female; t his pat riarchal emphasis permeat es t he West ern Occult t radit ion at all levels of ingrained t radit ion, which has become t hat of a most persist ent viral Meme whereupon Mephist opheilia Rebels against it s all pervasive inf luence; well, what does one expect , she is a Fallen Angel at t he end of t he day whom was cast out of a Pat riarchal concept ion of Heaven f or t he Tobacco Boys. POPE GERBERT AND HIS MOST WANTON SUCCUBUS There is a st ory, which has a Faust ian edge t o it concerning a Succubus, which was relat ed by Walt er Mapes in his De Nugis Curialium [Court ier's Trif les] (approx 1185) about Gerbert of Aurillac, who became Pope Sylvest er II (999-1003). As a virile young man, Gerbert f ell in love wit h t he buxom daught er of t he Provost of Rheims; however she reject ed his over t he t op romant ic advances f or his wallet was not big enough; whereby he ent ered int o t he purgat ory of t he f orlorn in his despair. While despairing over his broken heart , which had been pierced wide open by reject ion he event ually met a beaut if ul maiden via a Lucid Dream named Meridiana who of f ered him hot Sex, in dept h Magical Knowledge, and mount ains of golden coin if he would only st ay f ait hf ul t o her. He of course agreed, being t he Jack t he lad he was, whereby he rapidly prospered t o event ually become t he Archbishop of Rheims, Cardinal, Archbishop of Ravenna, and ult imat ely t he Pope. All t he while, he kept his secret Lucid Dream t ryst s wit h Meridiana quit e secret f or he did not desire being t urned int o a barbecued Pope t o burn at t he st ake as a pract icing Sorcerer. Meridiana even f orgave Gerbert when t he Provost 's daught er f ound him naked covered in consecrat ed breadcrumbs as well as being t ot ally inebriat ed on Wine whereby she seduced him in order t o get his big f at Vat ican Bank account int o her hungry purse. But alas it came t o pass Meridiana prophesied t hat Gerbert would die while he celebrat ed Mass in Jerusalem, which t urned out t o be a quaint Church t hat was alleged t o possess a piece of t he Sadomasochist ic Cross. Realizing he was about t o die, Gerbert decided t o make a f ull

public conf ession of his purple wet Dream Sins whereby he lef t his corporeal f rame as a repent ant Pope. Mapes also not ed t hat Gerbert 's t omb in t he Lat eran sweat s copiously bef ore t he deat h of a Pope, whereby one can t heref ore det ermine t hat Gerbert s corpse is st ill being ridden rock and roll st yle by Meridiana whose name (Meri-Diana) is somewhat associat ed wit h Diana-Lucif era. THE RANDY HERDSMAN AND THE SUCCUBUS DAIRYMAID One also has t he st ory concerning a Succubus as relat ed by t he 16t h Cent ury aut hor, Nicholas Remy whom t o t ell of a herdsman who was f ound guilt y of engaging him self in a Faust ian pact of Wit chcraf t pract ice. When t he Herdsman was quest ioned by his t ort uring Holier t han t hou inquisit ors so as t o det ermine needle and point of blood t o draw how t he Herdsman had f irst f allen int o t he company of Queen Bee Wit ches, t he Herdsman explained t hat he had been corrupt ed by a most want on Succubus. The Herdsman relat ed t hat he had previously f allen passionat ely in love wit h a dairymaid who did not ret urn his af f ect ions because of his most obvious povert y and halit osis. One day, t he Herdsman was, in his own words, 'burning wit h uncont rollable desire in his solit ary past urage' when he should spy t hrough his sun st roke gaze what at f irst he believed t o be t he bare rump of his beloved poking up behind a bush. In his ardour he ran over t o her, made violent t hrust ing advances, but he was repulsed by t he t angle of bushes. Af t er a while, t he 'dairymaid,' in realit y, a Succubus, who had assumed t he dairymaid's appearance allowed t he herdsman t o do wit h her body as he desired but only on condit ion t hat he 'acknowledged her as his Mist ress, t o see her as t hough she was God himself wit h Horns and all of Goat f oot cloven hoof . EXORCISM OF A PERSISTENT AND MOST AMOROUS SUCCUBUS There is one line of Pat riarchal def ence against t he want on wiles of a Succubus, which is of t en ut ilised by Priest s and celibat e Scholarly Monks wit hin t heir cloist ers being t he obvious employment of prayer, f ast ing and ot her religious devot ions one t o f ind in t he plays concerning Faust . At some t ime during t he year 1500, t he Bishop of Aberdeen is recorded as having successf ully prescribed such Priest ly remedies t o a young man who approached him f or spirit ual guidance. For many mont hs, t he young man had been pest ered by a Succubus who came t o him by night and eit her coaxed or f orcibly ridden him int o sexual embraces and much coupling, which last ed unt il daybreak. The Bishop ordered t he vict im of such carnal out rages t o engage in devout prayer and aust erit y. Apparent ly, such measures were successf ul, f or af t er a f ew days, t he young man was 'delivered f rom his amorous Succubus;' unless of course he decided it was f ar more f un t o shag t han t o pray whereupon he kept silent about his cont inued relat ionship wit h his Succubus t o hence become Faust ian of inclinat ion. A CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE FOURTH KIND WITH A MATERIALISED SUCCUBUS There are t hose whom f ollow a celibat e lif e of Religious devot ion whom f ind t hat t heir prayers have

lit t le or no ef f icacy against t he salacious wiles of t he Succubus at all whereby t hey great ly f ear enduring t he same f at e as Faust due t o t heir Religious indoct rinat ion. One has f or example t he French writ er, J. K. Huysmans whom claimed t hat he was raped by a Succubus whilst he was st aying at a Monast ery. Huysman, who is a novelist of dist inct ion, was preparing him self t o ret urn back t o t he Cat holic Church while he was on t he short monast ic ret reat . His visit t o t he Monast ery was int ended as a spirit ual ant idot e t o t hereby overcome t he psychological ef f ect s of several years, which he had spent in what he him self described as 't he lat rines of superst it ion' being a ref erence in regards t o his cont act s wit h t he subcult ure of 19t h Cent ury Parisian Occult ism. As Huysman relat ed, while one night t o be lying upon his hard monast ic bed, he suddenly f ound himself awakening f rom out of t he climax of an Erot ic Dream t o see a Succubus vanishing away int o t he night shadows of his cell. Husyman also said t hat t he Succubus had t aken on a physical f orm, and was not illusory, which was apparent , f rom t he appearance of t he bed sheet s he had shared wit h t he Succubus. Huysman's purple Dream had climaxed wit h 'an int ense ejaculat ion'. CONSCIOUSLY ENGINEERED DREAM CONTACTS WITH SUCCUBAE Besides t hat of all of t he religious connot at ions one can observe a common t heme underlying t he t ongue in cheek ret old t ales relat ed above as well as t hose of ot her similar experiences, which are commonly t ermed in f olklore as 'Night -Hags' or t hat of t he 'Bedroom Invader experience, which t ie in wit h UFO Abduct ions; in general, t hose who experience such ot herworldly visit at ions have of t en suf f ered some kind of emot ional t rauma such as being reject ed, which invariably leads t o depression and t hat of cut t ing t hemselves away f rom social cont act s whereby t hey become wit hdrawn. One also has t hose ot hers who purposef ully cut t hemselves of f f rom social int ercourse whereby avoiding an indulgence in carnal int ercourse f or spirit ual reasons. Bot h st at es of being appears t o be t he bedrock of prior preparat ion, which leads t o a pot ent ial cont act wit h a Succubus; one can t heref ore gauge t hat t he int ernalisat ion of t he Sexual impulse brings about Dream cont act s wit h Succubae whom are at t ract ed by t he Sexual Emot ive st at e of t he energised Charge int ernally held t o build up wit hin t he individual whom t hence experiences a Succubus visit at ion. When one underst ands t hat ones int ernalised Sexual impulse at t ract s a Succubus visit at ion one can t hereby prepare ones self t o engage in t he pract ice of Sorcery. The Sorcery pract ice engaged in concerns Int ernalising t he Sexual Impulse t o be t hereby direct ed by Int ense Visualisat ion t echniques whereby Rit ual can be ut ilised such as t hose, which are described in t he Grimoires. The nat ure and qualit y of ones Sexually Emot ive Charge, which will be channelled in a given direct ion of Focus by ones Rit ual will of t en det ermine t he t ype of Succubus one will cont act . Since most of t he Rit uals, which are described by t he Grimoires are orient at ed ot herwise t han t he Feminine one has t o t hereby rewrit e t hem. The met hodology and t echniques of Evoking a Succubus is t he same as Evoking a Spirit as described in Rit ual Magick covered by t he Grimoires, one is merely changing t he Focus t owards t he Feminine.

One does not need t o worry about ones vit al essences of ejaculat ed bodily f luids being consumed by a Succubus f or such is merely t hat of an aut omat ic bodily react ion, which can be cont rolled. Such descript ions are just a means t o excit e t he Erot ic Imaginat ion t o t hence direct and build up t he Int ernalised 'Sexual Emot ive Charge of Energy,' which is what t he Succubus is at t ract ed t o Spin her, not ones bodily secret ions. The medieval Grimoires f ocus upon t he build up of t he Emot ive Charge of Fear does likewise in order t o at t ract t heir part icular order of but ch machismo Spirit s, hence t hey ut ilise Blood Cont ract s t o st ir ones Emot ions int o f earing; one can inst ead ut ilise t he Sexual Emot ive Charge rat her t han indulging in Fear whereby one Evokes a Succubus should ones Sexual orient at ion be so inclined.

Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis


ALTERNATIVE FAUSTIAN RITUAL TO CONJURE THE SUCCUBUS MEPHISTOPHELIA This is an adapt ed Rit ual in order t o conjure Mephist ophelia ot herwise called Mephisophina. The Rit ual is part ly derived f rom Marlowe's play "Doct or Faust us" as well as involving ot her rit uals, which are derived f rom t he Lat in Black Mass or Missa Niger and t he Enochian keys. The reason f or ut ilising (1564-1593) Christ opher Marlowe's play Dr Faust us, which in t urn inf luenced (1749-1832) Johann Wolf gang von Goet he's version of Faust is because Marlowe was Homosexual, whereby he was a Rebel in his measure at a t ime when many a Homosexual was of t en f aced by t he dire prospect of being lit erally burnt at t he st ake by t he Church f or being ot herwise inclined of Sexual orient at ion. However, I have changed t he Male f ocus t owards t hat of t he Feminine because I am Het erosexual of orient at ion whereby t hence f acing being burnt at t he present met aphorical st ake by t he wagging t ongues of Religious Moralist s and Pat riarchal Occult Tradit ionalist s as well as by Femininst s whom consider t hat such mat erial be vile Sexist Pornography and by t hose of t he Polit ically Correct , hence I am a REBEL! One may say it be all limp of Hent ai Anime t o f ar pref er t he Evangelical Hollowood macho guise of Omen Ant ichrist but in doing so one merely f eeds ones Brain int o t he Judaeo-Christ ian t radit ion of a Soul grinder wheref ore one validat es it s Pat riarchal paradigm. The Judaeo-Christ ian t radit ion permeat es West ern Occult ism whose orient at ion is f ixat ed upon making one f ear bot h God and Devil, whereupon one is t orn bet ween bot h hence t hat of a prisoner wit hin ones own skull, which t o never light up cryst alline f or t he 'Flame' of Genius has been nullif ied by f earing ones own 'Shadow.' Why f ocus upon f ear when one can have f un inst ead whereupon one scat t ers t he t emple t ables t o t opple upon t hose whom seek t o wash ones Brain t o t hereby own. The t radit ionalist s are addict ed t o f ear, which empowers t he cont inuence of a Brainwash amidst a Pat riarchal t emple of Three Cent ralist Religions ent wined wit h Polit ics f or all t o see quit e clearly of a Theocracy. Should t he Brainwashed Sheep ever open t heir eyes t hey will t hereby observe Abraham's Illuminat i UR Ziggurat in Iraq amidst which be t he Orwellian Cult ic eye of a Jealous Big-Brot her deit y wat ching all. When one medit at es upon t his f act one will see t he Trut h of it , which will t hence lead one t o know what t he New-World-Order really is of const ruct whose f oundat ion has been laid out of plan wit hin

Three Books seeking dominance over t he ent ire Eart h. It is easy t o sust ain such a Conspiracy over 2000yrs when one has so many aut omat ons f rom one generat ion t o anot her whom f ollow t heir shared Abraham screenplay of Three Books t o blindly Act out of ongoing bloody play, which has sacrif iced many a Lamb upon t he st age of t heir alt ar. It is advisable t hat one perf orms ones Medit at ions on Mephist ophelia during t he round of t he 'Succubae Blood Moon Cycle' when many a Maiden t o bleed around ones Widdershin Wise Circle prior t o any rit ual concerning t he conjurat ion of Mephist ophelia; f or t he night ly emmision of t he womb's Moon Blood is an indicat ion of t he Luna power one is Conjuring int o manif est at ion. Or at least a week or more in advance in order t o build up ones Int ernalised Sexual Emot ive Charge of Focus upon t he Holy Blood cup of Woman whom be as Babalon. One should also t ake not e of ones Dreams during t he preparat ory period but most especially af t er one conduct s t he Rit ual, whereby one should acquire a book in order t o t ake not e of ones observat ions wit hin which one also draws her Seal, paint s ones Sigils and Signs or ot herwise of image such as phot ographs f or example, t o t hereby collect t oget her ones f ocus in order t o det ermine t he charact erist ics of Mephist ophelia.

The set t ing of ones Rit ual should be of a medieval qualit y in regards t o Mephist ophelia whence one perceives her as being somewhat of a sophist icat ed Got h chick who has a f ascinat ion wit h said t ime period, wheref ore one could even visualise her as being a Hist ory prof essor whom rides t he est ablishment s of bot h Oxf ord and Cambridge Universit ies bet wixt her lit he legs. Should one have medieval clot hing such as a hooded robe of a Monks habit one can ut ilise such in order t o assume t he guise of Faust . It ems such as a rapier and main gauche (f encing dagger) would be of use as ones rit ual sword and dagger. However, if one be an Art ist one can ut ilise a Palet t e Knif e of Magickal impement inst ead; one can also ut ilise hand signs such as 'Mudras,' which would be f ar more apt since one can ut ilise Mudras when one becomes Lucid of awareness wit hin t he Dream. A scourge is also of use should one have such an it em in order t o whip Mephist ophelias bound Seal int o shreds, which is an old t rick ut ilised in Rit ual Magick in order t o build up ones Emot ive Charge t o t hereby f orce t he Spirit t o manif est as ones Slave. One can say such pract ice is quit e Sadomasochist ic, which it is, but such underlying Sexualit y is quaint ly overlooked in Rit ual Magick whose t radit ionally ingrained perspect ive is t hat of conjuring up Male Spirit s. In order t o give one some idea in regards t o a classic Faust ian Rit ual one can check out Jan vankmajer's st ylish and highly imaginat ive f ilm version of Faust , which was made in t he Czech Republic in 1994. Apart f rom t he aut hent ic Rit ual of Conjurat ion in t he f ilm one has a scene where Faust is vigorously scourging t he Seal of Mephist opheles in order t o f orce t he Spirit t o appear. The Sadomasochist ic aspect of scourging becomes f ar more apparent when one is conjuring up a Succubus, which adds t o empowering ones Sexual Emot ive Charge wheref ore t he bound up seal of Mephist ophelia also incorporat es t he Sexual f et ish of Bondage; dont worry, Mephist ophelia very much likes being bound up and whipped f or she is a hot Got h Chick t o make hot t er int o arising amidst ones Yoni Triangle of Art Imaginat ion. The ut ilisat ion of Lat in used wit hin t he Rit ual adds t o t he at mosphere of t he whole operat ion. The (Goet es) Sorcerers of t he middle ages would have most def init ely ut ilised Lat in in t heir inf ernal Goet ia conjurat ions, f or many of t hem were of t en t han not out of pocket poor Theological Scholars and novice Priest s, hence t heir emphasis on t he Male principle f rom whom t hey were seeking t o acquire aid in t heir st udies t o t hereby advance t heir worldly and spirit ual ambit ions. However ones operat ion is t o be orchest rat ed t owards conjuring up a Succubus whereby one is 'Rebelling' against t he t radit ional Pat riarchal f ramework wheref ore one will f ind ones self being f ar more akin of nat ure t o t he Rebel Faust ! The overall Rit ual should be perf ormed akin t o t hat of a "Play" whereby one can ut ilise ones Act ing abilit y t o it s f ullest when t o assume t he guise of Faust , t his is not so dif f erent t o t he classical Rit ual

Magician assuming t he mant le of King Solomon whose t radit ion inf orms t he Rosicrucians, Freemasonry and t hat of t he Illuminat i, which of course is derived f rom Judaism siring bot h Christ ianit y and Islam f rom whence such orders are derived f rom of New-World-Order Cent ralist Trinit y. In ot her words t he emphasis is t hat of Rebelling against t he ent iret y of what has been est ablished of an ingrained paradigm dancing around a Jealous Pat riarchal deit y, which will t hence empower ones Emot ive st at e f urt her. The f orm, which ones Rit ual t o t ake should not be as st rict as a normal rit e; just as one t o f ind in a well rehearsed Play, ones Rit ual should have some pauses bet ween ones Emot ively Charged "Scenes". The Rit ual should not be rushed, but nat ural of St anislavski f low, t o be relaxed, yet t o be carried by ones commanding yet f orcef ul delivery. When one desires t o t ake t ime out bet ween each Scene in order t o relax t hen do so just as one would do if one is in an act ual Play f or one is engaging ones self in sacred Theat re. When conduct ing ones Play of a Rit ual a relaxed and measured pace is best t o pract ice. It is not wise t o wear ones self out at an early junct ure, or t o rush ones lines which is t he mist ake most t o make especially when nearing t he end; one should give ones self t ime t o f low int o ones assumed charact er of Faust . It is very import ant and even crit ical t o allow ones self t o assume t he guise of Faust f or in doing so one will t hereby f ind t hat ones coming Microcosmic Dreams will ref lect back ones assumed charact er t o t hereby generat e Macrocosmic Synchronicit ies t o be observed. One should endeavour t o perf orm a sequence, st ep of f "st age" when t aking a brief breat her in order t o relax as wit h all Plays. At such point s of relaxing one should clear ones Mind so as t o at t ain an inner Silence prior t o t he next scene of ones Rit ual Play. One should also seek t o have no out side int erf erence such as unplugging any phones et c. However, one may just f ind t hat a Sign, Port ent and Omen, which one seeks comes t hrough such out side int erf erence alt hough such int erf erence will invariably disrupt ones Emot ive f ocus of rit ual Play. Marlowes Doct or Faust us was originally a play t o be act ed upon t he English Theat re st ages whereupon one should ut ilise as much f lourish and "personae dramat is" as one can must er even t o t he point of overact ing and over-exaggerat ion of gest ure, which will t hence empower ones Emot ive st at e of Mind t o st ir int o Howling. One can of course "Ham it up" Thespian st yle of Shakespearean emphasis whose t radit ion is quit e appropriat e f or such a Rit ual t o conjure up Mephist ophelia since she likes Shakespeares plays even t hough Marlowe was in compet it ion wit h him. Should one conduct ones Rit ual in such a way one is calling upon t he "Theat rical" spirit , which has inf ormed t he Faust ian myt h since medieval t heat re goers saw it enact ed t o also draw upon t he ancient Greek Theat re whose f ormat inf luenced t he t heat re of medieval t imes. In order t o add f urt her at mosphere t o ones Rit ual t he usage of candle light

would be ent irely appropriat e. As f or t he pact wit h 'Diana-Lucif era' a f ull quart o sheet of Parchment can be used or t hat of a piece of Canvas. Ones int ent ion of t he Rit ual should already be writ t en upon it s surf ace ut ilising a Quill, most especially t hat of a Raven or Crows f eat her, or t hat of a black hair Brush t o Paint of Art ist ry. As f or t he signing of t he Pact such can be signed in ones ejaculat ion mixed wit h an appropriat ely coloured ink or paint , usually t hat of red during t he rit ual proper; if one is unable t o obt ain a f ull sheet of Parchment or a piece of Canvas, t ry t o acquire heavy Paper, which has t he f eel of parchment . For t hose who are morally horrif ied at t he t hought of signing a Pact in t heir own ejaculat ion, which t hey t o f ind even more dist ast ef ul t han signing in t heir own blood t his is where t here is a divergence in t wo syst ems of f ocus. The all Male f ocus of t he Right -Hand-Pat h Pat riarchal requires a Blood pact while t he Lef t -Hand-Pat h of t he Feminine desires ones Seed. One can of course f ollow t he middle pat h t o mix t he t wo t oget her of pref erence t o t hereby achieve t he 'Tudor Rose!' Blood symbolises Lif e while ones Seed is t he power t o Creat e Lif e. The requirement of t he Right Hand-Pat h is t hat of giving ones Lif e over t o it of service while t he Lef t -Hand-Pat h seeks out ones Seed in order t o creat e Lif e. The signing of t he pact in Blood or Semen is not neccessarily lit eral, it is symbolic, wheref ore one pract ices ones Art of Sorcery in service t o great er goals being t hat of t he Right -Hand-Pat h t o t hereby live ones lif e t o aid ot hers t o awaken t o t heir own inner pot ent ial while t he Lef t -Hand-Pat h is t hat of creat ing works of Art , t o engender new perspect ives in order t o expand Consciousness wit hin ones self and ot hers. Should one endeavour t o do bot h t hen one f inds t he middle pat h bet ween t he t wo wheref ore one is t hen of f ering up ones Blood and Seed of Words of Service writ t en of Int ent on Parchment t o be backed up by Creat ive Act ion t o paint . Should one use a f ull quart o sheet of Parchment or t hat of a piece of Canvas f or ones Paint ing of Pact one might not desire t o burn it at t he f inalit y of ones Rit ual, which will represent ones oat h t o st ick t o, but inst ead t o st ore it wit hin an already pre-prepared alt ar box or elsewhere of hidden abode. One can also ut ilise medieval music, which should be inst rument al only in order t o set t he t one of at mosphere t o t hence emphasize wit h incenses such as Frankincense and Myrrh. The music can be keyed up t o play bet ween t he sect ions of ones Rit ual Play in order t o provide a line of demarcat ion bet ween each Rit ual sequence. One can also perf orm t he Rit ual in a Tant ric manner of Sex Magick if one desires whereupon one would assume t he guise of Faust making t he Pact , while ones Part ner plays t he part of Mephist ophelia whose naked skin of Canvas one t o paint wit h Runes. Faust would no doubt purchase a st ar born haloed Whore f or such a service t o pose bef ore his Easel bound t o as his Canvas of Alt ar. However, t he Faust ian rit ual is primarily engaged in by a solit ary pract it ioner f or it is orchest rat ed t owards conjuring up a Succubus rat her t han t hat of having such an ent it y possessing ones Mediumist ic part ner, which is not advisable, unless one has a very st rong relat ionship t oget her.

The set t ing of t he Rit ual Play can be imagined being conduct ed in Faust 's rat her messy medieval st yle Art St udio f or t he mixing of paint s was t hat of Alchemy whose Eart hly Minerals and Planet ary Met als had Opt ical 'Virt ues' wherein t o t hen win t he Philosophers St one of Prism Third Eye amidst ones Cryst alline Skull t o Seer t hrough t he Seven Rainbow Chakra Veils of Salome. Af t er t he Rit ual in order t o ground ones self one can have a small medieval-st yle f east t o t hence copiously drink st rong Wine, English Ale and Mead. It is import ant t hat one grounds ones self af t er t he Rit ual t o t hence let go of ones Focus t o t hereby allow it t o nat urally ent er int o ones Subconscious Mind of Emot ional release.


PRELUDE OF RITUAL PLAY INFERNALIn nomine Magni Dei Nost ri Sat anus int roibo ad alt are Domini Inf eri. (Ones Brass Bell is to be rung Nine times as Pollutionary.) (One utilises a Musical introduction and brief interlude to thereby focus ones intent to gather before one continues to strut upon ones stage.) INVOCATIO INFERNAM In nomine Sat anae, Terrae Principis, Mundi Regis, vires Tenebrarum iubeo suam Inf ernam pot est at em mihi conf erre! Pat ef acit e prot as Inf erni et procedit e ex abysso ut me salut et is f rat rem et amcum vest rum! Concedit e mihi indulgent ias de quibus loquor! Nomen vest rum suscepi ut pars mei sit ! Vivo sicut best iae agri, vit a carnali gaudens! Iust is f aveo et put ridos exsecror. Per onmes Deos Abyssi, impero ut haec de quibus loquor f iant ! Procedit e et respondet e nominiibus dum mea vot a declaret is!

THE INFERNAL BENEDICTION Gloria Deo Domino Inf eri, et in t erra vit a hominibus f ort ibus. Laudamus Te, benedicimus Te, adoramus Te, glorif icamus Te, grat ias agimus t ibi propt er magnam pot ent iam Tuam: Domine Sat anus, Rex Inf erus, Imperat or omnipot ens. Ego vos benedico in Nomine Magni Dei Nost ri Sat anus. (One then presents to drain ones Chalice of Ecstacy to each of the powers residing in the four directions as well as above and below to thence refill after each direction to acknowledge around ones circle. One can utilise an ornate Chalice if one desires it so, but remember Faust is a rough and ready uncouth fellow, hence one can use an appropriate cup to do likewise such as a wine glass for example or a jug etc! One drinks roughly to spill also of offering to chuck the Chalice aside after all the directions are covered wiping ones mouth with ones sleeve uncaring! In other words, be flambouyant.) A BRIEF MUSING OF FAUST"St ipendium peccat i, mors est ." Ha! "St ipendium? " The reward of Sin is Deat h? That 's hard; born t hrough Sin, t o Sin creat ing Lif e. Si peccasse, negamus, f allimur, et nulla est in nobis verit as. If we say t hat we have no Sin, we would not be here saying such We deceive ourselves by t his inane belief , and t here is never no t rut h in us. Why t hen must we live of birt hed Sin resent ing birt hing int o Lif e, And so consequent ly Die. Ay, we must Die, an everlast ing Deat h say you. What doct rine call you t his ut t er Madness? What will be, shall be? Divinit y, Adieu. These Met aphysics of Magicians, And Necromant ic books are heavenly; Lines, Circles, Let t ers, Charact ers. Ay, t hese are t hose t hat I most desire. O what a world of prof it and delight , Of power, of honour, and Omnipot ence, Is promised t o t he st udious Art isan? All t hings t hat move bet ween t he quiet poles Shall be at my command. Emperors and Kings,

Are but obeyed in t heir several provinces, But his dominion t hat exceeds in t his, St ret chet h as f ar as dot h t he mind of Humanit y: A sound Magician is a Demi-God. Here, t ire my brains t o get a Deit y. Go f orward, t hou in t hat f amous Art Wherein all nat ure's t reasure is cont ained. Be t hou on Eart h as Jove is in t he sky, Lord and Commander of t he Element s t o wear of guise. How am I glut t ed wit h conceit of t his! Shall I make Succubae f et ch me what I please, Resolve me of all ambiguit ies, Perf orm what desperat e ent erprise I will? I'll have t hem f ly t o India f or gold, Ransack t he o'cean f or orient pearl, And search all corners of t he new-f ound world For pleasant f ruit s, and princely delicat es. I'll have t hem read me st range Philosophy, And t ell t he secret s of all f oreign Principalit ies. I'll have t hem wall all Brit ainia wit h brass, And make swif t t he Thames, circle f aire Londinium. I'll have t hem f ill t he Comprehensive schools wit h silk, Wherewit h t he st udent s shall be bravely clad. I'll levy soldiers wit h t he coin t hey bring, And chase t he Pat riarchs of t he New-World-Order Cent ralist Deit y f rom our land, And reign sole King of all t he provinces. Yea, st ranger engines f or t he brunt of Rebllious war, Than was t he f iery keel at London bridge, I'll make my servile Succubae t o invent . These books, my wit , and experience, Shall make all nat ions t o canonize me, As Planet s orbit ing do obey t heir St ar. So shall t he Succubae of every element ,

Be always serviceable t o me. Like Lionesses shall t hey guard me when I please, Like Almaine rut t ers wit h t heir horsewomen's st aves, Or Lapland giant esses t rot t ing by my sides. Somet imes like f eline women or unwedded young maids, Shadowing more beaut y in t heir airy brows, Than has t he whit e pert breast s of t he Queen of Love. From Venice shall t hey drag huge argosies, And f rom America t he f leeced golden f leece, That once yearly st uf f ed t he Vat ican's t reasury t o Buccaneer Pirat e, If t hee will be resolut e. Now t hat t he gloomy shadow of t he night , Longing t o view Orion's drizzling look over Pyramids t hree, Leaps f rom t h'Ant arct ic world unt o t he Hyperborean Nort hern sky, And dims t he welkin, wit h her pit chy breat he, Begin t hine Necronomicon incant at ions, And t ry if Night -Gaunt Succubae will obey t hy hest , Seeing t hou shalt present ly pray and sacrif ice t hy seed t o t hem. (The above is said of great flourish in order to aid in the assumption of the Guise of Faust by generating the neccessary Emotive Charge within ones self by Acting out his Rebel role!) CASTING OF THE SATANIC CIRCLE OF SATANAWit hin t his Circle is Diana-Lucif era's name, Forward, and backward, anagrammat ised: Th' abbreviat ed names of t he 72 Succubae and t heir pot ent at es of Hell's Womb, Figures of every adjunct t o t he Inf ernal Regions, And Charact ers of Signs, under t heir evening St ars, By which t he Succubae are enf orced t o rise. Then f ear not , and be resolut e. And t ry t he ut most Magick can perf orm. (While one draws ones circle upon the ground in chalk one says the lines above. The Circle can also be pre-made of design upon a piece of cloth to jump amidst of or that of two cords to ring around ones self. The Circle is usually about Nine feet in diameter, approximately six inches inside ones Circle one draws another Circle between whose space one places the Holy names of ones choice as mentioned

above. The Circle is thence divided into its respective quarters of four directions pointing towards the compass points where one can place Candles.) CALLING FORTH THE SUCCUBAE ElEMENTALS From t he Sout h, SATANA, Whoring Fiery Adversary, f orever Accuser of t he New-World-Order Pat riarchy and Pat ron of t he Lef t -Hand-Pat h, Come f ort h and wit ness t his rit e in t he honour of Darkness f rom t he Vaginal Gat es of Hell which open in t he vessel of choice shall t he Coiling Dragon of Lif e arise in t hem. Hear me SATANA! (Light the appropriate quarter of ones Circle Candle if using) From t he East , DIANA-LUCIFERA, my Angelic Essence, Samaela, Do Come f ort h and wit ness t his rit e in t he honour of Light , t hat f rom t he Vaginal Gat es of Hell arises Darkness yet when we shall awaken wit hinn t he Dream it shall be in Light . I summon DIANA-LUCIFERA! Take t his f lesh t hrough t hy Black Flame wit hin! (Light the appropriate quarter of ones Circle Candle if using) From t he Nort h, BELIALA, Mist ress of t he Eart h's Throne and t he Inf ernal Pat h, I do summon t hee f rom t hy place in Hades Womb, arise f rom t he underworld as my shadowed essence t o couple wit h, let t he Dragon come f ort hBELIALA, Mist ress of t he St ar born Wolf Bit ch Succubae and of all Planet ary Serpent Cunt s, illuminat e t his rit e in Un-Deat h Immort al Essence as t he Bit ch of t he Eart h whom be my Succubus Throne of St ar Chariot Vimana! (Light the appropriate quarter of ones Circle Candle if using) From t he West , LEVIATHANI, Crooked Ouroboros Serpent of t he Oceans of Immort al Exist ence ever recurring of Et ernal Recurrence, I call t hee f ort h t o wit ness t his rit e. Open t hy sopping wet Cunt eye t o me and arise f rom t he menst rual blood ocean dept hs! I walk t he pat h of t he Daemon f ollowing t he Eart h's Leys in search of remembered wisdom, of memories regained; in t he Spirit I walk t he Ghost roads t o become as your ever erect prick pricking your moist wet Cunt I summon LEVIATHANI! (Light the appropriate quarter of ones Circle Candle if using) Illuminat e me, O DEVILINA, by t hy Deva name Devi, and judge me by my st rengt h. Hear me SATANA and give heed, give f lesh t o t he words of my mout h. In t he name of t he Inf ernal Dragon whose skin I wear. Dominus Sat anas, Deus Pot ent iae, Veni Sat anas Rex Inf ernus.

Open wide t he Vaginal Gat es of Hell's Womb! ZAZAS, ZAZAS, NASATANADA ZAZAS! (Here, an offering of flash powder and incense of Menstrual Blood red Mars is made) Hail SATANA! Open wide t he Vaginal gat es and come f ort h by t hese names! Adremalecha Ast arot a Molocha Euronomousi Lilit h Nant ala Asmodaya Belphegora Beelzebubba Devilina Mephist ophelia Shait ani Baphomet I am, Horned as Lucif uge Rof ocale amidst t hese Whores of mine ringed around me Twelve of Wit ch Nun Apost le Succubae t o ent er t heir Cunt s f orever rejoicing in t he Fucking bet wixt my Leonard Horns SUMMONING OF MEPHISTOPHELIA May t he deit ies of Acheron be propit ious t o me. Away wit h t he t hree-f old Cent ralist Godhead of Jehovah, God and Allah. Welcome, Spirit s of Fire, Air, Wat er, and Eart h. We ask your f avour, O Princess of t he East , Belzebubba, Great Monarch of burning menst rual Hell, and Serpent hair Harlot Demogorgon , t hat Mephist ophelia may appear and rise. What dost t hou delay? By Diana-Lucif era, who loves not t he Gehenna of t he Sheep whom slaught er t heir own Lambs, and t he Luna wat er of t he Womb which I now sprinkle, t hey t o poison; and t he most ancient sign of my Horns, which I now make, t hey t o f ear great ly, and by our vows; may Mephist ophelia herself now rise, commanded by us. "Theref ore t he short est cut f or conjuring - Is st out ly t o abjure all Pat riarchal Godliness

And pray devout ly t o t he salacious Succubus Princess of Hela's womb." (The Summoning of Mephistophelia is to be done amidst a Triangle Of Art, which is drawn about two feet outside of ones Circle. Each side of the Triangle should measure about Three feet. The base of the Triangle should face towards ones Circle. Upon each side of the Trangle place the Holy names of ones choice. Due to the medieval orientation of this ritual one can perhaps utilise the following: ANAPHAXETON to the left, PRIMEUMATON to the right and TETRAGRAMMATON at the base of the Triangle for example. However, Faust is a Rebel, whereby he will probably utilise the names of SATANA, BEEZLEBUBBA and DIANA-LUCIFERA, or LILLITH, LILIN and LILLITU. Mephistophelia will thence appear amidst ones Triangle of Art should ones Ritual be successful.) THE BLACK PACT OF MEPHISTOPHELIALearn t hou of my st out f ort it ude and pride, Go bear t hese t idings t o Great Diana-Lucif era, Seeing t hat I hat h incurred t he wrat h of t hose, by desperat e t hought s against t heir Cent ralist Deit y. Say he surrenders up t o her his seed, So she will spare him f rom t he washing of t he brain by t hose who seek t o ensnare sheepish Souls t o f leece, Let t ing him live in all volupt uousness, Having t hee ever t o at t end on me, To give me what soever I shall ask, To t ell me what soever I demand, To slay mine enemies, and t o aid my f riends, And always be obedient t o my will. Go, and ret urn t o might y Diana-Lucif era, And meet me, at Midnight , And t hen resolve me of t hy Mast er's Mind. Despair t hee in t he New-World-Order Three f aced Deit y of Religion's Triad of Trinit y, and t rust in Beelzebubba Rebellious, Now go not backward, be resolut e. Turn not t o t heir Jealous God whom hat es all spirit ual and cult ural diversit y raping t he Eart h. Why he loves t hee not f or being a Rebel. The Pat riarchal God t hou serv'st is t hine owne appet it e, not mine, f or he hat es Sex and more so Woman Wherein is f ixed t he love of Beelzebubba Go f orward, in t hat f amous Art .

Cont rit ion, Prayer, Repent ance? What of t hese? Rat her, illusions, f ruit s of lunacy, That make t hem f oolish t hat do use t hem most Blind hypocrit ical. No, t hink of Honour and of Wealt h t o share. Cast no more doubt s; Come Mephist ophelia, And bring glad t idings f rom Great Diana-Lucif era Is't not Midnight ? Come, Mephist ophelia! Veni veni Mephist ophelia! Hail and welcome Mephist ophelia! THE PACT OF CANVAS- TO BE SEALED OF PAINTED ARTISTRY AT THE STROKE OF MIDNIGHT THIRTEENTH HOUR EJACULATION: Then suck at my cock courageously Succubus, And bind t hy service unt o me, t hat at some cert ain day Great Diana-Lucif era may again be remembered, And t hen be t hou as Great as Dian-Lucif era known Lo Mephist ophelia: f or love of t hee I am erect of Dragon's prowess, And wit h his proper Seed assures his creat ive Art t o be in Great Diana-Lucif era's service Chief Mist ress and Regent of perpet ual Dreaming Night . View here t his Seed t hat spurt s f ort h f rom my prick int o t hy mout h t o f east upon And let it be propit ious f or my wish. I give it in manner of a deed of gif t . Then hear me read it , Mephist ophelia, On t hese condit ions f ollowing. First , t hat (Full Name) may she be a Succubus in delight f ul f orm and most joyous subst ance. Secondly, t hat Mephist ophelia shall be his Servant , and be by him commanded as his Slave. Thirdly, t hat Mephist ophelia shall do f or him, and bring him what soever.

Fourt hly, t hat she shall be in his chamber or house invisible t o manif est when he desires it so at his bidding. Last ly, t hat she shall appear t o t he said (Name), at all t imes, in what shape and f orm soever he desires. I, (Full Name) , by t hese present s, do give bot h Service and Creat ivit y t o Diana-Lucif era, Princess of t he East , and her minist er Mephist ophelia, and f urt hermore grant unt o t hem t hat (name) being expired of mort al coil, and t hese art icles writ t en being inviolat e, f ull power t o f et ch or carry t he said (full name) body and soul, f lesh, blood, int o t heir habit at ion of blissf ul Harem paradise wheresoever, or t o become immort al of f lesh, or t o mat erialise anot her body, or be reborn at his t ime of choosing t hrough t he Vaginal Hell gat e of t he Mot her remembering all if he so desires as an Avat ar; f or he belongs not wit h t he Brainwashed f locks of Sheep all Blind of t he servile. By me X___________ (signed in Seed) . Then, Mephist ophelia, receive t his scroll, A deed of gif t , of bodily Service and of Creat ive Soul. But yet condit ionally, t hat t hou perf orm All covenant s, and art icles, bet ween us bot h. Swear by Hells Womb and Diana-Lucif era To ef f ect all promises bet ween us bot h. I do deliver t his as my deed. Take it , and Devilina give t hee good of it . Consummat um est : t his bill is ended, And I hat h bequeat hed my Service and Creat ivit y unt o Diana-Lucif era. (Consign the Infernal Bill of a Painting to the Black Flame. Drink deeply of the Chalice of Ecstasy. The Black Flame being that of a pre-prepared receptacle into which one places ones Pact of a Painting to burn by a sanctified flame, which often involves the utilisation of an appropriate incense.) THE EIGHTEENTH ENOCHIAN KEY ADAPTEDO t hou might y light and burning f lame of comf ort !, t hat unveilest t he glory of Sat ana t o t he cent re of t he Eart h, in whom t he great secret s have t heir abiding, t hat is called in t hy kingdom: "st rengt h t hrough joy, " and is not t o be measured. Be t hou a Vaginal window of comf ort unt o me. Move t heref ore and appear! Open up t he myst eries of your Vaginal creat ion! Be f riendly unt o me, f or I am

t he same!, t he t rue Seed of worshipper ent ering unt o t he highest and inef f able Queen of Hell's Womb t o f ert ilise as t hy Erect Dragon; t hine radiance t o ride bet wixt my Horns! THE CLOSING OF CIRCLED OUROBOROS INTENT (Now release the Elemental Succubae if you summoned them. Hold forth your Dagger or Sword or that of a Palette Knife if one be an Artist! ) Turn to the North. Say: BELIALA, I now release you wit h Eart h t hat be my Body aroused. I now lay down my Shield of Pallet e! Extinguish Candle if used. Turn to the West. Say: LEVIATHANI, I now release you wit h Wat er t hat be my Emot ions excit ed. I now lay down my Cup of Paint ! Extinguish Candle if used. Turn to the South. Say: SATANA, I now release you wit h Air t hat be my Mind f ocussing. I now lay down my Pallet e Knif e! Extinguish Candle if used. Turn to the East. Say: DIANA-LUCIFERA. I now release you wit h Fire t hat be my Spirit ecst at ic. I now lay down my Wand of Brush! Extinguish Candle if used. (Say of Finale) Ave Sat ana! Ave Diana-Lucif era! Hail Beelzebubba!


SAITH MEPHISTOPHELIA: This Hellish Grand-Duchess of a Girl Mephist ophelia. appeared t o me, (Faust ), f irst at a cross-road, and in a very cruel guise, like a raging she Bear, t hen womanly like a predat ory Lioness; but t hrough much persist ence in my conjurat ions I managed t o get her t o salaciously promise t o come t o my st udy, and she came in t he f orm of a seduct ive young Nun. This Spirit immediat ely made a pact wit h me, and promised t o bring me quick as t hought t o any place. Also I was t o learn f rom her all t he secret Art s of Nigromancy, and she promised t o t each me Magick properly. She also said: "All secret Arts of nature lie hidden in me. I govern in the hour of 'Jupiter;' therefore I am very much attached to Man, and warn him against what is enduring in his world making all as Blind Sheep. But if he will not heed my warning, then he will find no mercy from me when the hour strikes for the World to be owned by a few enslaving all. Nor would the Star of Diana-Lucifera my Principal, which is called Cerumepihiton, whom observes the hardening heart of New-World-Order Patriarchs, allow for their course to endure forever; she will still their path of skulls wrought by Three Books, whose goal is that of having total dominion over the Earth ruled over by a Jealous God. I am most friendly when I appear as a Gothic hewn Convent Schoolgirl or as a Nun to be." FAUST EVOKES MEPHISTOPHELIA WITHIN THE SHADOWY DEPTHS OF A FOREST: A great wind arose, which pressed t he t rees almost f lat t o t he ground roaring around t he out er edge of my Magick circle prot ect ing me f rom t he f urious sound of a t housand roaring lions or likened of sound t o t hat of a t housand wagons running t oget her over paving st ones. Thunder and light ning crashed around f rom t he f our corners of t he world. Suddenly above my head a great f lying Dragon mat erialized. The Dragon was quickly replaced by a spinning disk of f lame, which f ell like a light ning bolt . This spun disk of f lame changed int o a humming globe sounding like a Queen Bee, out of which came a burning humanoid f igure running swif t ly around t he out er edge of t he circle whom rapidly shif t ed it s shape int o t he pet it e f orm of a Schoolgirl whom t hen asked me what I desired of her. FAUST AND THE BLACK BITCH OF A POODLE While out walking I was f ollowed by a black bit ch of a poodle, which f awned upon me crawling upon it s belly seeking f avours. I decided t o t ake t his st range Dog home, where it t ransf ormed it self f irst int o a

f earsome beast likened t o some black Pant her, whereupon I believed I was surely hallucinat ing t o be assailed by a sickness; t hen, when I at t empt ed t o bind it wit h a spell, t his creat ure t ook on a f orm, which resembled a Raven blurring my very vision by it s wild f light , and f inally t o appear as a most ravishingly beaut if ul young woman wearing next t o not hing apart f rom a f ew pieces of armour belonging t o a Knight whom I knew t hen t o be Mephist ophelia who winsomely smiled at me. On anot her occasion Mephist ophelia appeared t o me dressed as a young arist ocrat ic woman wearing a black doublet t rimmed wit h silver whose t ight leggings showed of f her most comely f orm t o nigh camel-t oe, over her shoulder was a st if f silk cloak wit h a Raven's f eat her in her hat , wearing at her lit he side a long and deadly sharp sword. ALTERNATIVE GRIMOIRES OF ALTERNATIVE WORLDS NEXT DOOR OF DARK EROTIC FANTASY There is an older and darker version of Mephist ophelia whom makes her Succubus appearence wit hin t he gnarled pages of nigh f orgot t en German Grimoires. In a t ract of a very rare version of t he 'Doct oris Iohannis Faust i magiae nat uralis et innat ural' she is present ed as one of t he Seven Planet ary Elect ors, t he Elect or of Mercury. In anot her closely relat ed t ract 'Dr. Iohannis Faust i cabalae nigrae, magiae nat uralis et innat uralis' t his Succubus is depict ed as t he Elect or of Jupit er. The Elect ors are perceived t o be of t he highest order of t he Planet ary Spirit s belonging t o t he Spirit hierarchy wit hin t hese dust y Necronomicon t omes. The second t reat ise is communicat ed by But ler t o be an expanded version of t he f irst whose dat e is dat ed t o t he year 1505. However, This dat e is very likely f alse, somet hing, which can be said about t he dat es concerning t he composit ion f or many of t hese Grimoires. The aut hor of t he second t reat ise of Faust ian Magick had execut ed Fort y-Two pornographic port rait s of t he Succubae, which it describes, among t hem one has t he image of Mephist ophelia. This part icular version was copied out of t he original manuscript by t he renowned Belgian Art ist named Flicine Rops (1833-1898) f or t he St ut t gart edit ion of J. Scheible, which was published in 1865. The image depict s Mephist ophina as she is described wt hin t he manuscript , as a f allen Nun " t hat is, as a young seduct ive woman. In t he port rait t he Succubus has a very sexual aspect , somewhat explicit , but t he Art ist has preserved her dark Got hic looks inspired by Absint he. THE POWER OF THE IMAGINATION UNLIMITED OF THE UNBOUND PROMETHEAN There is a very t hin line bet ween t he Grimoires and ones Imaginat ion; but t hen it is t he power of ones Imaginat ion, which t he Grimoires are designed t o excit e by making out t hat t hey are part of some grandiose ancient t radit ion. It is point less t o det ermine, which Grimoires are real or f alse such as H.P Lovecraf t 's lit erary creat ion of t he Necronomicon f or example, whose imaginary t ome has become very much part of Occult pract ice where t he pract it ioner assumes t he Faust ian guise of Abdul Alhazared in order t o Conjure up t he Great -Old-Ones of Archet ype, which are none t oo dif f erent t o

t he ancient Greek Tit ans or Hindu Asuras whereby one also has t he t radit ion of Faust . What is import ant is t he 'Techniques' being ut ilised in regards t o t hose Archet ypes one seeks t o Conjure. One t o f ind t hat t hese ancient Shamanist ic Techniques, which aid in alt ered st at es of percept ion do not change f rom one Grimoire t o anot her whose ut ilisat ion of t en involves Medit at ion and Visualisat ion t echniques as well as how one should conduct oneself when employing t he Rit uals being ut ilised et c; however, t he f orms of t he Archet ypes and Symbolism being employed are of t en t han not quit e dif f erent , which can eit her be considered t o be of a base Emot ive indulgence or of a high qualit y Int ellect ual explorat ion depending upon ones own subject ive personal orient at ion. It is ones Int ent and power of direct ed Imaginat ion, which det ermines if a Rit ual is successf ul or not , whereupon one creat es as an Art ist ones own Sorcerer's Grimoire t o add t o Devilina's Bookshelf .

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