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&<3;<A !+ B)C4<@ DE16A DFGEH: C&M SofLware, LLC, a cloud based credlL & rlsk analysls soluLlon flrm,
announced lLs launch of Lhe CredlL/uebL orLablllLy laLform orL akl" lasL Monday ln Lhe 8razlllan

8ecenLly launched by C&M SofLware, orL akl" ls a new concepL of a credlL and debL porLablllLy plaLform
now avallable ln 8razll. WhaL Lhls porLal does ls provlde an open markeL place for consumers Lo explore
more affordable new loans, or consolldaLe Lhelr exlsLlng loan lnLo new several bank opLlons avallable LhaL
Lhey may have prevlously unaware of. Seamlessly, Lhe cusLomer can log onLo Lhe porLal and Lhelr
lnformaLlon wlll be uploaded Lo Lhe sysLem already, slnce Lhe ma[or banks have parLnered dlrecLly wlLh
orL akl" Lo ensure cusLomer convenlence and sLreamllne Lhe process. uependenL on Lhe cusLomers
lncome base and analysls performed on new credlL lssuance, Lhe porLal recommends several banks wlLh
opLlons llsLed ln order for Lhe cusLomer Lo choose Lhe rlghL plan, Lhe rlghL lengLh of Llme, Lhe besL
lnLeresL raLe, and Lhe lowesL paymenL opLlon for Lhem. orL akl" auLomaLes Lhe process afLer Lhe
cusLomer makes a declslon. 1he credlL/debL ls Lhen Lransferred Lo Lhe new bank and cusLomer does
noLhlng buL experlences all Lhe beneflL.

C&M SofLware uSA CLC !ames LargoLLa welghs ln on Lhe dlscusslon of Lhe new producL: 1he
lnLroducLlon of C&M SofLware's orL Akl" ln 8razll ls yeL anoLher example of how lnnovaLlve C&M has
been ln offerlng Lhe laLesL and mosL advanced soluLlons Lo Lhe markeL place." 8y uLlllzlng our exLenslve
knowledge ln Lechnology and palrlng LhaL wlLh our deep domaln experLlse ln flnanclal markeLs, C&M ls
able Lo creaLe soluLlons LhaL deflne change. And whlle credlL porLablllLy ls noL new Lo Lhe uS consumer
markeL, C&M SofLware uSA lnLends Lo lnLroduce Lhls soluLlon Lo Lhe uS markeL, allowlng consumers Lo
Lake more conLrol over Lhelr flnances and Lake advanLage of compeLlLlve credlLor raLes offered Lhrough
Lhe slLe." C&M SofLware uSA plans Lo lncorporaLe Lhls model wlLhln Lhe upcomlng monLhs Lo launch a
slmllar producL.

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A cloud based credlL & rlsk analysls soluLlon flrm launched here ln Lhe u.S. ln early 2014. C&M SofLware,
LLC offers Lhe only compleLe credlL & rlsk analysls plaLform LhaL provldes organlzaLlons wlLh accuraLe
lnformaLlon Lo effecLlvely and efflclenLly make credlL and rlsk based declslons qulcker and easler Lhan
producLs currenLly avallable Loday. 8y uLlllzlng Lhls plaLform, caLered speclally Lo Lhelr needs and Lhe
needs of Lhelr cusLomer segmenL ln real-Llme, organlzaLlons can reallze slgnlflcanL galns ln producLlvlLy,
Lransparency, and whlle mlLlgaLlng rlsk. C&M SofLware, LLC ls a prlvaLely held company based ln
AvenLura, llorlda.

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Sales: sales[
ress ConLacL: kaLherlne.moreno[
Company WebslLe:
1wlLLer: hLLps://

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