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Personal Statement of Mission Jessica Fincham CSP 6050: Capstone February 19, 2014

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER Goals and Objectives

About a month into my undergraduate experience at the University of Toledo, I was enticed by the opportunity to study abroad for a full year in London during my second year of university. This opportunity led to an undergraduate experience full of study abroad, service learning, and working with international students. From my undergraduate experience and with the suggestion of College Student Personnel as a major by a past supervisor, I applied to the Bowling Green State Universitys Masters Program in College Student Personnel. I didnt realize having a career in higher education was a possibility, but I quickly embraced my opportunity and the ability to work in the field that I was passionate about. After being accepted into the BGSU CSP Program, I started taking classes over the summer and preparing for my dual roles at Heidelberg University. I was pleased to find myself as a Residence Coordinator and the Civic Engagement Graduate Intern. I did not plan to attend graduate school until about six months before I graduated, so I was working through my emotions of being thoroughly excited and somewhat mentally unprepared, especially due to such a quick decision. Now that I have almost completed a two-year masters program, I realize how important and impactful this whole experience has been for my understanding of what it means to be a student affairs practitioner. During my program, I was able to switch to the International Programs Graduate Intern position. This was the position that I had originally desired, as I had an ongoing passion for study abroad and international student services since the beginning of my undergraduate years. With this internship, I have been able to gain knowledge and build my skills in this particular functional area that will be beneficial in my current job search

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER and placement. I know that the preparation I have received from putting theory into practice with this masters program has enabled me to become more knowledgeable about how I want to impact and assist others in the future. In the future, I hope to work as a Director of International Student and Scholar Services or as an Immigration Services Officer with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. I have been interested in immigration for the past four years, so I

hope to continue this interest in my future career. In addition, I have recently become more aware of the benefit of international programming. In my current position, I have become responsible for most of the international programs that take place on campus and I have come to realize the overwhelming importance of connecting the international and domestic students on campus. By creating opportunities for our students to learn from one another, we as student affairs professionals can aim to develop culturally competent individuals. There are many ways in which we can internationalize our campuses, which is one of my main goals now and in the future.

Personal Values These past two years have helped me reflect on my experiences and learn about my personal values. I have noticed that my five values of optimism, friendliness, happiness, altruism, and adventure have remained constant for a majority of my life, but not until recently have I been asked to consider and discuss why these five values have come to make me unique as an individual. I believe that it is essential that each individual understand their values and how they strengthen you as an individual. By being aware of my individual values and traits, it has helped me gain more pride and confidence in myself.


When reflecting on my value of optimism, I have come to appreciate how I regularly encourage myself that there is a positive side to everything. I believe that everything happens for a reason and each opportunity we have does come with many benefits. One of my largest feats has been being optimistic about a life changing decision that I undertook about four years ago. Due to my optimistic nature, I was able to pull through an almost three year long distance relationship. I was unsure of whether my partner would receive his visa or whether the relationship was strong enough to endure. I remained hopeful that we would succeed and flourish together. It is through my optimism that I take chances. I hope to pass this expectation to my students that it is okay to try and fail, as long as you have tried! On the other hand, I do find that my need for optimism often leads others to believe I am unusually gullible. For example, when have a student conduct meeting I find it challenging to not trust and believe what the student is telling me. I like to expect the good in everyone, but I know that while this must be true to some extent, some students do make questionable decisions at certain points in their lives. These experiences lead me to teaching points with the students, in which I have regularly superseded my value of optimism for truth. While this seems like a weakness at some points, I have come to realize how refreshing it is to have an optimistic perspective. This value allows me to live life in happiness, knowing that there will always be positivity in the world. Optimism has led me to my next value of happiness. In order to achieve personal happiness, it is important for me to be hopeful and appreciative of the little things in this world. Happiness to me means that you are aware of relationships, activities, or things that make you happy and that you are able to revel in these preferences that ultimately makes


you satisfied with life. In order to assure that I receive my daily dose of happiness, I reserve at least an hour each evening in which I pursue an activity, which I know makes me happy. Usually I like to partake in reading, listening to music, or watching a movie. This value of happiness is crucial to be aware of, as it is a determining factor in my work-life harmony. On a larger scale, I value my ability to make others happy through actions, words, gestures, etc. I remain true to myself by ensuring that my behavior enforces my value of happiness, to others and myself. I do this mostly through small gestures, which I believe to be impacting others on a small scale. Even a simple gesture such as paying for someones meal or offering advice can make a world of difference to an individual. On many occasions, I do like to put other before myself. I often find myself going out of my way to assure that others are content. While some might see this as a disadvantage, I see this everlasting strive for others happiness as a way to achieve my own happiness and satisfaction. In conjunction with my value of happiness, I see friendliness as a stepping-stone. I find that my friendly gestures and words of support enhance my relationships with others. My students, family, coworkers, and friends know that I will go out of my way to be friendly. Sometimes this can be as simple as opening a door or offering a smile, but I believe these behaviors show others that they can speak to me and know that I will always be kind. My ability to be friendly has helped me in this profession, as I am often told that I am very approachable at Heidelberg University because I always have a smile on my face and positive, uplifting things to say. A consequence of this value often comes about when I am seen as easy going with all situations. I understand my role as a student affairs practitioner to be supportive, but then there must always be a certain level of challenge to ones practice.


Another dominant value in my life is my commitment to altruism. I always aim to be selfless and give to others. I have spent hundreds of hours volunteering in the community and various amounts of money to various individuals and non-profit agencies. I believe it is my duty to give time and financial resources to others who are in need, when I able. I spent my honeymoon at a center for individuals for developmental disabilities, instead of going on vacation. I knew that my time and money would be better spent with individuals who enjoy our company and who we could assist. In less than three weeks, my partner and I will be traveling to Peru to visit a shantytown in Lima and Amantani Island. At both of these destinations, we will be donating money and school supplies to the local families. I do not expect anything in return, but hope that I can help make at least one family happy with our donation. Due to the circumstances that I have witnessed and experienced, I have come to understand what life is like when there is a lack of financial and emotional support. I regularly give to others and expect nothing in return, as I value my ability to support and make others happy. Finally, I value adventure and all the benefits that come with it! I like to take explore new experiences and opportunities, where I know that I will gain some new insight. I enjoy going on adventures in order to learn and experience new things that will assist me in the future. I do love to travel and know that my experiences in 22 countries have given me valuable knowledge that I value on a daily basis. I look forward to not knowing where the road might lead me, as you can see from my enrollment in this masters program. While I see the value in an adventure, I know that one must appreciate the norm and be able to appreciate tradition and certainty.

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER In all, I find that my personal values of optimism, friendliness, happiness, altruism, and adventure meld into my approach and philosophy to life. By being optimistic, friendly, altruistic, and adventurous, I am more than likely to be happy with my surroundings and where I am at in life. Of course, I do not only concern myself with my happiness, but with the happiness of those around me. Due to my personal values, I feel that my optimistic, friendly, happy, giving, and adventurous nature brighten others days, which is one of my personal goals!

Professional Values As a cohort member of the College Student Personnel program, I do have a passion for Student Affairs and education, in general. I believe that there are many outcomes to a college education, which includes the development of the whole student. It has been my intention to be there to support and challenge my students to help them develop over the course of their program and after graduation. I believe that it is my responsibility as a professional to value knowledge, care, teamwork, making a difference, and being understanding. Not only are these values a responsibility, but it my preferential professional values that guide my practice and performance. Caring about our students is one of my important professional values, as this value often leads my practice. I serve my students due to my constant need to care for them. On a daily basis, I communicate with my students asking them about their day or if they need my help. I like to be available for them and for them to know that I am there to help them with anything. I know that I function daily with this value in tow because I am constantly aware of how others have been caring and thoughtful towards me during my undergraduate

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER experience. Overall, I believe that have a caring student affairs staff is crucial to the wellbeing of our students because often our students come to us for all types of services. Being kind and helpful will leaving a lasting impact on the students we serve. In addition, it is imperative that I try to make a difference. This difference can be in an individuals life, on campus, and in the world. If I strive daily to make a difference, I will

know that I am trying my best to contribute to students development and their future. This value plays into my personal value of altruism, due to my inclination to give back to others selflessly. On some days, I might not be as successful as I expected, but I must realize that it is a slow process in which change is not immediate. When I think about making a difference, I am reminded of my first Residence Hall Director and how her passion for making a difference and caring about her students left a lasting impression on me. She was very kind and friendly, which drew in a lot of students to take part in the services that she was offering. I knew that I could always go to her for help and that she would always be there to give me advice. She made a difference in my life and I hope that I am able to do the same for others now and in the future. Along with making a difference comes my value of understanding. I am often empathetic and try to relate with my students in order to understand where they are coming from. As a student affair professional, it is essential that we seek to understand our student population in order to better cater to their needs while at college. I came to college as a first-generation low socio-economic status student and I found the student affairs staff that I encountered to understanding of my background and how it might affect my undergraduate experience. This value of being understanding comes from my need to grasp every detail. If I do not feel that I understand most aspects of something, then I will

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER feel unprepared. From understanding and learning, I am able to transition to my next professional value of knowledge. As a student affairs professional, I find it important to be knowledgeable about the specific functional area that I specialize in, especially the students I serve. One of my past supervisors, a CSP alumni, was very knowledgeable in immigration regulations and was

very skilled in advising international students. She set a precedent for me and attempted to teach me as much as possible when I worked with her. From her example, I learned how critical it is to be knowledgeable and show your students that they can trust the information that you are giving to them. It is helpful for me to understand my materials thoroughly before meeting with a student, as I do not want to give them incorrect information. Also, by being knowledgeable in general we are showing our students that we, too, take education seriously and that life-long learning is encouraged. It is my professional value that by working as a team, student affairs professionals can assist new professionals who need more knowledge and skills in their functional area. Not only can we enhance our teams knowledge base, but also we can be more efficient and intentional with our services by working as a team. I believe that we each bring a unique perspective and can learn from one another. In order to collaborate and build successful programs for our students, we must work as one unit to perform our job. Creating a sense of unity will not only increase employee satisfaction, but will encourage our students to be more trusting and willing to participate in our services. Overall, I believe that my professional values of knowledge, care, understanding, making a difference, and teamwork build upon one another to create the student affairs professional that I am currently. I feel that by building on my professional values of care,

Running Head: PERSONAL STATEMENT OF MISSION PAPER understanding, and making a difference, I am able to enhance my knowledge, which can and is encouraged to be done in a team setting. By raising the team and the students we


serve, we will be successful student affairs practitioners who are interested in developing each student as a whole.

Whole Person and Whole Profession Upon reflection of my personal and professional values, I have been able to delineate my strengths and possible areas for improvement. I have noticed that through this assessment that I have a lot of key qualities that would render me a productive and successful student affairs practitioner, but I am having a hard time seeing myself in this field in 15-20 years. Even though, I found this assignment very beneficial and useful for realizing what I want out of my future career and life, in general. I do believe that it is my purpose in life to help others, but honestly I do not know exactly how my calling will pan out in the future. I have found this vocation has satisfied my need for happiness, as I am able to assist others who have come to this country to seek an education. I have dedicated myself to being a friendly, happy, optimistic, altruistic, adventurous individual who seeks to be a caring, impactful, understanding, knowledgeable teamoriented professional. I believe that it is my responsibility to develop the whole individual with the use of my talents and my unique personality that has been founded on my personal and professional values. I know that with my whole-hearted intentions, I will be able to change lives, one at a time.

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