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pmcmd Command Reference

Using pmcmd
pmcmd is a program you use to communicate with the Integration Service. With pmcmd, you can perform some of the tasks that you can also perform in the Workflow Manager, such as starting and stopping workflows and sessions. Use pmcmd in the following modes

Command line mode. You invoke and exit pmcmd each time you issue a command. You can write
scripts to schedule workflows with the command line syntax. Each command you write in command line mode must include connection information to the Integration Service.

Interactive mode. You establish and maintain an active connection to the Integration Service. This lets
you issue a series of commands. You can use environment variables for user names and passwords with pmcmd. You can also use environment variables to customize the way pmcmd displays the date and time on the machine running the Integration Service process. efore you use pmcmd! configure these variables on the machine running the Integration Service process.

Running Commands in Command !ine Mode

Command line mode invokes and e"its pmcmd each time you issue a command. Command line mode is useful if you want to run pmcmd commands through #atch files, scripts, or other programs. Use pmcmd commands with operating system scheduling tools like cron, or you can em#ed pmcmd commands into shell or $erl scripts. When you run pmcmd in command line mode, you enter connection information such as domain name, Integration Service name, user name and password in each command. %or e"ample, to start the workflow &wf'Sales(vg) in folder &Sales*ast,) use the following synta" pmcmd startworkflow +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson +f Sales*ast wf'Sales(vg /he user, seller-, with the password &.ackson) sends the re0uest to start the workflow. If you omit or incorrectly enter one of the re0uired options, the command fails, and pmcmd returns a non+1ero return code. /o run pmcmd commands in command line mode 2."t the command prompt! switch to the directory where the pmcmd executable is located. 3y default, the $owerCenter installer installs pmcmd in the 4server4#in directory. 5.*nter pmcmd followed #y the command name and its re0uired options and arguments pmcmd command'name 6+option27 argument'2 6+option57 argument'5...

Return Codes
In command line mode, pmcmd indicates the success or failure of a command with a return code. Return code &8) indicates that the command succeeded. (ny other return code indicates that the command failed. Use the ,9S or U:I; echo command immediately after running a pmcmd command to see the return code for the command In a ,9S shell echo <*RR9R!*=*!< In a U:I; 3ourne or >orn shell echo ?@ In a U:I; C shell echo ?status

Running Commands in Interactive Mode

Use pmcmd in interactive mode to start and stop workflows and sessions without writing a script. When you use the interactive mode, you enter connection information such as domain name, Integration Service name, user name, and password. Aou can run su#se0uent commands without entering the connection information for each command. %or e"ample, the following commands invoke the interactive mode, esta#lish a connection to Integration Service &MyIntService,) and start workflows &wf'Sales(vg) and &wf'Sales/otal) in folder &Sales*ast) pmcmd pmcmdB connect +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson pmcmdB setfolder Sales*ast pmcmdB startworkflow wf'Sales(vg pmcmdB startworkflow wf'Sales/otal /o run pmcmd commands in interactive mode 2.(t the command prompt, switch to the directory where the pmcmd e"ecuta#le is located. 3y default, the $owerCenter installer installs pmcmd in the 4server4#in directory. 5.(t the command prompt, type pmcmd. /his starts pmcmd in interactive mode and displays the pmcmdB prompt. Aou do not have to type pmcmd #efore each command in interactive mode. -.*nter connection information for the domain and Integration Service. %or e"ample connect +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p Cackson D./ype a command and its options and arguments in the following format command'name 6+option27 argument'2 6+option57 argument'5... pmcmd runs the command and displays the prompt again. E./ype e"it to end an interactive session. Setting ,efaults (fter you connect to an Integration Service using pmcmd, you can designate default folders or conditions to use each time the Integration Service e"ecutes a command. %or e"ample, if you want to issue a series of commands or tasks in the same folder, specify the name of the folder with the setfolder command. (ll su#se0uent commands use that folder as the default. Aou can use the showsettings command to display the default settings.

Running in Wait Mode

Aou can run pmcmd in wait or nowait mode. In wait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt after the command completes. Aou cannot run su#se0uent commands until the previous command completes. %or e"ample, if you enter the following command, pmcmd starts the workflow &wf'Sales(vg) and does not return to the prompt until the workflow completes pmcmd startworkflow +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson +f Sales*ast +wait wf'Sales(vg In nowait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt immediately. Aou do not have to wait for one command to complete #efore running the ne"t command. %or e"ample, if you enter the following commands, pmcmd starts workflow &wf'Sales/otal) even if workflow &wf'Sales(vg) is still running

pmcmd startworkflow +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson +f Sales*ast wf'Sales(vg pmcmd startworkflow +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson +f Sales*ast wf'Sales/otal 3y default, pmcmd e"ecutes commands in nowait mode. Aou can configure the wait mode when you run in command line or interactive mode. In command line mode, use the +wait option to run a command in wait mode. In interactive mode, use the setwait or setnowait command #efore entering su#se0uent commands.

Scripting pmcmd Commands

When you use pmcmd, you might use some commands with specific options and arguments on a regular #asis. %or e"ample, you might use pmcmd to check the status of the Integration Service. In this case, you can create a script or #atch file to call one or more pmcmd commands including its options and arguments. Aou can run scripts in command line mode. Aou cannot run pmcmd scripts in interactive mode. %or e"ample, the following U:I; shell script checks the status of Integration Service &testService,) and if it is running, gets details for session &s'testSession/ask) FGHusrH#inH#ash F Sample pmcmd script F Check if the service is alivepmcmd pingservice +sv testService +d test,omain if 6 I?@I GJ 8 7K then F handle error echo ICould not ping serviceI e"itfi F Let service propertiespmcmd getserviceproperties +sv testService +d test,omain if 6 I?@I GJ 8 7K then F handle error echo ICould not get service propertiesI e"itfi F Let task details for session task Is'testSession/askI of workflowF Iwf'test'workflowI in folder Itest%olderIpmcmd gettaskdetails +sv testService +d test,omain +u (dministrator +p admin$ass +folder test%older +workflow wf'test'workflow s'testSession/ask if 6 I?@I GJ 8 7K then F handle error echo ICould not get details for task s'testSession/askI e"itfi

*ntering Command 9ptions

pmcmd provides multiple ways to enter some of the command options and arguments. %or e"ample, to enter a password, use the following synta" MM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB /o enter a password, precede the password with the +password or +p option +password /he $assword or +p /he $assword If you use a password environment varia#le, precede the varia#le name with the +pv or +passwordvar option +passwordvar $(SSW9R, or +pv $(SSW9R, If a command option contains spaces, use single or dou#le 0uotation marks to enclose the option. %or e"ample, use single 0uotes in the following synta" to enclose the folder name

a#ortworkflow +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +u seller- +p .ackson +f O0uarterly salesO +wait wf'MyWorkflow /o denote an empty string, use two single 0uotes POOQ or two dou#le 0uotes PIIQ.

(#orts a task. Issue this command only if the Integration Service fails to stop the task when you issue the stoptask command. /he a#orttask command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd a#orttaskMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId76+waitN+nowait7taskInstance$ath /he a#orttask command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode a#orttask6M+folderN+fB folder7M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB workflowRunId76+waitN+nowait7taskInstance$ath runIns:ame76+wfrunid

(#orts a workflow. Issue this command only if the Integration Service fails to stop the workflow when you issue the stopworkflow command. /he a#ortworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd a#ortworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76+waitN+nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow /he a#ortworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode a#ortworkflow6M+folderN+fB workflowRunId7 workflow folder76+waitN+nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid

Connects the pmcmd program to the Integration Service in the interactive mode. If you omit connection information, pmcmd prompts you to enter the correct information. 9nce pmcmd successfully connects, you can issue commands without reentering the connection information. connectMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB7 :ote Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only.

,isconnects pmcmd from the Integration Service. It does not close the pmcmd program. Use this command when you want to disconnect from an Integration Service and connect to another in the interactive mode. /he disconnect command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode disconnect Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only

,isconnects pmcmd from the Integration Service and closes the pmcmd program. /he e"it command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode e"it Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only

Returns the following details for all sessions currently running on an Integration Service Integration Service status, startup time, and current time %older and workflow name Worklet and session instance %or each running session task type, start time, run status, first error code, associated Integration Service, run mode, and node name %or the mapping in a running session mapping name, session log file, first error code and error message, num#er of source and target success and failed rows, and num#er of transformation error messages :um#er of sessions running on the Integration Service

/he getrunningsessionsdetails command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd getrunningsessionsdetailsMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+ passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+ usersecuritydomainvarN+usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB7 /he getrunningsessionsdetails command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode getrunningsessionsdetails


Returns the following details a#out an Integration Service Integration Service name, status, startup time, and current time %or each active workflow folder name, workflow name, version, run status, first error code, start time, log file, run type, user that runs the workflow %or each active task folder name, workflow name and version, task instance name and version, task type, start and end time, run status, first error code, error message, associated Integration Service, run mode, names of nodes where the task runs :um#er of scheduled, active, and waiting workflows and sessions

/he getservicedetails command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd getservicedetailsMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76+allN+runningN+scheduled7 /he getservicedetails command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode getservicedetails6+allN+runningN+scheduled7


Returns the following information a#out the Integration Service ,omain in which the Integration Service runs Integration Service name and version Whether the Integration Service allows running de#ug mappings ,ata movement mode (ssociated repository service Current timestamp and startup time Server grid name :ames, nodes, and code pages for the associated Integration Service processes 9perating mode for the Integration Service

/he getserviceproperties command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd getservicepropertiesMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7B /he getserviceproperties command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode getserviceproperties


Returns session details and statistics. /he command returns the following information %older name, workflow name, worklet or session instance, and mapping name Session log file name and location :um#er of source and target success and failure rows :um#er of transformation errors %irst error code and error message /ask run status :ame of associated Integration Service Lrid and node names where the session runs

/he command also returns the following information for each partition $artition name %or each transformation within a partition transformation instance, transformation name, num#er of applied, affected, and re.ected rows, throughput, last error code, start and end time

/he getsessionstatistics command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd getsessionstatisticsMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+ passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+ usersecuritydomainvarN+usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7M+workflowN+wB workflowtaskInstance$ath /he getsessionstatistics command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode getsessionstatistics6M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7M+ workflowN+wB workflowtaskInstance$ath


Returns the following information a#out a task %older name, workflow name, task instance name, and task type !ast e"ecution start and complete time /ask run status, first error code, and error message Lrid and node names where the task runs :ame of associated Integration Service /ask run mode

If the task is a session, the command also returns the following details Mapping and session log file name %irst error code and message Source and target success and failed rows :um#er of transformation errors

/he gettaskdetails command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd gettaskdetailsMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7B MM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7 M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7 taskInstance$ath /he gettaskdetails command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode gettaskdetails 6M+folderN+fB taskInstance$ath folder7 M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7


Returns the following information a#out a workflow %older and workflow names Workflow run status %irst error code and error message Start and end times !og file name Workflow run type :ame of user that last ran the workflow :ame of associated Integration Service

/he getworkflowdetails command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd getworkflowdetailsMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+ passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+ usersecuritydomainvarN+usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow /he getworkflowdetails command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode getworkflowdetails6M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB workflow runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7


Returns the synta" for the command you specify. If you omit the command name, pmcmd lists all commands and their synta". /he help command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd help 6command7 /he help command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode help 6command7


=erifies that the Integration Service is running. /he pingservice command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd pingserviceMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7B /he pingservice command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode pingservice


Recovers suspended workflows. /o recover a workflow, specify the folder and workflow name. /he Integration Service recovers the workflow from all suspended and failed worklets and all suspended and failed Command, *mail, and Session tasks. /he recoverworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd recoverworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+paramfileB paramfile76M+localparamfileN+ lpfB localparamfile76+waitN+nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow /he recoverworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode recoverworkflow6M+folderN+fB folder76M+paramfileB paramfile76M+localparamfileN+lpfB localparamfile76+ waitN+nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow


Instructs the Integration Service to schedule a workflow. Use this command to reschedule a workflow that has #een removed from the schedule. /he scheduleworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd scheduleworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7workflow /he scheduleworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode scheduleworkflow6M+folderN+fB folder7workflow


,esignates a folder as the default folder in which to e"ecute all su#se0uent commands. (fter issuing this command, you do not need to enter a folder name for workflow, task, and session commands. If you enter a folder name in a command after the setfolder command, that folder name overrides the default folder name for that command only. /he setfolder command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode setfolder folder Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only.


Aou can run pmcmd in wait or nowait mode. In wait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt after the command completes. Aou cannot run su#se0uent commands until the previous command completes. In nowait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt immediately. Aou do not have to wait for one command to complete #efore running the ne"t command. /he setnowait command runs pmcmd in nowait mode. /he nowait mode is the default mode. /he setnowait command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode setnowait When you set nowait mode, use the pmcmd prompt after the Integration Service e"ecutes the previous command. Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only.


Aou can run pmcmd in wait or nowait mode. In wait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt after the command completes. Aou cannot run su#se0uent commands until the previous command completes. In nowait mode, pmcmd returns to the shell or command prompt immediately. Aou do not have to wait for one command to complete #efore running the ne"t command. /he setwait command runs pmcmd in wait mode. /he pmcmd prompt is availa#le after the Integration Service completes the previous command. /he setwait command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode setwait Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only


Returns the name of the domain, Integration Service, and repository to which pmcmd is connected. It displays the user name, wait mode, and default folder. /he showsettings command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode showsettings Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only.


Starts a task. /he starttask command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd starttaskMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7 M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+paramfileB paramfile7 6+waitN+nowait76M+recoveryN+norecoveryB7 6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7 taskInstance$ath /he starttask command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode pmcmd starttask 6M+folderN+fB folder7 M+workflowN+wB workflowM+paramfileB paramfile7 6+waitN+nowait7 6M+recoveryN+norecoveryB7 6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7taskInstance$ath

Using $arameter %iles with starttask

When you start a task, you can optionally enter the directory and name of a parameter file. /he Integration Service runs the task using the parameters in the file you specify. %or U:I; shell users, enclose the parameter file name in single 0uotes +paramfile O?$MRoot,irHmyfile.t"tO %or Windows command prompt users, the parameter file name cannot have #eginning or trailing spaces. If the name includes spaces, enclose the file name in dou#le 0uotes +paramfile I?$MRoot,ir4my file.t"tI When you write a pmcmd command that includes a parameter file located on another machine, use the #ackslash P4Q with the dollar sign P?Q. /his ensures that the machine where the varia#le is defined e"pands the process varia#le. pmcmd starttask +sv MyIntService +d My,omain +uv US*R:(M* +pv $(SSW9R, +f east +w wSales(vg +paramfile O4?$MRoot,irHmyfile.t"tO task(


Starts a workflow. /he startworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd startworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+startfromB taskInstance$ath 6M+recoveryN+ norecoveryB776M+paramfileB paramfile76M+localparamfileN+lpfB localparamfile76M+osprofileN+oB 9SUser7 6+waitN+nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7 workflow /he startworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode pmcmd startworkflow 6M+folderN+fB folder76M+startfromB taskInstance$ath 6M+recoveryN+norecoveryB77 6M+paramfileB paramfile76M+localparamfileN+lpfB localparamfile76M+osprofileN+oB os$rofile7 6+waitN+ nowait76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame7 workflow Using $arameter %iles with startworkflow When you start a workflow, you can optionally enter the directory and name of a parameter file. /he Integration Service runs the workflow using the parameters in the file you specify. %or U:I; shell users, enclose the parameter file name in single 0uotes. %or Windows command prompt users, the parameter file name cannot have #eginning or trailing spaces. If the name includes spaces, enclose the file name in dou#le 0uotes. Use parameter files on the following machines :ode running the Integration Service. When you use a parameter file located on the Integration Service machine, use the +paramfile option to indicate the location and name of the parameter file. 9n U:I;, use the following synta"
+paramfile O?$MRoot,irHmyfile.t"tO

9n Windows, use the following synta"

+paramfile I?$MRoot,ir4my file.t"tI

!ocal machine. When you use a parameter file located on the machine where pmcmd is invoked, pmcmd passes varia#les and values in the file to the Integration Service. When you list a local parameter file, specify the a#solute path or relative path to the file. Use the +localparamfile or +lpf option to indicate the location and name of the local parameter file. 9n U:I;, use the following synta"
+lpf Oparam'file.t"tO+lpf Oc 4Informatica4parameterfiles4param Oc 4Informatica4parameterfiles4param file.t"tO file.t"tO+localparamfile

9n Windows, use the following synta"

+lpf param'file.t"t+lpf Ic 4Informatica4parameterfiles4param file.t"t)+localparamfile param'file.t"t

Shared network drives. When you use a parameter file located on another machine, use the #ackslash P4Q with the dollar sign P?Q. /his ensures that the machine where the varia#le is defined e"pands the process varia#le.
paramfile O4?$MRoot,irHmyfile.t"tO


Stops a task. /he stoptask command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd stoptaskMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arB MM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 6+waitN+nowait7 taskInstance$ath /he stoptask command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode pmcmd stoptask6M+folderN+fB folder7M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+ wfrunid workflowRunId76+waitN+nowait7taskInstance$ath


Stops a workflow. /he stopworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd stopworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7 6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 6+waitN+nowait7 workflow /he stopworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode pmcmd stopworkflow6M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId76+ waitN+nowait7workflow


Removes a workflow from a schedule. /he unscheduleworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd unscheduleworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+ passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+ usersecuritydomainvarN+usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7workflow /he unscheduleworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode unscheduleworkflow6M+folderN+fB folder7workflow


Removes the designation of a default folder. (fter you issue this command, you must specify a folder name each time you enter a command for a session, workflow, or task. /he unsetfolder command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode unsetfolder Use this command in the pmcmd interactive mode only.


,isplays the $owerCenter version and Informatica trademark and copyright information. /he version command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd version /he version command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode version


Instructs the Integration Service to complete the task #efore returning the pmcmd prompt to the command prompt or shell. /he waittask command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd waittaskMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder7M+workflowN+wB workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7taskInstance$ath /he waittask command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode waittask6M+folderN+fB folder7M+workflowN+wB workflowRunId7taskInstance$ath workflow6M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid


Causes pmcmd to wait for a workflow to complete #efore it e"ecutes su#se0uent commands. Use this command in con.unction with the return code when you run pmcmd from a script. %or e"ample, you may want to check the status of a critical workflow #efore starting another workflow. Use the waitworkflow command to wait for the critical workflow to complete, and then check the pmcmd return code. If the return code is 8 PsuccessfulQ, start the ne"t workflow. /he waitworkflow command returns the prompt when a workflow completes. /he waitworkflow command uses the following synta" in the command line mode pmcmd waitworkflowMM+serviceN+svB service 6M+domainN+dB domain7 6M+timeoutN+tB timeout7BMM+ userN+uB usernameNM+uservarN+uvB user*nv=arBMM+passwordN+pB passwordNM+passwordvarN+pvB password*nv=arB6MM+usersecuritydomainN+usdB usersecuritydomainNM+usersecuritydomainvarN+ usdvB userSecuritydomain*nv=arB76M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow /he waitworkflow command uses the following synta" in the interactive mode waitworkflow6M+folderN+fB folder76M+runinsnameN+rinB runIns:ame76+wfrunid workflowRunId7 workflow


pmrep Command Reference

Using pmrep
pmrep is a command line program that you use to update repository information and perform repository functions. pmrep is installed in the $owerCenter Client and $owerCenter Services #in directories. Use pmrep to perform repository administration tasks such as listing repository o#.ects, creating and editing groups, restoring and deleting repositories, and updating session+related parameters and security information in the $owerCenter repository. When you use pmrep, you can enter commands in the following modes

Command line mode. Aou can issue pmrep commands directly from the system command line. Use command line mode to script pmrep commands. Interactive mode. Aou can issue pmrep commands from an interactive prompt. pmrep does not e"it after it completes a command.

Aou can use environment varia#les to set user names and passwords for pmrep. 3efore you use pmrep, configure these varia#les. (ll pmrep commands re0uire a connection to the repository e"cept for the following commands

Velp !ist(ll$rivileges

Use the pmrep Connect command to connect to the repository #efore using other pmrep commands.

Running Commands in Command !ine Mode

Command line mode invokes and e"its pmrep each time you issue a command. Command line mode is useful if you want to run pmrep commands through #atch files, scripts, or other programs. /o run pmrep commands in command line mode 2."t the command prompt! change to the directory where the pmrep executable is located. 5.Enter pmrep followed by the command name and its options and arguments# pmrep command_name
[-option1] argument_1 [-option2] argument_2...

Running Commands in Interactive Mode

Interactive mode invokes pmrep. Aou can issue a series of commands from a pmrep prompt without e"iting after each command. /o run pmrep commands in interactive mode 2.(t the command prompt, enter pmrep to invoke interactive mode. /his starts pmrep in interactive mode and displays a pmrepB prompt. Aou do not have to type pmrep #efore each command in interactive mode. 5.*nter a command and its options and arguments. (t the prompt, enter


command'name 6+option27 argument'2 6+option57 argument'5... pmrep runs the command and displays the prompt again. -./ype e"it to end an interactive session.

Running Commands in :ormal Mode and *"clusive Mode

/he Repository Service runs in normal or e"clusive mode. Run the Repository Service in e"clusive mode to perform tasks that permit only one user connection to the repository. Run the Repository Service in e"clusive mode to use the following pmrep commands Create ,elete Register Register$lugin Unregister Unregister$lugin

Aou can use the (dministration Console or infacmd to run the Repository Service in e"clusive mode.

Return Codes
pmrep indicates the success or failure of a command with a return code. Return code &8) indicates that the command succeeded. Return code &2) indicates that the command failed. Some commands perform multiple operations. %or e"ample, add/o,eploymentgroup adds multiple o#.ects to a deployment group. In these cases, a Return code &8) indicates that the command was e"ecuted successfully even if only some of the o#.ects were deployed successfully. *nter one of the following ,9S or U:I; echo commands immediately after running the pmrep command In a ,9S shell, enter echo <*RR9R!*=*!< In a U:I; 3ourne or >orn shell, enter echo ?@

Using :ative Connect Strings

Some pmrep commands, such as CreateConnection and Restore, re0uire a native connect string.

Scripting pmrep Commands

When you use pmrep, you might use some commands with specific options and arguments on a regular #asis. %or e"ample, you might use pmrep to perform a daily #ackup of a production repository. In this case, you can create a script file to call one or more pmrep commands including its options and arguments. %or e"ample, the following Windows #atch file, #ackupproduction.#at, connects to and #acks up a repository called $roduction
#ackupproduction.#at R*M /his #atch file uses pmrep to connect to and #ack up the repository $roduction on the server Server:ame Wecho off echo Connecting to repository $roduction... c 4$owerCenter4pmrep4pmrep connect +r $roduction +n (dministrator +" (dminpwd +d My,omain +h Machine +o T8T8


echo 3acking up repository $roduction... c 4$owerCenter4pmrep4pmrep #ackup +o c 4#ackup4$roduction'#ackup.rep

Aou can run script files from the command interface. Aou cannot run pmrep #atch files in interactive mode.

Use the following tips when you create and run pmrep scripts

Include a Connect command as the first command called #y the script file. /his helps ensure that you perform tasks on the correct repository. /o run pmrep scripts that connect to different repositories simultaneously, set the I:%('R*$C:;'I:%9 environment varia#le in each environment to store the name and file path for the repository connection file. /his prevents a script from overwriting the connection information used #y another script.


(dds o#.ects to a deployment group. Use (dd/o,eploymentLroup to add source, target, transformation, mapping, session, worklet, workflow, scheduler, session configuration, and task o#.ects. Aou cannot add checked out o#.ects to a deployment group. Aou can specify o#.ects using command options or you can use a persistent input file. If you use a persistent input file, you can enter the deployment group name option. Use (dd/o,eploymentLroup to add reusa#le input o#.ects. If you want to add non+reusa#le input o#.ects, you must use a persistent input file that contains encoded o#.ect I,s. If (dd/o,eploymentLroup runs successfully, it either sends #ack no status information, or it returns a list of o#.ects that are already in the deployment group. If the command fails, it displays the reason for failure. /he (dd/o,eploymentLroup command uses the following synta" addtodeploymentgroup +p Mdeployment'group'nameB XX+n Mo#.ect'nameB +o Mo#.ect'typeB +t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7 6+v Mversion'num#er7 6+f Mfolder'nameB7Y N 6+i Mpersistent'input'fileB7Y6+d Mdependency'types Pall, Inon+reusa#leI, or noneQB7


(pplies a la#el to an o#.ect or a set of o#.ects in a folder. If you enter a folder name, all the o#.ects in the folder receive the la#el. Aou can apply the la#el to dependent o#.ects. If you use the dependency'o#.ect'types option, pmrep la#els all dependent o#.ects. /o apply a la#el to selected dependent o#.ects, separate each o#.ect type name #y a comma with no spaces #etween them on the command line. Use (pply!a#el to la#el reusa#le input o#.ects. If you want to la#el non+reusa#le input o#.ects, you must use a persistent input file that contains encoded o#.ect I,s. If (pply!a#el succeeds, pmrep displays either no status information or a list of o#.ects that already have the la#el. If the command fails, pmrep displays the reason for the failure. /he (pply!a#el command uses the following synta" applyla#el +a Mla#el'nameB XX+n Mo#.ect'nameB +o Mo#.ect'typeB 6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7 6+v Mversion'num#er7 6+f Mfolder'nameB7 Y N +i Mpersistent'input'fileBY 6+d Mdependency'o#.ect'typesB7 6+p Mdependency'direction Pchildren, parents, or #othQB7 6+s Pinclude pk+fk dependencyQ7 6+g Pacross repositoriesQ7 6+m Pmove la#elQ7 6+c McommentsB7


(ssigns permissions on a glo#al o#.ect. :ote $nly the administrator or the current owner of the ob%ect can assign permissions on the ob%ect. /he (ssign$ermission command uses the following synta" (ssign$ermission+o Mo#.ect'typeB6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7+n Mo#.ect'nameBX+u Muser'nameB N +g Mgroup'nameBY6+s Msecurity'domainB7+p MpermissionB


3acks up the repository to the file specified with the +o option. Aou must provide the #ackup file name. Use this command when the repository is running. Aou must #e connected to a repository to use this command. /he 3ackUp command uses the following synta" #ackup +o Moutput'file'nameB 6+d MdescriptionB7 6+f Poverwrite e"isting output fileQ76+# Pskip workflow and session logsQ7 6+. Pskip deploy group historyQ76+0 Pskip M; dataQ76+v Pskip task statisticsQ7


Changes the owner name for a glo#al o#.ect. 9nly the administrator or current owner of the ob%ect has the permission to change ownership for an ob%ect. /he Change9wner command uses the following synta" Change9wner+o Mo#.ect'typeB6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7+n Mo#.ect'nameB+u Mnew'owner'nameB6+s Msecurity'domainB7


Checks in an o#.ect that you have checked out. When you check in an o#.ect, the repository creates a new version of the o#.ect and assigns it a version num#er. /he version num#er is one num#er greater than the version num#er of the last checked+in version. /he CheckIn command uses the following synta" checkin+o Mo#.ect'typeB6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7+n Mo#.ect'nameB+f Mfolder'nameB6+c McommentsB7


Cleans up any persistent resource created #y pmrep. /his command also cleans up any connection information from previous sessions of pmrep. Calling CleanUp as the first command in a session always returns an error. If you call CleanUp in the interactive mode, pmrep disconnects any repository you are connected to. /he CleanUp command uses the following synta" Cleanup


Clears all o#.ects from a deployment group. Use this command to retain the deployment group #ut remove the o#.ects. /he Clear,eploymentLroup command uses the following synta" cleardeploymentgroup+p Mdeployment'group'nameB6+f Pforce clearQ7


Connects to a repository. /he first time you use pmrep in either command line or interactive mode, you must use the Connect command. (ll commands re0uire a connection to the repository e"cept for the following commands

*"it Velp !ist(ll$rivileges

In the command line mode, pmrep uses the information specified #y the last call to connect to the repository. If pmrep is called without a successful connection, it returns an error. In command line mode, pmrep connects to and disconnects from the repository with every command. /o use pmrep to perform tasks in multiple repositories in a single session, you must issue the Connect command each time you want to switch to a different repository. In the interactive mode, pmrep retains the connection until you e"it pmrep or connect again. If you call Connect again, pmrep disconnects from the first repository and then connects to the second repository. If the second connection fails, the previous connection remains disconnected and you will not #e connected to any repository. If you issue a command that re0uires a connection to the repository, and you are not connected to that repository, pmrep uses the connection information specified in the last successful connection made to the repository from any previous session of pmrep. pmrep retains information from the last successful connection until you use the Cleanup command. /he Connect command uses the following synta" connect +r Mrepository'nameB X+d Mdomain'nameB N X+h Mportal'host'nameB Mportal'port'num#erBYY6+n Muser'nameB6+s Muser'security'domainB76+" MpasswordB N Mpassword'environment'varia#leB776+t Mclient'resilienceB7 +o +;


Creates the repository ta#les in the data#ase. 3efore you can create the repository ta#les, you must complete these tasks

Create and configure the data#ase to contain the repository. Create the Repository Service in either the (dministration Console or infacmd. Run the Repository Service in e"clusive mode in either the (dministration Console or infacmd. Connect to the repository in pmrep.

Aou cannot use the Create command if the repository data#ase already contains repository ta#les. /o use the Create command, you must have permission on the Repository Service in the domain. /he Create command uses the following synta" create +u Mdomain'user'nameB6+s Mdomain'user'security'domainB76+p Mdomain'passwordB N +$ Mdomain'password'environment'varia#leB76+g Pcreate glo#al repositoryQ76+v Pena#le o#.ect versioningQ7


Creates a source or target connection in the repository. /he connection can #e a relational or application connection. Relational data#ase connections for each relational su#type re0uire a su#set of all CreateConnection options and arguments. %or e"ample, 9racle connections do not accept the +1, +d, or +t options. Use the +k option to specify attri#utes for application connections. /he CreateConnection command uses the following synta" createconnection +s Mconnection'typeB +n Mconnection'nameB +u Muser'nameB 6+p MpasswordB N+ $ Mpassword'environment'varia#leB7 6+c Mconnect stringB Pre0uired for 9racle, Informi", ,35, and 9,3CQ7+l Mcode'pageB 6+r Mroll#ack'segmentB Pvalid for 9racle connection onlyQ76+e Mconnection'environment'SZ!B76+f Mtransaction'environment'SZ!B76+1 Mpacket'si1eB Pvalid for Sy#ase (S* and MS SZ! Server connectionQ76+# Mdata#ase'nameB Pvalid for Sy#ase (S*, /eradata and MS SZ! Server connectionQ7 6+v Mserver'nameB Pvalid for Sy#ase (S* and MS SZ! Server connectionQ76+d Mdomain nameB Pvalid for MS SZ! Server connection onlyQ76+t Pena#le'trusted'connection, valid for MS SZ! Server connection onlyQ76+a Mdata'source'nameB Pvalid for /eradata connection onlyQ76+" Pena#le advanced security, lets users give Read, Write and *"ecute permissions only for themselves.Q7 6+k Mconnection'attri#utesB Pattri#utes have the format nameJvalueKnameJvalueK and so onQ7 Specifying the ,ata#ase /ype When you create a new connection, you must enter a data#ase type using the string associated with that data#ase type in pmrep. /he strings are not case sensitive. Use 0uotes when entering a string with spaces in an argument. Specifying the ,ata#ase Code $age /he +l option specifies the code page for the data#ase connection. *nter the code page name you want to assign to the data#ase connection. %or e"ample, to assign the US+(SCII code page to the data#ase connection, enter the code page name &US+(SCII.) Changing the data#ase connection code page can cause data inconsistencies if the new code page is not compati#le with the source or target data#ase connection code pages. (lso, if you configure the Integration Service for data code page validation, changing the data#ase connection code page can cause sessions to fail if the source data#ase connection code page is not a su#set of the target data#ase connection code page


Creates a deployment group. Aou can create a dynamic or static deployment group. /o create a dynamic deployment group, you must supply a 0uery name, and indicate whether the 0uery is private or pu#lic. /he Create,eploymentLroup command uses the following synta" createdeploymentgroup+p Mdeployment'group'nameB6+t Mdeployment'group'type dynamicQB76+0 M0uery'nameB76+u M0uery'type Pshared or personalQB76+c McommentsB7 Pstatic or


Creates a new folder in the repository. Aou cannot create a folder in a non+versioned repository. /he Create%older command uses the following synta" createfolder+n Mfolder'nameB6+d Mfolder'descriptionB76+o Mowner'nameB76+a Mowner'security'domainB76+g Mgroup'nameB76+s Pshared'folderQ76+p MpermissionsB76+f Mactive N fro1endeploy N fro1ennodeployB7 (ssigning $ermissions Aou can assign owner, group, and repository permissions #y entering three digits when you use the +p option. /he first digit corresponds to owner permissions, the second corresponds to the permissions of the group that the user #elongs to, and the third corresponds to all other permissions. *nter one num#er for each set of permissions. *ach permission is associated with a num#er. ,esignate D for read permission, 5 for write permission, and 2 for e"ecute permission. /o assign permissions, you enter D, 5, 2, or the sum of any of those num#ers. %or e"ample, if you want to assign default permissions, use the following command synta" +p SRD /his gives the folder owner read, write, and e"ecute permissions PS J D[5[2Q. /he owner\s group has read and write permissions PR J D[5Q. (ll others have read permission. /he command returns &createfolder successfully completed) or returns &createfolder failed) message. /he creation might fail for the following reasons

/he folder already e"ists. /he owner does not e"ist or does not #elong to the group


Creates a la#el that you use to associate groups of o#.ects during development. Aou can associate a la#el with any versioned o#.ect or group of o#.ects in a repository. /he Create!a#el command uses the following synta" createla#el+a Mla#el'nameB 6+c McommentsB7


,eletes the repository ta#les from the repository data#ase. 3efore you use the ,elete command, you must connect to the repository and provide a user name and password or password environment varia#le. When you use the ,elete command, the Repository Service must #e running in e"clusive mode. Aou can configure the Repository Service to run in e"clusive mode in the (dministration Console or you can use the infacmd UpdateRepositoryService command. /he ,elete command uses the following synta" delete 6+" Mrepository'password'for'confirmationB N +; Mrepository'password'environment'varia#le'for'confirmationB76+f Pforceful delete unregisters local repositories and deletesQ7


,eletes a relational connection from the repository. /he ,eleteConnection command uses the following synta" deleteconnection +n Mconnection'nameB6+f Pforce deleteQ76 +s Mconnection type application, relational, ftp, loader or 0ueue B 7


,eletes a deployment group. If you delete a static deployment group, you also remove all o#.ects from the deployment group. /he ,elete,eploymentLroup command uses the following synta" deletedeploymentgroup+p Mdeployment'group'nameB6+f Pforce deleteQ7


,eletes an e"isting folder from the repository. /he ,elete%older command uses the following synta" deletefolder +n Mfolder'nameB


,eletes a la#el and removes the la#el from all o#.ects that use it. If the la#el is locked, the delete fails. /he ,elete!a#el command uses the following synta" deletela#el +a Mla#el'nameB6+f Pforce deleteQ7


,eletes an o#.ect. Use ,elete9#.ect to delete a source, target, user+defined function, mapplet, mapping, session, worklet or workflow. /he ,elete9#.ect command uses the following synta" ,elete9#.ect +o Mo#.ect'typeB+f Mfolder'nameB+n Mo#.ect'nameB Aou can run the ,elete9#.ect Command against a non+versioned repository. If you run the ,elete9#.ect Command against a versioned repository, pmrep returns the following error /his command is not supported #ecause the versioning is on for the repository MRepository nameB.%ailed to e"ecute ,elete9#.ect


,eploys a deployment group. Aou can use this command to copy a deployment group within a repository or to a different repository. /o use this command, you must create a control file with all the specifications that the Copy Wi1ard re0uires. /he control file is an ;M! file defined #y the depcntl.dtd file. If pmrep cannot immediately ac0uire o#.ect locks in the target repository, #y default it waits indefinitely to ac0uire the locks. Aou can use the deployment control file parameters to specify a deployment timeout. /he deployment timeout is the period of time Pin secondsQ that pmrep waits to ac0uire locks. ( value of 8 fails the deployment if pmrep cannot immediately ac0uire locks. /he default value is +2, which instructs pmrep to wait indefinitely to ac0uire the locks. $ress Ctrl[C to cancel the deployment during the deployment operation or while pmrep is waiting to ac0uire o#.ect locks. /he ,eploy,eploymentLroup command uses the following synta" deploydeploymentgroup +p Mdeployment'group'nameB+c Mcontrol'file'nameB+r Mtarget'repository'nameB6+n Mtarget'repository'user'nameB6+s Mtarget'repository'user'security'domainB7 6+" Mtarget'repository'passwordB N +; Mtarget'repository'password'environment'varia#leB7 6+d Mtarget'domain'nameB N X+h Mtarget'portal'host'nameB +o Mtarget'portal'port'num#erBY77 Ponly if target is in a different domainQ6+l Mlog'file'nameB7


,eploys a folder. Aou can use this command to copy a folder within a repository or to a different repository. /o use this command, you must create a control file with all the specifications that the Copy Wi1ard re0uires. /he control file is an ;M! file defined #y the depcntl.dtd file. If pmrep cannot immediately ac0uire o#.ect locks in the target repository, #y default it waits indefinitely to ac0uire the locks. Aou can use the deployment control file parameters to specify a deployment timeout. /he deployment timeout is the period of time Pin secondsQ that pmrep waits to ac0uire locks. ( value of 8 fails the deployment if pmrep cannot immediately ac0uire locks. /he default value is +2, which instructs pmrep to wait indefinitely to ac0uire the locks. $ress Ctrl[C to cancel the deployment during the deployment operation or while pmrep is waiting to ac0uire o#.ect locks. /he ,eploy%older command uses the following synta" deployfolder +f Mfolder'nameB+c Mcontrol'file'nameB+r Mtarget'repository'nameB6+n Mtarget'repository'user'nameB6+s Mtarget'repository'user'security'domainB7 6+" Mtarget'repository'passwordB N +; Mtarget'repository'password'environment'varia#leB7 6+d Mtarget'domain'nameB N X+h Mtarget'portal'host'nameB +o Mtarget'portal'port'num#erBY77 Ponly if target is in a different domainQ6+l Mlog'file'nameB7


Runs a 0uery. Aou can choose to display the result or write the result to a persistent input file. If the 0uery is successful, it returns the total num#er of 0ualifying records. Use this file as input to the (pply!a#el, (dd/o,eploymentLroup, and =alidate commands. /he *"ecuteZuery command uses the following synta" e"ecute0uery +0 M0uery'nameB6+t M0uery'type Pshared or personalQB76+u Moutput'persistent'file'nameB76+a PappendQ76+c Mcolumn'separator76+r Mend+of+record'separatorB76+ l Mend+of+listing'indicatorB76+# Pver#oseQ7


*"its from the pmrep interactive mode. /he command line mode invokes and e"its pmrep each time you issue a command. /he *"it command uses the following synta" *"it


,isplays a list of checked out o#.ects in the repository. /he listing contains the checked+out items unless you enter &all users.) If you choose an o#.ect type, then you can list checked+out o#.ects in a specific folder or across all folders. If you do not specify an o#.ect type, pmrep returns all the checked+out o#.ects in the repository. /he %indCheckout command uses the following synta" findcheckout 6+o Mo#.ect'typeB76+f Mfolder'nameB76+u Pall'usersQ76+c Mcolumn'separator76+r Mend+of+ record'separatorB76+l Mend+of+listing'indicatorB76+# Pver#oseQ7


!ists the properties and attri#utes of a connection o#.ect as name+value pairs. /o use the LetConnection,etails command, you need read permission on the connection o#.ect. /he LetConnection,etails command uses the following synta" getconnectiondetails +n Mconnection'nameB+t Mconnection'typeB


Returns the synta" for the command you specify. If you do not specify a command, then synta" for all of the pmrep commands is displayed. /he Velp command uses the following synta" help 6command7 +or+ +help 6command7


/erminates user connections to the repository. Aou can terminate user connections #ased on the user name or connection I,. Aou can also terminate all user connections to the repository. /he >illUserConnection command uses the following synta" killuserconnection X+i Mconnection'idB N+n Muser'nameB N+a Pkill allQY


!ists all connection o#.ects in the repository and their respective connection types. ( connection can #e one of the following types

(pplication %/$ !oader Zueue Relational

/he !istConnections command uses the following synta" listconnections6+t Poutput includes connection su#typeQ7


!ists all groups that a user #elongs to. /he !istLroups%orUser command uses the following synta" listgroupsforuser +n Muser'nameB


!ists dependency o#.ects for reusa#le and non+reusa#le o#.ects. If you want to list dependencies for non+reusa#le o#.ects, you must use a persistent input file containing o#.ect I,s. Aou can create this file #y running a 0uery and choosing to create a te"t file. !ist9#.ect,ependencies accepts a persistent input file and it can create a persistent output file. /hese files are the same format. If you create an output file, use it as input to the (pply!a#el, (dd/o,eployment Lroup, or =alidate pmrep commands. !ist9#.ect,ependencies returns the num#er of records if the command runs successfully. /he !ist9#.ect,ependencies command uses the following synta" listo#.ectdependencies XX+n Mo#.ect'nameB +o Mo#.ect'typeB 6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7 6+v Mversion'num#er7 6+f Mfolder'nameB7 Y N +i Mpersistent'input'fileBY6+d Mdependency'o#.ect'typesB7 6+p Mdependency'direction Pchildren, parents, or #othQB76+s Pinclude pk+fk dependencyQ76+g Pacross repositoriesQ76+u Mpersistent'output'file'nameB 6+a PappendQ776+c Mcolumn'separator76+r Mend+of+ record'separatorB76+l Mend+of+listing'indicatorB76+# Pver#oseQ7


Returns a list of o#.ects in the repository. When you list o#.ects, pmrep returns o#.ect metadata. Use the following list operations

!ist o#.ect types. ,efine the o#.ects you want to list. !ist folders. !ist all the folders in the repository. !ist o#.ects. !ist reusa#le and non+reusa#le o#.ects in the repository or in a folder.

Use !ist9#.ects in a shell script to return the o#.ect metadata, parse the metadata, and then use the parsed data in another pmrep command. %or e"ample, use !ist9#.ects to list all Se0uence Lenerator transformations in the repository. Create a shell script that uses !ist9#.ects to return Se0uence Lenerator transformation information, parse the data !ist9#.ects returns, and use UpdateSe0Len=als to update the se0uence values. pmrep returns each o#.ect in a record and returns the metadata of each o#.ect in a column. It separates records #y a new line #y default. Aou can enter the characters to use to separate records and columns. Aou can also enter the characters to indicate the end of the listing. /ip &hen you enter characters to separate records and columns and to indicate the end of the listing! use
characters that are not used in repository ob%ect names. This helps you use a shell script to parse the ob%ect metadata.

/he !ist9#.ects command uses the following synta" listo#.ects +o Mo#.ect'typeB6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB76+f Mfolder'nameB76+c Mcolumn'separatorB76+r Mend+of+record'indicatorB76+l Mend+of+listing'indicatorB76+# Pver#oseQ7 ,o not use the +f option if the o#.ect type you list is not associated with a folder. /he deployment group, folder, la#el, and 0uery o#.ect types are not associated with folders. (ll other o#.ect types re0uire the +f option. !isting 9#.ect /ypes Use the o#.ect'type option to define the o#.ects you want to list. /he command lists the latest versions or checked out versions of o#.ects, including shortcuts . !isting %olders Use !ist9#.ects to return each folder in the repository. When you enter folder for the o#.ect type, pmrep ignores the su#type and folder name. %or e"ample, to list all folders in the repository, use the following synta" listo#.ects +o folder (lternatively, you can enter a different column separator and end of listing indicator !ist9#.ects +o folder +c &]]) +l F !isting 9#.ects Use !ist9#.ects to list reusa#le and non+reusa#le o#.ects in the repository or in a folder. pmrep does not include instances of reusa#le o#.ects. When you list o#.ects, you must include the folder name for all o#.ects that are associated with a folder.


pmrep returns the name of the o#.ect with the path when applica#le. %or e"ample, when a transformation is in a mapping or mapplet, pmrep returns mapping'name.transformation'name or mapplet'name.transformation'name. %or e"ample, to list all transformation types in a folder, enter the following te"t at the prompt listo#.ects +o transformation +f myfolder pmrep returns the following information stored'procedure reusa#le sp'sproc2 e"pression reusa#le e"p2 stored'procedure non+reusa#le mapping2.sp'nsproc se0uence non+reusa#le smallmapplet.se0gen'empid .listo#.ects completed successfully. /o list all Stored $rocedure transformations in a folder, enter the following te"t at the prompt listo#.ects +o transformation +t stored'procedure +f myfolder pmrep returns the following information stored'procedure reusa#le sp'sproc2 stored'procedure non+reusa#le mapping2.sp'nsproc .listo#.ects completed successfully. /o list all sessions in a folder, enter the following te"t at the prompt listo#.ects +o session +f myfolder pmrep returns the following information session reusa#le s'sales'#y'CUS/I, session non+reusa#le wf'sales.s'sales'Zsession non+reusa#le wf'orders.wl'shirt'orders.s'shirt'orders .listo#.ects completed successfully


ListTables y*ess
Returns a list of sources or targets used in a session. When you list sources or targets, pmrep returns source or target instance names to the window. Use !ist/a#les3ySess in a shell script with other pmrep commands. %or e"ample, you can create a shell script that uses !ist/a#les3ySess to return source instance names and uses Updatesrcprefi" to update the source owner name. When you use !ist/a#les3ySess, pmrep returns source and target instance names as they appear in the session properties. %or e"ample, if the mapping contains a mapplet with a source, pmrep returns the source instance name in the following format mapplet'name.source'name /he !ist/a#les3ySess command uses the following synta" listta#les#ysess +f Mfolder'nameB +s 6M0ualifying'pathB.7Msession'nameB +t Mo#.ect'type'listedB Psource or targetQ %or e"ample, to list all sources in a reusa#le session, enter the following te"t at the prompt listta#les#ysess +f myfolder +s s'reus'sess2 +t source pmrep returns the following information I/*MS mapplet2.9R,*RS Shortcut'/o'I/*M'I, listta#les#ysess completed successfully. When the mapping contains a mapplet with a source, pmrep includes the mapplet name with the source, such as mapplet2.9R,*RS. %or e"ample, you can list all targets in a non+reusa#le session in a workflow listta#les#ysess +f myfolder +s wf'workkflow2.s'nrsess2 +t target pmrep returns the following information target2'inst 9R,*RS'3A'CUS/I, Shortcut'/o'tgt5'inst listta#les#ysess completed successfully


!ists information for each user connected to the repository. /he !istUserConnections command uses the following synta" !istuserconnections


Modifies folder properties. Aou modify a folder in a non+versioned repository. /he command returns &Modify%older successfully completed) or returns &Modify%older %ailed) message. /he modification might fail for the following reasons

/he folder does not e"ist. /he new owner does not e"ist or does not #elong to the group. ( folder with the new folder name already e"ists.

/he Modify%older command uses the following synta" modify%older+n Mfolder'nameB6+d Mfolder'descriptionB76+o Mowner'security'domainB76+s Pshared folderQ76+p MpermissionsB76+r Mfolder'statusB Pactive, fro1endeploy, or fro1ennodeployQ76+u Mos'profileB7 Mowner'nameB76+a Mnew'folder'nameB76+f


Sends notification messages to users connected to a repository or users connected to all repositories managed #y a Repository Service. /he :otify command uses the following synta" notify +m MmessageB /he command returns &notify successfully completed) or returns &failed to e"ecute notify) message. /he notification might fail for the following reasons /he message you entered is invalid. Aou failed to connect to the Repository Service. /he Repository Service failed to notify users


*"ports o#.ects to an ;M! file defined #y the powrmart.dtd file. Aou e"port an o#.ect #y name. If you enter an o#.ect, you must enter the name of the folder that contains it. If you do not enter a version num#er, you e"port the latest version of the o#.ect. Use a persistent input file to specify different o#.ects to e"port at one time. Aou can create this file #y using the *"ecuteZuery, =alidate, or !ist9#.ect,ependencies pmrep commands. If you use the persistent input file, do not use the other parameters to specify o#.ects. If you e"port a mapping, #y default $owerCenter e"ports the mapping and its instances. If you want to include dependent o#.ects, you must add the appropriate pmrep options. Aou can optionally include reusa#le and non+reusa#le dependent o#.ects, o#.ects referenced #y shortcuts, and related o#.ects in a primary key+foreign key relationship. /o e"port mapping dependencies, you must use the +# and +r options. /he 9#.ect*"port command uses the following synta" o#.ecte"port XX+n Mo#.ect'nameB +o Mo#.ect'typeB 6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7 6+v Mversion'num#er7 6+f Mfolder'nameB7Y N +i Mpersistent'input'fileBY6+m Pe"port pk+fk dependencyQ76+s Pe"port o#.ects referred #y shortcutQ76+# Pe"port non+reusa#le dependentsQ76+r Pe"port reusa#le dependentsQ7+u M"ml'output'file'nameB6+l Mlog'file'nameB7

/he following e"ample e"ports a mapping named &map,) which is located in folder2, to a file named map."ml o#.ecte"port +n map +o mapping +f folder2 +u map."ml /he following e"ample e"ports the o#.ects identified in a persistent input file named persistent'input."ml to a file named map."ml o#.ecte"port +i persistent'input.t"t +u map."ml


Imports o#.ects from an ;M! file. /his command re0uires a control file to specify the o#.ects to import and how to resolve conflicts. /he control file is an ;M! file defined #y the impcntl.dtd file. /he 9#.ectImport command uses the following synta" o#.ectimport +i Minput'"ml'file'nameB+c persistent valueQ7 Mcontrol'file'nameB6+l Mlog'file'nameB76+p Pretain

/he 9#.ectImport command does not create a folder if the folder name you enter does not e"ist in the repository


$urges o#.ect versions from the repository data#ase. Aou can purge versions of deleted o#.ects and active o#.ects. (n o#.ect is a deleted o#.ect if the latest version is checked in and it has the version status ,eleted. 9ther o#.ects are active o#.ects. When you purge versions of deleted o#.ects, you purge all versions. /he deleted o#.ects must #e checked in. Aou can purge versions for all deleted o#.ects or for o#.ects deleted #efore a specified end time. Aou can specify the end time as a date and time, a date only, or a num#er of days #efore the current date. When you purge versions of active o#.ects, you can specify purge criteria. Aou can specify the num#er of versions to keep and purge the previous versions, and you can purge versions that are older than a specified purge cutoff time. Aou cannot purge a checked+out version or the latest checked+in version. If you purge versions of a composite o#.ect, you need to consider which versions of the dependent o#.ects are purged. /he $urge=ersion command uses the following synta" purgeversion X+d Mall N time'date N num'dayB N X+n Mlast'n'versions'to'keepB N +t Mtime'date N num'dayBYY6+f Mfolder'nameB76+0 M0uery'nameB76+o Moutput'file'nameB76+p Ppreview purged o#.ects onlyQ76+# Pver#oseQ76+c Pcheck deployment group referenceQ7 Aou can use the +n option and the +t option together. /hey are not mutually e"clusive. *"amples /he following e"ample purges all versions of all deleted o#.ects in the repository pmrep purgeversion +d all %or optimal performance, purge at the folder level or use purge criteria to reduce the num#er of purged o#.ect versions. (void purging all deleted o#.ects or all older versions at the repository level. /he following e"ample purges all #ut the latest checked+in version of o#.ects in the folder2 folder pmrep purgeversion +n 2 +f folder2 /he following e"ample previews a purge of all o#.ect versions that were checked in #efore noon on Canuary E, 588E, and outputs the results to the file named purge'output.t"t pmrep purgeversion +t O82H8EH588E 25 88 88O +o purge'output.t"t ^p


Registers a local repository with a connected glo#al repository. Aou must connect to the glo#al repository #efore you register the local repository. (lso, you must run the Repository Service for the local repository in e"clusive mode. Aou can configure the Repository Service to run in e"clusive mode in the (dministration Console or you can use the infacmd UpdateRepositoryService command. /he command returns &register successfully completed) or returns &failed to e"ecute register) message. /he registration might fail for the following reasons

Aou failed to connect to the Repository Service. /he local repository is not running in e"clusive mode. /he Repository Service failed to initiali1e information a#out the glo#al repository. /he Repository Service failed to register the local repository with the glo#al repository.

/he Register command uses the following synta" register +r Mlocal'repository'nameB +n Mlocal'repository'user'nameB 6+s Mlocal'repository'user'security'domainB76+" Mlocal'repository'passwordB N+; Mlocal'repository'password'environment'varia#leB76+d Mlocal'repository'domain'nameB N X+h Mlocal'repository'portal'host'nameB +o Mlocal'repository'portal'port'num#erBY7 Ponly if local repository is in a different domainQ


Registers an e"ternal plug+in to a repository. Registering a plug+in adds its functionality to the repository. Use the Register$lugin command to update e"isting plug+ins. When you use this command, the Repository Service must #e running in e"clusive mode. Aou can configure the Repository Service to run in e"clusive mode in the (dministration Console or you can use the infacmd UpdateRepositoryService command. /he Register$lugin command uses the following synta" registerplugin +i Minput'registration'file'name'or'pathB6+e Pupdate plug+inQ76+l M:IS'loginB X+w M:IS'passwordB N +W M:IS'password'environment'varia#leBY 6+k PCRC check on security li#raryQ77

Registering a Security Module

If you want to use an e"ternal directory service to maintain users and passwords for a repository, you must register the security module with the repository. Use the Registerplugin command to register the security plug+in. *"ample Aou administer $owerCenter for an organi1ation that has a centrali1ed !,($ :IS for user authentication. When you upgrade $owerCenter, you decide to use the !,($ for user authentication. /he upgrade installs the !,($ security module in the repository security folder. (fter connecting to the repository with the Connect command, the administrator runs the pmrep command to register the new e"ternal module with the repository pmrep registerplugin +i securityHldap'authen."ml +l adminuser +w admnpass /he +l login name and +w login password options contain the valid :IS login information for the user running the pmrep command. (fter registration, you must use this login name and password to access the repository. /he login name and password must #e valid in the e"ternal directory, or the administrator cannot access the repository using !,($. /he +i option contains the ;M! file name that descri#es the security module.


Restores a repository #ackup file to a data#ase. /he target data#ase must #e empty. /he pmrep Restore command uses the following synta" restore +u Mdomain'user'nameB6+s Mdomain'user'security'domainB76+p Mdomain'passwordB N +$ Mdomain'password'environment'varia#leB7+i Minput'file'nameB6+g Pcreate glo#al repositoryQ76+y Pena#le o#.ect versioningQ76+# Pskip workflow and session logsQ76+. Pskip deployment group historyQ76+ 0 Pskip M; dataQ76+f Pskip task statisticsQ76+a Pas new repositoryQ76+e Pe"it if domain name in the #inary file is different from current domain nameQ7 *"ample /he following e"ample restores a repository as a versioned repository and specifies the administrator user name and password to retain the !,($ security module registration. restore +u administrator +p password +i repository2'#ackup.rep ^y


Rolls #ack a deployment to purge a deployed version from the target repository or folder and revert o#.ects to a previous version of deployment. Use this command to roll #ack all the o#.ects in a deployment group that you deployed at a specific date and time. Aou cannot roll #ack part of the deployment. /o roll #ack, you must connect to the target repository. /o initiate a roll#ack, you must roll #ack the latest version of each o#.ect. /he Roll#ack,eployment command uses the following synta" roll#ackdeployment +p Mdeployment'group'nameB +t Mnth'latest'deploy'runB %or e"ample, you have a deployment with five versions and want to roll#ack the last two versions. Aou must first roll #ack the latest deployment. *nter the following te"t at the prompt to roll #ack once to purge the last deployment roll#ackdeployment +p ,eploy'sales +t 2 :e"t, enter the following te"t to roll #ack the ne"t to last deployment roll#ackdeployment +p ,eploy'sales +t 5


9pens a script file containing multiple pmrep commands, reads each command, and runs them. If the script file is U/%+T encoded, you must use the +u option and the repository code page must #e U/%+T. If you run a U/%+T encoded script file that includes the Connect command against a repository that does not have a U/%+T code page, the Run command will fail. If the script file is not U/%+T encoded, omit the +u option. If you use the +o option and the +u option, pmrep generates the output file in U/%+T. If you use the +o option and omit the +u option, pmrep generates the output file #ased on the system locale of the machine where you run pmrep. /he command returns &run successfully completed) or returns &run failed) message. /he run might fail if the Repository Service cannot open the script file or output file. /he Run command uses the following synta" run +f Mscript'file'nameB6+o Moutput'file'nameB76+e Pecho commandsQ76+s Pstop at first errorQ76+u PU/%+T encoded script file and output fileQ7


Returns the repository name and user information for the current connection. Use the ShowConnectionInfo command in interactive mode. When you connect to a repository in interactive mode, pmrep keeps the connection information in memory until you e"it the repository or connect to a different repository. When you use the ShowConnectionInfo command in command line mode, a message indicating failure to e"ecute the command is given. pmrep does not keep connection information in command line mode. /he ShowConnectionInfo command does not connect to the repository. /he ShowConnectionInfo command uses the following synta" showconnectioninfo It returns information similar to the following Connected to Repository MyRepository in My,omain as user MyUser:ame


Changes the name of an e"isting connection. When you use SwitchConnection, the Repository Service replaces the relational data#ase connections for all sessions using the connection in one of the following locations

Source connection /arget connection Connection Information property in !ookup transformations Connection Information property in Stored $rocedure transformations ?Source Connection =alue session property ?/arget Connection =alue session property

If the repository contains #oth relational and application connections with the same name and you specified the connection type as relational in all locations in the repository, the Repository Service replaces the relational connection. %or e"ample, you have a relational and an application source, each called I/*MS. In a session, you specified the name I/*MS for a relational source connection instead of Relational I/*MS. When you use SwitchConnection to replace the relational connection I/*MS with another relational connection, pmrep does not replace any relational connection in the repository #ecause it cannot determine the connection type for the source connection entered as I/*MS. /he SwitchConnection command uses the following synta" switchconnection +o Mold'connection'nameB +n Mnew'connection'nameB


,eletes details from the repository. Aou can delete all logs, or delete logs for a folder or workflow. Aou can also enter a date and delete all logs older than that date. /he command returns &truncatelog completed successfully) or returns &%ailed to e"ecute truncatelog) message. /he truncate operation might fail for the following reasons

/he folder name is invalid. /he workflow does not e"ist in the given folder. Aou specified a workflow, #ut no folder name.

/he /runcate!og command uses the following synta" truncatelog +t Mlogs'truncated Pall or up to end time in MMH,,HAAAA VV5D MI SS format or as num#er of days #efore current dateQB6+f Mfolder'nameB76+w Mworkflow'nameB7


Reverses the checkout of an o#.ect. When you undo a checkout, the repository releases the write+ intent lock on the o#.ect and reverts to the most recently checked in version of the o#.ect. If you want to modify the o#.ect again, you must check it out. /he UndoCheckout command uses the following synta" undocheckout +o Mo#.ect'typeB6+t Mo#.ect'su#typeB7+n Mo#.ect'nameB+f Mfolder'nameB


Unregisters a local repository from a connected glo#al repository. /o use this command, you must run the Repository Service for the local repository in e"clusive mode. Aou can configure the Repository Service to run in e"clusive mode in the (dministration Console or you can use the infacmd UpdateRepositoryService command. /he command returns &unregister successfully completed) or returns &failed to e"ecute unregister) message. /he registration might fail for the following reasons

/he Repository Service for the local repository is not running in e"clusive mode. /he Repository Service failed to initiali1e information a#out the glo#al repository. Aou failed to connect to the Repository Service.

/he Unregister command uses the following synta" unregister +r Mlocal'repository'nameB +n Mlocal'repository'user'nameB6+s Mlocal'repository'user'security'domainB76+" Mlocal'repository'passwordB N +; Mrepository'password'environment'varia#leB76+d Mlocal'repository'domain'nameB N X+h Mlocal'repository'portal'host'nameB +o Mlocal'repository'portal'port'num#erBY7 Ponly if local repository is in a different domainQ


Removes a plug+in from a repository. Aou can add and remove plug+ins to e"tend system functionality. ( plug+in is a software module that introduces new repository metadata. When you use this command, the Repository Service must #e running in e"clusive mode. Aou can configure the Repository Service to run in e"clusive mode in the (dministration Console or you can use the infacmd UpdateRepositoryService command. /he Unregister$lugin command uses the following synta" unregisterplugin +v Mvendor'idB+l Mplug+in'idB6+s Pis security moduleQ 6+g Premove user+name+login mappingQ7 X+w Mnew'passwordB N +W Mnew'password'environment'varia#leBY7

Unregistering an *"ternal Security Module Use the Unregister$lugin command to discontinue using an e"ternal security module with a repository. If you unregister the e"ternal security module, $owerCenter switches to repository authentication mode. (ll user passwords reset to the values in the repository instead of the values in the e"ternal directory. When you unregister the security module, you do not lose the mapping #etween the user names and the e"ternal security login names unless you enter the +g option. Use the mapping again if you register a new security module. :ote "lthough you can save the associations between external logins and user names! the 'epository (anager
does not display the external logins while running under user authentication.

Aou must use the +w or +W option to create a new password when you unregister the security module.


Updates the user name, password, connect string, and attri#utes for a data#ase connection. /he command returns an &operation successfully completed) or returns &operation failed) message. ( failure might occur for the following reasons

/he data#ase type is not supported. /he connection o#.ect does not e"ist. pmrep cannot ac0uire a lock on the o#.ect. 9ne of the re0uired parameters is missing.

/he UpdateConnection command uses the following synta" updateconnection+t Mconnection'su#type B+d Mconnection'nameB6+u Mnew'user'nameB76+p Mnew'passwordB|-P <new_password_environment_variable>][-c <new_connection_string>][-a
<attribute_name>-v <new_attribute_value>][ -s <connection type application, relational, loader or !ueue > ][-l <code page>]



Updates the session notification email addresses associated with the *mail tasks assigned to the session. If you did not previously enter a success or failure *mail task for the session, the command does not update the email addresses. Aou can update the email notification addresses for a non+ reusa#le session with a uni0ue name in the folder. Aou can enter different addresses to receive either success or failure notifications. /his command re0uires you to connect to a repository. /he Update*mail(ddr command uses the following synta" updateemailaddr +d Mfolder'nameB Mfailure'email'addressB +s Msession'nameB +u Msuccess'email'addressB +f


Updates one or more of the following properties for the specified Se0uence Lenerator transformation

Start =alue *nd =alue Increment 3y Current =alue

Aou might want to update se0uence values when you move a mapping from a development environment to a production environment. Use the UpdateSe0Len=als command to update reusa#le and non+reusa#le Se0uence Lenerator transformations. Vowever, you cannot update values for instances of reusa#le Se0uence Lenerator transformations or shortcuts to Se0uence Lenerator transformations. /he UpdateSe0Len=als command uses the following synta" updatese0genvals +f Mfolder'nameB6+m Mmapping'nameB7+t Mse0uence'generator'nameB6+s Mstart'valueB76+e Mend'valueB76+i Mincrement'#yB76+c Mcurrent'valueB7


Updates the owner name for session source ta#les. Aou can update the owner name for one or all sources in a session. Updatesrcprefi" updates the owner name for source ta#les at the session level. pmrep updates source ta#le owner names if you previously edited the source ta#le name in the session properties. /he UpdateSrc$refi" command uses the following synta" updatesrcprefi" +f Mfolder'nameB+s 6M0ualifying'pathB.7Msession'nameB6+t Msource'nameB7+p Mprefi"'nameB6+n Puse source instance nameK not using +n gives old, deprecated #ehaviorQ7


Updates statistics for repository ta#les and inde"es. /he command returns &updatestatistics completed successfully) or returns &updatestatistics failed) message. /he UpdateStatistics command uses the following synta" Updatestatistics


Updates the ta#le name prefi" for session target ta#les. /he ta#le name prefi" specifies the owner of the ta#le in the data#ase. Aou can update the owner name for one or all targets specified in a session. Update/arg$refi" updates the target ta#le name prefi" at the session level. pmrep updates ta#le name prefi"es if you previously edited the ta#le name prefi" at the session level. /he Update/arg$refi" command uses the following synta" updatetargprefi" +f Mfolder'nameB +s 6M0ualifying'pathB.7Msession'nameB 6+t Mtarget'nameB7 +p Mprefi"'nameB 6+n Puse target instance nameK not using +n gives old, deprecated #ehaviorQ7


Upgrades a repository to the latest version. /he Upgrade command uses the following synta" upgrade6+" Mrepository'password'for'confirmationB N +; Mrepository'password'environment'varia#le'for'confirmationB7


=alidates o#.ects. Aou can output the results to a persistent output file or standard output. It also displays a validation summary to stdout. /he summary includes the num#er of valid o#.ects, invalid o#.ects, and skipped o#.ects. /he persistent output file contains standard information, encoded I,s, and a CRC check. Aou can save and check in the o#.ects that change from invalid to valid. Aou can validate the following types of o#.ects

Mappings Mapplets Sessions Workflows Worklet o#.ects

If you use another type of o#.ect in the input parameter, pmrep returns an error. If you use the wrong type of o#.ect in a persistent input file, pmrep reports an error and skips the o#.ect. /he pmrep =alidate command does not validate shortcuts. When you run =alidate, you can output information a#out o#.ect status

valid. 9#.ects successfully validated. saved. 9#.ects saved after validation. skipped. Shortcuts and o#.ect types that do not re0uire validation. save'failed. 9#.ects that did not save #ecause of lock conflicts or they were checked out #y another user. invalid'#efore. 9#.ects invalid #efore the validation check. invalid'after. 9#.ects invalid after the validation check.

/he =alidate command uses the following synta" validate XX+n Mo#.ect'nameB +o Mo#.ect'type Pmapplet, mapping, session, worklet, workflowQB 6+v Mversion'num#erB7 6+f Mfolder'nameB7Y N +i Mpersistent'input'fileBY 6+s Psave upon validQ 6+k Pcheck in upon validQ 6+m Mcheck'in'commentsB777 6+p Moutput'option'types Pvalid, saved, skipped, save'failed, invalid'#efore, invalid'after, or allQB6+u Mpersistent'output'file'nameB7 6+a PappendQ7 6+ c Mcolumn'separatorB7 6+r Mend+of+record'separatorB7 6+l Mend+of+listing'indicatorB7 6+# Pver#oseQ7


,isplays the $owerCenter version and Informatica trademark and copyright information. /he =ersion command uses the following synta" =ersion


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