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Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

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"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

SSNP154 - Benchmark NAFEMS of validation of contact 1: cylinder roller Rsum

contact: This problem constitutes the first benchmark of a benchmark NAFEMS of validation of contact-friction. The references of the benchmark are obtained with the codex Aba us and MA!". This test modeli#es a contact of $ert# with and without friction between a solid mass and a c%linder of different stiffness with a &rid with different smoothnesses. An anal%tical solution exists for the case without friction. This test comprises ' modeli#ations makin& it possible to test( linear and uadratic elements) formulations of processin& of the contact without and with friction ` DISCRETE' and CONTINUE'.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : #%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


Problem of G om trie
the structure is modeli#ed in plane strains.

*ne notes

B the point on the hi&her side of the block pertainin& to the s%mmetr% plane.


Pro#ertie$ of the Bloc

material$( +oisson,s ratio( 0,3 -oun& modulus( 70000 N.mm2 %oll( +oisson,s ratio( 0,3 -oun& modulus( 210000 N.mm2 The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the c%linder is worth

=0,1 !


Bo'ndar( condition$ and loadin)$

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 2%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

the structure s%mmetric and bein& sub.ected to a loadin& respectin& s%mmetr%) onl% a half is represented. *ne thus applies DX =0 as re&ards s%mmetr%. The block is embedded at its base(

DX =0 DY =0 FY =35 kN ) for FY =17500 N the half-structure !eference solution

The c%linder is sub.ected to a specific force on its top(

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 4%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


Method of calc'latin)
the reference solution is comes from results obtained with the codex Aba us and MA!" in a benchmark NAFEMS of validation from contact-friction /bib01. For the modeli#ations without friction) a comparison with the anal%tical solution of $ert# is carried out.


*'antitie$ and re$'lt$ of reference

vertical 2isplacement of the point

B 3accordin& to y 4 3offsite reference4.

"ontact pressure at the point B 3offsite reference4. The contact pressure raised is that extrapolated startin& from the stresses in volume.

"!& "!4

+ncertaintie$ on the $ol'tion

5mportante 3avera&e of codex4.

Biblio)ra#hical reference
/01 A. 6*NTE!. >Advanced Finite Element Benchmark) .ontact?. NAFEMS) 7889.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 5%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

&!1 &!"

Modeli,ation A
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is CONTINUE) friction is decontaminated.

-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( 797: Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD4 and :< TRIA3.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<89=8;8;808'' -<?88.;=;=:;?7?< reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY to point B SIYY to point B



3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

@es results obtained into linear without friction with the formulation continue are in concord with the anal%tical solution when one records the contact pressure extrapolated on surface Master. *ne will however note the stron& oscillation of the contact pressure when it is raised startin& from de&ree of freedom LAGS_C specific to the continuous formulation. The amplitude of the oscillations decreases when the mesh is refined.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : @%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

4!1 4!"

Modeli,ation B
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is CONTINUE) friction is decontaminated.

-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( ''9? Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD8 and :< TRIA6.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<8?80=7;?07:7 -<:0<.<';0987<7' reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY at the point B SIYY at the point B



3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : $%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

@es results obtained into uadratic without friction with the formulation continues are in ver% &ood a&reement with the anal%tical solution whatever the wa% in which the pressure is recorded. 5t will be noted that the oscillations almost disappeared compared to modeli#ation A with linear elements. For that one used a numerical inte&ration of the terms of contact of the t%pe Aauss 3INTEGRATION='GAUSS4.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : A%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

5!1 5!"

Modeli,ation -aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation

the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is CONTINUE) friction is taken into account.

-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( 797: Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD4 and :< TRIA3.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<808'=:9<?'0; -<9'8.7:908??997 reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY at the point B SIYY at the point B


@es results obtained into linear with friction with the formulation continues are in concord with the anal%tical solution when one records the contact pressure extrapolated on surface Master. *ne will however note the stron& oscillation of the contact pressure when it is raised startin& from de&ree of freedom LAGS_C specific to the continuous formulation. The amplitude of the oscillations decreases when the mesh is refined.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1&%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

The results obtained b% the commercial codex Aba us and MA!" in the benchmark have also oscillations for the case with friction.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 11%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

2!1 2!"

Modeli,ation 3
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is CONTINUE) friction is taken into account.

-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( ''9? Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD8 and :< TRIA6.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<879<:9;;?<?= -<:;7.9?'?''870? reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY at the point B SIYY at the point B



3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1#%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

@es results obtained into uadratic with friction with the formulation continues are in ver% &ood a&reement with those obtained in the benchmark 3here those of the MA!" code4. 5t will be noted that the contact pressure as well as the shear stress raised startin& from de&rees of freedom LAGS_C and LAGS_F1 of the continuous formulation stick perfectl% with the uantities calculated b% MA!". As it was the case without friction) the oscillations is much less important into uadratic) it is besides also the case for MA!".

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 12%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


Modeli,ation E
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is DISCRETE) friction is decontaminated. The contact al&orithm used is that b% default.


-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( 797: Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD4 and :< TRIA3.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<89':=99<=9<< -<?0;.0?0089:=;7 reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY at the point B SIYY at the point B


@es results obtained into linear without friction with the discrete formulation are identical to those obtained in formulation continues 3modeli#ation A4. 5n discrete formulation one is obli&ed to bind the two nodes of the block and the c%linder in opposite initiall% preventin& ri&id bod% motion alon& the axis y .

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 14%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 15%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


Modeli,ation F
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is DISCRETE) friction is decontaminated. The contact al&orithm used is that b% default.


-haracteri$tic$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( ''9? Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD8 and :< TRIA6.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<8?8=7<900:;? -<:87.'=<''?7;99 reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY to point B SIYY to point B


@es results obtained into uadratic without friction with the discrete formulation are identical to those obtained in formulation continues 3modeli#ation B4. 5n discrete formulation one is obli&ed to bind the two nodes of the block and of the c%linder in opposite initiall% preventin& ri&id bod% motion alon& the axis y .

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 11%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


Modeli,ation G
-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the modeli,ation
the modeli#ation is D_PLAN) the formulation of the contact is DISCRETE) friction is taken into account. The al&orithm for contact-friction is @AA!ANA5EN


-aract ri$ti.'e$ of the Nombre

mesh of nodes( 797: Man% meshes and t%pes( 7;9' QUAD4 and :< TRIA3.


*'antitie$ te$ted and re$'lt$

/dentification 0(#e of 1ale'r SOURCE_EXTERNE SOURCE_EXTERNE reference of 0ol rance -0.<808'=:'=<?;; -<9'8.7::=0:7?:0 reference 8.0> 8.0>

DY to point B SIYY to point B


@es results obtained into linear with friction with the discrete formulation are identical to those obtained in formulation continues 3modeli#ation "4.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1@%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&

5n discrete formulation one is obli&ed to bind the two nodes of the block and of the c%linder in opposite initiall% preventin& ri&id bod% motion alon& the axis y .

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

Titre : SSNP154 Benchmark NAFEMS de validation du contac[ ! (e)*on)a+le : Thoma) "E S,-A

Version default
"ate : #$%11%#&1# Pa'e : 1$%1$ .l/ : 01 &2 154 (/vi)ion : 1&14&


S'mmar( of the re$'lt$

This test makes it possible to validate contact-friction compared to an anal%tical solution but also compared to references &iven b% commercial computer codes 3Aba us and MA!"4. *ne observes a &ood a&reement between the anal%tical results and those obtained b% .odeBA)ter as well as a &ood a&reement with the results of reference for computations with friction. 5t will be noted that the formulations continues and discrete &ive identical results with however the followin& restrictions( computation in continuous formulation is easier to carr% out because the blockin& of vertical ri&id bod% motion is carried out automaticall% computation with friction on a uadratic mesh could not be carried out in discrete formulation 5nto uadratic) the contact pressure obtained startin& from de&ree of freedom LAGS_C in formulation continues has much less oscillations than into linear.

3arnin' : The tran)lation *roce)) u)ed on thi) 4e+)ite i) a 5Machine Tran)lation5 6t ma7 +e im*reci)e and inaccurate in 4hole or in *art and i) *rovided a) a convenience 8icen)ed under the term) o9 the :N; F"8 <htt*:%%444 'nu or'%co*7le9t%9dl html=

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