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Commission for Persons with Disabilities Medford Human Rights Commission February 26, 201

Present! "te#e Honey$utt, Diane M$%eod, Dale &ryan, and Charlotte "wart', %ois &ronnen(ant, Henry Milorin, Da#id Harris, and resident )ason Hite* +ot ,resent! Chief "a$$o and +atalie &reen -ntrodu$tions Publi$ Parti$i,ation De$ember Minutes "te#e motioned to a$$e,t, Henry se$onded, all in fa#or .ld &usiness /ra$es Pro0e$t 1,date 2e agreed the M%3 e#ent went well, and we $ontinue with ,lanning for 201 * Comments in$luded the e#ent being $rowded, we should get more youth in#ol#ed, and the fa$ilitation was good* /he %o#ing "tory had to be $an$elled due to weather* -t will be shown on Monday, Mar$h 4rd at the %ibrary* %ois mentioned s,ea(ing to Mi(e .li#er about his "aturday e#ening mo#ies and maybe adding the 52aiting Room6 or 51nnatural Causes6* Da#id6s $on$ern was that on a "aturday e#ening ,eo,le may not be u, for a thoughtful mo#ie and then dis$ussion* 2e thought maybe it $ould be ,art of the /ra$es series* Diane mentioned that she s,o(e and emailed Mi$hael "(or(er , and the 7"8 would li(e to do the 5selfie6 ,ro0e$t* 2e tal(ed about holding the e#ent May 9th in the Coun$il Chambers* "he noted that she had a dis$ussion with him feeling that we are not really $ollaborating and we need more dis$ussion* He is getting the ,ermission sli,s from students now* He has s,o(en with an 8rt tea$her who has the $a,:ability of enlarging the selfies* Diane noted that there should be some $onsultation about angles and how to ta(e the ,i$tures* "he ga#e him 7lenn6s information, who was the ,hotogra,her who did the 5Fa$es6 Pro0e$t* "he also s,o(e with him about numbers as Mi$hael wants this to be a $itywide ,ro0e$t* -f there are too many it won6t wor(* -f they are too small there won6t be an im,a$t* /he students don6t want to e;$lude ,eo,le, but they need to set ,arameters* Diane suggested he has a dis$ussion with the students about these issues and then we $an s,ea( ne;t wee(* He also as(ed about assistan$e getting a s,ea(er* /he students want an intera$ti#e session* /he students want to dis$uss self $onfiden$e, self res,e$t, and the meaning of beauty* Diane suggested he dis$uss whether they

ha#e an intera$ti#e session at s$hool as well as a ,rogram that e#ening, or an intera$ti#e e#ening session* +ew &usiness )obs for <outh with Disabilities +atalie is not ,resent and rather than ,ut the information off Da#id as(ed if she wanted to write a summary for the grou, as the ne;t meeting is then end of Mar$h, and it may be too late to start something* Diane will follow u,* =arian$e 1,dates Diane noted that the lift is in at the "alem Dental .ffi$e and they are waiting for an ins,e$tion* /he 3it$hen "tore had to finish installing grab bars and should be $om,lete* >this should be $om,lete? Condo 1nits on Main "treet were granted a #arian$e with $onditions @ the A e;am rooms will ha#e a men6s and women6s single user toilet in the $orridor* Persons with disabilities will be s$heduled in the e;am rooms with $orres,onding a$$essible toilet rooms >,oli$y?* Corres,onden$e B 8nnoun$ements Day to Day 1,dates Diane met with a resident who is blind and has had se#eral reCuests that she has been wor(ing onD 2* Medford /rain "tation 8$$ess* "he s,o(e with Dr* &e#erly "$ott of the M&/8 and has been wor(ing with a $ou,le M&/8 asso$iates* /hey are $urrently $ondu$ting an audit of all ina$$essible M&/8 lo$ations and will ,ut together an a$$ess ,lan and timetable by the end of this year* &us shelter at Ring Rd* and Ri#erside 8#e at the "enior Center @ $urrently wor(ing with M&/8 staff to ma(e that ha,,en* )82" software at the Publi$ %ibrary* Diane $onta$ted Per(ins "$hool for the &lind and the %ibrary Dire$tor* /he %ibrary is awaiting new $om,uters >the old ones $annot use )82"?, and as soon as re$ei#ed, she will follow u, with )82" as well as other o,tions a#ailable for the blind* Henry noted there is a %egislati#e &rea(fast for Disability month ne;t 2ednesday, Mar$h Eth at the "tate House 7reat Hall at 10!408M -n 8,ril 5.utside the %ines6 will host an art show at the Hyatt from 8,ril 2Eth to the 29th that will $onsist of a 5meet and greet6 and art show and a film* "a#e the date $ards will go out*

Diane mentioned that on Monday at the 8dams Federal Courthouse se$ond floor there will be arguments on the Hollister $ase* /he 88& found them in nonF$om,lian$e due to their ste,,ed entran$e* Hollister has been fighting this for Cuite some time* Da#id noted that on Mar$h Eth there will be the s$reening of 5/he Rebel6 that tells the story of a woman who fought in the Confederate 8rmy as a man* .n Mar$h 14th at Har#ard %aw "$hool there will be a $andidate6s forum on $riminal 0usti$e with Charles .gletree and )udge +an$y 7ertner Mar$h 2Eth at Har#ard there will be a Ri$hard Ross e;hibit on 0u#enile in0usti$e* 8,ril 4rd will be a s$reening of 5/he 2aiting Room6 whi$h highlights health $are dis,arities 8,ril 19th will s$reen 5Free 8ngela6 at Har#ard %aw "$hool >all abo#e e#ents will be forwarded for more detail in an email? "te#e mentioned he attended the City Coun$il Committee of the 2hole Meeting on /uesday night* He ga#e an o#er#iew of the dis$ussion as it related to a bond for the "he,ard &roo(s Gstate* "te#e feels there should be an a$$essible ,edestrian ,ath of tra#el* From the dis$ussion "te#e had with /om %in$oln M&elt ,refers no foot traffi$ a$$ess or sidewal(s* /here was dis$ussion among the grou,* "te#e made a motion to send a letter to the Planning Dire$tor as(ing that an a$$essible ,edestrian way be ,art of this ,ro0e$t, Dale se$onded, all in fa#or* /hey as(ed that the letter be CC6d to the Mayor, M&elt, and the City Coun$il* /he #ote was unanimous* Diane will draft a letter and send it to the grou, for in,ut* >8fter the meeting, and before the draft was a,,ro#ed, it was determined that the $ity will in$lude an a$$essible ,ath of tra#el in the ,ro0e$t, so the letter was held? Motion to ad0ourn made by "te#e, se$onded by Dale, all in fa#or* Meeting ad0ourned at 6!1EPM +e;t meeting date Mar$h 26, 201

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