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______________________________________________________________________ The purpose of this questionnaire is to elicit teacher perceptions of Internet use in teaching and learning by in-service teachers at primary schools in Malaysia. Please respond to all sections of the questionnaire. ______________________________________________________________________ SECTION 1 Please tick one. 1. #. our gender! our age!



$nder #% *1 - *%
+ver &)

#& ' () *& - %)

(1 - (% %1 - %%

(& - *) %& ' &)

(. ,o- many years of teaching e.perience do you have!

$nder % #1 -#%

%'/ +ver #%

1) - 1*

1% - #)

*. ,o- many students attend your school!

$nder 1)) 0)1-/))

1))-()) +ver /))



%. 1hich group of students do you mainly teach! 2 2 2 ear 1 ear ( ear % 2 2 2 ear # ear * ear &

&. 3o you have access to the Internet at home! 2 es 2 4o

0. 3o ou $se The Internet In our 5lassroom "or Teaching Purposes! 2 es 67o to 0.1 and 0.#8 2 4o 67o to 0.( and 0.*8

0.1. If yes9 ho- often do you use the Internet in your classroom! :ery often 6more than three times a -eek8 +ften 6once to t-ice a -eek8 ;ometimes 6once to t-ice a month8 <arely 6once to t-ice a semester8 0.#. If yes9 -hat types of Internet activities do you usually use in your classroom! 6Tick all items that apply.8



=-mail ?ui>>es


+n-line dictionaries Pu>>les Te.t chatting

:ideo conferencing

:oice chatting

1eb surfing +thers@ Please specify____________________________

0.(. If no9 -hat are the main reasons preventing Internet use in your classroom! 6Tick all items that apply.8

our limited computer skills our limited interest

our limited =nglish ability

Aimited computer facilities ;tudentsB limited computer skills

Aimited time

;tudentsB limited =nglish ability ;tudentsB limited interest +thers@ Please specify

0.*. If no but you have interest9 -hat types of Internet activities -ould you like to use in your classroom! 6Tick all items that apply.8 =-mail ?ui>>es




+n-line dictionaries Pu>>les Te.t chatting :ideo conferencing

:oice chatting

1eb surfing +thers@ Please specify _________________________

C. 3o you use the Internet -hen you prepare teaching materials!

es 67o to C.1 and C.#8

4o 67o to C.(8

C.1. If yes9 ho- much time do you spend on the Internet preparing teaching materials each -eek!

:ery often 6over 1% hours8 ;ometimes 6% to 1) hours8

+ften 61) to 1% hours8 <arely 6under % hours8

C.#. If yes9 -hat are the main reasons for searching for Internet resources to prepare teaching materials! Internet resources areDDDDDDDDDD.D.. 6Tick all items that apply.8

easy to understand easy to obtain

varied free

up to date authentic

+thers@ Please specify


C.(. If no9 -hat are the main reasons for not using Internet resources as your teaching materials! Internet resources areDDDDDDDDDDDDD. 6Tick all items that apply.8

difficult to understand difficult to use -ith te.tbook resources

3ifficult to obtain

time-consuming not my
not available

+thers@ Please specify ______________________________

/. ,ave you taken any training course6s8 to learn ho- to use the Internet for teaching!

es 67o to /.18

4o 67o to /.# and /.(8

/.1. If yes9 -ere you satisfied -ith the training course6s8!



/.#. If no9 -hat is the main reason preventing your participation!

4o courses available

3istance to training courses

Aack of time 4o interest

2 5ost
2 +thers@ Please specify ______________________

/.(. If no but you get a chance9 -ill you take a training course to learn ho- to use the Internet for teaching!




Please indicate the level of your agreement or disagreement -ith the follo-ing statements9 by circling the number that best represents your ans-er. ;trongly 3isagree SD 1 3isagree D # Egree A ( ;trongly Egree SA *

SD 1. The Internet provides teachers -ith a rich teaching environment. #. Internet tools can be used for teaching purposes. (. Internet resources can replace te.tbooks. *. It is easy to find teaching and learning materials on the 1eb. %. TFA 1eb sites are useful for teaching in classroom. &. Teachers can be motivated by the use of the Internet in the classroom. 0.Teachers can improve their skills through the use of the Internet. C. Teachers can learn ho- to use Internet resources "or their TFA materials. /. Teachers can improve communication skills by e-mailing or 1 1 1 1 1 1

D # # # # # #

A ( ( ( ( ( (

SA * * * * * *

1 1 1

# # #

( ( (

* * *

1). Teachers -ill be more attentive in Internet-assisted in teaching and learning 11. I am responsible for the success of Internet-assisted in teaching. 1#. I am competent to use Internet-based materials in the classroom. 1(. I kno- ho- to integrate Internet resources into e.isting classroom curriculum. 1*. I need training to improve my Internet literacy skills. 1%. I -ould like to use Internet-based materials and activities in my classroom as much as possible.

1 1 1 1 1 1

# # # # # #

( ( ( ( ( (

* * * * * *

Thank you for completing this questionnaire!

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