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Basics of Electronic Circuits

Experiment 9 Voltage Amplifiers using OPAMP 2005-06 !

In this experiment, you will first study the voltage transfer characteristic of an opamp and learn how to test an opamp in a very simple setup. You will then examine the important performance characteristics of two most commonly used voltage amplifiers using an opamp. While an opamp does have a very high voltage gain (a v0 105 , a high input impedance (! 100 " and a low output impedance (# 100 , it is still not an ideal $%$&. 'oreover, these parameters of an opamp vary considera(ly from unit to unit, and hence one cannot allow the final amplifier parameters to (e significantly dependent on the opamp parameters. )urther, the voltage gain of an opamp falls as fre*uency increases, the (andwidth (eing less than 10 +,. -ll practical voltage amplifiers using opamps have voltage gain much lower than a v0, (ut also have much higher (andwidth and much lower output impedance. .he important features of any amplifier using an opamp are (i the independence of the gain from the opamp parameters and (ii how the gain and the bandwidth of the amplifier are interrelated. In this experiment, the former feature will (e studied for an inverting amplifier and the latter, for a non/inverting amplifier. A" Voltage #ransfer C$aracteristic $59 vo slope ; av0 vi )1 (0.2$ sine wave 2 vi 9 ? 12$ %45 912$ < > = 9 vo



$5& %a& C$aracteristic Cur'e %(& )ispla* +etup $5 ,ig" 9"- Voltage #ransfer C$aracteristic of an OPAMP an. its )ispla* Arrangement -" .he main features of the voltage transfer characteristic are indicated in )ig. 0.1(a . &et up the circuit shown in )ig. 0.1(( , with the )1 set for a sinusoidal output having a pea"/to/pea" value of 0.2 $. 3sing a fre*uency of 100 +,, o(tain the display of the v o vs vi transfer characteristic curve on the %45. 3se the 6% 5))&7. control of the )1, if necessary, to ensure that the )1 output has ,ero mean value. -d8ust the %45 controls to o(tain a full/ screen display of the voltage transfer characteristic. 6ecrease the fre*uency as far as possi(le so that the flic"er in the display is not too much to allow proper measurements. .his will minimise the loop in the display, which is unavoida(le (ecause of the presence of capacitances in the circuit. &"etch the characteristic and note down the values of the positive saturation voltage $59 and the negative voltage $ 5. 6etermine the value of the voltage gain av0 from the slope of the line 8oining these two levels. B" #esting an Opamp for its #$ree important Parameters 2" &et up the circuit shown in )ig. 0.2 for testing the given opamp. .he parameters chec"ed (y this simple test are the d/c 1ain a v0, the input offset voltage $ 5&, and the output current capa(ility. .he d/c voltages at the two ends of the 10/" potentiometer have (een chosen to (e 12m$ which exceeds the maximum permissi(le value of $ 5&. 'easure these voltages with a multimeter and verify that they are as stated, within tolerance limits. .he 1/" resistors placed in series with the two :76s at the output terminal of the opamp ma"e the output current to have a magnitude of nearly10 m- when the opamp output voltage reaches its saturation limits. .his tests the a(ility of the opamp to supply output current.

/" .he experiment consists simply of turning 100 " 9 12$ the potentiometer control from one end to the other, and o(serving the state of the :76s. 4eferring to )ig. 0.1(a , as $ I@ ! @12 10 m$ # and $I9 # 912 m$, this should ma"e 100 " 2 the output voltage vo go from one saturation < = level to the other, indicated (y a switching over of the glow from one :76 to the other. 100 99 > 1 " If one of the two :76s fails to light up at all ? as the potentiometer is turned from end to end, the opamp is re8ected (ecause the :76 input offset voltage is (eyond the specified 100 " 12$ limit. 'oreover, as the slope of the characteristic is very large (av0 105 in the ,ig" 9"2 Opamp #est +etup linear region ( $I@ # vi # $I9 , this switching over of the glow from one :76 to the other :76 should (e virtually instantaneous, failing which the opamp is re8ected (ecause of low a v0. )inally, the :76s should glow (rightly, failing which the opamp is re8ected (ecause of poor output current capa(ility. C" !n'erting Amplifier 0" &et up the Inverting -mplifier shown in )ig. 0.? with 4 1 ; 1.00 ", 42 ; 10.0 " and 4: ; 1 ". &et the )1 fre*uency at 1 "+,. 'easure the output voltage v 2 for 42 ; 10.0 ", ??.0 ", 51.0 ", <5.0 ", and 01.0 ", noting the phase of v2 with respect to v1 for each value of 42. 'a"e sure that the value of the input voltage v1 remains the same (0.2 $ pea" to pea" , and chec" whether the voltage at the inverting input terminal is indeed negligi(ly small. .a(ulate the magnitude of the voltage gain against the theoretically expected value. 5" Increase v1 until the transfer characteristic has flat segments at (oth ends. .hese flat levels correspond to vo ; 4:I59 for positive vo and vo ; 4:I5 for negative vo, where I59 and I5 are the maximum permitted currents with positive and negative values of v o respectively. 'easure the voltages at these flat levels and hence calculate the values of I 59 and I5. 6" 4epeat step 5 with 4: ; ><0 , 220 and 100 , and verify that I59 and I5 are constant. 42 )1 (0.2 $ sine wave 41 9 v1 2 ? 9 12$ < > = 9 v2 )1 (0.2 $ sine wave 41 2 ? 9 v1 42 9 12$ < = 9 > 9 12$ v2



,ig" 9"/ !n'erting Amplifier v1 )" 1on-in'erting Amplifier

,ig" 9"0 1on-in'erting Amplifier v1

2" &et up the Aon/inverting -mplifier shown in )ig. 0.>. With 4 1 ; 1.00 " and 42 ; 10.0 ". With v1 ; 0.2 $ pea"/to/pea", measure v2 for nine values of the fre*uency f in the 1/2/5 se*uence from 1 "+, to 500 "+,. Aote, without actually ma"ing measurements, how the phase difference (etween the input and output voltages changes with fre*uency. 3" %alculate and plot the magnitude of the voltage gain in dB against f on a semi/log graph paper. 6etermine the values of the d/c voltage gain - vo and the cutoff fre*uency f2. 9" 4epeat step < and C with 42 changed to 01.0 ". %ompare the two plots and determine the 1ain/Bandwidth product (1BW of the opamp for each value of 4 2 from the respective plots.

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