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I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined p rt pronoun!ed di""erentl# "ro$ the rest. 1. A. post B. busy C. swim D. spacious 2. A. best B. text C. exist D. letter 3. A. commune B. punctuality C. communication D. distribution 4. A. express B. recipient C. secure D. messenger 5. A. satisfaction B. facsimile C. punctuality D. spacious . A. noisy B. subscribe C. ser!ice D. grap"ics #. A transfer B. newspaper C. t"ousand D. relati!es $. A. e%uipped B. deli!ered C. transferred D. recei!ed &. A. "elps B. pro!ides C. documents D. texts 1'. A. stop B. post C. offer D. from II. %OCA&U'AR( Cir!le the letter )e"ore the word th t ! n )e )est repl !ed with the word*s+ in it li!. 11. ("an" Ba )ost *ffice is e%uipped wit" advanced tec"nology. A. modern B. outdated C. fas"ionable D. beautiful 12. ("an" Ba )ost *ffice "as a spacious and pleasant front office. A. cramped B. large and wit" a lot of space C. narrow D. safe 13. *ur post office offers t"e best ser!ices wit" a well-trained staff. A. rule B. impolite C. beautiful D. %ualified 14. +our EMS mail will be deli!ered in t"e s"ortest possible time. A. ,uropean -onetary .ystem B. ,n"anced -essaging .er!ice C. ,xpress -ail .er!ice D. ,mergency -ail .er!ice 15. ,xpress -oney (ransfer is a speedy and secure ser!ice for transferring money in less t"an 24 "ours. A. fast and fixed B. fast and protected C. slow and safe D. useful and confident 1 . ("e -essage Call .er!ice "elps you to notify t"e recipient of t"e time and place to recei!e t"e call. A. see B. watc" C. write D. tell 1#. /f you want your fa!orite newspapers to be deli!ered to your "ouse early in t"e morning you s"ould subscribe to t"em. A. pay money B. write a letter C. ma0e a call D. send e1mail 1$. ("e staff of t"at post office are always thoughtful and courteous to customers. A. 0ind and beautiful B. "elpful and friendly C. "elpful and polite D. nice and arrogant 1&. /f you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original s"ape2 send it by fax mac"ine. A. first B. c"anged C. modern D. good 2'. +ou can sa!e money if you send a parcel w"ic" is under 15 0g. A. letter B. pac0age C. box D. present III. ,RA--AR Choose the word or phr se A. &. C or / 0 th t )est !o$pletes the senten!e. 21. ("e problem333333 ne!er occurred. A. / "adn4t expected it C. w"o / "ad expected B. t"at / "ad expected it D. / "ad expected

22. /n 1$5'2 +ale 5ni!ersity establis"ed ."effield .cientific .c"ool23333333. A. engineers were educated t"ere B w"ere engineers were educated. C. in w"ic" engineer educated D. w"ere were engineers educated 23. /t was t"e ragtime pianist .cott 6oplin3333333 t"e -aple 7eaf 8ag2 per"aps t"e best 0nown of all ragtime tunes. A. wrote B. t"e writer of C. w"o wrote D. writing 1

24. A 0eystone .pecies is a species of plants and animals333333 absence "as a ma9or effect on an ecological system. A. t"at its B. its C. w"ose D. wit" its 25. :illiam .amuel 6o"nson233333333 "elped write t"e Constitution2 became t"e first president of Columbia College in 11$#. A. w"om "e "ad B. w"o "ad C. and "e "ad D. "ad 2 . -y mot"er2 33333333333 2 en9oys "ill wal0ing. A. w"om is in "er se!enties B. t"at is in "er se!enties C. w"ic" is in "er se!enties D. w"o is in "er se!enties 2#. ."e4s one of t"e 0indest people33333333 /4!e e!er 0nown. A. t"at B. w"ose C. w"o 2$. :"ere is t"e "ouse33333333; A. w"ere t"ey are li!ing C. w"ere t"ey are li!ing t"ere 2&. ."e li!es in t"e "ouse333333333. A. w"ic" "as t"e red door C. t"at wit" t"e red door 3'. -ar0 (wain is an aut"or33333333 / li0e best. A. "is boo0s B. t"at boo0s D. w"ic"

B. w"ic" t"ey are li!ing D. w"ere t"ey are li!ing in B. "as t"e red door D. wit" its red door C. t"e boo0 of w"om D. w"ose boo0s

I%. REA/IN, Re d the "ollowin1 p ss 1e ! re"ull#. nd then sele!t the )est option to !o$plete it: A5.(8/A< )*.( *==/C,8. /< (>, *((*-A< ,-)/8, Austria and ot"er ,uropean nations maintained an extensi!e ?31@ 3333333 of post offices in t"e *ttoman ,mpire2 typically moti!ated by t"e unreliable postal system of t"e *ttomans. =or Austria2 t"e ?32@ 33333 started in 1#4$ wit" t"e establis"ment of a ?33@ 333333 in Aalata outside of Constantinople2 and e!entually extended to doBens of ?34@ 3333333 t"roug"out t"e Bal0ans and t"e eastern -editerranean. Beginning in 1$ 32 ?35@ 3333333 of 7ombardy1Cenetia were used2 but after t"e losses of t"ese areas in 1$ #2 Austria "ad to issue special stampsD in appearance identical to ?3 @ 333 stamps of t"e period2 but denominated in soldis and florins. /n 1$$ t"is was c"anged to paras and piasters to matc" (ur0is" money2 ?3#@ 3333333 by surc"arging t"e existing stamps of t"e offices2 t"en regular Austrian stamps. .tamps printed specifically for t"e offices resumed in 1&' 2 by using Austrian stamps ?3$@ 3333333 t"e denomination ?at t"is point t"e denomination of Austrian stamps was printed in a second step@2 and t"e 6ubilee issue of 1&'$ included t"e same ?3&@ 3333333 denominated in piasters. :"ile early issues are not common2 t"e !olume of mail by t"e end of t"e empire was suc" t"at bot" used and unused stamps are still commonly ?4'@ 3333333. + New words: 1 denominate ?!.@E c"o tFn lG2 gHi tFn lG2 IJt tFn lG. 1 florin ?n.@E IKng florin ?IKng "Go cLa An" bMng 2 silin"@. 1 piaster ?n.@E IKng bNc ?tiOn (Py Ban <"a2 Ai CQp2 ("R <"S TU@. 1 surc"arge ?!.@E 1. C"VW c"Xt %uY nJngD bZt p"Nt %uY nJngD I[ng t"u\ %uY nJng. 1 9ubilee ?n.@E l] 0^ ni_m 5' n`mD dap !ui mba mV "ci. 31W A. way B. met"od C. system D. networ0 32W A. purc"ase B. sale C. practice D. ser!ice 33W A. sc"ool B. post office C. factory D. company 34W A. regions B. areas C. "ouses D. locations 35W A. stamps B. boo0s C. t"ings D. pictures 3 W A. American B. Austrian C. ,uropean D. Asian 3#W A. first B. second C. next D. last 3$W A. "a!ing B. remo!ing C. releasing D. missing 3&W A. designs B. s"apes C. forms D. images 4'W A. ali!e B. new C. fres" D. a!ailable 2

%. 2RITIN, Choose the sentence that is the best combination of each of the following pairs: 41. ("e elderly are usually t"oug"t to be passi!e. ("ey can actually "a!e acti!e li!es. A. ("e elderly2 t"oug"t to be passi!e2 can actually "a!e acti!e li!es. B. ("e elderly can actually "a!e acti!e li!es t"at are usually t"oug"t to be passi!e. C. ("e elderly t"oug"t to be passi!e can actually "a!e acti!e li!es. D. ("e elderly li!es w"ic" are t"oug"t to be passi!e can actually be acti!e. 42. ."oes are t"e products. ("e company exported only t"ese products to -exico. A. ("e company exported only s"oes to -exico2 t"at are t"e only products. B. ."oes are t"e only products to be exported to -exico. C. ."oes2 w"ic" are t"e only products to be exported to -exico. D. ("e only products to be exported to -exico2 w"ic" are s"oes. 43. (ommy is late. Does anybody 0now w"y; A. Does anybody 0now w"at t"e reason w"y is (ommy late; B. Does anybody 0now w"at t"e reason w"y (ommy is late; C. Does anybody 0now t"e reason w"y is (ommy late; D. Does anybody 0now t"e reason w"y (ommy is late; 44. ."e is t"e ad!isor. :e got t"ose recommendations from "er. A. ."e is t"e ad!isor2 w"o we got t"ose recommendations from. B. ."e is t"e ad!isor w"om we got t"ose recommendations from "er. C. ."e is t"e ad!isor from t"at we got t"ose recommendations. D. ."e is t"e ad!isor from w"om we got t"ose recommendations. 45. -y sister is t"e only member in my family. ."e "olds a )".D. degree in )"ysics. A. -y sister is t"e only member in my family to "old a )".D. degree in )"ysics. B. ("e only member in my family is my sister2 w"o "olds a )".D. degree in )"ysics. C. ("e only member in my family w"ic" "olds a )".D. degree is my sister. D. -y sister2 w"o "olds a )".D. degree in )"ysics2 is t"e only member in my family. 4 . =ew people 0now about C.A.7indburg". >e was t"e first person w"o flew across t"e Atlantic *cean. A. =ew people 0now about C. A. 7indburg"2 t"e first person flying across t"e Atlantic *cean. B. =ew people 0now about C. A. 7indburg"2 t"at was t"e first person to fly across t"e Atlantic *cean. C. =ew people 0now about C. A. 7indburg"2 w"o was t"e first person flown across t"e Atlantic *cean. D. =ew people 0now about C. A. 7indburg"2 w"o was t"e first person to fly across t"e Atlantic *cean. 4#. ("e -ountain 8egion is in t"e Areat >imalayan 8ange. /t ma0es up t"e nort"ern part of <epal. A. ("e -ountain 8egion w"ic" ma0es up t"e nort"ern part of <epal is in t"e Areat >imalayan 8ange. B. ("e -ountain 8egion in t"e Areat >imalayan 8ange ma0es up t"e nort"ern part of <epal. C. ("e Areat >imalayan 8ange2 w"ic" ma0es up t"e nort"ern part of <epal2 is t"e -ountain 8egion. D. ("e nort"ern part of <epal2 made up by t"e Areat >imalayan 8ange is t"e -ountain 8egion. 4$. ("is is t"e best boo0 on t"e mar0et. /t was written for uni!ersity students. A. ("is is t"e best boo0 written for uni!ersity students2 w"ic" are on t"e mar0et. B. ("is is t"e best boo0 to be writing for uni!ersity students on t"e mar0et. C. ("is is t"e best boo0 to be written for uni!ersity students on t"e mar0et. D. ("is is t"e best boo0 t"at is on t"e mar0et2 w"ic" is written for uni!ersity students. 4&. / "a!e a passion for winter. /t is usually a sad season for many people. A. / "a!e a passion for winter w"en is usually a sad season for many people. B. / "a!e a passion for winter2 w"ic" is usually a sad season for many people. C. / "a!e a passion for winter2 w"en is usually a sad season for many people. D. / "a!e a passion for winter w"ic" is usually a sad season for many people. 5'. ("at is t"e student . / borrowed "is boo0 last wee0 . A. ("at is t"e student / borrowed w"ose boo0 last wee0. B. ("e student w"ose boo0 / borrowed t"at is . C. ("at is t"e student w"ose boo0 / borrowed last wee0 D. ("at is t"e student2 w"ose boo0 / borrowed last wee0

I. PRONUNCIATION Put the "ollowin1 words into the ri1ht ! te1ories tec"nology competiti!e courteous subscribe coward transmit capacity communal installation disad!antage relati!e transfer grap"ics magaBine First s#ll )le !!ordin1 to their stress p ttern. facsimile document ser!ice customer translate commune secure imagine dissatisfied disappointed con!enient newspapers original punctuality Third s#ll )le

Se!ond s#ll )le

II. %OCA&U'AR( Fill in the )l n4 with 1i5en words . suc" as money system offer deli!ery deli!ered processed ser!ices a!ailable t"at

A post office is ser!ices aut"oriBed by a postal ?1@333for t"e posting2 receipt2 sortation2 "andling2 transmission or ?2@3333 of mail. )ost offices offer mail1related ser!ices ?3@3333post office boxes2 postage and pac0aging supplies. /n addition2 some post offices ?4@3333 non1postal ser!ices suc" as passport applications and ot"er go!ernment forms2 ?5@3333333 orders2 and ban0ing ? @33333 3. )ost offices also rent post1office boxes to people and businesses t"at prefer not to "a!e mail ?#@333333 to t"eir "ome or office2 or w"o li!e or stay at addresses to w"ic" mail deli!ery is not ?$@33333 . ("e bac0 rooms of a post office are t"e place w"ere mail is ?& @3333 for deli!ery. -ail may also be processed in ot"er post offices ?1' @33333 are not open to t"e general public. III. ,RA--AR Rewrite the se!ond senten!e usin1 rel ti5e !l use. 1. / 0now t"is reporterds bac0ground well and "eds 1''e "onest. ("is reporter ............................................................................ 2. /d!e forgotten t"at commentatords name but "eds !ery well10nown. ("at commentator ............................................................................. 3. )eople w"o "a!endt been abroad s"ouldndt criticiBe foreign customs. <obody w"o ......................................................................................... 4. ("e detecti!e 0new all t"e answers. >e sol!ed t"e mystery. ("e detecti!e ......................................................................... 5. <ew +or0 is a wonderful city. /dd lo!e to !isit it one day. <ew +or0 ........................................................................... . -s =ortune was a writer. >er body was found in t"e cellar. -s =ortune ............................................................................ #. / met an old friend. >e told me all about a boo0 "edd 9ust read. / met ........................................................................................... $. ("ey as0 about t"e at"letes. :e are loo0ing at t"e pictures of t"e at"letes. ("ey as0fffffffffffffffffffff. &. :"o is t"e woman; *ur teac"er is tal0ing to "er. :"o isffffffffffffffffffffff. 1'. *li!er (wist was a poor orp"an boy. >e was born in t"e wor0"ouse. 4

*li!er (wistfffffffffffffffffffff.. I% REA/IN, Re d the p ss 1e )elow ! re"ull#. nd then "ill in the )l n4s with the $issin1 words: ("is article is about post offices. =or specific post offices in ot"er ?1@ 333332 see Aeneral )ost *ffice. A post office is a facility aut"oriBed by a postal ?2@ 333333 for t"e posting2 receipt2 sortation2 "andling2 transmission or ?3@ 333333 of mail. )ost offices offer mail1related ser!ices suc" as post office boxes2 postage and pac0aging supplies. /n ?4@33333332 some post offices offer non1postal ser!ices suc" as passport applications ?5@3333333 ot"er go!ernment forms2 money orders2 and ban0ing ser!ices. )ost offices also rent post1office ? @ 3333333to people and businesses w"o prefer not to "a!e mail deli!ered to t"eir "ome or ?#@ 33333332 or w"o li!e or stay at addresses to w"ic" mail deli!ery is not a!ailable. ("e bac0 rooms of a post office are ?$@ 3333333 mail is processed for deli!ery. -ail may also be processed in ot"er post offices t"at are not ?&@ 333333to t"e general public. ("e )ost *ffice is a retail company in t"e 5nited TingdomD formerly part of t"e postal ?1'@ 33333338oyal -ail2 it became a separate entity in 1&$1. %. 2RITIN, Rewrite e !h o" the "ollowin1 senten!es in su!h w # th t it $e ns e6 !tl# the s $e s the one printed )e"ore it: 1. ("at car belongs to Dr Clar0. /ts engine is !ery good. gh ("is car 333333333333333333333333333333333333 2. ("e manager "as 9ust announced "is retirement. :e "a!e all depended on "im so muc". gh ("e manager on 33333333333333333333333333333333333 3. ("e tree t"at we pic0ed t"ese fruits from is in front of t"e "ouse. gh ("e tree from 333333333333333333333333333333333 4. =riends tend to li!e in t"e same "ouse t"ese days. ("is forms a new 0ind of family. gh =riends tend to li!e in 333333333333333333333333333333333333 5. )olice "as disco!ered a truc0 carrying lots of wild animals. >alf of t"em are dead. gh )olice "as disco!ered a truc0 333333333333333333333333333333333 . (*,=7 measures students4 capability of academic ,nglis". /t is designed by ,(.. gh (*,=7 measures students4 capability 333333333333333333333333333333333 #. ("is is a rare opportunity. +ou s"ould ta0e ad!antage of it to get a better 9ob. gh ("is is a rare opportunity 33333333333333333333333333333333333 $. ("e airport is t"e most modern one. :e are going to arri!e at t"is airport. gh ("e airport 33333333333333333333333333333333333333 &. +ou didn4t tell us t"e reason. :e "a!e to cut down our daily expenses for t"at reason. gh +ou didn4t 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1'. :e first met in 1&45. ("e re!olution too0 place t"en. gh :e first 3333333333333333333333333333333333


I. Choose the word whose underlined p rt is pronoun!ed di""erentl# "ro$ th t o" the others. 1. A. small B. supply C. sure D. species 2. A. swimmer B. sword C. swallow D. swam 3. A. par0s B. animals C. planets D. en!ironments II. Choose the word whi!h is stressed di""erentl# "ro$ the rest. 4. A. endanger B. disappear C. pro"ibit 5. A. extinct B. "uman C. species D. destruction D. planet

III. Choose the !orre!t nswers: . -any organiBations "a!e been set up and funds "a!e been raised. A. establis"ed B. collapsed C. delayed D. decreased #. Because of people4s 33333wit" t"e en!ironment2 many 0inds of plants and animals are becoming rare. A. supply B. sur!i!al C. influence D. interference $. :e all regard pollution as a3333333 matter to "uman beings. A. serious B. seriously C. seriousness D. serio1comic &. Aarbage is considered to be some 0ind of 333333. A. pollute B. pollutants C. pollution D. polluting 1'. ("e 3333 is t"e air2 water and land in or on w"ic" people2 animals and plants li!e. A. conse%uence B. en!ironment C. planet D. resource 11. i Do you t"in0 it4s going to rain;j k i 3333333333.j A. / "ope not B. / don4t "ope C. / don4t "ope t"at D. / don4t "ope so 12. i / t"in0 we s"ould ta0e a s"ower instead of a bat" to sa!e energy.j k i 333333.j A. +es2 we s"ould. B. +es. +ou are good C. <o2 / don4t li0e D. Areatl 7et4s do t"at 13. i33333333 .j k iAll rig"t.j A. :e will ma0e posters on energy sa!ing and "ang t"em around our sc"ool. B. :"y can4t we ma0e posters on energy sa!ing and "anging t"em around our sc"ool; C. >ow about ma0ing posters on energy sa!ing and "anging t"em around our sc"ool; D. /4d li0e to ma0e posters on energy sa!ing and "ang t"em around our sc"ool. 14. Can you turn t"e lig"ts off before lea!ing t"e room;j k i333333j A. +es2 / can B. <o2 / can4t C. +es2 of course D. <o2 / don4t. 15. i 33333333 l Can you "elp me wit" t"is;j A. .orry B. ,xcuse me C. )ardon D. -y apology 1 . :"en "e 3333332 we 333333 dinner. A. arri!edW"a!ing B. was arri!ingW"ad C. arri!edW were "a!ing D. "ad arri!edW"ad 1#. :"ile t"ey 333333 c"ess2 we 3333333333 t"e s"opping. A. playingWdoing B. playedWdid C. were playingWdoing D. were playingW were doing 1$. (oday is ("ursday and s"e 3333 late twice t"is wee0. ."e 33333 late yesterday and on -onday. A. isWwas B. "as beenWis C. "as beenW was D. "as beenW"ad been 1&. >e 3333333333 in t"e same "ouse since 1&#5. A. "as li!ed B. is li!ing C. li!ed D. "ad li!ed 2'. 7ast mont" my brot"er 3333333 me "is p"otos. >e 3333333 me "is p"otos e!ery year. A. sendsWsent B. sentW sends C. sentWsent D. sendsWsends 21. ("e boy 33333333 / lent my money is poor. A. to t"at B. to w"o C. to w"om D. w"om 22. ("e 0nife 33333333 we are cutting bread is !ery s"arp. A. wit" t"at B. w"ic" C. wit" w"ic" D. t"at 23. Cat"y is trustwort"y. ."e4s a person upon 333333333 you can always depend. A. w"o B. w"om C. t"at D. m 24. ("e man 3333 / introduced you to last nig"t may be t"e next president of t"e uni!ersity. A. w"om B. t"at C. m D. all are correct. 25. +our career s"ould focus on a field 333333333 you are generally interested. A. on w"ic" B. in w"ic" C. w"ic" D. t"at 2 . :"at exactly is t"e influence of tele!ision 333333333333 c"ildren; 6

A. on B. in C. at D. wit" 2#. / "a!e two brot"ers2 33333333 are professional at"letes. A. two of w"ic" B. two of w"om C. bot" of w"om D. two of t"em 2$. *ne of t"e people 333333333 / admire most in t"e "istory of t"e world is Aand"i. A. t"at B. w"ic" C. w"ose D. of t"em 2&. .unday is t"e day 3333333 w"ic" we usually go fis"ing. A. during B. at C. in D. on 3'. ("e speec" 3333333 we listened last nig"t was informati!e. A. to w"ic" B. w"ic" to C. to t"at D. t"at /C. C"oose t"e underlined part among A2 B2 C or D t"at needs correcting. 31. ("e man w"om remained in t"e office was t"e manager. A B C D 32. 1&#5 was t"e year in w"en t"e re!olution too0 place. A B C D 33. -r. Brown2 t"at teac"es me ,nglis"2 is coming today. A B C D 34. ("e car w"o / boug"t used to be my fat"er4s. A B C D 35. +ou would be welcome to 9oin our staff if you c"ange your mind. A B C D C. C"oose t"e correct answer 3 . ("e man is my teac"er. / am grateful to "im. A. ("e man w"om / am grateful to "im is my teac"er. C. ("e man is my teac"er w"o / am grateful B. ("e man w"om / am grateful to is my teac"er D. ("e man to "im / am grateful is my teac"er. 3#. <goc is friendly. :e are tal0ing about "er. A. <goc2 we are tal0ing about2 is friendly. C. <goc2 about "er we are tal0ing2 is friendly. B. <goc2 w"om we are tal0ing about is friendly. D. <goc2 about w"om we are tal0ing2 is friendly. 3$. ("at is t"e student. / borrowed "is boo0 last wee0. A. ("at is t"e student / borrowed w"ose boo0 last wee0. B. ("e student w"ose boo0 / borrowed t"at is. C. ("at is t"e student2 w"ose boo0 / borrowed last wee0. D. ("at is t"e student w"ose boo0 / borrowed last wee0. 3&. ("e boo0 is !ery expensi!e. -y fat"er is interested in it. A. ("e boo0 in w"ic" my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e. B. ("e boo0 w"ic" in my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e. C. ("e boo0 w"ic" my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e. D. ("e boo0 in t"at my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e. 4'. .ue li!es in a "ouse. ("e "ouse is opposite my "ouse. A. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"ere is opposite my "ouse. B. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"ic" is opposite my "ouse. C. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"o is opposite my "ouse. D. .ue li!es in a "ouse and w"ic" is opposite my "ouse. %I. Re d the test nd !hoose the !orre!t option to "ill in the 1 ps. /n spite of all warnings2 we are still not loo0ing after our planet. 7oo0 w"at is "appening to our forests. :e are cutting t"em 333 ?41@ at an alarming rate. /f we 0eep on doing t"is2 many animals and plants will 333?42@ extinct. 8are 333?43@ 2 suc" as t"e mountain gorilla2 are already in 333?44@ . -ore will follow. =orests are important for anot"er reason2 too. ("ey "elp to slow t"e rate of global warming. (rees soa0 up gases li0e carbon dioxide2 w"ic" are gi!en 333 ?45@ by power stations and factories. ("ey also produce oxygen2 and act as t"e lungs of t"e world. 41. A. up B. in C. off D. down 7

42. A. go 43. A. species 44. A. t"reat 45. A. off

B. get B. tribes B. danger B. up

C. become C. races C. fact C. out

D. result D. specialities D. troubles D. o!er

%II. Re d the p ss 1e nd !hoose the !orre!t nswers: ("e scarcity of tigers and African elep"ants is more and more serious. ("ey are endangered because poac"ers "unt t"em in order to sell tiger pelts and elep"ant i!ory. At least 42''' elep"ants are 0illed eac" year in order to meet t"e global demand for i!ory2 w"ic" is used to ma0e car!ings2 9ewelry and ot"er products alt"oug" it is illegal to sell i!ory since 1&$& anyw"ere. iAmericans s"ould be aware t"at t"ere is still a problem wit" elep"ant poac"ing and loss to t"e illegal i!ory trade2j Ainette >emley2 =und4s !ice president for species conser!ation2 told ("e :as"ington )ost in .eptember. And so our message is iDon4t buy it2 and don4t ta0e t"at c"ancej. A :ildlife =und report states t"at t"e 5nited .tates seiBed $23'' illegal i!ory items between 1&&5 and 2''2. ,ac" wee0 t"ere are about 12''' i!ory auctions2 t"e report said. As for tigers2 t"eir parts are used in traditional C"inese medicine. (iger bones are used as a pain relie!er in traditional medicine. ,!en tiger4s w"is0ers are sold because some people in Asia t"in0 t"ey are a good1luc0 c"arm k li0e a rabbit4s foot in t"e 5nited .tates. i )art of our 9ob is education2j said )rofessor Dillon. i ("e ot"er part is law enforcement. .o we "a!e more t"an one strategy.j 4 . >unters poac" tigers for t"eir 3333333 A. i!ory B. pelts C. car!ing D. 9ewelry 4#. :"ic" sentence is <*( true. A. ,lep"ants are "unted for t"eir i!ory. B. /t is legal to sell i!ory e!eryw"ere. C. ("ere are about 42''' elep"ants 0illed eac" year. D. ,lep"ant i!ory is used to made 9ewelry. 4$. ("e word it in line $ referred to 3333333 A. an elep"ant B. a tiger C. tiger pelts D. elep"ant i!ory 4&. ("e C"inese use parts of t"e tiger as3333333 A. car!ing B. 9ewelry C. decoration D. medicine 5'. According to )rofessor Dillon2 3333333 A. t"ere is only one strategy to sol!e t"e problem B. it is education t"at can "elp to sol!e t"e problem C. we need bot" education and law enforcement to sol!e t"e problem D. only law enforcement can "elp to sol!e t"e problem

I. Put the words in the !orre!t !olu$n !!ordin1 to their stress p ttern. Capture2 sur!i!e2 agriculture2 extinction2 alternati!e2 destroy2 offspring2 animal2 swallow2 en!ironment The "irst The se!ond The third

II. Choose the suit )le word to "ill in e !h )l n4: natural endangered offspring benefit disc"arging "armful pre!ent grow protection de!astating 1. ("e panda4s 333333333 "abitat is t"e bamboo forest. 2. 7earners can feel !ery 333333333 if an exercise is too difficult. 3. ("e waste from t"e c"emical factory is extremely 333333333. 4. =ourteen percent of primate species are "ig"ly 333333333.


5. Animal 333333333 supporters gat"ered to protest against "unting. . ("e society was set up to 333333333 endangered species from extinction. #. /f people stop destroying animal4s natural "abitat2 more species will sur!i!e and produce 33 $. )eople in t"is region 333333333 mainly rice and !egetables. &. *il spills are "a!ing a 3333333effect on coral reefs in t"e ocean. 1'. ("e factory was fined for 333333333 c"emicals into t"e ri!er. III. Co$)ine the "ollowin1 senten!es usin1 preposition 8 who$ 9 whi!h 1. ("e woman pays me a fair salary. / wor0 for "er. 2. ("e mo!ie was interesting. :e went to it. 3. ("e man is o!er t"ere. / told you about "im. 4. / want to tell you about t"e party. / went to it last nig"t. 5. ("e person is sitting at t"e des0. +ou s"ould tal0 to "er about you problem. . Alice li0es t"e foreign family. ."e is li!ing wit" t"em. #. ("e picture is beautiful. (om is loo0ing at it. $. / en9oyed t"e music. :e listened to it after dinner. &. / met t"e people. +ou told me about t"em. 1'. ("e mar0et "as fres" !egetables. / usually go to it. I%. Use rel ti5e pronoun pre!eded )# preposition to !o$)ine e !h p ir o" the senten!es )elow E 1. ("e teac"er is -r. )i0e. :e studied wit" "im last year. ("e teac"er 33333333333333333333333333333333333 2. ("e problem "as been discussed in class. :e are !ery interested in it. ("e problem 33333333333333333333333333333333333 3. / li0e standing at t"e window. / can see t"e par0 from t"is window. / li0e 33333333333333333333333333333333333 4. ("e woman li!es next door to me. +ou ga!e place to "er on t"e bus. ("e woman 33333333333333333333333333333333333 5. ("e examination lasted two days. / was successful in t"is examination. ("e examination 33333333333333333333333333333333333 . ("e c"ildren are orp"ans. ."e is ta0ing care of t"ese c"ildren. ("e c"ildren 33333333333333333333333333333333333 #. ("e two young men are not good persons. +ou are ac%uainted wit" t"em. ("e two young men 33333333333333333333333333333333333 $. ("is is t"e result of our wor0. /4m pleased wit" it. ("is is 33333333333333333333333333333333333 &. ("ere is a i<o )ar0ingj sign. / do not ta0e notice of it. ("ere is 33333333333333333333333333333333333 1'. -r. Brown is t"e man. /4m responsible to "im for my wor0. -r. Brown 33333333333333333333333333333333333


Choose the letter A ! C " to indicate the correct answer to each of the following #uestions$ Question 1. ("e musicians 3333333 yesterday "a!e played toget"er for many years. A. to w"o we listened B. w"o we listened to C. to t"at we listened D. to w"om we listened Question 2. -any scientists "a!e claimed t"at 3333333 li0e music are often good at -at"s. A. c"ildren B. c"ildren w"o C. c"ildren w"om D. w"ose c"ildren Question 3. ("e student 3333333 "ad an impressi!e record. A. t"e priBe was awarded B. t"at t"e priBe was awarded C. to w"om t"e priBe was awarded D. w"o t"e priBe was awarded Question 4. .cientists will find ways 3333333 our supplies of coal2 oil2 and gas. A. to increase B. increasing C. t"at increasing D. increased Question 5. / t"in0 it was your Dad 3333333. A. p"oned B. to p"one C. t"at p"oned D. w"ic" p"oned Question . Airplanes 3333333 in t"e twentiet" century is one of t"e sources of pollution. A. w"ic" in!ented B. to in!ent C. in!ented D. t"at is in!ented Question #. ."e "as two grown c"ildren2 bot" of 3333333 li!e abroad. A. w"o B. w"om C. t"at D. w"ose Question $. Could you please pro!ide us 3333333some more modern e%uipment; A. for B. by C. in D. wit" Question &. :e do not "a!e plenty 3333333 energy as we t"in0. A. of B. on C. o!er D. wit" Question 1'. / pulled off t"e s"eets 3333333t"e furniture. A. to co!er B. co!ered C. t"at co!ering D. co!ering Question 11. ("e nuclear power plant 3333333 last year will come to operate tomorrow. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. w"ic" completed Question 12. 7ady Astor was t"e first woman 3333333"er seat in )arliament. A. ta0e B. to ta0e C. ta0ing D. w"o ta0es Question 13. Do you remember t"e time 3333333we first !isited 7ondon; A. w"ic" B. w"en C. t"at D. on t"at Question 14. ("e solar energy can c"ange 3333333electricity. A. to B. for C. wit" D. into Question 15. Do you 0now t"e reason3333333 s"e %uit "er 9ob; A. t"at B. w"ic" C. w"en D. w"y Question 1 . ("e par0 3333333/ used to 9og in "as been demolis"ed. A. w"ic" B. w"ere C. in w"ic" D. in w"ere Question 1#. :ater is one of t"e precious resources 3333333for our life. A. we depend on w"ic" B. w"ic" we depend C. on w"ic" we depend D. on t"at we depend Question 1$. ("e areas 3333333are destroyed suffer a lot from soil erosion. A. w"ic" trees B. w"ose trees C. t"at trees D. trees w"ic" Question 1&. / ne!er forget t"e time 3333333/ first !isit Cat (ien <ational )ar0. A. w"en B. w"y C. w"ere D. on t"at Question 2'. / "a!e to lea!e for 7ondon tomorrow2 3333333 means / cannot go to t"e party wit" you. A. t"at B. w"ic" C. w"en D. w"y Question 21. -ore and more rare animals are 3333333danger of extinction. A. for B. on C. at D. in Question 22. .ome countries 3333333try to reduce extinction depend on t"e world organiBation for support. A. w"ic" B. in w"ic" C. w"ere D. w"ose Question 23. Do you t"in0 t"at we are using up t"e resources 3333333for our sur!i!al; A. are necessary B. t"at are necessary C. w"ic" necessary D. t"at necessary 10

Question 24. 8ain forests are places3333333 people "ar!est wood2 delicious fruits2 and powerful medicine. A. in w"ic" B. in t"at C. in w"ere D. w"ic" Question 25. / wonder about 33333 "uman beings are destroying t"e en!ironment so seriously. A. t"e reason t"at B. t"at reason C. t"e reason in w"ic"D. t"e reason for w"ic" Question 2 . ("e aut"ority gat"ered t"ose !illagers33333 t"ey explained t"e importance of forests. A. w"o B. w"om C. to w"om D. to t"at Question 2#. ("e energy 3333333 by t"e windmill dri!es all t"e drainage pumps. A. t"at is producing B. w"ic" produces C. producing D. produced Questions 2$. ("ey are ma0ing an artificial la0e 3333333 water for t"e area. A. pro!ided B. t"at pro!ided C. to pro!ide D. w"ic" is pro!ide Question 2&. ."e is t"e only one in t"e discussion 3333333 to using nuclear power. A. ob9ects B. ob9ected C. to ob9ect D. w"om ob9ects Question 3'. ("e old man 3333333 a blac0 suit is a famous energy researc"er. A. to wear B. wearing C. w"om is wearing D. is wearing Question 31. 6o"n was t"e last applicant 3333333 for a position in t"at energy station. A. to inter!iew B.w"ic" is inter!iewed C. inter!iewing D. to be inter!iewed Choose the letter A ! C or " to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following #uestions$ Question 32. A. boo0s B. bats C. cups D. dogs Question 33. A. boxes B. classes C. notes D. buBBes Question 34. A. "opes B. laug"s C. wor0s D. comes Question 35. A. "elps B. p"otograp"s C. costs D. plays %ead the following passage and choose the letter A ! C or " to indicate the correct word&s' for each of the blan(s from )* to +,$ ("ere is now increasing concern about t"e world4s ?3 @ 333332 particularly about t"ose in!ol!ing fossil ?3#@ 333333. /n less t"an a "undred years we s"all probably ?3$@ 33333 all t"e present ?3&@ 3333 of oil and gas. ("e world4s coal ?4'@ 3333 s"ould last longer but2 once used2 t"ese cannot be ?41@ 33333. /t is important2 t"erefore2 t"at we s"ould de!elop suc" alternati!e sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy as well as water and wind ?42@ 33333 ?classed as ?43@ 33333 energy@. 5ntil t"ese energy ?44@ 333333 are widely used2 it is important for de!eloped countries to reduce energy ?45@ 333333 as muc" as possible. 3 . A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials 3#. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energy 3$. A. end B. complete C. total D. ex"aust 3&. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources 4'. A. reser!es B. stores C. mines D. contents 41. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced 42. A. force B. repeated C. renewed D. produced 43. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous 44. A. goods B. supplies C. pro!isions D. materials 45. A. ex"austion B. destruction C. waste D. consumption Re d the p ss 1e nd !hoose the !orre!t nswers: .cientists often di!ide resources into two groupsE renewable and nonk renewable. :"en a resource is used2 it ta0es some times to replace it. /f t"e resource can be replaced %uic0ly and easily2 it is called renewable. /f it cannot be replaced %uic0ly and easily2 it is non1renewable. All fossil fuels are non1renewable resources. .olar energy2 air2 and water are usually called renewable because t"ere is an unlimited supply. >owe!er2 t"is definition may c"ange if people are not careful wit" t"ese resources. ("e amount of solar energy t"at reac"es t"e eart" depends on t"e atmosp"ere. /f t"e atmosp"ere is polluted2 t"e solar energy t"at reac"es t"e eart" may be dangerous. /f "umans continue to pollute t"e air2 it will not contain t"e correct amounts of t"ese gases. -any resources are limited and non1 renewable2 and many are in danger of pollution. As a conse%uence2 resources must be conser!ed and t"e en!ironment protected. Conser!ation must become an important part of e!eryone4s life. 4 . >ow many 0inds of resources are mentioned in t"e passage; A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 4#. <on1renewable resources are t"ose w"ic" 3333333 11

A. are unlimited B. can be replaced %uic0ly and easily C. ta0e millions of t"e years to replace D. are used e!ery day suc" as solar energy and water 4$. :"at will "appen if t"e atmosp"ere is polluted; A. ("e air won4t contain t"e correct amounts of natural gases B. 7ife won4t continue as it does C. 8enewable resources will soon become non1 renewable D. All are correct 4&. ("e word conser!ation in t"e passage is opposite to A. pre!ention B. pollution C. protection D. preser!ation 5'. :"y do we "a!e to conser!e resources; A. Because many resources are limited and non1renewable B. Because conser!ation plays an important part in e!eryone4s life C. (o 0eep t"e air from being polluted D. (o ma0e natural resources renewable

I. Put the "ollowin1 words into the !orre!t ! te1ories. mac"ineD futureD scientistD naturalD %uestionD sugarD safeD solarD oceanD special 9:9 9t:9 WsW

II. Rewrite the "ollowin1 senten!es. repl !e the rel ti5e !l uses )# present or past participle phrases$ 1. :"o was t"at good loo0ing man who is talking to Alison; 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2. 7eft1"anded c"ildren who are forced to write with their right hands often de!elop psyc"ological problems. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3. 7uggage that is left unattended will be ta0en away by police. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4. ("e nurse who is looking after my aunt is !ery 0ind to "er. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 5. All t"e rubbis" that is floating in the sea is a real danger to "ealt". 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 . ("ompson is t"e most famous actress who appears on stage here. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 #. ("e secretary was t"e only person who was offered a pay rise. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 $. Daniel was t"e most suitable candidate who applied for the job. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 &. i-y Dreamsj was t"e second album which was released at the end of June. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1'. Anna is t"e first person who knows my phone number. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 III. Co$plete e !h o" the "ollowin1 senten!es with the !orre!t "or$ o" the words in p rentheses. 1. ("e team "as t"ousands of333333333333 supporters. (energy) 2. ("e prisoners w"o escaped are !iolent and 3333333333333333333 .(danger) 3. )ollution is 9ust one of t"e 333333333333 of li!ing in t"e town. (advantage) 12

4. -any teac"ers would li0e to be more ad!enturous and 33333333333. (create) 5. -any people don4t realiBe t"at t"ey are breat"ing333333333333 air. (pollute) . /4d li0e to "elp you but 33333333333333332 t"ere4s not"ing / can do. (fortune) #. A lot of t"ese c"emicals are 3333333333333333333 "armful. (potential) $. ("e news "as caused great excitement among 333333333333333. (science) &. >e too0 off "is 9ac0et because of t"e 333333333333333 . (hot) 1'. ."e cares 3333333333 about t"e en!ironmental pollution. (deep) I%. Rewrite the "ollowin1 senten!es s the dire!tions in the )r !4ets. 1. Do you 0now t"e woman w"o is coming toward us; (using present participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2. ("e people w"o are waiting for t"e bus in t"e rain are getting wet. (using present participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3. ("e rules t"at allow public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered. (using present participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4. Be sure to follow t"e instructions t"at are gi!en at t"e top of t"e page. (using past participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 5. ("e p"otograp"s w"ic" were publis"ed in t"e newspapers were extraordinary. (using past participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 . ("e experiment w"ic" was conducted at t"e 5ni!ersity of C"icago was successful. (using past participle) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 #. :e "ad a ri!er in w"ic" we could swim. (using to infinitive) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 $. +ou are t"e last person w"o saw "er ali!e. (using to infinitive) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 &. ("e nueen ,liBabet" is t"e largest s"ip w"ic" "as been built on t"e island. (using to infinitive) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1'. >e was t"e second man w"o was 0illed in t"is way. (using to infinitive) 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


I. Choose the word whi!h is stressed di""erentl# "ro$ the rest. 1. A. 0nowledge B. friends"ip C. at"lete 2. A. appreciate B. ent"usiasm C. participant 3. A. a%uatic B. bas0etball C. official 4. A. occasion B. toget"er C. de!elop 5. A. at"letic B. "istory C. %uality D. compete D. solidarity D. toget"er D. !olleyball D. bodybuilding

II. Choose the word whi!h h s the underlined p rt pronoun!ed di""erentl# "ro$ the rest. . A. Asian B. bas0etball C. tennis D. solidarity #. A. s"ooting B. s%uas" C. sport D. sure $. A. rugby B. nearby C. cycling D. apply &. A. "oped B. attracted C. added D. participated 1'. A. at"letics B. participants C. efforts D. s0ills III. Corre!tion 11. By t"e time 6oan arri!ed2 all of t"e food "ad eaten. A B C D 12. ("e weat"er t"is year is muc" "otter t"an 2''5. A B C D 13. /f "e would be taller2 "e would be a good bas0etball player. A B C D 13

14. ("e final exam was t"e more difficult t"an t"e mid1semester exam. A B C D 15. ("e customs in "is country are more traditional t"an t"at in t"e 5nited .tates. A B C D I%. %o! )ul r# 1 . Do you 0now w"en t"e 2'' Asian Aames too0 place; A. "appened B. deepened C. added D. struggled 1#. ("e Asian Aames "a!e ad!anced in all aspects since t"e first Aames was "elp in 1&51. A. de!eloped B. competed C. ta0en place D. decreased st 1$. *nly 4$& at"letes too0 part in t"e 1 Asian Aames. A. participated in B. got rid of C. ga!e up D. added to 1&. Torea was c"osen to be of t"e 2''2 Asian Aames. A. at"lete B. "ost C. participant D. guest 2'. ("e *lympic Aames is one of t"e biggest sporting all o!er t"e world. A. problems B. at"letes C. cultures D. e!ents C. :ord =orms 21. After t"e accident "e lost "is for t"e sport. A. ent"usiasm B. ent"usiast C. ent"usiastic D. ent"usiastically 22. :e are %uite of t"e success of our country at t"e next Asian Aames. A. "ope B. "opeful C. "opefully D. "opefulness 23. / do weig"t training e!ery day to impro!e t"e of muscles. A. strong B. strengt" C. strongly D. strengt"en 24. :e presented t"e at"letes some flowers as a to0en of our for all t"eir efforts to ac"ie!e. A. appreciate B. appreciation C. appreciated D. appreciati!e 25. After t"e opening ceremony2 t"e at"letes got ready to start t"e . A. compete B. competitor C. competition D. competiti!e %I. ,r $$ r 2 . is considered to be t"e most popular2 is also my fa!orite. A. =ootball w"ic" B. =ootball2 t"at C. =ootball2 w"ic" D. =ootball 2#. ("e football season is t"e time t"ousands of football fans crowd into t"e stadium to watc" t"eir fa!orite teams. A. w"ere B. w"ic" C. at t"at D. w"en 2$. At"letes do t"eir best to win medals to winners as awards. A. w"ic" gi!e B. are gi!e C. to gi!e D. gi!en 2&. ,ac" country sends its best at"letes participation expresses t"e friends"ip and solidarity. A. w"o B. w"ic" C. t"at D. w"ose 3'. ("e man a blac0 suit is a football referee. A. to wear B. wearing C. w"o wear D. wears. t" 31. =encing was first introduced at t"e 13 Asian Aames2 in Bang0o0. ("ailand in 1&&$. A. to be "eld B. "olding C. w"en was "eld D. w"ic" was "eld 32. >e too0 out a p"oto of )olo2 "e adored. A. w"ose B. w"om C. t"at D. w"ic" 33. ("e deat" of "is son was an experience from "e ne!er fully reco!ered. A. w"en B. w"y C. t"at D. w"ic" 34. ("ey are tal0ing about t"ey are loo0ing at. A. Da!id Bec0"am is picture B. Da!id Bec0"am4s picture C. Da!id Bec0"am2 w"ic" picture D. Da!id Bec0"am2 w"ose picture 35. ("is is a picture in t"e newspaper of a "ig" 9umper leg was seriously "urt. A. w"o B. w"om C. w"ose D. t"at %II. Fill in e !h nu$)ered )l n4 with one suit )le word or phr se. 5p to now2 ("ailand ?1@ t"e "ost country of t"e Asian Aames four times. /n 1& 2 ("ailand "eld t"e Aames for t"e first time. /t was t"e 5 t" Aames wit" 1$ countries ?2@ 33333 . /n 1&#'2 .out" Torea dropped its plan to "ost t"e games ?3@ security t"reats from <ort" Torea2 and t"e ?4@ "ost ("ailand administered t"e Aames in Bang0o0 using t"e funds of .out" Torea. /n 1&#$2 )a0istan dropped its plan to "ost t"e Aames due to conflicts wit" Banglades" and /ndian. ("ailand ?5@ to "elp and t"e Aames were "eld in Bang0o0. ("e 13t" Asian Aames was "eld in Bang0o02 ("ailand from to 2' December 1&&$. 14

3 . A. is 3#. A. to compete 3$. A. as 3&. A. pre!ious 4'. A. suggested

B. will be B. competing B. due to B. ad!anced B. ad!ised

C. was C. competed C. because C. old C. offered

D. "as been D. compete D. despite D. before D. made

%III. Re d the p ss 1e ! re"ull# nd !hoose the !orre!t nswer. ("e Asian Aames owes its origins to small Asian multi1sport competitions. ("e =ar ,astern C"ampions"ip Aames were created to s"ow unity and cooperation among t"ree nationsE 6apan2 t"e )"ilippines and C"ina. ("e first games were "eld in -anila2 t"e )"ilippines in 1&31. *t"er Asian nations participated after it was organiBed. After :orld :ar //2 a number of Asian countries became independent. -any of t"e new independent Asian countries wanted to use a new type of competition w"ere Asian dominance s"ould not be s"own by !iolence and s"ould be strengt"ened by mutual understanding. /n August 1&4$2 during t"e 14 t" *lympic Aames in 7ondon2 /ndian representati!e Auru Dutt .ond"i proposed to sports leaders of t"e Asian teams t"e idea of "a!ing discussions about "olding t"e Asian Aames. ("ey agreed to form t"e Asian At"letic =ederation. A preparatory committee was set up to draft t"e c"arter for t"e Asian amateur at"letic federation. /n =ebruary2 1&4&2 t"e Asian at"letic federation was formed and used t"e name Asian Aames =ederation. /t was decided to "old t"e first Asian Aames in 1&51 in <ew Del"i t"e capital of /ndia. ("ey added t"at t"e Asian Aames would be regularly "eld once e!ery four years. 41. ("e text is about . A. t"e origin of t"e Asian Aames B. t"e =ar ,astern C"ampions"ip Aames C. t"e Aames in -anila D. t"e relations"ip of 6apan2 t"e )"ilippines2 and C"ina 42. ("e =ar ,astern C"ampions"ip Aames . A. were "eld in -anila after :orld :ar // B. were "eld in 6apan C. were attended by all countries in Asia D. "ad t"e participation of only t"ree nations t" 43. ("e 14 *lympic Aames too0 place . A. in 1&13 B. in august 1&4$ C. before t"e :orld :ar // D. in =ebruary 1&4& 44. ("e Asian Aames . A. were first "eld in C"ina B. were first "eld in /ndian C. were suggested establis"ing by a 7ondoner. D. were "eld in same year of t"e 14t" *lympic Aames 45. ("e Asian Aames were first "eld in . A. 1&31 B. 1&41 C. 1&4$ D. 1&51 I;. 2ritin1 4 . ("e best place in w"ic" we can practise ,nglis" is t"e staff1room. A. ("e best place is t"e staff1room for practising ,nglis". B. ("e best place is t"e staff1room to practise ,nglis". C. ("e best place for practising ,nglis" us is t"e staff1room. D. ("e best place for us to practise ,nglis" is t"e staff1room. 4#. ("ere are a lot of people. ("e people li0e to do t"ings toget"er. A. ("ere are a lot of people w"om li0e to do t"ings toget"er. B. ("ere are a lot of people w"o li0e to do t"ings toget"er. C. ("ere are a lot of people w"o li0e do t"ings toget"er. D. ("ere are a lot of people li0e to do t"ings toget"er. 4$. .ue li!es in a "ouse. ("e "ouse is opposite my "ouse. A. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"ere is opposite my "ouse. B. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"ic" is opposite my "ouse. C. .ue li!es in a "ouse w"o is opposite my "ouse. D. .ue li!es in a "ouse and w"ic" is opposite my "ouse. 4&. ("at old "ouse 3333333333333333333. A. at t"e end of t"e road "as been sold. B. "as been sold at t"e end of t"e road. C. at t"e end of t"e road "as sold. D. t"ey "a!e sold at t"e end of t"e road. 5'. / will wait until 333333333333333333. A. ."e will come tomorrow. B. s"e comes tomorrow. C. s"e is coming tomorrow. D. s"e is going to come tomorrow. 15

(,.( 2
I. Ti!4 *<+ the !orre!t sounds "or the words )elow. W0W WW 1. appreciate 2. scream 3. ad!ance 4. screen 5. official . screw #. introduce $. scratc" &. cycling 1'. participant II. ,i5e the !orre!t "or$ o" the words in )r !4ets. 1. ("e Asian Aames are "eld for t"e purpose of de!eloping intercultural 3333333333 ?0now@ and 333333333333 ?friend@. 2. /n t"is e!ent2 young people from all o!er Asia gat"er toget"er to 3333333333. ?competition@ 3. <ew sports and 3333333333333 sports "a!e been introduced and added to t"e Aames. ?tradition@ 4. ("e Cietnamese 33333333333333 too0 part in t"e 14t" Asian Aames wit" great ent"usiasm. ?participate@ 5. ("e six sports e!ents were bas0etball2 333333333332 football2 a%uatic sports2 at"letics and weig"tlifting. ?cycle@ . >e is a man of great 333333333. ?strong@ #. >e left for a 33333333333 of reasons. ?!arious@ $. ("e aim of t"e conference is to promote international 3333333333 ?friend@ &. ("e 333333333333 in t"e Asian Aames come from all o!er Asia. ?participate@ 1'. ("e news is almost certainly true alt"oug" it4s not yet 3333333333. ?officially@ 11. +ou "a!e to be "ig"ly 3333333333333 to do well is sport nowadays. ?compete@ 12. >e "as t"e ability to generate 333333333333333 in ot"ers. ?ent"usiast@ 13. 3333333333333333 is ,urope4s second most popular sport. ?cycle@ 14. :e all need 333333333333 in our diet. ?!arious@ 15. ("e go!ernment always encourages t"e 33333333333333 of small businesses. ?de!elop@ III. Re d the in"or$ tion nd !o$plete e !h senten!e. 1. A friend of mine "elped me to get a 9ob. >is fat"er is t"e manager of a company. A friend of mine 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 2. / couldndt remember t"e number of my own car. ("is made t"e police suspicious. / 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 3. / went to see my nep"ew 6immy. / used to loo0 after "im w"en "e was small. / went 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 4. ("e problem "as been discussed in class. :e are !ery interested in it. ("e problem in 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. I%. Rewrite the "ollowin1 senten!es usin1 restri!ti5e or non0restri!ti5e Rel ti5e Cl uses nd pun!tu te the$ !orre!tl#: 5. .usie broug"t "ome a 0itten. ."e4d found it in t"e par0. . )aul "as a 9ob wit" ,mpirico. /ts main product is electric lig"t bulbs. #. Among t"e group of people was )rofessor 8oggers. / last "ad seen "im in *xford twenty years earlier. $. / li!e on a small road. /t leads down to t"e ri!er. %. Redu!in1 the rel ti5e !l uses in the senten!es )elow. usin1 %0in1 . PP or to 0%o &. :e "a!e an apartment w"ic" o!erloo0s t"e par0 . 1'. ("e !egetables w"ic" are sold in t"is supermar0et are grown wit"out c"emicals. 11. Do you 0now t"e woman w"o is coming toward us ; 12. >e was t"e only man w"o reac"ed t"e top. 16 WsW

13. >e is always t"e first w"o comes and t"e last w"o goes.. 14. ("e fift" man w"o was inter!iewed was completely unsuitable . %I. Rewrite the "ollowin1 senten!es )# usin1 redu!in1 the rel ti5e !l uses: 15. >e wor0s in a company t"at ma0es car. >e wor0s 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 1 . :"at was t"e name of t"e man w"o you met yesterday; :"at was t"e name of t"e man 33333333333333333333333333333333. 1#. ("is is t"e best boo0 w"ic" you can read on a long flig"t. ("is is t"e best boo0 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 1$. ("e manager w"o / wanted to see was away on "oliday. ("e manager 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 1&. ("e window t"at was bro0en "as now been repaired. ("e window 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333. 2'. ("e boo0 is about a young girl w"o runs away from "ome. ("e boo0 is about a young girl 33333333333333333333333333333333.



Mar( the letter A ! C or " to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following #uestions: 1. A. finis"ed B. marc"ed C. stopped D. robbed 2. A. attracted B. collected C. decided D. arri!ed 3. A. places B. ages C. li!es D. pages 4. A. t"an0s B. s"ows C. suggests D. stops 5. A. letters B. boo0s C. pets D. stamps Choose the correct answer A ! C or " to each of the following #uestions$ . ("ere are number of t"ings / li0e to do in my free time. A. leisure B. precious C. busy D. idle #. -y uncle2 w"o is an accomplis"ed guitarist2 taug"t me "ow to play. A. unimpaired B. s0illed C. ill1educated D. un%ualified $. <ow / can play a few simple tunes. A. compound B. plain C. easy D. complicated &. p>ow do you do. /4m Bill ("omson. p33333333333334 A. Cery well. ("an0 you. B. /4m fifteen years old. C. /4m fine. D. >ow do you do. 1'. / "a!e a modest little glass fis" tan0 w"ere / 0eep a !ariety of small fis". A. limited B. excessi!e C. conceited D. moderate 11. p("an0 you !ery muc" for t"e lo!ely flowers.4 p33333333333.4 A. +ou4re welcome. B. +ou li0e flowers2 don4t you; C. +ea"2 t"e flowers are nice. D. /t was an excellent c"oice. 12. ("e singer was 3333333333333333 on t"e piano by "er sister. A. played B. performed C. accompanied D. "elped 13. ("e most important t"ing is to 0eep yourself occupied. A. busy B. relaxed C. comfortable D. free 14.33333333333 w"o was elected t"e first woman mayor of C"icago in 1&#&. A. /t was 6ane Byrne B. 6ane Byrne C. ("at 6ane Byrne D. :"en 6ane Byrne 15. p:ould you li0e a drin0 ;4 p3333333333333334 A. +es2 / want to. B. +es2 please. C. ("an0 you. / don4t want. D. <o2 / won4t. 1 .333333333333 t"at t"e capital of .out" Carolina was mo!ed from C"arleston to Columbia A. /n 1#&' was B. ("ere was in 1#&' C. /n 1#&' D. /t was in 1#&' 1#. p<ice to meet you.4 p333333333334 A. ("is is )eter :"ite. B. <ice to meet you2 too. C. /4m fine2 t"an0s. D. /t was nice to you to say so. 1$. ("e man 33333333333 on t"e c"air be"ind me 0ept tal0ing during t"e film2 33333333333really annoyed me. A. "a!ing satW t"at B. sittingW w"ic" C. to sitW w"at D. to be sittingW w"o 1&. p("an0 you !ery muc".4 p333333333334 A. +es2 of course. B. / li0e it a lot. C. +ou4re alrig"t. D. +ou4re welcome. 2'. >e ad!ised me to practise playing t"e guitar regularly. A. fre%uently B. commonly C. freely D. completely 21. <eil Armstrong was t"e first person 33333333333 foot on t"e moon. A. set B. setting C. to set D. w"o was set 22. /n t"e no!el by )eter2 33333333 t"e film is based2 t"e main c"aracter is a teenager. A. on t"at B. w"o C. on w"ic" D. w"ic" 23. :"o was t"e first person 3333333333333 t"e .out" )ole; A. reac"ed B. to reac" C. w"o reac"es D. "ad reac"ed 24. /t is in nuebec33333333333 =renc" is used as an official language . A. w"ic" B. w"ere C. in w"ere D. t"at 25. -rs :"ite2 333333 taug"t me ,nglis" 5 years ago2 is a good teac"er. A. w"o B. t"at C. w"om D. w"ose. 2 . 33333333333t"at t"e capital of .out" Carolina was mo!ed from C"arleston to Columbia. 18

A. /n 1#&' was B. ("ere was in 1#&' C. /n 1#&' D. /t was in 1#&' 2#. /t was -r. >arding 33333333333 t"e bill to yesterday. A. w"o sent my secretary B. to w"om my secretary sent C. t"at my secretary sent D. my secretary sent 2$. 33333333333 8ut" .t. Dennis turned to Asian dances to find inspiration for "er c"oreograp"y. A. /t was t"e dancer t"at B. ("e dancer C. ("at t"e dancer D. ("e dancer was 2&33333333333 / boug"t t"e golden fis". A. /t was from t"is s"op t"at B. / was from t"is s"op w"ere C. /t was t"is s"op w"ic" D. /t was t"is s"op t"at 3'. /t was (om 33333333333 to "elp us. A. comes B. w"o comes C. to come D. t"at came %ead the following passage and mar( the letter A ! C or " to indicate the correct answer to each of the #uestions from )- to ), .tamp collecting is t"e collecting of postage stamps and related ob9ects2 suc" as en!elopes or pac0ages wit" stamps on t"em. /t is one of t"e world4s most popular "obbies2 wit" estimates of t"e number of collectors ranging up to 2' million in t"e 5nited .tates alone. -any casual collectors en9oy accumulating stamps wit"out worrying about t"e tiny details2 but t"e creation of a large or compre"ensi!e collection generally re%uires some p"ilatelic 0nowledge. ("is is especially important for t"ose w"o intend to spend large amounts for stamps. .tamp collectors are an important source of re!enue for some small countries t"at create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be boug"t by stamp collectors. ("e stamps produced by t"ese countries far exceed t"e postal needs of t"e countries. .ome collectors2 obser!ing t"e generally rising prices of rare stamps2 "a!e ta0en to )"ilatelic /n!estment. 8are stamps are among t"e most portable of tangible in!estments2 and are easy to store. .hey offer an attracti!e alternati!e to art2 ot"er collectible in!estments2 and precious metals. 31. ("e estimated number of stamp collectors in t"e 5nited .tates is 333333333 A. 3' million B. 2' million C. 1' million D. 15 million 32. )"ilatelic 0nowledge is especially important for 333333333 A. many casual collectors en9oy B. some small countries C. t"ose w"o intend to spend large amounts for stamps D. t"e postal needs of t"e countries 33. :"y "a!e some collectors ta0en to )"ilatelic in!estment; k Because t"ey 33333333 A. "a!e obser!ed t"e generally rising prices of stamps. B. "a!e obser!ed t"e generally rising prices of rare stamps. C. "a!e obser!ed t"e generally low prices of stamps. D. "a!en4t obser!ed t"e generally rising prices of stamps. 34. ("e word they in paragrap" 4 refers to 3333333333 A. .tamp collectors B. .mall countries C. 8are stamps D. ("e prices of rare stamps 35. :"ic" of t"e following is <*( true about rare stamps; 1 33333333333 A. ("ey are among t"e most portable of tangible in!estments. B. /t4s easy for us to store rare stamps. C. ("ey are an important source of re!enue. D. ("ey offer an attracti!e alternati!e to art. %ead the following passage and mar( the letter A ! C or " to indicate the correct answer to each of the #uestions from )* to +/ >obbies are acti!ities in w"ic" one participates strictly for 33333 3333333. ("ey "elp one to maintain a mental and emotional balance. A "obby can be almost anyt"ing. -usic is most popular. =or example2 many people all o!er t"e world play piano simply for relaxing and 333333# 333333 in t"eir free "ours2 and t"ey do not play professionally. .ports pro!ide ot"er 3333333$ 33333 "obbies. Bicycling2 running2 tennis2 ping1pong2 and countless ot"er sports are en9oyed by millions of people 33333& 333333 t"eir leisure time. 19

.ome people collect t"ings as a "obby. .tamps2 coins2 and fine art are all popular collections2 and !aluable2 too. ("ere are still "undreds of ot"ers2 not necessarily !aluable but still interesting2 suc" as doll collections2 bottle collections2 seas"ell collections2 butterfly collections2 and so on. As you can see2 "obbies can be relaxing2 c"allenging2 interesting2 en9oyable or 33334' 33333332 so e!eryone s"ould "a!e one or two "obbies. 3 . A. amusement B. wor0ing C. researc"ing D. in!estigating 3#. A. funny B. fun C. rest D. resting 3$. A. li0ing B. li0ely C. fa!orite D. lo!ing 3&. A. for B. during C. of D. on 4'. A. education B. non1education C. educational D. educationally Mar( the letter A ! C or " to show the underlined part that needs correction$ 41. ("ere4s t"e woman w"o s"e told me about t"e "andbag. A B C D 42. ("e man t"at you are loo0ing for li!ing next door. A B C D 43. ("e man for w"o t"e police are loo0ing robbed t"e ban0 yesterday. A B C D 44 ("e actor about t"at / told you is coming "ere tomorrow. A B C D 45. /t was many students some of w"o were playing in t"e sc"oolyard. A B C D Mar( the letter A ! C or " to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following #uestions$ 4 . >ung boug"t 7an 1olden rin1 for "er birt"day. A. /t was a golden ring t"at was boug"t to 7an for "er birt"day by >ung. B. /t was a golden ring t"at was boug"t 7an for "er birt"day by >ung. C. /t was a golden ring t"at was boug"t for 7an "er birt"day. D. /t was a golden ring t"at >ung boug"t 7an for "er birt"day. 4#. ("e girl ga!e the )o# a special gift on C"ristmas. A. /t was t"e boy w"o t"e girl ga!e "im a special gift on C"ristmas. B. /t was t"e boy w"o was ga!e a special gift on C"ristmas by t"e girl. C. /t was t"e boy w"o was gi!en a special gift on C"ristmas by t"e girl. D. /t was a special gift t"at was gi!en t"e boy in C"ristmas by t"e girl. 4$. :e "a!e done lot o" e6er!ises on 8elati!e Clauses. A. /t was a lot of exercises t"at we "a!e done on 8elati!e Clauses. B. /t is a lot of exercises t"at are "a!e done on 8elati!e Clauses by us. C. /t is a lot of exercises t"at "as been done on 8elati!e Clauses by us. D. /t is a lot of exercises t"at "a!e been done on 8elati!e Clauses by us. 4&. Columbus sailed to America in 14&2. A. ("at was in 14&2 t"at Columbus sailed to America B. /n 14&2 t"at Columbus sailed to America C. /t was in 14&2 t"at Columbus sailed to America D. /t is in 14&2 t"at Columbus sailed to America 5'. ("e boo0 is !ery expensi!e. -y fat"er is interested in it. A. ("e boo0 in w"ic" my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e. B. ("e boo0 w"ic" in my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e C. ("e boo0 w"ic" my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e D. ("e boo0 in t"at my fat"er is interested is !ery expensi!e


I9Pronun!i tion: Pi!4 out the 1i5en words whi!h re pronoun!ed 9 pt 9 9 )d 9 9 ps9 9 )>9 . nd put it into the ri1ht !olu$n stopped 2 9umped2 stops2 robs2 stabbed2 stepped2 grabbed2 bribes2 trapped2 rubs2 steps2 maps2 bribed2 s"ops2 clubs2 robbed 9 pt 9 9 )d 9 9 ps9 9 )>9

II92OR/ FORCo$plete the "ollowin1 with n ppropri te "or$ o" the word 1i5en in )r !4ets 1W/f you want to get ?impro!e@ 333333333333333in your study you "a!e to try "arder. 29<ot only t"e students but also t"e teac"er feels pleased wit" t"e ?perform@ 33333333333 of t"e soccer team 3W-y uncle tells me t"at all / need is to practise ?regular@ 333333333333333 4W/ "a!e not been !ery ?success@ 333333333333333at singing w"ile playing t"e guitar 5W / could not call myself an a!id stamp ?collect@ 333333333333333 W / lo!e ?watc"@ 333333333333333fis" in t"e tan0 #W>e is !ery good at ?accompany@ 333333333333333people singing wit" "is guitar $W Boo0s pro!ide t"e reader wit" so many facts and so muc" ?inform@ 333333333333333 &W>is parents were ?interest@ 333333333333333in reading 1'W / ?classification@ 333333333333333 stamps in categories li0e plants2 birds2 landscape 000$ 1ill in the gap with 2NE suitable word3 phrase from the list below once in a w"ile a wide !ariety collecting for a w"ile discarded indulge a!id "obby modest occupied accomplis"ed admire

1. / do not go to t"e cinema oftenD / only go t"ere 33333333333 2. ("ere is 3333333333333 of goods for you to c"oose. 3. -y 333333333 is 33333333333 stamps 4. ("ey went to town to 33333333333333 in s"opping. 5. ."e "as ta0en an 33333333333333 interest in stamp collecting . ."e4s !ery 3333333333 about "er success #. ("ey met and c"atted 3333333333333 $. >e4s fully 333333333333 loo0ing after t"ree small c"ildren &. ("e first part of t"e plan "as been safely 333333333333 1'. / really 3333333 your ent"usiasm I%. ,RA--AR: Rewrite these senten!es. usin1 !le"t senten!e$ 1. ."e boug"t t"e car from (om. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2. -y secretary sent t"e bill to -r >arding yesterday. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3. >e already plays for national sideD "e only turned professional last year. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4. ("e film was made in Bristol. 21

3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 5. :e are coming to stay wit" 6ane t"is wee0end. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 . Columbus sailed to America in 14&2. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 #. ("e president ma0es t"e important decisions. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 $. /dm not loo0ing forward to p"ysics2 but /dm most worried about2 t"e statistics exam. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 &. ."eds been seeing a doctor at <ewtown >ospital2 but s"eds "a!ing t"e operation in t"e nueen -ary >ospital. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1'. Caroline "as been feeling a bit depressed for some time2 so / boo0ed a "oliday in Amsterdam to c"eer "er up. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 11. /tds not t"at / dondt want to "a!e dinner wit" you tonig"tD / candt come because /d!e got so muc" wor0 to do. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 12. / "ad my wallet w"en / went into t"e sports "all2 so / lost it somew"ere in t"ere. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 13. ."e doesndt find learning language !ery easy2 and s"e impro!ed "er .panis" only by studying !ery "ard. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 14. / "a!e "ad great "elp from my best friend Da!e in doing my researc"2 and / delicate t"is t"esis to "im. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 15. / dondt mind "er criticising me2 but / ob9ect to "ow s"e does it. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1 . Diane won t"e final matc". 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1#. .ue often !isits us on .aturdays 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1$. ("e !illage is located in a mountainous area. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1&. (om used t"is gun to 0ill 6ac0. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2'. /n 1$ 22 ,iffel married -arie Aaudelet. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333



I9 %OCA&U'AR( A ,RA--AR: Circle the best answer among A ! C or ". 1. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. A. sports B. plays C. "ouse"olds D. "appens 2. Choose the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the others. A. underta0e B. accompany C. appreciate D. engra!e 3. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. At t"e Asian Aames2 friends"ip and 333333 are built and deepened. A. solidarity B. c"ampions"ip C. competition D. contestant 4. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. >e ne!er drin0s wine2 333333; A. does "e B. doesn4t "e C. "asn4t "e D. won4t "e 5. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. She invited us to her birthday party last wee(. A. /t is we t"at were in!ited to "er birt"day party last wee0 B. /t was us t"at was in!ited to "er birt"day party last wee0 C. /t were we t"at were in!ited to "er birt"day party last wee0 D. /t was us t"at were in!ited to "er birt"day party last wee0 . Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. A. screw B. screen C. scream D. crea0 #. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. ("e old man 33333333333a blac0 suit is a famous energy researc"er. A. wearing B. w"o wearing C. to wear D. is wearing $. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Do1it1yourself "ome impro!ements or gardening is a form of 333333in Britain. A. recreation B. entertaining C. wor0ing D. sport &. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 33333333333 "as been teac"ing ,nglis" to us at nuang (rung >ig" .c"ool A. /t is -r. 7an" B. /t is -r. 7an" t"at C. >e is -r. 7an" w"o D. /t was -r. 7an" w"om 1'. Choose the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the others. A. solidarity B. !ariety C. pursuit D. decision 11. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. A. 9umped B. stopped C. managed D. marc"ed 12. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. ("e 2#1year old .o!iet cosmonaut2 +uri Aagarin2 became t"e first person to eat and drin0 in 333333. A. weig" B. weig"tless C. weig"tlessness D. weig"t 13. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. >is brot"er4s "obbies are going swimming and 333333toy cars. A. electing B. collecting C. c"oosing D. selecting 14. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 5ncle >o was t"e president33333333333 A. we adore "im B. w"om we adore "im C. w"om adores us D. we adore 15. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. >e was t"e first man 33333333333t"e burning building. A. lea!ing B. to lea!e C. w"o lea!es D. w"o lea!ing 1 . Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 333333 my mot"er 333333 my fat"er went to t"e party . ("ey all stayed at "ome. A. ,it"er 1or B. bot"1and C. <eit"er 1nor D. <ot onlyW but also 1#. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. .omebody too0 t"e letters to t"e post2 33333333333..; A. didn4t t"ey B. did t"ey C. don4t t"ey D. didn4t s"e 23

1$. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. -any people were t"oug"t 33333333333in t"at eart"%ua0e. A. t"at t"ey were 0illed B. to 0ill C. t"at t"ey 0illed D. to "a!e been 0illed 1&. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. ("e speec" 333333 last nig"t was informati!e. A. we listened to it. B. w"ic" we listened to it C. to t"at we listened D. to w"ic" we listened 2'. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. he is not intelligent and she is not beautiful. A. ."e is neit"er intelligent nor beautiful. B. ."e is not bot" intelligent eit"er beautiful. C. ."e neit"er is intelligent nor beautiful. D. ."e is not intelligent nor beautiful. 21. C"oose t"e word w"ose underlined part is pronounced differently. A. endangered B. attracted C. opened D. destroyed 22. 333333 1 >e "as li!ed in 7ondon for 2 years. A. :"ere does 6o"n come from; B. :"o is 6o"n li!ing wit"; C. >ow long "as 6o"n li!ed in 7ondon; D. :"at does 6o"n do in t"e 5.A; 23. -y brot"er used to play football 333333 "e does now. A. better t"an B. best t"an C. well t"an D. good t"an 24. =lorida2 333333 attracts many tourists e!ery year2 is 0nown as t"e .uns"ine .tate. A. w"o B. w"om C. t"at D. w"ic" 25. >e wor0s at >eat"row Airport2 t"at is one of t"e big airports in t"e world. A B C D 2 . :"at 333333 if you "ad been sent to ,ngland to study last year; A. did you do B. would you do C. would you "a!e done D. "ad you done 2#. 333333 it was raining "ea!ily2 "e went out wit"out a raincoat. A. Because of B. /n spite of C. Because D. Alt"oug" 2$. ("e (C program / watc"ed last nig"t was so 333333 t"at / turned off it. A. bored B. bore C. boring D. to bore 2&. -y classmate told me to watc" mo!ies in ,nglis"333333learn spo0en ,nglis" better. A. so as B. so t"at C. in order t"at D. in order to 3'. ("ere will be 333333 good film at 333333 cinema next wee0. A. a1a B. a1t"e C. t"e1a D. t"e1 t"e 31. i!elated to an area near a tropical areaj meansE A. special B. contaminated C. tropical D. sub1tropical 32. ("e city of 7ondon was founded by t"e 8omans in t"e year 43 AD. A. establis"ed B. located C. de!eloped D. c"aracteriBed 33. :"y "a!e you boug"t so muc" food; / 333333 for ten people. A. will coo0 B. am going to coo0 C. coo0ed D. "a!e coo0ed 34. ("e .out" Cietnam 333333 on April 3'2 1&#5. A. was completely liberated B. was liberated completely C. is completely liberated D. completely liberated 35. Do you ta0e part 333333 t"e sc"ool football team; 1 <o2 / can4t play football well. A. on B. in C. at D. for 3 . C"oose t"e word w"ose underlined part is pronounced differently. A. music B. noisy C. western D. busy 3#. C"oose t"e word w"ose main stress is places differently from t"at of t"e ot"ers A. "istoric B. "istory C. moderate D. "ospitable 3$. C"oose t"e word w"ose underlined part is pronounced differently A. mont"s B. pulls C. goods D. warns 24

3&. 6ac0 got into trouble w"en "e refused 333333333 "is briefcase for t"e customs officer. A. opening B. being opened C. to open D. to be opened 4'. By t"e time you got "er letter2 s"e 3333333333 in )aris. A. arri!es B. arri!ed C. was arri!ing D. "ad arri!ed II9 REA/IN,: 1. %ead the following passage and choose the best answers by circling A ! C or "$ 7ong ago a lot of people t"oug"t t"e moon was a god. *t"er people t"oug"t it was 9ust a lig"t in t"e s0y. And ot"ers t"oug"t it was a big ball of c"eese. ("en telescopes were made. And men saw t"at t"e moon was really anot"er world. ("ey wondered w"at it was li0e. ("ey dreamed of going t"ere. *n 6uly 2'2 1& &2 t"at dream came true. (wo American men landed on t"e moon. ("eir names were <eil Armstrong and ,dwin Aldrin. ("e first t"ing t"e men found was t"at t"e moon is co!ered wit" dust. ("e dust is so t"ic0 t"at t"e men left footprints w"ere t"ey wal0ed. ("ose were t"e first mar0s a li!ing t"ing "ad e!er made on t"e moon. And t"ey could stay t"ere for years and years. ("ere is no wind or rain to wipe t"em off. ("e two men wal0ed on t"e moon for "ours. ("ey pic0ed up roc0s to bring bac0 to eart" for study. ("ey dug up dirt to bring bac0. ("ey set up mac"ines to find out t"ings people wanted to 0now. ("en t"ey climbed bac0 into t"eir moon landing craft. <ext day t"e landing craft roared as t"e two men too0 off from t"e moon. ("ey 9oined -ic"ael Collins in t"e spaces"ip t"at waited for t"em abo!e t"e moon. ("en t"ey were off on t"eir long trip bac0 to eart". Be"ind t"em t"ey left t"e plains and tall mountains of t"e moon. ("ey left t"e mac"ines t"ey "ad set up. And t"ey left footprints t"at may last fore!er. 41. ("is story tells 3333333333333333333333 A. about t"e first men to wal0 on t"e moon. B. w"at t"e men broug"t bac0 from t"eir trip to t"e moon. C. "ow men found t"e footprints on t"e moon. D. w"o "ad left footprints on t"e moon before t"e two men landed t"ere. 42. A telescope 3333333333333333333333. A. ma0es faraway t"ings seem closer. B. turns t"e moon into anot"er world C. ma0es many of men4s dreams come true D. ma0es balls of lig"t seem brig"ter 43. ("e men broug"t roc0s and dirt from t"e moon because 33333333333 A. t"ey wanted somet"ing to s"ow t"ey were t"ere. B. t"ey wanted to 0eep t"em as sou!enirs C. people wanted to use t"em to learn about t"e moon. D. t"ey mig"t sell t"em to scientists. 44. ("e Americans4 mac"ines will most li0ely stay on t"e moon until 33333333333 A. someone ta0es t"em away. B. a storm co!ers t"em wit" dust C. rain and wind destroy t"em. D. t"ey become rusty and brea0 to pieces. 45. ("e next people w"o go to t"e moon most li0ely could 33333333333 A. find t"e places w"ere Armstrong and Aldrin wal0ed B. lea!e t"e first set of footprints on t"e moon. C. find t"at t"e mac"ines "a!e disappeared. D. find t"at dust "as wiped off t"e two men4s footprints. 4$ Choose the best option among A ! C or " to complete the passage >omes are often ?4 @ 3333333333 wit" plants and flowers at t"is time. )eac" blossom is ?4#@ 3333333333 at (et in t"e <ort" w"ile apricot blossom is traditional in t"e .out". ?4$@ 333333333 0um%uat tree wit" its ripe deep orange fruits is popular t"roug"out t"e country. *ne of (et4s most ?4&@ 3333333333 foods is ban" c"ung2 w"ic" is made ?5'@ 333333333 stic0y rice2 green beans fatty por0. -ut2 w"ic" is candied fruit suc" as sugared apples2 plums or tomatoes2 is also popular. 4 . A. decorate B. decorated C. decorating D. decorates 4#. A. tradition B. traditions C. traditional D. traditionally 4$. A. ("e B. A C. An D. no article 4&. A. famous B. interested C. fascinating D. nicest 5'. A. from B. of C. in D. wit" 25

I0 - t!h word in A with its $e nin1 or de"inition in &. & a. a large body in space t"at mo!es around t"e sun or anot"er star. b. "a!ing no weig"t 2 especially w"en tra!eling in space c. strong desire to be successful2 to "a!e power d. a pat" ta0en by st" ? a moon2 a spacecraftfff.@ going round st" else in space. e. astronaut f. to ta0e control of an area by winning a war g. a pro9ect w"ic" is new and often ris0y ". to send a roc0et into t"e s0y A 1. orbit ?n@ 2. planet ?n@ 3. cosmonaut ?n@ 4. weig"tless? a@ 5. ambition ?n@ . !enture ?n@ #. launc" ?!@ $. con%uer ?!@

II0 Co$plete e !h senten!e with suit )le word in !olu$n A o" p rt I. - 4e n# !h n1es in the "or$ o" the words i" ne!ess r#. &. *ne problem of young people today is t"eir lac0 of 33333333333333333 . 1'. ("e 5.A "as successfully put a satellite into333333333333333333333 . 11. Astronauts orbiting t"e eart" in space capsules are 33333333333333333 . 12. ("e 3333333333333 of our solar system are -ercury2 Cenus2 ,art"2 -ars2 6upiter2 .aturn2 5ranus2 <eptune and )luto. III0 Ti!4 * + the !orre!t sound "or the letters in )old in the word )elow. WntW 13. warned 14. friend 15. student 1 . c"an!e 1#. and 1$. warns 1&. situations 2'. restaurant I%0 Co$plete the senten!es with !ould *not+ or w s9 were )le to 21. 6ac0 was an excellent tennis player. >e 333333333333333333 defeat any body. 22. *nce 6ac0 "ad a difficult game against Alf. Alf played !ery well but in t"e end 6ac0 33333 defeat "im. 23. / loo0ed e!eryw"ere for t"e boo02 but / 333333333333333333 find it. 24. ("e fire spread %uic0ly but e!eryone 33333333333333333333 escape. 25. ("ey didn4t "a!e any tomatoes in t"e first s"op / went to2 but / 333333333 get some in t"e next s"op. %0 - 4e new senten!e with t 1 Buestion with h s the s $e $e nin1 s the "irst senten!e. )e1innin1 s shown. - 4e n# ne!ess r# !h n1es. 2 . /4m sure t"at )aul doesn4t li0e football. )aul 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 2#. /4m c"ec0ing t"at you4!e got a sister. +ou 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 2$. / don4t t"in0 t"at you4!e done your "omewor0. +ou 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 2&. /4m angry t"at you sat next to >elen. +ou 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 3'. /4m surprised t"at t"e guests "a!e arri!ed ("e guests 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 31. /4m c"ec0ing t"at your name is 6o"n. +our name 333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; 32. +ou4re certain t"at you didn4t lea!e your wallet on t"e des0. / 33333333333333333333333333333333333 2 333333333333333333333; 26 WndW WnsW WnBW

33. +ou4re surprised t"at :illiam "as got married. :illiam 333333333333333333333333 2 3333333333333; %I0 Re d the te6t nd write Buestion "or the nswer. THE -AN 2HO FE'' TO EARTH BuBB Aldrin was a part of t"e Apollo 11 mission in 1& & w"en man first wal0ed on t"e moon. <eil Armstrong went first2 followed by BuBB. <ot"ing in all "is training "ad been prepared by "im for t"at moment2 and "e "as been tra!eling t"e world e!er since2 reli!ing t"e experience. >e was born in <ew 6ersey in 1&3'2 and "e graduated from :est )oint -ilitary Academy. >e ser!ed as a pilot in Torea and :est Aermany2 and 1& "e was c"osen an astronaut. Apollo 11 was launc"ed to t"e moon on 6uly 1 . =our days later t"ey landed near t"e sea of (ran%uility. ("e mission ended on 6uly 242 wit" a splas"down in t"e )acific *cean. *n coming bac0 to eart"2 "e became !ery depressed2 and suffered from alco"olism. >e "ad married for t"e first time w"en "e was young2 and "ad t"ree c"ildren . >is second marriage lasted a !ery s"ort time. =ortunately2 "e seems to "a!e found "appiness and stability wit" "is t"ird wife2 7oris Driggs Cannon2 w"o sa!ed "im from self kdestruction. ("ey now li!e wit" t"eir t"ree dogs in California and six cars ifor funj. >e "as written "is autobiograp"y and a science fiction boo02 called "ncounter with #iber2 w"ic" was publis"ed in 1&& . >e now tra!els t"e world2 gi!ing lecture tours and raising funds for space exploration. 34. 1 /n 1& &. 35. 1 <eil Armstrong. 3 . 1 /n Torea and :est Aermany. 3# . 1 *n 6uly 1 2 1& &. 3$. 1 eig"t days. 3& . 1 >e became !ery depressed. 4'. 1 Alco"olism. 1111THE EN/ 11111 ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


CID- TRA HEC CF II0NG- HEC 371..0371.. -HN TIIN, ANH 11 #h$i gian l%m b%i& '( ph)t*( kh+ng k, ph-t ./) I. PHONETICS: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. at"lete B. appreciate C. wrestling D. freestyle 2. A. attracted B. added C. competed D. de!eloped 3. A. occupy B. simply C. accompany D. "obby Choose the word that has the main stress different from that of the others 4. A. fertiliBe B. deli!er C. imagine D. destroy 5. A. organiBe B. occupy C. admire D. classify . A. aspiration B. gra!ity C. c"allenge D. fortunate //. A8A--A8E Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences$ #. Does "e tell you "ow "e is getting 333333333 "is new colleagues; A. on wit" B. on of C. away wit" D. out of $. ("e natural en!ironment consists 3333333333 all natural resources. A. in B. of C. at D. by &. ("e Cietnamese participants always ta0e part 333333333 sports e!ents wit" great ent"usiasm. A. at B. on C. to D. in 1'. A nuclear reactor releases 33333333333 w"ic" is dangerous to t"e en!ironment. A. radiation B. "eat C. energy D. carbon dioxide 11. ("e paintings 333333333 -r. Brown "as in "is "ouse are wort" around q1''.''' A. w"ose B. w"ic" C. w"at D. w"om 12. :e are proud of our 333333333333 staff2 w"o are always friendly and efficient. A. well k done B. well k appointed C. well k be"a!e D. well k trained 13. ."e li!es in t"e "ouse 333333333333333333333333. A. w"ic" "as t"e red door B. w"ic" t"ey are li!ing C. w"ere t"ey are li!ing t"ere D. w"ere t"ey are li!ing in 14. ("e panda4s 333333333333 "abitat is t"e bamboo forest. A. nature B. natural C. naturaliBed D. naturally 15. <atural par0s s"ould be set 333333333333to sa!e animals and plants. A. into B. out C. up D. down 1 . Computers and new met"ods of communication 3333333333 t"e modern office. A. "a!e re!olutioniBed B. to "a!e re!olutioniBed C. t"at "a!e re!olutioniBed D. "as re!olutioniBed 1#. )eople are destroying t"e air by adding 333333333333 into it. A. pollutants B. polluters C. pollution D. polluted 1$. >e wouldn4t "a!e failed "is exam 33333333333 "e "adn4t been ill. A. unless B. if C. in case D. alt"oug" 1&. .olar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe A. boundless B. unlimited C. uncountable D. inflexible 2'. ("e en!ironmentalists "ope 33333333333 t"e forest to its former condition. A. to restore B. restoring C. restored D. "a!ing restored 21. /t was in 1$#5 33333333333 9oined t"e staff of t"e astronomical obser!atory at >ar!ard 5ni!ersity. A. t"at Anna :inloc0 B. Anna :inloc02 w"o C. as Anna :inloc0 D. Anna :inloc0 t"en 22. Alt"oug" t"ere was a lac0 of interest to begin wit"2 t"e main reason w"y t"ey postponed was t"e rain. A. ("e picnic was put off because of t"e rain. B. ("ey "eld t"e picnic in spite of t"e rain C. ("ey were extremely interested in "a!ing t"e picnic D. ("e picnic was "eld2 but few people s"owed up. 23. >e ad!ised me to practise playing t"e guitar re1ul rl#. A. unusually B. commonly C. freely D. completely 24. ("eir c"ances of success are small. 28

A. /t4s !ery li0ely t"at t"ey will succeed. B. ("ey will definitely be successful. C. /t4s not !ery li0ely t"at t"ey will succeed. D. ("ey won4t "a!e any c"ance of being successful. 25. ("e man 333333333 "is car outside "asn4t come bac0 for it yet. A. w"o left B. w"o "e left C. w"om "e left D. w"ose 2 . 333333333333333toget"er in one place2 t"ey form a community. A. :"en people w"o li!e B. :"en people li!ing C. :"ene!er people li!e D. :"ene!er li!ing people Choose the underlined part that needs correcting$ 2#. Alt"oug" its "eig"t2 -ount :"itney2 one of t"e nort" America4s "ig"est mountains2 is A B C popular wit" "i0ers. D 2$. >er brot"er seems to be totally incapable in loo0ing after "imself. A B C D 2&. All t"e students in t"e class are enoug" good to pass t"e final exam. A B C D 3'. ("ere were too many boo0s on t"e s"el!es t"at / didn4t 0now w"ic" one to c"oose. A B C D III. REA/IN,: Re d the p ss 1e nd de!ide whether the "ollowin1 st te$ents re True *T+ or F lse *F+ ("roug"out "istory t"ere "a!e been many great explorers. >a!e you2 for example2 "eard of -arco )olo2 t"e famous /talian tra!eler; >e was t"e first ,uropean to tra!el to C"ina. >e arri!ed in C"ina in t"e late 13 t" century. About 2'' years later2 C"ristop"er Columbus sailed from .pain by s"ip. >e was loo0ing for a new way to reac" /ndia. >owe!er2 as you probably 0now2 "e didn4t reac" /ndia. >e landed in America. =i!e "undred years after Columbus in t"e 1&3's a famous explorer named 8ic"ard Byrd was one of t"e first persons to fly o!er bot" t"e <ort" and t"e .out" )oles. (oday we continue to explore t"is world and are studying to explore ot"er worlds2 too. /n t"e 1&3's 8ussian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecraft to t"e moon. ("ese spacecraft sent bac0 !ery !aluable information about t"e moon. ("en on 6uly 1 t" 1& & t"e first manned spaces"ip to t"e moon left eart". *n t"at day Apollo 11 blasted off wit" t"ree American astronauts on board. =our days after blast k off2 two of t"ese astronauts landed on t"e moon. ("ey later explored t"e surface of t"e moon. About two days after landing on t"e moon2 t"ey started bac0 to t"e eart". ("ey arri!ed safely bac0 on eart" a few days later. (oday we are sending unmanned spacecraft to ot"er planets. /n t"e future2 we mig"t wal0 on -ars or Cenus t"e way we did on t"e moon. :e mig"t e!en tra!el to ot"er galaxies. :"o 0nows; *ne t"ing we 0now for sure is t"at we will continue to explore t"is world and ot"er worlds2 too. 31. -arco )olo tra!eled from ,ngland to C"ina in t"e late 13t" century. ? 3333 @ 32. :"ile "e was loo0ing for /ndia2 C"ristop"er Columbus reac"ed America. ? 3333 @ 33. /n t"e 1&t" century 8ic"ard Byrd flew o!er bot" t"e <ort" and t"e .out" )oles. ? 3333 @ 34. 5nmanned spacecraft went to t"e moon before manned spacecraft did. ? 3333 @ 35. Apollo 11 was t"e first manned spaces"ip to go to t"e moon. ? 3333 @ 3 . Apollo 11 was damaged in t"e blast. ? 3333 @ 3#. All of t"e American Astronauts on t"e spaces"ip landed on and explored t"e moon.? 3333 @ 3$. (oday we are sending spacecraft wit" astronauts on board to ot"er planets. ? 3333 @ Re d the p ss 1e nd nswer the Buestions th t "ollow. ("e *rigins of t"e *lympic Aames can be traced bac0 to ancient Areece2 to as far bac0 as ## B.C. /t was a Aree0 tradition to "old at"letic competitions e!ery four years in "onor of t"eir gods or dead "eroes. ("e priBes awarded to t"e winners of eac" e!ent in t"ose days were a crown of oli!e and a palm branc". Alt"oug" t"is may seem meaningless in modern times2 t"e true priBe lay in t"e "onor of "a!ing won t"e e!ent. ("e winners were gi!en places of "onor on public occasions. /n some town t"ey were e!en exempted from paying taxes. ("e first modern *lympic Aames were "eld in At"ens in 1$& . .ince t"en2 nations from around t"e world "a!e been meeting e!ery four years to compete against one anot"er. <ew *lympic records are set e!ery time t"ey meet. ("e only exception to t"is %uadrennial e!ent was in 1&442 w"en t"e *lympic Aames were not "eld because of t"e .econd :orld :ar. 29

3&. 4'. 41. 42.

:"en were t"e first *lympic Aames "eld; :"at was t"e purpose of t"e ancient *lympic Aames; :"at were t"e winners awarded at t"at time; :"y weren4t t"ere *lympic Aames in 1&44;

I%. 2RITIN,: %ewrite the following sentences using the given words$ 43. Alt"oug" it was raining "ea!ily2 none of t"e guests came late. 0 1n spite ................................................................................................................................................ 44. /f it "adn4t been for your "elp2 "e would "a!e been in a worse mess. 0 1f you .................................................................................................................................................... 45. ."e boug"t t"e car from (om. 01t2s #om ................................................................................................................................................. 4 . *ur solar system is in a galaxy t"at is called t"e -il0y way. ?5se past participle@ 0 3ur solar............................................................................................................................................... 4#. ("e bed "as no mattress. ."e sleeps on t"is bed. ?5se iwhich4@ 0 #he bed.................................................................................................................................................. 4$. >e was t"e first man w"o left t"e burning building. ?5se 1nfinitive@ 0 5e was .................................................................................................................................................. 4&. <obody "as paid for t"e tic0ets2 "a!e t"ey; 0 #he tickets.............................................................................................................................................. 5'. ("e president ma0es t"e important decisions. 0 1t2s the president....................................................................................................................................

CID- TRA HEC CF II0NG- HEC 371..0371.. -HN TIIN, ANH 11 30

#h$i gian l%m b%i& '( ph)t*( kh+ng k, ph-t ./) I. %ead the passage carefully then choose the correct answers$ ("e last two decades "a!e seen enormous c"anges in t"e way peopleds li!es are affected by IT. (wenty years ago2 few people "ad access to a computer w"ile today most people use t"em at wor02 "ome or sc"ool and use of e1mail and t"e /nternet is an e!ery day e!ent. ("ese de!elopments "a!e broug"t many benefits to our li!es. ,1mail ma0es communication muc" easier and more immediate. ("is "as numerous benefits for business2 commerce2 and education. ("e :orld :ide :eb means t"at information on e!ery concei!able sub9ect is now a!ailable to us. Clearly2 for many people t"is "as made life muc" easier and more con!enient. >owe!er2 not all t"e effects of t"e new tec"nology "a!e been beneficial. -any people feel t"at t"e widespread use of e1mail is destroying traditional forms of communication suc" as letter writing2 telep"one and face1to1face con!ersation. /n addition2 t"e "uge siBe of t"e :eb means it is almost impossible to control and regulate. ("is "as led to many concerns regarding c"ildren accessing unsuitable websites. /n conclusion2 de!elopments in IT "a!e broug"t many benefits2 yet / belie!e de!elopments relating to new tec"nology in t"e future are li0ely to produce many negati!e effects t"at will need to be addressed !ery carefully. CJu 1. :"at does t"e IT stand for; /t stands for 333333333333 A. /nformation (ec"nology &. /nformation (ransmission C. /nformation (ransfer /. /nformation ("eory CJu 3. ("e use of ("e :orld :ide :eb and e1mail communication 33333333333 A. is destroying traditional customs &. "as also been used for education purpose C. is difficult to get access to /. causes a busy and exciting life CJu =. /n t"e last twenty years 3333333333 A. t"ere "a!e been de!elopments in telecommunications. &. peopleds li!es "a!e been c"anged a lot because of t"e in!ention of t"e computer. C. t"e :orld :ide :eb and e1mail communication "a!e affected modern life. /. t"ere "a!e been dramatic c"anges in t"e field of computer science CJu K. ("e writer t"in0s future IT de!elopments will be 33333333333 A. more rapid &. more negati!e C. more positi!e /. unexpected CJu ?. According to t"e passage2 ,1mail 33333333333 A. reduces face1to1face contact &. is used only in business C. can be c"ec0ed %uic0ly and easily /. ta0es a lot of time to transmit II. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others CJu L. A. bric0laying &. snoo0er C. campground /. at"letics CJu M. A. solidarity &. !ariety C. gymnasium /. ad!ance III. Choose the word or phrase A ! C or " that best completes the sentence CJu N. ."e "as neit"er read t"e boo0 333333 t"e film. A. or seen &. nor seen C. or see /. nor see CJu 9. >e was t"e first man33333333333 t"e burning "ouse. A. to left. &. lea!e C. left /. to lea!e CJu 17. 1 rDo you mind if / use your bi0e;r 1 r33333333333333333.r A. +es2 /tds my pleasure &. <o2 / dondt C. <o2 you can use it. /. +es2 / do CJu 11. 7indaE r,xcuse mel :"ereds t"e post office;r -ariaE r333333.r A. /dm afraid not &. Dondt worry C. +es2 / t"in0 so /. /tds o!er t"ere CJu 13. 3333 from se!eral countries competed in many Asian Aames. A. Ciewers &. At"letes C. Audience /. .pectators CJu 1=. -any plant and animal species are now in danger of 3333333333. A. disappearance &. extinct C. extinguis"ing /. extinction CJu 1K. ("e Cietnamese participants too0 3333 in t"e 14t" Asian Aames wit" great ent"usiasm. A. role &. part C. notice /. notes CJu 1?. ("e c"emical 3333333333333 from cars and factories ma0e t"e air2 water and soil dangerously dirty. A. pollution &. polluted C. pollute /. pollutants CJu 1L. >e tal0ed about t"e boo0s and t"e aut"ors 33333333333 interested "im. 31

A. w"ic" &. w"en C. t"at /. w"o CJu 1M. -y friend2 333333333 aunt is nurse2 would li0e to be a doctor someday. A. w"o &. w"om C. w"ic" /. w"ose CJu 1N. ("ey in!ited 333333 to t"eir golden anni!ersary. A. / and my wife &. my wife and / C. bot" my wife and / /. my wife and me CJu 19. De!elopments in micro1tec"nology are bound to "a!e a "uge 33333333333 on !arious aspects of our life. A. independence &. influence C. concentration /. contribution CJu 37. ,ndi!e can be used 333333 as a salad green or as a coo0ing !egetable. A. bot" &. eit"er C. suc" /. neit"er CJu 31. -iss :"ite sang !ery 333333 at my birt"day party last nig"t. A. beautiful &. beautifully C. beauty /. beautify CJu 33. Dr .ales is t"e person 33333. A. in t"at / dondt "a!e muc" confidence. &. in w"om / dondt "a!e muc" confidence C. / dondt "a!e muc" confidence /. w"om / dondt "a!e muc" confidence in "im CJu 3=. -r. Carter2 to 3333333/ spo0e on t"e p"one last nig"t2 is !ery interested in our plan. A. t"at &. w"om C. w"o /. w"ic" CJu 3K. :"o is t"e woman; ("e woman is in t"e w"ite dress. A. :"o is t"e woman w"o is in t"e w"ite dress; &. :"o is t"e woman is in t"e w"ite dress; C. :"o is t"e woman w"om is in t"e w"ite dress; /. :"o is t"e woman w"ose is in t"e w"ite dress; I%. Choose the underlined p rt * A. &. C or /+ th t needs !orre!tin1. CJu 3?. ("e girl w"o nameds Alice ga!e you t"is letter. A & C / CJu 3L. <ot only 7aurads parents but also "er "usband t"in0 s"e s"ould return to sc"ool to A & C finis" "er graduate degree / CJu 3M. Are t"ese t"e 0eys t"at you are loo0ing for t"em; A & C / CJu 3N. Dr >ardes 2 t"at is t"e professor for t"is class2 will be absent t"is wee0 because of illness A & C / %. Choose the word which has the underline part pronounced differently from the rest CJu 39. A. arri!es &. li0es C. laug"s /. "elps CJu =7. A. watc"ed &. wal0ed C. frig"tened /. stamped %I. Rewrite senten!es usin1 the !ues 1. /dll ne!er spea0 to you again if you dondt apologise.* Either55$or' fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. 2. +ou wanted to !isit a museum. /t was s"ut w"en you got t"ere. ?a rel ti5e pronoun+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. 3. ("e film is fantastic. ("ey are tal0ing about it. ?a rel ti5e pronoun "ter preposition+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. 4. >e was t"e first man w"o left t"e burning building.* Redu!e rel ti5e !l use+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. 5. =red ga!e -ary t"e money.*le"t senten!e in p ssi5e+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. 32

. /4ll be staying wit" Adrian. >is brot"er is one of my closest friends ?a rel ti5e pronoun+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. #. Bot" (om and Ann are late* Not onl#+ fffffffffffffffffff. .ffffffffff.. $. Aeorge is t"e last person w"o will be inter!iewed * Redu!e the rel ti5e !l use+ ........................................................................................................................ The end


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