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Name___________________________________ Topic Monday

Read and write each sight word. Use your best handwriting! hard, harder, hardest, fast, faster, fastest

Required Homework Tuesday

Write or type the family words in ABC order. Use your best handwriting! stink, wink, clink, blink, sting, thing, cling, sound, round, ground

April 21st April 24th Wednesday

Edit and revise attached sentence. Remember to check for capitalization, finger spaces, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Study for Friday Spelling Test. Complete all weekly homework!

Spelling & Handwriting

Each Activity is required and will be turned in on Friday.

Math Each Activity is required and will be turned in on Friday.

What is ten more than 55? ________ What is ten more than 32? ________ What is ten more than 96? _______ What is ten more than 23? _______ Solve: 70 + 10 = ______ 96 + 10 = ______

Fact Fluency Practice (Attached)

Complete 10 more 10 less worksheet.

**Review** Write the fact family for the numbers

6, 5, 11
____ ____ ____ ____ _____ = _____ _____ = _____ _____ = _____ _____ = _____

Off the Chart! Behavior Codes A. Excessive talking B. Disrespectful C. Not following directions D. Hitting/fighting E. Hands on others F. Not listening G. Out of seat H. Poor lunch manners I. Being Dishonest Parent Initials are required each day! Great Choices Good Choices Ready to Learn Reminder Loss of Recess/Reward

Off the Chart! Great Choices Good Choices Ready to Learn Reminder Loss of Recess/Reward

Off the Chart! Great Choices Good Choices Ready to Learn Reminder Loss of Recess/Reward

Off the Chart! Great Choices Good Choices Ready to Learn Reminder Loss of Recess/Reward Contact Home Required Parent Initials:

Contact Home Required Parent Initials:

Contact Home Required Parent Initials:

Contact Home Required Parent Initials:

Tuesday: Fact Fluency Practice How many facts can you solve correctly in one minute? Parent Note: See how many facts your child is able to solve within one minute. Fact Fluency helps your child with confidence, automatic fact recall and problem-solving speed.

7 + 7 =____ 6 + 6 =____ 5 + 5 =____ 2 + 2 =____ 7 + 7 =____ 0 + 0 =____ 1 + 1 =____ 2 + 2 =____ 6 + 6 =____ 8 + 8 =____

10 1 =____ 10 2 =____ 10 3 =____ 10 4 =____ 10 5 =____ 10 6 =____ 10 7 =____ 10 8 =____ 10 9 =____ 10 10=____

7 + 8 =____ 6 + 7 =____ 5 + 6 =____ 2 + 3 =____ 1 + 2 =____ 4 + 5 =____ 8 + 9 =____ 9 +10=____ 10+11=____ 0 + 1 =____

Wednesday: Edit and revise attached sentence. Remember to check for capitalization, finger spaces, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

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