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Rhogel John R .De Vera 1. SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT Matrix) is a structured lanning !

ethod used to evaluate the Strengths" Weaknesses" Opportunities" and Threats involved in a ro#ect or in a $usiness venture. % SWOT analysis can $e carried out &or a roduct" lace" industry or erson. 't involves s eci&ying the o$#ective o& the $usiness venture or ro#ect and identi&ying the internal and external &actors that are &avora$le and un&avora$le to achieving that o$#ective. The techni(ue is credited to %l$ert )u! hrey" Strengths* characteristics o& the $usiness or ro#ect that give it an advantage over others. Wea+nesses* characteristics that lace the tea! at a disadvantage relative to others O ortunities* ele!ents that the ro#ect could ex loit to its advantage Threats* ele!ents in the environ!ent that could cause trou$le &or the $usiness or ro#ect

'denti&ication o& SWOTs is i! ortant $ecause they can in&or! later ste s in lanning to achieve the o$#ectives. The use&ulness o& SWOT analysis is not li!ited to ro&it,see+ing organi-ations. SWOT analysis !ay $e used in any decision,!a+ing situation .hen a desired end, state (o$#ective) has $een de&ined.

/. Toyota SWOT analysis 2013

0. Roles of Top Management a. The to !anage!ent tea! o& a co! any controls decision !a+ing that a&&ects everyone &ro! the resident do.n to entry,level e! loyees. Those decisions" along .ith the .ay the !anage!ent !e!$ers treat the sta&&" a&&ect the success o& the co! any. $. 1or orate 1ulture,The .ay the co! any is run day to day" $ased on those olicies" hel s esta$lish the cor orate culture. % culture that encourages creativity and innovation is li+ely to result in a co! any that is success&ul and continually co!es u .ith ne. ideas. % sti&ling cor orate culture li!its the e&&orts o& the e! loyees" !a+ing it di&&icult &or the co! any to advance. c. 1or orate goals , The goals and vision o& the co! any guide the .or+ that is co! leted $y the e! loyees. To !anage!ent is usually res onsi$le &or esta$lishing these goals. To reach higher achieve!ents &or the co! any" to !anage!ent needs to esta$lish goals that ush e! loyees to gro.. 2. 3unctions o&* marketing department a. Research &unction* the research &unction o& !ar+eting is that &unction o& !ar+eting that ena$les you to generate ade(uate in&or!ation regarding your articular !ar+et o& target. 4ou !ust carry out ade(uate research to identi&y the si-e" $ehavior" culture" $elieve" genders etc. o& your target !ar+et seg!ent" their needs and .ant" and then develo e&&ective roduct that can !eet and satis&y these !ar+et needs and .ant. $. 5uying &unction* the &unction o& $uying is er&or!ed in order to ac(uire (uality !aterials &or roduction. When you design a good roduct conce t" you should also ensure you6re $uying the essential !aterials &or the roduct. This &unction is carried out $y the urchase and su ly de art!ent" $ut your s eci&ications o& !aterials goes a long .ay in assisting the urchasing de art!ent to ac(uire the necessary !aterials needed &or roduction. c. 7roduct develo !ent and !anage!ent* roduct develo !ent is an essential &unction o& !ar+eting since it .as the duties o& the !ar+eting de art!ent to identi&y .hat the !ar+et need or .ant and then design e&&ective roduct $ased on the identi&ied need and .ant o& the !ar+et. 7roduct develo !ent asses through so!e $asic stages carried out $y the !ar+eters to develo a targeted !ar+et s eci&ied roduct. %nd you can also !anage your roduct $y evaluating it er&or!ance and changing the! to &it the current !ar+et trend. Finance department a. 8nsuring that costs are controlled" there is ade(uate cash &lo." esta$lish and control ro&ita$ility levels. $. 8nsuring that there are ade(uate &unds availa$le to ac(uire the resources needed to hel the organi-ation achieve its o$#ectives. c. 't is also charged .ith re aring and creating &inancial accounts and also +ee ing" as .ell as !aintaining &inancial records.

Operation department a. O erations de art!ent6s .or+ is to !a+e sure that e! loyers6 $usinesses run e&&ectively" s!oothly and ro&essionally. This includes all those .ho .or+ in the organi-ation &ro! the !anage!ent to asse!$ly line .or+ers u to the guys loading and o&&loading truc+s in !anu&acturing and retail distri$ution centers. Without the o erations de art!ent" a co! any cannot achieve the s!ooth running that is re(uired so as to enhance ro&ita$le $usiness and !ight not survive. Research and Develo !ent a. Research and develo !ent is i! ortant since it is res onsi$le &or innovations in roducts" design and style. These are exactly .hat +ee co! anies a ste ahead .ithin the co! etitive !ar+et. 9. O!! % o"ernment#o$ned and controlled corporation (:O11)" so!eti!es .ith an ;and<or;" is a ter! in the 7hili ines used to descri$e govern!ent,o.ned cor orations that conduct $oth co!!ercial and non,co!!ercial activity. :overn!ent,o.ned and controlled cor orations (:O11s) are stoc+ or non,stoc+ cor orations esta$lished $y a s ecial charter or la. &or the interest o& everyone and su$#ect to the test o& econo!ic via$ility. 't is o.ned or controlled $y the govern!ent directly" or indirectly through a arent cor oration or a su$sidiary cor oration. 8xa! le* %l,%!anah 'sla!ic 'nvest!ent 5an+ o& the 7hili ines 5ases 1onversion and Develo !ent %uthority (51D%) 1ultural 1enter o& the 7hili ines (117) Develo !ent 5an+ o& the 7hili ines (D57) :overn!ent Service 'nsurance Syste! (:S'S) =and 5an+ o& the 7hili ines =ight Rail Transit %uthority (=RT%) >ational 3ood %uthority (>3%) >ational )o!e Mortgage 3inance 1or oration >ational )ousing %uthority (>)%) >ational 1or oration

(>71) 7artido Develo !ent %d!inistration 7hili ine %!use!ent and :a!ing 1or oration (7%:1OR) 7hili ine 1oconut %uthority 7hili ine 3isheries Develo !ent %uthority 7hili ine )ealth 'nsurance 1or oration (7hil)ealth) 7hili ine 'nstitute &or Develo !ent Studies 7hili ine >ational Oil 1o! any (7>O1) 7hili ine >ational Rail.ays (7>R) 7hili ine 7ostal 1or oration (7hil7ost) Social Security Syste! (SSS)

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