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Aepalizage - Elder Futhark - Dagaz

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Left Hand Path






Featured Sites Forum Contact #Thee_Vortex Quick Picks Elder Futhark Vampire Runes Zos Kia Ascent into Darkness Links Kaos Magick Rune Magick Left Hand Path Aetherics Entities Vampires Daeg byth drihtnes sond, deore mannum, maere metodes leoht, myrgth and tohiht eadgum and earmum, eallum brice. Comment Aett Tiwaz' aett, under the god Tyr. Man as social being, spiritual growth, community in which he lives and works, human evolution, Ragnark. Day, light, polarity, creation of synthesis, paradox of Odin, hope, trust, new beginning, twilight, inspiration. Idealistic, tries to live up to his ideals, contagious cheerful charisma, open to others. Beware fanatical actions, loss of own opinion. Correspondences Letter Number Element Tarot Colour Gods D 23 Air, Fire Temperance, Star Red, bright blue Heimdall, Loki, Odin


Name Rune

Magickal Sphere Wealth magick (blue in the chaosphere), Combat magick (red in the chaosphere) World Aura Animal Chakra Virtue Astrology Time Day Month Festivity Asgard - Liosalfheim, Muspelheim A sphere of prisms, averting attention Fox Hospitality, farsighted, illusionary Halfmoon, Moon 23rd hour Tuesday October Summer Solstice Magickal Use Positive Use Mystical inspiration, awakening, access of the ideal, realisation of the ideal, hope, access to other realities, realise outer influence, see dubious incidents, knowledge of what is accessible and what not, communicate ideas, enlightenment, understanding of synchronicity, stimulating

12/9/2012 4:37:26 PM

Aepalizage - Elder Futhark - Dagaz

darkness, hide manipulations, ignorance of what is possible, non-resolution to conflicts, causing reversals of fortune, missing opportunities, blocking awareness, stimulating cataclysmic change, invoking destructive fire Protection Protect from destructive and depressing thoughts and feelings Abolish narrow-mindedness, helps to decide, digestion, liver, kidney Withdraw from the attention of others, realise manipulations, realise the interaction of consciousness and sub consciousness. Bright : Awakening, awareness, hope, happiness, the ideal, transcendent awareness, sudden awakening, the eternal moment, resolution of duality and conflicts, mystical insight and inspiration, initiation, cosmic consciousness, transmission, polar exchange, completion, joy, triumph, new beginnings, synchronistic opportunity, sudden understanding, transformation, totality Murk : Blindness, hopelessness, dullness, boredom, missed opportunity, sudden reversals, lack of insight, lack of goals, incompletion Stadha Stand erect, legs closed, arms are crossed on your chest, hand rest on your shoulders

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