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through Bertha Dudde 7703

Gifts of the spirit ....

You will have to mention the gifts of the spirit if ou want to e!plain the remar"a#le a#ilities whi$h e!press themselves in a divine sense and whi$h are also re$ognised as divine # ever one who is spirituall in$lined himself. For % & self promised these gifts to those who aspire after them and fulfil the $onditions re'uired # &e for the (wor"ing of the spirit). & spirit manifests itself in various wa s* alwa s depending on the degree of the soul)s maturit and the tas" given to a person who re$eives a gift of the spirit. +here are man different gifts .... #ut it is alwa s an unusual a$tivit for whi$h a person is gifted .... an a$tivit he $ould not perform as a mere human #eing. ,e needs & support for this* he has to a$'uire & strength* whi$h will then ta"e effe$t in a person as the gift of healing* or the gift of prophes * or the gift to re$eive the truth from &e and spread it in & name .... or* the gift of orator inspired # &e* so that % & self $an spea" through the spirit* #ut using the mouth of a person who re$eived from &e this gift to hear &e. -nd when ou draw people)s attention to the different gifts % mentioned* also through the spirit* the will have to re$ognise that ou not onl possess a spe$ial (a#ilit ) .... whi$h admittedl

$ould also #e given to ou as a talent # our .reator .... #ut that ou gained this a#ilit through spiritual means* that it $annot #e given ar#itraril to an one who cannot show that he fulfilled the $ondition to re$eive it. -nd su$h an a#ilit $an even less #e gained a$ademi$all . /eople are indeed $alled and $ould all spirituall shape themselves su$h that the $ould re$eive a gift of the spirit .... #ut not all are $hosen* precisely because they do not recognise their calling and therefore do not strive for spiritual gifts either .... On the other hand* however* onl these gifts are the eviden$e of a spirituall 0in$lined wa of life* of a person)s spe$ifi$ degree of maturit and love* because My spirit can only work in him when he has attained this degree of maturity. -fter all* if people never find out that ever one can gain a gift of the spirit* the will not #elieve the messages from a#ove to the e!tent the deserve* for the $annot e!plain them properl and therefore dou#t every unusual manifestation of the spirit. %ndeed* people even go as far as to den spiritual gifts as divine a$tivit altogether and $ondemn ever thing unusual as #eing asso$iated with 1atan .... -nd et the there# onl give eviden$e of their own povert * for where the wor"ing of & spirit $an no longer # re$ognised there is no sign of (& $hur$h) either* of the $hur$h whi$h % & self founded on earth. (My .hur$h) onl e!ists where the wor"ing of My spirit is evident* #e$ause & spirit testifies to & presen$e* and #e$ause % will alwa s #e present where people sin$erel strive to progress spirituall and are thus a#le to re$eive or show a gift of the spirit. -nd therefore it will onl ever #e of #enefit when ou mention the gifts of the spirit* when ou pro$laim & Gospel .... when ou remind people of & Words (% shall pour out & spirit

over all flesh* and servants and maidens shall prophes ....) 2ver one of & one .... promises will #e fulfilled* and thus also this

,en$e ever e!pression of un#elief should onl ever #e $ountered with & promise* and people should "now that & wor"ing will #e$ome parti$ularl evident during the last da s* and that then ever thing will also $ome to pass as it was announ$ed in Word and 1$ripture ....


/u#lished # friends of new revelations of God 3 %nformation* download of all translated revelations* theme0#oo"lets at4 http455www.#ertha0dudde.info5english5inde!.html 6 http455en.#ertha0dudde.org5

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