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"ENERAL 1 01 SECTION INCLU#ES A * Architectural $recast concrete units %or the &uil'in(s as in'icate' on the 'ra)in(s +iscellaneous +aterials, attach/ents. $e'estals. /aterials relate' to 0or1 Su$$ort &earin( 'e-ices. anchors. $a's an' other

1 02 RE3ERENCES A ACI ! A/erican Concrete Institute, ACI 304 ! ACI 314 ! * Stan'ar' Practice %or Curin( Concrete *uil'in( Co'e Re5uire/ents %or Rein%orce' Concrete

AST+ ! A/erican Societ6 %or Testin( an' +aterials, AST+ A 37 ! AST+ A 145 ! AST+ A 308 ! AST+ A 715 ! S$eci%ication %or Structural Steel S$eci%ication %or Steel 0el'e' 0ire 3a&ric. Plain. %or Concrete Rein%orce/ent S$eci%ication %or Car&on Steel *olts an' Stu's. 70.000 $si Tensile Stren(th S$eci%ication *illet!Steel Rein%orce/ent %or #e%or/e' *ars %or an' Plain Concrete

AST+ A 777 !

S$eci%ication %or Austenitic Stainless Steel. Sheet. Stri$. Plate. an' 3lat *ar %or Structural A$$lications Practice %or +a1in( an' Curin( Concrete Test S$eci/ens in the 3iel' S$eci%ication %or Concrete A((re(ates S$eci%ication %or Portlan' Ce/ent S$eci%ication %or A'/i9tures %or Concrete S$eci%ication 03450!1 Architectural Precast Concrete Air!Entertainin(

AST+ C 31 ! AST+ C 33 ! AST+ C 150 ! AST+ C 270 ! AST+ C 330 !

%or Li(ht)ei(ht A((re(ates

%or Structural Concrete C A0S ! A/erican 0el'in( Societ6, ANSI:A0S #1 1! ANSI:A0S #1 4! # Structural 0el'in( Co'e ! Steel Structural Steel 0el'in( Co'e ! Rein%orcin(

PCI ! Prestresse' Concrete Institute, PCI +anual PCI +NL!118! 3or Structural #esi(n Precast Concrete o% Architectural

+anual %or ;ualit6 Control %or Plants an' Pro'uction o% Architectural Precast Concrete Pro'ucts

PCI +NL!120 ! #esi(n Han'&oo1 ! Precast an' Prestresse' Concrete PCI +NL!123 ! +anual on #esi(n o% Connections Precast Prestresse' Concrete 1 03 #ESI"N RE;UIRE+ENTS A #esi(n ele/ents to )ithstan' 'esi(n loa's as calculate' in accor'ance )ith the Uni%or/ *uil'in( Co'e ! U*C an' erection %orces Calculate structural $ro$erties o% ele/ents in accor'ance )ith ACI 314 #esi(n ele/ents to acco//o'ate construction tolerances. an' clearances o% inten'e' o$enin(s #esi(n co/$onent connections to acco//o'ate ther/al /o-e/ent Pro-i'e a'<ust/ent to acco//o'ate /isali(n/ent o% structure=s> )ithout unit 'istortion or 'a/a(e %or

* C

1 04 SU*+ITTALS A Sho$ #ra)in(s, In'icate la6out. unit locations. con%i(uration. unit i'enti%ication /ar1s. rein%orce/ent. su$$ort ite/s. location o% li%tin( 'e-ices. 'i/ensions. o$enin(s. an' relationshi$ to a'<acent /aterials Pro-i'e erection 'ra)in(s %or a$$ro-al Sa/$les, Su&/it 2 $anels. 700 9 700 // in illustratin( sur%ace %inish. color an' te9ture si?e

* C

+aintenance #ata, Su&/it all 'ata re5uire' %or sur%ace cleanin( an' /aintenance instructions 1 05 ;UALIT@ ASSURANCE Architectural Precast Concrete


Architectural Precast Concrete

A * C

Per%or/ 0or1 in accor'ance )ith ACI 314 0el'in(, Per%or/ )el'in( in re5uire/ents o% ANSI:A0S #1 1 accor'ance )ith the

+aintain one co$6 o% each 'ocu/ent on site

1 07 ;UALI3ICATIONS A 3a&ricator, Co/$an6 s$eciali?in( in $er%or/in( the )or1 o% this Section )ith /ini/u/ 5 6ears o% 'ocu/ente' e9$erience #esi(n ele/ents un'er a Pro%essional En(ineer license' in 'esi(n o% this 'irect su$er-ision Structural e9$erience' )or1 o% an'

0el'er ;uali%ications, )ithin $re-ious 6ear #1 1 an' ANSI:A0S #1 4

0el'ers shall in accor'ance

&e 5uali%ie' )ith ANSI:A0S

1 08 +OCAUP A * C Pro-i'e %ull si?e /oc1u$ o% $recast ele/ents +oc1u$ ele/ents shall inclu'e all construction 'etails as sho)n on a$$ro-e' sho$ 'ra)in(s Locate /oc1u$ )here 'irecte' &6 the En(ineer /a6 not re/ain as $art o% the 0or1 +oc1u$

1 04 #ELIBER@. STORA"E. AN# HAN#LIN" A Han'le $recast ele/ents their sha$e an' 'esi(n su$$ort $oints to $osition. consistent )ith Li%t an' su$$ort onl6 %ro/

Li%tin( or Han'lin( E5ui$/ent, Ca$a&le o% /aintainin( ele/ents 'urin( /anu%acture. stora(e. trans$ortation. erection. an' in $osition %or %astenin( *loc1in( an' Lateral Su$$ort 'urin( Trans$ort an' Stora(e, Pro-i'e te/$orar6 lateral su$$ort to $re-ent &o)in( an' )ar$in( Protect ele/ents to s$allin( o% concrete $re-ent stainin(. shi$$in(. or

# E

+ar1 ele/ents )ith 'ate o% not -isi&le to -ie) )hen structure

$ro'uction in location in %inal $osition in

Architectural Precast Concrete


Architectural Precast Concrete


#esi(n Res$onsi&ilit6, Architectural $recast ele/ents +anu%acturer shall $ro-i'e the 'esi(n o% each ele/ent as )ell as the relate' )or1s in accor'ance )ith the re5uire/ents s$eci%ie' a&o-e #esi(n A$$ro-al, #esi(n. anal6sis an' calculations as )ell as $ro$ose' 'esi(n 'e-iation %ro/ the re5uire/ents s$eci%ie' a&o-e shall &e re-ie)e' an' a$$ro-e' &6 the En(ineer $rior to $ro'uction o% units Sha$e an' #ra)in(s Si?e o% Ele/ents, As in'icate' on

3 4

Sur%ace 3inish, As in'icate' on #ra)in(s %or the 'i%%erent areas an' shall /atch the a$$ro-e' sa/$le an':or /oc1!u$ Pi(/ent or Colorin( A(ent, 0here re5uire'. colorin( techni5ue shall &e as reco//en'e' &6 +anu%acturer an' a$$ro-e' &6 the En(ineer Colorin( a(ent shall &e %ree %ro/ /aterials har/%ul to concrete an' rein%orce/ent. resistant to al1alis an' %a'e 'ue to ultra!-iolet ra6s Color shall &e as sho)n on #ra)in(s

Concrete +aterials, 1 2 3 4 Portlan' Ce/ent, T6$e I con%or/in( to SSA 143 an' as 'e%ine' in AST+ C 150 A((re(ates, AST+ C 33 %or nor/al a((re(ates AST+ C 330 %or li(ht)ei(ht a((re(ate 0ater, Pota&le. %ree %ro/ %orei(n /aterials a/ounts har/%ul to concrete an' e/&e''e' steel A'/i9tures, #eter/ine' &6 $recast a$$ro$riate to 'esi(n re5uire/ents a & Air!Entertainin( A'/i9tures, re5uire/ents o% AST+ C 270 %a&ricator to an' in as the


0ater Re'ucin(. Retar'in(. A'/i9tures, Con%or/ to AST+ C 4C4


03450!4 Architectural Precast Concrete

Rein%orcin( +aterials, 1 *ars, a & Rein%orcin( Steel *ars, AST+ A 715. "ra'e 70. 'e%or/e' steel &ars Lo)!Allo6 Steel rein%orcin( *ars, AST+ A 807

2 02 +ISCELLANEOUS +ATERIALS A Su$$ort 'e-ices, Connectin( an' su$$ort /aterials inclu'e anchors. inserts an' shall &e in accor'ance )ith the %ollo)in(, 1 2 3 * Steel Plates, Structural 5ualit6. hot!rolle' car&on steel. AST+ A 243. "ra'e C Steel Sha$es, AST+ A 37 Anchor *olts, AST+ A 308. lo)!car&on steel &olts. re(ular he9a(on nuts an' car&on steel )ashers hot!'i$$e' (al-ani?e' AST+ A 153 %or all %inish in connection

3inish, Pro-i'e accor'ance )ith /aterials

2 03 +ID A Concrete, +ini/u/ co/$ressi-e stren(th shall &e 35 +Pa a%ter 24 'a6 stren(th unless other)ise a$$ro-e' &6 the En(ineer

2 04 3A*RICATION A * 3a&rication $roce'ure to con%or/ to ACI 314 +aintain $lant recor's an' 5ualit6 control 'urin( $ro'uction o% $recast ele/ents +a1e a-aila&le u$on re5uest $ro(ra/ recor's

C # E

Use ri(i' /ol's. constructe' to /aintain $recast unit uni%or/ in sha$e. si?e an' %inish +aintain consistent 5ualit6 'urin( /anu%acture E/&e' rein%orcin( steel. anchors. inserts $lates. an(les. an' other cast!in ite/s as in'icate' on sho$ 'ra)in(s Cure ele/ents to 'e-elo$ concrete 5ualit6. an' to /ini/i?e a$$earance &le/ishes such as non!uni%or/it6. stainin(. or sur%ace crac1in(

03450!5 Architectural Precast Concrete


+inor $atchin( in $lant is acce$ta&le. $ro-i'in( structural a'e5uac6 an' a$$earance o% ele/ents is not i/$aire'

2 05 3A*RICATION TOLERANCES A * C # 3 +a9i/u/ Out o% S5uare, 3 // in 3 /. non!cu/ulati-e Bariation 3ro/ #i/ensions #ra)in(s, Plus or /inus 3 // In'icate' on Sho$

+a9i/u/ +isali(n/ent o% Anchors an' Inserts, 3 // +a9i/u/ *o)in( o% Ele/ents, Len(th o% &o):370

PART 3 ! EDECUTION 3 01 EDA+INATION AN# PREPARATION A Beri%6 site con'itions Ensure that erection con'ition are satis%actor6 Chec1 slo$es an' le-els re5uire' %or $ro$er installation Beri%6 that &uil'in( structure. anchors an' are rea'6 to recei-e the 0or1 o% this Section Pro-i'e %or erection in'uce' loa's 'urin( te/$orar6 &racin( in su$$ort is $ro-i'e' 'e-ices

* C

$roce'ures an' erection +aintain $lace until %inal

3 02 ERECTION A * C # Erect ele/ents )ithout 'a/a(e to Re$lace or re$air 'a/a(e' $anels Erect ele/ents tolerances le-el an' $lu/& sha$e )ithin an' or %inish

allo)a&le -ertical

Ali(n an' /aintain uni%or/ hori?ontal <oints as erection $ro(resses

0here re5uire'. %asten an':or )el' ele/ents in E Touch!u$ scratche' or 'a/a(e' sur%aces


3 03 ERECTION TOLERANCES A * +a9i/u/ Bariation %ro/ Plane o% Location, 2 //:/ an' // in 30 /. non!cu/ulati-e +a9i/u/ O%%set %ro/ True Connectin( Ele/ents, 7 // Ali(n/ent *et)een 3


03450!7 Architectural Precast Concrete

Eoint Tolerance,

Plus or /inus 7 //

3 04 A#EUSTIN" AN# PROTECTION A * A'<ust ele/ents tolerances so that <oint 'i/ensions are )ithin

Protect ele/ents %ro/ 'a/a(e EN# O3 SECTION

03450!8 Architectural Precast Concrete

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