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Alaska Fly Fishing Ex !"i#i$n

You are sitting around the fire at a lodge in Dillingham, Alaska, discussing fishing expedition you are planning with your colleagues at Great Alaska Adventures (GAA). arlier in the day you received a fax from the president of !lue "ote #nc.$he president wants to reward her top management team %y taking them on an all expenses paid fly fishing adventure in Alaska.&he would like GAA to organi'e and lead the expedition. You have (ust finished a preliminary scope statement for a pro(ect (see %elow).You are now %rain storming potential risks associated with the pro(ect Your Assignments) *.!rainstorm potential risk associated with this pro(ect.$ry to come up with at least seven different risks +. ,se a risk assessment form as per sample (in class) with three of following risk components and give the score -ro%a%ility of risk event, .idea%ility, &everity(impact) /.Develop a risk response plan along with the ta%le You have following information P%$&!'# s'$ ! s#a#!(!n# 0%(ective) $o organi'e and lead a five day fly fishing expedition down the $ikshick river system in Alaskafrom 1une +* to +2 at a cost not exceeding 3+4,555 Delivera%les) -rovide air transportation from Dillingham ,Alaska to 6amp # and from 6amp ## %ack to Dillingham -rovide river transportation consisting of two eight man drift %oats with out%oard motors -rovide three meals a day for the five days spent on river -rovide four hours fly fishing instruction -rovide 0vernightaccommodation at the Dillingham lodge plus three four man tents with cots, %edding and lanterns -rovide four experienced river guides who are also fly fishermen

-rovide fishinglicenses for all guests

7ilestones) 6ontract signed 1an ++ Guest arrive at Dillingham 1un +5 Depart %y plane to !ase camp # 1un +* Depart %y plane from !ase 6amp # to Dillingham 1une +2

$echnical re8uirement 9ly in air transportation to and from %ase camp !oat transportation within $iksick :iver Digital 6ellular 6ommunication devices 6amps and fishing conform to state of Alaska re8uirement

;imits and xclusions *. Guests are responsi%le for travel arrangements to and from Dillingham Alaska to home +. Guests are responsi%le for their own fly fishing e8uipment and clothing /. ;ocal Air transportation to and from the %ase camp will %e outsourced <. $our guides are not responsi%le for the num%er of =ing &almon caught %y guests


P!ak LAN P%$&!'# -eak &ystems is a small information systems consulting firm located in 7eridian, ;ouisiana.-eak has (ust %een hired to design and install a local area network(;A") for the city of 7eridian>s social welfare agency .You are the manager of the pro(ect, which includes one peak professional and two interns from a local university. You have (ust finished a preliminary scope statement for the pro(ect(see %elow) . You are now %rainstorming potential risks associated with the pro(ect Your Assignments) *. !rainstorm potential risk associated with this pro(ect. $ry to come up with at least seven different risks +. ,se a risk assessment form with three of following risk components and give the score -ro%a%ility of risk event, .idea%ility, &everity(impact) /.Develop a risk response plan along with the ta%le You have following information P%$&!'# s'$ ! s#a#!(!n# -ro(ect 0%(ective $o design and install a local area network(;A") within one month with a %udget of 3?5,555 for the 7eridian&ocial &ervice Agency Delivera%les $wenty work stations and twenty laptops &erver with dual core processors $wo colorlaser printers @indows vista server and workstation operating system 9our hours of introduction training for clients personnel

&ixteen hour of training for client network administrator 9ully operational ;A" system

7ile stones .ardware 1an ++ &etting user priority and authori'ation 1an +A #n house whole network test completed 9e% +* 6lient site test completed 9e% + $raining completed 9e% *A $echnical re8uirements @orkstations with *4 B flat panel monitors, dual core processors ;aptops with *+C display monitors A5 G! hard drive &ystem must support windows Dista -latform @ireless network interface cards and thernet connections

;imits and xclusion &ystem maintenance repair only upto one month after final inspection @arranties transferred to client after one month 6lient will %e %illed for additional training %eyond that prescri%ed format 6lient full support is expected throughout the pro(ect

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