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Culdellnes for MalnLenance uredglng ln 1rlnldad and 1obago

ubllshed by Spree SplrlL 2014 1rlnldad & 1obago

Guidelines for Maintenance Dredging
in Trinidad and Tobago
"#$%&' ()**)+
Gu|de||nes for Ma|ntenance Dredg|ng |n
1r|n|dad and 1obago
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*(,-.(,& /"0 1+.2- 34,5%-
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 2
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 3
2014 SpreesplrlL, some rlghLs reserved
?ou are free Lo share, copy, dlsLrlbuLe and LransmlL Lhe work, Lo remlx and adapL Lhe work, unuL8 Lhe
followlng condluons:

Aur|bunon. ?ou musL aurlbuLe Lhe work ln Lhe manner specled by Lhe auLhor or publlsher (buL
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Non Commerc|a|. ?ou may noL use Lhls work for commerclal purposes
Share a||ke. lf you alLer, Lransform, or bulld upon Lhls work, you may dlsLrlbuLe Lhe resulung
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lor any reuse or dlsLrlbuuon, you musL make lL clear Lo oLhers Lhe condluons of use of Lhls work.
Any of Lhe above condluons can be walved lf you geL permlsslon from Lhe copyrlghL holder.
lS8n 978-976-93673-0-4 | ubllshed ln 1rlnldad and 1obago | llrsL Ldluon
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 4
l would llke Lo humbly Lhank kerwyn lraser, 8awle Slr[ue and my enure famlly for supporung me, glvlng
me opporLunlues, lnsplrlng me, encouraglng me and belng pauenL whlle l bore Lhem wlLh my
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 3
A novlce porL operauve asked Lo manage a malnLenance dredglng pro[ecL ln 1rlnldad and 1obago would
nd lL challenglng Lo nd publlcauons Lo draw guldance from. ln many cases, lL would be challenglng Lo
nd guldance wlLhln Lhe company. 1he besL source wlll be Lhe documenLs led from Lhe prevlous
dredglng pro[ecL. 1he ob[ecuve of Lhls lnqulry ls Lo examlne varlous acuvlues wlLhln malnLenance
dredglng ln 1&1 and use Lhe ndlngs Lo prepare guldellnes for pracuuoners leadlng or asslsung ln
dredglng pro[ecLs on behalf of porLs.
Several meLhods of quallLauve research were adopLed, malnly acuon research (paruclpanL observauon)
and eld research LogeLher wlLh slgnlcanL amounLs of archlval research.
1he ndlngs provlde a vlew of malnLenance dredglng from Lhe perspecuves of: (1) Lhe navlgauonal
channel as an asseL LhaL has Lo be managed uslng malnLenance Lechnlques slmllar Lo any oLher ma[or
equlpmenL, (2) Lhe appllcauon process, (3) monlLorlng Lhe progress and managlng Lhe execuuon of
dredglng and (4) Lhe economlc lmpacLs of umely and sumclenL dredglng as well as Lhe fallure Lo dredge.
1he lnLended ouLpuLs from Lhe lnqulry are user-frlendly background lnformauon and guldance LhaL wlll
asslsL pracuuoners ln plannlng, maklng declslons and advlslng Lhelr prlnclpals.
1he sLudy concludes LhaL many of Lhe challenges faced by porLs wlLh regard Lo dredglng are common Lo
dredglng ln oLher counLrles. 1hls documenL seeks Lo allevlaLe Lhe challenges faced by pracuuoners from
wldely scauered records and Lhe scarclLy of guldellnes.
!udson larray
13Lh SepLember 2013
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 6
1he level of economlc developmenL ln any nauon ls dlrecLly proporuonal Lo lLs presenL lnfrasLrucLure.
lnfrasLrucLure ls Lhe mechanlsm by whlch goods are LransporLed, commuLers LranslL and cluzens access
servlces. Cn land, roads and brldges are clearly vlslble and can be repalred when warranLed.
1rlnldad and 1obago ls consldered as one of, lf noL, Lhe mosL lndusLrlallzed nauon ln Lhe Carlbbean. We
have a wealLh of naLural resources lncludlng naLural gas, peLroleum, lumber and asphalL whlch form Lhe
core of our prlmary lndusLrles. We are a manufacLurlng nauon where our secondary lndusLrles produce
goods such as cemenL, agrlculLural producLs e.g. canned foods and lndusLrlal producLs e.g. ferullzers.
1hese producLs are exporLed Lo Lhe resL of Lhe Carlbbean and LhroughouL Lhe world.
As a developlng counLry we also lmporL producLs. 1he ma[orlLy of our lmporLs and exporLs are faclllLaLed
Lhrough our porLs and harbours. 1hese porLs, ln a developed socleLy, are Lhe hubs of Lrade as Lhe polnL
of lnLersecuon where LerresLrlal lnfrasLrucLure meeLs marlne lnfrasLrucLure. 8uL whaL ls marlne
lnfrasLrucLure? lL ls Lhe rouLe by whlch cargo shlps and oLher vessels galn access Lo Lhe porL Lhrough lLs
channel and Lurnlng basln. 1hese channels are slmllar Lo arLerles leadlng Lo Lhe hearL and lf clogged Lhe
body suers. Channels become sllLed Lhrough sedlmenLauon and vessel movemenL ls resLrlcLed by udal
AparL from Lhe obvlous legal lmpllcauons of a shlp runnlng aground, a sllLed channel has serlous
economlc lmpacLs as vessels can no longer fully load Lhelr lnLended cargo. !usL as a porL does
prevenLauve malnLenance on lLs machlnery such as cranes, Lhe porL channel ls an lnvaluable asseL whlch
musL also be malnLalned. ln my humble oplnlon, orL ManagemenL neglecLs Lhls asseL as lL ls an
lnLanglble commodlLy, 'CuL of slghL, CuL of mlnd'. AlLhough Lechnlcally lL can be seen on a drawlng
produced from baLhymeLrlc surveys uullzlng speclallzed equlpmenL such as echo sounders ln
con[uncuon wlLh Clobal osluonlng SysLems and ude gauges.
lL ls recommended LhaL all porLs lnclude a baLhymeLrlc survey, annually or bl-annually dependlng on lLs
raLe of sllLauon, as parL of lLs malnLenance schedule Lo deLermlne lLs seabed depLhs. 1oo oen Lhese
surveys are sancuoned only when a shlp's capLaln reporLs LhaL Lhe vessel's hull has come ln conLacL wlLh
Lhe seabed. 8y Lhen lL ls Loo laLe, Lhe channel already needs dredglng whlch has noL been scheduled lnLo
Lhe scal budgeL.
ln addluon, lL someumes Lakes years Lo galn Lhe necessary approvals from local sLaLe agencles Lo
execuLe a dredglng pro[ecL. More oen Lhan noL Lhe cllenLs are now aware LhaL Lhey wanL Lo dredge,
buL do noL know exacLly whaL dredglng ls needed or necessary whlch may resulL ln unnecessary
expendlLure. Cenerally cllenLs lack Lhe Lechnlcal knowledge Lo eecuvely manage and monlLor a
dredglng campalgn. ersonnel who may have been lnvolved ln prevlous dredglng exerclses now hold
new posluons and Lhelr experlence ls losL along wlLh any prevlous records.
uredglng ls Lhe removal of secuons of Lhe seabed uslng very speclallzed vessels wlLh even more
speclallzed equlpmenL. 1hls acuvlLy ls noL llmlLed Lo Lhe sea, buL lncludes rlvers, lakes, dams and all
waLer courses. 1hls can be a very expenslve, buL necessary, exerclse. ln Lhe case of MalnLenance
uredglng, as opposed Lo CaplLal uredglng, usually 1raller Sucuon Popper uredgers and/or Clamshell
uredgers, ln con[uncuon wlLh 1ugs and Popper 8arges, are used Lo LransporL Lhe unwanLed seabed
maLerlal Lo a deslgnaLed oshore dlsposal slLe.
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 7
CaplLal uredglng refers Lo Lhe removal of vlrgln seabed maLerlal. 1hls ls necessary when a channel and/
or basln need Lo be lengLhened, deepened and/or wldened Lo faclllLaLe larger vessels wlLh more dra.
AlLernauvely, a new channel and basln may be consLrucLed as ls Lhe case wlLh Lhe developmenL of a new
porL. uependlng on Lhe suness of Lhe maLerlal Lo be dredged, CaplLal uredglng may requlre Lhe use of
a Cuuer Sucuon uredge whlch eecuvely drllls Lhe seabed and pumps Lhe spolls lnLo hoppers or dlrecLly
onshore Lhrough speclal plpes. 1hls process of pumng maLerlal onshore ls known as Land 8eclamauon
and ls a deslrable opuon when posslble as new land ls creaLed whlch ln lLself ls of greaL economlc value.
1hls ls parucularly Lrue for 1rlnldad and 1obago as we are a small lsland surrounded by waLer wlLh many
lndusLrles compeung for very llmlLed coasLal land space.
A ma[or conLrlbuung facLor Lo Lhe hlgh cosL of dredglng ls Lhe moblllzauon of Lhe dredglng spread.
AlLhough Lhere are some small dredglng companles avallable locally, Lhe ma[orlLy of malnLenance
dredglng, as well as caplLal dredglng and land reclamauon, conLracLs ls awarded Lo lnLernauonal
companles whlch have Lhe experlence and equlpmenL Lo produce Lhe deslred ouLcome. Moblllzauon
alone can be ln Lhe nelghbourhood of hundreds of Lhousands and even mllllons of unlLed SLaLes uollars.
1hls cosL can be mlnlmlzed by formlng a unlL whlch governs dredglng, ln parucular malnLenance
dredglng, LhroughouL 1rlnldad and 1obago. AparL from Lhe orL of Scarborough ln 1obago and Lhe
CaleoLa orL on Lhe LasL coasL of 1rlnldad, all oLher porLs exlsL on Lhe WesL coasL of 1rlnldad belng Lhe
lee slde of Lhe lsland. 1here are several ma[or acuve porLs ln Lhe Culf-of-arla spannlng from olnL lorun
ln Lhe souLh Lo Chaguaramas ln Lhe norLh. Lach of Lhese porLs operaLes lndependenLly and ln lsolauon
wlLh lLs own malnLenance schedule.
1he governlng body should vlew Lhe enure WesL coasL of 1rlnldad as a hollsuc porL wlLh each separaLe
faclllLy as Lermlnals wlLhln Lhe 'Culf-of-arla' orL. A nauonal uredglng unlL akln Lo Lhe Land
8eclamauon unlL' should coordlnaLe all dredglng acuvlues wlLhln 1rlnldad and 1obago Lhereby
mlnlmlzlng expendlLure by reduclng moblllzauon cosL and eecuvely managlng dredglng operauons
wlLh lmproved emclency. 1hls can be achleved by monlLorlng Lhe sllLauon raLe and pauerns aL Lhe
varlous channels and baslns wlLhln Lhe 'Culf-of-arla' orL and lmplemenung a carefully planned
malnLenance dredglng schedule. 1hls schedule should Lake lnLo accounL Lhe malnLenance of channel
markers, currenL meLers, wave meLers, and Lhe llke when posslble, as well as any need for caplLal
dredglng and land reclamauon.
1hls publlcauon serves Lo ouLllne some of Lhe crlucal sLeps ln reallzlng a successful dredglng pro[ecL
under Lhe poruollo of Lhe proposed nauonal uredglng unlL.
8awle Slr[ue
21sL !anuary 2014
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 8
3%$,($,- 51*(
...................................................................................... 1: Introduction 12
.......................................................................... 2: Terms of Reference 13
General background and denition of the challenges 13
Historical background 13
Objectives of the guidelines 13
Earlier publications to be reviewed 14
Matters to be investigated 15
Suggested nal product of the guidelines 15
................................................... 3: Navigational channel as an asset 16
Asset maintenance strategy 16
Performance of the navigational channel 17
Tools and techniques 19
Maintenance tools 21
Planning the maintenance (dredging) 22
Contracts 22
Planning to apply for permission 24
.................................................... 4: Obtaining permission to dredge 25
Environmentalism of the sea 25
The regulatory environment 25
The role of the certicate of environmental clearance 25
Managing CEC application expectations 26
The application process 26
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 9
Some interesting CEC application outcomes 27
Opportunities for improvement 28
............................................................ 5: Dredging Project execution 30
Dredge vessel importation 30
Ministry of Energy inspection 31
Hazard identication and risk assessment 31
Preparing the navigational channel for maintenance 32
The in-survey 32
Executing the dredging 32
The out-survey 34
............................................................................. 6: Economic impact 35
........................................................................... 7: Recommendations 37
..................................................................... Asset lifecycle strategy 38
.................................................................. CEC Application process 38
............................... Planning and execution of dredging activities 39
............................................................................................ Summary 39
....................................... Appendices, References and Bibliography 40
..................................... Appendix 1: The Regulatory Bodies 40
.......... Appendix 2: Further information requested by EMA 41
.......................... Proof of tenancy, legal occupancy or owner ship 41
........................................................................ Diagrams and images 41
....................................... Description and purpose of the dredging 41
........................................... Dredge spoil disposal and reclamation 41
..................................................... Sediment sampling and analysis 42
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 10
.................................................. Documents for dredging execution 43
........................................................ Appendix 3: References 44
....................................................................................... Bibliography 44
.............................. CEC application les examined at EMA library 45
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 11
1: Introducnon
Commerclal porLs and Lermlnals ln 1rlnldad and 1obago have applled for CerucaLes of LnvlronmenLal
Clearance (CLC) Lo conducL dredglng works approxlmaLely forLy umes slnce 2003. 1here are very few
publlshed guldellnes or oLher documenLs for Lhls hlghly regulaLed acuvlLy. 1he LnvlronmenLal
ManagemenL AuLhorlLy (LMA) has some documenLauon abouL applylng for CLC lncludlng a llsL of and
responses Lo 'frequenLly asked quesuons' buL none relaLe Lo Lhe speclallsed acuvlLy of dredglng. All CLC
appllcauons and supporung documenLs are avallable Lo Lhe publlc Lhrough Lhe LMA's llbrary. 1he LMA
'requesLed furLher lnformauon' ln 73 of Lhe forLy CLC appllcauons ln Lhe sample perlod. Powever Lhe
oLher regulaLory bodles, up Lo 2013, cannoL provlde wrluen procedures Lo gulde Lhe pracuuoner
Lhrough Lhe process. 1hls ls probably Lhe rsL, buL hopefully noL Lhe lasL, auempL aL one hollsuc
documenL Lo gulde porL and Lermlnal pracuuoners ln 1&1 Lhrough Lhe malnLenance of navlgauonal
channels. l hope Lhe crlucs wlll noL keep Lhelr correcuons, oplnlons and ldeas Lo Lhemselves buL wlll
elLher share Lhem wlLh Lhe auLhors aL spreesplrlL[ or publlsh more accuraLe guldellnes
1hese guldellnes are nC1 lnLended as crluque or endorsemenL of any processes or Lhe emclency of any
parucular regulaLory body, servlce provlder, porL or pracuuoner. 1here ls no numerlcal lnformauon
abouL acLual cosLs of dredglng relaLed acuvlues llke dredglng lLself, surveylng, sedlmenL sampllng and
analysls. 1here ls no deep dlscusslon on Lhe sources of fundlng for dredglng buL Lhere are a few
suggesuons on fundlng for Lhe fuLure. 1he guldellnes do Lry Lo promoLe Lhe appllcauon of Lrled and
LesLed malnLenance sLraLegles and Lechnlques, Lradluonally used for 'hard' asseLs, Lo Lhe malnLenance
of Lhe less obvlous and 'ouL of slghL' sea bed of Lhe navlgauonal channel. Some of Lhe suggesuons,
especlally regardlng monlLorlng and lnspecuon, wlll requlre a greaL deal of convlnclng Lo Lhe people who
approve budgeLs.
Lconomlc and commerclal conLexL ls provlded by showlng Lhe poLenual lmpacLs of dredglng declslons
and lndeclslon. Addluonal perspecuve comes from glances Loward or deLalled sLudles of Lhe lessons
learned by our 'blg broLher Lo Lhe norLh', uSA. uesplLe Lhe obvlous dlerences ln physlcal slze and
resource avallablllLy, Lhere may be more slmllarlues wlLh Lhe challenges of dredglng Lhan lnlually
lmaglned. 1he maln common challenge ls Lhe envlronmenLal concerns LhaL Loo oen seem lsolaLed from
Lhe reallues of Lhe world lncludlng havlng Lo choose Lhe lesser of evlls when no ldeal soluuon ls
1he porL's Cperauons deparLmenL has Lo be able Lo answer any quesuons posed by Lhe porL's senlor
managemenL and board, Lhe envlronmenLal agency and Lhe varlous governmenL auLhorlues. 1he porL's
Cperauons deparLmenL wlll also be expecLed Lo recommend from Lhe avallable dredglng equlpmenL and
hydrographlcal surveyors and advlse Lhe porL's purchaslng deparLmenL on negouauons wlLh suppllers.
1hese guldellnes are meanL Lo asslsL porL pracuuoners ln Lhe plannlng and execuuon of dredglng work.
1hey are lnLenuonally broad as opposed Lo deLalled because qulLe a few of Lhe areas lnvolved are
speclallsL. 1he lnLenuon of Lhls documenL ls Lo provlde an overvlew and Lo slgnposL oLher avallable,
more deLalled sources for Lhe pracuuoner. lL ls also hoped LhaL pracuuoners ln 1&1 wlll be encouraged
Lo lmprove record keeplng ln Lhe marlume secLor by upgradlng and updaung Lhls and slmllar
documenLs. 1he malnLenance of alds Lo navlgauon ln 1&1 ls an area closely relaLed Lo dredglng LhaL
deserves a slmllar and more deLalled sLudy.
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 12
2: 1erms of keference
Genera| background and dehn|non of the cha||enges
1here are no publlshed guldellnes for execuung malnLenance dredglng ln 1rlnldad and 1obago. Lach
porL and Lermlnal plans, negouaLes, applles for permlsslon, moblllses dredglng equlpmenL and execuLes
dredglng works ln lsolauon of each oLher.
1here ls a percelved lack of experuse abouL dredglng among porL sLa ln 1&1. 1hls declency ls caused

1he lnfrequency of condluon monlLorlng hydrographlc surveys and acLual dredglng aL many of
Lhe porLs.

1he facL LhaL each Lermlnal wlLhln Lhe Culf of arla, desplLe Lhelr close proxlmlLy, chooses Lo
underLake dredglng lndlvldually.

Confuslon abouL Lhe mulupllclLy of regulaLory auLhorlues lnvolved ln Lhe permlmng process.

1he very few documenLed guldellnes, provldlng an overvlew, for porLs needlng Lo perform
n|stor|ca| background
1he Culf of arla has been used as a porL by ocean golng shlps slnce Lhe 16
cenLury. lamous baules llke
Lhe lnvaslon of 1rlnldad ln 1797, wlLh Lhe Spanlards burnlng Lhelr eeL raLher Lhan rellnqulshlng Lo Lhe
8rlush, Lo lLs ume as a uS navy base ln WWll, Lhe Culf of arla has a rlch and dlsungulshed marlume
hlsLory. When 8alelgh used Lar from Lhe lLch Lake Lo caulk shlps ln 1393, lL could be consldered Lhe
sLarL of 1rlnldad and 1obago's shlp repalr lndusLry. Lven Lhe 30 years of explolLauve over-whallng ln Lhe
cenLury could be consldered Lhe Lurnlng polnL for 1&1's commlLmenL Lo marlne conservauon. As far
back as 1943, Lhere was an average of 77 shlps per monLh calllng aL orL of Spaln. 1he ma[orlLy of
modern 1rlnldad and 1obago's naLural wealLh lles oshore. Admluedly, noL much of Lhls rlch marlume
Lradluon was done by Lhe ancesLors of presenL day 1rlnldadlans nelLher ls lL reecLed ln Lhe currenL
organlsauon and admlnlsLrauon of dredglng ln 1&1.
As of 2013, Lhere are over forLy publlcly avallable, dredglng relaLed, CLC appllcauon les held ln Lhe
llbrary of Lhe LnvlronmenLal ManagemenL AuLhorlLy. 1hese are parucularly useful Lo Lhe pracuuoner
because each of Lhe les of pro[ecLs LhaL were successful ln obLalnlng permlLs lnclude scope of work
summarles, meLhod sLaLemenLs and schedules.
Cb[ecnves of the gu|de||nes
1hese guldellnes are lnLended Lo provlde useful lnformauon Lo persons responslble for represenung Lhe
porL operaLors' lnLeresLs ln Lhe dellvery of malnLenance dredglng of navlgauonal channels Lo porLs and
Lermlnals ln 1&1. ConLexL wlll be provlded by Lhe documenLs referred Lo hereln, buL Lhe lessons from
currenL dredglng pracuces ln 1&1 wlll be presenLed Lo gulde and supporL pracuuoners for plannlng and
execuung fuLure dredglng pro[ecLs.
uredglng wlll be consldered from several perspecuves. 1hese are:
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 13
1. 1he navlgauonal channel as a Lechnlcal asseL wlLh a llfecycle managemenL sLraLegy lncludlng
performance and safeLy sLandards, monlLorlng and lnspecuon rouunes and planned
2. 1he process of applylng for a CerucaLe of LnvlronmenLal Clearance and obLalnlng Lhe oLher
permlsslons from muluple governmenL agencles and oLher auLhorlues.
3. 1he dredglng Lools and Lechnlques used Lo execuLe Lhe lnspecuons and malnLenance.
4. 1he lmporLance of properly malnLalned and approprlaLely deslgned navlgauonal channels Lo Lhe
economy and socleLy of a counLry and Lhe poLenual beneLs of a collecuve approach Lo Lhelr
Acuvlues such as caplLal dredglng and land reclamauons are noL consldered ln Lhese guldellnes.
Llkewlse, porLs oLher Lhan Lhose handllng cargo e.g. shlng porLs, marlne olleld supporL porLs, pleasure
boaL marlners are noL consldered ln Lhls lnqulry. lncluded among Lhe cargo porLs ls whaL would
oLherwlse be called marlne Lermlnals. 1here ls no analysls of fundlng meLhods currenLly used ln 1&1 for
Lhe Lype dredglng dlscussed ln Lhls lnqulry buL Lhere are suggesuons for Lhe fuLure. 1he envlronmenLal
condluons consldered are only Lhose expecLed ln 1rlnldad and 1obago (1&1).
Lar||er pub||canons to be rev|ewed
1he pracuuoner wlll be able Lo compare Lhe guldance glven wlLh Lhe deLalled overvlew of several
aspecLs of porLs and dredglng from LhlrLy years ago (1983) ln Lhe uS. 1he reporL, 'uredglng CoasLal
orLs: An AssessmenL of Lhe lssues' compleLed by Lhe Marlne 8oard of Lhe nauonal 8esearch Councll ln
1983 lncludes lnformauon abouL fundlng for dredglng, Lhe dlvlslon of responslblllues beLween prlvaLe
buslness and governmenL, Lhe approval process for permlsslons as well as economlc, envlronmenLal and
nauonal securlLy conslderauons. 1hls reporL was commlssloned by and represenLs Lhe lnLeresLs of a
governmenL. 1he pracuuoner ls aorded an example of a revlew of dredglng from a nauonal perspecuve
and Lo observe [uxLaposluon, lf any, beLween a developlng counLry now and a developed counLry a
generauon ago.
ln 2010, Lhe (lnLernauonal Assoclauon of uredglng ConLracLors) lAuC and Lhe (lnLernauonal Assoclauon
of orLs and Parbours) lAP comblned Lo publlsh 'uredglng for uevelopmenL'. 1he pracuuoner can nd
useful lnformauon on conLracung dredglng pro[ecLs and Lypes of dredglng equlpmenL. 1he pracuuoner
ln 1&1 would have Lo bear ln mlnd LhaL Lhls documenL whlle presenung a global perspecuve ls also dolng
so from Lhe perspecuve of mulunauonal dredglng companles and from slngle porLs dolng more Lrade
Lhan all of Lhe porLs ln 1&1 comblned.
1he pracuuoner should conslder LhaL Lhe deslgn and or condluon of Lhe navlgauonal channel lmposes
llmlLs on Lhe slze of Lhe shlps calllng, Lhe wlnd and sea condluons for Lranslung Lhe channel and Lhe
number and power of Lugs avallable for escorL. ueLalled guldance on Lhe navlgauonal performance
requlred from navlgauonal channels ls avallable wlLhln a varleLy of documenLs publlshed by (Lhe
lnLernauonal navlgauon Assoclauon) lAnC. Cne source of Lhls klnd of lnformauon ls secuon 7 of
lAnC's Marlume navlgauon Commlsslon reporL no. 116 uLled SafeLy AspecLs Aecung Lhe 8erLhlng
Cperauons of 1ankers Lo Cll and Cas 1ermlnals and publlshed ln 2012.
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Mauers to be |nvesngated
lL ls very dlmculL Lo nd dependable records abouL dredglng ln 1&1. Popefully, modern Lechnology and
reporLs llke Lhls one wlll lnsplre young pracuuoners Lo be more dlllgenL and organlzed wlLh records of
Lhelr acuvlues.
Suggested hna| product of the gu|de||nes
1hese guldellnes are essenually Lhe resulL of collaung lessons learned from acLual dredglng pro[ecLs ln
1&1 and lncorporaung recommendauons from Lhose and lnLernauonally accepLed sLandards and
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3: Nav|ganona| channe| as an asset
lL ls lmporLanL for any buslness Lo mark and know exacLly Lhe locauon of lLs prlze asseLs. Channel marker
xed or oaung (anchored) buoys musL be presenL Lo clearly dene Lhe navlgauonal channel. 1here may
or may noL be a 'buer zone' of navlgable waLer beyond Lhe channel. 1he sldes of Lhe channel mlghL be
dredged Lo a predeLermlned gradlenL slope or lle aL an angle of naLural repose. 1he buoys' anchors are
normally placed aL Lhe 'Loe llne' (lowesL parL) of Lhe slope. 1he porL should know and record Lhe
geodeuc coordlnaLes, usually ln WCS84, of each of Lhe channel marker buoys, as Lhey would appear on
AdmlralLy charLs. Any reposluonlng of Lhese channel markers should be advlsed Lo Lhe local auLhorlLy
wlLh responslblllLy for Alds Lo navlgauon for Lhe preparauon and dlssemlnauon of a navlgauonal
warnlng. 1o asslsL wlLh berLhlng and un-berLhlng operauons durlng Lhe hours of darkness, Lhe lanLerns
on Lhe Channel Marker buoys musL be operauonal aL full lnLenslLy Lo lndlcaLe Lhe buoys posluons durlng
Lhose hours. 1he buoys also clearly lndlcaLe Lo oLher porL users Lhe area Lo avold durlng shlp
Asset ma|ntenance strategy
1hese guldellnes do noL focus on Lhe navlgauonal channel malnLenance rouunes of every porL ln 1&1. lL
ls reasonable Lo assume LhaL Lhls 'ouL of slghL' asseL ls noL consldered ln Lhe planned malnLenance
schedule of Lhe porL. Cradual deLerlorauon of Lhe performance of Lhe channel ls noL as obvlous as Lhe
corroslon on a plpellne or Lhe fraylng runner wlre of a crane.
Lach porL ls unlque and lLs raLe of sllLauon wlll depend on facLors lncludlng: lLs locauon, nearby acuvlLy
and physlcal feaLures, Lhe preclse naLure of Lhe seabed ln and around Lhe area, udal and ocean currenLs
eecLs and even Lhe amounL and Lype of marlne Lramc.
lL would be beneclal, on a regular (monLhly or quarLerly) basls, Lo observe Lhe echo sounder recorder
or have porL sLa rlde along and observe Lhe echo sounder of shlps uslng Lhe channel, Laklng Lhe helghL
of ude lnLo conslderauon. 1hls use of Lhe shlp's echo sounder ls noL an lmposluon because Lhe lCS
8rldge rocedures Culde recommends and all repuLable shlp managers lnslsL on Lhe use echo sounders
ln coasLal waLers. 1he recommendauon for regular monlLorlng also comes from Lhe porLs. uredglng for
uevelopmenL, lAuC and lAP, 2010 sLaLes: ln malnLenance dredglng pro[ecLs, Lhe requlred frequency
of dredglng operauons can be deLermlned by Laklng perlodlc soundlngs Lo deLermlne Lhe raLe of
sllLauon LhaL ls occurrlng ln a glven area, under normal weaLher condluons." All malnLenance sLraLegles
have an assoclaLed cosL. orLs and Lermlnals have Lo ensure LhaL revenue sLreams are approprlaLely
dlrecLed Lo fuLure dredglng cosLs.
uredglng ls expenslve so Lhe porL ls prudenL Lo Lry Lo maxlmlze lnLervals beLween malnLenance dredglng
and wlll also wanL Lo plan malnLenance lnLervenuons Lo have mlnlmal dlsrupuons on Lhe porL's
commerclal operauons. 1he navlgauonal channel requlres dened performance parameLers ln relauon
Lo deslgn, safeLy Lolerances and condluon monlLorlng [usL llke an oll plpellne or a ganLry crane for
conLalners. 1he porL should have developed a compleLe malnLenance sLraLegy, whlch lncludes long-Lerm
plans for dredglng. 1he navlgauonal channel malnLenance sLraLegy could reasonably lnclude Lhe alds Lo
navlgauon llke channel marker and moorlng buoys. orL operaLors should all have awareness of Lhe
lmporLance of condluon monlLorlng ln Lhe planned malnLenance sysLem even and especlally for Lhe
lnvlslble subsea asseLs.
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erformance of the nav|ganona| channe|
1he porL LhaL follows sysLemaucally a planned condluon monlLorlng and malnLenance program for lLs
navlgauonal channel wlll know many monLhs ln advance when lL wlll need Lo dredge. (Lxample of a
navlgauonal channel malnLenance program ls aL A vessel golng aground wlLhln
Lhe channel ls undoubLedly Lhe leasL deslrous way Lo dlscover LhaL Lhe navlgauonal channel needs Lo be
!"#$%"&'(") +,"((-) ."/($(% 0$%(0
1he frequency of navlgauonal channel malnLenance (dredglng) wlll depend on facLors such as Lhe raLe
pauern of sllLauon, Lhe amounL of 'over-dredge' done aL Lhe lasL dredglng and even Lhe volume and
naLure of shlpplng Lramc. Slmllar Lo spoLs of rusL on a plpellne and frayed sLrands on a crane wlre, Lhe
navlgauonal channel wlll glve warnlng slgns LhaL malnLenance ls requlred. Whenever posslble Lhe
degree of LurbldlLy creaLed by Lhe propellers of deep draughL shlps ln Lhe channel should be observed
and noLed. 1he berLhlng masLer, moorlng crew or [euy operaLor wlll be besL placed Lo observe Lhls.
lloLs and shlpmasLers should be asked abouL Lhe handllng characLerlsucs of vessels ln Lhe channel on a
quarLerly basls. 1helr observauons should be carefully recorded and be easlly accesslble. 1hese checks
are Lhe equlvalenL of Lhe fronL-end user vlgllance LhaL ls a cruclal parL of any condluon based
malnLenance sysLem.
1he emplrlcal evldence of Lhe condluon of Lhe navlgauonal channel wlll arlse from hydrographlc
surveylng. Successlve annual (or more frequenL) hydrographlc surveys reporL wlll glve an lndlcauon of
Lhe raLe and pauern of sllung ln Lhe dredged area. 1he 1983 reporL: 'uredglng CoasLal orLs. An
AssessmenL of Lhe lssues' publlshed by Lhe nauonal Academy of Sclences sLaLes: 1hus deLermlnlng an
eecuve malnLenance dredglng program ln a parucular porL depends on a greaL deal of hlsLorlc and
currenL local knowledge and frequenL hydrographlc surveys."
1he reporLs should be read ln con[uncuon wlLh lnformauon and observauons abouL coasLal dynamlcs
such as long shore drl, coasLal eroslon, nearby dredglng and or land reclamauon. 1hls Lype of
lnformauon ls lmporLanL for pracuuoners Lo bulld Lhe local knowledge requlred Lo undersLand Lhe
sllLauon pauerns evolvlng ln Lhe lnLerlm survey charLs. 1here are greaL volumes of waLer owlng pasL
1&1 from Lhe Amazon and Crlnoco rlvers. 1he sLudy, '1he dlspersal of Lhe Amazon and Crlnoco rlver
waLer ln Lhe Lroplcal ALlanuc and Carlbbean Sea: Cbservauon from space and S ALACL oaLs' by Pu eL
al ln 2004, speaks Lo Lhe exLenL and seasonallLy of Lhe fresh waLer plume buL lL can be assumed LhaL a
slgnlcanL amounL of sedlmenL ls LransporLed and deposlLed Lhrough Lhls medlum.
lor example: Lhe channel ln olnL lorun lles ln a norLhwesL/souLheasL llne and was observed Lo sllL more
on Lhe norLheasLern slde. 1he enure channel depLh would be preserved longer lf Lhe dredglng budgeL
allowed LhaL a sllL Lrap was dredged on Lhe norLheasLern slde or aL leasL LhaL slde of Lhe channel Lo be
dredged as deep as permlued.
uredglng for uevelopmenL, lAuC and lAP, 2010 sLaLes: SLraLeglcally locaLed sllL Lraps are a means of
concenLraung Lhe sllLauon, and Lhus Lhe dredglng, Lo a predeLermlned area LhaL ls easlly accesslble for
Lhe chosen dredglng equlpmenL."
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100-2 3-/4'/5"(+- +/$2-/$"
navlgauonal channel's dlmenslons would depend on Lhe expecLed or average handllng characLerlsucs of
Lhe largesL vessels and Lhe expecLed weaLher condluons anuclpaLed aL Lhe porL.
1he lAnC WC 49 reporL: (8eference 33) recommendauon LhaL: shlp navlgauon slmulauon ls used Lo
asslsL ln denlng Lhe channel wldLh, layouL and orlenLauon requlremenLs. Such a navlgauonal slmulauon
wlll normally conslder normal operauons, such as sLandard arrlvals and deparLures ln a range of
meLocean condluons (wlnd, waves and currenLs). ln addluon, emergency scenarlos are oen usually
consldered LhaL slmulaLe credlble equlpmenL fallures" applles ln declslons abouL Lhe exLenL of
malnLenance Lo perform on a navlgauonal channel.
lL ls easy Lo reallze LhaL Lhe slze of Lhe shlps depends on Lhe Lradlng pauerns and cargo volumes. A
navlgauonal channel deslgned for Lhe shlps and Lrade of y years ago mlghL noL be approprlaLe for
modern shlps and Lrade. lL follows LhaL malnLalnlng Lhe 'ouLdaLed' channel aL opumum dlmenslons
becomes paramounL.
6,$3 "(7 +,"((-) $(2-/"+&'(
Shlps spend much more ume aL sea Lhan ln porL and are deslgned for open waLer. 1he maneuverlng
characLerlsucs of a vessel change slgnlcanLly ln shallow waLer of a navlgauonal channel. Added Lo Lhls,
Lhe way shlps musL compensaLe for Lhe eecLs of wlnd and currenL may noL be appreclaLed by non-
marlne sLakeholders. Llkewlse, Lhe need for Lhe 'exLra' dredged area ln Lhe channel may also noL be
appreclaLed. lAnC 8eporL 116 sLaLes: A shlp's dynamlc behavlour, boLh when manoeuvrlng and when
moored, wlll be lnuenced by Lhe depLh of waLer avallable. WlLh regard Lo manoeuvrlng, shlps ln
shallow waLer Lend Lo Lurn wlLh a smaller drl angle, a larger Lurn dlameLer and a hlgher sLeady speed
sLaLe. ln addluon, sLopplng umes and dlsLances are decreased ln very shallow waLer." ln addluon, Lhe
shlp lnLeracung wlLh a navlgauonal channel can experlence squaL, banklng and lnLeracuon wlLh oLher
shlps. 1he performance crlLerla of Lhe navlgauonal channel musL lnclude marglns for Lhe safeLy and
emclency wlLh whlch lL accommodaLes Lhe maneuverlng characLerlsucs of Lhe vessels and mlnlmlzauon
of malnLenance dredglng.
An example: A navlgauonal channel was orlglnally deslgned ln 1997 around a vessel of 290 meLres
lengLh, 40 meLres breadLh and a summer draughL of 12 meLres. 1he sLralghL navlgauonal channel was
dredged ln 1999 Lo a wldLh of 240 meLres wlLh Lhe Lurnlng basln 370 meLres x 370 meLres. 1he relauvely
hlgh speeds and headlngs requlred by lnbound vessels Lo counLeracL Lhe occaslonal 2 knoL currenLs
semng perpendlcular Lo Lhe channel slx umes wlder Lhan Lhe shlps exposed Lhe shlps and Lhe [euy Lo
unaccepLable rlsks. 1hls was desplLe Lhe use of Lhree Lugs of 30 Lons bollard pull each. When Lhe second
[euy was belng bullL, Lhe Lurnlng basln was expanded Lo a 1000 meLres dlameLer half clrcle and Lhe
wldLh of Lhe navlgauonal channel was lncreased Lo 673 meLres.
8(7-/ 9--) +)-"/"(+-
Shlps golng aground are dangerous Lo people (CosLa Concordla 2012, eLc.), harmful Lo Lhe envlronmenL
(Lxxon valdez 1990, eLc.) and expenslve ln Lerms of salvage or porL closure from obsLrucuon. Lven when
none of Lhose Lhlngs occur and Lhe vessel reoaLs on Lhe nexL hlgh ude or ls moved by Lugs, among
marlners, golng aground ls hlghly embarrasslng. 8epuLable shlp managers wlll have, very clear, non-
negouable llmlLs on under keel clearance. 1he Culdellnes for Lhe lannlng Lxecuuon and ManagemenL
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 18
of Pydrographlc Surveys ln orLs and Parbours, publlshed by llC, ln chapLer 4 sLaLes: orLs operaLe
wlLh a mlnlmum under keel clearance LhaL musL be malnLalned by a shlp Lranslung a porL. 8egular
surveys are requlred Lo monlLor Lhe publlshed depLh, as charLed depLh accuracy ls a slgnlcanL
componenL of Lhe calculauon of a porL's under keel clearance." Addluonally, Lhe enure secuon 7.4 of
lAnC 8eporL 116 deals wlLh channel and berLh depLh and under keel clearance.
All of Lhe navlgauonal channels ln 1&1 are sLralghL, so shoallng aL bends does noL occur and Lhe
formauon of splLs aL breakwaLers or [emes ls rare. When Lhe navlgauonal channel ls deslgned Lhere ls an
expecLauon or assumpuon of almosL symmeLrlcal slde slopes and a unlform bouom. 1he porL operaLor
and users of channels should noLe LhaL Lhe regular Lrack of vessels, usually Lhe mlddle of Lhe channel,
would lose depLh aL Lhe slowesL raLe because Lhe propellers are churnlng and dlsplaclng Lhe sedlmenL
regularly. AL Lhe same ume, Lhe sldes of Lhe channel can be sllung up aL a much fasLer raLe. lf a vessel
Lranslung Lhe channel has Lo devlaLe from Lhe cenLre llne of Lhe channel Lo avold a colllslon (e.g. wlLh a
broken down shlng vessel) or geLs caughL by a squall, Lhe shlp can easlly end up aground. 1hls ls
anoLher condluon ln supporL of regular lnLerlm hydrographlc surveys. A porL dlscoverlng LhaL Lhe
channel has narrowed mlghL choose Lo mlugaLe by Lemporarlly movlng Lhe channel markers lnward Lo
Lhe 'new' llmlL of deep waLer.
An example: 1he Lransponder of a merchanL shlp's echo sounder wlll be aL or near Lhe longlLudlnal
cenLerllne of Lhe vessel. 1here have been occaslons when a vessel alongslde a long [euy has an
accepLable under keel clearance accordlng Lo Lhe echo sounder, whlle a hand lead reveals LhaL Lhe
vessel's bllge keel ls lylng ln mud. 1hls ls because sedlmenL has bullL up under Lhe [euy and ls now falllng
lnLo and accumulaung beyond Lhe [euy llne.
1oo|s and techn|ques
Pydrographlc surveylng and dredglng are Lhe Lools and Lechnlques used Lo lnspecL and malnLaln,
respecuvely, Lhe navlgauonal channel. Many porLs worldwlde, because of Lhelr locauon and Lhe raLe of
sllung have 'resldenL' survey boaLs and some have 'resldenL' dredgers. 1rlnldad and 1obago requlres a
deLalled feaslblllLy sLudy on Lhe value Lo be had from havlng 'resldenL' equlpmenL and experuse ln Lhe
Culf of arla.
:(03-+&'( 2-+,($;<-0
ln addluon Lo Lhe condluon monlLorlng acuvlues, hydrographlc surveylng ls Lhe mosL accuraLe and
hollsuc way of esLabllshlng Lhe condluon of Lhe navlgauonal channel. Measurlng Lhe depLh ln Lhe
channel should be consldered slmllar Lo checklng Lhe meLal Lhlckness of a plpellne or Lhe number of
broken sLrands and dlameLer of a crane wlre.
ln hydrographlc surveylng lnspecuons, Lhe depLh aL many and varlous polnLs ln Lhe area of lnLeresL has
Lo be measured. 1he ude has Lo be measured and applled Lo Lhe depLh. And Lhe posluons of Lhose
depLhs on Lhe earLh's surface have Lo be known accuraLely. 1he Lools and Lechnlques used for Lhese
measuremenLs come wlLh low and hlgh Lechnlcal speclcauons for each. 1he survey ls done by Lhe
survey vessel 'salllng llnes' up and down and or across Lhe area of lnLeresL. 1he dlsLance aparL or spaclng
of Lhese llnes depend on Lhe reason for Lhe survey, famlllarlLy wlLh Lhe area (ume elapse slnce lasL
dependable survey). Cbvlously Lhe closer Lhe llnes, Lhe more expenslve Lhe survey because Lhe surveyor
ls engaged for a longer ume, Lhe survey boaL uses more fuel and Lhere ls more daLa Lo process. lf Lhe
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area has noL been surveyed for decades, lL could be consldered a dlscovery survey and salllng llnes 3
meLres aparL mlghL be consldered for a slngle beam echo sounder. lf Lhe porL ls surveyed annually or
more frequenLly LhaL llne spaclng can go up Lo 20 meLres or even more ln Lhe deeper waLer. lf Lhe posL-
dredge survey ls belng done Lo prepare or updaLe Lhe navlgauonal charL of area, clear requlremenLs are
seL ouL for Lhe uS ln Ceospaual osluonlng Accuracy SLandards, arL 3: SLandards for nauucal Charung
Pydrographlc Surveys by Lhe Subcommluee on Marlne and CoasLal Spaual uaLa of Lhe lederal
Ceographlc uaLa Commluee 1998.
uepLhs can be measured wlLh slngle beam echo sounders (S8LS) or mulu beam echo sounders (M8LS).
M8LS, wlLh Lhelr wlde swaLhe beams, have Lhe feaLures Lo provlde full coverage of Lhe seabed and have
Lhe ablllLy Lo deLecL small ob[ecLs. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL no survey sysLem guaranLees 100
ensonlcauon of Lhe seabed. Powever, Lhe lPC SLandards for Pydrographlc Surveys 3Lh Ld. 2008 Speclal
ubllcauon no. 44, provldes sLrlcL guldellnes for performlng porL (speclal order) surveys Lo achleve Lhe
deslred accuracy for charung purposes.
1he measured soundlngs have Lo be correcLed for ude helghLs ln order Lo reference Lhem Lo a
recognlsed daLum, e.g. CharL uaLum. 1lde readlng can be galned from a graduaLed pole sLandlng alone
or a graduaLed plank auached Lo a [euy plle Lo Lhe auLomauc recordlng Lype of gauge. Ceographlcal
posluon ls measured wlLh dlerenual global posluonlng sysLem (CS). ln areas aecLed by swell, mouon
sensor equlpmenL such as an acceleromeLer can be used.
Pydrographlc surveyors someumes seL up a reference sLauon ashore. A CS Lransmluer ls seL up aL or ln
relauon Lo a known posluon ashore. 1hls ls Lhen used Lo correcL Lhe CS posluon recelved from Lhe
saLelllLes. 1hls reference sLauon does noL have Lo be on Lhe shore buL lL has Lo have 'llne of slghL' wlLh
Lhe area of lnLeresL belng surveyed, be secure buL easlly accesslble by Lhe surveyor. ln 1&1,
hydrographlc surveyors also seL up and use Lhelr own ude gauges.
More lnformauon on surveylng equlpmenL and survey referenual sLauons ls avallable from Lhe
Culdellnes for Lhe lannlng Lxecuuon and ManagemenL of Pydrographlc Surveys ln orLs and Parbours,
publlshed by llC.
=-4-/-(+$(% 02"(7"/70
CerLaln referenclng sysLems have Lo be dened whlle preparlng scope of work documenLs for
hydrographlc surveys, dredglng and applylng for permlsslon Lo dredge. lL ls recommended Lo use WCS84
coordlnaLes for all horlzonLal posluons ln hydrographlc survey work and ln all documenLs. Some porLs
are uslng naparlma 1933/u1M zone 20n, Lhls daLum can be used for land surveys. And CharL uaLum ls
recommended as Lhe reference for all depLhs however uS publlcauons use an average of low low waLer.
lAnC 8eporL 116 sLaLes: lL ls essenual LhaL conslderauon ls glven Lo Lhe daLum and coordlnaLe sysLems
of Lhe charLs of Lhe slLe of lnLeresL. Cnly conslsLenL daLum and coordlnaLe sysLems should be used and
Lhey should be conrmed wlLh Lhe relevanL hydrographlc auLhorlLy."
osluonlng sysLems
osluonlng sysLems are used Lo ldenufy or locaLe any polnL on Lhe LarLh's surface ln numbers and or
leuers. 1he pracuuoner wlll be famlllar wlLh geographlc lauLude and longlLude. LauLude of a polnL on
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 20
Lhe LarLh's surface measured ln angles norLh or souLh referenced Lo Lhe equaLorlal plane. LonglLude of a
polnL on Lhe LarLh's surface measured ln angles easL or wesL referenced Lo Lhe prlme merldlan, whlch
passes Lhrough a polnL near Lhe 8oyal CbservaLory ln Creenwlch. Ceographlc CarLeslan coordlnaLes can
also be expressed ln easung and norLhlng. Lasung and norLhlng coordlnaLes are commonly measured ln
meLres from a horlzonLal daLum. World Ceodeuc SysLem 1984 (WCS84) ls Lhe mosL common geodeuc
daLum and ls used by mosL CS sysLems. unlversal 1ransverse MercaLor (u1M) coordlnaLe sysLem uses a
meLrlc based CarLeslan grld Lo locaLe polnLs on Lhe LarLh's surface. 1&1 ls ln Zone 20.
1he webslLe provldes Lhe followlng:
lor 1rlnldad: LSC pro[ecuon 2067, naparlma 1933/u1M zone 20n. WCS84 bounds: -61.9300, 10.0400,
-60.9100, 10.8400. And for 1obago: LSC pro[ecuon 2066, MounL ulllon/1obago grld. WCS84 bounds:
-60.9100, 11.0800, -60.3700, 11.3900.
uepLh referenclng
A good place Lo sLarL Lhe dlscusslon on depLh referrlng ls by sLaung LhaL porL pracuuoners ln 1&1
someumes dlscuss Lhe presence of negauve ude helghLs ln Lhe locally produced ude Lables. 1ldes Lables
are supposed glve Lhe helghL of udes above CharL uaLum. racuuoners Lralned ln Lhe 8rlush sysLem wlll
recall LhaL CharL uaLum (Cu) ls referenced Lo LowesL AsLronomlcal 1lde (LA1). LA1 ls Lhe Lheoreucal
lowesL ude posslble ln average meLeorologlcal condluons. Whlle lL ls posslble Lo have lower udes ln
excepuonal hlgh aLmospherlc pressure condluons, Lhese are noL expecLed or facLored lnLo ude
predlcuons. racuuoners famlllar wlLh uS sysLems wlll be aware of Mean Lower Low WaLer (MLLW).
MLLW ls Lhe average helghL of Lhe lowesL ude recorded each day durlng Lhe observauon perlod.
negauve udes predlcuons are posslble because Lhe reference ls an average. Mean sea level (MSL) can be
consldered as belng Lhe helghL LhaL ls mldway ln Lhe range mean hlgh waLer (MPW) Lo mean low waLer
><")$?-7 0</#-@'/0
ersons can become hydrographlc surveyors Lhrough compleuon of a 8Sc or dlploma ln surveylng or by
compleung an lPC/llC/lCA CaLegory A hydrographlc surveylng course. 1he CaLegory 8 course ls for
'Lechnlclans' and covers fewer compeLencles.
1he hydrographlc surveyor wlll be a Lralned, qualled person who undersLands Lerms llke geoldal
separauon, sound veloclLy Lhrough Lhe waLer column and Lhe dlerence beLween posL-processed
dlerenual and real ume klneuc. 1hese Lerms are noL covered ln Lhe lnqulry buL should hlghllghL Lhe
need for Lhe porL Lo engage CA/CC servlces from an lndependenL hydrographlc surveyor.
Ma|ntenance too|s
1hese guldellnes wlll asslsL Lhe pracuuoner Lo make lnformed declslons abouL whlch Lools and
Lechnlques Lo selecL for execuung Lhe dredglng. 1he Lools for malnLenance (dredglng) of Lhe
navlgauonal channel are caLegorlzed as mechanlcal, hydraullc, mechanlcal/hydraullc and hydrodynamlc.
Mechanlcal dredgers are usually barge mounLed and lnclude Lhe grab (clamshell), dlpper, backhoe and
buckeL ladder. Mechanlcal/hydraullc dredgers lnclude Lhe Lralllng sucuon hopper dredger (1SPu) and
cuuer sucuon dredger (CSu). Whlle Lhe Lwo Lypes of dredgers above brlng sedlmenL Lo Lhe surface,
hydrodynamlc dredgers move sedlmenL underwaLer. 1he Lype of Lools (dredglng equlpmenL) selecLed
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 21
for navlgauonal channel malnLenance depends on facLors lncludlng (l) Lhe sLarung depLh and Lhe deslred
depLh of waLer, (ll) Lhe layouL of Lhe area Lo be dredged, (lll) Lhe locauon of Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal
slLe, (lv) Lhe Lypes of seabed maLerlals and (v) any condluons lmposed by Lhe CerucaLe of
LnvlronmenLal Clearance (CLC).
Clamshell dredgers are wldely used ln 1rlnldad and 1obago. 8y vlrLue of belng barge mounLed, clamshell
dredgers are normally noL self-propelled and oen requlre separaLe hopper barges Lo hold and
LransporL Lhe dredged spoll. A Lug or Lugs are requlred Lo reposluon Lhe dredger and Lo Low Lhe hopper
barges ln order Lo LransporL Lhe spoll Lo Lhe dlsposal slLe.
8ecords show LhaL a waLer ln[ecuon dredger has been used aL leasL once ln 1rlnldad and 1obago. 1here
mlghL be challenges wlLh Lhls Lype of equlpmenL buL Lhere ls precedence for lLs use. 1he waLer ln[ecuon
dredger uses waLer Lo uldlse Lhe bouom maLerlal Lo be removed, creaung dense uld slurry. 1he slurry
ls Lhen LransporLed from Lhe excavauon slLe by means of currenLs lnduced by Lhe denslLy gradlenL
beLween Lhe slurry and LhaL of waLer, or by naLurally occurrlng currenLs wlLhln Lhe dredglng slLe, such as
udal or rlver currenLs, or by Lhe slope of Lhe sea or rlverbed.
|ann|ng the ma|ntenance (dredg|ng)
1he porL operaLor should esLabllsh:
(l) Lhe depLhs ln Lhe navlgauonal channel (or area Lo be dredged) by hydrographlc survey
(ll) Lhe volume of sedlmenL Lo be removed Lo reLurn Lhe navlgauonal channel (or area Lo be
dredged) Lo deslgn speclcauon
(lll) Lhe depLhs ln Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe by baLhymeLrlc survey
(lv) Lhe LoxlclLy analysls of sedlmenL and waLer ln Lhe navlgauonal channel (or area Lo be dredged)
(v) Lhe LoxlclLy analysls of sedlmenL and waLer ln Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe.
numbers (l) and (ll) should be done annually as parL of condluon monlLorlng of Lhe channel.
A/'+</-5-(2 '4 ,@7/'%/"3,$+ 0</#-@$(%
1he procuremenL of hydrographlc surveylng wlll be done accordlng Lo Lhe procuremenL procedures of
Lhe parucular porL's managemenL. rocesses llke pre-quallcauon, purchase orders, eLc. ls usually well
dened wlLhln buslnesses and ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhls documenL. Lxamples of a scope of work for
hydrographlc surveylng and an example of a requesL for fundlng for surveylng ls avallable aL 1here wlll be more exlblllLy wlLh chooslng hydrographlc surveyors for Lhe
lnLerlm or annual surveys LhaL are [usL used for condluon monlLorlng. lf Lhe porL ls very saused wlLh Lhe
servlces of a parucular surveyor, Lhere ls always Lhe opuon Lo award a medlum Lerm conLracL. lor pre-
dredge Lender surveys, Lhe volume Lo dredge calculauon ls crlucal Lo Lhe conLracung process. up Lo
around 2010, Lhe ulrecLor of Surveys (Lands and Surveys ulvlslon) lnslsLed LhaL Lhe hydrographlc
surveyor was one reglsLered wlLh Lhelr omce. Slnce 2012, Lhere were no hydrographlc surveyors
reglsLered wlLh Lhe ulrecLor of Surveys omce.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 22
A/'+</-5-(2 '4 0-7$5-(2 "(7 ."2-/ 0"53)$(% "(7 "(")@0$0
SedlmenL and waLer column sampllng and analysls ls mosLly done only as parL of Lhe CLC appllcauon
process. A maLure llfecycle malnLenance sLraLegy as well as Lhe corporaLe soclal responslblllLy of Lhe
porL should recognlze LhaL Lhere ls also much Lo galn from monlLorlng annually Lhe LoxlclLy and
ecologlcal proles of Lhe porL area.
1he beneLs of dolng lnLerlm LoxlclLy analyses would be far reachlng. 1here ls no escaplng Lhe
requlremenL for an approved CLC. 8eslsLance ls fuule. WlLh Lhe envlronmenLal basellne esLabllshed, lL
would be useful Lo nd ouL ln whlch dlrecuon Lhe sedlmenL and waLer column composluon ls movlng.
Larly warnlng of Lhe need Lo amend or adapL acuvlues ln or near Lhe porL could be provlded Lhrough Lhls
proacuve monlLorlng. 1he besL-case scenarlo would be Lo have proof LhaL Lhe porL ls coexlsung wlLh a
Lhrlvlng, happy ecosysLem.
1he procuremenL of sedlmenL and waLer sampllng and analysls wlll be done accordlng Lo Lhe
procuremenL procedures of Lhe parucular porL's managemenL. rocesses llke pre-quallcauon, purchase
orders, eLc. ls beyond Lhe scope of Lhese guldellnes. An example of a scope of work for sedlmenL and
waLer (someumes called LoxlclLy") sampllng and analysls ls aL uependlng of Lhe
porL's resources Lo manage work, some porLs engage wlLh several separaLe enuues Lo perform sampllng
and dlerenL Lypes of analysls. AlLernauvely, Lhe porL can engage wlLh one company and LhaL company
can Lhen subconLracL Lhe oLher servlces as requlred and presenL Lhe nal reporL. WheLher one or
muluple suppllers are engaged, Lhe scope of work musL be well researched and prepared. 1he LMA
requesLed furLher lnformauon ln 30 ouL of Lhe 40 CLC appllcauons revlewed. 1he requesLs are all
summarlzed ln Appendlx 2 Lo Lhese guldellnes and would make a useful addendum Lo Lhe scope of work
for LoxlclLy sampllng and analysls.
A/'+</-5-(2 '4 7/-7%$(% 0-/#$+-0
When Lhe quanuLy Lo be dredged has been esLabllshed by pre-Lender hydrographlc survey, Lhe porL can
begln Lhe Lenderlng process for engaglng Lhe servlces of a dredglng conLracLor. 1he procuremenL of a
dredglng conLracLor wlll be done accordlng Lo Lhe procuremenL procedures of Lhe parucular porL's
managemenL. rocesses llke pre-quallcauon, purchase orders, eLc. are beyond Lhe scope of Lhese
guldellnes. All conLracLs musL have Lhe work Lo be performed and Lhe conLracL prlce clearly dened. An
example of a scope of work and an example of requesung fundlng for dredglng ls aL
5+,6 +* /7% $,%$2#'2 0+'/,.0/
orLs can use any form of conLracL allowed by Lhelr nauonal laws and cusLoms. 1he lnLernauonal
lederauon of Consulung Lnglneers (llulC) and Lhe lnLernauonal Assoclauon of uredglng ConLracLors
(lAuC) collaboraLed Lo publlsh 'lorm of ConLracL for uredglng and 8eclamauon Works' ln 2006.
Whlchever form ls used, Lhe conLracL musL lnclude posslble escalauons (e.g. sLandby raLes), lnLroducuon
of varlauons and allocauon of rlsks beLween conLracLor and cllenL.
negouable lLems
1here are oLher conslderauons ln negouaung a dredglng conLracL. 1he porL operaLor mlghL have a
llmlLed budgeL and noL be able Lo dredge Lhe channel back Lo deslgn speclcauons, ln Lhls case Lhe
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 23
pracuuoner, has Lo declde how much and where Lo dredge. 1he dredglng conLracLor usually lndlcaLes
wheLher Lhe sldes of Lhe channel should be sloped aL a sLaLed gradlenL or le Lo be aL a naLural angle of
repose. 1he sedlmenL needs Lo be assessed for Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe slde slopes ln Lhe navlgauon channel
and Lurnlng basln. 1he sedlmenL should also be assessed for uldlsauon LhaL could resulL ln slgnlcanL or
caLasLrophlc lnll of Lhe dredged area. lL ls expecLed LhaL navlgauonal channels wlLh a small wldLh
compared wlLh Lhe beam of expecLed vessels opL for Lhe sloped sldes Lo reduce some of Lhe lnLeracuon
eecLs beLween shlp and channel. 1he gradlenL of Lhe slope, e.g. 1:4 or 1:7 depends on Lhe uldlLy of
Lhe sedlmenL ln LhaL area. 1he porL operaLor wlll also declde wheLher Lo esLabllsh a dredged 'buer
zone' beyond Lhe buoyed channel.
1he reposluonlng of channel markers Lo allow dredglng Lhe exLremlues of Lhe navlgauonal channel and
reLurnlng same Lo Lhelr charLed posluon ls usually done 'aL no exLra charge' by Lhe dredglng conLracLor
and under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe porL operaLor. 1he cosL of vessel lmporLauon ls normally lncluded ln
Lhe moblllzauon cosL buL porL or harbour fees such as uroghers wlll be for Lhe porL operaLor's accounL.
Any oLher requlremenLs e.g. Lhe removal of currenL meLers, lf ued, have Lo be lncluded ln Lhe budgeL.
An example of a llsL of budgeL lLems ls avallable from
uredglng for uevelopmenL, lAuC and lAP, 2010 sLaLes: lL ls oen preferable Lo dredge Lo a depLh
subsLanually ln excess of Lhe requlred mlnlmum ln order Lo allow for sllLauon Lo Lake place for a longer
perlod of ume, Lhus reduclng Lhe frequency of Lhe dredglng operauons and Lhe need for cosLly
repeuuve moblllzauon and demoblllzauon of Lhe equlpmenL." 1he LMA recognlses Lhls reallLy and CLCs
are regularly granLed Lo dredge up Lo 0.3m beyond Lhe navlgauonal channel's deslgn depLh.
Slgnlng Lhe conLracL
1here are a few schedullng conlcLs ln Lhe plannlng and preparauon process for dredglng. neverLheless,
Lhe conLracL should be slgned early Lo faclllLaLe Lhe necessary exchange of documenLs whlch asslsLs Lo
avold delays sLarung Lhe dredglng.
|ann|ng to app|y for perm|ss|on
CbLalnlng permlsslon Lo dredge has lLs own secuon wlLhln Lhls documenL. ln 1&1, Lhere are many
dlsparaLe regulaLory bodles wlLh ma[or roles ln Lhe plannlng and permlsslon process. 1he bodles and
Lhelr roles are avallable from 1he pracuuoner ls also advlsed Lo be reallsuc abouL
Lhe ume Laken for Lhe lnLernal admlnlsLrauve processes on Lhe porL. 1he ume Laken Lo prepare scope of
work documenLs, schedules and purchase orders as well as Lo evaluaLe responses, prepare conLracLs
and process paymenLs, eLc. for all Lhe Lasks, blg and small musL be facLored lnLo Lhe schedule. An
example of a schedule for Lhe enure dredglng process ls avallable from
Schedullng conlcLs are llkely for lnexperlenced pracuuoners. 1he blggesL schedullng conlcL can arlse
from needlng lnformauon from Lhe dredglng conLracLor Lo geL Lhe llcense and Lhe porL, wlsely, noL belng
wllllng Lo make a conLracL wlLhouL havlng Lhe permlsslon (CLC).
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 24
4: Cbta|n|ng perm|ss|on to dredge
1he acqulsluon or approval of a cerucaLe of envlronmenLal clearance (CLC) domlnaLes Lhe permlmng
of dredglng.
Lnv|ronmenta||sm of the sea
1he need for prevenuon from conLamlnauon ls covered from Lhe lepers of Lhe blble Lhrough 1yphold
Mary and up Lo presenL day. 1he focus has been hlsLorlcally on dlseases LhaL aecL humans and anlmals.
Around 1903 Lhere was a recorded mass occurrence of a specles of Aslan algae ln Lhe norLh Sea. 8y Lhe
1970s, sclenusLs sLarLed Lo recognlse Lhe phenomenon and eecLs of Aquauc lnvaslve Specles.
ln 1972 Lhe un Conference on Lhe Puman LnvlronmenL, ln Sweden creaLed Lhe unlLed nauons
LnvlronmenL rogramme. lLs Lask was Lo oversee all mauers deallng wlLh Lhe envlronmenL addressed by
Lhe un. Among lLs responslblllues and successes ls Lhe 8eglonal Seas rogramme. 1he rogramme has
LhlrLeen agreemenLs coverlng over 140 counLrles. Cne of Lhe mosL successful of Lhe LhlrLeen convenuons
ls Lhe CarLagena Convenuon, deallng wlLh Lhe Carlbbean.
CounLrles slgn Convenuons wlLh Lhe besL lnLenuons buL lack of experlence, lack of Lralnlng, lack of
lnLeresL and bureaucracy can hamper Lhe reallLy of pumng Lhe provlslons lnLo acuon. 1he relauvely large
number of agencles LhaL are lnvolved ln obLalnlng Lhe CerucaLe of LnvlronmenLal Clearance and Lhe
scarclLy of marlne knowledge ln many of Lhose agencles mean LhaL Lhe porL's Cperauons deparLmenL
has Lo become Lhe sub[ecL mauer experL.
1he regu|atory env|ronment
racuuoners ln 1&1, lncludlng Lhe auLhor, could be forglven for Lhlnklng LhaL Lhe challenges faced ln
obLalnlng permlsslon Lo dredge are unlque Lo 1&1 and a resulL of bureaucracy, lnemclency and lack of
clear guldellnes. Whlle bureaucracy, lnemclency and lack of clear guldellnes exlsL ln 1&1, Lhe challenges
exlsL elsewhere also. 1he 1983 reporL: 'uredglng CoasLal orLs. An AssessmenL of Lhe lssues' publlshed
by Lhe nauonal Academy of Sclences sLaLes: 1he lnsuLuuonal declslon maklng process for porL dredglng
ls cumbersome, complex, unpredlcLable and fragmenLed." 1he uS has more land mass and resources
and can beuer aord Lo lndulge Lhe varlous nlM8? (noL ln my back yard), 8AnAnA (bulld absoluLely
noLhlng anywhere near anyone) and oLher slmllar lobbles.
1he auLhorlues responslble for dredglng permlLs have Lo accepL Lhe reallLy LhaL Lhe ma[orlLy of 1&1's
naLural resource wealLh ls oshore and also Lo undersLand LhaL wlLhouL properly congured sea porLs,
LhaL lmporLed box of cereal becomes a very expenslve breakfasL. SeaporLs musL coexlsL wlLh Lhe
envlronmenL. LsLabllshlng proLecLed coasLal zones and a requlremenL for porLs ln unproLecLed
(lndusLrlal) zones Lo measure and monlLor Lhe levels of LoxlclLy and blodlverslLy ln Lhese areas annually
ls probably overdue.
67( /%'( %0 ,7( "(/,898"1,( %0 ($:8/%$+($,1' "'(1/1$"(
ln responses Lo frequenLly asked quesuons abouL whaL Lhe LMA conslders when decldlng on a CLC, Lhe
LMA on lLs webslLe,, sLaLes: .lssues such as Lhe eecL of nolse, dusL and fumes, waLer
above and below ground and wasLe. lL also conslders oodlng, landslldes, beach desLrucuon and
damage Lo homes and wheLher Lhe negauve eecLs of Lhe pro[ecL could be reduced Lo accepLable levels.
1he eecL on anlmals and planLs, servlces such as drlnklng waLer, roads, Lramc and elecLrlclLy supply.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 23
1he LMA conslders lssues LhaL aecL Lhe communlLy such as healLh, wealLh, educauon, cusLoms and
Lradluons LhaL can be made beuer or worse by Lhe pro[ecL and can aecL Lhe envlronmenL."
ln 2013, Lhere ls a llsL of 44 deslgnaLed acuvlues wlLhln Lhe CLC (ueslgnaLe Acuvlues) Crder as amended,
AcuvlLy 13 (c) ls Lhe dredglng or cumng of coasLal marlne areas.
:0 " BCB ")."@0 (--7-7D
1here ls a pracuuoners' old wlves' Lale ln 1&1 LhaL sLaLes CLCs are normally" valld for ve years. 1hls
has noL been found ln any documenLauon. uurlng Lhe research lnLo Lhls sub[ecL, one clear case was
found where an area approved ln CLC2786/2010 was dredged agaln ln 2013 wlLhouL Lhe need for a
second CLC. lL ls worLh noung LhaL ln Lhe 2010 dredglng pro[ecL, nearly double Lhe lnlual volume sLaLed
was removed Lo achleve Lhe requlred depLh.
ln response Lo Lhe frequenLly asked quesuon abouL wheLher all pro[ecLs need CLC, Lhe LMA on lLs
webslLe,, sLaLes: .only new pro[ecLs need CLCs. CLher pro[ecLs may need approval
from oLher governmenL bodles buL noL Lhe LMA." A perusal of Lhe CLC appllcauon les for dredglng aL
Lhe LMA llbrary show muluple appllcauons for Lhe same porLs, perhaps Lhe LMA should expand lLs lACs
Lo dene 'new pro[ecL'.
orL pracuuoners are recommended Lo consulL and conrm wlLh Lhe regulaLory bodles before engaglng
dredglng conLracLors. 1hey can expecL LhaL wrluen permlsslons from Lhe Commlssloner of SLaLe Lands
and ulrecLor of Surveys regardlng Lhe permlsslon Lo dlspose dredged spoll aL a deslgnaLed slLe as
Manag|ng CLC app||canon expectanons
lorLy appllcauons for CLC for dredglng made beLween 2003 and 2013 were sLudled. 1he sLaLus of Lhose
appllcauons as aL 26Lh SepLember 2013 were as follows:
62"2<0 '4 BCB "33)$+"&'(0
LMA requesLed
lmpacL AssessmenL
lncompleLe/ Approval
wlLhdrawn by
no CLC
73 20 33 13 10 2
1he app||canon process
8ecords from prevlous dredglng pro[ecLs, Lhe pre-Lender hydrographlc survey and guldance ln Lhls
documenL should provlde Lhe pracuuoner wlLh enough lnformauon Lo prepare a scope of work for Lhe
lnLended dredglng pro[ecL.
1he proacuve porL should wrlLe Lo and also arrange meeungs wlLh each of Lhe LnvlronmenLal
ManagemenL AuLhorlLy (LMA), Commlssloner of SLaLe Lands (CCSL), Lhe ulrecLor of Surveys (uoS) and
Lhe PSL deparLmenL of Lhe MlnlsLry of Lnergy and Lnergy Aalrs (MLLA). Lxamples of Lhese leuers are
avallable from
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 26
1he purposes of Lhese meeungs would be:
(l) Lo advlse each of Lhem LhaL a dredglng pro[ecL ls belng planned and expecLed arrlval daLe of
equlpmenL and sLarL of operauons
(ll) esLabllsh lf Lhe prevlously used dredge spoll dlsposal slLe ls sull avallable, and lf noL, Lo nd an
(lll) Lo nd ouL lf Lhere are any addluonal condluons or acuons requlred by any of Lhe governmenL
deparLmenLs, e.g. lssues around fuel subsldy.
1hese meeung do noL usually resulL ln any ma[or snlppeLs of lnformauon buL sull have value for
lnLroduclng Lhe pro[ecL and Lhe personnel lnvolved.
ln addluon Lo compleung Lhe appllcauon form, Lhe CLC appllcauon form as aL 2013 ls avallable from Lhe
LMA. Addluonally, Lhe LMA requlres:
8 a leuer from Lhe Commlssloner of SLaLe Lands regardlng permlsslon Lo dlspose of dredged spoll
ln a deslgnaLed area
8 a leuer from Lhe Marlume Servlces ulvlslon lndlcaung where and when Lhe dredglng wlll occur.
1hls leuer also advlses LhaL a navlgauonal warnlng, ln Lhe press and broadcasL by a coasL radlo
sLauon lnformlng Lhe marlne publlc of Lhe dredglng operauon be lssued.
1he regulaLory bodles preferred Lhe use of only surveylng companles wlLh Lhe approprlaLe resources Lo
conducL Lhls exerclse and reglsLered by Lhe Lands and Surveys deparLmenL ln 1rlnldad & 1obago. 1he
only company wlLh LhaL prole wenL ouL of buslness ln 2011 and ln 2012 Lhe ulrecLor of Surveys aL Lhe
Lands and Surveys deparLmenL conrmed Lhls and lndlcaLed Lhere ls no lmmedlaLe lnLenuon Lo reglsLer
any hydrographlc surveyors.
1he CLC appllcauon process requlres a schedule for Lhe dredglng pro[ecL. 1hls mlghL seem llke a blg
challenge because a conLracLor has noL been engaged nor moblllzauon daLes agreed eLc. nelLher has
CLC permlsslon been granLed, and LhaL process rarely Lakes Lhe supulaLed ve weeks. 1he schedule
submlued should be based on esumaLes from Lhe proposed sLarL daLe. lL has Lo be reallsuc buL does noL
have Lo be exacL. An example of a dredglng execuuon schedule ls avallable from
CE1 /-;<-020 4'/ 4</2,-/ $(4'/5"&'(
lL seems as lf Lhe LMA ls always Lrylng Lo esLabllsh wheLher an LnvlronmenLal lmpacL AssessmenL ls
requlred and ls saused wlLh a 'sysLem' where appllcanLs submlL forms Lhen Lhe LMA responds wlLh
requesLs for more lnformauon. lL ls Lrue LhaL Lhere are shorLcomlngs ln Lhe appllcauon form buL Lhe CLC
appllcauons LhaL resulL ln requesLs by LMA for more lnformauon are oen because Lhe forms are noL
lled ouL properly. Lven lf Lhe forms are compleLed properly, Lhere ls frequenLly requesLed furLher
lnformauon. 1he furLher lnformauon mosL frequenLly requesLed has been complled from Lhe les of CLC
appllcauons for Lhe Lype of acuvlLy and porLs covered ln Lhls sLudy. 1he requesLs for furLher lnformauon
2003 Lo 2013 are collaLed and avallable aL
Some |nteresnng CLC app||canon outcomes
unaccepLable levels of chemlcals were found aL some slLes. 1here are aL leasL Lwo cases beLween 2003
and 2013 where porLs have been slLuaLed for decades beLween Lhe ouulows of a clLy and refuse
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landlls. 8oLh porLs had unfavourable LoxlclLy analyses. Cne of Lhe porLs Lrades ln domesuc fuel and Lhe
oLher ls a waLer Laxl Lermlnal. Cne of Lhese porLs has had lLs CLC appllcauon approved and Lhe oLher has
(so far) noL been approved.
1here are also CLC appllcauons from porLs LhaL are dlsused or are ln use buL have slmply noL been
dredged for such a long ume LhaL ecosysLems have developed ln or near Lhe porLs. 1he Lwo porLs ln Lhls
example as aL SepLember 2013 have noL been lssued wlLh CLCs.
1here ls one CLC lssued for a porL Lo dredge shallow areas of Lhe navlgauonal channel and deposlL Lhe
dredged maLerlal ln deeper areas of Lhe same channel. 1here was a dlspuLe wlLh Lhe seabed leaseholder
LhaL delayed obLalnlng Lhe permlsslon Lo use Lhe usual dlsposal slLe.
Cpportun|nes for |mprovement
1o Lhe pracuuoner Lrylng Lo plan and execuLe Lhe dredglng of hls porL, Lhere appears Lo be no common
cause shared by Lhe varlous enuues lnvolved ln dredglng and Lhe permlmng of dredglng ln 1&1. Lach
lndlvldual porL and each regulaLory body operaLes llke a saLelllLe, lnsulaLed from all oLhers by
bureaucracy and personallLy. 8alance beLween commerclal and envlronmenLal lnLeresLs ls needed.
ln conLrasL, Lhe uS governmenL became dlrecLly lnvolved ln malnLenance dredglng wlLh Lhe passlng of
Lhe Ceneral Survey AcL ln 1824 (40 years aer lndependence). 1he uS Army Corps of Lnglneers (uSACL)
was Lhe body selecLed Lo acL on behalf of Lhe governmenL. 1he uSACL's prlmary responslblllLy ls Lo
oversee or execuLe dredglng for Lhe all Lhe nauon's porLs Lo ensure navlgablllLy. uS CoasL Cuard has
responslblllLy for Lhe placemenL and malnLenance of alds Lo navlgauon. uSACL ls Lhe key and lead
agency for dredglng, regardless of Lhe source of fundlng. 1he uS envlronmenLal leglslauon of Lhe 1960s
and 70s lncluded Lhe uSACL among Lhe governmenL agencles responslble for assesslng Lhe
envlronmenLal consequences of dredglng. Cn paper aL leasL, Lhe uS arrangemenL con[ures lmages of all
Lhe sLakeholders: envlronmenLal, commerclal, economlc and nauonal securlLy, LogeLher maklng
assessmenLs and lssulng llcenses. 1hls ls very dlerenL Lo Lhe appllcanL ln 1&1 havlng Lo engage muluple
enuues separaLely. 1he 1983 reporL: 'uredglng CoasLal orLs. An AssessmenL of Lhe lssues' publlshed by
Lhe nauonal Academy of Sclences says, regardlng Lhe lnsuLuuonal declslon maklng sysLem: 1he
sysLem's complexlLy reecLs lLs need Lo address and manage a complex seL of needs and concerns. no
dredglng pro[ecL presenLs an unmlxed blesslng Lo all concerned and Lhere may be many concerned."
uesplLe whaL ls commonly held abouL declslons made by commluees, lL seems LhaL dredglng ls furLher
challenged because Lhe varlous members of Lhe declslon-maklng enuues are never ln Lhe same room.
1hese guldellnes conslder Lhe 'generlc' form Lo be lnapproprlaLe for an acuvlLy as speclallsL as dredglng.
73 percenL of CLC appllcauons resulL ln requesLs by LMA for furLher lnformauon, Lhls ls perhaps saylng
someLhlng abouL form deslgn. 1he addluon Lo Lhe exlsung CLC appllcauon form of a checkllsL of
requlred auachmenLs would be very helpful Lo pracuuoners.
1he enure CLC appllcauon process would beneL from havlng publlshed requlremenLs. Lven lf Lhese
requlremenLs are revlewed and revlsed annually or aL a more frequenL lnLerval declded by Lhe LMA,
Lhere would be a conslsLency and predlcLablllLy LhaL should be ln every regulaLory process. Cregory
Aboud, Lhen presldenL of Lhe uownLown Cwners and MerchanLs Assoclauon of orL of Spaln, sald ln
uecember 2003: 1here are as many ways of clearlng a conLalner o Lhe porL as Lhere are CusLoms
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Cmcers. Lach does lL ln hls or her own unlque way." 1here ls slmllarly a percepuon LhaL a CLC appllcanL's
furLher lnformauon requesLs depends more on Lhe oplnlons of Lhe parucular LnvlronmenLal Cmcer
deallng wlLh Lhe case Lhan wldely publlclzed rules seL by Lhe LMA as a body.
orL pracuuoners and oLher dredglng sLakeholders would beneL lf Lhe LMA evolved from belng a body
LhaL ls known for churnlng ouL requesLs for furLher lnformauon and referrlng generally Lo envlronmenLal
sLandards from place as far aeld as AusLralla and Canada Lo a body LhaL has lLs own evolvlng sLandards
relevanL and perunenL Lo 1&1 Loday and Lhe 1&1 of Lhe fuLure. 1&1 would beneL greaLly lf LMA
becomes a source of or a parLner ln ndlng soluuons.
CLC appllcauons Lo dredge exlsung, funcuonlng porLs should beneL from havlng a dlerenL CLC
appllcauon form and a 'fasL Lrack' process dlerenL from appllcauons Lo dredge new developmenLs or Lo
re-commlsslon dlsused porLs. 1he condluons for funcuonlng porLs could also be condluonal, based on
Lhe porL performlng hydrographlc surveys and LoxlclLy and blodlverslLy proles annually.
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S: Dredg|ng ro[ect execunon
Aer Lhe dredger arrlves aL a porL ls a cruclal ume. Cnce Lhe dredger's paperwork for 'lmporLauon' and
'uroghers' ls compleLed, lf Lhe proposed sLarL daLe ls passed, Lhe dredger wlll charge Lhe sLandby raLes.
8emember Lhe mosL common form of conLracL ls Lhe unlL cosL conLracL, so lf lL ls noL lllng sllL, Lhe
dredger ls noL earnlng. SLandby raLes for clamshell and 1SPu can be ln Lhe Lhousands of uS dollars per
8emember LhaL PSSL and lSS requlremenLs mlghL be appllcable lf dredge crew, hydrographlc
surveyors, pro[ecL managers and Lhelr vehlcles have Lo LranslL Lhe porL. Lach porL wlll have lLs own
processes and requlred paperwork for Lhls and how Lhese apply.
1he key regulaLory requlremenLs prlor Lo commenclng dredglng are:
8 Pavlng a valld CLC
8 lmmlgrauon and CusLoms clearance of vessel and crew
8 CompleLe lmporLauon of Lhe dredge vessels (lf requlred), lncludlng possesslon of valld Llcense Lo
navlgaLe CoasLwlse and uroghers book
8 vessel Lo be lnspecLed by PSL omclals of Lhe MlnlsLry of Lnergy and Lnergy Aalrs.
It |s |nadv|sab|e to commence dredg|ng w|thout comp|enng and be|ng |n possess|on of the above.
Dredge vesse| |mportanon
1hls ls appllcable lf a 'forelgn' dredglng conLracLor ls engaged. 1hls lmporLauon ls handled by Lhe
dredglng company wlLh Lhe asslsLance of a local agenL and can be a poLenual source of delay. uredglng
companles LhaL have operaLed ln 1&1 before know Lhe process very well and an experlenced pro[ecL
manager wlll usually able Lo compleLe Lhls ln around 3 days. 1he lmporLauon process lnvolves Lhe
Marlume Servlces ulvlslon (MSu) of Lhe MlnlsLry of 1ransporL and Lhe CusLoms and Lxclse (C&L) ulvlslon
of Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance. 1here ls Lhe lnlual lmmlgrauon and CusLoms clearance of vessel and crew
lnward whlch ls compulsory for all vessels and crew arrlvlng aL mosL porLs. 1he lmporLer can nd
guldance on how Lo lmporL Lhe vessel aL Lhe webpage: hup://
mld=43#howuollmporLCoods. A cusLoms bond has Lo be lssued by a local bank and sLamp duLy has Lo
be pald and Lhe whole package slgned o by a senlor cusLoms omcer. 1he vessel has Lo acqulre a valld
Llcense Lo navlgaLe CoasLwlse from CusLoms and a uroghers book from MSu ln order Lo be legal Lo
Lravel wlLhln 1&1 LerrlLorlal waLers.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe when budgeung cosLs LhaL for lmporLauon and uroghers purposes, a Lralllng
sucuon hopper dredger and a survey boaL counLs as Lwo lndlvldual vessels and noL a package. More
lmporLanLly, a clamshell dredge barge, Lwo Lugs, Lwo hopper barges and a survey boaL would counL as
slx lndlvldual vessels.
1he uroghers ls a legacy of colonlal 1&1 used by Lhe 8rlush Lo Lrack Lhe movemenLs of vessels and goods
around Lhe lsland. lL ls sull ln use Loday malnly Lo collecL a Lax for every vessel movemenL wlLhln 1&1
coasLal waLers. under 'normal' condluons, a vessel wlll presenL lLs uroghers book Lo Lhe CusLoms omcer
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ln Lhe deparLure porL prlor Lo deparLure. 1he book wlll also be presenLed Lo Lhe CusLoms omcer on
arrlval ln Lhe porL of arrlval.
An example: Whlle dredglng olnL lorun, CusLoms consldered Lhe dredger lled wlLh mud and headlng
Lo Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe 3 mlles away as a deparLure. 1he dlsposal slLe was LreaLed as a separaLe
porL, wlLh an arrlval prlor Lo dumplng and a deparLure aer Lhe dumplng. 1he empLy dredger re-
enLerlng olnL lorun ls consldered as an arrlval. under normal condluons, each of Lhose Lwo arrlvals and
Lwo deparLures would have Lo be preceded by Lhe uroghers book belng slgned. Some alLernauve,
muLually agreeable arrangemenL would have Lo be soughL wlLh Lhe CusLoms Cmcer-ln-Charge.
M|n|stry of Lnergy |nspecnon
1he PSL deparLmenL of Lhe MlnlsLry of Lnergy and Lnergy Aalrs (MLLA) ls commlued Lo Lhe
preservauon of Lhe energy lnfrasLrucLure of 1&1 and achleves Lhls, ln parL, by lnspecung vessels engaged
for work ln Lhe energy secLor. 1he MLLA lnspecuon ls very Lhorough, Lhelr represenLauves use Lhe lMCA
Common Marlne lnspecuon uocumenL Lo conducL Lhe lnspecuon. 1he dredglng conLracLors Lold of
cases, noL 1&1, where Lhe regulaLors are own ouL Lo Lhe dredger before Lhe moblllzauon Lo conducL
lnspecuons. 1he MLLA wlll prepare and provlde a reporL ln wrlung buL wlll lndlcaLe verbally LhaL
dredglng can sLarL.
CLher lmporLanL MLLA requlremenLs (whlch can also be requesLed by oLher regulaLory auLhorlues):
8 A compleLe hazard ldenucauon and rlsk assessmenL, coverlng Lhe Lask, Lhe [ob slLe and
slmulLaneous operauons
8 Lmergency (lncludlng oll splll) response plans for Lhe porL and Lhe dredge vessels as well as a
brldglng documenL descrlblng how Lhey would be llnked.
1&1 cluzens en[oy a fuel subsldy whlch lncludes dlesel oll. MLLA ls always looklng ouL for lnsLances
when fuel has been boughL aL subsldlsed prlces and ls belng resold by lndlvlduals Lo shlps aL a proL.
MLLA, Lherefore, Lakes a speclal lnLeresL ln Lhe arrlval fuel onboard quanuLy, anuclpaLed fuel
consumpuon durlng dredglng and fuel remalnlng onboard on compleuon. lf Lhe dredge vessels lnLend Lo
bunker fuel prlor Lo deparLure, Lhey can expecL Lo pay lnLernauonal raLe and noL Lhe subsldlsed raLe.
Any auempLs Lo argue LhaL Lhe fuel was used ln 1&1 wlll be unsuccessful.
nazard |dennhcanon and r|sk assessment
All safeLy managemenL sysLems requlre all Lasks Lo be rlsk assessed. 1asks are broken down lnLo Lask
sLeps. Lach Lask sLep ls consldered ln Lurn from Lhe acuvlues Lo be performed and from Lhe [obslLe
perspecuve for poLenual hazards posed by sources of energy, e.g. blologlcal, body mechanlcs, chemlcal,
elecLrlcal, gravlLy, mechanlcal, pressure (Lenslon), sound, radlauon, LemperaLure and human elemenL.
rocess safeLy and slmulLaneous operauons also have Lo be consldered.
lncluded among Lhe [obs LhaL should be rlsk assessed would be:
8 Semng up Lhe ude gauge and survey shore sLauon (lf requlred)
8 Pydrographlc surveylng acuvlues
8 8emoval of currenL meLers
8 8eposluonlng channel markers
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8 uredglng acuvlues
Some of Lhe hazards and mlugauon for Lhese [obs are avallable from
repar|ng the nav|ganona| channe| for ma|ntenance
B<//-(2 5-2-/0
CurrenL meLers, when ln use, can be posluoned ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe navlgauonal channel wlLh a heavy
elecLrlcal lead Lo a buoy ouLslde Lhe channel. 1hese buoys hold Lhe equlpmenL for Lransmlmng Lhe slgnal
from meLer Lo Lhe shore. ln olnL lorun, Lhere are Lwo of Lhese, one aL Lhe enLrance and anoLher aL
mld-channel. 1here ls a Lhlrd currenL meLer ln Lhe Lurnlng basln buL Lhe cable leads Lo Lhe [euy. ulvers
are requlred. 1he currenL meLers and cables are lnvarlably burled ln Lhe sllL and merely locaung Lhem ls
a challenge. 1he recovery and landlng of Lhe currenL meLers and Lhe cables follow and Lhere ls an
opporLunlLy Lo do planned malnLenance on Lhe currenL meLers. 1he currenL meLer buoys are normally
locaLed ouLslde of Lhe navlgauonal channel and should noL normally requlre reposluonlng for dredglng.
6<G0-" 3$3-)$(-0 "(7 +"G)-0
1he locauon of subsea plpellnes and cables need Lo be well marked wlLh small buoys Lo avold damage Lo
Lhe lnfrasLrucLure as well as Lhe dredglng equlpmenL.
B,"((-) 5"/9-/ G<'@0
As dlscussed prevlously, Lhe reposluonlng of channel marker buoys should be done by Lhe dredglng
conLracLor. 1he hydrographlc surveyor wlll use CS equlpmenL Lo noLe Lhe orlglnal posluons of Lhe
buoys. 1he clamshell dredger's buckeL can be used Lo place each buoy a safe dlsLance away from Lhe
area Lo be dredged. 1he hydrographlc surveyor noLes Lhe Lemporary posluon. lf Lhe clamshell dredger ls
noL avallable, dlvers and a workboaL can be used. A llne ls secured on Lhe workboaL. 1he dlver Lakes Lhe
runnlng end of Lhe llne Lhrough Lhe shackle on Lhe anchor of Lhe buoy and reLurns lL Lo Lhe workboaL Lo
be secured. 1he workboaL can Lhen drag Lhe anchor of Lhe buoy Lo Lhe deslred posluon.
1he |n-survey
1he hydrographlc surveyor mlghL need asslsLance from Lhe porL ln accesslng a locauon Lo seL up Lhe
shore sLauon (lf requlred). lL ls ln Lhe porL's lnLeresL Lo faclllLaLe Lhls and geL Lhe dredglng conLracLor's
hydrographlc surveyor Lo compleLe Lhe pre-dredge survey. 1he porL ls advlsed Lo have some quallLy
conLrol aL Lhls survey. A descrlpuon of hydrographlc surveylng ls Loo broad for Lhe scope of Lhese
guldellnes. orL pracuuoners are recommended Lo reference 1he Culdellnes for Lhe lannlng Lxecuuon
and ManagemenL of Pydrographlc Surveys ln orLs and Parbours, publlshed by llC. 1he resulL of Lhls
survey ls Lhe reference polnL for how much sllL ls removed and wlll check Lhe accuracy of Lhe pre-Lender
survey conducLed by Lhe porL monLhs earller. Popefully Lhe calculaLed volume Lo dredge wlll be slmllar.
1he dredglng conLracLor's hydrographlc surveyor wlll also survey Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe.
Lxecunng the dredg|ng
H-00-) I/"J+ E"("%-5-(2
MosL dredgers wlll operaLe on a round Lhe clock basls. 1he porL wlll very llkely wanL Lo conunue shlpplng
operauons and Lhe dredglng concurrenLly. uelays Lo shlpplng due Lo dredglng can expose Lhe porL Lo
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demurrage and delay Lo dredglng can lncur Lhe hlgh sLandby charges lmposed by dredgers. lor shlpplng
and dredglng operauons Lo be performed safely and emclenLly around each oLher, much eorL musL go
lnLo Lhe communlcauon beLween and organlsauon of boLh lnLeresLs. 1SPus are very moblle and are
consequenLly more exlble for worklng around shlpplng. A clamshell dredger mlghL be uslng a wlde
spread of anchors and wlll need Lo suspend dredglng earller Lo recover Lhe anchors prlor Lo shllng Lo
allow shlpplng. Clamshell dredgers whlch are anchored by 'spuds' need less ume Lo shl and are
Lherefore preferable.
Shlpplng schedules and movemenLs
1he porL should provlde Lhe dredger wlLh 3 or 6 days shlpplng schedules on a dally basls. 1he dredger
should also be provlded wlLh aL leasL 24 hours nouce of all shlpplng movemenLs. 1hls lnformauon wlll
help Lhe dredger declde whlch areas Lo dredge and ume Lhe runs Lo Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe. 1he
porL wlll lnclude Lhe dredger ln Lhe vessel Lramc managemenL sysLem.
navlgauonal warnlngs
1he lmmlnenL commencemenL of dredglng acuvlues should be communlcaLed Lo MSu ln order for Lhe
navlgauonal warnlng submlued prevlously Lo be publlshed ln Lhe dally newspaper and Lhe coasL radlo
sLauon Lo lnclude Lhe dredglng ln lLs scheduled navlgauonal warnlng broadcasLs. Addluonally, Lhe porL
should advlse plloLs and oLher porL users of Lhe dredglng and Lhe reposluonlng of Lhe buoys vla emall
and oLher agreed means aL agreed lnLervals. 1he porL's operauons sLa should make vPl broadcasLs aL
Lhe sLarL of every shl Lo advlse porL users of ongolng dredglng operauons. 1he dredger should call ln
and advlse Lhe porL of Lhe area of Lhe channel Lhey wlll be worklng ln and each ume Lhey leave for and
reLurn from Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe.
All sLakeholders, especlally Marlume Servlces ulvlslon, plloLs and oLher porL users are Lo be advlsed lf
dredglng ls suspended for more Lhan 12 hours and when Lhe dredglng ls compleLed.
K(G'"/7 2,- 7/-7%-/
uredgers are used Lo havlng cllenL represenLauves onboard. 1he cllenL represenLauve can be a member
of Lhe porL's sLa or speclally conLracLed experlenced hydrographlc surveyor and or dredglng pro[ecL
manager. lf uslng porL sLa ls chosen a more long Lerm presence should be consldered for reasons
lncludlng Lhe lnherenL rlsk of boardlng Lhe movlng dredger vla plloL ladder several umes per day and Lhe
relauve hlgh freeboard of Lhe larger 1SPu, lf lL ls belng used. Also, Lhere ls an accommodauon and
cablns on a 1SPu buL Lhe clamshell dredger does noL normally have an accommodauon. 1he cllenL porL
wlll declde on whaL level of presence Lhey requlre durlng Lhe dredglng operauon and arrange
accordlngly. 1he porL mlghL requlre wlLnesslng of dlsposal of dredge spoll, Lo record LhaL all Lhe spoll ls,
ln facL, belng dlsposed of wlLhln Lhe deslgnaLed dredge spoll dlsposal slLe. ln Lhe case of a 1SPu, Lhls ls
easy because lL ls a slngle unlL. ln Lhe case of a clamshell dredger operauon, a Lug Lows one hopper Lo
Lhe dredge spoll dlsposal slLe whlle Lhe clamshell dredger conunues dredglng and lls Lhe second
hopper. 1he porL has Lo declde on Lhe level of cover deslred or whlch operauon, dredglng or dlsposal, lL
prefers Lo monlLor.
A/'%/-00 /-3'/20
uurlng Lhe dredglng operauon Lhe dredger wlll produce dally reporLs wlLh esumaLed dredged volumes.
1hese wlll be based on Lhe capaclLy of Lhe dredger and Lhe number of Lrlps Lo Lhe dredge dlsposal slLe. lL
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ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL wlLh boLh clamshell and 1SPu, Lhere ls a volume of waLer ln every lllng. lL ls
worLh noung furLher LhaL aL Lhe beglnnlng of dredglng, Lhere ls less waLer because Lhe sllL ls easy Lo nd,
laLer on Lhere ls more waLer ln each lllng and Lhe mounds of sllL are now few and far beLween.
An example: A 12000 cublc meLer capaclLy 1SPu lled ln 40 mlnuLes on Lhe rsL day of dredglng. Cn Lhe
slxLh and lasL day, Lhe same dredger Look 80 mlnuLes Lo ll.
Whlle dredglng ls proceedlng, Lhe dredglng conLracLor's hydrographlc surveyor ls surveylng areas as
dlrecLed by Lhe dredger ln order Lo calculaLe Lhe progress of Lhe dredglng. 1hls enables Lhe dredger Lo
provlde weekly progress reporLs of greaLer accuracy Lhan ln Lhe dally reporLs. lor pracucal reasons, such
as Lhe ume Laken Lo process Lhe daLa and Lhe facL LhaL Lhe surveyor and Lhe dredger are always worklng
ln dlerenL areas, Lhese reporLs are noL currenL and wlll aL besL show Lhe seabed 6 Lo 12 hours ago.
1he out-survey
Cn compleuon of dredglng, Lhe dredglng conLracLor's hydrographlc surveyor wlll do an ouL- (or posL-
dredge) survey. 1hls ls a very lmporLanL survey, Lhe resulL ls compared wlLh Lhe ln-survey Lo calculaLe
Lhe volume removed. 1he volume removed, less Lhe volume below Lhe agreed over dredge depLh, ls Lhe
payable volume. An example: An analysls from a real pro[ecL lllusLraLes Lhe volume of waLer vs. sollds
lled durlng Lhe dredglng pro[ecL and Lhe dredglng conLracLor's lnLerpreLauon of over-dredge.
no of Lrlps 134
Popper capaclLy (cub.m) 12000
1oLal volume moved ln hopper (cub.m) 1600000
1oLal volume removed from channel from survey (cub.m) 930000
ayable volume removed from channel from survey (cub.m) 670000
volume removed beyond payable llmlLs (Lo Lhe porL's beneL) 280000
1he porL ls advlsed Lo have some quallLy conLrol aL Lhe posL dredge survey. 1here ls more Lhan one way
Lo execuLe quallLy conLrol of Lhls survey. Cne ls Lo have Lhe a surveyor appolnLed by Lhe porL Lo wlLness
Lhe enure dredglng conLracLor's ouL survey, l.e. Lhe lnlual callbrauon of shore and survey boaL
lnsLrumenLs, Lhe acLual eld survey and collecuon of daLa. 1he CA/CC surveyor wlll perform calculauons
wlLh Lhe collecLed daLa separaLe from Lhe dredglng conLracLor. An alLernauve would be Lo have a
compleLely separaLe survey performed wlLh separaLe lnsLrumenLs and people. lf Lhe separaLe
calculauons of [olnL survey resulL ln dlerences beyond Lolerable llmlLs, Lhls second separaLe survey may
become necessary anyway. An example of a comparlson beLween dredglng conLracLor's and CA/CC
surveyor followlng a [olnL survey. 1hls resulL was wlLhln Lolerable llmlLs for Lhe porL and no 'second' ouL
survey was requlred.
uredglng conLracLor
(lnvolce) quanuues CA/CC calculauon ulerence (cub.m)
ald CuanuLy 672764 637213 -13349 -2.31
unpald CuanuLy 279237 284322 3263 1.89
1oLal uredged 932021 941737 -10284 -1.08
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 34
6: Lconom|c |mpact
B<//-(2 ("#$%"&'(") +,"((-) 7-0$%(
1he AdmlralLy charLs, 8A 474, 473, 477 and 301 show LhaL all of Lhe cargo handllng porLs ln 1rlnldad and
1obago are locaLed ln Lhe Culf of arla. 1he Lable below shows lnformauon found for Lhe cargo handllng
porLs wlLhln Lhe Culf of arla.
Channel orL/1ermlnal LengLh of
WldLh of
uepLh of
?ear of

Crler Channel orL of Spaln 8000 122 12.0 330
Sea LoLs Channel orL of Spaln 8000 80 6.7
Savoneua Channel olnL Llsas lndusLrlal orL 4000 132 12.8
olnL Llsas
Llsas olnL orL 230 12.8 (8.8
ClaxLon 8ay Marlne
6.4 (1983)
olnLe a lerre 12.4
La 8rea
eLroLrln olnL lorun
!euy ls
3300m ouL
Lo sea
depLhs are
16m Lo
LnC Channel olnL lorun 2300 673 13.0 1000
1embladora 8auxlLe
1ransshlpmenL 1ermlnal
uredglng ls noL cheap. racuuoners wlll oen have Lo defend Lhe expendlLure Lo dlverse audlences. An
undersLandlng of Lhe economlc value of Lhe navlgauonal channel ls requlred Lo asslsL wlLh Lhe
[usucauon Lo malnLaln lL.
lL can be demonsLraLed LhaL Lhe navlgauonal channel ls Lhe asseL of Lhe porL or Lermlnal LhaL ls used,
rsL and lasL, by calllng shlps. lL ls also easy Lo undersLand LhaL Lhe depLh of LhaL channel can llmlL Lhe
amounL of cargo Lhese shlps can enLer and leave porL wlLh. lL follows LhaL a sllLed channel LhaL ls noL
dredged wlll aecL Lrade. lnadequaLely malnLalned harbours are becomlng llke blocked arLerles,
LhreaLenlng Lo choke o Lhe llfeblood of our economy" sLaLes Lhe webslLe of 8eallse Amerlca's Marlume
romlse, Parbour MalnLenance 1rusL lund hup://
1rade varles wlLh Lhe eecLs of pollucs, wars, naLural and manmade dlsasLers and commodlLy prlces.
1hese evenLs, lf medlum or long Lerm, can aecL Lradlng pauerns and shlp deslgn. lL would be prudenL
for nauons, lf noL porLs, Lo have some exlblllLy Lo respond Lo a range of posslblllues. 1he populauon
and economy of 1&1, aL Lhls ume, do noL suggesL LhaL dredglng all porLs Lo accommodaLe Lhe largesL
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 33
shlps ls requlred. Powever, proxlmlLy Lo Lhe expanded anama Canal and Lhe opporLunlues for LnC
shlps of Lhe fuLure and LnC bunkerlng should be consldered ln dredglng declslons.
1&1 mlghL noL be an obvlous large enough markeL Lo need Lo accommodaLe posL-anamax vessels. 1he
Canal expanslon ls prlmarlly Lo accommodaLe Lrade beLween Asla and Lurope. lL ls concelvable LhaL
Aslan goods desuned for 1&1 wlll come Lhrough Lhe Canal, pass 1&1's doorsLep, head for Lurope and be
relmporLed from Lurope back Lo 1&1. lf LhaL ls so, ln a scenarlo where Lhere ls a rlse ln Lhe prlce of oll
fuel and frelghL raLes, Lhe prlce of Lhose goods could rlse slgnlcanLly.
lL would be wlse Lo dredge some of Lhe porLs ln 1&1 Lo posL-anamax accommodaung depLhs and
havlng Lhe opuon of aL leasL some of Lhose vessels call aL 1&1.
Some of Lhe navlgauonal channels ln 1&1 were deslgned ln Lhe 1970's or before. 1here have been
several 'revoluuons' ln Lrade and shlp deslgn slnce Lhen. orLs need Lo conslder wheLher Lhe consLralnLs
of Lhelr currenL navlgauonal channel and berLhs are dlcLaung Lhe slze of shlps and cargo parcel slzes or
wheLher Lhe ldeal cargo parcel slze means LhaL Lhe navlgauonal channel and or berLhs need Lo be
1he exposures Lo porL closure and demurrage charges are Lhe exLreme buL shorL-Lerm consequences of
a vessel belng aground due Lo lnadequaLe dredglng. Lven wlLhouL golng aground, Lhere are economlc
A Lheoreucal example:
Shlp Lype 1yplcal
Cargo reducuon from 0.3m of
sllung (Lones)
Annual eecL [ 23 porL calls
per monLh (Lonnes)
anamax 1anker 60 3000 900000
1he lssue does noL occur only ln Lhe developlng world, Lhe webpage, hup://
lndusLry-dredglng-looks343783.aspx reporLed a pracucal example: Lhe largesL vessels (70,000 Lons
deadwelghL) uslng Lhe CreaL Lakes waLerways and porLs were reporLed ln 2012 Lo be carrylng abouL
6000 Lons less Lhan capaclLy because of reduced depLhs. 1hese shlps would call aL Lhese porLs y umes
per year, Lhe sllung resulLs ln a up Lo 300,000 Lons of cargo belng loaded and dlscharged aL Lhese porLs
every year". 1he enuLy responslble for Lhe ma[orlLy of dredglng ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes, Lhe uS Army Corps
of Lnglneers reporLed ln 2008 LhaL 30 percenL of vessel calls aL uS porLs were consLralned by navlgauon
channels belng narrower and shallower.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 36
7: kecommendanons
Local guldance on dredglng has Lo become more organlzed, conslsLenL and publlshed. Local dredglng
pracuces, especlally regardlng conLracung, have Lo become ln llne wlLh whaL prevalls ln more developed
MosL lmporLanLly, sLakeholders of malnLenance dredglng of commerclal porLs ln 1&1 have Lo sLop
operaung ln sllos and musL sLarL recordlng and sharlng learnlng. 1he common challenges are more
dlmculL Lo overcome separaLely and Lhere are no commerclal compeuuon lssues beLween Lhe porLs LhaL
would dlscourage cooperauon.
:0 2,- ("#$%"&'(") +,"((-) ?2 4'/ 3</3'0-D
Many of Lhe navlgauonal channels ln 1&1 were deslgned around Lhe mlddle of Lhe lasL cenLury. 1here
have been several 'revoluuons' ln Lrade and shlp deslgn slnce Lhen. A sLudy has Lo be done Lo conslder
wheLher Lhe deslgn of currenL navlgauonal channels and berLhs are sull emclenL or lf Lhey are resLrlcung
Lhe 'commerclally ldeal' slze of shlps and cargo parcel slzes wlLh Lhe navlgauonal channel and or berLhs
needlng Lo be expanded. 1he sLudy should lnclude a measuremenL of Lhe beneLs expanslon Lo Lhe cosL
of llvlng and Lhe envlronmenL balanced wlLh any negauve eecL on Lhe buslnesses LhaL provlde anclllary
servlces Lo each shlp and relauvely large number of unskllled [obs on Lhe dockslde.
B'(2/"+&(% 02/"2-%@ "(7 H")<- 4'/ 5'(-@
A sLudy has Lo be done Lo esLabllsh wheLher Lhe raLe of sllLauon aL all of Lhe porLs ln 1&1, comblned and
Lhe slze of Lhe shlps calllng aL Lhem, supporLs Lhe long Lerm hlre or perhaps purchase of a dredger. lf
noL, Lhere should be a sLudy Lo ascerLaln wheLher Lhe perlodlc medlum-Lerm hlre ls feaslble. 1hls would
enLall one slngle enuLy llke a nauonal orLs AuLhorlLy, every Lwo years, hlrlng a dredger for around slx
monLhs and ln LhaL perlod all Lhe porLs are dredged Lo Lhelr deslgn depLhs.
1he sLudy should also dene Lhe skllls and knowledge requlred by Lhe people plannlng, negouaung and
monlLorlng Lhe permlmng, conLracung and execuuon of Lhe work. 1he sLudy musL, of course, declde
where Lhe fundlng for comblned approach wlll come from. Cn recommendauon ls for Lhe porLs Lo
conLrlbuLe Lhe revenue collecLed ln porL dues Lo Lhe proposed nauonal orLs AuLhorlLy. lL ls normal ln
Lhe porL lndusLry ls for vessels calllng aL a porL Lo be charged 'porL dues' (among oLher charges) pro
raLed Lo Lhe vessel's slze. 1hese porL dues are Lheoreucally supposed Lo provlde fundlng for dredglng.
1he Lheoreucal example ln Lhe Lable LhaL follows shows how much more value ln acLual dredglng ls
posslble by a comblned approach.
CurrenL approach (lndlvldual orLs) CurrenL approach (lndlvldual orLs) CurrenL approach (lndlvldual orLs) CurrenL approach (lndlvldual orLs) lmproved 8Cl approach (Comblned orLs) lmproved 8Cl approach (Comblned orLs) lmproved 8Cl approach (Comblned orLs)
8udgeL Moblllsauon uredglng Moblllsauon uredglng
orL A $2.3M $1.23M $1.23M orLs A8Cu
$1.23M $8.73M
orL 8 $2.3M $1.23M $1.23M
orLs A8Cu
$1.23M $8.73M
orL C $2.3M $1.23M $1.23M
orLs A8Cu
$1.23M $8.73M
orL u $2.3M $1.23M $1.23M
orLs A8Cu
$1.23M $8.73M
$10.0M $3.0M $3.0M $10.0M $1.23M $8.73M
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 37
Asset ||fecyc|e strategy
1he local porL lndusLry would beneL from a porL pracuuoner's worklng group LhaL could focus on Lhe
lssues of navlgauonal channel malnLenance of all Lhe commerclal porLs ln 1&1. Worklng and common
lnLeresL groups are very common ln Lhe marlne lndusLry.
E'($2'/$(% ("#$%"&'(") +,"((-) +'(7$&'(
Navigational Channel Maintenance Strategy Navigational Channel Maintenance Strategy Navigational Channel Maintenance Strategy Navigational Channel Maintenance Strategy
erformance Standard M|nganng Ma|ntenance M|nganng Ma|ntenance M|nganng Ma|ntenance
erformance Standard
Acnv|ty Descr|pnon Irequency Iusnhcanon Source
1he navlgauon channel
wlLh mlnlmum depLh of xx
meLres, lengLh xx00
meLres, wldLh xxx meLres
and Lurnlng basln
dlameLer xx00 meLres
uepLh monlLorlng wlLh
Lug and shlp echo
sounder equlpmenL &
MonLhly SllL accumulauons can vary by
locauon and season. MonlLorlng
once per monLh can asslsL wlLh
recognlslng Lrends
1he navlgauon channel
wlLh mlnlmum depLh of xx
meLres, lengLh xx00
meLres, wldLh xxx meLres
and Lurnlng basln
dlameLer xx00 meLres
8aLhymeLrlc Survey of
navlgauonal Channel &
Annually 1here are llmlLauons ln Lhe
equlpmenL and exLenL of Lhe daLa
from Lhe resulLs of Lhe monLhly
monlLorlng above. 1hls annual
survey wlll provlde deLalls of Lhe
seabed along and across Lhe enure
1he navlgauon channel
wlLh mlnlmum depLh of xx
meLres, lengLh xx00
meLres, wldLh xxx meLres
and Lurnlng basln
dlameLer xx00 meLres
uredglng of navlgauonal
Channel and 1urnlng
As requlred 8equlred perlodlcally Lo malnLaln
commerclally vlable mlnlmum depLh
ln Lhe Channel
1hls proposed sLraLegy ls ln llne wlLh uredglng for uevelopmenL, lAuC and lAP, 2010 whlch sLaLes: ln
malnLenance dredglng pro[ecLs, Lhe requlred frequency of dredglng operauons can be deLermlned by
Laklng perlodlc soundlngs Lo deLermlne Lhe raLe of sllLauon LhaL ls occurrlng ln a glven area, under
normal weaLher condluons."
l recommend LhaL Lhere ls also much Lo galn from monlLorlng annually Lhe LoxlclLy and ecologlcal prole
of Lhe porL area.
CLC App||canon process
1he 1983 reporL 'uredglng CoasLal orLs. An AssessmenL of Lhe lssues' publlshed by Lhe nauonal
Academy of Sclences says, regardlng Lhe lnsuLuuonal declslon maklng sysLem: 1he sysLem's complexlLy
reecLs lLs need Lo address and manage a complex seL of needs and concerns. no dredglng pro[ecL
presenLs an unmlxed blesslng Lo all concerned and Lhere may be many concerned." ln 1&1, Lhe
'concerned' are dlsconnecLed and, here agaln, dredglng sLakeholders would beneL from a forum for
meeung once a monLh or every oLher monLh Lo conslder dredglng appllcauons and lssues.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 38
1he ndlngs suggesL LhaL pracuuoners have Lo possess a good undersLandlng 'over dredglng'. Cne
aspecL of 'over dredglng' ls supporLed ln uredglng for uevelopmenL, lAuC and lAP, 2010 whlch sLaLes:
lL ls oen preferable Lo dredge Lo a depLh subsLanually ln excess of Lhe requlred mlnlmum ln order Lo
allow for sllLauon Lo Lake place for a longer perlod of ume, Lhus reduclng Lhe frequency of Lhe dredglng
operauons and Lhe need for cosLly repeuuve moblllzauon and demoblllzauon of Lhe equlpmenL." 1he
LMA recognlzes Lhe prudence of dredglng deeper Lhan Lhe deslgn depLh of Lhe channel. 1he research for
Lhese guldellnes show LhaL porL pracuuoners also need Lo undersLand Lhe dlerence beLween Lhls and
Lhe 'payable over dredge' ln conLracL negouauon.
I,- 3/-0-(+- '4 +'(2"5$("(20 $( 2,- 0-"G-7
l recommend LhaL Lhe LnvlronmenLal AcL be revlsed Lo recognlze LhaL sea porLs musL coexlsL wlLh Lhe
envlronmenL. l furLher recommend Lhe esLabllshmenL of boLh proLecLed coasLal zones and deslgnaLed
lndusLrlal zones wlLh a requlremenL Lo measure and monlLor annually, Lhe levels of LoxlclLy and
blodlverslLy ln Lhese areas. l Lhlnk Lhe beneLs of dolng perlodlc LoxlclLy analyses would be far reachlng.
WlLh Lhe envlronmenLal basellne of porL waLer and sedlmenL ls esLabllshed, lL would be useful Lo nd
ouL ln whlch dlrecuon Lhe sedlmenL and waLer column composluon ls movlng. Larly warnlng of Lhe need
Lo amend or adapL acuvlues ln or near Lhe porL could be provlded Lhrough Lhls proacuve monlLorlng.
1he besL-case scenarlo would be Lo have proof LhaL Lhe porL ls coexlsung wlLh a Lhrlvlng ecosysLem.
I,- 3'/2 $0 " %'$(%L+'(+-/(
1he ndlng LhaL sevenLy ve percenL of CLC appllcauons have requesLs for furLher lnformauon suggesL
LhaL Lhe appllcauon form could be unsulLable for Lhe purpose. 1he ndlngs suggesL Lhe 'generlc' CLC
appllcauon form ls lnapproprlaLe for an acuvlLy as speclallsL as dredglng. l recommend Lhe lnLroducuon
of CLC appllcauon form speclc for malnLenance dredglng.
|ann|ng and execunon of dredg|ng acnv|nes
8esearchlng Lhese guldellnes dld noL reveal Lhe record keeplng sLandards of each porL buL [udglng from
anecdoLal evldence of porL pracuuoners, Lhe besL source of guldance would have been Lhe records
collecLed from Lhe prevlous dredglng pro[ecLs ln Lhe porL. 1he degree of dlmculLy ln plannlng ls
lncreased lf Lhose records are noL avallable or are dlsorganlzed. 1he proposed dredglng worklng group
could share experlences and ldeas for pracuuoners Lo know whaL and how Lo record dredglng.
1he maln recommendauon ls LhaL pracuuoners monlLor and record Lhe pracuces, processes and
ouLcomes of Lhe dlerenL aspecLs of navlgauonal channel malnLenance dredglng and maklng records
avallable Lo pracuuoners for Lhe subsequenL dredglng pro[ecL, learnlng can be shared and
lmprovemenLs made Lo Lhe process.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 39
!55($)8"(-; <(0(/($"(- 1$) =8>'8%*/157?
Append|x 1: 1he kegu|atory 8od|es
1he research found Lhere are many dlsparaLe regulaLory enuues wlLh ma[or roles ln Lhe plannlng and
permlsslon process. l also found LhaL Lhe acuvlues on Lhe crlucal paLh of dredglng ln 1&1 requlre lnpuL
from all of Lhese organlsauons. ueeper analysls of Lhe ndlngs denes Lhe roles Lo porL pracuuoners as
. LnvlronmenLal ManagemenL AuLhorlLy (LMA) lssues Lhe CerucaLe of LnvlronmenLal Clearance
- Commlssloner of SLaLe Lands (CCSL) and ulrecLor of Surveys (uoS) are boLh wlLhln Lhe Land and
Surveys ulvlslon of Lhe MlnlsLry of lood roducuon, Land and Marlne Aalrs and boLh asslgn/
approve dredge spoll dlsposal slLes and lssue permlsslon Lo use Lhe slLes,
- Marlume Servlces ulvlslon (MSu) of Lhe MlnlsLry of 1ransporL approves Lhe acuvlLy ln relauon Lo
safeLy of navlgauon and publlshes and broadcasLs Lhe navlgauonal warnlng advlslng marlners of
Lhe locauon of Lhe dredglng and dredge spoll dlsposal acuvlues,
- 1he PealLh, SafeLy and LnvlronmenLal (PSL) deparLmenL of Lhe MlnlsLry of Lnergy and Lnergy
Aalrs lnspecLs Lhe dredge vessel(s), revlews Lhe rlsk assessmenLs and emergency response
plans, conrms CLC lssued and uroghers obLalned Lhen lssues nal permlsslon Lo dredge
lf Lhe dredge vessels and hydrographlc survey equlpmenL are lmporLed, addluonally Lhe dredglng
- MSu and CusLoms and Lxclse ulvlslon of Lhe MlnlsLry of llnance wlll collecL appllcable lmporL
duues, Laxes and fees and lssue approprlaLe cerucaLes.
uurlng Lhe research lL seemed as lf Lhese enuues dld noL communlcaLe much among each oLher buL Lhe
appllcanL was requlred Lo move beLween Lhem.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 40
Append|x 2: Iurther |nformanon requested by LMA
roof of Lenancy, legal occupancy or owner shlp
1. rovlde proof of ownershlp ln Lhe form of a deed, lease or documenLauon sLaung lnLenL Lo
purchase or rlghLs Lo develop properLy.
2. rovlde documenLary evldence of Lenancy/legal occupancy for Lhe lnLended slLe
3. A copy of Lhe cerucaLe furnlshed by Lhe 8eglsLrar of Companles under secuon 486 (1) (b) of Lhe
Companles AcL for Lhe company ls requlred.
ulagrams and lmages
4. rovlde a scaled secuon plan showlng Lhe proposed changes ln Lhe baLhymeLry of Lhe area as a
resulL of Lhe proposed dredglng works
3. lease provlde a map aL a sulLable scale lndlcaung Lhe area Lo be dredged, ln relauon Lo exlsung
sLrucLures such as Lhe [euy/dock.
6. lease provlde Lhe currenL depLh of Lhe channel supporLed by a baLhymeLrlc map lllusLraung Lhe
proposed dredge layouL
uescrlpuon and purpose of Lhe dredglng
7 lease provlde:
a. 1he orlglnal depLh of Lhe area proposed for dredglng
b. 1he daLe Lhe area was lasL dredged
c. 1he depLh Lo whlch Lhe area was lasL dredged. 1hls should be reecLed ln a posL
baLhymeLrlc map/sLudy of Lhe area, lndlcaung Lhe depLhs Lo whlch Lhe area was lasL
d. 1he currenL depLh of Lhe area proposed for dredglng as well as Lhe proposed depLh Lo
whlch Lhe area wlll be dredged
ln addluon, please conrm LhaL all Lhe areas proposed for dredglng wlll be areas LhaL have been
prevlously dredged (l.e. ln need of malnLenance dredglng only).
8 Clarlfy wheLher Lhe acuvlLy ls caplLal or malnLenance dredglng. L.g. lndlcaLe lf some poruon ls
for augmenLauon of Lurnlng basln and anoLher poruon ls for malnLenance of Lhe channel
9 Lnsure LhaL Lhe Lerms 'depLh' and 'draughL' are noL confused ln Lhe appllcauon. Allow for under
keel clearance below maxlmum expecLed draughL.
uredge spoll dlsposal and reclamauon
/01 rovlde an auLhorlzauon leuer from Lhe Commlssloner of SLaLe Lands and/or Marlume Servlces
ulvlslon lndlcaung Lhe followlng:
)1 volume of dredge spoll Lo be dlsposed (ln cublc meLres)
21 CoordlnaLes (l.e. LauLude and LonglLude) of Lhe locauon earmarked for dlsposal
c. AblllLy of Lhe approved dump slLe Lo recelve Lhe proposed volume of dredged maLerlal
11. rovlde updaLed approvals from Lands and Surveys ulvlslon permlmng dlsposal of dredged
maLerlal from Lhe area Lo be dredged
12. Speclc mlugauon measures Lo be puL ln place by Lhe appllcanL durlng Lhe dlsposal of Lhe
dredged maLerlal
13. Advlse how much, lf any, of Lhe dredge maLerlal would be used for reclamauon purposes.
14. lf Lhe dredge spoll ls Lo be dlsposed of aL an area of reclalmed land: rovlde a sLaLemenL on Lhe
perlod over whlch Lhe land was reclalmed (monLh and year). uocumenLary evldence of
permlsslon Lo conducL sald reclamauon works and or documenLauon from Lhe owners of Lhe
slLe for Lhe use of Lhe area.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 41
SedlmenL sampllng and analysls
13. lease provlde a quanuLauve assessmenL of Lhe proposed dredged maLerlal (sedlmenL and
waLer) quallLy wlLhln Lhe proposed channel Lo be dredged and Lhe proposed dredge spoll
dlsposal slLe. 1hls assessmenL of concenLrauons of any conLamlnanLs/polluLanLs should lnclude
Lesung for heavy meLals, peLroleum hydrocarbons, anu-foullng agenLs and any oLher llkely
1hls reporL should lnclude buL noL be llmlLed Lo:
a. A deLalled descrlpuon of Lhe meLhod of sampllng and a rauonale for Lhe selecuon and
use of a parucular meLhod
b. 1he number and locauon of all sampllng polnLs lncluded wlLhln Lhe sLudy. 1hls should be
lllusLraLed on a map Lo faclllLaLe comprehenslon of Lhe locauon of Lhe sample polnLs, ln
relauon Lo Lhe exlsung envlronmenL
c. lnformauon on all meLhods used ln Lhe analysls of samples. 1hls should lnclude
deLecuon levels for all parameLers used
d. 8esulLs of all LesLs conducLed, compared wlLh accepLable lnLernauonal sLandards.
Samples should be screened for, buL noL be llmlLed Lo: 1P, AP, C8, meLals. Where
resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL conLamlnanLs are presenL above benchmark levels bloavallablllLy
LesLs should be conducLed and an alLernauve dlsposal or remedlauon plan should be
e. Culdellnes for Lhe conducL of Lhese assessmenLs shall be ln accordance wlLh accepLable
lnLernauonal sLandards (e.g. Canadlan ulsposal aL Sea 8egulauons, AusLrallan nauonal
Ccean ulsposal Culdellnes for uredged MaLerlal eLc.)
f. A descrlpuon of any proposed mlugauon measures whlch wlll be lmplemenLed ln Lhe
evenL LhaL any parameLers LesLed are noL wlLhln accepLable lnLernauonal sLandards
g. A summary/concluslon of Lhe ndlngs of Lhe sLudy
h. CuallLy Assurance lnformauon should be lncluded as an appendlx Lo Lhe reporL. 1hls
should lnclude buL noL be llmlLed Lo omclal laboraLory reporLs Lo valldaLe resulLs and
documenLauon demonsLraung Lhe laboraLory's proclency (e.g. laboraLory accredlLauon
16. SedlmenL samples should be Laken aL Lhe level of Lhe proposed dredge depLh and Lhe
parameLers shall lnclude, buL noL be llmlLed Lo, Lhe followlng:
a. pP
b. 1P - 1oLal eLroleum Pydrocarbons
c. C8 olychlorlnaLed 8lphenyls
d. 1oLal Crganlc Carbon
e. 81Ls 8enzene, 1oluene, LLhylbenzene and ylenes
f. MeLals: barlum, cadmlum, copper, chromlum, nlckel, lead, mercury, un, zlnc and 181
g. AP olycycllc Aromauc Pydrocarbons
h. Suspended aruculaLe hase 1oxlclLy 1esL
17. lease provlde a quanuLauve assessmenL of Lhe waLer quallLy wlLhln Lhe proposed channel Lo be
dredged and Lhe proposed dredge spoll dlsposal slLe. 1he followlng parameLers shall lnclude buL
noL be llmlLed Lo:
a. 1emperaLure
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 42
b. pP
c. uC - ulssolved Cxygen
d. 1SS - 1oLal Suspended Sollds
e. 1P 1oLal eLroleum Pydrocarbons
f. Chlorlde as Cl
g. Sulphlde as P3S
h. nuLrlenLs: ammonla, nlLraLes, nlLrlLes and phosphaLes
l. MeLals: cadmlum, LoLal chromlum, mercury, arsenlc, lead, nlckel, copper and zlnc
[. 1oLal Cyanlde as Cn
k. ulssolved PexavalenL Chromlum (Cr
l. henollc Compounds as henol
m. 8Cu 8lologlcal Cxygen uemand
n. CCu Chemlcal Cxygen uemand
o. laecal Collform
18. lf any poLenual polluLanLs are encounLered, please provlde a plan for remedlauon and dlsposal.
uocumenLs for dredglng execuuon
19. rovlde an ouLllne for Lhe scope and schedule of works (lncludlng LenLauve sLarL and end daLes
as well as all Lypes of vessels Lo be used) for Lhe dredglng acuvlLy
20. A copy of PSL plans of all vessels LhaL are Lo be used ln Lhe dredglng and assoclaLed dlsposal
21. Speclc mlugauon measures Lo be puL ln place by Lhe appllcanL durlng Lhe dredglng of Lhe slLes
22. WasLe managemenL plan deLalllng Lhe dlsposal or recycllng of used oll
23. rovlde a deLalled descrlpuon of Lhe SoW requlred for Lhe overall developmenL and esumaLed
schedule of all phases of Lhe proposed developmenL. 1hls descrlpuon should provlde parucular
emphasls on deLalllng Lhe sequence of all acuvlues ln Lhe slLe preparauon phase
24. rovlde a descrlpuon of Lhe speclc mlugauon measures LhaL wlll be lmplemenLed durlng Lhe
dredglng of Lhe proposed slLe and durlng Lhe sLorage and or dlsposal of Lhe dredged maLerlal
23. lease lndlcaLe wheLher any solld wasLe (e.g. used Lyres, dlscarded furnlLure, Lools or
equlpmenL, eLc) ls expecLed Lo be encounLered durlng Lhe dredglng operauons. lease provlde a
sLaLemenL on Lhe dlsposal opuons Lo be pursued for Lhls wasLe.
26. lease provlde a 1urbldlLy ManagemenL lan for Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls plan should descrlbe Lhe
measures LhaL wlll be lmplemenLed durlng Lhe proposed dredglng Lo conLaln any re-suspended
sedlmenLs and sedlmenL plumes LhaL would be generaLed due Lo Lhe dredglng acuvlues and
could lmpacL on any nearby marlne ora and fauna.
27. lease provlde a sLaLemenL on Lhe posslblllLy of encounLerlng any archeologlcal rellcs durlng Lhe
proposed dredglng. lf approprlaLe, please lndlcaLe consulLauon wlLh Archeologlcal SocleLy and
descrlbe a plan should any archeologlcal rellcs be found.
28. lease provlde a comprehenslve descrlpuon of Lhe scope of works requlred for Lhe dredglng and
provlde an esumaLed schedule for all phases of Lhe proposed works (l.e. pre-dredge surveys,
dredglng, dlsposal of dredge spoll, posL dredge survey)
8equesLed lnformauon Lo be submlued ln LrlpllcaLe Lo LMA.
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 43
Append|x 3: keferences
Author ear of pub||canon 1|t|e |ace of pub||canon ub||sher
ukPC 2003 8A 473 - orLs ln Lhe
Culf of arla
1aunLon, uk unlLed klngdom
Pydrographlc Cmce
ukPC 2010 8A 474 - orL of
Spaln and
1aunLon, uk unlLed klngdom
Pydrographlc Cmce
ukPC 2007 8A 477 - 1obago and
1aunLon, uk unlLed klngdom
Pydrographlc Cmce
ukPC 2010 8A 301 - Approaches
Lo CaleoLa
1aunLon, uk unlLed klngdom
Pydrographlc Cmce
nauonal 8esearch
1983 uredglng CoasLal
orLs: An
AssessmenL of Lhe
WashlngLon, uC,
nauonal Academy
8ray, n. ed. and
Cohen, M. ed
2010 uredglng for
1he Pague, 1he
Assoclauon of
uredglng Companles
and lnLernauonal
Assoclauons of orLs
and Parbours
lAnC 2012 SafeLy aspecLs
aecung Lhe
berLhlng operauons
of Lankers Lo oll and
gas Lermlnals
8russels, 8elglum World Assoclauon of
llC 2010 Culdellnes for Lhe
plannlng, execuuon
and managemenL of
surveys ln porLs and
lederauon of
M. 1. Polden and
2004 Chooslng Lhe
research phllosophy
lreland WaLerford lnsuLuLe
of 1echnology
Louls Cohen,
Lawrence Manlon
and kelLh Morrlson
2007 8esearch meLhods
ln educauon. SlxLh
new ?ork and
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 44
CLC app||canon h|es exam|ned at LMA ||brary
CLC ?ear orL SLaLus AppllcanL Co.
3768/2013 2013 Chaguaramas Appllcauon wlLhdrawn
!anuary 2013
2338/2008 2008 CaleoLa olnL Appllcauon wlLhdrawn
!uly 2010
2273/2008 2008 CaleoLa olnL Appllcauon wlLhdrawn
May 2008
1407/2006 2006 olnLe-a-lerre CLC lssued 03rd Apr 2006 eLroLrln
2642/2009 2009 olnL lorun CLC lssued 10Lh !uly 2009 ALlanuc LnC
1287/2003 2003 olnLe-a-lerre CLC lssued 12Lh !ul 2006 eLroLrln
2334/2008 2008 Scarborough CLC lssued 12Lh
november 2008
2234/2008 2008 ClaxLon 8ay CLC lssued 13Lh Aug
1803/2007 2007 olnLe-a-lerre CLC lssued 16Lh Aprll
1960/2007 2007 San lernando CLC lssued 18Lh !uly 2007 nluCC
1603/2006 2006 olnL Llsas CLC lssued 1sL uecember
?ara 1rlnldad LLd
3780/2013 2013 Chaguaramas CLC lssued 23rd Aprll
8S8 Poldlngs LLd (leaslng
from CuA and renung Lo
1894/2007 2007 olnL Llsas CLC lssued 23rd !uly 2007 nLC
0971/2003 2003 orL of Spaln CLC lssued 23rd March
nauonal llsherles Co (1993)
2786/2010 2010 olnL lorun CLC lssued 24Lh lebruary
ALlanuc LnC
1817/2007 2007 olnLe-a-lerre CLC lssued 23Lh Apr 2007 eLroLrln
0600/2003 2003 olnL Llsas CLC lssued 28Lh !une
2463/2008 2008 orL of Spaln CLC lssued 2nd lebruary
2673/2009 2009 olnL lorun CLC lssued 2nd
november 2009
ALlanuc LnC
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 43
0363/2003 2003 olnL Llsas CLC lssued 3rd lebruary
3683/2012 2012 olnL Llsas CLC lssued 4Lh uecember
1396/2006 2006 olnL lorun CLC lssued 3Lh May 2006 eLroLrln - 1rlnmar
1390/2006 2006 olnLe-a-lerre CLC lssued 6Lh !uly 2006 eLroLrln
2324/2009 2009 orL of Spaln CLC lssued 9Lh Mar 2009 nluCC
2371/2009 2009 orL of Spaln CLC pendlng n/A11
0991/2003 2003 Cap de vllle LlA lnluaLed by appllcanL
Aprll 2006
1284/2003 2003 olnL Llsas LlA requesLed uec 2003 nLC
0113/2002 2002 olnL lorun LlA requesLed leb 2002 ALlanuc LnC
1311/2006 2006 La 8rea LlA requesLed !an 2006 nLC
1283/2003 2003 CaleoLa olnL LlA requesLed !an 2007 nLC
2318/2009 2009 La 8rea LlA requesLed !an 2011 l1L
1766/2007 2007 La 8rea LlA requesLed Mar 2007 nLC
1316/2006 2006 La 8rea LlA requesLed Sep 2006 nLC
2744/2009 2009 Chaguaramas no acuon slnce furLher
lnformauon requesLed
uec 2009
3180/2011 2011 ClaxLon 8ay no acuon slnce furLher
lnformauon requesLed
!ul 2011
2082/2007 2007 ClaxLon 8ay no acuon slnce furLher
lnformauon requesLed
nov 2007
1146/2003 2003 olnL Llsas no CLC requlred CL
1930/2007 2007 San lernando WlLhdrawn by appllcanL
12Lh !uly 2007 see
!"#$%&#'%( *+, -.#'/%'.'0% 1,%$2#'2 #' 3,#'#$.$ .'$ 3+4.2+
ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 46
3738/2013 2013 Chaguaramas ASCC 1rlnldad LLd (leased
from Marlners Paven who
leases from CuA)
3760/2013 2013 olnL lorun CLC lssued 6
uec 2013 ALlanuc LnC
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ubllshed by Spree SplrlL | 2014 | 1rlnldad & 1obago | age 48

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