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6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
Students ill !e a!le to """ ith African and African American Studies Connections Students ill !e a!le to """ from Social Science #lannin$ Guides
'ocial 'tudies (iteracy Reading ' ills o )ol tales and (egends, *iographies, Maps o +ocument *ased Analysis ,,'' (iteracy $riting ' ills o -xplanatory essay, focusing on Argument

Sample Student Outcome Statements*

Argue and/or explain o The merits of Medieval African Kingdoms with respect to their influence on the culture, politics and socioeconomic aspects of the Mediterranean world Research, analyze to write o An informative essay Ma e connections and understand o !oth the relationship and relevance !etween the Medieval ingdoms and African American identity today "nvestigate and Research o o o o #ow African Religions led to the development of the Mediterranean $orld% how "nternal and external forces shape identity #ow the greatness of a culture can !e measured in various ways #ow Africa had an immense impact on the world&s many cultures !oth directly and indirectly

,,'' 'pea ing and (istening ' ills o )ocusing on presentation and/or de!ates utilizing spea ing s ills and technology to support an argument or explanation !ased on information gathered through in.uiry

(aunch (esson/ %he %hee A!rahamic &eli$ions Time )rame/ 0 days

'nit (escription/ )ac*$round+ To understand the role of religion in Africa, students must first gain an understanding of what the three A!rahamic )aiths, 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam have in common% All three faiths are monotheistic 2!elieve in one 3od45 maintain a tradition of revelation5 and !elieve their scriptural texts are inspired !y 3od% These three faith traditions can trace their roots to a system of !elief first practiced !y A!raham% 'tudents will identify their existing nowledge a!out the Three )aiths, examine how A!raham&s story is depicted in the Three )aiths -xhi!ition and discover the shared roots of 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam 'tudents will !e a!le to demonstrate how three ma6or religions have had a profound effect on culture and civilization% 'tudents will also !e a!le to compare and contrast the characteristics of the five ma6or religions and locate their geographic influence on a map% These religions are found worldwide, !ut their (7


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson

followers tend to !e concentrated in certain geographic areas% 'tudents will research and learn the !asic concepts, facts, and traditions of three ma6or religions of the world% 8% 'tudents will !e as ed to evaluate the effect that religions have had on history, the ma6or similarities and differences !etween religions, and will determine the geographic distri!ution of the ma6or religions !y identifying them on a map% 9% 'tudents will discuss in presentations that three distinct religions evolved from the ideas of monotheism !y :7; ,- <,ommon -ra=, with 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam deriving from monotheism% >% 'tudents will o!serve that each religion is active in Africa and that the African religions have had a great impact on the world%% To understand the role of religion in Africa, students must first gain an understanding of what the three A!rahamic )aiths, 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam have in common% All three faiths are monotheistic 2!elieve in one 3od45 maintain a tradition of revelation5 and !elieve their scriptural texts are inspired !y 3od% These three faith traditions can trace their roots to a system of !elief first practiced !y A!raham% 'tudents will identify their existing nowledge a!out the Three )aiths, examine how A!raham&s story is depicted in the Three )aiths -xhi!ition and discover the shared roots of 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam II, O-E&-IE. A% ,oncept ?!6ectives 7% +evelop an understanding of the similarities and differences !etween the three religions% 8% +evelop an understanding of the relationship !etween the religions to include areas of conflict and compromise% -nduring @nderstandin gs -ssential Auestions /, 0istory+ -vents and actions of the past affect the present and the future% 8% Identity+ 3lo!al societies create varied cultural perspectives, contri!utions, and challenges% 9% Geo$raphy+ Movement and migration of people and ideas affect the past, present, and future% Guidin$ Essential Questions+ "= #ow do culture and identity influence who we areB ""= #ow do time, culture and history influence wor s of art and/or the advancement of science and technologyB """= $hat can " do to positively impact my communityB Common Core Standards &0,6"1,2, +etermine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source5 provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior nowledge or opinions% .0S%,6"1,3, +raw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research% SL,6,/, -ngage effectively in a range of colla!orative discussions <oneDonDone, in groups, and teacherDled= with diverse partners on grade : topics, texts, and issues, !uilding on others& ideas and expressing their own clearly% SL,6,2, "nterpret information presented in diverse media and formats <e%g%, visually, .uantitatively, orally= and explain how it contri!utes to a topic, text, or issue under study% (8


,ognitive ' ills

6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
E4ecuti5e functions Clan )lexi!ility/ change direction if not wor ing5 adopt multiple approaches 'trategy use/ a!ility to reflect on strategy and select appropriate strategy %hin*in$ s*ills Reasoning a!out concrete items versus a!stract ideas Analyzing/evaluating arguments +eveloping a logical argument "nductive reasoning/ using specific examples/o!servations and forming a more general principal +eductive reasoning/ use stated general premise to reason a!out specific examples Appreciation/ recognition of the value of something


)uildin$ 6no led$e %hrou$h %e4ts African interaction and influence on the Mediterranean world was common and well nown Africans were depicted with pride and dignity in 3ree , Roman and -gyptian art The greatness of a culture can !e measured in various ways Africa had an immense impact on the world&s many cultures !oth directly and indirectly Assessments 'tudents will share out their findings !oth ver!ally and in a .uic write exit slip at the end of class% &esources 1ewish "mage of A!raham and "saac http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/EEBnrefF>;G eyF7 ,hristian "mage of A!raham and "saac http///digitalgallery%nypl%org enter >8077E into the search !ox "slamic "mage of "!rahim and "sma&il http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/9HBnrefF>;G eyF; The Three )aiths I A!raham http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/exploreD themes/a!raham The Three )aiths I 1udaism http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/9: The Three )aiths I ,hristianity http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/90 The Three )aiths I "slam http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/9E Three )aiths Timeline http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/resources/timeline )amily and -ducator 3uide http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/resources/familyDandDeducatorDguide (9

)ormative Text/ Resources


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
,lassroom Resource Cac et http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/H> 'uggested Reading http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/resources/suggestedD reading

)or more information a!out A!raham visit/ **, Religions I A!raham http///www%!!c%co%u /religion/religions/6udaism/history/a!rahamJ7%shtmlKfindout more

)or general information a!out world religions visit/ **, Religions http///www%!!c%co%u /religion/religions/ 0e!re )i!le 7%he %ana*h8 http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/7HB nrefF9:G eyF; More 1ewish illuminated manuscript images availa!le http///digitalgallery%nypl%org/nypldigital/dg eysearchresult%cfmBparentJidF8>9::8 Christian &enaissance 9anuscript http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/0>BnrefF90G eyFE More ,hristian illuminated manuscript images availa!le http///digitalgallery%nypl%org/nypldigital/dg eysearchresult%cfmBparentJidF7EL098 :.ritten #ortrait; of the #rophet 9uhamad http///digitalgallery%nypl%org/nypldigital/dg eysearchresult%cfmB eywordF oran More "slamic illuminated manuscript images availa!le http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/exploreDthemes/muhammad http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/node/9E http///digitalgallery%nypl%org enter 7:H9;8> into the search !ox http///digitalgallery%nypl%org enter 7:H9;8L into the search !ox The Three )aiths I The 'criptures <!ac ground information= http///exhi!itions%nypl%org/threefaiths/exploreDthemes/scriptures The Three )aiths 'criptorium I Cens, CaintDma ing, and "llumination <video= http///www%nypl%org/audiovideo/8DpensDpaintma ingDillumination The Three )aiths 'criptorium I $riting <video= http///www%nypl%org/audiovideo/9D writing

3raphic ?rganizers/ +ocument Analysis template <image=/ <http///www%archives%gov/education/lessons/wor sheets/photoJanalysisJwor she et%pdf= )rayer Model/ http///www%longwood%edu/staff/6onescd/pro6ects/educL9;/a!oxley/pdffiles/8%pdf (>


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
'ummarizing/ <http///teacher%scholastic%com/reading/!estpractices/voca!ulary/pdf/srJallgo%pdf=
Differentiated Strategies for Varied Learning Profiles (Example)

(earning Activities

(earning activity 7/ %eacher will meet daily with each group to instruct students on specific reading/researching strategies and the s ills students will need to comprehend the texts for this unit and to complete their assigned tas s% Student Groups will conduct discussions, write routinely, and report findings discovered through their research groups% Teacher explains procedures for participating within their group activities% Teacher can use :fishbowl strategy to demonstrate how small groups conduct discussions around texts% <'(%:%7= Teacher assigns groups !ased on varying learning styles and a!ility levels, paying extra attention to ensure well !alanced groups% <'(%:%7= Teacher provides !rief book talk of each extended text and ensures students are comprehending texts% <R#%:%E%7%,R#%:%E%>%= Teacher models how to ta e ,ornell notes while reading a text% As they&re reading the text, students practice close reading <and other strategies learned during miniDlessons= to search for and record elements that are essential in identifying their topic/person<s= uni.ue characteristics and contri!utions% <R#%:%E%7%, R#%:%E%8%, R#%:%E%H%= 'tudents meet 8D9 times per wee in their groups and use their notes to anchor their discussions and to develop their plans for their final pro6ect% 'tudents write reflections following each group meeting% <'(%:%7%, '(%:%8%= @sing the -ssential Auestions as a guide, students write summaries of select portions of their selected texts% <$#'T%:DE%8%, $#'T% :D E%E= 'tudents share the content from their reading circle text with the whole class, so that all students are familiar with the diverse texts% <'(:%>= MiniDlessons/Activities for Teaching $riting to +evelop and ,onvey @nderstanding, ,ite

"nformational texts will !e availa!le in a variety of formats including audio, visual and tactilely% Tas s will have components that allow for students to use visual, oral and tactile as well as inesthetic s ills to express nowledge gained% 'tudents will !e a!le to ta e ownership of tas s through the use of M,hoice *oardsN and M(earning ,enters



6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
-vidence, and to 'tudy and Apply (anguage ,onventions% <$#'T%:DE%0%, $#'T%:DE%E%= Teacher reviews guidelines and ru!ric for Cerformance Assessment/ 3roups will present a multimedia presentation on their individual colonial topic accompanied !y an individual essay, or alternative written product that communicates how African Americans responded to issues !rought a!out with the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the concept of personal freedom and li!erty as envisioned !y free and enslaved African Americans as opposed to the legal and economic freedoms envisioned !y the $hite ,olonists% <R#%:DE%0, R#%:DE%E, $#'T%:DE%0%, $#'T%:DE%E%, $#'T%:DE%H%, '(%:%>%, '(%:%L%= Teacher will return to the shorter informational texts, as well as images <such as photos=, to model how to construct the different parts of an informative/explanatory piece, including how to introduce a topic, how to organize the parts of the essay, how to use textual evidence to support the essay, what other types of evidence should !e used as support, how to use transitions, etc% <R#%:DE%7%, R#%:DE%L%, R#%:DE%0%= 'tudents will use select informational texts, as well as images that they&ve gathered, to practice composing each part of the informative/explanatory essay% <$#'T%:DE%E= 'tudents will spend time gathering evidence for the Cerformance Assessment, which includes using their notes to list specific evidence from their group readings that can !e used for their pro6ect% 'tudents will also record evidence from the short informational texts that were read in and outside of class% <R#%:DE%0%, $#'T%:DE%E%= 'tudents will !e engaged in the writing process, including !rainstorming, gathering evidence, drafting, revising, and editing% Teacher will confer with students through independent or guided writing conferences% <$#'T%:DE%>=


+ay 7

6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
#rocedure+ .arm"'p Acti5ity+ %hree <aiths .e! 7% *egin the preDvisit activity !y !rainstorming what students already now a!out "slam, ,hristianity and 1udaism% ,reate a word we! on the !oard to help students organize their thoughts% )or example/ 'upply the material with the varied amount of print, varied text structures and extensive graphic support !ased on students& instructional levels @se videos to enhance comprehension through auditory and visual modes Allow !rief, cooperative !rainstorming to activate prior nowledge and ma e predictions Ad6ust the complexity, a!stractness, type of response necessary, and connections re.uired !etween topics !ased on readiness and learning profile -sta!lish clear criteria for success @se wait time !efore ta ing student answers "f appropriate, give students a chance to tal to partners or write down their answers !efore responding Crovide clear guidelines for group functioning that are taught in advance of group wor and consistently reinforced

Three )aiths

1udaism ,hristianity


8% As students to share their thoughts% As they share their ideas, fill in the !lan circles and add more !u!!les% *ased on your student population, you may have students who are more familiar with one of the faith traditions than some of the others% "f students struggle with generating ideas, as what they now a!out holidays, foods, and customs of the three religions% "f students !egin introducing negative stereotypes or wrong information, use it as an opportunity for a teacha!le moment% The sharing must !e centered around the positive .ualities of each religion and not on erroneous or fallacious information of a pe6orative nature%

Examples of possible pacing mini!lesson topics for cooperati"e learning

9% ?nce you have a solid num!er of ideas generated% As students/ a% $hat similarities do you noticeB <Cotential Responses/ All three religions believe in one God, All three have

'tudents will reflect and create a list of what creates a good discussion% 'tudents will develop and practice s ills of (0


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
sacred sites, etc.= !% $hat other religions do you now a!outB c% $hy do you thin these three religions are studied together, versus one of the other religions you mentionedB Acti5ity /+ A!raham 7% -xplain to students that today they will discover one of the ways these three religions are related% 'pecifically, they will learn a!out A!raham as a historical figure and compare and contrast how A!raham is depicted in these three faith traditions% 8% Tell students they will !egin !y reading an article a!out A!raham and the Three )aiths% They will use the 3raphic ?rganizer7 <Appendix 7= document to help them ta e notes and organize their information% <Note+ "t may !e helpful to pro6ect the 3raphic ?rganizer <Appendix 7= for the whole class to see% 'tudents may find it easier to copy into their note!oo s than trying to fill in spaces on a hand out%= 9% *rea students into smaller groups <threeDfour per group= and have them colla!orate while ta ing notes% >% After students have ta en notes, regroup and as the following .uestions to generate a discussion a!out A!raham and the Three )aiths/ a% $ho was A!rahamB !% $hat was uni.ue a!out A!raham&s religious !eliefsB

listening well <active listening=%

'tudents will increase participation through discussions

3raphic organizer can !e modified to accommodate diverse learners%



6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
c% $hat can we learn a!out the nature of trust and faith from A!raham&s storyB d% "n what ways has A!raham&s story affected the modern worldB e% $hat did you learn a!out The Three )aithsB f% #ow are they relatedB

<Note+ This line of .uestioning is to help students understand that A!raham&s !elief in one 3od was a revolutionary idea% -veryone else !elieved in multiple gods, A!raham&s shift to monotheism changed the world and the repercussions of this !elief system are evident to the present day%= +ays 8D9 Acti5ity 2+ A!rahamic Ima$es 7% As students if they now the story a!out A!raham and "saac% Allow students to share what they now% <Note+ This will !e a good opportunity to have students from different faith traditions, 1udaism, ,hristianity and "slam, share what they now a!out the story=

8% -xplain to students they will loo at images of the story of A!raham and "saac from the 1ewish and ,hristian traditions, "!rahim and "sma&il from the "slamic tradition% 9% Cro6ect one image at a time% Allow students one minute to loo closely at the image% a, Ima$e / = >e ish Ima$e of A!raham and Isaac i% $hat do you see in this imageB ii% ,an you tell me more a!out what you seeB iii% $hat more can we find in this imageB (H


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson

!, Ima$e 2 " Christian Ima$e of A!raham and Isaac i% #ow is this image similar to the firstB ii% #ow is it differentB iii% $hat do you notice a!out the people in this imageB c, Ima$e 3 = Islamic Ima$e of I!rahim and Isma?il i% #ow is this image similar to the first twoB ii% #ow is it different from the other two we&ve loo ed atB iii% #ow can you tell it&s similar to the story a!out A!raham and "saacB >% $hile loo ing at the images, also highlight the artistry of the script and the decorative !orders% (et students now they will have an opportunity to see more examples of manuscripts in the exhi!ition% 'ome of the texts they will see are over a thousand years oldO .rap 'p Acti5ity+ A!rahamic Ima$es 7% Return to the 3raphic ?rganizer <Appendix 7= and have students fill in the MAuestions " haveN !oxes% 8% &eflection @uestions, These can !e used as potential writing prompts or as a 6ournal activity/ a% $hy is A!raham important to these three religionsB !% #ow are the Three )aiths ali eB c% #ow are the Three )aiths differentB d% $hat artistry did you notice in the imagesB (7;


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson
$rap up and answer any remaining student .uestions E4amples of &esources

Resources are em!edded throughout the lesson

Attach all resources that will !e used

%0E %0&EE <AI%0S )AC6G&O'N( IN<O&9A%ION2 7Appendi4 28

A)&A0A9 A!raham lived a!out 9,0;; years ago in the Middle -ast% #e was a shepherd who traveled from place to place caring for his floc of animals% #ow is it possi!le that a shepherd who lived 9,;;; years ago changed the worldB #e did it with an idea% ?ne that was unusual for the period% A!raham placed his faith in a single 3od at a time when people all over the world !elieved in many different gods% The story of A!raham&s faith and o!edience explains why he is honored !y three ma6or world religions today% 1udaism, ,hristianity, and "slam are all a!le to trace their roots !ac to A!raham% )or 1ews, A!raham is the first of the Catriarchs, a direct ancestor of the M,hildren of "sraelN in the #e!rew *i!le and of the 1ewish Ceople to the present day% ,hristians trace the family tree of 1esus !ac to A!raham through !oth Mary and 1oseph, while Muslims trace the ancestry of the Crophet Muhammad through A!raham&s <"!rahim in Ara!ic= eldest son, "shmael <"sma&il in Ara!ic=%

>'(AIS9 1udaism, the oldest of the three A!rahamic faiths, traces its !irth to ca% 8;;;D7L;; *,- <*efore the ,ommon -ra=, when A!raham made a covenant with 3od% A!raham introduced the !elief in one true 3od

Adapted from the text about Abraham, Judaism, Christianity and Islam on the Three Faiths website:



6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson

<monotheism= and serves as the predecessor for 1udaism, ,hristianity, and "slam% )or 1ews, A!raham is the first of the Catriarchs, a direct ancestor of the 1ewish Ceople to the present day% Moses, who is !elieved to have lived in the 79thI78th centuries *,- and is considered the great lawgiver, received the Torah P the collection of divine commandments and regulations P from 3od on Mount 'inai% The #e!rew *i!le <Tanakh= is the sacred text in 1udaism% ?ne of the most outstanding examples of the #e!rew *i!le in Three Faiths is the (i!rary&s monumental twoDvolume calligraphic Tanakh nown as the Qanten *i!le <78H> ,-=, which appears in !oth the R#ighlightsR and RThe 'cripturesR sections of the exhi!ition%

C0&IS%IANI%A ,hristianity dates from the first century ,- <,ommon -ra=, when the faith was formed after the death of 1esus <ca% 99 ,-=% ,hristians !elieve this 1ewish preacher from Sazareth was the Messiah% The Sew Testament accounts of his miraculous !irth, the numerous miracles he performed, and his crucifixion !y the Romans and su!se.uent resurrection further demonstrated to his followers 1esusT divine status as the 'on of 3od% The sacred text in ,hristianity is the ,hristian *i!le, !oth the ?ld Testament <the #e!rew *i!le= and the Sew Testament% The oldest ,hristian *i!le on view in Three )aiths is the #ar ness 3ospels <!efore H70=5 it is the earliest $estern manuscript housed in The Sew Uor Cu!lic (i!rary% ?ther interesting ,hristian texts include Martin (utherTs translation of the Sew Testament into 3erman <7L88= and @pD*i!lum 3od <-liot "ndian *i!le=, in Massachusett, the language of the native peoples who lived near the Massachusetts *ay ,olony <7::9=, not to mention the (i!rary&s famed 3uten!erg *i!le <7>LL=, the first to come to the @nited 'tates, in 7E>0%

ISLA9 "slam, the youngest of the three A!rahamic faiths, was esta!lished in the :th century ,- !y Muhammad% Muslims !elieve that the Crophet Muhammad received 3odTs message through the angel 3a!riel% (78


6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson

Muhammad is revered as the Messenger of 3od and as the final Crophet% "slamTs sacred text is the AurTan <RRecitationR in Ara!ic=, which contains the messages revealed to Muhammad over a 88Dyear period% Two of the oldest examples of the AurTan in Three Faiths, from the Hth century and written on vellum <parchment made from calfs in=, are also among the most !eautiful, featuring colorful and intricate decoration% The ancient scri!al practice of writing sacred texts !y hand flourished far longer in "slam than it did in 1udaism or ,hristianity, !oth of which em!raced the advent of printing in the $est in the midD7Lth century% The printed AurTan !ecame popular only in the early 8;th century%

SC&I#%'&ES 1ews, ,hristians, and Muslims all possess a !oo they regard as the $ord of 3od% That $ord P and the way it has !een written, copied, and illustrated over the centuries P is the !asis of Three Faiths exhi!ition% These sacred 'criptures are the most widely spread and influential texts ever recorded% The manuscripts, !oo s and scrolls on display in the Three Faiths exhi!ition, demonstrate how A!raham&s decision to place his faith in a single 3od, thousands of years ago, impacts the world today%



6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson



6th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 3 Launch Lesson


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