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Muscles of the (mandible), seen from behind.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS

Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

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a' (%%i)ital bone. b' Tem)oral bone, )etro s )art. %' Mandib lar ram s. d' *yoid bone. e' Thyroid %artilage. f' Thyrohyoid ligament. g' +so)hag s. h' Tra%hea. i' Styloid )ro%ess. &' Stylomandib lar ligament.

,. -. .. /. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.

m. s )erior )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. middle )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. inferior )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. stylo)harynge s. m. stylogloss s. m. mylohyoide s. m. internal )terygoid. m. masseter. m. b %%inator.

Muscles of the palate, jaw, and larynx, seen from behind after removal of the posterior wall of the pharynx.
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

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a' (%%i)ital bone, basilar )art. b' Tem)oral bone, )etro s )art. %' Mandible, ram s. d' Styloid )ro%ess. e' 5asal %hoanae. f' Mandible, %ondyle. g' 6ing la #tong e'. h' +)iglottis. i' 6aryn7, )osterior wall. &' +so)hag s. l' Tra%hea. ,. -. .. /. 0. 1. m. s )erior )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. middle )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. inferior )haryngeal %onstri%tor. m. v lae #a8ygos v lae'. m. levator veli )alatini. m. tensor veli )alatini.

2. m. )osterior %ri%oarytenoid. 3. m. )alato)harynge s.

Muscles of the tongue, seen from the right side.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

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a' Mandible, body. b' Mandible, ram s. %' Styloid )ro%ess. d' *yoid bone. e' 6aryn7. f' 6ing la.

,. -. .. /. 0. 1. 2. 3.

m. ling alis. m. geniogloss s. m. hyogloss s. m. stylogloss s. m. stylo)harynge s. m. geniohyoide s. m. mylohyoide s #s. digastri% s'. thyrohyoid membrane.

Muscles of the soft palate, seen from the inner side and from behind.
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

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a' S)henoid bone, body. b' Tem)oral bone, )etro s )artion. %' Mandible, %ondyle. d' Mandible, ram s.

e' *ard )alate. f' Pterygoid )ro%ess. g' Pterygoid ham l s. h' 5asal %hoanae. i' A ditory t be. ,. -. .. /. 0. m. e7ternal )terygoid. m. levator veli )alatini. m. tensor veli )alatini. m. v lae. m )alato)harynge s.

Middle of the nape of the neck, after removal of m. trapezius.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

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a' (%%i)ital bone. b' S )erior semi%ir% lar line. %' Mastoid )ro%ess. d' Atlas, first %ervi%al vertebra. e' Seventh %ervi%al vertebra. f' 9irst, thora%i% vetebra. g' +ighth thora%i% vertebra. h : l' 9irst to fo rth ribs. m' 6igament m n %hae. n' A)i%al ligaments. ,. -. .. /. 0. 1. 2. m. s)leni s %a)itis. m. s)leni s %olli. m. serrat s )osterior s )erior. m. semis)inalis %a)itis, medial head. m. semis)inalis %a)itis. m. longissim s, %ervi%is. m. longissim s, thora%is #dorsi'.

eep neck and spinal muscles, after removal of shoulder blades (scapulae).
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Stat s: !nternally Peer Reviewed

Magnified "iew #via $ i%&time "R'

a' (%%i)ital bone. b' Mastoid )ro%ess. %' Seventh %ervi%al vertebra, s)ino s )ro%ess. d' 9irst rib. e' Twelfth rib. f' !lia% bone. ,. m. semis)inalis, medial head. -. m. semis)inalis, %a)itis. .. m. longissim s %a)itis. /. m. longissim s %ervi%is. 0. m. ilio%ostalis, %ervi%is. 1. m. ilio%ostalis. 2. m. longissim s thora%is. 3. m. ilio%ostalis. 4. m. s)inalis, thora%is #dorsi'. ,;. m s)inalis, %ervi%is. ,,. m. semis)inalis thora%is. ,-. mm. levator %ostar m #ribs'. ,.. mm. inter%ostals. ,/. m. s )erior %a)itis obli< e.

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