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Library Management System

Software Architectural Design

Project code: LibMan Document code: LibManDoc

Ha noi, 17/03/2013

Table of Contents
1. 2. Component diagram ........................................................................................................................ 3 Details description of components .................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Utilities.................................................................................................................................... 4 Brief description .............................................................................................................. 4 Class diagram .................................................................................................................. 4 Class diagram explanation .............................................................................................. 4

2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.2.

Data Access Object ................................................................................................................. 8 Brief Description ............................................................................................................. 8 Class diagram .................................................................................................................. 9 Class diagram explanation .............................................................................................. 9

2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.5.

Model .................................................................................................................................... 13 Brief Description ........................................................................................................... 13 Class diagram ................................................................................................................ 14 Class diagram explanation ............................................................................................ 14

2.5.1. 2.5.2. 2.5.3. 2.6.

Services ................................................................................................................................. 20 Brief Description ........................................................................................................... 20 Class diagram ................................................................................................................ 20 Class diagram explanation ............................................................................................ 20 Sequence diagram......................................................................................................... 25

2.6.1. 2.6.2. 2.6.3. 2.6.4.

1. Component diagram

FU Librarians



Services Model Logging

Data Access layer

DBAccess Exception

LibMan Database
Figure 1: Server components

2. Details description of components

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Package name utilities exception logging dbaccess model services Description Contain utility classes Contain exception classes Contain Log classes Contain DB interaction classes Contain data object Contain service classes Naming convention xxxProcessor, xxxExaminer xxxException xxxLog xxxDAO Take the name of the respective table in database xxxServices

2.1. Utilities
2.1.1. Brief description

This package contains classes which provide utilities to other system components.
2.1.2. Class diagram

2.1.3. Class diagram explanation

Attributes No. 1 2 3


Type ArrayList<JLabel> ArrayList<Item> ArrayList<Loan>

badFields_NEWTITLE badFields_NEWItem badFields_NEWLoan

Description Contain labels of text fields of new title panel in which data is empty or incorrect. Contain labels of text fields of new item panel in which data is empty or incorrect. Contain labels of text fields of new loan panel in which data is empty or incorrect.

Operation: isSufficient_NEWTITLE Purpose: Check whether required text fields of new title panel are filled or not. Return: True if required text fields are filled, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: isCorrect_NEWTITLE Purpose: Check whether entered data for creating new title is correct or not. Return: True if entered data is correct, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: getBadFields_NEWTITLE Purpose: Get the text fields of new title panel in which data is empty or incorrect. Return: An ArrayList contain labels of the bad fields. Parameter list: N/A Operation: isSufficient_NEWITEM Purpose: Check whether required text fields of new item panel are filled or not. Return: True if required text fields are filled, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: isCorrect_NEWITEM Purpose: Check whether entered data for creating new item is correct or not. Return: True if entered data is correct, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: getBadFields_NEWITEM Purpose: Get the text fields of new item panel in which data is empty or incorrect. Return: An ArrayList contain labels of the bad fields. Parameter list: N/A Operation: isSufficient_NEWLOAN Purpose: Check whether required text fields of new loan panel are filled or not. Return: True if required text fields are filled, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: isCorrect_NEWLOAN Purpose: Check whether entered data for creating new loan is correct or not. Return: True if entered data is correct, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operation: getBadFields_NEWLOAN Purpose: Get the text fields of new loan panel in which data is empty or incorrect. Return: An ArrayList contain labels of the bad fields. Parameter list: N/A

Operations: switchLabelColor Purpose: switch color of the bad text fields labels to red color Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description arrLabel ArrayList Contain labels whose color will be changed. 1 Color New color of the labels. 2 color Operations: collectDataFromGUI_NEWTITLE Purpose: Collect entered data from new title panel. Return: An ArrayList contains collected data.

Parameter list: N/A Operations: clearScreen_NEWTITLE Purpose: Clear text from all text fields of new title panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: getAllLabel_NEWTITLE Purpose: Get all labels of the new title panel. Return: An ArrayList contains all labels of the new title panel. Parameter list: N/A Operations: getAllFields_NEWTITLE Purpose: Get all text fields of the new title panel. Return: An ArrayList contains all text fields of the new title panel. Parameter list: N/A Operations: collectDataFromGUI_NEWITEM Purpose: Collect entered data from new item panel. Return: An ArrayList contains collected data. Parameter list: N/A Operations: clearScreen_NEWITEM Purpose: Clear text from all text fields of new item panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: getAllLabel_NEWITEM Purpose: Get all labels of the new item panel. Return: An ArrayList contains all labels of the new item panel. Parameter list: N/A Operations: getAllFields_NEWITEM Purpose: Get all text fields of the new title panel. Return: An ArrayList contains all text fields of the new item panel. Parameter list: N/A Operations: getAllFields_BorrowerInfo Purpose: Get all text fields of the borrower services panel. Return: An ArrayList contains all text fields of the borrower services panel. Parameter list: N/A Operations: setFieldsEnabled Purpose: Make text fields and combo boxes of borrower services disabled or enabled. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description boolean State of text fields and combo boxes of borrower 1 state services panel.

Operations: getScaledImageIcon Purpose: Resize an image to specific size. Return: An image icon with specified size. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type int 1 width

Description New width of the image.

2 3

height path

int String

New height of the image. Path to the image file.

Operations: insertDataToTable_NEWTITLE Purpose: Insert entered data into the queue table of the new title panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: updateData_NEWTITLE Purpose: update entered data into the queue table of the new title panel. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be updated. 1 index Operations: removeData_NEWTITLE Purpose: remove a chosen row from queue table of the new title panel. Return: True if the removal is successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be deleted. 1 index Operations: removeAllData_NEWTITLE Purpose: remove all rows from queue table of the new title panel. Return: True if the removal is successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operations: setSelectedRow_NEWTITLE Purpose: Select a row from queue table of the new title panel programmatically. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be selected. 1 index Operations: clearSelection_NEWTITLE Purpose: Clear selection from queue table of the new title panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: getCurrentSelectedRow_NEWTITLE Purpose: Get the selected row of queue table of the new title panel. Return: Index of the currently selected row. Parameter list: N/A Operations: getRowCount_NEWTITLE Purpose: Get the number of rows of queue table of the new title panel. Return: Number of rows. Parameter list: N/A Operations: insertDataToTable_NEWITEM Purpose: Insert entered data into the queue table of the new item panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: updateData_NEWITEM

Purpose: update entered data into the queue table of the new item panel. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be updated. 1 index Operations: removeData_NEWITEM Purpose: remove a chosen row from queue table of the new item panel. Return: True if the removal is successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be deleted. 1 index Operations: removeAllData_NEWITEM Purpose: remove all rows from queue table of the new item panel. Return: True if the removal is successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operations: setSelectedRow_NEWITEM Purpose: Select a row from queue table of the new item panel programmatically. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the row to be selected. 1 index Operations: clearSelection_NEWITEM Purpose: Clear selection from queue table of the new item panel. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: getCurrentSelectedRow_NEWITEM Purpose: Get the selected row of queue table of the new item panel. Return: Index of the currently selected row. Parameter list: N/A Operations: getRowCount_NEWITEM Purpose: Get the number of rows of queue table of the new item panel. Return: Number of rows. Parameter list: N/A

2.2. Data Access Object

2.2.1. Brief Description

This package contains classes involve interacting with database.

2.2.2. Class diagram

2.2.3. Class diagram explanation

Attributes No. Name 1 innerInstance

2 objConn 3 objStmt 4 dbName Operations: CommonDAO Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: getInstance Purpose: Get the instance of this class. Return: The only instance of this class. Parameter list: N/A Operations: openConnection Purpose: Open a connection to the database. Return: True if successful otherwise throw an exception. Parameter list: N/A Operations: closeConnection Purpose: close the connection to the database. Return: True if successful otherwise throw an exception. Parameter list: N/A

Type Description CommonDAO Represent the class itself used in singleton design pattern. Connection Connection to database. Statement SQL statement to be sent to database. String Database name.

Operations: executeQuery Purpose: Execute a SQL command which return data from database (eg: select). Return: A Resultset contains data from the database. Parameter list: No. Name Type Description String SQL command to be executed. 1 objCmd Operations: execute Purpose: Execute a SQL command which doesnt return data from database (eg: insert). Return: True if successful, otherwise throw an exception. Parameter list: No. Name Type Description String SQL command to be executed. 1 objCmd

Attributes No. Name 1 commonDAO 2 innerInstance

Type CommonDAO BorrowerDAO

Description CommonDAO object. Represent class itself, used in singleton design pattern.

Operations: BorrowerDAO Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: getInstance Purpose: Get the instance of this class. Return: The only instance of this class. Parameter list: N/A Operations: constructBorrower Purpose: Create a borrower object with data from the database. Return: A borrower object. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Card number of the borrower. 1 id Operations: deleteBorrower Purpose: Remove a borrower record from the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Card number of the borrower. 1 id Operations: updateBorrower Purpose: Update data of borrower in the database Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Card number of the borrower. 1 id BorrowerObject Object contains data to be updated to 2 borrowerInfo database. Operations: insertBorrower

Purpose: Insert a borrower record into the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description BorrowerObject Object contains data to be inserted to 1 borrowerInfo database.

Attributes No. Name 1 commonDAO 2 innerInstance

Type CommonDAO BorrowerDAO

Description CommonDAO object. Represent class itself, used in singleton design pattern.

Operations: TitleDAO Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: getInstance Purpose: Get the instance of this class. Return: The only instance of this class. Parameter list: N/A Operations: constructTitle Purpose: Create a title object with data from the database. Return: A title object. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String ISBN of the title. 1 isbn Operations: constructTitle Purpose: Create a title object with data from the database. Return: An ArrayList contains title objects that share an author. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Author of the title. 1 author Operations: deleteTitle Purpose: Remove a tile record from the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String ISBN of the title. 1 isbn Operations: updateTitle Purpose: Update data of title in the database Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String ISBN of the title. 1 isbn TitleObject Object contains data to be updated to 2 titleInfo database. Operations: insertTitle Purpose: Insert a title record into the database.

Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description TitleObject Object contains data to be inserted to 1 titleInfo database.

Attributes No. Name 1 commonDAO 2 innerInstance

Type CommonDAO ItemDAO

Description CommonDAO object. Represent class itself, used in singleton design pattern.

Operations: ItemDAO Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: getInstance Purpose: Get the instance of this class. Return: The only instance of this class. Parameter list: N/A Operations: constructItem Purpose: Create an item object with data from the database. Return: An item object. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description code String Code of the item. 1 Operations: deleteItem Purpose: Remove an item record from the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the title. 1 code Operations: updateTitle Purpose: Update data of title in the database Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the title. 1 code ItemObject Object contains data to be updated to 2 itemInfo database. Operations: insertItem Purpose: Insert a title record into the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description ItemObject Object contains data to be inserted to 1 itemInfo database.

Attributes No. Name 1 commonDAO 2 innerInstance

Type CommonDAO LoanDAO

Description CommonDAO object. Represent class itself, used in singleton design pattern.

Operations: LoanDAO Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: getInstance Purpose: Get the instance of this class. Return: The only instance of this class. Parameter list: N/A Operations: constructLoan Purpose: Create a loan object with data from the database. Return: An ArrayList loan object. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Borrower card number. 1 borrowerID Operations: deleteLoan Purpose: Remove a loan record from the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the title. 1 code Operations: updateTitle Purpose: Update data of loan in the database Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the loan. 1 code LoanObject Object contains data to be updated to 2 loanInfo database. Operations: insertLoan Purpose: Insert a loan record into the database. Return: True if successful, otherwise return false. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description LoanObject Object contains data to be inserted to 1 loanInfo database.

2.5. Model
2.5.1. Brief Description

This package contains classes that models database tables.

2.5.2. Class diagram

2.5.3. Class diagram explanation

Attributes No. Name isbn 1 2 title 3 author 4 publisher 5 pages 6 cd 7 noOfCopies 8 available 9 callNumber Operations: TitleObject Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: No. Parameter 1 info Operations: setISBN Purpose: Set ISBN of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter 1 isbn Operations: setTitle Purpose: Set name of a title. Return: void

Type String String String String Integer Integer Integer Integer String[]

Description ISBN of the title. Title name. Author of the title. Publisher of the title. Number of pages. Number of CDs. Number of copies. Number of available copies. List of callNumbers.

Type Description ArrayList Information of the new title object.

Type String

Description New ISBN number.

Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description name String New name of the title. 1 Operations: setAuthor Purpose: Set author of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New author of the title. 1 author Operations: setPublisher Purpose: Set publisher of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New publisher of the title. 1 publisher Operations: setPages Purpose: Set number of pages of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int New number of pages of the title. 1 Pages Operations: setCd Purpose: Set number of cds of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description Int New number of cds of the title. 1 cd Operations: setNoOfCopies Purpose: Set number of copies of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int New number of copies of the title. 1 numOfCopies Operations: setAvailable Purpose: Set number of available copies of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int New number of available copies of the title. 1 available Operations: setCallNumber Purpose: Set call number list of a title. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String[] New call number list of the title. 1 callNumber

Attributes No. Name Type Description Boolean This item is available or being lent. 1 occupidedStatus String Code of the item 2 code String Call number of the item. 3 callNumber TitleObject Respective title of the item. 4 correspondentTitle Operations: ItemObject Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the item. 1 code String Call number of the item. 2 callNumber TitleObject Correspondent title of the item. 3 correspondentTitle Operations: isOccupied Purpose: Indicate whether this item is lent or not. Return: True if this item is available for lending, otherwise return false. Parameter list: N/A Operations: setOccupiedStatus Purpose: Set value for occupiedStatus property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description Boolean New status. 1 state Operations: setCode Purpose: set value for code property Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New code of the item. 1 code Operations: setCorrespondentTitle Purpose: set value for correspondentTitle property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description TitleObject New title object correspondent to the item. 1 correspondentTitle Operations: setCallNumber Purpose: set value for callNumber property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New call number of the item. 1 callNumber

Attributes No.




int Lending time for Vietnamese item 1 VN_LENDINGTIME int Lending time for foreign item 2 LENDINGTIME item ItemObject Lent item. 3 BorrowerObject Borrower who borrows. 4 borrower Date Check in date 5 checkInDate Date Check out date 6 checkOutDate int Overdue fines. 7 fines Operations: LoanObject Purpose: constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: renewOneWeek Purpose: Renew the lent item for one week. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: renewTwoWeek Purpose: Renew the lent item for two week. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: destroyLoan Purpose: Remove the loan object. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: setCheckInDate Purpose: set value for checkInDate property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description Date New check in date value of the loan. 1 date Operations: setCheckOutDate Purpose: set value for checkOutDate property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description date Date New check out date value of the loan. 1

Attributes No. Name cardNumber 1 2 validFrom 3 validUntil 4 name 5 readerGroup 6 education 7 faculty 8 email

Type String Date Date String String String String String

Description Card number Valid from Valid until Name of the borrower Reader group Education Faculty Email address

String Mobile phone number 9 mobile String Living address 10 livingAddress officeAddress String Office address 11 Byte Status of the library card (Locked or Available) 12 status Operations: BorrowerObject Purpose: Create new borrower object with given data. Return: A BorrowerObject. Parameter list: N/A Operations: setCardNumber Purpose: Set value for cardNumber property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New card number. 1 cardNumber Operations: setValidFrom Purpose: Set value for validFrom property. Return: void Parameter list: N/A No. Parameter Type Description Date New date from which the card is valid. 1 date Operations: setValidUntil Purpose: Set value for validUntil property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description Date New date until which the card is valid. 1 date Operations: setName Purpose: Set value for name property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New name. 1 name Operations: setReaderGroup Purpose: Set value for readerGroup property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New reader group. 1 readerGroup Operations: setEducation Purpose: Set value for education property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New education. 1 education Operations: setFaculty Purpose: Set value for faculty property. Return: void Parameter list:

No. Parameter Type Description String New faculty. 1 faculty Operations: setEmail Purpose: Set value for email property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New email address. 1 email Operations: setMobile Purpose: Set value for mobile property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New mobile phone number. 1 mobile Operations: setLivingAddress Purpose: Set value for livingAddress property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New living address. 1 livingAddress Operations: setOfficeAddress Purpose: Set value for officeAddress property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String New office address. 1 officeAddress Operations: setStatus Purpose: Set value for status property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description Byte New number indicates the status. 1 status

2.6. Services
2.6.1. Brief Description 2.6.2. Class diagram

2.6.3. Class diagram explanation

Operations: btnProceed_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Proceed button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnCancel_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Cancel button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: CommonServices Purpose: Constructor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: switchStatus Purpose: Change text and color of the lblStatusValue property. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description content String Content of the label. 1 Color Color of the label. 2 color

Operations: activateServices Purpose: Bind listener to components. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: deactivateServices Purpose: Remove listener from components.. Return: void Parameter list: N/A

Attributes No. Name Type Description Vector Contain saved items on the panel. 1 itemVector Operations: doQueryTitleInfo Purpose: Query database to get info of a title. Return: A TitleObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String ISBN of the title. 1 isbn Operations: btnNew_Click Purpose: Action to be done when New button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnCopy_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Copy button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnSave_Click Purpose: : Action to be done when Save button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : btnDelete_Click Purpose: : Action to be done when Delete button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : showRecordInfo Purpose: Show info of the selected record on the panel. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the column. 1 index Operations: : ItemServices Purpose: Constuctor Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : getItemVector Purpose: Get the item vector.

Return: A Vector contains ItemObjects. Parameter list: Operations: activateServices Purpose: Bind listener to components. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: deactivateServices Purpose: Remove listener from components.. Return: void Parameter list: N/A

Attributes No. Name Type Description Vector Contain saved items on the panel. 1 itemVector Operations: btnNew_Click Purpose: Action to be done when New button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnImage_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Image button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnSave_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Save button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : btnDelete_Click Purpose: : Action to be done when Delete button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : showRecordInfo Purpose: Show info of the selected record on the panel. Return: void Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description int Index of the column. 1 index Operations: : TitleServices Purpose: Constuctor Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : getTitleVector Purpose: Get the title vector. Return: A Vector contains TitleObjects. Parameter list: N/A Operations: activateServices Purpose: Bind listener to components.

Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: deactivateServices Purpose: Remove listener from components.. Return: void Parameter list: N/A

Operations: doQueryCardID Purpose: Query database to get info of a borrower. Return: A BorrowerObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Card id of the borrower. 1 id Operations: tglbtnEdit_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Edit toggle button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnUnlock_Click Purpose: Action to be done when Unlock button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: btnRenewOneWeek_Click Purpose: Action to be done when RenewOneWeek button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : btnRenewTwoWeek_Click Purpose: Action to be done when RenewTwoWeek button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : btnCheckIn_Click Purpose: Action to be done when CheckIn button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : : btnCheckOut_Click Purpose: Action to be done when CheckOut button is clicked. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: : BorrowerServices Purpose: Constuctor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: activateServices Purpose: Bind listener to components. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: deactivateServices

Purpose: Remove listener from components.. Return: void Parameter list: N/A

Operations: doSearchTitleISBN Purpose: Query database to get info of a title. Return: A TitleObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String ISBN of the title. 1 isbn Operations: doSearchTitleAuthor Purpose: Query database to get info of a title. Return: A TitleObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Author of the title. 1 author Operations: doSearchTitleName Purpose: Query database to get info of a title. Return: A TitleObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Name of the title. 1 name Operations: doSearchItem Purpose: Query database to get info of an item. Return: An ItemObject contains queried data. Parameter list: No. Parameter Type Description String Code of the item. 1 code Operations: : SearchServices Purpose: Constuctor Return: N/A Parameter list: N/A Operations: activateServices Purpose: Bind listener to components. Return: void Parameter list: N/A Operations: deactivateServices Purpose: Remove listener from components.. Return: void Parameter list: N/A

2.6.4. Sequence diagram Create title

Create item

Search/Update/Delete services

Check in/Check out/Renew/Unlock services

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