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A MOMENT is the turning affect of a force, commonly known as Torque. Lecture Notes: Moments.pdf

1. Moment Definition
The Moment of a force is the turning effect a out a pi!ot point. To de!elop a moment, the force must act upon the ody to attempt to rotate it. A moment is can occur when forces are equal and opposite ut not directly in line with each other. The Moment of a force acting a out a point or a"is is found y multiplying the #orce $#% y the perpendicular distance from the a"is $d%, called the lever arm.

Moment = Force x Perpendicular Distance M=Fxd

$Nm% & $N% " $m%

Notes' (. )lockwise is a positi!e moment. *. Take care with units here + especially with mm. ,t is est to con!ert e!erything to m first.

2. Perpendicular Le er !rm
The force is not always perpendicular to the gi!en le!er arm. ,n this case, the correct perpendicular distance must e determined. $-y the way, the perpendicular distance is also the ./O0TE.T distance etween the force and the pi!ot point.% )alculating the perpendicular $shortest% distance'

" .Moment s Tor#ue

There is no difference really, oth are turning effects and oth are measured in Nm. A te"t ook definition: A turning effect is called Moment in static situations $with no motion%. ,n dynamics applications $with mo!ement% a turning effect is called Tor#ue. .o a spinning motor shaft has torque, ut a le!er has moment. This is the te"t ook definition, ut in practice the two terms are often used interchangea ly. E.g. 1Torque wrench1

$. E#uili%rium of Moments

2hen dealing with moments, equili rium e"ists when the total moment is 3ero. $Otherwise it will accelerate in rotation, angular acceleration%. Mathematically this is !ery simple + add the clockwise moments and su tract the anticlockwise ones. #or equilibrium of moments'

1Taking clockwise as positi!e, the sum of all moments a out point A is 3ero1 These calculations are !ery simple. The most common mistake is not getting the perpendicular $shortest% distance etween pi!ot and force. Another thing to watch is not keeping track of the signs $)2 or ))2 moments%.

&. Force 'ouples

Two equal forces of opposite direction, with a distance d etween them will cause a moment, where' A special case of moments is a couple. A couple consists of two parallel forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in sense and do not share a line of action. ,t does not produce any translation, only rotation. The resultant force of a couple is 3ero, ut it produces a pure moment.

A tap wrench is an e"ample of a couple. The two hand forces are equal ut opposite direction. Taking moments a out the centre $ oth clockwise%' Moment & # 4 d 5 # 4 d & *#d The moment caused y a couple & The force 4 the distance etween them.

(. Moments a%out an) Point (Varignons Theorem)

,n equilibrium, the sum of moments a out any point is 3ero. Principle of Moments* or +ari,non-s T.eorem 6The moment caused y the resultant force $of some system of forces% a out some ar itrary point is equal to the sum of the moments due to all of the component forces of the system.7 Ama3ingly, you can choose AN8 point and it still works9 .o we usually pick somewhere that is easy to calculate + like at the intersection of se!eral forces so we don:t ha!e to include them in the calculation $ ecause distance & ;, hence M&;% ,n the tap+wrench e"ample a o!e, we can also take the moment a out the left force: Moment & # 4 *d & *#d ,t doesn:t matter which point you pi!ot around, the moment is always 3ero. This is !ery handy when doing calculations. #or a ody in equili rium, the total moment a out AN8 point is always 3ero. .o we usually pick a point that makes our calculations easier.

<emonstration of =arignon:s Theorem

The Principle of Moments, also known as +ari,non/s T.eorem, states that the moment of any force is equal to the alge raic sum of the moments of the components of that force. ,t is a !ery important principle that is often used in con>unction with the ?rinciple of Transmissi ility in order to sol!e systems of forces that are acting upon and@or within a structure. This concept will e illustrated y calculating the moment around the olt caused y the (;; N force at points A, -, ), <, and E in the illustration.

First consider t.e 100 N force. .ince the line of action of the force is not perpendicular to the wrench at A, the force is roken down into its orthogonal components.

The A;mm hori3ontal and the B;mm diagonal measurement near point A should e recogni3ed as elonging to a C+A+B triangle. Therefore, #" & +A@B$(;; N% or +D; N and #y & +C@B$(;; N% or +E; N. 'onsider Point !. The line of action of #" at A passes through the handle of the wrench to the olt $which is also the center of moments%. This means that the magnitude of the moment arm is 3ero and therefore the moment due to #A" is 3ero. #Ay at A has a moment arm of twenty mm and will tend to cause a positi!e moment. #Ay d & $E; N%$*;;mm% & 1200 Nmm The total moment caused y the (;; N force # at point A is (*;; Nmm $(.*Nm%. 'onsider Point 1. At this point the (;; N force is perpendicular to the wrench. Thus, the total moment due to the force can easily e found without reaking it into components. #- d & $(;; N%$(*;mm% & 1200 Nmm The total moment caused y the (;; N force # at point - is again (*;; Nmm $(.*Nm%. 'onsider Point '. The force must once again e decomposed into components. This time the !ertical component passes through the center of moments. The hori3ontal component #)" causes the entire moment. #)" d & $D; N%$(B;mm% & 1200 Nmm 'onsider Point D. The force must once again e decomposed into components. -oth components will contri ute to the total moment. #<" d & $D; N%$*(;mm% & (ED; Nmm

#<y d & $E; N%$D;mm% & +AD; Nmm Note that the y component in this case would create a counterclockwise or negati!e rotation. The total moment at < due to the (;; N force is determined y adding the two component moments. Not surprisingly, this yields 1200 Nm. 'onsider Point E. #ollowing the same procedure as at point <. #E" d & $D; N%$C;mm% & +*A; Nmm #Ey d & $E; N%$*A;mm% & (AA; Nmm /owe!er, this time #" tends to cause a negati!e moment. Once again the total moment is 1200 Nmm. At each point, A, -, ), < and E the total moment around the olt caused y the (;; N force equalled (*;; Nmm. ,n fact, the total moment would equal (*;; Nmm at AN8 point along the line of action of the force. This is =arignon:s Theorem. -ased on;@AE(Hlecture(;.html

2. Moment of a 3esultant
,t turns out that when we add up the moment of se!eral forces we get the same answer as taking the moment of the resultant. To o tain the total moment of a system of forces, we can either... (. )alculate each moment $from each force separately% and add them up, keeping in mind the )2 and ))2 sign con!ention. *. )alculate the moment caused y the resultant of the system of forces a out that point.

4. Moment of Force 'omponents

This means we can do the opposite too +we can reak the force into components to easily find each moment. This is a common trick for sol!ing comple" moment pro lems ecause it usually makes it much easier to find the perpendicular distances to each force. $/owe!er, e!en this is pretty easy when the pro lem is drawn up using )A<%

Simple 5or6ed Examples

17 Simple Moment
A mass of C;kg pushes on a le!er $crank% (G;mm long. 2hat moment does it cause a out the centre shaftI M&#4d )on!ert to correct units' # & C; 4 J.D( & *JA.CN d & ;.(Gm M & *JA.C 4 ;.(G & B;.;CNm

27 Moment E#uli%rium
,f the system is alanced $equili rium%,

5 $B K ;LB;% + $ # " ;.*B% & ; .o force # & *LB; Nm M ;L*B m & (; N ,n order to alance the B N force acting at ;LB m from the pi!ot, we require (; N on the opposite side at ;L*Bm. ,f in equili rium, the anticlockwise turning effect of force # must equal the clockwise turning effect of the BN load.

"7 ! couple
/and forces #& *BN and distance d & (A;mm. #ind Moment M applied to the tapping cutter. Moment & *4#4d & * 4 *B 4 ;.(A & GNm

$7 Perpendicular distance
,f these wheel nuts must e tightened to DBNm, what is the force #I Angle & CB degrees, d & A*;mm. #rom M & # 4 d, then # & M @ d ?erpendicular distance & d 4 cos $CB% # & DB @ $;.A* 4 cos$CB%% & *AG.;E N

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