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Abortion Beliefs Q-Sort

dol: 10.1037/L09842-000
1. AvallablllLy of aboruon can lead Lo devaluauon of Lhe rlghLs of all people.
2. AvallablllLy of aboruon encourages a loosenlng of sexual morals and may lead Lo promlscuous behavlor.
3. AvallablllLy of aboruon puLs women on a more equal fooung wlLh men.
4. An aboruon can help a couple's marlLal relauonshlp.
3. LaLe ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls allve.
6. Women who undergo aboruon are selsh.
7. lf aboruon ls prohlblLed, women wlll face Lhe dangers of lllegal aboruons.
8. AvallablllLy of aboruon supporLs a baslc moral prlnclple.
9. Lvery feLus has a rlghL Lo llve.
10. Larly ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls someLhlng separaLe from Lhe moLher's body.
11. When aboruon ls prohlblLed more unwanLed chlldren, who may suer from psychologlcal problems, are
12. AvallablllLy of aboruon deprlves people who wanL Lo adopL chlldren.
13. Larly ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls a parL of Lhe moLher's body.
14. LaLe ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls a parL of Lhe moLher's body.
13. An aboruon can relleve Lhe moLher of Lhe emouonal sLraln of havlng an unwanLed chlld.
16. Women wlll seek aboruons even lf Lhey are lllegal.
17. Aboruon procedures are vlolenL or cruel Lo Lhe feLus.
18. LaLe ln pregnancy, aboruon ls murder.
19. Larly ln pregnancy, Lhe feLus ls a person, a baby, a human.
20. Aboruon can be used as a back-up meLhod of blrLh conLrol (for example ln cases of conLracepuve fallure or
lnadequaLe plannlng).
21. 8ellglous laws (for example, Cod's wlll) are vlolaLed by avallablllLy of aboruon.
22. When aboruon ls easlly avallable, people acL more lrresponslbly when lL comes Lo blrLh conLrol.
23. Aboruon can proLecL women from healLh hazards of conunulng a pregnancy.
24. AvallablllLy of aboruon can lead Lo dlsrespecL for human llfe.
23. AvallablllLy of aboruon can help solve soclal llls such as overpopulauon and Lhe need for welfare.
26. Aboruon can be used as a rouune meLhod of blrLh conLrol, or even as a woman's !"#$%"& meLhod of blrLh
27. When aboruon ls prohlblLed more deformed chlldren, who undergo suerlng, are born.
28. Aboruon ls harmful Lo Lhe pregnanL woman's menLal healLh.
29. AvallablllLy of aboruon vlolaLes a baslc moral prlnclple.
30. When a woman has an aboruon she ls vlolaung a law of naLure.
31. Aboruon allows parenLs Lo pursue career or economlc goals wlLhouL lnLerrupuon.
32. AvallablllLy of aboruon ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe personal rlghLs of women.
33. LaLe ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls a person, a baby, a human.
34. AvallablllLy of aboruon lnfrlnges on Lhe rlghL of Lhe faLher Lo have hls chlld.
33. A woman's body ls her own Lo do wlLh as she wlshes.
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syc1LS1S` ls a daLabase of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal Assoclauon
dol: 10.1037/L09842-000
!"#$%#& ()*+),- ./0#$1
36. Aboruon ls harmful Lo Lhe pregnanL woman's physlcal healLh.
37. Larly ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls allve.
38. unwanLed chlldren are a burden Lo Lhe parenLs.
39. LaLe ln pregnancy Lhe feLus ls someLhlng separaLe from Lhe moLher's body.
40. Larly ln pregnancy aboruon ls murder.
41. When aboruon ls avallable, parenLs can devoLe more ume and love Lo Lhelr presenL chlldren.
noLe: lnsLrucuons for Lhe A8C ask respondenLs Lo sorL Lhe 41 sLaLemenLs among 7 caLegorles, ranglng from
Lhose wlLh whlch Lhey dlsagree mosL Lo Lhose wlLh whlch Lhey agree mosL. A forced dlsLrlbuuon (3, 3, 8, 9, 8, 3,
3) ls used for Lhe sorL.
syc1LS1S` ls a daLabase of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal Assoclauon

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