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A final project
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the completion of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
in English

Endah Puji Lestari




I clarify that this final project is definitely my own work. I am completely
responsible for the content of this final project. Other researchers opinion or
finding included in this final project are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical

Semarang, Oktober 2013

Endah Puji Lestari



Title : Improving Students Spelling Ability through Minimal
Pairs: A Pre-Experimental Research of the Seventh Grade
Students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang in Academic Year
Name : Endah Puji Lestari
NPM : 09420359
This Final Project was approved by the team of advisors of the Faculty of
Language and Arts, IKIP PGRI Semarang on:
Day :
Date :
Semarang, October 2013

Advisor I Advisor II

Drs. M.Wahyu Widiyanto, MPd Faiza Hawa, S.Pd, M.Hum
NPP: 996701148 NPP. 108501311



Everything negativepressure, challengesis all an
opportunity for me to rise (Kobe Bryant)
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless
you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived
at allin which case, you fail by default (J.K. Rowling)
A goal is a dream with deadline (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
My mother gave a lots of good advice and had a lot to say.
As you get older, you realize everything she said was true
(Lenny Kravitz)



First of all, the researcher wants to thank to Allah SWT for His blessing,
so the researcher can finish her final project on time. Furthermore, the researcher
would like to express the gratitude and appreciation to:
1. Dra. Sri Suciati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts
2. Drs. A. Wiyaka, M.Pd, as the Head of English Department of IKIP PGRI
3. Drs. M. Wahyu Widiyanto, M.Pd, his first advisor who always takes the
time to help the researcher to finish this final project on time.
4. Faiza Hawa, S.Pd, M.Hum, her second advisor who had given suggestions,
critics, corrections, and support in the process of writing this final project.
5. All the lecturers in English department of IKIP PGRI Semarang. Thank
you for everything.
6. Drs. Widodo, M.Pd as the headmaster of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang.
7. All teachers of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang who had given support and
information to the researcher.



This final project is proudly dedicated to:
My God, Allah SWT who gives guidance every time to the researcher.
My beloved family thanks for everything that have been given to me
for the internal love, support and pray.
All of my lecturers in IKIP PGRI Semarang, thanks for your
My best friends, Septiana Vella A, Edi Prasetyo, and Eka.S who
always accompany me during the process of finishing this final project.



Lestari, Puji Endah. 09420359. 2013. Improving StudentsSpelling
ability through Minimal Pairs: A Pre-Experimental Research of
Seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang in Academic Year
2012/2013. English Department of English Education, Faculty of
Language and Arts Education (FPBS) IKIP PGRI Semarang. The first
advisor is Drs. M. Wahyu Widiayanto, M.Pd and the second advisor is
Faiza Hawa, S.Pd, M.Hum.
The objectives of this research are (1) to find out the English
Spelling ability of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang
who are taught using Minimal Pairs (2) to find out the English spelling
ability of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang who are
taught before using Minimal Pairs (3) to find out whether any
significant difference of the students English spelling ability before
and after they are taught using Minimal Pairs.
The subject was the students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang and the
sample in this research was 36 students. The research findings indicated
that the mean score of pre-test was 65.41 There were 6 students who
got A or 17%, 9 students who got B or 25%, 16 students who got C or
44%, 5 students who got D or 14%. From 20 items of post-test, there
were 11 valid and 9 invalid. The reliability test was 0.8217, is higher
than r
0.3291 so the instrument was reliable. The mean score of
post-test was 78.88. There were 16 students who got A or 45%, 15
students who got B or 41% , 5 students who got C in post-test or 14%.
The result of the research was obvious that Minimal Pairs improve
students spelling ability. The score of the t-test was 5.87, it was higher
than t table 2.032.
Teaching spelling through Minimal Pairs has advantages in
improving studentsspelling ability. Not only to improve their English
spelling ability but also could improve another ability, such as reading
and writing. Using Minimal Pairs in teaching English spelling would be
meaningful, so it could be understood to the students and it might
master and reach the teaching purpose. Minimal Pairs could attrack
studentsattention and it was easier to understand the words and
memorized them so that they can spell English word correctly.

Keywords: Spelling, Minimal Pairs



TITLE .............................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ............................................................................................ iii
RATIFICATION ............................................................................................. iv
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEGMENTS ................................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ x
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. xiii
A. Background of study .......................................................... 1
B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic ........................................ 3
C. Statements of the Problems ................................................ 4
D. Objectives of the Study ...................................................... 4
E. Significances of the Study ................................................. 5
F. Definition of Key Terms ................................................ 6
G. Outlines of the Study ......................................................... 7


A. Spelling ........................................................................... 8
B. English Spelling System ................................................. 9
C. The Importance of Spelling ............................................. 11
D. Problem in Spelling.........................................................12
E. Minimal Pairs..................................................................13
F. Minimal Pairs collections ................................................ 15
G. Applying Minimal Pairs in Teaching spelling ................ 16
H. Hypothesis ....................................................................... 18
A. Design of the Research ..................................................... 19
B. Subject of the Research .................................................... 20
1. Population .................................................................. 20
2. Sample and Sampling................................................. 21
C. Instrument of the Research ............................................... 22
D. Technique of Collecting Data .......................................... 23
E. Technique of Data Analysis.............................................. 27
A. Research Findings ............................................................. . 31
B. Discussions.....46


A. Conclusions 47
B. Suggestions..48


Appendix 1 : Surat permohonan izin penelitian
Appendix 2 : The Name of Subject of the Study
Appendix 3 : Score of Pre Test
Appendix 4 : Score of Post Test
Appendix 5 : Instrument of the Research
Appendix 6 : The Effectiveness using Minimal Pairs
Appendix 7 : Table analysis of validity, reability, difficulty of test and
discriminating power
Appendix 8 : t-test Score Analysis
Appendix 9 : Documentation
Appendix 10 : Surat Keterangan Melakukan Penelitian dari Sekolah
Appendix 11 : Surat Keterangan Melakukan Penelitian dari Dinas
Appendix 12 : Form Bimbingan


A. Background of The Study
English is one of the International Languages. International
language is the concept of the English language as a global means of
communication in the movement towards an international standard for the
language. In order to compete in global area, someone requires English to
communicate with other people around the world. So, it can said that
English is a matter to be learnt by everyone who need higher purposes.
Teaching of English as a foreign language in Indonesia is
important in our educational system. English is taught at school from
elementary school up to university. By learning English, students are able
to speak, listen, read, and write in English. The Objective of teaching
English is clearly stated in English curriculum 2006, that is the students
are intended to have skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Besides the four language skills above, there are four language
components that should be taught to the students. They are grammar,
vocabulary, pronounciation and spelling.
In this research, the researcher concentrated on the spelling.
Spelling is quite hard sometimes; students have to aware of the
orthography of the English words in order to write in correct spelling. As
Reed (2012:7) states that spelling is producing the correct representation


of English written. Students ability to spell correct words can improve
their skills, especially in writing and reading skills.
Spelling helps students to enhance their writing skills so they can
write words in correct spelling. Furthermore, learning spelling also can
improve their reading skills. By learning spelling, students can recognize
unfamiliar words that they never encounter before.
However, teacher do not take much time to teach spelling to their
students. Teaching spelling is completely ignored. Many teachers think
that by giving them practices on reading and writing, they will directly
learn about spelling. Nevertheless, students still mispell their words so it
can decrease their confidence to write correct English words. Their lack in
spelling will definitely disturb their thoughts in writing skill. They may get
stuck how words are spelt in the middle of writing process.
Seeing that problems, teachers have to give time to teach spelling
in their class. Teachers have to be creative to create interesting technique
in teaching spelling so that the students will be interested in it. The use of
interesting way in teaching English spelling is essential because junior
high school students as young learners prefer playing to thinking hard.
In this research, the reseacher encourages students to use technique
which seems to be more interesting to the young learners. The technique
used is Minimal Pairs. Minimal Pairs is a pair of words that differ in their
pronounciation only in that the pronounciation of one word has one sound


in particular position, while the pronounciation of the word has a different
sound in the same position, the rest being the same (Brown, 2005:49)
By using this Minimal Pairs, students can develop an awarness of
the distinction betwen two sounds. Subsequently, the Minimal Pairs can
be used to improve studentsspelling by distinguish two similar words.
Some Indonesian students still have problems in how to differentiate
between two words that sounded the same.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher chose the topic
Improving students spelling ability through Minimal Pairs: A pre
experimental research of seventh grade studentsof SMP Negeri 7
Semarang. This research investigates how Minimal Pairs can improve
studentsspelling ability. Moreover, it is expected to find out whether there
is significant diffrences of students before they are taught using minimal
Pairs and after they are taught using minimal pairs.

B. Reason for Choosing The Topic
The aim of Teaching English at Junior High School is to develop
the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. In Addition,
the other language components such as grammar, vocabulary,
pronounciation and spelling are also needed by the students to learn. The
researcher focused on how to improve students spelling through Minimal
Pairs. The reasons for choosing the topic are as follows:


1. The researcher wants to know studentsspelling ability because it is
important to spell English words in correct spelling.
2. The researcher wants to describe the use of Minimal Pairs in
improving studentsspelling ability.

C. Statement of The Problems
According to the statement above, the reseacher consider the
following problems will be used for the discussion of this final project.
There are some problems to be investigated through this research. The
problems are stated as follows:
1. To what extent is the spelling ability of the seventh grade students of
SMP Negeri 7 Semarang before they are taught using Minimal Pairs
in the academic year 2012/2013?
2. To what extent is the spelling ability of the seventh grade students of
SMP Negeri 7 Semarang after they are taught using Minimal Pairs in
the academic year 2012/2013?
3. Is there any significant difference of students spelling ability before
and after they are taught using Minimal Pairs?

D. Objective Of The Study
From the statement of the problem. That have been stated above,
the reseacher has some objectives of the study. The objective of this study
can be drawn as follows:


1. To find out the English Spelling ability of the seventh grade students
of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang before they are taught using Minimal
2. To find out the English Spelling ability of the seventh grade students
of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang after they are taught using Minimal Pairs.
3. To find out if there is any significant difference of the studentsability
in spelling before and after they are taught using Minimal Pairs.

E. Significances of The Study
The researcher hopes that the result of the research is useful for
teaching and learning process in English. The significances of the study
are as follows:
1. For the researcher
It is hoped that the result of the research will be useful inputs for the
researcher to improve the knowledge about teaching spelling.
2. For the English Teacher
It is expected that the result of the research gives alternative technique
in teaching English Spelling for Indonesian students.
3. For the students
It is expected that this technique can improve their ability in spelling
English words correctly.


F. Definition of Key Terms
To give clear clarification and to avoid misunderstanding between
the researcher and the readers, the resercher intends to clarify the key
terms. The terms which are used in this research are as follows:
1. Minimal Pairs
Minimal Pairs is a pair of words which have different meanings and
which differ in pronounciation on the basis of one sound only (Avery
and Ehlirch, 2004:207)
2. Spelling
Spelling is producing the correct orthographic representation of a
written word (Reed,2012:7)
3. SMP Negeri 7 Semarang
SMP Negeri 7 Semarang is located in Jl. Imam Bojol 141 Semarang.
This school will be used to conduct the research

G. Outline of The Study
This final project is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter explains
differents topics.
Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of the study,
reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, objective of the
study, significances of the study, definition of key terms, outline of the


Chapter II is review of related literature. It contains the definition
of spelling, English Spelling systems, the importance of spelling, problems
of spelling, general concept of Minimal Pairs, Minimal Pairs collections,
teaching spelling through minimal Pairs, charcteristics of the junior high
school students, and hypothesis.
Chapter III is methodology of the research which contains of
research design, subject of the research, instrument of the research,
technique of data collection, technique of data analysis.
Chapter IV is research findings and discussion. It consists of
research findings and discussion.
Chapter V is the conclusions and the suggestions. It provides the
conclusions and the suggestions.



In this chapter, the researcher reviews some related literature used in
conducting the research. The related literature explains the concepts that are
stated in the topic of the research. The researcher takes the reference from
some related books to enrich the theory.
A. Spelling
Spelling is producing the correct orthographic representation of a
written word (Reed, 2012:7). An orthographic representation itself is the
way that a word is written based on the conventions of the language. For
Indonesian students whose mother tongue is not English will not be easy
to produce correct English words. However, they need to do more efforts
to learn English as a new language that is different from their native
Another theory said that Spelling is a tool for communication not
and end in itself (Chandler, 2000:89). Spelling as a tool for
communication is a matter to learn not only at school but also in daily
lives, even after students graduated from school. This continuity is needed
since learning spelling helps students to write in correct orders. Spelling
becomes a lifetime lesson so that students also can communicate well.
Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that spelling
plays an important role in our daily lives. Spelling become not only a


lesson at school but it is also a lifetime lesson. The accuracy in spelling is
a gradual process because spelling enable students to spell words in a
correct orthoghraphic written. In daily lives, there are a lot of things that
require the ability to spell words. If students can write well in correct
spelling, they can easily express their ideas or thoughts so it can be
understood by others.
B. English Spelling System
There are about half a million words in the English language. Even
though it uses 26 letters for about 44 sounds, many of them are not spelt
the way they sound. English Spelling system is a system which is
integrated phonetic and morphemic patterns to produce meaning in
As explained by Avery and Ehrlich (2004:3), the English spelling
system often fails to represent the sounds of English in a straightforward
manner. In other words, the English written characters both single and
combination have a close relationship to the sound of words. However, in
practice, there are many irregularities in English spelling. For example, the
phoneme ks is represented variously in the words: box, socks, picnics,
and forks. One vowel sound also may be written in many ways, such as
theirs, there, and theyre.
Most of the students find the difficulty to differentiate in sound and
letter relationship. However, they could learn some basic regularities and
understood the irregularities of English spelling so they may spell


correctly. The English spelling rules according to Avery and Ehrlich
(2004:3) are as follows:
First, different letters may represent the same sound. For example
this words such as, to, too, two, through, threw, clue and shoe. The
researcher can ask students to read those words and notice the differences.
All of those words contain the same vowel sound but it is represented by
eight different spellings.
Second, the same letter represents different sounds. Students can
pronounce these words : cake, mat, call, any, sofa. Then, notice that the
letter a is sounded as five different vowel sounds. Now pronounce the next
set of words: see, pleasure, resign and notice that the letter s is pronounced
as three different sounds. In the first word, see, the letter s is pronounced
in its usual way. In the word pleasure,it is pronounced like the final
sound in the word beige, and in the word resign, it is pronounced like
the first sound in the word zoo.
Third, combinations of letters may represent one sound. It is possible
for a combination letters to represent only one sound. Ask students to
pronounce the words: rough, physics, head, then they will notice that the
gh, the ph, and the ea each represent only one sound even though the
spelling represents this single sounds as two letters.
Fourth, Letters may represent no sounds. It is also possible for no
sounds to be represented by a particular letter. Students can read these
words: bomb, cake, pneunomia, though and debt. Then, notice that the


letters in italics are not sounded at all. Again, the lack of correspondence
between sounds and spelling can be observed in these words containing
silent letters.
From the statements of the English spelling system from the experts
above, the researcher concluded that the English spelling system might
seem quite irregular; however it clearly explained that the way in which
particular sounds in English can be spelled in different ways.

C. The Importance of Spelling
At times, spelling has been marginalized in education, presumably
because teachers either place more importance on other reading and
writing skills or believe that the English language spelling system is too
irregular and unpredictable to make instruction profitable (Simonsen &
Gunter, 2001:5). English spelling system changes over time influenced by
many factors. There are some words are no longer used. New words are
constantly being introduced as consequently of globalization and
migration increase the number of new words are used. Besides that,
technology development including mobile phones, email and social media
give opportunity to expose alternative spelling of some words. For
example, the words programme can be spelt program, realize can be
acccepted spelt realise and globalization can be spelt globalisation.
Unfortunately, many teachers did not really notice the importance
of English spelling system to learn in teaching spelling. They used to think


by giving their students practices on reading and writing activities, they
will learn the new words in a context of the text. Teacher believed through
that activities, students will learn how words are spelt. Teaching spelling is
completely ignored.
However, some experts explained that Spelling mastery has some
benefits. Research has shown the relationship between spelling and
writing: Writers who must think too hard about how to spell use up
valuable cognitive resource needed for higher level aspects of
compositions (Singer and Bashir, 2004:12). Students who have spelling
ability can express their ideas or thoughts. Their ability to spell enhances
their academic writing. Fluent handwriters can concentrate on the actual
spelling of unfamiliar word. Students who explicitly learning spelling will
succesfully to convey their meaning and understand what is written.
Spelling also has strong relationship with reading. The correlation
between spelling and reading is high because both depend on a common
similarity proficiency with language. The more deeply and thoroughly
students know a word, the more likely they are to recognize it, spell it,
define it, and use it in appropriate speech and writing. Spelling and reading
build and rely on the same mental representation of its sturdy and
accesible for fluent reading (Snow, 2005:86).
Based on the statements above, the researcher concluded that
spelling improve not only students writing but also their reading. It is
clearly said that by learning spelling can make students compose their


handwriting without worrying on how the words are spelt. It also helps
students reading ability to decode some unknown words because words
are not visually distintive (for example, car, can, cane).

D. Problem of Spelling
Spelling is puzzling. Even for native students, they are commonly
make spelling mistaken. Moreover, English words become complex for
Indonesian students to learn since English as the foreign language.
Indonesian students are barely practice in their everyday lives, except as
one of major lessons at school. That is the first problem of the foreign
students generally encounter.
Second, teacher used to give up to teach spelling because they only
focused on reading and writing activities. As mentioned before, at times
spelling has been marginalized in education, presumably because teachers
either place more importance on other reading and writing skills or believe
that the English language spelling system is too irregular and
unpredictable to make instruction profitable (Simonsen & Gunter, 2001:5).
Third, writers who must think too hard about how to spell use up
valuable cognitive resource needed for higher level aspects of
compositions (Singer and Bashir, 2004:12). Poor spelling influence
students ideas in the middle of writing process. They will write fewer
words and lower quality of composition than those who do not.


Fourth, poor spellers are almost poor readers. Students generally
can not accurately spell words they can not read. Proficiency in spelling
actually supports reading (Moats, 2005:5). Poor spellers do not have a
good sense of the sounds in a word and the meaningful parts of words (e.g,
undesirable that is a form of un-desir(e)-able, the roles of the words play
in sentences (e.g, packed is a past tense verb,but pact is a noun), and the
relationship among words meaning that exist in spite of difference in their
sounds, (e.g, image and imagination).

E. Minimal Pairs
Minimal pairs are words that differ in only one sounds. According
to Avery and Ehrlich (2004:207), minimal pairs are pairs of words that
differ in meaning on the basis of a change in only one sound . That one
tiny sound can make difference in the meaning between words. Some
English words are sounded the same which often cause problem for
foreign learners, especially Indonesian students. For example, I have a pin
and I have a pen, sometimes students are doubt if they heard pin or pen. So
that by using Minimal Pairs can help students to contrast the differences of
English sounds.
The phonological difference between the two words in each pair is
minimal because they are identically in form except for one sound
segment that occurs in the same place in the string. For this reason, such


pairs of words are reffered to as minimal pairs. These four words beat and
bit, boot and but are constitute a minimal set.
For some Indonesian students, beat and bit are identically sounded
the same, but still constrast the vowels and meaning. Minimal Pair
between beat and bit are quite hard to distinguish for foreign students.
When a student reads minimal pair beat and bit, he may sound it the same.
So, when the other students have to spell what the words are sounded
between two words, they may get confused which word they heard.
Then, minimal pair between boot and but. The form of these pairs
boot and but are differ in the forms and meaning. For Indonesian students,
they can distinguish quite easily this pairs boot and but than beat and bit.
For a reason, this pairs boot and but are quite different in sounds, so it is
relatively easy to determine.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that
minimal pairs can be used in developing students ability to recognize
sound contrasts and their ability to produce these contrast. Although, it is
really concerned with pronounciation, but the ability to recognize the
sounds of English words enable students to improve their spelling ability.
Through their ability to recognize how English words are sounded,
students are able to write what they heard in correct spelling.


F. Minimal pairs collection
In this step, the researcher collected some minimal pairs. These
minimal pairs are taken from the book Ship or Sheep? Third Edition By
Ann Baker (2006). The researcher used some minimal pairs that was
related with students material.
1. Sheep and Ship
2. Leave and live
3. bean and bin
4. tin and ten
5. pin and pen
6. cap and cup
7. hat and hut
8. cat and cart
9. pack and park
10. bag and bug

G. Applying Minimal Pairs in teaching spelling
There are many kinds of methods to make students active and
enjoy in teaching and learning process. One of them is Minimal Pairs.
According to Avery and Ehrlich (2004:207) minimal pair is a techniques
designed for demonstrating the production of individual sounds generally
make extensive use of minimal pairs. Minimal pairs can make students


aware of the constrast of the sounds, so that it can help them to produce
English words in a correct spelling.
In teaching spelling using minimal pairs, the researcher uses some
steps, the steps are:
1. The researcher prepares the minimal pairs that will be given to the
2. The reseacher prepares subject matter that will be learned, and then
gives the students time to read and learn the material.
3. After that, all the student make a group consist of 6 persons.
4. The reseacher write some minimal pairs in a black board, then the
researcher read it.
5. The first group will given a pairs of words, then the other group will try
to write the minimal pair are read by the first group.
6. The group who can spell the minimal pairs given in a correct spelling
will be the winner.
The advantage of minimal pairs is to train students awareness in
sounds. By using minimal pairs, students are able to write what words
they heard so that it enhances their spelling ability.While the weakness
of this technique is not that meaningful exercise, since teacher usually
only drilled the words to perfom the students. No wonder, the students
will get bored, but if it is perform in a group together, they will be more


G. Hypothesis
Based on the title, it is necessary to make hypotheses as a basic the
study. Frankel states that hypothesis is simply put, a prediction of the
possible outcomes of a study. (2008:83). The hypothesis that shows the
possible outcomes of a study if the result indicate the existence of a
relationship between whatever variables are involved. They are as
1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
There is a significant relationship between variables
minimal pairs and variable teaching spelling or there is any
influence in improving the students spelling ability and this
teaching effective for teacher to teach.
2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)
There is no significant relationship between variable
minimal pairs and variable teaching spelling. So it does not have
influences in improving the students spelling ability and this
teaching not effective for teacher to teach.


This chapter presents a discussion of the research method used in
this research. The presentation includes the design of the research, the subject
of the research, the instrument of the research, technique of data collection
and the technique of data analysis.
A. Research Design
In this research, researcher used the experimental method,
which is aimed to know the improvement of students ability spelling
ability through minimal pairs. Brown stated that experimental studies are
defined as a whole range of different possible studies that investigate the
language behavior of groups under controlled condition (2005:3).
In this research, the researcher used Pre-Experimental Design
(The one-group Pre-test Post-test design). The design includes a pre-test
measure followed by treatments and a post-test for a single group.
Table 3.1
the design of the research
Group Pre test Treatment Post test
01 X 02
Sugiyono (2010:111)


(01) : The pre test mean of the group A (experimental group)
X : Treatment (teaching spelling using minimal pairs)
(02) : The post test mean of the group A (experimental group)

B. Subject of the Research
1. Population
Population is an individual or group that represents all the
members of the certain group or category of interest (Urdan, 2010:01).
That statement means that all the members that include in the
research as the subject. In other statement, he states that population is
the group from which data are collected or a sample is selected; the
population encompases the entire group for which the data are alleged
to apply. Those statement means that the population in the research all
individuals included in the research as the subject and those individual
should have at least one common characteristics.
In this research, the researcher decided to choose the
seventh grade student in SMP Negeri 7 Semarang in the academic
year 2012/2013. The population in this research refers to the all
seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang.


2. Sample
Sampling is the process of selecting a group of subjects for a
study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group
from which they were selected. This representative portion of a
population is called a sample.
Sample is a part of population. In choosing a sample, the
researcher used purposive sampling. According to Cohen
(2007:115), there are sampling ways that is called purposive
sampling. Purposive sampling is choosing sample based on the
purpose or certain reason. Usually, it is because of judgement of their
The researcher chose class VII-B consists of 36 students as a
sample. According to the teacher who has taught in that school, the
students of VII-B is more active and calm than other class. Because
of that reasons, the researcher chose VII-B as the sample in this

C. Instrument of the Research
A data refers to the kinds of information researches obtain
on the subjects of their research. The device (such as pencil, and
paper test, a questionnaire, a rating scale) the researcher used to
collect the data is called instrument (Fraenken, 2008:110). The
instruments were used to achieve the accuracy of the data and they


can indicate the success study. In this research, the researcher used
test as instrument. Tests were used to measure the students spelling
ability were administered twice; namely the pre test and the post test.
The pre test was used to see the students spelling ability before
being taught by using minimal pairs, and the post test was used to
see the students spelling ability after being taught by using minimal
An instrument plays an important role in a study. Test is a
method of collecting data. Brown stated that a test, in simple terms,
is a method of measuring persons ability, knowledge, or
performance in given domain (2004:3). The researcher conducted the
test consisting of 20 items with four optional a, b, c, and d. The
writer gave 40 minutes to do the test.
D. Technique of Collecting Data
The researcher used multiple choices test and it was done
twice. In collecting the data, the researcher used some steps. They are as
1. The researcher asked permission from the institute
2. The researcher asked permissiom from headmaster and the English
teacher of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang.
3. In collecting the data, the researcher used test:


a. Pre test
Pre test is used to know students spelling ability before they are
taught using minimal pair. In the pre test, the researcher gave a
written test to the students. The researcher asked the students to
answer the question which was multiple choices. The students
have answered 20 questions were given 40 minutes to answer it.
Pre-test was given to know the students spelling ability.
b. Treatment
After pre test, the students were given treatment. In this
research, the researcher gave treatment of teaching learning
process during the study. In giving treatment, the researcher
gave minimal pairs to treat the students.
c. Post test
Post test is used to know the students spelling ability after they
were taught using minimal pairs. The post test was given after
the students were given treatment.
a. Validity of the Test
According to Cohen (2007:133) validity is an
important key to effective research. To know an item from
test is valid or not, so the value of rxy must be consulted with
total of standard validity. To measure the validity of the
multiple choice test, the formula whichis used by the
researcher as follow:



} ) ( }{ ) ( {
) )( (
2 2 2 2
y y N x x N
y x xy N

x : The score number of odd items
y : The score number of even items
N : The number of respondents, and
: Validity of questionnaire
(Arikunto 2006: 170)
After getting the result of the computation, the
researcher categorized it into the standard validity.
0.80 1.00 = very valid
0.60 0.79 = valid
0.40 0.59 = valid enough
0.20 0.39 = less valid
0.0 0.19 = not valid
b. Reliability of the Test
It refers to the consistency of an instrument. A
reliable test is consistent and dependable. It means that if the
teacher gives the same test to the same students on two
different occasions, the test should have similar result. The
formula which is used by researcher as follows:
) 1 (
2 / 21 / 1
2 / 21 / 1


11 :
Coefficient of the reliability
2 / 21 / 1
which is mentioned as index correlation
between two parts of instrument.
2 / 21 / 1

} ) ( }{ ) ( {
) )( (
2 2 2 2

(Arikunto 2006: 180-183)
Aftergetting the result of the computation, the
researcher categorized it into standard reliability as follow:
0.80 1.00 = very reliable
0.60 0.79 = reliable
0.36 0.59 = reliable enough
0.20 0.35 = less reliable
0.0 0.19 = not reliable
c. Level of Difficulty
P =

P = The level of difficulties
B = A number of students who answer the items test correctly
Js = The number of students
The standard of P (level of difficulty) test is as the following:
0.00 0.30 = difficult
0.30 0.70 = sufficient


0.70 1.00 = easy
d. Discriminating Power
The score of the test can be used as the criterion
measured to separate the good student from the bad ones in
the performance of the individual item. The researcher uses
the formula of discrimination power. The formula is as
D =

D : The discrimination index
BA : The number of the students in the upper group,
who answered the item correctly.
BB : The number of the students in the lower group,
who answered the item correctly.
JA : The number of the students in the upper group
JB : The number of the students in the lower group
The discrimination power classification is as follows:
1. 0.00D0.20 = poor
2. 0.20D0.40 = sufficient
3. 0.40D0.70 = good
4. 0.70D1.00 = excellent


If D is negative, all of the items are good. Thus, if the
items have the negative D value, it will be better to throw
them away.

E. Technique of Data Analysis
In analyzing the data which was collected through the pre-test
and post-test, the researcher used quantitative data.
1. The result of the pre-test was to know the students spelling ability
before being taught through minimal pairs. The researcher find the
mean of the students pre-test result, the formula which is used as
follow :
M =

M = Mean of score

x = Number of students score

N = Number of students
(Sudijono, 2010: 80)
2. The result of the post-test was to know the students spelling after
being taught through minimal pairs. The researcher find the mean of
the students post-test result, the researcher used the formula:


M =

M = Mean of score

x = Number of students score

N = Number of students
(Sudijono, 2010: 80)
After getting the mean score, the researcher used the
following formula to know percentage as the mean score:

P = Percentage achievement
F = Total score
N = Maximum score (100)
The Criterion of Percentage
The score Letter score
80 100 A
66 79 B


56 -65 C
40 45 D
30 39 E
Very poor

3. To know whether there was significant difference or not, used t-test
formula. The researcher had to know mean differences (MD). So the
researcher used the following formula as follow:


MD = Mean differences.
d = Sum of difference score of pre-test and post-test.
N = Total subject.
After getting Mean difference and the students score
deviation, the researcher differentiated whether the students result
of teaching spelling through minimal pairs was significant or not.
The researcher used the t-test formula:
t =


t = t-test
Md = Mean of different of pre-test and post-test.
Xd = Deviation each subject (d-Md).

= Sum square of the deviation.

N = Subject of sample.
4. After finding out the t-test, the researcher used t-table distribution to
compare the t-test. If the value of t-test is higher than t-table, it can be
concluded that there is a significant improvement of students spelling
abilityof the seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang after
being taught by using minimal pairs. But if the value of t-test is lower
than the value of t-table, it can be concluded that there is no a
significant improvement of students spelling ability of the seventh
grade students after being taught by using minimal pairs is being


This chapter presents the research findings and discussions of the data
obtained in the research.
A. Research Findings
1. The Students Spelling Ability before being taught Using Minimal
The research was done on June 7
2013. The researcher gave
pre-test to the students. The pre-test was given before the researcher
gave the post test. In the pre-test, the researcher did not use Minimal
Pairs collections in teaching spelling. The researcher taught about
shopping list materials. The reseracher asked the students to mention
all the things they found in one place such as grocery, depatment store,
bakery, Jeweller store, stationery store,etc. The pre-test were 20
numbers and it was multiple choice items. It was used to know the
students spelling ability about some common words that they already
taught. The students did the test in 40 minutes. It was done in order to
express various level of achievement by giving the letter grades based
on the following percentage.


Table 4.1
Score Range of Students Spelling Ability
The Percentage of Correct
Grade Level of Achievement
85%-100% A( Excellent) Outstanding
70%-84% B( Good) Above Average
55%-69% C( Fair) Average Achievement
40%-54% D( Less) Below Average
0%-39% E( Poor) Insufficient

In order to know the students spelling ability in detail, the
following formula was used to find out of the average of the students
X =


X = 2355
N = 36
So the researcher got:
X =


= 65,41


From the score of pre-test, there were 6 students, who got A,
9 students who got B, 16 student who got C, 5 students who got D.
Then, the researcher obtained the percentage of the students letter
grade by applying the following formula:
P =
X 100%
The percentage of letter grade A
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 16,66%
The percentage of letter grade B
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 25%
The percentage of letter grade C
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 44,44%
The percentage of letter grade D
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 13,88 %


a. There were 6 students who get A in pre-test or 17%
b. There were 9 students who get B in pre-test or 25%
c. There were 16 students who get C in pre-test or 44 %
d. There were 5 students who get D in pre-test or 14%
a. Validity of Test
To measure the validity of the test, the researcher uses the
formula as the following:
rxy =

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

For the example the item number 2 as follow:
N= 36 xy =471 x = 841 y = 9116
x= 29 y= 568
Based on this data the validity of the test can calculate as

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 29 ( ) 841 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 29 ( ) 471 .( 36

} 322624 328176 . 29435
16472 16956

= 0,455


The result of computing the validity test was obtained r
= 0,455. Then, it was consulted r product moment with N= 36 and
significance level 5% in which r
= 0,3291. Since the result of
the computation was higher than r
, the item number 2 was
considered to be valid.
b. Reliability of the Test
To measure the reliability of the test, the researcher uses
the formula as following:
2 / 21 / 1
2 / 21 / 1
) .( 2

696 . 0 1
) 696 . 0 .( 2

696 . 1
392 . 1

= 0.820
From the computation above, it was found that r
total of reliability test) was 0.820. Then, it was consulted with the
of the critical value with the significant level 5% and the
number of subject was 36, which was the r
is 0,3291. The
reliability was 0.820, it was higher than the r
so the instrument
was reliable.


c. Level of Difficulties
To calculate level of difficulties, the formula which is
used by researcher as follow:
P =

P = Index of difficulties
B = The number students correct answer
JS = The number of students
For example an item number 2 :
P =

= 0.805
From the computation above, it could be categorized of
having difficulty level that the test is easy.
d. Discriminating Power
To measure discriminating power, the researcher uses the
formula as follow:
D =


D : The discrimination index
BA : The number of the students in the upper group,
who answered the item correctly.
BB : The number of the students in the lower group,
who answered the item correctly.
JA : The number of the students in the upper group
JB : The number of the students in the lower group
For example an item no 2:
D =


= 0.94 0.66
= 0.28
From the computation above the discriminating power
was satisfactory.


2. The Students Spelling Ability after being taught using Minimal
The research was done on June 7
2013. The post-test was
given after researcher gave treatments about English Spelling through
Minimal pairs. In the post-test, the research used multiple choice in the
test. The post-test was 20 numbers and it was done in 40 minutes. It
was to know the students understanding about English spelling after
the research explained about it. It was done in order to express various
level of achievement by giving the letter grades based on the following
Table 4.2
Score Range of Students Spelling Ability

The Percentage of Correct
Grade Level of
85%-100% A( Excellent) Outstanding
70%-84% B( Good) Above Average
55%-69% C( Fair) Average
40%-54% D( Less) Below Average
0%-39% E( Poor) Insufficient


In order to know the studentsspelling ability in detail, the
following formula was used to find out of the average of the students
X =


X = 2840
N =36
So the researcher got: X =


= 78,88
The average of the post test was 78,88. It means that the
students spelling ability through Minimal Pairs has a significant
From the score of post-test, there were 16 students, who got
grade A. 15 students who got B, 5 students who got C. And then the
researcher obtained the percentage of the students letter grade by
applying the following formula:
P =
X 100%
The percentage of letter grade A
P =
X 100% = 45 %


The percentage of letter grade B
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 41%
The percentage of letter grade C
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 14%
The percentage of letter grade D
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 0 %
The percentage of letter grade E
P =
X 100%
P =
X 100% = 0%
a. There were 16 students who got A in post-test or 45%
b. There were 15 students who got B in post-test or 41%
c. There were 5 students who got C in post-test or 14%
d. There were no student who got D in post-test or 0 %
e. There were no student who got E in post-test or 0%


From the explanation above, the researcher could answer the
statement of the problem in this research that was effective to use
Minimal Pairs as an alternative technique in teaching and learning
English Spelling to young learners because it was appropriate to the

3. Differences of Students Spelling Ability before and after being
taught through Minimal Pairs
The researcher made a tabulation of the mean both of pre-test
and post-test after getting the whole result of the test. The researcher
got 65.41 for the pre-test mean and 78.88 for the post test. The post
test was higher than pre-test. It had high differences in students
spelling ability. The data were obtained from the students score of pre-
test and post test. The total score of pre-test was 2553 and post test was
The mean of pre-test and post-test could be calculated by
using the following formula:

X =
and 2

X =


X = the mean score of pre-test

X = the number of pre-test score


N = the number of students


= the mean score of post-test

= the number of post-test score
The computation the mean score of pre-test is:

X =




X = 65.41
The computation the mean score of post-test is:

X =


X =


X = 78.88
The calculation of mean of pre-test was 65.41. The score of
post-test was 78.88. The mean of post-test was higher than pre-test.
The differences between two means were 13.47. It was obvious that
through Minimal Pairs improved of students spelling ability.
To carry out statistical analysis about significant difference
on students spelling ability before and after being taught through
Minimal Pairs can be calculated using the following formula:


t =
) 1 (

d X

Md = mean from the differences between pre-test and post-test
d = deviation of each subject
d X

= the total of deviation quadrate
N = subject in the sample
Before finding the t-test value, the researcher calculated Md as follow:
Md =


= 13.33
Then the researcher calculates d X

as follow:
d X


) (

= 12880 -
) 480 (

= 12880-

= 12880 6400
= 6480
Finally, the researcher finds out the t-test value:


t =
) 1 (

d X

t =
) 1 36 ( 36
33 . 13

t =
33 . 13

t =
27 . 2
33 . 13

t = 5.87
The t-value of the test was 5.87
According the calculation above, the result showed that t-test
obtained > t-table. The result obtained 5.87 in significance 5% with db
2.032. The result of the t-test was higher than the t-table. There was
significance use of Minimal Pairs in improving students spelling
ability so alternative hypothesis (Ha) was received.
Minimal Pairs could improve the studentsspelling ability. It
was seen by the result of the pre-test and post-test. Before using
minimal pairs, the average score of pre-test was 65.41. After using
Minimal Pairs, the result had a significant improvement that was
The Improvement of using Minimal pairs in students
spelling ability can be seen from the comparison between score of pre-


test, post-test and the average of the students spelling ability. Minimal
Pairs could be effective if the score of the students have been

B. Discussions
In discussion, the researcher discused about the significant
difference of students spelling ability after and before being taught using
Minimal Pairs. From the investigation that the reseacher had conducted,
the researcher got several points to interpret.
First, the researcher taught the students about shopping materials
without using Minimal Pairs. Then, the researcher gave the pre-test. There
were 20 numbers in multiple choices. After pre-test, the reseacher got the
data. From the calculation above, the mean score of students pre-test was
65,41. From the pre-test result, there were 6 students who got A from 36
students. The precentage of letter grade A was 16%. Then, there were 9
students who got B from 36 students. The precentage of letter grade B was
25%. After that, the students who got C was 16 students so the precentage
of the letter grade C was 44%. Next, the students who got D in pre-test
was 5 students. The precentage of students letter grade D was 14%.
Based on the pre-test result, the researcher concluded that the score
range of students level achievement was fair with the letter grade C. The
score range of students ability was fair because it scored 65.41. The
problem of students spelling in pre-test was students can not spell some


similiar words. From example, some students were not be able to
differentiate between the pairs of words pen and pan. Some of them were
still can not correctly choose which words are spelt according to the
question given. The reseacher also found that student still confused to
distinguish the change of the words. For example these words, come and
came. So, there were students mistaken those words.
Second, the researcher conducted the post-test after giving the
students the treatment using Minimal Pairs. In the post-test the students
was given test 20 numbers of multiple choice and students did it in 40
minutes. From the score of post test, there were 16 students who got A.
The precentage of students letter grade A was 45 %. Then, the researcher
got the precentage of students letter grade B was 15 %. There were more
students who got B in post-test than in pre-test which was 15 students.
Next, the students who got C in post-test was less than in pre-test. There
were only 5 students who got C in post-test. And, there were no students in
post-test who got D. In the same way, the result of students score in post-
test was increase.
In short, from the mean score of post-test was 78. The score range
of students of achievement showed the level achievement was above
average with the letter grade B which was good. In the same way, it
showed the students improvement in spelling ability. The reseacher can
see the contrast; there was 13.47% difference. It can be concluded that the
difference is statistically significant. From the comparison of pre-test and


post test result, Minimal Pairs can be used in teaching spelling for Junior
High school students.
Third, After the investigation had conducted and got the data. The
researcher found the students problem in spelling. When they were given
the treatment using minimal pairs, most students were difficult to spell the
pairs of words are read by the reseacher. For example the words, pen and
pan. Although it was simple words but students often mistaken the words.
Some words like bean and bin, tin and ten were not familiar with the
students eventhough it was related to the shopping materials. Most
students often asked the researcher the meaning of those words. In brief,
the students was also lack in their vocabulary.
According to the research findings, the researcher found that
Minimal Pairs made the students more interests in study English spelling.
Teaching spelling through Minimal Pairs has advantages in learning
process. It made teaching learning process would interest the students
attention, so it could motivate the students. Using Minimal Pairs in
teaching English spelling would be meaningful, so it could be understood
to the students and it might master and reach the teaching purpose. Using
Minimal Pairs could attrack students attention and it was easier to
understand the words and memorized them so that they can spell English
words correctly.



The researcher draws some conclusions as the result of the
research seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7 Semarang. The researcher
presents the conclusions and suggestions to the readers, especially for the
students and the teachers.
A. Conclusions
Based on the computation result in the previous chapters, the researcher
would like to make some conclusions as followings:
1. The students spelling ability of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7
Semarang in academic year 2012/2013 before being taught by using
Minimal Pairs was fair. It can be known from the mean of pre test score of
the students was 65.41
2. The students spelling ability of seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 7
Semarang in academic year 2012/2013 after being taught by using
Minimal Pairs was good. It can be known from the mean of post test score
was 78.88.
3. There was significant difference of the students spelling ability of seventh
grade students of SMP Negeri 7 by using Minimal Pairs. It can be known
from the differences of pre test and post test by using t-test formula. The
result of t-test was 5.87 in significance 5% with db 2.032. The result of t-


test was higher than t-table. So, There was significance use of Minimal
pairs in improving students spelling ability so alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was received.

B. Suggestions
After having the research in SMP Negeri 7 Semarang, the researcher
would like to give some suggestions. They are as follows:
1. For the teacher
a. Using Minimal Pairs as an technique in teaching spelling is
recommended for the English teachers. The research showed that
Minimal Pairs can be an alternative technique to teach spelling. It can
improve students spelling ability.
b. Teacher are expected to be more creative in teaching English, so the
students can feel more excited to learn English as the foreign
c. Teacher should pay attention to the students English spelling in order
to write correctly in acceptable English.
d. It is better to the teacher to give enough time in teaching spelling,
instead of writing and reading activities.
e. The teacher also should give more motivated to learn English.
Teacher should make students understand that English is not only one
of major lesson at school but English as their needed to learn in order
to compete in global area.


2. For the reader
a. The research can help the readers to understand how spelling is
important to help students write in correct English orthography.
b. The researcher hopes that the readers would know how to apply
Minimal pairs as a technique in teaching spelling.
3. For the Researcher
a. The researcher should give more efforts to learn in order to be a
better teacher.
b. Through this research, the research know that Minimal Pairs can be
used as a technique in teaching spelling.
4. For the students
a. The students need to be more active and motivated while learning
English so that they can understand better.
b. The students have to practice English more in order to speak, write,
and read English not only at school but in their social lives.
c. The students need to improve their spelling since spelling need a
gradual process not instant.
d. The students need to practices some similar English words by using
Minimal Pairs so that they can differentiate the words.



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Appendix 2
The Name of Subject Study
No Students Code Name Gender
1 S-1 Abhista Hadaya Putri Female
2 S-2 Adelia Dwi Setiawati Female
3 S-3 Ardia Novitasari Female
4 S-4 Asysyafa Mustofa Male
5 S-5 Aulia Asdiana Female
6 S-6 Bagas Putra Prakasa Male
7 S-7 Choirunnisa Nur N Female
8 S-8 Dara Female
9 S-9 Deva Prastya Male
10 S-10 Egi Cahya Pratama Male
11 S-11 Fajar Maulana Ikhsan Male
12 S-12 Fanny Nanda Febrianto Male
13 S-13 Feren Alinata C Female
14 S-14 Fery Ardianto Male
15 S-15 Hannydar Anishah Wahyudi Female
16 S-16 Ika Rizki Sulistyaningrum Female
17 S-17 Ikke Citrasari Female
18 S-18 Ines Sufidiva Alia Female
19 S-19 Jibran Nurul falah Male
20 S-20 Julieta Wulandari Female


21 S-21 Khofifah Putri Pratiwi Female
22 S-22 Laily Nur Aini Female
23 S-23 Maharani Putri Female
24 S-24 Muhammad Raffi Male
25 S-25 Muhammad Zalul Radhitya Male
26 S-26 Nova Nadia Aprilia Female
27 S-27 Novan Nurohim Male
28 S-28 Qitfirul Muis Male
29 S-29 Rahma Fatimah Female
30 S-30 Riza Baihaqi Male
31 S-31 Rizky Adi Saputra Male
32 S-32 Rofiqoh Miftakhul Jannah Male
33 S-33 Sofie Ulya Female
34 S-34 Vina Kusuma Ningsih Female
35 S-35 Winda Novianti Female
36 S-36 Yuni Putri Maulani Female


Appendix 3
Score of pre-test
No Student
Total Point
Score Achievement Grade
1 S-1 15 75 B
2 S-2 15 75 B
3 S-3 17 85 A
4 S-4 11 55 C
5 S-5 11 55 C
6 S-6 13 65 C
7 S-7 14 70 B
8 S-8 13 65 C
9 S-9 10 50 D
10 S-10 9 45 D
11 S-11 15 75 B
12 S-12 13 65 C
13 S-13 11 55 C
14 S-14 14 70 B
15 S-15 17 85 A
16 S-16 13 65 C
17 S-17 12 60 C
18 S-18 17 85 A


19 S-19 14 70 B
20 S-20 17 85 A
21 S-21 12 60 C
22 S-22 12 60 C
23 S-23 9 45 D
24 S-24 13 65 C
25 S-25 13 65 C
26 S-26 14 70 B
27 S-27 14 70 B
28 S-28 12 60 C
29 S-29 9 45 D
30 S-30 18 90 A
31 S-31 14 70 B
32 S-32 10 50 C
33 S-33 18 90 A
34 S-34 9 45 D
35 S-35 10 50 C
36 S-36 13 65 C
Total 2355
Average of Students Code 65,41


Appendix 5

Instrument of The study

1. One ___ can produce wool and milk.
a. Sheep
b. Ship
c. Sleep
d. Sip
2. I usually use a____ on a hot day.
a. Pan
b. Pen
c. Fan
d. Pin
3. This ____ made of sheep wool.
a. Boat
b. Coat
c. Cold
d. Code
4. Andy : Hey, Nice ____. It is match with your clothes.
Ira : Thanks, Andy.
a. Hat
b. Heart
c. Hurt
d. Hut
5. Shop assistant : What can I do for you, Miss?
Customer : I need a kilo of _____.
a. Tears


b. Beers
c. Bears
d. Pears
6. Iwan needs three kilograms of ______.
a. Ages
b. Eggs
c. Add
d. Ate
7. Joel wants to sell a _____. He is going to leave this town.
a. House
b. Horse
c. Host
d. Hose
8. Nina needs money. So, She ____ her car to get money.
a. Shell
b. Sale
c. Sell
d. Shall
9. My mother asks me to get some vegetables at the grocery. She will make a
_____ for our dinner tonight.
a. Soap
b. Shop
c. Soup
d. Sop
10. Last night, I bought a ____of sardines.
a. Thin
b. Tin
c. Ten
d. Then
11. He washed his hands with______.
a. Soap


b. Soup
c. Shot
d. Slop
12. Heru loves ____ so much. It makes him energetic everyday.
a. Copy
b. Coffee
c. Soffie
d. Cafe
13. Ani : Don, Can you teach me how to make a ___of tea?
Don : Yes, I can. It is simple thing.
a. Cap
b. Cab
c. Cut
d. Cup
14. Shop assistant : Welcome to our shop, What can I do for you?
Customer : I need a ____of bread
a. Love
b. Loaf
c. Laugh
d. Lots
15. Sherly : Look, I have a new_____.
Abdul : Wow, its nice. What is it made of?
Leather or plastic?
Sherly : Leather.
Abdul : Gee, it must be very expensive.
Sherly : I do not know, it was a birthday present from my grandpa.
a. Back
b. Bed
c. Bag
d. Pack
16. Shanti : It is very hot today!


Tigor : Would you like something to drink?
Shanti : Coke would be nice at this moment.
Tigor : Okay, I will buy two ____ of coke at Indomaret right now.
a. Can
b. Cans
c. Chances
d. Sands
17. Last week, I _____ one kilo of apples at Johar Market.
a. Boat
b. Coat
c. Bought
d. Vote
18. Shopkeeper : Hello, What can I do for you?
Customer : I need a ___pants.
a. Shout
b. Shot
c. Shoot
d. Short
19. I always drink two_____of milks before I go to school.
a. Grass
b. Glasses
c. Classes
d. Crash
20. Customer : How much all this things?
Shop Assistant : its 100.000 rupiahs.
Customer : Ok, Here you are.
Shop Assitant : Do you have our shop member ____.
Customer : No, I dont.
a. Cart
b. Card
c. Car


d. Cap

Appendix 4
Score of post-test
No Student
Total Point
Score Achievement Grade
1 S-1 18 90 A
2 S-2 17 85 A
3 S-3 18 90 A
4 S-4 19 95 A
5 S-5 18 90 A
6 S-6 16 80 B
7 S-7 18 90 A
8 S-8 19 95 A
9 S-9 15 75 B
10 S-10 14 70 B
11 S-11 17 85 B
12 S-12 18 90 A
13 S-13 18 90 A
14 S-14 17 85 A
15 S-15 17 85 A
16 S-16 14 70 B
17 S-17 15 75 B
18 S-18 16 80 B


19 S-19 15 75 B
20 S-20 17 85 B
21 S-21 12 60 C
22 S-22 14 70 B
23 S-23 17 85 A
24 S-24 19 95 A
25 S-25 14 70 B
26 S-26 14 70 B
27 S-27 13 65 C
28 S-28 13 65 C
29 S-29 12 60 C
30 S-30 14 70 B
31 S-31 16 80 B
32 S-32 13 65 C
33 S-33 18 90 A
34 S-34 14 70 B
35 S-35 14 70 B
36 S-36 15 75 B
Total score 2840
Average of students code 78,88


Appendix 7
Table analysis of validity, reability, difficulty of test and discriminating
a. The validity of the Test


} ) ( ) . .( ) ( ) ( {
) )( ( .
2 2 2 2
y y N x x N
y x xy N

1. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 27 ( ) 27 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 27 ( ) 438 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 729 972 {
15336 15678

52 . 1161

= 0.3719 (valid)

2. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 29 ( ) 29 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 29 ( ) 471 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 841 1044 {
16472 16956


} 5552 }{ 203 {

62 . 1061

= 0.455 (valid)
3. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 30 ( ) 30 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 30 ( ) 484 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 900 1080 {
17040 17424

} 5552 }{ 180 {

79 . 999

= 0.384 (valid)
4. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 25 ( ) 25 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 25 ( ) 513 .( 36

} 322624 3281756 }{ 625 900 {
14200 18468

} 5552 }{ 275 {

63 . 1235


= 0.3454 (valid)
5. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 32 ( ) 32 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 32 ( ) 513 .( 36

} 322624 321876 }{ 1024 1152 {
18176 18468

} 5552 }{ 128 {


= 0.346(valid)
6. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 33 ( ) 33 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 33 ( ) 527 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 1089 1188 {
18744 18972

} 5552 }{ 99 {

38 . 741

= 0.307(invalid)
7. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x


2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 24 ( ) 24 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 24 ( ) 393 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 576 864 {
13632 14148

} 5552 }{ 288 {

50 . 1264

= 0.408(valid)
8. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 28 ( ) 28 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 28 ( ) 449 .( 36

} 322624 328761 }{ 784 1008 {
15904 16164

} 5552 }{ 224 {

18 . 1115

= 0.2333(invalid)
9. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 30 ( ) 30 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 30 ( ) 476 .( 36


} 322624 328176 }{ 900 1080 {
17040 17136

} 5552 }{ 180 {

81 , 999

= 0.096(invalid)
10. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 28 ( ) 28 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 28 ( ) 456 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 784 1008 {
15904 16416

} 5552 }{ 224 {

18 . 1115

= 0.4591(valid)
11. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 28 ( ) 28 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 28 ( ) 446 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 784 1008 {
15904 16056


} 5552 }{ 224 {

18 . 1115

= 0.1363(invalid)

12. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 32 ( ) 32 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 32 ( ) 507 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 1024 1152 {
18176 18252

} 5552 }{ 128 {


= 0.090(invalid)
13. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 34 ( ) 34 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 34 ( ) 537 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 1156 1224 {
19312 19332

} 5552 }{ 68 {


43 . 614

= 0.032(invalid)
14. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 28 ( ) 28 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 28 ( ) 455 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 784 1008 {
15904 16380

} 5552 }{ 224 {

18 . 1115

= 0.426(valid)
15. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 29 ( ) 29 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 29 ( ) 467 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 841 1044 {
16472 16812

} 5552 }{ 203 {

62 . 1061

= 0.330(valid)


16. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 26 ( ) 26 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 26 ( ) 414 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 676 936 {
14768 14904

} 5552 }{ 260 {

46 . 1201

= 0.113(invalid)
17. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 526 ( ) 11942 ( 25 }{ ) 16 ( ) 16 ( 25 {
) 526 )( 16 ( ) 365 .( 25

} 276676 298550 }{ 256 400 {
8416 9125

} 21874 }{ 144 {

78 . 1774

= 0.399(valid)
18. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x


2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 17 ( ) 17 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 17 ( ) 283 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 289 612 {
9656 10188

} 5552 }{ 323 {

14 . 1339

= 0.397(valid)
19. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 32 ( ) 32 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 32 ( ) 508 .( 36

} 322624 328176 }{ 1024 1152 {
18176 18288

} 5552 }{ 128 {


= 0.132(invalid)
20. r

} ) ( }{ ) ( x {N
y) x)( ( - xy N
2 2 2 2
y y N x

2 2
) 568 ( ) 9116 ( 36 }{ ) 22 ( ) 22 ( 36 {
) 568 )( 22 ( ) 355 .( 36


} 322624 328176 }{ 484 792 {
12496 12780

} 5552 }{ 308 {

67 . 1307

= 0.217(valid)
b. Reliability of the Test
2 / 21 / 1
2 / 21 / 1
) .( 2

697 . 0 1
) 697 . 0 .( 2

697 . 1
394 . 1

= 0.821
c. Level of Difficulties
For example an item number 2 :
P =

= 0.80
d. Discriminating Power
For example an item no 2:
D =



= 0.94 0.66
= 0.28


Appendix 6
The Effectiveness using Minimal Pairs
No St
Score Gain (d)
{post-test pre-

Pre-test Post-test
1 S-1 75 90
15 225
2 S-2 75 85
10 100
3 S-3 85 90
5 25
4 S-4 55 95
40 1600
5 S-5 55 90
35 1225
6 S-6 65 80
15 225
7 S-7 70 90
20 400
8 S-8 65 95
30 900
9 S-9 50 75
25 625
10 S-10 45 70
25 625
11 S-11 75 85
10 100
12 S-12 65 90
25 625
13 S-13 55 90
35 1225
14 S-14 70 85
15 225
15 S-15 85 85
0 0
16 S-16 65 70
5 25
17 S-17 60 75
15 225


18 S-18 85 80
-5 25
19 S-19 70 75
5 25
20 S-20 85 85
0 0
21 S-21 60 60
0 0
22 S-22 60 70
10 100
23 S-23 45 85
35 1225
24 S-24 65 95
30 900
25 S-25 65 70
5 25
26 S-26 70 70
0 0
27 S-27 70 65
-5 25
28 S-28 60 65
5 25
29 S-29 45 60
15 225
30 S-30 90 70
-20 400
31 S-31 70 80
10 100
32 S-32 50 65
15 225
33 S-33 90 90
0 0
34 S-34 45 70
25 625
35 S-35 50 70
20 400
36 S-36 65 75
10 100

480 12880


To carry out statistical analysis about significant difference on
students spelling ability before and after being taught by using Minimal
Pairs can be calculated using the following formula:
t =
) 1 (

d X

Md = mean from the differences between pre-test and post-test
d = deviation of each subject
d X

= the total of deviation quadrate
N = subject in the sample

Before finding the t-test value, the researcher calculated Md as follow:
Md =


= 13.33
Then the researcher calculated d X

as follow:
d X


) (

= 12880-
) 480 (

= 12880-


= 6480
Finally, the researcher found the t-test value:
t =
) 1 (

d X

t =
) 1 36 ( 36
33 . 13

t =
33 . 13

t =
27 . 2
33 . 13

t = 5.87


Appendix 9
1. First Meeting ( pre test )


2. Second Meeting (treatment )



3. Third Meeting (post test)

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