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Ch. 12 Discussion Leader- Nikolette Edge Group members- Jason Henderson.

Elizabeth, Stephanie Garcia, Alyssia Harper, Nikolette Edge Jason p.209--I agree with the teaching routine part. Each unit has its own essential question, each day has its objective, and each class period has its own schedule posted. There more kids see routine, the more they come to trust you and model the expectations you've set for the class. The first two weeks of school are probably the most important, as we explain how to do things and then periodically we go back over them to check to make sure everyone is on the same page. p.210--Using the example of someone who prefers to work alone, but having him/her sign a contract that says he/she will devote a certain amount of time working with someone he/she chooses is a new scenario for me. It seems like it could merit a lot of positive feedback for both student and teacher. Another useful tip for better classroom management. p.213--The need to teach self-monitoring is a simple task we as teachers can incorporate on a daily basis. Either explaining which behaviors are unnecessary or which ones are appreciated, students pick up on the idea of what direction they need to go. There are a lot of courses and curricula that school boards try to implement every year, but just by the teacher doing it on a regular basis and modeling this stuff for the kids is most effective. Elizabeth pg. 206 Each day when we enter the classroom, we make the weather. Our attitude shapes the outcome of the day. If we believe a student will be a troublemaker, then he/she probably will. If we treat each child as if they will do their best, they may. It doesnt always work out this way, but it gives students the benefit of the doubt. I think this is a really important point. We have a lot of power as teachers. We can make or break students. And of course, students will grow and learn in classrooms where the teacher is supportive and encouraging. pg. 219 Narrative 12.1: When this teacher went into her classroom for the first time, she encountered a group of students who were out of control. They had been abandoned and acted out because of that. Maggie had class meetings which empowered her students. She began teaching behavior management and peer support. By the end of the year (4 months later), the students were more respectful of one another and were able to resolve their conflicts without her help. They hadnt improved their reading scores, but now there is a foundation to build on. Next year, the students will be ready to receive her instruction and I bet they will make gains. pg. 212 Teach Character: In college, I learned how to teach my content, not character. But it so necessary. Students come to us with seemingly no character training. In order to have a safe and encouraging learning environment, there has to be respect and decorum. Our guidance counselors teach these six character traits in their guidance time. Students can win the award for these traits and have their picture taken. When students learn how to be kind and respectful toward not only teachers, but each other, they will feel safer and more confident.

Alyssia Harper Pg. 209-I think that it is safe to say that we all agree that establishing routines are important for a safe and effective classroom. I also like to have a "review" day to practice our routines when we return from a week or longer break as a sort of reminder of what we do. Pg. 211-When I read about having many different ways of conveying what you want to happen something clicked. When I completed the learning style assessment for the assignment I never even thought about applying that to classroom procedure as well but it is important. Just like the chapter says someone who has trouble listening to spoken direction might find it easier to see written direction. Pg. 212- Teaching Character: This is important for students to learn if they ever want to be healthy functioning adults in society. I also think that we are teaching this is we are displaying the actions that we want to see in our classroom. Stephanie Garcia p. 207 "Identify what skills are needed, decide how to teach those skills, and provide opportunities for practice." When students are struggling with anything, these are the steps we should take. But when you get into higher education, it seems harder to take these steps. Being a middle school teacher, I only get to see my students for maybe an hour a day. So it's hard to take time out of our busy schedules to teach different skills, but sometimes it is the most necessary to have better classroom management. p. 209 Daily Agenda. As a teacher, I sit down weekly within my curriculums and plan out each day for the coming week(s). I am very schedule oriented. While I don't necessarily always write the daily agenda on the board like it is written in my planner, I always try to verbally tell the students what the plan is for the day. It helps get the class started, and lets the students know where exactly we are headed for the day. Then usually at some point, I write it down on my agenda board, and it stays up for the week just in case somebody is absent and needs to know what they have missed. p. 210 "Teach behavioral expectations as you would academic expectations." This is pretty selfexplanatory. We should take the time to ensure that the students understand what we expect from them not only academically but behaviorally. Once the students know what their are to do with their actions, the better our classroom environments will be. Nikolette Edge p. 207- The book talks about dealing with social issues the same way we deal with academic issues. Find the root of the problem and teach the missing social skills. I for one have not found this to be an easy task. Of course I have realized that some students are missing certain social skills, but how to tactfully address this with a student is another thing. I wish the book went into more detail on the how. p. 212- Teach Character-- I loved the idea of using a bell each time a student puts down another student. It seems to really help to students become aware of the prevalence of negativity in the classroom. p. 213 Teach Self-Monitoring-Teaching correct behaviors is important and the author mentions that we should clarify behaviors by having students demonstrate the behavior that is causing the problem in order for the class to be clear on what the behavior looks like. However, I was taught to never have a student demonstrate the undesirable behavior. I wonder if it really matters. Also, I have never thought of having students monitor their own behavior using a chart and tally marks. I think I may try that.

p.218- I find that explaining to students why you are doing something or they have to do something shows them respect and helps them buy into it.

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