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How to See an Aura in 5 Minutes (or less)

Plus, aura colors and best way to practice alone
Enjoy this easy guide on how to see the aura. It will give you a step !y step process on how to see another persons aura and how to practice seeing your own aura. "eep in mind that what you see in the !eginning is not all there is to see. #he more you practice viewing the aura$ the greater amount o% details !ecome visi!le. &or e'ample colors$ seeing the aura %rom inches to %eet o%% the !ody$ te'tures such as swirling energy$ and !eing a!le to see the aura not as a ( dimensional line around a person !ut the %ull ) dimensional !u!!le (*ou can also see this around yoursel%) + all !ecome visi!le with a little patience. I have tried to include all the !asic tips and in%ormation you need to get started and e'perience it on your own + without getting overwhelming. I% you have any ,uestions or want speci%ic tips please contact help-higher! I.m happy to !e a!le to share this mystery with you. /hile there are tons o% !oo0s out there and even .aura cameras. (complete !un0 + sorry)... I strongly %eel the !est and only relia!le e'perience is what you can see %or yoursel%1 Enjoy the journey1

Eric 2o!ison + Author o% 3ending 4od5 A Memoir

Main 6!stacle5 Is the aura a dou!le image7

I use the aura as a governor !uster. #he governor is that voice in your head that tells you$ 8it.s not possi!le.8 It says$ 8no$ you can.t do or see that$8 and i% you happen to see what your governor said was 8impossi!le$8 it %inds another e'cuse. It somehow convinces you that you didn.t actually see what you thought you did. #hat.s what happened to me the %irst time I saw an aura.

9et me say %irst + there is nothing wrong with !eing s0eptical. In %act$ it is generally GOOD to be skeptical. #he pro!lem is you can.t let analytical thin0ing ma0e you closed minded. Science is o%ten ,uoted as an argument to maintain the .status ,uo.$ which is ironic how many times through history science has in %act proven conventional wisdom wrong. #he :conventional wisdom; o% our day is that since science has not .proven. the aura + it must not e'ist. I% you truly are an intelligent$ analytical thin0er you must !e willing to challenge conventional wisdom. <rove and test an assumption + right or wrong. /hen you %irst loo0 at your aura$ the most common o!stacle is people say 8it.s just a tric0 o% the eye.8 It.s nothing more than dou!le vision. It.s a pretty logical and intelligent ,uestion to as0. 3ecause there IS a dou!le image you can see. In %act$ that might !e what you see when you %irst view the aura !ut... = that.s not the aura. Here is how you test it. I% it really is a dou!le image$ then it shouldn't change, right? I% I stare at a lamp and then loo0 at a wall + I will always see the same image !urn on the wall that slowly %ades over a %ew seconds. 9oo0 >?? times + always the same. /hen viewing the aura$ you see the outline o% the !ody (or your %oot$ or hand$ whatever you are loo0ing at) and then the dou!le image !lurs over it creating the 8aura e%%ect8. Since the o!ject you are loo0ing at doesn.t change$ then the dou!le image shouldn.t change either. Ma0es sense right7 Here.s where the the scienti%ic method comes in handy. Here.s the theory5 I see something around a person and my hypothesis is it's a double-image... not an aura. If true$ upon practice$ this image will always remain the same (!ecause the o!ject !eing studied does not change). If false$ upon practice$ this image will change. (Sometimes$ in pro%ound$ Alice in /onderland ways.) #hat last include is my own personal e'perience. I li0e to remind mysel% what a nice$ per%ectly structured and controlled reality... I used to live in. So there.s the theory... now you just have to test it. 3y testing I mean you put in a whopping %ive minutes each day to practice studying the aura. 3e a real scientist a!out it... and that means don.t get attached

to either outcome. /atch$ study$ o!serve and note your %indings.

!ter "ust a !ew success!ul attempts, your governor begins to run out o! e#cuses - it can't "usti!y this with logic anymore. $hat is what opens up the !loodgates !or even more %une#plainable% paranormal e#periences.

How to See an Aura

@iagram A

@iagram 3

#his is how to see another persons aura. I% you are !y yoursel%$ do this in a mirror or s0ip !elow %or instructions using your hands or %eet. STEP 1: As0 your partner to stand in %ront o% a plain wall. A plain white or very dar0 colored wall is !est. #his needs to !e solid without any patterns. <atterns distract the eye and ma0e your %irst try a lot harder. Stand a!out >? %eet apart$ loo0ing directly at each other. STEP 2: 9oo0 directly at the person.s nose (diagram A a!ove) with a rela#ed ga&e. #hat means don.t stare as hard as you can at that e'act spot. Settle your %ocus there as i% you are loo0ing at it... !ut not really loo0ing at #HE A6SE. #he nose is a settling point to %orce you to use your peripheral vision. *our peripheral vision is loo0ing out the corner o% your eye. 6nce you practice$ you won.t need to do this !ut right now... do what it takes to see it. 9et your eyes rela' and remem!er to !lin0. *ou should !e a!le to see the aura without straining your vision.

STEP 3: /hile loo0ing at their nose$ with your peripheral vision$ !egin e'amining the edge o% the outline around their !ody. Bhec0 out the e'ample image a!ove again. When you first see the aura, it is transparent Imagine i% a very %aint %og$ a!out an inch o%% their head and surrounding the shoulders$ !egins to appear. *ou will !e a!le to see through it$ !ut it will !e di%%erent than the normal air. It.s li0e when you go out on a hot day$ and you loo0 at a sidewal0 or the hood o% a car and you can see heat waves coming o%%... it is there$ !ut not there. 6nce you catch it... then got it and it will !egin to come more into %ocus. STEP !: A%ter loo0ing at their nose %or a!out (? seconds$ move your gaCe up to the center o% their %orehead (See diagram 3 a!ove). /hile you move your %ocus %rom their nose to the %orehead... 0eep watching the outline o% their head and shoulders. Many times just that slight movement$ allows you to suddenly 8catch8 that moment where you see a su!tle di%%erence in the air. 'ome people will see this right away, others may take a !ew minutes. Dust don.t get discouraged$ anyone can see it A%ter you see the slight %og... don.t get e'cited or suddenly thin0 %that's it(%... chill out$ !e calm... and o!serve it %or a %ew moments. *our mind will !egin to tune in to the %re,uency o% the energy + i! you allow it. The "ore you tune in, the larger the illu"ination gro#s It may !e a small change$ !ut it will !e a change. It might grow %rom one inch o%% the person to two inches. *ou might see it suddenly glow !righter$ or distort$ li0e a si' inch !u!!le %orms around an area o% their head... /hatever happens$ just notice it$ stay calm... and watch. (2emem!er that !lin0ing thing). STEP $: &ind easy ways to practice a %ew minutes each day. #ry watching spea0ers during class$ or at a wor0 meeting. #ry people watching in a mall. /ith !arely any e%%ort what was once a %ew inches + !ecomes a %ew %eet. #hen you will have your proo% + the aura is real and A6# a dou!le image. Aow start paying more attention to li%e around you. #he aura tunes your mind into a di%%erent %re,uency and allows you to see energy. *ou will start seeing much more than the aura + i% you ta0e the time to loo01

How to See *our 6wn Aura

(3est Method %or a 3ig 3rea0through)

It may not !e possi!le to have someone else help you practice with the aura... at least with the consistency you need for the %ig %rea&through Aow$ pro!a!ly reading this !y yoursel%. Ao worries$ let.s wal0 through how you can see the aura right now.

STEP 1: E'tend your hand in %ront o% you with your palm %acing towards you or away + it doesn.t matter. 'old it up against a solid %ac&ground /hite or something close to !lac0 wor0s !est no patterns. STEP 2: So%ten your gaCe li0e you would i% you were to loo0 through the center o% your hand$ o%% into the distance at nothing in particular. #his will !e a little di%%erent than a person !ecause o% the lac0 o% a solid %ocus point. STEP 3: /hile loo0ing at the center o% your hand$ with a rela'ed gaCe as i% you are seeing through the center o% your hand$ loo0 around the edges o% your %ingers. Slowly shi%t your gaCe to view in !etween your %ingers. Search for a clear, #hite outline around your fingers #ry s,uishing your %ingers together and spreading them out.

STEP !: Sometimes it.s easier to see the aura !etween your %ingers$ %or others it can !e the whole hand. I% you are having trou!le slowly move your hand side to side$ li0e waving. @o it slowly. Moving your hand can get it into just the right spot in your peripheral vision... and the aura #ill P(P right out STEP $: 2epeat these steps with your %oot. I would practice each morning$ lying in !ed$ a %ew minutes each day. Stic0ing my %oot out %rom under the covers was an easy$ laCy way to e'periment + without ma0ing a chore o% it. Bonsistency is the 0ey to a !rea0through. @oing it every day will give you the %astest$ !iggest results. I% you do it every now and then$ you get random$ every now and then results.

An E'perience *ou Ban.t @eny

/hat you will %ind$ in less than two wee0s$ is that ,uite une'pectedly... you will stop living in the same reality you are in now. )ow you perceive li!e, the world, everything... will !orever, magically, trans!orm... #rust me$ that.s a gift so beautiful you can barely imagine . And it.s here$ right now$ !eing o%%ered every moment we !reathe. 3e%ore seeing an aura %or the %irst time$ the person showing it to me said$ 8... imagine i% the 4arden o% Eden$ Heaven$ whatever you want to call it... really did e'ist. 6nly we weren.t 0ic0ed out o% it it #as re"o)ed fro" our sight 8 3ut it.s still here$ with us$ right now... that.s how close it is... a !reath away. A%ter a little practice$ what you see will go...

%rom this...

to this.

How to use the aura color guide

#his guide is only meant to !e a point o% re%erence. /hat one person sees as red$ may !e perceived as !rown to someone else. #he !est way to %igure out the true meaning o% what you see is to internaliCe the %eeling you get %rom it. *ou.ll just 0now. /ith that in mind$ let.s ta0e a loo0 at the general meaning o% the colors.

#he 4ateway to Multi @imensional Bonsciousness

#he simple act o% loo0ing at your aura opens new doors to multi dimensional consciousness and mind !ending paranormal phenomena$ !ut most people completely ignore this. #hey.d rather not waste their time with something so :simple;. I% they only 0new why auras are the gateway to pro%ound states o% consciousness1
#he Aura Secrets project is sponsored !y Higher 3alance (www.higher! I am than0%ul to !e a!le to contri!ute to your growth and evolution. I hope this guide has !een o% use to you. <lease respect all copyrights and properly source any part o% this guide you may ,uote. 4iving credit is cool. 5?) EFE F??? G > H?? I)5 F??J
Bopyright K (?>( Higher 3alance Institute. All rights reserved.

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