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SARAJEVO, 27. 08. 2013.


Jedinice Statistikog poslovnog registra

Stanje 30.06.2013.

Units of the Statistical Business Register

Data as of June 30, 2013.
Statistiki poslovni registar (SPR) je registar koji vodi i odrava Agencija za statistiku BiH u saradnji s Federalnim zavodom za statistiku FBiH, Republikim zavodom za statistiku Republike Srpske i Ekspoziturom Agencije za statistiku BiH u Distriktu Brko BiH. Statistical Business Register (SBR) is a register kept and maintained by the Agency for Statistics of BiH in cooperation with the Federal Office of Statistics for the Entity of BiH, Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics for the Entity of BiH and Branch office of the Agency for statsitics of BiH in Brko District. SBR be kept and maintained based on the Low on Statistics of BiH (Official Gazzete BiH, No 26/04 and 42/04), the Low on Classification of Economic Activities of BiH (Official Gazzete BiH, No 76/06, 100/08 and 32/10) and Regulation of EU (Regulation EC No 177/2008) establishing a common fremework for business registers for statistical purposes. SBR has been in use since the 2009. Statistical institutions are constantly working to improve data quality, the further harmonization of the metodology of keeping, updating and processing data of the SBR, as well as including new data sources. First release contains data about the number of enterprises (no entrepreneurs) classified by Economic Activities, Classes of employees and Classes of turnover, based on administrative data of the Business Registers, Annual Financial Reports, the Central Register of the transaction accounts of the Central Bank BiH and statistical survey results.

SPR se vodi i odrava na osnovu Zakona o statistici BiH (Slubeni glasnik BiH, br. 26/04 i 42/04), Zakona o klasifikaciji djelatnosti BiH (Slubeni glasnik BiH, br. 76/06, 100/08 i 32/10) i EU uredbe o SPR (Regulation EC No 177/2008) kojom se uspostavlja jedinstveni okvir poslovnih registara za statistike svrhe. SPR je u upotrebi od 2009. godine. Statistike institucije kontinuirano rade na poboljanju kvalitete podataka, na daljem usaglaavanju metodologije voenja, auriranja i obrade podataka SPR, te na ukljuivanju novih izvora podataka. Saoptenje sadri podatke o broju preduzea (bez obrtnika) razvrstanih prema ekonomskim djelatnostima, klasama zaposlenih i klasama prihoda, a na osnovu podataka administrativnih poslovnih registara, godinjih finansijskih izvjetaja, Centralnog registra transakcijskih rauna Centralne banke BiH i rezultata statistikih istraivanja.

Od ukupnog broja posmatranih preduzea u SPR-u, 52,4% je aktivnih preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja, dok 47,6% predstavljaju preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, ali nisu podnijela godinje finansijske izvjetaje za prethodnu godinu. Posmatrajui statistiki aktivna preduzea (okvir za statistika istraivanja) prema djelatnostima KD BiH 2010 uoljivo je da je najvei broj preduzea, njih 74,1%, rasporeeno u sljedeih est podruja djelatnosti: 33,4% u podruje G (Trgovina na veliko i malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala), 14,9% u C (Preraivaka industrija),

Out of the total number of observed enterprises in the SBR, 52.4% are active in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys, while 47.6% represent enterprises, which are not closed in administrative registers, but did not submit Annual Financial Reports for the previous year. By observing statistically active enterprises (framework for statistical surveys) by activities of the KD BiH 2010, it is evident that the largest number of enterprises, 74.1% of them, are distributed in the following six activity sections: 33.4% in Section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles), 14.9% in C (Manufacturing), 8.1% in

8,1% u M (Strune, naune i tehnike djelatnosti), 6,9% u F (Graevinarstvo), 5,9% u podruje H (Prijevoz i skladitenje) i 4,9% u podruje S (Ostale uslune djelatnosti). Razvrstavanje preduzea u klase prema veliini koritenjem kriterija broj zaposlenih pokazuje da najvei udio u ukupnom broju razvrstanih preduzea, ak 73,8%, imaju mikro preduzea (0 9 zaposlenih). Mala preduzea (10 49 zaposlenih) u ukupnom broju sudjeluju sa 18,8%, srednja preduzea (50 249 zaposlenih) sa 6,1%, dok je udio velikih preduzea (250 i vie zaposlenih) samo 0,9%.

M (Professional, scientific and technical activities), 6.9% in F (Construction), 5.9% in H (Transportation and storage) and 4.9% in Section S (Other service activities). A classification of enterprises by employment size classes, using criteria ''number of persons employed'', shows that micro enterprises (0-9 persons employed) create the largest share of the total number of classified enterprises, even 73.8%. Small enterprises (10-49 persons employed) create 18.8%, medium enterprises (50 249 persons employed) create 6.1%, while the share of large enterprises (250 and more persons employed) is only 0.9%. The largest number of micro enterprises, 38.2%, are classified in Section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles), followed by Section C (Manufacturing) with 13.5%, Section M (Professional, scientific and technical activities) with 9.6%, Section F (Construction) with 6.6% and Section H (Transportation and storage) with 6.6%. Furthermore, the largest number of small enterprises, 27.2% are classified in Section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles). Small enterprises are also represented by a larger number in the following sections: C (Manufacturing) 20.0%, F (Construction) 9.5%, P (Education) 8.6% and H (Transportation and storage) 5.9%. Out of the total number of medium enterprises, the majority, 22.4% are classified in Section P (Education), then in C (Manufacturing) with 21.0%, G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles) with 12.7%, O (Public administration and defence; compulsory social security) with 10.7%, and Q (Section of Human health and social work activities) with 7.0%. Out of the total number of large enterprises, 29.0% are classified in Section C (Manufacturing), 15.0% in Section O (Public administration and defence; compulsory social security), 11.3% in Section G (Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles), 11.3% in Section Q (Section of Human health and social work activities) and 6.3% in Section K (Financial and insurance activities). The remaining 27.1% of large enterprises are classified in all other activities. The classification of enterprises by turnover shows that 87.4% of enterprises generate the turnover less than 4 million KM annually, 5.7% of enterprises generate turnover between 4 and 20 million KM, and only 1.5% of enterprises have turnover of 20 million KM and more. For proper interpretation of the data in the tables, the users should read the methodological explanations given at the end of the First Release.

Najvei broj mikro preduzea, 38,2%, razvrstano je u podruje G (Trgovina na veliko i malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala), zatim slijede podruje C (Preraivaka industrija) sa 13,5%, podruje M (Strune, naune i tehnike djelatnosti) sa 9,6%, podruje F (Graevinarstvo) sa 6,6% i podruje H (Prijevoz i skladitenje) sa 6,6%.

Takoer, i najvei broj malih preduzea, 27,2%, razvrstano je u podruje G (Trgovina na veliko i malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala). Mala preduzea zastupljena su u veem broju i u sljedeim podrujima: C (Preraivaka industrija) 20,0%, F (Graevinarstvo) 9,5%, P (Obrazovanje) 8,6% i H (Prijevoz i skladitenje) 5,9%. Od ukupnog broja srednjih preduzea najvie, odnosno 22,4%, razvrstano je u podruje P (Obrazovanje), zatim slijedi C (Preraivaka industrija) sa 21,0%, G (Trgovina na veliko i na malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala) sa 12,7%, O (Javna uprava i odbrana; obavezno socijalno osiguranje) sa 10,7%, te Q (Djelatnosti zdravstvene i socijalne zatite) sa 7,0% udjela. Od ukupnog broja velikih preduzea, 29,0% razvrstano je u podruje C (Preraivaka industrija), 15,0% u podruje O (Javna uprava i odbrana; obavezno socijalno osiguranje), 11,3% u podruje G (Trgovina na veliko i malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala), 11,3% u podruje Q (Djelatnosti zdravstvene i socijalne zatite) i 6,3% u podruje K (Finansijske djelatnosti i osiguranje). U sve ostale djelatnosti razvrstano je preostalih 27,1% velikih preduzea. Razvrstavanje preduzea prema klasama na osnovu poslovnih prihoda pokazuje da 87,4% preduzea ostvaruje prihode manje od 4 miliona KM na godinjem nivou, 5,7% preduzea ostvaruje prihode od 4 do 20 miliona KM, a samo 1,5% preduzea ima prihode 20 i vie miliona KM. Radi ispravnog tumaenja podataka u tabelama obavezno je da korisnici proitaju metodoloka objanjenja tampana na kraju saoptenja.

Aktivna preduzea u SPR u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja prema procentualnom udjelu u podrujima djelatnosti KD BiH 2010 (stanje SPR 30.06.2013.) Active enterprises in the SBR in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys, percentual distributions by sections of KD BiH 2010 (SBR data as of 30.06.2013.)




G 33,4% J 3,0% P 3,8% S 4,9% H 5,9% F 6,9% M 8,1% C 14,9%



Veliina preduzea prema klasama po broju zaposlenih (%) Enterprises by employment size classes (%)

SREDNJA (Medium) 6,1%

VELIKA (Large) 0,9%

PODATAK NIJE RASPOLOIV (Data not available) 0,4%

MALA (Small) 18,8%

MIKRO (Micro) 73,8%

Procentualni udjel aktivnih preduzea u SPR u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja, po podrujima djelatnosti KD BiH 2010 (2011-2013) Percentige share of active enterprises in the SBR in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys, by sections of KD BiH 2010 (2011-2013)

% 40 2011 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U 2012 2013

Podruja djelatnosti KD BiH 2010 Activity sections of KD BiH 2010

Tabela 1. Aktivna preduzea u SPR prema podrujima i oblastima KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) Table 1. Active enterprises in the SBR by sections and divisions of the KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2)
Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.
Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 31409 881 577 4 1857 48 41

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 17201 112 82 13077 261 186 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5) 63544 1302 886

2 (3+4) 33266 929 618

5 (6+7) 30278 373 268

A POLJOPRIVREDA, UMARSTVO I RIBOLOV 01 Biljna i stoarska proizvodnja, lovstvo i uslune djelatnosti povezane s njima 02 umarstvo i sjea drva (iskoritavanje uma) 03 Ribolov i akvakultura B VAENJE RUDA I KAMENA 05 Vaenje uglja i lignita 06 Vaenje sirove nafte i prirodnog plina 07 Vaenje metalnih ruda 08 Vaenje ostalih ruda i kamena 09 Pomone uslune djelatnosti u vaenju ruda i kamena C PRERAIVAKA INDUSTRIJA 10 Proizvodnja prehrambenih proizvoda 11 Proizvodnja pia 12 Proizvodnja duhanskih proizvoda 13 Proizvodnja tekstila 14 Proizvodnja odjee 15 Proizvodnja koe i srodnih proizvoda 16 Prerada drva i proizvoda od drva i pluta, osim namjetaja; proizvodnja predmeta od slame i pletarskih materijala 17 Proizvodnja papira i proizvoda od papira 18 tampanje i umnoavanje snimljenih zapisa

A AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities 02 Forestry and logging 03 Fishing and aquaculture B MINING AND QUARRYING 05 Mining of coal and lignite 06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 07 Mining of metal ores 08 Other mining and quarrying 09 Mining support service activities

362 54 295 23 1 26 236 9

271 40 221 18 1 18 177 7

264 40 216 17 1 18 175 5

7 0 5 1 0 0 2 2

91 14 74 5 0 8 59 2

28 2 22 0 0 5 17 0

63 12 52 5 0 3 42 2

6772 1102 144 15 178 301 148 1367

4953 751 101 9 116 212 105 947

4812 728 98 7 110 205 104 917

141 23 3 2 6 7 1 30

1819 351 43 6 62 89 43 420

412 84 12 2 10 22 12 75

1407 267 31 4 52 67 31 345

C MANUFACTURING 10 Manufacture of food products 11 Manufacture of beverages 12 Manufacture of tobacco products 13 Manufacture of textiles 14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 15 Manufacture of leather and related products 16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media

165 270

113 228

111 226

2 2

52 42

10 13

42 29

Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 9 100 11 9 98 11 4 0 2 0

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 1 12 0 2 43 0 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5) 12 155 11

2 (3+4)

5 (6+7) 3 55 0

19 Proizvodnja koksa i rafiniranih naftnih proizvoda 20 Proizvodnja hemikalija i hemijskih proizvoda 21 Proizvodnja osnovnih farmaceutskih proizvoda i farmaceutskih preparata 22 Proizvodnja proizvoda od gume i plastinih masa 23 Proizvodnja ostalih nemetalnih mineralnih proizvoda 24 Proizvodnja baznih metala 25 Proizvodnja gotovih metalnih proizvoda, osim maina i opreme 26 Proizvodnja raunara te elektronikih i optikih proizvoda 27 Proizvodnja elektrine opreme 28 Proizvodnja maina i ureaja, d. n. 29 Proizvodnja motornih vozila, prikolica i poluprikolica 30 Proizvodnja ostalih prijevoznih sredstava 31 Proizvodnja namjetaja 32 Ostala preraivaka industrija 33 Popravak i instaliranje maina i opreme D PROIZVODNJA I SNABDIJEVANJE ELEKTRINOM ENERGIJOM, PLINOM, PAROM I KLIMATIZACIJA 35 Proizvodnja i snabdijevanje elektrinom energijom, plinom, parom i klimatizacija E SNABDIJEVANJE VODOM; UKLANJANJE OTPADNIH VODA, UPRAVLJANJE OTPADOM TE DJELATNOSTI SANACIJE OKOLIA

19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 21 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 22 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 23 Manufacture of other nonmetallic mineral products

470 411

352 320

336 315

16 5

118 91

33 13

85 78

90 911

70 716

68 701

2 15

20 195

6 46

14 149

24 Manufacture of basic metals 25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 31 Manufacture of furniture 32 Other manufacturing 33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment D ELECTRICITY, GAS, STEAM AND AIR CONDITIONING SUPPLY






119 173 75

98 135 62

97 133 60

1 2 2

21 38 13

7 13 1

14 25 12

16 278 103 153 294

12 218 79 120 230

11 213 73 114 195

1 5 6 6 35

4 60 24 33 64

3 13 7 9 40

1 47 17 24 24








35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply









Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 139 138 4 1

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 3 7 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5) 149

2 (3+4)

5 (6+7) 10

36 Sakupljanje, proiavanje i snabdijevanje vodom 37 Uklanjanje otpadnih voda 38 Sakupljanje otpada, djelatnosti obrade i zbrinjavanja otpada; reciklaa materijala 39 Djelatnosti sanacije okolia te ostale djelatnosti upravljanja otpadom F GRAEVINARSTVO 41 Gradnja graevina visokogradnje 42 Gradnja graevina niskogradnje 43 Specijalizovane graevinske djelatnosti G TRGOVINA NA VELIKO I NA MALO; POPRAVAK MOTORNIH VOZILA I MOTOCIKALA 45 Trgovina na veliko i na malo motornim vozilima i motociklima; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala 46 Trgovina na veliko, osim trgovine motornim vozilima i motociklima 47 Trgovina na malo, osim trgovine motornim vozilima i motociklima H PRIJEVOZ I SKLADITENJE 49 Kopneni prijevoz i cjevovodni transport 50 Vodeni prijevoz 51 Zrani prijevoz 52 Skladitenje i pomone djelatnosti u prijevozu 53 Potanske i kurirske djelatnosti I DJELATNOSTI PRUANJA SMJETAJA TE PRIPREME I USLUIVANJA HRANE (HOTELIJERSTVO I UGOSTITELJSTVO) 55 Smjetaj 56 Djelatnosti pripreme i usluivanja hrane i pia

36 Water collection, treatment and supply

17 277

14 218

13 202

1 16

3 59

0 22

3 37

37 Sewerage 38 Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery




39 Remediation activities and other waste management services F CONSTRUCTION 41 Construction of buildings 42 Civil engineering 43 Specialised construction activities G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES 45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

3503 1155 436 1912 14329

2306 736 340 1230 11125

2234 705 326 1203 10751

72 31 14 27 374

1197 419 96 682 3204

239 81 21 137 1050

958 338 75 545 2154






















47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

2398 1953 6 10 412

1979 1601 6 7 351

1932 1566 6 7 339

47 35 0 0 12

419 352 0 3 61

138 107 0 2 29

281 245 0 1 32

H TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE 49 Land transport and transport via pipelines 50 Water transport 51 Air transport 52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation 53 Postal and courier activities I ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES

17 1198

14 790

14 766

0 24

3 408

0 112

3 296







55 Accommodation 56 Food and beverage service









Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 4

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5)

2 (3+4)

5 (6+7)

J INFORMACIJE I KOMUNIKACIJE 58 Izdavake djelatnosti 59 Proizvodnja filmova, videofilmova i televizijskog programa, djelatnosti snimanja zvunih zapisa i izdavanja muzikih zapisa 60 Emitiranje programa 61 Telekomunikacije 62 Raunarsko programiranje, savjetovanje i djelatnosti povezane s njima 63 Informacijske uslune djelatnosti K FINANSIJSKE DJELATNOSTI I DJELATNOSTI OSIGURANJA 64 Finansijske uslune djelatnosti, osim osiguranja i penzijskih fondova 65 Osiguranje, reosiguranje i penzijski fondovi, osim obaveznog socijalnog osiguranja 66 Pomone djelatnosti kod finansijskih usluga i djelatnosti osiguranja L POSLOVANJE NEKRETNINAMA 68 Poslovanje nekretninama M STRUNE, NAUNE I TEHNIKE DJELATNOSTI 69 Pravne i raunovodstvene djelatnosti 70 Upravljake djelatnosti; savjetovanje u vezi s upravljanjem 71 Arhitektonske i ininjerske djelatnosti; tehniko ispitivanje i analiza 72 Nauno istraivanje i razvoj 73 Promocija (reklama i propaganda) i istraivanje trita

1283 231 108

1008 179 81

966 175 78

42 4 3

275 52 27

99 11 10

176 41 17

J INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION 58 Publishing activities 59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities

194 150 491

166 112 391

163 106 370

3 6 21

28 38 100

10 17 40

18 21 60

60 Programming and broadcasting activities 61 Telecommunications 62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities 63 Information service activities K FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE ACTIVITIES 64 Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding 65 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security 66 Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities L REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES 68 Real estate activities M PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES 69 Legal and accounting activities 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis

109 355 170

79 208 83

74 205 83

5 3 0

30 147 87

11 85 54

19 62 33










568 568 3640 747 395

426 426 2702 634 263

396 396 2588 620 240

30 30 114 14 23

142 142 938 113 132

54 54 331 41 66

88 88 607 72 66








97 774

78 332

72 302

6 30

19 442

5 128

14 314

72 Scientific research and development 73 Advertising and market research

Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 91 185 725 87 183 676 4 4 2 49

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 9 4 101 8 13 231 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5) 108 202 1057

2 (3+4)

5 (6+7) 17 17 332

74 Ostale strune, naune i tehnike djelatnosti 75 Veterinarske djelatnosti N ADMINISTRATIVNE I POMONE USLUNE DJELATNOSTI 77 Djelatnosti iznajmljivanja i davanja u zakup (leasing) 78 Djelatnosti posredovanja u zapoljavanju 79 Putnike agencije, organizatori putovanja, turoperatori i ostale rezervacijske usluge te djelatnosti povezane s njima 80 Zatitne i istrane djelatnosti 81 Usluge u vezi s upravljanjem i odravanjem zgrada te djelatnosti ureenja i odravanja zelenih povrina 82 Kancelarijsko administrativne i pomone djelatnosti te ostale poslovne pomone djelatnosti O JAVNA UPRAVA I ODBRANA; OBAVEZNO SOCIJALNO OSIGURANJE 84 Javna uprava i odbrana; obavezno socijalno osiguranje P OBRAZOVANJE 85 Obrazovanje Q DJELATNOSTI ZDRAVSTVENE I SOCIJALNE ZATITE 86 Djelatnosti zdravstvene zatite 87 Djelatnosti socijalne zatite u ustanovama sa smjetajem 88 Djelatnosti socijalne zatite bez smjetaja R UMJETNOST, ZABAVA I REKREACIJA 90 Kreativne, umjetnike i zabavne djelatnosti

74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities 75 Veterinary activities N ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICE ACTIVITIES 77 Rental and leasing activities 78 Employment activities

215 98

143 52

129 48

14 4

72 46

15 15

57 31








79 Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities

89 133

71 103

68 101

3 2

18 30

2 11

16 19

80 Security and investigation activities 81 Services to buildings and landscape activities








82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities








O PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEFENCE; COMPULSORY SOCIAL SECURITY 84 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security P EDUCATION 85 Education Q HUMAN HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK ACTIVITIES 86 Human health activities 87 Residential care activities








1735 1735 1945 677 96

1263 1263 871 636 76

1237 1237 836 610 72

26 26 35 26 4

472 472 1074 41 20

226 226 746 28 14

246 246 328 13 6

1172 5902 479

159 811 101

154 636 76

5 175 25

1013 5091 378

704 3845 294

309 1246 84

88 Social work activities without accommodation R ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATION 90 Creative, arts and entertainment activities

Stanje SPR, 30.06.2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys Ukupno preduzea u SPR Total number of enterprises in SBR Aktivna Aktivna preduzea preduzea koja registrovana su podnijela od 01.01. do finansijske 30.06. tekue izvjetaje godine Active Active enterprises enterprises that submitted registered financial from 01.01. to reports 30.06. of the current year 3 131 131 4 0

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje Enterprises that are not closed in the administrative registers, and not submitted financial reports Preduzea koja nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that do not have any active transaction account 7 25 10 a

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja i oblasti

Ukupno Total

Ukupno Total

Preduzea koja imaju aktivan transakcijski raun Enterprises that have an active transaction account

KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections and divisions

1 (2+5) 166

2 (3+4)

5 (6+7) 35

91 Biblioteke, arhivi, muzeji i ostale kulturne djelatnosti 92 Djelatnosti kockanja i klaenja 93 Sportske, zabavne i rekreacijske djelatnosti S OSTALE USLUNE DJELATNOSTI 94 Djelatnosti lanskih organizacija 95 Popravak raunara i predmeta za linu upotrebu i domainstvo 96 Ostale line uslune djelatnosti T DJELATNOSTI DOMAINSTAVA KAO POSLODAVACA; DJELATNOSTI DOMAINSTAVA KOJA PROIZVODE RAZLIITA DOBRA I OBAVLJAJU RAZLIITE USLUGE ZA VLASTITE POTREBE 97 Djelatnosti domainstava kao poslodavaca koji zapoljavaju poslugu 98 Djelatnosti privatnih domainstava koja proizvode razliita dobra i obavljaju razliite usluge za vlastite potrebe U DJELATNOSTI VANTERITORIJALNIH ORGANIZACIJA I ORGANA 99 Djelatnosti vanteritorijalnih organizacija i organa

146 5111

108 471

106 323

2 148

38 4640

5 3521

33 1119

91 Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities 92 Gambling and betting activities 93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities S OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES 94 Activities of membership organisations 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods 96 Other personal service activities T ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS AS EMPLOYERS; UNDIFFERENTIATED GOODSAND SERVICES-PRODUCING ACTIVITIES OF HOUSEHOLDS FOR OWN USE 97 Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 98 Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of private households for own use

14134 13733 163

1646 1355 123

1038 752 122

608 603 1

12488 12378 40

8411 8374 15

4077 4004 25

238 0

168 0

164 0

4 0

70 0

22 0

48 0





U ACTIVITIES OF EXTRATERRITORIAL ORGANISATIONS AND BODIES 99 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies






Tabela 2. Aktivna preduzea u SPR u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja prema podrujima KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) i klasama po broju zaposlenih Table 2. Active enterprises in SBR in terms of a framework for conducting of statistical surveys by sections of KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev.2) and employment classes
Stanje SPR , 30. 06. 2013.
Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja djelatnosti Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys 1 (2+9) Aktivna preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje prema klasama po broju zaposlenih Active enterprises that submitted financial reports by employment classes

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea registrovana od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine Active enterprises registered from 01.01. to 30.06. of the current year 9 KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections

Ukupno 0-9 Total 10-19 20-49 50-249

250 i vie 250 and more

Podatak nije raspoloiv Data not available

2 (3 do 8)

A Poljoprivreda, umarstvo i ribolov B Vaenje ruda i kamena C Preraivaka industrija D Proizvodnja i snabdijevanje elektrinom energijom, plinom, parom i klimatizacija E Snabdijevanje vodom; uklanjanje otpadnih voda, upravljanje otpadom te djelatnosti sanacije okolia F Graevinarstvo G Trgovina na veliko i na malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala H Prijevoz i skladitenje I Djelatnosti pruanja smjetaja te pripreme i usluivanja hrane (hotelijerstvo i ugostiteljstvo) J Informacije i komunikacije K Finansijske djelatnosti i djelatnosti osiguranja L Poslovanje nekretninama M Strune, naune i tehnike djelatnosti N Administrativne i pomone uslune djelatnosti

33266 929 221 4953 230

31409 881 216 4812 195

23183 714 146 3136 151

3230 93 18 620 9

2661 43 26 559 11

1907 17 12 401 10

300 7 12 87 14

128 7 2 9 0

1857 48 5 141 35

A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Mining and quarrying C Manufacturing D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply








E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Construction G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles H Transportation and storage I Accommodation and food service activities

2306 11125

2234 10751

1539 8861

315 1001

242 601

124 242

10 34

4 12

72 374

1979 790

1932 766

1528 590

231 84

115 63

48 27

9 1

1 1

47 24

1008 208 426 2702 725

966 205 396 2588 676

758 119 352 2235 541

109 13 23 214 56

60 12 14 96 42

32 42 7 38 32

6 19 0 1 5

1 0 0 4 0

42 3 30 114 49

J Information and communication K Financial and insurance activities L Real estate activities M Professional, scientific and technical activities N Administrative and support service activities

O Javna uprava i odbrana; obavezno socijalno osiguranje









O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security


Stanje SPR , 30. 06. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja djelatnosti Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys 1 (2+9) Aktivna preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje prema klasama po broju zaposlenih Active enterprises that submitted financial reports by employment classes

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea registrovana od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine Active enterprises registered from 01.01. to 30.06. of the current year 9 KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections

Ukupno 0-9 Total 10-19 20-49 50-249

250 i vie 250 and more

Podatak nije raspoloiv Data not available

a P Obrazovanje Q Djelatnosti zdravstvene i socijalne zatite R Umjetnost, zabava i rekreacija S Ostale uslune djelatnosti

2 (3 do 8)

1263 871 811 1646 0

1237 836 636 1038 0

293 532 482 910 0

88 81 57 32 0

420 54 40 22 0

428 133 29 13 0

6 34 6 0 0

2 2 22 61 0

26 35 175 608 0

P Education Q Human health and social work activities R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Other service activities

T Djelatnosti domainstava kao poslodavca; djelatnosti domainstava koja proizvode razliita dobra i obavljaju razliite usluge za vlastite potrebe U Djelatnosti vanteritorijalnih organizacija i organa

T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goodsand services-producing activities of households for own use

U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies


Tabela 3. Aktivna preduzea u SPR u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja prema podrujima KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) i klasama prihoda Table 3. Active enterprises in SBR in terms of a framework for conducting of statistical surveys by sections of KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev.2) and turnover classes
Stanje SPR , 30. 06. 2013.
Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja djelatnosti Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys 1 (2+10) Aktivna preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje prema klasama prihoda (u hiljadama KM) Active enterprises that submitted financial reports by turnover classes (in thousands of KM)

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea registrovana od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine Active enterprises registered from 01.01. to 30.06. of the current year 10 KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections

Ukupno 0-99 Total 100-499 500-3.999



100.000 i vie 100.000 and more

Podatak nije raspoloiv Data not available

2 (3 do 9)

A Poljoprivreda, umarstvo i ribolov B Vaenje ruda i kamena C Preraivaka industrija D Proizvodnja i snabdijevanje elektrinom energijom, plinom, parom i klimatizacija E Snabdijevanje vodom; uklanjanje otpadnih voda, upravljanje otpadom te djelatnosti sanacije okolia F Graevinarstvo G Trgovina na veliko i na malo; popravak motornih vozila i motocikala H Prijevoz i skladitenje I Djelatnosti pruanja smjetaja te pripreme i usluivanja hrane (hotelijerstvo i ugostiteljstvo) J Informacije i komunikacije K Finansijske djelatnosti i djelatnosti osiguranja L Poslovanje nekretninama M Strune, naune i tehnike djelatnosti N Administrativne i pomone uslune djelatnosti O Javna uprava i odbrana; obavezno socijalno osiguranje

33266 929 221 4953 230

31409 881 216 4812 195

10981 302 73 1466 88

8599 293 57 1401 16

7868 188 45 1365 25

1803 27 17 345 12

382 4 8 75 14

83 1 2 16 8

1693 66 14 144 32

1857 48 5 141 35

A Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Mining and quarrying C Manufacturing D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply









E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities F Construction G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles H Transportation and storage I Accommodation and food service activities

2306 11125

2234 10751

782 3370

666 3151

565 2987

104 840

17 159

2 33

98 211

72 374

1979 790

1932 766

614 413

669 209

525 110

63 11

10 0

2 0

49 23

47 24

1008 208 426 2702 725 689

966 205 396 2588 676 679

416 50 188 1355 323 39

314 43 93 762 205 87

163 33 48 362 107 240

40 31 10 33 16 127

5 29 0 3 4 35

3 2 0 2 0 10

25 17 57 71 21 141

42 3 30

J Information and communication K Financial and insurance activities L Real estate activities

114 M Professional, scientific

and technical activities

49 N Administrative and 10
support service activities O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security


Stanje SPR , 30. 06. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) podruja djelatnosti Active enterprises in terms of a framework for conducting statistical surveys 1 (2+10) Aktivna preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje prema klasama prihoda (u hiljadama KM) Active enterprises that submitted financial reports by turnover classes (in thousands of KM)

SBR data as of June, 30. 2013.

Aktivna preduzea registrovana od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine Active enterprises registered from 01.01. to 30.06. of the current year 10 KD BiH 2010 (NACE Rev. 2) sections

Ukupno 0-99 Total 100-499 500-3.999



100.000 i vie 100.000 and more

Podatak nije raspoloiv Data not available

2 (3 do 9)

P Obrazovanje Q Djelatnosti zdravstvene i socijalne zatite R Umjetnost, zabava i rekreacija S Ostale uslune djelatnosti T Djelatnosti domainstava kao poslodavca; djelatnosti domainstava koja proizvode razliita dobra i obavljaju razliite usluge za vlastite potrebe

1263 871 811 1646 0

1237 836 636 1038 0

223 375 267 560 0

166 158 136 99 0

626 197 56 52 0

23 56 16 7 0

1 10 5 0 0

0 1 0 0 0

198 39 156 320 0


P Education

35 Q Human health and social

work activities

175 608 0

R Arts, entertainment and recreation S Other service activities T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goodsand services-producing activities of households for own use

U Djelatnosti vanteritorijalnih organizacija i organa

0 U Activities of
extraterritorial organisations and bodies


METODOLOKA OBJANJENJA Izvori i metode prikupljanja podataka Osnovni izvori podataka za SPR su administrativni poslovni registri koje vodi Federalni zavod za statistiku FBiH (zajedno s Poreznom upravom FBiH), Republiki zavod za statistiku Republike Srpske i Ekspozitura Agencije za statistiku BiH u Distriktu Brko BiH (zajedno sa Poreznom Upravom DBBiH). Pored podataka koji se preuzimaju iz administrativnih poslovnih registara, kao izvori za auriranje SPR-a koriste se i podaci iz Centralnog registra transakcijskih rauna Centralne banke BiH (transakcijski raun aktivan/blokiran/zatvoren) koje Agencija za statistiku BiH preuzima na polugodinjem nivou, te podaci prikupljeni i obraeni kroz redovna statistika istraivanja. Primarni izvor podataka o poslovnim prihodima preduzea i prosjenom broju zaposlenih osoba su godinji finansijski izvjetaji za prethodnu godinu. Preduzea koja u finansijskom izvjetaju imaju prikazane samo prihode, a ne i podatak o broju zaposlenih, ili, koja imaju podatak o zaposlenim, a ne i podatak o prihodu u saoptenju su razvrstana u posebnu kolonu Podatak nije raspoloiv, odgovarajue tabele. Ovim saoptenjem nisu obuhvaeni obrtnici (fizike osobe koje obavljaju ekonomsku djelatnost). Kvaliteta i obim raspoloivih podataka o obrtnicima, jo uvijek, nije dovoljno pouzdan za publikovanje. Obuhvat i uporedivost Podaci o broju preduzea odnose se na stanje Statistikog poslovnog registra (SPR) na dan 30.06. tekue godine, dok se podaci koji se preuzimaju iz godinjih finansijskih izvjetaja odnose na prethodnu godinu. Zbog toga, preduzea osnovana u tekuoj godini nije bilo mogue razvrstati po klasama zaposlenih, odnosno, klasama poslovnih prihoda. Saoptenjem su obuhvaeni sljedei subjekti: preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje za prethodnu godinu, pa su za njih raspoloivi podaci o broju zaposlenih i/ili poslovnom prihodu; preduzea registrovana u periodu od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine, te za njih nisu raspoloivi finansijski izvjetaji za prethodnu godinu pa samim tim ni podaci o broju zaposlenih i poslovnom prihodu; preduzea koja nisu dostavila finansijske izvjetaje za prethodnu godinu, ali imaju aktivan transakcijski raun u Centralnoj banci BiH; preduzea koja se vode u administrativnim poslovnim registrima, meutim, ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje, nemaju aktivan transakcijski raun i nisu prijavili prestanak poslovanja (gaenje).

METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATION Sources and methods of data collection The basic sources of data collection for SBR are administrative Business Registers which are kept by the Institute for Statistics of the Federation of BiH (together with the Tax Administration of FBiH), Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska and Branch office of the Agency for Statistics of BiH in the Brcko District (together with the Taxation Authority of the Brcko District). Apart from the data drawn from administrative business registers, the data from the Central Registry of Transaction Accounts of the Central Bank of BiH (transaction account active/blocked/closed), which the Agency for Statistics of BiH obtains on a semi-annual basis, data collected and processed through regular statistical surveys are also used for updating the SBR. The primary source for the data on turnover of enterprises and the average number of persons employed are annual financial reports for the previous year. Enterprises, which in their financial report only provide data on turnover and not on number of persons employed, or which provide data on the number of persons employed, but not on turnover, are classified in the separate column Data not available of the corresponding table of the First Release. This Release does not cover entrepreneurs (natural persons conducting an economic activity). Quality and scope of available data on them are still not reliable enough for publication. Coverage and comparability Data on the number of enterprises refer to the status of the Statistical Business Register (SBR) as on 30.06. of the curent year, while the data taken from the Annual Financial Reports refer to the previous year. As a result, enterprises established in the current year could not be classified by classes of employees, or, classes of turnover. The First Release covers the following entities: Enterprises which submitted their financial reports for the previous year, so the data on number of persons employed and/or turnover are available; Enterprises registered in the period from 01.01 to 30.06. of the current year, so financial reports for them for the previous year are not available and therefore neither data on the number of persons employed and turnover are available; Enterprises which have not submitted their financial reports for the previous year, but have an active transaction account in the Central Bank of BiH; Enterprises for which the data are kept in the administrative business registers. However, they do not submit financial reports, do not have an active transaction account and have not liquidated themselves legally.

Klasifikacija djelatnosti je klasifikacija svih ekonomskih djelatnosti, a koristi se za prikupljanje, upisivanje, obradu i diseminaciju statistikih podataka. Ona se koristi i za razvrstavanje poslovnih subjekata (pravnih i fizikih osoba) prema ekonomskim djelatnostima koje obavljaju, kao i za voenje statistikog poslovnog registra i drugih poslovnih administrativnih registara. KD BiH 2010 je nova klasifikacija djelatnosti i izraena je na osnovu vaee Statistike klasifikacije ekonomskih djelatnosti u EU, NACE Rev. 2. Istovremena uporedivost KD BiH 2010 s Meunarodnom standardnom klasifikacijom ekonomskih djelatnosti ISIC Rev. 4 proizilazi iz injenice da su prva dva nivoa klasificiranja (podruja i oblasti) NACE Rev. 2 identina i u ISIC Rev. 4. Prema Zakonu o klasifikaciji djelatnosti BiH (Slubeni glasnik BiH, broj 76/06, 100/08 i 32/10), i Odluci o Klasifikaciji djelatnosti BiH (Slubeni glasnik BiH, broj 47/10) nova klasifikacija djelatnosti KD BiH 2010 u upotrebi je od 01.01.2011. Stoga su u SPR-u svim preduzeima od strane statistikih institucija pridruene i ifre djelatnosti prema novoj klasifikaciji KD BiH 2010. Nove ifre u SPR-u preduzeima su dodijeljene na osnovu podataka iz vie izvora: namjenski provedenog statistikog istraivanja, ve raspoloivih podataka iz redovnih statistikih istraivanja i koritenjem posebnih statistikih metoda. Nezavisno, preduzea imaju obavezu da kod mjerodavnih institucija, u za to odreenim rokovima, usaglase ifre djelatnosti prema novoj klasifikaciji. Objanjenja Ekonomska djelatnost predstavlja kombinaciju sredstava kao to su kapitalna dobra, radna snaga, proizvodne tehnike, poluproizvodi i sl., u svrhu proizvodnje proizvoda (dobara i usluga). Stoga je ekonomska djelatnost odreena inputom sredstava, proizvodnim procesom i outputom proizvoda. Aktivna preduzea u smislu okvira za provoenje statistikih istraivanja su preduzea koja su podnijela finansijske izvjetaje za prethodnu godinu, kao i preduzea registrovana od 01.01. do 30.06. tekue godine mada za njih nije poznato jesu li ve stvarno poela obavljati djelatnost. Preduzea koja nisu ugaena u administrativnim registrima, a ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje su preduzea koja nisu administrativno ugaena, ne podnose finansijske izvjetaje, a ne postoje podaci obavljaju li ekonomsku djelatnost. Prema preporukama Evropske komisije (2003/361/EC) koriste se tri kriterija za razvrstavanje preduzea prema veliini: broj zaposlenih, poslovni prihodi i bilansa stanja. Broj zaposlenih je primarni kriterij i kombinuje se s jednim od druga dva kriterija. Za uspostavljanje prvih podataka o veliini preduzea preporuuje se pragmatian pristup, tj. samostalno koritenje primarnog kriterija (broj zaposlenih).

The Classification of Activities is classification of all economic activities, and is used for collecting, compiling, processing, and disseminating statistical data. It is also used for classifying business entities (legal units and natural persons) according to the economic activity they perform, as well as for maintaining the statistical business register and other administrative business registers. KD BiH 2010 is a new classification of activities based on the existing Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community NACE Rev. 2. Parallel comparability of KD BiH 2010 with the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities - ISIC Rev. 4 comes from the fact that first two levels of classification (sections and divisions) of NACE Rev. 2 are identical in ISIC Rev. 4. Based on the Act on the Classification of Activities of BiH (Official Gazette BiH, No. 76/06, 100/08, 31/10), and the Decision on the Classification of Activities of BiH (Official Gazette BiH, No. 47/10), the new Classification of Activities of BiH (KD BiH 2010) has been in use since 01.01.2011. Therefore, the statistical institutions have added activity codes to all enterprises in the SBR, based on the new classification - KD BiH 2010. New codes in the SBR have been assigned to enterprises based on the data from multiple sources: purposefully conducted statistical survey, already available data from regular statistical surveys and by using special statistical methods. Nevertheless, enterprises have a legal obligation to responsible institutions to adjust activity codes according to the new classification, within given deadlines. Explanations Economic activity represents a combination of resources such as capital goods, labour force, manufacturing techniques, intermediary products and similar for the production of products (goods and services). Therefore, the economic activity is determined by the input of resources, production process and an output of products. Active enterprises, in terms of a sample framework for conducting statistical surveys, are enterprises that have submitted Financial Reports for the previous year, as well as enterprises registered from 01.01 to 30.06. of the current year though it is not known whether they have started performing their activity. Enterprises that are not dead in the administrative registers , but do not submit Financial Reports, are enterprises that are not administratively dead, do not submit Financial Reports, and no data exists that they perform their economic activity.

According to the Commission Recommendation (2003/361/EC), three criteria are used for classifying of enterprises by size: number of persons employed, turnover and balance sheet. The number of persons employed is primary criteria and is combined with one of the two other criteria. To obtain first data on the size of enterprises, a pragmatic approach is recommended, i.e. independent use of the primary criteria (number of persons employed).


Izdaje i tampa Agencija za statistiku Bosne i Hercegovine, 71000 Sarajevo, Zelenih beretki 26 Published and printed by the Agency for Statistics of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71000 Sarajevo, Zelenih beretki 26 Telefon/Phone: +387 (33) 220 626 Telefaks/Telefax: +387 (33) 220 622 Elektronska pota/E-mail : Internetska stranica/Web site: http: // Odgovara ravnatelj Zdenko Milinovi Person responsible: Mr. Zdenko Milinovi, Director General Saoptenje priredili: Nataa Lui, Dubravka Husi, Denita Mustafi, Branislava Cvijeti Prepared by: Ms. Nataa Lui, Ms. Dubravka Husi, Ms. Denita Mustafi, Ms. Branislava Cvijeti Periodika izlaenja: godinje Periodicity: annually tampa: 150 primjeraka / 150 copies printed Podaci iz ovog saoptenja objavljuju se i na internetu First Release data are also published on the Internet

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