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Study on: Students and politics

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Medowe Capfoh

The Question of the participation of students in politics has evoked a lot of discussion and had
often raised our brows. Much dust of controversy has been raised round the question whether or
not students should take parts in politics. It is course, a very controversial but very interesting.
Some people are of the opinion that politics must, under no circumstances be allowed to divert
students’ attention from their studies. While others belief that it is necessary for students to take
a very active parts in politics so that they may receive some training for the struggle that awaits
them. The debate goes on between the students’ teachers, politicians and the well-wishers of
students’ community. In spite of their best efforts, no satisfactory or convincing situation has so
far been found out yet.
Till date, the problem has been approached principally from three points of view- the
ORTHODOX, the REVOLUTIONARY and the MODERATES and before we give our own
final decision, we must study and examine the comparative merits and the demerits of these three
views. The relation of students with politics has, therefore, to be reviewed and determined in the
light of 21st Century conditions and the kind of society that we seek to establish in the country.
According to Orthodox view, Politic is the last refuge of the scoundrel. It must be set aside at all
cost as a forbidden fruit to the youths. The study of politic corrupt and coarsen the students’
minds, disintegrate and degenerate his moral character and leads him to rush in where wise men
fear to thread. It develops in him a love of worldly values, power and pelf, artificial and intrigue,
struggle and strife. The student loses his touch with the higher and nobler ideas of life and
become a mere time-serving opportunist. As his power of understanding are not mature enough,
he is more easily misled into wrong alleys in politics. By taking an active part in politics, he
neglects his fundamental duties of moral and intellectual advancement to which is pledged as a
student, an on account of his immature understanding and irresponsible sentimentalism does
more harm than good to his country. He should therefore, have no concern with politics of the
country and lead a life of single-minded devotion to studies.
But, the people endowed with a revolutionary temper think of the matter altogether differently.
According to them, Politics is one of the noblest gifts of the advancement of modern civilization;
it is important part of the culture and education. T cut off from this new force in education is to
deny democracy its true meaning and to a country her own best. Not only do the students need
political knowledge but also practical training in this field as well. Otherwise the lack of proper
knowledge and training of politics amounts to shelving the political training to indefinite time
and to uncertain hands.
There is however, still another set of thinkers who take a moderate view of the situation. They
suggest that full facilities should be given to the students to study and understand the prevailing
current of political life. It is a great folly to regard politics as foreign and forbidden subject to
them and thus to keep them in dark about the various fateful changes that are developing in their
country and abroad. What the situation needs is not to deprive them of their interest in politics
but to train them in the qualities of patient study and intelligent observation so that they may be
enabled to express their interest in dignified and responsible ways. Political education should be
imparted to them in their schools and colleges through debates, discussions and lectures. Every
effort should be made to benefit them physically, morally, intellectually for the service of their
motherland. But so far as their active participation in political life is concerned, we must draw
line. Political knowledge is good for them but not political agitation.
Now, it is difficult to pronounce any verdict in favor of one or the other two points of views. The
golden meaning could probably be the best way out. A student should take part in politics, but it
should not be an active participation. All activities are good if one remains within reasonable
limits. Students should, therefore, pay attention to their studies. They should at the same time,
keep themselves informed about what is happening around them. They should not hesitate from
jumping into politic if the situation threatens the unity or freedom of the society.
Nevertheless, none of the following views expressed above by those three groups with varied
mentality and ideology can be rejected point-blank. Each one of them has some grain of truth in
it. Politic may not be the last guiding force of human-life and there may a hundred other things
than those our politicians can dream of, nevertheless, Politics is not always the last resort of the
scoundrel. It is also the first resort of men like Gandhi and Nehru. In the Modern world, politic
plays a role of no minor significance. No doubt, the students are easily swept away by the
sentimental aspects of politics and have little sense of responsibility. But for that it should be
foolish to crush their interest in politics which is both natural and necessary.
It is therefore, indispensable that a sound political education should be imparted to the students.
They should be at the liberty to discuss and express their views on political matters, and a proper
guidance which is at once wise and patriotic should be supplied to them at the hands of their
parents, professors and politicians. The students of today are required to study the political
problems not only of their own country but of the world at large. The students should therefore,
be given every facility and full freedom to study the politics of their own as well as of the world.
But so far as the students’ participation in active political affair is concerned,, we must, however,
place some limits to it. Political knowledge is one thing and Political agitation is another. The
former means intellectual advancement but the latter signifies their complete ruin. So long as
they study political problems from a detached and dispassionate point of view, there is no harm
but the moment they throw themselves into the heat and dust of political agitation, they contract
numerous to their personal and national life. “Politics is that Game of Government,” says an
imminent thinker. “It is too big a game for the half-developed powers of young men and
women. It requires for its fulfillment, a sound mind in a sound body. These could be attained in
no hurry. They require cultivation and discipline. Do we not know and hear daily of strikes
among students and deadlocks of mental work as if Education is a commercial Manufacturers
and students the self appointed Trustees of Intellectual Trade Unions?” Students whose
intellectual have not yet fully developed and who are still receiving lessons characters and
cultures are immature. They cannot cope with the subtleties of political propagandas, and are
likely to do many things that are more harmful than helping themselves and to their nation.
When their objectives are not achieved, they faced bitter frustration and weep over a spilt milk.
Many young promising careers have been shipwrecked on the rock of practical politics.
It is also true that a students’ active participation in politics affects his studies adversely and
defeats his aim of studentship very largely. They should never divert their attention from their
studies. His primary duty is to equip himself physically, mentally and normally. There lies before
him a vast store house of knowledge and learning and to own if he has to sweat during the day
and burn midnight oil. It has been said that Learning is Jealous Mistress. It does not allow us to
think of others things and claims our entire and absolute attention.
Students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. The interest and the prosperity of the Country
demand that they should not be allowed to remain half-educated and ill-equipped. A student who
begins to take interest in politics too early does harm his country and his career. Therefore, he
should make himself fit for the task before he joins the battle of politics. A soldier who is not
drilled and disciplined proves a failure if not menace.
Students’ life is an excellent period of preparation, for the work that faces the individual and the
community, for the calls pleasant and unpleasant, which are made upon men in society. Let the
students, therefore, utilize the short period of their college career up to the great extent and
prepare themselves fully for the responsibilities that are to descend on in the future, so that they
may become more serviceable and more useful to their motherland and be capable of the greatest
service and sacrifice when their turn comes.

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