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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST!

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Quick And Easy Ebook Creation Tips

How To Write and Sell Your First Ebook Online In !ays Or "ess#

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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST!

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effecti"e# "erifia!le information in this .ook# neither the +uthor nor *u!lisher assumes any responsi!ility for errors# inaccuracies# or omissions% +ny slights of people or organi)ations are unintentional% /f ad"ice concerning !usiness matters is needed# the ser"ices of a 0ualified professional should !e sought% This .ook is not a source of !usiness information# and it should not !e regarded as such% This pu!lication is designed to pro"ide accurate and authoritati"e information in regard to the su!1ect matter co"ered% /t is sold with the understanding that the pu!lisher is not engaged in rendering a !usiness ser"ice% /f e,pert !usiness assistance is re0uired# the ser"ices of a competent professional person should !e sought% +s with any !usiness ad"ice# the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional !usiness counsel !efore taking action%

,ublis$ed by' Stuart Stirlin& Copyri&$t 4556 www%Turn2eyCash2its%com

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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! Introduction Take a look at people like Frank 2ern#

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ike Filsaime# -illie

Crawford# .ryan 2umar# Cory Rudl# 3ohn Reese# myself and others and see if you can find the 4(E thing they all ha"e in common% 5et$s not waste a !unch of time on that6/$ll 1ust tell you! T$ey all $a7e t$eir own products+ Sure# a lot of them are making some pretty good money telling their su!scri!ers a!out other people$s products now and then# !ut the heart of their !usiness was originally# and still is# !uilt around their own products% 'oes that tell you something7 /t should tell you that to make

!ig !ucks online# you need your own product% Sure# there are plenty of "ery successful affiliate marketers out there% *eople who 2(4- how to make that !usiness work for them6 +('6they make some 8RE+T money! They don$t ha"e to put in the work to actually create a product# !ut !elie"e me# the great affiliate marketers ha"e to put in a 54T of work in order to make that great li"ing! .ut# what happens if the product you$re making all of those affiliate commissions from suddenly disappears6falls off the face of the earth7 -hat happens if the company starts ha"ing financial pro!lems and can$t pay affiliate commissions7 4R# as happens much more fre0uently# you see that $9:: product you$"e !een getting good commissions from suddenly show up on e-.ay for $9:%::!

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-e all know this happens# sometimes more fre0uently than it should% .ut# if you$"e !uilt &4;R !usiness on S4 E.4'& E5SE$S product# then what can you do7 /F &4; '4($T 4-( T<E *R4';CT# &4; '4($T 4-( T<E .;S/(ESS! 4n the other hand# if you '4 own the product# you '4 control what happens to &4;R !usiness% /$m sure you$"e thought a!out this6it$s (4T rocket science or !rain surgery! /$m 1ust as sure that you$"e pro!a!ly made plans# or at least# had thoughts of# someday# ha"ing your own product to proudly sell to the world% .ut# something is holding you !ack! T<+T$S e,actly why /$m writing this !ook% 0uestions> ?Can you help me write my own e-!ook7@ 4R# ?<ow can / do the same thing you$re doing7@ 4R# ?/ really want my own product like you# can you help me get started7@ / answered pro!a!ly AAB of those emails with good# helpful ad"ice for 0uite a while6!ut# as time went on the emails got more numerous% That$s where this !ook comes in! / distilled all of that ad"ice# all of that e,perience# into these pages that you hold in your hand or see on your computer monitor% /t$s the sum total of what /$d tell you if you were sitting right here in my office discussing your !usiness with me% The ad"ice comes from Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! 4"er the past =

years# /$"e recei"ed# literally# 9:::s of emails asking me the same

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST!

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all of the mistakes /$"e made along the way6+(' learned from% comes from my successes%

/t comes from my heart# !ecause /$d

TR;5& like to see you succeed in your own !usiness6/$d TR;5& like to see you take control of your own future6your own family$s future% So6if &4; really want that6control o"er your own destiny6you can get started !y learning how to create and produce your own e!ook using this guide% Together# let$s figure out what$s holding you !ack# what you need to finally get started# and figure out which tools and instructions are going to get your first e-!ook out there where you can start making some money with it! <old on6things are gonna get real e,citing here6it$ll !e fun# you$ll see!

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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! 1et .eady8

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The "ery first thing you ha"e to do !efore you get started creating your own e-!ook is> 1ET .I! OF YO9. STI30I3: THI30I3: # &ou ha"e stinkin$ thinkin$ whether you know it or not% &ou ;ST

ha"e# or you$d already ha"e your own product out there !eing sold! Somewhere# somehow you$"e gotten it into your head that you can$t write a !ook# or that you don$t know how to put a !ook together# or that you don$t ha"e any good ideas for a !ook% This !ook isn$t really a!out inspiration and mindset# although changing your thought patterns# your !eliefs a!out yourself# is "ital to your success as a work at home entrepreneur% <owe"er# / will tell you these two things> IF YO9 THI30 YO9 CA3:T W.ITE A ;OO0< YO9:.E .I1HT# IF YO9 THI30 YO9 CA3 W.ITE A ;OO0< YO9:.E .I1HT< TOO# /t$s TR;5& up to you! /f you think you can$t# you won$tC if you think you can# you will% / know it$s ?corny$# !ut it$s true% &ou '4 ha"e a !ook in you6pro!a!ly a 54T more than that# once you get yourself started% E"ery!ody has a !ook in their head or can get one planted there!

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/ really don$t care if you T</(2 you can$t write a !ook6/ 2(4that you can! &ou$"e talked yourself into the ?fact@ that you couldn$t write a !ook if someone held a gun to your head% &4;$DE done that6now# let$s undo it! <a"e you e"er told your hus!and# wife# mom# dad# !est friend6 any!ody!6a story or an idea and they got it7 They understood what you were meaning to say and were affected !y what you said6may!e they laughed# may!e they cried# may!e they agreed with you6may!e not! The important thing here is that they understood and reacted to what you told them% -hat /$m trying to tell &4; here is that you$re already writing a !ook# in a sense# e"ery time you get an idea across to someone else% Reali)e this> &ou$re already writing !ook chapters almost e"ery day6 right now! page! W$en you look at it like t$at< can you write a book= ay!e you$re one of those people who ha"e to ha"e e"erything perfect .EF4RE you e"en think a!out pu!lishing a !ook6are you7 -ell# the old story a!out Thomas Edison and his 99=A failures !efore in"enting the light !ul! comes to mind6!ut the !est one is the -right .rothers6good old 4r"ille and -il!ur% 'id you know they put their first airplane all together6let Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! E"ery time you get an idea from your head into someone else$s head# you$"e 1ust finished a sentence6a paragraph6a

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e"eryone in 'ayton# 4hio know that they were going to fly like !ird6 had a !rass !and hired and e"erything% 4n the day they had announced# a <;8E crowd gathered6the !and played6children ran around6people !rought picnic lunches6 newspaper reporters were there6a ./8 deal! The airplane ne"er mo"ed an inch! (ot one inch6as a matter of fact# the wings came off! 2now what7 /t didn$t mo"e the End time either6or the =rd time6 4R the Fth! Talk a!out pu!lic failure! They learned from their failures6especially since they were so pu!lic6 and the Gth time they made history! The point here is what$s the -4RST thing that could happen if you wrote a !ook and it wasn$t a!solutely perfect7 /t$s an eye-opening e,perience to look at some of the e-!ooks that are selling6right now6on the /nternet% +ll you ha"e to do is find one that# after you read it# you say# ? +(! than that!@ E"en / could do !etter .ut that !ook$s selling and yours isn$t !ecause you$re

waiting to get it perfect! 'on$t get it perfect6get it out there! To sum up this chapter# get rid of your stinkin$ thinkin$6start saying to yourself# in your head6unless you want people to think you$re really cra)y6I CA3 write a book# I 03OW I can# 2now that your !rain is already writing !ooks for you each day% +ll you ha"e to do is figure out how to get it down on paper6and that$s Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! what this !ook is all a!out! 8et o"er that perfectionist stuff%

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/t ain$t ne"er gonna !e

perfect61ust like that grammar# !ut it gets the point across# doesn$t it7 8et your !ook as good as you can at the time# get it out there# see what happens and then test and tweak it till it sells% /t$s (EDER going to !e completely perfect# !ut it can !e profita!le! 5ike the (ike slogan says> >ust !o It# So get ready# we$re mo"in$ on!

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1et Set8
4kay# you$re working on your stinkin$ thinkin$6you know that you$re already writing e-!ooks whether you want to or not6and you$re not 0uite as afraid of failing as !efore6that$s a pretty good start! This chapter$s going to teach you a "alua!le method to get original ideas for an e-!ook% / learned it se"eral years ago from my friend# .ryan 2umar# who$s a master at this% 4"er the years# /$"e added to .ryan$s original idea and ha"e come up with a ?sure-fire@ way to get ideas out of anyone$s mind6no matter what$s going on in there! -e$ll get to this techni0ue in a moment# !ut# first# let$s get the ideas you already ha"e floating around in your !rain down on paper% 4h# you don$t write them down7 / hate to say this# !ut6 that$s 1ust plain stupid! +ny one of those ideas may well !e a million dollar idea6 the one that puts you o"er the top6the one that changes your life fore"er! Those ideas of yours are "alua!le things# so let$s get started doing that first% (othing6%and / mean a!solutely nothing6e"er truly e,ists until it$s !een put down on paper first% Think a!out it! +n airplane# a new car model# a !uilding# a dam# the clothes you$re wearing right now6 they all e,isted on paper !efore they e,isted in real life% / can$t stress this enough! *ut those ideas down on paper R/8<T (4-! .efore we e"en get started# you <+DE to ha"e a few !lank pieces of paper right there in front of you6and a pen# not a pencil! Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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(ow# 1ust write those ideas floating around in your head down% They don$t ha"e to !e in any order or any format61ust write them down as 0uickly as you can without editing them in any way% matter61ust get them out of there and down on paper% +t this point# you ha"e to make yourself a solemn promise that you$ll hide these ideas away from e"eryone6e"en your wife# your !est friend# e"ery!ody! /t$s important that your su!-conscious 2(4-S that no one will e"er see these ideas unless you want them to% Su!consciously# if you think someone will !e reading your ideas# you$ll naturally edit your thoughts% The main reason is that you don$t want people to make fun of your ideas% So *R4 /SE yourself that these ideas are pri"ate property and that you$ll put them someplace where they$ll ne"er !e found !y anyone else% 'on$t skip this step6it$s "ital to !eing a!le to RE+55& tap the energy of your !rain% 4kay6spend a few minutes6or as much time as you need6 getting the ideas that are on the surface of your mind down on paper% Then we$ll RE+55& get a!out the task of drilling for ideas! (ow# let$s start using the ?2umar Techni0ue@% First of all# you$re going to <+DE to ha"e a minimum of =: minutes during which you won$t !e distur!ed !y anything6anything! (o phone# no / s# no TDHradio# no people! 3ust yourself6alone6for =: minutes% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! Each idea may only !e a word6or it may !e a whole paragraph6doesn$t

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So figure out where the !est place to do this is going to !e for you% Then# you$re going to need to get a few supplies% &ou <+DE to ha"e a !lank writing pad of some sort% +lmost

e"ery!ody has a yellow legal pad lying around someplace6go get it% &ou$re also going to need a timer of some sort6one of those kitchen timers is great for this% &ou know# the type where you twist the dial and it counts off =: minutes% 8et that while you$re getting the legal pad and a *E(! &ou$re pro!a!ly wondering why / keep harping on using a pen# instead of a pencil# or a word processor# or your computer% <ere$s why% &our mind is pretty smart% /t instincti"ely knows that if you use anything other than a pen# you ha"e the option of erasing what you$re writing% The 4(5& way to get the most out of this techni0ue is for your mind to I9J feel completely safe in spouting out what may seem to !e cra)y ideas6that$s why you made yourself the promise to keep your ideas pri"ate6and IEJ !e sure that you$re taking these ideas seriously and intend to !ring them to life% /f you$re using a pencil or an erasa!le medium# your mind knows that you can always edit things% 4kay# let$s get this out in the open right now% pro!a!ly thinking# ?-hat a !unch of .S this is!@% e"en knew it! / know you$re

The pro!lem with

that thought is# you$"e pro!a!ly already done this e,ercise and ne"er

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<a"e you e"er awakened in the morning with a great idea6or may!e it happened in the middle of the night while you were sleeping% /t happens to some people while they$re dri"ing a long distance% +n idea pops into your mind! -here do you think that idea came from7 That$s e,actly what we$re going to do right now6tap your su!conscious in a controlled way6a way that allows you to capture the ideas easily% /f you$re still taking this lightly# then / recommend you find out a!out su!-conscious writing% + good starting point is to read anything !y (atalie 8old!erg# author of -riting 'own the .ones% acknowledged e,pert on this techni0ue% 1ust a!out e"ery !ig-time author you can think of% &ou C+( skip this section all together% The ideas you$ll !e She$s the <er teachings are used !y

working with won$t !e as e,citing to you6as powerful to you6and# pro!a!ly# not as good6!ut you can still use the rest of this !ook% / do urge you to try this method6it$s ama)ing how it works! .ack to the ?2umar Techni0ue@! &ou$"e got a 0uiet place with no interruptions# a yellow legal pad# a pen and a =: minute timer% Find a comforta!le place to sit and rela,% &our first step is to !reathe! That$s right# !ig# slow deep !reathes6in through your nose and out through your mouth while you rela, your !ody% 8o ahead and start the timer now% The ne,t thing is to picture the most rela,ing place you$"e e"er !een% 8et the smells# the feelings# the tastes of the !each# the mountains# a fluffy !ed6whate"er6 em!edded in your mind% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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(ow# 1ust start writing! -hate"er comes into your mind6write it down% 'on$t think a!out it6don$t think a!out anything other than that rela,ing place you$re in% The words will start to flow out onto the legal pad% *retty soon# you won$t e"en know you$re writing% That$s when it RE+55& gets good! This techni0ue works so well !ecause you$"e done a few things here% &ou$"e promised to keep the ideas safeC you$"e shown that you$re taking the process seriously# you$"e pre-programmed your mind to work on the ideas you$"e already !een playing around with6and then# you$"e turned your mind loose on them% &ou$ll !e ama)ed what comes out! The really great idea people all use some techni0ue like this% Edison and .ell used focused naps% They$d work like cra)y on an idea and then# 1ust take a nap! They almost always got some idea a!out how to proceed from that nap% here% ake a point to use this techni0ue often# you$ll !e glad you did% That$s !asically what you$re doing

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;p to this point# you$"e worked on yourself6the stinkin$ thinkin$ thing6you$"e found out that you$"e already ?written@ se"eral do)en e!ooks in your life6you$"e also found out that it ain$t so !ad to fail! &ou$"e also learned how to work on your mind6or# rather# work with it a 54T !etter% That$s a good little !it in 1ust 9G pages or so! The ne,t G chapters are DER& task-oriented% profita!le e-!ook% chapters% .ut# if / had to pick the most important chapter in this !ook6it$s this one! /n this chapter we$re going !ack to working on you6and that$s the most important part of this whole pro1ect% 5ook# it$s time to RE+55& figure out if this is what you want to do6really do! /f you$re not willing# or ready# to set aside F hours for each of the ne,t G daysHnights to finish up your "ery own product6 your "ery own e-!ook6then you need to take a minute and think a!out that% -hy are you e"en reading this !ook7 Something must$"e struck a chord in your !rain6something must$"e sparked a (EE' in you6or you wouldn$t ha"e !ought this !ook in the first place# right7 5et$s look Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! They$ll gi"e you

step-!y-step instructions on how to actually turn an idea into a good# &ou$ll !e working pretty hard during those G

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! a little deeper here%

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-hat is it that you want7 -hat do you want enough to gi"e up time away from your family6time away from your TD or your "ideo games or your newspapers or !ooks6time away from sleep7 Can you name it7 ha"e7 &ou ha"e to ha"e a concrete goal or you$re ne"er going to get what you want and need% Setting a goal helps you turn that want of yours6/ really want a !rand new E::A 5e,us6into a need6/ (EE' a !rand new E::A 5e,us% There$s a world of difference !etween a want and a need% + person with a full stomach may say# ?/ want a piece of pie%@# !ut a person who hasn$t eaten in a few days says# ?/ (EE' something to eat%@ &ou ha"e to turn your wants into needs% <ere$s how you do that in the case of this !ook% -rite down6on your yellow legal pad6with a pen6the following statements% / (EE' T4 <+DE / -/55 <+DE /$55 8ET & 4-( E-.442! Can you put a name to what you RE+55& want# (EE' to

& 4-( E-.442 .& IG days from nowJ!

& 4-( E-.442 .& '4/(8 T<E F4554-/(8 STE*S>

99% .& F4554-/(8 C<+*TER 9 4F T<E .442# EE% .& F4554-/(8 C<+*TER E 4F T<E .442# Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! ==% .& F4554-/(8 C<+*TER = 4F T<E .442# FF% .& F4554-/(8 C<+*TER F 4F T<E .442# GG% .& F4554-/(8 C<+*TER G 4F T<E .442% -<E( / 8ET & E-.442 -R/TTE(# /$55 RE-+R'

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&SE5F .& 6

I<ere you$ll pick a reward6may!e not a new car# !ut a good !ook or a great time with the kids at an arcade# a great romantic meal with the spouseJ Then you <+DE to sign this sheet of paper# date it and hang it up right there !eside your computer and anywhere else in your home that you see a 54T e"ery day% a!o"e your !ed! .ut# !efore you hang it up# go on 8oogle image search and find a picture that represents what you want and print it out% /f it$s the latest "ersion of K-Site *ro# then get that picture and tape it to the sheet you 1ust filled out% /f it$s a romantic dinner# find a picture of E gorgeous people ha"ing a fancy dinner with all of the trimmings% "ea7e t$at piece o% paper up and keep lookin& at it until you &et w$at you need+ -hat /$m after here is getting you to make a commitment to yourself6and your family6that you$re going to do this% -ithout a commitment# you$re really increasing the odds that you$ll ne"er get that e-!ook done6you$ll ne"er ha"e a product of your own6you$ll ne"er really !e in control of your own !usiness destiny% ay!e your !athroom or on the ceiling

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This is such a tiny commitment to make6F hours a night6for G days7 'on$t you owe it to yourself and your family to RE+55& do this7 /f you$"e truly made the decision to go on# then let$s get going!

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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! !ay ? 4kay# up and at Lem! Time to get started%

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ake sure you ha"e

F hours today to work on this chapter and nothing else% /t$s important to focus on this one task till the end of this chapter% 8o ahead and answer your emails and do your daily routines6then come !ack here and !e ready to get going% +lright# you$re !ack! &ou$"e got E lists lying there someplace6 the first was your list of ideas you had !een consciously kicking around in your head6the second was the list of words# phrases# paragraphs that came out of your timed writing e,ercise6go get them and let$s take a look at what we ha"e% -hen you look at your first list# and then compare it to your second list# do you see any words or phrases in common7 &ou pro!a!ly won$t right off! .ut# look at each idea on your first list and T<E(# try to apply the words from your second list to that particular idea% &ou$ll !e surprised at what pops out at you! Somewhere in there# you$ll run up on an idea that has a lot of interchange !etween the E lists6that$s the one your su!conscious was working on hardest! *luck that idea out of your first list# take all of the applica!le wordsHphrases out of your second list and set them aside% pro!a!ly a keeper! &ou$ll find that you pro!a!ly know a lot a!out this su!1ect That$s

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/t may !e one of your ho!!ies or interests or something

you$"e read or heard a lot a!out% The fact that your su!conscious has called it up says that you need to take a greater interest in it and '4 something with it! So# you$"e spent =: minutes and come up with an idea that means something to you# personally% -hether you know it or not# you !elong to a niche% That niche co"ers the su!1ect of your idea% That$s pretty straightforward% .ut# now we need to find out if there$s any money to !e made in that niche% &ou need to come up with one phrase6E-F words6that sums up your idea% e,ample% /t may !e something like# ?indoor water gardens@# for &ou ha"e to make it as clear and concise as you can% +

good trick is to think of what you$d type in to the 8oogle search !ar if &4; were looking for information on the su!1ect% That$s your keyword phrase for the ne,t part of today$s task% .efore you spend a !unch of time writing# you need to see if anyone is e"en interested in your su!1ect% The whole idea here is to make yourself some money6not 1ust write a !ook! So# your ne,t step today is to !ecome a pri"ate in"estigator6a *%/% 61ust like agnum or Sam Spade! &ou$re going to !e doing some researching online6sorry# no guns or car chases today!6in the niche which co"ers your su!1ect% y good friend# 3ohn Taylor# has 1ust written# what / consider# T<E resource !ook on ways to find out if a niche may !e profita!le or Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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not% <e really pulls out all of the stops and gi"es you "ery specific# "ery useful sites where you can do your research easily and 0uickly% The !ook retails for a!out $=M and is worth# at least# E: times that in the time and effort it will sa"e you! T$at:s so-et$in& we need to talk about ri&$t now+ +RE going to need to spend some money! ha"e an ongoing e-!ook !usiness% &ou

(ot much6!ut some!

There are specific tools and resources you <+DE to ha"e in order to +nd# that$s the whole idea here# isn$t it7 <a"ing many e-!ooks out there all selling =-F copies a day7 T<+T$S a TR;E !usiness you can count on since all of your eggs aren$t in one !asket% The tools and resources /$ll !e recommending are the ones / use myself e"eryday% They sa"e me time# effort and a T4( of money! /$"e !een a!le to arrange special pricing for my readers on most of them% /$ll always try to offer you free alternati"es whene"er / can# !ut sometimes# that 1ust isn$t possi!le# and others# the free!ies 1ust aren$t worth a darn% / 1ust want to !e straight with you here% y goal is for &4; to ha"e a growing and profita!le online !usiness# (4T to sell you stuff% / make my money from e-!ooks6and / want you to !e a!le to say the same thing one day soon! So# your first day has !een spent on research% &ou$"e found

your !est ideas and you disco"ered how often that idea is searched for each day% That$s important stuff! Tomorrow# you$ll learn how to pick up ideas that are already out there% Then# the ne,t day will !e spent on actually writing your !ook and the final day you$ll learn how to put it all together and start selling! Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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!ay 4 -ell now# you$"e learned a powerful techni0ue in the last chapter% /t allows you to tap into your su!conscious and drill for ideas% /f you use that techni0ue consistently# it will only get more powerful6 1ust like a !icep muscle does when you e,ercise it! The ?2umar ethod@ is e,cellent for generating your own#

original ideas6one$s that may !e DER& profita!le6or ones that may !e a !ig flop! That$s why we spent so much time and effort on learning a!out niche research% -ith an original idea# you you for that idea% / hope you$re thinking6@There <+S to !e an easier way to do that if /$m going to e"entually ha"e do)ens of products out there for sale!@ -ell# there is! .ut# please don$t discount your su!conscious% ethod@6 will help you ;ST find out if there is# not only a market for your idea# !ut if the market is willing to pay

E"en if you decide to use this second techni0ue /$m going to teach you# that ?drilling for ideas@ thing6the ?2umar money! + friend# and e,ceptional marketer# 3ohn Reese# is famous for saying# @Sell w$at people are buyin&# (ow# that$s so simple# you may 1ust miss the power of the statement% 5et$s put it another way> 'on$t re-in"ent the wheel61ust make it roll !etter% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! refine it# put a new twist on things6and6make you a 54T more

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Think# for a minute or two# where you$d go to find out what people are# first of all# looking for6and secondly# what they$re !uying% The first part is pretty simple% There are se"eral sites that will show you the top 9:: or G:: or 9::: searches for that week% www%-ordTracker%com has a free ser"ice that you can sign up for6they send you a great list once a week% The list has the ?trendy@ searches# as well as the searches that are continually in the top of the rankings% The trendy list is highly influenced !y holidays and news e"ents% -ordTracker calls this list its ?Surge Report@% /f .rad *itt is in the news# you can !e sure he$ll !e in the trendy list% The second list is where the smart ones go to drill! -ordTracker calls this their ?5ong-Term 2eyword Report@% These are the traditional# e"eryday top searches% That$s the list you want to work with! /f a keyword is continually in the top E:: searched for items# doesn$t it make sense that a 54T of people are searching for it e"ery day7 There are a T4( of free places to do your market research% 3ust take a moment and think a!out where you$d go to see what people are !uying% 'id you come up with +ma)on# .arnes & (o!le# C(ET# Then# good on you! &ou$re thinking 4nce you Tucows and a host of others7

along the right lines% The whole idea here is to find out what types of things people are already !uying6and !uying a 54T of! a good place to stop today% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! know that# you$"e taken a giant step towards your first e-!ook! That$s

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!ay A 8ood 1o! so far! &ou$"e learned a lot and ha"e started to put that knowledge into use% <opefully# you$"e learned how to get ideas out of your mind and down onto paper# while at the same time# you$"e learned how to step !ack and take a look at an o"er"iew of what$s actually !eing !ought out there in the market% ay!e# you$"e !een smart enough to try the ?2umar ethod@

out on your market research% /f you ha"e# you$re really way ahead! 5ast chapter# you found out ways to see what people are !uying% The chapter !efore that# you learned a!out tapping your su!conscious% 5et$s put those two techni0ues together for a moment and see what happens% 'o a little market research and come up with G keywords or phrases that apply to things that people are already !uying6and !uying a 54T of! &ou 1ust learned a!out how to do this6check -ordTracker# check e.ay# check the !est sellers6all of those things! Come up with a list of G potential keywords or items# or topics% 4(5& G! (ow# 1ust study that list of G for a few minutes% Think a!out

each keyword or phrase and then write down ideas a!out each one of them% +s fast as you can6with no editing Iyou +RE using that pen# right7J% That$s your conscious mind working% (ow it$s time to get your su!conscious kicked into gear! Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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;s the 2umar

ethod to focus your mind on those G items6the Rela, like we talked a!out

last G things you were thinking a!out%

earlier and 1ust let things flow out of your mind and onto the paper% 'o a =: minute session% things they want to work on% +gain# you$re going to end up with E lists6your conscious list and your su!conscious list% Compare them like !efore and find which one of the G items comes out with the most things scri!!led down a!out it% That$s pro!a!ly the one you should pick to write a!out for your first e-!ook! That$s an important step you 1ust took there whether you knew it or not% &ou did some good research# you put some 0uality conscious thought into it and then# you turned it o"er to your su!conscious to work on% /f you TR;5& went through those steps# then you are definitely in the GB of e-!ook authors Ior soon-to-!e authors!J who will turn out an e,cellent product6one that people will 54DE # get a 54T out of6+('# tell their friends a!out! *at yourself on the !ack and gra! a cool refreshment# !ut# don$t close this chapter yet% -e ha"e more work to do today! The "ery ne,t thing you need to do is go out and find e"erything you can on your su!1ect% 5et$s say you came up with ?diets for dachshunds@ as your topic% &ou need to go out and find what$s already Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! ost people find that after =: minutes

or so# it !ecomes more difficult to keep their minds focused on 1ust the

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! !een written on that su!1ect%

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<ere$s an e,cellent FREE way to do 1ust that% 8o to 8oogle and type in your keyword or key phrase% Take a look at the statistics there# !ut don$t worry too much a!out the num!er of them right now% The important part for you# at this point are the we!sites you$ll see there% Click on some of the top ranked sites and see what information they ha"e on there% sell% own product! See what they ha"e to say6what they ha"e to /f it$s a See what price points they set for their products6if it /S their See what affiliate products they$re selling%

popular product# don$t you think that people may !e interested in learning how to !est6or !etter6use that product7 4r may!e take care of that product7 -hat you$re trying to do here is c$eck out your co-petition6 get the lay of the land6do some reconnaissance! (ot with the idea of talking yourself 4;T of writing a !ook a!out the topic# !ut with the idea of getting you e,cited a!out it! -hile you$re searching# make sure you find some sites that ha"e free articles a!out your chosen topic% Copy those articles into a folder on your desktop entitled# ?Resources@6we$ll come !ack to them in 1ust a !it% +lso# while you$re searching# try to %ind %oru-s that deal with your topic% That$s easy to do% 3ust go to 8oogle and type in ?forum dogs@ or ?forum dachshunds@ 6you get the idea% These forums are a

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How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! treasure tro"e of great information! +dd them to your resource file%

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ones that closely fit your topic6you -/55 !e coming !ack to them!

Take a little time on each of the forums to read a few posts6see what 0uestions people are asking6see what people are talking a!out% Find a forum topic that has a lot of responses and read through them% -hat you$re doing here is getting a feel for your market6what they want to know6what they already know6what they !uy6what they don$t !uy6how they talk% This will help immeasura!ly when tomorrow rolls around and you start actually writing! (ow# let$s get !ack to that folder you put on your desktop% &ou should ha"e 0uite a few articles in there !y now if you$"e !een copying and swiping% That$s why it$s called a swipe file! E"ery!ody who$s really serious a!out marketing keeps one% /f they see something that looks really cool or interesting or applica!le# they 1ust add it to their swipe file% This is (4T a file to steal content from% That$s 1ust plain dum!6 and illegal! /t$s pretty hard to make a decent li"ing from the state pen! /t$s your resource file% + resource for ideas# methods# techni0ues that you may end up !orrowing ideas from in the future% The !est way to use a swipe file for your first e-!ook is to read through the applica!le content6articles# we! pages# whate"er 6and internali)e that information%

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So# during this session# you should$"e spent nearly all four hours with your nose in 8oogle% 8etting a T4( of information in your swipe file6 and more importantly# in your !rain! /f you ha"e any spare time tonight# get yourself !uried in your swipe files and get your !rain really filled up with information a!out your topic% 'on$t worry6we$ll get it out of there tomorrow! 8ood 1o! today!

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Today:s t$e day you actually start writin&# what we$"e co"ered since day one% little strange to you as well!

(ow$s a good

time6!efore you get all in"ol"ed in the writing6to think !ack and see &ou$"e co"ered a lot of stuff6 learned some techni0ues that were new to you6and# pro!a!ly were a

&ou may !e getting tired of all of the re"iew we do at the !eginning of each chapter% /$m doing that for a "ery good reason! -hat you$re really trying to learn here is the process6the process of how to write a !ook! Sure# this time around /$m sort of holding your hand through that process# !ut the ne,t time# you$ll !e on your own% /t$s sort of like when you were first learning to dri"e% &ou had to concentrate on each step as you took it% *ut your foot on the !rake# put it in re"erse# check and see if anything$s !ehind you6you remem!er ha"ing to think a!out all of that% +fter a while# you 1ust 1umped in the car and took off! That$s what / want you to !e a!le to do when you start your ne,t !ook% So# up to this point# we$"e talked a!out what you think a!out your writing a!ility6and gi"en you some powerful reasons to think more highly of it% /$"e also gi"en you an e,ceptional tool to gra! ideas out of your su!-conscious and get them on paper where you can work with them and make them come to life% &ou$"e learned ways to work in niches# to find out if your ideas are profita!le# and to start filling your head with the first thoughts of Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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an! That$s a lot in 1ust =: pages% (ow it all starts

to pay off6it$s time to write! 5et$s get going! First of all# wipe that sweat off your forehead# wipe those sweaty palms on your 1eans and stop feeling that knot in your stomach! This is going to !e a lot !etter6and easier than you think it is% Remem!er that ?stinkin$ thinkin$@ thing and look up at the side of your computer monitor and see that piece of paper with those promises you made yourself !ack a few days ago% gonna !e fun! First of all# let$s think up a catchy title for your new !ook% 8ra! that legal pad6and pen! For the rest of this !ook# we$re going to say that your !ook will !e a!out diets for dachshunds% -hate"er your topic is# write it down at the top of a !lank yellow pad page6right in the middle6and in ./8 5ETTERS% 5ike our e,ample topic6 Rela,! This is

ECa-ple' !IETS FO. !ACHSH93!S

+lthough that phrase alone may !e a good title for a !ook# we$re looking for a title that will make people want to read this !ook6not e"en want to6HA2E to read this !ook! The !est way to do that is to insert some other words in there to gra! their attention% -ords like# delicious# easy-to-do# cheap# healthy# 6can all go !efore the word diets% -ords like your darling# your fat# o"erweight# older# 6can go in front of dachshund%

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Right !elow that !ig topic title write a list of descripti"e words that will work with your topic6make it at least 9: words long% Then# right !elow the !ig lettered topic# start writing the new titles% 'elicious 'iets For &our 'arling 'achshund6Easy-To-'o 'iets For &our Fat 'achshund6<ealthy 'iets For &our 4lder 'achshund6and so on% 'o that with your title% <a"e some fun with it% &ou pro!a!ly will come up with some really funny ones# and some really smelly ones! 'oesn$t matter% 3ust put them down on paper till you$"e used all of your words% (ow# sit !ack and read each of them out loud! 4ne or two of them will really sound good6really sound like the title of a !ook that you$d pro!a!ly !uy% Those are the ones to work with% your first !ook! <ere$s a little trick that always gets me really going when /$m first starting a !ook% /t may work for you as well% 8o to 8oogle and type in your topic6dachshund# in our e,ample !ook% Then# click on the ?/mages@ link right a!o"e the search !o,% &ou$ll find all kinds of pictures of dachshunds% Take a few minutes and pick one that really catches your eye% +ll you ha"e to do now is pick your fa"orite and you$"e 1ust come up with the title for

&ou ha"e to know right here that you pro!a!ly won$t !e a!le to Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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use that e,act picture for your !ook co"er since it pro!a!ly is copyrighted6/$ll tell you a couple of places to get some great pictures that are copyright free here in a minute6!ut 1ust ha"ing a picture helps this process along tremendously! and continue% &our ne,t step is to start an outline% <ow do you do that7 -ell# the !est way to show you is to refer you to the Table O% Contents for this !ook% 3ust click on the link and you$ll !e taken there% That$s what we want to end up with6a list of chapters% 5ea"e it up on your screen

.ut for now# we need an outline !efore we get it in that shape% The first shape your outline will take is 1ust a list of e"erything you want to tell me a!out diets for dachshunds% 'o you want to tell me a little history of dachshunds7 'o you want to tell me how many dachshunds are registered in the ;S7 'o you want to tell me a!out the different kinds of dachshunds7 <ow a!out health pro!lems that dachshund routinely suffer from7 3ust write down e"erything you can think of to tell me a!out dachshunds right there on your legal pad% those spaces in momentarily% e"erything down for now! /f you look at my Ta!le 4f Contents# you$ll see that / ended up with 9: chapters% IThere$s more there# !ut / always use an introduction# a summary chapter# and a resource chapter in e"ery Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! *ut each thing on a -e$ll fill 3ust write separate line and lea"e a few6=-F6lines !etween them% 'on$t edit yourself here!

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! !ook% -e$ll co"er that tomorrow in greater depth%J

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-hat you don$t see there is that my list of things / wanted to say was a!out =: lines long rather than 9:% So# keep writing! 'on$t try to put anything in order right now% 3ust throw all of your ideas down on the page% &ou should !e a!le to come up with E:-F: things you want to say a!out dachshunds% /f you don$t ha"e that many# go !ack to your resource file and read some more% Try to get at least E: lines filled up on that legal pad% This will take you some time# so /$ll go get a *epsi while you$re happily writing% !ad# now# didn$t /7 That wasn$t so hard6he said !etween chugs of *epsi6now was it7 &ou$d done your research# you$d read a!out your topic# you$d read articles on the topic# you$d "isited forums that talk a!out the topic6 there was a 54T of stuff in your !rain that you didn$t e"en know was there! /f you$re RE+55& smart and really want to ha"e a great first !ook# you$ll use the 2umar method on your list of things you want to tell me to see if there is anything in your su!-conscious that needs to !e added to the list% &ou might 1ust !e surprised here! 4kay# you$"e got a page full of things to say now% Each thing is on a separate line with se"eral lines in !etween them% +ll you need to do is fill in those !lank lines !etween each thing you wanted to say% Those are the details% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! / T45' you this wasn$t going to !e so

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For e,ample# if your first line was the history of dachshunds# then your detail lines would !e something like# Came from Europe# ;sed for hunting# <unting ferrets# used !y royalty# !rought to ;S in 9N9=# good natured dogs# loyal# protecti"e# weak !acks% (ow# you see that some of those things don$t fit under the history of dachshunds# do they7 -eed those out and put them under another main topic% 2eep doing that until you ha"e N-9: things under each topic% +nytime you need to refresh your ideas# go !ack to the resource file or do the 2umar thing again% See why those things are so important now7 Ideally< you want to end up wit$ about ?5*45 -ain topics with a!out 9: su!-topics !elow each one% 'o you see what you$re doing here7 &ou$re actually writing the frame work of your !ook! Each of those main topics will pro!a!ly end up !eing a chapter% The points !elow them will !e the indi"idual paragraphs in that chapter% 4ne last thing !efore we call it 0uits for tonight% &ou ha"e 0uite a few main topics there% &ou need to get them in some kind of lo&ical order so the reader6your reader6 won$t feel like you$re 1umping around all o"er the place% The a!solute .EST way to do that is to read the topics out loud! See if the way you ha"e them ordered makes sense to you when you$re talking them% *retend you$re talking to your !elo"ed ;ncle 8us%

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Read him the topics and see what he thinks6he$ll let you know! Can you see this e-!ook thing starting to come together7 Can you see how close you are to ha"ing it done7 That ought to RE+55& e,cite you! / know it e,cites me% &ou did a good 1o! today% Tomorrow# we put it all together% .e there!

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4kay! Today$s the day! .y the end of this chapter# you$ll ha"e your "ery first e-!ook! 'o you feel it yet7 'o you feel like that guy who$s running the mile and is coming around the final turn and can see the finish line7 &ou should! &ou$"e done a 54T of work to get here% .ut# now isn$t the time to slow down6it$s the time to do what the milers call ?kick it@% That$s where you suck it up# reach down and get all you ha"e in you and run as fast as you can! That$s e,actly what we$re going to do in this chapter% -hy7 -e$re

going to co"er a whole lot6in great detail and at a pretty fast pace% omentum! &ou$re e,cited right now !ecause you can smell# taste that e-!ook% / want that enthusiasm you$re feeling right now to come out in your writing6it$ll make a <;8E difference in the words you choose# in how you put those words together6in how your !ook sounds to your readers6in how well it sells! So6let$s get going!

Free Word Editin& So%tware' /$m going to !e talking a 54T a!out 4pen 4ffice in this chapter% already% /f you don$t ha"e it# you can go to http>HHdownload%openoffice%orgHinde,%html and download Sun icrosystems 4pen 4ffice suite% /t$s a great office suite6has a T4( of features# like a free *'F con"erter# most of which are almost entirely identical to -ord features Isometimes !etterJ6and it$s FREE! *lease ost people ha"e this installed

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sa"e yourself some frustration and use either -ord or 4pen 4ffice% icrosoft -orks 1ust doesn$t do some of the things you$ll need to do with your !ook like turn into a *'F% (ow# you still ha"e that yellow legal pad you were working with in the last chapter# / hope7 The one with all of the things you wanted to say a!out your topic6and all of the e,planatory details you added to those points% 8ood# gra! it and sit down in front of 4pen 4ffice -riter and let$s get going on your !ook% 4kay# the first thing we$re going to do is actually construct your !ook% /$"e found o"er the years that this really helps me get e"erything straight in my head !efore / e"en get started doing a lot of writing6/$m sure it will help you as well% 8o ahead and open -ord up and get a new page started% Then# !efore you type a word on the page# minimi)e it! Ebook Co7er 1rap$ic' 5et$s go get a co"er picture for your !ook first% / use a graphic designer for all of my e!ook co"ers and mini site graphics% <e from Crystal*roCo"ers%com does great work for marketers on a shoe string !udget% /f you feel you ha"e the knack to design your own e!ook co"ers and don$t want to pay a designer# then you might !e interested in the easy to use push !utton e-co"er creating software%

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About %indin& i-a&es to use in your ebook and on your website' /f you decide to design the co"er yourself or 1ust add images in the content of the e!ook# you can easily find 1ust a!out any type of picture you want at a couple of sites /$"e found o"er the last se"eral months% The first site will cost you a little !it of money6a!out $9%:: a picture6!ut it is well worth it! /t$s called /-Stock www%istock%com The They ha"e more pictures there than you can shake a stick at!

deal is that you ha"e to set up an account with them and fund that account with# at least# $9:%::% Then# you can gra! any picture you want6most are $9%::6download it and use it till your heart$s content% -ell worth the money! The pictures are e,cellent 0uality and are !ig enough so you don$t ha"e to stretch them and get them all out of whack% The second site# stocke,change# http>HHwww%s,c%huH!rowse%phtml has a T4( of %ree*use pictures% &ou ha"e to read the indi"idual license# !ut you$ll find a !unch of great pictures there as well as some paid ones% They work the money the same way that /stock does% So# go gra! you a picture# sa"e it to your hard dri"e someplace where you can find it again and let$s get !ack to -ord% -hat we$re going to do is actually !uild the !ook first6!efore you e"en start writing it! &ou$re "ery first page is going to !e your co"er page with the Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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picture you 1ust downloaded# the title# your name and the copyright statement% 5ook at the top page of this e-!ook to see what /$m talking a!out here% Remem!er that list of things you wanted to say a!out your topic6the one with the su!-topics written in right !elow each main topic7 That$s going to !e your guide for writing starting right now% The su!-topics The first main topic will !e your first chapter%

underneath of it will !e the paragraphs for that particular chapter% So# go ahead and put your first topic at the top of your first RE+5 page and start writing% (ow# you ha"e G-M su!-topics there% 5et$s say your first su!-topic is ?Came from Europe@% +ll you need to do is write a paragraph that says 1ust that% 8ermany% The first written reference to dachshunds was6 finished that idea# mo"e on to the ne,t su!-topic% -hen you$"e finished your su!-topics# you$"e 1ust a!out finished the chapter% done! See how simple that is7 /t really cuts the ./8 task of writing a !ook into much more managea!le tasks6a chapter6a paragraph at a time! Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! 'o a last paragraph that summari)es the chapter and then a sentence that introduces the ne,t chapter and then you$re you get the Something like> 'achshunds were first !red in Europe in the 9O::s mainly !y the wealthy !arons of

idea% -rite =-F sentences a!out each su!-topic and then# when you

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4ne DER& important thing here! like one!

;nless you$re a college

professor who$s writing to other college professors# don$t try to sound ake what you say sound e,actly like what you$d say if you and / were sitting on your front porch or on your li"ing room couch and 1ust talking% En"ision telling your ;ncle 3im a!out dachshunds and then 1ust write those words% 'on$t use a lot of !ig words or try to !e fancy61ust T+52 to me! 4ne of the !est ways /$"e found to do that is the use of contractions% &ou$ll notice / use a lot of them% / don$t say# you will notice6/ say you$ll notice% /sn$t that how you speak naturally7 This one little tip will help you get in the mood for typing like you talk% +nother tip> type EK+CT5& what you think6don$t try to put it in !etter# fancier words6if you think something# 1ust type it! you$re typing# don$t go !ack and proofread it right then% 3ust type6you can always go !ack and correct things6*5;S# -ord will highlight things that aren$t right for you! 8et the chapter done and then# if you need a !reak# go !ack and see what -ord has to say a!out what you did wrong6spelling# grammar# that stuff6fi, it# read it out loud to yourself and then go on to the ne,t chapter% +t first# you$re going to feel a little strange typing this way# !ut after a while# it$ll actually start to !e a fun way to communicate! +nd# truthfully# a "ery profita!le way to communicate! *eople like to ha"e you6the author6talk -/T< them# not T4 them6and# especially not '4-( to them% /f you imagine you$re talking to a fa"orite uncle6good -hen

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old ;ncle 3im6your !est friend# your wife6whoe"er6you$ll !e a long way to communicating6to writing6in a manner that people will like and !uy more of! 4kay# you$"e got your first chapter done% 8o ahead and mo"e on to chapter two and repeat the process again and again% 4ne great thing a!out writing like you talk is that you don$t ha"e to spend a lot of time trying to come up with 1ust the right word% Things 1ust flow out of you !etter and go onto the page !etter when your thoughts go right to your fingers rather than !eing edited !efore they e"er make it there% 2eep trying to make your fingers type e,actly what you$re thinking% /t gets easier as you do more of it% / !elie"e that# as you reread your chapters# you$ll !e surprised at 1ust how 844' you$"e done% -hy$s that# you ask7 /t$s !ecause your language is fitting well with how your !rain works and seems "ery natural% /t$ll !e the same with your readers% They literally hear each word or phrase as they scan it with their eyes# so your natural writing style will definitely please them! 2eep up the process of topics6su!-topics6 chapters6 paragraphs6 until you$"e finished your whole outline% Take some time !etween chapters to re-read and correct the little things# !ut keep on typing6the end is near

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First of all# you need to reach your arm up o"er your shoulder and pat yourself on the !ack! &ou$"e 1ust accomplished something &ou that "ery few people e"er do6you$"e written your own e-!ook! ha"e your own product now! -elcome to the !ig leagues! &our !ook still needs a little polishing# !ut you$re nearly finished!

+ll you need to do now is go !ack through the entire !ook and RE+' /T 4;T +54;'! That may sound really stupid to you and you may feel RE+55& stupid doing it# !ut 1ust do it! <ere$s why> The a"erage reader actually ?hears@ the words in their head as they read% /f what you$"e written doesn$t sound right to you when you read it out loud# it pro!a!ly won$t sound right to your readers either% So# don$t skip this step! Read it out loud and change things that need changed% 4ne of the things / do is use a 54T of contractions% /$ll instead of / will6don$t instead of do not% &ou get the idea here% Think a!out how you talk and try to write like that6as we discussed in the last chapter% ake sure you check your spelling% -ord does a pretty good 1o! of this# !ut has some !uilt-in errors% For e,ample# if you forget to put an ?r@ on ?your@ and write it as ?you@# -ord won$t display that as a spelling error !ecause ?you@ is spelled right% That$s the second reason for reading it out loud6to sa"e your self from some em!arrassing spelling errors%

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(ow$s the time to watch for lapping paragraphs o"er a page% Try not to split a paragraph !etween pages% shows that this RE+55& !ugs readers! 4ur testing o"er the years 3ust slide that last paragraph

down to the ne,t page and your readers will thank you for it! /f you ha"e links in your te,t that you want to !e clicka!le# now$s the time to check them as well% -ord will make anything you tell it to into a link6e"en if it$s spelled wrong! (othing is as frustrating as wanting to click on a link that your !ook has gotten me really interested in and it doesn$t work! Check them! -hat you$re working on here is the reading e,perience% This is a <;8E issue! &our goal is to write a !ook that people will !uy6that$s a gi"en% .ut# what you RE+55& want is for those initial !uyers to !ecome long term customers6your long term customers! /f your !ooks are pleasant to read# are laid out well and are written in a way that sounds like you$re talking with them6you -/55 make them long term customers6and ha"e a long term !usiness! This is an important lesson for you to learn right now# during the preparation of your first !ook% di"idends for years! 4kay# you$"e read your !ook out loud# changed sentences that didn$t sound right# checked +55 of your spelling# checked your links if you ha"e any# and paid attention to where the paragraphs land on the page% &ou$re ready to transform your !ook into a format that will allow your readers to easily en1oy and learn from it% Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! *ut some time into it# it$ll pay you

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There are two ma1or formats for distri!uting an e-!ook to your customers6*'F and EKE% /$m "ery partial to the *'F format for one !ig reason% /n all of the !ooks /$"e written# /$"e done only one EKE !ook6and gotten the a!solute 4ST customer complaints and EKE !ooks 1ust +C usersJ% re0uests for customer ser"ice of my writing career! don$t work on some computers Inot compati!le with

E"en windows users who try to download or run EKE !ooks# ha"e their computers throw up all kinds of warning windows they$"e ne"er seen !efore6and# 1ust guess who they ask a!out that warning6you# the author! For that reason# /$m going to suggest that# at least for your first !ook# you decide to use the *'F format% -hen it comes to turning your -ord document into a *'F document# 4pen 4ffice will do the 1o! and it$s free% So stick with it% +do!e +cro!at is the gold standard of the entire *'F field# !ut two things stand in the way of e"eryone using it% /ts cost6e,pensi"e6and its learning cur"e6 pretty difficult! /f you already ha"e +do!e on your computer6good on you# 1ust use it% /f you don$t ha"e +do!e# then try 4pen 4ffice which does what you need done without a lot of hassles% So now# go to your Ta!le 4f Contents page# highlight it ICtrl P +J and copy it to your clip!oard ICtrl P CJ% with a name like ? yE!ookT4C@ and set it aside% 'o the e,act same thing with the introduction to your !ook% &ou remem!er# the chapter where you wrote your moti"ations# your goals# Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! (ow# open a new document and paste ICtrl P *J the T4C onto the new page% Sa"e it

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what you hoped the reader would get from the !ook6all of that% <ighlight that# copy it and paste it into a new document% Sa"e it as something you can find% So# what you end up with are = different documents6the entire !ook# the Ta!le 4f Contents# and the /ntroduction6that are ready to !e con"erted to *'F% -e$ll get to what you$re going to do with the other two documents you made in the ne,t chapter# so don$t worry a!out that for now% 3ust get all three con"erted to *'F% 4nce you ha"e them con"erted# you ;ST open the *'F files

and check out how they look6check to see if any links you inserted are still functional6check how the paragraphs fall on the page as we discussed pre"iously% -ord doc% a!out! 'o all three docs# get them looking great# and then read on! /f it doesn$t for some reason# delete that *'F file and do it again after making the necessary changes to your original /t$s !ack to that old reading e,perience thing we talked

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Okay< It:s !one# How !o I /ake T$e /oney= &ep6you$re finally done! Congratulations% /t$s ready to go to market and make you some money% arketing an e-!ook is an entire !ook all in itself# so / won$t e"en attempt to do all of that in 1ust one chapter% / -/55# howe"er# gi"e you a 0uick list of what$s worked for me o"er the last OP years and let you decide what$s !est for you% Settin& 9p Your Website' First of all# if you don$t ha"e we! hosting# you need to get signed up with someone% &ou <+DE to ha"e your own *+/' hosting6no two ways a!out it! !andwidth% / recommend these O sales funnel tutorial "ideos that will guide to through whole sales funnel process% /t will show you how to set up your we!site# sales letter# add an order !utton and connect it all to your download page% -hat you '4 ha"e to look at is the types of scripts that will run on the hosting companies ser"ers6*<*# C8/# that sort of thing% &ou also '4 ha"e to look at any e,tra scripts the hosting includes% /f you want to run any sort of affiliate marketing script on your Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! -hen you$re looking at hosting# you don$t ha"e to worry so much a!out the storage space6at least for a while6or the

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we!site like Rapid +ction *rofits or $M secrets script (you get this script free with your copy of Instant Cash Payouts)# then your we! hosting will need to !e a!le to run *<* and these a"aila!le for you% About Copy Writin&' &ou need to ha"e a good6actually no# a "ery good6sales pitch Isales copyJ on your we!site to sell your !ook from% / wrote a short mini report called Sales *otion which teaches how to !ecome an e,pert online seller% So check it out if you want to know how to compel regular traffic into !uyers using the power of words% .elow are 1ust some !asics on copy writing> !een tested thoroughly tooJ <a"e either a "ery uno!trusi"e header or no header graphic at all% That "aries with your target market and is something you$ll ha"e to test for yourself% &our sales page must !e "ery focused on your product6no other distractions# no +dSense# no e,tra links61ust pitch the product% &ou must ha"e a good interest capturing and !enefit filled headline6one that immediately tells the "isitor what your !ook will do for them% &ou must ha"e a list of !enefits that the "isitor will reap if they Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! IThese ha"e all ySQ5 data!ases% 'on$t worry !ecause the "ast ma1ority of good we! hosts these days ha"e

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!uy your !ook% M-9: !ullet points seems to !e the consistent winner in testing% ake each !ullet point answer the 0uestion of the reader e7@ -//F % &ou already ha"e 0uite a leg up on others ?-hat$s /n /t For

This is important!

since you$"e 1ust learned how to write effecti"ely6communicate effecti"ely6 during the process of working with this !ook! 2eep that con"ersational tone6keep using those contractions6talk -/T< the reader# not T4 them! 8et a professional e-!ook co"er done for you! *lease# unless &ou$"e

you$re an e-co"er design pro# don$t try to make your own!

worked too hard on your !ook to ruin it with a cheesy looking e-co"er% There are a T4( of other things you can do to a we!site to make it sell !etter for you% &ou can find more free copywriting tips on my !log http>HH!lingcopywriting%com The a!solute most important thing is61ET THE WE;SITE 9, A3! O9T THE.E TA0I31 O.!E.S# &ou won$t make a dime unless the we!site is li"e with an acti"e order !utton% So don$t study it to death or design it to death61ust put it out there and T<E( work on it% /arketin& Your Ebook' <ere are the EK+CT steps / take to market a new e-!ook% 9% -rite the sales copy while the !ook is still fresh in my mind% / e"en start on the copy while /$m writing sometimes# Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

How to Write & Sell Your First Ebook FAST! especially if /$m really in to the topic right then%

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E% 8i"eaway a sample chapter6the introduction that you did as a separate *'F% /$ll use that as a free sample of the !ook6 of course# / try to get a name and email address for the pri"ilege of downloading it6!ut / '4($T re0uire it! / always gi"e them a small link somewhere at the !ottom of the signup form that will take them directly to the download% y main o!1ecti"e is to sell an e-!ook6the sample chapter will do that for me% So / want as many people as possi!le to download it% /t$s a lot like seeing people in .arnes and (o!le skimming through the !ooks !efore they !uy% =% / always put the Ta!le 4f Contents on the sales page% Tests show that this action alone can !oost sales as much as ENB! / also offer the T4C as a download as well% F% / always ha"e a professional e-co"er done for the !ook% /$m "ery picky a!out this and only use the !est e-co"er creators% G% / always use a ?!uy@ !utton# that says something like6@8ra! &our Copy Right (ow!@6or6@get &our Copy Today!@ instead of ?Click <ere To .uy@ O% / always use a =:-day Ior higherJ money-!ack guarantee# worded as strongly as / can to put all of the risk of !uying the !ook on my shoulders and (4T the customers% M% / offer !onuses6/ make sure that the !onuses are rele"ant to the topic of my !ook6not 1ust a !unch of 1unk! +nd not too many !ecause it can de"alue your own product and you don$t want to o"erload your customer with to much info% N% / +5-+&S offer an affiliate program! / started out using $M secrets scripts I9::B instant commissionsJ Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e!

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Iget it free with when you !uy /nstant Cash *ayoutsJ to recruit affiliates and make your product go "iral% difference6my affiliate manager is !uilt in! A% / always make sure the affiliates make more money than / do! / almost always set the commission le"el for cheap +2E S;RE that those affiliates get paid products at 9::B on the front end and G:B on any one time offer / use% / on time# e"ery time !ut with scripts like the $M secrets and R+*# affiliates can get paid to their paypal instantly! 9:% / always send FREE copies of the !ook to friends for their testimonials6and / always use G-M testimonials on e"ery sales page% That$s where selecting the right we! host makes all of the

+s / said !efore# this has all !een well tested and continues to !e tested periodically to make sure the techni0ues are still working% +ll of this should gi"e you some good ideas for your first sales site% The 2E& is to get the site up and running! 'on$t hesitate! 8o ahead and do it6right now! /f you wait until it$s perfect in your eyes# you$ll ne"er make a dime# !ecause you$ll always find something else to change6to make !etter% *ut it out there# check the stats# change things as needed# !ut# *;T /T 4;T T<ERE! That$s a really short marketing course# !ut it$s enough to get you started in the right direction% 3ust take action! -e$ll wrap e"erything up in the ne,t chapter and get out of here!

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Wrappin& It All 9p -ell# this has !een 0uite a 1ourney! &ou started out !eing a

little afraid6c$mon you can admit it now that we$re friends6of writing% &ou started out wanting a product of your own# !ut only had6may!e6 an idea# !ut (4 idea of what to do from there% &ou learned some great ways to get your ideas down on paper as well as get ideas out of your su!-conscious% That 2umar method will ser"e you well in many areas6not 1ust writing! ;se it# you$ll !e ama)ed at what your !rain can come up with% &ou learned a!out niche research6how to do it 0uickly and efficiently% &ou learned to sell what people are already !uying% +('6 you learned how to merge your ideas with your niche research to come up with an idea for your first e-!ook% &ou made an outline of your !ook6topics and su!-topics6and learned how to turn that outline into an actual !ook# which you then learned how to market! +ll in all# that$s a 54T of stuff to learn! &ou should feel pretty good a!out yourself a!out now6you$"e accomplished a lot! / hope the main things you take away from this !ook are the facts that you C+( write anything you want and you C+( learn to effecti"ely write in a way that gets your ideas across to others in a way that is pleasing to them% Also Check /f you$"e learned that# you$re many

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steps ahead on the way to !eing a successful e-!ook marketer% 2eep using the 2umar method6keep writing e,actly as you think6 keep writing like you$re talking to a good friend or ;ncle 3im6 1ust keep writing! &our ne,t !ook will !e a 54T easier% The one after that will !e e"en easier than the second one% &ou$"e made a great start here! 5earn how to make money from your !ooks and then 1ust write a T4( of them% (ow# T<+T$S the way to ha"e a truly ./8 online !usiness! /$d like to thank you for reading this !ook% /t$s !een a pleasure to write it for you% /t was sort of like a !rain dump for myself6a chance to look at how / work6and how well my process works for me! +nd# you know what7 /t works pretty well6/ 5/2E it! /$d lo"e to hear a!out your first e-!ook and how the process worked for you% /$d lo"e to hear a!out your successes# !ig or little6as well as what didn$t work for you% The main thing is6'4 S4 ET</(8! Take action% dou!t! -ishing you success in e"erything! See the ne,t page for the referenced we!sites in this report% +ll the !est# Jim DeSantis http> Also Check ut! www"#$sta$tCashPa%outs"co& A$' Tur$ Your Ebook #$to A$ #$sta$t Cash Pa%i$g (achi$e! ake a goal

and 1ump in there and achie"e that goal% &ou can do that# / ha"e no

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/nstant Cash *ayouts <ow to create hot mini instant cash paying e!ook money machines I.onus affiliate marketing script included!J (e,t /nternet 'isaster <ow to change your mindset and ha!its to !ecome a successful work at home entrepreneur! Find + *rofita!le (iche <ow to locate profita!le niches !efore you start marketing to it! 4pen 4ffice Free word te,t editing and *'F creating software suite Isimilar to icrosoft -ordJ *ush .utton E-Co"er *ro I'-/-&J Create your own e-co"er designs with this easy to use software Sales Funnel Dideos Step !y step training "ideos show how to set up a complete sales funnel we!site Iuploading# order !utton# download page set up etc%J Sales *otion The formula to turn you into an online marketing maniac! Rapid +ction *rofits +ffiliate marketing we!site script lets you recruit affiliates and offer instant commissions!

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