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I. Before you begin: I. Relax and feel confident. II. Remember that you have 30 minutes to write your essay. Use your time wisely. III. You may write your essay on the computer or on paper. Choose the one you are M !" comfortable with. II. You can write an excellent essay if you remember all these tips# [Note: These tips will be very helpful for you, but you still need someone to read your completed essays and make comments on the contents. Order our services and you will be matched with your own teacher who will help you with FI ! different TO!F" essays# II. Understanding the TOE ! "uestion: "here are different types of " $%& 'uestions. You never (now which 'uestion you will receive) so you must be prepared to write on *&& the types of 'uestions. It is very important that you completely understand the 'uestion +$% R$ you be,in to write. +elow are some different essay 'uestion types. 1. Choose a point of view and support that view. $xample- !ome people believe that university students should be re'uired to attend classes. thers believe that ,oin, to classes should be optional for students. .hich point of view do you a,ree with/ Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer. "his type of 'uestion as(s you to loo( at only 0$ side of the issue1the side you a,ree with. 2 03" write about both sides. You tell which side you a,ree with and support your ideas with details and examples. 2. Describe something. $xample- If you could invent somethin, 0$.) what product would you develop/ Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed/ 4$dit $n,lish 5000 http-66www.editen, 7

In answerin, this type of 'uestion) you MU!" be creative. It as(s you to describe somethin, 0$.) somethin, that does not exist. You must describe it in detail *02 tell why it is necessary. 3. Compare two points of view and tell which one you agree with. $xample- !ome people thin( that children should be,in their formal education at a very early a,e and should spend most of their time on school studies. thers believe that youn, children should spend most of their time playin,. Compare these two views. .hich view do you a,ree with/ .hy/ In this type of 'uestion) you must write about + "8 sides of this issue and then tell which side you a,ree with. You may 0 " say that you a,ree with both sides. You MU!" ma(e a choice. %irst) ,ive support) details and examples of both sides of the issue. "hen) tell which side you a,ree with and why. 4. Agree or disagree with something. $xample- 2o you a,ree or disa,ree with the followin, statement- 0&Y people who earn a lot of money are successful. 2o you a,ree or disa,ree with this definition of success/ Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. In this type of 'uestion) you MU!" a,ree or disa,ree. You cannot be unsure or indecisive. *fter you have said whether you a,ree or disa,ree) you must ,ive convincin, reasons and examples for your choice. 5. !plain why something is true. $xample- 9eople remember special ,ifts or presents that they have received. .hy/ :ive specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In this 'uestion) you should use lots of examples. ;%or this 'uestion) you would use examples of ,ifts one mi,ht receive and tell why those ,ifts are memorable<. 2o not write in the first person) =I.> .rite in more ,eneral terms. ". #upport an idea or plan. $xample- It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your nei,hborhood. 2o you support or oppose this plan/ .hy/ Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. In this 'uestion) first tell whether you support or oppose the plan and then tell why. !ince this 'uestion is somewhat personal) it is o( to use personal pronouns such as- =I) me) my> in your answer. [$nderstandin% the &uestion is only the first part to writin% a %ood TO!F" essay. 'fter you have written your essay, you need someone to (!') it. Order our services and you will have the help of your own teacher to help you *!'T the TO!F"++#

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III. The parts of an essay: In every essay) there should be an introduction) a body and conclusion. A. $he introduction: "he introduction restates the 'uestion usin, different vocabulary and6or sentence structure. "he introduction also includes your thesis statement1the most important sentence in your essay. %. $he body& "he body of your essay is also the =heart> of your essay. It will include your main ideas and details and examples to support those ideas. $ach new idea should be a new para,raph. "ypically) a " $%& essay will have 3 ? @ body para,raphs. C. $he conclusion& "he conclusion will be your final para,raph. It will summariAe all the main ideas in your essay and it may also include your opinion. I#. $o% to %rite a good introduction: &et3s loo( at some more essay 'uestions to see how to restate the 'uestion and how to write your thesis statement. TO!F" essay &uestion ,-: !ome people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. ther people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. .hich do you prefer/ Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (estatement . Thesis: 9eople have two options when decidin, where to eat. "hey can prepare meals and eat at home or they can ,o out to stands or restaurants. I prefer to ,o out to eat because the food is more varied and interestin,) it is less wor( for me and it saves time. 'nalysis: "he restatement mentions the two types of options people have for eatin, and tells which one the author prefers. In addition) it ,ives three reasons for that preference. "hese three reasons will ma(e up the three main idea para,raphs in the body of the essay. TO!F" essay &uestion ,/: Is it better for children to participate in team sports or individual sports/ .hy/ Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (estatement . Thesis: It is better for children to participate in team sports rather than individual sports. In team sports) children learn how to cooperate. "hey learn ,ood sportsmanship

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and how to rely on their teammates. "hese are important lessons that will benefit children throu,hout their lives. 'nalysis: "he first sentence clearly states the author3s opinion. "his is followed by three reasons for the opinion. %inally) the author mentions life lessons. In the essay) the three reasons will ma(e up the three main idea para,raphs in the body of the essay. In addition) the author will mention how each main idea is useful throu,hout life. TO!F" essay &uestion ,0: !ome people prefer to live in a small town. thers prefer to live in a bi, city. .hich place would you prefer to live in/ Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (estatement . Thesis: "here are many ,ood reasons to live in a bi, city and an e'ual number of ,ood reasons to live in a small town. I) myself) prefer to live in a small town because it is more personal and homeyB it is easier to ,et around in and it is safer than a bi, city. 'nalysis: "he first statement says that both a city and town have positive aspects. "he next sentence tells the author3s preference and reasons for that preference. "hese reasons will ma(e up the body of the essay. [1hen you order our services, you will %et three free 2odel !ssays that have been written for the three TO!F" &uestions above. This will help you see how an entire TO!F" essay should look.# #. $o% to %rite good body paragraphs: $ach para,raph in your essay introduces a new idea. It should include a thesis statement followed by support and examples. +e sure to use & "! of examples. .ithin and between para,raphs be sure to use transition words li(e- on the other hand) however) thou,h) for example) in contrast) li(ewise) in addition) first) finally. "he para,raph should end with a concludin, sentence which briefly summariAes the ideas in the para,raph. #I. The ele&ents of a good concluding paragraph: * ,ood concludin, para,raph should include a summary of your main points. It may also include the author3s opinion. It should 0 " introduce any new ideas. * ,ood concludin, para,raph often leaves an impression on the reader. It may ma(e the reader thin( more deeply about the topic. #II. 'reparing to %rite and %riting your ans%er: I. Read and understand the essay 'uestion. ;5 minutes<.

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r,aniAe your ideas on paper by writin, a short outline of the introduction) body and conclusion. ;C minutes<. .rite your essay. Remember to restate the 'uestion in your introduction. Use clear details and & "! of examples in the body of your essay. %inally) summariAe the main ideas in the concludin, para,raph of your essay. ;7D minutes<.

I. Reread your essay and ma(e any chan,es in spellin,) verb tense) word choice or sentence structure. ;D minutes<. #III. ( sa&ple TOE ! outline: TOEFL Question: In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. o you thin! this is a good idea" #u$$ort your o$inion by using s$eci%ic reasons and details. I. It is a ,ood idea for teena,ers to have Eobs while they are students because they can learn about responsibilityB they can learn the value of money and they can learn how to wor( as a member of a team. II. !tudents can learn responsibility a. "hey have to come to wor( on time every day b. "hey must serve customers in a friendly manner c. "hey have to maintain the store shelves with inventory III. !tudents can learn the value of money a. !tudents will learn that it ta(es a lot of time and effort to ma(e money b. !tudents will ma(e wiser choices when buyin, thin,s with their own money IF. !tudents will learn how to wor( as a member of a team a. !tudents will learn how to compromise with other employees ;helpin, out when someone is sic() etc.< b. !tudents will learn about the friendship that comes from teamwor( ;feelin, li(e you can trust others< F. Conclusion It is a valuable experience for teena,ers to have Eobs while they are students because they will learn to be responsible adults. "hey will have an appreciation for money and they will learn about wor(in, with others. *ll of these traits will benefit them throu,hout their lives.

I). ( sa&ple TOE ! essay (based on the outline abo*e)

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It is a ,ood idea for teena,ers to have Eobs while they are students because they can learn about responsibilityB they can learn the value of money and they can learn how to wor( as a member of a team. .hen teena,ers have Eobs while they are students) they can learn how to be responsible. *s an employee) you must follow a wee(ly schedule. "his means) you have to come to wor( on time. If you are scheduled to be,in wor( at C a.m. on a !aturday mornin,) you have to be there at C a.m. It doesn3t matter if you went to a party the ni,ht before and do not want to ,et up. You have to ,et up. Your boss is relyin, on you to do your Eob. *s an employee) you also learn that you must serve the customer in a friendly manner. If you are not friendly) the store may lose business and you may lose your Eob. %inally) an employee is responsible for maintainin, the store shelves with inventory. If you wor( in a department store) you have to (eep the shelves filled with merchandise. "he products have to be priced and placed on the shelves. If the shelves loo( empty) customers may ,et a bad impression of the store and may not continue to shop there. It is ,ood for students to learn responsibility when they are youn, because it will benefit them as they ,et older. *nother benefit to teena,ers wor(in, is that they will learn the value of money. ften students ,et money from their parents) but they do not realiAe how hard their parents wor( for that money. .hen students wor() they be,in to appreciate how difficult it can be to ma(e money. "hey also realiAe that =money doesn3t ,row on trees> as some students seem to believe when as(in, their parents for money. *nother reason it is ,ood for students to wor( is that they will ma(e wiser choices when they use their own money to buy thin,s. %or example) if students wor( 50 hours per wee( at GH.00 per hour) they will ma(e G7@0 per wee(. In one month) that is about GD@0. 9erhaps a student will thin( twice about spendin, G750 for a pair of tennis shoes or G3D0 for a stereo system when s6he has had to wor( very hard for that money. n the other hand) when students do spend money for personal obEects) they will appreciate them more than if they had ,otten the money from their parents. %inally) wor(in, teena,ers learn from bein, members of a team. *s employees) students learn to wor( with others and help one another. %or example) if someone is sic() you may be as(ed to help out. In addition) other employees will depend on you to do your share of the wor(. If one person does not do his6her Eob) other employees may have to do extra wor( to compensate. !tudents will learn very 'uic(ly that it is not ,ood teamwor( to expect others to do your wor(. %inally) students will develop friendships with other employees because they have learned to count on each other. .or(in, as a member of a team will build stron, character in students. "o conclude) it is a valuable experience for teena,ers to have Eobs while they are students because they will learn to be responsible adults. "hey will have an appreciation for money and they will learn about wor(in, with others. "hese experiences will help them ,row into adulthood and benefit them throu,hout their lives. [)on3t stop here+ Order our services at http:44www.editen%lish and be%in to improve your TO!F" score today+#

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