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Semi-active control of torsionally-responsive structures

David A. Shooka, Paul N. Roschkeb1, Pei-Yang Linc, Chin-Hsiung Lohd

a b

Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, San Francisco, CA, USA

Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
c d

National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

National Taiwan University, Department of Civil Engineering, Taipei, 106 Taiwan, R.O.C.

The mitigation of torsional responses in structures using semi-active devices is pursued in the current study. Multiple magnetorheological (MR) dampers are employed for real-time control of response of a benchmark structure to earthquake excitations. MR damper resistance levels are intelligently managed by a global fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The FLC is generated using a controlled-elitist genetic algorithm (GA). Development of an optimal FLC is expedited by a discretized search space of fuzzy logic membership functions. To enable robust control a training excitation is created using the RSPMatch2005 algorithm which modifies historic ground records in the time-domain by wavelet operations. Both numerical and large-scale experimental efforts are undertaken to validate the proposed control system. Results show the GA-optimized FLC performs superior to passive operation in 42% of considered cases. KEY WORDS: torsion control, magnetorheological damper, fuzzy logic control, genetic algorithm

Numerous structures are susceptible to severe torsional responses in seismic loadings due to asymmetric floor plans, significant eccentric masses, or uneven distribution of shear walls. Typically, design engineers minimize significant torsional responses by avoiding asymmetries in design of the structure. When asymmetries are unavoidable, supplemental damping devices, such as the magnetorheological (MR) damper, offer a smart alternative. The MR damper's capability to alter its resistance level in real-time as well as low power requirements make it an attractive candidate for minimizing damage in structures that exhibit torsional motions when excited by temblors. The current study aims to numerically and experimentally investigate the use of MR dampers as supplemental damping devices in structures that exhibit significant torsional responses when subjected to base excitation. Management of MR damper resistance levels is conducted by a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) that has been optimized by a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with controlled elitism (NSGA2CE) as proposed by Deb and Goel1 and later applied by Kim and Roschke2. NSGA2CE is a multi-objective genetic algorithm that can be used in a wide array of applications when a set of quantities is to be optimized. For development of a set of FLCs the search space of the NSGA2CE algorithm is dramatically reduced from prior studies by the authors through the discretization of the considered search space. Training of candidate FLCs is conducted using an artificial excitation that has been generated from historic ground motion records using the RSPMatch2005 algorithm as proposed by Jancock et al.3 Large-scale experimental validation of the proposed control system is conducted using four MR dampers and a 3-story, 9 m tall torsion-benchmark structure shown in Fig. 1. Torsional responses are induced by a significant eccentric mass on each floor.; phone 1 979 845-1985

Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2008, edited by Mehdi Ahmadian Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6928, 69281E, (2008) 0277-786X/08/$18 doi: 10.1117/12.776803

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6928 69281E-1 2008 SPIE Digital Library -- Subscriber Archive Copy


Fig. 1. Torsional-benchmark structure

A brief overview of traditional and alternative approaches to minimizing torsional response in asymmetric structures is provided in the following text. Early analytical efforts by Chopra and Goel4 identified deficiencies in structural design codes and highlighted the need for improved performance in asymmetric structures. Goel and Chopra5 later proposed a dual-level approach for design of asymmetric structures in seismically threatened regions. This approach included provisions for moderate and high intensity ground motions. In moderate excitations the structure is to remain serviceable and in large intensity excitations the structure is allowed to exhibit some damage, but remain structurally stable. Passive isolation devices have been experimentally investigated by Almazn and de la Llera6. They installed base isolation devices to minimize torsional responses of a superstructure that possesses symmetric and asymmetric floor plans. More recent full-scale numerical efforts by Narasimhan and Nagarajaiah7 have further explored the potential for base isolation of structures with asymmetric floor plans. Other studies have investigated the potential for semi-active control of structures that experience torsional motion due to base excitation. Early efforts by Yoshida et al.8 used twin shear-mode MR dampers that were managed by a clippedoptimal controller to minimize structural responses of a small-scale experimental structure. Torsional motions were induced by an eccentric center of stiffness. Results show that the two MR dampers were effective in reducing the response of the structure. Another experimental study has been conducted by Li and Li9. Here a 9 m tall, 3-story, 2-bay reinforced concrete structure with an eccentric stiffness derived from a shear wall is experimentally investigated. Three 1.5 kN MR dampers are installed in chevron braces to resist torsional motions. For numerical evaluation sigmoidal loops are employed for modeling of MR dampers. Acceleration feedback is used in a clipped-optimal control strategy. Favorable reductions of

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displacement responses are observed while acceleration responses are not investigated. They concluded that MR dampers are an encouraging device for the mitigation of torsional responses in seismically excited structures. Recent analytical studies conducted by de la Llera et al.10 investigated frictional dampers as a means to improve response of asymmetric structures. A weak torsional-balance approach is proposed where the controlling algorithm is to equalize damage in the structure incited by torsional responses. Results show that the approach can equalize damage in structural members that are equidistant to the center of geometry. Numerical investigations have been conducted in conjunction with the nonlinear base-isolated benchmark structure proposed by Narasimhan et al.7 that includes effects of torsion. Numerous studies employing this structure have proposed various control schemes to minimize the lateral-torsional response that results from an irregular floor plan and eccentric stiffness. As an example, Reigles and Symans11 used a supervisory fuzzy logic control algorithm to manage a set of controllable fluid viscous dampers in an attempt to minimize lateral and torsional responses of the benchmark structure. Results show the supervisory fuzzy algorithm is more effective than an investigated clipped-optimal controller. By comparison, a semi-active high-pressure gas resettable damping device was also proposed by Leavitt et al.12 for alleviation of lateral-torsional stresses in the structure. The device makes use of accumulated forces due to compressed gas to resist motion. To alter the magnitude of its resistance to motion the accumulated gas can be released. The low-cost, low-power device was determined to be as effective as other devices that have already been proposed.

To determine effectiveness of the control system proposed herein a large-scale torsional-benchmark structure is employed as shown in Fig. 1. Details pertaining to this structure and its implementation in the current study are provided in the following text. A 5 m 5 m seismic simulator is used to impart a series of seismic ground motions to the base of the structure at various peak ground acceleration (PGA) levels. The floor of the torsional-benchmark structure is 3 m 2 m with a floor height of 3 m. As illustrated in Fig. 2, absolute acceleration levels are measured at four locations on the structure and four MR dampers are installed in pairs of chevron braces between the ground and first floor and between the first and second floors. Readings from six accelerometers are monitored by dSPACE13 hardware and software. The FLC algorithm that is described hereafter is embedded in the dSPACE real-time processor. The processor computes outputs that are command voltages to each MR damper using a sampling rate of 200 Hz. The command voltages are converted to a corresponding proportional current through a voltage controlled current source (VCCS).



b D9WbGI cowwuq 2!aL



bC 2bVCE ErC



Fig. 2. Experimental setup

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Lead weights are placed on each floor of the structure to provide a significant eccentric mass as illustrated in Fig. 2. Here A1a and A1b refer to absolute acceleration responses of the structure on the first floor on the side where the eccentric mass is and is not located, respectively. Similarly, MR1a and MR1b refer to the MR dampers located on the first floor on the side where the eccentric mass is and is not located, respectively. Tabulated values that describe salient quantities of the torsional-benchmark structure are provided in Table 1. The total mass of the structure with added lead weights and MR dampers is approximately 18,000 kg. Locations of the added lead weights are shown in Figs. 3(a) and 4. The eccentric masses are approximately 0.75 m from the center of mass (COM). Chevron braces are installed in the structure to transmit lateral forces produced by the MR damper to the adjoining floors as shown in Fig. 3(b).









Fig. 3. (a) Lead weights; (b) chevron bracing; (c) MR2a; (d) MR2b; (e) MR1a; (f) MR1b

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I '-1 A1 IV!'- PIG PIAI fI If'CII1


Fig. 4. Eccentricity of lead weights Table 1. Torsional-benchmark parameters

First and second floor mass ( ) Third floor mass ) Floor and column sizes Floor dimensions Floor height Total mass of lead weights per floor (me) Eccentricity of lead weights (e)

3,100 kg 2,500 kg H150 150 7 10 2m3m 3m 3,100 kg 0.75 m

For numerical and experimental trials four recorded ground motions are utilized. The authors selected these excitations to show robust performance of the controller under a variety of near- and far-field earthquake records. Seismic records include the El Centro (1940), Kobe (1995), and Chi-Chi (1999) earthquakes. Two stations are selected from the Chi-Chi earthquake: TCU068 and TCU076. A range of PGA levels are considered from 100 to 300 gal for each excitation. The maximum PGA is determined so that the columns of the benchmark structure do not undergo permanent deformation.


With the torsional-benchmark structure identified for experimental efforts the steps taken to build a state-space model of the torsional-benchmark structure are presented. Masses of the structure are approximated using measured geometries and known material densities as shown in Table 1. The stiffness and damping properties are unknown to researchers and are to be determined by another application of NSGA2CE. In order to correctly predict the stiffness and damping properties the GA selection should be both exploitive of currently favorable solutions and explorative of new candidate solutions at each generation cycle. The NSGA2CE algorithm is a suitable choice due to its multi-objective capabilities. Note that the NSGA2CE algorithm is used for system identification of the torsional-benchmark structure and development of an FLC for management of MR damper resistance levels. For system identification the original, continuous search space method is adhered to. Later, the discrete search space method will be introduced for FLC production. In what follows, details pertaining to system identification of the torsional-benchmark structure are provided. Experimental trials using dynamic motion are imparted to the base of the uncontrolled building (i.e. the MR dampers are removed) in order to collect data from motion of the benchmark structure for the genetic algorithm to identify dynamic properties. Both sinusoidal as well as seismic base motions are used to excite the structure. Rayleigh damping14 is used to estimate damping in the structure. State-space representation15 is used to represent dynamic behavior of the plant in numerical simulations conducted in Matlab14. 1. Numerical Models of MR Dampers Fuzzy models of the installed MR dampers MR1a, MR1b, and MR2a have been proposed in previous literature18,19 and are employed for the current study in numerical simulations. These models have been generated from data collected

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during performance trials of each MR damper. MR2b is a new MR damper that has been modeled using methods that are similar to those of Shook et al.15 MR dampers MR1a, MR1b, and MR2b have capacities of approximately 20kN while MR damper MR2b has a capacity of approximately 5 kN. A fuzzy surface that relates velocity, applied voltage, and predicted force from each MR damper is shown in Fig. 5. The uniqueness of each MR damper becomes apparent by observation of their respective velocity-voltage-force relationships. The neuro-fuzzy modeling technique is able to model each MR damper with reasonable accuracy despite their individual nonlinear natures.

Force (kN)

Force (kN)

20 0 -20 1 0.5 Volts 0 -20 0 Vel. (cm/s) 20

20 0 -20 1 0.5 Volts 0 -20 0 Vel. (cm/s2) 20



20 Force (kN) 0 -20 1 0.5 Volts 0 -20 0 Vel. (cm/s) 20 Force (kN)

5 0 -5 1 0.5 Volts 0 -20 0 20

Vel. (cm/s)



Fig. 5. Fuzzy model of (a) MR1a; (b) MR1b; (c) MR2a; (d) MR2b


In the following discussion, details pertaining to generation of an artificial excitation used for optimization of the FLC are discussed. Numerical simulations predict performance of the controlled structure when excited by a training excitation during NSGA2CE optimization. During these evaluations the training excitation should be robust with respect to frequency and amplitude and be representative of all potential motions that the structure might be subjected to. The RSPMatch2005 algorithm3 employs wavelet operators to conduct modifications to a historical accelerogram in the time-domain. The wavelet operators make adjustments with respect to amplitude and frequency so that the adjusted time-history of acceleration matches a target response spectrum. This stands in contrast to prior artificial excitation generators that rely on modifications in the frequency-domain2. Such alterations allow for higher, non-trivial frequency information which is not common in seismic excitations, as noted by Jancock et al.3 Thus, excitations generated by methods that rely on the frequency domain can excite higher modes that typically remain dormant when excited by most historical ground records. With this in mind, the current study employs the RSPMatch2005 algorithm to generate a training excitation for GA optimization of FLCs. The goal is to provide a robust and reliable training excitation. Since the controller-evaluation excitations that are to be considered have already been identified, a representative training excitation can be generated with these excitations in mind. In the current study, the considered controllerevaluation excitations are known and their response spectra plotted in Fig. 6. A target response spectrum is specified to approximately envelope these historical records with respect to amplitude and frequency. Next, a controller-evaluation excitation that possesses a response spectrum that is similar to the target response spectrum is selected for modification by RSPMatch2005. Specifically, for the current study the Chi-Chi (TCU076) record is chosen for modification by the RSPMatch2005 algorithm.

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0.3 Acceleration Response (g) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0


Acceleration (g)

El Centro Kobe Chi-Chi (068) Chi-Chi (076) Target Spectra

0.1 0.05 0 -0.05

Original Chi-Chi (068) 3





2 2.5 Period (sec)




30 32 Time (sec)





Fig. 6 (a) Response spectra of excitations and target response spectra at 2% damping; (b) results of RSPMatch2005

The RSPMatch2005 algorithm can modify a time-series such that multiple damping levels of the response spectrum are considered. The response spectrum should have a damping level that is approximately similar to the structure that is being studied. The excitation created by RSPMatch2005 is to be used in evaluation of the bare frame of the benchmark structure when no MR dampers are installed, and in the controlled structure when MR dampers are installed. For the bare frame the damping level should be less than 2% since it is primarily of bolted steel construction. For the controlled structure the damping level is estimated to be approximately 10%. Thus, two levels of damping, 2% and 10%, are considered during RSPMatch2005 optimization. A comparison of the original Chi-Chi (TCU076) time-history of acceleration and the modified record is illustrated in Fig. 6(b). As can be observed, only modest changes are needed to obtain a training excitation that has the desired frequency and amplitude information. Finally, the modified Chi-Chi (TCU076) excitation is scaled to have a maximum amplitude of 300 gal for NSGA2CE optimization of FLCs. The largest expected excitation level for the structure during experimental testing is 300 gal due to experimental limitations; thus, the training excitation is scaled accordingly to the same excitation level. The RSPMatch2005 algorithm also incorporates lower PGA levels of content in the produced accelerogram as can be observed in Fig. 6.


After a target acceleration spectrum and numerical model of the building have been prepared, the controller is developed. In this section the steps taken to generate a FLC for numerical and experimental evaluation are outlined. NSGA2CE uses a heuristic-based approach to optimization. This GA applies classical crossover and mutation operators for generation of new populations of candidate solutions (i.e. FLCs). Since NSGA2CE is a multi-objective GA, concurrent optimization of specified objectives are considered at each generational cycle. For the current study four objectives are utilized and are defined in Eqs. (1)-(4):

max i =1:3{max( xicontrolled )} J1 = max i =1:3{max( xiPOFF )} %icontrolled )} max i =1:3{max( x J2 = %iPOFF )} max i =1:3{max( x max i =1:3{rms ( xicontrolled )} J3 = max i =1:3{rms ( xiPOFF )} %icontrolled )} max i =1:3{rms ( x J4 = %iPOFF )} max i =1:3{rms ( x

(1) (2) (3) (4)

where is inter-story drift and is the absolute acceleration of a floor. Here the superscript POFF denotes the case where the MR dampers are operated in the passive-off mode and no command voltage is sent to the MR dampers. Passive-on (i.e. PON) is the contrary case where maximum voltage is applied to the MR dampers. All MR dampers have a saturation voltage level of 1.2 V. To improve the efficiency of GA-optimization a discrete approach is taken in identification of FLC parameters. This approach is an improvement over previously published research that used NSGA2CE, where a continuous search space

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has been employed for identification of FLC parameters18. Without sacrificing a global search effort, improved efficiency can be obtained if the search space is discretized into a finite number of potential FLC candidates. Hence, an infinite number of candidate FLCs is now reduced to a finite number of FLCs. Prior endeavors by Shook et al.15 considered both the location and width of a set of membership functions in the optimization. These center and width values are used to compose the FLC. The number of rules in the rule-base remains constant while the membership functions are operated on. The current study employs a finite number of locations for each membership function while width remains constant as illustrated in Fig. 7(a). This figure shows potential locations for the GA to place each membership function. Each of the employed ten rules has a unique set of membership functions with one membership function corresponding to each input and output. Each membership function has eleven potential positions in each input and output.
Degree of Membership 1

0.24 J3: RMS Inters-story Drift 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1
0 0.5 Volts 1 1.5


0 -3



Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen.

1 50 100 200

Acceleration (m/s2) 1

Degree of Membership


0 -0.5



0.22 0.24 0.26 J4: RMS Absolute Acceleration





Fig. 7. (a) Potential FLC membership function locations; (b) NSGA2CE optimization results

Although the operational range of the MR damper is 0 V to 1.2 V, voltage levels for the center of each membership function in the FLC are allowed to range from -0.5 V to 1.7 V. This expanded range of voltage is specified in order to allow for more saturated voltage commands. Later, specified voltage levels that are outside the operational range are truncated by Simulink to the operational limits. This allows for expanded use of an MR damper at its fully off or fully on capacity. In other words the FLC is allowed to operate in a pseudo-passive manner for a wider range of inputs in order to improve performance. Researchers have found that allowing a controller to operate passively for some instances may be optimal18. During the GA optimization process 200 generation cycles are used with crossover and mutation rates of 80% and 20%, respectively. A tournament selection process leads to determination of FLCs for subsequent generations. Results show strong convergence towards an optimal set of candidate solutions as illustrated in Fig. 7 (b). Convergence towards an optimal set of FLCs begins near 50 generations and is mostly completed by the 100th generation. This stands in contrast to prior researchers18 which required 100 to 200 generations before convergence was obtained. From the total population of candidate controllers a suitable FLC is selected for further numerical and experimental investigation. To help in conceptualization of this selection a subset of potential fuzzy surfaces is illustrated in Fig. 8. Several observations can be made in reference to controller performance by observation of these fuzzy surfaces. The FLC monitors acceleration levels at the eccentric and non-eccentric sides of the 1st and 3rd floors as noted in Fig. 2. This allows for the observation of lateral and torsional responses of the structure during excitation. The FLC is sensitive to the rotational motion of each floor as can be observed by the relatively high voltage levels specified by the controller to MR dampers MR1a and MR1b when the 1st floor rotational accelerations are significant (i.e. A1a and A1b are of opposite sign) and correspondingly lower voltage levels when 1st floor lateral accelerations are significant. Furthermore, voltages specified to MR2b have an inverse relationship which means that lower voltages are specified when 1st floor rotational accelerations are significant and higher voltages are specified when 1st floor lateral motion is prevalent. Voltages specified for MR1b by the FLC generally follow trends of MR1a and MR2b. An exact rationale for these observations cannot be determined due to the heuristic nature of the optimization. Nevertheless, it is apparent that GA optimization observes the significance of torsional responses and affords provisions in the FLC for such instances.

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Volts to MR2a

Volts to MR2b 2 2

1.2 1 0.8

1 0.5 0 2 0 0 2

A1b (m/s2)



A1a (m/s2)

A1b (m/s2)



A1a (m/s2)



1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 2 0 -2 -2 0 2

Volts to MR1b

1.4 Volts to MR1a

1 0.5 0 2 0 0 2

A1b (m/s2)

A1a (m/s2)

A1b (m/s2)



A1a (m/s2)

Fig. 8. Fuzzy logic controller


In numerical trials the proposed state-space model of the torsional-benchmark structure and neuro-fuzzy models of the MR dampers are used. The structure, with MR dampers installed, is excited by the suite of excitations as previously mentioned. For optimal management of the four MR dampers a single FLC is employed that has been generated using the NSGA2CE algorithm. Acceleration feedback from the 1st and 3rd floors is used in FLC computations as noted in Fig. 2. Results of numerical trials are shown in Table 2. Entries in this table that are less than unity show a more favorable performance than the passive-off case. Table 3 summarizes these results by taking the average of each control case with respect to each PGA level. Favorable reductions are observed with respect to J1, J3, and J4 which correspond to peak drift, RMS of drift, and RMS of absolute acceleration responses. Less favorable results are observed with respect to J2 which corresponds to peak absolute acceleration response. On average, FLC performance is superior to passive-on with respect to all indices except peak absolute acceleration. The GA-optimized FLC from numerical simulation is determined to be highly effective in minimizing displacement levels while maintaining low RMS acceleration levels.

For experimental trials the torsional-benchmark structure shown in Fig. 1 is fitted with four MR dampers of various capacities. The same FLC selected for numerical evaluations is also used in experimental efforts. A dSPACE hardware and software system13 is used to observe acceleration of the structure, conduct FLC computations, and send command signals to MR dampers. Thirty-six experimental trials are conducted to evaluate the structure with respect to passive-off,

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passive-on, and FLC control; El Centro, Kobe, and Chi-Chi (TCU068 and TCU076) seismic records; and PGA levels of 100, 200, and 300 gal. As can be observed in Tables 2 and 3, the fuzzy logic controller performed, on average, superior in many cases to both of the passive-off and passive-on operations. In several cases, such as the Kobe 200 gal earthquakes, the level of displacement response is reduced below the passive-on level while also maintaining low levels of acceleration. A general trend of increased acceleration response, coupled with higher voltage levels, can be observed for the passive-on results. This issue of increased acceleration levels is alleviated by intelligent modulation of MR damper voltage levels by the FLC as can be observed in the El Centro 200 gal case. Results are illustrated in Fig. 9 where responses corresponding to the 1st and 3rd floors on the eccentric mass side are plotted for the Kobe 200 gal case. As can be observed, FLC performance is generally more favorable than passive-off or passive-on cases.
Table 2. Results of numerical and experimental trials

Numerical Trials J1 100 gal El Centro 200 gal 300 gal 100 gal Kobe 200 gal 300 gal Chi-Chi (TCU068) 100 gal 200 gal 300 gal 100 gal 200 gal 300 gal PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC 0.40 0.38 0.35 0.39 0.48 0.47 0.29 0.28 0.32 0.31 0.41 0.35 0.53 0.52 0.40 0.37 0.41 0.40 0.56 0.60 0.49 0.50 0.47 0.46 J2 1.16 1.26 1.13 1.41 1.00 1.27 1.38 1.70 0.95 1.33 0.90 0.88 2.41 1.16 0.94 1.42 0.68 1.33 1.75 1.58 1.69 1.83 1.87 1.53 J3 0.49 0.47 0.34 0.34 0.32 0.31 0.35 0.35 0.26 0.25 0.27 0.25 0.62 0.59 0.44 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.73 0.63 0.49 0.48 0.41 0.40 J4 2.25 1.06 1.84 1.00 1.65 0.94 2.08 0.90 1.10 0.73 0.88 0.65 5.92 0.98 2.66 0.86 1.74 0.90 3.43 1.21 2.30 1.27 1.97 1.21 J1

Experimental Trials J2 1.48 1.02 1.75 1.02 1.31 1.01 1.56 1.16 1.14 0.94 1.39 1.06 1.54 1.32 1.46 2.27 1.93 1.54 1.59 2.19 1.59 1.94 1.62 2.22 J3 0.94 0.97 1.02 0.96 1.04 0.96 0.81 0.77 0.92 0.78 0.78 0.75 0.93 0.91 0.93 1.01 1.13 1.12 1.30 1.23 1.14 1.16 1.10 1.07 J4 1.01 1.03 1.13 1.03 1.15 1.03 0.89 0.84 1.03 0.86 0.95 0.90 0.98 0.95 1.04 1.06 1.25 1.19 1.33 1.27 1.22 1.23 1.22 1.15 1.17 1.05 1.27 1.01 1.08 1.04 0.83 0.84 0.76 0.61 0.58 0.64 0.94 0.97 0.92 0.94 1.11 0.98 1.37 1.31 1.12 1.16 0.95 0.84

Chi-Chi (TCU076)

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Table 3. Average of numerical and experimental trials

Numerical Trials J1 100 gal 200 gal 300 gal PON FLC PON FLC PON FLC
0.45 0.44 0.39 0.38 0.44 0.42

Experimental Trials J4
3.42 1.03 1.98 0.97 1.56 0.93

1.68 1.43 1.18 1.50 1.11 1.25

0.55 0.51 0.38 0.37 0.35 0.34

1.08 1.04 1.02 0.93 0.93 0.88

1.54 1.42 1.48 1.54 1.56 1.46

1.00 0.97 1.00 0.98 1.01 0.97

1.05 1.02 1.10 1.05 1.14 1.07

The clemency of fuzzy logic control is also highlighted in experimental efforts where some unknown but potentially non-trivial error in stiffness, mass, and damping is introduced. The FLC shows strong performance with respect to displacement reduction and reasonable management of acceleration levels in experimental efforts.

20 Drift (mm) 0 -20 5 Acceleration (m/s 2) 4 2 0 -2 -4 5 10 Time (sec)

Fig. 9. Kobe 200 gal first floor eccentric mass side responses

Passive-Off Passive-On FLC






GA optimization is employed for generation of a highly effective FLC for the management of four MR dampers in a torsion-benchmark structure. Numerical and large-scale experimental efforts are undertaken to investigate the proposed control system. A GA is employed for identification of structural parameters and for FLC development. In FLC development an artificial excitation is developed with RSPMatch2005. Results of numerical simulations show favorable performance with respect to J1, J3, and J4 while performance is less favorable with respect to J2. Furthermore, experimental efforts validated the performance of the FLC in a laboratory setting. Displacement and acceleration levels are reduced below those of passive operation in the majority of considered seismic cases. Investigation into the coupling behavior of the structure with respect to each control case reveals that the FLC is effective in decoupling lateral and torsional behavior which is hypothesized to aid in minimization of the total response of the structure.

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The current study shows improved overall performance of the FLC in the torsional-benchmark structure when compared with the three story structure investigated by Shook et al.15 Improved methods of GA optimization and artificial excitations assist in improving the overall performance of the FLCs. Robustness of the FLC can be, in part, attributed to the improved artificial training excitation provided by the RSPMatch2005 algorithm for GA optimization. Future studies that involve torsionally-responsive structures and multi-objective optimization should consider a coupling-behavior optimization objective. As indicted in the current study, improved decoupling of degrees of freedom has been found to reduce the total response of the structure as has also been suggested in prior studies10.

The authors gratefully acknowledge support of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan. In addition, this research is supported in part by the United States National Science Foundation (Grant No. OISE-0553917, Dr. Anne Emig, Program Manager).

Deb K, Goel T. Controlled elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms for better convergence. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization. 2001. p. 6781. 2 Kim HS, Roschke PN. Fuzzy control of base-isolation system using multi-objective genetic algorithm. ComputerAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 2006;21:436-449. 3 Jancock J, Watson-Lamprey J, Abrahamson NA, Bommer, JJ, Markatis A, McCoy E, Mendis R. An improved method of matching response spectra of recorded earthquake ground motion using wavelets. Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2006;10:67-89. 4 Chopra AK, Goel, RK. Evaluation of torsional provisions in seismic codes. Journal of Structural Engineering 1991:117(12):3762-3782. 5 Goel RK, Chopra AK. Dual-level approach for seismic design of asymmetric-plan buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering 1994;120(1):161-179. 6 de la Llera JC, Almazn J. An experimental study of nominally symmetric and asymmetric structures isolated with the FPS. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2003;32:891-918. 7 Narasimhan S, Nagarajaiah S, Johnson EA, Gavin HP. Smart base isolated benchmark building part I: Problem definition. Journal of Structural Control 2002;00:1-6. 8 Yoshida O, Dyke SJ, Giacosa LM, Truman KZ. Experimental verification of torsional response control of asymmetric buildings using MR dampers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2003;32:2085-2105. 9 Li XL, Li HN. Experimental study on semi-active control of frame-shear wall eccentric structure using MR dampers. In: Proceedings of SPIE: Smart Structures and Materials 2006: Modeling, Signal Processing, and Control. 2006;61661:1-8. 10 de la Llera J, Almazn JL, Vail J. Torsional balance of plan-asymmetric structures with frictional dampers: analytical results. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2005;34(9):1089-1108. 11 Reigles DG, Symans MD. Supervisory fuzzy logic control of a base-isolated benchmark building utilizing a neurofuzzy model of controllable fluid viscous dampers. Structural Control and Health Monitoring 2006;13:724-747. 12 Leavitt J, Bobrow JE, Jabbari F, Yang JN. Application of high-pressure gas semi-active resettable damper to the benchmark smart base-isolated building. Structural Control and Health Monitoring 2006;13:748-757. 13 dSPACE Technologiepark, Germany 2007. 14 MATLAB Version 7.1, Natick (MA): The Mathworks Inc.; 2007. 15 Shook DA, Roschke PN, Lin PY, Loh CH. GA-optimized fuzzy logic control of a large-scale building for seismic loads. Engineering Structures 2008:30:436-449.

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