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Six Sigma Tools Week 1 Quiz (KE !

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If you want to determine the amount of variation in your measurement system, whi h tool should you use! a. "ro ess #a$a%ility "# $age %&% . Standard Deviation d. Normal "ro%a%ility "lot The Sigma 'uality (evel asso iated with Six Sigma is e)uivalent to what defe t level *in $arts $er million+! a. ,,&10 $$m %. &&3 $$m '# (#) ppm d. 1.& $$m - ommon assum$tion re)uired for the use of many statisti al tools is a: a. .inomial Distri%ution %. "areto #hart . #ontrol #hart *# +ormal ,istri"ution If my team redu es the defe ts %y 001, have we dou%led our Sigma 'uality (evel! a. 2es "# +o 3hat is the rolled through$ut yield of the following four ste$ $ro ess! Process yields: A=96% B=92% C=93% D=90% a. .45&4 %. ./400 . .5000 *# #-(./ 3hi h one of the four terms %elow is not ommonly referred to as a 6.asi Tool7! a. "areto diagram %. 8or e field analysis '# 0assive analysis d. -ffinity diagram




Six Sigma Tools





9evised /:&:01


3hat are the four main $hases of a Six Sigma $ro<e t! a. -ssessment, -nalysis, Im$rovement, #ontrol %. =easurement, -nalysis, Im$rovement, 9e$ort '# Measurement1 Analysis1 Improvement1 Control d. =easurement, -nalysis, "lan, Im$rovement 3hat does 6(S(7 mean in "ro ess #a$a%ility! a. (ower Sigma (imit %. (ower S atter (imit . (ower Statisti al (imit *# 2o3er Spe'i4i'ation 2imit 3e model $ro ess %ehavior with the normal distri%ution in order to: a# 0re*i't 4uture out'omes %. #onfuse team mem%ers . "ut the orre t num%er in eTra >er d. Im$ress management



10. - manufa turer of $lasti <ars uses a destru tive test to determine whether the s$e imen an withstand a slight va uum. - month?s worth of sam$les yielded ;,550 good <ars and 0 %ad ones. This orres$onds to a ""= defe tive of: a. ,&0.0 "# 5/6#7 . 0.,&00 d. 0.00,&00

B%arC9 #hart for %ore&

; 1 ,

Sam$le =ean

A#(@,.0,3 =ean@0.5;, (#(@0.344

0 0

1 1




Sam$le 9ange



0.0 9@0.31&0 0.0 (#(@0

8igure 1


Base your answers to the following two uestions on the !igure "# 11. Is the hart in ontrol! a. 2es "# +o 1&. 3hat is the main sour e of variation! a. 3ithin su%grou$ "# 9et3een su"groups . In my head d. Dn the hart
Variable set 1 set 2 Variable set 1 set 2 N 200 200 Minim m 3.0610 5.8187 Mean 6.5062 7.0042 Ma!im m 9.2720 7.9867 Median 6.4142 6.9851 "1 5.8982 6.7389 TrMean 6.5293 7.0052 "3 7.1430 7.2984 StDev 1.0236 0.4006 SE Mean 0.0724 0.0283

8igure /

Answer the ne$t two uestions %ased on the &inita% out'ut in !igure 2# 13. The 00th $er entile of set 1 is: a. ,.00,& "# 5#)1)/ . 0.454& d. ;.1/30 1/. 3hi h data set has the larger range! a# set 1 %. set & Based your answers on the ne$t two uestions on the &inita% out'ut in !igure 3# 10. 3hat is the mean of the data! a. ,0.00 %. ,0.04&0 . ,0.0&;; *# 57#71:1 1,. 001 of the data will fall %etween what two values! a. 0;.131, and ,3.0,,3 "# 6.#(1/) an* 57#-)1/ . 05.503, and ,0.04&0 d. 1.0 and infinity

Descriptive Statistics

-nderson:Darling Normality Test -:S)uared: ":Ealue: =ean StDev Earian e S>ewness Furtosis N =inimum 1st 'uartile =edian 3rd 'uartile =aximum 05.503,
05.50 ,0.00 ,0.00 ,0.10

0.&,1 0.;04 ,0.0141 1.034& 1.0;;41 &.1/G:0& :1.4G:01 1000 0;.131, 05.31&/ ,0.0&;; ,0.;/1& ,3.0,,3 ,0.04&0 1.0404 ,0.1&1/







501 #onfiden e Interval for =u

501 #onfiden e Interval for =u 501 #onfiden e Interval for Sigma 0.55/, 501 #onfiden e Interval for =edian 05.5;0; 501 #onfiden e Interval for =edian

8igure (

Normal "ro%a%ility "lot


.555 .55 .50 .40 .00 .&0 .00 .01 .001 0 10 &0 30 /0 00

-m I normal
-verage: 0.01/34 StDev: ,.,0151 N: 100 -nderson:Darling Normality Test -:S)uared: ,.,&3 ":Ealue: 0.000

8igure )

Base your answer to the following uestion on the &inita% out'ut in !igure (# 1;. Does the a%ove data a$$roximate a normal distri%ution! a. 2es "# +o

14. The Sigma 'uality (evel asso iated with Six Sigma is e)uivalent to what $ro ess a$a%ility level *#$+! a. 1.33 %. 1.,; '# /#77 d. &.33

110 100


50 40 ;0 ,0 1 & 3 / 0 , ; 4

8igure 6

)se the Bo$ Plots in !igure * to answer the following two uestions# 15. Does there a$$ear to %e a differen e %etween o$erators! a# es %. No . #an?t tell d. Need more data &0. 3hi h o$erator has the greatest variation! a. 3 %. 0 '# d. 4

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