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#$%&' ")*
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3, 456789:
;AncIenL 0reece- by loL
*popular assemblIes
*LeredILary body oI elecLIons
*proper balloLs
*UBA- secrecy oI balloLs (1671)
**1901- AusLralIa, ErancIs DuLLon, BouLL AusLralIa, BTFICT BECFECY IN EALL0T
198S May Male
Fead and wrILe
*plebscILe Ior woman (noL
more LLan 800k)
1978 BLall No lILeracy,properLy,oLLer
subsLanLIve requIremenLs
*baLasan pambansa-
secrecy & sancLILy
1987 May No lILeracy,properLy,oLLer
subsLanLIve requIremenLs
*conress- secrecy &
<, -=>?5758?
@TLe FLIlIppInes Is a democraLIc and republIcan sLaLe. BovereInLy resIdes In LLe
people and all overnmenL auLLorILy emanaLes Irom LLem." (ArL 2, Bec 1, ConsLI)
*TLe rILL and oblIaLIon oI qualIBed cILIzens Lo voLe 1) In elecLIon oI cerLaIn naLIonal
and local oIBcIals, and 2) In LLe decIsIon oI publIc quesLIons submILLed Lo LLe people.
*IL serves as an assurance LLaL IL derIves powers Irom LLe consenL oI LLe overned.
*NoL a naLural rILL. EuL a prIvIlee subjecL Lo consLILuLIonal lImILaLIons.
1) CHECK upon LLe excesses oI desInIn and ambILIous publIc oIBcIals wLo
may wanL Lo perpeLuaLe LLemselves In oIBcIal
*rILL + prIvIlee
*securILy oI a parLIcular overnmenL
*ElecLoral sysLem + polILIcal educaLIon
-adopLIon oI an elecLoral sysLem LLaL wIll Insure EFEE, CLEAN & H0NEBT elecLIon
b) FenovaLIon
c) Fopular conLrol
*Complex process
*means by wLIcL LLe people cLoose LLeIr oIBcIals Ior deBnILe FEFI0DB and Lo wLom
LLey enLrusL, E0F THE TIME EEIN0, LLe exercIse oI powers oI overnmenL
*Feular vs BpecIal ElecLIons
*InILIaLIve on ConsLI approved or rejecLed by people, cLane LLe Iorm
*propose amendmenLs on ConsLI, propose Lo enacL leIslaLIo LLru an elecLIon called Ior
LLe purpose
*approve or rejecL leIslaLIon LLrouL an elecLIon called Ior purpose
*removal oI a local elecLIve oIBcIal by people beIore LLe end oI LIs Lerm
E, #36=6
J&K) L. -!" 0%!11&
-As lon as LLe popular overnmenL Is AN END T0 EE ACHIEVED & BAEE0UAFDED
! suIIrae (wLaLever modalILy or Iorm)
- IL musL be a reaL reservIor oI power musL be empLIed InLo recepLacular aencIes Ior
LLe InLeresL oI ood overnmenL and common weal -FepublIcanIsm - adopLIon oI
represenLaLIve Lype oI overnmenL & ulLImaLe source oI esLablIsLed auLLorILy
- voIce In LLe overnmenL (jusLIcIable cases Lo Ive IL EEEICACY and noL Lo sLIBe IL)
- no LecLnIcal rules sLall be permILLed Lo deIeaL LLe InLenLIon oI LLe voLer (%0
5?7=?758? 56 H56E8G=93<D= B98I <3DD87 576=DB,
M"%N!1)" #&'.$1/#$%&'
N)-!""!. L. #)N%"%
M-%.J%..)" &0 F!$%$%&'
! I89= 7O3? PQQ G87=96 R=9 R9=E5?7 STO=? 7O= D3T 3DD8T6 8?D: AR 78 PQQ,
! no publIcaLIon oI LLe lIsL oI voLers Ior eacL precInL (any person can LLus voLe) !
! 8,800 IndIvIduals were allowed Lo voLe Illeally
! noL 8,000 QUALIEIED voLers were noL able Lo voLe Ior no Id cards and non-lIsLIn
oI LLeIr names
! conIusIon (as LLere were many voLers, KA0UL0)
M$4! -%.J%..)" %. '&$ 1%24$
! 5IR8973?E= 8B G875?C 5? 9=RA<D5E3?56IU O5COD5CO7=H
! resLs oI consenL oI people
! assure Iree, LonesL and orderly expressIon oI LLeIr vIews
! Ideal na walan daya, buL II meron, LLey sLould noL be leI remedIless
P, #&J!"!#
3, 456789:
-CA No. 607
-TLe power Lo enIorce LLe elecLIon laws was orIInally vesLed In LLe R9=65H=?7 and
exercIsed LLrouL LLe -=R397I=?7 8B %?7=9589
-C0MELEC was LLen LransIormed Lo a ConsLILuLIonal Eody by vIrLue oI LLe 1940
amendmenLs Lo LLe 198S ConsLILuLIon wLIcL Look eIIecL on December 2, 1940.
-1987: EZCLUBIVE 0FI0INAL JUFIBDICTI0N Lo enIorce and admInIsLer all laws and
reulaLIons relaLIve Lo LLe conducL oI elecLIons, plebIscILes, InILIaLIve,reIerendum,
and recalls, elecLIon conLesLs InvolvIn reIonal, provIncIal and cILy elecLIve oIBcIals
<, #8IR865758?
2 CommIsL
8 commIsL
6 commIsL
9 years 7 years wILLouL
7 years wILLouL
E, [A3D5>E3758?6
-NaLural born cILIzen
-AL leasL 8S yo
-Collee deree Lolder
-MajorILy: musL be members oI bar (aL leasL 10 years oI pracLIce)
-CommIssIons on AppoInLmenL
-sLaered Lerms oI 2 years InLerval: 8 commIsL (7 years), 2 commIsL (S years), 2 (8
-Bame dIsabIlILIes & proLIbILIon as per LLe FresIdenL and VIce-presIdenL
H, F8T=96 3?H 0A?E758?6
2=?=93D 1AD=\ TLe C0MELEC sILLIn en banc does N0T Lave LLe requIsILe auLLorILy Lo
Lear and decIde elecLIon cases In LLe BrsL InsLance. TLIs power perLaIns Lo LLe
dIvIsIons oI LLe CommIssIon. Any decIsIon by LLe CommIssIon en banc as reards
elecLIon cases decIded by IL In LLe BrsL InsLance Is null and voId (Abad v. C0MELEC)
1. WLen wLaL Is Involved In LLe case Is purely admInIsLraLIve, and noL quasI-judIcIal In
2. WLen LLe requIred number oI voLes Lo reacL a
decIsIon, resoluLIon, order or rulIn Is noL
obLaIned In LLe dIvIsIon (0arvIda v. Bales, Jr.)
8. WLere LLe peLILIoner Invoked LLe jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe C0MELEC en banc, parLIcIpaLed
In ILs proceedIns and souLL relIeI LLereIrom, In wLIcL InsLance Le Is esLopped Lo
subsequenLly quesLIon LLe jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe C0MELEC en banc
4. FeLILIons Ior LLe posLponemenL, declaraLIon oI IaIlure oI elecLIon and LLe callIn oI
specIal elecLIons (Loon v. C0MELEC), and
S. TLe C0MELEC en banc Las LLe power Lo prosecuLe elecLIon cases, and In LLe
exercIse oI sucL prosecuLory power, IL conducLs prelImInary InvesLIaLIon, decIdes
wLeLLer or noL LLere exIsLs a probable cause and Bles LLe correspondIn InIormaLIon
In courL. (Eaelnar v. Feople).
1. EnIorcemenL and AdmInIsLraLIon oI ElecLIon Laws and FeulaLIons
2. Fower Lo ensure Iree, LonesL, orderly credIble and peaceIul elecLIons.
8. Fule MakIn Fower
4. QuasI-LeIslaLIve EuncLIons
S. QuasI-JudIcIal Fower
6. ConLempL and Bubpoena
7. AuxIlIary wrILs and processes
8. 0LLer BpecIBc Fowers
a. DepuLIzaLIon oI Feace 0IBcers
b. InvesLIaLory and FrosecuLorIal Fower
c. DepuLIzaLIon oI or EndorsemenL Lo FrosecuLors
9. Fower oI exclusIve conLrol and supervIsIon over LLe AuLomaLed ElecLIon BysLem
(Bec. 26, FA 8486)
a) Fower Lo declare IaIlure oI elecLIons
Two condILIons musL concur beIore LLe C0MELEC can acL on a peLILIon seekIn
Lo declare a IaIlure oI elecLIons: I.No voLIn Look place In LLe precIncL or precIncLs
on LLe daLe Bxed by law, or even II LLere was voLIn, LLe elecLIon resulLed In
IaIlure Lo elecL, and
II. TLe voLes noL casL would Lave aIIecLed LLe resulL oI LLe elecLIons. (DIbraLun v.
*TLe cause oI sucL IaIlure oI elecLIon could only be any oI LLe IollowIn: Iorce
majeure, vIolence, LerrorIsm, Iraud, or oLLer analoous cases.
b) Fower Lo call Ior specIal elecLIons
In BxIn LLe daLe Ior specIal elecLIons,LLe Comelec sLould see Lo IL LLaL:
I. IL sLould noL be laLer LLan 80 days aILer LLe cessaLIon oI LLe cause oI LLe
posLponemenL or suspensIon oI LLe elecLIon or IaIlure Lo elecL, and
II. IL sLould be reasonably close Lo LLe daLe oI LLe elecLIon noL Leld, suspended or
wLIcL resulLed In LLe IaIlure Lo elecL. (Fanandaman v. Comelec)
c) Fower Lo posLpone elecLIons
d) Fower Lo correcL manIIesL errors In elecLIon documenLs
*WILL LLe InLroducLIon oI LLe FC0B BysLem pursuanL Lo F.A. 9869, every copy
sLould be as ood and as clear as LLe BrsL one. Hence, LLe problem oI manIIesL
errors mILL be a LLIn In LLe pasL. (F. AvIla, EundamenLals oI ElecLIon Law, p. S9
e) Fower Lo order recanvass oI voLes
I) Fower Lo annul or suspend proclamaLIon oI elecLed candIdaLes
) Fower Lo annul an Illeal canvass
L) Fower Lo LransIer pollIn places
I) Fower Lo TransIer Venue oI CanvassIn oI VoLes
j) Fower Lo order openIn oI balloL boxes
k) Fower Lo conducL InILIaLIve and plebIscILe
.73?HM<: F8T=9 8B #&J!"!#\ II IL sLall no loner be reasonably possIble Lo observe
LLe perIods and daLes prescrIbed by law Ior cerLaIn pre-elecLIon acLs, LLe CommIssIon
sLall Bx oLLer perIods and daLes In order Lo ensure accomplIsLmenL oI LLe acLIvILIes so
voLers sLall noL be deprIved oI LLeIr suIIrae (Bec. 28, F.A. 8486 & Bec. 29 oI F.A.
6646, adopLed pursuanL Lo Bec. 9, ArL. IZ-C oI LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon).
TLIs sLand-by power, Lowever, does noL apply Lo BxIn LLe daLe oI reIsLraLIon oI
voLes because Bec. 8 oI F.A. 8189, wLIcL provIdes Ior a conLInuIn reIsLraLIon oI
voLers, specIBcally sLaLes LLaL: "No reIsLraLIon sLall, Lowever, be conducLed durIn
LLe perIod sLarLIn one Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore a reular elecLIon and
nIneLy (90) days beIore a specIal elecLIon.
F8T=96 '&$ 293?7=H 78 7O= #&J!"!#\
1. No power Lo decIde quesLIons InvolvIn LLe rILL Lo voLe
2. No power Lo Include and exclude voLers
CurrenLly, jurIsdIcLIon Lo decIde conLroversIes on InclusIon or exclusIon oI voLers
belons Lo LLe MTC
=, 05=DH 8B>E=6
B, #36=6
F/1%.%J) L. .)"&'2)
M!1).!-U ?3RA?73 G87=6 _3: C9=CC:
-TLe dIsmIssal oI peLILIon Ior recounL seL asIde. TLere Is no more quesLIon now LLaL
LLe number oI voLes Involved In saId dIscrepancy Is more LLan enouL Lo alLer LLe
resulL. TLe record sLows LLaL LLereason wLy FurIsIma was noL able Lo submIL Lo LLe
board LLe C0MELEC copIes oI reLurns wasbecause LLe board declIned Lo suspend LLe
canvass and proclamaLIon. He sLould noL be prejudIcedby sucL. IL Is LLe duLy oI
canvassers Lo suspend In case oI paLenL IrreularILy In LLe reLurns as In LLepresenL
case.InLerpreLaLIon oI elecLIon laws sLould Ive eIIecL Lo LLe expressed wIll oI LLe
#)/$&' L. #&J!"!#
-DurIn LLe canvass, BanIdad conLended LLaL LLe envelopes (enLrIes oI voLes) Ior LLe
candIdaLes oI Feps Irom LLe provIncIal Lreasurer DIEEEFED Irom LLe enLrIes
appearIn In LLe copIes oI LLe reLurns Irom same elecLIon precInLs oI LF
-$OA6U .3?5H3H >D=H 3 R=75758? R93:5?C 1) Ior LLe openIn oI balloL boxes In ALL
precInLs oI CAND0N, BanLIao & BanLa Cruz, 2) In LLe meanLIme, reIraIn Irom
proclaImIn LLe wInnIn candIdaLes Ior LLe oIBce oI rep In saId dIsLrIcL
-TLe C0MELEC Las LLe power Lo InvesLIaLe and acL on LLe proprIeLy or lealILy oI LLe
canvass oI elecLIon reLurns made by LLe board oI canvassers.
-TLe LLree copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurns ouLsIde LLe balloL box do noL consLILuLe a
relIable basIs Ior canvass, LLen LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, In LLe exercIse oI ILs
power Lo admInIsLer and enIorce LLe laws relaLIve Lo LLe conducL oI elecLIons, may
order LLe openIn oI LLe balloL boxes Lo ascerLaIn wLeLLer LLe copy InsIde eacL balloL
box Is also Lampered lIke LLe LLree copIes ouLsIde LLe balloL box, correspondIn Lo
eacL precIncL. TLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons may do LLIs on ILs own InILIaLIve, or upon
peLILIon by LLe proper parLy.
W, L&$!1.
3, [A3D5>E3758?
-bIrLL or naLuralIzaLIon
-18 aL LIme oI elecLIon
-socIoloIcal & psycLoloIcal
-marcos: Lo broaden voLIn base, no Lo dIsenIrancLIsemenL
-exIsLence oI cIvIl rILLs
-IulBllmenL oI cIvIl oblIaLIon
-IacL oI resIdIn or pLysIcal presence In a Bxed place
-anImus manendI (reLurnIn LLere permanenLly)
-deemed Lo conLInue unLIl a new one Las been acquIred
-Any person wLo LransIers resIdence Lo anoLLer cILy, munIcIpalILy or counLry solely by
reason oI LIs occupaLIon, proIessIon, employmenL In prIvaLe or publIc servIce,
educaLIonal acLIvILIes, work In mIlILary or naval reservaLIons, servIce In LLe army,
navy or aIr Iorce, LLe consLabulary or naLIonal polIce Iorce, or conBnemenL or
deLenLIon In overnmenL InsLILuLIons In accordance wILL law, sLall be deemed noL Lo
Lave losL LIs orIInal resIdence (Bec. 117, 0EC).
-noL necessary na may baLay, enouL na nakaLIra sIya dun and InLenLIon Lo resIde
LLereIn permanenLly
1) pLysIcal presence
2) InLenLIon Lo remaIn
8) no InLenLIon Lo abandon
;)<6=?E= 8B H56aA3D5>E3758?
*E0F ! voLer.. LLaL Le Las LLe qualIBcaLIons
*CourL LreaLs domIcIle and resIdence as synonymous Lerms. EoLL ImporL noL only an
InLenLIon Lo resIde In a Bxed place buL also personal presence In LLaL place, coupled
wILL conducL IndIcaLIve oI sucL InLenLIon. DomIcIle denoLes a Bxed permanenL
resIdence Lo wLIcL wLen absenL Ior busIness or pleasure, or Ior lIke reasons, one
InLends Lo reLurn (Fundaodaya v Comelec)
*IL Is IncumbenL upon one wLo claIms FLIlIppIne cILIzensLIp Lo prove Lo LLe
saLIsIacLIon oI LLe courL LLaL Le Is really a EIlIpIno. No presumpLIon can be Induled In
Iavor oI LLe claImanL oI FLIlIppIne cILIzensLIp, and any doubL reardIn cILIzensLIp
musL be resolved In Iavor oI LLe sLaLe (0o v. Famos)
*No lILeracy, properLy, or oLLer subsLanLIve requIremenL sLall be Imposed on LLe
exercIse oI suIIrae.
<, -56aA3D5>E3758?
;0b 78 6ABB=9 ?87 D=66 7O3? + :=39 5IR9568?I=?7 SX :=396 3B7=9 6=9G5E=U
;0b 8B H56D8:3D7: 78 C8G7 S9=<=DD58?c6=H5758?c>9=39I6,d 78 ?7?D 6=EA957:SX :=396
3B7=9 6=9G5E=U )/$&1!)#[/%1!,
;%?63?= 89 5?E8IR=7=?7 R=968?6 SH=ED39=H <: E8IR=7=?7 3A7O89575=6,
E, "8E3D )<6=?7== L87=96
"8E3D )<6=?7== L875?C S!e&e +XY,

Eull TexL
TLIs web pae conLaIns LLe Iull LexL oI
Fead LLe Iull LexL
FesoluLIon No.
MAY 14, 2001

WHEFEAB, under LLe elecLoral law now In Iorce LLe rule Is LLaL a person Las Lo be
pLysIcally presenL In LLe pollIn place wLereoI Le Is a reIsLered voLer In order Lo be
able Lo voLe,
WHEFEAB, LLe only excepLIon Is LLaL esLablIsLed by BecLIon 169 oI EaLas Fambansa
El. 881, wLIcL allows members oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors Lo voLe In LLe
pollIn place wLere LLey are assIned on elecLIon day, under cerLaIn condILIons,
WHEFEAB, LLere are oLLer persons wLo, by reason oI publIc IuncLIons and duLIes, are
assIned on elecLIon day In places oLLer LLan LLeIr place oI reIsLraLIon, and under
exIsLIn rules, are LLus unable Lo voLe,
WHEFEAB, LLe democraLIc prIncIple requIres LLe broadesL parLIcIpaLIon In elecLoral
and sImIlar exercIses by persons wLo Lave all LLe qualIBcaLIons and none oI LLe
dIsqualIBcaLIons Lo voLe,
WHEFEAB, overnmenL oIBcIals and employees wLo are assIned Lo places oLLer LLan
LLeIr place oI reIsLraLIon musL noL be deprIved oI LLeIr rILL Lo parLIcIpaLe In
elecLoral exercIses,
N0W, THEFEE0FE, I, C0FAZ0N C. AQUIN0, FresIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes, do Lereby
BecLIon 1. Any person wLo by reason oI publIc IuncLIons and duLIes, Is noL In LIs/Ler
place oI reIsLraLIon on elecLIon day, may voLe In LLe cILy/munIcIpalILy wLere Le/sLe Is
assIned on elecLIon day: provIded, LLaL Le/sLe Is a duly reIsLered voLer.
Bec. 2. TLIrLy (80) days beIore LLe elecLIon, LLe approprIaLe Lead oI oIBce sLall submIL
Lo LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons a lIsL oI oIBcers and employees oI LLe oIBce wLo are
reIsLered voLers, and wLo, by reason oI LLeIr duLIes and IuncLIons, wIll be In places
oLLer LLan LLeIr place oI reIsLraLIon, and wLo desIre Lo exercIse LLeIr rILL Lo voLe,
wILL LLe requesL LLaL saId oIBcers and employees be provIded wILL applIcaLIon Iorms
Lo casL absenLee balloLs In LLeIr place oI assInmenL.
TLe lIsL and LLe requesL sLall be under oaLL.
Bec. 8. Upon verIBcaLIon by LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons LLaL LLe persons Included In
LLe lIsL are qualIBed voLers, IL sLall LransmIL LLe exacL number oI applIcaLIon Iorms Lo
LLe Lead oI LLe oIBce makIn LLe requesL.
Bec. 4. TLe applIcaLIon Iorms sLall be reLurned duly accomplIsLed Lo LLe CommIssIon
on ElecLIons noL laLer LLan AprIl 2S, 1987.
Bec. S. Upon verIBcaLIon oI LLe applIcaLIons, LLe CommIssIon sLall LransmIL LLe exacL
number oI absenLee balloLs Lo LLe approprIaLe Lead oI LLe overnmenL oIBce Ior
dIsLrIbuLIon Lo LLe applIcanLs.
Bec. 6. TLe Lead oI LLe oIBce sLall prepare a sworn reporL on LLe manner oI
dIsLrIbuLIon oI LLe absenLee balloLs, IndIcaLIn LLereIn LLe number oI balloLs
LransmILLed Lo eacL provInce, LLe names oI LLe persons Lo wLom LLe absenLee balloLs
are delIvered, and LLe serIal numbers oI LLe balloLs. IL sLall be accompanIed by a
cerLIBcaLe oI elIIbIlILy Lo voLe absenLee Ior eacL parLIcular voLer.
Bec. 7. Eor LLe purpose oI LLe 1987 conressIonal elecLIon, LLe absenLee voLers sLall
voLe only Ior candIdaLes Ior senaLor.
Bec. 8. TLe voLers wLo casL absenLee voLers sLall voLe one week beIore elecLIon day.
TLey sLall do so by delIverIn Lo LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons FeIonal DIrecLor, or LLe
FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsor or LLe CILy or MunIcIpal ElecLIon FeIsLrar oI LLe place
oI LLeIr assInmenL LLe specIal CommIssIon on ElecLIons absenLee balloL wILLIn Lwo
securILy envelopes, LLe one conLaInIn LLe absenLee balloLs IndIcaLIn only LLaL IL Is an
envelope oI LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, and LLe oLLer envelope IndIcaLIn LLe name
oI LLe absenLee voLer and LIs/Ler aIBdavIL number.
Bec. 9. TLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons oIBcIal concerned Lo wLom LLe absenLee voLe Is
delIvered sLall ImmedIaLely LransmIL by LLe IasLesL means avaIlable Lo LLe
CommIssIon on ElecLIons LLe specIal CommIssIon on ElecLIons absenLee balloL wILLIn
Lwo securILy envelopes so LLaL LLe same are In LLe cenLral oIBce oI LLe CommIssIon
one day beIore LLe elecLIons.
TLe LransmILLal leLLer sLall IndIcaLe LLe names oI LLe persons wLo casL LLe absenLee
voLes, LLeIr voLer's aIBdavIL numbers and LLeIr cerLIBcaLes oI elIIbIlILy Lo voLe
Bec. 10. TLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons sLall canvass LLe voLes casL by absenLee voLers
and sLall add LLe resulLs oI LLe same Lo LLe voLes reporLed LLrouLouL LLe counLry.
Bec. 11. TLe CommIssIon sLall promulaLe LLe necessary rules and reulaLIons Lo
ImplemenL LLIs ExecuLIve 0rder.
Bec. 12. BecLIon 169 oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 sLall remaIn In Iorce and eIIecL, and
sLall conLInue Lo overn LLe voLIn prIvIlee oI members oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors. All laws, orders, Issuances, rules and reulaLIons or parLs LLereoI
InconsIsLenL wILL LLIs ExecuLIve 0rder are Lereby repealed or modIBed accordInly.
Bec. 18. TLIs ExecuLIve 0rder sLall Lake eIIecL ImmedIaLely.

H, &G=96=36 )<6=?7== L87=6
F=968?3D &G=96=36 )<6=?7== 1=C56793758?e f 1=C56793758? 36 3? 8G=96=36 3<6=?7==
G87=9 6O3DD <= H8?= 5? R=968?e S.=Ee g,
TLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs sLall LransmIL
wILLIn (S) days Irom receIpL LLe accomplIsLed reIsLraLIon Iorms Lo LLe CommIssIon,
aILer wLIcL LLe CommIssIon sLall coordInaLe wILL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy oI LLe applIcanL's sLaLed resIdence Ior verIBcaLIon, LearIn and
annoLaLIon In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers. (Bec. 6)
TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall personally accomplIsL LIs/Ler balloL aL LLe
embassy, consulaLe or oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL LLaL Las jurIsdIcLIon over
LLe counLry wLere Le/sLe LemporarIly resIdes or aL any pollIn place desInaLed and
accredILed by LLe CommIssIon. (Bec. 16(2)
TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall casL LIs balloL, upon presenLaLIon oI LLe
absenLee voLer IdenLIBcaLIon card Issued by LLe CommIssIon, wILLIn LLIrLy (80) days
beIore LLe day oI elecLIons. In LLe case oI seaIarers, LLey sLall casL LLeIr balloLs
anyLIme wILLIn sIxLy (60) days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons as prescrIbed In LLe
ImplemenLIn Fules and 0uIdelInes. (Bec. 16(8)
)' )#$ F1&L%-%'2 0&1 ) .K.$!J &0 &L!1.!). )N.!'$!! L&$%'2 NK
[/)"%0%!- #%$%h!'. &0 $4! F4%"%FF%'!. )N1&)-U )FF1&F1%)$%'2
0/'-. $4!1!0&1U )'- 0&1 &$4!1 F/1F&.!.
Ee IL enacLed by LLe BenaLe and House oI FepresenLaLIves oI LLe FLIlIppInes In
Conress assembled:
.=E758? +e BLorL TILle. - TLIs AcL sLall be known as TLe 0verseas AbsenLee VoLIn AcL
oI 2008.
.=Ee Pe DeclaraLIon oI FolIcy. - IL Is LLe prIme duLy oI LLe BLaLe Lo provIde a sysLem oI
LonesL and orderly overseas absenLee voLIn LLaL upLolds LLe secrecy and sancLILy oI
LLe balloL. Towards LLIs end, LLe BLaLe ensures equal opporLunILy Lo all qualIBed
cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad In LLe exercIse oI LLIs IundamenLal rILL.
.=Ee We DeBnILIon oI Terms. - Eor purposes oI LLIs AcL:
a. AbsenLee VoLIn reIers Lo LLe process by wLIcL qualIBed cILIzens oI LLe
FLIlIppInes abroad exercIse LLeIr rILL Lo voLe,
b. CommIssIon reIers Lo LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons,
c. CerLIBed LIsL oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers reIers Lo LLe lIsL oI reIsLered
overseas absenLee voLers wLose applIcaLIons Lo voLe In absenLIa Lave been
approved by LLe CommIssIon, saId lIsL Lo be prepared by LLe CommILLee on
AbsenLee VoLIn oI LLe CommIssIon, on a counLry-by-counLry basIs. TLIs lIsL sLall
be approved by LLe CommIssIon In an en banc resoluLIon,
d. Day oI ElecLIon reIers Lo LLe acLual daLe oI elecLIons In LLe FLIlIppInes,
e. NaLIonal FeIsLry oI AbsenLee VoLers reIers Lo LLe consolIdaLed lIsL prepared,
approved and maInLaIned by LLe CommIssIon, oI overseas absenLee voLers wLose
applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon as absenLee voLers, IncludIn LLose reIsLered
voLers wLo Lave applIed Lo be cerLIBed as absenLee voLers, Lave been approved
by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLered Eoard,
I. 0verseas AbsenLee VoLer reIers Lo a cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes wLo Is qualIBed
Lo reIsLer and voLe under LLIs AcL, noL oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed by law, wLo Is
abroad on LLe day oI elecLIons.
.=Ee ie Coverae. - All cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad, wLo are noL oLLerwIse
dIsqualIBed by law, aL leasL eILLeen (18) years oI ae on LLe day oI elecLIons, may voLe
Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves.
.=Ee Xe DIsqualIBcaLIons. - TLe IollowIn sLall be dIsqualIBed Irom voLIn under LLIs
1. TLose wLo Lave losL LLeIr EIlIpIno cILIzensLIp In accordance wILL FLIlIppIne
2. TLose wLo Lave expressly renounced LLeIr FLIlIppIne cILIzensLIp and wLo
Lave pleded alleIance Lo a IoreIn counLry,
8. TLose wLo Lave commILLed and are convIcLed In a Bnal judmenL by a courL or
LrIbunal oI an oIIense punIsLable by ImprIsonmenL oI noL less LLan one (1) year,
IncludIn LLose wLo Lave commILLed and been Iound uIlLy oI DIsloyalLy as
deBned under ArLIcle 187 oI LLe FevIsed Fenal Code, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn
been removed by plenary pardon or amnesLy, FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL any
person dIsqualIBed Lo voLe under LLIs subsecLIon sLall auLomaLIcally acquIre LLe
rILL Lo voLe upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI senLence,
FrovIded, IurLLer, TLaL LLe CommIssIon may Lake conIzance oI Bnal judmenLs
Issued by IoreIn courLs or LrIbunals only on LLe basIs oI recIprocILy and subjecL
Lo LLe IormalILIes and processes prescrIbed by LLe Fules oI CourL on execuLIon oI
4. An ImmIranL or a permanenL resIdenL wLo Is reconIzed as sucL In LLe LosL
counLry, unless Le/sLe execuLes, upon reIsLraLIon, an aIBdavIL prepared Ior LLe
purpose by LLe CommIssIon declarIn LLaL Le/sLe sLall resume acLual pLysIcal
permanenL resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes noL laLer LLan LLree (8) years Irom
approval oI LIs/Ler reIsLraLIon under LLIs AcL. BucL aIBdavIL sLall also sLaLe
LLaL Le/sLe Las noL applIed Ior cILIzensLIp In anoLLer counLry. EaIlure Lo reLurn
sLall be LLe cause Ior LLe removal oI LLe name oI LLe ImmIranL or permanenL
resIdenL Irom LLe NaLIonal FeIsLry oI AbsenLee VoLers and LIs/Ler permanenL
dIsqualIBcaLIon Lo voLe In absenLIa.
S. Any cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad prevIously declared Insane or
IncompeLenL by compeLenL auLLorILy In LLe FLIlIppInes or abroad, as verIBed by
LLe FLIlIppIne embassIes, consulaLes or IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs
concerned, unless sucL compeLenL auLLorILy subsequenLly cerLIBes LLaL sucL
person Is no loner Insane or IncompeLenL.
.=Ee ge Fersonal 0verseas AbsenLee FeIsLraLIon. - FeIsLraLIon as an overseas
absenLee voLer sLall be done In person.
QualIBed cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad wLo IaIled Lo reIsLer under FepublIc AcL
No. 8189, oLLerwIse known as LLe TLe VoLers FeIsLraLIon AcL oI 1996, may
personally apply Ior reIsLraLIon wILL LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy wLere LLey were domIcIled ImmedIaLely prIor Lo LLeIr deparLure Irom LLe
FLIlIppInes, or wILL LLe represenLaLIve oI LLe CommIssIon aL LLe FLIlIppIne embassIes,
consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs LLaL Lave jurIsdIcLIon over LLe
localILy wLere LLey LemporarIly resIde. BubjecL Lo LLe specIBc uIdelInes LereIn
provIded, LLe CommIssIon Is Lereby auLLorIzed Lo prescrIbe addILIonal procedures Ior
overseas absenLee reIsLraLIon pursuanL Lo LLe provIsIons oI FepublIc AcL No. 8189,
wLenever applIcable, LakIn InLo sLrIcL consIderaLIon LLe LIme zones and LLe varIous
perIods and processes LereIn provIded Ior LLe proper ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL. TLe
embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs sLall LransmIL wILLIn
(S) days Irom receIpL LLe accomplIsLed reIsLraLIon Iorms Lo LLe CommIssIon, aILer
wLIcL LLe CommIssIon sLall coordInaLe wILL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy oI LLe applIcanL's sLaLed resIdence Ior verIBcaLIon, LearIn and
annoLaLIon In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers.
All applIcaLIons Ior LLe May, 2004 elecLIons sLall be Bled wILL LLe CommIssIon noL
laLer LLan Lwo Lundred eILLy (280) calendar days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons. Eor
succeedIn elecLIons, LLe CommIssIon sLall provIde Ior LLe perIod wILLIn wLIcL
applIcaLIons Lo reIsLer musL be Bled.
In LLe case oI seaIarers, LLe CommIssIon sLall provIde a specIal mecLanIsm Ior LLe
LIme and manner oI personal reIsLraLIon LakIn InLo consIderaLIon LLe naLure oI LLeIr
6.1. Upon receIpL oI LLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall
ImmedIaLely seL LLe applIcaLIon Ior LearIn, LLe noLIce oI wLIcL sLall be posLed
In a conspIcuous place In LLe premIses oI LLe cILy or munIcIpal buIldIn oI LLe
applIcanL's sLaLed resIdence Ior aL leasL one (1) week beIore LLe daLe oI LLe
LearIn. TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall ImmedIaLely IurnIsL a copy oI LLe applIcaLIon
Lo LLe desInaLed represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes and oLLer accredILed
6.2. II no verIBed objecLIon Lo LLe applIcaLIon Is Bled, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall
ImmedIaLely Iorward LLe applIcaLIon Lo LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard, wLIcL
sLall decIde on LLe applIcaLIon wILLIn one (1) week Irom LLe daLe oI LearIn
wILLouL waILIn Ior LLe quarLerly meeLIn oI LLe Eoard. TLe applIcanL sLall be
noLIBed oI LLe approval or dIsapproval oI LIs/Ler applIcaLIon by reIsLered maIl.
6.8. In LLe evenL LLaL an objecLIon Lo LLe applIcaLIon Is Bled prIor Lo or on LLe
daLe oI LearIn, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall noLIIy LLe applIcanL oI saId objecLIon by
reIsLered maIl, enclosIn LLereIn copIes oI aIBdavILs or documenLs submILLed In
supporL oI LLe objecLIon Bled wILL LLe saId ElecLIon 0IBcer, II any. TLe applIcanL
sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo Ble LIs counLer-aIBdavIL by reIsLered maIl, clearly sLaLIn
LLereIn IacLs and deIenses sworn beIore any oIBcer In LLe LosL counLry
auLLorIzed Lo admInIsLer oaLLs.
6.4. TLe applIcaLIon sLall be approved or dIsapproved based on LLe merILs oI LLe
objecLIon, counLer-aIBdavIL and documenLs submILLed by LLe parLy objecLIn and
LLose oI LLe applIcanL.
6.S A CerLIBcaLe oI FeIsLraLIon as an overseas absenLee voLer sLall be Issued by
LLe CommIssIon Lo all applIcanLs wLose applIcaLIons Lave been approved,
IncludIn LLose cerLIBed as reIsLered voLers. TLe CommIssIon sLall Include LLe
approved applIcaLIons In LLe NaLIonal FeIsLry oI AbsenLee VoLers.
6.6. II LLe applIcaLIon Las been approved, any InLeresLed parLy may Ble a
peLILIon Ior exclusIon noL laLer LLan Lwo Lundred Len (210) days beIore LLe day
oI elecLIons wILL LLe proper munIcIpal or meLropolILan LrIal courL. TLe peLILIon
sLall be decIded wILLIn BILeen (1S) days aILer ILs BlIn on LLe basIs oI LLe
documenLs submILLed In connecLIon LLerewILL. BLould LLe courL IaIl Lo render a
decIsIon wILLIn LLe prescrIbed perIod, LLe rulIn oI LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon
Eoard sLall be consIdered aIBrmed.
6.7. II LLe applIcaLIon Las been dIsapproved, LLe applIcanL or LIs auLLorIzed
represenLaLIve sLall, wILLIn a perIod oI Bve (S) days Irom receIpL oI LLe noLIce oI
dIsapproval, Lave LLe rILL Lo Ble a peLILIon Ior InclusIon wILL LLe proper
munIcIpal or meLropolILan LrIal courL. TLe peLILIon sLall be decIded wILLIn Bve
(S) days aILer ILs BlIn on LLe basIs oI documenLs submILLed In connecLIon
QualIBed cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad, wLo Lave prevIously reIsLered as voLers
pursuanL Lo FepublIc AcL No. 8189 sLall apply Ior cerLIBcaLIon as absenLee voLers and
Ior InclusIon In LLe NaLIonal FeIsLry oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers, wILL a
correspondIn annoLaLIon In LLe CerLIBed VoLers' LIsL.
.=Ee Ye BysLem oI ConLInuIn FeIsLraLIon. - TLe CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL LLe
beneBLs oI LLe sysLem oI conLInuIn reIsLraLIon are exLended Lo qualIBed overseas
absenLee voLers. Towards LLIs end, LLe CommIssIon sLall opLImIze LLe use oI exIsLIn
IacIlILIes, personnel and mecLanIsms oI LLe varIous overnmenL aencIes Ior purposes
oI daLa aLLerIn, daLa valIdaLIon, InIormaLIon dIssemInaLIon and IacIlILaLIon oI LLe
reIsLraLIon process.
Fre-deparLure prorams, servIces and mecLanIsms oIIered and admInIsLered by LLe
DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs, DeparLmenL oI Labor and EmploymenL, FLIlIppIne
0verseas EmploymenL AdmInIsLraLIon, 0verseas Workers' WelIare AdmInIsLraLIon,
CommIssIon on EIlIpInos 0verseas and oLLer approprIaLe aencIes oI LLe overnmenL
sLall be uLIlIzed Ior purposes oI supporLIn LLe overseas absenLee reIsLraLIon and
voLIn processes, subjecL Lo lImILaLIons Imposed by law.
.=Ee Ze FequIremenLs Ior FeIsLraLIon. - Every EIlIpIno reIsLranL sLall be requIred Lo
IurnIsL LLe IollowIn documenLs:
a. A valId FLIlIppIne passporL. In LLe absence oI a valId passporL, a cerLIBcaLIon
oI LLe DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs LLaL IL Las revIewed LLe approprIaLe
documenLs submILLed by LLe applIcanL and Iound LLem suIBcIenL Lo warranL LLe
Issuance oI a passporL, or LLaL LLe applIcanL Is a Lolder oI a valId passporL buL Is
unable Lo produce LLe same Ior a valId reason,
b. AccomplIsLed reIsLraLIon Iorm prescrIbed by LLe CommIssIon conLaInIn LLe
IollowIn mandaLory InIormaLIon:
I. LasL known resIdence oI LLe applIcanL In LLe FLIlIppInes beIore leavIn
Ior abroad,
II. Address oI applIcanL abroad, or IorwardIn address In LLe case oI
III. WLere voLIn by maIl Is allowed, LLe applIcanL's maIlIn address
ouLsIde LLe FLIlIppInes wLere LLe balloL Ior absenLee voLers wIll be senL, In
proper cases, and,
Iv. Name and address oI applIcanL's auLLorIzed represenLaLIve In LLe
FLIlIppInes Ior purposes oI BecLIon 6.7 and BecLIon 12 LereoI.
c. In LLe case oI ImmIranLs and permanenL resIdenLs noL oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed
Lo voLe under LLIs AcL, an aIBdavIL declarIn LLe InLenLIon Lo resume acLual
pLysIcal permanenL resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes noL laLer LLan LLree (8) years
aILer approval oI LIs/Ler reIsLraLIon as an overseas absenLee voLer under LLIs
AcL. BucL aIBdavIL sLall also sLaLe LLaL Le/sLe Las noL applIed Ior cILIzensLIp In
anoLLer counLry.
TLe CommIssIon may also requIre addILIonal daLa Lo IacIlILaLe reIsLraLIon and
recordIn. No InIormaLIon oLLer LLan LLose necessary Lo esLablIsL LLe IdenLILy and
qualIBcaLIon oI LLe applIcanL sLall be requIred.
.=Ee Ve NaLIonal FeIsLry oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers. - TLe CommIssIon sLall
maInLaIn a NaLIonal FeIsLry oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers. Approved applIcaLIons oI
overseas absenLee reIsLranLs sLall also be Included In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers oI
LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy wLere LLe reIsLranL Is domIcIled, wILL LLe correspondIn
annoLaLIon LLaL sucL person Las been reIsLered or wIll be voLIn as an overseas
absenLee voLer. TLe reIsLry sLall also Include LLose reIsLered under FepublIc AcL No.
8189 and wLo Lave been Issued cerLIBcaLIons as overseas absenLee voLers. TLe enLrIes
In LLe NaLIonal FeIsLry oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers and LLe annoLaLIons as overseas
absenLee voLers In LLe CerLIBed VoLers' LIsL sLall be permanenL, and cannoL be
cancelled or amended excepL In any oI LLe IollowIn cases:
9.1. WLen LLe overseas absenLee voLer Bles a leLLer under oaLL addressed Lo LLe
CommIssIon LLaL Le/sLe wIsLes Lo be removed Irom LLe FeIsLry oI 0verseas
AbsenLee VoLers, or LLaL LIs/Ler name be LransIerred Lo LLe reular reIsLry oI
voLers, or,
9.2. WLen an overseas absenLee voLer's name was ordered removed by LLe
CommIssIon Irom LLe FeIsLry oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers Ior LIs/Ler IaIlure Lo
exercIse LIs/Ler rILL Lo voLe under LLIs AcL Ior Lwo (2) consecuLIve naLIonal
.=Ee +Qe NoLIce oI FeIsLraLIon and ElecLIon. - TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL LLe
embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs, cause LLe publIcaLIon
In a newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon oI LLe place, daLe and LIme oI LLe LoldIn oI a
reular or specIal naLIonal elecLIon and LLe requIremenLs Ior LLe parLIcIpaLIon oI
qualIBed cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad, aL leasL sIx (6) monLLs beIore LLe daLe seL
Ior LLe BlIn oI applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon.
TLe CommIssIon sLall deLermIne LLe counLrIes wLere publIcaLIon sLall be made, and
LLe Irequency LLereoI, LakIn InLo consIderaLIon LLe number oI overseas EIlIpInos
presenL In sucL counLrIes. LIkewIse, LLe CommIssIon and LLe DeparLmenL oI EoreIn
AIIaIrs sLall posL LLe same In LLeIr respecLIve websILes.
.=Ee ++e Frocedure Ior ApplIcaLIon Lo VoLe In AbsenLIa. -
11.1. Every qualIBed cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad wLose applIcaLIon Ior
reIsLraLIon Las been approved, IncludIn LLose prevIously reIsLered under
FepublIc AcL No. 8189, sLall, In every naLIonal elecLIon, Ble wILL LLe oIBcer oI LLe
embassy, consulaLe or oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL auLLorIzed by LLe
CommIssIon, a sworn wrILLen applIcaLIon Lo voLe In a Iorm prescrIbed by LLe
CommIssIon. TLe auLLorIzed oIBcer oI sucL embassy, consulaLe or oLLer IoreIn
servIce esLablIsLmenL sLall LransmIL Lo LLe CommIssIon LLe saId applIcaLIon Lo
voLe wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom receIpL LLereoI. TLe applIcaLIon Iorm sLall be
accomplIsLed In LrIplIcaLe and submILLed LoeLLer wILL LLe pLoLocopy oI LIs/Ler
overseas absenLee voLer cerLIBcaLe oI reIsLraLIon.
11.2. Every applIcaLIon Lo voLe In absenLIa may be done personally aL, or by maIl
Lo, LLe embassy, consulaLe or IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL, wLIcL Las
jurIsdIcLIon over LLe counLry wLere Le/sLe Las IndIcaLed LIs/Ler address Ior
purposes oI LLe elecLIons.
11.8. Consular and dIplomaLIc servIces rendered In connecLIon wILL LLe overseas
absenLee voLIn processes sLall be made avaIlable aL no cosL Lo LLe overseas
absenLee voLer.
.=Ee +Pe VerIBcaLIon and Approval oI ApplIcaLIon Lo VoLe. - All applIcaLIons sLall be
acLed upon by LLe CommIssIon upon receIpL LLereoI, buL In no case laLer LLan one
Lundred BILy (1S0) days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons. In LLe evenL oI dIsapproval oI LLe
applIcaLIon, LLe voLer or LIs auLLorIzed represenLaLIve may Ble a MoLIon Ior
FeconsIderaLIon wILL LLe CommIssIon personally, or by reIsLered maIl, wILLIn Len
(10) days Irom receIpL oI LLe noLIce oI dIsapproval. TLe CommIssIon sLall acL wILLIn
Bve (S) days Irom receIpL oI sucL MoLIon Ior FeconsIderaLIon and sLall ImmedIaLely
noLIIy LLe voLer oI ILs decIsIon. TLe decIsIon oI LLe CommIssIon sLall be Bnal and
TLe CommIssIon sLall Issue an overseas absenLee voLer IdenLIBcaLIon card Lo LLose
wLose applIcaLIons Lo voLe Lave been approved.
.=Ee +We FreparaLIon and FosLIn oI CerLIBed LIsL oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers. - TLe
CommIssIon sLall prepare LLe CerLIBed LIsL oI 0verseas AbsenLee VoLers wILLIn one
Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore every elecLIon, and IurnIsL wILLIn LLe same perIod
copIes LLereoI Lo LLe approprIaLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs, wLIcL sLall posL LLe same In LLeIr bulleLIn boards wILLIn Len (10) days
Irom receIpL LLereoI.
BubjecL Lo reasonable reulaLIon and LLe paymenL oI Iees In sucL amounLs as may be
Bxed by LLe CommIssIon, LLe candIdaLes, polILIcal parLIes, accredILed cILIzens' arms,
InLeresLed persons and all embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs sLall be IurnIsLed copIes LLereoI.
.=Ee +ie FrInLIn and TransmILLal oI EalloLs, VoLIn InsLrucLIons, ElecLIon Eorms and
FarapLernalIa. -
14.1. TLe CommIssIon sLall cause LLe prInLIn oI balloLs Ior overseas absenLee
voLers, voLIn InsLrucLIons, and elecLIon Iorms In sucL number as may be
necessary, buL In no case sLall IL exceed LLe LoLal number oI approved
applIcaLIons. BecurILy markIns sLall be used In LLe prInLIn oI balloLs Ior
overseas absenLee voLers.
14.2. TLe CommIssIon sLall presenL Lo LLe auLLorIzed represenLaLIves oI LLe
DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs and LLe accredILed major polILIcal parLIes LLe
balloLs Ior overseas absenLee voLers, voLIn InsLrucLIons, elecLIon Iorms and
oLLer elecLIon parapLernalIa Ior scruLIny and InspecLIon prIor Lo LLeIr
LransmILLal Lo LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs concerned.
14.8. TLe CommIssIon sLall, noL laLer LLan sevenLy-Bve (7S) days beIore LLe day
oI elecLIons, LransmIL by specIal poucL Lo LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer
IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs, LLe exacL number oI balloLs Ior overseas
absenLee voLers correspondIn Lo LLe number oI approved applIcaLIons, alon
wILL sucL maLerIals and elecLIon parapLernalIa necessary Lo ensure LLe secrecy
and InLerILy oI LLe elecLIon.
14.4. TLe auLLorIzed represenLaLIves oI accredILed major polILIcal parLIes sLall
Lave LLe rILL Lo be presenL In all pLases oI prInLIn, LransmILLal, and casLIn oI
balloLs abroad. UnclaImed balloLs properly marked as sucL, sLall be cancelled
and sLIpped Lo LLe CommIssIon by LLe leasL cosLly meLLod.
.=Ee +Xe FeulaLIon on CampaInIn Abroad. - TLe use oI campaIn maLerIals, as well
as LLe lImILs on campaIn spendIn sLall be overned by LLe laws and reulaLIons
applIcable In LLe FLIlIppInes.
.=Ee +ge CasLIn and BubmIssIon oI EalloLs. -
16.1. Upon receIpL by LLe desInaLed oIBcer oI LLe embassy, consulaLe and oLLer
IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs oI LLe balloLs Ior overseas absenLee voLers, voLIn
InsLrucLIons, elecLIon Iorms and oLLer parapLernalIa, Le/sLe sLall make LLem
avaIlable on LLe premIses Lo LLe qualIBed overseas absenLee voLers In LLeIr
respecLIve jurIsdIcLIons durIn LLe LLIrLy (80) days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons
wLen overseas absenLee voLers may casL LLeIr voLe. ImmedIaLely upon receIvIn
IL, LLe overseas absenLee voLer musL Bll-ouL LIs/Ler balloL personally, In secreL,
wILLouL leavIn LLe premIses oI LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn
servIce esLablIsLmenLs concerned.
16.2. TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall personally accomplIsL LIs/Ler balloL aL
LLe embassy, consulaLe or oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL LLaL Las
jurIsdIcLIon over LLe counLry wLere Le/sLe LemporarIly resIdes or aL any pollIn
place desInaLed and accredILed by LLe CommIssIon.
16.8. TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall casL LIs balloL, upon presenLaLIon oI LLe
absenLee voLer IdenLIBcaLIon card Issued by LLe CommIssIon, wILLIn LLIrLy (80)
days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons. In LLe case oI seaIarers, LLey sLall casL LLeIr
balloLs anyLIme wILLIn sIxLy (60) days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons as prescrIbed
In LLe ImplemenLIn Fules and 0uIdelInes.
16.4. All accomplIsLed balloLs receIved sLall be placed unopened InsIde sealed
conLaIners and kepL In a secure place desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon.
16.S. TLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs
concerned sLall keep a compleLe record oI LLe balloLs Ior overseas absenLee
voLers, specIBcally IndIcaLIn LLe number oI balloLs LLey acLually receIved, and
In cases wLere voLIn by maIl Is allowed under BecLIon 17 LereoI, LLe names and
addresses oI LLe voLers Lo wLom LLese balloLs were senL, IncludIn prooI oI
receIpL LLereoI. In addILIon, LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs sLall submIL a Iormal reporL Lo LLe CommIssIon and LLe JoInL
ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee creaLed under LLIs AcL wILLIn LLIrLy (80)
days Irom LLe day oI elecLIons. BucL reporL sLall conLaIn daLa on LLe number oI
balloLs casL and receIved by LLe oIBces, LLe number oI InvalId and unclaImed
balloLs and oLLer perLInenL daLa.
16.6. TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall be InsLrucLed LLaL LIs/Ler balloL sLall
noL be counLed II IL Is noL InsIde LLe specIal envelope IurnIsLed LIm/Ler wLen IL
Is casL.
16.7. EalloLs noL claImed by LLe overseas absenLee voLers aL LLe embassIes,
consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs, In case oI personal voLIn,
and balloLs reLurned Lo LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs concerned, In LLe case oI voLIn by maIl, sLall be cancelled and
sLIpped Lo LLe CommIssIon by LLe leasL cosLly meLLod wILLIn sIx (6) monLLs
Irom LLe day oI elecLIons.
16.8. 0nly balloLs casL, and maIled balloLs receIved by LLe FLIlIppIne embassIes,
consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs concerned In accordance
wILL BecLIon 17 LereoI beIore LLe close oI voLIn on LLe day oI elecLIons sLall be
counLed In accordance wILL BecLIon 18 LereoI. All envelopes conLaInIn LLe
balloLs receIved by LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce
esLablIsLmenLs aILer LLe prescrIbed perIod sLall noL be opened, and sLall be
cancelled and sLIpped Lo LLe CommIssIon by LLe leasL cosLly meLLod wILLIn sIx
(6) monLLs Irom LLe day oI elecLIons.
16.9. A BpecIal EalloL FecepLIon and CusLody 0roup composed oI LLree (8)
members sLall be consLILuLed by LLe CommIssIon Irom amon LLe sLaII oI LLe
embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs concerned,
IncludIn LLeIr aLLacLed aencIes, and cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes abroad, wLo
wIll be depuLIzed Lo receIve balloLs and Lake cusLody oI LLe same preparaLory Lo
LLeIr LransmILLal Lo LLe BpecIal Eoards oI ElecLIon InspecLors.
16.10. DurIn LLIs pLase oI LLe elecLIon process, LLe auLLorIzed represenLaLIves
oI LLe polILIcal parLIes, candIdaLes, and accredILed cILIzens' arms oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall be noLIBed In wrILIn LLereoI and sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo
wILness LLe proceedIns.
16.11. TLe CommIssIon sLall sLudy LLe use oI elecLronIc maIl, InLerneL, or oLLer
secured neLworks In LLe casLIn oI voLes, and submIL a reporL LLereon Lo LLe
JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee.
.=Ee +Ye VoLIn by MaIl. -
17.1. Eor LLe May, 2004 elecLIons, LLe CommIssIon sLall auLLorIze voLIn by maIl
In noL more LLan LLree (8) counLrIes, subjecL Lo LLe approval oI LLe
ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee. VoLIn by maIl may be allowed In counLrIes
LLaL saLIsIy LLe IollowIn condILIons:
a. WLere LLe maIlIn sysLem Is IaIrly well-developed and secure Lo prevenL
LLe occasIon oI Iraud,
b. WLere LLere exIsLs a LecLnIcally esLablIsLed IdenLIBcaLIon sysLem LLaL
would preclude mulLIple or proxy voLIn, and,
c. WLere LLe sysLem oI recepLIon and cusLody oI maIled balloLs In LLe
embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs concerned
are adequaLe and well-secured.
TLereaILer, voLIn by maIl In any counLry sLall be allowed only upon revIew and
approval oI LLe JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee.
17.2. TLe overseas absenLee voLers sLall send LIs/Ler accomplIsLed balloL Lo LLe
correspondIn embassy, consular or oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL LLaL
Las jurIsdIcLIon over LLe counLry wLere Le/sLe LemporarIly resIdes. He/BLe
sLall be enLILled Lo casL LIs/Ler balloL aL any LIme upon LIs/Ler receIpL LLereoI,
provIded LLaL LLe same Is receIved beIore LLe close oI voLIn on LLe day oI
elecLIons. TLe overseas absenLee voLer sLall be InsLrucLed LLaL LIs/Ler balloL
sLall noL be counLed II noL LransmILLed In LLe specIal envelope IurnIsLed
17.8. 0nly maIled balloLs receIved by LLe FLIlIppIne embassy, consulaLe and
oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs beIore LLe close oI voLIn on LLe day oI
elecLIons sLall be counLed In accordance wILL BecLIon 18 LereoI. All envelopes
conLaInIn LLe balloLs receIved by LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn
servIce esLablIsLmenLs aILer LLe prescrIbed perIod sLall noL be opened, and sLall
be cancelled and dIsposed oI approprIaLely, wILL a correspondIn reporL LLereon
submILLed Lo LLe CommIssIon noL laLer LLan LLIrLy (80) days Irom LLe day oI
.=Ee +Ze 0n-BILe CounLIn and CanvassIn. -
18.1. TLe counLIn and canvassIn oI voLes sLall be conducLed on sILe In LLe
counLry wLere LLe voLes were acLually casL. TLe openIn oI LLe specIally-marked
envelopes conLaInIn LLe balloLs and LLe counLIn and canvassIn oI voLes sLall
be conducLed wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn
servIce esLablIsLmenLs or In sucL oLLer places as may be desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon pursuanL Lo LLe ImplemenLIn Fules and FeulaLIons. TLe
CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL LLe sLarL oI counLIn In all pollIn places abroad
sLall be syncLronIzed wILL LLe sLarL oI counLIn In LLe FLIlIppInes.
18.2. Eor LLese purposes, LLe CommIssIon sLall consLILuLe as many BpecIal
Eoards oI ElecLIon InspecLors as may be necessary Lo conducL and supervIse LLe
counLIn oI voLes as provIded In BecLIon 18.2 LereoI. TLe BpecIal Eoards oI
ElecLIon InspecLors Lo be consLILuLed LereIn sLall be composed oI a CLaIrman
and Lwo (2) members, one (1) oI wLom sLall be desInaLed as poll clerk. TLe
ambassador or consul-eneral, or any career publIc oIBcer posLed abroad
desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon, as LLe case may be, sLall acL as LLe cLaIrman, In
LLe absence oI oLLer overnmenL oIBcers, LLe Lwo (2) oLLer members sLall be
cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes wLo are qualIBed Lo voLe under LLIs acL and depuLIzed
by LLe CommIssIon noL laLer LLan sIxLy (60) days beIore LLe day oI elecLIons. All
resoluLIons oI LLe BpecIal Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors on Issues brouLL beIore
IL durIn LLe conducL oI ILs proceedIns sLall be valId only wLen LLey carry LLe
approval oI LLe cLaIrman.
ImmedIaLely upon LLe compleLIon oI LLe counLIn, LLe BpecIal Eoards oI ElecLIon
InspecLors sLall LransmIL vIa IacsImIle and/or elecLronIc maIl LLe resulLs Lo LLe
CommIssIon In ManIla and LLe accredILed major polILIcal parLIes.
18.8. 0nly balloLs casL on, or receIved by LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer
IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs beIore LLe close oI voLIn on LLe day oI elecLIons
sLall be Included In LLe counLIn oI voLes. TLose receIved aILerwards sLall noL be
18.4. A BpecIal Eoard oI Canvassers composed oI a lawyer preIerably oI LLe
CommIssIon as cLaIrman, a senIor career oIBcer Irom any oI LLe overnmenL
aencIes maInLaInIn a posL abroad and, In LLe absence oI anoLLer overnmenL
oIBcer, a cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes qualIBed Lo voLe under LLIs AcL depuLIzed by
LLe CommIssIon, as vIce-cLaIrman and member-secreLary, respecLIvely, sLall be
consLILuLed Lo canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns submILLed Lo IL by LLe BpecIal Eoards
oI ElecLIon InspecLors. ImmedIaLely upon LLe compleLIon oI LLe canvass, LLe
cLaIrman oI LLe BpecIal Eoard oI Canvassers sLall LransmIL vIa IacsImIle,
elecLronIc maIl, or any oLLer means oI LransmIssIon equally saIe and relIable LLe
CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass and LLe BLaLemenLs oI VoLes Lo LLe CommIssIon, and sLall
cause Lo preserve LLe same ImmedIaLely aILer LLe conclusIon oI LLe canvass, and
make IL avaIlable upon InsLrucLIons oI LLe CommIssIon. TLe BpecIal Eoard oI
Canvassers sLall also IurnIsL LLe accredILed major polILIcal parLIes and
accredILed cILIzens' arms wILL copIes LLereoI vIa IacsImIle, elecLronIc maIl and
any oLLer means oI LransmIssIon equally saIe, secure and relIable.
TLe CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass and LLe accompanyIn BLaLemenLs oI VoLes as
LransmILLed vIa IacsImIle, elecLronIc maIl and any oLLer means oI LransmIssIon
equally saIe, secure and relIable sLall be LLe prImary basIs Ior LLe naLIonal
18.S. TLe canvass oI voLes sLall noL cause LLe delay oI LLe proclamaLIon oI a
wInnIn candIdaLe II LLe ouLcome oI LLe elecLIon wIll noL be aIIecLed by LLe
resulLs LLereoI. NoLwILLsLandIn LLe IoreoIn, LLe CommIssIon Is empowered Lo
order LLe proclamaLIon oI wInnIn candIdaLes despILe LLe IacL LLaL LLe scLeduled
elecLIon Las noL Laken place In a parLIcular counLry or counLrIes, II LLe LoldIn oI
elecLIons LLereIn Las been rendered ImpossIble by evenLs, IacLors and
cIrcumsLances peculIar Lo sucL counLry or counLrIes, and wLIcL evenLs, IacLors
and cIrcumsLances are beyond LLe conLrol or InBuence oI LLe CommIssIon.
18.6. In LLe preparaLIon oI LLe Bnal Lally oI voLes on LLe resulLs oI LLe naLIonal
elecLIons, LLe CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL LLe voLes canvassed by eacL and
every counLry sLall be reBecLed as a separaLe ILem Irom LLe Lally oI naLIonal
voLes. Eor purposes oI LLIs AcL, LLe reLurns oI every elecLIon Ior presIdenL and
vIce-presIdenL prepared by LLe BpecIal Eoard oI Canvassers sLall be deemed a
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI a cILy or provInce.
18.7. WLere IeasIble, LLe counLIn and canvassIn oI voLes sLall be auLomaLed.
Towards LLIs end, LLe CommIssIon Is Lereby auLLorIzed Lo borrow, renL, lease or
acquIre auLomaLed voLIn macLInes Ior purposes oI canvassIn and counLIn oI
voLes pursuanL Lo LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL, and In accordance wILL LLe
ImplemenLIn Fules and FeulaLIons promulaLed by LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee +Ve AuLLorILy oI LLe CommIssIon Lo FromulaLe Fules. - TLe CommIssIon sLall
Issue LLe necessary rules and reulaLIons Lo eIIecLIvely ImplemenL LLe provIsIons oI
LLIs AcL wILLIn sIxLy (60) days Irom LLe eIIecLIvILy oI LLIs AcL. TLe ImplemenLIn Fules
and FeulaLIons sLall be submILLed Lo LLe JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee
creaLed by vIrLue oI LLIs AcL Ior prIor approval.
In LLe IormulaLIon oI LLe rules and reulaLIons, LLe CommIssIon sLall coordInaLe wILL
LLe DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs, DeparLmenL oI Labor and EmploymenL, FLIlIppIne
0verseas and EmploymenL AdmInIsLraLIon, 0verseas Workers' WelIare AdmInIsLraLIon
and LLe CommIssIon on EIlIpInos 0verseas. Non-overnmenL oranIzaLIons and
accredILed EIlIpIno oranIzaLIons or assocIaLIons abroad sLall be consulLed.
.=Ee PQe InIormaLIon CampaIn. - TLe CommIssIon, In coordInaLIon wILL aencIes
concerned, sLall underLake an InIormaLIon campaIn Lo educaLe LLe publIc on LLe
manner oI absenLee voLIn Ior qualIBed overseas absenLee voLers. IL may requIre LLe
supporL and assIsLance oI LLe DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs, LLrouL LLe embassIes,
consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenLs, DeparLmenL oI Labor and
employmenL, DeparLmenL oI TransporLaLIon and CommunIcaLIons, FLIlIppIne FosLal
CorporaLIon, FLIlIppIne 0verseas EmploymenL AdmInIsLraLIon, 0verseas Workers'
WelIare AdmInIsLraLIon and LLe CommIssIon on EIlIpInos 0verseas. TLe CommIssIon
may depuLIze EIlIpIno oranIzaLIons/assocIaLIons overseas Ior LLe same purpose:
FrovIded, TLaL any sucL depuLIzed oranIzaLIon/assocIaLIon sLall be proLIbILed Irom
parLIcIpaLIn In LLe elecLIons by campaInIn Ior or BeldIn candIdaLes, FrovIded,
IurLLer, TLaL II any sucL depuLIzed oranIzaLIon/assocIaLIon Is dIscovered Lo Lave a
member wLo Is noL a qualIBed overseas absenLee voLer as LereIn deBned, sucL
depuLIzed oranIzaLIon/assocIaLIon sLall be banned Irom parLIcIpaLIn In any manner,
and aL any sLae, In LLe FLIlIppIne polILIcal process abroad.
BucL InIormaLIon campaIn sLall educaLe LLe EIlIpIno publIc, wILLIn and ouLsIde LLe
FLIlIppInes, on LLe rILLs oI overseas absenLee voLers, absenLee voLIn processes and
oLLer relaLed concerns. InIormaLIon maLerIals sLall be developed by LLe CommIssIon
Ior dIsLrIbuLIon, LLrouL LLe saId overnmenL aencIes and prIvaLe oranIzaLIons. No
overnmenL aency or accredILed prIvaLe oranIzaLIons sLall prepare, prInL, dIsLrIbuLe
or posL In websILes any InIormaLIon maLerIal wILLouL LLe prIor approval oI LLe
.=Ee P+e Access Lo 0IBcIal Fecords and DocumenLs. - BubjecL Lo LLe perLInenL
provIsIons oI LLIs AcL, any person sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo access and/or copy aL LIs
expense all reIsLraLIon records, voLers lIsLs and oLLer oIBcIal records and documenLs,
subjecL Lo reasonable reulaLIons as may be Imposed by LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee PPe AssIsLance Irom 0overnmenL AencIes. - All overnmenL oIBcers, parLIcularly
Irom LLe DeparLmenL oI EoreIn AIIaIrs, DeparLmenL oI Labor and EmploymenL,
DeparLmenL oI TransporLaLIon and CommunIcaLIons, FLIlIppIne FosLal CorporaLIon,
FLIlIppIne 0verseas EmploymenL AdmInIsLraLIon, 0verseas Workers' WelIare
AdmInIsLraLIon, CommIssIon on EIlIpInos 0verseas and oLLer overnmenL oIBces
concerned wILL LLe welIare oI LLe EIlIpInos overseas sLall, Lo LLe exLenL compaLIble
wILL LLeIr prImary responsIbIlILIes, assIsL LLe CommIssIon In carryIn ouL LLe
provIsIons oI LLIs AcL. All sucL aencIes or oIBcers LLereoI sLall Lake reasonable
measures Lo expedILe all elecLIon acLIvILIes, wLIcL LLe CommIssIon sLall requIre oI
LLem. WLen necessary, LLe CommIssIon may send supervIsory Leams Leaded by career
oIBcers Lo assIsL LLe embassIes, consulaLes and oLLer IoreIn servIce esLablIsLmenL
.=Ee PWe BecurILy Measures Lo BaIeuard LLe Becrecy and BancLILy oI EalloLs. - AL all
sLaes oI LLe elecLoral process, LLe CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL LLe secrecy and
InLerILy oI LLe balloLs are preserved. TLe CommILLee on AbsenLee VoLIn oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall be responsIble Ior ensurIn LLe secrecy and sancLILy oI LLe absenLee
voLIn process. In LLe InLeresL oI Lransparency, all necessary and pracLIcable measures
sLall be adopLed Lo allow represenLaLIon oI LLe candIdaLes, accredILed major polILIcal
parLIes, accredILed cILIzens' arms and non-overnmenL oranIzaLIons Lo assIsL, and
InLervene In approprIaLe cases, In all sLaes oI LLe elecLoral exercIse and Lo prevenL
any and all Iorms oI Iraud and coercIon.
No oIBcer or member oI LLe IoreIn servIce corps, IncludIn LLose belonIn Lo
aLLacLed aencIes sLall be LransIerred, promoLed, exLended, recalled or oLLerwIse
moved Irom LIs currenL posL or posILIon one (1) year beIore and LLree (8) monLLs
aILer LLe day oI elecLIons, excepL upon LLe approval oI LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee Pie FroLIbILed AcLs. - In addILIon Lo LLe proLIbILed acLs provIded by law, IL sLall be
24.1. Eor any oIBcer or employee oI LLe FLIlIppIne overnmenL Lo InBuence or
aLLempL Lo InBuence any person covered by LLIs AcL Lo voLe, or noL Lo voLe, Ior a
parLIcular candIdaLe. NoLLIn In LLIs AcL sLall be deemed Lo proLIbIL Iree
dIscussIon reardIn polILIcs or candIdaLes Ior publIc oIBce.
24.2. Eor any person Lo deprIve any person oI any rILL secured In LLIs AcL, or Lo
Ive Ialse InIormaLIon as Lo LIs/Ler name, address, or perIod oI resIdence Ior LLe
purposes oI esLablIsLIn LIs/Ler elIIbIlILy or InelIIbIlILy Lo reIsLer or voLe
under LLIs AcL, or Lo conspIre wILL anoLLer person Ior LLe purpose oI
encouraIn LLe IvIn oI Ialse InIormaLIon In order Lo esLablIsL LLe elIIbIlILy or
InelIIbIlILy oI any IndIvIdual Lo reIsLer or voLe under LLIs AcL, or, Lo pay, or oIIer
Lo pay, or Lo accepL paymenL eILLer Ior applIcaLIon Lo voLe In absenLIa or Ior
24.8. Eor any person Lo Lamper wILL LLe balloL, LLe maIl conLaInIn LLe balloLs
Ior overseas absenLee voLers, LLe elecLIon reLurns, IncludIn LLe desLrucLIon,
muLIlaLIon and manIpulaLIon LLereoI,
24.4. Eor any person Lo sLeal, desLroy, conceal, muLIlaLe or alLer any record,
documenL or paper as requIred Ior purposes oI LLIs AcL,
24.S. Eor any depuLIzed aenL Lo reIuse wILLouL jusLIBable round, Lo serve or
conLInue servIn, or Lo comply wILL LIs/Ler sworn duLIes aILer accepLance oI
LIs/Ler appoInLmenL,
24.6. Eor any publIc oIBcer or employee wLo sLall cause LLe preparaLIon,
prInLIn, dIsLrIbuLIon oI InIormaLIon maLerIal, or posL LLe same In websILes
wILLouL LLe prIor approval oI LLe CommIssIon,
24.7. Eor any publIc oIBcer or employee Lo cause LLe LransIer, promoLIon,
exLensIon, recall oI any member oI LLe IoreIn servIce corps, IncludIn members
oI LLe aLLacLed aencIes, or oLLerwIse cause LLe movemenL oI any sucL member
Irom LIs currenL posL or posILIon one (1) year beIore and LLree (8) monLLs aILer
LLe day oI elecLIons, wILLouL securIn LLe prIor approval oI LLe CommIssIon,
24.8. Eor any person wLo, aILer beIn depuLIzed by LLe CommIssIon Lo underLake
acLIvILIes In connecLIon wILL LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL, sLall campaIn Ior
or assIsL, In wLaLever manner, candIdaLes In LLe elecLIons,
24.9. Eor any person wLo Is noL a cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes Lo parLIcIpaLe, by
word or deed, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly LLrouL qualIBed oranIzaLIons/assocIaLIons,
In any manner and aL any sLae oI LLe FLIlIppIne polILIcal process abroad,
IncludIn parLIcIpaLIon In LLe campaIn and elecLIons.
TLe provIsIon oI exIsLIn laws Lo LLe conLrary noLwILLsLandIn, and wILL due reard Lo
LLe FrIncIple oI Double CrImInalILy, LLe proLIbILed acLs descrIbed In LLIs secLIon are
elecLoral oIIenses and punIsLable In LLe FLIlIppInes.
TLe penalLIes Imposed under BecLIon 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, as amended,
sLall be Imposed on any person Iound uIlLy oI commILLIn any oI LLe proLIbILed acLs
as deBned In LLIs secLIon: FrovIded, TLaL LLe penalLy oI prIsIon mayor In ILs mInImum
perIod sLall be Imposed upon any person Iound uIlLy oI BecLIon 24.8 LereoI wILLouL
LLe beneBL oI LLe operaLIon oI LLe IndeLermInaLe BenLence Law. II LLe oIIender Is a
publIc oIBcer or a candIdaLe, LLe penalLy sLall be prIsIon mayor In ILs maxImum perIod.
In addILIon, LLe oIIender sLall be senLenced Lo suIIer perpeLual dIsqualIBcaLIon Lo Lold
publIc oIBce and deprIvaLIon oI LLe rILL Lo voLe.
ImmIranLs and permanenL resIdenLs wLo do noL resume resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes
as sLIpulaLed In LLeIr aIBdavIL under BecLIon S(d) wILLIn LLree (8) years aILer approval
oI LIs/Ler reIsLraLIon under LLIs AcL and yeL voLe In LLe nexL elecLIons conLrary Lo LLe
saId secLIon, sLall be penalIzed by ImprIsonmenL oI noL less LLan one (1) year, and
sLall be deemed dIsqualIBed as provIded In BecLIon S(c) oI LLIs AcL. HIs/Ler passporL
sLall be sLamped noL allowed Lo voLe.
.=Ee PXe JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee. - A JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL
CommILLee Is Lereby creaLed, composed oI LLe CLaIrman oI LLe BenaLe CommILLee on
ConsLILuLIonal AmendmenLs, FevIsIon oI Codes and Laws, and seven (7) oLLer
BenaLors desInaLed by LLe BenaLe FresIdenL, and LLe CLaIrman oI LLe House
CommILLee on BuIIrae and ElecLoral FeIorms, and seven (7) oLLer Members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves desInaLed by LLe Bpeaker oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves:
FrovIded, TLaL, oI LLe seven (7) members Lo be desInaLed by eacL House oI Conress,
Iour (4) sLould come Irom LLe majorILy and LLe remaInIn LLree (8) Irom LLe mInorILy.
TLe JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee sLall Lave LLe power Lo monILor and
evaluaLe LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL. IL sLall revIew, revIse, amend and approve LLe
ImplemenLIn Fules and FeulaLIons promulaLed by LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee Pge ApplIcabIlILy oI 0LLer ElecLIon Laws. - TLe perLInenL provIsIons oI LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, as amended, and oLLer elecLIon laws, wLIcL are noL In conBIcL
wILL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL sLall remaIn In Iull Iorce and sLall Lave suppleLory
applIcaLIon Lo LLIs AcL.
.=Ee PYe EnIorcemenL and AdmInIsLraLIon by LLe CommIssIon. - TLe CommIssIon sLall,
Ior LLe purpose oI ensurIn LonesL, orderly, peaceIul and Iree elecLIons abroad, Lave
exclusIve cLare oI LLe enIorcemenL, admInIsLraLIon and ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL.
.=Ee PZe MandaLory FevIew. - Conress sLall compleLe a mandaLory revIew oI LLIs AcL
wILLIn Lwo (2) years IollowIn LLe May, 2004 elecLIons Ior LLe purpose oI amendIn IL
Lo expand or resLrIcL ILs coverae, scope and applIcaLIon, as well as Improve ILs
procedures and InsLILuLe measures and saIeuards, LakIn InLo accounL LLe experIence
oI LLe prevIous elecLIon, LecLnoloIcal advances and sLrucLural polILIcal cLanes.
.=Ee PVe ApproprIaLIons. - TLe amounL necessary Lo carry ouL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs
AcL sLall be provIded In a supplemenLal budeL or Included In LLe 0eneral
ApproprIaLIons AcL oI LLe year oI ILs enacLmenL InLo law. TLereaILer, LLe expenses Ior
ILs conLInued ImplemenLaLIon sLall be Included In LLe subsequenL 0eneral
ApproprIaLIons AcL.
.=Ee WQe BeparabIlILy Clause. - II any parL or provIsIon oI LLIs AcL sLall be declared
unconsLILuLIonal or InvalId, oLLer provIsIons LereoI wLIcL are noL aIIecLed LLereby
sLall conLInue Lo be In Iull Iorce and eIIecL.
.=Ee W+e FepealIn Clause. - All laws, presIdenLIal decrees, execuLIve orders, rules and
reulaLIons, oLLer Issuances, and parLs LLereoI, wLIcL are InconsIsLenL wILL LLe
provIsIons oI LLIs AcL, are Lereby repealed or modIBed accordInly.
.=Ee WPe EIIecLIvILy. - TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL BILeen (1S) days IollowIn ILs
publIcaLIon In LLree (8) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
F=75758?=96 39= HA3D E575`=?6 TO86= 3RRD5E3758?6 B89 8G=96=36 3<6=?7== G875?C
RA96A3?7 78 $O= &G=96=36 )<6=?7== L875?C )E7 T=9= H=?5=H <: 7O= #&J!"!# HA=
78 D3E_ 8B 9=65H=?E: 9=aA59=I=?7 36 R98G5H=H <: .=Ee +U )97e L 8B +VZY FO5D5RR5?=
W0N LLe acL oI C0MELEC Is valId. BecLIon 2, ArLIcle V Is LLe excepLIon Lo LLe resIdency
requIremenL Iound In secLIon 1 oI LLe same arLIcle. FrovIded LLe duals meeL LLe
requIremenLs under secLIon 1 In relaLIon Lo F.A. 8189, LLey sLould noL be denIed LLe
rILL oI suIIrae as an overseas absenLee voLer. (LewIs vs. C0MELEC)
=, -=735?==6
1/"!. )'- 1!2/")$%&'. &' -!$)%'!! 1!2%.$1)$%&' )'- L&$%'2 %'
#&''!#$%&' *%$4 $4! J)K +WU PQ+W ')$%&')" )'- "&#)" !"!#$%&'.
)'- ./N.![/!'$ !"!#$%&'. $4!1!)0$!1
FromulaLIon: Qg J39EO PQ+P
WHEFEAB, on MarcL 28, 2010 LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons promulaLed Comelec
FesoluLIon No. 8811 as amended by Comelec FesoluLIon No. 88S9 on May S, 2010
(Fules and FeulaLIons on DeLaInee VoLIn In ConnecLIon wILL LLe May 10, 2010
NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons) creaLIn a CommILLee on DeLaInee VoLIn and
esLablIsLIn specIal pollIn places In deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls,
WHEFEAB, LLere Is a need Lo revIew or modIIy LLe rules on deLaInee reIsLraLIon and
voLIn In LLe lILL oI LLe May 10, 2010 NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons experIence,
N0W THEFEE0FE, pursuanL Lo LLe powers vesLed In IL by LLe ConsLILuLIon,
LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code and oLLer elecLIon laws, LLe CommIssIon on
ElecLIons HEFEEY FEB0LVEB Lo promulaLe LLe IollowIn rules and reulaLIons on
deLaInee reIsLraLIon and voLIn:
.!#$%&' +e *O8 39= !?757D=H 78 )G35D 8B -=735?== L875?C M DeLaInee voLIn (eILLer
LLrouL LLe specIal pollIn place InsIde jaIls or escorLed voLIn) may be avaIled oI by
any reIsLered deLaInee wLose reIsLraLIon record Is noL LransIerred / deacLIvaLed /
cancelled / deleLed.
.!#$%&' Pe -=>?5758? 8B $=9I6 M As used In LLIs FesoluLIon, LLe IollowIn Lerms sLall
a.DeLaInee FeIers Lo any person: (1) conBned In jaIl, Iormally cLared Ior any
crIme/s and awaILIn/underoIn LrIal, or (2) servIn a senLence oI
ImprIsonmenL Ior less LLan one (1) year, or (8) wLose convIcLIon oI a crIme
InvolvIn dIsloyalLy Lo LLe duly consLILuLed overnmenL sucL as rebellIon,
sedILIon, vIolaLIon oI LLe Brearms laws or any crIme aaInsL naLIonal securILy or
Ior any oLLer crIme Is on appeal,
b.ElecLIon Day CompuLerIzed VoLers LIsL Ior DeLaInees (EDCVL-DV) EInal lIsL oI
reIsLered deLaInee voLers wLo are voLIn LLrouL LLe specIal pollIn places
esLablIsLed InsIde jaIls (conLaInIn LLe voLers pLoLorapLs, sInaLures, and
LLumb prInLs) used on LLe day oI LLe elecLIons wLereIn LLe voLers musL ImprInL
LLeIr LLumbmarks and aIBx LLeIr sInaLures aILer casLIn LLeIr voLes duly
cerLIBed by LLe BEEI,
c.EscorLed VoLIn VoLIn mecLanIsm Ior deLaInee voLers wLo are resIdenLs/
reIsLered voLers oI munIcIpalILIes/cILIes oLLer LLan LLe Lown/cILy oI
IncarceraLIon, and/or Ior deLaInee voLers In jaIl IacIlILIes wLere no specIal pollIn
places are esLablIsLed,
d.FosLed CompuLerIzed VoLers LIsL Ior DeLaInees (FCVL-DV) EInal lIsL oI deLaInee
voLers (conLaInIn LLe voLers names, addresses and precIncL numbers) posLed In
eacL specIal pollIn place duly cerLIBed by LLe BEEI,
e.Feular FollIn Flaces - FeIers Lo LLe place wLere LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon
InspecLors conducLs ILs proceedIn and wLere LLe voLers casL LLeIr voLes,
I.BpecIal FollIn Flace InsIde JaIl FeIers Lo LLe pollIn places esLablIsLed In jaIls
wLere saId deLaInee voLers casL LLeIr voLes.
.!#$%&' We #8II577== 8? -=735?== L875?C M A CommILLee on DeLaInee VoLIn
(CommILLee) sLall be composed oI LLe IollowIn:
CLaIrman - CommIssIoner Fene V. BarmIenLo
ALLy. EarLolome BInocruz, Jr
DepuLy ExecuLIve DIrecLor Ior 0peraLIons
Members -
ALLy. Esmeralda Amora-Ladra
DIrecLor IV, Law DeparLmenL
Ms. JeannIe ElororILa
AcLIn DIrecLor, InIormaLIon and TecLnoloy
DeparLmenL (ITD)
ALLy. TeopIsLo B. Elnas, Jr.
DIrecLor IV, ElecLIon and Earanay AIIaIrs
DeparLmenL (EEAD)
- ALLy. DIndo Malasan ALLy. VI, EEAD
Ms. EsLer VIllaBor-Foxas
DIrecLor IV, ElecLIon Fecords and BLaLIsLIcs
DeparLmenL (EFBD)
ALLy. MarLIn E. NIedo
EudeL 0IBcer V, EInance BervIces DeparLmenL
ALLy. AbIaIl ClaIre E. Carbero
0IBce oI LLe CommILLee CLaIrman

ALLy. AlberL Leonard C. FodrIuez
0IBce oI LLe CommILLee CLaIrman
Mr. Faymund D. EaLarIo
0IBce oI LLe CommILLee CLaIrman
- ALLy. ArnulIo Borreda
0ne (1) BupporL BLaII Irom LLe 0IBce oI Comm.
LucenILo N. Tale
- Mr. JamalodIn L. HadjIusman
0ne (1) BupporL BLaII Irom LLe 0IBce oI Comm.
ElIas F. YusopL
- ALLy. Fene F. Cruz
0ne (1) BupporL BLaII Irom LLe 0IBce oI Comm.
CLrIsLIan FoberL B. LIm
- ALLy. JeIIrey Hernandez
0ne (1) BupporL BLaII Irom LLe 0IBce oI Comm.
AuusLo C. Laman
0ne (1) FepresenLaLIve Irom LLe ElecLIon
Fecords and BLaLIsLIcs
DeparLmenL (EFBD)
- 0ne (1) FepresenLaLIve Irom LLe ITD
- 0ne (1) DIsbursIn 0IBcer
- 0ne (1) Frocessor
- Two (2) BupporL BLaIIs
.!#$%&' ie F8T=96 3?H 0A?E758?6 8B 7O= #8II577== - TLe CommILLee sLall oversee
and ensure LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI all Comelec resoluLIons perLaInIn Lo deLaInee
reIsLraLIon and voLIn and sLall Lave LLe IollowIn powers and IuncLIons:
a.FeceIve LLe lIsLs oI deLaInee voLers per jaIl IacIlILy wILL aL leasL BILy (S0)
reIsLered voLers submILLed by LLe jaIl warden and duly verIBed by LLe proper
ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0) oI LLe munIcIpalILy /cILy wLere LLe jaIl/ deLenLIon cenLer Is
b.CLeck, deLermIne and prepare LLe lIsL oI LLe jaIl IacIlILIes wLere specIal pollIn
places sLall be esLablIsLed In accordance wILLE.M. No 09-00S promulaLed on
Eebruary 28, 2010 and based on LLe lIsL oI LLe Eureau oI JaIl ManaemenL and
Fenoloy (EJMF) / deLenLIon IacIlILy,
c.Frepare, In coordInaLIon wILL LLe InIormaLIon TecLnoloy DeparLmenL (ITD),
LLe ElecLIon Day CerLIBed VoLers LIsL Ior DeLaInee VoLers (EDCVL-DV) (per
pollIn place) wLo are voLIn LLrouL LLe specIal pollIn places,
d.DeLermIne LLe elecLIon parapLernalIa, LLe number oI BEEI, supporL sLaII and
escorLs requIred In LLe specIal pollIn places InsIde jaIls,
e.Cause LLe dIsLrIbuLIon oI LLe EDCVL-DV and LLe needed elecLIon parapLernalIa
In LLe specIal pollIn places InsIde jaIls,
I.InspecL LLe area InsIde LLe deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls (selecLed by LLe EJMF
personnel) wLere LLe specIal pollIn places are Lo be seL up Lo ensure complIance
wILL perLInenL laws and C0MELEC rules.
.CoordInaLe wILL LLe EJMF, Eureau oI CorrecLIons (EuCor), CommIssIon on
Human FILLs, waLcL roups and oLLer non-overnmenL oranIzaLIons wLIcL
are LelpIn LLe CommIssIon In ensurIn LLe exercIse oI deLaInees rILL Lo voLe,
L.FerIorm and exercIse sucL oLLer powers and IuncLIons as may be necessary
Ior LLe proper ImplemenLaLIon oI C0MELEC resoluLIons and rules on deLaInee
reIsLraLIon and voLIn.
.!#$%&' +e-=735?==6 .37=DD57= 1=C56793758? - TLere sLall be a saLellILe reIsLraLIon oI
deLaInees In deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls In accordance wILL LLe IollowIn uIdelInes:
'AI<=9 8B [A3D5>=H
'AI<=9 8B
1 Lo 249 1
2S0 Lo 499 2
S00 Lo 749 8
7S0 Lo 999 4
1,000 and above S
FursuanL LLereLo, LLere sLall be saLellILe reIsLraLIon In deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls wILL
even less LLan Len (10) qualIBed applIcanLs. EurLLer, In cILIes comprIsed oI Lwo or more
dIsLrIcLs, saLellILe reIsLraLIon sLall be conducLed by all C0MELEC dIsLrIcLs wILLIn LLe
cILy Lo accepL applIcaLIons oI respecLIve deLaInees-resIdenLs reardless oI LLe IacL LLaL
LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl Is locaLed In one (1) dIsLrIcL only. EurLLermore, In capILal
Lowns wLere LLere are provIncIal, cILy or munIcIpal jaIls and sub-jaIls, separaLe
saLellILe reIsLraLIon sLall be Leld.
.!#$%&' Pe )RRD5E3<5D57: 8B !]5675?C #&J!"!# 1=68DA758?6 M TLe perLInenL
provIsIons oI Comelec FesoluLIon No. 9149, promulaLed on Eebruary 22, 2011 and
oLLer FesoluLIons as Iar as LLe reIsLraLIon perIod, qualIBcaLIons and dIsqualIBcaLIons
oI applIcanLs Ior reIsLraLIon, LLe procedures Ior BlIn, processIn and LearIn oI
applIcaLIons, and noLIces and publIcaLIon requIremenLs are Lereby adopLed.
.!#$%&' We 1=E_8?5?C F=958H 8B )C= 3?H 1=65H=?E= DeLaInees wLo sLall be eILLeen
years oI ae on LLe day oI elecLIon and/or are commILLed InsIde LLe deLenLIon cenLers
Ior aL leasL sIx (6) monLLs ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon day may be reIsLered
as a voLer.
DeLaInees wLo are already reIsLered voLers may apply Ior LransIer oI reIsLraLIon
records as warranLed by LLe cIrcumsLances.
.!#$%&' ie J=EO3?5E6 B89 1=C56793758? In addILIon Lo LLe rules sLaLed In Comelec
FesoluLIon No. 9149, LLe E0 sLall:
1.EeIore LLe scLeduled saLellILe reIsLraLIon:
a.CoordInaLe wILL LLe JaIl Warden In LLe FrovIncIal/CILy/MunIcIpal JaIl or
oLLer CorrecLIonal/FeLabIlILaLIon/DeLenLIon CenLers Lo deLermIne LLe
approxImaLe number oI qualIBed applIcanL deLaInees pursuanL Lo BecLIon
1 oI LLIs Fule and ensure maxImum securILy oI Comelec personnel as well
as LLe VoLers FeIsLraLIon MacLInes (VFM) and ILs perIpLerals,
b.ConducL ocular InspecLIon on LLe proposed reIsLraLIon sILe wILLIn LLe
premIses oI LLe FrovIncIal/CILy/MunIcIpal JaIl or oLLer
CorrecLIonal/FeLabIlILaLIon/DeLenLIon CenLers, LakIn InLo consIderaLIon
LLe number oI Comelec personnel and LLe VFM Lo be InsLalled,
c.NoLIIy and secure LLe approval Irom LLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor
(FED), In case oI LLe NaLIonal CapILal FeIon, or LLe FrovIncIal ElecLIon
BupervIsor (FEB), oI LLe esLablIsLmenL oI saLellILe reIsLraLIons Ior LLe
deLaInees, and
d.FosL wrILLen noLIce oI scLedule oI LLe saLellILe reIsLraLIon oI deLaInees
In LLe deLenLIon premIses wLere saId reIsLraLIon sLall be conducLed and
In LLe EulleLIn Eoard oI LLe oIBce oI LLe E0,
2.DurIn LLe saLellILe reIsLraLIon:
a.AdopL a sysLem oI processIn LLe applIcaLIon Lo mInImIze queuIn and
speed up LLe reIsLraLIon process,
b.In case LLe saLellILe reIsLraLIon Is more LLan one (1) day, LLe elecLIon
oIBcer concerned sLall noL leave LLe VFM and ILs perIpLerals In LLe
reIsLraLIon sILe/jaIl premIses,
c.All applIcaLIons sLall be submILLed Lo LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard
(EFE) Ior proper dIsposILIon In accordance wILL Comelec FesoluLIon No.
9149, and
d.BubjecL Lo exIsLIn EJMF polIcIes, rules and reulaLIons,
waLcLers/represenLaLIves Irom polILIcal parLIes, cILIzens arms and oLLer
cIvIl socIeLIes sLall be allowed Lo wILness/observe LLe proceedIns.
Eor monILorIn purposes, LLe FEDs/FEB sLall submIL Lo LLe CLaIrman, CommILLee on
DeLaInee FeIsLraLIon and VoLIn a monLLly reporL on LLe approved saLellILe
reIsLraLIon Ior deLaInees IndIcaLIn LLe cILy/munIcIpalILy, daLe oI reIsLraLIon and LLe
number oI applIcanLs.
.!#$%&' +e .R=E53D F8DD5?C FD3E=6 %?65H= b35D6eM BpecIal pollIn places sLall be
esLablIsLed In deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl IacIlILy wILL reIsLered deLaInee voLers In LLe
IollowIn manner:
'AI<=9 8B [A3D5>=H -=735?==
'AI<=9 8B .R=E53D F8DD5?C
S0 Lo 100 1
101 Lo 200 2
201 Lo 800 8
801 Lo 400 4
401 Lo S00 S
In case LLere are more LLan S00 qualIBed deLaInee voLers, one (1) specIal pollIn place
sLall be esLablIsLed Ior every addILIonal 100 qualIBed deLaInee voLers.
In case oI cILIes wILL several dIsLrIcLs, deLaInee voLers oI dIsLrIcLs oLLer LLan LLe
dIsLrIcL wLere LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl Is locaLed are enLILled Lo voLe In LLe specIal
pollIn places InsIde LLe deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls.
To maInLaIn order, LLe dIvIsIon oI deLaInee voLers sLall be done by lIsLIn LoeLLer
deLaInee voLers belonIn Lo LLe same dIsLrIcL.
In LLe preparaLIon oI LLe lIsL oI reIsLered deLaInee voLers wLere LLe deLenLIon cenLer/
jaIl Is locaLed, LLe IollowIn rules sLall be observed:
a.0nly LLose wLo are In LLe cusLody oI deLenLIon cenLers/jaIl IacIlILIes as oI LLe
BrsL Monday oI MarcL oI LLe elecLIon year sLall be Included,
b.DeLaInee voLers wLo are reIsLered buL are released Irom LLe deLenLIon cenLer/
jaIl as oI LLe lasL workIn day oI Eebruary oI LLe elecLIon year sLall be excluded
Irom LLe EJMF lIsL.
Eor LLIs purpose, LLe EJMF sLall submIL Lo LLe CommILLee a lIsL oI released
deLaInees on or beIore second Monday oI MarcL oI LLe elecLIon year,
TLe EJMF sLall, noL laLer LLan LLree (8) days beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, Ive
Lo LLe elecLIon oIBcer an updaLed lIsL oI deLaInees wLo are released Irom BrsL
Monday oI MarcL up Lo LLe daLe oI LLe submIssIon oI LLe saId lIsL,
c.DeLaInees wLo enLered LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl aILer LLe reIsLraLIon perIod
sLall be Included In LLe counLIn provIded LLey are reIsLered as voLers In LLe
munIcIpalILy/cILy wLere LLe jaIl IacIlILy/deLenLIon cenLer Is locaLed and are In
LLe cusLody oI LLe jaIl as oI LLe BrsL day oI MarcL oI LLe elecLIon year,
d.In cILIes and munIcIpalILIes wLere LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl Is comprIsed oI
male/Iemale dorms/ annexes locaLed In one or In dIIIerenL compounds, LLe LoLal
populaLIon sLall be LLe basIs Ior counLIn,
DeLaInee voLers Included In LLe EDCVL-DV buL released beIore LLe elecLIons sLall be
allowed Lo voLe In LLe reular pollIn place wLere Le Is reIsLered. TLe released
deLaInee sLall sLow Lo LLe EEI LIs release order/paper. Eor LLIs purpose, LLe BEEI sLall
manually cross-ouL LLe name oI LLe released deLaInee In LLe EDCVL-DV.
0nly one specIal pollIn place sLall be creaLed Ior jaIls menLIoned In BecLIon 1, (d) oI
LLIs Fule. WLen LLe jaIl IacIlILIes are locaLed In dIIIerenL compounds, deLaInee voLers In
LLe IacIlILy wLere LLe specIal pollIn place Is esLablIsLed sLall be joIned by LLe voLers
comIn Irom LLe oLLer dorm / annex.
.!#$%&' Pe "8E3758? 8B 7O= .R=E53D F8DD5?C FD3E=e TLe specIal pollIn place sLould be
esLablIsLed In an area InsIde LLe jaIl spacIous enouL Lo accommodaLe more LLan Len
(10) voLers aL a Iven LIme Lo ensure LLaL voLIn sLall be compleLed wLIle LLere Is sLIll
suIBcIenL LIme Lo delIver all LLe accomplIsLed balloLs Lo LLe dIIIerenL precIncLs wLere
deLaInees are reIsLered.
TLe uIdelInes on LLe pLysIcal seL-up oI reular pollIn places sLall apply Lo LLe specIal
pollIn places In jaIls.
.!#$%&' We F9=R393758? 8B 7O= !-#L"M-L 3?H F#L"M-L TLe EDCVL-DV and FCVL-
DV sLall be prepared by LLe ITD conLaInIn LLe names oI all reIsLered deLaInee voLers
wLo are voLIn LLrouL LLe specIal pollIn places esLablIsLed InsIde deLenLIon
cenLers/jaIls endorsed by LLe CommILLee on DeLaInee VoLIn based on LLe EJMF lIsL
duly verIBed by LLe proper E0.
.!#$%&' ie *O8 J3: N= )DD8T=H 78 L87= 5? 7O= .R=E53D F8DD5?C FD3E=6 5?
b35D6e - 0nly deLaInee voLers wLose names appear In LLe EDCVL-DV and/or FCVL-DV
may voLe In LLe specIal pollIn places In jaIls.
.!#$%&' Xe F=968?6 )DD8T=H %?65H= .R=E53D F8DD5?C FD3E=6 0nly LLe IollowIn sLall
be allowed Lo enLer LLe specIal pollIn places InsIde jaIls:
a.Members and supporL sLaII oI LLe BEEI,
b.WaLcLers wLo sLall sLay only In LLe space reserved Ior LLem,
c.MonILorIn roups (maxImum oI 2 per specIal pollIn place) wLo sLall sLay In
LLe space Ior waLcLers,
d.FepresenLaLIves oI LLe CommIssIon on Human FILLs,
e.FepresenLaLIves oI LLIs CommIssIon,
I.DeLaInee voLers accomplIsLIn LLeIr balloLs,
.DeLaInee VoLers waILIn Ior LLeIr Lurn Lo accomplIsL LLeIr balloLs,
L.AL leasL LLree EJMF personnel (LLe number sLall be Increased as LLe need
arIses) wLo sLall sLay also In LLe space Ior waLcLers, and
I.0LLer persons wLo maybe specIBcally auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon.
BECTI0N 6. Fersons NoL Allowed InsIde BpecIal FollIn Flaces - TLe IollowIn sLall noL
be allowed Lo enLer LLe specIal pollIn places In jaIls:
a.Any oIBcer or member oI LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes or LLe FLIlIppIne
NaLIonal FolIce,
b.Any peace oIBcer or any armed person belonIn Lo any exLra-leal polIce
aency, specIal Iorces, reacLIon Iorces, sLrIke Iorces, CIvIlIan Armed Eorce
0eorapLIcal UnILs, baranay Lanods or oLLer sImIlar Iorces or paramIlILary
Iorces, IncludIn specIal Iorces, securILy uards, specIal polIcemen excepL LLe
EJMF personnel menLIoned In LLe ImmedIaLely precedIn secLIon,
c.All oLLer kInds oI armed or unarmed exLra-leal polIce Iorces, and
d.Any candIdaLe or baranay oIBcIal, wLeLLer elecLed or appoInLed.
.!#$%&' +e .R=E53D N839H 8B !D=E758? %?6R=E7896 S.N!%, 3?H .ARR897 .73BB F=9
L875?C #=?7=9 - TLe CommIssIon, LLrouL ILs E0 In dIsLrIcLs/cILIes/munIcIpalILIes
wLere a specIal pollIn place Is esLablIsLed, sLall consLILuLe LLe BEEI In accordance
wILL LLe perIod provIded In LLe calendar oI acLIvILIes Ior LLe elecLIons.
In addILIon, LLe elecLIon oIBcer sLall desInaLe BEEI supporL sLaII Ior every voLIn
cenLer wILL deLaInee voLers.
TLe BEEI and ILs supporL sLaII sLall Lave LLe same qualIBcaLIons and sLall be
appoInLed In LLe same manner as LLe reular EEI.
.!#$%&' Pe F8T=96 3?H 0A?E758?6 8B 7O= .N!% M TLe BEEI sLall Lave LLe IollowIn
powers and IuncLIons:
a.FeceIve and brIn LLe needed elecLIon parapLernalIa Lo LLe specIal pollIn
places In deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls on elecLIon day,
b.FeceIve Irom LLe BEEI supporL sLaII (assIned per voLIn cenLer) LLe precIncL-
specIBc balloLs (per precIncL) conLaIned In a properly sealed and sIned
c.ConducL only LLe voLIn In LLe specIal pollIn places (LLe scannIn and
counLIn sLall be done In LLe deLaInee voLers respecLIve precIncLs),
d.Beal and sIn LLe envelopes conLaInIn LLe Blled-up balloLs (per precIncL) and
Land IL Lo LLe BEEI supporL sLaII Ior counLIn In LLe deLaInee voLers respecLIve
e.AcL as depuLIes oI LLe CommIssIon In LLe conducL oI LLe elecLIons,
I.MaInLaIn order wILLIn LLe specIal pollIn place and ILs premIses, keep access
LLereLo open and unobsLrucLed, enIorce obedIence Lo ILs lawIul orders and
proLIbIL LLe use oI cellular pLones and camera by LLe deLaInee voLers. II any
person reIuses Lo obey LLe lawIul orders oI LLe BEEI or conducLs LImselI In a
dIsorderly manner In ILs presence or wILLIn ILs LearIn and LLereby InLerrupLs
or dIsLurbs ILs proceedIns, LLe BEEI may Issue an order In wrILIn dIrecLIn any
EJMF personnel Lo Lake saId person InLo cusLody unLIl LLe adjournmenL oI LLe
proceedIns, buL sucL order sLall noL be execuLed as Lo prevenL LLe person Irom
voLIn. A copy oI sucL order sLall be aLLacLed Lo LLe MInuLes, and
.FerIorm sucL oLLer IuncLIons prescrIbed by law or by LLe rules and reulaLIons
promulaLed by LLe CommIssIon.
.!#$%&' We -A75=6 8B 7O= .N!% .ARR897 .73BB 3?H F'F !6E897e TLere sLall be one
(1) BEEI supporL sLaII wILL unIIormed FNF escorL Ior every voLIn cenLer oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy wLere LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl Is locaLed.
TLe BEEI supporL sLaII sLall:
a.CollecL LLe balloLs oI LLe deLaInee voLers Irom LLe dIIIerenL clusLered precIncLs
oI LLe voLIn cenLer oI assInmenL,
b.ErIn LLe collecLed balloLs Lo LLe specIal pollIn place InsIde LLe deLenLIon
cenLer/jaIl, and
c.FeLurn Ior counLIn beIore LLe close oI voLIn Lours on elecLIon day, LLe
accomplIsLed balloLs Lo LLe EEI oI LLe reular pollIn place wLere LLe same
balloLs were Laken.
TLe FNF escorL sLall accompany LLe BEEI supporL sLaII Irom LLe specIal pollIn place
In deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl Lo LLe voLIn cenLer, LLen Irom LLe voLIn cenLer back Lo LLe
specIal pollIn place In deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl and, Bnally, Irom LLe deLenLIon cenLer/jaIl
Lo LLe voLIn cenLer. TLe FNF escorL sLall noL enLer any pollIn place Irom wLIcL LLe
balloLs are Laken and Lo wLIcL same balloLs are reLurned or any oLLer pollIn places
excepL Lo voLe II Le Is reIsLered LLereIn.
In case LLere are no suIBcIenL FNF escorLs, EJMF personnel sLall be assIned by LLe
jaIl warden Lo aumenL LLe FNF Iorce In escorLIn LLe BEEI supporL sLaII.
.!#$%&' ie F98E==H5?C6 8B 7O= .N!% TLe proceedIns oI LLe BEEI sLall be publIc and
sLall be Leld In LLe specIal pollIn place desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon and LLe EJMF.
.!#$%&' Xe L875?C F95G5D=C= 8B 7O= .N!% M Members oI LLe BEEI wLo are noL avaIlIn
oI LLe Local AbsenLee VoLIn may, on elecLIon day, voLe In LLe pollIn places wLere LLey
are reIsLered, provIded LLaL LLeIr absence In LLe specIal pollIn place sLall noL be
more LLan LLIrLy (80) mInuLes and LLaL LLey scLedule LLeIr voLIn so LLaL only one
member oI LLe BEEI sLall leave aL any one LIme.
.!#$%&' ge F98O5<5758? )C35?67 F8D575E3D )E75G57: -No member oI LLe BEEI or ILs
supporL sLaII sLall enae In any parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy or Lake parL In LLe elecLIon
excepL Lo dIscLare LIs duLIes as sucL.
.!#$%&' Ye 48?893953 8B 7O= .N!% 3?H 7O=59 .ARR897 .73BB SF=9 L875?C
#=?7=9, - TLe BEEI and supporL sLaII sLall receIve LonorarIum/allowance and oLLer
emolumenLs as may be auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon.
.!#$%&' Ze &B>E53D *37EO=96 8B #3?H5H37=6U F8D575E3D F3975=6 3?H &7O=9
298AR6e - EacL candIdaLe and reIsLered polILIcal parLy or coalILIon oI polILIcal parLIes
duly reIsLered wILL LLe CommIssIon and BeldIn candIdaLes In LLe elecLIon, as well as
duly accredILed cILIzens arms may appoInL Lwo waLcLers, Lo serve alLernaLely, In every
specIal pollIn place. However, candIdaLes Ior BenaLor, candIdaLes Ior Member,
BanunIan FanlalawIan or BanunIan Fanlunsod, or BanunIan Eayan,
belonIn Lo LLe same LIckeL or slaLe, sLall collecLIvely be enLILled Lo one waLcLer.
Duly accredILed cILIzens arms oI LLe CommIssIon sLall be enLILled Lo appoInL a waLcLer
In every specIal pollIn place. 0LLer cIvIl, proIessIonal, busIness, servIce, youLL, and
oLLer sImIlar oranIzaLIons, wILL prIor auLLorILy oI LLe CommIssIon, sLall be enLILled
collecLIvely Lo appoInL one waLcLer In every specIal pollIn place.
II, because oI lImILed space, all waLcLers cannoL be accommodaLed In LLe pollIn place,
preIerence sLall be Iven Lo LLe waLcLers oI LLe domInanL majorILy and domInanL
mInorILy parLIes as deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon and LLe waLcLer oI LLe cILIzens
arm, wILL LLe laLLer beIn Iven preIerenLIal posILIon closesL Lo LLe BEEI. In case LLere
are Lwo or more cILIzens arm, LLe one auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon Lo conducL an
unoIBcIal counL sLall be Iven preIerence.
WaLcLers sLall be subjecLed Lo all LLe securILy measures enIorced In jaIls.
.!#$%&' Ve [A3D5>E3758?6 8B *37EO=96 - No person sLall be appoInLed waLcLer unless
a.Is a reIsLered voLer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy comprIsIn LLe precIncL wLere
Le Is assIned,
b.Is oI ood repuLaLIon,
c.Has noL been convIcLed by Bnal judmenL oI any elecLIon oIIense or oI any oLLer
d.Knows Low Lo read and wrILe EIlIpIno, EnlIsL or LLe prevaIlIn local dIalecL,
e.Is noL relaLed wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy Lo LLe
cLaIrman or Lo any member oI LLe BEEI In LLe specIal pollIn place wLere Le/sLe
seeks appoInLmenL as waLcLer, and
I.Is noL a deLaInee oI LLe jaIl.
.!#$%&' +Qe 15CO76 3?H -A75=6 8B *37EO=96 Upon enLerIn LLe specIal pollIn place,
LLe waLcLers sLall delIver Lo LLe cLaIrman oI LLe BEEI LLeIr appoInLmenL as waLcLers,
and LLeIr names sLall IorLLwILL recorded In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn wILL a noLaLIon
under LLeIr sInaLures LLaL LLey are noL dIsqualIBed Lo serve as sucL under LLe
ImmedIaLely precedIn BecLIon. TLe appoInLmenLs oI LLe waLcLers sLall bear LLe
sInaLure oI LLe candIdaLe or duly auLLorIzed represenLaLIve oI LLe parLy, oranIzaLIon
or coalILIon LLaL appoInLed LLem. Eor LLIs purpose, aL leasL BILeen (1S) days beIore
elecLIon day, IndependenL candIdaLes, reIsLered parLIes, oranIzaLIons, or coalILIons
auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon Lo appoInL waLcLers sLall provIde LLe E0s concerned
wILL LLe names and sInaLures oI LLeIr represenLaLIves auLLorIzed Lo appoInL
waLcLers In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy and specIal pollIn places In jaIl In saId cILy /
TLe waLcLers sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo:
a.WILness and InIorm LLemselves oI LLe proceedIns oI LLe BEEI,
b.Take noLe oI wLaL LLey may see or Lear,
c.Take pLoLorapLs oI LLe proceedIns and IncIdenLs, II any, durIn LLe voLIn In
LLe specIal pollIn places In jaIls,
d.EIle a proLesL aaInsL any IrreularILy or vIolaLIon oI law wLIcL LLey belIeve
may Lave been commILLed by LLe BEEI or by any oI ILs members or by any
person, and
e.0bLaIn Irom LLe BEEI a cerLIBcaLe as Lo LLe BlIn oI sucL proLesL and LLe
resoluLIon LLereoI.
WaLcLers sLall noL speak Lo any member oI LLe BEEI, or Lo any voLer or amon
LLemselves, In sucL manner as would dIsLurb LLe proceedIns oI LLe BEEI.
.!#$%&' ++e J8?57895?C 298AR6U &<6=9G=96 3?H J=H53
1=R9=6=?7375G=6 MonILorIn roups duly accredILed by LLe CommIssIon sLall be
allowed access Lo LLe specIal pollIn places InsIde deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls Lo observe LLe
proceedIns, FrovIded,saId roups presenL LLe necessary IdenLIBcaLIon Lo LLe BEEI,
AccredILed medIa represenLaLIves and IoreIn observers sLall also be allowed access Lo
LLe specIal pollIn places upon presenLaLIon oI LLe necessary IdenLIBcaLIon Lo LLe BEEI.
In all InsLances, LLe above-menLIoned roups musL Iollow all LLe securILy measures
enIorced wILLIn LLe deLenLIon cenLers/jaIls and LLe uIdelInes esLablIsLed by LLIs
.!#$%&' +Pe -8EAI=?73758? 3?H #8IIA?5E3758? -=G5E=6 )DD8T=H 5? .R=E53D
F8DD5?C FD3E=6 - WaLcLers, members oI LLe BEEI, BEEI supporL sLaII, CHF
represenLaLIves, accredILed monILorIn roups, accredILed cILIzens arms, and
C0MELEC represenLaLIves sLall be allowed Lo brIn cameras, cellular pLones and
lapLops In LLe specIal pollIn places. FrovIded: TLese devIces are Lo be used exclusIvely
Ior oIBcIal documenLaLIon and communIcaLIon purposes only FrovIded IurLLer: TLaL
LLe secrecy oI LLe balloLs sLall be respecLed aL all LImes.
.!#$%&' +e !D=E758? 089I6U -8EAI=?76 3?H .ARRD5=6e - ExcepL wLen auLLorIzed Lo
do earlIer by LLe CommIssIon, LLe BEEI sLall eL LLe Iorms, documenLs and supplIes
early In LLe mornIn oI elecLIon day. TLe CILy/MunIcIpal Treasurer sLall dIsLrIbuLe LLe
IollowIn Iorms, documenLs and supplIes Lo LLe BEEI oI LLe specIal pollIn place oI LLe
-!.#1%F$%&' 1)$! &0 -%.$1%N/$%&'
A12 Faper Beal (No. oI ClusLered FrecIncLs
wILL DeLaInee VoLers ) x (2)
Eor LLe balloLs Irom LLe precIncLs wILL
deLaInee voLers
(No. oI ClusLered FrecIncLs
wILL DeLaInee VoLers ) x (2)
Temporary appoInLmenL oI CLaIrman/Foll
Clerk/TLIrd Member/BupporL BLaII
10 FIece
A8S CerLIBcaLe oI CLallene or FroLesL and
DecIsIon oI LLe EEI
10 FIece
A89 0aLL oI VoLer CLallene Ior Illeal AcLs 10 FIece
A40 0aLL oI IdenLIBcaLIon oI cLallened VoLer 10 FIece
Eond Faper (Lon) 80 FIece
EalloL Becrecy Eolder 22 FIece
TLumbprInL Taker 1 FIece
IndelIble BLaIn Ink 2 EoLLle
InsLrucLIon Lo VoLers 1 FIece
MarkIn Fens 2 Eoxes
Eall pen 6 FIece
a.0ne seL oI EDCVL-DV per specIal pollIn place,
b.CopIes oI AppoInLmenL and 0aLL oI 0IBce oI LLe BEEI and BupporL BLaII (AS &
AS-A), and
c.Two seLs oI FCVL-DV.
TLe BEEI sLall careIully cLeck LLe dIIIerenL elecLIon Iorms, documenLs and supplIes
and LLe quanLILy acLually receIved. TLe BEEI sLall sIn a CerLIBcaLe oI FeceIpL (A14) In
LLree copIes, LLe orIInal oI wLIcL sLall be delIvered Lo LLe CILy/MunIcIpal Treasurer,
wLo sLall LransmIL LLe same Lo LLe EFBD, Comelec, ManIla, ImmedIaLely aILer elecLIon
.!#$%&' Pe 089I6 78 <= 1=R98HAE=H *O=? '==H=He TLe IollowIn Iorms may be
reproduced wLen needed:
a.Temporary AppoInLmenL oI CLaIrman/Foll Clerk/Member (Annex A)
b.CerLIBcaLe oI CLallene or FroLesL and DecIsIon oI LLe EEI (Annex E),
c.0aLL oI VoLer CLallened Ior Illeal AcLs (Annex C), and
d.0aLL Lo IdenLIIy a cLallened VoLer (Annex D)
.!#$%&' +e -37= 3?H $5I= 8B -=735?== L875?C VoLIn Ior all qualIBed deLaInee voLers
sLall Lake place on LLe same daLe as LLe naLIonal and local elecLIons Is conducLed.
Eor jaIls provIded wILL specIal pollIn places, LLe casLIn oI LLe balloLs musL be BnIsLed
aL 8:00 F.M. Lo Lave suIBcIenL LIme Lo brIn LLe accomplIsLed balloLs Lo deLaInees
respecLIve precIncLs beIore LLe close oI voLIn Lours on elecLIon day. In case all LLe
expecLed deLaInee voLers Lave voLed beIore 8:00 F.M., LLe BpecIal Eoard oI ElecLIon
InspecLor (BEEI) sLall close LLe voLIn In LLe specIal pollIn places and dIspose all
elecLIon parapLernalIa In accordance wILL BecLIon 10 oI Fule 6.
.!#$%&' Pe F9=D5I5?395=6 78 7O= L875?C.
a.Feular FollIn Flaces wILL DeLaInee VoLers : EeIore LLe voLIn In LLe reular
pollIn places, LLe CLaIrman oI LLe EEI usIn LLe DeLaInee VoLers LIsL as
reIerence sLall annoLaLe LLe deLaInee voLers names In LLe EDCVL wILL DeLaInee
VoLer and sLall aIBx LIs InILIal besIde LLe annoLaLIon. TLe number oI deLaInee
voLers and LLe IacL LLaL LLeIr names were annoLaLed wILL DeLaInee VoLer sLall be
enLered InLo LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn.
Upon LLe arrIval oI LLe BEEI BupporL BLaII, LLe CLaIrman oI LLe EEI sLall counL
and sereaLe LLe balloLs allocaLed Ior deLaInee voLers In LLe presence oI LLe
Iormer and LLereaILer InserL LLe same In a Iolder. TLe EEI sLall place LLe Iolder
InsIde an envelope carrIed by LLe BupporL BLaII and close LLe envelope. TLe EEI
sLall LLen seal LLe envelope usIn LLe paper seal (also brouLL by LLe BupporL
BLaII oI LLe BEEI). TLe EEI sLall aIBx LLeIr InILIals on LLe paper seal and Lurn IL
over Lo LLe BEEI supporL sLaII.
TLe EEI sLall LLen enLer InLo LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn LLe name oI LLe BEEI
BupporL BLaII, LLe number oI balloLs receIved, LLe serIal number oI LLe paper
seal oI LLe envelope and LLe LIme LLe laLLer pIcked up LLe balloLs. TLe EEI sLall
requIre LLe BEEI BupporL BLaII Lo sIn LLe enLry.
TLereaILer, LLe supporL sLaII escorLed by unIIormed FNF/EJMF personnel sLall
ImmedIaLely delIver LLe balloLs Lo LLe specIal polIn place.
b.BpecIal FollIn Flaces In JaIl : TLe BEEI and all LLe supporL sLaII oI LLe BEEI
wLo sLall meeL aL LLe specIal pollIn place In jaIl aL seven oclock In LLe mornIn
oI elecLIon day sLall submIL LLemselves Lo all LLe securILy measures enIorced In
TLe BEEI sLall Ive Lo LLe supporL sLaII LLe envelopes (wILL one (1) paper seal)
Ior eacL clusLered precIncL wILL deLaInee voLer/s In LLe voLIn cenLer wLere LLe
laLLer Is assIned. Upon receIpL oI LLe envelopes, LLe BupporL BLaII sLall leave LLe
jaIl escorLed by armed FNF and/or EJMF personnel Ior LLe voLIn cenLer.
TLe BEEI sLall ensure LLaL LLe specIal pollIn place In jaIl Is ready Ior LLe voLIn.
I.TLe BEEI sLall ensure LLaL a Lable sLall be provIded on wLIcL LLe
envelopes (per precIncL) are placed and In wLIcL deLaInee voLers InserL
LLeIr Blled-up balloLs, and
II.TLe BEEI sLall posL LLe FCVL-DV near or aL LLe door oI LLe pollIn place.
Upon LLe arrIval oI LLe supporL sLaIIs, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe BEEI (In LLe specIal pollIn
places In jaIl), In LLe presence oI LLe oLLer members, sLall open LLe same and counL LLe
number oI balloLs. TLe LIme oI arrIval, name oI voLIn cenLer/s, LLe number oI balloLs
and serIal number oI LLe paper seal oI LLe envelope receIved sLall be enLered InLo LLe
MInuLes oI VoLIn.
.!#$%&' We J3??=9 8B &<735?5?C N3DD876e TLe deLaInee voLers sLall voLe In LLe order
oI arrIval oI LLe balloLs Irom LLe voLIn cenLers. TLe voLer sLall:
a.Look Ior LIs name In LLe FCVL-DV posLed near LLe door oI LLe voLIn cenLer
and deLermIne LIs/Ler precIncL number,
b.ApproacL LLe BEEI, Ive LIs name and address, LoeLLer wILL LLe oLLer daLa
concernIn LIs/Ler person,
c.TLe BEEI sLall verIIy II LLe name oI LLe voLer Is In LLe DeLaInee VoLers LIsL. II
LLe name oI LLe EDCVL-DV Is In LLe lIsL, LIs IdenLILy sLall LLen be esLablIsLed
LLrouL LLe IollowIn:
I.TLe pLoLorapL In LLe EDCVL-DV or LLrouL IdenLIBcaLIon/conBrmaLIon
by LLe EJMF personnel usIn LLe oIBcIal records oI LLe deLenLIon
cenLer/jaIls or any auLLenLIc documenL wLIcL may esLablIsL LIs IdenLILy
excepL baranay cerLIBcaLe or communILy Lax cerLIBcaLe,
III.In LLe absence oI any oI LLe above-menLIoned prooI oI IdenLILy, any
member oI LLe BEEI may IdenLIIy under oaLL a voLer, and sucL acL sLall be
reBecLed In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn..
Iv.II LLe BEEI Is saLIsBed wILL IdenLILy oI LLe deLaInee voLer, LLe name oI
LLe voLer sLall be dIsLIncLly announced In a Lone loud enouL Lo be Leard
LLrouLouL LLe pollIn place. 0LLerwIse, LLe voLer sLall be dIrecLed Lo
leave LLe pollIn place aILer InIormIn LLe deLaInee voLer LLe reason
LLereoI. II LLe voLer Is noL cLallened, or LavIn been cLallened and LLe
quesLIon Las been decIded In LIs Iavor, LLe voLer sLall be allowed Lo voLe.
BucL IacL sLall be duly recorded In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn.
d.EeIore IvIn LLe balloL Lo LLe voLer, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe BEEI sLall:
I.CLeck II any oI LLe BnernaIls oI LLe voLer Las already been sLaIned wILL
IndelIble Ink. II sLaIned, IL sLall be a conclusIve presumpLIon LLaL LLe voLer
Las already casL LIs voLe. As sucL, LLe voLer sLall be dIrecLed Lo leave LLe
pollIn place aILer InIormIn LIm LLe reason LLereoI. TLIs IacL, IncludIn
LLe name and LLe precIncL oI LLe voLer, sLall be recorded by LLe Foll Clerk
In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn,
II.AILer verIIyIn LLaL no BnernaIl Las been sLaIned, aIBx LIs sInaLure In
III.AuLLenLIcaLe LLe balloL by aIBxIn LIs sInaLure aL LLe desInaLed space
aL LLe IronL LLereoI.
TLe IaIlure Lo auLLenLIcaLe LLe balloL sLall noL InvalIdaLe LLe balloL buL
sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense.
Iv.InsLrucL LLe voLer on Low Lo accomplIsL LLe balloL properly, and
v.InserL LLe balloL In LLe secrecy Iolder In sucL a manner LLaL ILs Iace Is
covered, excepL Ior LLe porLIon wLere LLe sInaLure In LLe balloL appears,
and Ive LLe balloL Lo LLe deLaInee voLer.
0nly LLe cLaIrman oI LLe BEEI sLall Issue LLe oIBcIal balloLs, and noL more LLan
one balloL sLall be Issued aL one LIme.
.!#$%&' ie J3??=9 8B L875?Ce - VoLIn sLall be conducLed In LLe IollowIn manner:
a.TLe deLaInee voLer sLall accomplIsL LLe balloL, usIn LLe balloL secrecy Iolder,
In accordance wILL LLe 0eneral InsLrucLIons Ior VoLIn,
b.AILer accomplIsLIn LIs balloL, LLe voLer sLall LLen approacL LLe Lable wLere
LLe envelope Ior LIs precIncL Is placed and InserL LLe same InLo LLe saId
c.TLe BEEI sLall apply IndelIble Ink aL LLe base and exLendIn Lo LLe cuLIcle oI
LLe rILL IoreBner naIl oI LLe deLaInee voLer, or any oLLer naIl II LLere be no
IoreBner naIl,
d.TLe voLer sLall aIBx LIs LLumb mark on LLe correspondIn space In LLe
e.TLe voLer sLall LLen leave LLe specIal pollIn place.
.!#$%&' Xe #O3DD=?C= )C35?67 %DD=C3D L87=96 - Any voLer or waLcLer may cLallene
any person oIIerIn Lo voLe Ior:
a.NoL beIn reIsLered,
b.UsIn LLe name oI anoLLer, or
c.BuIIerIn Irom any exIsLIn dIsqualIBcaLIon.
In sucL case, LLe BEEI sLall saLIsIy ILselI as Lo wLeLLer or noL LLe round Ior LLe
cLallene Is Lrue by requIrIn prooI oI reIsLraLIon, IdenLILy or qualIBcaLIon. TLe BEEI
sLall IdenLIIy LLe deLaInee voLer LLrouL LIs pLoLorapL, BnerprInL or specImen
sInaLures In LLe EDCVL-DV. In LLe absence oI any oI LLe above-menLIoned prooI oI
IdenLILy, any member oI LLe BEEI may IdenLIIy under oaLL a voLer, and sucL acL sLall
be re BecLed In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn.
.!#$%&' ge #O3DD=?C= N36=H 8? #=9735? %DD=C3D )E76e -Any waLcLer may cLallene
any deLaInee voLer oIIerIn Lo voLe on LLe round LLaL LLe deLaInee voLer:
a.FeceIved or expecLs Lo receIve, paId, oIIered or promIsed Lo pay, conLrIbuLed,
or promIsed Lo conLrIbuLe money or anyLLIn oI value as consIderaLIon Ior LIs
voLe or Ior LLe voLe oI anoLLer, or
b.Made or receIved a promIse Lo InBuence LLe IvIn or wILLLoldIn oI any sucL
voLe, or
c.Made a beL or Is InLeresLed dIrecLly or IndIrecLly In a beL LLaL depends upon LLe
resulLs oI LLe elecLIon.
In sucL case, LLe cLallened deLaInee voLer sLall Lake an oaLL beIore LLe BEEI LLaL Le
Las noL commILLed any oI LLe acLs alleed In LLe cLallene. Upon LakIn sucL oaLL, LLe
cLallene sLall be dIsmIssed and LLe deLaInee voLer sLall be allowed Lo voLe. In case LLe
deLaInee voLer reIuses Lo Lake sucL oaLL, LLe cLallene sLall be susLaIned and LLe
deLaInee voLer sLall noL be allowed Lo voLe.
.!#$%&' Ye 1AD=6 78 <= &<6=9G=H -A95?C 7O= L875?C M DurIn LLe voLIn, LLe BEEI
sLall see Lo IL LLaL:
a.DeLaInee voLers sLall voLe In LLe order oI LLe arrIval oI LLe deLaInee balloLs per
voLIn cenLer,
b.No waLcLer sLall enLer LLe place reserved Ior LLe deLaInee voLers and LLe BEEI,
nor mInle and Lalk wILL LLe deLaInee voLers,
c.No person carryIn any Brearm or any oLLer deadly weapon, excepL LLose
expressly auLLorIzed by LLIs FesoluLIon or by LLe CommIssIon, sLall enLer LLe
specIal pollIn place, and
d.TLere sLall be no crowdIn oI deLaInee voLers and dIsorderly beLavIor InsIde
LLe specIal pollIn place.
.!#$%&' Ze F98O5<5758? 8? L875?Ce IL sLall be unlawIul Ior a deLaInee voLer Lo:
a.ErIn LLe balloL, balloL secrecy Iolder or markIn pen ouLsIde LLe pollIn place,
b.Bpeak wILL anyone oLLer LLan as LereIn provIded wLIle InsIde LLe specIal
pollIn place,
c.Frepare LIs balloL wILLouL usIn LLe balloL secrecy Iolder or exLIbIL ILs
d.AccomplIsL LIs balloL accompanIed by anoLLer, excepL In LLe case oI an
IllILeraLe or deLaInee voLer wILL dIsabIlILy/dIsabIlILIes
e.Erase any prInLIn Irom LLe balloL, or puL any dIsLInuIsLIn mark on LLe
I.Use carbon paper, paraIBn paper or oLLer means oI makIn a copy oI LLe
conLenLs oI LLe balloL, or oLLerwIse make use oI any scLeme Lo IdenLIIy LIs voLe,
IncludIn LLe use oI dIILal cameras, cellular pLones wILL camera or sImIlar
adeLs, and
.InLenLIonally Lear or deIace LLe balloL.
.!#$%&' Ve F9=R393758? 8B N3DD876 B89 -=735?== L87=96 TO8 39= %DD57=937= 89 T57O
-563<5D575=6M 0nly deLaInee voLers IndIcaLed In LLe EDCVL-DV as IllILeraLe or wILL
dIsabIlILy/dIsabIlILIes sLall be allowed Lo voLe as sucL. BaId person may be assIsLed In
LLe preparaLIon oI LIs balloL by any person wLo Is a:
a.FelaLIve wILLIn IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy and aIBnILy, II saId relaLIve
Is presenL In LLe jaIl premIses, or
b.Any member oI LLe BEEI.
All assIsLors musL be oI voLIn ae.
No person may assIsL an IllILeraLe or person wILL dIsabIlILy/dIsabIlILIes more LLan
LLree (8) LImes, excepL LLe members oI LLe BEEI.
In all cases, LLe poll clerk sLall BrsL verIIy Irom LLe IllILeraLe or deLaInee voLer wILL
dIsabIlILy/dIsabIlILIes wLeLLer Le Lad auLLorIzed LLe assIsLor Lo accomplIsL LIs balloL.
TLe assIsLor sLall, In LLe presence oI LLe IllILeraLe or deLaInee voLer wILL
dIsabIlILy/dIsabIlILIes, prepare LLe balloL usIn a balloL secrecy Iolder.
TLe assIsLor sLall bInd LImselI In wrILIn and under oaLL Lo Bll LLe balloL sLrIcLly In
accordance wILL LLe InsLrucLIons oI LLe voLer and noL reveal LLe conLenLs LLereoI, by
aIBxIn LIs sInaLure In LLe approprIaLe space In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn.
.!#$%&' +Qe .=3D5?C 8B 7O= !?G=D8R=6 F=9 F9=E5?E7 - AILer all LLe deLaInee voLers In
a parLIcular precIncL Lave already voLed, LLe cLaIrman In LLe presence oI LLe oLLer
members oI LLe BEEI sLall:
a.CounL LLe unused balloLs, II LLere are any, and record In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn
LLe quanLILy oI unused balloLs IndIcaLIn LLereIn LLe FrecIncL Number oI LLe
b.Tear LLe unused balloLs In LalI lenLLwIse and InserL LLem In LLe proper
envelope/s conLaInIn LLe accomplIsLed balloLs,
c.Close LLe envelope/s conLaInIn LLe accomplIsLed balloLs and seal wILL paper
seal bearIn LLe InILIals oI LLe BEEI,
d.Hand over LLe sealed envelope/s Lo LLe supporL sLaII Ior counLIn Lo LLe voLIn
cenLer/s, and
e.Fecord In LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn LLe LIme, serIal number oI LLe paper seal and
sucL oLLer necessary InIormaLIon as Lo LLe receIpL oI LLe supporL sLaII oI sealed
envelope/s conLaInIn LLe balloLs and Lave IL sIned by LLe supporL sLaII
.!#$%&' ++e -56R865758? 8B !D=E758? -8EAI=?76 TLe BEEI sLall delIver Lo LLe E0 LLe
EDCVL-DV, LLe FCVL-DV and oLLer elecLIon parapLernalIa.
.!#$%&' +Pe #8A?75?C 8B 7O= -=735?== L87=96 N3DD876 - TLe BEEI supporL sLaII sLall
ensure LLaL all balloLs oI deLaInee voLers reacL LLe reular pollIn places In LLe voLIn
cenLers wLere deLaInees are reIsLered beIore LLe close oI voLIn Lours on elecLIon day.
WLen LLe BEEI supporL sLaII reacLes LLe reular pollIn place, LLe EEI sLall enLer InLo
LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn LLe receIpL oI LLe sealed envelope/s. TLe EEI wIll open LLe
envelope only wLen all LLe voLers In LLe clusLered precIncLs Lave BnIsLed voLIn, and,
LLereaILer, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe EEI, In LLe presence oI LLe oLLer members and
waLcLers sLall Ieed LLe deLaInee voLers balloLs Lo LLe macLIne Ior counLIn. HalI oI LLe
Lorn unused balloLs sLall be InserLed In LLe envelop (A1S) LLaL wIll be submILLed Lo LLe
E0 Ior saIekeepIn, LalI Lo LLe oLLer envelop (A1S) LLaL wIll be deposILed InsIde LLe
balloL box. BaId IacL sLall be enLered InLo LLe MInuLes oI VoLIn.
.!#$%&' +e !6E897=H -=735?== L87=96 - TLe IollowIn sLall avaIl oI LLe escorLed
a.DeLaInee voLers wLo are resIdenLs/ reIsLered voLers oI munIcIpalILIes/cILIes
oLLer LLan LLe Lown/cILy oI deLenLIon, and
b.DeLaInee voLers In deLenLIon cenLers/ jaIls wLere no specIal pollIn places are
FrovIded: LLaL saId deLaInee voLers obLaIned courL orders allowIn LLem Lo voLe In LLe
polIn place wLere LLey are reIsLered.
FrovIded IurLLer: LLaL IL Is loIsLIcally IeasIble on LLe parL oI LLe jaIl/prIson
admInIsLraLIon Lo escorL LLe deLaInee voLer Lo LLe pollIn place wLere Le Is reIsLered.
FrovIded, Bnally: LLaL reasonable measures sLall be underLaken by LLe jaIl/prIson
admInIsLraLIon Lo secure LLe saIeLy oI deLaInee voLers, prevenL LLeIr escape and ensure
publIc saIeLy.
.!#$%&' Pe !]R9=66 "3?= B89 !6E897=H -=735?== L87=96 DeLaInee voLers voLIn In
LLeIr respecLIve pollIn places sLall be Iven prIorILy Lo voLe. WLen LLey reacL LLeIr
pollIn places, LLe escorL LoeLLer wILL LLe voLer sLall InIorm LLe BupporL BLaII/ LLe
EEI LLaL LLe deLaInee Is voLIn as sucL and LLe EEI sLall place LLe deLaInee voLers In
LLe prIorILy/express lane.
.!#$%&' We b35DcF9568? !6E8976 J3: N=39 )9I6 To secure LLe deLaInee voLer, LLe
jaIl/prIson escorLs may brIn Brearms InsIde LLe pollIn place. BaId escorLs and
deLaInees sLall ImmedIaLely leave LLe pollIn place once LLe laLLer Lave BnIsLed
.!#$%&' +e #3IR35C? CandIdaLes sLall be allowed Lo campaIn InsIde deLenLIon
cenLers durIn LLe campaIn perIod provIded LLaL LLey sLall be subjecLed Lo LLe
exIsLIn rules and reulaLIons oI LLe EJMF and LLe C0MELEC.
.!#$%&' Pe 1=R=3D5?C #D3A6= - Frocedures laId ouL In C0MELEC FesoluLIon E.M. No.
09-00S ImplemenLIn LLe esLablIsLmenL oI specIal pollIn places In jaIls and Comelec
FesoluLIon No. 8811 (as amended by Comelec FesoluLIon No. 88S9) InconsIsLenL wILL
LLe rules and reulaLIons embodIed In LLIs FesoluLIon are Lereby repealed.
.!#$%&' We !BB=E75G57:e TLIs FesoluLIon sLall Lake eIIecL seven (7) days aILer ILs
publIcaLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe FLIlIppInes.
.!#$%&' ie FA<D5E3758? 3?H -566=I5?3758? LeL LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
DeparLmenL, LLIs CommIssIon, cause LLe publIcaLIon oI LLIs FesoluLIon In Lwo (2) daIly
newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe FLIlIppInes and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo all
FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLors, FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsors, ElecLIon 0IBcers, EJMF,
FNF, DIL0, CHF, Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors and LLe BpecIal Eoard oI ElecLIon
F=8RD= G6 #8993D

AppellanL Corral was cLared LavIn voLed Illeally aL LLe eneral elecLIons Leld on
June S, 1984. AILer due LrIal, Le was convIcLed on LLe round LLaL Le Lad voLed wLIle
laborIn under a leal dIsqualIBcaLIon. TLe judmenL oI convIcLIon was based on
secLIon 2642, In connecLIon wILL secLIon 482. oI LLe FevIsed AdmInIsLraLIve Code.
BaId BecLIon 482 reads as Iollows:
"TLe IollowIn persons sLall be dIsqualIBed Irom voLIn:
(a) Any person wLo, sInce LLe LLIrLeenLL day oI AuusL, eILLeen Lundred and
nIneLy-eILL, Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer noL less LLan eILLeen
monLLs oI ImprIsonmenL, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn been removed by plenary pardon.
(b) Any person wLo Las vIolaLed an oaLL oI alleIance Laken by LIm Lo LLe UnILed
(c) Insane oI Ieeble-mInded persons. (d) DeaI-muLes wLo cannoL read and wrILe. (e)
ElecLors reIsLered under subsecLIon (c) oI LLe nexL
proceedIn secLIon wLo, aILer IaIlIn Lo make sworn sLaLemenL Lo LLe saLIsIacLIon oI
LLe board oI InspecLors aL any oI ILs Lwo meeLIns Ior reIsLraLIon and revIsIon, LLaL
LLey are IncapacILaLed Ior preparIn LLeIr balloLs due Lo permanenL pLysIcal
dIsabIlILy, presenL LLemselves aL LLe Lour oI voLIn as IncapacILaLed, IrrespecLIve oI
wLeLLer sucL IncapacILy be real or IeIned.
And secLIon 2642 provIdes:
"WLoever aL any elecLIon voLes or aLLempLs Lo voLe knowIn LLaL Le Is noL enLILled so
Lo do, ... sLall be punIsLed by ImprIsonmenL Ior noL less LLan one monLL nor more
LLan one year and by a Bne oI noL less LLan one Lundred pesos nor more LLan one
LLousand pesos, and In all cases by deprIvaLIon oI LLe rILL oI suIIrae and
dIsqualIBcaLIon Irom publIc oIBce Ior a perIod oI noL more LLan Iour years."
Corral was senLenced by Bnal judmenL oI LLIs courL promulaLed on MarcL 8, 1910,1
Lo suIIer eILL years and one day oI presIdIo mayor. No evIdence was presenLed Lo
sLow LLaL prIor Lo June S, 1984, Le Lad been ranLed a plenary pardon. IL Is lIkewIse
undIspuLed LLaL aL LLe eneral elecLIons Leld on June S, 1984, LLe voLed In elecLIon
precIncL No. 18 oI LLe munIcIpalILy oI Davao, FrovInce oI Davao.
AppellanL Corral Is dIsqualIBed Lo voLe because oI secLIon
482 oI LLe FevIsed AdmInIsLraLIve Code wLIcL dIsqualIBed Irom voLIn
any person wLo, sInce LLe 18LL day oI AuusL, 1898, Lad been senLenced by Bnal
judmenL Lo oIIer noL less LLan eILLeen monLLs oI ImprIsonmenL, sucL dIsabIlILy noL
LavIn been removed by plenary pardon. As above sLaLed, LLe appellanL Lad been
senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer eILL years and one day oI presIdIo mayor, and
Lad noL been ranLed a plenary pardon.
TLe modern concepLIon oI LLe suIIrae Is LLaL voLIn Is a IuncLIon oI overnmenL. TLe
rILL Lo voLe Is noL a naLural rILL buL Is a rILL creaLed by law. BuIIrae Is a prIvIlee
ranLed by LLe BLaLe Lo sucL persons or classes as are mosL lIkely Lo exercIse IL Ior LLe
publIc ood. TLe rILL oI LLe BLaLe Lo deprIve persons Lo LLe rILL oI suIIrae by reason
oI LLeIr LavIn been convIcLed oI crIme, Is beyond quesLIon. "TLe manIIesL purpose oI
sucL resLrIcLIons upon LLIs rILL Is Lo preserve LLe purILy oI elecLIons. TLe
presumpLIon Is LLaL one rendered InIamous by convIcLIon oI Ielony, or oLLer base
oIIense IndIcaLIve oI moral LurpILude, Is unBL Lo exercIse LLe prIvIlee oI suIIrae or Lo
Lold oIBce."
B, F*-j6
L&$%'2 1!2%.$1)$%&' &0 F!1.&'. *%$4 -%.)N%"%$%!. SF*-6, 1!F/N"%#
)#$ '&e +QWgg )' )#$ )/$4&1%h%'2 $4! #&JJ%..%&' &' !"!#$%&'. $&
!.$)N"%.4 F1!#%'#$. )..%2'!- $& )##!..%N"! F&""%'2 F")#!.
!k#"/.%L!"K 0&1 F!1.&'. *%$4 -%.)N%"%$%!. )'- .!'%&1 #%$%h!'.
BecLIon 1. BecLIon DeclaraLIon oI FolIcy. - TLe BLaLe sLall ensure LLaL persons wILL
dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens are able Lo exercIse LLeIr rILL Lo polILIcal parLIcIpaLIon
wILLouL dIscrImInaLIon or resLrIcLIons. Towards LLIs end, LLe BLaLe sLall desIn
sysLems and procedures LLaL wIll enable persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens
Lo reIsLer and voLe by LLemselves.
BecLIon 2. BecLIon DeBnILIon oI Terms. - As used In LLIs AcL, LLe Lerm:
(a) CommIssIon reIers Lo LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons.
(b) Fersons wILL DIsabIlILIes reIer Lo qualIBed voLers wLo Lave lon- Lerm pLysIcal,
menLal, InLellecLual or sensory ImpaIrmenLs wLIcL In
InLeracLIon wILL varIous barrIers may LInder LLeIr Iull and eIIecLIve parLIcIpaLIon In
LLe elecLoral processes on an equal basIs wILL oLLers.
(c) BenIor CILIzens reIer Lo qualIBed voLers wLo are sIxLy (60) years or older.
(d) ElecLoral Frocesses reIer Lo elecLIon-relaLed acLIvILIes and proceedIns IncludIn
reIsLraLIon, candIdacy, campaIn, voLer educaLIon and casLIn oI voLe.
(e) AssIsLance reIers Lo any supporL or aId LLaL may be exLended Lo persons wILL
dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens Ior LLem Lo meanInIully and eIIecLIvely parLIcIpaLe In
LLe elecLoral processes.
(I) DIscrImInaLIon on LLe basIs oI dIsabIlILy means any dIsLIncLIon, exclusIon or
resLrIcLIon on LLe basIs oI dIsabIlILy wLIcL Las LLe eIIecL oI ImpaIrIn or nullIIyIn LLe
reconILIon, enjoymenL, or exercIse, on an equal basIs wILL oLLers, oI all Luman rILLs
and IundamenLal Ireedoms, IncludIn denIal oI reasonable accommodaLIon.
() UnIversal desIn means LLe desIn oI producLs, envIronmenLs, prorams and
servIces, Lo be usable by all people, Lo LLe reaLesL exLenL possIble, wILLouL LLe need Ior
adapLaLIon or specIalIzed desIn buL sLall noL exclude assIsLIve devIces Ior parLIcular
roups oI persons wILL dIsabIlILIes wLere LLIs Is needed.
(L) BaLellILe reIsLraLIon reIers Lo reIsLraLIon conducLed by an ElecLIon 0IBcer In
esLablIsLed saLellILe oIBces locaLed In a publIc place wILLIn LIs or Ler area oI
jurIsdIcLIon. IL accepLs applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, LransIer or LransIer wILL
reacLIvaLIon, reacLIvaLIon oI reIsLraLIon records, cLane or correcLIon oI enLrIes and
valIdaLIon oI reIsLraLIon Irom all reIsLranLs or voLers resIdIn wILLIn LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer's LerrILorIal jurIsdIcLIon.
(I) BpecIal reIsLraLIon reIers Lo reIsLraLIon conducLed In esLablIsLed saLellILe oIBces
by a specIal reIsLraLIon Leam desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon. IL exclusIvely caLers Lo
BrsL LIme person wILL dIsabIlILy and senIor cILIzen reIsLranLs resIdIn ouLsIde LLe
area oI jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe reular ElecLIon 0IBcer conducLIn LLe saLellILe reIsLraLIon.
(j) AccessIble pollIn place reIers Lo LLe venue wLere LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors
(EEIs) conducLs elecLIon-relaLed proceedIns and wLere LLe voLers casL LLeIr voLes.
TLe accessIble pollIn place sLall Le locaLed aL LLe round Boor, preIerably near LLe
enLrance oI LLe buIldIn, and Is Iree oI any pLysIcal barrIers and provIded wILL
necessary servIces, IncludIn assIsLIve devIces.
BecLIon 8. BecLIon FILL Lo FarLIcIpaLIon In ElecLoral Frocesses. - TLe BLaLe sLall
uaranLee LLe polILIcal rILLs oI persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens, In lIne
wILL LLe concepL oI unIversal desIn, by:
(a) EnsurIn LLaL voLIn procedures, IacIlILIes and maLerIals are approprIaLe,
accessIble, and easy Lo undersLand and use,
(b) FroLecLIn LLe rILL oI persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens Lo voLe by
secreL balloL In elecLIons wILLouL InLImIdaLIon, IacIlILaLIn LLe use oI assIsLIve and new
LecLnoloIes wLere approprIaLe, and
(c) 0uaranLeeIn LLe Iree expressIon, In LLe exercIse oI LLe rILL oI suIIrae, oI
persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens, allowIn assIsLance In voLIn by a person
oI LLeIr own cLoIce.
BecLIon 4. BecLIon DuLy oI LLe CommIssIon Lo Fender AssIsLance Lo Fersons wILL
DIsabIlILIes and BenIor CILIzens. - IL sLall be LLe duLy oI LLe CommIssIon Lo render
approprIaLe assIsLance Lo persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens In coordInaLIon
wILL overnmenL aencIes and cIvIl socIeLy oranIzaLIons.
BecLIon S. BecLIon Fecord oI Fersons wILL DIsabIlILIes and BenIor CILIzens. - TLe
CommIssIon sLall keep an updaLed record oI persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor
cILIzens wLo are reIsLered as voLers, wLIcL IndIcaLes LLe Lypes oI dIsabIlILy and LLe
assIsLance LLey need, Lo assIsL IL In deLermInIn polIcy dIrecLIons Ior more InclusIve
and accessIble elecLoral processes. TLe record sLall be made accessIble Lo concerned
overnmenL oIBces, accredILed cILIzens' arms, cIvIl socIeLy monILorIn roups and
oLLer oranIzaLIons wLIcL promoLe LLe rILLs oI LLe persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and
senIor cILIzens, subjecL Lo specIBcuIdelInes LLe CommIssIon may promulaLe Lo
proLecL LLe prIvacy oI LLe IndIvIduals concerned.
BecLIon 6. BecLIon FeIsLraLIon and UpdaLIn oI Fecords. - In desInIn LLe Iorms, LLe
CommIssIon musL ensure LLaL persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens applyIn Ior
reIsLraLIon, reacLIvaLIon, LransIer, or correcLIon oI enLry IndIcaLe LLe Lype(s) oI
dIsabIlILy, as well as LLe Iorm(s) oI assIsLance needed.
Fersons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens wLo Lave prevIously reIsLered buL Lave
noL IndIcaLed LLe Lype oI dIsabIlILy, or wLo may Lave developed or manIIesLed sucL
dIsabIlILy aILer LavIn been reIsLered, sLall be allowed, durIn LLe perIods Lo Ble
applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon, Lo updaLe LLeIr reIsLraLIon records, and Lo IndIcaLe LLe
Lype oI dIsabIlILy as well as LLe Iorm oI assIsLance LLey need durIn elecLIon day. TLe
CommIssIon may desIn reIsLraLIon Iorms specIBcally Ior persons wILL dIsabIlILIes
and senIor cILIzens, or Issue supplemenLal Iorms Ior LLe saId purpose, and provIde Ior
procedures Lo be Iollowed by LLose wLo need Lo updaLe LLeIr reIsLraLIon records.
BecLIon 7. BecLIon AssIsLance In LLe AccomplIsLmenL oI ApplIcaLIon Eorm. - A person
wILL dIsabIlILy or senIor cILIzen wLo cannoL by LImselI or LerselI accomplIsL an
applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, by reason oI IllILeracy or pLysIcal dIsabIlILy, sLall be
assIsLed by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer In LLe preparaLIon oI LIs or Ler applIcaLIon Iorm, or by
any member oI an accredILed cILIzens' arm, or by a relaLIve by consanuInILy or
aIBnILy wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree, or II Le or sLe Las none presenL, by any person
oI LIs or Ler conBdence wLo belons Lo LLe same LouseLold.
BecLIon 8. BecLIon BaLellILe and BpecIal FeIsLraLIon. - TLe CommIssIon, In
coordInaLIon wILL naLIonal overnmenL aencIes and local overnmenL unILs, person
wILL dIsabIlILy and senIor cILIzen oranIzaLIons, and oLLer cause-orIenLed roups, sLall
conducL saLellILe and/or specIal reIsLraLIon Ior persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor
cILIzens In accessIble places.
BecLIon 9. BecLIon CreaLIon oI FrecIncLs Ior Fersons wILL DIsabIlILIes and BenIor
CILIzens. - TLe CommIssIon Is Lereby auLLorIzed Lo esLablIsL precIncLs oI a
nonLerrILorIal naLure, exclusIvely Ior persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens wLo
In LLeIr reIsLraLIon records manIIesL LLeIr InLenL Lo avaIl oI LLeIr rILL Lo a separaLe
precIncL under LLIs secLIon. FursuanL LereLo, LLe CommIssIon sLall esLablIsL aL leasL
one (1) sucL precIncL, assIned Lo accessIble pollIn places, Ior every voLIn cenLer.
BucL precIncLs sLall be provIded wILL assIsLIve devIces as well as LLe servIces oI
experLs In assIsLIn persons wILL dIsabIlILIes.
BecLIon 10. BecLIon EalloL DesIn. - In desInIn LLe balloL, LLe CommIssIon sLall
ensure reasonable accommodaLIon Lo persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens Lo
enable LLem Lo accomplIsL LLe balloLs by LLemselves.
BecLIon 11. BecLIon AssIsLance In LLe AccomplIsLmenL oI LLe EalloL. - A person wILL
dIsabIlILy or senIor cILIzen wLo Is IllILeraLe or pLysIcally unable Lo prepare LLe balloL by
LImselI or LerselI may be assIsLed In LLe preparaLIon oI LIs or Ler balloL by a relaLIve
by consanuInILy or aIBnILy wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree, or II Le or sLe Las none, by
any person oI LIs or Ler conBdence wLo belons Lo LLe same LouseLold, or by any
member oI LLe EEls. Eor LLIs purpose, LLe person wLo usually assIsLs LLe person wILL
dIsabIlILy or senIor cILIzen, sucL as a personal assIsLanL, a careIver or a nurse sLall be
consIdered a member oI LIs or Ler LouseLold: FrovIded, TLaL no voLer sLall be allowed
Lo Lave an assIsLor on LLe basIs oI IllILeracy or pLysIcal dIsabIlILy unless IL Is so
IndIcaLed In LIs or Ler reIsLraLIon record. NeverLLeless, II LLe pLysIcal InabIlILy Lo
prepare LLe balloL Is manIIesL, obvIous, or vIsIble, saId voLer sLall be allowed Lo be
assIsLed In accomplIsLIn LLe balloL by a qualIBed assIsLor, even II noL sLaLed or
IndIcaLed In LLe reIsLraLIon record: FrovIded, IurLLer, TLaL LLe assIsLor musL be oI
voLIn ae.
TLe assIsLor sLall LInd LImselI or LerselI In a Iormal documenL under oaLL Lo Bll ouL
LLe balloL sLrIcLly In accordance wILL LLe InsLrucLIons oI LLe voLer and noL Lo reveal LLe
conLenLs oI LLe balloL prepared by LIm or Ler, and sLall prepare LLe balloL Ior LLe voLer
InsIde LLe voLIn booLL. ExcepL Ior LLe members oI LLe EEIs, no assIsLor can assIsL Ior
more LLan LLree (8) LImes. Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs provIsIon sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon
oIIense punIsLable under BecLIon 262 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
BecLIon 12. BecLIon BensILIvILy TraInIn Froram. - TLe CommIssIon, In coordInaLIon
wILL LLe NaLIonal CouncIl on DIsabIlILy AIIaIrs (NCDA), LLe CommIssIon on Human
FILLs (CHF), and person wILL dIsabIlILy and senIor cILIzen oranIzaLIons, sLall
oranIze, desIn, and ImplemenL sensILIvILy LraInIns Lo persons perIormIn elecLoral
duLIes, IncludIn LLe CommIssIon Beld oIBcers, members oI LLe EEIs, and accredILed
cILIzens' arms Lo IamIlIarIze LLem wILL LLe needs oI LLe persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and
senIor cILIzens.
BecLIon 18. BecLIon InIormaLIon MaLerIals. - TLe CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL
InIormaLIon maLerIals relaLIn Lo LLe elecLoral processes are approprIaLe and
accessIble Lo persons wILL dIsabIlILIes and senIor cILIzens.
BecLIon 14. BecLIon ApproprIaLIons. - TLe InILIal IundIn oI LLIs AcL sLall be cLared
aaInsL, LLe currenL year's approprIaLIons or Irom any avaIlable savIns oI LLe
CommIssIon. TLereaILer, sucL amounL as may be necessary Ior LLe conLInued
ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL sLall Le Included In LLe annual 0eneral ApproprIaLIons AcL.
BecLIon 1S. BecLIon ImplemenLIn Fules and FeulaLIons. - WILLIn sIxLy (60) days
Irom LLe eIIecLIvILy oI LLIs AcL, LLe CommIssIon sLall promulaLe LLe ImplemenLIn
rules and reulaLIons.
BecLIon 16. BecLIon BeparabIlILy Clause. - BLould any provIsIon oI LLIs AcL Le declared
InvalId or unconsLILuLIonal, LLe valIdILy or consLILuLIonalILy oI LLe oLLer provIsIons
sLall noL be aIIecLed LLereby.
BecLIon 17. BecLIon FepealIn Clause. - All laws, presIdenLIal decrees, execuLIve orders,
resoluLIons, rules and reulaLIons or parLs LLereoI wLIcL are InconsIsLenL wILL LLe
provIsIons oI LLIs AcL are Lereby repealed, amended or modIBed accordInly.
BecLIon 18. BecLIon EIIecLIvILy Clause. - TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL on July 1, 2018, aILer
ILs publIcaLIon In Lwo (2) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
C, %Fj6
L&$%'2 1!2%.$1)$%&' &0 %'-%2!'&/. F!&F"! S%F6,
#&J!"!# 1!.&"/$%&' '&e ViPY 1/"!. )'- 1!2/")$%&'. 0&1 $4!
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S%##6,c %'-%2!'&/. F!&F"!. S%F6,
WHEFEAB, ArLIcle V, BecLIon 1 oI LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon provIdes LLaL BuIIrae may be
exercIsed by all cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes noL oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed by law, wLo are aL
leasL eILLeen years oI ae, and wLo sLall Lave resIded In LLe FLIlIppInes Ior aL leasL
one year and In LLe place wLereIn LLey propose Lo voLe Ior aL leasL sIx monLLs
ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon. No lILeracy, properLy or oLLer subsLanLIve
requIremenL sLall be Imposed on LLe exercIse oI suIIrae,
WHEFEAB, ArLIcle II, BecLIon 22 oI LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon provIdes LLaL LLe BLaLe
reconIzes and promoLes LLe rILLs oI IndIenous culLural communILIes wILLIn LLe
Iramework oI naLIonal unILy and developmenL,
WHEFEAB, consIsLenL wILL ILs commILmenL In LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon, LLe IndIenous
Feople's FILLs AcL (IFFA) oI 1997, LLe UnIversal DeclaraLIon oI Human FILLs , LLe
UnILed NaLIons DeclaraLIon on LLe FILLs oI IndIenous Feoples and oLLer
InLernaLIonal Luman rILLs InsLrumenLs Lo wLIcL IL Is a FarLy, LLe BLaLe, wILL due
reconILIon oI LLeIr dIsLIncL cLaracLerIsLIcs and IdenLILy, accord Lo LLe members oI LLe
IndIenous Feoples (IFs)/IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes (ICCs) LLe rILLs,
proLecLIons and prIvIlees enjoyed by LLe resL oI LLe cILIzens,
WHEFEAB, LLe BLaLe reconIzes and respecLs LLe IndIenous polILIcal sLrucLures and
commILs ILselI Lo enIorce and uaranLee LLe realIzaLIon oI LLe IundamenLal rILLs and
Ireedoms oI LLe IFs/ICCs, IncludIn LLe rILL oI suIIrae, LakIn InLo consIderaLIon
LLeIr cusLoms, LradILIons, values, belIeIs, InLeresLs and InsLILuLIons,
WHEFEAB, LLe CommIssIon on Human FILLs oI LLe FLIlIppInes (CHFF) Las IdenLIBed
LLe IFs/ICCs as one oI LLe secLors mosL vulnerable Lo dIsenIrancLIsemenL,
WHEFEAB, upon LLe requesL oI cIvIl socIeLy oranIzaLIons (CB0s), LLe CommIssIon on
ElecLIons (C0MELEC) convened LLe InLer-Aency, N00 and F0 NeLwork on
EmpowerIn LLe IndIenous Feoples (IFs) In LLe ElecLoral Frocesses on 11 January
2012 Lo LelpLLe CommIssIon IormulaLe polIcIes Lo aIIord IFs' reaLer access Lo LLe
elecLoral processes, IncludIn LLe reIsLraLIon process,
WHEFEAB, LLe NaLIonal CommIssIon on IndIenous Feoples (NCIF), as LLe prImary
overnmenL aency responsIble Ior LLe IormulaLIon and ImplemenLaLIon oI polIcIes,
plans and prorams Lo reconIze, proLecL and promoLe LLe rILLs oI ICCs/IFs,
commILLed Lo supporL C0MELEC's InILIaLIve Lo Increase LLe accessIbIlILy oI LLe
elecLoral processes, as a means oI empowerIn LLe IFs,
WHEFEAB, FesoluLIon No. 9149, as amended by FesoluLIon No. 9168, provIdes LLe
basIc procedures Ior LLe sysLem oI conLInuIn reIsLraLIon Ior Non-AFMM areas and
Bxes LLe daLe oI applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon Irom 8 May 2011 Lo 81 0cLober 2012,
N0W, THEFEE0FE, by vIrLue oI LLe powers vesLed In IL by LLe ConsLILuLIon, LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, FepublIc AcL No. 8189 and oLLer relaLed elecLIon laws, LLe
CommIssIon on ElecLIons Las FEB0LVED, as IL Lereby FEB0LVEB, Lo promulaLe LLe
IollowIn uIdelInes In LLe reIsLraLIon oI qualIBed reIsLranLs wLo are members oI LLe
IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes (ICCs) or IndIenous Feoples (IFs).
BecLIon 1. Coverae. TLese 0uIdelInes sLall overn LLe applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon,
LransIer, LransIer wILL reacLIvaLIon, reacLIvaLIon, correcLIon/cLane oI enLrIes and
valIdaLIon oI reIsLraLIon records oI all qualIBed voLers, wLo are members oI
IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes (ICCs) or IndIenous Feoples (IFs) as deBned In
BecLIon 2 LereoI.
BecLIon 2. DeBnILIon oI IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes (ICCs) or IndIenous Feoples
(IFs). IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes (ICCs) or IndIenous Feoples (IFs) sLall reIer
Lo a roup oI people or Lomoenous socIeLIes IdenLIBed by selI-ascrIpLIon and
ascrIpLIon by oLLers, wLo Lave conLInuously lIved as oranIzed communILy on
communally bounded and deBned LerrILory, and wLo Lave, under claIms oI ownersLIp
sInce LIme ImmemorIal, occupIed, possessed and uLIlIzed sucL LerrILorIes, sLarIn
common bonds oI lanuae, cusLoms, LradILIons and oLLer dIsLIncLIve culLural LraILs, or
wLo Lave, LLrouL resIsLance Lo polILIcal, socIal and culLural Inroads oI colonIzaLIon,
non- IndIenous relIIons and culLures, became LIsLorIcally dIIIerenLIaLed Irom LLe
majorILy oI EIlIpInos.
ICCs/IFs sLall lIkewIse Include peoples wLo are rearded as IndIenous on accounL oI
LLeIr descenL Irom LLe populaLIons wLIcL InLabILed LLe counLry, aL LLe LIme oI
conquesL or colonIzaLIon, or aL LLe LIme oI Inroads oI non-IndIenous relIIons and
culLures, or LLe esLablIsLmenL oI presenL sLaLe boundarIes, wLo reLaIn some or all oI
LLeIr own socIal, economIc, culLural and polILIcal InsLILuLIons, buL wLo may Lave been
dIsplaced Irom LLeIr LradILIonal domaIns or wLo may Lave reseLLled ouLsIde LLeIr
ancesLral domaIns.
BecLIon 8. Frocedure Ior FeIsLraLIon, FrooI oI IdenLILy. TLe applIcanL sLall personally
appear beIore LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0), sLaLe LIs name and exacL address, specIIyIn
LLe Louse number, name oI LLe sLreeL, area, dIsLrIcL, purok or sILIo, and baranay
wLere Le resIdes, or a brIeI descrIpLIon oI LIs resIdence.
TLe applIcanL sLall presenL any oI LLe IollowIn IdenLIBcaLIon documenLs LLaL bears LIs
pLoLorapL and sInaLure: CurrenL employee's IdenLIBcaLIon card (ID), wILL LLe
sInaLure oI LLe employer or auLLorIzed represenLaLIve,
1. FosLal ID, 2. BLudenL's ID or lIbrary card, sIned by LLe scLool auLLorILy, 8.
BenIor CILIzen's ID, 4. DrIver's lIcense, S. NEI/FNF clearance, 6. FassporL, 7.
BBB/0BIB ID, 8. InLeraLed Ear oI LLe FLIlIppIne (IEF) ID, 9. LIcense Issued by
LLe FroIessIonal FeulaLory CommIssIon
(FFC) , 10. CerLIBcaLe oI ConBrmaLIon Issued by LLe NaLIonal
CommIssIon on IndIenous Feoples (NCIF), and 11. Any oLLer valId ID. 12.
CommunILy Tax CerLIBcaLes (cedula) or cerLIBcaLIons/
IdenLIBcaLIon cards Issued by baranay oIBcIals are noL Lonored as valId IdenLIBcaLIon
BecLIon 4. FrooI oI IdenLILy oLLer LLan by IdenLIBcaLIon card.- II LLe reIsLranL Las no
valId IdenLIBcaLIon card, Le may be IdenLIBed under oaLL beIore LLe E0 usIn LLe
AIBdavIL oI IdenLIBcaLIon by any reIsLered voLer oI LLe precIncL or any oI LIs relaLIves
cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy. No reIsLered voLer or relaLIve sLall be allowed
Lo IdenLIIy applIcanLs more LLan LLree (8) LImes. TLe Iorm sLall, as mucL as
pracLIcable, be LranslaLed InLo LLe local lanuaes and/or dIalecLs commonly used In
LLe area.
BecLIon S. Frocedures II reIsLranL Las no IdenLIBcaLIon documenL or Is noL properly
IdenLIBed.- II, aL LLe LIme oI reIsLraLIon, LLe applIcanL Las no valId IdenLIBcaLIon card
as enumeraLed In BecLIon 8, or Is noL IdenLIBed pursuanL Lo BecLIon 4 LereoI, Le wIll
noL be Issued applIcaLIon Iorm or LIs pre-accomplIsLed applIcaLIon Iorm sLall noL be
BecLIon 6. EIllIn-up LLe FeIsLraLIon Eorms. TLe reIsLranL belonIn Lo LLe IF
communILy sLall Bll-up LLe perLInenL BupplemenLary DaLa In Annex oI LLe
FeIsLraLIon Eorm.
II LLe reIsLranL Is a person wILL dIsabIlILy (FWD) aL LLe same LIme, sucL IacL sLall
lIkewIse be IndIcaLed In LLe BupplemenLary DaLa Ior FWDs In Annex oI LLe
FeIsLraLIon Eorm as provIded In C0MELEC FesoluLIon No. 9220.
BecLIon 7. AssIsLance In LLe accomplIsLmenL oI applIcaLIon Iorm. " An applIcanL Ior
reIsLraLIon wLo Is a member oI an ICC or IF, wLo cannoL by LImselI accomplIsL an
applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, sLall be assIsLed by LLe E0 In LLe preparaLIon oI LIs
applIcaLIon Iorm, or by any member oI an accredILed CILIzen's arm, or a relaLIve wILLIn
LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy, or by any person oI LIs conBdence
wLo belons Lo LLe same LouseLold.
TLe assIsLor sLall accomplIsL LLree (8) copIes oI LLe CerLIBcaLIon/ALLesLaLIon (Annex
oI C0MELEC FesoluLIon No. 9149) and In no case assIsL more LLan LLree (8) LImes,
excepL LLe E0. All assIsLors musL be oI voLIn ae.
TLe CommIssIon sLall IdenLIIy and Lap LLe accredILed CILIzen's arm roups Lo
ImplemenL LLe provIsIons oI LLese 0uIdelInes, and sLall provIde Ior sensILIzaLIon
LraInIns Lo IamIlIarIze LLem wILL LLe applIcaLIon Iorm and Lelp prepare LLem Ior
assIsLorIal duLIes.
BecLIon 8. UpdaLIn oI Fecords oI IFs.- Members oI LLe IndIenous communILIes wLo
Lave prevIously reIsLered buL Lave noL IndIcaLed LLe name oI LLe IF communILy Lo
wLIcL Le belons sLall be allowed Lo updaLe LIs reIsLraLIon records, and Lo IndIcaLe
LIs LrIbe or communILy usIn LLe BupplemenLary DaLa Eorm Ior IFs Iound In Annex oI
LLe FeIsLraLIon Eorm. II LLe applIcanL Is also a FWD, Le sLall lIkewIse Bll- up LLe
BupplemenLary DaLa Eorm Ior FWDs Iound In LLe Annex oI LLe FeIsLraLIon Eorm.
BecLIon 9. InIormaLIon.- All E0s are enjoIned Lo posL noLIce In LLeIr oIBces, and In
publIc places wLere saLellILe reIsLraLIons are Leld, InsLrucLIn IFs Lo Bll-up LLe
BupplemenLary DaLa Eorm Ior IFs and LLe manner oI BllIn-up LLe same.
BecLIon 10. UpdaLe on LLe BoILware.- TLe InIormaLIon and TecLnoloy DeparLmenL
(ITD) sLall endeavor Lo updaLe LLe exIsLIn soILware applIcaLIon Lo ensure LLaL daLa on
IFs can be recorded, eneraLed and analyzed. TLe ITD sLall coordInaLe wILL LLe E0s
concernIn LLe proper encodIn oI LLe daLa.
BecLIon 11. 0eneraLIon oI DaLa.- TLe E0 sLall eneraLe daLa on reIsLered IFs Ior LLe
sole purpose oI deLermInIn polIcy dIrecLIons Ior more InclusIve and accessIble
elecLoral processes Ior LLe secLor. TLe saId daLa sLall be submILLed Lo LLe ITD every
LLree monLLs Irom LLe sLarL oI LLe reIsLraLIon perIod. TLe ITD sLall ImmedIaLely
consolIdaLe LLe daLa on LLe naLIonal level and submIL LLe same Lo LLe ElecLIon Fecords
and BLaLIsLIcs DIvIsIon (EFBD). TLe EFBD sLall eneraLe sLaLIsLIcs on LLe
demorapLIcs and oLLer perLInenL InIormaLIon InvolvIn LLe IFs LLrouLouL LLe
counLry. TLe sLaLIsLIcs eneraLed sLall be made accessIble Lo concerned overnmenL
oIBces, accredILed cILIzen's arms and oLLer oranIzaLIons LLaL promoLe LLe rILLs oI
LLe IFs, subjecL Lo specIBc uIdelInes Lo proLecL LLe prIvacy oI LLe IndIvIduals
BecLIon 12. EIIecLIvILy. TLIs FesoluLIon sLall Lake eIIecL ImmedIaLely aILer ILs
publIcaLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe FLIlIppInes.
BecLIon 18. DIssemInaLIon. TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL sLall cause LLe
publIcaLIon oI LLIs FesoluLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon, Ive
LLe same LLe wIdesL dIssemInaLIon possIble and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe FeIonal
DIrecLors, FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsors and E0s.
BecLIon 14. ImplemenLaLIon. " TLe 0IBce oI LLe ExecuLIve DIrecLor Is dIrecLed Lo cause
LLe eIIecLIve ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs FesoluLIon. Eor LLe May 18, 2018 NaLIonal and
Local ElecLIons, C0MELEC sLall pIloL LLIs polIcy/resoluLIon In aL leasL sIxLeen (16)
pIloL areas wILL aL leasL one (1) pIloL area In every FeIon wLere LLere are IFs. TLe
pIloL areas sLall be cLosen In coordInaLIon and consulLaLIon wILL LLe NCIF and LLe
InLer-Aency, N00 and F0 NeLwork on EmpowerIn LLe IFs In LLe ElecLoral Frocesses.
O, J=H53
1/"!. )'- 1!2/")$%&'. &' "&#)" )N.!'$!! L&$%'2 %' #&''!#$%&'
*%$4 $4! J)K +WU PQ+W .K'#41&'%h!- ')$%&')"U "&#)"U )'- )1JJ
1!2%&')" !"!#$%&'.U )'- ./N.![/!'$ ')$%&')" )'- "&#)"
!"!#$%&'. $4!1!)0$!1
FromulaLIon: +W 0=<9A39: PQ+W
TLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, pursuanL Lo LLe powers vesLed In IL by LLe ConsLILuLIon,
LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, FepublIc AcL No.6646, FepublIc AcL No. 7166, ExecuLIve
0rder No. 1S7, and oLLer perLInenL elecLIon laws, as well as LLe Comelec En Eanc
FesoluLIon In E.M. No. 12-042 promulaLed on 0cLober 9, 2012, ranLIn LLe FeLILIon
To Allow Early VoLIn Eor Members oI LLe Mass MedIa In LLe May 2018
ElecLIons, 1!.&"L!-U as IL Lereby 1!.&"L!.U Lo promulaLe LLe IollowIn rules and
reulaLIons on local absenLee voLIn:
.!#$%&' +e -=>?5758? 8B 7=9I6e - LLe IollowIn Lerms are Lereby deBned as Iollows:
a."8E3D 3<6=?7== G875?C - reIers Lo a sysLem oI voLIn wLereby overnmenL
oIBcIals and employees, IncludIn members oI LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe
FLIlIppInes (AEF), and LLe FLIlIppIne NaLIonal FolIce (FNF) as well as members
oI LLe medIa, medIa pracLILIoners IncludIn LLeIr LecLnIcal and supporL sLaII
(medIa voLers) pursuanL Lo LLe aIoremenLIoned Comelec En Eanc FesoluLIon
wLo are duly reIsLered voLers, are allowed Lo voLe Ior LLe naLIonal posILIons, I.e.
FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves In places
wLere LLey are noL reIsLered voLers buL wLere LLey are LemporarIly assIned Lo
perIorm elecLIon duLIes on elecLIon day as provIded Ior under ExecuLIve 0rder
No. 1S7 and FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
b.J=H53 - reIers Lo LLose wLo are enaed In news reporLIn on a naLIonwIde or
local scale, IncludIn correspondenLs oI naLIonal, reIonal, provIncIal, cILy, or
munIcIpal publIcaLIons or broadcasL enLILIes, or LLose enaed In oLLer Iorms oI
journalIsm and LLe lIke.
.!#e Pe *O8 39= =?757D=H 78 3G35D 8B D8E3D 3<6=?7== G875?Ce - Local absenLee voLIn
may be avaIled oI by LLe IollowIn:
a.overnmenL oIBcIals and employees,
b.members oI LLe FNF,
c.members oI LLe AEF, and
d.member oI LLe medIa, medIa pracLILIoners IncludIn LLeIr LecLnIcal and
supporLs sLaII wLo are acLIvely enaed In LLe pursuIL oI InIormaLIon aLLerIn
and reporLIn or dIsLrIbuLIon, In any manner or Iorm, IncludIn, buL noL lImILed
Lo LLe IollowIn:
1.FrInL JournalIsLs,
2.TelevIsIon JournalIsLs,
8.FLoLo JournalIsLs,
4.0nlIne JournalIsLs,
S.FadIo JournalIsLs,
6.DocumenLary makers,
7.TelevIsIon/FadIo FroducLIon,
FrovIded LLaL a) LLey are duly reIsLered voLers, and b) on elecLIon day, 5? E36= 8B
C8G=9?I=?7 8B>E53D6U I=I<=96 8B 7O= F'F 3?H )0FU LLey are assIned LemporarIly
Lo perIorm elecLIon duLIes In places wLere LLey are noL reIsLered voLers, or 5? E36= 8B
I=H53 G87=96U LLey wIll noL be able Lo voLe due Lo LLe perIormance oI LLeIr IuncLIons In
coverIn and reporLIn LLe conducL oI elecLIons.
0overnmenL oIBcIals and employees wLo wIll be posLed abroad Lo perIorm elecLIon
duLIes on elecLIon day may also avaIl oI local absenLee voLIn, provIded, LLaL LLey are
reIsLered voLers under FepublIc AcL No. 8189, oLLerwIse known as "TLe VoLer's
FeIsLraLIon AcL oI 1996" and LLaL LLey are noL reIsLered overseas absenLee voLers
under FepublIc AcL No. 9189, oLLerwIse known as "TLe 0verseas AbsenLee VoLIn AcL
oI 2008".
.!#e We *O=9= 3?H TO=? 78 >D= 7O= 3RRD5E3758? B89I6 78 3G35D 8B 7O= D8E3D 3<6=?7==
G875?Ce - ApplIcanLs wLo wIll avaIl oI LLe local absenLee voLIn sLall Ble LLeIr duly
accomplIsLed applIcaLIon Iorms S")L 089I '8e Q+, aL LLe IollowIn:

)FF"%#)'$. *4!' $& 0%"! *4!1! $& 0%"!
Eor overnmenL oIBcIals
and employees, members
oI LLe AEF, and members
NoL laLer LLan J39EO +XU
EeIore LLeIr Leads oI
Eor members oI medIa,
medIa pracLILIoners
IncludIn LLeIr LecLnIcal
and supporL sLaII
NoL laLer LLan J39EO W+U
1. 0IBces oI LLe
FrovIncIal ElecLIon
supervIsor (0FEB)
2. 0IBce oI LLe
FeIonal ElecLIon
DIrecLor (0FED) oI
LLe NaLIonal CapILal
FeIon (NCF)
8. 0IBce oI LLe CILy
ElecLIon 0IBcer
(0CE0) In case oI
LILly urbanIzed or
IndependenL cILIes
excepL cILIes In LLe
HILly UrbanIzed CILIes are LLose cILIes wILL a mInImum populaLIon oI Lwo Lundred
LLousand (200,000) InLabILanLs as cerLIBed by LLe NaLIonal BLaLIsLIcs 0IBce, and
wILLIn LLe laLesL annual Income oI aL leasL EIILy MIllIon Fesos (FS0,000,000.00) based
on 1991 consLanL prIces, as cerLIBed by LLe cILy Lreasurer, and LLeIr qualIBed voLers
are excluded Irom voLIn Ior elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals.
IndependenL cILIes are LLose componenL cILIes wLIcL cLarLers proLIbIL LLeIr voLers
Iorm voLIn Ior elecLIve provIncIal posILIons, and are IndependenL oI LLe provInce.

45COD: /9<3?5`=H #575=6 %?H=R=?H=?7 #575=6
1. EauIo CILy
2. Aneles CILy
8. 0lonapo CILy
4. Lucena CILy
S. FuerLo FrIncesa
6. IloIlo CILy
7. Eacolod CILy
8. Cebu CILy
9. Mandaue CILy
10.Lapu-Lapu CILy
11.Tacloban CILy
12.Zamboana CILy
18.IlIan CILy
14.Caayan de 0ro
1S.Davao CILy
16.0en. BanLos CILy
17.EuLuan CILy
1. BanLIao CILy
2. Naa CILy
8. 0rmoc CILy
4. CoLabaLo CILy

In cILIes wLere LLere are more LLan one (1) 0IBces oI CILy ElecLIon 0IBcers (0CE0), LLe
FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor (FED) sLall ImmedIaLely desInaLe noL laLer LLan 0=<9A39:
+ZU PQ+W LLe 0CE0 wLIcL sLall receIve LLe applIcaLIons Lo avaIl oI LLe local absenLee
voLIn. Eor LLIs purpose, LLe FED concerned sLall submIL Lo LLe CommILLee on Local
AbsenLee VoLIn (CLAV), LLrouL LLe DIrecLor IV, ElecLoral ConLesLs and AdjudIcaLIon
DeparLmenL (ECAD), LLe lIsL oI desInaLed ECE0/s.
.=Ee ie -37= 3?H FD3E= 8B L875?Ce - Local absenLee voLers sLall voLe any day Irom )R95D
PZU PV 3?H WQU PQ+W Irom Z\QQ 8lED8E_ 5? 7O= I89?5?C A?75D X\QQ 8lED8E_ 5? 7O=
3B7=9?88? under LLe dIrecL supervIsIon and presence oI LLe MunIcIpal/CILy/DIsLrIcL E0
or LIs represenLaLIve, or LLe FEB or LIs represenLaLIve, or LLe FeIonal ElecLIon
DIrecLor (FED)-NCF or LIs represenLaLIve.
In case oI voLIn oI overnmenL oIBcIals and employees, members oI LLe AEF and FNF,
LLe Lead oI oIBce/supervIsor/commander sLall?87 D37=9 7O3? )R95D +XU
PQ+WU desInaLe, LLe place oI voLIn wLere LLe voLers sLall convere Lo voLe, wILL
wrILLen noLIce upon LLe MunIcIpal/CILy/DIsLrIcL E0 copy IurnIsLed LLe CLAV.
In case oI medIa voLers, voLIn sLall be aL LLe C0MELEC 0IBce wLere LLey Bled LLeIr
applIcaLIons Lo avaIl oI LLe local absenLee voLIn.
Eor purposes oI subsequenL elecLIons, local absenLee voLers sLall voLe noL earlIer LLan
BILeen (1S) days beIore LLe elecLIons nor laLer LLan Lwelve days (12) beIore elecLIons.
.!#e Xe F865758?6 78 <= G87=H B89e - Eor LLe May 18, 2018 ByncLronIzed NaLIonal, Local
and AFMM FeIonal ElecLIons, only LLe posILIons oI BenaLors and FarLy-LIsL
FepresenLaLIve sLall be voLed Ior under LLe local absenLee voLIn.
Eor subsequenL elecLIons, LLe posILIons wILL naLIonal consLILuencIes sLall be voLed Ior
under LLe local absenLee voLIn.
.!#e ge #8II577== 8? "8E3D )<6=?7== L875?Ce M TLere sLall be creaLed a CommILLee
on Local AbsenLee VoLIn ("CLAV") composed oI LLe IollowIn:
ie 1!2%.$1)$%&' &0 L&$!1.
F1&L%-%'2 0&1 ) 2!'!1)" 1!2%.$1)$%&' &0 L&$!1.U
)-&F$%'2 ) .K.$!J &0 #&'$%'/%'2 1!2%.$1)$%&'U
F1!.#1%N%'2 $4! F1&#!-/1!. $4!1!&0 )'-
)/$4&1%h%'2 $4! )FF1&F1%)$%&' &0 0/'-. $4!1!0&1
FromulaLed: + bA?= +VVg
.=E758? +e $57D=e - TLIs AcL sLall be known as TLe VoLer's FeIsLraLIon AcL oI 1996.
.=Ee Pe -=ED393758? 8B F8D5E:e - IL Is LLe polIcy oI LLe BLaLe Lo sysLemaLIze LLe presenL
meLLod oI reIsLraLIon In order Lo esLablIsL a clean, compleLe, permanenL and updaLed
lIsL oI voLers.
.=Ee We -=>?5758? 8B $=9I6e - As used In LLIs AcL:
a.FeIsLraLIon reIers Lo LLe acL oI accomplIsLIn and BlIn oI a sworn applIcaLIon
Ior reIsLraLIon by a qualIBed voLer beIore LLe elecLIon oIBcer oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy wLereIn Le resIdes and IncludIn LLe same In LLe book oI reIsLered
voLers upon approval by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard,
b.FeIsLraLIon Fecord reIers Lo an applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon duly approved by
LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard,
c.Eook oI VoLers reIers Lo LLe compIlaLIon oI all reIsLraLIon records In a precIncL,
d.LIsL oI VoLers reIers Lo an enumeraLIon oI names oI reIsLered voLers In a
precIncL duly cerLIBed by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard Ior use In LLe elecLIon,
e.IllILeraLe or DIsabled person reIers Lo one wLo cannoL by LImselI prepare an
applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon because oI LIs pLysIcal dIsabIlILy and/or InabIlILy Lo
read and wrILe,
I.CommIssIon reIers Lo LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC),
g.ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard reIers Lo LLe body consLILuLed LereIn Lo acL on all
applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon,
h.VoLer's IdenLIBcaLIon Number (VIN) reIers Lo LLe number assIned by LLe
CommIssIon on ElecLIons Lo a reIsLered voLer LLaL sLall consIsL oI LLree (8)
a. TLe currenL address (cILy/munIcIpalILy and provInce),
b. LLe currenL precIncL assInmenL oI LLe voLer, and
c. LLe permanenL bIrLL and name code unIque Lo every voLer,
i.FolILIcal FarLIes reIer Lo local, reIonal or naLIonal polILIcal parLIes exIsLIn and
duly reIsLered and accredILed by LLe CommIssIon,
j.FrecIncL reIers Lo LLe basIc unIL oI LerrILory esLablIsLed by LLe CommIssIon Ior
LLe purpose oI voLIn,
k.FrecIncL Maps reIers Lo a skeLcL or drawIn oI a eorapLIcal area sLaLed In
Lerms oI sLreeLs or sLreeL blocks or sILIos LLe resIdenLs oI wLIcL would belon Lo
a parLIcular precIncL,
l.FollIn place reIers Lo LLe place wLere LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors
conducLs ILs proceedIn and wLere LLe voLers casL LLeIr voLes,
m.VoLIn cenLer reIers Lo LLe buIldIn or place wLere LLe pollIn place Is locaLed,
n.ElecLIon 0IBcer reIers Lo LLe LILesL oIBcIal or auLLorIzed represenLaLIve oI LLe
CommIssIon In a cILy or munIcIpalILy, and
o.Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors reIers Lo LLe body wLIcL conducLs LLe elecLIon In
LLe pollIn place oI LLe precIncL usually composed oI LLree (8) publIc scLool
LeacLers appoInLed by LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee ie F=9I3?=?7 "567 8B L87=96 - TLere sLall be a permanenL lIsL oI voLers per
precIncL In eacL cILy or munIcIpalILy consIsLIn oI all reIsLered voLers resIdIn wILLIn
LLe LerrILorIal jurIsdIcLIon oI every precIncL IndIcaLed by LLe precIncL maps.
BucL precIncL-level lIsL oI voLers sLall be accompanIed by an addILIon/deleLIon lIsL Ior
LLe purpose oI updaLIn LLe lIsL.
Eor LLe purpose oI LLe 1997 eneral reIsLraLIon, LLe CommIssIon sLall cause LLe
preparaLIon and posLIn oI all precIncL maps In every baranay naLIonwIde. EIve days
beIore LLe 1997 eneral reIsLraLIon, IndIvIdual precIncL maps sLall be posLed aL LLe
door oI eacL pollIn place. BubsequenLly, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall be responsIble Ior
LLe dIsplay, LLrouLouL LLe year, oI precIncL maps In LIs oIBce and In LLe bulleLIn board
oI LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lall.
TLe precIncL assInmenL oI a voLer In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers sLall noL be cLaned
or alLered or LransIerred Lo anoLLer precIncL wILLouL LLe express wrILLen consenL oI
LLe voLer: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL LLe voLer sLall noL unreasonably wILLLold sucL
consenL. Any vIolaLIon LLereoI sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense wLIcL sLall be
punIsLed In accordance wILL law.
.=Ee Xe F9=E5?E76 3?H 7O=59 !673<D56OI=?7e - In preparaLIon Ior LLe eneral
reIsLraLIon In 1997, LLe CommIssIon sLall draw updaLed maps oI all LLe precIncLs
naLIonwIde. Upon compleLIon oI LLe new precIncL maps, all LLe precIncLs esLablIsLed In
LLe precedIn elecLIons sLall be deemed abolIsLed. Eor LLe purpose oI LLe eneral
reIsLraLIon, LLe CommIssIon sLall creaLe orIInal precIncLs only. BpIn-oII precIncL may
be creaLed aILer LLe reular elecLIons oI 1998 Lo accommodaLe addILIonal voLers
resIdIn wILLIn LLe LerrILorIal jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe orIInal precIncLs.
TLe CommIssIon sLall InLroduce a permanenL numberIn oI all precIncLs wLIcL sLall
be IndIcaLed by ArabIc numerals and a leLLer oI LLe EnlIsL alpLabeL. 0rIInal or
moLLer precIncLs sLall be IndIcaLed by LLe ArabIc numeral and leLLer A oI LLe EnlIsL
alpLabeL. BpIn-oII or dauLLer precIncLs sLall be IndIcaLed by LLe ArabIc numeral and
leLLer oI LLe EnlIsL alpLabeL sLarLIn wILL leLLer E and so on.
No LerrILory comprIsIn an elecLIon precIncL sLall be alLered or a new precIncL be
esLablIsLed aL LLe sLarL oI LLe elecLIon perIod.
BplILLIn oI an orIInal precIncL or merer oI Lwo or more orIInal precIncLs sLall noL be
allowed wILLouL redrawIn LLe precIncL map/s one Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore
elecLIon day.
.=Ee ge )993?C=I=?7 8B F9=E5?E76e - Every baranay sLall Lave aL leasL one (1)
precIncL. EacL precIncL, sLall Lave no more LLan Lwo Lundred (200) voLers and sLall
comprIse conLIuous and compacL LerrILorIes.
a.A precIncL sLall be allowed Lo Lave less LLan 200 reIsLered voLers under LLe
IollowIn condILIons:
a. As soon as LLe 200-lImIL Ior every precIncL Las been reacLed, a spIn-oII or
dauLLer precIncL sLall be creaLed auLomaLIcally by LLe CommIssIon Lo
accommodaLe voLers resIdIn wILLIn LLe LerrILorIal jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe
orIInal precIncL. TLereaILer, a separaLe lIsL oI new voLers sLall be
prepared by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer, and
b. An Island or roup oI Islands wILL less LLan Lwo Lundred (200) voLers
may comprIse one (1) orIInal precIncL.
b.Every case oI alLeraLIon oI precIncLs sLall be duly announced by posLIn a
noLIce LLereoI In a conspIcuous place In LLe precIncL, In LLe oIBce oI LLe elecLIon
oIBcer and In LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lall and by provIdIn polILIcal parLIes and
candIdaLes a lIsL oI all LLe precIncLs aL LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod, and
c.ConsolIdaLIon or merer oI aL mosL LLree (8) precIncLs may be allowed:
FrovIded, TLaL LLe compuLerIzed counLIn sLall be ImplemenLed: FrovIded,
IurLLer, TLaL LLe merer oI sucL precIncLs sLall be eIIecLed nIneLy (90) days
beIore elecLIon day.
.=Ee Ye 2=?=93D 1=C56793758? 8B L87=96e - ImmedIaLely aILer LLe baranay elecLIons In
1997, LLe exIsLIn cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers sLall cease Lo be eIIecLIve and operaLIve. Eor
purposed oI LLe May 1998 elecLIons and all elecLIons, plebIscILes, reIerenda, InILIaLIves,
and recalls subsequenL LLereLo, LLe CommIssIon sLall underLake a eneral reIsLraLIon
oI voLers beIore LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors on June 14, 1S, 21, and 22 and,
subjecL Lo LLe dIscreLIon oI LLe CommIssIon, on June 28 and 29, 1997 In accordance
.=Ee Ze .:67=I 8B #8?75?A5?C 1=C56793758? 8B L87=96e - TLe personal BlIn oI
applIcaLIon oI reIsLraLIon oI voLers sLall be conducLed daIly In LLe oIBce oI LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer durIn reular oIBce Lours. No reIsLraLIon sLall, Lowever, be conducLed durIn
LLe perIod sLarLIn one Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore a reular elecLIon and
nIneLy (90) days beIore a specIal elecLIon.
.=Ee Ve *O8 I3: 1=C567=9e - All cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes noL oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed
by law wLo are aL leasL eILLeen (18) years oI ae, and wLo sLall Lave resIded In LLe
FLIlIppInes Ior aL leasL one (1) year, and In LLe place wLereIn LLey propose Lo voLe, Ior
aL leasL sIx (6) monLLs ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon, may reIsLer as a voLer.
Any person wLo LemporarIly resIdes In anoLLer cILy, munIcIpalILy or counLry solely by
reason oI LIs occupaLIon, proIessIon, employmenL In prIvaLe or publIc servIce,
educaLIonal acLIvILIes, work In LLe mIlILary or naval reservaLIons wILLIn LLe
FLIlIppInes, servIce In LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes, LLe NaLIonal FolIce Eorces,
or conBnemenL or deLenLIon In overnmenL InsLILuLIons In accordance wILL law, sLall
noL be deemed Lo Lave losL LIs orIInal resIdence.
Any person, wLo, on LLe day oI reIsLraLIon may noL Lave reacLed LLe requIred ae or
perIod oI resIdence buL, wLo, on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon sLall possess sucL
qualIBcaLIons, may reIsLer as a voLer.
.=Ee +Qe 1=C56793758? 8B L87=96e - A qualIBed voLer sLall be reIsLered In LLe
permanenL lIsL oI voLers In a precIncL oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy wLereIn Le resIdes Lo
be able Lo voLe In any elecLIon. To reIsLer as a voLer, Le sLall personally accomplIsL an
applIcaLIon Iorm Ior reIsLraLIon as prescrIbed by LLe CommIssIon In LLree (8) copIes
beIore LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer on any daLe durIn oIBce Lours aILer LavIn acquIred LLe
qualIBcaLIons oI a voLer.
TLe applIcaLIon sLall conLaIn LLe IollowIn daLa:
a.Name, surname, mIddle name, and/or maLernal surname,
c.DaLe, and place oI bIrLL,
e.CIvIl sLaLus, II marrIed, name oI spouse,
I.FroIessIon, occupaLIon or work
.FerIods oI resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes and In LLe place oI reIsLraLIon,
L.ExacL address wILL LLe name oI LLe sLreeL and Louse number Ior locaLIon In
LLe precIncL maps maInLaIned by LLe local oIBce oI LLe CommIssIon, or In case
LLere Is none, a brIeI descrIpLIon oI LIs resIdence, sILIo, and baranay,
I.A sLaLemenL LLaL LLe applIcanL possesses all LLe qualIBcaLIons oI a voLer,
j.A sLaLemenL LLaL LLe applIcanL Is noL a reIsLered voLer oI any precIncL, and
k.BucL InIormaLIon or daLa as may be requIred by LLe CommIssIon.
TLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon sLall conLaIn LLree (8) specImen sInaLures oI LLe
applIcanL, clear and leIble rolled prInLs oI LIs leIL and rILL LLumbprInLs, wILL Iour (4)
IdenLIBcaLIon sIze copIes oI LIs laLesL pLoLorapL, aLLacLed LLereLo, Lo be Laken aL LLe
expense oI LLe CommIssIon.
EeIore LLe applIcanL accomplIsLes LIs applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
sLall InIorm LIm oI LLe qualIBcaLIons and dIsqualIBcaLIons prescrIbed by law Ior a
voLer, and LLereaILer, see Lo IL LLaL LLe accomplIsLed applIcaLIon conLaIns all LLe daLa
LLereIn requIred and LLaL LLe applIcanL's specImen sInaLures, BnerprInLs, and
pLoLorapLs are properly aIBxed In all copIes oI LLe voLer's applIcaLIon.
.=Ee ++e -56aA3D5>E3758?e - TLe IollowIn sLall be dIsqualIBed Irom reIsLerIn:
a.Any person wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer ImprIsonmenL
oI noL less LLan one (1) year, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn been removed by plenary
pardon or amnesLy: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL any person dIsqualIBed Lo voLe
under LLIs pararapL sLall auLomaLIcally reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe upon
expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI senLence,
b.Any person wLo Las been adjuded by Bnal judmenL by a compeLenL courL or
LrIbunal oI LavIn commILLed any crIme InvolvIn dIsloyalLy Lo LLe duly
consLILuLed overnmenL sucL as rebellIon, sedILIon, vIolaLIon oI LLe Brearms laws
or any crIme aaInsL naLIonal securILy, unless resLored Lo LIs Iull cIvIl and
polILIcal rILLs In accordance wILL law: FrovIded, TLaL Le sLall auLomaLIcally
reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI
senLence, and
c.Insane or IncompeLenL persons declared as sucL by compeLenL auLLorILy
unless subsequenLly declared by proper auLLorILy LLaL sucL person Is no loner
Insane or IncompeLenL.
.=Ee +Pe #O3?C= 8B 1=65H=?E= 78 )?87O=9 #57: 89 JA?5E5R3D57:e - Any reIsLered voLer
wLo Las LransIerred resIdence Lo anoLLer cILy or munIcIpalILy may apply wILL LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LIs new resIdence Ior LLe LransIer oI LIs reIsLraLIon records.
TLe applIcaLIon Ior LransIer oI reIsLraLIon sLall be subjecL Lo LLe requIremenLs oI
noLIce and LearIn and LLe approval oI LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard, In accordance
wILL LLIs AcL. Upon approval oI LLe applIcaLIon Ior LransIer, and aILer noLIce oI sucL
approval Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe Iormer resIdence oI LLe voLer, saId ElecLIon
0IBcer sLall LransmIL by reIsLered maIl LLe voLer's reIsLraLIon record Lo LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer oI LLe voLer's new resIdence.
.=Ee +We #O3?C= 8B )HH9=66 5? 7O= .3I= #57: 89 JA?5E5R3D57:e - Any voLer wLo Las
cLaned LIs address In LLe same cILy or munIcIpalILy sLall ImmedIaLely noLIIy LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer In wrILIn. II LLe cLane oI address Involves a cLane In precIncL, LLe
Eoard sLall LransIer LIs reIsLraLIon record Lo LLe precIncL book oI voLers oI LIs new
precIncL and noLIIy LLe voLer oI LIs new precIncL All cLanes oI address sLall be
reporLed Lo LLe oIBce oI LLe provIncIal elecLIon supervIsor and LLe CommIssIon In
.=Ee +ie %DD57=937= 89 -563<D=H )RRD5E3?76e - Any IllILeraLe person may reIsLer wILL
LLe assIsLance oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer or any member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arms.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall place sucL IllILeraLe person under oaLL, ask LIm LLe
quesLIons, and record LLe answers Iven In order Lo accomplIsL LLe applIcaLIon Iorm In
LLe presence oI LLe majorILy oI LLe members oI LLe Eoard. TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer or any
member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arm sLall read LLe accomplIsLed Iorm aloud Lo LLe
person assIsLed and ask LIm II LLe InIormaLIon Iven Is Lrue and correcL TLe
accomplIsLed Iorm sLall be subscrIbed by LLe applIcanL In LLe presence oI LLe Eoard by
means oI LLumbmark or some oLLer cusLomary mark and IL sLall be subscrIbed and
aLLesLed by LLe majorILy oI LLe members oI LLe Eoard.
TLe aLLesLaLIon sLall sLaLe LLe name oI LLe person assIsLed, LLe name oI LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer or LLe member oI LLe accredILed cILIzen's arm wLo assIsLed LLe applIcanL, LLe
IacL LLaL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer placed LLe applIcanL under oaLL, LLaL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
or LLe member oI LLe accredILed cILIzen's arm wLo assIsLed LLe applIcanL read LLe
accomplIsLed Iorm Lo LLe person assIsLed, and LLaL LLe person assIsLed aIBrmed ILs
LruLL and accuracy, by placIn LIs LLumbmark or some oLLer cusLomary mark on LLe
applIcaLIon In LLe presence oI LLe Eoard.
TLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon oI a pLysIcally dIsabled person may be prepared by
any relaLIve wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy or by LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer or any member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arm usIn LLe daLa supplIed
by LLe applIcanL. TLe IacL oI IllILeracy or dIsabIlILy sLall be so IndIcaLed In LLe
.=Ee +Xe !D=E758? 1=C56793758? N839He - TLere sLall be In eacL cILy and munIcIpalILy as
many as ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoards as LLere are elecLIon oIBcers LLereIn. In LLIckly
populaLed cILIes/munIcIpalILIes, LLe CommIssIon may appoInL addILIonal elecLIon
oIBcers Ior sucL duraLIon as may be necessary.
TLe Eoard sLall be composed oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer as cLaIrman and as members, LLe
publIc scLool oIBcIal mosL senIor In rank and LLe local cIvIl reIsLrar, or In LLIs
absence, LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lreasurer. In case oI dIsqualIBcaLIon oI LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer, LLe CommIssIon sLall desInaLe an acLIn ElecLIon 0IBcer wLo sLall serve as
CLaIrman oI LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard. In case oI dIsqualIBcaLIon or non-
avaIlabIlILy oI LLe Local FeIsLrar or LLe MunIcIpal Treasurer, LLe CommIssIon sLall
desInaLe any oLLer appoInLIve cIvIl servIce oIBcIal Irom LLe same localILy as
No member oI LLe Eoard sLall be relaLed Lo eacL oLLer or Lo any IncumbenL cILy or
munIcIpal elecLIve oIBcIal wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy. II
In succeedIn elecLIons, any oI LLe newly elecLed cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals Is relaLed Lo
a member oI LLe board wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy, sucL
member Is auLomaLIcally dIsqualIBed Lo preserve LLe InLerILy oI LLe ElecLIon
FeIsLraLIon Eoard.
Every reIsLered parLy and sucL oranIzaLIons as may be auLLorIzed by LLe
CommIssIon sLall be enLILled Lo a waLcLer In every reIsLraLIon board.
.=Ee +ge #8IR=?63758? 8B 7O= J=I<=96 8B 7O= N839He - EacL member oI LLe Eoard
sLall be enLILled Lo an LonorarIum Lo Two Hundred Fesos (F200.00) Ior eacL day oI
acLual servIce rendered In LLe Eoard, wLIcL amounL LLe CommIssIon may adjusL every
LLree (8) years LLereaILer. No member oI LLe Eoard sLall be enLILled Lo LravellIn
.=Ee +Ye '875E= 3?H 4=395?C 8B )RRD5E3758?6e - Upon receIpL oI applIcaLIons Ior
reIsLraLIon, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall seL LLem Ior LearIn, noLIce oI wLIcL sLall be
posLed In LLe cILy or munIcIpal bulleLIn board and In LIs oIBce Ior aL leasL one (1) week
beIore LLe LearIn, and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe applIcanL concerned, LLe Leads or
represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes, and oLLer accredILed roups or oranIzaLIons
wLIcL acLIvely parLIcIpaLe In LLe elecLoral process In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy. 0n LLe
daLe oI LLe LearIn, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall receIve sucL evIdence Ior or aaInsL LLe
A reIsLranL wLose applIcaLIon Is noL seasonably objecLed Lo sLall be noLIBed In wrILIn
sLaLIn LLereIn LLaL no objecLIon was raIsed aaInsL LIs applIcaLIon and LLaL Le need
noL appear on LLe daLe seL Ior LLe LearIn oI LIs applIcaLIon. FLysIcal presence oI LLe
applIcanL concerned sLall, Lowever, be mandaLory In all cases wLere objecLIons
aaInsL LIs applIcaLIon Lave been seasonably Bled wILL LLe proper ElecLIon
FeIsLraLIon Eoard Ior LIm Lo rebuL or reIuLe evIdence presenLed In opposILIon LLereLo.
All applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon sLall be Leard and processed on a quarLerly basIs. Eor
LLIs purpose, LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard sLall meeL and convene on LLe LLIrd
Monday oI AprIl, July, 0cLober, and January oI every calendar year, or on LLe nexL
IollowIn workIn day II LLe desInaLed days IaIl on a non-workIn LolIday, excepL In
an elecLIon year Lo conIorm wILL LLe one Lundred LwenLy (120) days proLIbILIve
perIod beIore elecLIon day. BLould one day be suIBcIenL Ior LLe processIn oI all
accepLed applIcaLIons, LLe Eoard sLall adjourn Irom day Lo day unLIl all LLe
applIcaLIons sLall Lave been processed.
.=Ee +Ze #O3DD=?C=6 78 15CO7 78 1=C567=9e - Any voLer, candIdaLe or represenLaLIve oI a
reIsLered polILIcal parLy may cLallene In wrILIn any applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon,
sLaLIn LLe rounds LLereIor. TLe cLallene sLall be under oaLL and be aLLacLed Lo LLe
applIcaLIon, LoeLLer wILL LLe prooI oI noLIce oI LearIn Lo LLe cLallener and LLe
0pposILIons Lo conLesL a reIsLranL's applIcaLIon Ior InclusIon In LLe voLer's lIsL musL, In
all cases, be Bled noL laLer LLan LLe second Monday oI LLe monLL In wLIcL LLe same Is
scLeduled Lo be Leard or processed by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard. BLould LLe
second Monday oI LLe monLL Iall on a non-workIn LolIday, opposILIons may be Bled on
LLe nexL IollowIn workIn day. TLe LearIn on LLe cLallene sLall be Leard on LLe
LLIrd Monday oI LLe monLL and LLe decIsIon sLall be rendered beIore LLe end oI LLe
.=Ee +Ve F8T=9 78 )HI5?567=9 &37O 3?H %66A= .AII8?6e - Eor purposes oI
deLermInIn LLe rILL oI LLe applIcanLs Lo be reIsLered as a voLer, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
sLall Lave LLe power Lo admInIsLer oaLL, Issue subpoena duces Lecum and swear In
wILnesses. TLe Iees and expenses IncIdenLal LLereLo sLall be paId In advance by LLe
parLy In wLose beLalI LLe summons Is Issued.
.=Ee PQe )RR98G3D 3?H -563RR98G3D 8B )RRD5E3758?e - TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall submIL
Lo LLe Eoard all applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon Bled, LoeLLer wILL LLe evIdence receIved
In connecLIon LLerewILL. TLe Eoard sLall, by majorILy voLe, approve or dIsapprove LLe
Upon approval, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall assIn a voLers IdenLIBcaLIon number and
Issue LLe correspondIn IdenLIBcaLIon card Lo LLe reIsLered voLer. II LLe Eoard
dIsapproves LLe applIcaLIon, LLe applIcanL sLall be IurnIsLed wILL a cerLIBcaLe oI
dIsapproval sLaLIn LLe round LLereIor. In cases oI approval or dIsapproval, any
arIeved parLy may Ble a peLILIon Ior exclusIon or InclusIon, as LLe case may be, wILL
LLe proper MunIcIpal or MeLropolILan TrIal CourL as provIded Ior In LLIs AcL.
.=Ee P+e FA<D5E3758? 8B )E758? 8? )RRD5E3758? B89 1=C56793758?e - WILLIn Bve (S) days
Irom approval or dIsapproval oI applIcaLIon, LLe Eoard sLall posL a noLIce In LLe
bulleLIn board oI LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lall and In LLe oIBce oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer,
sLaLIn LLe name and address oI LLe applIcanL, LLe daLe oI LLe applIcaLIon, and LLe
acLIon Laken LLereon. TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall IurnIsL a copy oI sucL noLIce
personally, or by reIsLered maIl or specIal delIvery Lo LLe applIcanL and Leads or
represenLaLIves oI reIsLered polILIcal parLIes In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy.
.=Ee PPe F9=6=9G3758? 8B L87=9j6 1=C56793758? 1=E89H6e - TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall
compIle LLe orIInal copIes oI LLe approved applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon per precIncL
and arrane LLe same alpLabeLIcally accordIn Lo surname. He sLall preserve LLe book
oI voLers and ensure ILs InLerILy. TLe second and LLIrd copIes oI LLe reIsLraLIon
records sLall be senL Lo LLe provIncIal and naLIonal cenLral Bles wILLIn LLree (8) days
aILer LLe approval oI LLe Eoard.
.=Ee PWe F98G5?E53D 05D=e - TLere sLall be a provIncIal Ble consIsLIn oI LLe duplIcaLe
copIes oI all reIsLraLIon records In eacL precIncL oI every cILy and munIcIpalILy In LLe
provInce. IL sLall be In LLe cusLody oI LLe FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsor and sLall be
compIled and arraned by precIncL, by munIcIpalILy and alpLabeLIcally by surnames oI
BLould LLe book oI voLers In LLe cusLody oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer be losL or desLroyed aL a
LIme so close Lo elecLIon day LLaL LLere Is no LIme Lo reconsLILuLe LLe same, LLe
correspondIn book oI voLers In LLe provIncIal Ble sLall be used durIn LLe voLIn.
.=Ee Pie '3758?3D #=?793D 05D=e - TLere sLall be a naLIonal cenLral Ble under LLe
cusLody oI LLe CommIssIon In ManIla consIsLIn oI LLe LLIrd copIes oI all approved
voLer reIsLraLIon records In eacL cILy or munIcIpalILy. IL sLall be compIled by precIncL
In eacL cILy/munIcIpalILy and arraned alpLabeLIcally by surname so as Lo make LLe
Ble a replIca oI LLe book oI voLers In LLe possessIon oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer. TLereaILer a
naLIonal lIsL sLall be prepared IollowIn LLe alpLabeLIcal arranemenLs oI surnames oI
TLere sLall be a naLIonal Ble consIsLIn oI LLe compuLerIzed voLers' lIsL (CVL), boLL In
prInL and In dIskeLLe, submILLed by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcers In eacL cILy and munIcIpalILy
concerned, under LLe cusLody oI LLe CommIssIon In ManIla.
TLe compuLerIzed voLers' lIsL sLall make use oI a sInle and unIIorm compuLer
proram LLaL wIll Lave a deLaIled sorLIn capabIlILy Lo lIsL voLers alpLabeLIcally by LLe
precIncLs wLere LLey voLe, by LLe baranays, munIcIpalILIes, cILIes or provInces wLere
LLey resIde and by LLeIr voLers IdenLIBcaLIon number (VIN).
.=Ee PXe L87=9j6 %H=?75>E3758? #39He - TLe voLers IdenLIBcaLIon card Issued Lo LLe
reIsLered voLer sLall serve as a documenL Ior LIs IdenLIBcaLIon. In case oI loss or
desLrucLIon, no copy LLereoI may be Issued excepL Lo LLe reIsLered voLer LImselI and
only upon LLe auLLorILy oI LLe CommIssIon.
TLe CommIssIon sLall adopL a desIn Ior LLe voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon card wLIcL sLall be,
as mucL as possIble, Lamper prooI. IL sLall provIde LLe IollowIn: LLe name and address
oI LLe voLer, LIs daLe oI bIrLL, sex, pLoLorapL, LLumbmark, and LLe number oI
precIncL wLere Le Is reIsLered, LLe sInaLure oI LLe voLer and LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard and LLe voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon number (VIN).
.=Ee Pge L87=9j6 %H=?75>E3758? 'AI<=9 SL%',e - TLe CommIssIon sLall assIn every
reIsLered voLer a voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon number (V1N) consIsLIn oI LLree parLs, eacL
separaLed by a dasL. Eor example: 7S01-00191-C14SECD.
a.FarL 1: CurrenL Address oI LLe VoLer
a. TLe BrsL Lwo dIILs 7S sLand Ior LLe provInce, and
b. TLe lasL Lwo dIILs, 01, sLand Ior LLe cILy, munIcIpalILy, or a dIsLrIcL,
parLIcularly In ManIla.
TLe code assInmenL Ior provInces, cILIes and munIcIpalILIes sLall Iollow LLe
Urban Code devIsed by LLe NaLIonal Census and BLaLIsLIcs 0IBce (NCB0).
b.FarL II: CurrenL FrecIncL AssInmenL oI LLe VoLer
a. TLe BrsL Iour dIILs, 0019, sLand Ior LLe permanenL number oI LLe precIncL
wLere LLe voLer Is currenLly assIned: and
b. TLe leLLer IndIcaLes wLeLLer IL Is a moLLer or a dauLLer precIncL.
TLe number assIned Lo LLe precIncL In every cILy or munIcIpalILy sLall be
permanenL buL LLe voLer may LransIer LIs precIncL number. TLe VIN reBecLs LLe
currenL precIncL assInmenL oI LLe voLer.
c.FarL III: FermanenL EIrLL and Name Code UnIque Lo LLe VoLer
a. TLe leLLer, C, sLands Ior LLe monLL, I.e., A Ior January, E Ior Eebruary, and
so IorLL,
b. TLe nexL Lwo dIILs, 14, sLand Ior LLe daLe oI bIrLL,
c. TLe nexL Lwo dIILs, S1, sLand Ior LLe year oI bIrLL, and
d. TLe lasL LLree leLLers, ECD, sLand Ior LLe name code, I.e., EayanI Cruz
TLe lasL LLree leLLers sLall sLand Ior LLe BrsL leLLer oI LLe BrsL name, LLe mIddle
name, and LLe lasL name In LLaL order.
TLe CommIssIon sLall ensure LLaL FarL III LereoI oI LLe voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon
number (VIN) sLall be permanenL and unIque Lo eacL voLer. II necessary, LLe
CommIssIon may expand and modIIy LLe same.
d.TLe combIned bIrLL and name code Is assIned durIn LLe lIIeLIme oI every
voLer. Upon LransIer oI LLe voLer Lo anoLLer precIncL, LLe BrsL Lwo parLs oI LLe
VIN sLall cLane.
.=Ee PYe -=3E75G3758? 8B 1=C56793758?e - TLe board sLall deacLIvaLe LLe reIsLraLIon
and remove LLe reIsLraLIon records oI LLe IollowIn persons Irom LLe correspondIn
precIncL book oI voLers and place LLe same, properly marked and daLed In IndelIble
Ink, In LLe InacLIve Ble aILer enLerIn LLe cause or causes oI deacLIvaLIon:
a.Any person wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer ImprIsonmenL
Ior noL less LLan one (1) year, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn been removed by
plenary pardon or amnesLy: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL any person dIsqualIBed Lo
voLe under LLIs pararapL sLall auLomaLIcally reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe upon
expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI senLence as cerLIBed by LLe clerks oI
courLs oI LLe MunIcIpal/MunIcIpal CIrcuIL/MeLropolILan/FeIonal TrIal CourLs
and LLe BandIanbayan,
b.Any person wLo Las been adjuded by Bnal judmenL by a compeLenL courL or
LrIbunal oI LavIn caused/commILLed any crIme InvolvIn dIsloyalLy Lo LLe duly
consLILuLed overnmenL sucL as rebellIon, sedILIon, vIolaLIon oI LLe anLI-
subversIon and Brearms laws, or any crIme aaInsL naLIonal securILy, unless
resLored Lo LIs Iull cIvIl and polILIcal rILLs In accordance wILL law, FrovIded,
TLaL Le sLall reaIn LIs rILL Lo voLe auLomaLIcally upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S)
years aILer servIce oI senLence,
c.Any person declared by compeLenL auLLorILy Lo be Insane or IncompeLenL
unless sucL dIsqualIBcaLIon Las been subsequenLly removed by a declaraLIon oI a
proper auLLorILy LLaL sucL person Is no loner Insane or IncompeLenL,
d.Any person wLo dId noL voLe In LLe Lwo (2) successIve precedIn reular
elecLIons as sLown by LLeIr voLIn records. Eor LLIs purpose, reular elecLIons do
noL Include LLe BanunIan KabaLaan (BK) elecLIons,
e.Any person wLose reIsLraLIon Las been ordered excluded by LLe CourL, and
I.Any person wLo Las losL LIs EIlIpIno cILIzensLIp.
Eor LLIs purpose, LLe clerks oI courL Ior LLe MunIcIpal/MunIcIpal
CIrcuIL/MeLropolILan/FeIonal TrIal CourLs and LLe BandIanbayan sLall IurnIsL LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy concerned aL LLe end oI eacL monLL a
cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo are dIsqualIBed under pararapL (a) LereoI, wILL LLeIr
addresses. TLe CommIssIon may requesL a cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo Lave losL LLeIr
EIlIpIno CILIzensLIp or declared as Insane or IncompeLenL wILL LLeIr addresses Irom
oLLer overnmenL aencIes.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall posL In LLe bulleLIn board oI LIs oIBce a cerLIBed lIsL oI LLose
persons wLose reIsLraLIon were deacLIvaLed and LLe reasons LLereIor, and IurnIsL
copIes LLereoI Lo LLe local Leads oI polILIcal parLIes, LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble, provIncIal
Ble, and LLe voLer concerned.
.=Ee PZe 1=3E75G3758? 8B 1=C56793758?e - Any voLer wLose reIsLraLIon Las been
deacLIvaLed pursuanL Lo LLe precedIn BecLIon may Ble wILL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer a
sworn applIcaLIon Ior reacLIvaLIon oI LIs reIsLraLIon In LLe Iorm oI an aIBdavIL sLaLIn
LLaL LLe rounds Ior LLe deacLIvaLIon no loner exIsL any LIme buL noL laLer LLan one
Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore a reular elecLIon and nIneLy (90) days beIore a
specIal elecLIon.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall submIL saId applIcaLIon Lo LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard Ior
approprIaLe acLIon.
In case LLe applIcaLIon Is approved, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall reLrIeve LLe reIsLraLIon
record Irom LLe InacLIve Ble and Include LLe same In LLe correspondIn precIncL book
oI voLers. Local Leads or represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes sLall be properly noLIBed
on approved applIcaLIons.
.=Ee PVe #3?E=DD3758? 8B 1=C56793758?e - TLe Eoard sLall cancel LLe reIsLraLIon
records oI LLose wLo Lave dIed as cerLIBed by LLe Local CIvIl FeIsLrar. TLe Local CIvIl
FeIsLrar sLall submIL eacL monLL a cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo dIed durIn LLe
prevIous monLL Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe place wLere LLe deceased are reIsLered.
In LLe absence oI InIormaLIon concernIn LLe place wLere LLe deceased Is reIsLered,
LLe lIsL sLall be senL Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy oI LLe deceased's
resIdence as appearIn In LIs deaLL cerLIBcaLe. In any case, LLe Local CIvIl FeIsLrar
sLall IurnIsL a copy oI LLIs lIsL Lo LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble and LLe proper provIncIal Ble.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall posL In LLe bulleLIn board oI LIs oIBce a lIsL oI LLose persons
wLo dIed wLose reIsLraLIons were cancelled, and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe local
Leads oI LLe polILIcal parLIes, LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble, and LLe provIncIal Ble.
.=Ee WQe F9=R393758? 3?H F8675?C 8B 7O= #=975>=H "567 8B L87=96e - TLe Eoard sLall
prepare and posL cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers nIneLy (90) days beIore a reular elecLIon and
sIxLy (60) days beIore a specIal elecLIon and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe provIncIal,
reIonal and naLIonal cenLral Bles. CopIes oI LLe cerLIBed lIsL, alon wILL a cerLIBed lIsL
oI deacLIvaLed voLers caLeorIzed by precIncL per baranay, wILLIn LLe same perIod
sLall lIkewIse be posLed In LLe oIBce oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer and In LLe bulleLIn board oI
eacL cILy/munIcIpal Lall. Upon paymenL oI LLe Iees as Bxed by LLe CommIssIon, LLe
candIdaLes and Leads oI reIsLered polILIcal parLIes sLall also be IurnIsLed copIes
TLe Eoard sLall also IurnIsL Lwo (2) cerLIBed copIes Ior saId cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers,
alon wILL a cerLIBed lIsL oI deacLIvaLed voLers Lo LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors Ior
posLIn In LLe pollIn place and Ior LLeIr reIerence on elecLIon day.
.=Ee W+e .=3D5?C 8B F9=E5?E7 N88_ 8B L87=96e - TLe Eoard sLall noLIIy wILLIn BILeen
(1S) days beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod oI all reIsLered polILIcal parLIes and
members oI LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors Lo InspecL and verIIy LLe compleLeness oI
LLe voLer's reIsLraLIon records Ior eacL precIncL compIled In LLe book oI voLers.
AILer verIBcaLIon and cerLIBcaLIon by LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors and parLy
represenLaLIves as Lo LLe compleLeness oI LLe voLers' reIsLraLIon records In LLe
precIncL book oI voLers, LLe Eoard sLall seal LLe book oI voLers In LLe presence oI LLe
Iormer aL LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod and Lake cusLody oI LLe same unLIl LLeIr
dIsLrIbuLIon Lo LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors on elecLIon day. TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
sLall delIver LLe sealed precIncL book oI voLers Lo LLe cLaIrman oI LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon
InspecLors wLen LLe laLLer secures ILs oIBcIal balloLs and oLLer parapLernalIa Ior
elecLIon day.
.=Ee WPe #8II8? 1AD=6 28G=9?5?C bAH5E53D F98E==H5?C6 5? 7O= J377=9 8B %?EDA658?U
!]EDA658?U 3?H #899=E758? 8B '3I=6 8B L87=96e -
a.FeLILIon Ior InclusIon, exclusIon or correcLIon oI names oI voLers sLall be Bled
durIn oIBce Lours,
b.NoLIce oI LLe place, daLe and LIme oI LLe LearIn oI LLe peLILIon sLall be served
upon LLe members oI LLe Eoard and LLe cLallened voLer upon BlIn oI LLe
peLILIon. BervIce oI sucL noLIce may be made by sendIn a copy LLereoI by
personal delIvery, by leavIn IL In LLe possessIon oI a person oI suIBcIenL
dIscreLIon In LLe resIdence oI LLe cLallened voLer, or by reIsLered maIl. BLould
LLe IoreoIn procedures noL be pracLIcable, LLe noLIce sLall be posLed In LLe
bulleLIn board oI LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lall and In Lwo (2) oLLer conspIcuous
places wILLIn LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy,
c.A peLILIon sLall reIer only Lo one (1) precIncL and Implead LLe Eoard as
d.No cosLs sLall be assessed aaInsL any parLy In LLese proceedIns. However, II
LLe courL sLould Bnd LLaL LLe applIcaLIon Las been Bled solely Lo Larass LLe
adverse parLy and cause LIm Lo Incur expenses, IL sLall order LLe culpable parLy
Lo pay LLe cosLs and IncIdenLal expenses,
e.Any voLer, candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy wLo may be aIIecLed by LLe proceedIns
may InLervene and presenL LIs evIdence,
I.TLe decIsIon sLall be based on LLe evIdence presenLed and In no case rendered
upon a sLIpulaLIon oI IacLs. II LLe quesLIon Is wLeLLer or noL LLe voLer Is real or
BcLILIous, LIs non-appearance on LLe day seL Ior LearIn sLall be prIma IacIe
evIdence LLaL LLe cLallened voLer Is BcLILIous, and
.TLe peLILIon sLall be Leard and decIded wILLIn Len (10) days Irom LLe daLe oI
ILs BlIn. Cases appealed Lo LLe FeIonal TrIal CourL sLall be decIded wILLIn Len
(10) days Irom receIpL oI LLe appeal. In all cases, LLe courL sLall decIde LLese
peLILIons noL laLer LLan BILeen (1S) days beIore LLe elecLIon and LLe decIsIon
sLall become Bnal and execuLory.
.=Ee WWe bA956H5E758? 5? %?EDA658? 3?H !]EDA658? #36=e TLe MunIcIpal and
MeLropolILan TrIal CourLs sLall Lave orIInal and exclusIve jurIsdIcLIon over all cases
oI InclusIon and exclusIon oI voLers In LLeIr respecLIve cILIes or munIcIpalILIes.
DecIsIons oI LLe MunIcIpal or MeLropolILan TrIal CourLs may be appealed by LLe
arIeved parLy Lo LLe FeIonal TrIal CourL wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom receIpL oI noLIce
LLereoI. 0LLerwIse, saId decIsIon sLall become Bnal and execuLory. TLe reIonal LrIal
courL sLall decIde LLe appeal wILLIn Len (10) days Irom LLe LIme IL Is receIved and LLe
decIsIon sLall ImmedIaLely become Bnal and execuLory. No moLIon Ior reconsIderaLIon
sLall be enLerLaIned.
.=Ee Wie F=75758? B89 %?EDA658? 8B L87=96 5? 7O= "567e - Any person wLose applIcaLIon
Ior reIsLraLIon Las been dIsapproved by LLe Eoard or wLose name Las been sLrIcken
ouL Irom LLe lIsL may Ble wILL LLe courL a peLILIon Lo Include LIs name In LLe
permanenL lIsL oI voLers In LIs precIncL aL any LIme excepL one Lundred Bve (10S) days
prIor Lo a reular elecLIon or sevenLy-Bve (7S) days prIor Lo a specIal elecLIon. IL sLall
be supporLed by a cerLIBcaLe oI dIsapproval oI LIs applIcaLIon and prooI oI servIce oI
noLIce oI LIs peLILIon upon LLe Eoard. TLe peLILIon sLall be decIded wILLIn BILeen (1S)
days aILer ILs BlIn.
II LLe decIsIon Is Ior LLe InclusIon oI voLers In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers, LLe Eoard
sLall place LLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon prevIously dIsapproved In LLe
correspondIn book oI voLers and IndIcaLe In LLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon LLe daLe
oI LLe order oI InclusIon and LLe courL wLIcL Issued LLe same.
.=Ee WXe F=75758? B89 !]EDA658? 8B L87=96 B98I 7O= "567e - Any reIsLered voLers,
represenLaLIve oI a polILIcal parLy or LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer, may Ble wILL LLe courL a
sworn peLILIon Ior LLe exclusIon oI a voLer Irom LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers IvIn LLe
name, address and LLe precIncL oI LLe cLallened voLer aL any LIme excepL one
Lundred (100) days prIor Lo a reular elecLIon or sIxLy-Bve (6S) days beIore a specIal
elecLIon. TLe peLILIon sLall be accompanIed by prooI oI noLIce Lo LLe Eoard and Lo LLe
cLallened voLer and sLall be decIded wILLIn Len (10) days Irom ILs BlIn.
II LLe decIsIon Is Ior LLe exclusIon oI LLe voLer Irom LLe lIsL, LLe Eoard sLall, upon
receIpL oI LLe Bnal decIsIon, remove LLe voLer's reIsLraLIon record Irom LLe
correspondIn book oI voLers, enLer LLe order oI exclusIon LLereIn, and LLereaILer
place LLe record In LLe InacLIve Ble.
.=Ee Wge L=95>E3758? 8B 1=C567=9=H L87=96e - TLe ElecLIon oIBcer sLall, In order Lo
preserve LLe InLerILy oI LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers, Ble exclusIon proceedIns wLen
necessary, and verIIy LLe lIsL oI LLe reIsLered voLers oI any precIncL by reular maIl or
Louse Lo Louse canvass.
TLe CommIssIon may enlIsL LLe Lelp oI represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes and
depuLIze non-overnmenL oranIzaLIons (N00s), cIvIc oranIzaLIons and baranay
oIBcIals Lo assIsL In LLe verIBcaLIon and Louse Lo Louse canvass oI reIsLered voLers In
every precIncL.
.=Ee WYe L87=9 !]EDAH=H $O98ACO %?3HG=97=?E= 89 1=C567=9=H T57O 3? !998?=8A6 89
J566R=DD=H '3I=e - Any reIsLered voLer wLo Las noL been Included In LLe precIncL
cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers or wLo Las been Included LLereIn wILL a wron or mIsspelled
name may Ble wILL LLe Eoard an applIcaLIon Ior reInsLaLemenL or correcLIon oI name.
II IL Is denIed or noL acLed upon, Le may Ble on any daLe wILL LLe proper MunIcIpal
CIrcuIL, MunIcIpal or MeLropolILan TrIal CourL a peLILIon Ior an order dIrecLIn LLaL LIs
name be enLered or correcLed In LLe lIsL. He sLall aLLacL Lo LLe peLILIon a cerLIBed copy
oI LIs reIsLraLIon record or IdenLIBcaLIon card or LLe enLry oI LIs name In LLe cerLIBed
lIsL oI voLers used In LLe precedIn elecLIon, LoeLLer wILL LLe prooI LLaL LIs
applIcaLIon was denIed or noL acLed upon by LLe Eoard and LLaL Le Las served noLIce Lo
LLe Eoard.
.=Ee WZe L87=96 !]EDAH=H $O98ACO %?3HG=97=?E= 89 1=C567=9=H T57O 3? !998?=8A6
89 J56R=DD=H '3I=e - Any reIsLered voLer wLose reIsLraLIon record Las noL been
Included In LLe precIncL book oI voLers, or wLose name Las been omILLed In LLe lIsL oI
voLers or wLo Las been Included LLereIn wILL a wron or mIspelled name may Ble wILL
LLe Eoard an applIcaLIon Ior InclusIon oI LIs record, or reInsLaLemenL or correcLIon oI
LIs name as LLe case may be. II IL Is denIed or noL acLed upon, LLe voLer may Ble on any
daLe wILL LLe proper MunIcIpal or MeLropolILan TrIal CourL a peLILIon Ior an order
dIrecLIn LLaL LLe voLer's name be enLered or correcLed In LLe lIsL. TLe voLers sLall
aLLacL Lo LLe peLILIon a cerLIBed Lrue copy oI LIs reIsLraLIon record or IdenLIBcaLIon
card or LLe enLry oI LIs name In LLe lIsL oI voLers used In LLe precedIn elecLIon,
LoeLLer wILL prooI LLaL LIs applIcaLIon was denIed or noL acLed upon by LLe Eoard and
LLaL Le Las served noLIce LLereoI Lo LLe Eoard.
.=Ee WVe )??ADI=?7 37 N88_ 8B L87=96e - TLe CommIssIon sLall, upon verIBed peLILIon
oI any voLer or elecLIon oIBcer or duly reIsLered polILIcal parLy, and aILer noLIce and
LearIn, annul any book oI voLers LLaL Is noL prepared In accordance wILL LLe
provIsIons oI LLIs AcL or was prepared LLrouL Iraud, brIbery, Iorery, ImpersonaLIon,
InLImIdaLIon, Iorce or any sImIlar IrreularILy, or wLIcL conLaIns daLa LLaL are
sLaLIsLIcally Improbable. No order, rulIn or decIsIon annullIn a book oI voLers sLall be
execuLed wILLIn nIneLy (90) days beIore an elecLIon.
.=Ee iQe 1=E8?6757A758? 8B "867 89 -=6798:=H 1=C56793758? 1=E89H6e - TLe
CommIssIon sLall reconsLILuLe all reIsLraLIon records wLIcL Lave been losL or
desLroyed by usIn LLe correspondIn copIes oI LLe provIncIal or naLIonal cenLral Bles.
In case oI conBIcL LLe CommIssIon sLall deLermIne wLIcL Ble sLall be used Ior
reconsLILuLIon purposes. II LLIs Is noL IeasIble, LLe CommIssIon sLall conducL a eneral
reIsLraLIon oI voLers In LLe aIIecLed area: FrovIded, TLaL LLere Is a scLeduled elecLIon
beIore LLe nexL scLeduled eneral reIsLraLIon oI voLers In accordance wILL LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code. All sucL voLers sLall reLaIn LLeIr voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon number.
FeconsLILuLed Iorms sLall be clearly marked wILL LLe word reconsLILuLed.
IL sLall be LLe duLy oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer Lo ImmedIaLely reporL Lo LLe CommIssIon any
case oI loss or desLrucLIon oI reIsLraLIon record In LIs cusLody.
TLe reconsLILuLIon oI any losL or desLroyed reIsLraLIon records sLall noL aIIecL LLe
crImInal lIabIlILy oI any person wLo Is responsIble Ior sucL loss or desLrucLIon.
.=Ee i+e !]3I5?3758? 8B 1=C56793758? 1=E89H6e - All reIsLraLIon
records/compuLerIzed voLers lIsL In LLe possessIon oI LLe ElecLIon oIBcer, LLe
FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsor, and LLe CommIssIon In ManIla sLall, durIn reular
oIBce Lours, be open Lo examInaLIon by LLe publIc Ior leILImaLe InquIrIes on elecLIon
relaLed maLLers, Iree Irom any cLare or access Iee.
Law enIorcemenL aencIes may, upon prIor auLLorIzaLIon and subjecL Lo reulaLIons
promulaLed by LLe CommIssIon, Lave access Lo saId reIsLraLIon records sLould LLe
same be necessary Lo and In aId oI LLeIr InvesLIaLIve IuncLIons and duLIes.
.=Ee iPe 15CO7 78 %?B89I3758?e - TLe duly auLLorIzed represenLaLIve oI a reIsLered
polILIcal parLy or oI a bonaBde candIdaLe sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo InspecL and/or copy aL
LLeIr expense LLe accounLable reIsLraLIon Iorms and/or LLe lIsL oI reIsLered voLers In
LLe precIncLs consLILuLIn LLe consLILuency oI LLe bonaBde candIdaLe or aL wLIcL LLe
polILIcal parLy Is BeldIn candIdaLes. TLe InspecLIon and copyIn sLall be conducLed
durIn busIness Lours oI LLe CommIssIon and sLall be subjecL Lo reasonable
.=Ee iWe #8IRA7=95`3758? 8B F=9I3?=?7 "567 8B L87=96e - A permanenL and
compuLerIzed lIsL arraned by precIncL, cILy or munIcIpalILy, provInce and reIon sLall
be prepared by LLe CommIssIon. TLereaILer, anoLLer lIsL sLall be prepared consIsLIn
oI LLe names oI LLe voLers, arraned alpLabeLIcally accordIn Lo surnames.
TLe compuLer prInL-ouLs oI LLe lIsL oI voLers duly cerLIBed by LLe Eoard are oIBcIal
documenLs and sLall be used Ior voLIn and oLLer elecLIon relaLed purposes as well as
Ior leILImaLe researcL needs.
TLe LoLal number oI voLers In LLe permanenL lIsL sLall be LLe basIs Ior LLe prInLIn oI
LLe oIBcIal balloLs by LLe CommIssIon.
.=Ee iie 1=3665C?I=?7 8B !D=E758? &B>E=96e - No ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall Lold oIBce In a
parLIcular cILy or munIcIpalILy Ior more LLan Iour (4) years. Any elecLIon oIBcer wLo,
eILLer aL LLe LIme oI LLe approval oI LLIs AcL or subsequenL LLereLo, Las served Ior aL
leasL Iour (4) years In a parLIcular cILy or munIcIpalILy sLall auLomaLIcally be
reassIned by LLe CommIssIon Lo a new sLaLIon ouLsIde LLe orIInal conressIonal
.=Ee iXe !D=E758? &BB=?6=6e - TLe IollowIn sLall be consIdered elecLIon oIIenses under
a.Lo delIver, Land over, enLrusL or Ive, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, LIs voLer's
IdenLIBcaLIon card Lo anoLLer In consIderaLIon oI money or oLLer beneBL oI
promIse, or Lake or accepL sucL voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon card, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly,
by IvIn or causIn LLe IvIn or money or oLLer beneBL or makIn or causIn
LLe makIn oI a promIse LLereIore,
b.Lo IaIl, wILLouL cause, Lo posL or Ive any oI LLe noLIces or Lo make any oI LLe
reporLs re-acquIred under LLIs AcL,
c.Lo Issue or cause LLe Issuance oI a voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon number or Lo cancel or
cause LLe cancellaLIon LLereoI In vIolaLIon oI LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL, or Lo
reIuse LLe Issuance oI reIsLered voLers LLeIr voLer's IdenLIBcaLIon card,
d.Lo accepL an appoInLmenL, Lo assume oIBce and Lo acLually serve as a member
oI LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard alLLouL InelIIble LLereLo, Lo appoInL sucL
InelIIble person knowIn LIm Lo be InelIIble,
e.Lo InLerIere wILL, Impede, abscond Ior purpose oI aIn or Lo prevenL LLe
InsLallaLIon or use oI compuLers and devIces and LLe processIn, sLorae,
eneraLIon, and LransmIssIon oI reIsLraLIon daLa or InIormaLIon,
I.Lo aIn, cause access Lo use, alLer, desLroy, or dIsclose any compuLer daLa,
proram, sysLem soILware, neLwork, or any compuLer-relaLed devIces, IacIlILIes,
Lardware or equIpmenL, wLeLLer classIBed or declassIBed,
.IaIlure Lo provIde cerLIBed voLers and deacLIvaLed voLers lIsL Lo candIdaLes and
Leads oI represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes upon wrILLen requesL as provIded In
BecLIon 80 LereoI,
L.IaIlure Lo Include LLe approved applIcaLIon Iorm Ior reIsLraLIon oI a qualIBed
voLer In LLe book oI voLers oI a parLIcular precIncL or LLe omIssIon oI LLe name oI
a duly reIsLered voLer In LLe cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers oI LLe precIncL wLere Le Is
duly, reIsLered resulLIn In LIs IaIlure Lo casL LIs voLe durIn an elecLIon,
plebIscILe, reIerendum, InILIaLIve and/or recall. TLe presence oI LLe Iorm or
name In LLe book oI voLers or cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers In precIncLs oLLer LLan
wLere Le Is duly reIsLered sLall noL be an excuse LereoI,
I.LLe posLIn oI a lIsL oI voLers ouLsIde or aL LLe door oI a precIncL on LLe day oI
an elecLIon, plebIscILe, reIerendum, InILIaLIve and/or recall, and wLIcL lIsL Is
dIIIerenL In conLenLs Irom LLe cerLIBed lIsL oI voLers beIn used by LLe Eoard oI
ElecLIon InspecLors, and
j.VIolaLIon oI LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL.
.=Ee ige F=?3D75=6e - Any person Iound uIlLy oI any ElecLIon oIIense under LLIs AcL
sLall be punIsLed wILL ImprIsonmenL oI noL less LLan one (1) year buL noL more LLan
sIx (6) years and sLall noL be subjecL Lo probaLIon. In addILIon, LLe uIlLy parLy sLall be
senLenced Lo suIIer dIsqualIBcaLIon Lo Lold publIc oIBce and deprIvaLIon oI LLe rILL oI
suIIrae. II Le Is a IoreIner, Le sLall be deporLed aILer LLe prIson Lerm Las been
served. Any polILIcal parLy Iound uIlLy sLall be senLenced Lo pay a Bne oI noL less LLan
0ne Lundred LLousand pesos (F100,000) buL noL more LLan EIve Lundred LLousand
pesos (FS00,000).
.=Ee iYe 0A?H5?Ce - TLe amounL oI Two bIllIon pesos (2,000,000,000) Is Lereby
Included In LLe 0eneral ApproprIaLIons AcL Ior LLe Bscal year 1997 Lo deIray LLe
expenses Ior LLe reIsLraLIon acLIvILIes.
.=Ee iZe JAD75MR397563? J8?57895?C 3?H !G3DA3758? #8II577==e - A MonILorIn and
EvaluaLIon CommILLee Is Lereby creaLed composed oI seven (7) members Lo be based
on parLy represenLaLIon oI LLe seven (7) major polILIcal parLIes LLaL Belded
presIdenLIal candIdaLes In LLe 1992 syncLronIzed elecLIons. TLe CommILLee Is an ad
Loc body aLLacLed Lo LLe CommIssIon buL noL subjecL Lo ILs supervIsIon and conLrol.
TLe Lask oI LLe CommILLee Is Lo monILor and evaluaLe LLe sysLem, procedures or
uIdelInes prepared by LLe CommIssIon Ior LLe conducL oI LLe eneral reIsLraLIon and
LLe conLInuIn sysLem oI reIsLraLIon In accordance wILL LLIs AcL.
TLe CommILLee sLall prepare Lwo reporLs ouLlInIn LLe BndIns and recommendaLIons
Ior ImmedIaLe acLIon or InsLILuLIon oI correcLIve measures by LLe CommIssIon and/or
Conress. TLe BrsL reporL sLall be submILLed Lo LLe CommIssIon and Conress LLree
(8) monLLs beIore LLe LoldIn oI LLe eneral reIsLraLIon. TLe second reporL sLall be
due aL LLe end oI LLe year on LLe InILIal ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe sysLem oI conLInuIn
TLe amounL noL less LLan EIILy mIllIon pesos (FS0,000,000) buL noL more LLan 0ne
Lundred mIllIon pesos (F100,000,000) Is Lereby allocaLed Irom LLe Two bIllIon pesos
(F2,000,000,000) allocaLIon provIded In LLe precedIn secLIon Ior LLe operaLIons oI
LLe CommILLee. TLIs amounL sLall be Leld In LrusL by LLe CommIssIon subjecL Lo LLe
usual accounLIn and audILIn procedures.
.=Ee iVe 1AD=6 3?H 1=CAD3758?6e - TLe CommIssIon sLall promulaLe LLe necessary
rules and reulaLIons Lo ImplemenL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL noL laLer LLan nIneLy
(90) days beIore LLe BrsL day oI reIsLraLIon as provIded Ior In LLIs AcL.
.=Ee XQe .=R393<5D57: #D3A6=e - II any parL oI LLIs AcL Is Leld InvalId or
unconsLILuLIonal, LLe oLLer parLs or provIsIons LereoI sLall remaIn valId and eIIecLIve.
.=Ee X+e 1=R=3D5?C #D3A6=e - All laws, decrees, execuLIve orders, rules and reulaLIons
InconsIsLenL wILL LLIs AcL are Lereby repealed or modIBed accordInly.
.=Ee XPe !BB=E75G57:e - TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL BILeen (1S) days aILer ILs publIcaLIon In
aL leasL Lwo (2) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
*4)$ %. 1!2%.$1)$%&'
(BECTI0N 8-A, FA 8189)
a) FeIsLraLIon reIers Lo LLe acL oI accomplIsLIn and BlIn oI a sworn applIcaLIon Ior
reIsLraLIon by a qualIBed voLer beIore LLe elecLIon oIBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy
wLereIn Le resIdes and IncludIn LLe same In LLe book oI reIsLered voLers upon
approval by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard,
[/)"%0%#)$%&' 0&1 1!2%.$1)$%&'
(BECTI0N 9, FA 8189)
BecLIon 9. WLo may FeIsLer. All cILIzens oI LLe FLIlIppInes noL oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed
by law wLo are aL leasL eILLeen (18) years oI ae, and wLo sLall Lave resIded In LLe
FLIlIppInes Ior aL leasL one (1) year, and In LLe place wLereIn LLey propose Lo voLe, Ior
aL leasL sIx (6) monLLs ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon, may reIsLer as a voLer.
Any person wLo LemporarIly resIdes In anoLLer cILy, munIcIpalILy or counLry solely by
reason oI LIs occupaLIon, proIessIon, employmenL In prIvaLe or publIc servIce,
educaLIonal acLIvILIes, work In LLe mIlILary or naval reservaLIons wILLIn LLe
FLIlIppInes, servIce In LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes, LLe NaLIonal FolIce Eorces,
or conBnemenL or deLenLIon In overnmenL InsLILuLIons In accordance wILL law, sLall
noL be deemed Lo Lave losL LIs orIInal resIdence.
Any person, wLo, on LLe day oI reIsLraLIon may noL Lave reacLed LLe requIred ae or
perIod oI resIdence buL, wLo, on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon sLall possess sucL
qualIBcaLIons, may reIsLer as a voLer.
-%.[/)"%0%#)$%&' 0&1 1!2%.$1)$%&'
(BECTI0N 11, FA 8189)
BecLIon 11. DIsqualIBcaLIon. TLe IollowIn sLall be dIsqualIBed Irom reIsLerIn:
a) Any person wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer ImprIsonmenL oI noL
less LLan one (1) year, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn been removed by plenary pardon or
amnesLy: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL any person dIsqualIBed Lo voLe under LLIs
pararapL sLall auLomaLIcally reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S)
years aILer servIce oI senLence,
b) Any person wLo Las been adjuded by Bnal judmenL by a compeLenL courL or
LrIbunal oI LavIn commILLed any crIme InvolvIn dIsloyalLy Lo LLe duly consLILuLed
overnmenL sucL as rebellIon, sedILIon, vIolaLIon oI LLe Brearms laws or any crIme
aaInsL naLIonal securILy, unless resLored Lo LIs Iull cIvIl and polILIcal rILLs In
accordance wILL law: FrovIded, TLaL Le sLall auLomaLIcally reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe
upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI senLence, and
c) Insane or IncompeLenL persons declared as sucL by compeLenL auLLorILy unless
subsequenLly declared by proper auLLorILy LLaL sucL person Is no loner Insane or
*4& .4)"" 0%"! 1!2%.$1)$%&'
(BECTI0NB 10, 14, FA 8189)
BecLIon 10. FeIsLraLIon oI VoLers. A qualIBed voLer sLall be reIsLered In LLe
permanenL lIsL oI voLers In a precIncL oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy wLereIn Le resIdes Lo
be able Lo voLe In any elecLIon. To reIsLer as a voLer, Le sLall personally accomplIsL an
applIcaLIon Iorm Ior reIsLraLIon as prescrIbed by LLe CommIssIon In LLree (8) copIes
beIore LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer on any daLe durIn oIBce Lours aILer LavIn acquIred LLe
qualIBcaLIons oI a voLer.
TLe applIcaLIon sLall conLaIn LLe IollowIn daLa:
a) Name, surname, mIddle name, and/or maLernal surname,
b) Bex,
c) DaLe, and place oI bIrLL,
d) CILIzensLIp,
e) CIvIl sLaLus, II marrIed, name oI spouse,
I) FroIessIon, occupaLIon or work,
) FerIods oI resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes and In LLe place oI reIsLraLIon,
L) ExacL address wILL LLe name oI LLe sLreeL and Louse number Ior locaLIon In LLe
precIncL maps maInLaIned by LLe local oIBce oI LLe CommIssIon, or In case LLere Is
none, a brIeI descrIpLIon oI LIs resIdence, sILIo, and baranay,
I) A sLaLemenL LLaL LLe applIcanL possesses all LLe qualIBcaLIons oI a voLer,
j) A sLaLemenL LLaL LLe applIcanL Is noL a reIsLered voLer oI any precIncL, and
k) BucL InIormaLIon or daLa as may be requIred by LLe CommIssIon.
TLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon sLall conLaIn LLree (8) specImen sInaLures oI LLe
applIcanL, clear and leIble rolled prInLs oI LIs leIL and rILL LLumbprInLs, wILL Iour (4)
IdenLIBcaLIon sIze copIes oI LIs laLesL pLoLorapL, aLLacLed LLereLo, Lo be Laken aL LLe
expense oI LLe CommIssIon.
EeIore LLe applIcanL accomplIsLes LIs applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
sLall InIorm LIm oI LLe qualIBcaLIons and dIsqualIBcaLIons prescrIbed by law Ior a
voLer, and LLereaILer, see Lo IL LLaL LLe accomplIsLed applIcaLIon conLaIns all LLe daLa
LLereIn requIred and LLaL LLe applIcanL's specImen sInaLures, BnerprInLs, and
pLoLorapLs are properly aIBxed In all copIes oI LLe voLer's applIcaLIon.
BecLIon 14. IllILeraLe or DIsabled ApplIcanLs. Any IllILeraLe person may reIsLer wILL
LLe assIsLance oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer or any member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arms.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall place sucL IllILeraLe person under oaLL, ask LIm LLe
quesLIons, and record LLe answers Iven In order Lo accomplIsL LLe applIcaLIon Iorm In
LLe presence oI LLe majorILy oI LLe members oI LLe Eoard. TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer or any
member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arm sLall read LLe accomplIsLed Iorm aloud Lo LLe
person assIsLed and ask LIm II LLe InIormaLIon Iven Is Lrue and correcL TLe
accomplIsLed Iorm sLall be subscrIbed by LLe applIcanL In LLe presence oI LLe Eoard by
means oI LLumbmark or some oLLer cusLomary mark and IL sLall be subscrIbed and
aLLesLed by LLe majorILy oI LLe members oI LLe Eoard.
TLe aLLesLaLIon sLall sLaLe LLe name oI LLe person assIsLed, LLe name oI LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer or LLe member oI LLe accredILed cILIzen's arm wLo assIsLed LLe applIcanL, LLe
IacL LLaL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer placed LLe applIcanL under oaLL, LLaL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
or LLe member oI LLe accredILed cILIzen's arm wLo assIsLed LLe applIcanL read LLe
accomplIsLed Iorm Lo LLe person assIsLed, and LLaL LLe person assIsLed aIBrmed ILs
LruLL and accuracy, by placIn LIs LLumbmark or some oLLer cusLomary mark on LLe
applIcaLIon In LLe presence oI LLe Eoard.
TLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon oI a pLysIcally dIsabled person may be prepared by
any relaLIve wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy or by LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer or any member oI an accredILed cILIzen's arm usIn LLe daLa supplIed
by LLe applIcanL. TLe IacL oI IllILeracy or dIsabIlILy sLall be so IndIcaLed In LLe
*4)$ %. !"!#$%&' 1!2%.$1)$%&' N&)1-
(BECTI0N 1S, FA 8189)
BecLIon 1S. ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard. TLere sLall be In eacL cILy and munIcIpalILy as
many as ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoards as LLere are elecLIon oIBcers LLereIn. In LLIckly
populaLed cILIes/munIcIpalILIes, LLe CommIssIon may appoInL addILIonal elecLIon
oIBcers Ior sucL duraLIon as may be necessary.
TLe Eoard sLall be composed oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer as cLaIrman and as members, LLe
publIc scLool oIBcIal mosL senIor In rank and LLe local cIvIl reIsLrar, or In LLIs
absence, LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lreasurer.
In case oI dIsqualIBcaLIon oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer, LLe CommIssIon sLall desInaLe an
acLIn ElecLIon 0IBcer wLo sLall serve as CLaIrman oI LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard.
In case oI dIsqualIBcaLIon or non-avaIlabIlILy oI LLe Local FeIsLrar or LLe MunIcIpal
Treasurer, LLe CommIssIon sLall desInaLe any oLLer appoInLIve cIvIl servIce oIBcIal
Irom LLe same localILy as subsLILuLe.
No member oI LLe Eoard sLall be relaLed Lo eacL oLLer or Lo any IncumbenL cILy or
munIcIpal elecLIve oIBcIal wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy. II
In succeedIn elecLIons, any oI LLe newly elecLed cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals Is relaLed Lo
a member oI LLe board wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree oI consanuInILy or aIBnILy, sucL
member Is auLomaLIcally dIsqualIBed Lo preserve LLe InLerILy oI LLe ElecLIon
FeIsLraLIon Eoard.
Every reIsLered parLy and sucL oranIzaLIons as may be auLLorIzed by LLe
CommIssIon sLall be enLILled Lo a waLcLer In every reIsLraLIon board.
4&* J)'K !1N %' !)#4 #%$K &1 J/'%#%F)"%$K
(BECTI0N 1S, 1
FAF., FA 8189)
BecLIon 1S. ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard. TLere sLall be In eacL cILy and munIcIpalILy as
many as ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoards as LLere are elecLIon oIBcers LLereIn. In LLIckly
populaLed cILIes/munIcIpalILIes, LLe CommIssIon may appoInL addILIonal elecLIon
oIBcers Ior sucL duraLIon as may be necessary.
*4& J)K #4)""!'2! $4! 1%24$ $& 1!2%.$!1
(BECTI0N 18, FA 8189)
BecLIon 18. CLallenes Lo FILL Lo FeIsLer. Any voLer, candIdaLe or represenLaLIve oI a
reIsLered polILIcal parLy may cLallene In wrILIn any applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon,
sLaLIn LLe rounds LLereIor. TLe cLallene sLall be under oaLL and be aLLacLed Lo LLe
applIcaLIon, LoeLLer wILL LLe prooI oI noLIce oI LearIn Lo LLe cLallener and LLe
0pposILIons Lo conLesL a reIsLranL's applIcaLIon Ior InclusIon In LLe voLer's lIsL musL, In
all cases, be Bled noL laLer LLan LLe second Monday oI LLe monLL In wLIcL LLe same Is
scLeduled Lo be Leard or processed by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard. BLould LLe
second Monday oI LLe monLL Iall on a non-workIn LolIday, opposILIons may be Bled on
LLe nexL IollowIn workIn day. TLe LearIn on LLe cLallene sLall be Leard on LLe
LLIrd Monday oI LLe monLL and LLe decIsIon sLall be rendered beIore LLe end oI LLe
21&/'-. 0&1 -!)#$%L)$%&'
(BECTI0N 27, FA 8189)
BecLIon 27. DeacLIvaLIon oI FeIsLraLIon. TLe board sLall deacLIvaLe LLe reIsLraLIon
and remove LLe reIsLraLIon records oI LLe IollowIn persons Irom LLe correspondIn
precIncL book oI voLers and place LLe same, properly marked and daLed In IndelIble
Ink, In LLe InacLIve Ble aILer enLerIn LLe cause or causes oI deacLIvaLIon:
a) Any person wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Lo suIIer ImprIsonmenL Ior
noL less LLan one (1) year, sucL dIsabIlILy noL LavIn been removed by plenary pardon
or amnesLy: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL any person dIsqualIBed Lo voLe under LLIs
pararapL sLall auLomaLIcally reacquIre LLe rILL Lo voLe upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S)
years aILer servIce oI senLence as cerLIBed by LLe clerks oI courLs oI LLe
MunIcIpal/MunIcIpal CIrcuIL/MeLropolILan/FeIonal TrIal CourLs and LLe
b) Any person wLo Las been adjuded by Bnal judmenL by a compeLenL courL or
LrIbunal oI LavIn caused/commILLed any crIme InvolvIn dIsloyalLy Lo LLe duly
consLILuLed overnmenL sucL as rebellIon, sedILIon, vIolaLIon oI LLe anLI-subversIon
and Brearms laws, or any crIme aaInsL naLIonal securILy, unless resLored Lo LIs Iull
cIvIl and polILIcal rILLs In accordance wILL law, FrovIded, TLaL Le sLall reaIn LIs
rILL Lo voLe auLomaLIcally upon expIraLIon oI Bve (S) years aILer servIce oI senLence,
c) Any person declared by compeLenL auLLorILy Lo be Insane or IncompeLenL unless
sucL dIsqualIBcaLIon Las been subsequenLly removed by a declaraLIon oI a proper
auLLorILy LLaL sucL person Is no loner Insane or IncompeLenL,
d) Any person wLo dId noL voLe In LLe Lwo (2) successIve precedIn reular elecLIons
as sLown by LLeIr voLIn records. Eor LLIs purpose, reular elecLIons do noL Include LLe
BanunIan KabaLaan (BK) elecLIons,
e) Any person wLose reIsLraLIon Las been ordered excluded by LLe CourL, and
I) Any person wLo Las losL LIs EIlIpIno cILIzensLIp.
Eor LLIs purpose, LLe clerks oI courL Ior LLe MunIcIpal/MunIcIpal
CIrcuIL/MeLropolILan/FeIonal TrIal CourLs and LLe BandIanbayan sLall IurnIsL LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy concerned aL LLe end oI eacL monLL a
cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo are dIsqualIBed under pararapL (a) LereoI, wILL LLeIr
addresses. TLe CommIssIon may requesL a cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo Lave losL LLeIr
EIlIpIno CILIzensLIp or declared as Insane or IncompeLenL wILL LLeIr addresses Irom
oLLer overnmenL aencIes.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall posL In LLe bulleLIn board oI LIs oIBce a cerLIBed lIsL oI LLose
persons wLose reIsLraLIon were deacLIvaLed and LLe reasons LLereIor, and IurnIsL
copIes LLereoI Lo LLe local Leads oI polILIcal parLIes, LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble, provIncIal
Ble, and LLe voLer concerned.
21&/'-. 0&1 1!)#$%L)$%&'
(BECTI0N 28, FA 8189)
BecLIon 28. FeacLIvaLIon oI FeIsLraLIon. Any voLer wLose reIsLraLIon Las been
deacLIvaLed pursuanL Lo LLe precedIn BecLIon may Ble wILL LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer a
sworn applIcaLIon Ior reacLIvaLIon oI LIs reIsLraLIon In LLe Iorm oI an aIBdavIL sLaLIn
LLaL LLe rounds Ior LLe deacLIvaLIon no loner exIsL any LIme buL noL laLer LLan one
Lundred LwenLy (120) days beIore a reular elecLIon and nIneLy (90) days beIore a
specIal elecLIon.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall submIL saId applIcaLIon Lo LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard Ior
approprIaLe acLIon.
In case LLe applIcaLIon Is approved, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall reLrIeve LLe reIsLraLIon
record Irom LLe InacLIve Ble and Include LLe same In LLe correspondIn precIncL book
oI voLers. Local Leads or represenLaLIves oI polILIcal parLIes sLall be properly noLIBed
on approved applIcaLIons.
#)'#!"")$%&' 21&/'-.
(BECTI0N 29, FA 8189)
BecLIon 29. CancellaLIon oI FeIsLraLIon. TLe Eoard sLall cancel LLe reIsLraLIon
records oI LLose wLo Lave dIed as cerLIBed by LLe Local CIvIl FeIsLrar. TLe Local CIvIl
FeIsLrar sLall submIL eacL monLL a cerLIBed lIsL oI persons wLo dIed durIn LLe
prevIous monLL Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe place wLere LLe deceased are reIsLered.
In LLe absence oI InIormaLIon concernIn LLe place wLere LLe deceased Is reIsLered,
LLe lIsL sLall be senL Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy oI LLe deceased's
resIdence as appearIn In LIs deaLL cerLIBcaLe. In any case, LLe Local CIvIl FeIsLrar
sLall IurnIsL a copy oI LLIs lIsL Lo LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble and LLe proper provIncIal Ble.
TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall posL In LLe bulleLIn board oI LIs oIBce a lIsL oI LLose persons
wLo dIed wLose reIsLraLIons were cancelled, and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe local
Leads oI LLe polILIcal parLIes, LLe naLIonal cenLral Ble, and LLe provIncIal Ble.
*4& 4). b/1%.-%#$%&' &L!1 %'#"/.%&' )'- !k#"/.%&' F1&#!!-%'2.
(BECTI0N 88, FA 8189)
BecLIon 88. JurIsdIcLIon In InclusIon and ExclusIon Case. TLe MunIcIpal and
MeLropolILan TrIal CourLs sLall Lave orIInal and exclusIve jurIsdIcLIon over all cases
oI InclusIon and exclusIon oI voLers In LLeIr respecLIve cILIes or munIcIpalILIes.
DecIsIons oI LLe MunIcIpal or MeLropolILan TrIal CourLs may be appealed by LLe
arIeved parLy Lo LLe FeIonal TrIal CourL wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom receIpL oI noLIce
LLereoI. 0LLerwIse, saId decIsIon sLall become Bnal and execuLory. TLe reIonal LrIal
courL sLall decIde LLe appeal wILLIn Len (10) days Irom LLe LIme IL Is receIved and LLe
decIsIon sLall ImmedIaLely become Bnal and execuLory. No moLIon Ior reconsIderaLIon
sLall be enLerLaIned.
*4& J)K 0%"! F!$%$%&' 0&1 %'#"/.%&'
(BECTI0N 84, FA 8189)
BecLIon 84. FeLILIon Ior InclusIon oI VoLers In LLe LIsL. Any person wLose applIcaLIon
Ior reIsLraLIon Las been dIsapproved by LLe Eoard or wLose name Las been sLrIcken
ouL Irom LLe lIsL may Ble wILL LLe courL a peLILIon Lo Include LIs name In LLe
permanenL lIsL oI voLers In LIs precIncL aL any LIme excepL one Lundred Bve (10S) days
prIor Lo a reular elecLIon or sevenLy-Bve (7S) days prIor Lo a specIal elecLIon. IL sLall
be supporLed by a cerLIBcaLe oI dIsapproval oI LIs applIcaLIon and prooI oI servIce oI
noLIce oI LIs peLILIon upon LLe Eoard. TLe peLILIon sLall be decIded wILLIn BILeen (1S)
days aILer ILs BlIn.
II LLe decIsIon Is Ior LLe InclusIon oI voLers In LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers, LLe Eoard
sLall place LLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon prevIously dIsapproved In LLe
correspondIn book oI voLers and IndIcaLe In LLe applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon LLe daLe
oI LLe order oI InclusIon and LLe courL wLIcL Issued LLe same.
*4& J)K 0%"! F!$%$%&' 0&1 !k#"/.%&'
(BECTI0N 8S, FA 8189)
BecLIon 8S. FeLILIon Ior ExclusIon oI VoLers Irom LLe LIsL. Any reIsLered voLers,
represenLaLIve oI a polILIcal parLy or LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer, may Ble wILL LLe courL a
sworn peLILIon Ior LLe exclusIon oI a voLer Irom LLe permanenL lIsL oI voLers IvIn LLe
name, address and LLe precIncL oI LLe cLallened voLer aL any LIme excepL one
Lundred (100) days prIor Lo a reular elecLIon or sIxLy-Bve (6S) days beIore a specIal
elecLIon. TLe peLILIon sLall be accompanIed by prooI oI noLIce Lo LLe Eoard and Lo LLe
cLallened voLer and sLall be decIded wILLIn Len (10) days Irom ILs BlIn.
II LLe decIsIon Is Ior LLe exclusIon oI LLe voLer Irom LLe lIsL, LLe Eoard sLall, upon
receIpL oI LLe Bnal decIsIon, remove LLe voLer's reIsLraLIon record Irom LLe
correspondIn book oI voLers, enLer LLe order oI exclusIon LLereIn, and LLereaILer
place LLe record In LLe InacLIve Ble.
1) Le )N)'&
[0.F. No. L-80187, November 1S, 1928]
MAFC0B YFA, peLILIoner-appellanL, vs. MAZIM0 AEAN0, respondenL-appellee.
0reorIo FerIecLo and Aneles ArabIran Ior appellanL.
EenIno B. AquIno, CIrIlo E. BanLos and DomIno A. 0uevara Ior appellee.
MaxImo Abao Is a naLIve oI LLe munIcIpalILy oI Meycauayan, Eulacan. AL LLe proper
ae, Le LransIerred Lo ManIla Lo compleLe LIs educaLIon. WLIle LemporarIly resIdIn In
ManIla, Abao reIsLered as a voLer LLere. BLorLly aILer qualIIyIn as a member oI LLe
bar and aILer LLe deaLL oI Is IaLLer, Abao reLurned Lo Meycauayan Lo lIve. Erom May
10, 1927, unLIl LLe presenL, Abao Las consIdered LImselI a resIdenL oI Meycauayan.
WLen LLe 1928 elecLIons were approacLIn, Le made an applIcaLIon Ior cancellaLIon oI
reIsLraLIon In ManIla wLIcL was daLed AprIl 8, 1928, buL LLe applIcaLIon was rejecLed
by LLe cILy oIBcIals Ior LLe reason LLaL IL was noL deposILed In LLe maIls on or beIore
AprIl 4, 1928. NeverLLeless, Abao presenLed LImselI as a candIdaLe Ior munIcIpal
presIdenL oI Meycauayan In LLe 1928 elecLIons and was elecLed by popular voLe Lo LLe
Marcos Yra assIns and arues LLaL Abao Is InelIIble Lo Lold LLe posILIon Lo wLIcL
Le was elecLed Ior LLe reason LLaL Le Lad noL been a resIdenL oI Meycauayan Ior aL
leasL one year beIore LLe elecLIon.
Is LLe non-elIIbIlILy oI LLe respondenL Lo Lold a munIcIpal oIBce Ior LLe reason LLaL Le
was noL a "qualIBed voLer In LIs munIcIpalILy", connoLIn LLaL Le was noL a "qualIBed
elecLor LLereIn", suIBcIenL Lo nullIIy LIs elecLIon?
0ne oI LLe qualIBcaLIons requIred by law oI a person wLo announces LIs candIdacy Is
LLaL Le musL be a duly qualIBed elecLor. TLe words "qualIBed elecLor" meanL a person
wLo Lad all oI LLe qualIBcaLIons provIded by law Lo be a voLer and noL a person
reIsLered In LLe elecLoral lIsL. TLe ExecuLIve Eureau Las Leld LLaL LLe Lerm 'qualIBed'
wLen applIed Lo a voLer does noL necessarIly mean LLaL a person musL be a reIsLered
voLer. To become a qualIBed candIdaLe, a person does noL need Lo reIsLer as an
elecLor. FeIsLerIn does noL conIer LLe rILL, IL Is a condILIon precedenL Lo exercIse
LLe rILL. TLe IacL LLaL a candIdaLe IaIled Lo reIsLer as an elecLor In LLe munIcIpalILy
does noL deprIve LIm oI LLe rILL Lo become a candIdaLe and Lo be voLed Ior.
)mN)K)' Le #&J!"!#
FeLILoners, represenLIn LLe youLL secLor, seek Lo dIrecL LLe Comelec Lo conducL a
specIal reIsLraLIon beIore LLe May 14, 2001 0eneral ElecLIons oI new voLers.
AccordIn Lo LLe peLILIoners around 4 MIllIon youLL IaIled Lo reIsLer on or beIore LLe
December 27, 2000 deadlIne seL by LLe respondenL CommIssIon under F.A. 8189. 0n
January 29, 2001 CommIssIoners TanLanco and LanLIon submILLed Memorandum
No. 2001-027 requesLIn Ior a Lwo-day addILIonal reIsLraLIon oI new voLers, Lo be seL
on Eebruary 17 and 18, 2001 naLIonwIde. BubsequenLly, Comelec Issued FesoluLIon
No. 8S84 denyIn saId requesL, IL was LLe consensus.
ArIeved by LLe denIal, peLILIoners Bled a peLILIon Ior cerLIorarI and mandamus,
wLIcL seeks Lo nullIIy respondenL Comelec's resoluLIon and / or Lo declare Bec. 8 oI
F.A. 8189 unconsLILuLIonal InsoIar as saId provIsIon eIIecLIvely causes LLe
dIsenIrancLIsemenL oI peLILIoners and oLLers sImIlarly sILuaLed.
WLeLLer or noL respondenL Comelec commILLed rave abuse oI dIscreLIon In IssuIn
FesoluLIon No. 8S84 daLed Eeb. 8, 2001 as IL denIes peLILIoners' rILL Lo voLe.
TLe acL oI reIsLraLIon Is an IndIspensable precondILIon Lo LLe rILL oI suIIrae. Eor
reIsLraLIon Is parL and parcel oI LLe rILL Lo voLe and an IndIspensable elemenL In LLe
elecLIon process. BecLIon 8 oI F.A. 8189, provIdes LLaL no reIsLraLIon sLall be
conducLed 120 days beIore a reular elecLIon and 90 days beIore a specIal elecLIon.
In LLe lILL oI LLe IoreoIn LLe assaIled resoluLIon musL be upLeld. TLe so-called
"sLand-by powers" or "resIdual" powers oI LLe Comelec, as raIsed by LLe peLILIoners Is
provIded under LLe relevanL provIsIons oI BecLIon 29 oI F.A. No. 6646 and adopLed
verbaLIm In BecLIon 28 oI F.A. No. 8486, wLereIn LLe commIssIon sLall Bx oLLer
perIods and daLes Ior LLe accomplIsLmenL oI pre-elecLIon acLs II IL Is no loner possIble
Lo observe LLe daLes and perIods prescrIbed by law, cannoL be applIed In LLIs case. TLe
Bupreme CourL Leld LLaL BecLIon 8 oI F.A. 8189 applIes Ior LLe purpose oI upLoldIn
LLe resoluLIon. BecLIon 28 oI F.A. 8486, presupposes LLe possIbIlILy oI ILs beIn
exercIsed or avaIled oI and noL oLLerwIse. In LLe case aL bar LLe Comelec sLaLed LLe
"operaLIonal ImpossIbIlILy" oI LoldIn LLe addILIonal Lwo-day reIsLraLIon, and
LLereIore BecLIon 8 oI F.A. 8486 may noL apply. Comelec acLed wILLIn LLe conBnes oI
LLe applIcable law In denyIn LLe peLILIoners' requesL.
E0 1S7 FA 7166 FA 9189
g, #)'-%-)$!.
#3?H5H37= - reIers Lo any person aspIrIn Ior or seekIn an elecLIve publIc oIBce, wLo
Las Bled a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy" and LLaL "any person wLo Bles cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy wILLIn [LLe perIod Ior BlIn] sLall only be consIdered as a candIdaLe aL LLe
sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod Ior wLIcL Le Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy. (Fenera v.
3, [A3D5>E3758?6
F9=65H=?7 3?H L5E=M F9=65H=?7\
1. NaLural-born cILIzen 2. FeIsLered voLer 8. Able Lo read and wrILe 4. AL leasL 40
years old on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon
S.FesIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes Ior aL leasL 10 years ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI LLe
elecLIon. (Bec.2, ArL. VII)
1.NaLural-born cILIzen 2.AL leasL 8S yrs. old on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon 8.Able Lo read &
wrILe 4. FeIsLered voLer S. FesIdenL oI FF Ior noL less LLan 2 years
ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon (Bec. 2, ArL. VI)
-56795E7 1=R9=6=?7375G=6\
1.NaLural-born cILIzen 2.AL leasL 2S years old on LLe day oI elecLIon 8.Able Lo read and
wrILe 4.FeIsLered voLer In LLe dIsLrIcL In wLIcL Le sLall be
elecLed S.FesIdenL oI LLe same dIsLrIcL Ior a perIod oI noL less
LLan 1 year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI elecLIon. (Bec. 6, ArL. VI)
.=E7893D 1=R9=6=?7375G=6\
1. NaLural-born cILIzen 2. AL leasL 2S years old on LLe day oI elecLIon 8. Able Lo read
and wrILe 4. FesIdenL Ior a perIod noL less LLan one year
ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon S. Eona Bde member oI LLe secLor Le
seeks Lo
28G=9?89U L5E=MC8G=9?89U J3:89U L5E=MI3:89U FA?8?C <393?C3:U .3?CCA?53? S6C,
I=I<=96 1. CILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes,
2. FeIsLered voLer In LLe baranay, munIcIpalILy, cILy
or provInce, or, In LLe case oI a member oI LLe B0 panlalawIan, panlunsod or bayan,
LLe dIsLrIcL wLere Le InLends Lo be elecLed,
We FesIdenL LLereIn Ior aL leasL 1 year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon,
4. Able Lo read and wrILe EIlIpIno or any oLLer local lanuae or dIalecL,
S. 0n elecLIon day, ae musL aL leasL be: a) 28 years - overnor, vIce-overnor, member
LLe B0 panlalawIan, mayor, vIce mayor, or member oI LLe B0 panlunsod
oI HUC, b) 21 years - mayor or vIce mayor oI ICC, CC, or
munIcIpalILIes, 18 years - member oI LLe B0 panlunsod or B0 bayan, or punon
baranay or member oI LLe B0 baranay 1S buL noL more LLan 18 years - BK(Bec 89,
F.A. 7160)
QualIBcaLIons prescrIbed by law are conLInuIn requIremenLs and musL be
possessed Ior LLe duraLIon oI LLe oIBcer's acLIve Lenure. 0nce any oI LLe requIred
qualIBcaLIon Is losL, LIs LILle Lo LLe oIBce may be seasonably cLallened. (ErIvaldo vs.
TLe law does noL specIIy any parLIcular daLe or LIme wLen LLe candIdaLe musL
possess cILIzensLIp unlIke LLaL Ior resIdence and ae. IL musL be possessed upon
proclamaLIon or on LLe
<, -56aA3D5>E3758?
1. /?H=9 7O= &I?5<A6 !D=E758? #8H=\
a. Declared as IncompeLenL or Insane by
compeLenL auLLorILy,
b. ConvIcLed by Bnal judmenL Ior subversIon,
InsurrecLIon, rebellIon or any oIIense Ior wLIcL Le Las been senLenced Lo a penalLy oI
18 monLLs ImprIsonmenL,
c. ConvIcLed by Bnal judmenL Ior a crIme InvolvIn moral LurpILude,
d. Any person wLo Is a permanenL resIdenL oI or ImmIranL Lo a IoreIn counLry.
2. /?H=9 7O= "8E3D 28G=9?I=?7 #8H= (Bec. 40, F.A. 7160) - ApplIcable Lo candIdaLes
Ior local elecLIve oIBce only (Mano v. C0MELEC, supra):
a. TLose senLenced by Bnal judmenL Ior an oIIense InvolvIn moral LurpILude or Ior an
oIIense punIsLable by one (1) year or more oI ImprIsonmenL, wILLIn Lwo (2) years
aILer servIn senLence,
TLose wLo Lave noL served LLeIr senLence by reason oI LLe ranL oI probaLIon
wLIcL sLould noL be equaLed wILL servIce oI senLence, sLould noL lIkewIse be
dIsqualIBed Irom runnIn Ior a local elecLIve oIBce because LLe Lwo- year perIod oI
InelIIbIlILy does noL even beIn Lo run (Moreno v. C0MELEC, 0F No. 168SS0, AuusL
10, 2006).
b. TLose removed Irom oIBce as a resulL oI an admInIsLraLIve case, An elecLIve local
oIBcIal wLo was
removed Irom oIBce as a resulL oI an admInIsLraLIve case prIor Lo January 1, 1992 -
LLe daLe oI eIIecLIvILy oI LLe Local 0overnmenL Code - Is noL dIsqualIBed Irom runnIn
Ior an elecLIve local publIc oIBce, because Bec. 40 oI LLe Local 0overnmenL Code cannoL
be Iven reLroacLIve eIIecL (0reo v. C0MELEC, 0F No. 12S9SS, June 19, 1997).
c. TLose convIcLed by Bnal judmenL Ior vIolaLIn LLe oaLL oI alleIance Lo LLe FepublIc,
d. TLose wILL dual cILIzensLIp, Dual cILIzensLIp as a dIsqualIBcaLIon
musL reIer Lo cILIzens wILL dual alleIance. ConsequenLly, persons wILL mere dual
cILIzensLIp do noL Iall under LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon (Mercado v. Manzano, 0F No. 18S088,
May 26, 1999).
e. EuILIves Irom jusLIce In crImInal or non- polILIcal cases Lere or abroad, A
IuILIve Irom jusLIce Includes noL only
LLose wLo Bee aILer convIcLIon Lo avoId punIsLmenL, buL lIkewIse LLose wLo, aILer
beIn cLared, Bee Lo avoId prosecuLIon (Marquez v. C0MELEC,).
I. FermanenL resIdenLs In a IoreIn counLry or LLose wLo Lave acquIred LLe rILL Lo
resIde 3<983H 3?H E8?75?A= 78 3G35D 8B 7O= 63I= 95CO7 3B7=9 7O= =BB=E75G57: 8B 7O56
#8H=d n @29==? E39Ho 56 3IRD= =G5H=?E= 78 6O8T
LLaL LLe person Is an ImmIranL Lo, or a permanenL resIdenL oI, LLe UnILed BLaLes oI
AmerIca (CaasI v. CourL oI Appeal).
. TLe Insane or Ieeble-mInded
8. AddILIonal round
68, EF 881)
a. 0ne wLo Las vIolaLed provIsIons on:
I. CampaIn perIod
II. Femoval, desLrucLIon oI lawIul elecLIon propaanda
III. FroLIbILed Iorms oI propaanda
Iv. FeulaLIon oI propaanda LLrouL mass medIa
b. 0ne consIderaLIon Lo InBuence voLers
wLo Las Iven money or oLLer maLerIal
c. 0ne wLo commILLed acLs oI LerrorIsm
d. 0ne wLo spenL elecLIon campaIn In excess allowed by law
e. 0ne wLo solIcILed or receIved conLrIbuLIon proLIbILed by law
1. noL elIIble Ior any reelecLIon, 2. no person wLo Las succeeded as FresIdenL and
served as sucL Ior more LLan Iour years sLall be qualIBed Ior elecLIon Lo LLe same oIBce
aL any LIme. (Bec.4, ArL. VII)
We 0eneral DIsqualIBcaLIon*
1. BLall noL serve Ior more LLan Lwo consecuLIve Lerms. (Bec.4, ArL. VII and Bec. 4,
ArL. VI),
2. 0eneral DIsqualIBcaLIons: a. one wLo Las been declared by compeLenL
auLLorILy as Insane or IncompeLenL, 0ne wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Ior
subversIon, InsurrecLIon, rebellIon, or Ior any oIIense Ior wLIcL Le Las been senLenced
Lo a penalLy oI more LLan 18 monLLs or Ior a crIme InvolvIn moral LurpILude, unless
Iven plenary pardon or ranLed amnesLy. (Bec. 12, EF 881)
BLall noL serve Ior more LLan Lwo consecuLIve Lerms. (Bec 4(2), ArL. VI)
D56795E7 1=R9=6=?7375G=6\
1. BLall noL serve Ior more LLan LLree Lerms. (Bec. 7 ArL. VI)
2. 0ne wLo Las been declared by compeLenL auLLorILy as Insane or IncompeLenL,
We 0ne wLo Las been senLenced by Bnal judmenL Ior subversIon, InsurrecLIon,
rebellIon, or Ior any oIIense Ior wLIcL Le Las been senLenced Lo a penalLy oI more LLan
18 monLLs or Ior a crIme InvolvIn moral LurpILude, unless Iven plenary pardon or
ranLed amnesLy. (Bec. 12, EF 881 or LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code)
28G=9?89U L5E=MC8G=9?89U J3:89U L5E=MI3:89U FA?8?C <393?C3:U .3?CCA?53? S6C,
I=I<=96\ (Bec. 41, F.A. 7160)
1. senLenced by Bnal judemenL Ior an oIIense InvolvIn moral LurpILude or Ior an
oIIense punIsLable by 1 year or more, wILLIn 2 years aILer servIn senLence,
2. removed Irom oIBce as a resulL oI an admInIsLraLIve case,
8. convIcLed by Bnal judmenL Ior vIolaLIn LLe oaLL oI alleIance Lo LLe FepublIc oI LLe
4. wILL dual cILIzensLIp,
S. IuILIves Irom jusLIce In crImInal and non-polILIcal
case Lere and abroad,
6. permanenL resIdenLs In a IoreIn counLry or LLose
wLo Lave acquIred LLe rILL Lo resIde abroad and conLInue Lo avaIl oI LLe same rILL
aILer LLe eIIecLIvILy oI LLe Local 0overnmenL Code,
7. Insane or Ieeble-mInded
W, #=975>E37= 8B #3?H5H3E:
#=975>E37= 8B #3?H5H3E:
A sLaLemenL oI a person seekIn Lo run Ior a publIc oIBce cerLIIyIn LLaL Le announces
LIs candIdacy Ior LLe oIBce menLIoned and LLaL Le Is elIIble Ior LLe oIBce, LLe name oI
LLe polILIcal parLy Lo wLIcL Le belons II Le belons Lo any, and LIs posL-oIBce 3HH9=66
B89 3DD =D=E758? RA9R86=6 <=5?C 36 T=DD 6737=H S.5?3E3 G JAD3,e
No person sLall be elIIble Ior any elecLIve publIc oIBce unless Le Bles a sworn
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy wILLIn LLe perIod Bxed by law (Bec. 78, 0EC).
)A78I375E 1=65C?3758? - 0IBcIals LoldIn appoInLIve oIBces, IncludIn acLIve
members oI AEF and oIBcers oI overnmenL-owned or conLrolled corporaLIons sLall be
consIdered Ipso IacLo resIned (Bec. 66, 0EC & ArL. 18, par. 8, F.A. 9869).
0nly elecLIve oIBcIals may Ble LLeIr cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy wILLouL beIn
deemed Ipso IacLo resIned Irom LLeIr posLs. TLere Is no vIolaLIon oI LLe equal
I. ElecLIve oIBcIals occupy LLeIr oIBce by vIrLue oI LLe mandaLe oI LLe elecLoraLe. 0n
LLe oLLer Land, appoInLIve oIBcIals Lold LLeIr oIBce by vIrLue oI LLeIr desInaLIon
LLereLo by an appoInLIn auLLorILy.
II. AppoInLIve oIBcIals, as oIBcers and employees In LLe cIvIl servIce, are sLrIcLly
proLIbILed Irom enaIn In any parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy or Lake parL In any elecLIon
excepL Lo voLe. 0n LLe oLLer Land, elecLIve oIBcIals, or oIBcers or employees LoldIn
polILIcal oIBces, are obvIously expressly allowed Lo Lake parL In polILIcal and elecLoral
acLIvILIes (QuInLo, eL al. v C0MELEC)
089I3D -=B=E76 5? 7O= #=975>E37= 8B #3?H5H3E:: TLe elecLIon oI a candIdaLe cannoL
be annulled on LLe sole round oI Iormal deIecLs In LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy (De
0uzman v. Eoard oI Canvassers).
-=37OU -56aA3D5>E3758? 89 *57OH93T3D 8B #3?H5H37=d .A<6757A758? 8B #3?H5H37=:
II aILer LLe lasL day Ior LLe BlIn oI cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy, an oIBcIal candIdaLe oI a
reIsLered accredILed polILIcal parLy dIes, wILLdraws or Is dIsqualIBed Ior any cause,
only a person belonIn Lo, and cerLIBed by, LLe same polILIcal parLy may Ble a
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Lo replace LLe candIdaLe wLo dIed, wILLdrew or was
dIsqualIBed noL laLer LLan mId-day oI LLe day oI LLe elecLIon (Bec. 76, 0EC).
*57OH93T3D 8B #=975>E37= 8B #3?H5H3E:: TLe wILLdrawal oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy sLall eIIecL LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon oI LLe candIdaLe Lo be elecLed, Ior LLe
posILIon. TLe wILLdrawal oI LLe wILLdrawal, Ior LLe purpose oI revIvIn LLe cerLIBcaLe
oI candIdacy, musL be made wILLIn LLe perIod provIded by law Ior LLe BlIn oI
cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy.
05D5?C 8B $T8 #=975>E37=6 8B #3?H5H3E:\ WLen a person Bles Lwo cerLIBcaLes oI
candIdacy Ior dIIIerenL oIBces, Le becomes InelIIble Ior eILLer posILIon (Bec. 72, 0EC).
He may wILLdraw one oI LIs cerLIBcaLes by BlIn a sworn declaraLIon wILL LLe
CommIssIon beIore LLe deadlIne Ior LLe BlIn oI cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy.
EeIore LLe deadlIne Ior BlIn LLe cerLIBcaLe, a candIdaLe may wILLdraw all excepL one,
declarIn under oaLL LLe oIBce Ior wLIcL Le desIres Lo be elIIble and cancel LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior oLLer oIBce or oIBces (0o v. C0MELEC).
TLe C0MELEC sLall Lave only LLe mInIsLerIal duLy Lo receIve and acknowlede
receIpL oI LLe cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy (Bec. 76, 0EC). AccordInly, LLe C0MELEC may
noL, by ILselI, wILLouL proper proceedIns, deny due course Lo or cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy Bled In due Iorm.
1. AuLLorILy over nuIsance candIdaLes
2. Fower Lo deny due course Lo or cancel a
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy under Bec. 78, 0EC
4) 'A563?E= #3?H5H37=6
C0MELEC may moLu propIo or upon peLILIon oI an InLeresLed parLy, reIuse Lo Ive due
course Lo or cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy II sLown LLaL saId cerLIBcaLe was Bled: 1.
To puL LLe elecLIon process In mockery or
dIsrepuLe, 2. To cause conIusIon amon voLers by
sImIlarILy oI names oI reIsLered candIdaLes, 8. Ey oLLer cIrcumsLances or acLs wLIcL
demonsLraLe LLaL a candIdaLe Las no bona Bde InLenLIon Lo run Ior LLe oIBce Ior wLIcL
LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Las been Bled, and LLus prevenL a IaILLIul deLermInaLIon oI
Lrue wIll oI LLe elecLoraLee
F=75758? 78 -=?: -A= #8A96= 89 78 #3?E=D #=975>E37= 8B #3?H5H3E: TLe
C0MELEC, upon proper peLILIon, may
cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy on LLe round LLaL any maLerIal mIsrepresenLaLIon
conLaIned LLereIn as requIred under Bec. 74 oI LLe 0EC Is Ialse (Bec. 78, 0EC), provIded
LLaL (a) LLe Ialse represenLaLIon perLaIns Lo maLerIal maLLer aIIecLIn subsLanLIve
rILLs oI a candIdaLe and LLaL (b) LLe Ialse represenLaLIon musL consIsL oI delIberaLe
aLLempL Lo mIslead, mIsInIorm, or LIde a IacL wLIcL would oLLerwIse render a
candIdaLe InelIIble (Balcedo II v. C0MELEC).
TLe peLILIon may be Bled noL laLer LLan 2S days Irom LLe LIme oI BlIn oI LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, and sLall be decIded, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, noL laLer
LLan 1S days beIore LLe elecLIon (BecLIon 78 E.F. 881).
JurIsdIcLIon over a peLILIon Lo cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy lIes wILL LLe
C0MELEC In dIvIsIon, noL wILL LLe C0MELEC en banc (0arvIda v. Bales).
!BB=E7 8B -56aA3D5>E3758? #36=\ Any candIdaLe wLo Las been declared by Bnal
judmenL Lo be dIsqualIBed sLall noL be voLed Ior, and LLe voLes casL Ior LIm sLall noL
be counLed. II Ior any reason a candIdaLe Is noL declared by Bnal judmenL beIore an
elecLIon Lo be dIsqualIBed and Le Is voLed Ior and receIves LLe wInnIn number oI voLes
In sucL elecLIon, LLe CourL or CommIssIon sLall conLInue wILL LLe LrIal and LearIn oI
LLe acLIon, InquIry, or proLesL and, upon moLIon oI LLe complaInanL or any InLervenor,
may durIn LLe pendency LLereoI order LLe suspensIon oI LLe proclamaLIon oI sucL
candIdaLe wLenever LLe evIdence oI LIs uIlL Is sLron (Bec. 6, FA 6646 or LLe
ElecLoral FeIorms Law oI 1987).
'87= LLaL LLe C0MELEC can suspend proclamaLIon only wLen evIdence oI LLe
wInnIn candIdaLe's uIlL Is sLron (CodIlla, Br. v. De VenecIa, eL. al).
TLe use oI LLe word "may" IndIcaLes LLaL LLe suspensIon oI LLe proclamaLIon Is
merely permIssIve. II LLe C0MELEC does noL Bnd any suIBcIenL round Lo suspend
proclamaLIon, LLen a proclamaLIon may be made (0reo v. C0MELEC, supra).
IL Is IncorrecL Lo say LLaL sInce a candIdaLe Las been dIsqualIBed, LLe voLes InLended
Ior LLe dIsqualIBed candIdaLe sLould, In eIIecL, be null and voId. TLIs would amounL Lo
dIsenIrancLIsIn LLe elecLoraLe In wLom sovereInLy resIde (0rLea v. C0MELEC).
TLe InelIIbIlILy oI a candIdaLe receIvIn majorILy voLes does noL enLILle LLe elIIble
candIdaLe receIvIn LLe nexL LILesL number oI voLes Lo be declared elecLed.
1. TLe one wLo obLaIned LLe LILesL number oI voLes Is dIsqualIBed, AND
2. TLe elecLoraLe Is Iully aware In IacL and In law oI LLe candIdaLe's dIsqualIBcaLIon so
as Lo brIn sucL awareness wILLIn LLe realm oI noLorIeLy buL would noneLLeless casL
LLeIr voLes In Iavor oI LLe InelIIble candIdaLe. (0reo v. C0MELEC, supra).
X, #36=6
$=9I 8B 8B>E=
TLe peLILIoner was duly elecLed and served 2 consecuLIve Lerms as MunIcIpal Mayor
prIor Lo 199S elecLIons. In LLe 199S elecLIons Le was aaIn proclaImed wInner buL due
Lo elecLIon proLesL aaInsL LIm, Le was removed Irom oIBce monLLs beIore LLe 1998
elecLIons. In LLe 1998 elecLIons Le aaIn ran and won. A dIsqualIBcaLIon case was Bled
aaInsL LIm. W0N peLILIoner's servIce Irom 1996 Lo 1998 as Mayor may be consIdered
as servIce oI one Iull Lerm.
Two requIsILes Ior LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon musL concur: 1. LLaL LLe oIBcIal concerned Las
been duly elecLed Ior LLree consecuLIve Lerms In LLe same local overnmenL posL, and
2. LLaL Le Las Iully served LLree consecuLIve Lerms. TLe Lwo requIsILes are absenL. He
cannoL be consIdered as LavIn been duly elecLed and Le dId noL Iully serve LLe Lerm
by reason oI InvolunLary relInquIsLmenL oI oIBce. (LonzanIda vs. C0MELEC)
FO5D5RR5?= E575`=?6O5R
FrIvaLe respondenL Bled a peLILIon Ior dIsqualIBcaLIon alleIn LLaL peLILIoner Is noL a
cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes, EuL an ImmIranL and resIdenL oI UBA. FeLILIoner admILLed
LLaL Le was a naLuralIzed AmerIcan cILIzen buL Le applIed Ior dual cILIzensLIp under
F.A. 922S.
W0N Le may be allowed Lo run Ior publIc oIBce. F.A. 922S Imposes an addILIonal
requIremenL on LLose wLo wIsL Lo seek elecLIve publIc oIBce. He Is LLus dIsqualIBed
Irom runnIn Ior publIc oIBce In vIew oI LIs IaIlure Lo renounce LIs AmerIcan
cILIzensLIp. (De 0uzman vs. C0MELEC) __________
FeLILIoner belIevIn LLaL Le Is a EIlIpIno cILIzen, upon BlIn an applIcaLIon Ior
repaLrIaLIon, Bled LIs CerLIBcaLe oI CandIdacy Ior mayor. TLe absence oI any oIBcIal
acLIon or approval by LLe proper auLLorILIes, a mere applIcaLIon Ior repaLrIaLIon does
noL and cannoL amounL Lo LLe auLomaLIc reacquIsILIon oI LLe applIcanL's FLIlIppIne
cILIzensLIp. (Labo vs. C0MELEC)
J893D $A9R57AH=
A peLILIon Ior dIsqualIBcaLIon was Bled aaInsL LLe peLILIoner Ior LLe alleed
convIcLIon Ior vIolaLIon oI EF 22 wLIcL Is a crIme InvolvIn moral LurpILude. W0N
every crImInal acL Involves moral LurpILude. NoL every crImInal acL Involves moral
LurpILude and LLe courL Las LLe auLLorILy Lo deLermIne. IL depends upon LLe
cIrcumsLances surroundIn LLe vIolaLIon oI LLe sLaLuLe. (VIllaber vs. C0MELEC)
0AC575G= B98I bA675E=
FeLILIoner souLL LLe cancellaLIon oI respondenL's CerLIBcaLe oI CandIdacy on LLe
round LLaL LLe laLLer Is a IuILIve Irom jusLIce. TLe respondenL Is alleedly crImInally
cLared In LLe UnILed BLaLes and LLaL LIs arresL Is yeL Lo be served because oI LIs
BILL Irom LLe counLry.
W0N IuILIve Irom jusLIce covers only LLose convIcLed by Bnal judmenL. EuILIve
Irom jusLIce does noL mean a person convIcLed by Bnal judmenL. IL Includes LLose
aILer beIn cLared Bees Lo avoId prosecuLIon. (Marquez vs. C0MELEC)
29==? #39H 48DH=9
FeLILIoner was souLL Lo be dIsqualIBed Lo Lold publIc oIBce on LLe round LLaL Le Is a
reen card Lolder. He alleed LLaL Le merely obLaIned LLe reen card Ior convenIence,
LLaL Le Is a permanenL resIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes and voLed In LLe prevIous elecLIons.
W0N reen card Is prooI LLaL LLe Lolder Is a permanenL resIdenL oI LLe UnILed BLaLes.
ImmIraLIon Lo LLe UnILes BLaLes consLILuLed an abandonmenL oI respondenL's domIcIle
and resIdence In LLe FLIlIppInes. He enLered LLe UnILed BLaLes wILL LLe InLenLIon Lo
Lave LIs resIdence LLere permanenLly as evIdenced by LLe applIcaLIon Ior an
ImmIranL's vIsa.
To be qualIBed Lo run Ior elecLIve oIBce In LLe FLIlIppInes, LLe law requIres LLaL LLe
candIdaLe wLo Is a reen card Lolder musL Lave waIved LIs sLaLus as a permanenL
resIdenL or ImmIranL oI a IoreIn counLry. (CaasI vs. C0MELEC)
WILL LLe adopLIon oI auLomaLed elecLIon sysLem In our counLry, one oI LLe emerIn
concerns Is LLe
applIcaLIon oI LLe law on nuIsance candIdaLes under a new voLIn sysLem wLereIn
voLers IndIcaLe
LLeIr cLoIce oI candIdaLes by sLadIn LLe oval correspondIn Lo LLe name oI LLeIr
cLosen candIdaLe
prInLed on LLe balloLs, InsLead oI wrILIn LLe candIdaLe's name on LLe approprIaLe
space provIded In
LLe balloLs as In prevIous manual elecLIons. II LLe name oI a nuIsance candIdaLe wLose
cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy Lad been cancelled by LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC) was sLIll
Included or
prInLed In LLe oIBcIal balloLs on elecLIon day,sLould LLe voLes casL Ior sucL nuIsance
candIdaLe be
consIdered sLray or counLed In Iavor oI LLe bona Bde candIdaLe?
more consIsLenL wILL LLe rule well- ensconced In our jurIsprudence LLaL laws and
sLaLuLes overnIn elecLIon conLesLs especIally apprecIaLIon oI balloLs musL be
lIberally consLrued Lo LLe end LLaL LLe wIll oI LLe elecLoraLe In LLe cLoIce oI publIc
oIBcIals may noL be deIeaLed by LecLnIcal InBrmILIes.82 Indeed, as our elecLoral
experIence Lad demonsLraLed, sucL InBrmILIes and delays In LLe delIsLIn oI nuIsance
Irom boLL LLe CerLIBed LIsL oI CandIdaLes and 0IBcIal EalloLs only made possIble LLe
very evIl souLL
Lo be prevenLed by LLe exclusIon oI nuIsance candIdaLes durIn elecLIons.
FeLILIoner CasImIra B. Dela Cruz Is Lereby DECLAFED LLe duly elecLed VIce-Mayor oI
MunIcIpalILy oI Euason, FrovInce oI AnLIque In LLe May 10, 2010 elecLIons.
In a 84-pae decIsIon, LLe BC Leld LLaL a Lerm InLerrupLed by a rulIn on an elecLIon
proLesL Is noL covered by LLe LLree-Lerm rule.
AccordIn Lo LLe BC, wLen a local oIBcIal Is elecLed Ior LLe same posL Ior LLree
consecuLIve Lerms and Is noL able Lo compleLely BnIsL any oI LLose Lerms aILer beIn
removed as a resulL oI an elecLIon proLesL, Le or sLe can sLIll qualIIy Ior anoLLer Lerm.
"An InvolunLary InLerrupLed Lerm, cannoL, In LLe conLexL oI LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon rule,
be consIdered as one Lerm Ior purposes oI counLIn LLe LLree-Lerm LLresLold," read
LLe unanImous BC decIsIon penned by AssocIaLe JusLIce FresbILero Velasco Jr.
TLe BC made LLIs rulIn on LLe case oI Mayor Abelardo Abundo oI VIa, CaLanduanes.
Abundo ran Ior mayor In Iour successIve elecLIons - 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. In
2001 and 2007, Le emered wInner and assumed LLe mayoral posL.
In LLe 2004 elecLIon, Lowever, Abundo's rIval, Jose Torres, was InILIally proclaImed
LLe wInner. Abundo proLesLed Torres' proclamaLIon and succeeded In LLe case unLIl Le
assumed LLe mayoral posL on May 9, 2006 or Ior a perIod oI a lILLle over a year unLIl
June 80, 2007.
In LLe 2010 elecLIon, LLe rIvalry beLween Abundo and Torres aaIn ensued. Torres
Bled a dIsqualIBcaLIon case aaInsL Abundo on LLe basIs oI LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL.
0n June 16, 2010, LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons ruled In Iavor oI Abundo wLo deIeaLed
Torres by 219 voLes. He was proclaImed mayor-elecL oI VIa Lown.
0n May 21, 2010, a cerLaIn ErnesLo Vea Bled a quo warranLo acLIon aaInsL Abundo
beIore LLe VIrac reIonal LrIal courL (FTC). Vea raIsed LLe same arumenLs In Torres'
dIsqualIBcaLIon case aaInsL Abundo.
TLe FTC saId Abundo was InelIIble Lo serve as mayor wILL a rulIn LLaL Le Lad
served LLree Lerms In LLe 2001, 2004, and 2007 polls.
EoLL LLe rulIns oI LLe Comelec's Becond DIvIsIon on Eeb. 8, 2012 and Iull courL on
May 10, 2012 aIBrmed LLe FTC decIsIon, prompLIn Abundo Lo elevaLe LLe Issue
beIore LLe BC.
VIa VIce Mayor EmeLerIo TarIn and BrsL councIlor Cesar CervanLes assumed LLe posL
oI mayor and vIce mayor, respecLIvely, on July 8, 2012, LLe same day LLe BC Issued a
Lemporary resLraInIn order sLoppIn LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe Comelec decIsIon
aaInsL Abundo.
FulIn In Iavor oI Abundo's peLILIon and reversIn LLe Comelec decIsIon, LLe BC saId,
"TLe almosL Lwo-year perIod wLIcL Abundo's opponenL acLually served as mayor Is
and ouLL Lo be consIdered an InvolunLary InLerrupLIon oI Abundo's conLInuILy oI
WILL LLe rulIn, LLe BC ordered LLe ImmedIaLe reInsLaLemenL oI Abundo as VIa
mayor and reversIon oI TarIn and CervanLes Lo LLeIr orIInal posLs as vIce mayor and
BrsL councIlor, respeLIvely.
TLe Bupreme CourL IurLLer Leld LLaL LLere Las, In Bne, Lo be a break or InLerrupLIon
In LLe successIve Lerms oI LLe oIBcIal aILer LIs or Ler LLIrd Lerm. An InLerrupLIon
usually occurs wLen LLe oIBcIal does noL seek a IourLL Lerm, ImmedIaLely IollowIn
LLe LLIrd. 0I course, LLe basIc law Is unequIvocal LLaL a "volunLary renuncIaLIon oI LLe
oIBce Ior any lenLL oI LIme sLall N0T be consIdered an InLerrupLIon In LLe conLInuILy
oI servIce Ior LLe Iull Lerm Ior wLIcL LLe elecLIve oIBcIal concerned was elecLed." TLIs
qualIBcaLIon was made as a deLerrenL aaInsL an elecLIve local oIBcIal InLendIn Lo
skIrL LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL rule by merely resInIn beIore LIs or Ler LLIrd Lerm ends.
TLIs Is a volunLary InLerrupLIon as dIsLInuIsLed Irom InvolunLary InLerrupLIon
wLIcL may be brouLL abouL by cerLaIn evenLs or causes.
ge #)JF)%2'U !"!#$%&' F1&F)2)'-)U !$#e
#3IR35C?U !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3U =7E
+, #&'#!F$U #)JF)%2'
ConcepL: reIers Lo an acL desInaLed Lo promoLe LLe elecLIon or deIeaL oI a parLIcular
candIdaLe or candIdaLes Lo a publIc oIBce (Bec 79, 0EC)
P, #)JF)%2' F!1%&-U !"!#$%&' F!1%&- !D=E758? F=958H\ Unless oLLerwIse
Bxed by LLe CommIssIon In specIal cases, LLe elecLIon perIod sLall commence 90 days
beIore LLe day oI elecLIon and sLall end 80 days LLereaILer. (Bec 9, ArL 9C, ConsLI)
#3IR35C? F=958H\ noL Include LLe day beIore and LLe day oI elecLIon a) FresIdenLIal
and VIce-Fres: 90 days b) Conress & Local ElecLIon: 4S days c) Earanay- 1S days
d) BpecIal elecIons under ArL 8, Bec S, Bubsec 2- 4S days *persons wLo Lave Bled
cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy sLall only be consIdered candIdaLes aL LLe sLarL oI LLe
campaIn perIod.
W) ")*0/" !"!#$%&' F1&F)2)'-)
(EaIr ElecLIons AcL, FA No. 9006) 1. WrILLen/FrInLed MaLerIals (noL exceed 8.SW x
14L) 2. HandwrILLen/prInLed leLLers 8. FosLers (noL exceed 2x8 IL) (8x8 IL sLreamers
allowed In publIc meeLIn or rally
dIsplayed Ior S days beIore rally daLe, buL sLall be removed wILLIn 24 Lours aILer) 4.
FrInL Ads
S. 14 broadsLeeL, 12 LabloId, LLrIce a wk per newspaper, ma or oLLer pub durIn LLe
campaIn perIod
6. EroadcasL MedIa (TV & FadIo) a) NaLIonal: 120 mInuLes Ior TV and 180 mInuLes Ior
radIo b) Local FosILIon: 60 mInuLes Ior TV and 90 mInuLes Ior radIo
i, /'")*0/" !"!#$%&' F1&F)2)'-)
(a) To prInL, publIsL, posL or dIsLrIbuLe any posLer, pampLleL, cIrcular, LandbIll, or
prInLed maLLer urIn voLers Lo voLe Ior or aaInsL any candIdaLe u?D=66 7O=: <=39 7O=
?3I=6 3?H 3HH9=66=6 8B 7O= R95?7=9 3?H R3:89 36 9=aA59=H 5? .=E758? Zi O=9=8B, (b)
To erecL, puL up, make use oI, aLLacL, BoaL or dIsplay any <5DD<839HU 75?RD37=M
R867=9U <3DD88?6 3?H 7O= D5_=U 8B TO37=G=9 65`=U 6O3R=U B89I 89 _5?HU adverLIsIn Ior
or aaInsL any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy,
(c) To purcLase, manuIacLure, requesL, dIsLrIbuLe or accepL elecLoral propaanda
adeLs, sucL as pens, lILLers, Ians oI wLaLever naLure, BasLlILLs, aLLleLIc oods or
maLerIals, walleLs, sLIrLs, LaLs, bandanas, maLcLes, cIareLLes and LLe lIke, =]E=R7 7O37
E3IR35C? 6ARR897=96 3EE8IR3?:5?C 3 E3?H5H37= 6O3DD <= 3DD8T=H 78 T=39 O376
3?Hc89 6O5976 89 $M6O5976 3HG=97565?C 3 E3?H5H37=d
(d) To sLow or dIsplay publIcly any adverLIsemenL or propaanda Ior or aaInsL any
candIdaLe by means oI cInemaLorapLy, audIo-vIsual unILs or oLLer screen projecLIons
=]E=R7 7=D=E3676 TO5EO I3: <= 3DD8T=H 36 O=9=5?3B7=9 R98G5H=Hd 3?H (e) Eor
any radIo broadcasLIn or LelevIsIon sLaLIon Lo 6=DD 89 C5G= B9== 8B EO39C= 359 75I= B89
E3IR35C? 3?H 87O=9 R8D575E3D RA9R86=6 =]E=R7 36 3A7O895`=H 5? 7O56 #8H= A?H=9 7O=
9AD=6 3?H 9=CAD3758?6 R98IADC37=H <: 7O= #8II56658? RA96A3?7 7O=9=78 Any
proLIbILed elecLIon propaanda adeL or adverLIsemenL sLall be sLopped, conBscaLed
or Lorn down by LLe represenLaLIve oI LLe CommIssIon upon specIBc auLLorILy oI LLe
CommIssIon. (Bec. 89, 1978 EC, modIBed)
!D=E758? .A9G=:\ TLe Bupreme CourL Leld LLaL Bec. S.4 oI LLe EaIr ElecLIons AcL
proLIbILIn publIcaLIon oI survey resulLs 1S days ImmedIaLely precedIn a naLIonal
elecLIon and 7 days beIore a local elecLIon vIolaLes LLe consLILuLIonal rILLs oI speecL,
expressIon, and LLe press because:
IL Imposes a prIor resLraInL on LLe Ireedom oI expressIon, IL Is a dIrecL and
LoLal suppressIon oI a caLeory oI expressIon even LLouL sucL suppressIon Is only Ior
a lImILed perIod, and TLe overnmenLal InLeresL souLL Lo be promoLed can be
acLIeved by means oLLer LLan LLe suppressIon oI Ireedom oI expressIon (BocIal
WeaLLer BLaLIon v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 147S71 May S, 2001).
#&J!"!# .R3E=
TLe C0MELEC sLall procure LLe prInL space upon paymenL oI jusL compensaLIon Irom
aL leasL LLree (8) naLIonal newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon wLereIn candIdaLes Ior
naLIonal oIBce can announce LLeIr candIdacIes. BucL space sLall be allocaLed Iree oI
cLare equally and ImparLIally amon all LLe candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce on LLree (8)
dIIIerenL calendar days: LLe BrsL day wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, LLe
second day wILLIn LLe BILL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, and LLe LLIrd day wILLIn LLe
LenLL week oI LLe campaIn perIod (Bec. 7.1, FA 9006).
#&J!"!# $5I=
TLe C0MELEC sLall also procure Iree aIrLIme Irom aL leasL LLree (8) naLIonal
LelevIsIon neLworks and LLree(8) naLIonal radIo neLworks, wLIcL sLall also be
allocaLed Iree oI cLare equally and ImparLIally amon all candIdaLes Ior naLIonal
oIBce. BucL Iree LIme sLall be allocaLed on LLree (8) dIIIerenL calendar days, LLe BrsL
day wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, LLe second day wILLIn LLe BILL week
oI LLe campaIn perIod, and LLe LLIrd day wILLIn LLe LenLL weeks oI LLe campaIn
perIod (Bec 7.2, FA 9006).
15CO7 78 1=RD:
All reIsLered parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo reply Lo cLares
publIsLed aaInsL LLem. TLe reply sLall be Iven publIcILy by LLe newspaper,
LeleveIsIon and/or radIo sLaLIon wLIcL BrsL prInLed or aIred LLe cLares wILL LLe same
promInence or In LLe same pae or secLIon or In LLe same LIme sloL as LLe BrsL
sLaLemenL (Bec. 10, FA 9006, EaIr ElecLIon AcL).
!aA3D )EE=66 78 J=H53 $5I= 3?H .R3E= (Bec 6, EF 881) FrInL adverLIsemenLs
sLall noL exceed one- IourLL (1/4) pae In broadsLeeL and one-LalI (1/2) pae In
LabloIds LLrIce a week per newspaper, maazIne or oLLer publIcaLIons, durIn LLe
campaIn perIod. NoL more LLan one Lundred LwenLy (120) mInuLes oI
LelevIsIon adverLIsemenL and one Lundred eILLy (180) mInuLes oI radIo
adverLIsemenL wLeLLer by purcLase or donaLIon. NoL more LLan sIxLy (60)
mInuLes oI LelevIsIon adverLIsemenL and nIneLy (90) mInuLes oI radIo adverLIsemenL
wLeLLer by purcLase or donaLIon.
!]57 F8DD6
ExIL polls may only be Laken subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn requIremenLs: 1. FollsLers sLall
noL conducL LLeIr surveys wILLIn BILy (S0) meLers Irom LLe pollIn place, wLeLLer saId
survey Is Laken In a Lome, dwellIn place and oLLer places, 2.FollsLers sLall wear
dIsLIncLIve cloLLIn, 8. FollsLers sLall InIorm LLe voLers LLaL LLey may reIuse Lo
answer, and 4.TLe resulL oI LLe exIL polls may be announced aILer LLe closIn oI LLe
polls on elecLIon day, and musL clearly IdenLIIy LLe LoLal number oI respondenLs, and
LLe places wLere LLey were Laken. BaId announcemenL sLall sLaLe LLaL LLe same Is
unoIBcIal and does noL represenL a Lrend. ExIL polls and LLe dIssemInaLIon oI
LLeIr resulLs LLrouL mass medIa consLILuLes parL oI LLe Ireedom oI speecL and oI LLe
press. Hence, LLe Comelec cannoL ban LLem LoLally In LLe uIse oI promoLIn clean,
LonesL, orderly and credIble elecLIons. (AEB-CEN v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 188486,
January 28, 2000)
X, #&'$1%N/$%&'. )'- F1&4%N%$!- #&'.$1%N/$%&'.
#8?795<A758?- Includes a IIL, donaLIon, subscrIpLIon, loan, advance or deposIL oI
money or anyLLIn oI value, or a conLracL, promIse or areemenL Lo conLrIbuLe,
wLeLLer or noL leally enIorceable, made Ior LLe purpose oI InBuencIn LLe resulLs
oI LLe elecLIons buL sLall noL Include servIces rendered wILLouL compensaLIon by
IndIvIduals volunLeerIn a porLIon or all oI LLeIr LIme In beLalI oI a candIdaLe or
polILIcal parLy. IL sLall also Include LLe use oI IacIlILIes volunLarIly donaLed by oLLer
persons, LLe money value oI wLIcL can be assessed based on LLe raLes prevaIlIn In LLe
area. (Bec. 94, EF 881)
F98O5<57=H #8?795<A758?6\
1. ConLrIbuLIon Ior purposes oI parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy sLall be made dIrecLly or
IndIrecLly by any oI LLe IollowIn:
A) FublIc or prIvaLe BnancIal InsLILuLIons, excepL, loan made by BnancIal InsLILuLIons
leally In LLe busIness oI lendIn money, and In accordance wILL laws and
reulaLIons and In LLe ordInary course oI busIness,
E) NaLural and jurIdIcal persons operaLIn a publIc uLIlILy or In possessIon oI or
exploILIn any naLural resources oI LLe naLIon,
C) NaLural and jurIdIcal persons wLo Lold conLracLs or sub-conLracLs Lo supply LLe
overnmenL or any oI ILs dIvIsIons, subdIvIsIons or InsLrumenLalILIes, wILL oods or
servIces or Lo perIorm consLrucLIon or oLLer works,
D) NaLural and jurIdIcal persons wLo Lave been ranLed IrancLIses, IncenLIves,
exempLIons, allocaLIons or sImIlar prIvIlees or concessIons by LLe overnmenL or any
oI ILs dIvIsIons, subdIvIsIons or InsLrumenLalILIes, IncludIn overnmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLIons,
E) NaLural and jurIdIcal persons wLo, wILLIn one year prIor Lo LLe daLe oI LLe elecLIon,
Lave been ranLed loans or oLLer accommodaLIons In excess oI F100,000 by LLe
overnmenL or any oI ILs dIvIsIons, subdIvIsIons or InsLrumenLalILIes IncludIn
overnmenL- owned or conLrolled corporaLIons,
E) EducaLIonal InsLILuLIons wLIcL Lave receIved ranLs oI publIc Iunds amounLIn Lo
no less LLan F100,000.00,
0) 0IBcIals or employees In LLe CIvIl BervIce, or members oI LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe
FLIlIppInes, and H) EoreIners and IoreIn corporaLIons.
persons or enLILIes enumeraLed LereIn (Bec. 9S, 0EC).
IL sLall be unlawIul Ior any person Lo solIcIL or receIve any conLrIbuLIon Irom any oI LLe
2. IL sLall be unlawIul Ior any person, IncludIn a polILIcal parLy or publIc or prIvaLe
enLILy Lo solIcIL or receIve, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, any aId or conLrIbuLIon oI wLaLever
Iorm or naLure Irom any IoreIn naLIonal, overnmenL or enLILy Ior LLe purposes oI
InBuencIn LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon (Bec 96, 0EC).
8. IL sLall be unlawIul Ior any person Lo Lold dances, loLLerIes, cockBLLs, ames,
boxIn bouLs, bIno, beauLy conLesLs, enLerLaInmenLs, or cInemaLorapLIc, LLeaLrIcal
or oLLer perIormances Ior LLe purpose oI raIsIn Iunds Ior an elecLIon campaIn or Ior
LLe supporL oI any candIdaLe Irom LLe commencemenL oI LLe elecLIon perIod up Lo and
IncludIn elecLIon day, or Ior any person or oranIzaLIon, wLeLLer cIvIc or relIIous,
dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, Lo solIcIL and/or accepL Irom any candIdaLe Ior publIc oIBce, or
Irom LIs campaIn manaer, aenL or represenLaLIve, or any person acLIn In LLeIr
beLalI, any IIL, Iood, LransporLaLIon, conLrIbuLIon or donaLIon In casL or In kInd Irom
LLe commencemenL oI LLe elecLIon perIod up Lo and IncludIn elecLIon day, excepL,
normal and cusLomary relIIous sLIpends, LILLes, or collecLIons on Bundays and/or
oLLer desInaLed collecLIon days, are excluded Irom LLIs proLIbILIon (Bec. 97, 0EC).
g, ")*0/" #&'$1%N/$%&'U !kF!'-%$/1!.d "%J%$)$%&'. &0
!]R=?H57A9=- Includes LLe paymenL or delIvery oI money oI anyLLIn oI value, or a
conLracL, promIse or areemenL Lo make an expendILure, Ior LLe purpose oI InBuencIn
LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon. IL sLall also Include LLe use oI IacIlILIes personally owned by
LLe candIdaLe, LLe money value oI LLe use oI wLIcL can be assessed based on LLe raLes
prevaIlIn In LLe area. (Bec. 94, EF 881)
"5I573758?6 8? !]R=?6= (Bec. 18, ByncLronIzed ElecLIons and Ior ElecLoral FeIorms -
F.A. 7166)
1. #3?H5H37=6\ Ten pesos (F10.00) Ior FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL, and Ior oLLer
candIdaLes TLree Fesos (F8.00) Ior every voLer currenLly reIsLered In LLe
consLILuency wLere Le Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy: FrovIded, TLaL a
candIdaLe wILLouL any polILIcal parLy and wILLouL supporL Irom any polILIcal parLy
may be allowed Lo spend EIve Fesos (FS.00) Ior every sucL voLer, and 2. 089 R8D575E3D
R3975=6\ EIve pesos (FS.00) Ior every voLer currenLly reIsLered In LLe consLILuency or
consLILuencIes wLere IL Las oIBcIal candIdaLes.
Y, .$)$!J!'$ &0 #&'$1%N/$%&'. )'- !kF!'.!.
.737=I=?7 8B #8?795<A758?6 3?H !]R=?6=6 (Bec. 14, FA 7166) Every candIdaLe and
Lreasurer oI LLe polILIcal parLy sLall, wILLIn LLIrLy (80) days aILer LLe day oI LLe
elecLIon, Ble In duplIcaLe wILL LLe oIBces oI LLe CommIssIon LLe Iull, Lrue and ILemIzed
sLaLemenL oI all conLrIbuLIons and expendILures In connecLIon wILL LLe elecLIon.
!BB=E7 8B 035DA9= 78 05D=\
1. FroLIbILed Irom enLerIn upon LLe duLIes oI LIs oIBce dIsLIncLIon as Lo wLeLLer LLe
candIdaLe pursued LIs candIdacy or wILLdrew IL. TLe BLaLe Las an InLeresL In seeIn
LLaL LLe elecLoral process Is clean. 0ne way oI aLLaInIn LLe objecLIve Is Lo reulaLe
conLrIbuLIons and expenses oI candIdaLes. A candIdaLe wLo wILLdrew may Lave
accepLed conLrIbuLIons and Incurred expenses.
%B 7O=9= 56 :=7 ?8 E3?H5H37= TO86= 5?7=9=67 57 56 78 <= R98I87=H 89 H=B=37=HU 7O=9= 56
?8 9=6795E758? 78 3?: =D=E758? E3IR35C? 89 R397563? R8D575E3D 3E75G57:e )EE89H5?CD:U
=?C3C5?C 5? R397563? R8D575E3D 3E75G57: 5? B3G89 8BU 89 3C35?67U 3 R=968? TO8 O36 ?87
>D=H 3 E=975>E37= 8B E3?H5H3E: 56 ?87 R98O5<57=He
A person wLo Bles a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Is noL a candIdaLe unLIl LLe sLarL oI
LLe campaIn perIod (LanoL v. Comelec)
A candIdaLe Is lIable Ior an elecLIon oIIense only Ior acLs done durIn LLe campaIn
perIod, noL beIore. TLe law Is clear as daylILL - any elecLIon oIIense LLaL may be
commILLed by a candIdaLe under any elecLIon law cannoL be commILLed beIore LLe sLarL
oI LLe campaIn perIod. (Fenera v. Comelec)
Z, #).!.
#4)L!h L. #&J!"!#
EFEED0M 0E EZFFEBBI0N--> noL vIolaLed, buL merely reulaLed, especIally beIore
campaIn perIod
*so, under ILs power, IL can reulaLe sucL as per IL power Lo abdIcaLe premaLure
*N0T A VI0LATI0N- vIol sa penera
*96 NorLL, a cloLLIn company
*Konka InLernaLIonal FlasLIcs ManuIacLurIn CorporaLIon
*AmusemenL and vIdeo ames busIness, 0-Eox
***LLree bIllboards were seL up alon LLe EalInLawak InLercLane oI LLe NorLL
proLIbIL premaLure campaInIn and Lo level LLe playIn Beld Ior candIdaLes oI publIc
oIBce, Lo equalIze LLe sILuaLIon beLween popular or rIcL candIdaLes, on one Land, and
lesser-known or poorer candIdaLes, on LLe oLLer, by prevenLIn LLe Iormer Irom
enjoyIn undue advanLae In exposure and publIcILy on accounL oI LLeIr resources
and popularILy
F!'!1) L. #&J!"!#
BLa monIca, surIao del norLe
Fenera was noL yeL a candIdaLe aL LLe LIme oI LLe IncIdenL under BecLIon 11 oI FA
8486 as amended by BecLIon 18 oI FA 9869 (Under BecLIon 11 oI FA 8486, LLe only
purpose Ior LLe early BlIn oI cerLIBcaLes oI candIdacy Is Lo Ive ample LIme Ior LLe
prInLIn oI oIBcIal balloLs) (sLraLey oI parLIes Lo Ble durIn lasL day oI campaIn)
VIol oI sec 80, oec
TLe admIssIon LLaL Fenera parLIcIpaLed In a moLorcade Is noL LLe same as admILLIn
sLe enaed In premaLure elecLIon campaInIn
any person wLo Bles LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy wILLIn [LLe BlIn] perIod sLall only be
consIdered a candIdaLe aL LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod Ior wLIcL Le Bled LIs
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy."
@any unlawIul acL or omIssIon applIcable Lo a candIdaLe sLall Lake eIIecL only upon
LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod"
.*. L. #&J!"!#
FeLILIoners BocIal WeaLLer BLaLIons, Inc. and KamaLalan FublIsLIn CorporaLIon,
publIsLer oI ManIla BLandard, brouLL LLIs acLIon beIore LLe Bupreme CourL Lo
declare as unconsLILuLIonal BecLIon S.4 oI FepublIc AcL No. 9006. FeLILIoners claImed
LLaL saId provIsIon, wLIcL proLIbILed LLe publIcaLIon oI surveys aIIecLIn naLIonal
candIdaLes BILeen days beIore an elecLIon, and surveys aIIecLIn local candIdaLes
seven days beIore an elecLIon, was a prIor resLraInL on LLe exercIse oI LLe Ireedom oI
speecL wILLouL any clear and presenL daner Lo jusLIIy sucL resLraInL. FespondenL, on
LLe oLLer Land, jusLIBed saId resLrIcLIons on LLe round LLaL LLe same was necessary
Lo prevenL LLe manIpulaLIon and corrupLIon oI LLe elecLoral process by unscrupulous
and erroneous surveys. IL was claImed LLaL LLe IndIscrImInaLe publIcaLIon oI surveys
up Lo elecLIon day led Lo mIsInIormaLIon, junkIn oI weak and losIn candIdaLes by
parLIes, and LLe creaLIon oI a bandwaon eIIecL In Iavor oI cerLaIn candIdaLes.
aDBIHc TLe Bupreme CourL In ILs majorILy opInIon concluded LLaL LLe dIspuLed
provIsIon consLILuLes an unconsLILuLIonal abrIdmenL oI LLe Ireedom oI speecL,
expressIon and LLe press. AccordIn Lo LLe CourL, BecLIon S.4 was InvalId because oI
LLree reasons: (1) IL Imposed a prIor resLraInL on LLe Ireedom oI expressIon, (2) IL
was a dIrecL and LoLal suppressIon oI a caLeory oI expressIon even LLouL sucL
suppressIon was only Ior a lImILed perIod, and (8) LLe overnmenLal InLeresL souLL
Lo be promoLed could be acLIeved by means oLLer LLan LLe suppressIon oI Ireedom oI
expressIon. TLe peLILIon Ior proLIbILIon was ranLed.
)' )#$ $& !'4)'#! $4! 4&"-%'2 &0 01!!U &1-!1"KU 4&'!.$U F!)#!0/"
)'- #1!-%N"! !"!#$%&'. $41&/24 0)%1 !"!#$%&' F1)#$%#!.
.=E758? +e BLorL TILle.- TLIs AcL sLall be known as LLe EaIr ElecLIon AcL.
.=E758? Pe DeclaraLIon oI FrIncIples. - TLe BenaLe sLall, durIn LLe elecLIon perIod,
supervIse or reulaLe LLe enjoymenL or uLIlIzaLIon oI all IrancLIses or permILs Ior LLe
operaLIon oI medIa oI communIcaLIon or InIormaLIon Lo uaranLee or ensure equal
opporLunILy Ior publIc servIce, IncludIn access Lo medIa LIme and space, and LLe
equILable rILL Lo reply, Ior publIc InIormaLIon campaIns and Ior a amon candIdaLes
and assure Iree, orderly, LonesL, peaceIul and credIble elecLIons.
TLe BLaLe sLall ensure LLaL bona Bde candIdaLes Ior any publIc oIBce sLall be Iree Irom
any Iorm oI LarassmenL and dIscrImInaLIon.
.=E758? We LawIul ElecLIon Fropaanda. - ElecLIon propaanda, wLeLLer on LelevIsIon,
cable LelevIsIon, radIo, newspapers or any oLLer medIum Is Lereby allowed Ior all
reIsLered polILIcal parLIes, naLIonal, reIonal, secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons
parLIcIpaLIn under LLe parLy lIsL elecLIons and Ior all bona Bde candIdaLes seekIn
naLIonal and local elecLIve posILIons subjecL Lo LLe lImILaLIon on auLLorIzed expenses oI
candIdaLes and polILIcal parLIes, observance oI LruLL In adverLIsIn and Lo LLe
supervIsIon and reulaLIon by LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC).
Eor LLe purpose oI LLIs AcL, lawIul elecLIon propaanda sLall Include:
8.1. FampLleLs, leaBeLs, cards, decals, sLIckers or oLLer wrILLen or prInLed
maLerIals LLe sIze oI wLIcL does noL exceed eILL and one LalI IncLes In wIdLL
and IourLeen IncLes In lenLL,
8.2. HandwrILLen or prInLed leLLers urIn voLers Lo voLe Ior or aaInsL any
parLIcular polILIcal parLy or candIdaLe Ior publIc oIBce,
8.8. CloLL, paper or cardboard posLers, wLeLLer Iramed or posLed, wILL an area
noL exceedIn Lwo (2) IeeL by LLree (8) IeeL, excepL LLaL, aL LLe sILe and on LLe
occasIon oI a publIc meeLIn or rally, or In announcIn LLe LoldIn oI saId
meeLIn or rally, sLreamers noL exceedIn LLree (8) IeeL by eILL (8) IeeL In sIze,
sLall be allowed: FrovIded, TLaL saId sLreamers may be dIsplayed Bve (S) days
beIore LLe daLe oI LLe meeLIn or rally and sLall be removed wILLIn LwenLy-Iour
(24) Lours aILer saId meeLIn or rally,
8.4. FaId adverLIsemenLs In prInL or broadcasL medIa: FrovIded, TLaL LLe
adverLIsemenLs sLall Iollow LLe requIremenLs seL IorLL In BecLIon 4 oI LLIs AcL,
8.S. All oLLer Iorms oI elecLIon propaanda noL proLIbILed by LLe 0mnIbus
ElecLIon Code or LLIs AcL.
.=E758? ie FequIremenLs Ior FublIsLed or FrInLed and EroadcasL ElecLIon
Fropaanda. - 4.1. Any newspaper, newsleLLer, newsweekly, azeLLe or maazIne
adverLIsIn, posLers, pampLleLs, comIc books, cIrculars, LandbIlls, bumper sLIckers,
sLreamers, sample lIsL oI candIdaLes or any publIsLed or prInLed polILIcal maLLer and
any broadcasL oI elecLIon propaanda by LelevIsIon or radIo Ior or aaInsL a candIdaLe
or roup oI candIdaLes Lo any publIc oIBce sLall bear and be IdenLIBed by LLe
reasonably leIble or audIble words polILIcal adverLIsemenL paId Ior, Iollowed by LLe
Lrue and correcL name and address oI LLe candIdaLe or parLy Ior wLose beneBL LLe
elecLIon propaanda was prInLed or aIred.
4.2. II LLe broadcasL Is Iven Iree oI cLare by LLe radIo or LelevIsIon sLaLIon, IL
sLall be IdenLIBed by LLe words aIrLIme Ior LLIs broadcasL was provIded Iree oI
cLare by Iollowed by LLe Lrue and correcL name and address oI LLe broadcasL
4.8. FrInL, broadcasL or ouLdoor adverLIsemenLs donaLed Lo LLe candIdaLe or
polILIcal parLy sLall noL be prInLed, publIsLed, broadcasL, or exLIbILed wILLouL
LLe wrILLen accepLance by LLe saId candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy. BucL wrILLen
accepLance sLall be aLLacLed Lo LLe adverLIsIn conLracL and sLall be submILLed
Lo LLe C0MELEC as provIded In BubsecLIon 6.8. LereoI.
.=E758? Xe ElecLIon Burveys. - S.1. ElecLIon surveys reIer Lo LLe measuremenL oI
opInIons and percepLIons oI LLe voLers as reards a candIdaLe's popularILy,
qualIBcaLIons, plaLIorms or a maLLer oI publIc dIscussIon In relaLIon Lo LLe elecLIon,
IncludIn voLers' preIerence Ior candIdaLes or publIcly dIscussed Issues durIn LLe
campaIn perIod (LereaILer reIerred Lo as Burvey).
S.2. DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod, any person, naLural as well as jurIdIcal,
candIdaLe or oranIzaLIon wLo publIsLes a survey musL lIkewIse publIsL LLe
IollowIn InIormaLIon:
(a) TLe name oI LLe person, candIdaLe, parLy or oranIzaLIon wLo
commIssIoned or paId Ior LLe survey,
(b) TLe name oI LLe person, pollIn Brm or survey oranIzaLIon wLo
conducLed LLe survey,
(c) TLe perIod durIn wLIcL LLe survey was conducLed, LLe meLLodoloy
used, IncludIn LLe number oI IndIvIdual respondenLs and LLe areas Irom
wLIcL LLey were selecLed, and LLe specIBc quesLIons asked,
(d) TLe marIn o error oI LLe survey,
(e) Eor eacL quesLIon Ior wLIcL LLe marIn oI error Is reaLer LLan LLaL
reporLed under pararapL (d), LLe marIn oI error Ior LLaL quesLIon, and
(I) A maIlIn address and LelepLone number, IndIcaLIn IL as an address or
LelepLone number aL wLIcL LLe sponsor can be conLacLed Lo obLaIn a
wrILLen reporL reardIn LLe survey In accordance wILL BubsecLIon S.8.
S.8. TLe survey LoeLLer wILL raw daLa aLLered Lo supporL ILs conclusIons sLall
be avaIlable Ior InspecLIon, copyIn and verIBcaLIon by LLe C0MELEC or by a
reIsLered polILIcal parLy or a bona Bde candIdaLe or by any C0MELEC-
accredILed cILIzen's arm. A reasonable Iee suIBcIenL Lo cover LLe cosLs oI
InspecLIon, copyIn and verIBcaLIon may be cLared.
S.4. Burveys aIIecLIn naLIonal candIdaLes sLall noL be publIsLed BILeen (1S)
days beIore an elecLIon and surveys aIIecLIn local candIdaLes sLall noL be
publIsLed seven (7) days beIore an elecLIon.
S.S. ExIL polls may only be Laken subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn requIremenLs:
(a) FollsLers sLall noL conducL LLeIr surveys wILLIn BILy (S0) meLers Irom
LLe pollIn place, wLeLLer saId survey Is Laken In a Lome, dwellIn place
and oLLer places,
(b) FollsLers sLall wear dIsLIncLIve cloLLIn,
(c) FollsLers sLall InIorm LLe voLers LLaL LLey may reIuse Lo answer, and
(d) TLe resulL oI LLe exIL polls may be announced aILer LLe closIn oI LLe
polls on elecLIon day, and musL clearly IdenLIIy LLe LoLal number oI
respondenLs, and LLe places wLere LLey were Laken. BaId announcemenL
sLall sLaLe LLaL LLe same Is unoIBcIal and does noL represenL a Lrend.
.=E758? ge Equal Access Lo MedIa TIme and Bpace. - All reIsLered parLIes and bona
Bde candIdaLes sLall Lave equal access Lo medIa LIme and space. TLe IollowIn
uIdelInes may be amplIBed on by LLe C0MELEC.
6.1. FrInL adverLIsemenLs sLall noL exceed one-IourLL (1/4) pae, In broad sLeeL
and one-LalI (1/2) pae In LabloIds LLrIce a week per newspaper, maazIne or
oLLer publIcaLIons, durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
6.2. (a) EacL bona Bde candIdaLe or reIsLered polILIcal parLy Ior a naLIonally
elecLIve oIBce sLall be enLILled Lo noL more LLan one Lundred LwenLy (120)
mInuLes oI LelevIsIon adverLIsemenL and one Lundred eILLy (180) mInuLes oI
radIo adverLIsemenL wLeLLer by purcLase or donaLIon.
(b) EacL bona Bde candIdaLe or reIsLered polILIcal parLy Ior a locally
elecLIve oIBce sLall be enLILled Lo noL more LLan sIxLy (60) mInuLes oI
LelevIsIon adverLIsemenL and nIneLy (90) mInuLes oI radIo adverLIsemenL
wLeLLer by purcLase or
Eor LLIs purpose, LLe C0MELEC sLall requIre any broadcasL sLaLIon or enLILy Lo
submIL Lo LLe C0MELEC a copy oI ILs broadcasL los and cerLIBcaLes oI
perIormance Ior LLe revIew and verIBcaLIon oI LLe Irequency, daLe, LIme and
duraLIon oI adverLIsemenLs broadcasL Ior any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy.
6.8. All mass medIa enLILIes sLall IurnIsL LLe C0MELEC wILL a copy oI all
conLracLs Ior adverLIsIn, promoLIn or opposIn any polILIcal parLy or LLe
candIdacy oI any person Ior publIc oIBce wILLIn Bve (S) days aILer ILs sInIn. In
every case, IL sLall be sIned by LLe donor, LLe candIdaLe concerned or by LLe
duly auLLorIzed represenLaLIve oI LLe polILIcal parLy.
6.4. No IrancLIse or permIL Lo operaLe a radIo or LelevIsIon sLaLIons sLall be
ranLed or Issued, suspended or cancelled durIn LLe elecLIon perIod.
In all InsLances, LLe C0MELEC sLall supervIse LLe use and employmenL oI press,
radIo and LelevIsIon IacIlILIes InsoIar or LLe placemenL oI polILIcal
adverLIsemenLs Is concerned Lo ensure LLaL candIdaLes are Iven equal
opporLunILIes under equal cIrcumsLances Lo make known LLeIr qualIBcaLIons and
LLeIr sLand on publIc Issues wILLIn LLe lImILs seL IorLL In LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon
Code and FepublIc AcL No. 7166 on elecLIon spendIn.
TLe C0MELEC sLall ensure LLaL radIo or LelevIsIon or cable LelevIsIon
broadcasLIn enLILIes sLall noL allow LLe scLedulIn oI any proram or permIL
any sponsor Lo manIIesLly Iavor or oppose any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy by
unduly or repeaLedly reIerrIn Lo or IncludIn saId candIdaLe and/or polILIcal
parLy In sucL proram respecLIn, Lowever, In all InsLances LLe rILL oI saId
broadcasL enLILIes Lo aIr accounLs oI sInIBcanL news or news worLLy evenLs and
vIews on maLLers oI publIc InLeresL.
6.S. All members oI medIa, LelevIsIon, radIo or prInL, sLall scrupulously reporL
and InLerpreL LLe news, LakIn care noL Lo suppress essenLIal IacLs nor Lo dIsLorL
LLe LruLL by omIssIon or Improper empLasIs. TLey sLall reconIze LLe duLy Lo aIr
LLe oLLer sIde and LLe duLy Lo correcL subsLanLIve errors prompLly.
6.6. Any mass medIa columnIsL, commenLaLor, announcer, reporLer, on-aIr
correspondenL or personalILy wLo Is a candIdaLe Ior any elecLIve publIc oIBce or
Is a campaIn volunLeer Ior or employed or reLaIned In any capacILy by any
candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy sLall be deemed resIned, II so requIred by LLeIr
employer, or sLall Lake a leave oI absence Irom LIs/Ler work as sucL durIn LLe
campaIn perIod:FrovIded, TLaL any medIa pracLILIoner wLo Is an oIBcIal oI a
polILIcal parLy or a member oI LLe campaIn sLaII oI a candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy
sLall noL use LIs/Ler LIme or space Lo Iavor any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy.
6.7. No movIe, cInemaLorapL or documenLary porLrayIn LLe lIIe or bIorapLy
oI a candIdaLe sLall be publIcly exLIbILed In a LLeaLer, LelevIsIon sLaLIon or any
publIc Iorum durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
6.8. No movIe, cInemaLorapL or documenLary porLrayed by an acLor or medIa
personalILy wLo Is LImselI a candIdaLe sLall be publIcly exLIbILed In a LLeaLer,
LelevIsIon sLaLIon or any publIc Iorum durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
.=E758? Ye AIBrmaLIve AcLIon by LLe C0MELEC. - 7.1. FursuanL Lo BecLIons 90 and 92
oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code (EaLas Fambansa Eld. 881), LLe C0MELEC sLall procure
LLe prInL space upon paymenL oI jusL compensaLIon Irom aL leasL LLree (8) naLIonal
newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon wLereIn candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce can announce
LLeIr candIdacIes. BucL space sLall be allocaLed Iree oI cLare equally and ImparLIally
amon all LLe candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce on LLree (8) dIIIerenL calendar days: LLe
BrsL day wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, LLe second day wILLIn LLe BILL
week oI LLe campaIn perIod, and LLe LLIrd day wILLIn LLe LenLL week oI LLe campaIn
7.2. TLe C0MELEC sLall also procure Iree aIrLIme Irom aL leasL LLree (8)
naLIonal LelevIsIon neLworks and LLree(8) naLIonal radIo neLworks, wLIcL sLall
also be allocaLed Iree oI cLare equally and ImparLIally amon all candIdaLes Ior
naLIonal oIBce. BucL Iree LIme sLall be allocaLed on LLree (8) dIIIerenL calendar
days, LLe BrsL day wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, LLe second day
wILLIn LLe BILL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, and LLe LLIrd day wILLIn LLe LenLL
weeks oI LLe campaIn perIod.
7.8. TLe C0MELEC may requIre naLIonal LelevIsIon and radIo neLworks Lo
sponsor aL leasL LLree (8) naLIonal debaLes amon presIdenLIal candIdaLes and aL
leasL one (1) naLIonal debaLe amon vIce presIdenLIal candIdaLes. TLe debaLes
amon presIdenLIal candIdaLes sLall be scLeduled on LLree (8) dIIIerenL calendar
days, LLe BrsL debaLe sLall be scLeduled wILLIn LLe BrsL and second week oI LLe
campaIn perIod, LLe second debaLe wILLIn LLe BILL and sIxLL week oI LLe
campaIn perIod, and LLe LLIrd debaLe sLall be scLeduled wILLIn LLe LenLL and
elevenLL week oI LLe campaIn perIod.
TLe sponsorIn LelevIsIon or radIo neLwork may sell aIr-LIme Ior commercIals and
adverLIsemenLs Lo InLeresLed adverLIsers and sponsors. TLe C0MELEC sLall
promulaLe rules and reulaLIons Ior LLe LoldIn oI sucL debaLes.
.=E758? Ze C0MELEC Bpace and TIme. - TLe C0MELEC sLall procure sLall In aL leasL
one (1) newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon and aIr LIme In aL leasL one (1) major
broadcasLIn sLaLIon or enLILy In every provInce or cILy:FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL In LLe
absence oI saId newspaper, publIcaLIon sLall be done In any oLLer maazIne or
perIodIcal In saId provInce or cILy, wLIcL sLall be known as C0MELEC
Bpace: FrovIded, IurLLer, TLaL In LLe absence oI saId broadcasLIn sLaLIon or enLILy,
broadcasLIn sLall be done In any radIo or LelevIsIon sLaLIon In saId provInce or cILy,
wLIcL sLall be known as C0MELEC TIme. BaId LIme sLall be allocaLed Lo LLe
C0MELEC Iree oI cLare, wLIle saId space sLall be allocaLed Lo LLe C0MELEC upon
paymenL oI jusL compensaLIon. TLe C0MELEC LIme and space sLall be uLIlIzed
exclusIvely by LLe C0MELEC Ior publIc InIormaLIon dIssemInaLIon on elecLIon-relaLed
.=E758? Ve FosLIn oI CampaIn MaLerIals. - TLe C0MELEC may auLLorIze polILIcal
parLIes and parLy-lIsL roups Lo erecL common posLer areas Ior LLeIr candIdaLes In noL
more LLan Len (1) publIc places sucL as plazas, markeLs, baranay cenLers and LLe
lIke, wLereIn candIdaLes can posL, dIsplay or exLIbIL elecLIon propaanda: FrovIded,
TLaL LLe sIze oI LLe posLer areas sLall noL exceed Lwelve (12) by sIxLeen (16) IeeL or ILs
IndependenL candIdaLes wILL no polILIcal parLIes may lIkewIse be auLLorIzed Lo erecL
common posLer areas In noL more LLan Len (10) publIc places, LLe sIze oI wLIcL sLall
noL exceed Iour (4) by sIx (6) IeeL or ILs equIvalenL.
CandIdaLes may posL any lawIul propaanda maLerIal In prIvaLe places wILL LLe
consenL oI LLe owner LLereoI, and In publIc places or properLy wLIcL sLall be allocaLed
equILably and ImparLIally amon LLe candIdaLes.
.=E758? +Qe FILL Lo Feply. - All reIsLered parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes sLall be
Lave LLe rILL Lo reply Lo cLares publIsLed aaInsL LLem. TLe reply sLall be Iven
publIcILy by LLe newspaper, LelevIsIon and/or radIo sLaLIon wLIcL BrsL prInLed or aIred
LLe cLares wILL LLe same promInence or In LLe same pae or secLIon or In LLe same
LIme sloL as LLe BrsL sLaLemenL.
.=E758? ++e FaLes Ior FolILIcal Fropaanda. - DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod, medIa ouLleLs
sLall cLare reIsLered polILIcal parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes a dIscounLed raLe oI
LLIrLy percenL (80%) Ior LelevIsIon, LwenLy percenL (20%) Ior radIo and Len (10%) Ior
prInL over LLe averae raLes cLared durIn LLe BrsL LLree quarLers oI LLe calendar
year precedIn LLe elecLIons.
.=E758? +Pe BubsLILuLIon oI CandIdaLes. - In case oI valId subsLILuLIons aILer LLe oIBcIal
balloLs Lave been prInLed, LLe voLes casL Ior LLe subsLILuLed candIdaLes sLall be
consIdered as sLray voLes buL sLall noL InvalIdaLe LLe wLole balloL. Eor LLIs purpose,
LLe oIBcIal balloLs sLall provIde spaces wLere LLe voLers may wrILe LLe name oI LLe
subsLILuLe candIdaLes II LLey are voLIn Ior LLe laLLer: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL II LLe
subsLILuLe candIdaLe oI LLe same IamIly name, LLIs provIsIon sLall noL apply.
.=E758? +We AuLLorILy oI LLe C0MELEC Lo FromulaLe Fules, ElecLIon 0IIenses. - TLe
C0MELEC sLall promulaLe and IurnIsL all polILIcal parLIes and candIdaLes and LLe
mass medIa enLILIes LLe rules and reulaLIons Ior LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL,
consIsLenL wILL LLe crILerIa esLablIsLed In ArLIcle IZ-C, BecLIon 4 oI LLe ConsLILuLIon
and BecLIon 86 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code (EaLas Fambansa Eld. 881).
Fules and reulaLIons promulaLed by LLe C0MELEC under and by auLLorILy oI LLIs
BecLIon sLall Lake eIIecL on LLe sevenLL day aILer LLeIr publIcaLIon In aL leasL Lwo (2)
daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon. FrIor Lo eIIecLIvILy oI saId rules and
reulaLIons, no polILIcal adverLIsemenL or propaanda Ior or aaInsL any candIdaLe or
polILIcal parLy sLall be publIsLed or broadcasL LLrouL mass medIa.
VIolaLIon oI LLIs AcL and LLe rules and reulaLIons oI LLe C0MELEC Issued Lo
ImplemenL LLIs AcL sLall be an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under LLe BrsL and second
pararapLs oI BecLIon 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code (EaLas Fambansa Eld. 881).
.=E758? +ie FepealIn Clause. - BecLIon 67 and 8S oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code (EaLas
Fambansa Eld. 881) and BecLIons 10 and 11 oI FepublIc AcL No. 6646 are Lereby
repealed. As a consequence, LLe BrsL provIso In LLe LLIrd pararapL oI BecLIon 11 oI
FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is rendered IneIIecLIve. All laws, presIdenLIal decrees, execuLIve
orders, rules and reulaLIons, or any parL LLereoI InconsIsLenL wILL LLe provIsIons oI
LLIs AcL are Lereby repealed or modIBed or amended accordInly.
.=E758? +Xe BeparabIlILy Clause. - II any provIsIon or parL LereoI Is Leld InvalId or
unconsLILuLIonal, LLe remaInder oI LLIs AcL noL oLLerwIse aIIecLed sLall remaIn In Iull
Iorce and eIIecL.
.=E758? +ge EIIecLIvILy. - TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL ImmedIaLely upon ILs approval.
Approved: Eebruary 12, 2001
2"&1%) J)#)F)2)"M)11&K&
FresIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes
TLe LawpLIl FrojecL - Arellano Law EoundaLIon
Today Is ErIday, AuusL 16, 2018

1=RA<D5E 8B 7O= FO5D5RR5?=6
#8?C9=66 8B 7O= FO5D5RR5?=6
MeLro ManIla
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1=RA<D5E )E7 '8e Y+gg '8G=I<=9 PgU +VV+
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)FF1&F1%)$%&'. $4!1!0&1U )'- 0&1 &$4!1 F/1F&.!.
Ee IL enacLed by LLe BenaLe and House oI FepresenLaLIves oI LLe FLIlIppInes In
Conress assembled::
.=E758? +e BLaLemenL oI FolIcy. - IL Is LLe polIcy oI LLe BLaLe Lo syncLronIze
elecLIons so LLaL LLere sLall be sImulLaneous reular elecLIons Ior naLIonal and
local oIBcIals once every LLree (8) years.
.=E758? Pe DaLe oI ElecLIons. - In accordance wILL LLe polIcy LereInbeIore
sLaLed, LLere sLall be an elecLIon Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, LwenLy-Iour (24)
BenaLors, all elecLIve Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, and all elecLIve
provIncIal, cILy and munIcIpal oIBcIals on LLe second Monday oI May, 1992.
TLereaILer, LLe FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL sLall be elecLed on LLe same day
every sIx (6) years, wLIle LLe BenaLors, elecLIve Members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and all elecLIve provIncIal, cILy and munIcIpal oIBcIals sLall be
elecLed on LLe same day every LLree (8) years, excepL LLaL wILL respecL Lo
BenaLors, only Lwelve (12) sLall be elecLed.
.=E758? We ElecLIon oI Members oI LLe BanunIan FanlalawIan, BanunIan
Fanlunsod and BanunIan Eayan. - TLe elecLIve members oI LLe
BanunIan FanlalawIan, BanunIan Fanlunsod and BanunIan Eayan
sLall be elecLed as Iollows:
(a) Eor provInces wILL Lwo (2) or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs, LLe elecLIve
members oI LLe BanunIan FanlalawIan sLall be elecLed by leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcLs. Eor LLIs purpose, LLe number oI seaLs sLall be apporLIoned
equILably: FrovIded, TLaL, II equal dIvIsIon Is noL possIble, LLe remaInIn
member or members sLall be elecLed In LLe dIsLrIcL or dIsLrIcLs wILL LLe
reaLer number oI populaLIon or, II LLey be LLe same, wILL LLe reaLer
number oI voLers: FrovIded IurLLer, TLaL, II a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL Includes
a cILy LLaL does noL voLe In LLe elecLIon oI provIncIal oIBcIals, LLe
CommIssIon on ElecLIons, LereInaILer reIerred Lo as LLe CommIssIon,
sLall allocaLe LLe number oI seaLs amon LLe dIsLrIcLs In proporLIon Lo LLe
populaLIon oI LLe consLILuencIes voLIn Ior LLe BanunIan
(b) Eor provInces wILL only one (1) leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL, LLe CommIssIon
sLall dIvIde LLem InLo Lwo (2) dIsLrIcLs Ior purposes oI elecLIn LLe
members oI LLe BanunIan FanlalawIan, as nearly as pracLIcable
accordIn Lo LLe number oI InLabILanLs, eacL dIsLrIcL comprIsIn a
compacL, conLIuous and adjacenL LerrILory, and LLe number oI seaLs oI
elecLIve members oI LLeIr respecLIve sanunIan sLall be equILably
apporLIoned beLween LLe dIsLrIcLs In accordance wILL LLe ImmedIaLely
precedIn pararapL,
(c) TLe number and elecLIon oI elecLIve members oI LLe BanunIan
Fanlunsod and BanunIan Eayan In LLe MeLro ManIla Area, CILy oI
Cebu, CILy oI Davao and any oLLer cILy wILL Lwo (2) or more leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcLs sLall conLInue Lo be overned by LLe provIsIons oI BecLIons 2 and
8 oI FepublIc AcL No. 6686: FrovIded, TLaL, LLe MunIcIpalILIes oI
Malabon, NavoLas, Ban Juan, Mandaluyon, MunLInlupa, Las FIas and
TauI sLall Lave Lwelve (12) councIlors, and FaLeros, Len (10): FrovIded,
IurLLer, TLaL, LLe CommIssIon sLall dIvIde eacL oI LLe munIcIpalILIes In
MeLro ManIla Area InLo Lwo (2) dIsLrIcLs by baranay Ior purposes oI
represenLaLIon In LLe BanunIan Eayan as nearly as pracLIcable
accordIn Lo LLe number oI InLabILanLs, eacL comprIsIn a compacL,
conLIuous and adjacenL LerrILory, and
(d) Eor purposes oI LLe reular elecLIons on May 11, 1992, elecLIve
members oI LLe BanunIan Fanlunsod and BanunIan Eayan sLall
be elecLed a lare In accordance wILL exIsLIn laws. However, beInnIn
wILL LLe reular elecLIons In 199S, LLey sLall be elecLed by dIsLrIcL.
TLe CommIssIon sLall promulaLe rules and reulaLIons Lo eIIecLIve provIde Ior
LLe elecLIon oI secLoral represenLaLIves In LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe Local
0overnmenL Code.
.=E758? ie FosLponemenL, EaIlure oI ElecLIon and BpecIal ElecLIons. - TLe
posLponemenL, declaraLIon oI IaIlure oI elecLIon and LLe callIn oI specIal
elecLIons as provIded In BecLIons S, 6 and 7 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code sLall
be decIded by LLe CommIssIon sILLIn en banc by a majorILy voLe oI ILs members.
TLe causes Ior LLe declaraLIon oI a IaIlure oI elecLIon may occur beIore or aILer
LLe casLIn oI voLes or on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon.
In case a permanenL vacancy sLall occur In LLe BenaLe or House oI
FepresenLaLIves aL leasL one (1) year beIore LLe expIraLIon oI LLe Lerm, LLe
CommIssIon sLall call and Lold a specIal elecLIon Lo Bll LLe vacancy noL earlIer
LLan sIxLy (60) days nor loner LLan nIneLy (90) days aILer LLe occurrence oI
LLe vacancy. However, In case oI sucL vacancy In LLe BenaLe, LLe specIal
elecLIon sLall be Leld sImulLaneously wILL LLe succeedIn reular elecLIon.
.=E758? Xe ElecLIon and CampaIn FerIod. - Unless oLLerwIse Bxed by LLe
CommIssIon, LLe elecLIon perIod Ior LLe May 11, 1992 reular elecLIons sLall
commence nIneLy (90) days beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon and sLall end LLIrLy
(80) days LLereaILer.
TLe campaIn perIods are Lereby Bxed as Iollows:
(a) Eor FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL and BenaLors, nIneLy (90) days beIore
LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, and
(b) Eor Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal,
cILy and munIcIpal oIBcIals, IorLy-Bve (4S) days beIore LLe day oI LLe
However, In LLe preparaLIon oI LLe elecLIon calendar, LLe CommIssIon may
exclude LLe day beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon ILselI, Maundy TLursday and
0ood ErIday.
Any elecLIon campaIn or parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy Ior or aaInsL any
candIdaLe ouLsIde oI LLe campaIn perIod LereIn provIded Is proLIbILed and
sLall be consIdered as an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under BecLIon 268 and
264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
.=E758? ge NomInaLIon and BelecLIon oI 0IBcIal CandIdaLes. - No polILIcal
convenLIon or meeLIn Ior LLe nomInaLIon or selecLIon oI LLe oIBcIal candIdaLes
oI any polILIcal parLy or oranIzaLIon or polILIcal roups or coalILIon LLereoI
sLall be Leld earlIer LLan LLe IollowIn perIods:
(a) Eor FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL and BenaLors, one Lundred sIxLy-Bve
(16S) days beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, and
(b) Eor Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal,
cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals, sevenLy-Bve (7S) days beIore LLe day oI LLe
.=E758? Ye EIlIn oI CerLIBcaLes oI CandIdacy. - TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy oI
any person runnIn Ior LLe oIBce oI FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLor, Member
oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves or any elecLIve provIncIal, cILy or munIcIpal
oIBcIal sLall be Bled In Bve (S) leIble copIes wILL LLe oIBces oI LLe CommIssIon
specIBed Lereunder noL laLer LLan LLe day beIore LLe daLe leally Bxed Ior LLe
beInnIn oI LIs campaIn perIod.
(a) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL and
BenaLors sLall be Bled wILL LLe maIn oIBce oI LLe CommIssIon In ManIla,
(b) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior LLe Members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves sLall be Bled wILL LLe provIncIal elecLIon supervIsor oI
LLe provInce concerned. TLose Ior leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs In LLe NaLIonal
CapILal FeIon sLall be Bled wILL LLe reIonal elecLIon dIrecLor oI saId
reIon and LLose Ior leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs In cILIes ouLsIde LLe NaLIonal
CapILal FeIon wLIcL comprIse one or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs sLall be
Bled wILL LLe cILy elecLIon reIsLrar concerned,
(c) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior provIncIal oIBces sLall be Bled wILL
LLe provIncIal supervIsor concerned, and
(d) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior cILy or munIcIpal oIBces sLall be Bled
wILL LLe cILy or munIcIpal elecLIon reIsLrar concerned.
WLenever pracLIcable, LLe names oI reIsLered candIdaLes Ior local posILIons
sLall be prInLed In LLe elecLIon reLurns: FrovIded, TLaL, II a candIdaLe Las been
dIsqualIBed or declared a nuIsance candIdaLe, IL sLall be LLe duLy oI LLe
CommIssIon Lo InsLrucL wILLouL delay LLe approprIaLe elecLIon oIBcIals Lo deleLe
LLe name oI saId candIdaLe as prInLed In LLe elecLIon reLurn.
TLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy sLall be Bled by LLe candIdaLe personally or by LIs
duly auLLorIzed represenLaLIve. No cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy sLall be Bled or
accepLed by maIl, Leleram or IacsImIle.
.=E758? Ze FrecIncLs and LLeIr EsLablIsLmenL. - Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe
conLrary noLwILLsLandIn, wLere IL Is noL pracLIcable Lo dIvIde LLe precIncL by
LerrILory, LLe CommIssIon may adjusL or splIL LLe precIncL by assInIn LLe
reIsLered voLers LLereIn alpLabeLIcally and equILably amon LLe adjusLed or
splIL precIncLs: FrovIded, TLaL, LLe pollIn places oI saId precIncLs sLall be In
LLe same buIldIn or premIses.
.=E758? Ve FeIsLraLIon oI VoLers. - TLere sLall be a reIsLraLIon oI voLers on LLe
BILeenLL BaLurday beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon Ior voLers wLo wIll reacL LLe
ae oI eILLeen (18) years on or beIore LLe day oI LLe elecLIon or Ior LLose wLo
are qualIBed buL noL reIsLered In LLe lIsL oI voLers. However, LLe CommIssIon
may desInaLe an addILIonal daLe oI reIsLraLIon In cerLaIn areas Lo ensure LLaL
voLers LLereIn are noL deprIved oI LLeIr rILL oI suIIrae.
EeIore adjournIn on reIsLraLIon day, LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall
close LLe lIsL oI voLers by aIBxIn LLeIr sInaLures In LLe space ImmedIaLely
aILer LLe lasL name, number consecuLIvely LLe names oI LLe voLers lIsLed
LLereIn and auLLenLIcaLe LLe lIsL oI voLers by aIBxIn LLeIr sInaLures on eacL
and every pae LLereoI.
TLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall posL, on LLe wall ouLsIde LLe room wLere
LLe reIsLraLIon was conducLed, LLe lIsL oI voLers In eacL precIncL beInnIn on
LLe BrsL workIn day aILer reIsLraLIon day unLIl elecLIon day. EaIlure Lo posL
saId lIsL sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under BecLIon 268 and
264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
WLen LLere Is a sInIBcanL number oI InclusIons, exclusIons and correcLIons In
LLe lIsL oI voLers In a precIncL, LLe CommIssIon sLall dIrecL LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors concerned Lo meeL on LLe eILLL BaLurday ImmedIaLely precedIn
LLe day oI LLe elecLIon Ior LLe purpose oI makIn sucL InclusIons and
correcLIons as may be or may Lave been ordered by LLe courLs, sLaLIn opposILe
every name so correcLed, added or cancelled, LLe daLe oI LLe order and LLe
courL wLIcL Issued LLe same, oLLerwIse, LLe board sLall noL meeL buL sucL
InclusIons, exclusIons and correcLIons, II any, sLall be made In LLe lIsL oI voLers
beIore LLe voLIn sLarLs on elecLIon day.
.=E758? +Qe AnnulmenL oI LLe LIsL oI VoLers. - Any book oI voLers LLe
preparaLIon oI wLIcL Las been aIIecLed wILL Iraud, brIbery, Iorery,
ImpersonaLIon, InLImIdaLIon, Iorce or any oLLer sImIlar IrreularILy or wLIcL Is
sLaLIsLIcally Improbable may be annulled, aILer due noLIce oI a verIBed
complaInL: FrovIded, TLaL, no order, rulIn or decIsIon annullIn a book oI
voLers sLall be execuLed wILLIn sIxLy (60) days beIore an elecLIon.
.=E758? ++e VoLIn EooLL. - Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe conLrary
noLwILLsLandIn, LLere sLall be In eacL pollIn place aL leasL Len (10) voLIn
booLLs oI sucL sIze, specIBcaLIons and maLerIals as LLe CommIssIon may
provIde Lo enable LLe voLers Lo Bll ouL LLeIr balloLs secreLly.
.=E758? +Pe AbsenLee VoLIn. - AbsenLee voLIn as provIded Ior In ExecuLIve
0rder No. 1S7 daLed MarcL 80, 1987 sLall apply Lo LLe elecLIons Ior FresIdenL,
VIce-FresIdenL and BenaLors only and sLall be lImILed Lo members oI LLe Armed
Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes and LLe FLIlIppIne NaLIonal FolIce and oLLer
overnmenL oIBcers and employees wLo are duly reIsLered voLers and wLo, on
elecLIon day, may LemporarIly be assIned In connecLIon wILL LLe perIormance
oI elecLIon duLIes Lo place wLere LLey are noL reIsLered voLers.
.=E758? +We AuLLorIzed Expenses oI CandIdaLes and FolILIcal FarLIes. - TLe
areemenL amounL LLaL a candIdaLe or reIsLered polILIcal parLy may spend Ior
elecLIon campaIn sLall be as Iollows:
(a) Eor candIdaLes. - Ten pesos (F10.00) Ior FresIdenL and VIce-
FresIdenL, and Ior oLLer candIdaLes TLree Fesos (F8.00) Ior every voLer
currenLly reIsLered In LLe consLILuency wLere Le Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy: FrovIded, TLaL a candIdaLe wILLouL any polILIcal parLy and
wILLouL supporL Irom any polILIcal parLy may be allowed Lo spend EIve
Fesos (FS.00) Ior every sucL voLer, and
(b) Eor polILIcal parLIes. - EIve pesos (FS.00) Ior every voLer currenLly
reIsLered In LLe consLILuency or consLILuencIes wLere IL Las oIBcIal
Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe conLrary noLwILLsLandIn any conLrIbuLIon In casL
or In kInd Lo any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy or coalILIon oI parLIes Ior campaIn
purposes, duly reporLed Lo LLe CommIssIon sLall noL be subjecL Lo LLe paymenL
oI any IIL Lax.
.=E758? +ie BLaLemenL oI ConLrIbuLIons and ExpendILures: EIIecL oI EaIlure Lo
EIle BLaLemenL. - Every candIdaLe and Lreasurer oI LLe polILIcal parLy sLall,
wILLIn LLIrLy (80) days aILer LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, Ble In duplIcaLe wILL LLe
oIBces oI LLe CommIssIon LLe Iull, Lrue and ILemIzed sLaLemenL oI all
conLrIbuLIons and expendILures In connecLIon wILL LLe elecLIon.
No person elecLed Lo any publIc oIBces sLall enLer upon LLe duLIes oI LIs oIBce
unLIl Le Las Bled LLe sLaLemenL oI conLrIbuLIons and expendILures LereIn
TLe same proLIbILIon sLall apply II LLe polILIcal parLy wLIcL nomInaLed LLe
wInnIn candIdaLe IaIls Lo Ble LLe sLaLemenL requIred LereIn wILLIn LLe perIod
prescrIbed by LLIs AcL.
ExcepL candIdaLes Ior elecLIve baranay oIBce, IaIlure Lo Ble LLe sLaLemenLs or
reporLs In connecLIon wILL elecLoral conLrIbuLIons and expendILures are
requIred LereIn sLall consLILuLe an admInIsLraLIve oIIense Ior wLIcL LLe
oIIenders sLall be lIable Lo pay an admInIsLraLIve Bne ranIn Irom 0ne
LLousand pesos (F1,000.00) Lo TLIrLy LLousand pesos (F80,000.00), In LLe
dIscreLIon oI LLe CommIssIon.
TLe Bne sLall be paId wILLIn LLIrLy (80) days Irom receIpL oI noLIce oI sucL
IaIlure, oLLerwIse, IL sLall be enIorceable by a wrIL oI execuLIon Issued by LLe
CommIssIon aaInsL LLe properLIes oI LLe oIIender.
IL sLall be LLe duLy oI every cILy or munIcIpal elecLIon reIsLrar Lo advIse In
wrILIn, by personal delIvery or reIsLered maIl, wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLe
daLe oI elecLIon all candIdaLes resIdIn In LIs jurIsdIcLIon Lo comply wILL LLeIr
oblIaLIon Lo Ble LLeIr sLaLemenLs oI conLrIbuLIons and expendILures.
Eor LLe commIssIon oI a second or subsequenL oIIense under LLIs secLIon, LLe
admInIsLraLIve Bne sLall be Irom Two LLousand pesos (F2,000.00) Lo BIxLy
LLousand pesos (F60,000.00), In LLe dIscreLIon oI LLe CommIssIon. In addILIon,
LLe oIIender sLall be subjecL Lo perpeLual dIsqualIBcaLIon Lo Lold publIc oIBce.
.=E758? +Xe Fre-proclamaLIon Cases NoL Allowed In ElecLIons Ior FresIdenL
VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLor, and Member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves. - Eor
purposes oI LLe elecLIons Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLor and Member oI
LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, no pre-proclamaLIon cases sLall be allowed on
maLLers relaLIn Lo LLe preparaLIon, LransmIssIon, receIpL, cusLody and
apprecIaLIon oI LLe elecLIon reLurns or LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass, as LLe case
may be. However, LLIs does noL preclude LLe auLLorILy oI LLe approprIaLe
canvassIn body moLu propIo or upon wrILLen complaInL oI an InLeresLed person
Lo correcL manIIesL errors In LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or elecLIon reLurns
beIore IL.
QuesLIons aIIecLIn LLe composILIon or proceedIns oI LLe board oI canvassers
may be InILIaLed In LLe board or dIrecLly wILL LLe CommIssIon In accordance
wILL BecLIon 19 LereoI.
Any objecLIon on LLe elecLIon reLurns beIore LLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI
canvassers, or on LLe munIcIpal cerLIBcaLes oI canvass beIore LLe provIncIal
board oI canvassers or dIsLrIcL boards oI canvassers In MeLro ManIla Area,
sLall be specIBcally noLIced In LLe mInuLes oI LLeIr respecLIve proceedIns.
.=E758? +ge Fre-proclamaLIon Cases InvolvIn FrovIncIal, CILy and MunIcIpal
0IBces. - Fre-proclamaLIon cases InvolvIn provIncIal, cILy and munIcIpal oIBces
sLall be allowed and sLall be overned by BecLIons 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22
All pre-proclamaLIon cases pendIn beIore LLe CommIssIon sLall be deemed
LermInaLed aL LLe beInnIn oI LLe Lerm oI LLe oIBce Involved and LLe rulIns oI
LLe boards oI canvassers concerned sLall be deemed aIBrmed, wILLouL
prejudIce Lo LLe BlIn oI a reular elecLIon proLesL by LLe arIeved parLy.
However, proceedIns may conLInue wLen on LLe basIs oI LLe evIdence LLus Iar
presenLed, LLe CommIssIon deLermIned LLaL LLe peLILIon appears merILorIous
and accordInly Issues an order Ior LLe proceedIn Lo conLInue or wLen an
approprIaLe order Las been Issued by LLe Bupreme CourL In a peLILIon Ior
.=E758? +Ye Fre-proclamaLIon ConLroversIes: How Commenced. - QuesLIons
aIIecLIn LLe composILIon or proceedIns oI LLe board oI canvassers may be
InILIaLed In LLe board or dIrecLly wILL LLe CommIssIon. However, maLLers raIsed
under BecLIons 288, 284, 28S and 286 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code In relaLIon
Lo LLe preparaLIon, LransmIssIon, receIpL, cusLody and apprecIaLIon oI LLe
elecLIon reLurns, and LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass sLall be brouLL In LLe BrsL
InsLance beIore LLe board oI canvassers only.
.=E758? +Ze Bummary DIsposILIon oI Fre-proclamaLIon ConLroversIes. - All pre-
proclamaLIon conLroversIes on elecLIon reLurns or cerLIBcaLes oI canvass sLall,
on LLe basIs oI LLe records and evIdence elevaLed Lo IL by LLe board oI
canvassers, be dIsposed oI summarIly by LLe CommIssIon wILLIn seven (7) days
Irom receIpL LLereoI. ILs decIsIons sLall be execuLory aILer LLe lapse oI seven
(7) days Ior receIpLs by LLe losIn parLy oI LLe decIsIon oI LLe CommIssIon.
.=E758? +Ve ConsenLed ComposILIon or FroceedIns oI LLe Eoard: FerIod Lo
Appeal: DecIsIon by LLe CommIssIon. - FarLIes adversely aIIecLed by a rulIn oI
LLe board oI canvassers on quesLIons aIIecLIn LLe composILIon or proceedIns
oI LLe board may appeal LLe maLLer Lo LLe CommIssIon wILLIn LLree (8) days
Irom a rulIn LLereon. TLe CommIssIon sLall summarIly decIded LLe case
wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLe BlIn LLereoI.
.=E758? PQe Frocedure In DIsposILIon oI ConLesLed ElecLIon FeLurns. -
(a) Any candIdaLe, polILIcal parLy or coalILIon oI polILIcal parLIes
conLesLIn LLe InclusIon or exclusIon In LLe canvass oI any elecLIon
reLurns on any oI LLe rounds auLLorIzed under ArLIcle ZZ or BecLIons
284, 28S and 286 oI ArLIcle ZIZ oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code sLall
submIL LLeIr oral objecLIon Lo LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI canvassers aL
LLe LIme LLe quesLIoned reLurn Is presenLed Ior InclusIon In LLe canvass.
BucL objecLIon sLall be recorded In LLe mInuLes oI LLe canvass.
(b) Upon receIpLs oI any sucL objecLIon, LLe board oI canvassers sLall
auLomaLIcally deIer LLe canvass oI LLe conLesLed reLurns and sLall
proceed Lo canvass LLe reLurns wLIcL are noL conLesLed by any parLy.
(c) BImulLaneous wILL LLe oral objecLIon, LLe objecLIn parLy sLall also
enLer LIs objecLIon In LLe Iorm Ior wrILLen objecLIons Lo be prescrIbed by
LLe CommIssIon. WILLIn LwenLy-Iour (24) Lours Irom and aILer LLe
presenLaLIon oI sucL an objecLIon, LLe objecLIn parLy sLall submIL LLe
evIdence In supporL oI LLe objecLIon, wLIcL sLall be aLLacLed Lo LLe Iorm
Ior wrILLen objecLIons. WILLIn LLe same perIod oI LwenLy-Iour (24) Lours
aILer presenLaLIon oI LLe objecLIon, any parLy may Ble a wrILLen and
verIBed opposILIon Lo LLe objecLIon In LLe Iorm also Lo be prescrIbed by
LLe CommIssIon, aLLacLIn LLereLo supporLIn evIdence, II any. TLe board
sLall noL enLerLaIn any objecLIon or opposILIon unless reduced Lo wrILIn
In LLe prescrIbed Iorms.
TLe evIdence aLLacLed Lo LLe objecLIon or opposILIon, submILLed by LLe
parLIes, sLall be ImmedIaLely and Iormally admILLed InLo LLe records oI
LLe board by LLe cLaIrman aIBxIn LIs sInaLure aL LLe back oI eacL
every pae LLereoI.
(d) Upon receIpL oI LLe evIdence, LLe board sLall keep up LLe conLesLed
reLurns, consIder LLe wrILLen objecLIons LLereLo and opposILIon, II any,
and summarIly and ImmedIaLely rules LLereon. TLe board sLall enLer ILs
rulIn on LLe prescrIbed Iorm and auLLenLIcaLe LLe same by LLe
sInaLures oI ILs members.
(e) Any parL adversely aIIecLed by LLe rulIn oI LLe board sLall
ImmedIaLely InIorm LLe board II Le InLends Lo appeal saId rulIn. TLe
board sLall enLer saId InIormaLIon In LLe mInuLes oI LLe canvass, seL
asIde LLe reLurns and proceed Lo consIder LLe oLLer reLurns.
(I) AILer all LLe unconLesLed reLurns Lave been canvassed and LLe
conLesLed reLurn ruled upon by IL, LLe board sLall suspend LLe canvass.
WILLIn IorLy-eILL (48) Lours, LLereIrom, any parLy adversely aIIecLed by
LLe rulIn may Ble wILL LLe board a wrILLen and verIBed noLIce oI appeal,
and wILLIn an unexLendIble perIod oI Bve (S) days LLereaILer an appeal
may be Laken Lo LLe CommIssIon.
() ImmedIaLely upon receIpL oI LLe noLIce oI appeal, LLe board sLall
make an approprIaLe reporL Lo LLe CommIssIon, elevaLIn LLerewILL LLe
compleLe records and evIdence submILLed In LLe canvass, and IurnIsLIn
LLe parLIes wILL copIes oI LLe reporL.
(L) 0n LLe basIs oI LLe record and evIdence elevaLe Lo IL by LLe board, LLe
CommIssIon sLall decIde summarIly LLe appeal wILLIn seven (7) days
Irom receIpL oI saId record and evIdence. Any appeal brouLL beIore LLe
CommIssIon on LLe rulIn oI LLe board, wILLouL LLe accomplIsLed Iorms
and LLe evIdence appended LLereLo, sLall be summarIly dIsmIssed.
TLe decIsIon oI LLe CommIssIon sLall be execuLory aILer LLe lapse oI
seven (7) days Irom receIpLs LLereoI by LLe losIn parLy.
(I) TLe board oI canvassers sLall noL proclaIm any candIdaLe as wInner
unless auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon aILer LLe laLLer Las ruled on LLe
objecL brouLL Lo IL on appeal by LLe losIn parLy. Any proclamaLIon made
In vIolaLIon LereoI sLall be voId ab InILIo, unless LLe conLesLed reLurns
wIll noL adversely aIIecL LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon.
.=E758? P+e FarLIal FroclamaLIon. - NoLwILLsLandIn LLe pendency oI any pre-
proclamaLIon conLroversy, LLe CommIssIon may summarIly order LLe
proclamaLIon oI oLLer wInnIn candIdaLes wLose elecLIon wIll noL be aIIecLed by
LLe ouLcome oI LLe conLroversy.
.=E758? PPe ElecLIon ConLesLs Ior MunIcIpal 0IBces. - All elecLIon conLesLs
InvolvIn munIcIpal oIBces Bled wILL LLe FeIonal TrIal CourL sLall be decIded
expedILIously. TLe decIsIon may be appealed Lo LLe CommIssIon wILLIn Bve (S)
days Irom promulaLIon or receIpL oI a copy LLereoI by LLe arIeved parLy. TLe
CommIssIon sLall decIde LLe appeal wILLIn sIxLy (60) days aILer IL Is submILLed
Ior decIsIon, buL noL laLer LLan sIx (6) monLLs aILer LLe BlIn oI LLe appeal,
wLIcL decIsIon sLall be Bnal, unappealable and execuLory.
.=E758? PWe 0IBcIals EalloLs. -
(a) EalloLs Ior naLIonal and local elecLIons, reular or specIal, plebIscILes
and reIerenda, sLall be oI unIIorm sIze and sLall be prescrIbed by LLe
CommIssIon. TLey sLall be prInLed In black Ink on wLIcL securILy paper
wILL dIsLIncLIve, clear and leIble waLermarks LLaL wIll readIly
dIsLInuIsL IL Irom ordInary paper. EacL balloL sLall be In LLe sLape oI a
sLrIp wILL sLub and deLacLable coupon conLaInIn LLe serIal number oI
LLe balloL, and a space Ior LLe LLumbmark oI LLe voLer on LLe deLacLable
coupon. IL sLall bear aL LLe Lop oI LLe voLer on LLe deLacLable coupon. IL
sLall bear aL LLe Lop oI LLe mIddle porLIon LLereoI LLe coaL-oI-arms oI LLe
FepublIc oI LLe FLIlIppInes, LLe word 0IBcIal EalloL, LLe name oI LLe cILy
or LLe munIcIpalILy and provInce In wLIcL LLe elecLIon Is Lo be Leld, LLe
daLe oI LLe elecLIon, and LLe IollowIn noLIce In EnlIsL: EIll ouL LLIs
balloL secreLly InsIde LLe voLIn booLL. Do noL puL any dIsLIncL mark on
any parL oI LLIs balloL.
(b) TLe oIBcIal balloL sLall also conLaIn LLe names oI all LLe oIBcer Lo be
voLed Ior In LLe elecLIon, allowIn opposILe LLe name oI eacL oIBce,
suIBcIenL space oI spaces wILL LorIzonLal lInes wLere LLe voLer may wrILe
LLe name or names oI IndIvIdual candIdaLes voLed Ior by LIm.
(c) TLere sLall noL be anyLLIn prInLed or wrILLen on LLe back oI LLe
balloL excepL as provIded In BecLIon 24 oI LLIs AcL.
(d) 0IBcIal balloL Ior cILIes and munIcIpalILIes wLere ArabIc Is oI eneral
use sLall Lave eacL oI LLe LILles oI LLe oIBces Lo be voLed Ior prInLed In
ArabIc In addILIon Lo and ImmedIaLely below LLe EnlIsL LILle.
(e) NoLwILLsLandIn LLe precedIn provIsIons, LLe CommIssIon Is Lereby
auLLorIzed Lo prescrIbe a dIIIerenL Iorm oI oIBcIal balloL on LLe same
waLermarked securILy paper Lo IacIlILaLe voLIn by IllILeraLe voLer only
and Lo use or adopL LLe laLesL LecLnoloIcal and elecLronIc devIces In
connecLIon LLerewILL as provIded under BecLIon S2(I) oI LLe 0mnIbus
ElecLIon Code.
.=E758? Pie BInaLure oI CLaIrman aL LLe Eack oI Every EalloL. - In every case
beIore delIverIn an oIBcIal balloL Lo LLe voLer, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI
elecLIon InspecLors sLall, In LLe presence oI LLe voLer, aIBx LIs sInaLure aL LLe
back LLereoI. EaIlure Lo so auLLenLIcaLe sLall be noLed In LLe mInuLes oI LLe
board oI elecLIon InspecLors and sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable
under BecLIon 268 and 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
.=E758? PXe Manner oI CounLIn VoLes. - In addILIon Lo LLe requIremenL In LLe
IourLL pararapL oI BecLIon 12 oI FepublIc AcL No. 6646 ad BecLIon 210 oI LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, In readIn LLe IndIvIdual oIBcIal balloLs durIn LLe
counLIn, LLe cLaIrman, LLe poll clerk and LLe LLIrd member sLall assume sucL
posILIons as Lo provIde LLe waLcLers and LLe members oI LLe publIc as may be
convenIenLly accommodaLed In LLe pollIn place, an unImpeded vIew oI LLe
balloL beIn read by LLe cLaIrman, oI LLe elecLIon reLurn and LLe Lally board
beIn sImulLaneously accomplIsLed by LLe poll clerk and LLe LLIrd member
respecLIvely, wILLouL LoucLIn any oI LLese elecLIon documenLs. TLe Lable sLall
be cleared oI all unnecessary wrILIn parapLernalIa. Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs
requIremenL sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under BecLIons 268
and 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
.=E758? Pge 0IBcIal WaLcLers. - Every reIsLered polILIcal parLy or coalILIon oI
polILIcal parLIes, and every candIdaLe sLall eacL be enLILled Lo one waLcLer In
every pollIn place and canvassIn cenLer: FrovIded, TLaL, candIdaLes Ior LLe
BanunIan FanlalawIan, BanunIan Fanlunsod, or BanunIan Eayan
belonIn Lo LLe same slaLe or LIckeL sLall collecLIvely be enLILled Lo only one
TLere sLall also be reconIzed sIx (6) prIncIpal waLcLers, represenLIn LLe sIx
(6) accredILed major polILIcal parLIes, wLo sLall be desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon upon nomInaLIon oI LLe saId parLIes. TLese polILIcal parLIes sLall be
deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon upon noLIce and LearIn on LLe basIs oI LLe
IollowIn cIrcumsLances:
(a) TLe esLablIsLed record oI LLe saId parLIes, coalILIon oI roups LLaL
now composed LLem, LakIn InLo accounL, amon oLLer LLIns, LLeIr
sLowIn In pasL elecLIons,
(b) TLe number oI IncumbenL elecLIve oIBcIals belonIn Lo LLem nIneLy
(90) days beIore LLe daLe oI elecLIon,
(c) TLeIr IdenLIBable polILIcal oranIzaLIons and sLrenLLs as evIdenced
by LLeIr oranIzed/cLapLers,
(d) TLe abIlILy Lo Bll a compleLe slaLe oI candIdaLes Irom LLe munIcIpal
level Lo LLe posILIon oI FresIdenL, and
(e) 0LLer analoous cIrcumsLances LLaL may deLermIne LLeIr relaLIve
oranIzaLIons and sLrenLLs.
.=E758? PYe Number oI CopIes oI ElecLIon FeLurns and LLeIr DIsLrIbuLIon. - TLe
board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall prepare In LandwrILIn LLe elecLIon reLurns In
LLeIr respecLIve pollIn places, In LLe number oI copIes LereIn provIded and In
LLe Iorm Lo be prescrIbed and provIded by LLe CommIssIon.
TLe copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurns sLall be dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(a) In LLe elecLIon oI FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and Members oI
LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board
oI canvassers,
(2) TLe second copy Lo LLe Conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI
LLe BenaLe,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(4) TLe IourLL copy, Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers,
(S) TLe BILL copy, Lo be known as advance elecLIon reLurns, sLall
be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lreasurer wLo, In LLe presence
oI LLe elecLIon reIsLrar or LIs auLLorIzed represenLaLIve, sLall
ImmedIaLely and publIcly open LLe same and posL LLe voLes LLereIn
In an elecLIon Lally board suIBcIenLly lare Lo enable LLe publIc Lo
read LLem, buIlL on LLe publIc place preIerably wILLIn LLe
ImmedIaLe vIcInILy oI LLe cILy Lall or munIcIpal buIldIn.
(6) TLe sIxLL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal LrIal courL
jude or In LIs absence Lo any oIBcIal wLo may be desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon. TLe cILy or munIcIpal LrIal courL jude or LLe oIBcIal
desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon sLall keep LIs copIes oI LLe elecLIon
reLurns, sealed and unopened. BaId copy may be opened only
durIn LLe canvass upon order oI LLe board oI canvassers Ior
purposes oI comparIson wILL oLLer copIes oI LLe reLurns wLose
auLLenLIcILy Is In quesLIon, and
(7) TLe sevenLL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI
LLe balloL box Ior valId balloLs, and
(b) In LLe elecLIon oI local oIBcIals:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board
oI canvassers,
(2) TLe second copy, Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers,
(4) TLe IourLL copy, Lo be known as advance elecLIon reLurns, sLall
be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal Lreasurer wLo, In LLe presence
oI LLe elecLIon reIsLrar or LIs auLLorIzed represenLaLIve, sLall
ImmedIaLely and publIcly open LLe same and posL LLe voLes LLereIn
In an elecLIon Lally board suIBcIenLly lare Lo enable LLe publIc Lo
read LLem, buIlL on a publIc place preIerably wILLIn LLe ImmedIaLe
vIcInILy oI LLe cILy Lall or munIcIpal buIldIn,
(S) TLe BILL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal LrIal courL
jude or In LIs absence, Lo any oIBcIal wLo may be desInaLed by
LLe CommIssIon. TLe cILy or munIcIpal LrIal courL jude or LLe
oIBcIal desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon sLall keep LIs copIes oI LLe
elecLIon reLurns, sealed and unopened. BaId copy may be opened
only durIn LLe canvass upon order oI LLe board oI canvassers Ior
purposes oI comparIson wILL oLLer copIes oI LLe reLurns wLose
auLLenLIcILy Is In quesLIon, and
(6) TLe sIxLL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI
LLe balloL box Ior valId balloLs.
.=E758? PZe CanvassIn by FrovIncIal CILy, DIsLrIcL and MunIcIpal Eoard oI
Canvassers. -
(a) TLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI canvassers sLall canvass LLe elecLIon
reLurns oI FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLor and Members oI LLe House
oI FepresenLaLIves and Ior elecLIve provIncIal and cILy or munIcIpal
oIBcIals. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and Members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals and LLereaILer,
proclaIm LLe elecLed cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals, as LLe case may be.
(b) TLe cILy board oI canvassers oI cILIes comprIsIn one or more
leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs sLall canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior FresIdenL, VIce-
FresIdenL, BenaLors, Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and
elecLIve cILy oIBcIals. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, LLe board sLall
prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, and
BenaLors and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed Members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and cILy oIBcIals.
(c) (1) In LLe MeLro ManIla Area eacL munIcIpalILy comprIsIn a
leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL sLall Lave a dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers wLIcL sLall
canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors,
Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve munIcIpal oIBcIals.
Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass
Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, and BenaLors and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe
elecLed Member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and munIcIpal oIBcIals.
(2) EacL componenL munIcIpal In a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL In LLe MeLro
ManIla Area sLall Lave a munIcIpal board oI canvassers wLIcL
sLall canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL,
BenaLors, Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve
munIcIpal oIBcIals. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, eacL sLall
prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL,
BenaLors and Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and
LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed munIcIpal oIBcIals.
(8) TLe dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers oI eacL leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL
comprIsIn Lwo (2) munIcIpalILIes In LLe MeLro ManIla Area sLall
canvass LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL,
BenaLors and Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves submILLed
by LLe munIcIpal board oI canvassers oI LLe componenL
munIcIpalILIes. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare a
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL and BenaLors
and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed Member oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves In LLe leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL.
(d) TLe provIncIal board oI canvassers sLall canvass LLe cerLIBcaLes oI
canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and Members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals as well as
plebIscILe resulLs, II any plebIscILe Is conducLed sImulLaneously wILL LLe
same elecLIon, as submILLed by LLe board oI canvassers oI munIcIpalILIes
and componenL cILIes. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare
LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL and BenaLors and
LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed Member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves
and provIncIal oIBcIals as well as LLe plebIscILe resulLs, II any.
.=E758? PVe Number oI CopIes oI CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass and LLeIr DIsLrIbuLIon. -
(a) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and
Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals
sLall be prepared In seven (7) copIes by LLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI
canvassers and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe provIncIal board oI
canvassers Ior use In LLe canvass oI elecLIon resulLs Ior FresIdenL,
VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors and Members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals,
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be kepL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board,
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzens arm desInaLed
by LLe CommIssIon Lo conducL a medIa-based unoIBcIal counL, and
(S) TLe BILL, sIxLL and sevenLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe
represenLaLIves oI LLree (8) oI LLe sIx (6) major polILIcal parLIes In
accordance wILL LLe volunLary areemenL oI LLe parLIes. II no sucL
areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes
sLall receIve LLe copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass on LLe basIs oI
LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI. TLe parLIes receIvIn
LLe cerLIBcaLes sLall Lave LLe oblIaLIon Lo IurnIsL LLe oLLer
parLIes wILL auLLenLIc copIes LLereoI wILL LLe leasL possIble delay.
(b) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenL, BenaLors
sLall be prepared In seven (7) copIes by LLe cILy boards oI canvassers oI
cILIes comprIsIn one or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs, by provIncIal boards oI
canvassers and by dIsLrIcL boards oI canvassers In LLe MeLro ManIla
Area, and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be senL Lo LLe Conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe
FresIdenL oI LLe BenaLe Ior use In LLe canvass oI elecLIon resulLs Ior
FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL,
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon Ior use In LLe
canvass oI LLe elecLIon resulLs Ior BenaLors,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be kepL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board,
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzens arm desInaLed
by LLe CommIssIon Lo conducL a medIa-based unoIBcIal counL, and
(S) TLe BILL, sIxLL and sevenLL copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass
sLall be Iven Lo any LLree (8) oI LLe sIx (6) accredILed major
polILIcal parLIes In accordance wILL LLe volunLary areemenL oI LLe
parLIes. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall
decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass on LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI.
TLe parLIes receIvIn LLe cerLIBcaLes sLall Lave LLe oblIaLIon Lo
IurnIsL LLe oLLer parLIes wILL auLLenLIc copIes LLereoI wILL LLe
leasL possIble delay.
(c) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass prepared by LLe cILy oI munIcIpal boards oI
canvassers sLall eacL be supporLed by a sLaLemenL oI voLes by precIncL,
sIned and LLumbmarked by LLe cLaIrman and members oI LLe board,
and LLe prIncIpal waLcLers II avaIlable. TLereaILer, IL sLall be sealed and
placed InsIde an envelope wLIcL sLall lIkewIse be properly sealed.
In LLe MeLro ManIla Area, LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass prepared by a dIsLrIcL
board oI canvassers oI a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL comprIsIn one (1) munIcIpalILy
sLall be supporLed by a sLaLemenL oI voLes by precIncL. TLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass prepared by a dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers oI a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL
comprIsIn Lwo (2) munIcIpalILIes sLall be supporLed by a sLaLemenL oI voLes by
TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass prepared by LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers sLall
be supporLed by a sLaLemenL oI voLes by munIcIpalILy, and LLe orIInal copy
LLereoI Ior LLe Conress sLall, In addILIon, be supporLed by sLaLemenL oI voLes
by precIncL as submILLed Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers by LLe cILy or
munIcIpal boards oI canvassers. TLe same requIremenL sLall apply In LLe case
oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI a dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers oI a leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcL comprIsIn Lwo (2) munIcIpalILIes In MeLro ManIla Area.
.=E758? WQe Conress as LLe NaLIonal Eoard oI Canvassers Ior LLe ElecLIon oI
FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL: DeLermInaLIon oI AuLLenLIcILy and Due
ExecuLIon oI CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass. - Conress sLall deLermIne LLe
auLLenLIcILy and due execuLIon oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior FresIdenL and
VIce-FresIdenL as accomplIsLed and LransmILLed Lo IL by LLe local boards oI
canvassers, on a sLowIn LLaL: (1) eacL cerLIBcaLe oI canvass was execuLed,
sIned and LLumbmarked by LLe cLaIrman and members oI LLe board oI
canvassers and LransmILLed or caused Lo be LransmILLed Lo Conress by LLem,
(2) eacL cerLIBcaLe oI canvass conLaIns LLe names oI all oI LLe candIdaLes Ior
FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL and LLeIr correspondIn voLes In words and In
Bures, and (8) LLere exIsLs no dIscrepancy In oLLer auLLenLIc copIes oI LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or dIscrepancy In LLe voLes oI any candIdaLe In words and
Bures In LLe cerLIBcaLe.
WLen LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass, duly cerLIBed by LLe board oI canvassers oI
eacL provInce, cILy or dIsLrIcL, appears Lo be IncompleLe, LLe BenaLe FresIdenL
sLall requIre LLe board oI canvassers concerned Lo LransmIL by personal
delIvery, LLe elecLIon reLurns Irom pollIn places LLaL were noL Included In LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and supporLIn sLaLemenLs. BaId elecLIon reLurns sLall be
submILLed by personal delIvery wILLIn Lwo (2) days Irom receIpL oI noLIce.
WLen IL appears LLaL any cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or supporLIn sLaLemenL oI
voLes by precIncL bears erasures or alLeraLIons wLIcL may casL doubL as Lo LLe
veracILy oI LLe number oI voLes sLaLed LLereIn and may aIIecL LLe resulL oI LLe
elecLIon, upon requesL oI LLe FresIdenLIal or VIce-FresIdenLIal candIdaLe
concerned or LIs parLy, Conress sLall, Ior LLe sole purpose oI verIIyIn LLe
acLual number oI voLes casL Ior FresIdenL and VIce-FresIdenL, counL LLe voLes as
LLey appear In LLe copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurns submILLed Lo IL.
.=E758? W+e Fer DIems oI ElecLIon InspecLors and 0LLer 0IBcIals. - TLe members
oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall be paId a per dIem oI Two Lundred
pesos (F200.00) eacL Ior servIces on reIsLraLIon and revIsIon days and Eour
Lundred pesos (F400.00) eacL on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon. FrovIncIal, cILy and
munIcIpal Lreasurers, admInIsLraLors and supervIsors oI LLe DeparLmenL oI
EducaLIon, CulLure and BporLs assIned by LLe CommIssIon Lo perIorm elecLIon
duLy sLall receIve a per dIem oI Eour Lundred pesos (F400.00) eacL on elecLIon
BaId per dIem sLall be paId by LLe casLIer or oLLer Bnance oIBcer oI LLe
DeparLmenL oI EducaLIon, CulLure and BporLs or oI LLe CommIssIon wILLIn
BILeen (1S) days aILer reIsLraLIon, revIsIon and elecLIon days, respecLIvely.
TLere beIn Iunds acLually avaIlable, any delay In saId paymenLs Lo any oI LLe
above menLIoned personnel wILLouL jusLIBable reason sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense and all oIBcIals and oLLer personnel responsIble LLereIor,
dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, sLall be lIable under BecLIons 268 and 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus
ElecLIon Code.
.=E758? WPe WLo May Eear EIrearms. - DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod, no person
sLall bear, carry or LransporL Brearms or oLLer deadly weapons In publIc
places, IncludIn any buIldIn, sLreeL, park, prIvaLe veLIcle or publIc
conveyance, even II lIcensed Lo possess or carry LLe same, unless auLLorIzed In
wrILIn by LLe CommIssIon. TLe Issuance oI Brearms lIcenses sLall be
suspended durIn LLe elecLIon perIod.
0nly reular members or oIBcers oI LLe FLIlIppIne NaLIonal FolIce, LLe Armed
Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes and oLLer enIorcemenL aencIes oI LLe 0overnmenL
wLo are duly depuLIzed In wrILIn by LLe CommIssIon Ior elecLIon duLy may be
auLLorIzed Lo carry and possess Brearms durIn LLe elecLIon perIod: FrovIded,
TLaL, wLen In LLe possessIon oI Brearms, LLe depuLIzed law enIorcemenL oIBcer
musL be: (a) In Iull unIIorm sLowIn clearly and leIbly LIs name, rank and
serIal number wLIcL sLall remaIn vIsIble aL all LImes, and (b) In LLe acLual
perIormance oI LIs elecLIon duLy In LLe specIBc area desInaLed by LLe
.=E758? WWe BecurILy Fersonnel and Eodyuards. - DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod,
no candIdaLe Ior publIc oIBce, IncludIn IncumbenL publIc oIBcers seekIn
elecLIon Lo any publIc oIBce, sLall employ, avaIl LImselI oI or enae LLe servIces
oI securILy personnel or bodyuards, wLeLLer or noL sucL bodyuards are
reular members or oIBcers oI LLe FLIlIppIne NaLIonal FolIce, LLe Armed Eorces
oI LLe FLIlIppInes or oLLer law enIorcemenL aency oI LLe 0overnmenL:
FrovIded, TLaL, wLen cIrcumsLances warranL, IncludIn buL noL lImILed Lo
LLreaLs Lo lIIe and securILy oI a candIdaLe, Le may be assIned by LLe
CommIssIon, upon due applIcaLIon, reular members oI LLe FLIlIppIne NaLIonal
FolIce, LLe Armed Eorces oI LLe FLIlIppInes or oLLer law enIorcemenL aency
wLo sLall provIde LIm securILy Ior LLe duraLIon oI LLe elecLIon perIod. TLe
oIBcers assIned Ior securILy duLy Lo a candIdaLe sLall be subjecL Lo LLe same
requIremenL as Lo wearIn oI unIIorms prescrIbed In LLe ImmedIaLely precedIn
secLIon unless exempLed In wrILIn by LLe CommIssIon.
II aL any LIme durIn LLe elecLIon perIod, LLe round Ior wLIcL LLe auLLorILy Lo
enae LLe servIces oI securILy personnel Las been ranLed sLall cease Lo exIsL
oI Ior any oLLer valId cause, LLe CommIssIon sLall revoke LLe saId auLLorILy.
.=E758? Wie DIsposILIon oI EIrearms. - TLe Brearms oI oLLer deadly weapon
Iound In LLe possessIon oI person prosecuLed Ior LLe elecLIon oIIense sLall be
dIsposed oI accordIn Lo exIsLIn laws.
.=E758? WXe Fules and FeulaLIons. - TLe CommIssIon sLall Issue rules and
reulaLIons Lo ImplemenL LLIs AcL. BaId rules sLall be publIsLed In aL leasL Lwo
(2) naLIonal newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
.=E758? Wge 0overnIn Laws. - TLe elecLIons provIded LereIn and all subsequenL
elecLIons and plebIscILe sLall be overned by LLIs AcL, by LLe provIsIons oI LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, FepublIc AcL No. 6646 and oLLer elecLIon laws noL
InconsIsLenL LerewILL.
.=E758? WYe ApproprIaLIon. - TLe amounL oI 0ne bIllIon pesos
(F1,000,000,000.00) Is Lereby approprIaLed ouL oI any savIns or unexpecLed
balance In LLe NaLIonal Treasury noL oLLerwIse approprIaLed Lo cover LLe cosLs
oI LoldIn LLe May 11, 1992 elecLIons. HereaILer, LLe amounLs necessary Lo
Iund subsequenL elecLIons sLall be Included In LLe 0eneral ApproprIaLIons AcL
Ior LLe correspondIn Bscal year.
Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe conLrary noLwILLsLandIn, and Ior purposes oI LLe
May 11, 1992 elecLIons only, LLe cLaIrman and members oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors sLall eacL be paId a per dIem oI Eour Lundred pesos (F400.00) on
elecLIon day. TLe CommIssIon may provIde Lazard pay, wLen warranLed,
IncenLIve and merIL awards Lo members oI LLe boards oI elecLIon InspecLors,
board oI canvassers and personnel oI LLe CommIssIon and ILs depuLIzed
.=E758? WZe BeparabIlILy Clause. - II any provIsIons or parLy oI LLIs AcL Is
declared unconsLILuLIonal sucL declaraLIon oI unconsLILuLIonalILy wIll noL aIIecL
LLe oLLer provIsIons oI LLIs AcL.
.=E758? WVe AmendIn and FepealIn Clause. - BecLIon 107, 108 and 24S oI LLe
0mnIbus ElecLIon Code are Lereby repealed. LIkewIse, LLe InclusIon In BecLIon
262 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code oI LLe vIolaLIons oI BecLIons 10S, 106, 107,
108, 109, 110, 111 and 112 as amon elecLIon oIIenses Is also Lereby repealed.
TLIs repeal sLall Lave reLroacLIve eIIecL.
EaLas Fambansa El. 881, FepublIc AcL No. 6646, ExecuLIve 0rder Nos. 144 and
1S7 and all oLLer laws, orders, decrees, rules and reulaLIons or oLLer
Issuances, or any parL LLereoI, InconsIsLenL wILL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL are
Lereby amended or repealed accordInly.
.=E758? iQe EIIecLIvILy Clause. - TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL upon ILs publIcaLIon In
Iull In aL leasL Lwo (2) naLIonal newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
Approved: November 26, 1991
TLe LawpLIl FrojecL - Arellano Law EoundaLIon
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FromulaLIon: +X b3?A39: PQ+W
WHEFEAB, FepublIc AcL No. 9006 provIdes Ior LLe LoldIn oI Iree, orderly, LonesL,
peaceIul and credIble elecLIons LLrouL IaIr elecLIon pracLIces,
WHEFEAB, LLe saId AcL allows LLe publIcaLIon or broadcasL, LLrouL mass medIa, oI
polILIcal adverLIsemenLs or propaanda Ior or aaInsL any candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy,
WHEFEAB, BecLIon 8 oI LLe saId AcL provIdes LLaL elecLIon propaanda, wLeLLer on
LelevIsIon, cable LelevIsIon, radIo newspapers or any oLLer medIum sLall be subjecL Lo
LLe supervIsIon and reulaLIon oI LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons,
WHEFEAB, BecLIon 6.4 oI LLe saId AcL dIrecLs LLe CommIssIon Lo supervIse LLe use and
employmenL oI press, radIo and LelevIsIon IacIlILIes InsoIar as LLe placemenL oI polILIcal
adverLIsemenLs Is concerned so as Lo Ive candIdaLes equal opporLunILIes under equal
cIrcumsLances Lo make known LLeIr qualIBcaLIons and sLand on publIc Issues,
WHEFEAB, BecLIon 18 oI LLe same AcL requIres LLe CommIssIon Lo promulaLe LLe
necessary rules and reulaLIons Ior LLe ImplemenLaLIon LLereoI,
N0W, THEFEE0FE, LLe CommIssIon, by vIrLue oI LLe powers vesLed In IL by LLe
ConsLILuLIon, LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, FepublIc AcL Nos. 6646, 7166, 9006 and
oLLer relaLed laws Las FEB0LVED, as IL Lereby FEB0LVEB, Lo promulaLe LLe IollowIn
rules and reulaLIons ImplemenLIn LLe EaIr ElecLIon AcL.
.!#$%&' +e -=>?5758?6 - As used In LLIs FesoluLIon:
1.TLe Lerm "elecLIon campaIn" or "parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy" reIers Lo an acL
desIned Lo promoLe LLe elecLIon or deIeaL oI a parLIcular candIdaLe or
candIdaLes Lo a publIc oIBce, and sLall Include any oI LLe IollowIn:
a.EormIn oranIzaLIons, assocIaLIons, clubs, commILLees or oLLer roups
oI persons Ior LLe purpose oI solIcILIn voLes and/or underLakIn any
campaIn Ior or aaInsL a candIdaLe,
b.HoldIn polILIcal caucuses, conIerences, meeLIns, rallIes, parades or
oLLer sImIlar assemblIes Ior LLe purpose oI solIcILIn voLes and/or
underLakIn any campaIn or propaanda Ior or aaInsL a candIdaLe,
c.MakIn speecLes, announcemenLs or commenLarIes, or LoldIn
InLervIews Ior or aaInsL LLe elecLIon oI any candIdaLe Ior publIc oIBce,
d.FublIsLIn or dIsLrIbuLIn campaIn lILeraLure or maLerIals desIned Lo
supporL or oppose LLe elecLIon oI any candIdaLe, or
e.DIrecLly or IndIrecLly solIcILIn voLes, pledes or supporL Ior or aaInsL
any candIdaLe.
Fersonal opInIons, vIews, and preIerences Ior candIdaLes, conLaIned In
blos sLall noL be consIdered acLs oI elecLIon campaInIn or parLIsan
polILIcal acLIvILy unless expressed by overnmenL oIBcIals In LLe
ExecuLIve DeparLmenL, LLe LeIslaLIve DeparLmenL, LLe JudIcIary, LLe
ConsLILuLIonal CommIssIons, and members oI LLe CIvIl BervIce.
2.TLe Lerm "candIdaLe" reIers Lo any person seekIn an elecLIve publIc oIBce,
wLo Las Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, and wLo Las noL dIed, wILLdrawn LIs
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, Lad LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy denIed due course or
cancelled, or Las been oLLerwIse dIsqualIBed beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn
perIod Ior wLIcL Le Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy. FrovIded, LLaL, unlawIul
acLs or omIssIons applIcable Lo a candIdaLe sLall Lake eIIecL only upon LLe sLarL
oI LLe aIoresaId campaIn perIod.
IL also reIers Lo any reIsLered naLIonal, reIonal, or secLoral parLy, oranIzaLIon
or coalILIon LLereoI LLaL Las Bled a manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe under
LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem, wLIcL Las noL wILLdrawn LLe saId manIIesLaLIon, or wLIcL
Las noL been dIsqualIBed beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod.
8.TLe Lerm "parLy" reIers Lo eILLer a polILIcal parLy, secLoral parLy or a coalILIon
oI parLIes, and parLy-lIsL oranIzaLIons duly reIsLered/accredILed wILL LLe
4.TLe Lerm "polILIcal adverLIsemenL" or "elecLIon propaanda" reIers Lo any
maLLer broadcasLed, publIsLed, prInLed, dIsplayed or exLIbILed, In any medIum,
wLIcL conLaIn LLe name, Imae, loo, brand, InsInIa, color moLII, InILIals, and
oLLer symbol or rapLIc represenLaLIon LLaL Is capable oI beIn assocIaLed wILL a
candIdaLe or parLy, and Is InLended Lo draw LLe aLLenLIon oI LLe publIc or a
semenL LLereoI Lo promoLe or oppose, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, LLe elecLIon oI LLe
saId candIdaLe or candIdaLes Lo a publIc oIBce. In broadcasL medIa, polILIcal
adverLIsemenLs may Lake LLe Iorm oI spoLs, appearances on TV sLows and radIo
prorams, lIve or Laped announcemenLs, Leasers, and oLLer Iorms oI adverLIsIn
messaes or announcemenLs used by commercIal adverLIsers.
FolILIcal adverLIsIn Includes maLLers, noL IallIn wILLIn LLe scope oI personal
opInIon, LLaL appear on any InLerneL websILe, IncludIn, buL noL lImILed Lo, socIal
neLworks, bloIn sILes, and mIcro-bloIn sILes, In reLurn Ior consIderaLIon, or
oLLerwIse capable oI pecunIary esLImaLIon.
S.TLe Lerms "blo" and "collecLIve blo" reIer Lo websILes on wLIcL an IndIvIdual
or roup oI users, respecLIvely, record news, opInIons, and InIormaLIon, In
varyIn derees oI reularILy. A "mIcro-blo" reIers Lo a bloIn IormaL wLIcL
allows users Lo excLane small elemenLs oI conLenL - reIerred Lo varIously as
posLs or sLaLus updaLes - sucL as sLorL senLences, IndIvIdual Imaes, or lInks Lo
vIdeo maLerIal uploaded Lo LLe InLerneL.
6.TLe Lerm "medIa pracLILIoner" reIers Lo a person wLo Is noL employed by a
medIa enLILy buL perIorms sImIlar IuncLIons or Las conLrol over wLaL Is prInLed
or broadcasL sucL as a LalenL or a block LImer.
Fersons wLo creaLe onlIne conLenL Ior personal or collecLIve blos and mIcro-
blos sLall be consIdered medIa pracLILIoners Ior purposes oI LLese Fules.
7.TLe Lerm "elecLIon survey" reIers Lo LLe measuremenL oI opInIons and
percepLIons oI LLe voLers as reards a candIdaLe's popularILy, qualIBcaLIons,
plaLIorms or maLLers oI publIc dIscussIon In relaLIon Lo LLe elecLIon, IncludIn
voLers' preIerence Ior candIdaLes or publIcly dIscussed Issues durIn LLe
campaIn perIod.
8.TLe Lerm "exIL polls" reIers Lo a specIes oI elecLIon survey conducLed by a
qualIBed IndIvIdual or a roup oI IndIvIduals Ior LLe purpose oI deLermInIn LLe
probable resulL oI an elecLIon by conBdenLIally askIn randomly selecLed voLers
Ior LLe names oI candIdaLes LLey Lave voLed Ior, ImmedIaLely aILer LLey Lave
oIBcIally casL LLeIr balloLs.
.!#$%&' Pe #3IR35C? F=958H6e - Eor purposes oI LLe 18 May 2018 NaLIonal and Local
ElecLIons, LLe campaIn perIods sLall be:
!D=E75G= &B>E= .7397 !?H
CandIdaLes Ior BenaLor & FarLy-LIsL
roups parLIcIpaLIn In LLe parLy-
lIsL sysLem oI represenLaLIon
12 Eebruary
11 May
CandIdaLes Ior Members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves, reIonal,
provIncIal, cILy and munIcIpal
29 MarcL
11 May
Eor subsequenL elecLIons, LLe campaIn perIod sLall be LLaL prescrIbed by LLe
.!#$%&' We F98O5<57=H #3IR35C?5?Ce - IL Is unlawIul Ior any person, wLeLLer or noL a
voLer or a candIdaLe, or Ior any polILIcal parLy, or assocIaLIon oI persons Lo enae In an
elecLIon campaIn or parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy on Maundy TLursday, 0ood ErIday, eve
oI ElecLIon Day, and on ElecLIon Day.
Eor purposes oI LLe 18 May 2018 NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons, campaInIn Is
proLIbILed on 28 MarcL 2018 (Maundy TLursday), 29 MarcL 2018 (0ood ErIday), 12
May 2018 (eve oI elecLIon day), and 18 May 2018 (elecLIon day).
.!#$%&' ie F98O5<5758? 3C35?67 089=5C? %?7=9G=?758?e - IL Is unlawIul Ior any
IoreIner, wLeLLer jurIdIcal or naLural person, Lo aId any candIdaLe, or polILIcal parLy,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIon, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, or Lo Lake parL In, or InBuence In any
manner, any elecLIon, or Lo conLrIbuLe or make any expendILure In connecLIon wILL any
elecLIon campaIn or parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy.
.!#$%&' Xe )A7O895`=H !]R=?6=6 8B #3?H5H37=6 3?H F3975=6e - TLe areaLe
amounL LLaL a candIdaLe or parLy may spend Ior elecLIon campaIn sLall be as Iollows:
a.Eor candIdaLes - TLree pesos (F8.00) Ior every voLer currenLly reIsLered In
LLe consLILuency wLere LLe candIdaLe Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy,
b.Eor oLLer candIdaLes wILLouL any polILIcal parLy and wILLouL supporL Irom any
polILIcal parLy - EIve pesos (FS.00) Ior every voLer currenLly reIsLered In LLe
consLILuency wLere LLe candIdaLe Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy.
c.Eor FolILIcal FarLIes and parLy-lIsL roups - EIve pesos (FS.00) Ior every voLer
currenLly reIsLered In LLe consLILuency or consLILuencIes wLere IL Las oIBcIal
.!#$%&' ge "3TBAD !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3e - ElecLIon propaanda, wLeLLer on
LelevIsIon or cable LelevIsIon, radIo, newspaper or any oLLer medIum, Is Lereby allowed
Ior all parLIes and Ior all bona Bde candIdaLes seekIn naLIonal and local elecLIve
posILIons subjecL Lo LLe lImILaLIon on auLLorIzed expenses oI candIdaLes and parLIes,
observaLIon oI LruLL In adverLIsIn, and Lo LLe supervIsIon and reulaLIon by LLe
LawIul elecLIon propaanda sLall Include:
a.FampLleLs, leaBeLs, cards, decals, sLIckers or oLLer wrILLen or prInLed
maLerIals LLe sIze oI wLIcL does noL exceed eILL and one-LalI IncLes (8 ") In
wIdLL and IourLeen IncLes (14") In lenLL,
b.HandwrILLen or prInLed leLLers urIn voLers Lo voLe Ior or aaInsL any
parLIcular polILIcal parLy or candIdaLe Ior publIc oIBce,
c.FosLers made oI cloLL, paper, cardboard or any oLLer maLerIal, wLeLLer Iramed
or posLed, wILL an area noL exceedIn Lwo IeeL (2') by LLree IeeL (8'),
d.BLreamers noL exceedIn LLree IeeL (8') by eILL IeeL (8') In sIze dIsplayed aL
LLe sILe and on LLe occasIon oI a publIc meeLIn or rally. BaId sLreamers may be
dIsplayed Bve (S) days beIore LLe daLe oI LLe meeLIn or rally and sLall be
removed wILLIn LwenLy-Iour (24) Lours aILer saId meeLIn or rally,
e.MobIle unILs, veLIcles moLorcades oI all Lypes, wLeLLer enIne or manpower
drIven or anImal drawn, wILL or wILLouL sound sysLems or loud speakers and
wILL or wILLouL lILLs,
I.FaId adverLIsemenLs In prInL or broadcasL medIa subjecL Lo LLe requIremenLs
seL IorLL In BecLIon 9 LereoI and FepublIc AcL No. 9006,
.In LeadquarLers or resIdences oI candIdaLes, lawIul elecLIon parapLernalIa
may be dIsplayed, buL banners or sLreamers reIerred Lo In pararapL (d) above
sLall noL be allowed,
h.All oLLer Iorms oI elecLIon propaanda noL proLIbILed by LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon
Code or LLese rules.
FarLIes and candIdaLes are Lereby encouraed Lo use recyclable and
envIronmenL-IrIendly maLerIals and avoId LLose LLaL conLaIn Lazardous
cLemIcals and subsLances In LLe producLIon oI LLeIr campaIn and elecLIon
propaanda. In local overnmenL unILs wLere local leIslaLIon overnIn LLe use
oI plasLIc and oLLer sImIlar maLerIals exIsL, parLIes and candIdaLes sLall comply
wILL LLe same.
.!#$%&' Ye F98O5<57=H 089I6 8B !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3e - DurIn LLe campaIn
perIod, IL Is unlawIul:
a.To prInL, publIsL, posL or dIsLrIbuLe any newspaper, newsleLLer, newsweekly,
azeLLe or maazIne adverLIsIn, pampLleL, leaBeL, card, decal, bumper sLIcker,
posLer, comIc book, cIrcular, LandbIll, sLreamer, sample lIsL oI candIdaLes or any
publIsLed or prInLed polILIcal maLLer and Lo aIr or broadcasL any elecLIon
propaanda or polILIcal adverLIsemenL by LelevIsIon or radIo or on LLe InLerneL
Ior or aaInsL a candIdaLe or roup oI candIdaLes Lo any publIc oIBce, unless LLey
bear and be IdenLIBed by LLe reasonably leIble, or audIble words "polILIcal
adverLIsemenL paId Ior," Iollowed by LLe Lrue and correcL name and address oI
LLe candIdaLe or parLy Ior wLose beneBL LLe elecLIon propaanda was prInLed or
aIred. IL sLall lIkewIse be unlawIul Lo publIsL, prInL or dIsLrIbuLe saId campaIn
maLerIals unless LLey bear, and are IdenLIBed by, LLe reasonably leIble, or
audIble words"polILIcal adverLIsemenLs paId by," Iollowed by LLe Lrue and
correcL name and address oI LLe payor.
b.To prInL, publIsL, broadcasL or exLIbIL any sucL elecLIon propaanda donaLed
or Iven Iree oI cLare by any person or publIsLIn Brm or broadcasL enLILy Lo a
candIdaLe or parLy wILLouL LLe wrILLen accepLance by LLe saId candIdaLe or
parLy and unless LLey bear and be IdenLIBed by LLe words prInLed Iree oI
cLare," or "aIrLIme Ior LLIs broadcasL was provIded Iree oI cLare by",
respecLIvely, Iollowed by LLe Lrue and correcL name and address oI LLe saId
publIsLIn Brm or broadcasL enLILy,
c.To sLow, dIsplay or exLIbIL publIcly In a LLeaLer, LelevIsIon sLaLIon, or any
publIc Iorum any movIe, cInemaLorapLy or documenLary porLrayIn LLe lIIe or
bIorapLy oI a candIdaLe, or In wLIcL a cLaracLer Is porLrayed by an acLor or
medIa personalILy wLo Is LImselI a candIdaLe,
d.Eor any newspaper or publIcaLIon, radIo, LelevIsIon or cable LelevIsIon sLaLIon,
or oLLer mass medIa, or any person makIn use oI LLe mass medIa Lo sell or Lo
Ive Iree oI cLare prInL space or aIr LIme Ior campaIn or elecLIon propaanda
purposes Lo any candIdaLe or parLy In excess oI LLe sIze, duraLIon or Irequency
auLLorIzed by law or LLese rules,
e.Eor any radIo, LelevIsIon, cable LelevIsIon sLaLIon, announcer or broadcasLer Lo
allow LLe scLedulIn oI any proram, or permIL any sponsor Lo manIIesLly Iavor
or oppose any candIdaLe or parLy by unduly or repeaLedly reIerrIn Lo, or
unnecessarIly menLIonIn LIs name, or IncludIn LLereIn saId candIdaLe or
parLy, and
I.To posL, dIsplay or exLIbIL any elecLIon campaIn or propaanda maLerIal
ouLsIde oI auLLorIzed common posLer areas, In publIc places, or In prIvaLe
properLIes wILLouL LLe consenL oI LLe owner LLereoI.
g.FublIc places reIerred Lo In LLe prevIous subsecLIon (I) Include any oI LLe
a. ElecLronIc announcemenL boards, sucL as LED dIsplay boards locaLed
alon LILways and sLreeLs, LCD TV dIsplays posLed on walls oI publIc
buIldIns, and oLLer sImIlar devIces wLIcL are owned by local overnmenL
unILs, overnmenL-owned and conLrolled corporaLIons, or any aency or
InsLrumenLalILy oI LLe 0overnmenL,
b. MoLor veLIcles used as paLrol cars, ambulances, and oLLer sImIlar
purposes LLaL are owned by local overnmenL unILs, overnmenL-owned
and conLrolled corporaLIons, and oLLer aencIes and InsLrumenLalILIes oI
LLe 0overnmenL, parLIcularly LLose bearIn red lIcense plaLes,
c. WaILIn sLeds, sIdewalks, sLreeL and lamp posLs, elecLrIc posLs and wIres,
LraIBc sInaes and oLLer sInboards erecLed on publIc properLy,
pedesLrIan overpasses and underpasses, Byovers and underpasses,
brIdes, maIn LLorouLIares, cenLer Islands oI roads and LILways,
d. BcLools, sLrInes, baranay Lalls, LealLL cenLers, publIc sLrucLures and
buIldIns or any edIBce LLereoI,
e. FublIc uLIlILy veLIcles sucL as buses, jeepneys, LraIns, LaxI cabs, IerrIes,
pedIcabs and LrIcycles, wLeLLer moLorIzed or noL,
I. WILLIn LLe premIses oI publIc LransporL LermInals, sucL as bus LermInals,
aIrporLs, seaporLs, docks, pIers, LraIn sLaLIons, and LLe lIke.
TLe vIolaLIon oI ILems 4 and S under subsecLIon () sLall be a cause Ior LLe
revocaLIon oI LLe publIc uLIlILy IrancLIse and wIll make LLe owner and/or
operaLor oI LLe LransporLaLIon servIce and/or LermInal lIable Ior an
elecLIon oIIense underBecLIon 9 oI FepublIc AcL No. 9006 as ImplemenLed
by BecLIon 18 (n) oI LLese Fules.
TLe prInLIn press, prInLer, or publIsLer wLo prInLs, reproduces or
publIsLes saId campaIn maLerIals, and LLe broadcasLer, sLaLIon manaer,
owner oI LLe radIo or LelevIsIon sLaLIon, or owner or admInIsLraLor oI any
websILe wLo aIrs or sLows LLe polILIcal adverLIsemenLs, wILLouL LLe
requIred daLa or In vIolaLIon oI LLese rules sLall be crImInally lIable wILL
LLe candIdaLe and, II applIcable, IurLLer suIIer LLe penalLIes oI suspensIon
or revocaLIon oI IrancLIse or permIL In accordance wILL law.
.!#$%&' Ze F=75758? B89 )A7O8957: 78 /6= 87O=9 !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3e - Any person
seekIn auLLorILy Lo use oLLer Iorms oI elecLIon propaanda noL covered by LLose
enumeraLed In Bec. 6 LereoI and noL proLIbILed by law may Ble wILL LLe CommIssIon,
LLrouL LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, a verIBed peLILIon In eILL (8) leIble copIes,
descrIbIn LLe elecLIon propaanda souLL Lo be auLLorIzed wILL samples LLereoI.
Upon receIpL oI LLe peLILIon, LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon sLall seL IL Ior LearIn and
sLall send noLIce LLereoI Lo LLe peLILIoner. 0n LLe day IollowIn LLe receIpL oI LLe
noLIce oI LearIn, LLe peLILIoner sLall cause LLe publIcaLIon oI LLe peLILIon, LoeLLer
wILL LLe noLIce oI LearIn, In Lwo (2) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon, noLIIyIn LLe
CommIssIon oI sucL acLIon.
II LLe CommIssIon auLLorIzes LLe use oI LLe requesLed elecLIon propaanda, LLe
auLLorIzaLIon sLall be publIsLed In Lwo (2) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon wILLIn
one (1) week aILer LLe auLLorIzaLIon Las been ranLed.
.!#$%&' Ve 1=aA59=I=?76 3?Hc89 "5I573758?6 8? 7O= /6= 8B !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3
7O98ACO J366 J=H53e - All parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes sLall Lave equal access Lo
medIa LIme and space Ior LLeIr elecLIon propaanda durIn LLe campaIn perIod
subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn requIremenLs and/or lImILaLIons:
a.EroadcasL ElecLIon Fropaanda
TLe duraLIon oI aIr LIme LLaL a candIdaLe, or parLy may use Ior LLeIr broadcasL
adverLIsemenLs or elecLIon propaanda sLall be, as Iollows:
sLered FolILIcal
parLIes Ior a
NaLIonal ElecLIve
NoL more LLan an areaLe LoLal oI one
Lundred (120) mInuLes oI LelevIsIon
adverLIsIn, wLeLLer appearIn on naLIonal,
reIonal, or local, Iree or cable LelevIsIon,
and one Lundred eILLy (180) mInuLes oI
radIo adverLIsIn, wLeLLer aIrIn on
naLIonal, reIonal, or local radIo, wLeLLer
by purcLase or donaLIon.
sLered FolILIcal
parLIes Ior a
Local ElecLIve
NoL more LLan an areaLe LoLal oI sIxLy
(60) mInuLes oI LelevIsIon adverLIsIn,
wLeLLer appearIn on naLIonal, reIonal, or
local, Iree or cable LelevIsIon, and nIneLy
(90) mInuLes oI radIo adverLIsIn, wLeLLer
aIrIn on naLIonal, reIonal, or local radIo,
wLeLLer by purcLase or donaLIon.
In cases wLere Lwo or more candIdaLes or parLIes wLose names, InILIals, Imaes,
brands, loos, InsInIas, color moLIIs, symbols, or Iorms oI rapLIcal represenLaLIons
are dIsplayed, exLIbILed, used, or menLIoned LoeLLer In LLe broadcasL elecLIon
propaanda or adverLIsemenLs, LLe lenLL oI LIme durIn wLIcL LLey appear or are
beIn menLIoned or promoLed wIll be counLed aaInsL LLe aIrLIme lImILs alloLLed Ior LLe
saId candIdaLes or parLIes and LLe cosL oI LLe saId adverLIsemenL wIll lIkewIse be
consIdered as LLeIr expendILures, reardless oI wLoever paId Ior LLe adverLIsemenLs
or Lo wLom LLe saId adverLIsemenLs were donaLed.
Appearance or uesLIn by a candIdaLe on any bona Bde newscasL, bona Bde news
InLervIew, bona Bde news documenLary, II LLe appearance oI LLe candIdaLe Is
IncIdenLal Lo LLe presenLaLIon oI LLe subjecL or subjecLs covered by LLe news
documenLary, or on-LLe-spoL coverae oI bona Bde news evenLs, IncludIn buL noL
lImILed Lo evenLs sancLIoned by LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, polILIcal convenLIons,
and sImIlar acLIvILIes, sLall noL be deemed Lo be broadcasL elecLIon propaanda wILLIn
LLe meanIn oI LLIs provIsIon. To deLermIne wLeLLer LLe appearance or uesLIn In a
proram Is bona Bde, LLe broadcasL sLaLIons or enLILIes musL sLow LLaL: (1) prIor
approval oI LLe CommIssIon was secured, and (2) candIdaLes and parLIes were
aIIorded equal opporLunILIes Lo promoLe LLeIr candIdacy. NoLLIn In LLe IoreoIn
senLence sLall be consLrued as relIevIn broadcasLers, In connecLIon wILL LLe
presenLaLIon oI newscasLs, news InLervIews, news documenLarIes, and on-LLe-spoL
coverae oI news evenLs, Irom LLe oblIaLIon Imposed upon LLem under BecLIons
10 and 14 oI LLese Fules.
FrovIded, IurLLer, LLaL a copy oI LLe broadcasL adverLIsemenL conLracL be IurnIsLed Lo
LLe CommIssIon, LLru LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL, wILLIn Bve (S) days
Irom conLracL sInIn.
b.FrInLed or FublIsLed ElecLIon Fropaanda
TLe maxImum sIze oI prInL adverLIsemenLs Ior eacL candIdaLe, wLeLLer Ior a naLIonal
or local elecLIve posILIons, or parLy sLall be, as Iollows:
0ne IourLL (1/4)
In LabloIds
0ne LalI (1/2)
BaId prInL adverLIsemenL, wLeLLer procured by purcLase, or Iven Iree oI cLare, sLall
noL be publIsLed more LLan LLree LImes a week per newspaper, maazIne, or oLLer
publIcaLIon durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
c.0nlIne ElecLIon Fropaanda
TLe maxImum sIze oI onlIne propaanda Ior eacL candIdaLe, wLeLLer Ior a
naLIonal or local elecLIve posILIon, or parLy sLall be as Iollows:
FecLanles and Fop-ups
MedIum 800 2S0 1.2
Bquare Fop-up 2S0 2S0 1
240 400 1.67
886 280 1.2
FecLanle 180 1S0 1.2
8:1 FecLanle 800 100 8
Fop-Under 7.20 800 2.4
Eanners and EuLLons
Eull Eanner 468 60 7.8
HalI Eanner 284 60 8.9
MIcro-Ear 88 81 2.84
EuLLon 1 120 90 1.88
EuLLon 2 120 60 2
120 240 2
Bquare EuLLon 12S 12S 1
Leaderboard 728 90 8.09
160 600 8.7S
Bkyscraper 120 600 S
HalI-Fae ad 800 600 2
BaId onlIne adverLIsemenL, wLeLLer procured by purcLase, or Iven Iree oI
cLare, sLall noL be publIsLed more LLan LLree LImes a week per websILe durIn
LLe campaIn perIod. Eor LLIs purpose, LLe exLIbILIon or dIsplay oI LLe onlIne
adverLIsemenL Ior any lenLL oI LIme, reardless oI Irequency, wILLIn a 24 Lour
perIod, sLall be consLrued as one InsLance oI publIcaLIon.
d.Common requIremenLs/lImILaLIons:
1.Any prInLed or publIsLed, and broadcasL elecLIon propaanda Ior or aaInsL a
candIdaLe or roup oI candIdaLes Lo any publIc oIBce sLall bear and be IdenLIBed
by LLe reasonably leIble or audIble words "polILIcal adverLIsemenL paId Ior,"
Iollowed by LLe Lrue and correcL name and address oI LLe candIdaLe or parLy
wLose beneBL LLe elecLIon propaanda was prInLed or aIred. IL musL also bear,
and be IdenLIBed by, LLe reasonably leIble, or audIble words "polILIcal
adverLIsemenL paId by," Iollowed by LLe Lrue and correcL name and address oI
LLe payor. TLIs rule sLall apply Lo onlIne adverLIsemenLs.
2.II LLe prInLed or publIsLed elecLIon propaanda Is donaLed by LLe publIsLIn
Brm, or LLe broadcasL elecLIon propaanda Is Iven Iree oI cLare by LLe radIo, or
LelevIsIon sLaLIon or cable LelevIsIon, IL sLall bear and be IdenLIBed by LLe
reasonably leIble or audIble words "prInLed Iree oI cLare," or "aIrLIme Ior LLIs
broadcasL was provIded Iree oI cLare by," respecLIvely, Iollowed by LLe Lrue and
correcL name and address oI LLe saId publIsLIn Brm or broadcasL enLILy. TLIs
rule sLall apply Lo onlIne adverLIsemenLs.
8.Eor LLe above purpose, eacL broadcasL enLILy and websILe owner or
admInIsLraLor sLall submIL Lo LLe CommIssIon a cerLIBed Lrue copy oI ILs
broadcasL los, cerLIBcaLes oI perIormance, or oLLer analoous record, 5?EDAH5?C
E=975>E37=6 8B 3EE=R73?E= 36 9=aA59=H 5? .=E758? YS<, 8B 7O=6= 2A5H=D5?=6U Ior
LLe revIew and verIBcaLIon oI LLe Irequency, daLe, LIme and duraLIon oI
adverLIsemenLs aIred Ior any candIdaLe or parLy LLrouL:
Eor EroadcasL EnLILIes In LLe NCF - TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL
(EID) wLIcL In Lurn sLall IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe CampaIn EInance UnIL
(CEU) oI LLe CommIssIon wILLIn Bve days Irom receIpL LLereoI.
Eor EroadcasL EnLILIes ouLsIde oI LLe NCF - TLe CILy/MunIcIpal ElecLIon 0IBcer
(E0) concerned, wLo In Lurn, sLall IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe EducaLIon and
InIormaLIon DeparLmenL (EID) oI LLe CommIssIon wLIcL In Lurn sLall IurnIsL
copIes LLereoI Lo LLe CampaIn EInance UnIL (CEU) oI LLe CommIssIon wILLIn Bve
(S) days Irom LLe receIpL LLereoI.
Eor websILe owners or admInIsLraLors - TLe CILy/MunIcIpal ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0)
concerned, wLo In Lurn, sLall IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe EducaLIon and
InIormaLIon DeparLmenL (EID) oI LLe CommIssIon wLIcL In Lurn sLall IurnIsL
copIes LLereoI Lo LLe CampaIn EInance UnIL (CEU) oI LLe CommIssIon wILLIn Bve
(S) days Irom LLe receIpL LLereoI.
All broadcasL enLILIes sLall preserve LLeIr broadcasL los Ior a perIod oI Bve (S)
years Irom LLe daLe oI broadcasL Ior submIssIon Lo LLe CommIssIon wLenever
CerLIBed Lrue copIes oI broadcasL los, cerLIBcaLes oI perIormance, and
cerLIBcaLes oI accepLance, or oLLer analoous record sLall be submILLed, as
CandIdaLes Ior NaLIonal
8 weeks aILer sLarL oI
campaIn perIod
MarcL 4 - 11
8 weeks aILer 1sL BlIn week AprIl 8 - 10
1 week beIore elecLIon day May 2 - 9
ElecLIon week May 14 - 17
CandIdaLes Ior Local
1 week aILer sLarL oI
campaIn perIod
AprIl 1S - 22
1 week aILer 1sL BlIn week
AprIl 80 -
May 8
ElecLIon week May 9 - 1S
1 week aILer elecLIon day May 16 - 22
Eor subsequenL elecLIons, LLe scLedule Ior LLe submIssIon oI reporLs sLall be
prescrIbed by LLe CommIssIon.
.!#$%&' +Qe 0359 3?H )EEA937= 1=R8975?Ce - All members oI LLe news medIa,
LelevIsIon, radIo, prInL, or onlIne, sLall scrupulously reporL and InLerpreL LLe news,
LakIn care noL Lo suppress essenLIal IacLs or dIsLorL LLe LruLL by omIssIon or Improper
empLasIs. TLey sLall reconIze LLe duLy Lo aIr LLe oLLer sIde and LLe duLy Lo correcL
subsLanLIve errors prompLly wILLouL prejudIce Lo LLe rILL oI saId broadcasL enLILIes Lo
aIr accounLs oI sInIBcanL news or newsworLLy evenLs and vIews on maLLers oI publIc
.!#$%&' ++e '8 .A6R=?658? 8B 093?EO56=e - No IrancLIse or permIL Lo operaLe a radIo
or LelevIsIon sLaLIon sLall be ranLed or Issued, suspended or cancelled durIn LLe
elecLIon perIod.
.!#$%&' +Pe #&J!"!# .R3E= 3?H $5I= B89 )??8A?E=I=?7 8B #3?H5H37=6e - TLe
CommIssIon sLall procure prInL space and aIr LIme as Iollows:
a.FrInL Bpace
TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL,
upon paymenL oI jusL compensaLIon, procure prInL space In aL leasL LLree (8)
naLIonal newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon wLereIn candIdaLes Ior naLIonal
oIBce can announce LLeIr candIdacIes. BucL space sLall be allocaLed Iree oI
cLare equally and ImparLIally Lo all candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce on LLree
dIIIerenL calendar days, as Iollows:
1sL day - wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod,
2nd day - wILLIn LLe BILL week oI LLe campaIn perIod,
8rd day - wILLIn LLe LenLL week oI LLe campaIn perIod.
b.AIr TIme
TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL, also
procure Iree aIr LIme Irom aL leasL LLree (8) naLIonal LelevIsIon neLworks and
LLree (8) naLIonal radIo neLworks wLereIn candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce can
announce LLeIr candIdacIes.
AIr LIme sLall be allocaLed Iree oI cLare equally and ImparLIally Lo all
candIdaLes Ior naLIonal oIBce on LLree (8) dIIIerenL calendar days, as Iollows:
1sL day - wILLIn LLe BrsL week oI LLe campaIn perIod,
2nd day - wILLIn LLe BILL week oI LLe campaIn perIod,
8rd day - wILLIn LLe LenLL week oI LLe campaIn perIod.
EacL adverLIsemenL sLall be In LLe Iorm oI a maxImum oI LLIrLy (80) seconds
spoL, or In LLe Iorm oI InLervIews or campaIn speecLes aL LIme lImILs Lo be seL
by LLe CommIssIon In consulLaLIon wILL LLe saId candIdaLes or LLe parLIes,
CosLs oI producLIon oI polILIcal adverLIsemenL sLall be aL LLe expense oI LLe
candIdaLe or polILIcal parLy, buL LLe speecLes or InLervIews sLall be Iree oI
cLare and LLe moderaLor sLall be a C0MELEC 0IBcIal or one desInaLed by LLe
C0MELEC Ior LLe purpose.
.=E758? +We #&J!"!# .R3E= 3?H $5I= B89 #&J!"!# %?B89I3758? -566=I5?3758?e -
TLe CommIssIon sLall IurLLermore procure prInL space and aIr LIme as Iollows:
a.FrInL Bpace
TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL LLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor (FED), or In LLe
case oI LLe NaLIonal CapILal FeIon (NCF), LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
DeparLmenL, upon paymenL oI jusL compensaLIon, procure prInL space In aL leasL
one (1) newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe provInce or cILy wLIcL sLall be
known as C0MELEC Bpace Lo be uLIlIzed exclusIvely Ior publIc InIormaLIon
dIssemInaLIon on elecLIon-relaLed concerns. In LLe absence oI saId newspaper oI
eneral cIrculaLIon, publIcaLIon sLall be done In any oLLer maazIne or
perIodIcal In LLe provInce or cILy.
TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL LLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor (FED), or In LLe
case oI NaLIonal CapILal FeIon (NCF), LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
DeparLmenL, also procure aIr LIme Iree oI cLare In aL leasL one (1) major
broadcasLIn sLaLIon or enLILy In every provInce or cILy wLIcL sLall be known as
C0MELEC TIme Lo be uLIlIzed exclusIvely Ior publIc InIormaLIon dIssemInaLIon
on elecLIon-relaLed concerns. In LLe absence oI a major sLaLIon or enLILy,
broadcasLIn sLall be done In any radIo or LelevIsIon sLaLIon In LLe provInce or
EacL radIo, LelevIsIon or broadcasLIn sLaLIon cLosen by LLe FeIonal ElecLIon
DIrecLor or LLe DIrecLor oI LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL, as LLe
case may be, sLall provIde aIrLIme IncludIn prImeLIme aL leasL sIxLy (60)
mInuLes daIly.
.!#$%&' +ie 15CO7 78 1=RD: - All parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes sLall Lave LLe rILL
Lo reply Lo cLares publIsLed or aIred aaInsL LLem. TLe reply sLall be Iven publIcILy
by LLe newspaper, LelevIsIon, and/or radIo sLaLIon wLIcL BrsL prInLed or aIred LLe
cLares wILL LLe same promInence or In LLe same pae or secLIon, or In LLe same LIme
sloL as LLe BrsL sLaLemenL.
CandIdaLes may Invoke LLe rILL Lo reply by submILLIn a Iormal, verIBed, claIm
aaInsL LLe medIa ouLleL Lo LLe C0MELEC, LLrouL LLe approprIaLe FeIonal ElecLIon
DIrecLor, or In LLe case oI LLe NCF, LLe EID. TLe claIm sLall Include a deLaIled
enumeraLIon oI LLe cIrcumsLances and occurrences wLIcL warranL LLe InvocaLIon oI
LLe rILL Lo reply.
TLe C0MELEC sLall, wILLIn 24 Lours oI receIpL oI LLe claIm, endorse LLe same Lo LLe
medIa ouLleL Involved, wLIcL sLall, wILLIn 24 Lours, submIL a reporL Lo LLe C0MELEC,
LLrouL LLe approprIaLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor, or In LLe case oI LLe NCF, LLe EID,
on LLe acLIon IL Las Laken Lo address LLe claIm.
.!#$%&' +Xe 137=6 B89 F8D575E3D F98R3C3?H3e - DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod, medIa
ouLleLs sLall cLare parLIes and bona Bde candIdaLes a dIscounLed raLe Ior LLeIr
elecLIon propaanda over LLe averae raLes cLared durIn LLe BrsL LLree (8) quarLers
oI LLe calendar year precedIn LLe elecLIons, as Iollows:
a.Eor LelevIsIon - TLIrLy percenL (80%),
b.Eor radIo - TwenLy percenL (20%),
c.Eor prInL - Ten percenL (10%)
.!#$%&' +ge 1=CAD3758? 8B !D=E758? F98R3C3?H3 7O98ACO J366 J=H53e - In all
InsLances, LLe CommIssIon sLall supervIse LLe use and employmenL oI press, radIo and
LelevIsIon IacIlILIes InsoIar as LLe placemenL oI polILIcal adverLIsemenLs Is concerned Lo
ensure LLaL candIdaLes are Iven equal opporLunILIes under equal cIrcumsLances Lo
make known LLeIr qualIBcaLIons and LLeIr sLand on publIc Issues wILLIn LLe lImILs seL
IorLL In LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, FepublIc AcL No. 9006, and LLese rules.
.!#$%&' +Ye F8675?C 8B #3IR35C? J37=953D6e - FarLIes and candIdaLes may posL any
lawIul campaIn maLerIal In:
a.AuLLorIzed common posLer areas In publIc places subjecL Lo LLe requIremenLs
and/or lImILaLIons seL IorLL In LLe nexL IollowIn secLIon, and
b.FrIvaLe places provIded IL Las LLe consenL oI LLe owner LLereoI.
TLe posLIn oI campaIn maLerIals In publIc places ouLsIde oI LLe desInaLed
common posLer areas and LLose enumeraLed under BecLIon 7 () oI LLese Fules
and LLe lIke Is proLIbILed. Fersons posLIn LLe same sLall be lIable LoeLLer wILL
LLe candIdaLes and oLLer persons wLo caused LLe posLIn. IL wIll be presumed
LLaL LLe candIdaLes and parLIes caused LLe posLIn oI campaIn maLerIals
ouLsIde LLe common posLer areas II LLey do noL remove LLe same wILLIn LLree
(8) days Irom noLIce wLIcL sLall be Issued by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or
munIcIpalILy wLere LLe unlawIul elecLIon propaanda are posLed or dIsplayed.
Members oI LLe FNF and oLLer law enIorcemenL aencIes called upon by LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer or oLLer oIBcIals oI LLe C0MELEC sLall appreLend LLe vIolaLors
cauLL In LLe acL, and Ble LLe approprIaLe cLares aaInsL LLem.
.!#$%&' +Ze #8II8? F867=9 )9=36e - FarLIes and IndependenL candIdaLes may, upon
auLLorILy oI LLe CommIssIon, LLrouL LLe CILy or MunIcIpal ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0)
concerned, erecL, aL LLeIr expense, common posLer areas wLereIn LLey can posL,
dIsplay, or exLIbIL LLeIr elecLIon propaanda Lo announce or IurLLer LLeIr candIdacy
subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn requIremenLs and/or lImILaLIons:
a.A common posLer area does noL reIer Lo a posL, a Lree, LLe wall oI a buIldIn or
an exIsLIn publIc sLrucLure LLaL Is In acLIve use, buL a sLrucLure, LLe locaLIon
and number oI wLIcL are LereIn below deLermIned, LLaL Is LemporarIly seL up by
LLe candIdaLes or polILIcal parLIes Ior LLe exclusIve purpose oI dIsplayIn LLeIr
campaIn posLers,
b.In no InsLance sLall an ElecLIon 0IBcer desInaLe any Lrees, BowerIn planLs,
sLrubs locaLed alon publIc roads, In plazas, parks, scLool premIses or In any
oLLer publIc rounds as common posLer areas. In cases wLere parLIes and
candIdaLes sLIll persIsL In dIsplayIn, posLIn, or exLIbILIn oI LLeIr campaIn or
elecLIon propaanda on Lrees and planLs, LLey sLall be prosecuLed Ior vIolaLIon oI
LLese Fules, wILLouL prejudIce Lo LLe InsLILuLIon oI a crImInal complaInL Ior LLe
vIolaLIon oI FepublIc AcL No. 8S71.
c.EacL parLy and IndependenL candIdaLe, wILL prIor consenL Irom LLe
CommIssIon, may puL up common posLer areas In every baranay, subjecL Lo LLe
IollowIn condILIons:
S,000 reIsLered voLers or less 1 common posLer area
Eor every IncremenL oI S,000 reIsLered voLers, or a IracLIon
LLereoI, LLereaILer
1 addILIonal common
posLer area
d.BucL common posLer areas sLall be allowed by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer only In
selecLed publIc places sucL as plazas, markeLs, baranay cenLers and LLe lIke
wLere posLers may be readIly seen or read, wILL LLe LeavIesL pedesLrIan and/or
veLIcular LraIBc In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy,
e.TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall make, and posL In LIs oIBce, a lIsL oI LLe common
posLer areas In eacL cILy or leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL In saId cILy or munIcIpalILy,
IndIcaLIn LLereIn LLeIr exacL locaLIons, and IurnIsL eacL polILIcal parLy or
candIdaLe copIes oI saId lIsL aL LLe laLLer's expense, and also LLe FrovIncIal
ElecLIon BupervIsor and LLe DIrecLor IV oI LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
I.TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall comply wILL LIs oblIaLIons In LLe ImmedIaLely
precedIn pararapL noL laLer LLan Bve (S) days beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe
campaIn perIod Ior naLIonal elecLIons and IaIlure Lo do so sLall make LIm lIable
Ior ross nelecL oI duLy,
.TLe sIze oI eacL common posLer area sLall noL exceed LLe IollowIn
a.Eor polILIcal parLIes and parLy-lIsL roups. - Lwelve (12) by sIxLeen (16)
IeeL, or ILs equIvalenL buL noL exceedIn a LoLal area oI 192 square IeeL, and
b.Eor IndependenL candIdaLes - Iour (4) by sIx (6) IeeL or ILs equIvalenL
buL noL exceedIn a LoLal area oI LwenLy Iour (24) square IeeL.
L.TLe IndIvIdual posLers LLaL may be posLed In eacL common posLer areas sLall
noL exceed Lwo (2) by LLree (8) IeeL. However, In case oI space lImILaLIons,
posLers oI candIdaLes oI polILIcal parLIes may be reduced Lo a unIIorm sIze Lo
accommodaLe all candIdaLes. TLIs reulaLIon Is also vIolaLed by makIn sInle
leLLers oI names LavIn LLe maxImum sIze or lesser and LLen puLLIn LLem
LoeLLer Lo Iorm a sIze exceedIn Lwo (2) by LLree (8) IeeL,
I.TLe common posLer areas allocaLed Lo parLIes and IndependenL candIdaLes
sLall noL be used by oLLer parLIes and IndependenL candIdaLes even wILL LLe
consenL oI LLe Iormer,
j.TLe common posLer areas puL up Ior parLy-lIsL roups, oranIzaLIons and/or
coalILIons LLereoI sLall be allocaLed aL LLe raLe oI one (1) common posLer area
Ior every LLIrLy-Lwo (82) parLy-lIsL roups, oranIzaLIons and/or coalILIons
k.In case LLere are less LLan LLIrLy-Lwo (82) parLy-lIsL roups, oranIzaLIons
and/or coalILIons LLereoI, applyIn Lo puL up LLe common posLer areas, LLe
ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0) concerned sLall reduce LLe sIze oI LLe common posLer area
dependIn on LLe LoLal number oI applIcanLs LLereoI, provIded LLaL eacL roup Is
enLILled Lo posL one Lwo (2) IeeL by LLree (8) IeeL posLer,
l.In case LLere are more LLan LLIrLy-Lwo (82) parLy-lIsL roups, oranIzaLIons
and/or coalILIons applyIn Lo puL up common posLer areas, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer
(E0) concerned sLall deLermIne LLe approprIaLe number and sIze oI common
posLer areas Lo equILably accommodaLe LLe LoLal number oI applIcanLs, subjecL Lo
LLe provIsIons oI LLe ImmedIaLely Lwo (2) precedIn pararapLs,
m.FarLIes and IndependenL candIdaLes sLall Ble LLeIr applIcaLIons Lo erecL
common posLer areas wILL LLe 0IBcer oI LLe CILy/MunIcIpal ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0)
concerned wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLe eIIecLIvILy oI LLIs FesoluLIon, oLLerwIse
LLey musL accepL LLe lIsLIn prepared by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer.
n.WILLIn Bve (S) days aILer LLe elecLIons and wILLouL need oI noLIce, LLe parLIes
and candIdaLes wLIcL applIed Ior LLe puLLIn up oI common posLer areas sLall
Lear down LLe same aL LLeIr own expense and resLore LLe sILe InLo ILs orIInal
condILIon. Non-perIormance oI LLIs oblIaLIon sLall be deemed a vIolaLIon oI LLe
law and reulaLIon on LLe observance oI common posLer areas Ior wLIcL LLe
candIdaLe and parLy concerned sLall be lIable.
o.No lawIul elecLIon propaanda maLerIals sLall be allowed ouLsIde LLe common
posLer areas excepL In prIvaLe properLIes wILL LLe consenL oI LLe owner or In
sucL oLLer places menLIoned In LLese Fules. Any vIolaLIon LereoI sLall be
punIsLable as an elecLIon oIIense.
p.In all cases, LLe parLIes sLall aree amon LLemselves Low LLeIr IndIvIdual
posLers In LLe common posLer areas sLall be placed. In case no areemenL Is
reacLed, LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0) concerned sLall deLermIne saId placemenL by
drawIn oI loLs.
q.TLe ElecLIon 0IBcer sLall acL on all applIcaLIons Ior common areas wILLIn LLree
(8) days Irom receIpL LLereoI. Eor LLIs purpose, Le sLall deLermIne wLeLLer LLe
proposed common posLer area sILes are publIc places wILL Leavy pedesLrIan or
veLIcular LraIBc, or busIness or commercIal cenLers, or densely populaLed areas,
and equILably and ImparLIally allocaLe LLe sILes Lo ensure maxImum exposure oI
LLe lawIul propaanda maLerIals oI all parLIes and IndependenL candIdaLes.
r.Any parLy or IndependenL candIdaLe arIeved by LLe acLIon oI LLe ElecLIon
0IBcer may appeal LLe same wILLIn Lwo (2) days Irom receIpL oI LLe order oI saId
ElecLIon 0IBcer Lo:
a. TLe FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsors (FEB), or
b. TLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor (FED), In LLe case oI LLe NaLIonal CapILal
FeIon (NCF).
s.TLe FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsor (FEB) or FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor (FED)
concerned sLall decIde LLe appeal wILLIn Lwo (2) days Irom receIpL LLereoI,
IurnIsLIn copIes oI LLe decIsIon Lo LLe parLIes concerned and Lo LLe Law
DeparLmenL oI LLe CommIssIon. TLe decIsIon sLall be Bnal and execuLory.
.!#$%&' +Ve !673<D56OI=?7 8B 4=3HaA397=96e - Every reIsLered polILIcal parLy or
secLoral oranIzaLIon or coalILIon parLIcIpaLIn In LLe parLy lIsL sysLem or candIdaLe
may be allowed Lo esLablIsL a lImILed number oI LeadquarLers subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn
a.A reIsLered parLy wILL naLIonal consLILuency and a naLIonal candIdaLe may
esLablIsL one LeadquarLers In eacL provInce or LILly urbanIzed cILy,
b.A reIsLered polILIcal parLy wILL reIonal consLILuency may esLablIsL one
LeadquarLers In eacL provInce or LILly urbanIzed cILy In LLe reIon,
c.A reIsLered polILIcal parLy wILL provIncIal consLILuency and a provIncIal
candIdaLe may be allowed Lo esLablIsL one LeadquarLers In eacL munIcIpalILy,
d.ConressIonal candIdaLes may be allowed Lo esLablIsL one LeadquarLers In LLe
leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL LLey seek Lo represenL. BLould LLeIr leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL be
composed oI several munIcIpalILIes, LLey may be allowed Lo esLablIsL one
LeadquarLers per munIcIpalILy,
e.CILy candIdaLes may be allowed Lo esLablIsL one LeadquarLers per councIlor
I.MunIcIpal candIdaLes may be allowed Lo esLablIsL one LeadquarLers In LLe
enLIre munIcIpalILy.
g.LawIul elecLIon propaanda may be dIsplayed aL LeadquarLers subjecL Lo LLe
lImILaLIons provIded Ior In BEC. 6 () LereoI.
.!#$%&' PQe .A<I56658? 8B "567 8B "8E3758? 8B 4=3HaA397=96e - All parLIes and
candIdaLes sLall submIL wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLeIr esLablIsLmenL, LLe lIsL sLowIn
LLe specIBc locaLIons and addresses oI all LLeIr LeadquarLers, Lo LLe IollowIn oIBces:
a.NaLIonal parLIes and candIdaLes - Law DeparLmenL
b.FrovIncIal parLIes and candIdaLes - FEB
c.CILy and MunIcIpal parLIes and candIdaLes - E0
d.FarLIes and CandIdaLes In LLe NCF - FED
TLe 0IBcIal oI LLe C0MELEC Lo wLom LLe lIsL oI LeadquarLers Is submILLed sLall
IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo LLe Law DeparLmenL and LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
DeparLmenL, wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom receIpL oI LLe lIsL.
.!#$%&' P+e 4=3HaA397=96 .5C?<839He - EeIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod, only
one (1) sInboard, noL exceedIn LLree (8) IeeL by eILL (8) IeeL In sIze, IdenLIIyIn LLe
place as LLe LeadquarLers oI LLe parLy or candIdaLes Is allowed Lo be dIsplayed. FarLIes
may puL up LLe sInboard announcIn LLeIr LeadquarLers noL earlIer LLan Bve (S) days
beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod. IndIvIdual candIdaLes may puL up LLe
sInboard announcIn LLeIr LeadquarLers noL earlIer LLan LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn
perIod. 0nly lawIul elecLIon propaanda maLerIal may be dIsplayed or posLed LLereIn
and only durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
.!#$%&' PPe F98O5<5758? 8? 7O= 1=I8G3DU -=679AE758? 89 -=B3E=I=?7 8B "3TBAD
!D=E758? F98R3C3?H3e - DurIn LLe campaIn perIod, IL Is unlawIul Ior any person Lo
remove, desLroy, oblILeraLe or, In any manner, deIace or Lamper wILL, or prevenL LLe
dIsLrIbuLIon oI any lawIul elecLIon propaanda enumeraLed In BecLIon 6 LereoI.
.!#$%&? PWe 1=I8G3DU #8?>6E3758?U 89 -=679AE758? 8B F98O5<57=H F98R3C3?H3
J37=953D6e - Any proLIbILed Iorm oI elecLIon propaanda sLall be summarIly sLopped,
conBscaLed, removed, desLroyed, or Lorn down by LLe represenLaLIves oI LLe
CommIssIon, aL LLe expense oI LLe candIdaLe, parLIes or person Ior wLose apparenL
beneBL LLe proLIbILed elecLIon propaanda maLerIals Lave been produced, dIsplayed,
and dIssemInaLed.
Any person, parLy, assocIaLIon, aency, oIBce, bureau or deparLmenL oI LLe
overnmenL may Ble wILL LLe CommIssIon, LLrouL ILs Beld oIBce, a peLILIon Lo
conBscaLe, remove, desLroy and/or sLop LLe dIsLrIbuLIon oI any propaanda maLerIal on
LLe round LLaL LLe same Is oIIensIve Lo publIc morals, lIbelous, Illeal, proLIbILed,
subversIve or IrrelevanL Lo LLe elecLIon Issues.
TLe CommIssIon, aILer summary LearIn, sLall resolve LLe peLILIon wILLIn sIx (6) days
Irom LLe LIme IL Is submILLed Ior decIsIon. WLere LLe parLIes concerned cannoL be
conLacLed or are unknown or reIuse Lo appear aL LLe LearIn, LLe CommIssIon may
decIde LLe peLILIon ex parLe.
TLe CommIssIon may, moLu proprIo, ImmedIaLely order LLe removal, desLrucLIon
and/or conBscaLIon oI any proLIbILed propaanda maLerIal, or LLose maLerIals wLIcL
conLaIn sLaLemenLs or represenLaLIons LLaL are Illeal, proLIbILed, paLenLly lIbelous,
oIIensIve Lo publIc morals, subversIve or wLIcL Lend Lo IncILe sedILIon or rebellIon.
.!#$%&' Pie #9=3758? 8B $36_ 089E= 78 $=39 -8T? 3?H 1=I8G= /?D3TBAD !D=E758?
J37=953D6e - TLere Is Lereby creaLed a Lask Iorce Lo Lear down and remove all unlawIul
elecLIon maLerIals composed oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer as CLaIrman, LLe BLaLIon
Commander oI LLe FNF (CLIeI oI FolIce) as VIce CLaIrman, and a LLIrd member
belonIn Lo any oI LLe depuLIzed aencIes oI LLe CommIssIon.
TLe Task Eorce sLall Lave LLe IollowIn duLIes and IuncLIons:
a.To Lear down and remove campaIn propaanda maLerIals posLed In publIc
places ouLsIde LLe common posLer areas,
b.To Lear down and remove all proLIbILed Iorms oI campaIn maLerIals wLerever
posLed or dIsplayed,
c.To monILor and waLcL ouL Ior persons posLIn or dIsLrIbuLIn saId unlawIul
elecLIon parapLernalIa and Lo arresL saId persons cauLL In LLe acL, and
d.To make a reporL oI saId acLIvILIes done by LLem.
.!#$%&' PXe 1=I8G3D 8B F98O5<57=H F98R3C3?H3 J37=953D6 N=B89= 7O= .7397 8B 7O=
#3IR35C? F=958He - All proLIbILed Iorms oI elecLIon propaanda as descrIbed
In BecLIon 7 oI LLese Fules sLall be ImmedIaLely removed, or caused Lo be removed, by
saId candIdaLe or parLy beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod, oLLerwIse, LLe saId
candIdaLe or parLy sLall be presumed Lo Lave commILLed LLe perLInenL elecLIon oIIense
durIn saId campaIn perIod Ior naLIonal candIdaLes or Ior local candIdaLes as LLe case
may be.
TLe proLIbILed Iorms oI propaanda conLemplaLed In LLIs BecLIon Include any names,
Imaes, loos, brands, InsInIas, color moLIIs, InILIals, and oLLer Iorms oI IdenLIBable
rapLIcal represenLaLIons placed by IncumbenL oIBcIals on any publIc sLrucLures or
places as enumeraLed In BecLIon 7 () oI LLese Fules.
.!#$%&' Pge !D=E758? .A9G=:6e - DurIn LLe elecLIon perIod, any person, wLeLLer
naLural or jurIdIcal, candIdaLe or oranIzaLIon may conducL an elecLIon survey. TLe
survey sLall be publIsLed and sLall Include LLe IollowIn InIormaLIon:
a.TLe name oI LLe person, candIdaLe, parLy, or oranIzaLIon LLaL commIssIoned
or paId Ior LLe survey,
b.TLe name oI LLe person, pollIn Brm or survey oranIzaLIon wLo conducLed LLe
c.TLe perIod durIn wLIcL LLe survey was conducLed, LLe meLLodoloy used,
IncludIn LLe number oI IndIvIdual respondenLs and LLe areas Irom wLIcL LLey
were selecLed, and LLe specIBc quesLIons asked,
d.TLe marIn oI error oI LLe survey,
e.Eor eacL quesLIon Ior wLIcL LLe marIn oI error Is reaLer LLan LLaL reporLed
under pararapL (4), LLe marIn oI error Ior LLaL quesLIon, and
I.A maIlIn address and LelepLone number, IndIcaLIn IL as an address or
LelepLone number aL wLIcL LLe sponsor can be conLacLed Lo obLaIn a wrILLen
reporL reardIn LLe survey In accordance wILL LLe nexL succeedIn pararapL.
.TLe survey LoeLLer wILL raw daLa aLLered Lo supporL ILs conclusIons sLall be
avaIlable Ior InspecLIon, copyIn and verIBcaLIon by LLe CommIssIon. Any
vIolaLIon oI LLIs BECTI0N sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense.
.!#$%&' PYe !]57 F8DD6e - ExIL polls may only be Laken subjecL Lo LLe IollowIn
a.FollsLer sLall noL conducL LLeIr surveys wILLIn BILy (S0) meLers Irom LLe
pollIn place, wLeLLer saId survey Is Laken In a Lome, dwellIn place and oLLer
b.FollsLers sLall wear dIsLIncLIve cloLLIn and promInenLly wear LLeIr
IdenLIBcaLIon cards Issued by LLe oranIzaLIon LLey represenL,
c.FollsLers sLall InIorm LLe voLers LLaL LLey may reIuse Lo answer, and
d.TLe resulLs oI LLe exIL polls may be announced aILer LLe closIn oI LLe polls on
elecLIon day, and musL IdenLIIy LLe LoLal number oI respondenLs, and LLe places
wLere LLey were Laken. BaId announcemenL sLall sLaLe LLaL LLe same Is
unoIBcIal and does noL represenL a Lrend.
.!#$%&' PZe 13DD5=6U J==75?C6 3?H &7O=9 F8D575E3D )E75G575=6e - BubjecL Lo LLe
requIremenLs oI local ordInances on LLe Issuance oI permILs, any polILIcal parLy
supporLIn oIBcIal candIdaLes and parLIes or any candIdaLe, IndIvIdually or joInLly wILL
oLLer aspIranLs, may Lold peaceIul polILIcal meeLIns, rallIes or oLLer sImIlar acLIvILIes
durIn LLe campaIn perIod.
Any parLy or candIdaLe sLall noLIIy LLe elecLIon oIBcer concerned oI any publIc rally
saId parLy or candIdaLe InLends Lo oranIze and Lold In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy. TLe
noLIce musL be submILLed LLree (8) workIn days prIor Lo LLe daLe LLereoI, and musL
Include LLe venue and ILs address, as well as a commILmenL Lo submIL a BLaLemenL oI
Expenses, and wILLIn seven (7) workIn days LLereaILer submIL Lo LLe elecLIon oIBcer
a BLaLemenL oI Expenses Incurred In connecLIon LLerewILL. TLe prescrIbed Iorms Ior
NoLIce oI FublIc Fally and BLaLemenL oI Expenses are provIded In Comelec FesoluLIon
No. 9476.
.!#$%&' PVe )RRD5E3758? B89 F=9I57 78 48DH FA<D5E J==75?C6U 13DD5=6 89 &7O=9
F8D575E3D )E75G575=6e - All applIcaLIons Ior permILs Lo Lold publIc meeLIns, rallIes and
oLLer sImIlar polILIcal acLIvILIes sLall be Bled wILL LLe auLLorIzed cILy or munIcIpal
oIBcIal wLo sLall acknowlede receIpL LLereoI In wrILIn. ImmedIaLely aILer ILs BlIn,
LLe applIcaLIon sLall be posLed In a conspIcuous place In LLe cILy Lall or munIcIpal
TLe oIBcIal beIore wLom LLe applIcaLIon Is Bled sLall submIL Lo LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer (E0)
concerned on LLe BrsL workIn day oI eacL week LLe lIsL oI applIcaLIons, II any, Bled
durIn LLe prevIous week and LLe acLIon Laken LLereon.
.!#$%&' WQe )E758? 8? )RRD5E3758? B89 F=9I57e - WILLIn LLree (8) days aILer LLe
BlIn oI an applIcaLIon Ior permIL Lo Lold publIc meeLIns, rallIes or oLLer polILIcal
acLIvILIes, LLe local auLLorILy concerned sLall acL In wrILIn on saId applIcaLIon. Any
applIcaLIon noL acLed upon wILLIn LLree (8) days Irom LLe daLe oI ILs BlIn sLall be
deemed approved.
In acLIn on LLe applIcaLIon, LLe approvIn oIBcIal sLall Ive all candIdaLes and parLIes
equal and IaIr opporLunILy as Lo daLe, LIme and place, Lo Lold publIc polILIcal meeLIns
or rallIes. In LLe lasL week oI LLe campaIn perIod, all IndependenL candIdaLes and
parLIes sLall be enLILled Lo Lold aL leasL one publIc meeLIn or rally, aL LLe LIme Lo be
cLosen by LLe applIcanL, In LLe publIc plaza or place wLere publIc polILIcal meeLIns or
rallIes are usually Leld.
An applIcaLIon Ior permIL sLall be denIed only on LLe round LLaL a prIor wrILLen
applIcaLIon by anoLLer candIdaLe or parLy Ior LLe same purpose Las been approved.
DenIal or any applIcaLIon may be appealed Lo LLe FrovIncIal ElecLIon BupervIsor and
In LLe NaLIonal CapILal FeIon, Lo LLe FeIonal ElecLIon DIrecLor wLo sLall decIde LLe
same wILLIn IorLy-eILL (48) Lours aILer LLe BlIn oI LLe appeal, and sLall Ive noLIce
oI LLe decIsIon Lo LLe parLIes. TLe decIsIon sLall be Bnal and execuLory.
.!#$%&' W+e F98O5<57=H )E76 -A95?C FA<D5E J==75?C6e - IL Is unlawIul Ior any
candIdaLe, parLy or any person Lo Ive or accepL, Iree oI cLare, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly,
LransporLaLIon, Iood and drInks, or anyLLIn oI value durIn and wILLIn LLe Bve (S)
Lours beIore and aILer a publIc meeLIn, or Lo Ive or conLrIbuLe, dIrecLly or IndIrecLly,
money or LLIns oI value Ior sucL purpose.
.!#$%&' WPe J366 J=H53 #8DAI?567U )??8A?E=9 89 F=968?3D57: 1A??5?C B89
FA<D5E &B>E= 89 56 3 #3IR35C? L8DA?7==9e- Any mass medIa columnIsL, commenLaLor,
announcer, reporLer, on-aIr correspondenL, or personalILy wLo Is a candIdaLe Ior any
elecLIve publIc oIBce, a parLy-lIsL nomInee, or Is a campaIn volunLeer Ior or employed
or reLaIned In any capacILy by any candIdaLe or parLy sLall be deemed resIned, II so
requIred by LLeIr employer, or sLall Lake a leave oI absence Irom LIs/Ler work as sucL
durIn LLe campaIn perIod, FrovIded, LLaL aILer Le Las Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy buL beIore LLe campaIn perIod, IL sLall be LIs oblIaLIon noL Lo use LIs
medIa work Ior premaLure elecLIon campaIn or parLIsan polILIcal acLIvILy: FrovIded,
Bnally, LLaL any medIa pracLILIoner wLo, wLIle noL LImselI a candIdaLe, Is an oIBcIal oI
a polILIcal parLy or a member oI LLe campaIn sLaII oI a candIdaLe or parLy sLall noL
use LIs/Ler LIme or space Lo Iavor any candIdaLe or parLy,
.!#$%&' WWe -=RA73758? - TLe CommIssIon Lereby depuLIzes LLe FLIlIppIne
InIormaLIon Aency (FIA), KapIsanan n ma ErodkasLers n FIlIpInas (KEF),
FLIlIppIne AssocIaLIon oI FrIvaLe TelepLone CompanIes (FAFTELC0), and LLe
TelecommunIcaLIon 0peraLors oI LLe FLIlIppIne (T0F) Lo conducL, In coordInaLIon wILL
LLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL, reular InIormaLIon campaIn on LLe
proper use oI any medIum oI communIcaLIon.
TLe CommIssIon Lereby depuLIzes local overnmenL unILs Lo prevenL, remove, desLroy,
conBscaLe or Lear down any proLIbILed propaanda maLerIals wILLouL any parLIalILy.
.!#$%&' Wie )RRD5E3<5D57: 78 &G=96=36 )<6=?7== L875?Ce - TLIs FesoluLIon sLall
apply In a suppleLory cLaracLer wLerever applIcable Lo all resoluLIons on campaInIn
abroad under FepublIc AcL No. 9189.
.!#$%&' WXe !D=E758? &BB=?6=e - Any vIolaLIon oI FA 9006 and LLese Fules sLall
consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under LLe BrsL and second pararapL
oI BecLIon 264 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code In addILIon Lo admInIsLraLIve lIabIlILy,
wLenever applIcable. Any arIeved parLy may Ble a verIBed complaInL Ior vIolaLIon oI
LLese Fules wILL LLe Law DeparLmenL oI LLe CommIssIon.
.!#$%&' Wge !BB=E75G57:e - TLIs FesoluLIon sLall Lake eIIecL on LLe (7LL) sevenLL day
aILer ILs publIcaLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon. TLIs
FesoluLIon supersedes all prevIous resoluLIons InconsIsLenL LerewILL.
.!#$%&' WYe FA<D5E3758? 3?H -566=I5?3758?e - TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon
DeparLmenL sLall cause LLe publIcaLIon oI LLIs FesoluLIon In aL leasL Lwo (2)
newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon, and IurnIsL copIes LLereoI Lo all Beld oIBces oI LLe
CommIssIon, and Lo LLe presIdenLs or secreLary-enerals oI all parLIes, candIdaLes,
mass medIa enLILIes, and depuLIzed oIBces.
Ze F&"%$%#)" F)1$KU F)1$K "%.$ &12)'%h)$%&'
), -!0%'%$%&'
F397:\ means eILLer a polILIcal parLy or a secLoral parLy or a coalILIon oI parLIes
F8D575E3D F397: f reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens advocaLIn an Ideoloy or
plaLIorm, prIncIples and polIcIes Ior LLe eneral conducL oI overnmenL and wLIcL, as
LLe mosL ImmedIaLe means oI securIn LLeIr adopLIon, reularly nomInaLes and
supporLs cerLaIn oI ILs leaders and members as candIdaLes Ior publIc oIBce. IL Is a
naLIonal parLy wLen ILs consLILuency Is spread over LLe eorapLIcal LerrILory oI aL
leasL a majorILy oI LLe reIons. IL Is a reIonal parLy wLen ILs consLILuency Is spread
over LLe eorapLIcal LerrILory oI aL leasL a majorILy oI LLe cILIes and provInces
comprIsIn LLe reIon.
.=E7893D F397: f reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens belonIn Lo any oI LLe
secLors enumeraLed In BecLIon S LereoI wLose prIncIpal advocacy perLaIns Lo LLe
specIal InLeresL and concerns oI LLeIr secLor.
urban poor,
IndIenous culLural communILIes
overseas workers, and
.=E7893D &9C3?5`3758? f reIers Lo a roup oI cILIzens or a coalILIon oI roups oI cILIzens
wLo sLare sImIlar pLysIcal aLLrIbuLes or cLaracLerIsLIcs, employmenL, InLeresLs or
#83D5758? f reIers Lo an arupaLIon oI duly reIsLered naLIonal, reIonal, secLoral
parLIes or oranIzaLIons Ior polILIcal and/or elecLIon purposes
E) 21&/F. *4%#4 #)''&$ N! 1!2%.$!1!- ). F&"%$%#)" F)1$%!.
298AR6 TO5EO E3??87 <= 9=C567=9=H 36 R8D575E3D R3975=6 S.=Ee WU 1e)e YVi+,\
+e 1=D5C58A6 H=?8I5?3758?6 89 6=E76d
2. $O86= TO8 6==_ 78 3EO5=G= 7O=59 C83D6 7O98ACO vIolence or unlawIul means,
8. TLose wLo reIuse Lo upLold and adLere Lo LLe ConsLILuLIon, and
4. TLose supporLed by IoreIn overnmenLs.
#, 21&/F. 0&1 #)'#!"")$%&' &0 1!2%.$1)$%&'
S1)0M .LM /#0, (Bec. 6, FA 7941):
1. IL Is a 9elIIous secL or denomInaLIon,oranIzaLIon or assocIaLIon, oranIzed Ior
relIIous purposes,
2. IL 3dvocaLes vIolence or unlawIul means Lo seek ILs oal,
8. IL Is a BoreIn parLy or oranIzaLIon,
4. IL Is receIvIn 6upporL Irom any IoreIn overnmenL, IoreIn polILIcal parLy,
IoundaLIon, oranIzaLIon, wLeLLer dIrecLly or LLrouL any oI ILs oIBcers or
members or IndIrecLly LLrouL LLIrd parLIes Ior parLIsan elecLIon purposes,
S. IL GIolaLes or IaIls Lo comply wILL laws, rules or reulaLIons relaLIn Lo elecLIons,
6. IL declares AnLruLLIul sLaLemenLs In ILs peLILIon,
7. IL Las Eeased Lo exIsL Ior aL leasL one (1) year, or
8. IL BaIls Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe lasL Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons or IaIls Lo obLaIn aL
leasL Lwo per cenLum (2%) oI LLe voLes casL under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem In LLe Lwo (2)
precedIn elecLIons Ior LLe consLILuency In wLIcL IL Las reIsLered
-, 1!2%.$1)$%&'d J)'%0!.$)$%&' $& F)1$%#%F)$! %' $4! F)1$KM"%.$
)?: 89C3?5`=H C98AR 8B R=968?6 I3: 9=C567=9 36 3 R397:U 89C3?5`3758? 89 E83D5758?
B89 RA9R86=6 8B 7O= R397:MD567 6:67=I <: >D5?C T57O 7O= #&J!"!# ?87 D37=9 7O3?
?5?=7: SVQ, H3:6 <=B89= 7O= =D=E758? 3 R=75758? G=95>=H <: 576 R9=65H=?7 89
6=E9=739: 67375?C 576 H=659= 78 R3975E5R37= 5? 7O= R397:MD567 6:67=I 36 3 ?3758?3DU
9=C58?3D 89 6=E7893D R397: 89 89C3?5`3758? 89 3 E83D5758? 8B 6AEO R3975=6 89
89C3?5`3758?6 S.=Ee XU 1e)e YVi+,.
No voLes casL In Iavor oI polILIcal parLy, oranIzaLIon or coalILIon sLall be valId excepL
Ior LLose reIsLered under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem (Bec. 7, ArL. IZ-C, 1987 ConsLILuLIon).
1. To acquIre jurIdIcal personalILy,
2. To enLILle IL Lo rILLs and prIvIlees ranLed Lo polILIcal parLIes, and
8. To parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
!, 1!0/.)" )'- &1 #)'#!"")$%&' &0 1!2%.$1)$%&'
#8?6757A758?3D F98G5658?\ TLe parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves sLall consLILuLe
LwenLy per cenLum oI LLe LoLal number oI represenLaLIves IncludIn LLose under LLe
parLy lIsL (Bec. S (2), ArL. VI).
$O= F397: "567 .:67=I - IL Is a mecLanIsm oI proporLIonal represenLaLIon In LLe
elecLIon oI represenLaLIves Lo LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, Irom naLIonal, reIonal
and secLoral parLIes, oranIzaLIons and coalILIons LLereoI reIsLered wILL LLe
C0MELEC. TLe FarLy-lIsL sysLem was devIsed Lo replace LLe reserve seaL sysLem - LLe
very essence oI LLe parLy - lIsL sysLem Is represenLaLIon by elecLIon (VeLerans
EederaLIon FarLy v. C0MELEC).
'8I5?3758? 8B F397:M"567 1=R9=6=?7375G=6\ EacL reIsLered parLy, oranIzaLIon or
coalILIon sLall submIL Lo LLe C0MELEC noL laLer LLan IorLy-Bve (4S) days beIore LLe
elecLIon a lIsL oI names, noL less LLan Bve (S), Irom wLIcL parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves
sLall be cLosen In case IL obLaIns LLe requIred number oI voLes.
losL LIs bId Ior an elecLIve oIBce In LLe ImmedIaLely precedIn elecLIon.
No cLane oI names or alLeraLIon oI LLe order oI nomInees sLall be allowed aILer
LLe same sLall Lave been submILLed Lo LLe C0MELEC excepL:
A person may be nomInaLed In one (1) lIsL only 0nly persons wLo Lave Iven LLeIr
consenL In wrILIn may be named In LLe lIsL.
TLe lIsL sLall noL Include any candIdaLe Ior any elecLIve oIBce or a person wLo Las
1. NomInee dIes or
2. WILLdraws In wrILIn LIs nomInaLIon,
8. Eecomes IncapacILaLed In wLIcL case LLe name oI LLe subsLILuLe nomInee
sLall be placed lasL In LLe lIsL.
%?EAI<=?7 6=E7893D 9=R9=6=?7375G=6 5? 7O= 48A6= 8B 1=R9=6=?7375G=6 TO8 39=
?8I5?37=H 5? 7O= R397:MD567 6:67=I 6O3DD ?87 <= E8?65H=9=H 9=65C?=H S.=E758? ZU
1e)e Ygi+,e
0, [/)"%0%#)$%&'
[A3D5>E3758?6 8B F397:M"567 1=R9=6=?7375G=6\
1. NaLural-born cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes, 2. A reIsLered voLer, 8. A resIdenL
oI LLe FLIlIppInes Ior a perIod oI noL less LLan one (1) year
ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, 4. Able Lo read and wrILe, S. A bona Bde
member oI LLe parLy or oranIzaLIon wLIcL Le seeks Lo represenL Ior
aL leasL nIneLy (90) days precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, and 6. AL leasL LwenLy-
Bve (2S) years oI ae on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, In case oI a nomInee oI LLe youLL
secLor, Le musL aL leasL be LwenLy-Bve (2S) buL noL more LLan LLIrLy (80) years oI ae
on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon. Any youLL secLoral represenLaLIve wLo aLLaIns LLe ae oI
LLIrLy (80) durIn LIs Lerm sLall be allowed Lo conLInue In oIBce unLIl LLe expIraLIon oI
LIs Lerm (BecLIon 9, F.A. 7914).
2, J)''!1 &0 L&$%'2d '/JN!1d 1)00"! J3??=9 8B L875?C\ Every voLer sLall
be enLILled Lo Lwo (2) voLes:
1. 2.
Eor candIdaLe Ior member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves In LIs leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL,
and Eor LLe parLy, oranIzaLIons, or coalILIon Le wanLs represenLed In LLe Louse oI
FepresenLaLIves: FrovIded, TLaL a voLe casL Ior a parLy, secLoral oranIzaLIon, or
coalILIon noL enLILled Lo be voLed Ior sLall noL be counLed: FrovIded, Bnally, TLaL LLe
BrsL elecLIon under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall
be Leld In May 1998 (BecLIon 10, F.A. 7941). **0THEF 0UIDELINEB
$O= 08A9 F393I=7=96 5? 7O= FO5D5RR5?=M.7:D= F397:M"567 !D=E758? (EANAT v.
1. PQp 3DD8E3758?\ TwenLy percenL oI LLe LoLal number oI LLe membersLIp oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves Is LLe maxImum number oI seaLs avaIlable Lo parLy-lIsL
oranIzaLIons, sucL LLaL LLere Is auLomaLIcally one parLy-lIsL seaL Ior every Iour
exIsLIn leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs.
2. ) CA393?7==H 6=37 B89 3 R397:MD567 89C3?5`3758? C39?=95?C Pp 8B 7O= 7873D
G87=6 E367\ TLe uaranLeed seaLs sLall be dIsLrIbuLed In a BrsL round oI seaL allocaLIon
Lo parLIes
receIvIn aL leasL Lwo percenL oI LLe LoLal parLy-lIsL voLes.
8. F98R89758?3D 9=R9=6=?73758?\ TLe addILIonal seaLs, LLaL Is, LLe remaInIn seaLs
aILer allocaLIon oI LLe uaranLeed seaLs, sLall be dIsLrIbuLed Lo LLe parLy-lIsL
oranIzaLIons IncludIn LLose LLaL receIved less LLan Lwo percenL oI LLe LoLal voLes.
4. $O= 7O9==M6=37 E3R. EacL qualIBed parLy, reardless oI LLe number oI voLes IL
acLually obLaIned, Is enLILled only Lo a maxImum oI 8 seaLs.
TLe Iormula In LLe allocaLIon oI parLy-lIsL seaL pronounced In VeLerans
EederaLIon FarLy v. C0MELEC (0F No. 186781, 0cLober 6, 2000) Las LLus been
TLe conLInued operaLIon oI LLe Lwo percenL LLresLold as IL applIes Lo LLe
allocaLIon oI LLe addILIonal seaLs Is now unconsLILuLIonal because LLIs LLresLold
maLLemaLIcally and pLysIcally prevenLs LLe BllIn up oI LLe avaIlable parLy-lIsL seaLs.
TLe addILIonal seaLs sLall be dIsLrIbuLed Lo LLe parLIes In a second round oI seaL
allocaLIon (Earanay AssocIaLIon Ior NaLIonal AdvancemenL and Transparency
(EANAT) v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 179271, AprIl 21, 2009).
TLe LLree seaL cap Is noL a vIolaLIon oI LLe ConsLILuLIon because LLe 1987
ConsLILuLIon does noL requIre absoluLe proporLIonalILy Ior LLe parLy- lIsL sysLem.
$O= 2A5H=D5?=6 B89 H=7=9I5?5?C TO=7O=9 F397:M"567 298AR6 O3G= E8IRD5=H T57O
7O= 9=aA59=I=?76 8B "3T (An Eaon EayanI-0EW Labor FarLy v. C0MELEC):
1. TLe polILIcal parLy, secLor, oranIzaLIon or coalILIon musL represenL LLe
marInalIzed and LLe underrepresenLed roups IdenLIBed In Bec. S oI FA 7941.
MajorILy oI ILs membersLIp sLould belon Lo LLe marInalIzed and
2. WLIle even major polILIcal parLIes are expressly allowed by FA 7941 and LLe
ConsLILuLIon, LLey musL comply wILL LLe declared sLaLuLory polIcy oI "EIlIpIno cILIzens
belonIn Lo marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLors Lo be elecLed Lo LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves". TLus, LLey musL sLow LLaL LLey represenL LLe InLeresL oI LLe
marInalIzed and underrepresenLed,
8. FelIIous secLor may noL be represenLed In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem, excepL LLaL
prIesLs, Imams or pasLors may be elecLed sLould LLey represenL noL LLeIr relIIous
secL buL LLe IndIenous communILy secLor,
4. A parLy or an oranIzaLIon musL noL be dIsqualIBed under Bec. 6, FA 7941,
S. TLe parLy or oranIzaLIon musL noL be an adjuncL oI, or a projecL oranIzed or an
enLILy Iunded or assIsLed by, LLe overnmenL,
6. TLe parLy, IncludIn ILs nomInees musL comply wILL LLe qualIBcaLIon
requIremenLs oI BecLIon 9, F.A. 7941,
7. NoL only LLe candIdaLe parLy or oranIzaLIon musL represenL LLe marInalIzed
and underrepresenLed secLors, so also musL ILs nomInees,
8. WLIle lackIn a well-deBned polILIcal consLILuency, LLe nomInee musL lIkewIse be
able Lo conLrIbuLe Lo LLe IormaLIon and enacLmenL oI approprIaLe leIslaLIon LLaL wIll
beneBL LLe naLIon as a wLole.
#9AE53D 78 7O= 9=68DA758? 8B 7O56 E36= 56 7O= BA?H3I=?73D 68E53D rA675E= R95?E5RD=
7O37 7O86= TO8 O3G= D=66 5? D5B= 6O8ADH O3G= I89= 5? D3Te $O= R397:MD567 6:67=I 56
8?= 6AEO 788D 5?7=?H=H 78 <=?=>7 7O86= TO8 O3G= D=66 5? D5B=e %7 C5G=6 7O= C9=37
I366=6 8B 8A9 R=8RD= C=?A5?= O8R= 3?H C=?A5?= R8T=9e %7 56 3 I=663C= 78 7O=
H=6757A7= 3?H 7O= R9=rAH5E=HU 3?H =G=? 78 7O86= 5? 7O= A?H=9C98A?HU 7O37 EO3?C=
56 R8665<D=e %7 56 3? 5?G573758? B89 7O=I 78 E8I= 8A7 8B 7O=59 D5I<8 3?H 6=5`= 7O=
F)"F)1)' L. 41!$
TLese Lwo cases (Abayon vs. HFET) are abouL LLe auLLorILy oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves ElecLoral TrIbunal (HFET) Lo pass upon LLe elIIbIlILIes oI LLe
nomInees oI LLe parLy- lIsL roups LLaL won seaLs In LLe lower Louse oI Conress.
EACTB: FeLILIoner JovILo B. Falparan, Jr. Is LLe BrsL nomInee oI LLe EanLay parLy-lIsL
roup LLaL won a seaL In LLe 2007 elecLIons Ior LLe members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves. FespondenLs are members oI some oLLer parLy-lIsL
roups. BLorLly aILer LLe elecLIons, respondenLs Bled wILL respondenL HFET a
peLILIon Ior quo warranLo aaInsL EanLay and ILs nomInee, peLILIoner Falparan, In
HFET Case 07-040.
FespondenLs' claIm: Falparan was InelIIble Lo sIL In LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves as
parLy-lIsL nomInee because Le dId noL belon Lo LLe marInalIzed and
underrepresenLed secLors LLaL EanLay represenLed, namely, LLe vIcLIms oI communIsL
rebels, CIvIlIan Armed Eorces 0eorapLIcal UnILs (CAE0Us), Iormer rebels, and
securILy uards. TLey saId LLaL Falparan commILLed ross Luman rILLs vIolaLIons
aaInsL marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLors and oranIzaLIons.
FeLILoner's conLenLIon: TLe HFET Lad no jurIsdIcLIon over LIs person sInce IL was
acLually LLe parLy-lIsL EanLay, noL Le, LLaL was elecLed Lo and assumed membersLIp In
LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves. Falparan claImed LLaL Le was jusL EanLay's nomInee.
ConsequenLly, any quesLIon InvolvIn LIs elIIbIlILy as BrsL nomInee was an InLernal
concern oI EanLay. BucL quesLIon musL be brouLL beIore LLaL parLy-lIsL roup, noL
beIore LLe HFET.
0n July 28, 2009 respondenL HFET Issued an order dIsmIssIn LLe peLILIon aaInsL
EanLay because LLe Issue oI LLe InelIIbIlILy or qualIBcaLIon oI LLe parLy-lIsL roup Iell
wILLIn LLe jurIsdIcLIon oI LLe C0MELEC pursuanL Lo LLe FarLy-LIsL BysLem AcL. TLe
HFET, Lowever, deIended ILs jurIsdIcLIon over LLe quesLIon oI peLILIoner Falparan's
qualIBcaLIons. Falparan moved Ior reconsIderaLIon buL LLe HFET denIed IL.
IBBUE: WLeLLer or noL respondenL HFET Las jurIsdIcLIon over LLe quesLIon oI
qualIBcaLIons oI peLILIoners wLo Look LLe seaLs aL LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves LLaL
sucL oranIzaLIons won In LLe 2007 elecLIons.
HELD: Bec. S (1) oI LLe ConsLILuLIon and Bec. 2 (DeclaraLIon oI FolIcy) oI LLe FarLy
LIsL BysLem AcL reconIze parLy lIsL nomInees as "members oI House oI
FepresenLaLIves." IL Is LLe parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves wLo are elecLed InLo oIBce, noL
LLeIr parLIes or oranIzaLIons because LLey are elecLed LLrouL LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem
LLaL LLe ConsLILuLIon auLLorIzed and LLaL Conress by law esLablIsLed wLere
LLe voLers casL LLeIr voLes Ior LLe oranIzaLIons or parLIes Lo wLIcL sucL parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIves belon. Falparan claImed LLaL LLe auLLorILy Lo deLermIne LLe
qualIBcaLIons oI a parLy-lIsL nomInee belons Lo LLe parLy or oranIzaLIon LLaL
nomInaLed LIm. TLIs Is Lrue, InILIally. TLe rILL Lo examIne LLe BLness oI aspIrIn
nomInees and, evenLually, Lo cLoose Bve Irom amon LLem aILer all belons Lo LLe
parLy or oranIzaLIon LLaL nomInaLes LLem. EuL wLere an alleaLIon Is made LLaL LLe
parLy or oranIzaLIon Lad cLosen and allowed a dIsqualIBed nomInee Lo become ILs
parLy-lIsL represenLaLIve In LLe lower House and enjoy LLe secured Lenure LLaL oes
wILL LLe posILIon, LLe resoluLIon oI LLe dIspuLe Is Laken ouL oI ILs Land. BecLIon 17,
ArLIcle VI oI LLe ConsLILuLIon provIdes LLaL LLe HFET sLall be LLe sole jude oI all
conLesLs relaLIn Lo, amon oLLer LLIns, LLe qualIBcaLIons oI LLe members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves. BInce, as poInLed ouL above, parLy-lIsL nomInees are
elecLed members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, LLe HFET Las jurIsdIcLIon Lo Lear
and pass upon LLeIr qualIBcaLIons. Ey analoy wILL LLe cases oI dIsLrIcL
represenLaLIves, once LLe parLy or oranIzaLIon oI LLe parLy-lIsL nomInee Las been
proclaImed and LLe nomInee Las Laken LIs oaLL and assumed oIBce as member
oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, LLe C0MELEC's jurIsdIcLIon over elecLIon
conLesLs relaLIn Lo LIs qualIBcaLIons ends and LLe HFET's own jurIsdIcLIon beIns.
HFET dId noL ravely abuse ILs dIscreLIon.
F)2")/J L. #&J!"!#
EACTB: S2 parLy-lIsL roups and oranIzaLIons Bled separaLe peLILIons LoLalIn S4
wILL LLe Bupreme CourL (BC) In an eIIorL Lo reverse varIous resoluLIons by LLe
CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC) dIsqualIIyIn LLem Irom LLe May 2018 parLy-
lIsL race. TLe C0MELEC, In ILs assaIled resoluLIons Issued In 0cLober, November and
December oI 2012, ruled, amon oLLers, LLaL LLese parLy- lIsL roups and
oranIzaLIons IaIled Lo represenL a "marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor," LLeIr
nomInees do noL come Irom a "marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor," and/or
some oI LLe oranIzaLIons or roups are noL Lruly represenLaLIve oI LLe secLor LLey
InLend Lo represenL In Conress.
FeLILIoners' conLenLIon: C0MELEC commILLed rave abuse oI dIscreLIon In denyIn
some oI LLe peLILIoners' applIcaLIon Ior accredILaLIon and cancellIn LLe exIsLIn
accredILaLIon oI LLe resL. TLey also lamenLed LLe poll body's "denIal" Lo accord LLem
due process In LLe evaluaLIon proceedIns.
BC FULIN0: In a DecIsIon promulaLed on AprIl 2, 2018 (LLrouL CarpIo's ponencIa)
LLe BC ruled In Iavor oI LLe S4 peLILIons and remanded LLese peLILIons Lo LLe
C0MELEC. TLe parLy-lIsL roups and oranIzaLIons covered by LLe 41 peLILIons LLaL
obLaIned mandaLory InjuncLIon orders sLIll sLand a cLance Lo make IL Lo LLe 2018
parLy-lIsL race as LLe LIL courL ordered C0MELEC Lo deLermIne "wLeLLer peLILIoners
are qualIBed Lo reIsLer under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe 18 May
2018 parLy-lIsL elecLIons" under LLe new parameLers seL IorLL In LLe DecIsIon. TLe
resL, meanIn, LLe 18 oLLer peLILIons, were remanded Lo LLe poll body merely Ior
purposes oI deLermInIn wLeLLer LLey may be ranLed accredILaLIon under LLe new
parameLers buL may noL parLIcIpaLe In LLe May 2018 elecLIons.
TLe DecIsIon, Lowever, clarIBed LLaL LLe poll body may noL be IaulLed Ior acLIn on LLe
basIs oI prevIous rulIns (An Eaon EayanI, EANAT) oI LLe LIL courL reardIn
LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem. TLese earlIer rulIns enumeraLed uIdelInes on wLo may
TLe DecIsIon IdenLIBed LLree roups LLaL may parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem: (1)
NaLIonal parLIes or oranIzaLIons (2) FeIonal parLIes or oranIzaLIons, and
(8) BecLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons. 0n LLe parL oI naLIonal parLIes or oranIzaLIons
and reIonal parLIes or oranIzaLIons wLIcL InLend Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL
race, LLe new uIdelInes sLaLe LLaL LLese parLIes "do noL need Lo oranIze alon
secLoral lInes and do noL need Lo represenL any 'marInalIzed or underrepresenLed
secLor.'" As Ior polILIcal parLIes, LLey may parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy- lIsL race by
reIsLerIn under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and no loner Beld conressIonal candIdaLes.
TLese parLIes, II LLey Beld conressIonal candIdaLes, Lowever, are noL barred Irom
parLIcIpaLIn In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIons, wLaL LLey need Lo do Is reIsLer LLeIr secLoral
wIn or parLy under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem. TLIs secLoral wIn sLall be consIdered an
"IndependenL secLoral parLy" lInked Lo a polILIcal parLy LLrouL a coalILIon. As Ior LLe
secLoral parLIes and oranIzaLIons LLaL InLend Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL race,
LLere Is a need Ior represenLaLIon oI "marInalIzed or underrepresenLed" secLor.
Furely secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons may eILLer represenL "marInalIzed and
underrepresenLed" consLILuencIes or LLose "lackIn well-deBned polILIcal
consLILuencIes. TLe LIL courL wenL on Lo enumeraLe "marInalIzed and
underrepresenLed" secLors, as Iollows: labor, peasanL, BsLerIolk, urban poor,
IndIenous culLural communILIes, LandIcapped, veLerans, and overseas workers. TLe
secLors LLaL lack "well-deBned polILIcal consLILuencIes" Include proIessIonals, LLe
elderly, women, and LLe youLL. TLe rule on nomInees and members comIn Irom LLe
secLor LLey InLend Lo represenL also applIes only Lo LLe secLoral parLIes or
oranIzaLIons. TLe LIL courL ruled LLaL IL Is enouL LLaL "*a+ majorILy oI LLe
members oI LLe secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons... musL belon Lo LLe 'marInalIzed
and underrepresenLed secLor LLey represenL.'" As Ior LLe nomInees oI LLese secLoral
parLIes and oranIzaLIons, LLe new uIdelInes provIde LLaL LLey musL eILLer be
members oI LLe secLor or Lave a Lrack record oI advocacy Ior LLeIr secLor.
BLould some oI LLe nomInees oI LLese naLIonal, reIonal, and secLoral parLIes or
oranIzaLIons be dIsqualIBed, LLe parLy or oranIzaLIon ILselI wIll noL be dIsqualIBed
"provIded LLaL LLey Lave aL leasL one nomInee wLo remaIns qualIBed."
TLe BC, In ILs decIsIon, sLressed LLaL LLe Iramers oI LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon dId noL
InLend Lo leave ouL "non- secLoral parLIes" In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and exclusIvely
lImIL IL Lo secLoral roups. As Lo amplIIy ILs posILIon, IL poInLed ouL Bec. S(1), ArL. VI oI
LLe 1987 ConsLILuLIon and perLInenL provIsIons oI FA 7941 (FarLy-LIsL BysLem AcL).
(b) A parLy means eILLer a polILIcal parLy or a secLoral parLy or a coalILIon oI parLIes
(c) A polILIcal parLy reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens advocaLIn an Ideoloy or
plaLIorm, prIncIples and polIcIes Ior LLe eneral conducL oI overnmenL and wLIcL, as
LLe mosL ImmedIaLe means oI securIn LLeIr adopLIon, reularly nomInaLes and
supporLs cerLaIn oI ILs leaders and members as candIdaLes Ior publIc oIBce
(d) A secLoral parLy reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens belonIn Lo any oI LLe
secLors enumeraLed In BecLIon S LereoI wLose prIncIpal advocacy perLaIns Lo LLe
specIal InLeresL and concerns oI LLeIr secLor
TLe BC noLed LLaL deBnIn LLese parLIes or roups, one Irom LLe oLLers, could only
mean LLaL LLey are noL one and LLe same. N0TE: BC rulIn In LLIs case reversed LLe
prevIous rulIn In Eaon EayanI vs. C0MELEC.
Bec. 60. FolILIcal parLy. - FolILIcal parLy or parLy, wLen used In LLIs AcL, means an
oranIzed roup oI persons pursuIn LLe same Ideoloy, polILIcal Ideas or plaLIorms oI
overnmenL and Includes ILs brancLes and dIvIsIons. To acquIre jurIdIcal personalILy,
qualILy IL Ior subsequenL accredILaLIon, and Lo enLILle IL Lo LLe rILLs and prIvIlees
LereIn ranLed Lo polILIcal parLIes, a polILIcal parLy sLall BrsL be duly reIsLered wILL
LLe CommIssIon. Any reIsLered polILIcal parLy LLaL, sInly or In coalILIon wILL oLLers,
IaIls Lo obLaIn aL leasL Len percenL oI LLe voLes casL In LLe consLILuency In wLIcL IL
nomInaLed and supporLed a candIdaLe or candIdaLes In LLe elecLIon nexL IollowIn ILs
reIsLraLIon sLall, aILer noLIce and LearIn be deemed Lo Lave IorIeILed sucL sLaLus as a
reIsLered polILIcal parLy In sucL consLILuency.
Bec. 61. FeIsLraLIon. - Any oranIzed roup oI persons seekIn reIsLraLIon as a
naLIonal or reIonal polILIcal parLy may Ble wILL LLe CommIssIon a verIBed peLILIon
aLLacLIn LLereLo ILs consLILuLIon and by-laws, plaLIorm or proram oI overnmenL and
sucL oLLer relevanL InIormaLIon as may be requIred by LLe CommIssIon. TLe
CommIssIon sLall, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, resolve LLe peLILIon wILLIn Len days
Irom LLe daLe IL Is submILLed Ior decIsIon.
No relIIous secL sLall be reIsLered as a polILIcal parLy and no polILIcal parLy wLIcL
seeks Lo acLIeve ILs oal LLrouL vIolence sLall be enLILled Lo accredILaLIon.
1!F/N"%# )#$ '8e YVi+
)' )#$ F1&L%-%'2 0&1 $4! !"!#$%&' &0 F)1$KM"%.$ 1!F1!.!'$)$%L!.
$41&/24 $4! F)1$KM"%.$ .K.$!JU )'- )FF1&F1%)$%'2 0/'-.
.=E758? +e TILle. TLIs AcL sLall be known as LLe FarLy-LIsL BysLem AcL.
.=E758? Pe DeclaraLIon oI parL y. TLe BLaLe sLall promoLe proporLIonal represenLaLIon
In LLe elecLIon oI represenLaLIves Lo LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves LLrouL a parLy-lIsL
sysLem oI reIsLered naLIonal, reIonal and secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons or
coalILIons LLereoI, wLIcL wIll enable EIlIpIno cILIzens belonIn Lo marInalIzed and
under-represenLed secLors, oranIzaLIons and parLIes, and wLo lack well-deBned
polILIcal consLILuencIes buL wLo could conLrIbuLe Lo LLe IormulaLIon and enacLmenL oI
approprIaLe leIslaLIon LLaL wIll beneBL LLe naLIon as a wLole, Lo become members oI
LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves. Towards LLIs end, LLe BLaLe sLall develop and uaranLee
a Iull, Iree and open parLy sysLem In order Lo aLLaIn LLe broadcasL possIble
represenLaLIon oI parLy, secLoral or roup InLeresLs In LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves by
enLancIn LLeIr cLances Lo compeLe Ior and wIn seaLs In LLe leIslaLure, and sLall
provIde LLe sImplesL scLeme possIble.
.=E758? We DeBnILIon oI Terms. (a) TLe parLy-lIsL sysLem Is a mecLanIsm oI
proporLIonal represenLaLIon In LLe elecLIon oI represenLaLIves Lo LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves Irom naLIonal, reIonal and secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons or
coalILIons LLereoI reIsLered wILL LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC).
ComponenL parLIes or oranIzaLIons oI a coalILIon may parLIcIpaLe IndependenLly
provIded LLe coalILIon oI wLIcL LLey Iorm parL does noL parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL
(b) A parLy means eILLer a polILIcal parLy or a secLoral parLy or a coalILIon oI
(c) A polILIcal parLy reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens advocaLIn an
Ideoloy or plaLIorm, prIncIples and polIcIes Ior LLe eneral conducL oI
overnmenL and wLIcL, as LLe mosL ImmedIaLe means oI securIn LLeIr
adopLIon, reularly nomInaLes and supporLs cerLaIn oI ILs leaders and members
as candIdaLes Ior publIc oIBce.
IL Is a naLIonal parLy wLen ILs consLILuency Is spread over LLe eorapLIcal
LerrILory oI aL leasL a majorILy oI LLe reIons. IL Is a reIonal parLy wLen ILs
consLILuency Is spread over LLe eorapLIcal LerrILory oI aL leasL a majorILy oI
LLe cILIes and provInces comprIsIn LLe reIon.
(d) A secLoral parLy reIers Lo an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens belonIn Lo any oI
LLe secLors enumeraLed In BecLIon S LereoI wLose prIncIpal advocacy perLaIns
Lo LLe specIal InLeresL and concerns oI LLeIr secLor,
(e) A secLoral oranIzaLIon reIers Lo a roup oI cILIzens or a coalILIon oI roups oI
cILIzens wLo sLare sImIlar pLysIcal aLLrIbuLes or cLaracLerIsLIcs, employmenL,
InLeresLs or concerns.
(I) A coalILIon reIers Lo an arupaLIon oI duly reIsLered naLIonal, reIonal,
secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons Ior polILIcal and/or elecLIon purposes.
.=E758? ie ManIIesLaLIon Lo FarLIcIpaLe In LLe FarLy-LIsL BysLem. Any parLy,
oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon already reIsLered wILL LLe CommIssIon need noL reIsLer
anew. However, sucL parLy, oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon sLall Ble wILL LLe CommIssIon,
noL laLer LLan nIneLy (90) days beIore LLe elecLIon, a manIIesLaLIon oI ILs desIre Lo
parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
.=E758? Xe FeIsLraLIon. Any oranIzed roup oI persons may reIsLer as a parLy,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIon Ior purposes oI LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem by BlIn wILL LLe
C0MELEC noL laLer LLan nIneLy (90) days beIore LLe elecLIon a peLILIon verIBed by ILs
presIdenL or secreLary sLaLIn ILs desIre Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem as a
naLIonal, reIonal or secLoral parLy or oranIzaLIon or a coalILIon oI sucL parLIes or
oranIzaLIons, aLLacLIn LLereLo ILs consLILuLIon, by-laws, plaLIorm or proram oI
overnmenL, lIsL oI oIBcers, coalILIon areemenL and oLLer relevanL InIormaLIon as LLe
C0MELEC may requIre: FrovIded, TLaL LLe secLors sLall Include labor, peasanL,
BsLerIolk, urban poor, IndIenous culLural communILIes, elderly, LandIcapped, women,
youLL, veLerans, overseas workers, and proIessIonals.
TLe C0MELEC sLall publIsL LLe peLILIon In aL leasL Lwo (2) naLIonal newspapers oI
eneral cIrculaLIon.
TLe C0MELEC sLall, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, resolve LLe peLILIon wILLIn BILeen
(1S) days Irom LLe daLe IL was submILLed Ior decIsIon buL In no case noL laLer LLan
sIxLy (60) days beIore elecLIon.
.=E758? ge FeIusal and/or CancellaLIon oI FeIsLraLIon. TLe C0MELEC may, moLu
propIo or upon verIBed complaInL oI any InLeresLed parLy, reIuse or cancel, aILer due
noLIce and LearIn, LLe reIsLraLIon oI any naLIonal, reIonal or secLoral parLy,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIon on any oI LLe IollowIn rounds:
(1) IL Is a relIIous secL or denomInaLIon, oranIzaLIon or assocIaLIon, oranIzed
Ior relIIous purposes,
(2) IL advocaLes vIolence or unlawIul means Lo seek ILs oal,
(8) IL Is a IoreIn parLy or oranIzaLIon,
(4) IL Is receIvIn supporL Irom any IoreIn overnmenL, IoreIn polILIcal parLy,
IoundaLIon, oranIzaLIon, wLeLLer dIrecLly or LLrouL any oI ILs oIBcers or
members or IndIrecLly LLrouL LLIrd parLIes Ior parLIsan elecLIon purposes,
(S) IL vIolaLes or IaIls Lo comply wILL laws, rules or reulaLIons relaLIn Lo
(6) IL declares unLruLLIul sLaLemenLs In ILs peLILIon,
(7) IL Las ceased Lo exIsL Ior aL leasL one (1) year, or
(8) IL IaIls Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe lasL Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons or IaIls Lo obLaIn
aL leasL Lwo per cenLum (2%) oI LLe voLes casL under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem In LLe
Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons Ior LLe consLILuency In wLIcL IL Las reIsLered.
.=E758? Ye CerLIBed LIsL oI FeIsLered FarLIes. TLe C0MELEC sLall, noL laLer LLan sIxLy
(60) days beIore elecLIon, prepare a cerLIBed lIsL oI naLIonal, reIonal, or secLoral
parLIes, oranIzaLIons or coalILIons wLIcL Lave applIed or wLo Lave manIIesLed LLeIr
desIre Lo parLIcIpaLe under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and dIsLrIbuLe copIes LLereoI Lo all
precIncLs Ior posLIn In LLe pollIn places on elecLIon day. TLe names oI LLe parL y-lIsL
nomInees sLall noL be sLown on LLe cerLIBed lIsL.
.=E758? Ze NomInaLIon oI FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves. EacL reIsLered parLy,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIon sLall submIL Lo LLe C0MELEC noL laLer LLan IorLy-Bve (4S)
days beIore LLe elecLIon a lIsL oI names, noL less LLan Bve (S), Irom wLIcL parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIves sLall be cLosen In case IL obLaIns LLe requIred number oI voLes.
A person may be nomInaLed In one (1) lIsL only. 0nly persons wLo Lave Iven LLeIr
consenL In wrILIn may be named In LLe lIsL. TLe lIsL sLall noL Include any candIdaLe Ior
any elecLIve oIBce or a person wLo Las losL LIs bId Ior an elecLIve oIBce In LLe
ImmedIaLely precedIn elecLIon. No cLane oI names or alLeraLIon oI LLe order oI
nomInees sLall be allowed aILer LLe same sLall Lave been submILLed Lo LLe C0MELEC
excepL In cases wLere LLe nomInee dIes, or wILLdraws In wrILIn LIs nomInaLIon,
becomes IncapacILaLed In wLIcL case LLe name oI LLe subsLILuLe nomInee sLall be
placed lasL In LLe lIsL. IncumbenL secLoral represenLaLIves In LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves wLo are nomInaLed In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall noL be consIdered
.=E758? Ve QualIBcaLIons oI FarLy-LIsL NomInees. No person sLall be nomInaLed as
parLy-lIsL represenLaLIve unless Le Is a naLural-born cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes, a
reIsLered voLer, a resIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes Ior a perIod oI noL less LLan one (1)year
ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, able Lo read and wrILe, a bona Bde
member oI LLe parLy or oranIzaLIon wLIcL Le seeks Lo represenL Ior aL leasL nIneLy
(90) days precedIn LLe day oI LLe elecLIon, and Is aL leasL LwenLy-Bve (2S) years oI
ae on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon.
In case oI a nomInee oI LLe youLL secLor, Le musL aL leasL be LwenLy-Bve (2S) buL noL
more LLan LLIrLy (80) years oI ae on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon. Any youLL secLoral
represenLaLIve wLo aLLaIns LLe ae oI LLIrLy (80) durIn LIs Lerm sLall be allowed Lo
conLInue In oIBce unLIl LLe expIraLIon oI LIs Lerm.
.=E758? +Qe Manner oI VoLIn. Every voLer sLall be enLILled Lo Lwo (2) voLes: LLe BrsL Is
a voLe Ior candIdaLe Ior member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves In LIs leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcL, and LLe second, a voLe Ior LLe parLy, oranIzaLIons, or coalILIon Le wanLs
represenLed In LLe Louse oI FepresenLaLIves: FrovIded, TLaL a voLe casL Ior a parLy,
secLoral oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon noL enLILled Lo be voLed Ior sLall noL be counLed:
FrovIded, Bnally, TLaL LLe BrsL elecLIon under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall be Leld In
May 1998.
TLe C0MELEC sLall underLake LLe necessary InIormaLIon campaIn Ior purposes oI
educaLIn LLe elecLoraLe on LLe maLLer oI LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
.=E758? ++e Number oI FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves. TLe parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves sLall
consLILuLe LwenLy per cenLum (20%) oI LLe LoLal number oI LLe members oI LLe House
oI FepresenLaLIves IncludIn LLose under LLe parLy-lIsL.
Eor purposes oI LLe May 1998 elecLIons, LLe BrsL Bve (S) major polILIcal parLIes on LLe
basIs oI parLy represenLaLIon In LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves aL LLe sLarL oI LLe TenLL
Conress oI LLe FLIlIppInes sLall noL be enLILled Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
In deLermInIn LLe allocaLIon oI seaLs Ior LLe second voLe, LLe IollowIn procedure sLall
be observed:
(a) TLe parLIes, oranIzaLIons, and coalILIons sLall be ranked Irom LLe LILesL Lo
LLe lowesL based on LLe number oI voLes LLey arnered durIn LLe elecLIons.
(b) TLe parLIes, oranIzaLIons, and coalILIons receIvIn aL leasL Lwo percenL (2%)
oI LLe LoLal voLes casL Ior LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall be enLILled Lo one seaL eacL:
FrovIded, TLaL LLose arnerIn more LLan Lwo percenL (2%) oI LLe voLes sLall be
enLILled Lo addILIonal seaLs In proporLIon Lo LLeIr LoLal number oI voLes :
FrovIded, Bnally, TLaL eacL parLy, oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon sLall be enLILled Lo
noL more LLan LLree (8) seaLs.
.=E758? +Pe Frocedure In AllocaLIn BeaLs Ior FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves. TLe
C0MELEC sLall Lally all LLe voLes Ior LLe parLIes, oranIzaLIons, or coalILIons on a
naLIonwIde basIs, rank LLem accordIn Lo LLe number oI voLes receIved and allocaLe
parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves proporLIonaLely accordIn Lo LLe percenLae oI voLes
obLaIned by eacL parLy, oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon as aaInsL LLe LoLal naLIonwIde voLes
casL Ior LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
.=E758? +We How FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves are CLosen. FarLy-lIsL represenLaLIves
sLall be proclaImed by LLe C0MELEC based on LLe lIsL oI names submILLed by LLe
respecLIve parLIes, oranIzaLIons, or coalILIons Lo LLe C0MELEC accordIn Lo LLeIr
rankIn In saId lIsL.
.=E758? +ie Term oI 0IBce. FarLy-lIsL represenLaLIves sLall be elecLed Ior a Lerm oI
LLree (8) years wLIcL sLall beIn, unless oLLerwIse provIded by law, aL noon on LLe
LLIrLIeLL day oI June nexL IollowIn LLeIr elecLIon. No parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves sLall
serve Ior more LLan LLree (8) consecuLIve Lerms. VolunLary renuncIaLIon oI LLe oIBce
Ior any lenLL oI LIme sLall noL be consIdered as an InLerrupLIon In LLe conLInuILy LIs
servIce Ior LLe Iull Lerm Ior wLIcL Le was elecLed.
.=E758? +Xe CLane oI AIBlIaLIon, EIIecL. Any elecLed parLy-lIsL represenLaLIve wLo
cLanes LIs polILIcal parLy or secLoral aIBlIaLIon durIn LIs Lerm oI oIBce sLall IorIeIL
LIs seaL: FrovIded, TLaL II Le cLanes LIs polILIcal parLy or secLoral aIBlIaLIon wILLIn
sIx (6) monLLs beIore an elecLIon, Le sLall noL be elIIble Ior nomInaLIon as parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIve under LIs new parLy or oranIzaLIon.
.=E758? +ge Vacancy. In case oI vacancy In LLe seaLs reserved Ior parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIves, LLe vacancy sLall be auLomaLIcally Blled by LLe nexL represenLaLIve
Irom LLe lIsL oI nomInees In LLe order submILLed Lo LLe C0MELEC by LLe same parLy,
oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon, wLo sLall serve Ior LLe unexpIred Lerm. II LLe lIsL Is
exLausLed, LLe parLy, oranIzaLIon coalILIon concerned sLall submIL addILIonal
.=E758? +Ye FILLs oI FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves. FarLy-LIsL FepresenLaLIves sLall be
enLILled Lo LLe same salarIes and emolumenLs as reular members oI LLe House oI
.=E758? +Ze Fules and FeulaLIons. TLe C0MELEC sLall promulaLe LLe necessary
rules and reulaLIons as may be necessary Lo carry ouL LLe purposes oI LLIs AcL.
.=E758? +Ve ApproprIaLIons. TLe amounL necessary Ior LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL
sLall be provIded In LLe reular approprIaLIons Ior LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons
sLarLIn Bscal year 1996 under LLe 0eneral ApproprIaLIons AcL.
BLarLIn 199S, LLe C0MELEC Is Lereby auLLorIzed Lo uLIlIze savIns and oLLer
avaIlable Iunds Ior purposes oI ILs InIormaLIon campaIn on LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem.
.=E758? PQe BeparabIlILy Clause. II any parL oI LLIs AcL Is Leld InvalId or
unconsLILuLIonal, LLe oLLer parLs or provIsIons LLereoI sLall remaIn valId and eIIecLIve.
.=E758? P+e FepealIn Clause. All laws, decrees, execuLIve orders, rules and
reulaLIons, or parLs LLereoI, InconsIsLenL wILL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL are Lereby
.=E758? PPe EIIecLIvILy. TLIs AcL sLall Lake eIIecL BILeen (1S) days aILer ILs publIcaLIon
In a newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
1/"!. )'- 1!2/")$%&'. 2&L!1'%'2 $4!\ +, 0%"%'2 &0 F!$%$%&'. 0&1
1!2%.$1)$%&'d P, 0%"%'2 &0 J)'%0!.$)$%&' &0 %'$!'$ $& F)1$%#%F)$!d
W, ./NJ%..%&' &0 ')J!. &0 '&J%'!!.d )'- i, 0%"%'2 &0
-%.[/)"%0%#)$%&' #).!. )2)%'.$ '&J%'!!. &0 F)1$KM"%.$ 21&/F. &1
&12)'%h)$%&'. F)1$%#%F)$%'2 /'-!1 $4! F)1$KM"%.$ .K.$!J &0
1!F1!.!'$)$%&' %' #&''!#$%&' *%$4 $4! J)K +WU PQ+W ')$%&')" )'-
"&#)" !"!#$%&'.U )'- ./N.![/!'$ !"!#$%&'. $4!1!)0$!1
FromulaLIon: P+ 0=<9A39: PQ+P
TLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (CommIssIon), by vIrLue oI LLe powers vesLed In IL by
LLe ConsLILuLIon, LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code,FepublIc AcL No. 7941 oLLerwIse known
as TLe FarLy-LIsL BysLem AcL, and oLLer elecLIon laws, FEB0LVED Lo promulaLe, as IL
1/"! +
0%"%'2 &0 F!$%$%&'. 0&1 1!2%.$1)$%&'
.!#e +e 1=C56793758? 9=aA59=I=?7 0nly oranIzed roups duly reIsLered wILL LLe
CommIssIon, and wLIcL Lave manIIesLed LLeIr desIre Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL
elecLIon, may parLIcIpaLe In LLe FarLy-LIsL BysLem oI FepresenLaLIon In LLe House oI
.!#e Pe *O8 I3: >D= R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?e 0ranIzed roups noL yeL reIsLered
wILL LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons may Ble a peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon under LLe parLy-
lIsL sysLem. An oranIzed roup already reIsLered need noL Lo reIsLer anew. However,
IL sLall Ble wILL LLe CommIssIon a manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-
lIsL elecLIon pursuanL Lo Fule 8 LereoI.
FarLy-lIsL roups delIsLed may Ble anew a verIBed peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon, FrovIded
Lowever: TLaL parLy-lIsL roups delIsLed sLall be InelIIble Lo Ble a peLILIon Ior
reIsLraLIon In LLe elecLIon ImmedIaLely IollowIn ILs delIsLIn.
.!#e We *O8 I3: R3975E5R37=e TLe IollowIn oranIzed roups may parLIcIpaLe In LLe
parLy-lIsL elecLIon:
a.BecLoral parLy an oranIzed roup oI cILIzens wLose prIncIpal advocacy
perLaIns Lo LLe specIal InLeresLs and concerns oI LLe IollowIn secLors: Labor,
FeasanL, Urban Foor, IndIenous CulLural CommunILIes, Elderly, HandIcapped,
Women, YouLL, 0verseas Workers, EIsLerIolk, VeLerans, and FroIessIonals,
b.BecLoral oranIzaLIon a roup oI qualIBed voLers bound LoeLLer by sImIlar
pLysIcal aLLrIbuLes or cLaracLerIsLIcs, or by employmenL, InLeresLs or concerns,
c.FolILIcal FarLy an oranIzed roup oI qualIBed voLers pursuIn LLe same
Ideoloy, polILIcal Ideas and prIncIples Ior LLe eneral conducL oI LLe
IL Is a naLIonal parLy wLen ILs consLILuency Is spread over LLe eorapLIcal
LerrILory oI aL leasL a majorILy oI LLe reIons. IL Is a reIonal parLy wLen ILs
consLILuency Is spread over LLe eorapLIcal LerrILory oI aL leasL majorILy oI LLe
cILIes and provInces comprIsIn LLe reIon.
d.CoalILIon an arupaLIon oI duly-reIsLered naLIonal, reIonal. BecLoral parLIes
or oranIzaLIons Ior polILIcal and/or elecLIon purposes.
.!#e i *O=9= 78 >D= R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?e TLe verIBed peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon by
any oI LLe abovemenLIoned oranIzed roups, sIned by LLeIr FresIdenL/CLaIrman or,
In LIs absence, LLeIr BecreLary-0eneral, sLall be Bled wILL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe
CommIssIon, CommIssIon on ElecLIons, ManIla, In Lwelve (12) leIble copIes.
FeLILIons Bled by maIl, Leleram or IacsImIle sLall noL be accepLed.
In case Lwo separaLe peLILIons are Bled Ior LLe same oranIzed roup, one sIned by LLe
FresIdenL/CLaIrman and LLe oLLer by LLe BecreLary-0eneral, boLL peLILIons sLall be
.!#e Xe *O=? 78 >D= R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?e FeLILIons Ior reIsLraLIon sLall be Bled
noL laLer LLan LLe lasL workIn day oI MarcL oI LLe year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe
nexL reular naLIonal and local elecLIons durIn reular workIn Lours.
.!#e ge F=75758? B89 1=C56793758?U #8?7=?76e TLe peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon sLall be
verIBed and sLall sLaLe LLe IollowIn: a) name and acronym oI LLe peLILIoner, wILL LLe
acronym noL exceedIn LwenLy (20) cLaracLers, b) naLure oI LLe oranIzaLIon: wLeLLer
IL Is a secLoral parLy, secLoral oranIzaLIon, polILIcal parLy or coalILIon, c) LLe secLor or
secLors wLIcL IL seeks Lo represenL, d) LLe name and address oI ILs
FresIdenL/CLaIrman or, In LIs absence, LLe BecreLary-0eneral, wLo wIll represenL LLe
parLy In LLe peLILIon, e) peLILIoners prIncIpal LeadquarLers and posLal oIBce address, I)
names, posILIons, and addresses oI ILs elecLed oIBcers, ) peLILIoners InLenLIon or desIre
Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIon, L) names and addresses oI ILs cLapLer oIBces, I)
LLaL all oI ILs oIBcers and members are made aware oI LLe peLILIon and Lave Iven LLeIr
consenL LLereLo, j) LLe lIsL oI documenLs aLLacLed Lo LLe peLILIon, k) names, addresses
and represenLaLIves oI secLoral parLIes or oranIzaLIons aIBlIaLed wILL LLe peLILIoner,
wLIcL aIBlIaLes need noL be reIsLered wILL LLe CommIssIon, buL Lave Iven LLeIr
consenL LLereLo, l) LLaL IL Is noL a relIIous secL or denomInaLIon, oranIzaLIon or
assocIaLIon oranIzed Ior relIIous purposes, m) LLaL IL sLall noL advocaLe vIolence or
unlawIul means Lo acLIeve ILs oals, n) LLaL IL Is noL an adjuncL or a projecL oranIzed
or an enLILy Iunded or assIsLed by LLe overnmenL, o) LLaL IL Is noL a IoreIn parLy or
oranIzaLIon, p) LLaL IL does noL receIve supporL Ior parLIsan polILIcal purposes Irom
any IoreIn overnmenL, IoreIn polILIcal parLy, IoundaLIon, oranIzaLIon, wLeLLer
dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, or LLrouL IL oIBcers or members, or IndIrecLly LLrouL LLIrd
parLIes, q) LLe perIod oI exIsLence oI peLILIoner, wLIcL sLall be aL leasL one (1) year aL
LLe LIme LLe peLILIon Is Bled, and r) LLaL IL commILs Lo comply wILL LLe laws, rules and
reulaLIons relaLIn Lo elecLIons.
TLe FresIdenL/CLaIrman or, In LIs absence, LLe BecreLary-0eneral represenLIn LLe
parLy sLall aIBx LIs sInaLure on LLe verIBcaLIon porLIon oI LLe peLILIon sLaLIn under
oaLL LLaL Le Is one oI LLe oIBcers oI LLe peLILIoner duly auLLorIzed Lo verIIy LLe
peLILIon, LLaL Le Las caused LLe preparaLIon and BlIn oI LLe peLILIon, and LLaL Le read
and undersLood LLe conLenLs oI LLe peLILIon and acknowlede LLe same Lo be Lrue and
correcL based on LIs personal knowlede.
.!#e Ye -8EAI=?76 78 6ARR897 R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?e TLe IollowIn documenLs
sLall supporL peLILIons Ior reIsLraLIon:
a.ConsLILuLIon and by-laws as an oranIzaLIon seekIn reIsLraLIon under LLe
parLy-lIsL sysLem oI represenLaLIon,
b.FlaLIorm or proram oI overnmenL,
c.LIsL oI all ILs oIBcers and members (naLIonal, reIonal, provIncIal,
cILy/munIcIpal) parLIcularly sLowIn LLaL LLe majorILy oI ILs membersLIp and
oIBcers belon Lo LLe marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor/s IL seeks Lo
d.ManIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe nexL ImmedIaLely succeedIn
naLIonal and local elecLIons, and lIsL oI aL leasL Bve (S) nomInees,
e.ArLIcles oI IncorporaLIon, by-laws and CerLIBcaLe oI FeIsLraLIon Issued by LLe
BecurILIes and ExcLane CommIssIon (BEC), II reIsLered LLerewILL.
I.Track record summary sLowIn LLaL IL represenLs and seeks Lo uplIIL LLe
marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor/s IL seeks Lo represenL,
.CoalILIon areemenL, II any, and LLe deLaIled lIsL oI aIBlIaLes comprIsIn LLe
coalILIon, IncludIn LLe sIned coalILIon areemenL,
L.Bworn prooI/s oI exIsLence In LLe areas wLere LLe oranIzaLIon Is claImIn
represenLaLIon, and
I.0LLer InIormaLIon requIred by LLe CommIssIon.
A BlIn Iee oI Ten TLousand Fesos (F 10,000.00), and a leal researcL Iee oI 0ne
Hundred Fesos (F 100.00) sLall be cLared Ior eacL peLILIon.
.!#e Ze 1=E=5G5?C 3?H 9=E89H5?C 8B R=75758?6 B89 9=C56793758?e Upon receIpL oI LLe
requIremenLs provIded Ior In BecLIon 6 and 7 LereoI, LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall receIve and acknowlede receIpL oI LLe peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon by
sLampIn every copy oI eacL peLILIon wILL LLe daLe and LIme oI ILs receIpL, and LLe
sInaLure oI LLe personnel wLo acLually receIved LLe same. FeLILIons sLall be dockeLed
and a dockeL number sLall be assIned LLereLo. As soon as LLe peLILIon Is dockeLed, LLe
0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon sLall IurnIsL LLe Law DeparLmenL wILL a copy oI
LLe peLILIon.
.!#e Ve F98E=HA9= B89 1=C56793758?e Upon dockeLIn LLe peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon, LLe
0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon sLall deLermIne II LLe peLILIon Is In due Iorm, and
II all InIormaLIon requIred Is compleLe. WILLIn seven (7) days Irom receIpL oI LLe
peLILIons Ior reIsLraLIon Ior reIsLraLIon, IL sLall submIL LLe peLILIons receIved
LoeLLer wILL ILs BndIns and recommendaLIons Lo LLe CommIssIon.
Upon receIpL oI LLe peLILIon Irom LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, LLe
CommIssIon sLall requIre LLe peLILIoner Lo publIsL aL LIs expense In Lwo (2) naLIonal
newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon duly accredILed by LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons LLe
a.TLe peLILIon,
b.ManIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe
c.LIsL oI nomInees and cerLIBcaLe oI nomInaLIon, and
d.0rder oI LLe CommIssIon requIrIn LLe publIcaLIon wILL LLe daLe oI LLe LearIn
oI LLe peLILIon.
TLe CommIssIon, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, sLall resolve LLe peLILIon wILLIn BILeen
(1S) days Irom LLe daLe IL was submILLed Ior resoluLIon buL noL laLer LLan LLe lasL
workIn day oI BepLember oI LLe year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe nexL reular naLIonal
and local elecLIons, InclusIve oI resoluLIons oI moLIons Ior reconsIderaLIon elevaLed Lo
LLe CommIssIon en banc.
1/"! P
&FF&.%$%&' $& ) F!$%$%&' 0&1 1!2%.$1)$%&'
.!#e +e &RR865758? 78 3 R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?d *O=9= 78 >D=e A verIBed opposILIon
Lo a peLILIon Ior reIsLraLIon may be Bled wILL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon,
CommIssIon on ElecLIons In ManIla, by any InLeresLed parLy on any oI LLe rounds
menLIoned In BecLIon 2 LereoI.
.!#e Pe 298A?H6 B89 8RR865758? 78 3 R=75758? B89 9=C56793758?e TLe CommIssIon may
deny due course Lo LLe peLILIon moLu proprIo or upon verIBed opposILIon oI any
InLeresLed parLy, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, on any oI LLe IollowIn rounds:
a.IL Is a relIIous sec or denomInaLIon, oranIzaLIon or assocIaLIon oranIzed Ior
relIIous purposes,
b.IL advocaLes vIolence or unlawIul means Lo acLIeve ILs oal,
c.TLaL IL Is adjuncL oI, or a projecL or an enLILy Iunded or assIsLed by, LLe
d.IL Is a IoreIn parLy or oranIzaLIon,
e.IL Is receIvIn supporL Irom any IoreIn overnmenL, IoreIn polILIcal parLy,
IoundaLIon, oranIzaLIon, wLeLLer dIrecLly or IndIrecLly or LLrouL ILs oIBcers or
members or IndIrecLly LLrouL LLIrd parLIes Ior parLIsan elecLIon purposes,
I.IL vIolaLes or IaIls Lo comply wILL laws, rules or reulaLIons relaLIn Lo elecLIons,
.II IL Las made unLruLLIul sLaLemenLs In ILs FeLILIon,
L.IL Las ceased Lo exIsL Ior a perIod oI aL leasL one (1) year,
i.IL IaIls Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe lasL Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons or IaIls Lo obLaIn aL
leasL Lwo per cenLum (2%) oI LLe voLes casL under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem In LLe
Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons Ior LLe consLILuency In wLIcL IL Las reIsLered, or
j.TLe peLILIon Las been Bled Lo puL LLe elecLIon process In mockery or dIsrepuLe,
or Lo cause conIusIon amon LLe voLers by LLe sImIlarILy oI names or reIsLered
parLIes, or by oLLer cIrcumsLances or acLs wLIcL clearly demonsLraLe LLaL LLe
peLILIoner Las nobona Bde InLenLIon Lo represenL LLe secLor Ior wLIcL LLe
peLILIon Las been Bled and LLus prevenL a IaILLIul deLermInaLIon oI LLe Lrue wIll
oI LLe elecLoraLe.
.!#e We 1=I8G3D 3?Hc89 E3?E=DD3758? 8B 9=C56793758?d 298A?H6e TLe CommIssIon
may moLu proprIo or upon a verIBed complaInL oI any InLeresLed parLy, remove or
cancel, aILer due noLIce and LearIn, LLe reIsLraLIon oI any parLy-lIsL roup
oranIzaLIon or coalILIon on any oI LLe rounds menLIoned In BecLIon 2 oI LLIs Fule.
Any parLy wLose reIsLraLIon Las been removed or cancelled sLall noL be allowed Lo
parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem, or Irom beIn proclaImed II LLe evIdence Is sLron.
.!#e ie *O=? 78 >D=d *O=9= 78 >D=e VerIBed complaInL may be Bled aL anyLIme durIn
oI Bce Lours wILL LLe 0I Bce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon.
.!#e Xe 05D5?C 0==6 A BlIn Iee oI Ten TLousand Fesos (F 10,000.00), and a leal
researcL Iees on 0ne Hundred Fesos (F 100.00) sLall be cLared Ior eacL peLILIon.
.!#e +e *O8 6O3DD >D= I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e Any parLy-lIsL roup
prevIously reIsLered under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem oI represenLaLIon, wLIcL InLends Lo
parLIcIpaLe In LLe nexL reular naLIonal and local elecLIons, sLall Ble wILL LLe
CommIssIon a manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIon.
.!#e Pe *O=9= 78 >D= I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e TLe manIIesLaLIon oI
InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe by any oI LLe above-menLIoned oranIzed roups or parLIes sLall
be Bled wILL LLe oIBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, CommIssIon on ElecLIons,
ManIla, In Lwelve (12) leIble copIes.
TLe manIIesLaLIon sLall be sIned by LLe FresIdenL/CLaIrman or, In LIs absence, LLe
BecreLary-0eneral oI LLe parLy or roup.
ManIIesLaLIons Bled by maIl, Leleram or IacsImIle sLall noL be accepLed.
A sample oI LLe manIIesLaLIon Lo parLIcIpaLe Is aLLacLed as Annex A.
.!#e We *O=? 78 >D= I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e ManIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo
parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIon sLall be Bled noL laLer LLan LLe lasL workIn day oI
AprIl oI LLe year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe nexL reular naLIonal and local elecLIons
durIn reular workIn Lours.
Eor purposes oI LLe May 18, 2018 naLIonal and local elecLIons, LLe lasL day Ior LLe BlIn
oI manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe sLall be on May 81, 2012 In accordance wILL
Comelec FesoluLIon No. 98S9, promulaLed Eebruary 8, 2012.
.!#e ie #8?7=?76 8B I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e TLe manIIesLaLIon oI
InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe sLall be under oaLL and sLaLe LLe IollowIn: a) name, acronym and
naLure oI LLe Bler, wLeLLer a secLoral parLy, secLoral oranIzaLIon, polILIcal parLy or
coalILIon, b) LLe daLe oI ILs reIsLraLIon wILL LLe CommIssIon, c) LLaL aL no LIme Las IL
ceased Lo exIsL Ior a perIod oI one (1) year Irom LLe LIme oI ILs reIsLraLIon, d) LLaL IL
dId noL IaIl Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe lasL Lwo (2) precedIn elecLIons or dId noL IaIl Lo obLaIn
aL leasL Lwo per cenLum (2%) oI LLe voLes casL under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem In LLe Lwo
(2) precedIn elecLIons Ior LLe consLILuency In wLIcL IL Las reIsLered, and e) ILs desIre
Lo parLIcIpaLe In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIon.
TLe manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe sLall be accompanIed by a lIsL oI aL leasL Bve
(S) nomInees In LLe Iorm prescrIbed by LLe CommIssIon as Annex E.
.!#e Xe 1=E=5G5?C 3?H 9=E89H5?C 8B I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e Upon
receIpL oI LLe requIremenLs provIded Ior In BecLIon 4 LereoI, LLe Clerk oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall receIve and acknowlede receIpL oI LLe manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo
parLIcIpaLe by sLampIn every copy oI eacL manIIesLaLIon wILL LLe daLe and LIme oI ILs
receIpL, and LLe sInaLure oI LLe personnel wLo acLually receIved LLe same. A copy oI
eacL manIIesLaLIon sLall be Iorwarded Lo LLe Law DeparLmenL Ior LLe preparaLIon oI
LLe cerLI Bed lIsL oI parLIes parLIcIpaLIn In LLe parLy-lIsL elecLIon.
No manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe sLall be accepLed beyond LLe perIod sLaLed In
BecLIon 8 LereIn.
.!#e ge -56795<A758? 8B E8R5=6e TLe copIes oI LLe manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe
sLall be dIsLrIbuLed by LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, as Iollows:
a.EIrsL copy, Lo be reLaIned by LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon,
b.Becond copy, Lo LLe CommIssIon en banc LLrouL LLe CLaIrman,
c.TLIrd copy, Lo LLe Law DeparLmenL,
d.EourLL copy, Lo LLe ElecLIon Fecords and BLaLIsLIcs DeparLmenL, and
e.EIILL copy, Lo LLe Comelec BecreLary, and
I.A copy Ior LLe CLaIrman and eacL CommIssIoner.
.!#e Ye F=75758? 78 H=?: HA= E8A96= 78 3 I3?5B=673758? 8B 5?7=?7 78 R3975E5R37=e A
verIBed peLILIon seekIn Lo deny due course Lo a manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe
may be Bled wILL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, CommIssIon on ElecLIons In
ManIla, by any InLeresLed parLy wILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLe daLe oI publIcaLIon oI LLe
manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe on any oI LLe rounds menLIoned In BecLIon 2 oI
Fule 2 Ior prevIously reIsLered parLy-lIsL roups.
Eor roups seekIn reIsLraLIon, LLe lasL day Ior BlIn oI peLILIon Lo deny due course Lo
a manIIesLaLIon oI InLenL Lo parLIcIpaLe sLall be Bled by any InLeresLed parLy noL laLer
LLan lasL workIn day oI May oI LLe year ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIons. Eor
purposes oI LLe May 18, 2018 naLIonal and local elecLIons, LLe peLILIon sLall be Bled noL
laLer LLan May 81, 2012.
1/"! i
F)1$KM"%.$ '&J%'!!.
.!#e +e [A3D5>E3758?6 8B ?8I5?==6e A parLy-lIsL nomInee musL be:
1.A naLural-born cILIzen oI LLe FLIlIppInes,
2.A reIsLered voLer,
8.A resIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes Ior a perIod oI noL less LLan one (1) year
ImmedIaLely precedIn elecLIon day,
4.Able Lo read and wrILe,
5.A bona Bde member oI LLe parLy Le seeks Lo represenL Ior aL leasL nIneLy days
precedIn elecLIon day,
6.AL leasL LwenLy-Bve (2S) year oI ae,
7.A EIlIpIno cILIzen wLo belons Lo LLe marInalIzed and underrepresenLed
secLor wLIcL LIs secLoral parLy, oranIzaLIon, polILIcal parLy or coalILIon seeks Lo
represenL, and
8.Able Lo conLrIbuLe Lo LLe IormulaLIon and enacLmenL oI approprIaLe leIslaLIon
LLaL wIll beneBL LLe naLIon as a wLole.
In case oI LLe youLL secLor, Le musL be aL leasL LwenLy-Bve (2S) buL noL more
LLan LLIrLy (80) years oI ae on LLe day oI LLe elecLIon. Any youLL secLoral
represenLaLIve wLo aLLaIns LLe ae oI LLIrLy (80) durIn LIs Lerm sLall be
allowed Lo conLInue In oIBce unLIl LLe expIraLIon oI LIs Lerm.
TLe parLy-lIsL roup and LLe nomInees musL submIL documenLary evIdence In
consonance wILL LLe ConsLILuLIon, F.A. 7941 and oLLer laws Lo duly prove LLaL
LLe nomInees Lruly belon Lo LLe marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor/s,
LLe secLoral parLy, oranIzaLIon, polILIcal parLy or coalILIon LLey seek Lo
represenL, wLIcL may Include buL noL lImILed Lo LLe IollowIn:
a.Track record oI LLe parLy-lIsL roup/oranIzaLIon sLowIn acLIve
parLIcIpaLIon oI LLe nomInee/s In LLe underLakIns oI LLe parLy-lIsL
roup/oranIzaLIon Ior LLe advancemenL oI LLe marInalIzed and
underrepresenLed secLor/s, LLe secLoral parLy, oranIzaLIon, polILIcal
parLy or coalILIon LLey seek Lo represenL,
b.FrooIs LLaL LLe nomInee/s Lruly adLeres Lo LLe advocacIes oI LLe parLy-
lIsL roup/oranIzaLIons (prIor declaraLIons, speecLes, wrILLen arLIcles,
and sucL oLLer posILIve acLIons on LLe parL oI LLe nomInee/s sLowIn
LIs/Ler adLerence Lo LLe advocacIes oI LLe parLy-lIsL
c.CerLIBcaLIon LLaL LLe nomInee/s Is/are a bona Bde member oI LLe parLy-
lIsL roup/ oranIzaLIon Ior aL leasL nIneLy (90) days prIor Lo LLe elecLIon,
d.In case oI a parL-lIsL roup/oranIzaLIon seekIn represenLaLIon oI LLe
marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor/s, prooI LLaL LLe nomInee/s Is
noL only an advocaLe oI LLe parLy-lIsL/oranIzaLIon buL Is/are also a bona
Bde member/s oI saId marInalIzed and underrepresenLed secLor.
.!#e Pe #O3?C= 8B 3B>D53758?d !BB=E7e Any selecLed parLy-lIsL represenLaLIve wLo
cLanes LIs polILIcal parLy or secLoral aIBlIaLIon durIn LIs Lerm oI oIBce sLall IorIeIL
LIs seaL, FrovIded, LLaL II Le cLanes LIs polILIcal or secLoral aIBlIaLIon wILLIn sIx (6)
monLLs beIore an elecLIon, Le sLall noL be elIIble Ior nomInaLIon as parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIve under LIs new parLy or oranIzaLIon.
.!#e We !BB=E76 8B 3EE=R73?E= 8B ?8I5?3758?e NomInees LoldIn appoInLIve or elecLIve
oIBces may conLInue Lo Lold oIBce even aILer accepLance oI LLeIr nomInaLIon, and LLe
one-year proLIbILIon Irom beIn LIred or reLIred In a publIc oIBce aILer LLeIr parLy-lIsL
oranIzaLIons IaIl Lo secure LLe needed voLes Lo qualIIy LLem Ior a seaL In LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves, sLall noL apply Lo LLem. IncumbenL secLoral represenLaLIves In LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves wLo are nomInaLed In LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall noL be
consIdered resIned.
.!#e ie *57OH93T3D 8B ?8I5?3758? 89 3EE=R73?E= 8B ?8I5?3758?e WILLdrawal oI
nomInaLIons or accepLance oI nomInaLIons sLall be In wrILIn and under oaLL, and Bled
wILL LLe Law DeparLmenL oI LLe CommIssIon In ManIla beIore LLe close oI polls.
A nomInee wLo wILLdraws LIs accepLance Lo LLe nomInaLIon sLall noL be elIIble Ior
nomInaLIon by oLLer parLIes.
.!#e Xe '8I5?3758? 8B F397:M"567 9=R9=6=?7375G=6e A person may be nomInaLed In
one (1) lIsL only. 0nly persons wLo Lave Iven LLeIr consenL In wrILIn may be named
In LLe lIsL. TLe lIsL sLall noL Include any candIdaLe Ior any elecLIve oIBce or a person
wLo Las losL LIs bId Ior an elecLIve oIBce In LLe ImmedIaLely precedIn elecLIon. No
cLane oI names or alLeraLIon oI LLe order oI nomInees sLall be allowed aILer LLe same
sLall Lave been submILLed Lo LLe C0MELEC excepL In cases wLere LLe nomInee dIes, or
wILLdraws In wrILIn LIs nomInaLIon, becomes IncapacILaLed In wLIcL case LLe name oI
LLe subsLILuLe nomInee sLall be placed lasL In LLe lIsL.
.!#e ge L3E3?E:e In case oI vacancy In LLe seaLs reserved Ior parLy-lIsL
represenLaLIves, LLe vacancy sLall be auLomaLIcally Blled by LLe nexL represenLaLIve
Irom LLe lIsL oI nomInees In LLe order submILLed Lo LLe C0MELEC by LLe same parLy,
oranIzaLIon, or coalILIon, wLo sLall serve Ior LLe unexpIred Lerm. II LLe lIsL Is
exLausLed, LLe parLy, oranIzaLIon coalILIon concerned sLall submIL addILIonal
.!#e Ye $=9I 6O395?C 8B ?8I5?==6e EIlIn oI vacancy as a resulL oI Lerm sLarIn
areemenL amon nomInees oI wInnIn parLy-lIsL roups/oranIzaLIons sLall noL be
.!#e Ze FA<D5E3758?e TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL sLall cause LLe
ImmedIaLe publIcaLIon oI LLe lIsL oI nomInees In Lwo (2) naLIonal newspaper oI eneral
.!#e +e F=75758? 78 H=?: HA= E8A96= 3?Hc89 E3?E=DD3758?d 298A?H6e A verIBed
peLILIon seekIn Lo deny due course LLe nomInaLIon oI nomInees oI parLy-lIsL roups
may be Bled by any person exclusIvely on LLe round LLaL a maLerIal
mIsrepresenLaLIon Las been commILLed In LLe qualIBcaLIon oI LLe nomInees.
.!#e Pe F=75758? B89 H56aA3D5>E3758?U 298A?Hd - A verIBed peLILIon seekIn LLe
dIsqualIBcaLIon oI nomInees oI parLy-lIsL roups may be Bled by any person wLen LLe
nomInee Las been declared by Bnal decIsIon oI a compeLenL courL uIlLy oI, or Iound by
LLe CommIssIon oI LavIn:
a.0Iven money or oLLer maLerIal consIderaLIon Lo InBuence, Induce or corrupL
LLe voLers or publIc oIBcIals perIormIn elecLoral IuncLIons,
b.CommILLed acLs oI LerrorIsm Lo enLance LIs candIdacy,
c.BpenL In LLe campaIn an amounL In excess oI LLaL allowed by law,
d.BolIcILed, receIved or made any conLrIbuLIon proLIbILed under
BecLIon 89, 9S, 96, 97 and 104 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, or
e.VIolaLed any oI BecLIons 88, 86 and 261, pararapLs d, e, k, v, and cc, sub-
pararapL 6 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code.
.!#e We *O=9= 78 >D= R=75758?6e TLe peLILIons LereIn menLIoned sLall be Bled wILL LLe
0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon, CommIssIon on ElecLIons In InLramuros, ManIla,
FeLILIon Ior dIsqualIBcaLIon Bled wILL oIBce oLLer LLan wILL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI
LLe CommIssIon sLall noL be accepLed.
.!#e ie *O=? 78 >D= R=75758?6e FeLILIons Ior denIal / cancellaLIon / dIsqualIBcaLIon oI
parLy-lIsL nomInees sLall be Bled as Iollows:
a.FeLILIon Lo deny due course or cancellaLIon oI nomInaLIon oI parLy-lIsL
nomInees sLall be Bled wILLIn Bve (S) days aILer LLe publIcaLIon oI LLe lIsL oI
nomInees, and
b.FeLILIon Ior dIsqualIBcaLIon oI parLy-lIsL nomInees sLall be Bled aL any day noL
laLer LLan LLe daLe oI proclamaLIon.
.!#e Xe F98E=HA9= 5? >D5?C R=75758?6e Eor purposes oI LLe precedIn secLIons, LLe
IollowIn procedure sLall be observed:
1.A verIBed peLILIon Lo dIsqualIIy a parLy-lIsL nomInee sLall be Bled In Len (10)
leIble copIes, personally or LLrouL a duly auLLorIzed represenLaLIve, by any
person or voLIn ae, or duly reIsLered polILIcal parLy, oranIzaLIon or coalILIon
oI polILIcal parLIes, or parLy-lIsL roups or oranIzaLIons,
2.FeLILIoner sLall, beIore LLe BlIn oI LLe peLILIon, IurnIsL a copy oI LLe peLILIon
LLrouL personal servIce, Lo LLe respondenL. In case personal servIce Is noL
IeasIble, or LLe respondenL reIuses Lo receIve LLe peLILIon or LLe respondenLs
wLereabouLs cannoL be ascerLaIned, LLe peLILIoner sLall execuLe an aIBdavIL
sLaLIn LLe reasons or cIrcumsLances LLereIore,
8.TLe prooI oI servIce or LLe aIBdavIL sLall be aLLacLed Lo LLe peLILIon Lo be Bled
wILL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon,
4.Upon paymenL oI LLe BlIn Iee oI FLp 10,000.00 and LLe leal researcL Iee oI
FLp 100.00, LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon sLall dockeL LLe peLILIon
and assIn Lo IL a dockeL number, wLIcL musL be consecuLIve accordIn Lo LLe
order oI receIpL, and musL bear LLe year and preBxed as BFA (DCN),
AddILIonal BlIn and leal researcL Iees sLall be cLared II LLere are more LLan
one (1) respondenL aL FLp 10,000.00 and FLp 100.00 Ior eacL respondenL-
S.Upon proper BlIn and dockeLIn oI LLe peLILIon, LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall, wILLIn LLree (8) calendar days, Issue summons wILL noLIce oI
LearIn LLrouL personal or Leleram, IacsImIle or LLrouL LLe IasLesL means oI
communIcaLIon, Lo LLe respondenL and noLIce oI LearIn Lo LLe peLILIoner,
6.WILLIn LLree (8) calendar days Irom receIpL oI summons, LLe respondenL sLall,
personally or LLrouL LIs auLLorIzed represenLaLIve, Ble LIs verIBed answer (noL
a MoLIon Lo DIsmIss) Lo LLe peLILIon, aL LLe 0IBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon,
In Lwelve (12) leIble copIes, wILL prooI oI personal servIce oI Answer upon LLe
0rounds Ior MoLIon Lo DIsmIss may be raIsed as an AIBrmaLIve DeIense.
7.TLe proceedIn sLall be summary In naLure. In lIeu oI oral LesLImonIes, LLe
parLIes sLall submIL LLe aIBdavILs oI LLeIr wILnesses and oLLer documenLary
evIdence LoeLLer wILL LLeIr posILIon papers or memoranda,
TLe posILIon paper or memorandum oI eacL parLy sLall conLaIn LLe IollowIn:
a.A BLaLemenL oI LLe Case, wLIcL Is a clear and concIse sLaLemenL oI LLe
naLure oI LLe acLIon, a summary oI LLe documenLary evIdence, and oLLer
maLLers necessary Lo an undersLandIn oI LLe conLroversy,
b.A BLaLemenL oI LLe Issues, wLIcL Is a clear and concIse sLaLemenL oI LLe
c.TLe ArumenL, wLIcL Is a clear and concIse presenLaLIon oI LLe
arumenL In supporL oI eacL Issue, and
d.TLe FelIeI, wLIcL Is a specIBcaLIon oI LLe judmenL wLIcL LLe parLy
seeks Lo obLaIn. Issues raIsed In LLe pleadIns LLaL are noL Included In LLe
memorandum sLall be deemed waIved or abandoned. TLe CommIssIon
may consIder LLe memorandum alone In decIdIn or resolvIn LLe peLILIon,
as saId memorandum Is a summaLIon oI LLe parLIes pleadIns and
documenLary evIdence
.!#e ge J87A R98R958 E36=6. TLe CommIssIon may, aL any LIme beIore
proclamaLIon, moLu proprIo dIsqualIIy any nomInee wLose nomInaLIon Is conLrary Lo
BecLIon S, Fule 4 oI LLIs FesoluLIon.
Upon receIpL oI LLe lIsL oI nomInees, LLe Law DeparLmenL sLall, wILLIn LLree (8) days
Irom LLe lasL day oI BlIn oI LLe lIsL oI nomInees, Iorward Lo LLe CommIssIon en banc
LLrouL LLe 0IBce oI LLe CommIssIon BecreLary, LLe lIsL oI nomInees Ior purposes oI
TLereaILer, LLe Law DeparLmenL sLall, wILLIn LLe soonesL LIme possIble, submIL ILs
sLudy and recommendaLIon Lo LLe CommIssIon en banc LLrouL LLe 0IBce oI LLe
CommIssIon BecreLary wLeLLer or noL LLe condILIons Imposed In BecLIon S, Fule 4 Lave
been meL.
TLe CommIssIon BecreLary sLall upon receIpL LLereoI, ImmedIaLely calendar Ior
delIberaLIon LLe lIsL oI nomInees LoeLLer wILL LLe sLudy and recommendaLIon oI LLe
Law DeparLmenL wILL noLIce Lo all members oI LLe CommIssIon.
WILLIn Bve (S) days Irom LLe daLe oI LLe delIberaLIon, LLe CommIssIon sLall resolve all
maLLers relaLIve Lo LLe lIsL oI nomInees submILLed Lo IL.
TLe FesoluLIon dIsqualIIyIn LLe nomInaLIon oI parLy-lIsL nomInees sLall be publIsLed
In Lwo (2) newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
.!#e Ye F98IADC3758?e TLe promulaLIon oI a DecIsIon or FesoluLIon oI LLe
CommIssIon or a DIvIsIon sLall be made by delIverIn a copy LLereoI Lo LLe Clerk oI LLe
CommIssIon, noLIce oI wLIcL sLall be served upon LLe parLIes or LLeIr aLLorneys
personally, or by reIsLered maIl, Leleram, Iax or LLru LLe IasLesL means oI
.!#e Ze !BB=E76 8B R=75758? 5B A?9=68DG=H <=B89= E8IRD=758? 8B E3?G366e II LLe
peLILIon, Ior reasons beyond LLe conLrol oI LLe CommIssIon, cannoL be decIded beIore
LLe compleLIon oI LLe canvass, LLe voLes casL Ior LLe parLy-lIsL roup or oranIzaLIon
sLall be Included In LLe counLIn and, In LLe canvassIn, Lowever, II LLe evIdence Is
sLron, LLe proclamaLIon oI LLe nomInee sLall be suspended noLwILLsLandIn LLe IacL
LLaL LIs roup or oranIzaLIon receIved LLe wInnIn number oI voLes In sucL elecLIon.
.!#e +e .A6R=?658? 8B 7O= #8I=D=E 1AD=6 8B F98E=HA9=e In LLe InLeresL oI jusLIce and
In order Lo aLLaIn speedy dIsposILIon oI cases, applIcaLIon oI LLe Comelec Fules oI
Frocedure or any porLIon LLereoI InconsIsLenL LerewILL Is Lereby suspended.
.!#e Pe J8758? B89 1=E8?65H=93758?e A moLIon Lo reconsIder a DecIsIon, FesoluLIon,
0rder or FulIn oI a DIvIsIon sLall be Bled wILL LLree (8) days Irom receIpL LLereoI.
BucL moLIon, II noL pro Iorma, suspends LLe execuLIon Ior ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe
DecIsIon, FesoluLIon, 0rder or FulIn.
WILLIn LwenLy-Iour (24) Lours Irom LLe BlIn LLereoI, LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon
sLall noLIIy LLe FresIdIn CommIssIoner. TLe laLLer wILLIn Lwo (2) day LLereaILer
cerLIIy LLe case Lo LLe CommIssIon en banc.
TLe oIBce oI LLe Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon sLall calendar LLe MoLIon Ior
FeconsIderaLIon Ior LLe resoluLIon oI LLe CommIssIon en banc wILLIn LLree (8) days
Irom cerLI BcaLIon LLereoI.
.!#e We 05D5?C B== B89 J8758? B89 1=E8?65H=93758?e TLere sLall be a paymenL oI BlIn
Iee oI FLp 1,000.00 Ior every MoLIon Ior FeconsIderaLIon Bled beIore LLe 0IBce oI LLe
Clerk oI LLe CommIssIon.
AddILIonal BlIn Iees sLall be cLared II LLere are more LLan one (1) respondenL aL FLp
1,000.00 Ior eacL respondenL-nomInee.
.!#e ie )G35D3<5D57: 8B 9=E89H6 78 7O= RA<D5Ee CopIes oI FeLILIons and/or
ManIIesLaLIons Bled under LLese Fules sLall be avaIlable Lo LLe publIc upon prIor
complIance wILL exIsLIn Comelec rules and reulaLIons and paymenL oI Iees LLaL LLe
CommIssIon may requIre.
.!#e Xe !BB=E75G57:e TLIs FesoluLIon sLall Lake eIIecL seven (7) days aILer ILs
publIcaLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe FLIlIppInes.
TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL oI LLe CommIssIon sLall cause LLe
publIcaLIon oI LLIs FesoluLIon In Lwo (2) daIly newspapers oI eneral cIrculaLIon In LLe
.!#e ge -566=I5?3758?e TLe EducaLIon and InIormaLIon DeparLmenL oI LLe
CommIssIon sLall IurnIsL copIes oI LLIs FesoluLIon Lo all Beld oIBcIals oI LLe
CommIssIon, LLe FresIdenL/CLaIrman or In LIs absence, LLe BecreLary-0eneral oI all
parLIes, oranIzaLIon or coalILIons reIsLered under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem oI
V, )/$&J)$!- !"!#$%&'.
*EIrsL- sInce July 80, 1907
* FC0B- precIL counL opLIcal scan
*ElecLIon maladIes: mIsapprecIaLIon, balloL swILcLIn, dada bawas, balloL snaLcLIn,
balloL sLuIBn
*EIrsL In asIa
*0aLeway Lo democracy_LonesL Lo oodness
-More LLan 2 IL, FrecInL specIBc
-color coded
-no reLurn, no excLane
-naLIonal prInLIn oIBce- prInLIn, sLorae, dIsLrIbuLIon
-76840 clusLered precInLs
-87422 voLIn cenLers
-eacL CF 1 pcos
1)EEI Lo sLow LLaL LransparenL balloL boxes are empL
2) prInL a zero reporL-- as Lo LLe macLIne's memory
8) voLer personally Ieed LIs/Ler balloL
4) any orIenLaLIon
6) dIILal Imae- sLored In memory card
7) no overcounLIn Ior specIBc posILIon, voLe Ior oLLer noL oversLaded wIll be counLed,
undervoLIn wIll be voLed
8) EEI Lo close IuncLIon as Lo prevenL addILIonal balloLs
9) auLo sLarL LLe counLIn process, InLIally prInL 8 copIes
10) LransmIssIon cables wIll be InserLed InLo LLe macLIne
11) elecLronIc LransmIssIon IuncLIon
12) LransmIL CITY/MUNICIFAL, 22 copIes wIll be prInLed
*canvass & consolIdaLIn servers
*aILer cILy/mun ---> comelec cenLral back up server and comelec elecLIon arms' server
*Bource code
Human readable InsLrucLIon oI wLaL LLe compuLer wIll do
128.bIL encrypLIon- 1 LrIllIon combInaLIons
*0eneral InsLrucLIons
-S860 exLra pcos
*EIomeLrIcs- reIsLraLIon
*auLo Bner IdenLIBcaLIon sysLem
)/$&J)$!- !"!#$%&'.
#O3R7=9 Y
)A78I37=H !D=E758?6 )E7 S1e)e VWgV,
)A78I37=H =D=E758? 6:67=IU O=9=5?3B7=9 78 36 )!. - a sysLem usIn approprIaLe
LecLnoloy wLIcL Las been demonsLraLed In LLe voLIn, counLIn,consolIdaLIn,
canvassIn, and LransmIssIon oI elecLIon resulL, and oLLer elecLoral process, (Bec. 2)
!D=E798?5E 793?6I56658? - conveyIn daLa In elecLronIc Iorm Irom one locaLIon Lo
oLLer, (Bec. 2)
F3R=9M<36=H =D=E758? 6:67=I - a Lype oI auLomaLed elecLIon sysLem LLaL use paper
balloLs, records and counLs voLes, LabulaLes, consolIdaLes/canvassesand LransmILs
elecLronIcally LLe resulLs oI LLe voLe counL, (Bec. 2)
-59=E7 9=E89H5?C =D=E798?5E =D=E758? 6:67=I - a Lype or auLomaLed
elecLIon sysLem LLaL uses elecLronIc balloLs, records, voLes by means oI a balloL
dIsplay provIded wILL mecLanIcal or elecLro-opLIcal componenL LLaL can be acLIvaLed
by LLe voLer, processes daLa by means oI a compuLer prorams, record voLIn daLa and
balloL Imaes, and LransmILs voLIn resulLs elecLronIcally, (Bec. 2)
#8?75?A57: RD3?- a lIsL oI conLInency measures, and LLe polIcIes Ior acLIvaLIon oI
sucL, LLaL are puL In place Lo ensure conLInuous operaLIon oI LLe AEB, (Bec. 2)
In LLe case oI Foque v. Comelec (0.F. No. 1884S6, BepLember 10, 2009)U LLe BC
Leld LLaL LLe C0MELEC dId noL abdIcaLe ILs mandaLe and responsIbIlILy under Bec. 26
oI FA 8486. WILL LLe vIew LLe BC Lakes oI LLe auLomaLIon conLracL, LLe role oI
BmarLmaLIc TIM CorporaLIon Is basIcally Lo supply LLe oods necessary Ior LLe
auLomaLIon projecL, sucL as buL noL lImILed Lo LLe FC0B macLInes, FCs, elecLronIc
LransmIssIon devIces and relaLed equIpmenL, and LLe lIke. As lessees oI LLe oods and
LLe back-up equIpmenL, LLe corporaLIon and ILs operaLors would provIde assIsLance
wILL respecL Lo LLe macLInes Lo be used by LLe C0MELEC wLIcL, aL LLe end oI LLe day,
wIll be conducLIn LLe elecLIon LLru ILs personnel and wLoever IL depuLIzes.
TLe C0MELEC sLould be aIIorded ample elbow room and enouL wLerewILLal In
devIsIn means and InILIaLIves LLaL would enable IL Lo accomplIsL LLe reaL objecLIve
Ior wLIcL IL was creaLed - Lo promoLe Iree, orderly, LonesL and peaceIul elecLIons
0IvIn Lo LLe FrovIder (BmarLmaLIc TIM) LLe access keys boLL LLe prIvaLe and
publIc access keys Is lIke IvIn Lo LLe sysLem admInIsLraLor oI YaLoo or HoLmaIl
one's prIvaLe password Lo LIs or Ler emaIl accounL. TLe prIvaLe key Is supposed Lo be
prIvaLe Lo LLe CLaIr oI LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors, eneraLed by LIm and
unknown Lo LLe FrovIder. 0LLerwIse, LLe FrovIder wIll Lave LLe capacILy Lo alLer LLe
elecLIon resulLs aL LLe precIncL level. Worse, even LLe prIvaLe keys aL LLe canvassIn
level are eneraLed by LLe FrovIder, allowIn LLe FrovIder Lo cLane LLe elecLIon
resulLs aL LLe canvassIn level. Clearly, LLe C0MELEC Las abdIcaLed conLrol over LLe
elecLIons Lo LLe FrovIder, puLLIn LLe InLerILy and ouLcome oI LLe 10 May 2010
elecLIons solely In LLe Lands oI LLe FrovIder (Foque v. Comelec, 0.F. No. 1884S6,
BepLember 10, 2009, JusLIce CarpIo dIssenLIn)
$O= )HG5689: #8A?E5D SBecLIon 8) EILL members wLo musL musL be reIsLered
EIlIpIno voLers, oI known Independence, compeLence and probILy,
A person wLo Is aIBlIaLed wILL any polILIcal parLy or candIdaLe Ior any naLIonal
posILIon, or Is relaLed Lo a candIdaLe Ior any naLIonal posILIon by aIBnILy or
consanuInILy wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree, sLall noL be elIIble Ior appoInLmenL or
desInaLIon Lo LLe AdvIsory CouncIl. BLould any sucL sILuaLIon arIse aL any LIme
durIn LLe Incumbency oI a member, LLe desInaLIon or appoInLmenL oI LLaL member,
sLall Ipso IacLo be LermInaLed
b85?7 #8?C9=6658?3D &G=965CO7 #8II577==
(BecLIon 88) Composed oI seven members eacL Irom LLe

BenaLe and LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves o Iour oI wLom sLall come Irom LLe
majorILy o LLree Irom LLe mInorILy
To monILor and evaluaLe LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL.
!D=E7893D .3<873C=M any person or member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors or board
oI canvassers wLo Lampers, Increases or decreases LLe voLes receIved by a candIdaLes
In any elecLIon or any member oI LLe board wLo reIuses aILer proper verIBcaLIon and
LearIn ,Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or deducL sucL Lampered voLes: FrovIded, Lowever,
TLaL wLen LLe LamperIn, Increase or decrease oI voLes or LLe reIusal Lo credIL LLe
correcL voLes and /or Lo deducL Lampered Lo deducL Lampered voLes are perpeLraLed on
lare scale or In subsLanLIal numbers, LLe same sLall be consIdered noL as an ordInary
elecLIon oIIense under BecLIon 261 oI LLe omnIbus elecLIon code. EuL a specIal elecLIon
oIIense Lo be known as elecLoral saboLae and LLe penalLy Lo be Imposed sLall be lIIe
TLe acL or oIIense commILLed sLall Iall under LLe caLeory oI elecLoral saboLae In any
oI LLe IollowIn InsLances,
(1) WLen LLe LamperIn, Increase and / or decrease oI voLes perpeLraLed or LLe reIusal
Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or Lo deducL Lampered voLes, Is/are commILLed In LLe
elecLIon oI a naLIonal elecLIve oIBce wLIcL Is voLed upon naLIonwIde and LLe LamperIn,
Increase and/ or decrease voLes reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or Lo deducL
Lampered voLes, sLall adversely aIIecL LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Lo LLe saId naLIonal
oIBce Lo LLe exLenL LLaL losIn candIdaLe/s Is /are made Lo appear LLe wInner/s,
(2) Feardless oI LLe elecLIve oIBce Involved, wLen LLe LamperIn, Increase and/or
decrease oI voLes commILLed or LLe reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or Lo deducL
Lampered voLes perpeLraLed , Is a accomplIsLed In a sInle elecLIon documenL or In LLe
LransposILIon oI LLe Bure / resulLs Irom one elecLIon documenL Lo anoLLer and
Involved In LLe saId LamperIn Increase and/or decrease or reIusal Lo credIL correcL
voLes or deducL Lampered voLes exceed Bve LLousand (S,000) voLes, and LLaL LLe same
adversely aIIecLs LLe Lrue resulLs oI LLe elecLIon ,
(8) Any and all oLLer Iorms or LamperIn Increase/s and/ or decrease/s oI voLes
perpeLuaLed or In cases oI reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcp voLes or deducL LLe Lampered
voLes, wLere LLe LoLal voLes Involved exceed Len LLousand (10,000) voLes,
FrovIded Bnally, TLaL any and all eILLer persons or IndIvIduals deLermIned Lo be
conspIracy or In connIvance wILL LLe members oI LLe EEIs or E0Cs Involved, sLall be
meLed LLe same penalLy oI lIIe ImprIsonmenL. (Bec. 27)
FrosecuLIon. - TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL ILs duly auLLorIzed leal oIBcers, Lave
LLe power, concurrenL wILL LLe oLLer prosecuLIn arms oI LLe overnmenL, Lo conducL
prelImInary InvesLIaLIon oI all elecLIon oIIenses punIsLable under LLIs Code, and
prosecuLe LLe same (Bec. 26S)
#36= -5C=67\
F98R3C3?H3 I37=953D6
FeLILIoner enLered InLo Iormal areemenLs wILL cerLaIn esLablIsLmenLs Lo endorse
LLeIr producLs and Ior LLe use LIs name and Imae. TLen, Le Bled LIs CerLIBcaLe oI
CandIdacy Ior LLe posILIon oI BenaLor. C0MELEC ordered LLe peLILIoner Lo remove LIs
bIllboards and Lo cover LLem Irom publIc vIew.
W0N LLe order oI LLe C0MELEC Is valId. Ey reulaLIn LLe use oI elecLIon propaanda
maLerIals, LLe C0MELEC Is merely doIn ILs duLy under LLe law. II LLe subjecL
bIllboards wIll be allowed, Le would Lave more opporLunILy Lo make LLemselves known
Lo LLe elecLoraLe, Lo LLe dIsadvanLae oI oLLer candIdaLes wLo do noL Lave LLe same
cLance. (CLavez vs. C0MELEC)
!D=E758? R98R3C3?H3
FeLILIoner prayed LLaL Bec. 12, F.A. 6182 be declared unconsLILuLIonal Ior IL declares
unlawIul Lo prInL and publIsL any adverLIsemenL, paId commenL or paId arLIcle In Iavor
oI a candIdaLe unless LLe names oI all oLLer candIdaLes are also menLIoned wILL equal
W0N LLe Law Is unconsLILuLIonal.TLe slILL lImILaLIon oI LLe Ireedom oI expressIon oI
LLe IndIvIdual, wLeLLer candIdaLe or noL, Is only one oI LLe many devIces employed by
LLe law Lo prevenL a clear and presenL daner oI LLe perversIon and prosLILuLIon oI LLe
elecLoral apparaLus and oI denIal oI equal proLecLIon oI LLe laws. (Eadoy, Jr. vs.
C0MELEC) _____
FeLILIoner parLIcIpaLed In a moLorcade aILer BlIn Ler CerLIBcaLe oI CandIdacy. Won IL
Is consIdered premaLure campaInIn A person wLo Bles a C0C Is noL a candIdaLe unLIl
LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod. A candIdaLe Is lIable Ior an elecLIon oIIense only Ior
acLs durIn LLe campaIn perIod, noL beIore. (Fenera vs. C0MELEC)
_____ FeLILIoners brouLL LLIs acLIon Ior proLIbILIon Lo
enjoIn LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons Irom enIorcIn S.4 oI F.A. No. 9006 (EaIr
ElecLIon AcL), wLIcL provIdes:
Burveys aIIecLIn naLIonal candIdaLes sLall noL be publIsLed BILeen (1S) days beIore an
elecLIon and surveys aIIecLIn local candIdaLes sLall noL be publIsLed seven (7) days
beIore an elecLIon.
W0N saId provIsIon Is unconsLILuLIonal TLe CourL Leld LLaL S.4 Is InvalId because (1)
IL Imposes a prIor resLraInL on LLe Ireedom oI expressIon, (2) IL Is a dIrecL and LoLal
suppressIon oI a caLeory oI expressIon even LLouL sucL suppressIon Is only Ior a
lImILed perIod, and (8) LLe overnmenLal InLeresL souLL Lo be promoLed can be
acLIeved by means oLLer LLan LLe suppressIon oI Ireedom oI expressIon. (BWB vs.
Today Is ErIday, AuusL 16, 2018

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Eeun and Leld In MeLro ManIla, on Monday, LLe LwenLy-IourLL day oI July, Lwo
LLousand sIx.
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AmendIn RA 8436
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Ee IL enacLed by LLe BenaLe and LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves oI LLe FLIlIppInes
In Conress assembled:
.!#$%&' +e BecLIon 1 oI FepublIc acL No.8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BECTI0N 1.DeclaLIon oI FolIcy. - IL Is polIcy oI LLe BLaLe Lo ensure Iree,
orderly, LonesL, peaceIul, credIble and InIormed elecLIons, plebIscILes,
reIerenda, recall and oLLer sImIlar elecLoral exercIses by ImprovIn on
LLe elecLIon process and adopLIn sysLems, wLIcL sLall Involved LLe use
oI an auLomaLed elecLIon sysLem LLaL wIll ensure LLe secrecy and sancLILy
oI LLe balloL and all elecLIon, consolIdaLIon and LransmIssIon documenLs
on order LLaL LLe process sLall be LransparenL and credIble and LLaL LLe
resulLs sLall be IasL, accuraLe and reBecLIve oI LLe enuIne wIll oI LLe
TLe BLaLe reconIzes LLe mandaLe and auLLorILy oI LLe CommIssIon Lo
prescrIbe adopLIon and use oI LLe mosL suILable LecLnoloy oI
demonsLraLed capabIlILy LakIn InLo accounL LLe sILuaLIon prevaIlIn In
LLe area and LLe Iunds avaIlable Ior LLe purpose.
.!#e Pe BecLIon 2 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 2. DeBnILIon oI Terms. - As used In LLIs AcL, LLe IollowIn Lerms
sLall mean:
1. AuLomaLed elecLIon sysLem, LereInaILer Lo as AEB - a sysLem usIn
approprIaLe LecLnoloy wLIcL Las been demonsLraLed In LLe voLIn,
counLIn, consolIdaLIn, canvassIn, and LransmIssIon oI elecLIon resulL,
and oLLer elecLoral process,
2. ElecLronIc LransmIssIon - conveyIn daLa In elecLronIc Iorm Irom one
locaLIon Lo oLLer,
8. 0IBcIal balloL - wLere AEB Is uLIlIzed, reIers Lo LLe paper balloL,
wLeLLer prInLed or eneraLed by LLe LecLnoloy applIed, LLaL IaILLIully
capLures or represenLs LLe voLes casL by a voLer recorded or Lo be
recorded In elecLronIc Iorm,
4. ElecLIon reLurns - a documenL In elecLronIc and prInLed Iorm dIrecLly
produced by LLe counLIn or voLIn macLIne, sLowIn LLe daLe oI LLe
elecLIon, LLe provInce, munIcIpalILy and LLe precIncL In wLIcL IL Is Leld
and LLe voLes In Bures Ior eacL candIdaLe In a precIncL In areas wLere
AEB Is uLIlIzed,
S. BLaLemenL oI voLes - a documenL conLaInIn LLe voLes obLaIned by
candIdaLes In eacL precIncL In a cILy/munIcIpalILy,
6. CILy/munIcIpal/dIsLrIcL/provIncIal cerLIBcaLe oI canvass - a documenL
In elecLronIc and prInLed Iorm conLaInIn LLe LoLal voLes In Bures
obLaIned by eacL candIdaLe In a cILy/munIcIpalILy/dIsLrIcL/provInce as
LLe case may be. TLe elecLronIc cerLIBcaLes oI canvass sLall be LLe oIBcIal
canvass resulL In LLe aIoremenLIoned jurIsdIcLIons,
7. Faper-based elecLIon sysLem - a Lype oI auLomaLed elecLIon sysLem
LLaL use paper balloLs, records and counLs voLes, LabulaLes,
consolIdaLes/canvasses and LransmILs elecLronIcally LLe resulLs oI LLe
voLe counL,
8. DIrecL recordIn elecLronIc elecLIon sysLem - a Lype or auLomaLed
elecLIon sysLem LLaL uses elecLronIc balloLs, records, voLes by means oI a
balloL dIsplay provIded wILL mecLanIcal or elecLro-opLIcal componenL
LLaL can be acLIvaLed by LLe voLer, processes daLa by means oI a compuLer
prorams, record voLIn daLa and balloL Imaes, and LransmILs voLIn
resulLs elecLronIcally,
9. CounLIn cenLer - a publIc places wILLIn LLe cILy/munIcIpalILy or In
sucL oLLer places as may be desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon wLere LLe
oIBcIal balloLs casL In varIous precIncLs oI LLe cILy/munIcIpalILy sLall be
counLed. FollIn places or voLIn cenLers may also be desInaLed as
counLIn cenLers,
10. ConLInuILy plan - a lIsL oI conLInency measures, and LLe polIcIes Ior
acLIvaLIon oI sucL, LLaL are puL In place Lo ensure conLInuous operaLIon oI
11. DIsabled voLers - a person wILL ImpaIred capacILy Lo use LLe AEB,
12. Bource code - Luman readable InsLrucLIons LLaL deBne wLaL LLe
compuLer equIpmenL wIll do, and
18. BLaLIon- reIers Lo a pollIn place, counLIn cenLer, munIcIpal or
provIncIal canvassIn cenLer.
.!#e We BecLIon 8 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC 8. Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors. - WLere AEB sLall be adopLed, aL
leasL one member oI LLe Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors sLall be an
InIormaLIon LecLnoloy-capable person, wLo Is LraIned or cerLIBed by LLe
D0BT Lo use LLe EAB. BucL cerLIBcaLIon sLall be Issued by LLe D0BT, Iree
oI cLare.
.!#e ie BecLIon 4 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby deleLed. TLe succeedIn
secLIon are Lereby renumbered accordInly.
.!#e Xe BecLIon S oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 4 InIormaLIon TecLnoloy BupporL Ior LLe Eoard oI Canvassers. - To
ImplemenL LLe AEB, eacL board oI canvassers sLall be assIsLed by an
InIormaLIon LecLnoloy-capable person auLLorIzed Lo operaLe LLe
equIpmenL adopLed Ior LLe elecLIons. TLe CommIssIon sLall depuLIzed
InIormaLIon LecLnoloy personnel Irom amon LLe aencIes and
InsLrumenLalILIes oI LLe overnmenL, IncludIn overnmenL-owned and
conLrolled corporaLIons. TLe per dIem oI LLe depuLIzed personnel sLall be
LLe same as LLaL oI LLe members oI LLe board oI canvassers.
.!#e ge BecLIon 6 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. S AuLLorILy Lo Use an AuLomaLed ElecLIon BysLem. - To carry ouL
LLe above-sLaLed polIcy, LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, LereIn reIerred Lo
as LLe CommIssIon, Is Lereby auLLorIzed Lo use an auLomaLed elecLIon
sysLem or sysLems In LLe same elecLIon In dIIIerenL provInces, wLeLLer
paper-based or a dIrecL recordIn elecLronIc elecLIon sysLem as IL may
deem approprIaLe and pracLIcal Ior LLe process oI voLIn, counLIn oI
voLes and canvassIn/consolIdaLIon and LransmILLal oI resulLs oI elecLoral
exercIses:FrovIded, LLaL Ior LLe reular naLIonal and local elecLIon, wLIcL
sLall be Leld ImmedIaLely aILer eIIecLIvILy oI LLIs AcL, LLe AEB sLall be
used In aL leasL Lwo LILly urbanIzed cILIes and Lwo provInces eacL In
Luzon, VIsayas and MIndanao, Lo be cLosen by LLe
CommIssIon: FrovIded, IurLLer, TLaL local overnmenL unILs wLose
oIBcIals Lave been LLe subjecL oI admInIsLraLIve cLares wILLIn sIxLeen
(16) monLL prIor Lo LLe May 14, 2007 elecLIon sLall noL be
cLosen: FrovIded, Bnally, TLaL no area sLall be cLosen wILLouL LLe
consenL oI LLe BanunIan oI LLe local overnmenL unIL concerned. TLe
Lerm local overnmenL unIL as used In LLIs provIsIon sLall reIer Lo a
LILly urbanIzed cILy or provInce. In succeedIn reular naLIonal or local
elecLIons, LLe AEB sLall be ImplemenLed naLIonwIde.
.!#e Ye BecLIon 7 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read LLe
BEC.6. MInImum BysLem CapabIlILIes. - TLe auLomaLed elecLIon sysLem
musL aL leasL Lave LLe IollowIn IuncLIonal capabIlILIes:
(a) AdequaLe securILy aaInsL unauLLorIzed access:
(b) Accuracy In recordIn and readIn oI voLes as well as In LLe
LabulaLIon, consolIdaLIon/canvassIn, elecLronIc LransmIssIon, and
sLorae oI resulLs,
(c) Error recovery In case oI non-caLasLropLIc IaIlure oI devIce,
(d) BysLem InLerILy wLIcL ensures pLysIcal sLabIlILy and IuncLIonIn oI
LLe voLe recordIn and counLIn process,
(e) FrovIsIon Ior voLer verIBed paper audIL LraIl,
(I) BysLem audILabIlILy wLIcL provIdes supporLIn documenLaLIon Ior
verIIyIn LLe correcLness oI reporLed elecLIon resulLs,
() An elecLIon manaemenL sysLem Ior preparIn balloLs and prorams
Ior use In LLe casLIn and counLIn oI voLes and Lo consolIdaLe, reporL and
dIsplay elecLIon resulL In LLe sLorLesL LIme possIble,
(L) AccessIbIlILy Lo IllILeraLes and dIsable voLers,
(I) VoLe LabulaLIn proram Ior elecLIon, reIerendum or plebIscILe,
(j) AccuraLe balloL counLers,
(k) DaLa reLenLIon provIsIon,
(l) FrovIde Ior LLe saIekeepIn, sLorIn and arcLIvIn oI pLysIcal or paper
resource used In LLe elecLIon process,
(m) ULIlIze or eneraLe oIBcIal balloLs as LereIn deBned,
(n) FrovIde LLe voLer a sysLem oI verIBcaLIon Lo Bnd ouL wLeLLer or noL
LLe macLIne Las reIsLered LIs cLoIce, and
(o) ConBure access conLrol Ior sensILIve sysLem daLa and IuncLIon.
In LLe procuremenL oI LLIs sysLem, LLe CommIssIon sLall develop and
adopL an evaluaLIon sysLem Lo ascerLaIn LLaL LLe above mInImum sysLem
capabIlILIes are meL. TLIs evaluaLIon sysLem sLall be developed wILL LLe
assIsLance oI an advIsory councIl.
.!#eZe A new BecLIon 7 Is Lereby provIded Lo read as Iollows:
BEC.7 CommunIcaLIon CLannels Ior ElecLronIc TransmIssIons. - all
elecLronIc LransmIssIons by and amon LLe EAB and ILs relaLed
componenLs sLall uLIlIzes secure communIcaLIon cLannels as
recommended by LLe AdvIsory CouncIl, Lo ensure auLLenLIcaLIon and
InLerILy oI LransmIssIon.
.!#e Ve New secLIon 8,9, 10 and 11 are Lereby provIded Lo read as Iollows:
BEC.8. TLe AdvIsory CouncIl. - TLe CommIssIon sLall creaLe an advIsory
CouncIl, LereaILer reIerred Lo as LLe CouncIl, wLIcL sLall be convened noL
laLer LLan eILLeen (18) monLLs prIor Lo LLe nexL scLedule elecLoral
exercIse, and deacLIvaLed sIx monLLs aILer compleLIon oI
canvassIn: FrovIded, Ior purposes oI LLe 2007 elecLIons, LLe AdvIsory
CouncIl sLall be ImmedIaLely convened wILLIn Len (10) days aILer LLe
eIIecLIvILy oI LLIs AcL.
TLe CouncIl sLall be composed oI LLe IollowIn members, wLo musL be
reIsLered EIlIpIno voLers, oI known Independence, compeLence and
(a) TLe CLaIrman oI LLe CommIssIon on InIormaLIon and
CommunIcaLIons TecLnoloy (CICT) wLo sLall acL as LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
(b) 0ne member Irom LLe DeparLmenL oI BcIence and TecLnoloy,
(c) 0ne member Irom LLe DeparLmenL oI EducaLIon,
(d) 0ne member represenLIn LLe academe, Lo be selecLed by LLe cLaIr oI
LLe AdvIsory CouncIl Irom amon LLe lIsL oI nomInees submILLed by LLe
counLry's academIc InsLILuLIons,
(e) TLree members represenLIn ICT proIessIonal oranIzaLIons Lo be
selecLed by LLe cLaIr oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl Irom amon LLe lIsL oI
nomInees submILLed by FLIlIppInes-based ICT proIessIonal oranIzaLIon.
NomInees sLall be IndIvIduals, aL leasL one oI wLom sLall be experIence In
manaIn or ImplemenLIn lare-scale IT projecLs.
(I) Two members represenLIn nonovernmenLal elecLoral reIorm
oranIzaLIons, Lo be selecLed by LLe cLaIr oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl Irom
amon LLe lIsL oI nomInees submILLed by LLe counLry's nonovernmenLal
elecLoral reIorm oranIzaLIons.
A person wLo Is aIBlIaLed wILL any polILIcal parLy or candIdaLe Ior any
naLIonal posILIon, or Is relaLed Lo a candIdaLe Ior any naLIonal posILIon by
aIBnILy or consanuInILy wILLIn LLe IourLL cIvIl deree, sLall noL be
elIIble Ior appoInLmenL or desInaLIon Lo LLe AdvIsory CouncIl. BLould
any sucL sILuaLIon arIse aL any LIme durIn LLe Incumbency oI a member,
LLe desInaLIon or appoInLmenL oI LLaL member, sLall Ipso IacLo be
Any member oI LLe advIsory councIl Is proLIbILed Irom enaIn,
dIrecLly or IndIrecLly, wILL any enLILy LLaL advocaLes, markeLs, ImporLs,
produces or In any manner Landles soILware, Lardware or any
equIpmenL LLaL may be used Ior elecLIon purposes Ior personal aIn.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLe Lwo ImmedIaLe precedIn pararapLs sLall
dIsqualIIy saId member Irom LLe AdvIsory CouncIl and sLall be
punIsLable as provIded In LLIs AcL and sLall be penalIzed In accordance
wILL LLe AnLI-0raIL and CorrupL FracLIces AcL and oLLer relaLed laws.
TLe councIl may avaIl ILselI oI LLe experLIse and servIces oI resource
person wLo are known Independence, compeLence and probILy, are
nonparLIsan, and do noL posses any oI LLe dIsqualIBcaLIons applIcable Lo a
member oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl as provIded LereIn. TLe resource
persons sLall also be subjecL Lo LLe same proLIbILIons and penalLIes as LLe
members oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl.
TLe commIssIon on InIormaLIon and communIcaLIons LecLnoloy (CICT),
sLall Include In ILs annual approprIaLIon LLe Iunds necessary Lo enable
LLe councIl Lo eIIecLIvely perIorm ILs IuncLIons.
BEC. 9. EuncLIon oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl. - LLe CouncIl sLall Lave LLe
IollowIn IuncLIons:
1. Fecommend LLe mosL approprIaLe, secure, applIcable and cosL-eIIecLIve
LecLnoloy Lo be applIed In LLe AEB, In wLole or In parL, aL LLaL specIBc
Iorm In LIme.
2. FarLIcIpaLe as nonvoLIn members oI LLe EIds and Awards CommILLee
In LLe conducL oI LLe bIddIn process Ior LLe AEB. Members oI LLe
AdvIsory CouncIl represenLIn LLe ICT FroIessIonals oranIzaLIons are
Lereby excluded Irom parLIcIpaLIn In any manner In LLe EIds and
Awards CommILLee.
8. FarLIcIpaLe as nonvoLIn members oI LLe sLeerIn commILLee Lasked
wILL LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe AEB, Members oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl
represenLIn LLe ICT proIessIonal oranIzaLIon are Lereby excluded Irom
parLIcIpaLIn In any manner In LLe sLeerIn commILLee.
4. FrovIde advIce and assIsLance In LLe revIew oI LLe sysLems plannIn,
IncepLIon, developmenL, LesLIn, operaLIonalIzaLIon, and evaluaLIon
S. FrovIded advIce and/or assIsLance In LLe IdenLIBcaLIon, assessmenL
and resoluLIon oI sysLems problems or InadequacIes as may surIace or
resurIace In LLe course oI LLe bIddIn, acquIsILIon, LesLIn,
operaLIonalIzaLIon, re-use, sLorae or dIsposILIon oI LLe AEB equIpmenL
and/or resources as LLe case may be.
6. FrovIded advIce and/or assIsLance In LLe rIsk manaemenL oI LLe AEB
especIally wLen a conLInency or dIsasLer sILuaLIon arIses.
7. Frepare and submIL a wrILLen reporL, wLIcL sLall be submILLed wILLIn
sIx monLLs Irom LLe daLe oI LLe elecLIon Lo LLe oversILL commILLee,
evaluaLIn LLe use oI LLe AEB.
NoLLIn In LLe role oI LLe CouncIl or any ouLsIde InLervenLIon or InBuence
sLall be consLrued as an abdIcaLIon or dImInuLIon oI LLe CommIssIon's
auLLorILy and responsIbIlILy Ior LLe eIIecLIve developmenL, manaemenL
and ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe AEB and LLIs AcL.
TLe AdvIsory CouncIl sLall be enLILled Lo a jusL and reasonable amounL
oI per dIem allowances and/orLonorarIa Lo cover LLe expenses oI LLe
servIces rendered cLareable aaInsL LLe budeL oI LLe CommIssIon.
BEC. 10. TLe TecLnIcal EvaluaLIon CommILLee. - TLe CommIssIon, In
collaboraLIon wILL LLe cLaIrman oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl, sLall esLablIsL
an IndependenL LecLnIcal evaluaLIon commILLee, LereIn known as LLe
CommILLee, composed oI a represenLaLIve eacL Irom LLe CommIssIon, LLe
CommIssIon on InIormaLIon and CommunIcaLIons TecLnoloy and LLe
DeparLmenL oI BcIence and TecLnoloy wLo sLall acL as cLaIrman oI LLe
TLe CommILLee sLall be ImmedIaLely convened wILLIn Len (10) days aILer
LLe eIIecLIvely oI LLIs AcL.
BEC. 11. EuncLIons oI LLe TecLnIcal EvaluaLIon CommILLee. - TLe
CommILLee sLall cerLIIy, LLrouL an esLablIsLed InLernaLIonal
cerLIBcaLIon enLILy Lo be cLosen by LLe CommIssIon Irom LLe
recommendaLIons oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl, noL laLer LLan LLree monLLs
beIore LLe daLe oI LLe elecLoral exercIses, caLeorIcally sLaLIn LLaL LLe
AEB, IncludIn ILs Lardware and soILware componenLs, Is operaLIn
properly, securely, and accuraLely, In accordance wILL LLe provIsIons oI
LLIs AcL based, amon oLLers, on LLe IollowIn documenLed resulLs:
1. TLe successIul conducL oI a Beld LesLIn process Iollowed by a mock
elecLIon evenL In one or more cILIes/munIcIpalILIes,
2. TLe successIul compleLIon oI audIL on LLe accuracy, IuncLIonally and
securILy conLrols oI LLe AEB soILware,
8. TLe successIul compleLIon oI a source code revIew,
4. A cerLIBcaLIon LLaL LLe source code Is kepL In escrow wILL LLe Eanko
BenLral n FIlIpInas,
S. A cerLIBcaLIon LLaL LLe source code revIewed Is one and LLe same as
LLaL used by LLe equIpmenL, and
6. TLe developmenL, provIsIonIn, and operaLIonalIzaLIon oI a conLInuILy
plan Lo cover rIsks Lo LLe AEB aL all poInLs In LLe process sucL LLaL a
IaIlure oI elecLIons, wLeLLer aL voLIn, counLIn or consolIdaLIon, may be
Eor purposes oI LLe 2007 elecLIons, LLe cerLIBcaLIon sLall be done noL
laLer LLan eILL weeks prIor Lo LLe daLe oI LLe elecLIons.
II LLe CommIssIon decIdes Lo proceed wILL LLe use oI LLe AEB wILLouL LLe
CommILLee's cerLIBcaLIon, IL musL submIL ILs reason In wrILIn, Lo LLe
0versILL CommILLee, no less LLan LLIrLy (80) days prIor Lo LLe elecLoral
exercIse wLere LLe AEB wIll be used.
TLe CommILLee may avaIl ILselI oI LLe experLIse and servIce oI resource
persons wLo are oI known Independence, compeLence and probILy, are no
parLIsan, and wLo do noL possess any oI LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon applIcable Lo
a member oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl as provIded LereIn. TLe resource
persons sLall also be subjecL Lo LLe same proLIbILIons and penalLIes as LLe
members oI LLe AdvIsory CouncIl.
TLe CommILLee sLall closely coordInaLe wILL LLe sLeerIn commILLee oI
LLe CommIssIon Lasked wILL LLe ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe AEB In LLe
IdenLIBcaLIon and areemenL oI LLe projecL delIverables and LImelInes,
and In LLe IormulaLIon oI LLe accepLance crILerIa Ior eacL delIverable.
.!#e +Qe BecLIon 8 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.12. FrocuremenL oI EquIpmenL and MaLerIals. - To acLIeve LLe
purpose oI LLIs AcL, LLe CommIssIon In auLLorIzed Lo procure, In
accordance wILL exIsLIn laws, by purcLase, lease, renL or oLLer Iorms oI
acquIsILIon, supplIes, equIpmenL, maLerIals, soILware, IacIlILIes, and oLLer
servIce, Irom local or IoreIn sources Iree Irom Laxes and ImporL duLIes,
subjecL Lo accounLIn and audILIn rules and reulaLIon. WILL respecL Lo
LLe May 10, 2010 elecLIon and succeedIn elecLoral exercIses, LLe sysLem
procured musL Lave demonsLraLed capabIlILy and been successIully used
In a prIor elecLoral exercIse Lere or board. FarLIcIpaLIon In LLe 2007 pIloL
exercIse sLall noL be conclusIve oI LLe sysLem's BLness.
In deLermInIn LLe amounL oI any bId Irom a LecLnoloy, soILware or
equIpmenL supplIer, LLe cosL Lo LLe overnmenL oI ILs deploymenL and
ImplemenLaLIon sLall be added Lo LLe bId prIce as InLeral LLereLo. TLe
value oI any alLernaLIve use Lo wLIcL sucL LecLnoloy, soILware or
equIpmenL can be puL Ior publIc use sLall noL be deducLed Irom LLe
orIInal Iace value oI LLe saId bId.
.!#e ++e BecLIon 9 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.18. ConLInuILy Flan. - TLe AEB sLall be so desIned Lo Include a
conLInuILy plan In case oI a sysLems breakdown or any sucL evenLualILy
wLIcL sLall resulL In LLe delay, obsLrucLIon or nonperIormance oI LLe
elecLoral process. AcLIvaLIon oI sucL conLInuILy and conLInency
measures sLall be underLaken In LLe presence oI represenLaLIves oI
polILIcal parLIes and cILIzen's arm oI LLe CommIssIon wLo sLall be noLIBed
by LLe elecLIon oIBcer oI sucL acLIvaLIon.
All polILIcal parLIes and parLy-lIsLs sLall be IurnIsLed copIes oI saId
conLInuILy plan aL LLeIr oIBcIal addresses as submILLed Lo LLe
CommIssIon. TLe lIsL sLall be publIsLed In aL leasL Lwo newspaper oI
naLIonal oI cIrculaLIon and sLall be posLed aL LLe websILe oI LLe
CommIssIon aL leasL BILeen (1S) days prIor Lo LLe elecLoral acLIvILy
.!#e +Pe BecLIon 10 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.14. ExamInaLIon and TesLIn oI EquIpmenL or DevIce oI LLe AEB and
0penIn oI LLe Bource Code Ior FevIew. - TLe CommIssIon sLall allow LLe
polILIcal parLIes and candIdaLes or LLeIr represenLaLIves, cILIzens' arm or
LLeIr represenLaLIves Lo examIne and LesL.
TLe equIpmenL or devIce Lo be used In LLe voLIn and counLIn on LLe day
oI LLe elecLoral exercIse, beIore voLIn sLarL. TesL balloLs and LesL Iorms
sLall be provIded by LLe CommIssIon.
ImmedIaLely aILer LLe examInaLIon and LesLIn oI LLe equIpmenL or
devIce, parLIes and candIdaLes or LLeIr represenLaLIves, cILIzen's arms or
LLeIr represenLaLIves, may submIL a wrILLen commenL Lo LLe elecLIon
oIBcer wLo sLall ImmedIaLely LransmIL IL Lo LLe CommIssIon Ior
approprIaLe acLIon.
TLe elecLIon oIBcer sLall keep mInuLes oI LLe LesLIn, a copy oI wLIcL
sLall be submILLed Lo LLe CommIssIon LoeLLer wILL LLe mInuLe oI voLIn.
0nce an AEB LecLnoloy Is selecLed Ior ImplemenLaLIon, LLe CommIssIon
sLall prompLly make LLe source code oI LLaL LecLnoloy avaIlable and
open Lo any InLeresLed polILIcal parLy or roups wLIcL may conducL LLeIr
own revIew LLereoI.
.!#e +We BecLIon 11 oI republIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.1S. 0IBcIal EalloL. - TLe CommIssIon sLall prescrIbe LLe IormaL oI
LLe elecLronIc dIsplay and/or LLe sIze and Iorm oI LLe oIBcIal balloL, wLIcL
sLall conLaIn LLe LILles oI LLe posILIon Lo be Blled and/or LLe proposILIon Lo
be voLed upon In an InILIaLIve, reIerendum or plebIscILe. WLere
pracLIcable, elecLronIc dIsplays musL be consLrucLed Lo presenL LLe
names oI all candIdaLes Ior LLe same posILIon In LLe same pae or screen,
oLLerwIse, LLe elecLronIc dIsplays musL be consLrucLed Lo presenL LLe
enLIre balloL Lo LLe voLer, In a serIes oI sequenLIal paes, and Lo ensure
LLaL LLe voLer sees all oI LLe balloL opLIons on all paes beIore compleLIn
LIs or Ler voLe and Lo allow LLe voLer Lo revIew and cLane all balloL
cLoIces prIor Lo compleLIn and casLIn LIs or Ler balloL. Under eacL
posILIon Lo be Blled, LLe names oI candIdaLes sLall be arraned
alpLabeLIcally by surname and unIIormly IndIcaLed usIn LLe same Lype
sIze. TLe maIden or marrIed name sLall be lIsLed In LLe oIBcIal balloL, as
preIerred by LLe Iemale candIdaLe. Under eacL proposILIon Lo be voLe
upon, LLe cLoIces sLould be unIIormly IndIcaLed usIn LLe same IonL and
A Bxed space wLere LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLor sLall
aIBx Ler/Ler sInaLure Lo auLLenLIcaLe LLe oIBcIal balloL sLall be
Eor LLIs purpose, LLe CommIssIon sLall seL LLe deadlIne Ior LLe BlIn oI
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy/peLILIon oI reIsLraLIon/manIIesLaLIon Lo
parLIcIpaLe In LLe elecLIon. Any person wLo Bles LIs cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy wILLIn LLIs perIod sLall only be consIdered as a candIdaLe aL
LLe sLarL oI LLe campaIn perIod Ior wLIcL Le Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy: FrovIded, TLaL, unlawIul acLs or omIssIons applIcable Lo a
candIdaLe sLall eIIecL only upon LLaL sLarL oI LLe aIoresaId campaIn
perIod: FrovIded, Bnally, TLaL any person LoldIn a publIc appoInLIve
oIBce or posILIon, IncludIn acLIve members oI LLe armed Iorces, and
oIBcers, and employees In overnmenL-owned or-conLrolled corporaLIons,
sLall be consIdered Ipso IacLor resIned Irom LIs/Ler oIBce and musL
vacaLe LLe same aL LLe sLarL oI LLe day oI LLe BlIn oI LIs/Ler cerLIBcaLIon
oI candIdacy.
FolILIcal parLIes may Lold polILIcal convenLIons Lo nomInaLe LLeIr oIBcIal
candIdaLe wILLIn LLIrLy (80) days beIore LLe sLarL oI LLe perIod Ior BlIn
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy.
WILL respecL Lo a paper-based elecLIon sysLem, LLe oIBcIal balloLs sLall be
prInLed by LLe NaLIonal FrInLIn 0IBce and/or LLe Eanko BenLral n
FIlIpInas aL LLe prIce comparable wILL LLaL oI prIvaLe prInLers under
proper securILy measures wLIcL LLe CommIssIon sLall adopL. TLe
CommIssIon may conLacL LLe servIces oI prIvaLe prInLers upon
cerLIBcaLIon by LLe NaLIonal FrInLIn 0IBce/Eanko BenLral n
FIlIpInas LLaL IL cannoL meeL LLe prInLIn requIremenLs. AccredILed
polILIcal parLIes and depuLIzed cILIzen's arms oI LLe CommIssIon sLall
assIn waLcLers In LLe prInLIn, sLorae and dIsLrIbuLIon oI oIBcIal
To prevenL LLe use oI Iake balloLs, LLe CommIssIon LLrouL LLe
CommILLee sLall ensure LLaL LLe necessary saIeuards, sucL as, buL noL
lImILed Lo, bar codes, Lolorams, color sLIILIn Ink, mIcroprInLIn, are
provIded on LLe balloL.
TLe oIBcIal balloLs sLall be prInLed and dIsLrIbuLed Lo eacL
cILy/munIcIpalILy aL LLe raLe oI one balloL Ior every reIsLered voLer wILL
a provIsIon oI addILIonal LLree balloLs per precIncL.
.!#e +ie BecLIon 18 oI republIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 17. EalloL box. - WLere applIcable, LLere sLall be In eacL precIncL on
elecLIon day a balloL box wILL sucL saIeLy IeaLures LLaL LLe CommIssIon
may prescrIbe and oI sucL sIze as Lo accommodaLe LLe oIBcIal balloLs.
.!#e +Xe BecLIon 14 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 18. Frocedure In voLIn. - TLe CommIssIon sLall prescrIbe LLe
manner and procedure oI voLIn, wLIcL can be easIly undersLood and
Iollowed by LLe voLers, LakIn InLo consIderaLIon, amon oLLer LLIns, LLe
secrecy oI LLe voLIn.
.!#e +ge BecLIon 1S oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 19. ClosIn oI polls.- TLe CommIssIon sLall prescrIbe LLe LIme,
manner and procedure oI closIn LLe polls and LLe sLeps Ior LLe correcL
reporLIn oI voLes casL and LLe proper conducL oI counLIn Ior areas
covered by LLe AEB.
.!#e +Ye BecLIon 16 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 20. NoLIce oI DesInaLIon oI CounLIn CenLers. - TLe elecLIon oIBcer
sLall posL promInenLly In LIs/Ler oIBce, In LLe bulleLIn boards aL LLe
cILy/munIcIpal Lall and In LLree oLLer conspIcuous places In LLe
cILy/munIcIpalILy, LLe noLIce on LLe desInaLed counLIn cenLer(s) Ior aL
leasL LLree weeks prIor Lo elecLIon day. TLe noLIce sLall specIIy LLe
precIncLs covered by eacL counLIn cenLer and LLe number oI reIsLered
voLers In eacL oI saId precIncLs. TLe elecLIon oIBcer sLall also IurnIsL a
copy oI LLe noLIce Lo LLe LeadquarLers or oIBcIal address oI LLe polILIcal
parLIes or IndependenL candIdaLes wILLIn LLe same perIod. TLe elecLIon
oIBcer sLall posL In LLe CommIssIon websILe concerned LLe saId noLIce
and publIsL LLe noLIce In LLe local newspaper. WLere LLe pollIn place or
voLIn cenLer Is also LLe desInaLed counLIn cenLer, sucL InIormaLIon
sLall be conLaIned In LLe noLIce.
TLe CommIssIon may noL desInaLe as counLIn cenLer any buIldIn or
IacIlILy locaLed wILLIn LLe premIses oI a camp, reservaLIon compound,
LeadquarLers, deLacLmenL, or Beld oIBce oI LLe mIlILary, polIce, prIson or
deLenLIon bureau, or any law enIorcemenL or InvesLIaLIon aency.
.!#e +Ze BecLIon 17 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 21. CounLIn procedure. - TLe CommIssIon sLall prescrIbe LLe
manner and procedure oI counLIn LLe voLes under LLe auLomaLed
sysLem: FrovIded, LLaL aparL Irom LLe elecLronIcally sLored resulL, LLIrLy
(80) copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurn are prInLed.
.!#e +Ve BecLIon 18 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 22. ElecLronIc FeLurns. - EacL copy oI LLe oI LLe prInLed elecLIon
reLurns sLall bear approprIaLe conLrol marks Lo deLermIne LLe LIme and
place oI prInLIn. EacL copy sLall be sIned and LLumbmarked by all LLe
members oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors and LLe waLcLers presenL. II
any member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors presenL reIuses Lo sIn,
LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board sLall noLe LLe same copy In eacL copy oI LLe
prInLed elecLIon reLurns. TLe member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors
concerned reIusIn Lo sIn sLall be compelled Lo explaIn LIs or Ler reIusal
Lo do so. EaIlure Lo explaIn an unjusLIBable reIusal Lo sIn eacL copy oI
LLe prInLed elecLIon reLurn by any member oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors sLall be punIsLable as provIded In LLIs AcL. TLe cLaIrman oI
LLe boards sLall LLen publIcly read and announce LLe LoLal numbers oI
reIsLered voLers, LLe LoLal number oI voLers wLo acLually voLed and LLe
LoLal numbers oI voLes obLaIned by eacL candIdaLe based on LLe elecLIon
TLereaILer, LLe copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurns sLall be sealed and placed
In LLe proper envelopes Ior dIsLrIbuLIon as Iollows:
A. In LLe elecLIon oI presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and parLy-lIsL
1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI
2) TLe second copy, Lo LLe conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI LLe
8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe commIssIon,
4) TLe IourLL copy, Lo LLe cILIzen's arm auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon Lo
conducL an unoIBcIal counL
S) TLe BILL copy, Lo LLe domInanL majorILy parLy as deLermIned by LLe
CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
6) TLe sIx copy, Lo LLe domInanL mInorILy parLy as deLermIned by LLe
CommIssIon In accordance wILL law, and
7) TLe sevenLL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI LLe
balloL box Ior valId balloLs.
8) TLe eILL copy Lo LLe FrovIncIal Eoard oI canvassers,
9) TLe nInLL Lo LLe eILLeenLL copIes, sLall be Iven Lo LLe Len (10)
accredILed major naLIonal parLIes, excludIn LLe domInanL majorILy and
mInorILy parLIes, In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon
LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde
wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded
In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
10) TLe nIneLeenLL and LwenLIeLL copIes, Lo LLe Lwo accredILed major
local parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon LLem. II
no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe commIssIon sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes
sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI crILerIa analoous Lo LLaL provIded
In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
11) TLe LwenLy-BrsL Lo LLe LwenLy-IourLL copIes, Lo naLIonal broadcasL or
prInL medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon
In vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
12) TLe LwenLy-BILL and LwenLy-sIx copIes, Lo local broadcasL or prInL
medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In
vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble, and
18) TLe LwenLy-sevenLL Lo LLe LLIrLIeLL copIes, Lo LLe major cILIzen's
arms, IncludIn LLe accredILed cILIzen's arm, and oLLer non-parLIsan
roups or oranIzaLIon enlIsLed by LLe CommIssIon pursuanL Lo BecLIon
S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881. BucL cILIzens' arm, roups and
oranIzaLIon may use LLe Iour cerLIBed copIes oI elecLIon reLurns Ior LLe
conducL oI cILIzens' quIck counLs aL LLe local or naLIonal levels,
E. In LLe elecLIon oI local oIBcIals and members oI LLe House oI
1) TLe EIrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI
2) TLe second copy, Lo LLe CommIssIon,
8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers,
4) TLe IourLL copy, Lo LLe cILIzens' arm auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon Lo
conducL an unoIBcIal counL,
S) TLe BILL copy, Lo LLe domInanL majorILy parLy as deLermIned by LLe
CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
6) TLe sIxLL copy, Lo LLe domInanL mInorILy parLy as deLermIned by LLe
CommIssIon In accordance wILL law, and
7) TLe sevenLL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe copy sLall deposILed
InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI LLe balloL box Ior valId balloLs.
8) TLe eILL copy Lo be posLed conspIcuously on a wall wILLIn LLe
premIses oI LLe pollIn place or counLIn cenLer,
9) TLe nInLL Lo LLe eILLeenLL copIes, sLall be Iven Lo LLe Len (10)
accredILed major naLIonal parLIes, excludIn LLe domInanL majorILy and
mInorILy parLIes, In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon
LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde
wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded
In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
10) TLe nIneLeenLL and LwenLIeLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe Lwo
accredILed major local parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL
amon LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall
decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI crILerIa
analoous Lo LLaL provIded In BecLIon 26 oI republIc AcL No. 7166,
11) TLe LwenLy-BrsL Lo LLe LwenLy-BILL copIes, Lo naLIonal broadcasL or
prInL medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon
In vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
12) TLe LwenLy-sIxLL and LwenLy-sevenLL copIes, Lo local broadcasL or
prInL medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon
In vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble, and
18) TLe LwenLy-eILLL Lo LLe LLIrLIeLL copIes Lo LLe major cILIzens' arms,
IncludIn LLe accredILed cILIzens' arm, and oLLer non-parLIsan roups or
oranIzaLIon enlIsLed by LLe CommIssIon pursuanL Lo secLIon S2(k) oI
EaLas Fambansa El. 881. BucL cILIzens' arms, roups and oranIzaLIon
may use LLe Bve cerLIBed copIes oI elecLIon reLurns Ior LLe conducL oI
cILIzens' quIck counLs aL LLe local or naLIonal levels.
ImmedIaLely aILer LLe eILL copy Is prInLed, LLe poll clerk sLall announce
LLe posLIn oI saId copy on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe pollIn place
or counLIn cenLer, wLIcL musL be suIBcIenLly lILLed and accessIble Lo
LLe publIc. Any person may vIew or capLure an Imae oI LLe elecLIon
reLurn by means oI any daLa capLurIn devIce sucL as, buL noL lImILed Lo
cameras aL any LIme oI LLe day Ior IorLy-eILL (48) Lours IollowIn ILs
posLIn. AILer sucL perIod, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors sLall deLacL LLe elecLIon reLurn Irom LLe wall and keep LLe
same In LIs cusLody Lo be produced as may be requesLed by any voLer Ior
Imae or daLa capLurIn or Ior any lawIul purpose as may be ordered by
compeLenL auLLorILy.
WILLIn one Lour aILer LLe prInLIn oI LLe elecLIon reLurns, LLe cLaIrman
oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors or any oIBcIal auLLorIzed by LLe
CommIssIon sLall, In LLe presence oI waLcLers and represenLaLIves oI LLe
accredILed cILIzens' arm, polILIcal parLIes/candIdaLes, II any,
elecLronIcally LransmIL LLe precIncL resulLs Lo LLe respecLIve levels oI
board oI canvassers, Lo LLe domInanL majorILy and mInorILy parLy, Lo LLe
accredILed cILIzen's arm, and Lo LLe KapIsanan n ma ErodcasLer n
FIlIpInas (KEF).
TLe elecLIon resulLs aL LLe cILy/munIcIpalILy canvassIn cenLers sLall be
LransmILLed In LLe same manner by LLe elecLIon oIBcer or any oIBcIal
auLLorIzed by LLe commIssIon Lo LLe dIsLrIcL or provIncIal canvassIn
TLe elecLIon reLurns LransmILLed elecLronIcally and dIILally sIned sLall
be consIdered as oIBcIal elecLIon resulLs and sLall be used as LLe basIs Ior
LLe canvassIn oI voLes and LLe proclamaLIon oI a candIdaLe.
AILer LLe elecLronIc resulLs Lave been LransmILLed addILIonal copIes noL
Lo exceed LLIrLy (80) may be prInLed and Iven Lo requesLIn parLIes aL
LLeIr own expense.
.!#e PQe BecLIon 21 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 2S. CanvassIn by FrovIncIal, CILy, DIsLrIcL and MunIcIpal Eoards oI
Canvassers. - TLe CILy or MunIcIpal board oI canvassers sLall canvass
LLe voLes Ior LLe presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors, and parLIes,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIons parLIcIpaLIn under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem by
consolIdaLIn LLe elecLronIcally LransmILLed resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa
sLorae devIces used In LLe prInLIn oI LLe elecLIon reLurns. Upon
compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prInL LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI voLes
Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals and LLereaILer, proclaIm
LLe elecLed cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals, as LLe case may be.
TLe cILy board oI canvassers oI cILIes comprIsIn one or more leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcLs sLall canvass LLe voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors,
members oI LLe House FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve cILy oIBcIals by
consolIdaLIn LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass elecLronIcally LransmILLed or LLe
resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa sLorae devIces used In LLe prInLIn oI LLe
elecLIon reLurns. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, LLe board sLall
procedure LLe canvass oI voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, and
senaLors LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and cILy oIBcIals.
In LLe MeLro ManIla area, eacL munIcIpalILy comprIsIn a leIslaLIve
dIsLrIcL sLall Lave a dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers wLIcL sLall canvass LLe
voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors, members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve munIcIpal oIBcIals by consolIdaLIn LLe
elecLronIcally LransmILLed resulLs or LLe resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa
sLorae devIces used In LLe prInLIn oI LLe elecLIon reLurns. Upon
compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall produce LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI
voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, and senaLors and LLereaILer, proclaIm
LLe elecLed members oI LLe House FepresenLaLIves and munIcIpal
EacL componenL munIcIpalILy In a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL In LLe MeLro
ManIla area sLall Lave a munIcIpal board oI canvassers wLIcL sLall
canvass LLe voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors, members oI LLe
Louse oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve munIcIpal oIBcIals by consolIdaLIn
LLe resulLs elecLronIcally LransmILLed Irom LLe counLIn cenLers or LLe
resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa sLorae devIces used In LLe prInLIn oI LLe
elecLIon reLurns. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors,
members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe
elecLed munIcIpal oIBcIals.
TLe dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers oI eacL leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL comprIsIn
Lwo munIcIpalILIes In LLe MeLro ManIla area sLall canvass LLe voLes Ior
presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves by consolIdaLIn LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass
elecLronIcally LransmILLed Irom LLe cILy/munIcIpal consolIdaLIn cenLers
or LLe resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa sLorae devIces submILLed by LLe
munIcIpal board oI canvassers oI LLe componenL munIcIpalILIes. Upon
compleLIon oI LLe canvass. IL sLall produce a cerLIBcaLe oI LLe canvass
voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe
elecLed members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves In LLe leIslaLIve
TLe dIsLrIcL/provIncIal board oI canvassers sLall canvass LLe voLes Ior
presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors, members oI LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals by consolIdaLIn LLe
resulLs elecLronIcally LransmILLed Irom LLe cILy/munIcIpal consolIdaLIn
cenLers or LLe resulLs conLaIned In LLe daLa sLorae devIces submILLed by
LLe board oI canvassers oI LLe munIcIpalILIes and componenL cILIes. Upon
compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall produce LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass
voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL and senaLors and LLereaILer, proclaIm
LLe elecLed members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and LLe provIncIal
TLe munIcIpal, cILy, dIsLrIcL and provIncIal cerLIBcaLes oI canvass oI
voLes sLall eacL be supporLed by a sLaLemenL oI voLes.
WILLIn one Lour aILer LLe canvassIn, LLe CLaIrman oI LLe dIsLrIcL or
provIncIal Eoard oI Canvassers or LLe cILy board oI canvassers oI LLose
cILIes wLIcL comprIse one or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs sLall elecLronIcally
LransmIL LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Lo LLe commIssIon sILLIn as LLe
naLIonal board oI canvassers Ior senaLors and parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves
and Lo LLe Conress as LLe NaLIonal Eoard oI Canvassers Ior LLe presIdenL
and vIce presIdenL, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI LLe BenaLe.
TLe CommIssIon sLall adopL adequaLe and eIIecLIve measures Lo
preserve LLe InLerILy oI LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass LransmILLed
elecLronIcally and LLe resulLs In LLe sLorae devIces aL LLe varIous levels
oI LLe boards oI canvassers.
TLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass LransmILLed elecLronIcally and dIILally
sIned sLall be consIdered as oIBcIal elecLIon resulLs and sLall be used as
LLe basIs Ior LLe proclamaLIon oI a wInnIn candIdaLe.
.!#e P+e BecLIon 22 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 26. Number oI CopIes oI CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass oI VoLes and LLeIr
dIsLrIbuLIon. - (a) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-
presIdenL, senaLors, members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, parLIes,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIons parLIcIpaLIn under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and
elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals sLall be produced by LLe cILy or munIcIpal
board oI canvassers and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe provIncIal board oI
canvassers Ior use In LLe canvass oI elecLIon resulLs Ior presIdenL, vIce-
presIdenL, senaLors, members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, parLIes,
oranIzaLIon or coalILIons parLIcIpaLIn under LLe parLy-lIsL sysLem and
elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals,
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be kepL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board, and
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzen arm desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon Lo conducL an unoIBcIal counL. IL sLall be LLe duLy oI LLe
cILIzens' arm Lo IurnIsL IndependenL candIdaLes' copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe
oI canvass aL LLe expense oI LLe requesLIn parLy.
(S) TLe BILL copy Lo Conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI BenaLe,
(6) TLe sIxLL copy Lo be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe
canvassIn cenLer,
(7) TLe sevenLL and eILLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe domInanL
majorILy and mInorILy parLIes,
(8) TLe nInLL Lo eILLeenLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe Len (10)
accredILed major naLIonal parLIes, excludIn LLe domInanL majorILy and
mInorILy parLIes, In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon
LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde
wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded
In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL no. 7166,
(9) TLe nIneLeenLL and LwenLIeLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe Lwo
accredILed major local parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL
amon LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall
decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI crILerIa
analoous Lo LLaL provIded In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
(10) TLe LwenLy-BrsL Lo LLe LwenLy-BILL copIes Lo naLIonal broadcasL or
prInL medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon
In vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
(11) TLe LwenLy-sIx and LwenLy-seven copIes, Lo local broadcasL or prInL
medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In
vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble, and
(12) TLe LwenLy-eILLL Lo LLe LLIrLIeLL copIes, Lo LLe major cILIzens'
arms, IncludIn LLe accredILed cILIzens' arm, and oLLer non-parLIsan
roups or oranIzaLIons enlIsLed by LLe commIssIon pursuanL Lo BecLIon
S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881. BucL cILIzens' arms, roups and
oranIzaLIon may use LLe LLree cerLIBed copIes oI elecLIon reLurns Ior LLe
conducL oI cILIzens' quIck counLs aL LLe local or naLIonal levels,
TLe board oI canvassers sLall IurnIsL all oLLer reIsLered parLIes copIes
oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass aL LLe expense oI LLe requesLIn parLy.
(b) TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass oI voLes Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL and
senaLors, parLIes, oranIzaLIon or coalILIons parLIcIpaLIn under LLe
parLy-lIsL sysLem sLall be produced by LLe cILy boards oI canvassers oI
cILIes comprIsIn one or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs, by provIncIal boards oI
canvassers and by dIsLrIcL boards oI canvassers In LLe MeLro ManIla
area, and oLLer LILly urbanIzed areas and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be senL Lo conress , dIrecLed Lo LLe presIdenL oI
LLe BenaLe Ior use In LLe canvass oI elecLIon resulLs Ior presIdenL and
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon Ior use In LLe
canvass oI LLe elecLIon resulLs Ior senaLors,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be kepL LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board, and
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzens' arm desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon Lo conducL an unoIBcIal counL. IL sLall be LLe duLy oI LLe
cILIzens' arm Lo IurnIsL IndependenL candIdaLes copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe
oI canvass aL LLe expense oI LLe requesLIn parLy.
(S) TLe BILL copy Lo Conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI LLe BenaLe,
(6) TLe sIx copy Lo be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe
canvassIn cenLer,
(7) TLe sevenLL and eILL copIes Lo LLe domInanL majorILy and mInorILy
(8) TLe nInLL and LenLL copIes Lo Lwo accredILed major naLIonal parLIes
represenLIn LLe majorILy and mInorILy, excludIn LLe domInanL majorILy
and mInorILy parLIes, Lo be deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon on LLe basIs oI
LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166,
(9) TLe elevenLL Lo LLIrLeenLL copIes Lo broadcasL medIa enLILIes as may
be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In vIew oI propaaLIn LLe
copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble, and
(10) TLe IourLeenLL copy Lo anoLLer cILIzens' arm or In LLe absence
LLereoI, Lo a non-parLIsan roup or oranIzaLIon enlIsLed by LLe
CommIssIon pursuanL Lo BecLIon S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881. BucL
cILIzens' arm or non-parLIsan roup or oranIzaLIon may use LLe copy oI
elecLIon reLurn Ior LLe conducL oI cILIzens' quIck counLs aL LLe local or
naLIonal levels.
TLe board oI canvassers sLall IurnIsL all oLLer reIsLered parLIes copIes
oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass aL LLe expense oI LLe requesLIn parLy.
(c) TLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass prInLed by LLe provIncIal, dIsLrIcL, cILy or
munIcIpal boards oI canvassers sLall be sIned and LLumb marked by LLe
cLaIrman and members oI LLe board and LLe prIncIpal waLcLers, II
avaIlable. TLereaILer, IL sLall be sealed and placed InsIde an envelope
wLIcL sLall lIkewIse be properly sealed.
In all InsLances, wLere LLe board oI Canvassers Las LLe duLy Lo IurnIsL
reIsLered polILIcal parLIes wILL copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass, LLe
perLInenL elecLIon reLurns sLall be aLLacLed LLereLo, wLere approprIaLe.
ImmedIaLely aILer LLe sIx copy and ILs supporLIn sLaLemenL oI voLes are
prInLed, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI canvassers sLall announce LLe
posLIn oI saId prInLs on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe canvassIn
cenLer, wLIcL musL be suIBcIenLly lILLed and accessIble Lo LLe publIc.
Any person may vIew or capLure an Imae oI LLe CerLIBcaLe oI Canvass or
LLe supporLIn sLaLemenL oI voLes by means oI any daLa capLurIn devIce
sucL as, buL noL lImILed Lo, cameras aL any LIme oI LLe day Ior IorLy-eILL
(48) Lours IollowIn LLe posLIn. AILer sucL perIod, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
board oI canvassers sLall deLacL LLe elecLIon reLurn Irom LLe wall and
keep LLe same In LIs cusLody Lo be produced as may be requesLed by any
voLer Ior Imae or daLa capLurIn or Ior any lawIul purpose as may be
ordered by compeLenL auLLorILy.
.!#e PPe BecLIon 28 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 27. NaLIonal Eoard oI Canvassers Ior BenaLors and FarLy-LIsL
FepresenLaLIves. - TLe cLaIrman and members oI LLe CommIssIon on
ElecLIon sILLIn en banc, sLall compose LLe naLIonal board oI canvassers
Ior senaLors and parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves. IL sLall canvass LLe resulLs by
consolIdaLIn LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass elecLronIcally LransmILLed.
TLereaILer, LLe naLIonal board sLall proclaIm LLe wInnIn candIdaLes Ior
senaLors and parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves.
.!#e PWe BecLIon 24 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 28. Conress as LLe NaLIonal Eoard oI Canvassers Ior FresIdenL and
VIce-FresIdenL. - TLe BenaLe and LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves In joInL
publIc sessIon sLall compose LLe naLIonal board oI canvassers Ior
presIdenL and vIce-presIdenL. TLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior presIdenL and
vIce-presIdenL duly cerLIBed by LLe board oI canvassers oI eacL provInce
or cILy, sLall be elecLronIcally LransmILLed Lo LLe Conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe
presIdenL oI LLe BenaLe. Upon receIpL oI LLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass, LLe
FresIdenL oI LLe BenaLe sLall, noL laLer LLan LLIrLy (80) days aILer LLe
day oI LLe elecLIon, open all LLe cerLIBcaLes In LLe presence oI LLe BenaLe
and LLe House oI represenLaLIves In joInL publIc sessIon and LLe Conress
upon deLermInaLIon oI LLe auLLenLIcILy and LLe due execuLIon LLereoI In
LLe manner provIded by law, canvass all LLe resulLs Ior presIdenL and
vIce-presIdenL and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe wInnIn candIdaLes.
.!#e Pie A new BecLIon 29 Is Lereby provIded Lo reads as Iollows:
BEC 29. Fandom Manual AudIL. - WLere LLe AEB Is used, LLere sLall be a
random manual audIL In one precIncL per conressIonal dIsLrIcL
randomly cLosen by LLe CommIssIon In eacL provInce and cILy. Any
dIIIerence beLween LLe auLomaLed and manual counL wIll resulL In LLe
deLermInaLIon oI rooL cause and InILIaLe a manual counL Ior LLose
precIncLs aIIecLed by LLe compuLer or procedural error.
.!#e PXe A new BecLIon 80 Is Lereby provIded Lo read as Iollows:
Bec. 80. AuLLenLIcaLIon oI ElecLronIcally TransmILLed ElecLIon FesulLs. -
TLe manner oI deLermInIn LLe auLLenLIcILy and due execuLIon oI LLe
cerLIBcaLes sLall conIorm wILL LLe provIsIons oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 as
may be supplemenL or modIBed by LLe provIsIon oI LLIs AcL, wLere
applIcable, by approprIaLe auLLenLIcaLIon and cerLIBcaLIon procedures
Ior elecLronIc sInaLures as provIded In FepublIc AcL No. 8792 as well as
LLe rules promulaLed by LLe Bupreme CourL pursuanL LLereLo.
.!#e Pge BecLIon 2S oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo reads as
BEC. 81. BLakeLolder educaLIon and LraInIn. - TLe CommIssIon sLall, noL
laLer LLan sIx monLLs beIore LLe acLual auLomaLed elecLIon exercIse,
underLake a wIdespread sLakeLolder educaLIon and LraInIn proram,
LLrouL newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon, radIo, LelevIsIon and oLLer
medIa Iorms, as well as LLrouL semInars, symposIa, Iora and oLLer
nonLradILIonal means, Lo educaLe LLe publIc and Iully InIorm LLe
elecLoraLe abouL LLe AEB and InculcaLe values on LonesL, peaceIul,
orderly and InIormed elecLIons.
BucL proram sLall ensure LLe accepLance and readIness oI LLe IollowIn
sLakeLolders Lo undersLand and apprecIaLe LLe beneBLs oI LLe AEB:
1. 0eneral publIc/voLers,
2. CommIssIon's sLaII,
8. DeparLmenL oI EducaLIon, DeparLmenL oI EInance (munIcIpal,
cILy and provIncIal Lreasurers) and all oLLer overnmenL aencIes
wLo wIll play a role In LLe elecLoral exercIse,
4. Local overnmenL oIBcIals (provIncIal, munIcIpal, baranay
S. IncumbenL elecLed oIBcIals In LLe leIslaLIve and execuLIve
6. FolILIcal parLIes and candIdaLes,
7. Members oI LLe mIlILary and polIce.
TLe eneral publIc or voLers LraInIn wIll Iocus on buIldIn LLe capabIlILy
Lo use LLe auLomaLed sysLem Lo casL LLeIr voLe, as well as eneral
apprecIaLIon oI LLe AEB. All oLLer sLakeLolders menLIoned above wIll
receIve addILIonal InIormaLIon In order Lo buIld a deeper undersLandIn
oI LLe voLIn, counLIn, canvassIn procedures, so LLaL LLey may acL as
advocaLes oI Le AEB.
TLe CommIssIon LoeLLer wILL and In supporL oI accredILed cILIzens'
arms sLall carry ouL a conLInuIn and sysLemaLIc campaIn LLrouL
newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon, radIo and oLLer medIa Iorms, as well as
LLrouL semInars, symposIa, Iora and oLLer nonLradILIonal means Lo
educaLe LLe publIc and Iully InIorm LLe elecLoraLe abouL LLe AEB and
InculcaLe values on LonesL, peaceIul and orderly elecLIon.
.!#e PYe BecLIon 27 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 88. JoInL ConressIonal 0versILL CommILLee. - An 0versILL
CommILLee Is Lereby creaLed composed oI seven members eacL Irom LLe
BenaLe and LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, Iour oI wLom sLall come Irom
LLe majorILy and LLree Irom LLe mInorILy, Lo monILor and evaluaLe LLe
ImplemenLaLIon oI LLIs AcL. A wrILLen reporL Lo LLe BenaLe and LLe House
oI FepresenLaLIves sLall be submILLed by LLe AdvIsory CouncIl wILLIn sIx
monLLs Irom LLe daLe oI elecLIon. TLe oversILL commILLee sLall conducL
a mandaLory revIew oI LLIs AcL every Lwelve (12) monLLs Irom LLe daLe
oI LLe lasL reular naLIonal or local elecLIons.
TLe oversILL commILLee sLall conducL a compreLensIve assessmenL and
evaluaLIon oI LLe perIormance oI LLe dIIIerenL AEB LecLnoloIes
ImplemenLed and sLall make approprIaLe recommendaLIons Lo Conress,
In sessIon assembled, specIBcally IncludIn LLe IollowIn:
1. An assessmenL and comparIson oI eacL oI LLe AEB LecLnoloIes
uLIlIzed, IncludIn LLeIr sLrenLLs, weakness, applIcabIlILy or
InapplIcabIlILy In specIBc areas and sILuaLIons,
2. An evaluaLIon oI LLeIr accuracy LLrouL a comparIson oI a random
sample oI LLe AEB elecLIon resulLs wILL a manual LabulaLIon, and LLe
conducL oI sImIlar LesLs,
8. As Lo LLe scope oI AEB ImplemenLaLIon In LLe subsequenL elecLIons,
provIde Ior recommendaLIons as Lo wLeLLer any oI LLe IollowIn sLould
be adopLed:
a. EurLLer LesL applIcaLIon oI LLe AEB or a parLIcular AEB
LecLnoloy used In LLe 2007 elecLIons, wLeLLer In LLe same or
oLLers areas,
b. An Increase or enlaremenL oI areas Ior ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe
AEB or an AEB LecLnoloy and noL a Iull ImplemenLaLIon, or
c. A Iull ImplemenLaLIon oI LLe AEB.
4. As Lo LLe kInd oI AEB LecLnoloy, provIde Ior proposals as Lo wLeLLer:
a) A parLIcular AEB LecLnoloy sLould no loner be uLIlIzed Ior
beIn obsoleLe, InapplIcable, InaccuraLe or wILL a deIecL wLIcL
cannoL be remedIed,
b) An enLancemenL or ImprovemenL Is needed Lo an AEB
LecLnoloy wLIcL was used In LLe 2007 elecLIon Lo make IL more
IuncLIonal, approprIaLe and accuraLe,
c) A parLIcular AEB LecLnoloy Is already approprIaLe and sLould
be uLIlIzed Iully Ior subsequenL elecLIon, or
d) TLe LesLIn or adopLIon oI new LecLnoloIes wLIcL may Lave
emered aILer LLe 2007 elecLIons Is needed.
.!#e PZe BecLIon 29 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 8S. FroLIbILed AcLs and FenalLIes. - TLe IollowIn sLall be penalIzed
as provIded In LLIs AcL, wLeLLer or noL saId acLs aIIecL LLe elecLoral
process or resulLs:
(a) ULIlIzIn wILLouL auLLorIzaLIon, LamperIn wILL, damaIn,
desLroyIn or sLealIn:
(1) 0IBcIal balloLs, elecLIon reLurns, and cerLIBcaLes oI canvass oI
voLes used In LLe sysLem, and
(2) ElecLronIc devIces or LLeIr componenLs, perIpLerals or
supplIes used In LLe AEB sucL as counLIn macLIne, memory
pack/dIskeLLe, memory pack receIver and compuLer seL,
(b) InLerIerIn wILL, ImpedIn, abscondIn Ior purpose oI aIn,
prevenLIn LLe InsLallaLIon or use oI compuLer counLIn devIces and LLe
processIn, sLorae, eneraLIon and LransmIssIon oI elecLIon resulLs, daLa
or InIormaLIon,
(c) 0aInIn or causIn access Lo usIn, alLerIn, desLroyIn or dIsclosIn
any compuLer daLa, proram, sysLem soILware, neLwork, or any
compuLer-relaLed devIces, IacIlILIes, Lardware or equIpmenL, wLeLLer
classIBed or declassIBed,
(d) FeIusal oI LLe cILIzens' arm Lo presenL Ior perusal ILs copy oI elecLIon
reLurn Lo LLe board oI canvassers,
(e) FresenLaLIon by LLe cILIzens' arm oI Lampered or spurIous elecLIon
(I) FeIusal or IaIlure Lo provIde LLe domInanL majorILy and domInanL
mInorILy parLIes or LLe cILIzens'' arm LLeIr copy oI elecLIon reLurns, and
() TLe IaIlure Lo posL LLe voLers' lIsL wILLIn LLe specIBed LIme, duraLIon
and In LLe desInaLed locaLIon sLall consLILuLe an elecLIon oIIense on LLe
parL LLe elecLIon oIBcer concerned.
Any person convIcLed Ior vIolaLIon oI LLIs AcL, excepL LLose convIcLed oI
LLe crIme oI elecLoral saboLae, sLall be penalIzed wILL ImprIsonmenL oI
eILL years and one day Lo Lwelve (12) years wILLouL possIbIlILy oI parole,
and perpeLual dIsqualIBcaLIon Lo Lold publIc oIBce and deprIvaLIon oI LLe
rILL oI suIIrae. Moreover, LLe oIIender sLall be perpeLually dIsqualIBed
Lo Lold any non-elecLIve publIc oIBce.
.!#e PVe BecLIon 80 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 86. ApplIcabIlILy. - TLe provIsIon oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881, as
amended, oLLerwIse known as LLe '0mnIbus ElecLIon Code oI LLe
FLIlIppInes', and oLLer elecLIon laws noL InconsIsLenL wILL LLIs AcL sLall
.!#e WQe BecLIon 81 oI FepublIc AcL No. 8486 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 87. Fules and FeulaLIons. - TLe CommIssIon sLall promulaLe rules
and reulaLIon Ior LLe ImplemenLaLIon and enIorcemenL oI LLIs AcL.
NoLwILLsLandIn LLe IoreoIn canvassIn procedure, LLe CommIssIon Is
auLLorIzed Lo prescrIbe oLLer manner or procedure Ior LLe canvassIn
and consolIdaLIon oI voLes as LecLnoloy evolves, subjecL Lo LLe
provIsIons oI BecLIon 7 LereoI on LLe mInImum capabIlILIes oI LLe AEB
and oLLer perLInenL laws.
.!#e W+e BecLIon 2S oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
Bec 2S. Manner oI CounLIn VoLes. - In addILIon Lo LLe requIremenL In LLe
IourLL pararapL oI BecLIon 12 oI LLe FepublIc AcL No. 6646 and BecLIon
210 oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code, In readIn LLe oIBcIal balloLs durIn
LLe counLIn, LLe cLaIrman, LLe poll clerk and LLe LLIrd member sLall
assume sucL posILIons as Lo provIde LLe waLcLers and LLe members oI LLe
publIc as may be convenIenLly accommodaLed In LLe pollIn place, an
unImpeded vIew oI LLe balloL beIn ready by LLe cLaIrman, oI LLe elecLIon
reLurn and LLe Lally board beIn sImulLaneously accomplIsLed by LLe, poll
clerk and LLe LLIrd member respecLIvely, wILLouL LoucLIn any oI LLese
elecLIon documenLs. TLe Lable sLall be cleared oI all unnecessary wrILIn
parapLernalIa. Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs requIremenL sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense punIsLable under BecLIon 268 and 264 LLe 0mnIbus
ElecLIon Code.
TLe cLaIrman sLall BrsL read LLe voLes Ior naLIonal posILIons.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs BecLIon, or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881.
.=Ee WPe BecLIon 212 oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 as amended, Is Lereby Lo read
as Iollows:
BEC. 212. ElecLIon FeLurns. - TLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall
prepare LLe elecLIon reLurns sImulLaneously wILL LLe counLIn oI voLes In
LLe pollIn places as prescrIbe In BecLIon 210 LereoI. TLe recordIn oI
voLe sLall be made as prescrIbed In saId secLIon. TLe enLry oI voLes In
words and Bures Ior eacL candIdaLe sLall be closed wILL LLe sInaLure
and LLe clear ImprInL oI LLe LLumbmark oI LLe rILL Land oI all LLe
members, lIkewIse Lo be aIBxed In Iull vIew oI LLe publIc, ImmedIaLely
aILer LLe lasL voLe recorded or ImmedIaLely aILer LLe name oI LLe
candIdaLe wLo dId noL receIve any voLe.
TLe reLurns sLall also sLow LLe daLe oI LLe elecLIon, LLe pollIn place, LLe
baranay and LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy In wLIcL IL was Leld, LLe LoLal
number oI balloLs Iound In LLe comparLmenL Ior valId balloLs, LLe LoLal
number oI valId balloLs wILLdrawn Irom LLe comparLmenL Ior spoIled
balloLs because LLey were erroneously placed LLereIn, LLe LoLal number oI
excess balloLs, LLe LoLal number oI marked or voId balloLs, and LLe LoLal
numbers oI voLes obLaIned by eacL candIdaLe, wrILIn ouL LLe saId
number In words and Bures and, aL LLe end LLereoI, LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors sLall cerLIIy LLaL LLe conLenLs are correcL. TLe reLurns sLall
be accomplIsLed In a sInle sLeeL oI paper, buL II LLIs Is noL possIble,
addILIonal sLeeLs may be used wLIcL sLall be prepared In LLe same
manner as LLe BrsL sLeeL and lIkewIse cerLIBed by LLe board oI elecLIon
TLe commIssIon sLall Lake sLeps so LLaL LLe enLrIes on LLe BrsL copy oI
LLe elecLIon reLurns are clearly reproduced on LLe second, LLIrd, IourLL,
BILL, sIxLL copIes LLereoI, and Ior LLe purpose LLIs CommIssIon sLall use
a specIal kInd oI paper.
ImmedIaLely upon LLe accomplIsLmenL oI LLe elecLIon reLurn Ior
naLIonal posILIon, LLe poll clerk sLall announce LLe posLIn oI LLe second
copy oI LLe elecLIon reLurn on a wall wILL suIBcIenL lILLIn wILLIn LLe
premIses oI LLe pollIn place or counLIn cenLer. He sLall LLen proceed Lo
do LLe same In LLe presence oI LLe oLLer members oI LLe Eoard, LLe
waLcLers and LLose presenL In LLe pollIn place or counLIn cenLer.
WILLouL delay and, wLen IeasIble, Le sLall secure an Imae oI LLe elecLIon
reLurn usIn a secured daLa capLurIn devIce and ImmedIaLely LLereaILer,
wLIle In LLe premIses oI LLe pollIn place or counLIn cenLer, dIrecLly
prInL LLIrLy (80) copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurn. 0nce LLe prInLs Lave been
produced, LLe poll clerk sLall call LLe oLLer members oI LLe board Lo
auLLenLIcaLe eacL prInL copy by closely comparIn LLe same wILL LLe
elecLIon reLurn posLed on LLe wall In LLe presence oI LLe waLcLers and
wILLIn vIew oI LLe publIc. II LLe Eoard Bnds eacL prInL a IaILLIul
reproducLIon oI LLe elecLIon reLurn, all members LLereoI sLall annoLaLe
and sIn a cerLIBcaLIon Lo LLaL eIIecL on LLe boLLom IronL oI LLe prInL.
EacL cerLIBed prInLed copy sLall be placed In an envelope and
dIsLrIbuLed as LereIn provIded. DesInaLed recIpIenLs oI LLe cerLIBed
prInL copIes may receIve LLeIr copIes aL LLe pollIn place or counLIn
ImmedIaLely upon LLe accomplIsLmenL oI LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior local
posILIon, LLe second copy oI LLe same sLall be posLed on a wall wILL
suIBcIenL lILLIn wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe pollIn place.
TLe oLLer copIes oI elecLIon reLurns Ior boLL naLIonal and local posILIon
sLall be sealed In LLe presence oI LLe waLcLers and LLe publIc, and placed
In LLe proper envelope, wLIcL sLall lIkewIse be sealed and dIsLrIbuLed as
LereIn provIded.
Any elecLIon reLurn wILL a separaLely prInLed serIal number or wLIcL
bears a dIIIerenL serIal number Irom LLaL assIned Lo LLe parLIcular
pollIn place concerned sLall noL be canvassed. TLIs Is Lo be deLermIned
by LLe board canvassers prIor Lo ILs canvassIn on LLe basIs oI LLe
cerLIBcaLIon oI LLe provIncIal, cILy or munIcIpal Lreasurer as Lo LLe serIal
number oI LLe elecLIon reLurn assIned Lo saId voLIn precIncL, unless LLe
CommIssIon sLall order In wrILIn Ior ILs canvassIn, sLaLIn LLe reason
Ior LLe varIance In serIal numbers.
II LLe sInaLures and/or LLumbmarks oI LLe members oI LLe board oI
elecLIon InspecLors or some oI LLem as requIred In LLIs provIsIon are
mIssIn In LLe elecLIon reLurns, LLe board oI canvassers may summon LLe
members oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors concerned Lo compleLe LLe
TLe cILIzen's arm Is mandaLed Lo presenL Ior perusal ILs copy oI LLe
elecLIon reLurn Lo LLe board oI elecLIon canvassers upon LLe requesL oI
any InLeresLed candIdaLe.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs elecLIon or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881
In addILIon, LLe IollowIn sLall lIkewIse be uIlLy oI an elecLIon oIIense:
(a) Any Ferson wLo removes LLe elecLIon reLurn posLed on LLe wall,
wLeLLer wILLIn or aILer LLe prescrIbed IorLy-eILL (48) Lours oI posLIn,
or deIaces LLe same In any manner,
(b) Any person wLo sImulaLes an acLual elecLIon reLurn, or a prInL or
dIILal copy LLereoI,
(c) Any person wLo sImulaLes LLe cerLIBcaLIon In a prInL oI an elecLIon
(d) TLe cLaIrman or any member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors
wLo, durIn LLe prescrIbe perIod oI posLIn, removes LLe elecLIon reLurn
Irom LLe wall on wLIcL IL Lad been posLed oLLer LLan Ior LLe purpose oI
ImmedIaLely LransIerrIn IL Lo a more suILable place,
(e) TLe cLaIrman or any member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors wLo
sIns or auLLenLIcaLes a prInL oI LLe elecLIon reLurn ouLsIde oI LLe pollIn
place, and
(I) TLe cLaIrman or any member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors wLo
sIns or auLLenLIcaLes a prInL wLIcL bears an Imae dIIIerenL Irom LLe
elecLIon reLurn produced aILer counLIn and posLed on LLe wall.
.!#e WWe BecLIon 27 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166, as amended by FepublIc AcL No.
804S and FepublIc AcL No. 8178 Is Lereby IurLLer amended Lo read as Iollows:
BEC. 27. Number oI CopIes oI ElecLIon FeLurns and LLeIr DIsLrIbuLIon. -
TLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall prepare In LandwrILIn LLe elecLIon
reLurns In LLeIr respecLIve pollIn place, In LLe number oI copIes LereIn
provIded and In LLe Iorm Lo be prescrIbed and provIded by LLe
TLe copIes oI elecLIon reLurns sLall be dIsLrIbuLed by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
board oI elecLIon InspecLors as Iollows:
(a) In LLe elecLIon oI presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLors and members oI
LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves IncludIn LLe parLy-lIsL represenLaLIves:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board
oI canvassers,
(2) TLe second copy Lo be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI
LLe pollIn place,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe conress, dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL oI LLe
(4) TLe IourLL copy. Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(S) TLe BILL copy, Lo LLe domInanL majorILy parLy as deLermIned
by LLe CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
(6) TLe sIxLL copy, Lo LLe domInanL mInorILy parLy as deLermIned
by LLe CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
(7) TLe sevenLL copy, Lo a cILIzens' auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon
Lo conducL an unoIBcIal counL:FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL LLe
accredILaLIon oI LLe cILIzens' arm sLall be subjecL Lo LLe provIsIon oI
BecLIon S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa Eld. 881, and
(8) TLe eILL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI
LLe balloL box Ior valId balloLs, and
(b) In LLe elecLIon oI local oIBcIals,
(1) TLe EIrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe cILy or munIcIpal board
oI canvassers,
(2) TLe second copy Lo be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI
LLe pollIn place,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy, Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(4) TLe IourLL copy, Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers,
(S) TLe BILL copy, Lo LLe domInanL majorILy parLy as deLermIned
by LLe CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
(6) TLe sIxLL copy, Lo LLe domInanL mInorILy parLy as deLermIned
by LLe CommIssIon In accordance wILL law,
(7) TLe sevenLL copy, Lo a cILIzens' auLLorIzed by LLe CommIssIon
Lo conducL an unoIBcIal counL:FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL LLe
accredILaLIon oI LLe cILIzens' arm sLall be subjecL Lo LLe provIsIons
oI BecLIon S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa Eld. 881, and
(8) TLe eILLL copy sLall be deposILed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI
LLe balloL box Ior valId voLes.
TLe copy oI LLe elecLIon reLurn posLed on LLe wall sLall be open Ior publIc
vIewIn aL any LIme oI LLe day Ior IorLy-eILL (48) Lours IollowIn ILs
posLIn. Any person may vIew or capLure an Imae oI LLe elecLIon reLurn
by means oI any daLa capLurIn devIce sucL as, buL noL lImILed Lo,
cameras aL any LIme oI LLe day Ior IorLy-eILL (48) Lours IollowIn ILs
posLIn. AILer LLe prescrIbed perIod Ior posLIn, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall collecL LLe posLed elecLIon reLurns and
keep LLe same In LIs cusLody Lo be produced Ior Imae or daLa capLurIn
as may be requesLed by any voLer or any lawIul purpose as may be
ordered by compeLenL auLLorILy.
ExcepL Ior LLose copIes LLaL are requIred Lo be delIvered, copIes oI
elecLIon reLurns may be claImed aL LLe pollIn place. Any unclaImed copy
sLall be brouLL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors Lo
LLe canvassIn cenLer wLere LLe recIpIenLs or LLeIr represenLaLIves may
claIm LLem. CopIes sLIll unclaImed aL LLe canvassIn cenLer sLall be
deemed placed In LLe cusLody oI LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors, wLo sLall produce LLem wLen requesLed by LLe recIpIenL or
wLen ordered by a compeLenL auLLorILy.
TLe TLIrLy (80) cerLIBed prInL copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurn Ior naLIonal
posILIons sLall be dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(a) TLe BrsL IourLeen (14) copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe IourLeen (14)
accredILed major naLIonal parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary
areemenL amon LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe
CommIssIon sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe
basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI,
(b) TLe nexL LLree copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe LLree accredILed major
local parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon LLem. II
no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes
sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI crILerIa analoous Lo LLaL provIded
In BecLIon 26 HereoI,
(c) TLe nexL Bve copIes sLall be Iven Lo naLIonal broadcasL or prInL
medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In
vIew oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
(d) TLe nexL Lwo copIes sLall be Iven Lo local broadcasL or prInL medIa
enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In vIew oI
propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
(e) TLe nexL Iour copIes Lo LLe major cILIzens' arms, IncludIn LLe
accredILed cILIzens' arms and oLLer non-parLIsan roups or oranIzaLIons
enlIsLed by LLe CommIssIon pursuanL Lo BecLIon S2(k) oI EaLas Fambansa
El. 881,
(I) TLe nexL copy Lo be placed InsIde LLe comparLmenL oI LLe balloL box
Ior valId balloLs, and
() TLe lasL copy Lo LLe provIncIal board oI canvassers.
TLe cerLIBed prInL copIes may be claImed aL LLe pollIn place. Any
unclaImed copy sLall be brouLL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI elecLIon
InspecLors Lo LLe canvassIn cenLer wLere LLe recIpIenLs or
represenLaLIves may claIm LLem. CopIes sLIll unclaImed aL LLe canvassIn
cenLer sLall be placed In LLe cusLody oI LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board
elecLIon InspecLors, wLo sLall produce LLem wLen requesLed by LLe
recIpIenL or wLen ordered by a compeLenL auLLorILy.
Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe conLrary noLwILLsLandIn, any oI LLe
recIpIenLs oI LLe prInL or dIILal copIes oI LLe elecLIon reLurn may conducL
an unoIBcIal consolIdaLIon oI voLes and may announce LLe resulL Lo LLe
TLe CommIssIon sLall posL ILs dIILal Bles In ILs websILe Ior LLe publIc Lo
vIew or download aL any LIme oI LLe day. TLe CommIssIon sLall maInLaIn
LLe Bles aL leasL LLree years Irom LLe daLe oI posLIn.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs secLIon, or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881,
.!#e Wie Bec. 26 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 Is Lereby amended Lo read as Iollows:
BEC. 26. 0IBcIal WaLcLers. - Every reIsLered polILIcal parLy or coalILIon
oI polILIcal parLIes, and every candIdaLe sLall eacL be enLILled Lo one
waLcLer In every pollIn place and canvassIn cenLer: FrovIdedTLaL,
candIdaLes Ior LLe BanunIan FanlalawIan, BanunIan Fanlunsod,
or BanunIan Eayan belonIn Lo LLe same slaLe or LIckeL sLall
collecLIvely be enLILled Lo only one waLcLer.
TLe domInanL majorILy parLy and domInanL mInorILy parLy, wLIcL LLe
CommIssIon sLall deLermIne In accordance wILL law, sLall eacL be
enLILled Lo one oIBcIal waLcLer wLo sLall be paId a Bxed per dIem oI Iour
Lundred pesos (400,00).
TLere sLall also reconIzed sIx prIncIpal waLcLers, represenLIn LLe sIx
accredILed major polILIcal parLIes excludIn LLe domInanL majorILy and
mInorILy parLIes, wLo sLall be desInaLed by LLe CommIssIon upon
nomInaLIon oI LLe saId parLIes. TLese polILIcal parLIes sLall be deLermIned
by LLe CommIssIon upon noLIce and LearIn on LLe basIs oI LLe IollowIn
(a) TLe esLablIsLed record oI LLe saId parLIes, coalILIon oI roups LLaL
now composed LLem, LakIn InLo accounL, amon oLLer LLIns, LLeIr
sLowIn In pasL elecLIon,
(b) TLe number oI IncumbenL elecLIve oIBcIals belonIn Lo LLem nIneLy
(90) days beIore LLe daLe oI elecLIon,
c) TLeIr IdenLIBable polILIcal oranIzaLIons and sLrenLLs as evIdenced
by LLeIr oranIzed/cLapLers,
(d) TLe abIlILy Lo Bll a compleLe slaLe oI candIdaLes Irom LLe munIcIpal
level Lo LLe posILIon oI FresIdenL, and
(e) 0LLer analoous cIrcumsLances LLaL may deLermIne LLeIr relaLIve
oranIzaLIons and sLrenLLs.
.=Ee WXe BecLIon. 206 oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 206 CounLIn Lo be FublIc and wILLouL InLerrupLIon. - As soon as
LLe voLIn Is BnIsLed, LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall publIcly counL
In LLe pollIn place LLe voLes casL and ascerLaIn LLe resulLs. TLe board
may rearrane LLe pLysIcal seL up oI LLe pollIn place Ior LLe counLIn or
perIorm any oLLer acLIvILy wILL respecL Lo LLe LransILIon Irom voLIn
counLIn. However, IL may do so only In LLe presence oI LLe waLcLers and
wILLIn close vIew oI LLe publIc. AL all LImes, LLe balloL boxes and all
elecLIon documenLs and parapLernalIa sLall be wILLIn close vIew oI LLe
waLcLers and LLe publIc.
TLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors sLall noL adjourn or posLpone or delay
LLe counL unLIl IL Las been Iully compleLed, unless oLLerwIse ordered by
LLe CommIssIon.
TLe CommIssIon, In LLe InLeresL oI Iree, orderly, and LonesL elecLIon,
may auLLorIze LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors Lo counL LLe voLes and Lo
accomplIsL LLe elecLIon reLurn and oLLer Iorms prescrIbed under LLe
code In any oLLer place wILLIn a publIc buIldIn In LLe same munIcIpalILy
or cILy on accounL oI ImmInenL daner oI wIdespread vIolence or sImIlar
causes oI comparable manILude: FrovIded, TLaL LLe LransIer sLall been
recommended In wrILIn by LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors by
unanImous voLe and endorsed In wrILIn by LLe majorILy oI waLcLers
presenL: FrovIded, IurLLer, LLaL LLe saId publIc buIldIn sLall noL locaLed
wILLIn LLe perImeLer oI or InsIde a mIlILary or polIce camp, reservaLIon,
LeadquarLers, deLacLmenL or Beld oIBce nor wILLIn LLe premIses oI a
prIson or deLenLIon bureau or any law enIorcemenL or InvesLIaLIon
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs secLIon, or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe
and elecLIon oIIense and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881.
.!#eWge BecLIon 18 oI FepublIc AcL No. 6646 Is Lereby repealed.
.!#eWYe BecLIon 80 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 80. Conress as LLe NaLIonal Eoard oI Canvassers Ior LLe ElecLIon
oI FresIdenL and VIce FresIdenL: TLe CommIssIon en banc as LLe NaLIonal
Eoard oI Canvassers Ior LLe elecLIon oI senaLors: DeLermInaLIon oI
AuLLenLIcILy and Due ExecuLIon oI CerLIBcaLes oI Canvass.- Conress and
LLe CommIssIon en banc sLall deLermIne LLe auLLenLIcILy and due
execuLIon oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvas Ior presIdenL and vIce - presIdenL
and senaLors, respecLIvely, as accomplIsLed and LransmILLed Lo IL by LLe
local boards oI canvassers, on a sLowIn LLaL: (1) eacL cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass was execuLed, sIned and LLumbmarked by LLe cLaIrman and
member oI LLe board oI canvassers and LransmILLed or caused Lo be
LransmILLed Lo Conress by LLem, (2) eacL cerLIBcaLe oI canvass conLaIns
LLe names oI all oI LLe candIdaLes Ior presIdenL and vIce - presIdenL or
senaLor, as LLe case may be, and LLeIr correspondIn voLes In words and
LLeIr correspondIn voLes In words and In Bures, (8) LLere exILs no
dIscrepancy In oLLer auLLenLIc copIes oI LLe documenL sucL as sLaLemenL
oI voLes oI any oI ILs supporLIn documenL sucL as sLaLemenL oI voLes by
cILy/munIcIpalILy/by precIncL or dIscrepancy In LLe voLes oI any
candIdaLe In words and Bures In LLe cerLIBcaLe, and (4) LLere exIsL no
dIscrepancy In LLe voLes oI any candIdaLe In words and Bures In LLe
cerLIBcaLes oI canvass aaInLs LLe areaLe number oI voLes appearIn
In LLe elecLIon reLurns oI precIncLs covered by LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass: FrovIded, TLaL cerLIBed prInL copIes oI elecLIon reLurns or
cerLIBcaLes oI canvass may be used Ior LLe purpose oI verIIyIn LLe
exIsLence oI LLe dIscrepancy.
WLen LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass, duly cerLIBed by LLe board oI canvass oI
eacL provInce, cILy oI dIsLrIcL, appears Lo be IncompleLe, LLe BenaLe
FresIdenL or LLe CLaIrman oI LLe CommIssIon, as LLe case may be, sLall
requIre LLe board oI canvassers concerned Lo LransmIL by personal
delIvery, LLe elecLIon reLurns Iorm pollIn places LLaL were noL Included
In LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and supporLIn sLaLemenLs. BaId elecLIon
reLurns sLall be submILLed by personal delIvery wILLIn Lwo (2) days Irom
receIpL oI noLIce.
WLen IL appears LLaL any cerLIBcaLIon oI canvass or supporLIn
sLaLemenL oI eacL provInce, cILy oI dIsLrIcL, appears Lo be IncompleLe, LLe
BenaLe FresIdenL or LLe CLaIrman oI LLe CommIssIon, as LLe case may be,
sLall requIre LLe board oI canvassers concerned Lo LransmIL by personal
delIvery, LLe elecLIon reLurns Irom pollIn places LLaL were noL Included
In LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and supporLIn sLaLemenLs. BaId elecLIon
reLurns sLall be submILLed by personal delIvery wILLIn Lwo (2) days Irom
receIpL oI noLIce.
WLen IL appears LLaL any cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or supporLIn sLaLemenL
oI voLes by cILy/munIcIpalILy or by precIncL bears erasures or alLeraLIon
wLIcL may casL doubL as Lo LLe veracILy oI LLe number oI voLes sLaLed
LereIn and may aIIecL LLe resulL oI LLe elecLIon, upon requesLed oI LLe
presIdenLIal, vIce - presIdenLIal or senaLorIal candIdaLe concerned or LIs
parLy, Conress or LLe CommIssIon en banc, as LLe case may be sLall , Ior
LLe sole purpose oI verIIyIn LLe acLual LLe voLes as LLey appear In LLe
copIes II LLe elecLIon reLurns submILLed Lo IL.
In case oI any dIscrepancy, IncompleLeness, erasure or alLeraLIon as
menLIoned above, LLe procedure on pre-proclamaLIon conLroversIes sLall
be adopLed and applIed as provIded In BecLIon 17,18,19 and 20.
Any person wLo presenL In evIdence a sImulaLed copy oI an elecLIon
reLurn, cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or sLaLemenL oI voLes, or a prInLed copy oI
an elecLIon reLurn, cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or sLaLemenL oI voLes bearIn a
sImulaLed cerLIBcaLIon or a sImulaLed Imae, sLall be uIlLy oI an elecLIon
oIIense sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas Fambansa El. 881.
.!#eWZe BecLIon 1S oI FepublIc AcL No.7166 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.1S. Fre - proclamaLIon Cases In ElecLIons Ior FresIdenL, VIce-
FresIdenL, BenaLor, and Member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves. - Eor
purpose oI LLe elecLIons Ior presIdenL, vIce - presIdenL, senaLor, and
member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves, no pre-proclamaLIon cases sLall
be allowed on maLLers relaLIn Lo LLe preparaLIon, LransmIssIon, receIpL,
cusLody and apprecIaLIon oI elecLIon reLurns or LLe cerLIBcaLes oI
canvass, as LLe case may be, expecL as provIded Ior In BecLIon 80 LereoI.
However, LLIs does noL preclude LLe auLLorILy oI LLe approprIaLe
canvassIn body moLu propIo or upon wrILLen complaInL oI an InLeresLed
person Lo correcL manIIesL errors In LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or elecLIon
beIore IL.
QuesLIon aIIecLIn LLe composILIon or proceedIns oI LLe board oI
canvassers may be InILIaLed In LLe board or dIrecLly wILL LLe CommIssIon
In accordance wILL BecLIon 19 LereoI.
Any objecLIon on LLe elecLIon reLurn beIore LLe cILy or munIcIpal board oI
canvassers, or LLe munIcIpal cerLIBcaLes oI canvass beIore LLe provIncIal
board oI canvassers or dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers In MeLro ManIla Area,
sLall specIBcally noLIce In LLe mInuLes oI LLeIr respecLIve proceedIn.
.!#e WVe BecLIon 28 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 Is Lereby amended as Iollows:
BEC. 28. CanvassIn by FrovIncIal CILy, DIsLrIcL, and MunIcIpal Eoard oI
Canvassers. - a) TLe CILy or munIcIpal oI board oI canvassers sLall
canvass LLe elecLIon reLurn oI FresIdenL, VIce presIdenL, BenaLor and
Members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and Ior elecLIve provIncIal and
cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals:FrovIded, TLaL LLe reLurns Ior naLIonal
posILIons sLall be canvassed BrsL Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall
prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve
provIncIal oIBcIals, announce LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Ior naLIonal
posILIons In LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy, and LLereaILer, proclaIms LLe elecLed
cILy or munIcIpal oIBcIals, as LLe case may be.
b) TLe cILy board oI canvassers oI cILIes comprIsIn one or more
leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL sLall canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior presIdenL, vIce-
presIdenL, senaLor, members oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve
cILy oIBcIals: FrovIded, TLaL LLe reLurns Ior posILIons sLall be canvassed
BrsL. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, LLe board sLall prepare LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass, oI presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, and senaLor, announce
LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Ior naLIonal posILIons In LLe cILy, and
LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed members oI LLe House oI LLe
FepresenLaLIves and cILy oIBcIals.
c) (1) In LLe MeLro ManIla Area sucL munIcIpalILy comprIsIn a
leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL sLall Lave dIsLrIcL board oI canvass LLe elecLIon reLurn
Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenLs, BenaLor, Members Ior LLe House oI
FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve munIcIpal oIBcIals: FrovIded, TLaL LLe
reLurn Ior naLIonal posILIons sLall be prepare LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass
Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenLs, senaLors, announce LLe resulLs oI LLe
elecLIon Ior naLIonal posILIon In LLe munIcIpalILy, and LLereaILer, proclaIm
LLe elecLed member oI LLe House oI LLe FepresenLaLIves and cILy oIBcIals.
(2) EacL componenL munIcIpalILy In a leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL In LLe MeLro
ManIla Area sLall Lave a munIcIpal board oI canvassers wLIcL sLall
canvass LLe elecLIon reLurns Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, senaLor,
members oI LLe House oI represenLaLIves and elecLIve munIcIpal
oIBcIals: FrovIded, TLaL LLe reLurns Ior naLIonal posILIons sLall be
canvassed BrsL. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior presIdenLs, vIce-presIdenLs, senaLors, and
members oI LLe House oI LLe FepresenLaLIves, announce LLe resulLs oI
LLe elecLIon Ior naLIonal posILIon In LLe munIcIpalILy, and LLereaILer,
proclaIm LLe elecLed munIcIpal oIBcIals.
(8) TLe dIsLrIcL board oI canvassers oI eacL leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL
comprIsIn Lwo munIcIpalILIes In MeLro ManIla area sLall canvass LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass LLe Ior FresIdenL, VIce-FresIdenLs, BenaLor and
Members oI LLe House oI represenLaLIves submILLed by LLe munIcIpal
board oI canvassers oI LLe ComponenL munIcIpalILIes. Upon compleLIon oI
LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare a cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior presIdenL, vIce-
presIdenL, and senaLor, announce LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Ior naLIonal
posILIons In LLe dIsLrIcL, and LLereaILer, proclaIm LLe elecLed member oI
LLe House oI LLe FepresenLaLIves In LLe leIslaLIve dIsLrIcL.
(d) TLe provIncIal board oI canvassers sLall canvass LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass Ior presIdenL, vIce presIdenL, senaLors and members oI LLe
House oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals as well as
plebIscILe resulLs, II any plebIscILe Is conducLed sImulLaneously wILL LLe
same elecLIon, as submILLed by LLe board oI canvassers oI munIcIpalILIes
and componenL cILIes: FrovIded, TLaL LLe reLurns Ior naLIonal posILIon
sLall be canvassed BrsL. Upon compleLIon oI LLe canvass, IL sLall prepare
LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL, and senaLor,
announce LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Ior naLIonal posILIon In LLe provInce,
proclaIm LLe elecLed member oI LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves and
provIncIal oIBcIals as well as LLe plebIscILe resulLs, II any.
In conducLIn LLe canvass oI elecLIon reLurn oI cerLIBcaLes oI canvass, as
LLe case may be, LLe board oI canvassers In a munIcIpalILy, cILy, dIsLrIcL
or provInce sLall projecL eacL elecLIon reLurn or cerLIBcaLe oI canvass on
a wall Irom wLIcL ILs conLenLs sLall be read In order LLaL LLose presenL In
LLe canvassIn canLer may Iollow LLe proress oI LLe canvassIn process
Irom beInnIn Lo end. TLe CommIssIon may uLIlIze LLe approprIaLe
projecLIon equIpmenL Ior LLIs purpose.
ImmedIaLely aILer LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior naLIonal posILIons Is
accomplIsLed, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe Eoard oI Canvassers sLall announce
LLe posLIn oI LLe second copy LLereoI and ILs supporLIn sLaLemenL oI
voLes on a wall wILL suIBcIenL lILLIn wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe
canvassIn cenLer. He sLall LLen proceed Lo do LLe same In LLe presenL In
LLe canvassIn cenLer. WILLouL delay and wLen IeasIble, Le sLall capLure
Imaes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and supporLIn sLaLemenLs oI voLes
usIn a secured daLa capLurIn devIce and LLereaILer, wLIle In LLe
premIses oI LLe canvassIn cenLer, ImmedIaLely prInL LLe daLa so
capLured In LLIrLy (80) copIes. TLe board oI canvassers sLall LLen
auLLenLIcaLes eacL prInLed copy, In LLe presence oI waLcLers and wILLIn
publIc vIew, by closely comparIn LLe same wILL LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass
or sLaLemenL oI voLes, as LLe case may be, posLed on oI LLe wall. II LLe
board Bnds eacL prInLed copy a IaILLIul reproducLIon oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass or sLaLemenL oI voLes, all members LLereoI sLall annoLaLe and
sIn a cerLIBcaLIon Lo LLaL eIIecL on LLe boLLom IronL oI LLe prInLed copy.
EacL cerLIBed prInLed copy sLall be placed In an envelope and
dIsLrIbuLed as LereIn provIded. DesInaLed recIpIenL oI LLe cerLIBed
prInLed copIes may receIve LLeIr copIes aL LLe canvassIn cenLer.
TLe CLaIrman oI LLe board sLall LransmIL LLe dIILal Bles oI LLe
cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and ILs supporLIn sLaLemenL oI voLes usIn a
secured LransmIssIon devIce wILL auLLenLIcaLIon IeaLures Lo LLe secured
LabulaLIon sysLem oI LLe CommIssIon and Lo LLe sysLems oI LLe oLLer
desInaLed recIpIenLs as LereIn provIded.
Any provIsIon oI law Lo LLe conLrary noLwILLsLandIn, any oI LLe
recIpIenLs oI LLe prInL or dIILal copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and
LLe supporLIn sLaLemenLs oI voLes may conducL an unoIBcIal
consolIdaLIon oI voLes and may announce LLe resulL LLereoI Lo LLe publIc.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs secLIon, or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIence and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881.
In addILIon, LLe IollowIn sLall lIkewIse be uIlLy oI an elecLIon oIIence:
(a) Any person wLo remove LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass posLed on LLe wall,
wLeLLer wILLIn or aILer LLe prescrIbed IorLy-eILL (48) Lours oI posLIn,
or deIaces LLe same In any manner,
(b) Any person wLo sImulaLes an acLual cerLIBcaLes oI canvass or
sLaLemenL oI voLes, or a prInL or dIILal copy LLereoI,
(c) Any person wLo sImulaLes LLe cerLIBcaLIon oI a cerLIBcaLe oI canvass
or sLaLemenL oI voLes,
(d) TLe cLaIrman or any member oI LLe board oI canvassers wLo, durIn
LLe prescrIbed perIod oI posLIn, remove LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or ILs
supporLIn sLaLemenL oI voLes Irom LLe wall on wLIcL LLey Lave been
posLed oLLer LLan Ior LLe purpose oI ImmedIaLely LransIerrIn LLem Lo a
more suILable place,
(e) TLe cLaIrman oI any member oI LLe board oI canvassers wLo sIn or
auLLenLIcaLes a prInL oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass or ILs supporLIn
sLaLemenL oI voLes ouLsIde oI LLe pollIn place: and
(I) TLe cLaIrman or any member oI LLe board oI canvassers wLo sIn or
auLLenLIcaLes a prInL wLIcL bears an Imae dIIIerenL Irom LLe cerLIBcaLe
oI canvass or sLaLemenL oI voLes produced aILer counLIn and posLed on
LLe wall.
.!#e iQe BecLIon 29 oI FepublIc AcL No. 7166 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC.29. Number oI CopIes oI CerLIBcaLe oI Canvass and LLeIr
DIsLrIbuLIon. - a) LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass Ior presIdenL, vIce-presIdenL,
senaLor and member oI LLe Louse oI FepresenLaLIves and elecLIve
provIncIal oIBcIal sLall be prepared In seven copIes by LLe cILy or
munIcIpal board oI canvassers and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be delIvered Lo LLe provIncIal board oI
canvassers Ior use In LLe canvass elecLIon resulLs Ior presIdenL, vIce-
presIdenL, senaLor and member oI LLe House oI represenLaLIves and
elecLIve provIncIal oIBcIals:
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe
canvassIn cenLer
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be kepL by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe Eoard: and
(S) LLe BILL copy sLall be Iven LLe cILIzens' arm desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon Lo conducL a medIa-based unoIBcIal counL, and LLe sIxLL and
sevenLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzen's arm desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon Lo conducL a medIa - based unoIBcIal counL , and LLe sIxLL
and sevenLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe represenLaLIves oI Lwo oI LLe sIx
major polILIcal parLIes In accordance wILL LLe volunLary areemenL oI LLe
parLIes. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe commIssIon sLall decIde
wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI LLe canvass on
LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI. TLe parLIes
receIvIn LLe cerLIBcaLe sLall Lave oblIaLIon Lo IurnIsL LLe oLLer parLIes
wILL auLLenLIc copIes LLereoI wILL LLe aL leasL possIble delay.
b) TLe cerLIBcaLes oI canvass Ior presIdenL, vIce presIdenL, senaLors
sLall be prepared In seven (7) copIes by LLe cILy boards oI canvassers oI
cILIes comprIsIn one or more leIslaLIve dIsLrIcLs, by provIncIal boards oI
canvassers In LLe MeLro ManIla Area, and dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(1) TLe BrsL copy sLall be senL Lo LLe Conress dIrecLed Lo LLe FresIdenL
oI LLe BenaLe Ior use In LLe canvass oI elecLIon resulLs Ior presIdenL and
(2) TLe second copy sLall be senL Lo LLe CommIssIon Ior use In LLe
canvass oI LLe elecLIon resulLs Ior BenaLors,
(8) TLe LLIrd copy sLall be posLed on a wall wILLIn LLe premIses oI LLe
canvassIn cenLer,
(4) TLe IourLL copy sLall be kepL by LLe CLaIrman oI LLe Eoard, and
(S) TLe BILL copy sLall be Iven Lo LLe cILIzens' s arm desInaLed by LLe
CommIssIon Lo conducL a medIa -based unoIBcIal counL, and LLe sIxLL and
sevenLL copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe represenLaLIves oI Lwo oI LLe sIx
major polILIcal parLIes. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe commIssIon
sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass on LLe basIs oI LLe crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI. TLe
parLIes receIvIn LLe cerLIBcaLes sLall Lave LLe oblIaLIon Lo IurnIsL LLe
oLLer parLIes wILL auLLenLIc copIes LLereoI wILL LLe leasL possIble delay.
TLe oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI canvass posLed on LLe wall sLall be open Ior
publIc vIewIn aL any LIme oI LLe day Ior IorLy -eILL (48) Lours IollowIn
ILs posLIn. Any person may vIew or capLure an Imae oI LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
canvass .AILer LLe prescrIbed perIod Ior posLIn, LLe cLaIrman oI LLe
board oI canvassers sLall collecL LLe posLed cerLIBcaLe oI canvass and
keep LLe same In LIs cusLody Lo be produced Ior Imae or daLa capLurIn
as may be requesLed by any voLer or Ior any lawIul purpose as may be
ordered compeLenL auLLorILy.
ExcepL Ior LLose copIes LLaL are requIred Lo be delIvered, copIes oI
cerLIBcaLes oI canvass may be claImed aL LLe canvassIn cenLer. Any
unclaImed copy sLall be deemed placed In LLe cusLody oI LLe cLaIrman oI
LLe board oI canvassers, wLo sLall produce LLem requesLed by LLe
recIpIenL or wLen ordered by a compeLenL auLLorILy.
TLe LLIrLy (80) cerLIBed prInL copIes oI LLe cerLIBcaLe canvass Ior
naLIonal posILIons sLall be dIsLrIbuLed as Iollows:
(a) TLe BrsL IourLeen (14) copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe IourLeen (14)
accredILed major naLIonal parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary
areemenL amon LLem. II no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe commIssIon
sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes sLall receIve LLe copIes on LLe basIs oI LLe
crILerIa provIded In BecLIon 26 LereoI,
(b) TLe nexL LLree copIes sLall be Iven Lo LLe LLree accredILed major
local parLIes In accordance wILL a volunLary areemenL amon LLem. II
no sucL areemenL Is reacLed, LLe CommIssIon sLall decIde wLIcL parLIes
sLall receIve LLe copIes In LLe basIs oI crILerIa analoous Lo LLe provIded
In BecLIon 26 LereoI,
(c) TLe nexL Bve copIes sLall be Iven Lo naLIonal broadcasL or prInL
medIa enLILIes as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe commIssIon In vIew
oI propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
(d) TLe nexL Lwo copIes sLall be Iven Lo local broadcasL or prInL medIa
enLILles as may be equILably deLermIned by LLe CommIssIon In vIew
propaaLIn LLe copIes Lo LLe wIdesL exLenL possIble,
(e) TLe nexL Iour copIes Lo LLe major cILIzen's arms, IncludIn accredILed
cILIzen' arm, and oLLer non -parLIsan roups or oranIzaLIons enlIsLed by
LLe commIssIon pursuanL Lo secLIon S2(K) oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881,
(I) TLe lasL Lwo copIes Lo be kepL In Ble by LLe cLaIrman oI LLe board oI
canvassers Lo be subsequenLly dIsLrIbuLed as LLe naLIonal board oI
canvassers may dIrecL.
TLe cerLIBed prInL copIes may be claImed aL LLe canvassIn cenLer. Any
unclaImed copy sLall be deemed place In LLe cusLody oI LLe cLaIrman oI
LLe board oI canvassers, wLo sLall produce LLem wLen requesLed by LLe
recIpIenL or wLen ordered by a compeLenL auLLorILy.
TLe commIssIon sLall posL ILs dIILal Bles In ILs websILe Ior LLe publIc Lo
vIew or download aL any LIme oI LLe day. TLe commIssIon sLall maInLaIn
LLe Bles Ior aL leasL LLree years Irom LLe daLe oI posLIn.
Any vIolaLIon oI LLIs secLIon, or ILs perLInenL porLIon, sLall consLILuLe an
elecLIon oIIense and sLall be penalIzed In accordance wILL EaLas
Fambansa El. 881.
.!#e i+ TLe BrsL pararapL oI Bec. S2 oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 Is Lereby
amended Lo read as Iollows:
Bec. S2. Fowers and EuncLIons oI LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons, - In
addILIon Lo LLe powers and IuncLIons conIerred upon IL buy LLe
consLILuLIon LLe commIssIon sLall Lave exclusIve cLare oI LLe
enIorcemenL and admInIsLraLIon oI all laws relaLIve Lo conducL oI
elecLIons Ior LLe purpose oI ensurIn Iree, orderly and LonesL elecLIons,
excepL as oLLerwIse provIded LereIn and sLall.
.!#e iPe BecLIon27 (b) oI FepublIc AcL No. 6646 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
Iollows :
Bec. 27. ElecLIon 0IIenses, ElecLoral BaboLae. - In addILIonal Lo LLe
proLIbILed acLs and elecLIon oIIenses enumeraLed In BecLIon 261 and 262
oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881,as amended, LLe IollowIn sLall be uIlLy oI
an elecLIon oIIense or a specIal elecLIon oIIense Lo be known as eleLoral
(a) x x x
(b) Any person or member oI LLe board oI elecLIon InspecLors or board oI
canvassers wLo Lampers, Increases or decreases LLe voLes receIved by a
candIdaLes In any elecLIon or any member oI LLe board wLo reIuses aILer
proper verIBcaLIon and LearIn ,Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or deducL
sucL Lampered voLes: FrovIded, Lowever, TLaL wLen LLe LamperIn,
Increase or decrease oI voLes or LLe reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes
and /or Lo deducL Lampered Lo deducL Lampered voLes are perpeLraLed on
lare scale or In subsLanLIal numbers, LLe same sLall be consIdered noL as
an ordInary elecLIon oIIense under BecLIon 261 oI LLe omnIbus elecLIon
code. EuL a specIal elecLIon oIIense Lo be known as elecLoral saboLae and
LLe penalLy Lo be Imposed sLall be lIIe ImprIsonmenL.
TLe acL or oIIense commILLed sLall Iall under LLe caLeory oI elecLoral
saboLae In any oI LLe IollowIn InsLances,
(1) WLen LLe LamperIn, Increase and / or decrease oI voLes perpeLraLed
or LLe reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or Lo deducL Lampered voLes,
Is/are commILLed In LLe elecLIon oI a naLIonal elecLIve oIBce wLIcL Is
voLed upon naLIonwIde and LLe LamperIn, Increase and/ or decrease
voLes reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or Lo deducL Lampered voLes,
sLall adversely aIIecL LLe resulLs oI LLe elecLIon Lo LLe saId naLIonal oIBce
Lo LLe exLenL LLaL losIn candIdaLe/s Is /are made Lo appear LLe wInner/s,
(2) Feardless oI LLe elecLIve oIBce Involved, wLen LLe LamperIn,
Increase and/or decrease oI voLes commILLed or LLe reIusal Lo credIL LLe
correcL voLes or Lo deducL Lampered voLes perpeLraLed , Is a accomplIsLed
In a sInle elecLIon documenL or In LLe LransposILIon oI LLe Bure / resulLs
Irom one elecLIon documenL Lo anoLLer and Involved In LLe saId
LamperIn Increase and/or decrease or reIusal Lo credIL correcL voLes or
deducL Lampered voLes exceed Bve LLousand (S,000) voLes, and LLaL LLe
same adversely aIIecLs LLe Lrue resulLs oI LLe elecLIon ,
(8) Any and all oLLer Iorms or LamperIn Increase/s and/ or decrease/s
oI voLes perpeLuaLed or In cases oI reIusal Lo credIL LLe correcL voLes or
deducL LLe Lampered voLes, wLere LLe LoLal voLes Involved exceed Len
LLousand (10,000) voLes,
FrovIded Bnally, TLaL any and all eILLer persons or IndIvIduals
deLermIned Lo be conspIracy or In connIvance wILL LLe members oI LLe
EEIs or E0Cs Involved, sLall be meLed LLe same penalLy oI lIIe
.!#e iWe BecLIon 26S oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 Is Lereby amended Lo read as
BEC. 26S. FrosecuLIon. - TLe CommIssIon sLall, LLrouL ILs duly
auLLorIzed leal oIBcers, Lave LLe power, concurrenL wILL LLe oLLer
prosecuLIn arms oI LLe overnmenL, Lo conducL prelImInary
InvesLIaLIon oI all elecLIon oIIenses punIsLable under LLIs Code, and
prosecuLe LLe same
.!#e iie )RR98R953758?6e - To carry ouL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs AcL, LLe amounL
necessary Ior LLe auLomaLed sysLem sLall be cLared aaInsL LLe Two bIllIon sIx
Lundred mIllIon pesos (2,600,000,000.00) modernIzaLIon Iund In LLe currenL
year's approprIaLIons oI LLe commIssIon. EurLLer, LLe amounL necessary Lo
carry ouL LLe manual sysLem, aL a maxImum oI TLree bIllIon pesos
(8,000,000,000) sLall be cLared aaInsL LLe currenL year's approprIaLIon oI
LLe commIssIon.
TLereaILer, sucL sums as may be necessary Ior LLe conLInuous ImplemenLaLIon
oI LLIs AcL or any parL LLereoI, or LLe applIcaLIon sucL be Included In LLe annual
0eneral ApproprIaLIons AcL.
II LLe saId Iunds sLall noL be Iully uLIlIzed LLe same sLall conLInue Lo be
approprIaLed Ior LLe elecLoral modernIzaLIon as seL IorLL In LLIs AcL and sLall
noL reverL Lo LLe 0eneral Eund.
.!#e iXe .=R393<5D57: #D3A6=e - II, Ior any reason, any secLIon or provIsIon oI
LLIs AcL or any parL LLereoI , or LLe applIcaLIon oI sucL secLIon, provIsIon or
porLIon Is declared InvalId or unconsLILuLIonal, LLe remaInder LLereoI sLall noL
be aIIecLed by sucL declaraLIon.
.!#e ige 1=R=3D5?C #D3A6=e - All laws, presIdenLIal decrees, execuLIve orders,
rules and reulaLIons or parL LLereoI InconsIsLenL wILL LLe provIsIons oI LLIs
AcL are Lereby repealed or modIBed accordInly.
.!#e iYe !BB=E75G57:e - TLIs AcL BLall Lake eIIecL BILeen (1S) days aILer ILs
publIcaLIon In a newspaper oI eneral cIrculaLIon.
b&.! -! L!'!#%) b1e
Bpeaker oI LLe House oI
J)''K L%"")1
FresIdenL oI LLe BenaLe
TLIs AcL wLIcL Is a consolIdaLIon oI BenaLe EIll No. 2281 and House EIll No.
S8S2 was Bnally passed by LLe BenaLe and LLe House oI FepresenLaLIve on
December 7, 2006 and December 19, 2006, respecLIvely.
1&N!1$& Fe
BecreLary 0eneral
House oI FepresenaLIves
&.#)1 2e K)N!.
BecreLary oI BenaLe
Approved: JAN 28, 2007
2"&1%) J)#)F)2)"M)11&K&
FresIdenL oI LLe FLIlIppInes
TLe LawpLIl FrojecL - Arellano Law EoundaLIon
#)F)"") G6e #&J!"!#
EACTB: FursuanL Lo ILs auLLorILy Lo use an AuLomaLed ElecLIon BysLem (AEB) under
FepublIc AcL (FA) No. 8486, as amended by FA No. 9869, or LLe AuLomaLIon Law and
In accordance wILL FA No. 9184, oLLerwIse known as LLe 0overnmenL FrocuremenL
FeIorm AcL, LLe CommIssIon on ElecLIons (C0MELEC) posLed and publIsLed an
InvILaLIon Lo apply Ior elIIbIlILy and Lo bId Ior LLe 2010 Foll AuLomaLIon FrojecL.
June 9, 2009 - LLe Comelec Issued FesoluLIon No. 8608 awardIn LLe conLracL Ior LLe
FrojecL Lo respondenL BmarLmaLIc-TIM. July 10, 2009 - LLe Comelec and BmarLmaLIc-
TIM enLered InLo a ConLracL Ior LLe FrovIsIon oI an AuLomaLed ElecLIon BysLem Ior
LLe May 10, 2010 ByncLronIzed NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons, (AEB ConLracL, Ior
brevILy). TLe conLracL beLween LLe Comelec and BmarLmaLIc-TIM was one oI "lease oI
LLe AEB wILL opLIon Lo purcLase (0TF) LLe oods lIsLed In LLe conLracL." In saId
conLracL, LLe Comelec was Iven unLIl December 81, 2010 wILLIn wLIcL Lo exercIse LLe
C0MELEC Issued a Iew resoluLIons In MarcL 2012 concernIn LLe exLensIon perIod oI
LLe exercIse oI 0TF wILL reards FC0B macLInes and CCB Lardware and soILware
(perIod oI 0TF exLended unLIl MarcL 81, 2012).
TLe Comelec Issued FesoluLIon No. 9878 resolvIn Lo approve LLe Deed oI Bale
beLween LLe C0MELEC and BmarLmaLIc-TIM Lo purcLase LLe laLLer's FC0B macLInes
(Lardware and soILware) Lo be used In LLe upcomIn May 2018 elecLIons and Lo
auLLorIze CLaIrman ErIllanLes Lo sIn LLe Deed oI Bale Ior and on beLalI oI LLe
Comelec. TLe Deed oI Bale was IorLLwILL execuLed.
>> FeLILIoners ArcLbIsLop Eernando F. Capalla, 0mar BolILarIo AlI and Mary Anne L.
Busano pray LLaL a Temporary FesLraInIn 0rder (TF0) be Issued enjoInIn LLe
Comelec Irom purcLasIn LLe FC0B macLInes unLIl aILer Bnal judmenL oI LLe InsLanL
case, a wrIL oI proLIbILIon be Issued aaInsL LLe
Comelec Ior LLe purcLase oI LLese deIecLIve FC0B macLInes, a wrIL oI mandamus be
Issued compellIn LLe Comelec Lo conducL LLe necessary bIddIn Ior LLe equIpmenL
and IacIlILIes wLIcL sLall be used Ior LLe 2018 NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons, and Lo
declare Comelec FesoluLIon Nos. 9876, 9877, and 9878, on LLe purcLase oI FC0B
macLInes, null and voId. FeLILIoners' conLenLIons:
TLe opLIon perIod provIded Ior In LLe AEB conLracL beLween LLe Comelec
and BmarLmaLIc-TIM Lad already lapsed and, LLus, could no loner be exLended,
sucL exLensIon beIn proLIbILed by LLe conLracL,
TLe exLensIon oI LLe opLIon perIod and LLe exercIse oI LLe opLIon wILLouL compeLILIve
publIc bIddIn conLravene LLe provIsIons oI FA 9184,
TLe currenL FC0B macLInes do noL meeL LLe rIorous requIremenLs oI FA 9869 LLaL
LLe sysLem procured musL Lave demonsLraLed capabIlILy and sLould Lave been
successIully used In a prIor elecLoral exercIse Lere or abroad. FeLILIoners submIL LLaL
LLere are InLrInsIc LecLnIcal InBrmILIes as reards LLe FC0B macLInes used durIn
LLe 2010 elecLIons wLIcL rendered IL Incapable Ior IuLure use.
TLe Comelec does noL Lave LLe capabIlILy Lo purcLase and maInLaIn LLe FC0B
macLInes, because oI lack oI LraIned manpower and LecLnIcal experLIse Lo properly
maInLaIn LLe FC0B macLInes, LLus, LLe purcLase Is unIavorable Lo LLe eneral publIc.
(1) wILLIn BmarLmaLIc, Lowever, unIlaLerally exLended LLe same unLIl ILs Bnal
exLensIon on MarcL 81, 2012. TLe Comelec, LLereaILer, accepLed LLe opLIon and
evenLually execuLed a Deed oI Bale InvolvIn saId oods. Now, peLILIoners come beIore
LLe CourL assaIlIn LLe valIdILy oI LLe exLensIon, LLe exercIse oI LLe opLIon and LLe
Deed oI Bale. In lILL oI LLe AEB conLracL, can BmarLmaLIc-TIM unIlaLerally exLend
LLe opLIon perIod? Can LLe Comelec accepL LLe exLensIon? We answer In LLe
aIBrmaLIve. IL Is a basIc rule In LLe InLerpreLaLIon oI conLracLs LLaL an InsLrumenL
musL be consLrued so as Lo Ive eIIecL Lo all LLe provIsIons oI LLe conLracL. In essence,
TLe Comelec dId noL exercIse LLe opLIon LLe perIod sLaLed In LLe above
provIsIon.conLracL musL be read and Laken as a wLole. WLIle LLe conLracL Indeed
specIBcally requIred LLe Comelec Lo noLIIy BmarLmaLIc-TIM oI ILs 0TF LLe subjecL
oods unLIl December 81, 2010, a readIn oI LLe oLLer provIsIons oI LLe AEB conLracL
would sLow LLaL LLe parLIes are Iven LLe rILL Lo amend LLe conLracL wLIcL may
Include LLe perIod wILLIn wLIcL Lo exercIse LLe opLIon. TLere Is, lIkewIse, no
proLIbILIon on LLe exLensIon oI LLe perIod, provIded LLaL LLe conLracL Is sLIll eIIecLIve.
(2) AnoLLer reason posed by peLILIoners Ior LLeIr objecLIon Lo LLe exercIse oI LLe
opLIon and LLe evenLual execuLIon oI LLe MarcL 80, 2012 Deed oI Bale Is LLe exIsLence
oI LLe alleed deIecLs, lILcLes, and InBrmILIes oI LLe subjecL oods. TLe LecLnoloy
provIded by BmarLmaLIc-TIM was noL perIecL, because oI some LecLnIcal problems
LLaL were experIenced durIn LLe 2010 elecLIons. FeLILIoners LereIn doubL LLaL LLe
InLerILy and sancLILy oI LLe balloLs are proLecLed because oI LLese deIecLs.
We do noL aree.
FrIor Lo LLe execuLIon oI LLe Deed oI Bale, LLe Comelec and BmarLmaLIc-TIM Lad
areed LLaL LLe laLLer would underLake Bxes and enLancemenLs Lo LLe Lardware and
soILware Lo make sure LLaL LLe subjecL oods are In workIn condILIon Lo ensure a
Iree, LonesL, and credIble elecLIons. As Iormer CommIssIoner AuusLo C. Laman
admILLed durIn LLe oral arumenLs, LLere are possIble soILware soluLIons Lo LLe
alleed problems on LLe FC0B macLInes and IL Is noL InLerenLly ImpossIble Lo remedy
LLe LecLnIcal problems LLaL Lave been IdenLIBed. WLIle LLere Is skepLIcIsm LLaL
BmarLmaLIc- TIM would be able Lo correcL LLe supposed deIecLs prIor Lo LLe 2018
elecLIons because oI ILs InacLIon durIn LLe Lwo years prIor Lo LLe exercIse oI LLe
opLIon, we aree wILL LLe opInIon oI CLaIrman BIxLo B. ErIllanLes, Jr. LLaL IL Is absurd
Lo expecL BmarLmaLIc-TIM Lo InvesL LIme, money and resources In BxIn LLe FC0B
macLInes Lo LLe specIBcaLIons and requIremenLs oI LLe Comelec wLen prIor Lo LLe
exercIse oI LLe 0TF, LLey do noL Lave LLe assurance Irom LLe Comelec LLaL LLe laLLer
wIll exercIse LLe opLIon Lo buy.
(8) As LLe Comelec Is conIronLed wILL LIme and budeL consLraInLs, and In vIew oI
LLe Comelec's mandaLe Lo ensure Iree, LonesL, and credIble elecLIons, LLe accepLance
oI LLe exLensIon oI LLe opLIon perIod, LLe exercIse oI LLe opLIon, and LLe execuLIon oI
LLe Deed oI Bale, are LLe more prudenL cLoIces avaIlable Lo LLe Comelec Ior a
2018 auLomaLed elecLIons. TLe alleed deIecLs In LLe subjecL oods Lave been
deLermIned and may be correcLed as In IacL Bxes and enLancemenLs Lad been
underLaken by BmarLmaLIc-TIM. FeLILIoners could noL even Ive a plausIble
alLernaLIve Lo ensure LLe conducL oI a successIul 2018 auLomaLed elecLIons, In LLe
evenL LLaL LLe CourL nullIBes LLe Deed oI Bale.
!k$1) !k$1)qq
How many senaLors can I voLe Ior? Can I ask Ior anoLLer balloL II I make a mIsLake?
0MA News 0nlIne compIles LLese IrequenLly asked quesLIons Ior LLe upcomIn May 18
!D=E758? N365E6
*O=? T5DD !D=_6:8? PQ+W <= O=DH^
May 18, 2018 (Monday).
*O8 E3? G87=^
AcLIve reIsLered voLers, meanIn newly-reIsLered voLers and exIsLIn voLers wLo
were able Lo casL LLeIr balloLs In LLe lasL Lwo elecLIons, wIll be allowed Lo voLe.
NoLe: A voLer's reIsLraLIon Is deacLIvaLed wLen Le or sLe IaIls Lo voLe In Lwo (2)
successIve precedIn reular elecLIons. In LLIs case, II you were unable Lo voLe durIn
LLe 2010 Earanay ElecLIons, and LLe 2010 NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons, you are now
consIdered a deacLIvaLed voLer wLo sLould Lave Bled Ior reacLIvaLIon durIn LLe
reIsLraLIon perIod.
48T I3?: E3?H5H37=6 3I % 6ARR86=H 78 G87= B89^
0n LLe naLIonal level, you are allowed Lo voLe Ior up Lo 12 senaLorIal candIdaLes and
one (1) parLy-lIsL roup.
Eor LLe local posILIons In cILIes/munIcIpalILIes, you may cLoose one (1)
represenLaLIve/conressman, one (1) mayor, one vIce mayor, and LLe alloLLed number
oI councIlors.
Eor LLose In LLe provInces, you wIll also eL Lo voLe Ior a overnor, a vIce overnor, and
provIncIal board members.
EeIore you sLarL sLadIn LLe balloL, revIew LLe number oI candIdaLes you may voLe Ior
In eacL posILIon, wLIcL wIll be IndIcaLed In LLe balloL.
-8 :8A O3G= 3 D567 8B R397:MD567 9=R9=6=?7375G=6^
ClIck LLIs lInk Ior Comelec's lIsL oI parLy-lIsLs and LLeIr respecLIve
*O=9= E3? % >?H 3 63IRD= <3DD87^
Here's a lInk Lo sample balloLs provIded by Comelec: LLLp:// BelecL
your precIncL Lo eL a specIBc balloL LemplaLe.
*O=9= E3? % >?H 7O= H=735D6 8B I: =D=E758? 9=C56793758?^
You may use Comelec's FrecIncL EInder Lo eL your elecLIon reIsLraLIon
*O37 75I= T5DD G875?C R9=E5?E76 <= 8R=?^
ClusLered precIncLs wIll open aL 7 AM and lasL LIll 7 FM. 0o Lo your pollIn place early
as eacL clusLered precIncL may serve as many as 1000 voLers.
48T H8 % >?H I: 3665C?=H R9=E5?E7^
CLeck LLe C0MELE websILe's FrecIncL EInder aL LLLp:// TLe
Comelec also encouraes reIsLered voLers Lo conBrm LLeIr sLaLus and precIncLs wILL
LLeIr respecLIve local oIBces.
You can also use 0MA News' FrecIncL EInder: www.manews.Lv/e18precIncLBnder.
TLe VoLer's InIormaLIon and InsLrucLIon BLeeL (VIIB) also sLaLes LLe voLer's assIned
*O8 39= 5? EO39C= 8B 7O= G875?C R98E=66 5? 7O= R9=E5?E7^
EacL precIncL/clusLered precIncL Las a Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors (EEI) composed oI
a CLaIrman and Lwo members, one oI wLom sLall be desInaLed as poll clerk.
%6 7O=9= 3?: H5BB=9=?E= <=7T==? 3 R9=E5?E7 3?H 3 EDA67=9=H R9=E5?E7^
A precIncL conLaIns noL more LLan 200 reIsLered voLers. A clusLered precIncL Is one
wLere several precIncLs are joIned LoeLLer and wLose LoLal number oI reIsLered
voLers sLall noL exceed 1000. TLe basIc unIL In LLe 2018 elecLIons Is LLe clusLered
precIncL. Bome oI LLem may Lave abouL Bve precIncLs LoeLLer or IL may Lave more II
precIncLs are small.
%B 3 EDA67=9=H R9=E5?E7 O36 >G= R9=E5?E76 r85?=H 78C=7O=9 T5DD 7O=9= <= >G= F#&.
No, only one (1) FC0B macLIne Is provIded Ior every clusLered precIncL.
*O37 H8 % H8 5B I: ?3I= 56 ?87 8? 7O= G87=96l D567^
Flease proceed Lo any oI LLe desks oI LLe FarIsL FasLoral CouncIl Ior FesponsIble
VoLIn (FFCFV) In your area Lo ask Ior assIsLance. Eor IasLer resulLs, sLow LLem your
%6 57 ?=E=6639: 78 O3G= I: G87=9j6 %- 8? =D=E758? H3:^
No, buL please brIn a valId ID II you Lave one.
*O37 39= E8?65H=9=H 36 G3D5H %-6^
Any overnmenL Issued pLoLo ID Is a valId ID (passporL, lIcense, BBB, 0BIB, FosLal ID,
or BenIor CILIzen's ID.). BLudenLs may use LLeIr scLool IDs. TLose workIn may use
Employee's ID.
% H8?j7 O3G= 3 G3D5H %-e #3? % 675DD G87=^
Yes. II your name Is on LLe lIsL oI voLers, LLe EEI wIll Lave deLaIls derIved Irom LLe
bIomeLrIcs record LLaL can prove your IdenLILy. Also, LLe ElecLIon Day compuLerIzed
voLer's lIsL (EDCVL) wIll be consulLed by EEIs wLere your name, pLoLorapL, and
BnerprInL appear.
II you come Lo your precIncL wILLouL an ID and you sLIll do noL Lave bIomeLrIc
InIormaLIon wILL Comelec, a Iellow reIsLered voLer In LLaL precIncL or even a
member oI LLe EEI can voucL Ior you. TLIs wIll be puL on LLe record, so your name as
a voLer wIll Lave LLaL annoLaLIon LLaL you were IdenLIBed by anoLLer reIsLered voLer
In LLe precIncL.
#3? % <95?C @_8H5C8o 5?65H= 7O= G875?C 39=3^
Yes. To save LIme, voLers are encouraed Lo brIn a sLeeL oI paper wILL a lIsL oI LLeIr
selecLed candIdaLes.
Bample balloLs dIsLrIbuLed by campaIners, Lowever, are noL allowed.
#3? % <95?C I: E=DDRO8?= 5?65H= 7O= G875?C 39=3^
Yes, buL please be advIsed LLaL you are noL allowed Lo use IL wLIle voLIn Ior any
J: E=DDRO8?= T36 E8?>6E37=H <=B89= % =?7=9=H 7O= R9=E5?E7e %6 7O56 D=C3D^
No. You are allowed Lo brIn your cellpLone InsIdes LLe precIncL as lon as you don'L
use IL wLIle voLIn.
#3? % G87= B89 B=T=9 6=?378953D E3?H5H37=6 c E8A?E5D896^ c #3? % D=3G= 3 6=E758?
You can voLe Ior Iewer candIdaLes, e.. sIx InsLead oI 12 senaLors, or jusL LLree InsLead
oI Len councIlors, or leave a secLIon blank II you do noL wIsL Lo voLe Ior any oI LLe
candIdaLes Ior a parLIcular posILIon.
However, you cannoL overvoLe or sLade more cIrcles LLan LLe requIred number Ior
one posILIon e.. 14 senaLors or 12 councIlors or Lwo mayors, II you do LLIs, LLe FC0B
macLIne wIll auLomaLIcally consIder your voLe Ior LLaL posILIon Is consIdered null and
*O37 56 7O= R98R=9 T3: 8B 6O3H5?C 7O= <3DD87^
EIll LLe ovals compleLely Ior LLe FC0B macLIne Lo read IL well. CLecks or Z marks, doLs,
or lInes wIll noL be read by LLe macLIne.
*O37 56 7O= 9=6AD7 5B 7O= 8G3D6 5? 7O= <3DD87 39= ?87 R98R=9D: 6O3H=H^
TLe FC0B macLIne wIll LreaL IL as a balloL wILL ambIuous marks and wIll puL IL ouL
aaIn. In wLIcL case, LLe EEI wIll advIse LLe voLer Lo sLade LLe ovals correcLly so LLaL
LLe balloL wIll be re-Ied InLo LLe FC0B macLIne.
#3? % C=7 3?87O=9 <3DD87 5B % >DD 8?= 8A7 T98?C^
No. 0nly one balloL Is allowed Ior eacL voLer.
*O37 O3RR=?6 5B % 3EE5H=?73DD: RA7 A??=E=6639: I39_6 8? I: <3DD87^
Any unnecessary marks made on LLe balloL, especIally on LLe barcode, wIll make LLe
balloL InvalId. None oI LLe voLes wIll be read by LLe FC0B macLIne.
*5DD 3?:8?= <= 7O=9= 78 366567 R=968?6 T57O H563<5D575=6 SF*-6, 3?H 6=?589
Eoard oI ElecLIon InspecLors may Ive assIsLance Lo FWDs, senIor cILIzens, and
IllILeraLe voLers. FelaLIves oI persons wILL dIsabIlILIes are also allowed Lo aId LLem In
%B 3 <98T?8A7 O3RR=?6 HA95?C G875?C O8A96U E3? 7O= G875?C 675DD R98E==H^
Yes. Every FC0B macLIne Las a baLLery LLaL beLaves lIke a UFB - unInLerrupLed power
supply. WLen a brownouL occurs, LLe baLLery wIll work auLomaLIcally so LLaL voLIn
can conLInue unLIl 7 FM.
*5DD 7O= F#&. <377=9: <= 3<D= 78 R8T=9 7O= 793?6I56658? R98E=66^
Yes. TLe lIIespan oI LLe baLLery Is 16 Lours.
!D=E758? 1=6AD76
%6 7O=9= 3 T3: 78 EO=E_ 7O= 9=6AD76 8B 7O= =D=E758?^
Flease cLeck www.manews.Lv/e18resulLs Ior LLe parLIal-unoIBcIal resulLs.
48T D8?C H8=6 57 73_= <=B89= 7O= F#&. I3EO5?= T5DD <= 9=3H: 78 R95?7 7O= =D=E758?
JusL a Iew mInuLes aILer LLe closure oI voLIn, LLe FC0B macLIne wIll be ready wILL LLe
Bures and LLe BrsL seL oI elecLIon reLurns - eILL Ior naLIonal posILIons and eILL Ior
local posILIons wIll be ready Ior prInLIn by LLe FC0B macLIne.
How wIll LLe publIc know LLe resulLs oI LLe voLIn In a clusLered precIncL II LLere are
only eILL reLurns LLaL would be prInLed?
TLe enLrIes In LLe elecLIon reLurns wIll be read aloud In LLe clusLered precIncL by LLe
EEI so LLaL LLe voLes Ior eacL candIdaLe In LLe clusLered precIncL wIll be known. A copy
oI LLe elecLIon reLurns wIll be posLed ouLsIde LLe pollIn precIncL so LLe publIc may
read IL. TwenLy-Lwo more copIes oI LLe same elecLIon reLurns wIll be prInLed Ior
dIsLrIbuLIon Lo LLe dIIIerenL polILIcal parLIes, LLe FFCFV, oLLer elecLIon waLcLdos and
LLe medIa.
*O=? H8 T= _?8T 7O= 9=6AD76 8B 7O= G875?C 5? 3 EDA67=9=H R9=E5?E7^
TLe resulLs oI voLIn wILLIn a clusLered precIncL may be known as early as an Lour
aILer closure oI voLIn aL 7FM. IL Is LLaL IasL because LLe FC0B macLIne reads, counLs,
and consolIdaLes LLe voLes wLIle LLe voLIn Is LakIn place.
)<8A7 O8T I3?: O8A96 3B7=9 7O= ED86A9= 8B 7O= R8DD6 T5DD T= D=39? 3<8A7 7O=
R98ED3I3758? 8B T5??5?C E3?H5H37=6 5? 3 IA?5E5R3D57:^
EeIore LLe break oI dawn on May 14, a ood number oI munIcIpalILIes may already
Lave LLeIr proclaImed wInnIn candIdaLes.
48T T5DD 793?6R39=?E: 5? 7O= J3: +W !D=E758?6 <= =?6A9=H^
TLe elecLIon reLurns Irom every clusLered precIncL wIll be LransmILLed elecLronIcally
Lo LLree servers: LLe server oI board oI canvassers In a munIcIpalILy/cILy, LLe cenLral
server In Comelec and LLe Lransparency server Ior polILIcal parLIes and medIa. AsIde
Irom LLe elecLronIc LransmIssIon oI LLe elecLIon reLurns, 80 Lard copIes oI LLe elecLIon
reLurns wIll be prInLed Ior dIsLrIbuLIon aL LLe clusLered precIncL venue.
!D=E758? L58D3758?6
)9= E3?H5H37=6 675DD 3DD8T=H 78 E3IR35C? 8? =D=E758? H3:^
No. As Comelec rules sLaLe, IL Is unlawIul Ior candIdaLes Lo campaIn boLL on LLe eve
oI elecLIon day and on LLe day ILselI. Ee wary oI people LandIn ouL sample balloLs,
Iood, or even LLose oIIerIn Iree rIdes Lo and Irom LLe precIncL. TLose acLs are
vIolaLIons oI LLe ElecLIon Law.
#3? E3?H5H37=6 E3IR35C? <=B89= =D=E758? H3:^
No. CampaInIn Is, also, no loner allowed.
*5DD 7O86= TO8 3EE=R7 B9== 95H=6 <= RA?56O=H^
Yes. AccepLIn any kInd oI oIIer Irom a candIdaLe Is noL allowed on elecLIon day.
*5DD 7O86= TO8 3EE=R7 B9== B88H B98I 3 E3?H5H37= 89 7O= E3?H5H37=l6 673BB 8?
=D=E758? H3: <= RA?56O=H^
II LLey reporL LLe vIolaLIon Lo auLLorILIes, LLey won'L eL punIsLed. II a LLIrd parLy
reporLs IL, LLen LLe person wLo accepLed wIll be one oI LLe vIolaLors.
*O=9= E3? T= 9=R897 5DD=C3D E3IR35C?6 8? =D=E758? H3:^
You can reporL IL Lo LLe polIce. EIle a polIce reporL so LLaL IL wIll Lave a record.
*O37 56 7O= R98E=66 8B 9=R8975?C =D=E758? G58D3758?6^
1. Take noLe oI LLe elecLIon oIIense.
2. IdenLIIy LLe oIIender/s.
8. Take noLe oI LLe LIme and place wLere LLe elecLIon oIIense Lappened.
4. Take noLe oI LLe people wLo wILnessed LLe elecLIon oIIense.
S. 0Ive LLe InIormaLIon Lo LLe FolIce FrecIncL so LLaL LLe polIce can Include LLe reporL
In LLe polIce bloLLer.
6. Ask Ior a cerLIBed copy oI LLe FolIce EloLLer EnLry wLIcL sLould conLaIn LLe bloLLer
number, daLe oI enLry and LLe name oI LLe polIceman wLo enLered IL.
7. AILer LLe elecLIon, o back Lo LLe polIce and ask LLem Lo acL on LLe reporL.
)9= 7O=9= 87O=9 7O5?C6 7O37 E3?H5H37=6cT39H D=3H=96 39= R98O5<57=H B98I C5G5?C
G87=96 3?H TO5EO G87=96 39= R98O5<57=H 78 3EE=R7^
Yes. TLese are Iood, drInks, and LLIns oI value. DrInks Include alcoLolIc beveraes,
soILdrInks and LLe lIke.
%6 57 T98?C 78 3EE=R7 B3?6 T57O R5E7A9=6 8B 3 E3?H5H37=^
IL's wron II you accepL LLe Ian on LLe day oI elecLIon or LLe day beIore. IL's okay II LLe
voLer accepLs LLe Ian any day earlIer LLan Lwo days beIore elecLIon because LLIs wIll be
LreaLed as elecLIon propaanda maLerIal.
%6 57 T98?C 78 C5G= 3T3: 63IRD= <3DD876 8? =D=E758? H3:^
Yes, because IL Is consIdered a Iorm oI campaInIn.
*O8 39= 7O= R=968?6 TO8 I3: ?87 =?7=9 7O= R8DD5?C RD3E= =]E=R7 78 G87=^
1. FolIce or any member oI LLe AEF.
However, wLen needed Lo proLecL LLe EEI or LLe elecLIon documenLs, or elecLIon
parapLernalIa, a peace oIBcer or polIce may be deLaIled Lo LLe clusLered precIncL on
wrILLen order oI beIs. EuL LLe peace oIBcers sLay ouLsIde LLe clusLered precIncL buL
near enouL Lo be easIly called.
2. Any armed person or any peace oIBcer belonIn Lo any exLra-leal polIce aency,
specIal Iorces, baranay Lanods, CAE0U, securILy uards or specIal polIcemen
8. Any baranay oIBcIal, elecLed or appoInLed.
*O37 39= 87O=9 =D=E758? 8BB=?6=6^
1. CarryIn oI Brearms/ deadly weapons, unless auLLorIzed In wrILIn by Comelec.
[Bec. 261 (p), (q), (s), oec as amended
2. 0ranIzIn or maInLaInIn reacLIon/ sLrIke Iorces [Bec 261 (u)]
2. Use oI securILy personnel or body uards by candIdaLes wLeLLer reular members
or oIBcers oI FNF, AEF, or any law enIorcemenL aency. [Bec. 261 (L), Bec. 88, FA 7166]
8. Use oI armored land, waLer, or aIrcraIL wILL conLracLIon Lo mounL cannons, macLIne
uns, LIL calIber Brearms. [Bec. 261 (r)]
4. VIolaLIon oI common IosLer areas rule
S. A mass medIa person wLo Is a candIdaLe Ior an elecLIve oIBce wLo reIuses Lo leave oI
absence Irom LIs work and conLInues Lo work as sucL proIessIonal.
6. A person declared a nuIsance candIdaLe by Bnal and execuLory judmenL, and
LLereIore dIsqualIBed Lo run buL conLInues Lo mIsrepresenL LImselI or Lolds LImselI
ouL as a candIdaLe sucL as conLInuIn Lo campaIn LLereaILer. [Bec 27 FA 6646]
AddILIonal vIsIble oIIenses on May 12
1. CampaInIn
2. BellIn, IurnIsLIn, oIIerIn, buyIn, servIn, or LakIn InLoxIcaLIn lIquor [Bec 261
8. 0IvIn, accepLIn Iree LransporLaLIon, Iood, drInks, and LLIns oI value.
AddILIonal vIsIble oIIenses on May 18
1. CampaInIn
2. BellIn, IurnIsLIn, oIIerIn, buyIn, servIn, or LakIn InLoxIcaLIn lIquor [Bec 261
8. 0IvIn, accepLIn Iree LransporLaLIon, Iood, drInks, and LLIns oI value.
4. CarryIn deadly weapons wILLIn LLe proLIbILed area [Bec 261 (p)]
S. VoLIn more LLan once, or In subsLILuLIon Lo anoLLer
6. HoldIn oI IaIrs, cockBLLIn, boxIn, Lorse races, or sImIlar sporLs
7. UnlawIul enLry oI AEF, FNF, baranay oIBcIals, peace oIBcers, eLc. In pollIn places
excepL LLe voLe.
8. 0penIn oI booLs or sLalls Ior mercLandIse or reIresLmenLs wILLIn 80 meLers radIus
Irom pollIn place.
9. To InLerIere wILL, Impede, abscond, Ior purposes oI aIn or Lo prevenL LLe
InsLallaLIon or use oI compuLers and devIces and LLe processIn, sLorae, eneraLIon
and LransmIssIon oI reIsLraLIon daLa or InIormaLIon [Bec 28 FA 9869]
10. To aIn, cause access Lo use alLers, desLroy or dIsclose any compuLer daLa,
proram, sysLem soILware, neLwork, or any compuLer-relaLed devIces, IacIlILIes,
Lardware or equIpmenL, wLeLLer classIBed or declassIBed. (Id)
2J) !D=_6:8? PQ+W #8G=93C=
*5DD 7O= !D=_6:8? PQ+W E8G=93C= <= 359=H 8? 2J) F5?8: $L 3?H 2J) '=T6 $L
S%?7=9?3758?3D EO3??=D,^
Yes, LLe 0MA Eleksyon 2018 coverae wIll aIr lIve on 0MA FInoy TV and 0MA News
TV (InLernaLIonal cLannel). EaL Eulaa, Fyzza Mae BLow and aILernoon soaps wIll sLIll
be aIred on 0MA FInoy TV.
*5DD 7O= !D=_6:8? PQ+W E8G=93C= <= 359=H 8? 2J) "5B= $L^
No, 0MA LIIe TV wIll aIr reular FInoy lIIesLyle prorammIn.
!D=E758? 487D5?=6
S2S-9801, S2S-9802, S2S-988S, S2S-9294, S2S-9296, S2S-9297, S2S-984S, S27-
0821, S27-1892
!D=E758?M9=D37=H G58D=?E=U H567A9<3?E=6U 3?H G58D3758?6
117 or send TZT FNF Lo 2920
S2-FFCFV (S2-77278)
(BmarL) 0989-1102872
(0lobe) 091S-8298882
)EE5H=?76 3?H !I=9C=?E5=6
NA9=3A 8B 059= F987=E758?
117, 729-S166, 410-6819 (FeIonal DIrecLor, InIormaLIon Desk)
186, LLLp://
16211, LLLp://, LLLp://
#3D3I575=6 3?H -56367=96
'-11J# S'3758?3D -56367=9 156_ 1=HAE758? 3?H J3?3C=I=?7 #8A?E5D,
911-1406, 912-266S, 912-S668, 911-1878
!D=E758? 456789:
48T I3?: =D=E758?6 O3G= T= O3H 5? 7O= FO5D5RR5?=6^
Here's LLe lIsL oI LLe pasL elecLIons Leld In LLe counLry: LLLp://
EIrsL elecLIon was a munIcIpal elecLIon In 189S.
In 1898, LLere was an elecLIon Ior members oI LLe lawmakIn body.
In 1899, 1902, 1904, 190S, local elecLIons were Leld.
In 1907, LLe elecLIon Ior LLe members oI LLe FLIlIppIne Assembly Look place.
In 198S, LLe BrsL FresIdenLIal ElecLIon was conducLed.
In 1987, women were allowed Lo voLe Ior LLe BrsL LIme.
[A=6758? 3?H )?6T=9 3<8A7 L87=9 1=C56793758?
1. *O37 56 G87=9 9=C56793758?^
FeIsLraLIon reIers Lo LLe acL oI accomplIsLIn and BlIn oI a sworn applIcaLIon
by a qualIBed voLer beIore LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy, wLere
LLe applIcanL resIdes, and IncludIn LLe record In LLe book oI voLers upon
approval by LLe ElecLIon FeIsLraLIon Eoard.
2. *O: 6O8ADH % 9=C567=9^
Eecause wILLouL reIsLerIn yourselI, you cannoL parLIcIpaLe In an elecLIon by
casLIn your voLe. You also would noL be able Lo run Ior publIc oIBce.
Bee ArL. ZII, Bec. 11S, EaLas FambansaEl. 881
3. *O37 39= 7O= 9=aA59=I=?76 B89 9=C56793758?^
Any EIlIpIno cILIzen wLo Is aL leasL eILLeen years old, and a resIdenL oI LLe
FLIlIppInes Ior one year and oI LLe cILy or munIcIpalILy wLereIn Le proposes Lo
voLe Ior aL leasL sIx monLLs ImmedIaLely precedIn LLe elecLIon may apply Ior
voLer reIsLraLIon. He also musL noL possess any oI LLe dIsqualIBcaLIons as
IndIcaLed In Bec. 11, FepublIc AcL No. 8189.
Bee Bec. 9, FepublIc AcL No. 8189 and ArL. ZII, Bec. 118, EaLas FambansaEl.
4. 48T 8B7=? H8 % ?==H 78 9=C567=9^
Under LLe presenL sysLem oI conLInuIn reIsLraLIon, a qualIBed person needs Lo
reIsLer only once. TLIs reIsLraLIon Is permanenL, unless declared oLLerwIse by
FeIsLerIn more LLan once consLILuLes an elecLIon oIIense.
Bee ArL. ZZII, Bec. 261, par. y, subpar. S, EaLas FambansaEl. 881
5. *O=? 39= 7O= 6EO=HAD=6 B89 9=C56793758?^
Any qualIBed reIsLranL may Ble an applIcaLIon Ior reIsLraLIon on any day unLIl
120 days beIore a reular elecLIon and 90 days beIore a specIal elecLIon.
Bee Becs. 8 and 9, FepublIc AcL No. 8189
6. *O=? 56 7O= 1!2%.$1)$%&' 6EO=HAD= B89 PQ+W N393?C3: 3?H ._ !D=E758?6^
TLe perIod Ior BlIn applIcaLIons Ior reIsLraLIon or LransIer oI reIsLraLIon Ior
LLe 28 0cLober 2018 Earanay and BanunIan KabaLaan ElecLIons wIll be Irom
22 July 2018 (M0N) Lo 81 July 2018 (WED) pursuanL Lo FesoluLIon No.9168.
7. 48T E3? % EO3?C= E5G5D 6737A6 5? 7O= 9=C56793758? 9=E89H 89 7O= G87=9
Any reIsLered voLer wLose name Las been cLaned by reason oI marrIae or
courL order or by order oI LLe CIvIl FeIsLrar or Consul 0eneral may Ble an
applIcaLIon Ior cLane oI name by personally accomplIsLIn copIes oI LLe
applIcaLIon Iorm (CEE-1D ApplIcaLIon Ior CLane). In addILIon, LLe applIcanL
sLall submIL a cerLIBcaLIon by LLe marrIae solemnIzIn oIBcer (Ior MuslIms) or
a cerLIBed Lrue copy oI LLe marrIae conLracL or courL order, or order oI LLe CIvIl
FeIsLrar or Consul 0eneral, as LLe case maybe.
In cases wLere LLe marrIae oI a Iemale reIsLered voLer Las been annulled or
declared a nullILy by compeLenL courL, LLe aIIecLed voLer wLo prevIously
reIsLered usIn Ler Lusband's surname, may requesL Lo cLane Ler name, I.e. Lo
reverL Lo use oI Ler maIden name and cLane oI sInaLure. In supporL oI LLe saId
requesL, LLe applIcanL sLall aLLacL a cerLIBed Lrue copy oI LLe CourLs Bnal
0rder/DecIsIon, annullIn LLe marrIae or declarIn LLe marrIae a nullILy.
Eor IurLLer InIormaLIon reardIn LLIs procedure, please vIsIL LLIs
lInk LLLp://www.comelec.ov.pL/?
8. 48T 78 3RRD: B89 #899=E758? 8B ED=95E3D =9989^
A reIsLered voLer wLose reIsLraLIon record conLaIns IncorrecL enLrIes,
IncludIn wron or mIsspelled name, bIrLL daLe, bIrLL place or LyporapLIcal
errors, may requesL Ior ILs correcLIon. In supporL oI LLe requesL, LLe voLer sLall
aLLacL any evIdence LLaL may warranL ILs correcLIon, I.e. LLe courL order (bIrLL
daLe) or an order oI LLe CIvIl FeIsLrar.
TLe reIsLered voLer sLall Ble an applIcaLIon Ior correcLIon oI enLry/enLrIes by
personally accomplIsLIn copIes oI LLe applIcaLIon Iorm. (CEE-1D ApplIcaLIon Ior
CorrecLIon oI EnLrIes)
II verIBed Irom LLe VFF LLaL LLe error was commILLed upon encodIn oI records,
LLe E0 can correcL LLe reIsLraLIon record oI LLe voLer anyLIme wILLouL LLe
approval oI EFE.
Eor IurLLer InIormaLIon reardIn LLIs procedure, please vIsIL LLIs
lInk LLLp://www.comelec.ov.pL/?
9. *O37 78 H8 3<8A7 793?6B=995?C 8B 9=C567=9^
DurIn reIsLraLIon perIod, any reIsLered voLer wLo Las LransIerred resIdence
Lo anoLLer dIsLrIcL/cILy/ munIcIpalILy, aL leasL sIx (6) monLLs beIore LLe May 18,
2018 ElecLIons, may apply Ior LransIer oI LIs/Ler reIsLraLIon records by
personally appearIn beIore LLe E0 oI LIs new resIdence. He/BLe musL
accomplIsL LLree (8) copIes oI LLe prescrIbed applIcaLIon Iorm (CEE-1E-
ApplIcaLIon Ior TransIer/ApplIcaLIon Ior TransIer wILL FeacLIvaLIon).
Any reIsLered voLer wLo Las cLaned LIs address In LLe same cILy/munIcIpalILy
may apply Ior LransIer oI LIs/Ler reIsLraLIon record Lo LLe precIncL book oI
voLers oI LIs new precIncL by accomplIsLIn CEE-1E (ApplIcaLIon Ior TransIer).
10. %B 9=E89H T36 H=3E75G37=HU O8T E3? 3 G87=9 O3G= 57 9=3E75G37=H 3C35?^
DurIn perIod oI conLInuIn reIsLraLIon, any reIsLered voLer wLose
reIsLraLIon Las been deacLIvaLed based on any oI LLe rounds provIded under
BecLIon 8189 and LLose deacLIvaLed In LLe lasL conLInuIn reIsLraLIon oI voLers
may apply Ior reacLIvaLIon oI LIs reIsLraLIon records by personally
accomplIsLIn In LLree (8) copIes, boLL sIdes oI LLe prescrIbed applIcaLIon
Iorm (CEE-1C ApplIcaLIon Ior FeacLIvaLIon).
[A=6758? 3?H )?6T=9 3<8A7 F9=E5?E7 05?H=9
1. 48T E3? % >?H I: R8DD5?C RD3E= 3?H R9=E5?E7^
2. *O37 56 7O= F9=E5?E7 05?H=9^
3. J: 6737A6 5? F9=E5?7 05?H=9 56 -!)#$%L)$!-U TO: T36 % 3<D= 78 G87= HA95?C
7O= =D=E758?^
TLe daLa used by LLe FrecIncL EInder Is based Irom daLa submILLed by LLe 0IBce
oI LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer, records musL be verIBed by LLe ElecLIon 0IBcer.
4. % 3RRD5=H B89 793?6B=9U TO: 56 57 7O37 I: 9=E89H 5? F9=E5?E7 05?H=9 675DD 6O8T6
I: 8DH 9=C56793758?^
5. *O37 78 H8 5B G87=9 O36 ?8 I5HHD=?3I=^
In cases oI voLers wILLouL mIddle names, a doL . or a LypLen - sLould be Blled
In LLe mIddle name Beld.
6. *O37 56 3 H=3E75G37=H 6737A6^
TLIs sLaLus perLaIns Lo reIsLered voLer wLose reIsLraLIon record Las been
deacLIvaLed based on rounds provIded under BecLIon 27 oI FepublIc AcL
No. 8189. TLe mosL common reason Ior LLe deacLIvaLIon oI a reIsLraLIon record
Is LLe IaIlure oI a reIsLered voLer Lo voLe In Lwo (2) consecuLIve reular
elecLIons, sucL as In boLL LLe 10 May 2010 NaLIonal and Local ElecLIons and LLe
2S 0cLober 2010 Earanay ElecLIons.
VoLers wILL deacLIvaLed sLaLus cannoL voLe and record needs Lo be reacLIvaLed.
7. *O: 56 57 7O37 7O= D8E3758? 8B I: F8DD5?C #=?7=9 5? 7O= F9=E5?E7 05?H=9 J3R
56 ?87 3EEA937=^
8. % E3??87 >?H I: 9=E89H 5? 7O= F9=E5?E7 05?H=9^
[A=6758? 3?H )?6T=9 3<8A7 7O= L87=96 "567
1. #3? E8R5=6 8B 7O= G87=96 D567 <= 9=aA=67=H^
Yes. 0nly requesLs relaLed Lo elecLIon, reIsLraLIon, academIc and researcL
purposes Irom polILIcal parLIes, non-overnmenLal oranIzaLIons (N00s),
scLools, and oLLer non-commercIal roups and IndIvIduals sLall be enLerLaIned.
2. 48T 78 9=aA=67 B89 E8R5=6 8B G87=96 D567^
All requesLs sLall be made In wrILIn and sLall be addressed Lo LLe 0IBce oI LLe
ExecuLIve DIrecLor (0ED), Ior any IurLLer voLers lIsL relaLed InquIry, you may e-
maIl aL LLIs: oedcomelec.ov.pL or you may call aL S27-2990, wLIcL sLall
approve or dIsapprove all requesLs, and wIll be Iorwarded Lo ElecLIon Fecords
and BLaLIsLIcs DeparLmenL (EFBD). TLe leLLer-requesL sLall IndIcaLe LLe
concerned precIncL(s), baranay(s), cILy/munIcIpalILy and provInce oI LLe LIsL
oI VoLers beIn requesLed, and LLe reason Ior sucL requesL. Upon 0ED's approval
oI LLe requesL, LLe EFBD, LLrouL ILs NaLIonal CenLral EIle DIvIsIon (NCED),
sLall deLermIne LLe number oI esLablIsLed precIncLs Involved In LLe requesL and
LLe enLaIlIn cosL oI LLe prInL Ble eneraLIon based on LLe avaIlabIlILy oI daLa,
and sLall cLare LLe requesLIn parLy a processIn Iee.
Bee FesoluLIon No. 96SS Ior IurLLer InIormaLIon.
3. 48T IAEO 56 7O= B== B89 G87=96 D567^
FrocessIn Iee Is FOF+eQQ per esLablIsLed precIncL, plus a cerLIBcaLIon Iee
oI FOFYXeQQ per requesL.
Bee FesoluLIon No. 96SS Ior IurLLer InIormaLIon.
Q Fev. Nardo E. CayaL Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Ior Mayor oI EuuIas,
EenueL Ior LLe May 2004 elecLIons. TLomas FalIlen, anoLLer candIdaLe Ior Mayor
Bled a peLILIon Lo annul/nullIIy LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy and/or Lo dIsqualIIy on LLe
round LLaL CayaL Las been convIcLed oI a crIme InvolvIn moral LurpILude. TwenLy
LLree days beIore LLe elecLIon, CayaL's dIsqualIBcaLIon became Bnal and execuLory. He,
Lowever won and was proclaImed and assumed oIBce. FalIlen Bled an elecLoral
proLesL conLendIn LLaL CayaL was InelIIble Lo run Ior mayor. TLe VIce-Mayor
InLervened and conLended LLaL Le sLould succeed CayaL In case Le Is dIsqualIBed
because FalIlen was only a second placer, Lence, Le cannoL be declared as LLe wInner.
Is LLe conLenLIon oI LLe VIce-Mayor correcL? WLy?
ANB: No, because LLere was no second placer, Lence, FalIlen sLould be proclaImed as
LLe wInner on LLe IollowIn rounds:
EIrsL, LLe C0MELEC's FesoluLIon oI 12 AprIl 2004 cancellIn CayaL's cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy due Lo dIsqualIBcaLIon became Bnal and execuLory on 17 AprIl 2004 wLen
CayaL IaIled Lo pay LLe prescrIbed BlIn Iee. TLus, FalIlen was LLe only candIdaLe Ior
Mayor oI EuuIas, EenueL In LLe 10 May 2004 elecLIons. TwenLy-LLree days beIore LLe
elecLIon day, CayaL was already dIsqualIBed by Bnal judmenL Lo run Ior Mayor In LLe
10 May 2004 elecLIons. As LLe only candIdaLe, FalIlen was noL a second placer. 0n LLe
conLrary, FalIlen was LLe sole and only placer, second Lo none. TLe docLrIne on LLe
rejecLIon oI LLe second placer, wLIcL LrIers LLe rule on successIon, does noL apply In
LLe presenL case because FalIlen Is noL a second-placer buL LLe only placer.
ConsequenLly, FalIlen's proclamaLIon as Mayor oI EuuIas, EenueL Is beyond
Becond, LLere are specIBc requIremenLs Ior LLe applIcaLIon oI LLe docLrIne on LLe
rejecLIon oI LLe second placer. TLe docLrIne wIll apply In Eayacsan's Iavor, reardless oI
LIs InLervenLIon In LLe presenL case, II Lwo condILIons concur: (1) LLe decIsIon on
CayaL's dIsqualIBcaLIon remaIned pendIn on elecLIon day, 10 May 2004, resulLIn In
LLe presence oI Lwo mayoralLy candIdaLes Ior EuuIas, EenueL In LLe elecLIons, and
(2) LLe decIsIon on CayaL's dIsqualIBcaLIon became Bnal only aILer LLe elecLIons. (CayaL
v. C0MELEC, AprIl 27, 2007).
Q IL was conLended LLaL LLe docLrIne oI rejecLIon oI LLe second placer laId down In
Labo v. C0MELEC sLould apply. Is LLe conLenLIon correcL? WLy?
ANB: No. Labo, Jr. v. C0MELEC, wLIcL enuncIaLes LLe docLrIne on LLe rejecLIon oI LLe
second placer, does noL apply because In Labo LLere was no Bnal judmenL oI
dIsqualIBcaLIon beIore LLe elecLIons. TLe docLrIne on LLe rejecLIon oI LLe second placer
was applIed In Labo and a LosL oI oLLer cases because LLe judmenL declarIn LLe
candIdaLe's dIsqualIBcaLIon In Labo and LLe oLLer cases Lad noL become Bnal beIore LLe
elecLIons. Labo and oLLer cases applyIn LLe docLrIne on LLe rejecLIon oI LLe second
placer Lave one common essenLIal condILIon - LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon oI LLe candIdaLe Lad
noL become Bnal beIore LLe elecLIons. TLIs essenLIal condILIon does noL exIsL In LLe
presenL case. (CayaL v. C0MELEC).
Feason In Labo.
In Labo, Labo's dIsqualIBcaLIon became Bnal only on 14 May 1992, LLree days aILer LLe
11 May 1992 elecLIons. 0n elecLIon day ILselI, Labo was sLIll leally a candIdaLe. In LLe
case oI CayaL Le was dIsqualIBed by Bnal judmenL 28 days beIore LLe 10 May 2004
lecLIons. 0n elecLIon day, CayaL was no loner leally a candIdaLe Ior mayor. In sLorL,
CayaL's candIdacy Ior Mayor was leally non-exIsLenL In LLe 10 May 2004 elecLIons.
Q WLaL Is LLe eIIecL II a candIdaLe Is dIsqualIBed by Bnal judmenL? ExplaIn.
ANB: TLe law expressly declares LLaL a candIdaLe dIsqualIBed by Bnal judmenL
beIore an elecLIon cannoL be voLed Ior, and voLes casL Ior LIm sLall noL be counLed. TLIs
Is a mandaLory provIsIon oI law. BecLIon 6 oI FepublIc AcL No. 6646, TLe ElecLoral
FeIorms Law oI 1987, sLaLes:
Any candIdaLe wLo Las been declared by Bnal judmenL Lo be dIsqualIBed sLall noL be
voLed Ior, and LLe voLes casL Ior LIm sLall noL be counLed. II Ior any reason a candIdaLe
Is noL declared by Bnal judmenL beIore an elecLIon Lo be dIsqualIBed and Le Is voLed
Ior and receIves LLe wInnIn number oI voLes In sucL elecLIon, LLe CourL or
CommIssIon sLall conLInue wILL LLe LrIal and LearIn oI LLe acLIon, InquIry, or proLesL
and, upon moLIon oI LLe complaInanL or any InLervenor, may durIn LLe pendency
LLereoI order LLe suspensIon oI LLe proclamaLIon oI sucL candIdaLe wLenever LLe
evIdence oI LIs uIlL Is sLron.
BecLIon 6 oI LLe ElecLoral FeIorms Law oI 1987 covers Lwo sILuaLIons. TLe BrsL Is wLen
LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon becomes Bnal beIore LLe elecLIons, wLIcL Is LLe sILuaLIon covered In
LLe BrsL senLence oI BecLIon 6. TLe second Is wLen LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon becomes Bnal
aILer LLe elecLIons, wLIcL Is LLe sILuaLIon covered In LLe second senLence oI BecLIon 6.
TLe presenL case Ialls under LLe BrsL sILuaLIon. BecLIon 6 oI LLe ElecLoral FeIorms Law
overnIn LLe BrsL sILuaLIon Is caLeorIcal: a candIdaLe dIsqualIBed by Bnal judmenL
beIore an elecLIon cannoL be voLed Ior, and voLes casL Ior LIm sLall noL be counLed. TLe
FesoluLIon dIsqualIIyIn CayaL became Bnal on 17 AprIl 2004, way beIore LLe 10 May
2004 elecLIons. TLereIore, all LLe 8, 164 voLes casL In CayaL's Iavor are sLray. CayaL
was never a candIdaLe In LLe 10 May 2004 elecLIons. FalIlen's proclamaLIon Is proper
because Le was LLe sole and only candIdaLe, second Lo none. (CayaL v. C0MELEC).
Q WLy Is LLe proclamaLIon oI CayaL voId? ExplaIn.
ANB: CayaL's proclamaLIon Is voId because LLe decIsIon dIsqualIIyIn LIm Lad already
become Bnal on 17 AprIl 2004. TLere Is no loner any need Lo ascerLaIn wLeLLer LLere
was acLual knowlede by LLe voLers oI LIs dIsqualIBcaLIon wLen LLey casLed LLeIr voLes
on elecLIon day because LLe law mandaLes LLaL CayaL's voLes "sLall noL be counLed".
TLere Is no dIsenIrancLIsemenL oI LLe voLers. FaLLer, LLe voLers are deemed by law Lo
Lave delIberaLely voLed Ior a non-candIdaLe, and LLus LLeIr voLes are sLray and "sLall
noL be counLed". (CayaL. v. C0MELEC).
Q Is LLe InLervenLIon oI LLe VIce-Mayor proper? WLy?
ANB: No. TLe peLILIon-In-InLervenLIon sLould be rejecLed because LLe docLrIne on LLe
rejecLIon oI LLe second placer does noL apply Lo LLIs case. TLe docLrIne applIes only II
LLe wInnIn candIdaLe's dIsqualIBcaLIon Las noL yeL become Bnal and execuLory beIore
LLe elecLIon. In LLIs case, LLe dIsqualIBcaLIon was Bnal and execuLory beIore LLe
elecLIon, Lence, LLere was no second placer. (CayaL v. C0MELEC).
TLree-Lerm lImIL, even II "as careLaker".
Q Mayor MarIno Morales ran Ior a IourLL Lerm despILe LavIn served Ior LLree (8)
consecuLIve Lerms as Mayor oI MabalacaL, Fampana. In answer Lo a peLILIon Lo cancel
LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, Le alleed LLaL wLIle Le served LIs second Lerm, Le dId IL
as a "careLaker oI LLe oIBce" or as a "de IacLo oIBcer" because Le was suspended by LLe
0mbudsman Irom January 16, 1999 Lo July 1S, 1999 and LLaL LIs proclamaLIon was
declared voId and wLIcL became Bnal and execuLory on AuusL 6, 2001. TLe C0MELEC
declared LIm dIsqualIBed. EeIore LLe Bupreme CourL, Le conLended LLaL LIs second
Lerm Irom July 1, 1999 Lo June 80, 2001 may noL be counLed sInce LIs proclamaLIon
was voId. Is LLe conLenLIon correcL? WLy?
ANB: No, because LIs servIce Irom July 1, 1999 Lo June 80, 2001 was Ior a Iull Lerm,
Lence, LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL rule applIes Lo LIm. TLIs Is especIally so LLaL Le assumed
oIBce. He served as mayor up Lo June 80, 2001. He was mayor Ior LLe enLIre perIod
noLwILLsLandIn LLe decIsIon In LLe elecLoral proLesL case ousLIn LIm as mayor. As
Leld In 0n v. Alere, 0.F. Nos. 16289S and 1688S4, January 28, 2006, 479 BCFA
478, sucL cIrcumsLance does noL consLILuLe an InLerrupLIon In servIn LLe Iull Lerm. In
0n, Le served LLe Iull Lerm even as LLere was a declaraLIon oI IaIlure oI elecLIon.
BecLIon 8, ArLIcle Z oI LLe ConsLILuLIon provIdes LLaL LLe Lerms oI LLe oIBce oI elecLed
local oIBcIals x x x, sLall be LLree years and no sucL oIBcIal sLall serve Ior more LLan
LLree consecuLIve Lerms. x x x
BecLIon 48(b) oI F.A. No. 7160 (LLe Local 0overnmenL Code) clearly provIdes LLaL no
local oIBcIal sLall serve Ior more LLan LLree consecuLIve Lerms In LLe same posILIon.
Morales Las been mayor oI MabalacaL conLInuously wILLouL any break sInce July 1,
199S, Lence, Le Is dIsqualIBed. (FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 167S91 and Dee
v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 170S77, May 6, 2007).
Q ExplaIn LLe reason Ior LLe maxImum Lerm lImIL.
ANB: TLe Iramers oI LLe ConsLILuLIon wanLed Lo esLablIsL some saIeuards aaInsL LLe
excessIve accumulaLIon oI power as a resulL oI consecuLIve Lerms.
As Leld In LaLasa v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 1S4829, December 10, 2008, 417 BCFA 601,
LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL Is an excepLIon Lo LLe people's Ireedom Lo cLoose LLose wLo wIll
overn LLem In order Lo avoId LLe evIl oI a sInle person accumulaLIn excessIve power
over a parLIcular LerrILorIal jurIsdIcLIon as a resulL oI a proloned sLay In LLe same
oIBce. (FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 167S91 and companIon case, May
9, 2007).
Q Is noL LLe case oI Morales sImIlar Lo LLe case oI LonzanIda v C0MELEC? ExplaIn.
ANB: No. In LonzanIda v. C0MELEC, wLIle Le assumed oIBce, Le volunLarIly vacaLed
wLen LLere was a declaraLIon oI IaIlure oI elecLIon. He dId noL Iully serve LLe Lerm,
Lence, Le was qualIBed Lo run Ior a LLIrd Lerm.
TLe dIIIerence beLween LLe case aL bencL and LonzanIda Is aL once apparenL. Eor one,
In LonzanIda, LLe resulL oI LLe mayoralLy elecLIons was declared a nullILy Ior LLe sLaLed
reason oI "IaIlure oI elecLIon", and, as a consequence LLereoI, LLe proclamaLIon oI
LonzanIda as mayor-elecL was nullIBed, Iollowed by an order Ior LIm Lo vacaLe LLe
oIBce oI LLe mayor. Eor anoLLer, LonzanIda dId noL Iully serve LLe 199S-1998 mayoral
Lerm, LLere beIn an InvolunLary severance Irom oIBce as a resulL oI leal processes. In
Bne, LLere was an eIIecLIve InLerrupLIon oI LLe conLInuILy oI servIce.
0n LLe oLLer Land, LLe IaIlure-oI-elecLIon IacLor does noL obLaIn In LLe presenL case. EuL
more ImporLanLly, Lere, LLere was acLually no InLerrupLIon or break In LLe conLInuILy
oI ErancIs' servIce respecLIn LLe 1998-2001 Lerm. UnlIke LonzanIda, ErancIs was
never unseaLed durIn LLe Lerm In quesLIon, Le never ceased dIscLarIn LIs duLIes
and responsIbIlILIes as mayor oI Ban VIcenLe, CamarInes NorLe Ior LLe enLIre perIod
coverIn LLe 1998-2001 Lerm.
InsLead, 0n v. Alere applIes Lo Morales. ErancIs 0n was elecLed and assumed LLe
duLIes oI LLe mayor oI Ban VIcenLe, CamarInes NorLe Ior LLree consecuLIve Lerms. EuL
LIs proclamaLIon as mayor In LLe May 1998 elecLIon was declared voId. As ruled, LIs
servIce Ior LLe Lerm 1998 Lo 2001 Is Ior LLe Iull Lerm. Clearly, LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL rule
applIes Lo LIm. TLere Is no reason wLy LLIs rulIn sLould noL also apply Lo Morales wLo
Is sImIlarly sILuaLed. (FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., May 9, 2007).
Q Morales cILed Eorja v. C0MELEC Lo apply Lo LIm. Is LLIs case applIcable? WLy?
ANB: No, because wILL LLe deaLL oI Mayor Cruz, Capco assumed oIBce as mayor by
vIrLue oI LLe prIncIple oI successIon, Le beIn LLe vIce-mayor. He was noL LLereIore,
elecLed even II Le served LLe resL oI LLe Lerm oI LLe mayor, Lence, LIs assumpLIon oI
LLe oIBce oI LLe mayor upon LLe deaLL oI LLe IncumbenL mayor may noL be rearded as
a Lerm.
BImIlarly, In Adormeo v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 147927, Eebruary 4, 2002, 876 BCFA 90,
IL was Leld LLaL assumpLIon oI LLe oIBce oI mayor In a recall elecLIon Ior LLe remaInIn
Lerm Is noL LLe "Lerm" conLemplaLed under BecLIon 8, ArLIcle Z oI LLe ConsLILuLIon and
BecLIon 48(b) oI F.A. 7160 (LLe Local 0overnmenL Code). TLere was a "break" In LLe
servIce oI LLe mayor. He was a "prIvaLe cILIzen" Ior a LIme beIore runnIn Ior mayor In
LLe recall elecLIons. (FIvera III, e al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 167S91, May 9, 2007).
Q WLaL Is LLe eIIecL II LLe cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy oI a candIdaLe Is cancelled?
ANB: Any candIdaLe wLo Las been declared by Bnal judmenL Lo be dIsqualIBed sLall
noL be voLed Ior, and LLe voLes casL Ior LIm sLall noL be counLed. (Becs. 6 and 7, FA
Any voLe In Iavor oI a person wLo Las noL Bled a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy or In Iavor oI a
candIdaLe Ior an oIBce Ior wLIcL Le dId noL presenL LImselI sLall be consIdered as a
sLray voLe buL IL sLall noL InvalIdaLe LLe wLole balloL. (Bec. 211, 0mnIbus ElecLIon
Morales can noL be consIdered a candIdaLe In LLe May 2004 elecLIons. NoL beIn a
candIdaLe, LLe voLes casL Ior LIm sLould noL be counLed and musL be consIdered sLray
voLes. (FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 167S91, May 9, 2007).
Q IL was conLended LLaL sInce Morales was dIsqualIBed, LLe second placer sLould be
proclaImed as LLe wInner. Is LLe conLenLIon correcL? WLy?
ANB: In Labo v. C0MELEC, LLe CourL Las ruled LLaL a second place candIdaLe cannoL
be proclaImed as a subsLILuLe wInner.
TLe rule Is LLaL, LLe InelIIbIlILy oI a candIdaLe receIvIn majorILy voLes does noL enLILle
LLe elIIble candIdaLe receIvIn LLe nexL LILesL number oI voLes Lo be declared
elecLed. A mInorILy or deIeaLed candIdaLe cannoL be deemed elecLed Lo LLe oIBce.
As a consequence oI InelIIbIlILy, a permanenL vacancy In LLe conLesLed oIBce Las
occurred. TLIs sLould now be Blled by LLe vIce-mayor In accordance wILL Bec. 44 oI LLe
Local 0overnmenL Code. (FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 167S91, May 9,
2007 cILIn Labo v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 10S111, July 8, 1992, 211 BCFA 297).
Q WLaL are LLe requIremenLs wLIcL musL concur Ior LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL Lo apply?
ANB: Eor LLe LLree-Lerm lImIL Lo apply, LLe IollowIn Lwo condILIons musL concur:
1) LLaL LLe oIBcIal concerned Las been elecLed Ior LLree consecuLIve Lerms In LLe
same local overnmenL posL, and
2) LLaL Le Las Iully served LLree consecuLIve Lerms. (LonzanIda v. C0MELEC,
0.F. No. 18849S, BepLember 8, 1998, 29S BCFA 1S7, 0n v. Alere, 479 BCFA 478,
Adormeo v. C0MELEC, 876 BCFA 90, FIvera III, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No.
167S91, May 9, 2007).
EIIecL II LLere Is a LIe.
Q WLaL Is LLe proper procedure Lo be resorLed Lo In case oI a LIe? ExplaIn.
ANB: To resolve LLe LIe, LLere sLall be drawIn oI loLs. WLenever IL sLall appear Irom
LLe canvass LLaL Lwo or more candIdaLes Lave receIved an equal and LILesL number
oI voLes, or In cases wLere Lwo or more candIdaLes are Lo be elecLed Ior LLe same
posILIon and Lwo or more candIdaLes receIved LLe same number oI voLes Ior LLe lasL
place In LLe number Lo be elecLed, LLe board oI canvassers, aILer recordIn LLIs IacL In
ILs mInuLes, sLall by resoluLIon, upon Bve days noLIce Lo all LLe LIed candIdaLes, Lold a
specIal publIc meeLIn aL wLIcL LLe board oI canvassers sLall proceed Lo LLe drawIn oI
loLs oI LLe candIdaLes wLo Lave LIed and sLall proclaIm as elecLed LLe candIdaLes wLo
may Iavored by luck, and LLe candIdaLes so proclaImed sLall Lave LLe rILL Lo assume
oIBce In LLe same manner as II Le Lad been elecLed by pluralILy oI voLes. TLe board oI
canvassers sLall IorLLwILL make a cerLIBcaLe sLaLIn LLe name oI LLe candIdaLe wLo
Lad been Iavored by luck and LIs proclamaLIon on LLe basIs LLereoI.
NoLLIn In LLIs secLIon sLall be consLrued as deprIvIn a candIdaLe oI LIs rILL Lo
conLesL LLe elecLIon. (Bec. 240, EF 881, Tuade v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 171068,
MarcL 2, 2007).
WILLdrawal oI cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy.
Q Hans Foer Bled LIs cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy buL wILLdrew LLe same. He was
subsLILuLed by Joy Luna buL LLe C0MELEC denIed due course Lo Ler cerLIBcaLe on LLe
round LLaL Hans beIn under ae, Le could noL Lave Bled a valId cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy. TLere was, Lowever, no peLILIon Lo deny Hans cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy. DId
LLe C0MELEC acL correcLly? WLy?
ANB: No. TLe C0MELEC acLed wILL rave abuse oI dIscreLIon amounLIn Lo lack or
excess oI jurIsdIcLIon In declarIn LLaL Hans Foer, beIn under ae, could noL be
consIdered Lo Lave Bled a valId cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy and, LLus, could noL be valIdly
subsLILuLed by Luna. TLe C0MELEC may noL, by ILselI, wILLouL LLe proper proceedIns,
deny due course Lo or cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Bled In due Iorm. (CIprIano v.
C0MELEC, 0.F. No. 1S8880, AuusL 10, 2004, 486 BCFA 4S). In BancLez v. Del
FosarIo, LLe CourL ruled LLaL LLe quesLIon oI elIIbIlILy or InelIIbIlILy oI a candIdaLe Ior
non-ae Is beyond LLe usual and proper conIzance oI LLe C0MELEC.
II Hans Foer made a maLerIal mIsrepresenLaLIon as Lo LIs daLe oI bIrLL or ae In LIs
cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, LIs elIIbIlILy may only be Impuned LLrouL a verIBed
peLILIon Lo deny due course Lo or cancel sucL cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy under BecLIon 78
oI LLe ElecLIon Code.
In LLIs case, LLere was no peLILIon Lo deny due courL Lo or cancel LLe cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy oI Hans Foer. TLe C0MELEC only declared LLaL Hans Foer dId noL Ble a
valId cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy and, LLus, was noL a valId candIdaLe In LLe peLILIon Lo
deny due course Lo or cancel Luna's cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy. In eIIecL, LLe C0MELEC,
wILLouL LLe proper proceedIns, cancelled Hans Foer's cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy and
declared LLe subsLILuLIon oI Luna InvalId. (Luna v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 16S988,
AprIl 24, 2007).
Fre-proclamaLIon conLroversy, exLenL oI power oI C0MELEC.
Q WLaL Is LLe exLenL oI LLe power oI LLe C0MELEC In pre-proclamaLIon
conLroversy? ExplaIn.
ANB: IL Is a well-esLablIsLed rule In pre-proclamaLIon cases LLaL LLe Eoard oI
Canvassers Is wILLouL jurIsdIcLIon Lo o beyond wLaL appears on LLe Iace oI LLe
elecLIon reLurn. TLe raLIonale Is LLaL a Iull recepLIon oI evIdence alIunde and LLe
meLIculous examInaLIon oI volumInous elecLIon documenLs would run counLer Lo LLe
summary naLure oI a pre-proclamaLIon conLroversy. However, LLIs rule Is noL wILLouL
any excepLIon. In Lee v. CommIssIon on ElecLIons, IL was Leld LLaL II LLere Is a prIma
IacIe sLowIn LLaL LLe reLurn Is noL enuIne, several enLrIes LavIn been omILLed In LLe
quesLIoned elecLIon reLurn, LLe docLrIne does noL apply. TLe C0MELEC Is LLus noL
powerless Lo deLermIne II LLere Is basIs Ior LLe exclusIon oI LLe quesLIoned reLurns.
(0.F. No. 1S7004, July 4, 2008, 40S BCFA 808, Ewoc, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F.
No. 171882, AprIl 8, 2007).
HandwrILIns Lave only one eneral appearance.
Q May LLe C0MELEC InvalIdaLe cerLaIn balloLs merely on a BndIn LLaL LLe
wrILIns Lave LLe same eneral appearance and pIcLorIal eIIecL? ExplaIn.
ANB: No. 0eneral resemblance Is noL enouL Lo warranL LLe conclusIon LLaL Lwo
wrILIns are by LLe same Land. (BIlverIo v. Clamor, 12S FLIl. 917 (1967)).
In order Lo reacL LLe conclusIon LLaL Lwo wrILIns are by LLe same Land LLere musL
noL only be presenL class cLaracLerIsLIcs buL also IndIvIdual cLaracLerIsLIcs or 'denLs
and scraLcLes' In suIBcIenL quanLILy Lo exclude LLe LLeory oI accIdenLal coIncIdence, Lo
reacL LLe conclusIon LLaL wrILIns are by dIIIerenL Lands we may Bnd numerous
lIkeness In class cLaracLerIsLIcs buL dIverences In IndIvIdual cLaracLerIsLIcs, or we
may Bnd dIverences In boLL, buL LLe dIverence musL be someLLIn more LLan mere
superBcIal dIIIerences. (0sborn's QuesLIoned DocumenLs, p. 244, Delos Feyes v.
C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 170070, Eebruary 28, 2007).
NeILborLood rule.
TLe voLes conLesLed In LLIs appeal are all mIsplaced voLes, I.e., voLes casL Ior a
candIdaLe Ior LLe wron or InexIsLenL oIBce. In apprecIaLIn sucL voLes, LLe C0MELEC
may applIed LLe "neILborLood rule." As used by LLe CourL, LLIs nomenclaLure, loosely
based on a rule oI LLe same name devIsed by LLe House oI FepresenLaLIves ElecLoral
TrIbunal (HFET) In Norales v. Dureza, HFET Case No. 84, June 16, 1989, 1 HFET
Fep. 188), reIers Lo an excepLIon Lo LLe rule on apprecIaLIon oI mIsplaced voLes under
BecLIon 211(19) oI EaLas Fambansa El. 881 (0mnIbus ElecLIon Code) wLIcL provIdes:
Any voLe In Iavor oI a person wLo Las noL Bled a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy or In Iavor oI a
candIdaLe Ior an oIBce Ior wLIcL Le dId noL presenL LImselI sLall be consIdered as a
sLray voLe buL IL sLall noL InvalIdaLe LLe wLole balloL.
BecLIon 211(19) Is meanL Lo avoId conIusIon In LLe mInds oI LLe elecLIon oIBcIals as Lo
LLe candIdaLes acLually voLed Ior and Lo sLave oII any scLemIn desIn Lo IdenLIIy LLe
voLe oI LLe elecLor, LLus deIeaLIn LLe secrecy oI LLe balloL wLIcL Is a cardInal IeaLure
oI our elecLIon laws. (Amurao v. CalanI, 10 FLIl. 847 (19S8)). BecLIon 211(19) also
enIorces BecLIon 19S oI LLe 0mnIbus ElecLIon Code wLIcL provIdes LLaL In preparIn
LLe balloL, eacL voLer musL "Bll LIs balloL by wrILIn In LLe proper place Ior eacL oIBce
LLe name oI LLe IndIvIdual candIdaLe Ior wLom Le desIres Lo voLe."
ExcepLed Irom BecLIon 211(19) are balloLs wILL (1) a eneral mIsplacemenL oI an
enLIre serIes oI names InLended Lo be voLed Ior LLe successIve oIBces appearIn In LLe
balloL (Cordero v. Hon. Moscardon, 217 FLIl. 892 (1984)), (2) a sInle (EarIn v.
0onzales, 1S2 FLIl. S98 (1978)) or double (BarmIenLo v. Quemado, No. L-18027, 29
June 1962, S BCFA 488) mIsplacemenL oI names wLere sucL names were preceded or
Iollowed by LLe LILle oI LLe conLesLed oIBce or wLere LLe voLer wroLe aILer LLe
candIdaLe's name a dIrecLIonal symbol IndIcaLIn LLe correcL oIBce Ior wLIcL LLe
mIsplaced name was InLended (Moya v. Del EIerro, 69 FLIl. 199 (1989)), and (8) a
sInle mIsplacemenL oI a name wrILLen (a) oII-cenLer Irom LLe desInaLed space
(Mandac v. BamonLe, S4 FLIl. 706 (1980)), (b) slILLly underneaLL LLe lIne Ior LLe
conLesLed oIBce (BarmIenLo v. Quemado, No. L-18027, 29 June 1962, S BCFA 488,
Moya v. Del EIerro, 69 FLIl. 199 (1989)), (c) ImmedIaLely above LLe LILle Ior LLe
conLesLed oIBce ((VIllaverL v. EornIer, 84 FLIl. 7S6 (1949)), or (d) In LLe space Ior an
oIBce ImmedIaLely IollowIn LLaL Ior wLIcL LLe candIdaLe presenLed LImselI. ((Abad v.
Co, 0.F. No. 167488, 2S July 2006, 496 BCFA S0S and Eerrer v. CommIssIon on
ElecLIons, 886 FLIl. 481 (2000)). In LLese InsLances, LLe mIsplaced voLes are
neverLLeless credILed Lo LLe candIdaLes Ior LLe oIBce Ior wLIcL LLey presenLed
LLemselves because LLe voLers' InLenLIon Lo so voLe Is clear Irom LLe Iace oI LLe balloLs.
TLIs Is In consonance wILL LLe seLLled docLrIne LLaL balloLs sLould be apprecIaLed wILL
lIberalILy Lo Ive eIIecL Lo LLe voLers' wIll. (Velasco v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 166981,
Eebruary 22, 2007).
Marked balloL.
Q WLen Is a balloL consIdered as marked? ExplaIn.
ANB: In order Ior a balloL Lo be consIdered marked, In LLe sense necessary Lo
InvalIdaLe IL, IL musL appear LLaL LLe voLer desInedly place some superBuous sIn or
mark on LLe balloL wLIcL mILL serve Lo IdenLIIy IL LLereaILer. No balloL sLould be
dIscarded as a marked balloL unless ILs cLaracLer as sucL Is unmIsLakable. TLe
dIsLInuIsLIn mark wLIcL LLe law IorbIds Lo be placed on LLe balloL Is LLaL wLIcL LLe
elecLor may Lave placed wILL LLe InLenLIon oI IacIlILaLIn LLe means oI IdenLIIyIn saId
balloL, Ior LLe purpose oI deIeaLIn LLe secrecy oI suIIrae wLIcL LLe law esLablIsLes.
TLus, marked balloLs are balloLs conLaInIn dIsLInuIsLIn marks, LLe purpose oI
wLIcL Is Lo IdenLIIy LLem. (Ferman v. C0MELEC, eL al. 0.F. No. 174010, Eebruary 8,
2007, TIna, J).
EaIlure oI elecLIon.
Q WLen Is LLere IaIlure oI elecLIon?
ANB: TLere are LLree InsLances wLere a IaIlure oI elecLIons may be declared, LLus:
(a) LLe elecLIon In any pollIn place Las noL been Leld on LLe daLe Bxed on accounL oI
Iorce majeure, vIolence, LerrorIsm, Iraud or oLLer analoous causes,
(b) LLe elecLIon In any pollIn place Las been suspended beIore LLe Lour Bxed by law
Ior LLe closIn oI LLe voLIn on accounL oI Iorce majeure, vIolence, LerrorIsm, Iraud or
oLLer analoous causes, or
(c) aILer LLe voLIn and durIn LLe preparaLIon and LransmIssIon oI LLe elecLIon
reLurns or In LLe cusLody or canvass LLereoI, sucL elecLIon resulLs In a IaIlure Lo elecL
on accounL oI Iorce majeure, vIolence, LerrorIsm, Iraud or oLLer analoous causes.
In all LLree InsLances, LLere Is a resulLIn IaIlure Lo elecL. In LLe BrsL InsLance, LLe
elecLIon Las noL been Leld. In LLe second InsLance, LLe elecLIon Las been suspended. In
LLe LLIrd InsLance, LLe preparaLIon and LLe LransmIssIon oI LLe elecLIon reLurns Ive
rIse Lo LLe consequenL IaIlure Lo elecL, LLe LLIrd InsLance Is InLerpreLed Lo mean LLaL
nobody emered as a wInner. (MuLIlan v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 171248, AprIl 2,
None oI LLe LLree InsLances Is presenL In LLIs case. In LLIs case, LLe elecLIons Look
place. In IacL, prIvaLe respondenL was proclaImed LLe wInner. FeLILIoner conLesLs LLe
resulLs oI LLe elecLIons on LLe rounds oI massIve dIsenIrancLIsemenL, subsLILuLe
voLIn, and IarcIcal and sLaLIsLIcally Improbable resulLs. FeLILIoner allees LLaL no
acLual elecLIon was conducLed because LLe voLers dId noL acLually voLe and LLe balloLs
were Blled up by non-reIsLered voLers.
Q May an InLerlocuLory order oI a C0MELEC DIvIsIon be LLe subjecL oI cerLIorarI Lo
LLe BC? ExplaIn.
ANB: As a rule, No. TLe excepLIon Is In an unusual case wLere LLe peLILIon Ior
cerLIorarI quesLIonIn LLe InLerlocuLory order oI a C0MELEC DIvIsIon was pendIn
beIore LLe BC, LLe maIn case wLIcL was meanwLIle decIded by LLe C0MELEC En Eanc
was lIkewIse elevaLed Lo LLe CourL. TLus, LLere was a sILuaLIon wLere LLe peLILIon Ior
cerLIorarI quesLIonIn LLe InLerlocuLory orders oI LLe C0MELEC DIvIsIon and LLe
peLILIon Ior cerLIorarI and proLIbILIon assaIlIn LLe FesoluLIon oI LLe C0MELEC En
Eanc on LLe maIn case were consolIdaLed. TLe Issues raIsed In LLe peLILIon Ior
cerLIorarI were also raIsed In LLe maIn case and LLereIore LLere was acLually no need
Lo resolve LLe peLILIon assaIlIn LLe InLerlocuLory orders. (Fosal v. C0MELEC, 0.F. No.
1682S8 and 172741, MarcL 16, 2007, BorIano, Jr., eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No.
164496-S0S, AprIl 2, 2007).
TLe eneral rule Is LLaL a decIsIon or an order oI a C0MELEC DIvIsIon cannoL be
elevaLed dIrecLly Lo LLe BupremeCourL LLrouL a specIal cIvIl acLIon Ior cerLIorarI.
EurLLermore, a moLIon Lo reconsIder a decIsIon, resoluLIon, order, or rulIn oI a
C0MELEC DIvIsIon sLall be elevaLed Lo LLe C0MELEC En Eanc. However, a moLIon Lo
reconsIder an InLerlocuLory order oI a C0MELEC DIvIsIon sLall be resolved by LLe
dIvIsIon wLIcL Issued LLe InLerlocuLory order, excepL wLen all LLe members oI LLe
dIvIsIon decIde Lo reIer LLe maLLer Lo LLe C0MELEC En Eanc.
TLus, In eneral, InLerlocuLory orders oI a C0MELEC DIvIsIon are noL appealable, nor
can LLey be proper subjecL oI a peLILIon Ior cerLIorarI. To rule oLLerwIse would noL only
delay LLe dIsposILIon oI cases buL would also unnecessarIly clo LLe CourL dockeL and
unduly burden LLe CourL. TLIs does noL mean LLaL LLe arIeved parLy Is wILLouL
recourse II a C0MELEC DIvIsIon denIes LLe moLIon Ior reconsIderaLIon. TLe arIeved
parLy can sLIll assIn as error LLe InLerlocuLory order II In LLe course oI LLe
proceedIns Le decIdes Lo appeal LLe maIn case Lo LLe C0MELEC En Eanc. TLe
excepLIon enuncIaLed In KLo and Fepol Is wLen LLe InLerlocuLory order oI a C0MELEC
DIvIsIon Is a paLenL nullILy because oI absence oI jurIsdIcLIon Lo Issue LLe InLerlocuLory
order, as wLere a C0MELEC DIvIsIon Issued a Lemporary resLraInIn order wILLouL a
LIme lImIL, wLIcL Is LLe Fepol case, or wLere a C0MELEC DIvIsIon admILLed an answer
wILL counLer-proLesL wLIcL was Bled beyond LLe relemenLary perIod, wLIcL Is LLe
KLo case.
TLe CourL Las already ruled In Feyes v. FTC oI 0rIenLal MIndoro, LLaL "IL Is LLe
decIsIon, order or rulIn oI LLe C0MELEC En Eanc LLaL, In accordance wILL BecLIon 7,
ArL. IZ-A oI LLe ConsLILuLIon, may be brouLL Lo LLe Bupreme CourL on cerLIorarI." TLe
excepLIon provIded In KLo and Fepol Is unavaIlIn In LLIs case because unlIke In KLo
and Fepol, LLe assaIled InLerlocuLory orders oI LLe C0MELEC EIrsL DIvIsIon In LLIs case
are noL a paLenL nullILy. TLe assaIled orders In LLIs case Involve LLe InLerpreLaLIon oI
LLe C0MELEC Fules oI Frocedure. NeILLer wIll LLe Fosal case apply because In LLaL
case LLe peLILIon Ior cerLIorarI quesLIonIn LLe InLerlocuLory orders oI LLe C0MELEC
Becond DIvIsIon and LLe peLILIon Ior cerLIorarI and proLIbILIon assaIlIn LLe FesoluLIon
oI LLe C0MELEC En Eanc on LLe maIn case were already consolIdaLed.
TLe CourL also noLes LLaL LLe C0MELEC EIrsL DIvIsIon Las already Issued an 0rder
daLed 81 May 200S dIsmIssIn LLe proLesLs and counLer-proLesLs In EFC Nos. 2004-86,
2004-87, 2004-88, 2004-89, 2004-40, 2004-41, 2004-42, 2004-48, 2004-44, and
2004-4S Ior IaIlure oI LLe proLesLanLs and proLesLees Lo pay LLe requIred casL deposILs.
TLus, LLe CourL Lave LLIs peculIar sILuaLIon wLere LLe InLerlocuLory order oI LLe
C0MELEC EIrsL DIvIsIon Is pendIn beIore LLe CourL buL LLe maIn case Las already
been dIsmIssed by LLe C0MELEC EIrsL DIvIsIon. TLIs sILuaLIon Is precIsely wLaL LLe
CourL are LryIn Lo avoId by InsIsLIn on sLrIcL complIance oI LLe rule LLaL an
InLerlocuLory order cannoL by ILselI be LLe subjecL oI an appeal or a peLILIon Ior
MIsrepresenLaLIon In a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy, eIIecL.
Q WLen Is mIsrepresenLaLIon In a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy maLerIal? ExplaIn.
ANB: A mIsrepresenLaLIon In a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy Is maLerIal wLen IL reIers Lo a
qualIBcaLIon Ior elecLIve oIBce and aIIecLs LLe candIdaLe's elIIbIlILy. Becond, wLen a
candIdaLe commILs a maLerIal mIsrepresenLaLIon, Le or sLe may be proceeded aaInsL
LLrouL a peLILIon Lo deny due course Lo or cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy under
BecLIon 78, or LLrouL crImInal prosecuLIon under BecLIon 262 Ior vIolaLIon oI BecLIon
74. TLIrd, a mIsrepresenLaLIon oI a non-maLerIal IacL, or a non-maLerIal
mIsrepresenLaLIon, Is noL a round Lo deny due course Lo or cancel a cerLIBcaLe oI
candIdacy under BecLIon 78. In oLLer words, Ior a candIdaLe's cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy
Lo be denIed due course or cancelled by LLe C0MELEC, LLe IacL mIsrepresenLed musL
perLaIn Lo a qualIBcaLIon Ior LLe oIBce souLL by LLe candIdaLe. (Nelson T. Lluz, eL al. v.
C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 172840, June 7, 2007).
Q II a candIdaLe mIsrepresenLs LIs proIessIon, Is Le dIsqualIBed? ExplaIn.
ANB: No. No elecLIve oIBce, noL even LLe oIBce oI LLe FresIdenL oI LLe FepublIc oI LLe
FLIlIppInes, requIres a cerLaIn proIessIon or occupaLIon as a qualIBcaLIon.
FroIessIon or occupaLIon noL beIn a qualIBcaLIon Ior elecLIve oIBce, mIsrepresenLaLIon
oI sucL does noL consLILuLe a maLerIal mIsrepresenLaLIon. CerLaInly, In a sILuaLIon
wLere a candIdaLe mIsrepresenLs LIs or Ler proIessIon or occupaLIon In LLe cerLIBcaLe
oI candIdacy, LLe candIdaLe may noL be dIsqualIBed Irom runnIn Ior oIBce under
BecLIon 78 as LIs or Ler cerLIBcaLe oI candIdacy cannoL be denIed due course or
canceled on sucL round. (Nelson T. Lluz, eL al. v. C0MELEC, eL al., 0.F. No. 172840,
June 7, 2007)

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