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SERVICES AT KNOX - Please join us for our special services this week as we get ready for Easter.

On Maundy Thursday, we remember esus! last supper with his disciples. "e join together for a half hour service at # PM. On $ood %riday at && 'M, we journey with esus to the cross through scripture, song and drama. Easter (unday at &&, we will share the good news that esus is risen from the dead. )ome and join us as we celebrate together*

+ou are encouraged to take share in the (pecial Easter Offering which supports the ongoing ministry and mission of our congregation.
BUS TRIP FOR KNOX Toronto ,lue ays vs the (t. -ouis )ardinals "hen. (aturday, une #, /0&1 2 game time. &.0# p.m. )ost. 341 per person 5includes coach transportation to the game, ticket to the /00 -evel ,ases6%ield -evel ,ases and 7(T8 9epart. :no; )hurch at <.=0 a.m. and return after the game )ontact. "endell 'rcher 5>&<?=0>?&11> or shannon.wendell@rogers.com8 asap as bus and tickets need to be booked Auickly 5minimum of => people up to ma;imum of >B people8 SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY LUNCHEON MAY 4 - -unch will be served after this special worship service. "e need help in preparing sandwiches, assistance with set?up and clean?up. Please contact -ori (peiran at >&<?/#=?1</B. 9onations for this lunch will be divided between the )ancer )are Mission6"ig Coom and the charity choice of Cev. :aren 7orst. NURSERY HELPERS NEEDED! - "e are starting to have more little ones coming to church and it is time to start a rotation schedule again for the nursery. "e need / persons per (unday, and if enough come forward to help, will mean your name would be down only once a month. )ome out and meet the newest members of :no;. %or more information and to add your name the the list, contact ,ev. 7ider at >&<?/#&?1<0< or Ministe ! Cev. Mark $edcke >&<?>#>?44&# or by email at mgedcke@kno; Di e"t# #$ M%si"! (uDanne (trahan O$$i"e A&'inist (t# ! :athy ,aker T e(s% e ! (hannon 'rcher O$$i"e! )*+-,-*-./-/ kno; OFFICE HOURS +('- *0' T%es&(1 t2 #%32 F i&(1

KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A0 i4 */5 ,.*4 **!.. (' Minister. Cev. Mark $edcke Music 9irector 2 (uDanne (trahan

PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP ? Prayer, Meditation and Eisiting PRELUDE: Eariations on a Theme 2 adapted from ,rahms, arr. "arner

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO 6ORSHIP! 5Psalm &&4.&1?&>, &#?&<, /&, /#8 -eader. $od is our strength and our song. $od has become our salvation. People: Hear the glad songs o !od"s #$%tor&' We shall pro%la$( the deeds o o)r !od' -eader. $od has not given us over to death. Open are the gates of life. People: We shall enter the gates o l$ e And g$#e than*s to !od' A44! 7#& 2(s (ns8e e& %s (n& 2(s 9e"#'e #% s(4:(ti#n; 6e 2(:e 9een 3i:en 4i32t (n& 4#:e; He( t2e 34(& s#n3s #$ 7#&<s :i"t# 1! 5 ann )ather "eaver, Touch 7oliness, Cesources for "orship, ed. by Cuth ). 9uck F Maren ). Tirabassi, The Pilgrim Press8 OPENIN7 HYMN! G/&1 'll glory, laud and honour

PRAYER OF ADORATION5 CONFESSION AND THE LORD<S PRAYER! Our %ather who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. $ive us this day our daily bread. %orgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. -ead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. %or thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. 'men

PASSIN7 OF THE PEACE! -eader. The Peace of )hrist be with you Congregat$on: And also +$th &o). ANTHEM! )ome Ciding Hnto This )ity 2 )raig )assils LENTEN READIN7 CHILDREN<S HYMN! G=14 Tell me the stories of esus CHILDREN<S TIME SCRIPTURE READIN7! ohn &=.&?&# SERMON! )are for the )aregivers

LITANY! 5responsive reading8 One. (ervant Messiah, kneeling before the disciplesI A44! 7ene #%s Te("2e 5 8(s2in3 1#% $#44#8e s< $eet; One. (urprising )hrist, e;ercising eAualityI A44! H%'94e R(99i5 '#&e44in3 'inist 1; One. Through your actions, by your words, we know what service isI A44! t2 #%32 1#% 9ein35 91 1#% e=('04e5 8e >n#8 82(t 3i:in3 is; One. "e are not called to be glorifiedI A44! 8e ( e n#t "(44e& t# 9e 2#n#% e&; One. "e are not called to fancy cars or mansionsI A44! t# 4#n3 tit4es (n& 0 #'inent 0#siti#ns; One. "e are not called to power or control. A44! 6e ( e "(44e& t# 2%'94e se :i"e? One. we are called to self?giving loveI A44! 8e ( e "(44e& t# 8(s2 $eet; 5Ted 9odd, &<<=, "orship for 'll (easons HH, ed. by Thomas 7arding F ,ruce 7arding, Jnited )hurch Publishing 7ouse8 HYMN! G//< OFFERIN7 OFFERTORY! Meditation 2 Cobert . Powell esus, esu, fill us with your love

OFFERTORY PRAISE! G BB& "e give thee but thine own 5v& F /8 PRAYER OF DEDICATION 5together8 -ove 9ivine, whose mercies are fresh with the morning and whose grace amaDes us into joy. $rant that, in our worship and in our daily living, we may be deeply aware of the strength of your mercy. Move us to share that strength in the world. 'men 5Terence Elwyn ohnson, Touch 7oliness, Cesources for "orship, ed. by Cuth ). 9uck F Maren ). Tirabassi, The Pilgrim Press8 HYMN! G11B O -ord, hear my prayer 5v & 2 sing twice8 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE CLOSIN7 HYMN! G/&4 7osanna, loud hosanna BENEDICTION POSTLUDE! (ing a Kew (ong 2 9. (chutte, arr. 9.E. "agner

C2% "2 O0enin3 T#&(1! $eorge 7ider C2% "2 O0enin3 Ne=t 6ee>! Tim Pauli Us2e s t2is 8ee>! Tim Pauli, oanne Musgrave, :evin Miller, ,ill %orbes Us2e s ne=t 8ee>! 9ale F -ynn ,ast, 9iane Parker F :aren (avelle 7 eete s t2is 8ee>. Michael F )athy ,achner 7 eete s ne=t 8ee>! Peter F ,ev 9ougall Lenten @ S" i0t% e Re(&e ! ohn "aldie C#$$ee t2is 8ee>! 9ale F -ynn ,ast KNOX SENIOR MENS< 7ROUP - Please join this fun group for lunch at the 'rden Park 7otel. They meet at &/.00 noon the first "ednesday of each month. This is a very informal gathering of friends. %or further information, contact $ord (pandler at >&<?/#=? &#B>. YOUTH 7ROUP - +outh $roup will meet again on (unday, 'pril /#th from B to 4 p.m. in the ,anAuet 7all. Hf you are able to bring a dessert for the gang, please let a youth group leader know.

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