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To / Destinataire From / Expditeur ub$ect / %b$et

Mayor and Members of Council Nancy chepers Deputy City Mana!er "lannin! and #nfrastructure taffin! &nnouncement: Director' (ail #mplementation %ffice

File/N de fichier:

Date: )) &pril *+),

The purpose of this memo is to inform you that after an extensi-e and successful search' # am pleased to announce that Mr. te-en Cripps has accepted the City of %tta/a0s offer to become the ne/ Director of the (ail #mplementation %ffice 1(#%2 to lead the Confederation 3ine pro$ect. &s you are a/are' as (#%0s Director' te-e /ill o-ersee the lar!est capital pro$ect in the history of our city 4 a pro$ect' that once completed' /ill chan!e the face of the Nation0s Capital' shape future !ro/th' and transform public transit and %tta/a0s transportation system for the benefit of current residents and future !enerations. te-e comes to %tta/a from the Ministry of Transportation /ith o-er 5+ years of pro!ressi-e en!ineerin! and mana!ement experience' co-erin! , (e!ional %ffices' 6ead %ffice and 7ueen0s "ar8. 6e is a licensed ci-il en!ineer /ith pro-en mana!erial leadership experience in all facets of hi!h/ay plannin!' desi!n' construction and maintenance. Most recently' he /as Executi-e Director/Chief En!ineer of the MT%9s "ro-incial 6i!h/ays Mana!ement Di-ision. #n this role' te-e dealt extensi-ely /ith alternate pro$ect deli-ery methods' includin! lar!e scale "5s and Desi!n:;uilds. &dditionally' he /as responsible for the fiscal mana!ement of a <5 billion capital bud!et and a <,++ million operatin! bud!et. &s an Executi-e Director /ith MT%' te-e successfully led a lar!e di-ision of the pro-incial transportation a!ency responsible for an <=+ billion hi!h/ay net/or8' includin! %tta/a0s ,)>/,)? hi!h/ays' interchan!es and o-erpasses. 6e also led the @indsor ;order #nitiati-es #mplementation Aroup that /as responsible for the plannin!' en-ironmental appro-als' construction and operations of the <) billion (t. 6on. 6erb Aray "ar8/ay 1formerly the @indsor: Essex "ar8/ay2' /hich is bein! deli-ered throu!h #nfrastructure %ntario0s D;FM/&F" model 4 the same model used for the deli-ery of Confederation 3ine. te-e is /ell 8no/n and respected' both pro-incially and nationally' for his /or8 o-er the years. # belie-e the experience he brin!s to this role /ill be an in-aluable asset to the City as he possesses all of the s8ills and mana!ement expertise reBuired to lead our staff at (#%' to coordinate /ith other City departments' and' perhaps most importantly' to /or8 in partnership /ith (ideau Transit Aroup 1(TA2 to/ard the successful completion of Confederation 3ine.

%n behalf of the City of %tta/a' # /ould li8e to offer a /arm /elcome to te-e. 6e be!ins his ne/ role on &pril *=. # /ill be a-ailable to host meetin!s /ith each Councillor indi-idually 1at your con-enience2 to introduce te-e and to pro-ide an update on Confederation 3ine. My office /ill be contactin! each of you directly to schedule these meetin!s. &s al/ays' if you ha-e any Buestions please feel free to contact me directly. Original signed by: Nancy chepers cc: Executi-e Committee enior Mana!ement Committee Chris /ail' Mana!er' Deputy City Mana!er0s %ffice' "C# 3eslie Donnelly' Deputy City Cler8' City Mana!er0s %ffice 3isa &llaire' Chief' Corporate Communications Michael FitDpatric8' "ro!ram Mana!er' Media (elations and "ublic #nformation

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