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Running head: The Importance of Cyber Security

The Importance of Cyber Security Max Yoon George Mason Uni ersity IT 1!"#$$1 $%$&%1'

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The Importance of Cyber Security

Introduction 0eop*e store information in a** 9inds of p*aces and one of the main p*aces is on the internet. It is stored irtua**y and can be accessed by the person +ho submitted the information. )ut it is not safe and protected on the internet. There are methods to obtain information i**ega**y or cause prob*ems by sending out iruses and other +ays. Cyber security is a +ide*y discussed topic. It is important and affects e eryone because it protects a** 9inds of information. Cyber security ta*9s about the infrastructure of techno*ogy and is used to defend information from arious types of attac9ers that cause cyber +arfare. It +as produced as a so*ution to these 9ind of attac9s but as techno*ogy ad ances it re1uires constant updates to pre ent data from being sto*en on*ine. :ithout Cyber security most data on*ine +ou*d be accessib*e to anyone that has the means to +hether it be i**ega* or *ega*. There are many +ays information can be protected on*ine by either defending the information from attac9ers or reacting after something has happened. Background The main thing that caused the creation of cyber security +as the start of cyber crimes. -ac9ers are peop*e +ho exp*oit and use +ea9nesses in a computer system for arious reason +hether it be to stea* information, corrupt data, or i**ega**y distribute a** 9inds of information. In 1;<' the Counterfeit =ccess >e ice and Computer 3raud and =buse =ct +as created. It +as created as techno*ogy ad anced and found that there +ere +ays of stea*ing information from peop*e. The Counterfeit =ccess >e ice and Computer 3raud and =buse =ct +as the first *egis*ation created at a federa* *e e* that considered obtaining credit or financia* information through a computer a misdemeanor. The creation of this *egis*ation is +hat started the idea of cyber%computer security. =t first not e eryone used this *egis*ation and created statutes simi*ar to it. This *egis*ation ga e notice to cyber crime and as other states *earned ?there +as an organi@ed effort to try to define +hat exact*y constitutes (computer crime(A40su5.

The Importance of Cyber Security Techno*ogy is constant*y gro+ing and e o* ing as years pass. 0eop*e are ab*e to access information more easi*y no+ because of a** of this and it ma9es it easier for peop*e to obtain information i**ega**y and it can cause many prob*ems. There +ere many prob*ems as techno*ogy gre+. In Computer Crime, Gale encyclopedia of American law 4)atten, $!115. >uring the year 1;<B there +as a report that C"#& bi**ion is *ost e ery year due to computer crime 4?Computer CrimeA5. The reasons +hy cyber security became so important is to protect the nation and its peop*e and pre ent these crimes from happening. Cyber security is important as peop*e rea*i@e once information is sto*en and cyber security has gro+n from the past to he*p reduce the amount of cyber crime per year. Potential Benefits


There has to be more focus on cyber security. It needs to be researched more to pre ent a** sorts of i**ega* acti ities. In Ensuring Safety, Security, and Sustainability of Mission-Critical CyberPhysical Systems 4)aner2ee, $!1$5 ?Safety is essentia* gi en the mission critica* dep*oyments of many C0Ss such as in hea*th management and a ionicsA 4p. '5. It it important to pre ent harm any 9ind of harm on peop*e in genera*. Cyber security he*ps 9eep peop*e safe by the use of time other de ote to it and create pre entati e measures +hen something bad happens. Techno*ogy has not 2ust gro+n in computers but a*so for hea*th reasons +hether it be machines in a hospita* or products used in our dai*y *i es. Cyber threats does not pertain to 2ust sto*en information, it can a*so affect peop*eDs *i es. -ac9ers can stop techno*ogy or use it against innocent peop*e and cause many deaths. Cyber threats can be dangerous *i9e ;%11 because it impacted so many peop*e and caused grief and panic in the United States after +hat happened. The go ernment reacted after that to pre ent something terrib*e *i9e from happening again and they made changes to their cyber security. The ERC 4Euc*ear Regu*atory Commission5 ?ordered its nuc*ear po+er p*ant *icensees to enhance their o era** security. The order inc*uded specific re1uirements for addressing certain cyber security threats and u*nerabi*ities.A4ERC5. They made arious changes and determined that cyber attac9s +ou*d be a threat that is necessary to defend against.

The Importance of Cyber Security There are many positi e benefits to increasing cyber security as it +ou*d protect ci i*ians from *etha* danger and *osing pri ate information. Legal and Ethical Issues >e e*oping impro ed cyber security re1uires a *ot of time and effort. In Conducting Cybersecurity esearch !egally and Ethically 4)urstein, $!!<5, the author sho+s the ?difFcu*ty of determining +hich of a *arge set of comp*ex statutes might regu*ate a gi en research pro2ectA4p. 15.


There are obstac*es in the +ay of research for cyber security based off of o*d statutes that +ere created. Gne prob*em is that ?a ariety of federa* and state statutes either prohibit acti ities that +ou*d pro ide cyber security researchers +ith data about rea* systems and rea* attac9ers, or cast such doubt on research acti ities that researchers modify their programs or conduct them +ith a sense of uncertainty as to their *ega*ity.A4p. 15. =n issue +ith cyber security research is that some times there are not *ega* +ays to proceed and that of course is a prob*em +ith the *a+ and causes some set bac9s. There is a*so a *ac9 of trust +ith some researches based on their bac9grounds since some ha e had a dar9 past. = genera* prob*em that cyber security researches stumb*e upon because of *ega* issues is sharing and pub*ishing net+or9 traces. Researchers may fee* ob*igated to share information +ith each other, but it is not *ega* to disc*ose important data or records to other peop*e +ithout consent or an appropriate court order. This *a+ affects co ered ser ice pro iders and they ?may not disc*ose non-content records to any Dgo ernmenta* entityD +ithout consent or the appropriate orderA4p. '5. They can not pro ide information that cou*d potentia**y he*p others de e*op more +hi*e researching about cyber security. -o+e er +hat is stated abo e app*ies to on*y pro iders of communication ser ices to the pub*ic. ?Gthers may disc*ose non#content records.A4p. '5. There are +ays to obtain the information researchers need *ega**y but it is rea**y a situation of ethics if it is o9ay to pub*ish these net+or9 traces. This is 2ust one examp*e of +hat researchers can or need to do in order to gain a*uab*e information and it is not i**ega*. The issue is main*y ethica* and +hat peop*e +ou*d thin9 about it.

The Importance of Cyber Security


Security Concerns The concerns are re*ated to the de e*opment of research as researchers get c*oser to a so*ution. The methods they use can cause issues for companies or peop*e because sometimes it re1uires the use of pri ate information. Researchers can share this information +ith others if they +anted to and that +ou*d be a concern for the o+ner of the information and it +ou*d cause distrust bet+een the researchers and information ho*ders. In Guide to Computer "etwor#ing 4Hi@@a, $!1"5, the author ta*9s about recent security standards. Research is constant*y being de e*oped to he*p combat cyber threat. -e sho+s it by the +or9 put into cyber security is gi en guide*ines +hen its put into use. They ?pro ide security po*icies and procedures that are measured against each other in the same industryA 4p. 1<$5. They fo**o+ the guide*ines gi en to themse* es and sho+ positi e resu*ts. The reason they are compared to others in the same industry is to *earn more from each other and de e*op more +ays to pre ent threat in the future. Social Problems Cyber Security is important as a +ho*e because it pro ides safety to peop*e. There are some genera* ris9s to peop*e as the research can sometime re1uire more effort or the information ac1uired cou*d be shared pub*ic*y e en if it is meant to be used pri ate*y. Some researchers a*so try to a**o+ hac9ers to brea9 in so they can research habits and methods, but it is for the better in most cases as it a**o+s them to impro e or create ne+ +ays to impro e cyber security. Further Research 3urther research is a*+ays necessary for cyber security. =s techno*ogy continues to e o* e so does e eryone e*se inc*uding hac9ers or peop*e +ho create cyber threats. It is necessary to he*p pre ent cyber threats in the future and hopefu**y there +i** be changes in *egis*ation so researches +i** not ha e a big prob*em doing +hat they need to do for their research. If cyber security becomes more recogni@ed

The Importance of Cyber Security

because it is he*pfu* in our dai*y *i es then change +i** occur for the safety of e eryone and *a+s cou*d be changed around. Conclusion G era** cyber security is an important aspect of protection in this +or*d. It is necessary to put more emphasis on research for it and for peop*e to rea*i@e the importance of cyber security. :ith more focus on cyber security it can potentia**y pre ent any ma2or threats from actua**y happening in the future and create some peace.

The Importance of Cyber Security

References 4$!1", March 1'5. Cyber security$ its importance and rele%ance to the modern world. Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!;, from http:%%+++.persona*'$"%/ngpro2%-istory of Computer Crime.xhtm* = research +ebsite that has been updated recent*y in the year $!1". It ta*9s about the history of cyber security and ho+ important it actua**y is. It ta*9s about ma2or acts that ha e been passed in order to combat cyber threats and it a*so describes +hat are cyber threats and the reactions nations ha e against them. It is re*iab*e +ebsite because a** of the information +as researched and cited on the +ebsite. )atten, >. 4$!115.Computer crime$ gale encyclopedia of american law. Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!; Ta*9s about history of *a+s passed do+n in =merica. Gne section of the boo9 is about computer crimes and ho+ it affected the nation in the past. It has statistics about +hat has happened and a record of *a+s passed do+n for many other purposes other than cyber crimes. Re*iab*e source because it is a pub*ished encyc*opedia +ith a *ot of information. 4$!1$, Gctober 1;5. &ac#grounder on cyber security. Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!;. 3rom http:%%ieeexp*!I1;1!Jtag81 It has bac9ground information about cyber security. It is an examp*e of steps some companies or faci*ities ha e ta9en as pre entati e measures for the future. They ta*9 about themse* es main*y to he*p pro ide information and pre ent more cyber threats *i9e ;%11. It is a re*iab*e source that uses information from past e ents and ta*9s about the changes they imp*emented. )aner2ee, =. 4$!1$, Kanuary5. Ensuring safety, security, and sustainability of mission-critical

The Importance of Cyber Security cyberphysical systems. Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!;, 3rom http:%%ieeexp*!I1;1!Jtag81 It is a research paper that +as pub*ished about the security and safety of physica* systems. It pro ides information on issues and some so*utions based off of physica* systems. It a*so inc*udes information about ho+ it is sustainab*e and ensures security itse*f +here e er this information is used. Hi@@a, K. 4$!1"5. Guide to computing. Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!;


It is a textboo9 that has the fundamenta*s to computing. It ta*9s about computer security and the concerns about security. It ta9es in a** the ris9s from computer security. The textboo9 itse*f is a re*iab*e source as it contains asts amount of information and is used in other *ocations. )urnstein, =. 4$!!<5. Conducting cybersecurity research legally and ethically. In =. )urnstein 4/d.5, Retrie ed 3ebruary $', $!!;, 3rom*egacy%e ent%*eet!<%tech%fu**7papers%burstein%burstein.pdf It is a research paper that is concerned about the research of cyber security. It ta*9s about issues researchers ha e +ith the *a+ and +ays to get around it in a +ay. It a*so raises ethica* concerns about +hat the researchers do +ith the information. It is a re*iab*e source as it +as pub*ished by the Uni ersity of Ca*ifornia and pro ides citations for a** of the information the author pro ided.

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