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BrainGate is a brain implant system developed by t e bio!te" "ompany #yber$ineti"s in 200% in "on&'n"tion (it t e )epartment o* Ne'ros"ien"e at Bro(n +niversity, T e devi"e (as desi-ned to elp t ose ( o ave lost "ontrol o* t eir limbs. or ot er bodily *'n"tions. s'" as patients (it amyotrop i" lateral s"lerosis /A0S1 or spinal "ord in&'ry, T e "omp'ter " ip. ( i" is implanted into t e brain. monitors brain a"tivity in t e patient and "onverts t e intention o* t e 'ser into "omp'ter "ommands, #yber$ineti"s des"ribes t at 2s'" appli"ations may in"l'de novel "omm'ni"ations inter*a"es *or motor impaired patients. as (ell as t e monitorin- and treatment o* "ertain diseases ( i" mani*est t emselves in patterns o* brain a"tivity. s'" as epilepsy and depression,2 #'rrently t e " ip 'ses 100 air!t in ele"trodes t at sense t e ele"tro! ma-neti" si-nat're o* ne'rons *irin- in spe"i*i" areas o* t e brain. *or e3ample. t e area t at "ontrols arm movement, T e a"tivities are translated into ele"tri"ally " ar-ed si-nals and are t en sent and de"oded 'sin- a pro-ram. ( i" "an move eit er a roboti" arm or a "omp'ter "'rsor, A""ordin- to t e #yber$ineti"s4 (ebsite. t ree patients ave been implanted (it t e BrainGate system, T e "ompany as "on*irmed t at one patient /Matt Na-le1 as a spinal "ord in&'ry. ( ile anot er as advan"ed A0S, T e remar$able brea$t ro'- o**ers ope t at people ( o are paraly5ed (ill one day be able to independently operate arti*i"ial limbs. "omp'ters or ( eel" airs, T e implant. "alled BrainGate. allo(ed Matt e( Na-le. a 26!year!old

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Massa" 'setts man ( o as been paraly5ed *rom t e ne"$ do(n sin"e 2001. to "ontrol a "'rsor on a s"reen and to open and "lose t e and on a prost eti" limb &'st by t in$inabo't t e relevant a"tions, T e movements (ere is *irst sin"e e (as stabbed *ive years a-o, T e atta"$ severed is spinal "ord, 2T e res'lts old o't t e promise to one day be able to a"tivate limb m's"les (it t ese brain si-nals. e**e"tively restorin- brain to m's"le "ontrol via a p ysi"al nervo's system.2 said 8o n )ono- 'e. dire"tor o* t e brain s"ien"e pro-ram at Bro(n +niversity. R ode Island. and " ie* s"ienti*i" o**i"er o* #yber$ineti"s. t e "ompany be ind t e brain implant, Pro*essor )ono- 'e4s (or$ is p'blis ed today in Nat're, 9e des"ribes o(. a*ter a *e( min'tes spent "alibratin- t e implant. Mr, Na-le "o'ld read emails and play t e "omp'ter -ame Pon-, 9e (as able to dra( "ir"'lar s apes 'sin- a paint pro-ram and "o'ld also " an-e " annel and t'rn 'p t e vol'me on a television. even ( ile tal$in- to people aro'nd im, A*ter several mont s. e "o'ld also operate simple roboti" devi"es s'" as a prost eti" and. ( i" e 'sed to -rasp and move ob&e"ts, In addition to real!time analysis o* ne'ron patterns to relay movement. t e Brain-ate array is also "apable o* re"ordin- ele"tri"al data *or later analysis, A potential 'se o* t is *eat're (o'ld be *or a ne'rolo-ist to st'dy sei5're patterns in a patient (it epilepsy, T e 4BrainGate4 devi"e "an provide paraly5ed or motor!impaired patients a mode o* "omm'ni"ation t ro'- t e translation o* t o'- t into dire"t "omp'ter "ontrol, T e te" nolo-y drivin- t is brea$t ro'- in t e Brain!

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Ma" ine!Inter*a"e *ield

as a myriad o* potential appli"ations. in"l'din- t e

development o* 'man a'-mentation *or military and "ommer"ial p'rposes,

T e Brain-ate Ne'ral Inter*a"e devi"e "onsists o* a tiny " ip "ontainin100 mi"ros"opi" ele"trodes t at is s'r-i"ally implanted in t e brain4s motor "orte3, T e ( ole apparat's is t e si5e o* a baby aspirin, T e " ip "an read si-nals *rom t e motor "orte3. send t at in*ormation to a "omp'ter via "onne"ted (ires. and translate it to "ontrol t e movement o* a "omp'ter "'rsor or a roboti" arm, A""ordin- to )r, 8o n )ona- 'e o* #yber$ineti"s. t ere is pra"ti"ally no trainin- re:'ired to 'se BrainGate be"a'se t e si-nals read by a " ip implanted. *or e3ample. in t e area o* t e motor "orte3 *or arm movement. are t e same si-nals t at (o'ld be sent to t e real arm, A 'ser (it an implanted " ip "an immediately be-in to move a "'rsor (it t o'- t alone, 9o(ever. be"a'se movement "arries a variety o* in*ormation s'" as velo"ity. dire"tion. and a""eleration. t ere are many ne'rons involved in "ontrollin- t at movement, BrainGate is only readin- si-nals *rom an e3tremely small sample o* t ose "ells and. t ere*ore. only re"eivin- a *ra"tion o* t e instr'"tions, ;it o't all o* t e in*ormation. t e initial "ontrol o* a roboti" and may not be as smoot as t e nat'ral

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movement o* a real and, B't (it pra"ti"e. t e 'ser "an re*ine t ose movements 'sinsi-nals *rom only t at sample o* "ells, T e BrainGate te" nolo-y plat*orm (as desi-ned to ta$e advanta-e o* t e *a"t t at many patients (it motor impairment ave an inta"t brain t at "an prod'"e movement "ommands, T is may allo( t e BrainGate system to "reate an o'tp't si-nal dire"tly *rom t e brain. bypassin- t e ro'te t ro'- t e nerves to t e m's"les t at "annot be 'sed in paraly5ed people, Brain-ate is "'rrently re"r'itin- patients (it a ran-e o* ne'rom's"'lar and ne'rode-enerative "onditions *or pilot "lini"al trials in t e +nited States, #yber$ineti"s opes to re*ine t e BrainGate in t e ne3t t(o years to develop a (ireless devi"e t at is "ompletely implantable and doesn4t ave a pl'-. ma$in- it sa*er and less visible, And on"e t e basi"s o* brain mappin- are (or$ed o't t ere is potential *or a (ide variety o* *'rt er appli"ations. S'r-enor e3plains,2I* yo' "o'ld dete"t or predi"t t e onset o* epilepsy. ( i" (o'ld be a '-e t erape'ti" appli"ation *or people ( o ave sei5'res. ( i" leads to t e idea o* a 4pa"ema$er *or t e brain4, So event'ally people may ave t is te" nolo-y in t eir brains and i* somet in- starts to -o (ron- it (ill ta$e a t erape'ti" a"tion, T at "o'ld be available by 200< to 200=,2

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A*ter 10 years o* st'dy and resear" . #yber$ineti"s. a biote" "ompany in ?o3boro. Massa" 'setts. as developed BrainGate in 200%, )r, 8o n )ona- 'e.

dire"tor o* t e brain s"ien"e pro-ram at Bro(n +niversity. R ode Island. and " ie* s"ienti*i" o**i"er o* #yber$ineti"s. t e "ompany be ind t e brain implant. lead t e team to resear" and develop t is brain implant system,


T e BrainGate Ne'ral Inter*a"e System is "'rrently t e s'b&e"t o* a pilot "lini"al trial bein- "ond'"ted 'nder an Investi-ational )evi"e E3emption /I)E1 *rom t e ?)A, T e system is desi-ned to restore *'n"tionality *or a limited. immobile -ro'p o* severely motor!impaired individ'als, It is e3pe"ted t at people 'sin- t e BrainGate System (ill employ a personal "omp'ter as t e -ate(ay to a ran-e o* sel*! dire"ted a"tivities, T ese a"tivities may e3tend beyond typi"al "omp'ter *'n"tions /e,-,. "omm'ni"ation1 to in"l'de t e "ontrol o* ob&e"ts in t e environment s'" telep one. a television and li- ts, T e BrainGate System is based on #yber$ineti"s4 plat*orm te" nolo-y to sense. transmit. analy5e and apply t e lan-'a-e o* ne'rons, T e System "onsists o* a sensor t at is implanted on t e motor "orte3 o* t e brain and a devi"e t at analy5es brain si-nals, T e prin"iple o* operation be ind t e BrainGate System is t at (it inta"t brain *'n"tion. brain si-nals are -enerated even t o'- t ey are not sent to t e arms. ands and le-s, T e si-nals are interpreted and translated into "'rsor movements.
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as a



o**erin- t e 'ser an alternate 2BrainGate pat (ay2 to "ontrol a "omp'ter (it t o'- t. &'st as individ'als ( o ave t e ability to move t eir ands 'se a mo'se,

#yber$ineti"s is *'rt er developin- t e BrainGate System to potentially provide limb movement to people (it severe motor disabilities, T e -oal o* t is development pro-ram (o'ld be to allo( t ese individ'als to one day 'se t eir o(n arms and ands a-ain, 0imb movement developments are "'rrently at t e resear" sta-e and are not available *or 'se (it t e e3istin- BrainGate System, In addition

#yber$ineti"s is developin- prod'"ts to allo( *or roboti" "ontrol. s'" as a t o'- t! "ontrolled ( eel" air, In t e *'t're. t e BrainGate System "o'ld be 'sed by t ose individ'als ( ose in&'ries are less severe, Ne3t -eneration prod'"ts may be able to provide an individ'al (it t e ability to "ontrol devi"es t at allo( breat in-. bladder and bo(el movements,

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ABOUT THE BRAINGATE DEVICE The braingate pil t !e"i#e # n$i$t$ % a Sen$ r % the $i&e % a # nta#t len$' a #able an! pe!e$tal' (hi#h # nne#t$ the #hip t the # )p*ter' a #art (hi#h # n$i$t$ the $ignal pr #e$$ing *nit +

T e BrainGate Ne'ral Inter*a"e )evi"e is a proprietary brain!"omp'ter inter*a"e t at "onsists o* an internal ne'ral si-nal sensor and e3ternal pro"essors t at "onvert ne'ral si-nals into an o'tp't si-nal 'nder t e 'sers o(n "ontrol, T e sensor "onsists o* a tiny " ip smaller t an a baby aspirin. (it one 'ndred ele"trode sensors ea" t inner t an a air t at dete"t brain "ell ele"tri"al a"tivity, T e " ip is implanted on t e s'r*a"e o* t e brain in t e motor "orte3 area t at "ontrols movement, In t e pilot version o* t e devi"e. a "able "onne"ts t e sensor to an e3ternal si-nal pro"essor in a "art t at "ontains "omp'ters, T e "omp'ters translate brain a"tivity and "reate t e "omm'ni"ation o'tp't 'sin- "'stom de"odinso*t(are, Importantly. t e entire BrainGate system (as spe"i*i"ally desi-ned *or "lini"al 'se in 'mans and t 's. its man'*a"t're. assembly and testin- are intended to meet
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'man sa*ety re:'irements, ?ive :'adriple-i"s patients in all are enrolled in t e pilot st'dy. ( i" (as approved by t e +,S, ?ood and )r'- Administration /?)A1, E3istin- te" nolo-y stim'lates m's"le -ro'ps t at "an ma$e an arm move, T e problem S'r-enor and is team *a"ed (as in "reatin- an inp't or "ontrol si-nal, ;it t e ri- t "ontrol si-nal t ey *o'nd t ey "o'ld stim'late t e ri- t m's"le -ro'ps to ma$e arm movement, ,LATFORM TECHNOLOGY Ne'rons are "ells t at 'se a lan-'a-e o* ele"tri"al imp'lses to "omm'ni"ate messa-es *rom t e brain to t e rest o* t e body, At #yber$ineti"s. (e ave t e te" nolo-y to sense. transmit. analy5e and apply t e lan-'a-e o* ne'rons, ;e are developin- prod'"ts to restore *'n"tion. as (ell as to monitor. dete"t. and respond to a variety o* ne'rolo-i"al diseases and disorders, #yber$ineti"s o**ers a systems approa" (it a "ore te" nolo-y to sense. transmit. analy5e and apply t e lan-'a-e o* ne'rons in bot s ort and lon-!term settin-s, O'r plat*orm te" nolo-y is based on t e res'lts o* several years o* resear" and development at premier a"ademi" instit'tions s'" as Bro(n +niversity. t e

Massa" 'setts Instit'te o* Te" nolo-y. Emory +niversity. and t e +niversity o* +ta ,

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SENSE #yber$ineti"s4 'ni:'e te" nolo-y is able to sim'ltaneo'sly sense t e ele"tri"al a"tivity o* many individ'al ne'rons, O'r sensor "onsists o* a sili"on array abo't t e si5e o* a baby aspirin t at "ontains one 'ndred ele"trodes. ea" t inner t an a 'man air, T e array is implanted on t e s'r*a"e o* t e brain, In t e BrainGateA Ne'ral Inter*a"e System. t e array is implanted in t e area o* t e brain responsible *or limb movement, In ot er appli"ations t e array may be implanted in areas o* t e brain responsible *or ot er body pro"esses, TRANSMIT AND ANALY-E T e 'man brain is a s'per "omp'ter (it t e ability to instantaneo'sly pro"ess vast amo'nts o* in*ormation, #yber$ineti"s4 te" nolo-y allo(s *or an e3tensive amo'nt o* ele"tri"al a"tivity data to be transmitted *rom ne'rons in t e brain to "omp'ters *or analysis, In t e "'rrent BrainGateA System. a b'ndle "onsistin- o* one 'ndred -old (ires "onne"ts t e array to a pedestal ( i" e3tends t ro'- t e s"alp, T e pedestal is "onne"ted by an e3ternal "able to a set o* "omp'ters in ( i" t e data "an be stored *or o**!line analysis or analy5ed in real!time, Si-nal pro"essin- so*t(are al-orit ms analy5e t e ele"tri"al a"tivity o* ne'rons and translate it into "ontrol si-nals *or 'se in vario's "omp'ter!based appli"ations,

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A,,LY #yber$ineti"s4 ability to -enerate "ontrol si-nals and develop "omp'ter appli"ation inter*a"es provides 's (it a plat*orm to develop m'ltiple "lini"al prod'"ts, ?or e3ample. 'sin- t e BrainGateA Ne'ral Inter*a"e System. a person may be able to 'se is t o'- ts to "ontrol "'rsor motion andCor repli"ate $eystro$es on a "omp'ter s"reen, In anot er e3ample. a do"tor may st'dy patterns o* brain ele"tri"al a"tivity in patients (it epilepsy be*ore. d'rin- and a*ter sei5'res, IM,LANTING THE CHI, T ere (ill be t(o s'r-eries. one to implant t e BrainGate and one to remove it, Be*ore s'r-ery. t ere (ill be several pre"a'tionary meas'res in order to prevent in*e"tionD patients (ill ave daily bat s (it antimi"robial soap and ta$e

antibioti"s, In addition. MRI s"ans (ill be done to *ind t e best pla"e on t e brain *or t e sensor, +nder sterile "onditions and -eneral anest esia. )o"tor (ill drill a small ole into t e s$'ll and implant t e sensor 'sin- t e same met ods as in t e mon$ey st'dies, Patients (ill re"eive post!s'r-i"al "are in"l'din- a #T s"an. some blood tests. and (o'nd "are in t e ospital *or 1 to 6 days a*ter s'r-ery, A*ter s'r-ery. one o* t e st'dy do"tors (ill see t e patients at least on"e a (ee$ *or si3 (ee$s. t en mont ly and as needed, A n'rse (ill also " e"$ t e patients re-'larly and (ill al(ays "arry a 2>! o'r pa-er, T e s$in aro'nd t e pedestal (ill need to be "are*'lly monitored d'rin- t e st'dy, )etailed instr'"tions (ill be provided so t at t e patientEs daily "are provider "an elp (it s$in "are,

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BRAIN.COM,UTER INTERFACE A brain!"omp'ter inter*a"e /B#I1. sometimes "alled a dire"t ne'ral inter*a"e or a brain!ma" ine inter*a"e. is a dire"t "omm'ni"ation pat (ay bet(een a 'man or animal brain /or brain "ell "'lt're1 and an e3ternal devi"e, In one!(ay B#Is. "omp'ters eit er a""ept "ommands *rom t e brain or send si-nals to it /*or e3ample. to restore vision1 b't not bot , T(o!(ay B#Is (o'ld allo( brains and e3ternal devi"es to e3" an-e in*ormation in bot dire"tions b't ave yet to be s'""ess*'lly implanted in animals or 'mans,In t is de*inition. t e (ord brain means t e brain or nervo's system o* an or-ani" li*e *orm rat er t an t e mind, #omp'ter means any pro"essin- or "omp'tational devi"e. *rom simple "ir"'its to sili"on " ips /in"l'din*'t're te" nolo-ies s'" as :'ant'm "omp'tin-1, Resear" on B#Is be-an in t e 1B<0s. b't it (asn4t 'ntil t e mid! 1BB0s t at t e *irst (or$in- e3perimental implants in 'mans appeared, ?ollo(inyears o* animal e3perimentation. early (or$in- implants in 'mans no( e3ist. desi-ned to restore dama-ed earin-. si- t and movement, T e "ommon t read t ro'- o't t e resear" is t e remar$able "orti"al plasti"ity o* t e brain. ( i" o*ten adapts to B#Is. treatin- prost eses "ontrolled by implants as nat'ral limbs, ;it re"ent advan"es in te" nolo-y and $no(led-e. pioneerin- resear" ers "o'ld no( "on"eivably attempt to prod'"e B#Is t at a'-ment 'man *'n"tions rat er t an simply restorin- t em. ypot eti"al

previo'sly only t e realm o* s"ien"e *i"tion,

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BCI VERSUS NEURO,ROSTHETICS Ne'roprost eti"s is an area o* ne'ros"ien"e "on"erned (it ne'ral prost eses F 'sin- arti*i"ial devi"es to repla"e t e *'n"tion o* impaired nervo's systems or sensory or-ans, T e most (idely 'sed ne'roprost eti" devi"e is t e "o" lear implant. ( i" (as implanted in appro3imately 100.000 people (orld(ide as o* 200@, T ere are also several ne'roprost eti" devi"es t at aim to restore vision. in"l'dinretinal implants. alt o'- t is arti"le only dis"'sses implants dire"tly into t e brain, T e di**eren"es bet(een B#Is and ne'roprost eti"s are mostly in t e (ays t e terms are 'sedG ne'roprost eti"s typi"ally "onne"t t e nervo's system. to a devi"e. ( ereas t e term HB#IsI 's'ally "onne"ts t e brain /or nervo's system1 (it a "omp'ter system, Pra"ti"al ne'roprost eti"s "an be lin$ed to any part o* t e nervo's system. *or e3ample perip eral nerves. ( ile t e term 2B#I2 's'ally desi-nates a narro(er "lass o* systems ( i" inter*a"e (it t e "entral nervo's system, T e terms are sometimes 'sed inter" an-eably and *or -ood reason, Ne'roprost eti"s and B#I see$ to a" ieve t e same aims. s'" as restorin- si- t.

earin-. movement. ability to "omm'ni"ate. and even "o-nitive *'n"tion, Bot 'se similar e3perimental met ods and s'r-i"al te" ni:'es,

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T e sensor o* t e si5e o* a "onta"t lens is implanted in brainEs per"ental -yr's ( i" "ontrol and and arm movements, A tiny (ire "onne"ts t e " ip to a small pedestal se"'red in t e s"'ll, A "able "onne"ts t e pedestal to a "omp'ter, T e brain4s 100bn ne'rons *ire bet(een 20 and 200 times a se"ond ,T e sensor implanted in t e brain senses t ese ele"tri"al si-nals and passes to t e pedestal t ro't e (ire, T e pedestal passes t is si-nals to t e "omp'ter t ro'- t e "able, T e "omp'ter translates t e si-nals into a "omm'ni"ation o'tp't. allo(in- a person to move a "'rsor on a "omp'ter s"reen merely by t in$in- abo't it,

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T e BrainGate Ne'ral Inter*a"e System is bein- desi-ned to one day allo( t e 'ser to inter*a"e (it a "omp'ter andCor ot er devi"es at a level o* speed. a""'ra"y and pre"ision t at is "omparable to. or even *aster t an. ( at is possible (it t e ands o* a non!disabled person, T e BrainGate System may o**er s'bstantial

improvement over e3istin- assistive te" nolo-ies,#'rrently available assistive devi"es ave si-ni*i"ant limitations *or bot t e person in need and t e "are-iver, ?or e3ample. even simple s(it" es m'st be ad&'sted *re:'ently. a pro"ess t at "an be time "ons'min-, In addition. t ese devi"es are o*ten obtr'sive and may prevent t e 'ser *rom bein- able to sim'ltaneo'sly 'se t e devi"e and at t e same time establis eye "onta"t or "arry on "onversations (it ot ers, Potential advanta-es o* t e BrainGate System over ot er m's"le driven or brain!based "omp'ter inter*a"e approa" es in"l'deG its potential to inter*a"e (it a "omp'ter (it o't (ee$s or mont s o* trainin-D its potential to be 'sed in an intera"tive environment. ( ere t e 'ser4s ability to operate t e devi"e is not a**e"ted by t eir spee" . eye movements or ambient noiseD and t e ability to provide si-ni*i"antly more 'se*'lness and 'tility t an ot er approa" es by "onne"tin- dire"tly to t e part o* t e brain t at "ontrols and movement and -est'res,

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T e disadvanta-e o* t e BrainGate System is t at at t is time. ( ile still bein- per*e"ted. t e s(it" es m'st be *re:'enly ad&'sted ( i" is a time "ons'minpro"ess, As t e devi"e is per*e"ted t is (ill not be an iss'e, T ere is also a (orry t at devi"es s'" as t is (ill Hnormali5eI so"iety, T e BrainGate Ne'ral Inter*a"e System as not been approved by t e ?)A. b't as been approved *or I)E stat's. ( i" means t at it as been approved *or pre!mar$et "lini"al trials, T ere are no estimates on "ost or ins'ran"e at t is time,

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T e Ne'roPort System is an ?)A "leared medi"al devi"e intended *or temporary /J %0 days1 re"ordin- and monitorin- o* brain ele"tri"al a"tivity, T e Ne'roPort System is based on #yber$ineti"s4 BrainGate te" nolo-y and "onsists o* t(o parts. t e Ne'roPort #orti"al Mi"roele"trode Array /Ne'roPort Array1 and t e Ne'roPor Ne'ral Si-nal Pro"essor /Ne'roPort NSP1, T e Ne'roPort Array senses a"tion potentials *rom individ'al ne'rons in t e brain, T e Ne'roPort NSP re"ords t ese i- resol'tion si-nals and provides a p ysi"ian (it t e tools to analy5e t em, T e Ne'roPort System is desi-ned *or a"'te inpatient appli"ations and (ill be available d'rin- a limited mar$et release in early 200@, In*ormation obtained *rom t e Ne'roPort System represents a ne( data set *or p ysi"ians t at "o'ld res'lt in t e development o* *'t're prod'"ts t at ave t e potential to dete"t and respond to t e onset o* "ertain ne'rolo-i"al "onditions,

)ept, o* Ele"troni"s 7 #omm'ni"ation





#yber$ineti"s as a vision. #EO Tim S'r-enor e3plained to Gi5ma-. b't it is not promisin- 2mira"le "'res2. or t at :'adriple-i" people (ill be able to (al$ a-ain ! yet, T eir primary -oal is to elp restore many a"tivities o* daily livin- t at are impossible *or paraly5ed people and to provide a plat*orm *or t e development o* a (ide ran-e o* ot er assistive devi"es, #yber$ineti"s opes to re*ine t e BrainGate in t e ne3t t(o years to develop a (ireless devi"e t at is "ompletely implantable and doesn4t ave a pl'-. ma$in- it sa*er and less visible, S'r-enor also sees a time not too *ar o** ( ere normal 'mans are inter*a"in- (it BrainGate te" nolo-y to en an"e t eir relations ip (it t e di-ital (orld ! i* t ey4re (illin- to be implanted,

S"ientists ave *or t e *irst time developed a brain implant t at allo(s people to "ontrol ele"troni" devi"es by t o'- t alone. it emer-ed yesterday, T e remar$able brea$t ro'- o**ers ope t at people ( o are paralysed (ill one day be able to independently operate arti*i"ial limbs. "omp'ters or ( eel" airs, T e implant. "alled BrainGate. allo(ed Matt e( Na-le. a 26!year!old Massa" 'setts man ( o as been paralysed *rom t e ne"$ do(n sin"e 2001. to "ontrol a "'rsor on a s"reen and to open and "lose t e and on a prost eti" limb &'st by t in$in- abo't t e relevant a"tions, T e movements (ere is *irst sin"e e (as stabbed *ive years a-o, T e atta"$ severed is spinal "ord, 2T e res'lts old o't t e promise to one day be able to a"tivate limb m's"les (it t ese brain si-nals. e**e"tively restorin- brain to m's"le "ontrol via a p ysi"al nervo's system.2 said 8o n )ono- 'e. dire"tor o* t e brain

)ept, o* Ele"troni"s 7 #omm'ni"ation




s"ien"e pro-ramme at Bro(n +niversity. R ode Island. and " ie* s"ienti*i" o**i"er o* #yber$ineti"s. t e "ompany be ind t e brain implant, Pro*essor )ono- 'e4s (or$ is p'blis ed today in Nat're, 9e des"ribes o(. a*ter a *e( min'tes spent "alibratin- t e implant. Mr, Na-le "o'ld read emails and play t e "omp'ter -ame Pon-, 9e (as able to dra( "ir"'lar s apes 'sin- a paint pro-ram and "o'ld also " an-e " annel and t'rn 'p t e vol'me on a television. even ( ile tal$in- to people aro'nd im, A*ter several mont s. e "o'ld also operate simple roboti" devi"es s'" as a prost eti" and. ( i" e 'sed to -rasp and move ob&e"ts, 9is

resear" team *o'nd t at t e brain "ells in Mr, Na-le4s motor "orte3 (ere still a"tiveD several years a*ter is spinal "ord in&'ry ad severed t eir "onne"tion to t e rest o* t e nervo's system, T e e3periments t at be-an (it Mr, Na-le ave. so *ar. been "ontin'ed in t ree more patients, 2T an$s to t e -enerosity and pioneerin- spirit o* o'r initial trial parti"ipants. ( o ave vol'nteered (it o't e3pe"tin- to derive any personal bene*it. important pro-ress is bein- made in developin- real!time ne'romotor prost esis.2 said )r 9o" ber-, 2T o'- m'" (or$ remains to be done. ope*'lly one day I4ll be able to say (e ave a te" nolo-y t at (ill allo( yo' to move a-ain,2

)ept, o* Ele"troni"s 7 #omm'ni"ation




T e invention o* Brain-ate is s'" a revol'tion in medi"al *ield, T e remar$able brea$t ro'- o**ers ope t at people ( o are paralysed (ill one day be able to independently operate arti*i"ial limbs. "omp'ters or ( eel" airs, /ITH A BRAINGATE YOU CAN1 T'rn on or o** t e li- ts on yo'r room # e"$ and read E!mails Play -ames in "omp'ter +se yo'r P# ;at" and "ontrol yo'r Television #ontrol a roboti" arm

)ept, o* Ele"troni"s 7 #omm'ni"ation




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)ept, o* Ele"troni"s 7 #omm'ni"ation


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