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Gravity! By Connor !

! I claim that gravity affects the orbit of a planet. First of all, the bigger the planet the stronger the gravity. The more mass a planet has the gravity's range gets larger. Take the sun as an example, it has a very large gravitational pull and thus can have multiple planets orbiting it. The earth, on the other hand, has a weaker gravitational pull and can only have the moon in its orbit. It is also strong enough to block most asteroids due to the planets mass. My second reason is that the sun's gravitational pull is different to other Sun planets. Some planets move out of their orbit Galaxy and enter another planets orbit, this rare event only happens so many times a year and can happen hundreds of years apart. Due to the sun's gravity this event happens making the planets orbits act weird and go off its own path. Last of all, a planet can have more than one moon. Sometimes a planets mass is so large several moons orbit that planet and on extreme case a whole asteroid belt can orbit a planet making it look like rings hence sauternes rings. In conclusion, that was why gravity affects the planets orbit. ! ! I claim there is gravity even though I can not see it with my own eyes. First of all, the moon controls the ocean. The moons gravity controls the pull and push of the waves (the tides). Second reason, objects fall. The earths gravity makes sure we don't oat off the face of the planet into deep space, because the earths gravity it makes an atmosphere around the earth protecting us from harmful rays and keeps the heat and the air in. Why objects fall is because of gravity the more mass a object has the faster it drops to the ground because it collects velocity as it speeds up. Last of all, when we jump up we come down. Newton's law says everything has a equal and opposite reaction, so when we jump we push the earth we just don't know it, but the gravity brings us back down to earth. In conclusion, that's why we have gravity even if we can't see it.! ! I claim gravity changes based on the size of the planets you are looking at. First of all, the bigger the mass of a planet makes the gravitational pull stronger. Pluto does not have a strong gravitational pull so it has only ve moons, earth has one, Jupiter on the other hand, has a record breaking 63 conrmed moons and is the only planet with that many moons. The Second reason, the more mass a planet has the stronger gravitational pull it has. Several suns have there own universe revolving around them from there gravitational


pull. Last of all, sometimes looks can be misleading and make you think they don't have a strong gravitational pull. Pluto has ve moons, most people would think that Pluto doesn't have a strong gravitational pull, but in reality it does. In conclusion, that was why gravity changes on the size of the planet your looking at.

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